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A digraph (from Ancient Greek δίς (dís) 'double' and γράφω (gráphō) 'to write') or digram is a pair of characters used in the orthography of a language to write either a single phoneme (distinct sound), or a sequence of phonemes that does not correspond to the normal values of the two characters combined.

Some digraphs represent phonemes that cannot be represented with a single character in the writing system of a language, like ⟨ch⟩ in Spanish chico and ocho. Other digraphs represent phonemes that can also be represented by single characters. A digraph that shares its pronunciation with a single character may be a relic from an earlier period of the language when the digraph had a different pronunciation, or may represent a distinction that is made only in certain dialects, like the English ⟨wh⟩. Some such digraphs are used for purely etymological reasons, like ⟨ph⟩ in French.
In some orthographies, digraphs (and occasionally trigraphs) are considered individual letters, which means that they have their own place in the alphabet and cannot be separated into their constituent places graphemes when sorting, abbreviating, or hyphenating words. Digraphs are used in some romanization schemes, e.g. ⟨zh⟩ as a romanisation of Russian ⟨ж⟩.
The capitalisation of digraphs can vary, e.g. ⟨sz⟩ in Polish is capitalized ⟨Sz⟩ and ⟨kj⟩ in Norwegian is capitalized ⟨Kj⟩, while ⟨ij⟩ in Dutch is capitalized ⟨IJ⟩ and word initial ⟨dt⟩ in Irish is capitalized ⟨dT⟩.
Digraphs may develop into ligatures, but this is a distinct concept: a ligature involves the graphical fusion of two characters into one, e.g. when ⟨o⟩ and ⟨e⟩ become ⟨œ⟩, e.g. as in French cœur "heart".
Double letters
Digraphs may consist of two different characters (heterogeneous digraphs) or two instances of the same character (homogeneous digraphs). In the latter case, they are generally called double (or doubled) letters.
Doubled vowel letters are commonly used to indicate a long vowel sound. This is the case in Finnish and Estonian, for instance, where ⟨uu⟩ represents a longer version of the vowel denoted by ⟨u⟩, ⟨ää⟩ represents a longer version of the vowel denoted by ⟨ä⟩, and so on. In Middle English, the sequences ⟨ee⟩ and ⟨oo⟩ were used in a similar way, to represent lengthened "e" and "o" sounds respectively; both spellings have been retained in modern English orthography, but the Great Vowel Shift and other historical sound changes mean that the modern pronunciations are quite different from the original ones.
Doubled consonant letters can also be used to indicate a long or geminated consonant sound. In Italian, for example, consonants written double are pronounced longer than single ones. This was the original use of doubled consonant letters in Old English, but during the Middle English and Early Modern English period, phonemic consonant length was lost and a spelling convention developed in which a doubled consonant serves to indicate that a preceding vowel is to be pronounced short. In modern English, for example, the ⟨pp⟩ of tapping differentiates the first vowel sound from that of taping. In rare cases, doubled consonant letters represent a true geminate consonant in modern English; this may occur when two instances of the same consonant come from different morphemes, for example ⟨nn⟩ in unnatural (un+natural) or ⟨tt⟩ in cattail (cat+tail).
In some cases, the sound represented by a doubled consonant letter is distinguished in some other way than length from the sound of the corresponding single consonant letter:
- In Welsh and Greenlandic, ⟨ll⟩ stands for a voiceless lateral consonant, while in Spanish and Catalan it stands for a palatal consonant.
- In several languages of western Europe, including English, French, Portuguese and Catalan, the digraph ⟨ss⟩ is used between vowels to represent the voiceless sibilant /s/, since an ⟨s⟩ alone between vowels normally represents the voiced sibilant /z/.
- In Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan and Basque, ⟨rr⟩ is used between vowels for the alveolar trill /r/, since an ⟨r⟩ alone between vowels represents an alveolar flap /ɾ/ (the two are different phonemes in those languages).
- In Spanish, the digraph ⟨nn⟩ formerly indicated /ɲ/ (a palatal nasal); it developed into the letter ñ.
- In Basque, double consonant letters generally mark palatalized versions of the single consonant letter, as in ⟨dd⟩, ⟨ll⟩, ⟨tt⟩. However, ⟨rr⟩ is a trill that contrasts with the single-letter flap, as in Spanish, and the palatal version of ⟨n⟩ is written ⟨ñ⟩.
In several European writing systems, including the English one, the doubling of the letter ⟨c⟩ or ⟨k⟩ is represented as the heterogeneous digraph ⟨ck⟩ instead of ⟨cc⟩ or ⟨kk⟩ respectively. In native German words, the doubling of ⟨z⟩, which corresponds to /ts/, is replaced by the digraph ⟨tz⟩.
Pan-dialectical digraphs
Some languages have a unified orthography with digraphs that represent distinct pronunciations in different dialects (diaphonemes). For example, in Breton there is a digraph ⟨zh⟩ that represents [z] in most dialects, but [h] in Vannetais. Similarly, the Saintongeais dialect of French has a digraph ⟨jh⟩ that represents [h] in words that correspond to [ʒ] in standard French. Similarly, Catalan has a digraph ⟨ix⟩ that represents [ʃ] in Eastern Catalan, but [jʃ] or [js] in Western Catalan–Valencian.
Split digraphs
The pair of letters making up a phoneme are not always adjacent. This is the case with English silent e. For example, the sequence a_e has the sound /eɪ/ in English cake. This is the result of three historical sound changes: cake was originally /kakə/, the open syllable /ka/ came to be pronounced with a long vowel, and later the final schwa dropped off, leaving /kaːk/. Later still, the vowel /aː/ became /eɪ/. There are six such digraphs in English, ⟨a_e, e_e, i_e, o_e, u_e, y_e⟩.
However, alphabets may also be designed with discontinuous digraphs. In the Tatar Cyrillic alphabet, for example, the letter ю is used to write both /ju/ and /jy/. Usually the difference is evident from the rest of the word, but when it is not, the sequence ю...ь is used for /jy/, as in юнь /jyn/ 'cheap'.
The Indic alphabets are distinctive for their discontinuous vowels, such as Thai เ...อ /ɤː/ in เกอ /kɤː/. Technically, however, they may be considered diacritics, not full letters; whether they are digraphs is thus a matter of definition.
Ambiguous letter sequences

Some letter pairs should not be interpreted as digraphs but appear because of compounding: hogshead and cooperate. They are often not marked in any way and so must be memorized as exceptions. Some authors, however, indicate it either by breaking up the digraph with a hyphen, as in hogs-head, co-operate, or with a trema mark, as in coöperate, but the use of the diaeresis has declined in English within the last century. When it occurs in names such as Clapham, Townshend, and Hartshorne, it is never marked in any way. Positional alternative glyphs may help to disambiguate in certain cases: when round, ⟨s⟩ was used as a final variant of long ⟨ſ⟩, and the English digraph for /ʃ/ would always be ⟨ſh⟩.
In romanization of Japanese, the constituent sounds (morae) are usually indicated by digraphs, but some are indicated by a single letter, and some with a trigraph. The case of ambiguity is the syllabic ん, which is written as n (or sometimes m), except before vowels or y where it is followed by an apostrophe as n’. For example, the given name じゅんいちろう is romanized as Jun’ichirō, so that it is parsed as "Jun-i-chi-rou", rather than as "Ju-ni-chi-rou". A similar use of the apostrophe is seen in pinyin where 嫦娥 is written Chang'e because the g belongs to the final (-ang) of the first syllable, not to the initial of the second syllable. Without the apostrophe, Change would be understood as the syllable chan (final -an) followed by the syllable ge (initial g-).
In alphabetization
In some languages, certain digraphs and trigraphs are counted as distinct letters in themselves, and assigned to a specific place in the alphabet, separate from that of the sequence of characters that composes them, for purposes of orthography and collation:
- In the Gaj's Latin alphabet used to write Serbo-Croatian, the digraphs ⟨dž⟩, ⟨lj⟩ and ⟨nj⟩, which correspond to the single Cyrillic letters ⟨џ⟩, ⟨љ⟩, ⟨њ⟩, are treated as distinct letters.
- In the Czech and Slovak alphabet, ⟨ch⟩ is treated as a distinct letter, coming after ⟨h⟩ in the alphabet. Also, in the Slovak alphabet the relatively rare digraphs ⟨dz⟩ and ⟨dž⟩ are treated as distinct letters.
- In the Danish and Norwegian alphabet, the former digraph ⟨aa⟩, where it appears in older names, is sorted as if it were the letter ⟨å⟩, which replaced it.
- In the Norwegian alphabet, there are several digraphs and letter combinations representing an isolated sound.
- In the Dutch alphabet, the digraph ⟨ij⟩ is sometimes written as a ligature and may be sorted with ⟨y⟩ (in the Netherlands, though not usually in Belgium); however, regardless of where it is used, when a Dutch word starting with ⟨ij⟩ is capitalized, the entire digraph is capitalized (IJmeer, IJmuiden). Other Dutch digraphs are never treated as single letters.
- In Hungarian, the digraphs ⟨cs⟩, ⟨dz⟩, ⟨gy⟩, ⟨ly⟩, ⟨ny⟩, ⟨sz⟩, ⟨ty⟩, ⟨zs⟩, and the trigraph ⟨dzs⟩, have their own places in the alphabet (where e.g. ⟨ny⟩ comes right after ⟨n⟩)
- In Spanish, the digraphs ⟨ch⟩ and ⟨ll⟩ were formerly treated as distinct letters, but are now split into their constituent letters.
- In Welsh, the alphabet includes the digraphs ⟨ch⟩, ⟨dd⟩, ⟨ff⟩, ⟨ll⟩, ⟨ng⟩, ⟨ph⟩, ⟨rh⟩, ⟨th⟩. However, ⟨mh⟩, ⟨nh⟩ and ⟨ngh⟩, which represent mutated voiceless consonants, are not treated as distinct letters.
- In the romanization of several Slavic countries that use the Cyrillic script, letters like ш, ж, and ю might be written as sh, zh and yu, however sometimes the result of the romanization might modify a letter to be a diacritical letter instead of a digraph.
- In Maltese, two digraphs are used, ⟨għ⟩ which comes right after ⟨g⟩, and ⟨ie⟩ which comes right after ⟨i⟩.
Most other languages, including most of the Romance languages, treat digraphs as combinations of separate letters for alphabetization purposes.
Latin script
English has both homogeneous digraphs (doubled letters) and heterogeneous digraphs (digraphs consisting of two different letters). Those of the latter type include the following:
- ⟨sc⟩ normally represents /s/ (voiceless alveolar fricative - scene) or /ʃ/ (voiceless postalveolar fricative - conscious) before ⟨e⟩ or ⟨i⟩.
- ⟨ng⟩ represents /ŋ/ (velar nasal) as in thing.
- ⟨ch⟩ usually corresponds to /tʃ/ (voiceless postalveolar affricate - church), to /k/ (voiceless velar plosive) when used as an etymological digraph in words of Greek origin (christ), less commonly to /ʃ/ (voiceless postalveolar fricative) in words of French origin (champagne).
- ⟨ck⟩ corresponds to /k/ as in check.
- ⟨gh⟩ represents /ɡ/ (voiced velar plosive) at the beginning of words (ghost), represents /f/ (voiceless labiodental fricative in enough) or is silent at the end of words (sigh).
- ⟨ph⟩ represents /f/ (voiceless labiodental fricative), as in siphon.
- ⟨rh⟩ represents English /r/ in words of Greek origin, such as rhythm.
- ⟨sh⟩ represents /ʃ/ (voiceless postalveolar fricative), as in sheep.
- ⟨ti⟩ usually represents /ʃ/ word-medially before a vowel, as in education.
- ⟨th⟩ usually corresponds to /θ/ (voiceless interdental fricative) in thin or /ð/ (voiced interdental fricative) in then. See also Pronunciation of English ⟨th⟩.
- ⟨wh⟩ represents /hw/ in some conservative dialects; /w/ in other dialects (while); and /h/ in a few words in which it is followed by ⟨o⟩, such as who and whole. See also Phonological history of ⟨wh⟩.
- ⟨zh⟩ represents /ʒ/ in words transliterated from Slavic languages[which?], and in American dictionary pronunciation spelling.
- ⟨ci⟩ usually appears as /ʃ/ before vowels, like in facial and artificial. Otherwise it is /si/ as in fancier and icier or /sɪ/ as in acid and rancid.
- ⟨wr⟩ represents /r/. Originally, it stood for a labialized sound, while ⟨r⟩ without ⟨w⟩ was non-labialized, but the distinction has been lost in most dialects, the two sounds merging into a single alveolar approximant, allophonically labialized at the start of syllables, as in red [ɹʷɛd]. See also rhotic consonant.
- ⟨qu⟩ usually represents /kw/; ⟨q⟩ is conventionally followed by ⟨u⟩ and a vowel letter as in quick, with some exceptions.
Digraphs may also be composed of vowels. Some letters ⟨a, e, o⟩ are preferred for the first position, others for the second ⟨i, u⟩. The latter have allographs ⟨y, w⟩ in English orthography.
second letter → first letter ↓ | ⟨...e⟩ | ⟨...i⟩ ¦ ⟨...y⟩ | ⟨...u⟩ ¦ ⟨...w⟩ | ⟨...a⟩ | ⟨...o⟩ |
⟨o...⟩ | ⟨oe¦œ⟩ > ⟨e⟩ – /i/ | ⟨oi¦oy⟩ – /ɔɪ/ | ⟨ou¦ow⟩ – /aʊ¦uː¦oʊ/ | ⟨oa⟩ – /oʊ¦ɔː/ | ⟨oo⟩ – /uː¦ʊ(¦ʌ)/ |
⟨a...⟩ | ⟨ae¦æ⟩ > ⟨e⟩ – /i/ | ⟨ai¦ay⟩ – /eɪ¦ɛ/ | ⟨au¦aw⟩ – /ɔː/ (in loanwords: /aʊ/ ) | (in loanwords and proper nouns: ⟨aa⟩ – /ə¦ɔː¦ɔl/ ) | (in loanwords from Chinese: ⟨ao⟩ – /aʊ/ ) |
⟨e...⟩ | ⟨ee⟩ – /iː/ | ⟨ei¦ey⟩ – /aɪ¦eɪ¦(iː)/ | ⟨eu¦ew⟩ – /juː¦uː/ | ⟨ea⟩ – /iː¦ɛ¦(eɪ¦ɪə)/ | |
⟨u...⟩ | ⟨ue⟩ – /uː¦u/ | ⟨ui⟩ – /ɪ¦uː/ | |||
⟨i...⟩ | ⟨ie⟩ – /iː(¦aɪ)/ |
Other languages using the Latin alphabet
In Serbo-Croatian:
- ⟨lj⟩ corresponds to /ʎ/, (palatal lateral approximant)
- ⟨nj⟩ corresponds to /ɲ/ (palatal nasal)
- ⟨dž⟩ corresponds to /d͡ʒ/ (voiced postalveolar affricate)
Note that in the Cyrillic orthography, those sounds are represented by single letters (љ, њ, џ).
- ⟨ch⟩ corresponds to /x/ (voiceless velar fricative), counted as a distinct letter
- ⟨dz⟩ corresponds to /d͡z/ (voiced alveolar affricate), counted as a distinct letter in Slovak, relatively rare digraph
- ⟨dž⟩ corresponds to /d͡ʒ/ (voiced postalveolar affricate), counted as a distinct letter in Slovak, relatively rare digraph
In Danish and Norwegian:
- The digraph ⟨aa⟩ represented /ɔ/ until 1917 in Norway and 1948 in Denmark, but is today spelt ⟨å⟩. The digraph is still used in older names, but sorted as if it were the letter with the diacritic mark.
In Norwegian, several sounds can be represented only by a digraph or a combination of letters. They are the most common combinations, but extreme regional differences exists, especially those of the eastern dialects. A noteworthy difference is the aspiration of ⟨rs⟩ in eastern dialects, where it corresponds to ⟨skj⟩ and ⟨sj⟩. Among many young people, especially in the western regions of Norway and in or around the major cities, the difference between /ç/ and /ʃ/ has been completely wiped away and are now pronounced the same.
- ⟨kj⟩ represents /ç/
- ⟨tj⟩ represents /ç/.
- ⟨skj⟩ represents /ʃ/.
- ⟨sj⟩ represents /ʃ/.
- ⟨sk⟩ represents /ʃ/ (before i or y).
- ⟨ng⟩ represents /ŋ/ as in ng in English thing.
In Catalan:
- ⟨ll⟩ represents /ʎ/ (palatal lateral approximant)
- ⟨ny⟩ represents /ɲ/ (palatal nasal)
- ⟨rr⟩ represents /r/ (post-alveolar trill)
- ⟨ss⟩ represents /s/ (voiceless alveolar retracted sibilant)
- ⟨qu⟩ represents /k/ (voiceless velar plosive)
- ⟨gu⟩ represents /g/ (voiced velar plosive)
- postvocalic ⟨ix⟩ represents /ʃ/ (voiceless postalveolar fricative) in Eastern dialects, in Western dialects it represents /jʃ/.
In Dutch:
- ⟨ij⟩ corresponds to /ɛi/ (see above for its possible status as a separate letter).
- ⟨ng⟩ represents /ŋ/ (velar nasal)
- ⟨ch⟩ represents /x/ (voiceless velar fricative)
- ⟨sj⟩ represents /ʃ/ (voiceless postalveolar fricative)
- ⟨ie⟩ represents /i/ (close front unrounded vowel)
- ⟨oe⟩ represents /u/ (close back rounded vowel)
- ⟨eu⟩ represents /ø/ (close-mid front rounded vowel)
In French:
- ⟨ch⟩ represents /ʃ/ (voiceless postalveolar fricative)
- ⟨gn⟩ represents /ɲ/ (palatal nasal)
- ⟨qu⟩ represents /k/ (voiceless velar stop), typically before historic front vowels
French vocalic digraphs ⟨...i⟩ ⟨...u⟩ ⟨a...⟩ ⟨ai⟩ – /ɛ¦e/ ⟨au⟩ – /o/ ⟨e...⟩ ⟨ei⟩ – /ɛ/ ⟨eu⟩ – /œ¦ø/ ⟨o...⟩ ⟨oi⟩ – /wa/ ⟨ou⟩ – /u(¦w)/
See also French phonology.
In German:
- ⟨ch⟩ represents /x/ (voiceless velar fricative) or /ç/ (voiceless palatal fricative)
- ⟨ck⟩ represents /k/ (voiceless velar plosive)
- ⟨ei⟩ represents /a͡ɪ/ (open front unrounded vowel) followed by (near-close near-front unrounded vowel)
- ⟨eu⟩ represents /ɔ͡ʏ/ (open-mid back rounded vowel) followed by (near-close near-front rounded vowel)
In Hungarian:
- ⟨cs⟩ represents /tʃ/ (voiceless postalveolar affricate)
- ⟨zs⟩ represents /ʒ/ (voiced postalveolar fricative)
- ⟨gy⟩ represents /ɟ/ (voiced palatal plosive)
- ⟨ly⟩ originally represented /ʎ/ (palatal lateral approximant), but in the modern language stands for /j/ (palatal approximant)
- ⟨ny⟩ represents /ɲ/ (palatal nasal)
- ⟨ty⟩ represents /c/ (voiceless palatal plosive)
- ⟨dz⟩ represents /dz/ (voiced postalveolar affricate)
- ⟨sz⟩ represents /s/ (voiceless alveolar fricative) (⟨s⟩ is pronounced /ʃ/)
- The Hungarian alphabet additionally contains also a trigraph, ⟨dzs⟩ /dʒ/.
In Italian:
- ⟨sc⟩ corresponds to /ʃ/, (voiceless postalveolar fricative) before -i and -e (but to /sk/ before other letters)
- ⟨ch⟩ corresponds to /k/ (only before i, e)
- ⟨gh⟩ corresponds to /ɡ/ (only before i, e)
- ⟨gl⟩ represents /ʎ/, palatal lateral approximant, before -i (with some exceptions)
- ⟨gn⟩ represents /ɲ/ (palatal nasal)
In Manx Gaelic, ⟨ch⟩ represents /χ/, but ⟨çh⟩ represents /tʃ/.
In Polish:
- ⟨ch⟩ corresponds to /x/ (voiceless velar fricative)
- ⟨cz⟩ corresponds to /tʂ/ (voiceless retroflex affricate)
- ⟨dz⟩ corresponds to /dz/ (voiced alveolar affricate)
- ⟨dź⟩ corresponds to /dʑ/ (voiced alveolo-palatal affricate)
- ⟨dż⟩ corresponds to /dʐ/ (voiced retroflex affricate)
- ⟨rz⟩ corresponds to /ʐ/ (voiced retroflex fricative)
- ⟨sz⟩ corresponds to /ʂ/ (voiceless retroflex fricative)
In Portuguese:
- ⟨ch⟩ corresponds to /ʃ/ (voiceless postalveolar fricative)
- ⟨lh⟩ corresponds to /ʎ/ (palatal lateral approximant)
- ⟨nh⟩ corresponds to /ɲ/ (palatal nasal)
- ⟨qu⟩ usually represents /k/ (voiceless velar stop)
In Spanish:
- ⟨ll⟩ is traditionally pronounced /ʎ/, but in dialects with yeísmo is pronounced /ʝ/
- ⟨ch⟩ represents /tʃ/ (voiceless postalveolar affricate). Since 2010, neither is considered part of the alphabet. They used to be sorted as separate letters, but a reform in 1994 by the Spanish Royal Academy has allowed that they be split into their constituent letters for collation. The digraph ⟨rr⟩, pronounced as a distinct alveolar trill, was never officially considered to be a letter in the Spanish alphabet, and the same is true ⟨gu⟩ and ⟨qu⟩ (for /ɡ/ and /k/ respectively before ⟨e⟩ or ⟨i⟩).
In Welsh:
- ⟨ng⟩ represents /ŋ/ (velar nasal), the same sound as in English (but in some words it represents two separate letters, and is pronounced /ng/).
- ⟨ch⟩ represents /χ/ (voiceless uvular fricative)
- ⟨rh⟩ represents /r̥/ (voiceless alveolar trill), pronounced roughly like the combination hr (but again in some words it represents two separate letters, and is pronounced /rh/).
- ⟨th⟩ represents /θ/ (voiceless interdental fricative)
- ⟨dd⟩ represents /ð/ (voiced dental fricative), like the English ⟨th⟩ in then (but is pronounced as voiceless in many contexts).
- ⟨ff⟩ represents /f/ (voiceless labiodental fricative), like English ⟨f⟩, since Welsh ⟨f⟩ is pronounced /v/ like an English ⟨v⟩.
- ⟨ph⟩ also represents /f/ (voiceless labiodental fricative) but, in modern orthography, is used only for the aspirate mutation of words starting with ⟨p⟩.
- ⟨ll⟩ represents /ɬ/ (voiceless alveolar lateral fricative)
The digraphs listed above represent distinct phonemes and are treated as separate letters for collation purposes. On the other hand, the digraphs ⟨mh⟩, ⟨nh⟩, and the trigraph ⟨ngh⟩, which stand for voiceless consonants but occur only at the beginning of words as a result of the nasal mutation, are not treated as separate letters, and thus are not included in the alphabet.
Daighi tongiong pingim, a transcription system used for Taiwanese Hokkien, includes or that represents /ə/ (mid central vowel) or /o/ (close-mid back rounded vowel), as well as other digraphs.
In Yoruba, ⟨gb⟩ is a letter that represents a plosive most accurately pronounced by trying to say /g/ and /b/ at the same time.
Modern Slavic languages written in the Cyrillic alphabet make little use of digraphs apart from ⟨дж⟩ for /dʐ/, ⟨дз⟩ for /dz/ (in Ukrainian, Belarusian, and Bulgarian), and ⟨жж⟩ and ⟨зж⟩ for the uncommon Russian phoneme /ʑː/. In Russian, the sequences ⟨дж⟩ and ⟨дз⟩ do occur (mainly in loanwords) but are pronounced as combinations of an implosive (sometimes treated as an affricate) and a fricative; implosives are treated as allophones of the plosive /d̪/ and so those sequences are not considered to be digraphs. Cyrillic has few digraphs unless it is used to write non-Slavic languages, especially Caucasian languages.
Arabic script
Because vowels are not generally written, digraphs are rare in abjads like Arabic. For example, if sh were used for š, then the sequence sh could mean either ša or saha. However, digraphs are used for the aspirated and murmured consonants (those spelled with h-digraphs in Latin transcription) in languages of South Asia such as Urdu that are written in the Arabic script by a special form of the letter h, which is used only for aspiration digraphs, as can be seen with the following connecting (kh) and non-connecting (ḍh) consonants:
Urdu connecting non-connecting digraph: کھا /kʰɑː/ ڈھا /ɖʱɑː/ sequence: کہا /kəɦɑː/ ڈہا /ɖəɦɑː/
In the Armenian language, the digraph ու ⟨ou⟩ transcribes /u/, a convention that comes from Greek.
The Georgian alphabet uses a few digraphs to write other languages. For example, in Svan, /ø/ is written ჳე ⟨we⟩, and /y/ as ჳი ⟨wi⟩.
Modern Greek has the following digraphs:
- αι (ai) represents /e̞/
- ει (ei) represents /i/
- οι (oi) represents /i/
- ου (oy) represents /u/
- υι (yi) represents /i/
They are called "diphthongs" in Greek; in classical times, most of them represented diphthongs, and the name has stuck.
- γγ (gg) represents /ŋɡ/ or /ɡ/
- τσ (ts) represents the affricate /ts/
- τζ (tz) represents the affricate /dz/
- Initial γκ (gk) represents /ɡ/
- Initial μπ (mp) represents /b/
- Initial ντ (nt) represents /d/
Ancient Greek also had the "diphthongs" listed above although their pronunciation in ancient times is disputed. In addition, Ancient Greek also used the letter γ combined with a velar stop to produce the following digraphs:
- γγ (gg) represents /ŋɡ/
- γκ (gk) represents /ŋɡ/
- γχ (gkh) represents /ŋkʰ/
Tsakonian has a few additional digraphs:
- ρζ (rz) /ʒ/ (historically perhaps a fricative trill)
- κχ (kkh) represents /kʰ/
- τθ (tth) represents /tʰ/
- πφ (pph) represents /pʰ/
- σχ (skh) represents /ʃ/
In addition, palatal consonants are indicated with the vowel letter ι, which is, however, largely predictable. When /n/ and /l/ are not palatalized before ι, they are written νν and λλ.
In Bactrian, the digraphs ββ, δδ, and γγ were used for /b/, /d/, and /ŋg/ respectively.
In the Hebrew alphabet, תס and תש may sometimes be found for צ /ts/. Modern Hebrew also uses digraphs made with the ׳ symbol for non-native sounds: ג׳ /dʒ/, ז׳ /ʒ/, צ׳ /tʃ/; and other digraphs of letters when it is written without vowels: וו for a consonantal letter ו in the middle of a word, and יי for /aj/ or /aji/, etc., that is, a consonantal letter י in places where it might not have been expected. Yiddish has its own tradition of transcription and so uses different digraphs for some of the same sounds: דז /dz/, זש /ʒ/, טש /tʃ/, and דזש (literally dzš) for /dʒ/, וו /v/, also available as a single Unicode character װ, וי or as a single character in Unicode ױ /oj/, יי or ײ /ej/, and ײַ /aj/. The single-character digraphs are called "ligatures" in Unicode. י may also be used following a consonant to indicate palatalization in Slavic loanwords.
Most Indic scripts have compound vowel diacritics that cannot be predicted from their individual elements. That can be illustrated with Thai in which the diacritic เ, pronounced alone /eː/, modifies the pronunciation of other vowels:
single vowel sign: กา /kaː/, เก /keː/, กอ /kɔː/ vowel sign plus เ: เกา /kaw/, แก /kɛː/, เกอ /kɤː/
In addition, the combination รร is pronounced /a/ or /an/, there are some words in which the combinations ทร and ศร stand for /s/ and the letter ห, as a prefix to a consonant, changes its tonic class to high, modifying the tone of the syllable.
Inuktitut syllabics adds two digraphs to Cree:
- rk for q
- ᙯ qai, ᕿ qi, ᖁ qu, ᖃ qa, ᖅ q
- ng for ŋ
- ᖕ ng
The latter forms trigraphs and tetragraphs.
CJK Characters
Several combinations of Chinese characters (Hanzi) formed from two or more different characters that known as digraphs.
Two kana may be combined into a CV syllable by subscripting the second; the convention cancels the vowel of the first. That is commonly done for CyV syllables called yōon, as in ひょ (ひよ) hyo ⟨hiyo⟩. They are not digraphs since they retain the normal sequential reading of the two glyphs. However, some obsolete sequences no longer retain that reading, as in くゎ kwa, ぐゎ gwa, and むゎ mwa, now pronounced ka, ga, ma. In addition, non-sequenceable digraphs are used for foreign loans that do not follow normal Japanese assibilation patterns, such as ティ ti, トゥ tu, チェ tye / che, スェ swe, ウィ wi, ツォ tso, ズィ zi. (See katakana and transcription into Japanese for complete tables.)
Long vowels are written by adding the kana for that vowel, in effect doubling it. However, long ō may be written either oo or ou, as in とうきょう toukyou [toːkʲoː] 'Tōkyō'. For dialects that do not distinguish ē and ei, the latter spelling is used for a long e, as in へいせい heisei [heːseː] 'Heisei'. In loanwords, chōonpu, a line following the direction of the text, as in ビール bīru [biːru] bīru 'beer'. With the exception of syllables starting with n, doubled consonant sounds are written by prefixing a smaller version of tsu (written っ and ッ in hiragana and katakana respectively), as in きって kitte 'stamp'. Consonants beginning with n use the kana n character (written ん or ン) as a prefix instead.
There are several conventions of Okinawan kana that involve subscript digraphs or ligatures. For instance, in the University of the Ryukyu's system, ウ is /ʔu/, ヲ is /o/, but ヲゥ (ヲウ) is /u/.
As was the case in Greek, Korean has vowels descended from diphthongs that are still written with two letters. Those digraphs, ㅐ /ɛ/ and ㅔ /e/ (also ㅒ /jɛ/, ㅖ /je/), and in some dialects ㅚ /ø/ and ㅟ /y/, all end in historical ㅣ /i/.
Hangul was designed with a digraph series to represent the "muddy" consonants: ㅃ *[b], ㄸ *[d], ㅉ *[dz], ㄲ *[ɡ], ㅆ *[z], ㆅ *[ɣ]; also ᅇ, with an uncertain value. Those values are now obsolete, but most of the doubled letters were resurrected in the 19th century to write consonants that did not exist when hangul was devised: ㅃ /p͈/, ㄸ /t͈/, ㅉ /t͈ɕ/, ㄲ /k͈/, ㅆ /s͈/.
Ligatures and new letters
Digraphs sometimes come to be written as a single ligature. Over time, the ligatures may evolve into new letters or letters with diacritics. For example sz became ß in German, and "nn" became ñ in Spanish.
In Unicode
Generally, a digraph is simply represented using two characters in Unicode. However, for various reasons, Unicode sometimes provides a separate code point for a digraph, encoded as a single character.
The DZ and IJ digraphs and the Serbian/Croatian digraphs DŽ, LJ, and NJ have separate code points in Unicode.
Two Glyphs Digraph Unicode Code Point HTML DZ, Dz, dz DZ, Dz, dz U+01F1 U+01F2 U+01F3 DZ Dz dz DŽ, Dž, dž DŽ, Dž, dž U+01C4 U+01C5 U+01C6 DŽ Dž dž IJ, ij IJ, ij U+0132 U+0133 IJ ij LJ, Lj, lj LJ, Lj, lj U+01C7 U+01C8 U+01C9 LJ Lj lj NJ, Nj, nj NJ, Nj, nj U+01CA U+01CB U+01CC NJ Nj nj th ᵺ U+1D7A
See also Ligatures in Unicode.
See also
- Multigraph (orthography)
- Trigraph
- Tetragraph
- Pentagraph
- Hexagraph
- Bigram
- Diphthong
- List of Latin letters
- Digraph (programming)
- Brooks (2015) Dictionary of the British English Spelling System, p. 460 ff
- "FAQ – Ligatures, Digraphs and Presentation Forms". The Unicode Consortium: Home Page. Unicode Inc. 1991–2009. Retrieved 2009-05-11.
- "The Unicode Standard, Version 15.1" (PDF). Unicode. Retrieved 2023-12-20.
This article needs additional citations for verification Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed Find sources Digraph orthography news newspapers books scholar JSTOR September 2019 Learn how and when to remove this message This article contains phonetic transcriptions in the International Phonetic Alphabet IPA For an introductory guide on IPA symbols see Help IPA For the distinction between and see IPA Brackets and transcription delimiters A digraph from Ancient Greek dis dis double and grafw graphō to write or digram is a pair of characters used in the orthography of a language to write either a single phoneme distinct sound or a sequence of phonemes that does not correspond to the normal values of the two characters combined In Welsh the digraph ll fused for a time into a ligature Some digraphs represent phonemes that cannot be represented with a single character in the writing system of a language like ch in Spanish chico and ocho Other digraphs represent phonemes that can also be represented by single characters A digraph that shares its pronunciation with a single character may be a relic from an earlier period of the language when the digraph had a different pronunciation or may represent a distinction that is made only in certain dialects like the English wh Some such digraphs are used for purely etymological reasons like ph in French In some orthographies digraphs and occasionally trigraphs are considered individual letters which means that they have their own place in the alphabet and cannot be separated into their constituent places graphemes when sorting abbreviating or hyphenating words Digraphs are used in some romanization schemes e g zh as a romanisation of Russian zh The capitalisation of digraphs can vary e g sz in Polish is capitalized Sz and kj in Norwegian is capitalized Kj while ij in Dutch is capitalized IJ and word initial dt in Irish is capitalized dT Digraphs may develop into ligatures but this is a distinct concept a ligature involves the graphical fusion of two characters into one e g when o and e become œ e g as in French cœur heart Double lettersDigraphs may consist of two different characters heterogeneous digraphs or two instances of the same character homogeneous digraphs In the latter case they are generally called double or doubled letters Doubled vowel letters are commonly used to indicate a long vowel sound This is the case in Finnish and Estonian for instance where uu represents a longer version of the vowel denoted by u aa represents a longer version of the vowel denoted by a and so on In Middle English the sequences ee and oo were used in a similar way to represent lengthened e and o sounds respectively both spellings have been retained in modern English orthography but the Great Vowel Shift and other historical sound changes mean that the modern pronunciations are quite different from the original ones Doubled consonant letters can also be used to indicate a long or geminated consonant sound In Italian for example consonants written double are pronounced longer than single ones This was the original use of doubled consonant letters in Old English but during the Middle English and Early Modern English period phonemic consonant length was lost and a spelling convention developed in which a doubled consonant serves to indicate that a preceding vowel is to be pronounced short In modern English for example the pp of tapping differentiates the first vowel sound from that of taping In rare cases doubled consonant letters represent a true geminate consonant in modern English this may occur when two instances of the same consonant come from different morphemes for example nn in unnatural un natural or tt in cattail cat tail In some cases the sound represented by a doubled consonant letter is distinguished in some other way than length from the sound of the corresponding single consonant letter In Welsh and Greenlandic ll stands for a voiceless lateral consonant while in Spanish and Catalan it stands for a palatal consonant In several languages of western Europe including English French Portuguese and Catalan the digraph ss is used between vowels to represent the voiceless sibilant s since an s alone between vowels normally represents the voiced sibilant z In Spanish Portuguese Catalan and Basque rr is used between vowels for the alveolar trill r since an r alone between vowels represents an alveolar flap ɾ the two are different phonemes in those languages In Spanish the digraph nn formerly indicated ɲ a palatal nasal it developed into the letter n In Basque double consonant letters generally mark palatalized versions of the single consonant letter as in dd ll tt However rr is a trill that contrasts with the single letter flap as in Spanish and the palatal version of n is written n In several European writing systems including the English one the doubling of the letter c or k is represented as the heterogeneous digraph ck instead of cc or kk respectively In native German words the doubling of z which corresponds to ts is replaced by the digraph tz Pan dialectical digraphsSome languages have a unified orthography with digraphs that represent distinct pronunciations in different dialects diaphonemes For example in Breton there is a digraph zh that represents z in most dialects but h in Vannetais Similarly the Saintongeais dialect of French has a digraph jh that represents h in words that correspond to ʒ in standard French Similarly Catalan has a digraph ix that represents ʃ in Eastern Catalan but jʃ or js in Western Catalan Valencian Split digraphsThe pair of letters making up a phoneme are not always adjacent This is the case with English silent e For example the sequence a e has the sound eɪ in English cake This is the result of three historical sound changes cake was originally kake the open syllable ka came to be pronounced with a long vowel and later the final schwa dropped off leaving kaːk Later still the vowel aː became eɪ There are six such digraphs in English a e e e i e o e u e y e However alphabets may also be designed with discontinuous digraphs In the Tatar Cyrillic alphabet for example the letter yu is used to write both ju and jy Usually the difference is evident from the rest of the word but when it is not the sequence yu is used for jy as in yun jyn cheap The Indic alphabets are distinctive for their discontinuous vowels such as Thai e x ɤː in ekx kɤː Technically however they may be considered diacritics not full letters whether they are digraphs is thus a matter of definition Ambiguous letter sequencesLook up Category English terms with pseudo digraphs in Wiktionary the free dictionary Some letter pairs should not be interpreted as digraphs but appear because of compounding hogshead and cooperate They are often not marked in any way and so must be memorized as exceptions Some authors however indicate it either by breaking up the digraph with a hyphen as in hogs head co operate or with a trema mark as in cooperate but the use of the diaeresis has declined in English within the last century When it occurs in names such as Clapham Townshend and Hartshorne it is never marked in any way Positional alternative glyphs may help to disambiguate in certain cases when round s was used as a final variant of long ſ and the English digraph for ʃ would always be ſh In romanization of Japanese the constituent sounds morae are usually indicated by digraphs but some are indicated by a single letter and some with a trigraph The case of ambiguity is the syllabic ん which is written as n or sometimes m except before vowels or y where it is followed by an apostrophe as n For example the given name じゅんいちろう is romanized as Jun ichirō so that it is parsed as Jun i chi rou rather than as Ju ni chi rou A similar use of the apostrophe is seen in pinyin where 嫦娥 is written Chang e because the g belongs to the final ang of the first syllable not to the initial of the second syllable Without the apostrophe Change would be understood as the syllable chan final an followed by the syllable ge initial g In alphabetizationIn some languages certain digraphs and trigraphs are counted as distinct letters in themselves and assigned to a specific place in the alphabet separate from that of the sequence of characters that composes them for purposes of orthography and collation In the Gaj s Latin alphabet used to write Serbo Croatian the digraphs dz lj and nj which correspond to the single Cyrillic letters џ љ њ are treated as distinct letters In the Czech and Slovak alphabet ch is treated as a distinct letter coming after h in the alphabet Also in the Slovak alphabet the relatively rare digraphs dz and dz are treated as distinct letters In the Danish and Norwegian alphabet the former digraph aa where it appears in older names is sorted as if it were the letter a which replaced it In the Norwegian alphabet there are several digraphs and letter combinations representing an isolated sound In the Dutch alphabet the digraph ij is sometimes written as a ligature and may be sorted with y in the Netherlands though not usually in Belgium however regardless of where it is used when a Dutch word starting with ij is capitalized the entire digraph is capitalized IJmeer IJmuiden Other Dutch digraphs are never treated as single letters In Hungarian the digraphs cs dz gy ly ny sz ty zs and the trigraph dzs have their own places in the alphabet where e g ny comes right after n In Spanish the digraphs ch and ll were formerly treated as distinct letters but are now split into their constituent letters In Welsh the alphabet includes the digraphs ch dd ff ll ng ph rh th However mh nh and ngh which represent mutated voiceless consonants are not treated as distinct letters In the romanization of several Slavic countries that use the Cyrillic script letters like sh zh and yu might be written as sh zh and yu however sometimes the result of the romanization might modify a letter to be a diacritical letter instead of a digraph In Maltese two digraphs are used għ which comes right after g and ie which comes right after i Most other languages including most of the Romance languages treat digraphs as combinations of separate letters for alphabetization purposes ExamplesLatin script English English has both homogeneous digraphs doubled letters and heterogeneous digraphs digraphs consisting of two different letters Those of the latter type include the following sc normally represents s voiceless alveolar fricative scene or ʃ voiceless postalveolar fricative conscious before e or i ng represents ŋ velar nasal as in thing ch usually corresponds to tʃ voiceless postalveolar affricate church to k voiceless velar plosive when used as an etymological digraph in words of Greek origin christ less commonly to ʃ voiceless postalveolar fricative in words of French origin champagne ck corresponds to k as in check gh represents ɡ voiced velar plosive at the beginning of words ghost represents f voiceless labiodental fricative in enough or is silent at the end of words sigh ph represents f voiceless labiodental fricative as in siphon rh represents English r in words of Greek origin such as rhythm sh represents ʃ voiceless postalveolar fricative as in sheep ti usually represents ʃ word medially before a vowel as in education th usually corresponds to 8 voiceless interdental fricative in thin or d voiced interdental fricative in then See also Pronunciation of English th wh represents hw in some conservative dialects w in other dialects while and h in a few words in which it is followed by o such as who and whole See also Phonological history of wh zh represents ʒ in words transliterated from Slavic languages which and in American dictionary pronunciation spelling ci usually appears as ʃ before vowels like in facial and artificial Otherwise it is si as in fancier and icier or sɪ as in acid and rancid wr represents r Originally it stood for a labialized sound while r without w was non labialized but the distinction has been lost in most dialects the two sounds merging into a single alveolar approximant allophonically labialized at the start of syllables as in red ɹʷɛd See also rhotic consonant qu usually represents kw q is conventionally followed by u and a vowel letter as in quick with some exceptions Digraphs may also be composed of vowels Some letters a e o are preferred for the first position others for the second i u The latter have allographs y w in English orthography English vocalic digraphs second letter first letter e i y u w a o o oe œ gt e i oi oy ɔɪ ou ow aʊ uː oʊ oa oʊ ɔː oo uː ʊ ʌ a ae ae gt e i ai ay eɪ ɛ au aw ɔː in loanwords aʊ in loanwords and proper nouns aa e ɔː ɔl in loanwords from Chinese ao aʊ e ee iː ei ey aɪ eɪ iː eu ew juː uː ea iː ɛ eɪ ɪe u ue uː u ui ɪ uː i ie iː aɪ Other languages using the Latin alphabet In Serbo Croatian lj corresponds to ʎ palatal lateral approximant nj corresponds to ɲ palatal nasal dz corresponds to d ʒ voiced postalveolar affricate Note that in the Cyrillic orthography those sounds are represented by single letters љ њ џ In Czech and Slovak ch corresponds to x voiceless velar fricative counted as a distinct letter dz corresponds to d z voiced alveolar affricate counted as a distinct letter in Slovak relatively rare digraph dz corresponds to d ʒ voiced postalveolar affricate counted as a distinct letter in Slovak relatively rare digraph In Danish and Norwegian The digraph aa represented ɔ until 1917 in Norway and 1948 in Denmark but is today spelt a The digraph is still used in older names but sorted as if it were the letter with the diacritic mark In Norwegian several sounds can be represented only by a digraph or a combination of letters They are the most common combinations but extreme regional differences exists especially those of the eastern dialects A noteworthy difference is the aspiration of rs in eastern dialects where it corresponds to skj and sj Among many young people especially in the western regions of Norway and in or around the major cities the difference between c and ʃ has been completely wiped away and are now pronounced the same kj represents c tj represents c skj represents ʃ sj represents ʃ sk represents ʃ before i or y ng represents ŋ as in ng in English thing In Catalan ll represents ʎ palatal lateral approximant ny represents ɲ palatal nasal rr represents r post alveolar trill ss represents s voiceless alveolar retracted sibilant qu represents k voiceless velar plosive gu represents g voiced velar plosive postvocalic ix represents ʃ voiceless postalveolar fricative in Eastern dialects in Western dialects it represents jʃ In Dutch ij corresponds to ɛi see above for its possible status as a separate letter ng represents ŋ velar nasal ch represents x voiceless velar fricative sj represents ʃ voiceless postalveolar fricative ie represents i close front unrounded vowel oe represents u close back rounded vowel eu represents o close mid front rounded vowel In French ch represents ʃ voiceless postalveolar fricative gn represents ɲ palatal nasal qu represents k voiceless velar stop typically before historic front vowelsFrench vocalic digraphs i u a ai ɛ e au o e ei ɛ eu œ o o oi wa ou u w dd See also French phonology In German ch represents x voiceless velar fricative or c voiceless palatal fricative ck represents k voiceless velar plosive ei represents a ɪ open front unrounded vowel followed by near close near front unrounded vowel eu represents ɔ ʏ open mid back rounded vowel followed by near close near front rounded vowel In Hungarian cs represents tʃ voiceless postalveolar affricate zs represents ʒ voiced postalveolar fricative gy represents ɟ voiced palatal plosive ly originally represented ʎ palatal lateral approximant but in the modern language stands for j palatal approximant ny represents ɲ palatal nasal ty represents c voiceless palatal plosive dz represents dz voiced postalveolar affricate sz represents s voiceless alveolar fricative s is pronounced ʃ The Hungarian alphabet additionally contains also a trigraph dzs dʒ In Italian sc corresponds to ʃ voiceless postalveolar fricative before i and e but to sk before other letters ch corresponds to k only before i e gh corresponds to ɡ only before i e gl represents ʎ palatal lateral approximant before i with some exceptions gn represents ɲ palatal nasal In Manx Gaelic ch represents x but ch represents tʃ In Polish ch corresponds to x voiceless velar fricative cz corresponds to tʂ voiceless retroflex affricate dz corresponds to dz voiced alveolar affricate dz corresponds to dʑ voiced alveolo palatal affricate dz corresponds to dʐ voiced retroflex affricate rz corresponds to ʐ voiced retroflex fricative sz corresponds to ʂ voiceless retroflex fricative In Portuguese ch corresponds to ʃ voiceless postalveolar fricative lh corresponds to ʎ palatal lateral approximant nh corresponds to ɲ palatal nasal qu usually represents k voiceless velar stop In Spanish ll is traditionally pronounced ʎ but in dialects with yeismo is pronounced ʝ ch represents tʃ voiceless postalveolar affricate Since 2010 neither is considered part of the alphabet They used to be sorted as separate letters but a reform in 1994 by the Spanish Royal Academy has allowed that they be split into their constituent letters for collation The digraph rr pronounced as a distinct alveolar trill was never officially considered to be a letter in the Spanish alphabet and the same is true gu and qu for ɡ and k respectively before e or i In Welsh ng represents ŋ velar nasal the same sound as in English but in some words it represents two separate letters and is pronounced ng ch represents x voiceless uvular fricative rh represents r voiceless alveolar trill pronounced roughly like the combination hr but again in some words it represents two separate letters and is pronounced rh th represents 8 voiceless interdental fricative dd represents d voiced dental fricative like the English th in then but is pronounced as voiceless in many contexts ff represents f voiceless labiodental fricative like English f since Welsh f is pronounced v like an English v ph also represents f voiceless labiodental fricative but in modern orthography is used only for the aspirate mutation of words starting with p ll represents ɬ voiceless alveolar lateral fricative The digraphs listed above represent distinct phonemes and are treated as separate letters for collation purposes On the other hand the digraphs mh nh and the trigraph ngh which stand for voiceless consonants but occur only at the beginning of words as a result of the nasal mutation are not treated as separate letters and thus are not included in the alphabet Daighi tongiong pingim a transcription system used for Taiwanese Hokkien includes or that represents e mid central vowel or o close mid back rounded vowel as well as other digraphs In Yoruba gb is a letter that represents a plosive most accurately pronounced by trying to say g and b at the same time Cyrillic Modern Slavic languages written in the Cyrillic alphabet make little use of digraphs apart from dzh for dʐ dz for dz in Ukrainian Belarusian and Bulgarian and zhzh and zzh for the uncommon Russian phoneme ʑː In Russian the sequences dzh and dz do occur mainly in loanwords but are pronounced as combinations of an implosive sometimes treated as an affricate and a fricative implosives are treated as allophones of the plosive d and so those sequences are not considered to be digraphs Cyrillic has few digraphs unless it is used to write non Slavic languages especially Caucasian languages Arabic script Because vowels are not generally written digraphs are rare in abjads like Arabic For example if sh were used for s then the sequence sh could mean either sa or saha However digraphs are used for the aspirated and murmured consonants those spelled with h digraphs in Latin transcription in languages of South Asia such as Urdu that are written in the Arabic script by a special form of the letter h which is used only for aspiration digraphs as can be seen with the following connecting kh and non connecting ḍh consonants Urdu connecting non connectingdigraph کھا kʰɑː ڈھا ɖʱɑː sequence کہا keɦɑː ڈہا ɖeɦɑː Armenian In the Armenian language the digraph ու ou transcribes u a convention that comes from Greek Georgian The Georgian alphabet uses a few digraphs to write other languages For example in Svan o is written ჳე we and y as ჳი wi Greek Modern Greek has the following digraphs ai ai represents e ei ei represents i oi oi represents i oy oy represents u yi yi represents i They are called diphthongs in Greek in classical times most of them represented diphthongs and the name has stuck gg gg represents ŋɡ or ɡ ts ts represents the affricate ts tz tz represents the affricate dz Initial gk gk represents ɡ Initial mp mp represents b Initial nt nt represents d Ancient Greek also had the diphthongs listed above although their pronunciation in ancient times is disputed In addition Ancient Greek also used the letter g combined with a velar stop to produce the following digraphs gg gg represents ŋɡ gk gk represents ŋɡ gx gkh represents ŋkʰ Tsakonian has a few additional digraphs rz rz ʒ historically perhaps a fricative trill kx kkh represents kʰ t8 tth represents tʰ pf pph represents pʰ sx skh represents ʃ In addition palatal consonants are indicated with the vowel letter i which is however largely predictable When n and l are not palatalized before i they are written nn and ll In Bactrian the digraphs bb dd and gg were used for b d and ŋg respectively Hebrew In the Hebrew alphabet תס and תש may sometimes be found for צ ts Modern Hebrew also uses digraphs made with the symbol for non native sounds ג dʒ ז ʒ צ tʃ and other digraphs of letters when it is written without vowels וו for a consonantal letter ו in the middle of a word and יי for aj or aji etc that is a consonantal letter י in places where it might not have been expected Yiddish has its own tradition of transcription and so uses different digraphs for some of the same sounds דז dz זש ʒ טש tʃ and דזש literally dzs for dʒ וו v also available as a single Unicode character װ וי or as a single character in Unicode ױ oj יי or ײ ej and ײ aj The single character digraphs are called ligatures in Unicode י may also be used following a consonant to indicate palatalization in Slavic loanwords Indic Most Indic scripts have compound vowel diacritics that cannot be predicted from their individual elements That can be illustrated with Thai in which the diacritic e pronounced alone eː modifies the pronunciation of other vowels single vowel sign ka kaː ek keː kx kɔː vowel sign plus e eka kaw aek kɛː ekx kɤː In addition the combination rr is pronounced a or an there are some words in which the combinations thr and sr stand for s and the letter h as a prefix to a consonant changes its tonic class to high modifying the tone of the syllable Inuit Inuktitut syllabics adds two digraphs to Cree rk for q ᙯ qai ᕿ qi ᖁ qu ᖃ qa ᖅ q and ng for ŋ ᖕ ng The latter forms trigraphs and tetragraphs CJK Characters Chinese Several combinations of Chinese characters Hanzi formed from two or more different characters that known as digraphs Japanese Two kana may be combined into a CV syllable by subscripting the second the convention cancels the vowel of the first That is commonly done for CyV syllables called yōon as in ひょ ひよ hyo hiyo They are not digraphs since they retain the normal sequential reading of the two glyphs However some obsolete sequences no longer retain that reading as in くゎ kwa ぐゎ gwa and むゎ mwa now pronounced ka ga ma In addition non sequenceable digraphs are used for foreign loans that do not follow normal Japanese assibilation patterns such as ティ ti トゥ tu チェ tye che スェ swe ウィ wi ツォ tso ズィ zi See katakana and transcription into Japanese for complete tables Long vowels are written by adding the kana for that vowel in effect doubling it However long ō may be written either oo or ou as in とうきょう toukyou toːkʲoː Tōkyō For dialects that do not distinguish e and ei the latter spelling is used for a long e as in へいせい heisei heːseː Heisei In loanwords chōonpu a line following the direction of the text as in ビール biru biːru biru beer With the exception of syllables starting with n doubled consonant sounds are written by prefixing a smaller version of tsu written っ and ッ in hiragana and katakana respectively as in きって kitte stamp Consonants beginning with n use the kana n character written ん or ン as a prefix instead There are several conventions of Okinawan kana that involve subscript digraphs or ligatures For instance in the University of the Ryukyu s system ウ is ʔu ヲ is o but ヲゥ ヲウ is u Korean As was the case in Greek Korean has vowels descended from diphthongs that are still written with two letters Those digraphs ㅐ ɛ and ㅔ e also ㅒ jɛ ㅖ je and in some dialects ㅚ o and ㅟ y all end in historical ㅣ i Hangul was designed with a digraph series to represent the muddy consonants ㅃ b ㄸ d ㅉ dz ㄲ ɡ ㅆ z ㆅ ɣ also ᅇ with an uncertain value Those values are now obsolete but most of the doubled letters were resurrected in the 19th century to write consonants that did not exist when hangul was devised ㅃ p ㄸ t ㅉ t ɕ ㄲ k ㅆ s Ligatures and new lettersDigraphs sometimes come to be written as a single ligature Over time the ligatures may evolve into new letters or letters with diacritics For example sz became ss in German and nn became n in Spanish In UnicodeGenerally a digraph is simply represented using two characters in Unicode However for various reasons Unicode sometimes provides a separate code point for a digraph encoded as a single character The DZ and IJ digraphs and the Serbian Croatian digraphs DZ LJ and NJ have separate code points in Unicode Two Glyphs Digraph Unicode Code Point HTMLDZ Dz dz DZ Dz dz U 01F1 U 01F2 U 01F3 amp x1F1 amp x1F2 amp x1F3 DZ Dz dz DŽ Dž dž U 01C4 U 01C5 U 01C6 amp x1C4 amp x1C5 amp x1C6 IJ ij IJ ij U 0132 U 0133 amp x132 amp x133 LJ Lj lj LJ Lj lj U 01C7 U 01C8 U 01C9 amp x1C7 amp x1C8 amp x1C9 NJ Nj nj NJ Nj nj U 01CA U 01CB U 01CC amp x1CA amp x1CB amp x1CC th ᵺ U 1D7A See also Ligatures in Unicode See alsoMultigraph orthography Trigraph Tetragraph Pentagraph Hexagraph Bigram Diphthong List of Latin letters Digraph programming ReferencesBrooks 2015 Dictionary of the British English Spelling System p 460 ff FAQ Ligatures Digraphs and Presentation Forms The Unicode Consortium Home Page Unicode Inc 1991 2009 Retrieved 2009 05 11 The Unicode Standard Version 15 1 PDF Unicode Retrieved 2023 12 20