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A mixed language, also referred to as a hybrid language, contact language, or fusion language, is a language that arises among a bilingual group combining aspects of two or more languages but not clearly deriving primarily from any single language. It differs from a creole or pidgin language in that, whereas creoles/pidgins arise where speakers of many languages acquire a common language, a mixed language typically arises in a population that is fluent in both of the source languages.
Because all languages show some degree of mixing by virtue of containing loanwords, it is a matter of controversy whether the concept of a mixed language can meaningfully be distinguished from the type of contact and borrowing seen in all languages. Scholars debate to what extent language mixture can be distinguished from other mechanisms such as code-switching, substrata, or lexical borrowing.
Other terms used in linguistics for the concept of a mixed language include hybrid language, contact language, and fusion language; in older usage, 'jargon' was sometimes used in this sense. In some linguists' usage, creoles and pidgins are types of mixed languages, whereas in others' usage, creoles and pidgins are merely among the kinds of language that might become full-fledged mixed languages.
Thomason (1995) classifies mixed languages into two categories: Category 1 languages exhibit "heavy influence from the dominant group's language in all aspects of structure and grammar as well as lexicon" (Winford 171). Category 2 languages show a "categorial specificity of the structural borrowing" or a uniform borrowing of specific categories (Winford).[citation needed]
Mixed language and intertwined language are seemingly interchangeable terms for some researchers. Some use the term "intertwining" instead of "mixing" because the former implies "mixture of two systems which are not necessarily the same order" nor does it suggest "replacement of the either the lexicon or of the grammatical system", unlike relexification, massive grammatical replacement, and re-grammaticalization. The grammar of a mixed language typically comes from a language well known to first-generation speakers, which Arends claims is the language spoken by the mother. This is because of the close relationship between mother and child and the likelihood that the language is spoken by the community at large.[citation needed]
Arends et al. classify an intertwined language as a language that "has lexical morphemes from one language and grammatical morphemes from another". This definition does not include Michif, which combines French lexical items in specific contexts, but still utilizes Cree lexical and grammatical items.
Yaron Matras distinguishes between three types of models for mixed language: "language maintenance and language shift, unique and predetermined processes ("intertwining"), and "conventionalisation of language mixing patterns". The first model involves the use of one language for heavy substitutions of entire grammatical paradigms or morphology of another language. This is because a speech community will not adopt a newer dominant language, and so adapt their language with grammatical material from the dominant language. Bakker (1997) argues that mixed languages result from mixed populations. Languages "intertwine", in that the morphosyntax (provided by female native speakers) mixes with the lexicon of another language (spoken by men, often in a colonialist context). This appears to have been the case with Michif, where European men and Cree, Nakota, and Ojibwe women had offspring who learned a mixture of French and Cree. The third model "assumes a gradual loss of the conversational function of language alternation as a means of expressing contrast". In other words, language no longer becomes a means of differentiation between two speech communities as a result of language mixing.
Lexical reorientation, according to Matras, is defined as "the conscious shifting of the linguistic field that is responsible for encoding meaning or conceptual representations away from the language in which linguistic interaction is normally managed, organised, and processed: speakers adopt in a sense one linguistic system to express lexical meaning (or symbols, in the Buhlerian sense of the term) and another to organize the relations among lexical symbols, as well as within sentences, utterances, and interaction. The result is a split, by source language, between lexicon and grammar."
Differentiation with other language mixtures
A mixed language differs from pidgins, creoles and code-switching in very fundamental ways. In most cases, mixed language speakers are fluent, even native, speakers of both languages; however, speakers of Michif (a verb-noun or V-N mixed language) are unique in that many are not fluent in both of the source languages. Pidgins, on the other hand, develop in a situation, usually in the context of trade, where speakers of two (or more) different languages come into contact and need to find some way to communicate with each other. Creoles develop when a pidgin language becomes a first language for young speakers. While creoles tend to have drastically simplified morphologies, mixed languages often retain the inflectional complexities of one, or both, of the parent languages. For instance, Michif retains the complexities of its Cree verb-phrases and its French noun-phrases.
It also differs from a language that has undergone heavy borrowing, such as Korean, Japanese, and Vietnamese from Chinese (see Sino-Xenic), English from French, or Maltese from Sicilian/Italian. In these cases, despite the heavy borrowing, the grammar and basic words of the borrowing language remain relatively unchanged, with the borrowed words confined mainly to more abstract or foreign concepts, and any complex morphology remains that of the host language rather than being borrowed along with the borrowed word. In the case of Maltese, for example, if verbs borrowed from Italian were inflected using Italian inflectional rules rather than Arabic-derived ones, then Maltese would be a candidate for being a mixed language.
Finally, a mixed language differs from code-switching, such as Spanglish or Portuñol, in that, once it has developed, the fusion of the source languages is fixed in the grammar and vocabulary, and speakers do not need to know the source languages in order to speak it. But, linguists believe that mixed languages evolve from persistent code-switching, with younger generations picking up the code-switching, but not necessarily the source languages that generated it.[citation needed]
Languages such as Franglais and Anglo-Romani are not mixed languages, or even examples of code-switching, but registers of a language (here French and English), characterized by large numbers of loanwords from a second language (here English and Romani).[citation needed]Middle English (the immediate fore-runner of Modern English) developed from such a situation, incorporating many Norman borrowings into Old English, but it is not considered a mixed language.
Proposed examples
Michif derives nouns, numerals, definite/indefinite articles, possessive pronouns, some adverbs and adjectives from French, while it derives demonstratives (in/animate), question words, verbs (in/animacy agreement with the subject/object), and some adverbs/verb-like adjectives from Cree. The Cree components of Michif generally remain grammatically intact, while the French lexicon and grammar is restricted to noun phrases where nouns occur with a French possessive element or article (i.e. in/definite, masculine/feminine, singular/plural). Further, many speakers of Michif are able to identify the French and Cree components of a given sentence, likely from the phonological and morphological features of words. Although the phonological systems of both French and Cree are generally independent in Michif, there is convergence in 1) mid-vowel raising, 2) sibilant harmony, 3) vowel length (e.g. French vowel pairs [i]/[ɪ] and [a]/[ɑ] differ in length as in Cree), and 4) instances where the three nasal vowels /æ̃/, /ũ/, and /ĩ/ occur in the Cree components, although this last point of convergence may be due to Ojibwe influence. Scholars propose that, in the Métis multilingual community, Michif emerged as a need to symbolize a new social identity. The first unambiguous mention of Michif dates to the 1930s.
The Métis of St. Laurent, a tribe of indigenous people in Canada, were made to feel their language was a sign of inferiority by nuns, priests, and other missionaries who insisted that the Metis switch to Standard Canadian French. Because missionaries stigmatized Michif French as an inferior, "bastardized" form of Canadian French, the Métis began to develop a sense of inferiority and shame which they associated with speaking Michif. Although Michif may have arisen as a way for Métis people to identify themselves, it became taboo to speak Michif inter-ethnically.
In an attempt to make students unlearn Michif French, some nuns used a "token-system" in which each student was given ten tokens each week, and for every use of Michif French, a student would have to surrender a token. Students with the most tokens were rewarded with a prize. Overall, this system did not work.
Mednyj Aleut
Mednyj Aleut is identified as a mixed language composed of mostly intact systematic components from two typologically and genetically unrelated languages: Aleut and Russian. This mixed language's grammar and lexicon are both largely Aleut in origin, while the finite verb morphology, a whole grammatical subsystem, is primarily of Russian origin. Nonetheless, there are some syntactic patterns with Russian influence and some Aleut features in the finite verb complex such as, 1) a topic-number agreement pattern, 2) Aleut pronouns with unaccusatives, 3) the Aleut agglutinative tense + number + person/number pattern in one of two alternative past-tense forms. Scholars hypothesize that due to the elaborate Russian and Aleut components of Mednyj Aleut, the Aleut/Russian creoles in which the mixed language arose must have been fluent bilinguals of Aleut and Russian and, therefore, not a pidgin language—that is, "imperfect learning" is usually a feature in the emergence of a pidgin. Furthermore, some code-switching and deliberate decisions likely served as mechanisms for the development of Mednyj Aleut and it is possible that these were motivated by a need for a language that reflected the community's new group identity.
Ma’a has a Cushitic basic vocabulary and a primarily Bantu grammatical structure. The language also shares some phonological units with languages in the Cushitic phylum (e.g. the voiceless lateral fricative, the voiceless glottal stop, and the voiceless velar fricative that do not occur in Bantu), as well as syntactic structures, derivational processes, and a feature of inflectional morphology. However, few productive non-lexical structures in Ma’a appear derived from Cushitic. Sarah G. Thomason therefore argues for a classification of Ma’a as a mixed language since it does not have enough Cushitic grammar to be genetically related to the Cushitic language. By contrast, Ma’a has a productive set of inflectional structures derived from Bantu. Ma’a also demonstrates phonological structures derived from Bantu—for instance, the prenasalized voiced stops /ᵐb ⁿd ᶮɟ ᵑg/, phonemic tones, the absence of pharyngeal fricatives, labialized dorsal stops, ejective and retroflex stops, and final consonants— as well as noun classification, number category, and verb morphology patterns of Bantu. Syntactic and derivational patterns in Ma’a vary between Cushitic and Bantu origins—some Ma’a constructions used, such as genitive and copula constructions, are both from Cushitic and Bantu. These observations, in view of additional language contact cases like Cappadocian Greek, Anglo-Romani, and Mednyj Aleut, suggest that Ma'a arose as a product of massive interference from a Bantu language via intense cultural pressure on a Cushitic-speaking community.
Media Lengua
Media Lengua (roughly translated to "half language" or "in-between language"), also known as Chaupi-shimi, Chaupi-lengua, Chaupi-Quichua, Quichuañol, Chapu-shimi or llanga-shimi, is a mixed language that consists of Spanish vocabulary and Ecuadorian Quichua grammar, most conspicuously in its morphology. In terms of vocabulary, almost all lexemes (89%), including core vocabulary, are of Spanish origin and appear to conform to Quichua phonotactics. Media Lengua is one of the few widely acknowledged examples of a "bilingual mixed language" in both the conventional and narrow linguistic sense because of its split between roots and suffixes. Such extreme and systematic borrowing is only rarely attested, and Media Lengua is not typically described as a variety of either Quichua or Spanish. Arends et al. list two languages subsumed under the name Media Lengua: Salcedo Media Lengua and Media Lengua of Saraguro. The northern variety of Media Lengua, found in the province of Imbabura, is commonly referred to as Imbabura Media Lengua and more specifically, the dialect varieties within the province are known as Pijal Media Lengua and Anglas Media Lengua.
Scholars indicate that Media Lengua arose largely via relexification mechanisms. Pieter Muysken suggests that the social context in which the language emerged as an intralanguage involved a presence of "acculturated Indians" that neither identified with traditional, rural Quechua nor with urban Spanish cultures. This is an instance of a language developing from a need for "ethnic self-identification".
Light Warlpiri
Light Warlpiri, seen as a form of Warlpiri by speakers, derives verbs and verbal morphology largely from Australian Kriol, while nouns are largely from Warlpiri and English and nominal morphology from Warlpiri. Light Warlpiri likely developed as an intralanguage via code-mixing between Warlpiri and either Kriol or English. This code-mixing conventionalized into Light Warlpiri, which is now learned by Lajamanu children as a first language, along with Warlpiri, although Light Warlpiri is often produced first and used in daily interactions with younger speakers and adults within the Lajamanu community. Light Warlpiri is considered a new language for several reasons: 1) Light Warlpiri speakers use an auxiliary verb-system that older Warlpiri speakers do not while code-mixing, 2) elements are distributed differently in Light Warlpiri than in code-mixing varieties of older Warlpiri speakers, 3) Light Warlpiri is a native language, which indicates stability of the language, and 4) grammatical structures and lexical items from each source language occur consistently in Light Warlpiri.
Gurindji Kriol
Gurindji Kriol exhibits a structural split between the noun phrase and verb phrase, with Gurindji contributing the noun structure including case-marking, and the verb structure including TAM (tense-aspect-mood) auxiliaries coming from Kriol. In this respect, Gurindji Kriol is classified as a verb-noun (V-N) mixed language. Other examples of V-N mixed languages include Michif and Light Warlpiri. The maintenance of Gurindji within the mixed language can be seen as the perpetuation of Aboriginal identity under massive and continuing cultural incursion.
Cappadocian Greek and Cypriot Arabic
Both Cappadocian Greek and Cypriot Maronite-Arabic are cases of extreme borrowing—the former from Turkish and the latter from Greek. The remaining Greek dialects of Asia Minor display borrowing of vocabulary, function words, derivational morphology, and some borrowed nominal and verbal inflectional morphology from Turkish. Cypriot Arabic largely shows borrowing of vocabulary, and consequently Greek morphosyntax. Both Cappadocian Greek and Cypriot Arabic (as well as Ma'a) differ socially from Michif and Mednyj Aleut because they have evolved out of intense language contact, extensive bilingualism, and a strong pressure for speakers to shift to the dominant language. Nonetheless, neither language has an entire grammar and lexicon that is derived from a single historical source and in each case the linguistic group achieves fluent bilingualism. The social context in which they arose largely distinguishes them from pidgins and creoles and, for some scholars, identifies them closely with mixed languages.
Kaqchikel-K'iche' Mayan language
The Kaqchikel-K'iche' Mixed Language, also known as the Cauqué Mixed Language or Cauqué Mayan, is spoken in the aldea of Santa María Cauqué, Santiago Sacatepéquez, Department of Sacatepéquez in Guatemala. A 1998 study by the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL) estimated speaker population at 2,000. While the language's grammatical base is from K'iche', its lexicon is supplied by Kaqchikel.
Other possible mixed languages
- Surzhyk, a freeform mixture of Ukrainian and Russian spoken in rural areas of Ukraine.
- Bolze, a mixture of French and Swiss German spoken in the of Fribourg, Switzerland.
- Bonin English, a mix of Japanese and English Creole.
- Gadal, or Tagdal, a Songhay base with a majority-Tuareg vocabulary, sometimes considered a mixed language.
- Jopara, a mixture of Guaraní and Spanish that involves incorporating elements of Spanish grammar and vocabulary into Guaraní.
- Língua Geral Amazônica and Língua Geral Paulista, important historical languages spoken in colonial Brazil, composed mainly of Amerindian (predominantly Tupi) lexicon and Portuguese structure. [citation needed]
- Lomavren, a combination of Armenian and Indo-Aryan.
- Makassar Malay, mixing Malay and Makassarese elements.
- Missingsch, Low Saxon grammar, pronunciation, pragmatics, loanwords and substrate and German vocabulary. [citation needed]
- Para-Romani languages such as Erromintxela, which derives most of its lexicon from Kalderash Romani but uses Basque grammar and syntax.[citation needed]
- Petuh, Danish grammar and semantics with German vocabulary. [citation needed]
- Reo Rapa, a mixture of Tahitian and Old Rapa.
- Siculo-Arbëresh as spoken in Sicily may possibly be classed as a mixed language, as it is largely mixed Sicilian and Arbëresh lexicon with Arbëresh grammar.
- Yiddish, theorised by Max Weinreich to have used elements of Zarphatic, Judeo-Italian, Middle High German, versions of Biblical Hebrew including Talmudic and post-Talmudic, and various Slavic languages, including Czech, Ukrainian, Polish, White Russian, and Russian.
Possible mixed languages with a Chinese element
- Wutunhua, a mix of Chinese and Mongol
- Dao, Chinese–Tibetan [citation needed]
- E, a mix of one of the Zhuang languages and Pinghua Chinese[citation needed]
- Lingling and Maojia, Mandarin–Miao [citation needed]
- Tangwang, Mandarin–Santa [citation needed]
- Waxiang, Hunanese–Miao [citation needed]
- Hezhou, Uyghur–Mandarin [citation needed]
- Chinglish, a mix of English with a Chinese language, especially when spoken by second-generation Chinese
- Kelantan Peranakan Hokkien, a mix of Hokkien, Kelantan-Pattani Malay and Southern Thai.
- Philippine Hybrid Hokkien, a mix of Philippine Hokkien, Tagalog, and English.
In 1861, Max Müller denied "the possibility of a mixed language". In 1881, William D. Whitney wrote the following, expressing skepticism regarding the chances of a language being proven a mixed language.
Such a thing as the adoption on the part of one tongue, by a direct process, of any part or parts of the formal structure of another tongue has, so far as is known, not come under the notice of linguistic students during the recorded periods of language-history. So far as these are concerned, it appears to be everywhere the case that when the speakers of two languages, A and B, are brought together into one community, there takes place no amalgamation of their speech, into AB; but for a time the two maintain their own several identity, only as modified each by the admission of material from the other in accordance with the ordinary laws of mixture; we may call them Ab and Ba, and not AB. [...] [W]e shall doubtless meet now and then with the claim that such and such a case presents peculiar conditions which separate it from the general class, and that some remote and difficult problem in language-history is to be solved by admitting promiscuous mixture. Any one advancing such a claim, however, does it at his peril; the burden of proof is upon him to show what the peculiar conditions might have been, and how they should have acted to produce the exceptional result; he will be challenged to bring forward some historically authenticated case of analogous results; and his solution, if not rejected altogether, will be looked upon with doubt and misgiving until he shall have complied with these reasonable requirements.
Wilhelm Schmidt was an important proponent of the idea of mixed languages in the very late 19th and early 20th century. In the judgement of Thomas Sebeok, Schmidt produced "not a scrap of evidence" for his theory.Margaret Schlauch provides a summary of the various objections to Schmidt's theory of Sprachmischung, by prominent linguists such as Alfredo Trombetti, Antoine Meillet and A. Kholodovich.
Despite the old and broad consensus that rejected the idea of a "mixed language", Thomason and Kaufman in 1988 proposed to revive the idea that some languages had shared genealogy.Meakins, who finds Thomason and Kaufman's account credible, suggests that a mixed language results from the fusion of usually two source languages, normally in situations of thorough bilingualism, so that it is not possible to classify the resulting language as belonging to either of the language families that were its sources.
Despite these recent efforts to rehabilitate mixed languages as an idea, many linguists remained unconvinced. For example, van Driem rejects one by one each of Thomason and Kaufman's examples as well as those more recently proposed. Most recently, Versteegh rejects the notion of a mixed language, writing that at "no point is it necessary to posit a category of mixed languages."
In the opinion of linguist Maarten Mous the notion of mixed languages has been rejected because "[m]ixed languages pose a challenge to historical linguistics because these languages defy classification. One attitude towards mixed languages has been that they simply do not exist, and that the claims for mixed languages are instances of a naive use of the term. The inhibition to accept the existence of mixed languages is linked to the fact that it was inconceivable how they could emerge, and moreover their mere existence posited a threat to the validity of the comparative method and to genetic linguistics."
See also
- Code-switching
- Creole language
- Diglossia
- Interlinguistics
- Koiné language
- Language contact
- Language transfer
- Manually coded language (the vocabulary of a sign language with the grammar of an oral language, but without an established language community)
- Macaronic language – Text using a mixture of languages
- Metatypy
- Pidgin
- Relexification
- Translanguaging
- Llanga-shimi is typically a derogatory term used by speakers of Quichua to describe their language. However, it also appears to describe Media Lengua in the Imbabura Communities. It is believed that the term was introduced by Mestizo school teachers to further discredit the indigenous populations
- Matras, Yaron; Bakker, Peter, eds. (2008). The Mixed Language Debate: Theoretical and Empirical Advances. Walter de Gruyter. p. 191. ISBN 9783110197242.
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- Velupillai, Viveka. (2015). Pidgins, Creoles, & Mixed Languages: An Introduction. Chapter 3: Mixed Languages. John Benjamins Publishing. pp. 69–97.
This article has multiple issues Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page Learn how and when to remove these messages This article needs additional citations for verification Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed Find sources Mixed language news newspapers books scholar JSTOR December 2018 Learn how and when to remove this message The neutrality of this article is disputed Relevant discussion may be found on the talk page Please do not remove this message until conditions to do so are met January 2018 Learn how and when to remove this message Learn how and when to remove this message A mixed language also referred to as a hybrid language contact language or fusion language is a language that arises among a bilingual group combining aspects of two or more languages but not clearly deriving primarily from any single language It differs from a creole or pidgin language in that whereas creoles pidgins arise where speakers of many languages acquire a common language a mixed language typically arises in a population that is fluent in both of the source languages Because all languages show some degree of mixing by virtue of containing loanwords it is a matter of controversy whether the concept of a mixed language can meaningfully be distinguished from the type of contact and borrowing seen in all languages Scholars debate to what extent language mixture can be distinguished from other mechanisms such as code switching substrata or lexical borrowing DefinitionsOther terms used in linguistics for the concept of a mixed language include hybrid language contact language and fusion language in older usage jargon was sometimes used in this sense In some linguists usage creoles and pidgins are types of mixed languages whereas in others usage creoles and pidgins are merely among the kinds of language that might become full fledged mixed languages Thomason 1995 classifies mixed languages into two categories Category 1 languages exhibit heavy influence from the dominant group s language in all aspects of structure and grammar as well as lexicon Winford 171 Category 2 languages show a categorial specificity of the structural borrowing or a uniform borrowing of specific categories Winford citation needed Mixed language and intertwined language are seemingly interchangeable terms for some researchers Some use the term intertwining instead of mixing because the former implies mixture of two systems which are not necessarily the same order nor does it suggest replacement of the either the lexicon or of the grammatical system unlike relexification massive grammatical replacement and re grammaticalization The grammar of a mixed language typically comes from a language well known to first generation speakers which Arends claims is the language spoken by the mother This is because of the close relationship between mother and child and the likelihood that the language is spoken by the community at large citation needed Arends et al classify an intertwined language as a language that has lexical morphemes from one language and grammatical morphemes from another This definition does not include Michif which combines French lexical items in specific contexts but still utilizes Cree lexical and grammatical items Yaron Matras distinguishes between three types of models for mixed language language maintenance and language shift unique and predetermined processes intertwining and conventionalisation of language mixing patterns The first model involves the use of one language for heavy substitutions of entire grammatical paradigms or morphology of another language This is because a speech community will not adopt a newer dominant language and so adapt their language with grammatical material from the dominant language Bakker 1997 argues that mixed languages result from mixed populations Languages intertwine in that the morphosyntax provided by female native speakers mixes with the lexicon of another language spoken by men often in a colonialist context This appears to have been the case with Michif where European men and Cree Nakota and Ojibwe women had offspring who learned a mixture of French and Cree The third model assumes a gradual loss of the conversational function of language alternation as a means of expressing contrast In other words language no longer becomes a means of differentiation between two speech communities as a result of language mixing Lexical reorientation according to Matras is defined as the conscious shifting of the linguistic field that is responsible for encoding meaning or conceptual representations away from the language in which linguistic interaction is normally managed organised and processed speakers adopt in a sense one linguistic system to express lexical meaning or symbols in the Buhlerian sense of the term and another to organize the relations among lexical symbols as well as within sentences utterances and interaction The result is a split by source language between lexicon and grammar Differentiation with other language mixturesA mixed language differs from pidgins creoles and code switching in very fundamental ways In most cases mixed language speakers are fluent even native speakers of both languages however speakers of Michif a verb noun or V N mixed language are unique in that many are not fluent in both of the source languages Pidgins on the other hand develop in a situation usually in the context of trade where speakers of two or more different languages come into contact and need to find some way to communicate with each other Creoles develop when a pidgin language becomes a first language for young speakers While creoles tend to have drastically simplified morphologies mixed languages often retain the inflectional complexities of one or both of the parent languages For instance Michif retains the complexities of its Cree verb phrases and its French noun phrases It also differs from a language that has undergone heavy borrowing such as Korean Japanese and Vietnamese from Chinese see Sino Xenic English from French or Maltese from Sicilian Italian In these cases despite the heavy borrowing the grammar and basic words of the borrowing language remain relatively unchanged with the borrowed words confined mainly to more abstract or foreign concepts and any complex morphology remains that of the host language rather than being borrowed along with the borrowed word In the case of Maltese for example if verbs borrowed from Italian were inflected using Italian inflectional rules rather than Arabic derived ones then Maltese would be a candidate for being a mixed language Finally a mixed language differs from code switching such as Spanglish or Portunol in that once it has developed the fusion of the source languages is fixed in the grammar and vocabulary and speakers do not need to know the source languages in order to speak it But linguists believe that mixed languages evolve from persistent code switching with younger generations picking up the code switching but not necessarily the source languages that generated it citation needed Languages such as Franglais and Anglo Romani are not mixed languages or even examples of code switching but registers of a language here French and English characterized by large numbers of loanwords from a second language here English and Romani citation needed Middle English the immediate fore runner of Modern English developed from such a situation incorporating many Norman borrowings into Old English but it is not considered a mixed language Proposed examplesMichif Michif derives nouns numerals definite indefinite articles possessive pronouns some adverbs and adjectives from French while it derives demonstratives in animate question words verbs in animacy agreement with the subject object and some adverbs verb like adjectives from Cree The Cree components of Michif generally remain grammatically intact while the French lexicon and grammar is restricted to noun phrases where nouns occur with a French possessive element or article i e in definite masculine feminine singular plural Further many speakers of Michif are able to identify the French and Cree components of a given sentence likely from the phonological and morphological features of words Although the phonological systems of both French and Cree are generally independent in Michif there is convergence in 1 mid vowel raising 2 sibilant harmony 3 vowel length e g French vowel pairs i ɪ and a ɑ differ in length as in Cree and 4 instances where the three nasal vowels ae ũ and ĩ occur in the Cree components although this last point of convergence may be due to Ojibwe influence Scholars propose that in the Metis multilingual community Michif emerged as a need to symbolize a new social identity The first unambiguous mention of Michif dates to the 1930s The Metis of St Laurent a tribe of indigenous people in Canada were made to feel their language was a sign of inferiority by nuns priests and other missionaries who insisted that the Metis switch to Standard Canadian French Because missionaries stigmatized Michif French as an inferior bastardized form of Canadian French the Metis began to develop a sense of inferiority and shame which they associated with speaking Michif Although Michif may have arisen as a way for Metis people to identify themselves it became taboo to speak Michif inter ethnically In an attempt to make students unlearn Michif French some nuns used a token system in which each student was given ten tokens each week and for every use of Michif French a student would have to surrender a token Students with the most tokens were rewarded with a prize Overall this system did not work Mednyj Aleut Mednyj Aleut is identified as a mixed language composed of mostly intact systematic components from two typologically and genetically unrelated languages Aleut and Russian This mixed language s grammar and lexicon are both largely Aleut in origin while the finite verb morphology a whole grammatical subsystem is primarily of Russian origin Nonetheless there are some syntactic patterns with Russian influence and some Aleut features in the finite verb complex such as 1 a topic number agreement pattern 2 Aleut pronouns with unaccusatives 3 the Aleut agglutinative tense number person number pattern in one of two alternative past tense forms Scholars hypothesize that due to the elaborate Russian and Aleut components of Mednyj Aleut the Aleut Russian creoles in which the mixed language arose must have been fluent bilinguals of Aleut and Russian and therefore not a pidgin language that is imperfect learning is usually a feature in the emergence of a pidgin Furthermore some code switching and deliberate decisions likely served as mechanisms for the development of Mednyj Aleut and it is possible that these were motivated by a need for a language that reflected the community s new group identity Ma a Ma a has a Cushitic basic vocabulary and a primarily Bantu grammatical structure The language also shares some phonological units with languages in the Cushitic phylum e g the voiceless lateral fricative the voiceless glottal stop and the voiceless velar fricative that do not occur in Bantu as well as syntactic structures derivational processes and a feature of inflectional morphology However few productive non lexical structures in Ma a appear derived from Cushitic Sarah G Thomason therefore argues for a classification of Ma a as a mixed language since it does not have enough Cushitic grammar to be genetically related to the Cushitic language By contrast Ma a has a productive set of inflectional structures derived from Bantu Ma a also demonstrates phonological structures derived from Bantu for instance the prenasalized voiced stops ᵐb ⁿd ᶮɟ ᵑg phonemic tones the absence of pharyngeal fricatives labialized dorsal stops ejective and retroflex stops and final consonants as well as noun classification number category and verb morphology patterns of Bantu Syntactic and derivational patterns in Ma a vary between Cushitic and Bantu origins some Ma a constructions used such as genitive and copula constructions are both from Cushitic and Bantu These observations in view of additional language contact cases like Cappadocian Greek Anglo Romani and Mednyj Aleut suggest that Ma a arose as a product of massive interference from a Bantu language via intense cultural pressure on a Cushitic speaking community Media Lengua Media Lengua roughly translated to half language or in between language also known as Chaupi shimi Chaupi lengua Chaupi Quichua Quichuanol Chapu shimi or llanga shimi is a mixed language that consists of Spanish vocabulary and Ecuadorian Quichua grammar most conspicuously in its morphology In terms of vocabulary almost all lexemes 89 including core vocabulary are of Spanish origin and appear to conform to Quichua phonotactics Media Lengua is one of the few widely acknowledged examples of a bilingual mixed language in both the conventional and narrow linguistic sense because of its split between roots and suffixes Such extreme and systematic borrowing is only rarely attested and Media Lengua is not typically described as a variety of either Quichua or Spanish Arends et al list two languages subsumed under the name Media Lengua Salcedo Media Lengua and Media Lengua of Saraguro The northern variety of Media Lengua found in the province of Imbabura is commonly referred to as Imbabura Media Lengua and more specifically the dialect varieties within the province are known as Pijal Media Lengua and Anglas Media Lengua Scholars indicate that Media Lengua arose largely via relexification mechanisms Pieter Muysken suggests that the social context in which the language emerged as an intralanguage involved a presence of acculturated Indians that neither identified with traditional rural Quechua nor with urban Spanish cultures This is an instance of a language developing from a need for ethnic self identification Light Warlpiri Light Warlpiri seen as a form of Warlpiri by speakers derives verbs and verbal morphology largely from Australian Kriol while nouns are largely from Warlpiri and English and nominal morphology from Warlpiri Light Warlpiri likely developed as an intralanguage via code mixing between Warlpiri and either Kriol or English This code mixing conventionalized into Light Warlpiri which is now learned by Lajamanu children as a first language along with Warlpiri although Light Warlpiri is often produced first and used in daily interactions with younger speakers and adults within the Lajamanu community Light Warlpiri is considered a new language for several reasons 1 Light Warlpiri speakers use an auxiliary verb system that older Warlpiri speakers do not while code mixing 2 elements are distributed differently in Light Warlpiri than in code mixing varieties of older Warlpiri speakers 3 Light Warlpiri is a native language which indicates stability of the language and 4 grammatical structures and lexical items from each source language occur consistently in Light Warlpiri Gurindji Kriol Gurindji Kriol exhibits a structural split between the noun phrase and verb phrase with Gurindji contributing the noun structure including case marking and the verb structure including TAM tense aspect mood auxiliaries coming from Kriol In this respect Gurindji Kriol is classified as a verb noun V N mixed language Other examples of V N mixed languages include Michif and Light Warlpiri The maintenance of Gurindji within the mixed language can be seen as the perpetuation of Aboriginal identity under massive and continuing cultural incursion Cappadocian Greek and Cypriot Arabic Both Cappadocian Greek and Cypriot Maronite Arabic are cases of extreme borrowing the former from Turkish and the latter from Greek The remaining Greek dialects of Asia Minor display borrowing of vocabulary function words derivational morphology and some borrowed nominal and verbal inflectional morphology from Turkish Cypriot Arabic largely shows borrowing of vocabulary and consequently Greek morphosyntax Both Cappadocian Greek and Cypriot Arabic as well as Ma a differ socially from Michif and Mednyj Aleut because they have evolved out of intense language contact extensive bilingualism and a strong pressure for speakers to shift to the dominant language Nonetheless neither language has an entire grammar and lexicon that is derived from a single historical source and in each case the linguistic group achieves fluent bilingualism The social context in which they arose largely distinguishes them from pidgins and creoles and for some scholars identifies them closely with mixed languages Kaqchikel K iche Mayan language The Kaqchikel K iche Mixed Language also known as the Cauque Mixed Language or Cauque Mayan is spoken in the aldea of Santa Maria Cauque Santiago Sacatepequez Department of Sacatepequez in Guatemala A 1998 study by the Summer Institute of Linguistics SIL estimated speaker population at 2 000 While the language s grammatical base is from K iche its lexicon is supplied by Kaqchikel Other possible mixed languages Surzhyk a freeform mixture of Ukrainian and Russian spoken in rural areas of Ukraine Bolze a mixture of French and Swiss German spoken in the of Fribourg Switzerland Bonin English a mix of Japanese and English Creole Gadal or Tagdal a Songhay base with a majority Tuareg vocabulary sometimes considered a mixed language Jopara a mixture of Guarani and Spanish that involves incorporating elements of Spanish grammar and vocabulary into Guarani Lingua Geral Amazonica and Lingua Geral Paulista important historical languages spoken in colonial Brazil composed mainly of Amerindian predominantly Tupi lexicon and Portuguese structure citation needed Lomavren a combination of Armenian and Indo Aryan Makassar Malay mixing Malay and Makassarese elements Missingsch Low Saxon grammar pronunciation pragmatics loanwords and substrate and German vocabulary citation needed Para Romani languages such as Erromintxela which derives most of its lexicon from Kalderash Romani but uses Basque grammar and syntax citation needed Petuh Danish grammar and semantics with German vocabulary citation needed Reo Rapa a mixture of Tahitian and Old Rapa Siculo Arberesh as spoken in Sicily may possibly be classed as a mixed language as it is largely mixed Sicilian and Arberesh lexicon with Arberesh grammar Yiddish theorised by Max Weinreich to have used elements of Zarphatic Judeo Italian Middle High German versions of Biblical Hebrew including Talmudic and post Talmudic and various Slavic languages including Czech Ukrainian Polish White Russian and Russian Possible mixed languages with a Chinese element Wutunhua a mix of Chinese and Mongol Dao Chinese Tibetan citation needed E a mix of one of the Zhuang languages and Pinghua Chinese citation needed Lingling and Maojia Mandarin Miao citation needed Tangwang Mandarin Santa citation needed Waxiang Hunanese Miao citation needed Hezhou Uyghur Mandarin citation needed Chinglish a mix of English with a Chinese language especially when spoken by second generation Chinese Kelantan Peranakan Hokkien a mix of Hokkien Kelantan Pattani Malay and Southern Thai Philippine Hybrid Hokkien a mix of Philippine Hokkien Tagalog and English ControversyIn 1861 Max Muller denied the possibility of a mixed language In 1881 William D Whitney wrote the following expressing skepticism regarding the chances of a language being proven a mixed language Such a thing as the adoption on the part of one tongue by a direct process of any part or parts of the formal structure of another tongue has so far as is known not come under the notice of linguistic students during the recorded periods of language history So far as these are concerned it appears to be everywhere the case that when the speakers of two languages A and B are brought together into one community there takes place no amalgamation of their speech into AB but for a time the two maintain their own several identity only as modified each by the admission of material from the other in accordance with the ordinary laws of mixture we may call them Ab and Ba and not AB W e shall doubtless meet now and then with the claim that such and such a case presents peculiar conditions which separate it from the general class and that some remote and difficult problem in language history is to be solved by admitting promiscuous mixture Any one advancing such a claim however does it at his peril the burden of proof is upon him to show what the peculiar conditions might have been and how they should have acted to produce the exceptional result he will be challenged to bring forward some historically authenticated case of analogous results and his solution if not rejected altogether will be looked upon with doubt and misgiving until he shall have complied with these reasonable requirements Wilhelm Schmidt was an important proponent of the idea of mixed languages in the very late 19th and early 20th century In the judgement of Thomas Sebeok Schmidt produced not a scrap of evidence for his theory Margaret Schlauch provides a summary of the various objections to Schmidt s theory of Sprachmischung by prominent linguists such as Alfredo Trombetti Antoine Meillet and A Kholodovich Despite the old and broad consensus that rejected the idea of a mixed language Thomason and Kaufman in 1988 proposed to revive the idea that some languages had shared genealogy Meakins who finds Thomason and Kaufman s account credible suggests that a mixed language results from the fusion of usually two source languages normally in situations of thorough bilingualism so that it is not possible to classify the resulting language as belonging to either of the language families that were its sources Despite these recent efforts to rehabilitate mixed languages as an idea many linguists remained unconvinced For example van Driem rejects one by one each of Thomason and Kaufman s examples as well as those more recently proposed Most recently Versteegh rejects the notion of a mixed language writing that at no point is it necessary to posit a category of mixed languages In the opinion of linguist Maarten Mous the notion of mixed languages has been rejected because m ixed languages pose a challenge to historical linguistics because these languages defy classification One attitude towards mixed languages has been that they simply do not exist and that the claims for mixed languages are instances of a naive use of the term The inhibition to accept the existence of mixed languages is linked to the fact that it was inconceivable how they could emerge and moreover their mere existence posited a threat to the validity of the comparative method and to genetic linguistics See alsoCode switching Creole language Diglossia Interlinguistics Koine language Language contact Language transfer Manually coded language the vocabulary of a sign language with the grammar of an oral language but without an established language community Macaronic language Text using a mixture of languages Metatypy Pidgin Relexification TranslanguagingNotesLlanga shimi is typically a derogatory term used by speakers of Quichua to describe their language However it also appears to describe Media Lengua in the Imbabura Communities It is believed that the term was introduced by Mestizo school teachers to further discredit the indigenous populationsReferencesCitations Matras Yaron Bakker Peter eds 2008 The Mixed Language Debate Theoretical and Empirical Advances Walter de Gruyter p 191 ISBN 9783110197242 Zuckermann 2009 p 48 citing Hjelmslev 1938 and Schuchardt 1884 Arends et al 1994 Yaron Matras 2000 Mixed languages a functional communicative approach PDF Bilingualism Language and Cognition 3 2 79 99 doi 10 1017 S1366728900000213 Archived from the original PDF on 20 February 2021 Retrieved 15 May 2017 According to Google n gram the German term Mischsprache is first attested in 1832 and attested in English since 1909 jargon n 1 OED Online Oxford University Press March 2015 Web 4 May 2015 sense 5 Matras Yaron Mixed Languages a functional communicative approach Bilingualism Language and Cognition Volume 3 Issue 2 August 2000 p 79 99 Velupillai Viveka 24 March 2015 Pidgins Creoles and Mixed Languages Creole Language Library Vol 48 Amsterdam John Benjamins Publishing Company doi 10 1075 cll 48 ISBN 9789027252715 Viveka Velupillai 2015 Pidgins Creoles and Mixed Languages John Benjamins Publishing Company OCLC 942975077 Middle English Chapter 5 PDF Silva Corvalan 1997 Thomason 1997 Lavalle Guy http iportal usask ca docs Native studies review v7 issue1 pp81 93 pdf Thomason Sarah Grey GENETIC RELATIONSHIP AND THE CASE OF MA A MBUGU Studies in African Linguistics 14 2 University of Pittsburgh 1983 Web http elanguage net journals sal article view 1138 1154 Pallares A 2002 From peasant struggles to Indian resistance the Ecuadorian Andes in the late twentieth century Norman University of Oklahoma Press Stewart Jesse 2011 A Brief Descriptive Grammar of Pijal Media Lengua and an Acoustic Vowel Space Analysis of Pijal Media Lengua and Imbabura Quichua thesis Muysken Pieter 1997 Media Lengua in Thomason Sarah G Contact languages a wider perspective Amsterdam John Benjamins pp 365 426 Backus Ad 2003 Can a mixed language be conventionalised alternational codeswitching in Matras amp Bakker eds The Mixed Language Debate theoretical and empirical advances Mouton de Gruyter Berlin 237 270 McConvell Patrick and Felicity Meakins 2005 Gurindji Kriol A Mixed Language Emerges from Code switching Quatro Fonologias Quechuas 25 1 9 30 Gomez Rendon J A 2008 Mestizaje linguistico en los Andes genesis y estructura de una lengua mixta 1era ed Quito Ecuador Abya Yala Gomez Rendon J 2005 La Media Lengua de Imbabura Encuentros conflictos bilinguismo contacto de lenguas en el mundo andino pp 39 58 Madrid Iberoamericana Matras amp Bakker 2003 O Shannessy 2005 Thomason amp Kaufman 1988 Kaqchikel K iche Mixed Language Lewis M Paul Gary F Simons and Charles D Fennig eds 2016 Ethnologue Languages of the World Nineteenth edition Dallas Texas SIL International Web https www ethnologue com language ckz Long Daniel 2007 English on the Bonin Ogasawara Islands Duke University Press ISBN 978 0 8223 6671 3 Benitez Torres Carlos M 2009 Inflectional vs Derivational Morphology in Tagdal A Mixed Language PDF In Masangu Matondo Fiona Mc Laughlin Eric Potsdam eds Selected Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference on African Linguistics Somerville Cascadilla Proceedings Project pp 69 83 Wurm Muhlhausler amp Tryon Atlas of languages of intercultural communication in the Pacific Asia and the Americas 1996 682 Walworth Mary E 2017a Reo Rapa A Polynesian Contact Language Journal of Language Contact 10 1 98 141 doi 10 1163 19552629 01001006 https www academia edu 37913089 Arb C3 ABresh Language mixing translanguaging and possible solutions to issue of maintenance Di Maggio M H 2018 Arberesh Language mixing translanguaging and possible solutions to issue of maintenance Weinreich M 1959 History of the Yiddish Language The Problems and Their Implications in Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 103 4 563 570 http www jstor org stable 985559 Accessed 29 October 2024 Weinreich M 1956 The Jewish Languages of Romance Stock and Their Relation to Earliest Yiddish in Romance Philology 9 4 403 428 Brepols University of California Press http www jstor org stable 44938790 Accessed 29 October 2024 Lee Smith Mei Wurm Stephen 1996 The Wutun Language In Stephen Wurm Peter Muhlhausler Darrell T Tyron eds Atlas of Languages of Intercultural Communication in the Pacific Asia and the Americas Walter de Gruyter pp 883 897 ISBN 978 3 11 013417 9 Jiang Yajun 17 October 2008 Chinglish and China English English Today 11 1 51 56 doi 10 1017 S0266078400008105 S2CID 146487147 Retrieved 16 June 2021 Lectures on the Science of Language 1st series 6th edition p 86 On mixture in language Transactions of the American Philological Association 1881 reprinted in Whitney on Language Cambridge MA The MIT Press pp 179 180 van Driem George 2001 Languages of the Himalayas Vol I p 163 Seboek Thomas 1942 An examination of the Austroasiatic language family Language 18 3 p 215 Schlauch Margaret 1936 The Social Basis of Linguistics Science and Society A Marxian quarterly 1 1 8 44 esp pp 36 37 Meakins 2013 van Driem George 2001 Languages of the Himalayas Vol I p 163 175 Versteegh Kees 2017 The myth of the mixed languages Saade Benjamin and Tosco Mauro eds Advances in Maltese Linguistics pp 245 266 Berlin De Gruyter DOI Chapter https doi org 10 1515 9783110565744 011 MATRAS Yaron and BAKKER Peter eds The Mixed Language Debate Theoretical and Empirical Advances 2003 p 209 Sources Arends Jacques Pieter Muysken Norvel Smith 1994 Pidgins and Creoles An Introduction John Benjamins Publishing p 46 ISBN 978 9027299505 Bakker Peter 1997 A Language of Our Own The Genesis of Michif the Mixed Cree French Language of the Canadian Metis Oxford Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 19 509712 2 Bakker P M Mous eds 1994 Mixed languages 15 case studies in language intertwining Amsterdam IFOTT Matras Yaron Peter Bakker eds 2003 The Mixed Language Debate Theoretical and Empirical Advances Berlin Walter de Gruyter ISBN 978 3 11 017776 3 Meakins Felicity 2011 Case marking in Contact The Development and Function of Case Marking in Gurindji Kriol Amsterdam John Benjamins Meakins Felicity 2013 Mixed languages In Bakker Peter and Yaron Matras eds Contact Languages A Comprehensive Guide Berlin Mouton de Gruyter pp 159 228 Mous Maarten 2003 The making of a mixed language The case of Ma a Mbugu Creole language library No 26 Amsterdam J Benjamins Pub Co Sebba Mark 1997 Contact Languages Pidgins and Creoles MacMillan ISBN 978 0 333 63024 2 O Shannessy Carmel 2005 Special Issue Language Shift Code mixing and Variation Light Warlpiri A New Language Australian Journal of Linguistics 25 1 Silva Corvalan Carmen 1997 Spanish in Four Continents Studies in Language Contact and Bilingualism Georgetown University Press ISBN 978 1589014152 Thomason Sarah Grey 1997 Contact Languages A Wider Perspective Creole Language Library John Benjamins Publishing pp 303 466 ISBN 978 9027252395 Thomason Sarah amp Terrence Kaufman 1988 Language Contact Creolization and Genetic Linguistics University of California Press ISBN 978 0 520 07893 2 Velupillai Viveka 2015 Pidgins Creoles amp Mixed Languages An Introduction Chapter 3 Mixed Languages John Benjamins Publishing pp 69 97