List of mathematical symbols

Author: www.NiNa.Az
Feb 03, 2025 / 03:43

A mathematical symbol is a figure or a combination of figures that is used to represent a mathematical object an action

List of mathematical symbols
List of mathematical symbols
List of mathematical symbols

A mathematical symbol is a figure or a combination of figures that is used to represent a mathematical object, an action on mathematical objects, a relation between mathematical objects, or for structuring the other symbols that occur in a formula. As formulas are entirely constituted with symbols of various types, many symbols are needed for expressing all mathematics.

The most basic symbols are the decimal digits (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), and the letters of the Latin alphabet. The decimal digits are used for representing numbers through the Hindu–Arabic numeral system. Historically, upper-case letters were used for representing points in geometry, and lower-case letters were used for variables and constants. Letters are used for representing many other types of mathematical object. As the number of these types has increased, the Greek alphabet and some Hebrew letters have also come to be used. For more symbols, other typefaces are also used, mainly boldface , script typeface (the lower-case script face is rarely used because of the possible confusion with the standard face), German fraktur , and blackboard bold (the other letters are rarely used in this face, or their use is unconventional). It is commonplace to use alphabets, fonts and typefaces to group symbols by type.

The use of specific Latin and Greek letters as symbols for denoting mathematical objects is not described in this article. For such uses, see Variable § Conventional variable names and List of mathematical constants. However, some symbols that are described here have the same shape as the letter from which they are derived, such as and .

These letters alone are not sufficient for the needs of mathematicians, and many other symbols are used. Some take their origin in punctuation marks and diacritics traditionally used in typography; others by deforming letter forms, as in the cases of and . Others, such as + and =, were specially designed for mathematics.

Layout of this article

  • Normally, entries of a glossary are structured by topics and sorted alphabetically. This is not possible here, as there is no natural order on symbols, and many symbols are used in different parts of mathematics with different meanings, often completely unrelated. Therefore, some arbitrary choices had to be made, which are summarized below.
  • The article is split into sections that are sorted by an increasing level of technicality. That is, the first sections contain the symbols that are encountered in most mathematical texts, and that are supposed to be known even by beginners. On the other hand, the last sections contain symbols that are specific to some area of mathematics and are ignored outside these areas. However, the long section on brackets has been placed near to the end, although most of its entries are elementary: this makes it easier to search for a symbol entry by scrolling.
  • Most symbols have multiple meanings that are generally distinguished either by the area of mathematics where they are used or by their syntax, that is, by their position inside a formula and the nature of the other parts of the formula that are close to them.
  • As readers may not be aware of the area of mathematics to which the symbol that they are looking for is related, the different meanings of a symbol are grouped in the section corresponding to their most common meaning.
  • When the meaning depends on the syntax, a symbol may have different entries depending on the syntax. For summarizing the syntax in the entry name, the symbol image is used for representing the neighboring parts of a formula that contains the symbol. See § Brackets for examples of use.
  • Most symbols have two printed versions. They can be displayed as Unicode characters, or in LaTeX format. With the Unicode version, using search engines and copy-pasting are easier. On the other hand, the LaTeX rendering is often much better (more aesthetic), and is generally considered a standard in mathematics. Therefore, in this article, the Unicode version of the symbols is used (when possible) for labelling their entry, and the LaTeX version is used in their description. So, for finding how to type a symbol in LaTeX, it suffices to look at the source of the article.
  • For most symbols, the entry name is the corresponding Unicode symbol. So, for searching the entry of a symbol, it suffices to type or copy the Unicode symbol into the search textbox. Similarly, when possible, the entry name of a symbol is also an anchor, which allows linking easily from another Wikipedia article. When an entry name contains special characters such as [,], and |, there is also an anchor, but one has to look at the article source to know it.
  • Finally, when there is an article on the symbol itself (not its mathematical meaning), it is linked to in the entry name.

Arithmetic operators

+    (plus sign)
1.  Denotes addition and is read as plus; for example, 3 + 2.
2.  Denotes that a number is positive and is read as plus. Redundant, but sometimes used for emphasizing that a number is positive, specially when other numbers in the context are or may be negative; for example, +2.
3.  Sometimes used instead of image for a disjoint union of sets.
   (minus sign)
1.  Denotes subtraction and is read as minus; for example, 3 – 2.
2.  Denotes the additive inverse and is read as minus, the negative of, or the opposite of; for example, –2.
3.  Also used in place of \ for denoting the set-theoretic complement; see \ in § Set theory.
×    (multiplication sign)
1.  In elementary arithmetic, denotes multiplication, and is read as times; for example, 3 × 2.
2.  In geometry and linear algebra, denotes the cross product.
3.  In set theory and category theory, denotes the Cartesian product and the direct product. See also × in § Set theory.
·    (dot)
1.  Denotes multiplication and is read as times; for example, 3 ⋅ 2.
2.  In geometry and linear algebra, denotes the dot product.
3.  Placeholder used for replacing an indeterminate element. For example, saying "the absolute value is denoted by | · |" is perhaps clearer than saying that it is denoted as | |.
±    (plus–minus sign)
1.  Denotes either a plus sign or a minus sign.
2.  Denotes the range of values that a measured quantity may have; for example, 10 ± 2 denotes an unknown value that lies between 8 and 12.
   (minus-plus sign)
Used paired with ±, denotes the opposite sign; that is, + if ± is , and if ± is +.
÷    (division sign)
Widely used for denoting division in Anglophone countries, it is no longer in common use in mathematics and its use is "not recommended". In some countries, it can indicate subtraction.
:    (colon)
1.  Denotes the ratio of two quantities.
2.  In some countries, may denote division.
3.  In set-builder notation, it is used as a separator meaning "such that"; see {□ : □}.
/    (slash)
1.  Denotes division and is read as divided by or over. Often replaced by a horizontal bar. For example, 3 / 2 or image.
2.  Denotes a quotient structure. For example, quotient set, quotient group, quotient category, etc.
3.  In number theory and field theory, image denotes a field extension, where F is an extension field of the field E.
4.  In probability theory, denotes a conditional probability. For example, image denotes the probability of A, given that B occurs. Usually denoted image: see "|".
   (square-root symbol)
Denotes square root and is read as the square root of. Rarely used in modern mathematics without a horizontal bar delimiting the width of its argument (see the next item). For example, √2.
     (radical symbol)
1.  Denotes square root and is read as the square root of. For example, image.
2.  With an integer greater than 2 as a left superscript, denotes an nth root. For example, image denotes the 7th root of 3.
^    (caret)
1.  Exponentiation is normally denoted with a superscript. However, image is often denoted x^y when superscripts are not easily available, such as in programming languages (including LaTeX) or plain text emails.
2.  Not to be confused with

Equality, equivalence and similarity

=    (equals sign)
1.  Denotes equality.
2.  Used for naming a mathematical object in a sentence like "let image", where E is an expression. See also , or image.
Any of these is sometimes used for naming a mathematical object. Thus, image image image and image are each an abbreviation of the phrase "let image", where image is an expression and image is a variable. This is similar to the concept of assignment in computer science, which is variously denoted (depending on the programming language used) image
   (not-equal sign)
Denotes inequality and means "not equal".
The most common symbol for denoting approximate equality. For example, image
~    (tilde)
1.  Between two numbers, either it is used instead of to mean "approximatively equal", or it means "has the same order of magnitude as".
2.  Denotes the asymptotic equivalence of two functions or sequences.
3.  Often used for denoting other types of similarity, for example, matrix similarity or similarity of geometric shapes.
4.  Standard notation for an equivalence relation.
5.  In probability and statistics, may specify the probability distribution of a random variable. For example, image means that the distribution of the random variable X is standard normal.
6.  Notation for proportionality. See also for a less ambiguous symbol.
   (triple bar)
1.  Denotes an identity; that is, an equality that is true whichever values are given to the variables occurring in it.
2.  In number theory, and more specifically in modular arithmetic, denotes the congruence modulo an integer.
3.  May denote a logical equivalence.
1.  May denote an isomorphism between two mathematical structures, and is read as "is isomorphic to".
2.  In geometry, may denote the congruence of two geometric shapes (that is the equality up to a displacement), and is read "is congruent to".


<    (less-than sign)
1.  Strict inequality between two numbers; means and is read as "less than".
2.  Commonly used for denoting any strict order.
3.  Between two groups, may mean that the first one is a proper subgroup of the second one.
>    (greater-than sign)
1.  Strict inequality between two numbers; means and is read as "greater than".
2.  Commonly used for denoting any strict order.
3.  Between two groups, may mean that the second one is a proper subgroup of the first one.
1.  Means "less than or equal to". That is, whatever A and B are, AB is equivalent to A < B or A = B.
2.  Between two groups, may mean that the first one is a subgroup of the second one.
1.  Means "greater than or equal to". That is, whatever A and B are, AB is equivalent to A > B or A = B.
2.  Between two groups, may mean that the second one is a subgroup of the first one.
1.  Means "much less than" and "much greater than". Generally, much is not formally defined, but means that the lesser quantity can be neglected with respect to the other. This is generally the case when the lesser quantity is smaller than the other by one or several orders of magnitude.
2.  In measure theory, image means that the measure image is absolutely continuous with respect to the measure image.
A rarely used symbol, generally a synonym of .
1.  Often used for denoting an order or, more generally, a preorder, when it would be confusing or not convenient to use < and >.
2.  Sequention in asynchronous logic.

Set theory

Denotes the empty set, and is more often written image. Using set-builder notation, it may also be denoted image.
#    (number sign)
1.  Number of elements: image may denote the cardinality of the set S. An alternative notation is image; see image.
2.  Primorial: image denotes the product of the prime numbers that are not greater than n.
3.  In topology, image denotes the connected sum of two manifolds or two knots.
Denotes set membership, and is read "is in", "belongs to", or "is a member of". That is, image means that x is an element of the set S.
Means "is not in". That is, image means image.
Denotes set inclusion. However two slightly different definitions are common.
1.  image may mean that A is a subset of B, and is possibly equal to B; that is, every element of A belongs to B; expressed as a formula, image.
2.  image may mean that A is a proper subset of B, that is the two sets are different, and every element of A belongs to B; expressed as a formula, image.
image means that A is a subset of B. Used for emphasizing that equality is possible, or when image means that image is a proper subset of image
image means that A is a proper subset of B. Used for emphasizing that image, or when image does not imply that image is a proper subset of image
⊃, ⊇, ⊋
Denote the converse relation of image, image, and image respectively. For example, image is equivalent to image.
Denotes set-theoretic union, that is, image is the set formed by the elements of A and B together. That is, image.
Denotes set-theoretic intersection, that is, image is the set formed by the elements of both A and B. That is, image.
Set difference; that is, image is the set formed by the elements of A that are not in B. Sometimes, image is used instead; see in § Arithmetic operators.
or image
Symmetric difference: that is, image or image is the set formed by the elements that belong to exactly one of the two sets A and B.
1.  With a subscript, denotes a set complement: that is, if image, then image.
2.  Without a subscript, denotes the absolute complement; that is, image, where U is a set implicitly defined by the context, which contains all sets under consideration. This set U is sometimes called the universe of discourse.
×    (multiplication sign)
See also × in § Arithmetic operators.
1.  Denotes the Cartesian product of two sets. That is, image is the set formed by all pairs of an element of A and an element of B.
2.  Denotes the direct product of two mathematical structures of the same type, which is the Cartesian product of the underlying sets, equipped with a structure of the same type. For example, direct product of rings, direct product of topological spaces.
3.  In category theory, denotes the direct product (often called simply product) of two objects, which is a generalization of the preceding concepts of product.
Denotes the disjoint union. That is, if A and B are sets then image is a set of pairs where iA and iB are distinct indices discriminating the members of A and B in image.
1.  Used for the disjoint union of a family of sets, such as in image
2.  Denotes the coproduct of mathematical structures or of objects in a category.

Basic logic

Several logical symbols are widely used in all mathematics, and are listed here. For symbols that are used only in mathematical logic, or are rarely used, see List of logic symbols.

¬    (not sign)
Denotes logical negation, and is read as "not". If E is a logical predicate, image is the predicate that evaluates to true if and only if E evaluates to false. For clarity, it is often replaced by the word "not". In programming languages and some mathematical texts, it is sometimes replaced by "~" or "!", which are easier to type on some keyboards.
   (descending wedge)
1.  Denotes the logical or, and is read as "or". If E and F are logical predicates, image is true if either E, F, or both are true. It is often replaced by the word "or".
2.  In lattice theory, denotes the join or least upper bound operation.
3.  In topology, denotes the wedge sum of two pointed spaces.
1.  Denotes the logical and, and is read as "and". If E and F are logical predicates, image is true if E and F are both true. It is often replaced by the word "and" or the symbol "&".
2.  In lattice theory, denotes the meet or greatest lower bound operation.
3.  In multilinear algebra, geometry, and multivariable calculus, denotes the wedge product or the exterior product.
Exclusive or: if E and F are two Boolean variables or predicates, image denotes the exclusive or. Notations E XOR F and image are also commonly used; see .
   (turned A)
1.  Denotes universal quantification and is read as "for all". If E is a logical predicate, image means that E is true for all possible values of the variable x.
2.  Often used in plain text as an abbreviation of "for all" or "for every".
1.  Denotes existential quantification and is read "there exists ... such that". If E is a logical predicate, image means that there exists at least one value of x for which E is true.
2.  Often used in plain text as an abbreviation of "there exists".
Denotes uniqueness quantification, that is, image means "there exists exactly one x such that P (is true)". In other words, image is an abbreviation of image.
1.  Denotes material conditional, and is read as "implies". If P and Q are logical predicates, image means that if P is true, then Q is also true. Thus, image is logically equivalent with image.
2.  Often used in plain text as an abbreviation of "implies".
1.  Denotes logical equivalence, and is read "is equivalent to" or "if and only if". If P and Q are logical predicates, image is thus an abbreviation of image, or of image.
2.  Often used in plain text as an abbreviation of "if and only if".
1.  image denotes the logical predicate always true.
2.  Denotes also the truth value true.
3.  Sometimes denotes the top element of a bounded lattice (previous meanings are specific examples).
4.  For the use as a superscript, see .
   (up tack)
1.  image denotes the logical predicate always false.
2.  Denotes also the truth value false.
3.  Sometimes denotes the bottom element of a bounded lattice (previous meanings are specific examples).
4.  In Cryptography often denotes an error in place of a regular value.
5.  For the use as a superscript, see .
6.  For the similar symbol, see image.

Blackboard bold

The blackboard bold typeface is widely used for denoting the basic number systems. These systems are often also denoted by the corresponding uppercase bold letter. A clear advantage of blackboard bold is that these symbols cannot be confused with anything else. This allows using them in any area of mathematics, without having to recall their definition. For example, if one encounters image in combinatorics, one should immediately know that this denotes the real numbers, although combinatorics does not study the real numbers (but it uses them for many proofs).

Denotes the set of natural numbers image or sometimes image When the distinction is important and readers might assume either definition, image and image are used, respectively, to denote one of them unambiguously. Notation image is also commonly used.
Denotes the set of integers image It is often denoted also by image
1.  Denotes the set of p-adic integers, where p is a prime number.
2.  Sometimes, image denotes the integers modulo n, where n is an integer greater than 0. The notation image is also used, and is less ambiguous.
Denotes the set of rational numbers (fractions of two integers). It is often denoted also by image
Denotes the set of p-adic numbers, where p is a prime number.
Denotes the set of real numbers. It is often denoted also by image
Denotes the set of complex numbers. It is often denoted also by image
Denotes the set of quaternions. It is often denoted also by image
Denotes the finite field with q elements, where q is a prime power (including prime numbers). It is denoted also by GF(q).
Used on rare occasions to denote the set of octonions. It is often denoted also by image


Lagrange's notation for the derivative: If f is a function of a single variable, image, read as "f prime", is the derivative of f with respect to this variable. The second derivative is the derivative of image, and is denoted image.
Newton's notation, most commonly used for the derivative with respect to time. If x is a variable depending on time, then image read as "x dot", is its derivative with respect to time. In particular, if x represents a moving point, then image is its velocity.
Newton's notation, for the second derivative: If x is a variable that represents a moving point, then image is its acceleration.
d □/d □
Leibniz's notation for the derivative, which is used in several slightly different ways.
1.  If y is a variable that depends on x, then image, read as "d y over d x" (commonly shortened to "d y d x"), is the derivative of y with respect to x.
2.  If f is a function of a single variable x, then image is the derivative of f, and image is the value of the derivative at a.
3.  Total derivative: If image is a function of several variables that depend on x, then image is the derivative of f considered as a function of x. That is, image.
∂ □/∂ □
Partial derivative: If image is a function of several variables, image is the derivative with respect to the ith variable considered as an independent variable, the other variables being considered as constants.
𝛿 □/𝛿 □
Functional derivative: If image is a functional of several functions, image is the functional derivative with respect to the nth function considered as an independent variable, the other functions being considered constant.
1.  Complex conjugate: If z is a complex number, then image is its complex conjugate. For example, image.
2.  Topological closure: If S is a subset of a topological space T, then image is its topological closure, that is, the smallest closed subset of T that contains S.
3.  Algebraic closure: If F is a field, then image is its algebraic closure, that is, the smallest algebraically closed field that contains F. For example, image is the field of all algebraic numbers.
4.  Mean value: If x is a variable that takes its values in some sequence of numbers S, then image may denote the mean of the elements of S.
5.  Negation: Sometimes used to denote negation of the entire expression under the bar, particularly when dealing with Boolean algebra. For example, one of De Morgan's laws says that image .
1.  image denotes a function with domain A and codomain B. For naming such a function, one writes image, which is read as "f from A to B".
2.  More generally, image denotes a homomorphism or a morphism from A to B.
3.  May denote a logical implication. For the material implication that is widely used in mathematics reasoning, it is nowadays generally replaced by . In mathematical logic, it remains used for denoting implication, but its exact meaning depends on the specific theory that is studied.
4.  Over a variable name, means that the variable represents a vector, in a context where ordinary variables represent scalars; for example, image. Boldface (image) or a circumflex (image) are often used for the same purpose.
5.  In Euclidean geometry and more generally in affine geometry, image denotes the vector defined by the two points P and Q, which can be identified with the translation that maps P to Q. The same vector can be denoted also image; see Affine space.
"Maps to": Used for defining a function without having to name it. For example, image is the square function.
1.  Function composition: If f and g are two functions, then image is the function such that image for every value of x.
2.  Hadamard product of matrices: If A and B are two matrices of the same size, then image is the matrix such that image. Possibly, image is also used instead of for the Hadamard product of power series.[citation needed]
1.  Boundary of a topological subspace: If S is a subspace of a topological space, then its boundary, denoted image, is the set difference between the closure and the interior of S.
2.  Partial derivative: see ∂□/∂□.
1.  Without a subscript, denotes an antiderivative. For example, image.
2.  With a subscript and a superscript, or expressions placed below and above it, denotes a definite integral. For example, image.
3.  With a subscript that denotes a curve, denotes a line integral. For example, image, if r is a parametrization of the curve C, from a to b.
Often used, typically in physics, instead of image for line integrals over a closed curve.
∬, ∯
Similar to image and image for surface integrals.
image or image
Nabla, the gradient, vector derivative operator image, also called del or grad,
or the covariant derivative.
2 or ∇⋅∇
Laplace operator or Laplacian: image. The forms image and image represent the dot product of the gradient (image or image) with itself. Also notated Δ (next item).
(Capital Greek letter delta—not to be confused with image, which may denote a geometric triangle or, alternatively, the symmetric difference of two sets.)
1.  Another notation for the Laplacian (see above).
2.  Operator of finite difference.
image or image
(Note: the notation image is not recommended for the four-gradient since both image and image are used to denote the d'Alembertian; see below.)
Quad, the 4-vector gradient operator or four-gradient, image.
image or image
(here an actual box, not a placeholder)
Denotes the d'Alembertian or squared four-gradient, which is a generalization of the Laplacian to four-dimensional spacetime. In flat spacetime with Euclidean coordinates, this may mean either image or image; the sign convention must be specified. In curved spacetime (or flat spacetime with non-Euclidean coordinates), the definition is more complicated. Also called box or quabla.

Linear and multilinear algebra

   (capital-sigma notation)
1.  Denotes the sum of a finite number of terms, which are determined by subscripts and superscripts (which can also be placed below and above), such as in image or image.
2.  Denotes a series and, if the series is convergent, the sum of the series. For example, image.
    (capital-pi notation)
1.  Denotes the product of a finite number of terms, which are determined by subscripts and superscripts (which can also be placed below and above), such as in image or image.
2.  Denotes an infinite product. For example, the Euler product formula for the Riemann zeta function is image.
3.  Also used for the Cartesian product of any number of sets and the direct product of any number of mathematical structures.
1.  Internal direct sum: if E and F are abelian subgroups of an abelian group V, notation image means that V is the direct sum of E and F; that is, every element of V can be written in a unique way as the sum of an element of E and an element of F. This applies also when E and F are linear subspaces or submodules of the vector space or module V.
2.  Direct sum: if E and F are two abelian groups, vector spaces, or modules, then their direct sum, denoted image is an abelian group, vector space, or module (respectively) equipped with two monomorphisms image and image such that image is the internal direct sum of image and image. This definition makes sense because this direct sum is unique up to a unique isomorphism.
3.  Exclusive or: if E and F are two Boolean variables or predicates, image may denote the exclusive or. Notations E XOR F and image are also commonly used; see .
1.  Denotes the tensor product of abelian groups, vector spaces, modules, or other mathematical structures, such as in image or image
2.  Denotes the tensor product of elements: if image and image then image
1.  Transpose: if A is a matrix, image denotes the transpose of A, that is, the matrix obtained by exchanging rows and columns of A. Notation image is also used. The symbol image is often replaced by the letter T or t.
2.  For inline uses of the symbol, see .
1.  Orthogonal complement: If W is a linear subspace of an inner product space V, then image denotes its orthogonal complement, that is, the linear space of the elements of V whose inner products with the elements of W are all zero.
2.  Orthogonal subspace in the dual space: If W is a linear subspace (or a submodule) of a vector space (or of a module) V, then image may denote the orthogonal subspace of W, that is, the set of all linear forms that map W to zero.
3.  For inline uses of the symbol, see .

Advanced group theory

1.  Inner semidirect product: if N and H are subgroups of a group G, such that N is a normal subgroup of G, then image and image mean that G is the semidirect product of N and H, that is, that every element of G can be uniquely decomposed as the product of an element of N and an element of H. (Unlike for the direct product of groups, the element of H may change if the order of the factors is changed.)
2.  Outer semidirect product: if N and H are two groups, and image is a group homomorphism from N to the automorphism group of H, then image denotes a group G, unique up to a group isomorphism, which is a semidirect product of N and H, with the commutation of elements of N and H defined by image.
In group theory, image denotes the wreath product of the groups G and H. It is also denoted as image or image; see Wreath product § Notation and conventions for several notation variants.

Infinite numbers

image    (infinity symbol)
1.  The symbol is read as infinity. As an upper bound of a summation, an infinite product, an integral, etc., means that the computation is unlimited. Similarly, image in a lower bound means that the computation is not limited toward negative values.
2.  image and image are the generalized numbers that are added to the real line to form the extended real line.
3.  image is the generalized number that is added to the real line to form the projectively extended real line.
image   (fraktur 𝔠)
image denotes the cardinality of the continuum, which is the cardinality of the set of real numbers.
image   (aleph)
With an ordinal i as a subscript, denotes the ith aleph number, that is the ith infinite cardinal. For example, image is the smallest infinite cardinal, that is, the cardinal of the natural numbers.
image   (bet (letter))
With an ordinal i as a subscript, denotes the ith beth number. For example, image is the cardinal of the natural numbers, and image is the cardinal of the continuum.
image   (omega)
1.  Denotes the first limit ordinal. It is also denoted image and can be identified with the ordered set of the natural numbers.
2.  With an ordinal i as a subscript, denotes the ith limit ordinal that has a cardinality greater than that of all preceding ordinals.
3.  In computer science, denotes the (unknown) greatest lower bound for the exponent of the computational complexity of matrix multiplication.
4.  Written as a function of another function, it is used for comparing the asymptotic growth of two functions. See Big O notation § Related asymptotic notations.
5.  In number theory, may denote the prime omega function. That is, image is the number of distinct prime factors of the integer n.


Many types of bracket are used in mathematics. Their meanings depend not only on their shapes, but also on the nature and the arrangement of what is delimited by them, and sometimes what appears between or before them. For this reason, in the entry titles, the symbol is used as a placeholder for schematizing the syntax that underlies the meaning.


Used in an expression for specifying that the sub-expression between the parentheses has to be considered as a single entity; typically used for specifying the order of operations.
□(□, □)
□(□, ..., □)
1.  Functional notation: if the first image is the name (symbol) of a function, denotes the value of the function applied to the expression between the parentheses; for example, image, image. In the case of a multivariate function, the parentheses contain several expressions separated by commas, such as image.
2.  May also denote a product, such as in image. When the confusion is possible, the context must distinguish which symbols denote functions, and which ones denote variables.
(□, □)
1.  Denotes an ordered pair of mathematical objects, for example, image.
2.  If a and b are real numbers, image, or image, and a < b, then image denotes the open interval delimited by a and b. See ]□, □[ for an alternative notation.
3.  If a and b are integers, image may denote the greatest common divisor of a and b. Notation image is often used instead.
(□, □, □)
If x, y, z are vectors in image, then image may denote the scalar triple product.[citation needed] See also [□,□,□] in § Square brackets.
(□, ..., □)
Denotes a tuple. If there are n objects separated by commas, it is an n-tuple.
(□, □, ...)
(□, ..., □, ...)
Denotes an infinite sequence.
Denotes a matrix. Often denoted with square brackets.
Denotes a binomial coefficient: Given two nonnegative integers, image is read as "n choose k", and is defined as the integer image (if k = 0, its value is conventionally 1). Using the left-hand-side expression, it denotes a polynomial in n, and is thus defined and used for any real or complex value of n.
Legendre symbol: If p is an odd prime number and a is an integer, the value of image is 1 if a is a quadratic residue modulo p; it is –1 if a is a quadratic non-residue modulo p; it is 0 if p divides a. The same notation is used for the Jacobi symbol and Kronecker symbol, which are generalizations where p is respectively any odd positive integer, or any integer.

Square brackets

1.  Sometimes used as a synonym of (□) for avoiding nested parentheses.
2.  Equivalence class: given an equivalence relation, image often denotes the equivalence class of the element x.
3.  Integral part: if x is a real number, image often denotes the integral part or truncation of x, that is, the integer obtained by removing all digits after the decimal mark. This notation has also been used for other variants of floor and ceiling functions.
4.  Iverson bracket: if P is a predicate, image may denote the Iverson bracket, that is the function that takes the value 1 for the values of the free variables in P for which P is true, and takes the value 0 otherwise. For example, image is the Kronecker delta function, which equals one if image, and zero otherwise.
5.  In combinatorics or computer science, sometimes image with image denotes the set image of positive integers up to n, with image.
Image of a subset: if S is a subset of the domain of the function f, then image is sometimes used for denoting the image of S. When no confusion is possible, notation f(S) is commonly used.
[□, □]
1.  Closed interval: if a and b are real numbers such that image, then image denotes the closed interval defined by them.
2.  Commutator (group theory): if a and b belong to a group, then image.
3.  Commutator (ring theory): if a and b belong to a ring, then image.
4.  Denotes the Lie bracket, the operation of a Lie algebra.
[□ : □]
1.  Degree of a field extension: if F is an extension of a field E, then image denotes the degree of the field extension image. For example, image.
2.  Index of a subgroup: if H is a subgroup of a group E, then image denotes the index of H in G. The notation |G:H| is also used
[□, □, □]
If x, y, z are vectors in image, then image may denote the scalar triple product. See also (□,□,□) in § Parentheses.
Denotes a matrix. Often denoted with parentheses.


{ }
Set-builder notation for the empty set, also denoted image or .
1.  Sometimes used as a synonym of (□) and [□] for avoiding nested parentheses.
2.  Set-builder notation for a singleton set: image denotes the set that has x as a single element.
{□, ..., □}
Set-builder notation: denotes the set whose elements are listed between the braces, separated by commas.
{□ : □}
{□ | □}
Set-builder notation: if image is a predicate depending on a variable x, then both image and image denote the set formed by the values of x for which image is true.
Single brace
1.  Used for emphasizing that several equations have to be considered as simultaneous equations; for example, image.
2.  Piecewise definition; for example, image.
3.  Used for grouped annotation of elements in a formula; for example, image, image, image

Other brackets

1.  Absolute value: if x is a real or complex number, image denotes its absolute value.
2.  Number of elements: If S is a set, image may denote its cardinality, that is, its number of elements. image is also often used, see #.
3.  Length of a line segment: If P and Q are two points in a Euclidean space, then image often denotes the length of the line segment that they define, which is the distance from P to Q, and is often denoted image.
4.  For a similar-looking operator, see |.
Index of a subgroup: if H is a subgroup of a group G, then image denotes the index of H in G. The notation [G:H] is also used
image denotes the determinant of the square matrix image.
1.  Denotes the norm of an element of a normed vector space.
2.  For the similar-looking operator named parallel, see .
Floor function: if x is a real number, image is the greatest integer that is not greater than x.
Ceiling function: if x is a real number, image is the lowest integer that is not lesser than x.
Nearest integer function: if x is a real number, image is the integer that is the closest to x.
]□, □[
Open interval: If a and b are real numbers, image, or image, and image, then image denotes the open interval delimited by a and b. See (□, □) for an alternative notation.
(□, □]
]□, □]
Both notations are used for a left-open interval.
[□, □)
[□, □[
Both notations are used for a right-open interval.
1.  Generated object: if S is a set of elements in an algebraic structure, image denotes often the object generated by S. If image, one writes image (that is, braces are omitted). In particular, this may denote
2.  Often used, mainly in physics, for denoting an expected value. In probability theory, image is generally used instead of image.
⟨□, □⟩
⟨□ | □⟩
Both image and image are commonly used for denoting the inner product in an inner product space.
Bra–ket notation or Dirac notation: if x and y are elements of an inner product space, image is the vector defined by x, and image is the covector defined by y; their inner product is image.

Symbols that do not belong to formulas

In this section, the symbols that are listed are used as some sorts of punctuation marks in mathematical reasoning, or as abbreviations of natural language phrases. They are generally not used inside a formula. Some were used in classical logic for indicating the logical dependence between sentences written in plain language. Except for the first two, they are normally not used in printed mathematical texts since, for readability, it is generally recommended to have at least one word between

A mathematical symbol is a figure or a combination of figures that is used to represent a mathematical object an action on mathematical objects a relation between mathematical objects or for structuring the other symbols that occur in a formula As formulas are entirely constituted with symbols of various types many symbols are needed for expressing all mathematics The most basic symbols are the decimal digits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and the letters of the Latin alphabet The decimal digits are used for representing numbers through the Hindu Arabic numeral system Historically upper case letters were used for representing points in geometry and lower case letters were used for variables and constants Letters are used for representing many other types of mathematical object As the number of these types has increased the Greek alphabet and some Hebrew letters have also come to be used For more symbols other typefaces are also used mainly boldface a A b B displaystyle mathbf a A b B ldots script typeface A B displaystyle mathcal A B ldots the lower case script face is rarely used because of the possible confusion with the standard face German fraktur a A b B displaystyle mathfrak a A b B ldots and blackboard bold N Z Q R C H Fq displaystyle mathbb N Z Q R C H F q the other letters are rarely used in this face or their use is unconventional It is commonplace to use alphabets fonts and typefaces to group symbols by type The use of specific Latin and Greek letters as symbols for denoting mathematical objects is not described in this article For such uses see Variable Conventional variable names and List of mathematical constants However some symbols that are described here have the same shape as the letter from which they are derived such as displaystyle textstyle prod and displaystyle textstyle sum These letters alone are not sufficient for the needs of mathematicians and many other symbols are used Some take their origin in punctuation marks and diacritics traditionally used in typography others by deforming letter forms as in the cases of displaystyle in and displaystyle forall Others such as and were specially designed for mathematics Layout of this articleNormally entries of a glossary are structured by topics and sorted alphabetically This is not possible here as there is no natural order on symbols and many symbols are used in different parts of mathematics with different meanings often completely unrelated Therefore some arbitrary choices had to be made which are summarized below The article is split into sections that are sorted by an increasing level of technicality That is the first sections contain the symbols that are encountered in most mathematical texts and that are supposed to be known even by beginners On the other hand the last sections contain symbols that are specific to some area of mathematics and are ignored outside these areas However the long section on brackets has been placed near to the end although most of its entries are elementary this makes it easier to search for a symbol entry by scrolling Most symbols have multiple meanings that are generally distinguished either by the area of mathematics where they are used or by their syntax that is by their position inside a formula and the nature of the other parts of the formula that are close to them As readers may not be aware of the area of mathematics to which the symbol that they are looking for is related the different meanings of a symbol are grouped in the section corresponding to their most common meaning When the meaning depends on the syntax a symbol may have different entries depending on the syntax For summarizing the syntax in the entry name the symbol displaystyle Box is used for representing the neighboring parts of a formula that contains the symbol See Brackets for examples of use Most symbols have two printed versions They can be displayed as Unicode characters or in LaTeX format With the Unicode version using search engines and copy pasting are easier On the other hand the LaTeX rendering is often much better more aesthetic and is generally considered a standard in mathematics Therefore in this article the Unicode version of the symbols is used when possible for labelling their entry and the LaTeX version is used in their description So for finding how to type a symbol in LaTeX it suffices to look at the source of the article For most symbols the entry name is the corresponding Unicode symbol So for searching the entry of a symbol it suffices to type or copy the Unicode symbol into the search textbox Similarly when possible the entry name of a symbol is also an anchor which allows linking easily from another Wikipedia article When an entry name contains special characters such as and there is also an anchor but one has to look at the article source to know it Finally when there is an article on the symbol itself not its mathematical meaning it is linked to in the entry name Arithmetic operators plus sign 1 Denotes addition and is read as plus for example 3 2 2 Denotes that a number is positive and is read as plus Redundant but sometimes used for emphasizing that a number is positive specially when other numbers in the context are or may be negative for example 2 3 Sometimes used instead of displaystyle sqcup for a disjoint union of sets minus sign 1 Denotes subtraction and is read as minus for example 3 2 2 Denotes the additive inverse and is read as minus the negative of or the opposite of for example 2 3 Also used in place of for denoting the set theoretic complement see in Set theory multiplication sign 1 In elementary arithmetic denotes multiplication and is read as times for example 3 2 2 In geometry and linear algebra denotes the cross product 3 In set theory and category theory denotes the Cartesian product and the direct product See also in Set theory dot 1 Denotes multiplication and is read as times for example 3 2 2 In geometry and linear algebra denotes the dot product 3 Placeholder used for replacing an indeterminate element For example saying the absolute value is denoted by is perhaps clearer than saying that it is denoted as plus minus sign 1 Denotes either a plus sign or a minus sign 2 Denotes the range of values that a measured quantity may have for example 10 2 denotes an unknown value that lies between 8 and 12 minus plus sign Used paired with denotes the opposite sign that is if is and if is division sign Widely used for denoting division in Anglophone countries it is no longer in common use in mathematics and its use is not recommended In some countries it can indicate subtraction colon 1 Denotes the ratio of two quantities 2 In some countries may denote division 3 In set builder notation it is used as a separator meaning such that see slash 1 Denotes division and is read as divided by or over Often replaced by a horizontal bar For example 3 2 or 32 displaystyle frac 3 2 2 Denotes a quotient structure For example quotient set quotient group quotient category etc 3 In number theory and field theory F E displaystyle F E denotes a field extension where F is an extension field of the field E 4 In probability theory denotes a conditional probability For example P A B displaystyle P A B denotes the probability of A given that B occurs Usually denoted P A B displaystyle P A mid B see square root symbol Denotes square root and is read as the square root of Rarely used in modern mathematics without a horizontal bar delimiting the width of its argument see the next item For example 2 radical symbol 1 Denotes square root and is read as the square root of For example 3 2 displaystyle sqrt 3 2 2 With an integer greater than 2 as a left superscript denotes an n th root For example 37 displaystyle sqrt 7 3 denotes the 7th root of 3 caret 1 Exponentiation is normally denoted with a superscript However xy displaystyle x y is often denoted x y when superscripts are not easily available such as in programming languages including LaTeX or plain text emails 2 Not to be confused with Equality equivalence and similarity equals sign 1 Denotes equality 2 Used for naming a mathematical object in a sentence like let x E displaystyle x E where E is an expression See also or displaystyle def displaystyle triangleq quad stackrel scriptscriptstyle mathrm def quad Any of these is sometimes used for naming a mathematical object Thus x E displaystyle x triangleq E x defE displaystyle x mathrel stackrel scriptscriptstyle mathrm def E x E displaystyle x mathrel E and E x displaystyle E mathrel x are each an abbreviation of the phrase let x E displaystyle x E where E displaystyle E is an expression and x displaystyle x is a variable This is similar to the concept of assignment in computer science which is variously denoted depending on the programming language used displaystyle leftarrow ldots not equal sign Denotes inequality and means not equal The most common symbol for denoting approximate equality For example p 3 14159 displaystyle pi approx 3 14159 tilde 1 Between two numbers either it is used instead of to mean approximatively equal or it means has the same order of magnitude as 2 Denotes the asymptotic equivalence of two functions or sequences 3 Often used for denoting other types of similarity for example matrix similarity or similarity of geometric shapes 4 Standard notation for an equivalence relation 5 In probability and statistics may specify the probability distribution of a random variable For example X N 0 1 displaystyle X sim N 0 1 means that the distribution of the random variable X is standard normal 6 Notation for proportionality See also for a less ambiguous symbol triple bar 1 Denotes an identity that is an equality that is true whichever values are given to the variables occurring in it 2 In number theory and more specifically in modular arithmetic denotes the congruence modulo an integer 3 May denote a logical equivalence displaystyle cong 1 May denote an isomorphism between two mathematical structures and is read as is isomorphic to 2 In geometry may denote the congruence of two geometric shapes that is the equality up to a displacement and is read is congruent to Comparison lt less than sign 1 Strict inequality between two numbers means and is read as less than 2 Commonly used for denoting any strict order 3 Between two groups may mean that the first one is a proper subgroup of the second one gt greater than sign 1 Strict inequality between two numbers means and is read as greater than 2 Commonly used for denoting any strict order 3 Between two groups may mean that the second one is a proper subgroup of the first one 1 Means less than or equal to That is whatever A and B are A B is equivalent to A lt B or A B 2 Between two groups may mean that the first one is a subgroup of the second one 1 Means greater than or equal to That is whatever A and B are A B is equivalent to A gt B or A B 2 Between two groups may mean that the second one is a subgroup of the first one and displaystyle ll text and gg 1 Means much less than and much greater than Generally much is not formally defined but means that the lesser quantity can be neglected with respect to the other This is generally the case when the lesser quantity is smaller than the other by one or several orders of magnitude 2 In measure theory m n displaystyle mu ll nu means that the measure m displaystyle mu is absolutely continuous with respect to the measure n displaystyle nu displaystyle leqq A rarely used symbol generally a synonym of and displaystyle prec text and succ 1 Often used for denoting an order or more generally a preorder when it would be confusing or not convenient to use lt and gt 2 Sequention in asynchronous logic Set theory Denotes the empty set and is more often written displaystyle emptyset Using set builder notation it may also be denoted displaystyle number sign 1 Number of elements S displaystyle S may denote the cardinality of the set S An alternative notation is S displaystyle S see displaystyle square 2 Primorial n displaystyle n denotes the product of the prime numbers that are not greater than n 3 In topology M N displaystyle M N denotes the connected sum of two manifolds or two knots Denotes set membership and is read is in belongs to or is a member of That is x S displaystyle x in S means that x is an element of the set S Means is not in That is x S displaystyle x notin S means x S displaystyle neg x in S Denotes set inclusion However two slightly different definitions are common 1 A B displaystyle A subset B may mean that A is a subset of B and is possibly equal to B that is every element of A belongs to B expressed as a formula x x A x B displaystyle forall x x in A Rightarrow x in B 2 A B displaystyle A subset B may mean that A is a proper subset of B that is the two sets are different and every element of A belongs to B expressed as a formula A B x x A x B displaystyle A neq B land forall x x in A Rightarrow x in B A B displaystyle A subseteq B means that A is a subset of B Used for emphasizing that equality is possible or when A B displaystyle A subset B means that A displaystyle A is a proper subset of B displaystyle B A B displaystyle A subsetneq B means that A is a proper subset of B Used for emphasizing that A B displaystyle A neq B or when A B displaystyle A subset B does not imply that A displaystyle A is a proper subset of B displaystyle B Denote the converse relation of displaystyle subset displaystyle subseteq and displaystyle subsetneq respectively For example B A displaystyle B supset A is equivalent to A B displaystyle A subset B Denotes set theoretic union that is A B displaystyle A cup B is the set formed by the elements of A and B together That is A B x x A x B displaystyle A cup B x mid x in A lor x in B Denotes set theoretic intersection that is A B displaystyle A cap B is the set formed by the elements of both A and B That is A B x x A x B displaystyle A cap B x mid x in A land x in B backslash Set difference that is A B displaystyle A setminus B is the set formed by the elements of A that are not in B Sometimes A B displaystyle A B is used instead see in Arithmetic operators or displaystyle triangle Symmetric difference that is A B displaystyle A ominus B or A B displaystyle A operatorname triangle B is the set formed by the elements that belong to exactly one of the two sets A and B displaystyle complement 1 With a subscript denotes a set complement that is if B A displaystyle B subseteq A then AB A B displaystyle complement A B A setminus B 2 Without a subscript denotes the absolute complement that is A UA displaystyle complement A complement U A where U is a set implicitly defined by the context which contains all sets under consideration This set U is sometimes called the universe of discourse multiplication sign See also in Arithmetic operators 1 Denotes the Cartesian product of two sets That is A B displaystyle A times B is the set formed by all pairs of an element of A and an element of B 2 Denotes the direct product of two mathematical structures of the same type which is the Cartesian product of the underlying sets equipped with a structure of the same type For example direct product of rings direct product of topological spaces 3 In category theory denotes the direct product often called simply product of two objects which is a generalization of the preceding concepts of product displaystyle sqcup Denotes the disjoint union That is if A and B are sets then A B A iA B iB displaystyle A sqcup B left A times i A right cup left B times i B right is a set of pairs where iA and iB are distinct indices discriminating the members of A and B in A B displaystyle A sqcup B or displaystyle bigsqcup text or coprod 1 Used for the disjoint union of a family of sets such as in i IAi textstyle bigsqcup i in I A i 2 Denotes the coproduct of mathematical structures or of objects in a category Basic logicSeveral logical symbols are widely used in all mathematics and are listed here For symbols that are used only in mathematical logic or are rarely used see List of logic symbols not sign Denotes logical negation and is read as not If E is a logical predicate E displaystyle neg E is the predicate that evaluates to true if and only if E evaluates to false For clarity it is often replaced by the word not In programming languages and some mathematical texts it is sometimes replaced by or which are easier to type on some keyboards descending wedge 1 Denotes the logical or and is read as or If E and F are logical predicates E F displaystyle E lor F is true if either E F or both are true It is often replaced by the word or 2 In lattice theory denotes the join or least upper bound operation 3 In topology denotes the wedge sum of two pointed spaces wedge 1 Denotes the logical and and is read as and If E and F are logical predicates E F displaystyle E land F is true if E and F are both true It is often replaced by the word and or the symbol amp 2 In lattice theory denotes the meet or greatest lower bound operation 3 In multilinear algebra geometry and multivariable calculus denotes the wedge product or the exterior product Exclusive or if E and F are two Boolean variables or predicates E F displaystyle E veebar F denotes the exclusive or Notations E XOR F and E F displaystyle E oplus F are also commonly used see turned A 1 Denotes universal quantification and is read as for all If E is a logical predicate xE displaystyle forall x E means that E is true for all possible values of the variable x 2 Often used in plain text as an abbreviation of for all or for every 1 Denotes existential quantification and is read there exists such that If E is a logical predicate xE displaystyle exists x E means that there exists at least one value of x for which E is true 2 Often used in plain text as an abbreviation of there exists Denotes uniqueness quantification that is xP displaystyle exists x P means there exists exactly one x such that P is true In other words xP x displaystyle exists x P x is an abbreviation of x P x y P y y x displaystyle exists x P x wedge neg exists y P y wedge y neq x 1 Denotes material conditional and is read as implies If P and Q are logical predicates P Q displaystyle P Rightarrow Q means that if P is true then Q is also true Thus P Q displaystyle P Rightarrow Q is logically equivalent with Q P displaystyle Q lor neg P 2 Often used in plain text as an abbreviation of implies 1 Denotes logical equivalence and is read is equivalent to or if and only if If P and Q are logical predicates P Q displaystyle P Leftrightarrow Q is thus an abbreviation of P Q Q P displaystyle P Rightarrow Q land Q Rightarrow P or of P Q P Q displaystyle P land Q lor neg P land neg Q 2 Often used in plain text as an abbreviation of if and only if tee 1 displaystyle top denotes the logical predicate always true 2 Denotes also the truth value true 3 Sometimes denotes the top element of a bounded lattice previous meanings are specific examples 4 For the use as a superscript see up tack 1 displaystyle bot denotes the logical predicate always false 2 Denotes also the truth value false 3 Sometimes denotes the bottom element of a bounded lattice previous meanings are specific examples 4 In Cryptography often denotes an error in place of a regular value 5 For the use as a superscript see 6 For the similar symbol see displaystyle perp Blackboard boldThe blackboard bold typeface is widely used for denoting the basic number systems These systems are often also denoted by the corresponding uppercase bold letter A clear advantage of blackboard bold is that these symbols cannot be confused with anything else This allows using them in any area of mathematics without having to recall their definition For example if one encounters R displaystyle mathbb R in combinatorics one should immediately know that this denotes the real numbers although combinatorics does not study the real numbers but it uses them for many proofs N displaystyle mathbb N Denotes the set of natural numbers 1 2 displaystyle 1 2 ldots or sometimes 0 1 2 displaystyle 0 1 2 ldots When the distinction is important and readers might assume either definition N1 displaystyle mathbb N 1 and N0 displaystyle mathbb N 0 are used respectively to denote one of them unambiguously Notation N displaystyle mathbf N is also commonly used Z displaystyle mathbb Z Denotes the set of integers 2 1 0 1 2 displaystyle ldots 2 1 0 1 2 ldots It is often denoted also by Z displaystyle mathbf Z Zp displaystyle mathbb Z p 1 Denotes the set of p adic integers where p is a prime number 2 Sometimes Zn displaystyle mathbb Z n denotes the integers modulo n where n is an integer greater than 0 The notation Z nZ displaystyle mathbb Z n mathbb Z is also used and is less ambiguous Q displaystyle mathbb Q Denotes the set of rational numbers fractions of two integers It is often denoted also by Q displaystyle mathbf Q Qp displaystyle mathbb Q p Denotes the set of p adic numbers where p is a prime number R displaystyle mathbb R Denotes the set of real numbers It is often denoted also by R displaystyle mathbf R C displaystyle mathbb C Denotes the set of complex numbers It is often denoted also by C displaystyle mathbf C H displaystyle mathbb H Denotes the set of quaternions It is often denoted also by H displaystyle mathbf H Fq displaystyle mathbb F q Denotes the finite field with q elements where q is a prime power including prime numbers It is denoted also by GF q O displaystyle mathbb O Used on rare occasions to denote the set of octonions It is often denoted also by O displaystyle mathbf O Calculus Lagrange s notation for the derivative If f is a function of a single variable f displaystyle f read as f prime is the derivative of f with respect to this variable The second derivative is the derivative of f displaystyle f and is denoted f displaystyle f displaystyle dot Box Newton s notation most commonly used for the derivative with respect to time If x is a variable depending on time then x displaystyle dot x read as x dot is its derivative with respect to time In particular if x represents a moving point then x displaystyle dot x is its velocity displaystyle ddot Box Newton s notation for the second derivative If x is a variable that represents a moving point then x displaystyle ddot x is its acceleration d d Leibniz s notation for the derivative which is used in several slightly different ways 1 If y is a variable that depends on x then dydx displaystyle textstyle frac mathrm d y mathrm d x read as d y over d x commonly shortened to d y d x is the derivative of y with respect to x 2 If f is a function of a single variable x then dfdx displaystyle textstyle frac mathrm d f mathrm d x is the derivative of f and dfdx a displaystyle textstyle frac mathrm d f mathrm d x a is the value of the derivative at a 3 Total derivative If f x1 xn displaystyle f x 1 ldots x n is a function of several variables that depend on x then dfdx displaystyle textstyle frac mathrm d f mathrm d x is the derivative of f considered as a function of x That is dfdx i 1n f xidxidx displaystyle textstyle frac mathrm d f dx sum i 1 n frac partial f partial x i frac mathrm d x i mathrm d x Partial derivative If f x1 xn displaystyle f x 1 ldots x n is a function of several variables f xi displaystyle textstyle frac partial f partial x i is the derivative with respect to the i th variable considered as an independent variable the other variables being considered as constants 𝛿 𝛿 Functional derivative If f y1 yn displaystyle f y 1 ldots y n is a functional of several functions dfdyi displaystyle textstyle frac delta f delta y i is the functional derivative with respect to the n th function considered as an independent variable the other functions being considered constant displaystyle overline Box 1 Complex conjugate If z is a complex number then z displaystyle overline z is its complex conjugate For example a bi a bi displaystyle overline a bi a bi 2 Topological closure If S is a subset of a topological space T then S displaystyle overline S is its topological closure that is the smallest closed subset of T that contains S 3 Algebraic closure If F is a field then F displaystyle overline F is its algebraic closure that is the smallest algebraically closed field that contains F For example Q displaystyle overline mathbb Q is the field of all algebraic numbers 4 Mean value If x is a variable that takes its values in some sequence of numbers S then x displaystyle overline x may denote the mean of the elements of S 5 Negation Sometimes used to denote negation of the entire expression under the bar particularly when dealing with Boolean algebra For example one of De Morgan s laws says that A B A B displaystyle overline A land B overline A lor overline B 1 A B displaystyle A to B denotes a function with domain A and codomain B For naming such a function one writes f A B displaystyle f A to B which is read as f from A to B 2 More generally A B displaystyle A to B denotes a homomorphism or a morphism from A to B 3 May denote a logical implication For the material implication that is widely used in mathematics reasoning it is nowadays generally replaced by In mathematical logic it remains used for denoting implication but its exact meaning depends on the specific theory that is studied 4 Over a variable name means that the variable represents a vector in a context where ordinary variables represent scalars for example v displaystyle overrightarrow v Boldface v displaystyle mathbf v or a circumflex v displaystyle hat v are often used for the same purpose 5 In Euclidean geometry and more generally in affine geometry PQ displaystyle overrightarrow PQ denotes the vector defined by the two points P and Q which can be identified with the translation that maps P to Q The same vector can be denoted also Q P displaystyle Q P see Affine space Maps to Used for defining a function without having to name it For example x x2 displaystyle x mapsto x 2 is the square function 1 Function composition If f and g are two functions then g f displaystyle g circ f is the function such that g f x g f x displaystyle g circ f x g f x for every value of x 2 Hadamard product of matrices If A and B are two matrices of the same size then A B displaystyle A circ B is the matrix such that A B i j A i j B i j displaystyle A circ B i j A i j B i j Possibly displaystyle circ is also used instead of for the Hadamard product of power series citation needed 1 Boundary of a topological subspace If S is a subspace of a topological space then its boundary denoted S displaystyle partial S is the set difference between the closure and the interior of S 2 Partial derivative see 1 Without a subscript denotes an antiderivative For example x2dx x33 C displaystyle textstyle int x 2 dx frac x 3 3 C 2 With a subscript and a superscript or expressions placed below and above it denotes a definite integral For example abx2dx b3 a33 displaystyle textstyle int a b x 2 dx frac b 3 a 3 3 3 With a subscript that denotes a curve denotes a line integral For example Cf abf r t r t d t displaystyle textstyle int C f int a b f r t r t operatorname d t if r is a parametrization of the curve C from a to b Often used typically in physics instead of displaystyle textstyle int for line integrals over a closed curve Similar to displaystyle textstyle int and displaystyle textstyle oint for surface integrals displaystyle boldsymbol nabla or displaystyle vec nabla Nabla the gradient vector derivative operator x y z displaystyle textstyle left frac partial partial x frac partial partial y frac partial partial z right also called del or grad or the covariant derivative 2 or Laplace operator or Laplacian 2 x2 2 y2 2 z2 displaystyle textstyle frac partial 2 partial x 2 frac partial 2 partial y 2 frac partial 2 partial z 2 The forms 2 displaystyle nabla 2 and displaystyle boldsymbol nabla cdot boldsymbol nabla represent the dot product of the gradient displaystyle boldsymbol nabla or displaystyle vec nabla with itself Also notated D next item D Capital Greek letter delta not to be confused with displaystyle triangle which may denote a geometric triangle or alternatively the symmetric difference of two sets 1 Another notation for the Laplacian see above 2 Operator of finite difference displaystyle boldsymbol partial or m displaystyle partial mu Note the notation displaystyle Box is not recommended for the four gradient since both displaystyle Box and 2 displaystyle Box 2 are used to denote the d Alembertian see below Quad the 4 vector gradient operator or four gradient t x y z displaystyle textstyle left frac partial partial t frac partial partial x frac partial partial y frac partial partial z right displaystyle Box or 2 displaystyle Box 2 here an actual box not a placeholder Denotes the d Alembertian or squared four gradient which is a generalization of the Laplacian to four dimensional spacetime In flat spacetime with Euclidean coordinates this may mean either 2 t2 2 x2 2 y2 2 z2 displaystyle textstyle frac partial 2 partial t 2 frac partial 2 partial x 2 frac partial 2 partial y 2 frac partial 2 partial z 2 or 2 t2 2 x2 2 y2 2 z2 displaystyle textstyle frac partial 2 partial t 2 frac partial 2 partial x 2 frac partial 2 partial y 2 frac partial 2 partial z 2 the sign convention must be specified In curved spacetime or flat spacetime with non Euclidean coordinates the definition is more complicated Also called box or quabla Linear and multilinear algebra capital sigma notation 1 Denotes the sum of a finite number of terms which are determined by subscripts and superscripts which can also be placed below and above such as in i 1ni2 displaystyle textstyle sum i 1 n i 2 or 0 lt i lt j lt nj i displaystyle textstyle sum 0 lt i lt j lt n j i 2 Denotes a series and if the series is convergent the sum of the series For example i 0 xii ex displaystyle textstyle sum i 0 infty frac x i i e x capital pi notation 1 Denotes the product of a finite number of terms which are determined by subscripts and superscripts which can also be placed below and above such as in i 1ni2 displaystyle textstyle prod i 1 n i 2 or 0 lt i lt j lt nj i displaystyle textstyle prod 0 lt i lt j lt n j i 2 Denotes an infinite product For example the Euler product formula for the Riemann zeta function is z z n 1 11 pn z displaystyle textstyle zeta z prod n 1 infty frac 1 1 p n z 3 Also used for the Cartesian product of any number of sets and the direct product of any number of mathematical structures displaystyle oplus 1 Internal direct sum if E and F are abelian subgroups of an abelian group V notation V E F displaystyle V E oplus F means that V is the direct sum of E and F that is every element of V can be written in a unique way as the sum of an element of E and an element of F This applies also when E and F are linear subspaces or submodules of the vector space or module V 2 Direct sum if E and F are two abelian groups vector spaces or modules then their direct sum denoted E F displaystyle E oplus F is an abelian group vector space or module respectively equipped with two monomorphisms f E E F displaystyle f E to E oplus F and g F E F displaystyle g F to E oplus F such that E F displaystyle E oplus F is the internal direct sum of f E displaystyle f E and g F displaystyle g F This definition makes sense because this direct sum is unique up to a unique isomorphism 3 Exclusive or if E and F are two Boolean variables or predicates E F displaystyle E oplus F may denote the exclusive or Notations E XOR F and E F displaystyle E veebar F are also commonly used see displaystyle otimes 1 Denotes the tensor product of abelian groups vector spaces modules or other mathematical structures such as in E F displaystyle E otimes F or E KF displaystyle E otimes K F 2 Denotes the tensor product of elements if x E displaystyle x in E and y F displaystyle y in F then x y E F displaystyle x otimes y in E otimes F 1 Transpose if A is a matrix A displaystyle A top denotes the transpose of A that is the matrix obtained by exchanging rows and columns of A Notation A displaystyle top A is also used The symbol displaystyle top is often replaced by the letter T or t 2 For inline uses of the symbol see 1 Orthogonal complement If W is a linear subspace of an inner product space V then W displaystyle W bot denotes its orthogonal complement that is the linear space of the elements of V whose inner products with the elements of W are all zero 2 Orthogonal subspace in the dual space If W is a linear subspace or a submodule of a vector space or of a module V then W displaystyle W bot may denote the orthogonal subspace of W that is the set of all linear forms that map W to zero 3 For inline uses of the symbol see Advanced group theory 1 Inner semidirect product if N and H are subgroups of a group G such that N is a normal subgroup of G then G N H displaystyle G N rtimes H and G H N displaystyle G H ltimes N mean that G is the semidirect product of N and H that is that every element of G can be uniquely decomposed as the product of an element of N and an element of H Unlike for the direct product of groups the element of H may change if the order of the factors is changed 2 Outer semidirect product if N and H are two groups and f displaystyle varphi is a group homomorphism from N to the automorphism group of H then N fH H fN displaystyle N rtimes varphi H H ltimes varphi N denotes a group G unique up to a group isomorphism which is a semidirect product of N and H with the commutation of elements of N and H defined by f displaystyle varphi In group theory G H displaystyle G wr H denotes the wreath product of the groups G and H It is also denoted as Gwr H displaystyle G operatorname wr H or GWr H displaystyle G operatorname Wr H see Wreath product Notation and conventions for several notation variants Infinite numbers displaystyle infty infinity symbol 1 The symbol is read as infinity As an upper bound of a summation an infinite product an integral etc means that the computation is unlimited Similarly displaystyle infty in a lower bound means that the computation is not limited toward negative values 2 displaystyle infty and displaystyle infty are the generalized numbers that are added to the real line to form the extended real line 3 displaystyle infty is the generalized number that is added to the real line to form the projectively extended real line c displaystyle mathfrak c fraktur 𝔠 c displaystyle mathfrak c denotes the cardinality of the continuum which is the cardinality of the set of real numbers ℵ displaystyle aleph aleph With an ordinal i as a subscript denotes the i th aleph number that is the i th infinite cardinal For example ℵ0 displaystyle aleph 0 is the smallest infinite cardinal that is the cardinal of the natural numbers ℶ displaystyle beth bet letter With an ordinal i as a subscript denotes the i th beth number For example ℶ0 displaystyle beth 0 is the cardinal of the natural numbers and ℶ1 displaystyle beth 1 is the cardinal of the continuum w displaystyle omega omega 1 Denotes the first limit ordinal It is also denoted w0 displaystyle omega 0 and can be identified with the ordered set of the natural numbers 2 With an ordinal i as a subscript denotes the i th limit ordinal that has a cardinality greater than that of all preceding ordinals 3 In computer science denotes the unknown greatest lower bound for the exponent of the computational complexity of matrix multiplication 4 Written as a function of another function it is used for comparing the asymptotic growth of two functions See Big O notation Related asymptotic notations 5 In number theory may denote the prime omega function That is w n displaystyle omega n is the number of distinct prime factors of the integer n BracketsMany types of bracket are used in mathematics Their meanings depend not only on their shapes but also on the nature and the arrangement of what is delimited by them and sometimes what appears between or before them For this reason in the entry titles the symbol is used as a placeholder for schematizing the syntax that underlies the meaning Parentheses Used in an expression for specifying that the sub expression between the parentheses has to be considered as a single entity typically used for specifying the order of operations 1 Functional notation if the first displaystyle Box is the name symbol of a function denotes the value of the function applied to the expression between the parentheses for example f x displaystyle f x sin x y displaystyle sin x y In the case of a multivariate function the parentheses contain several expressions separated by commas such as f x y displaystyle f x y 2 May also denote a product such as in a b c displaystyle a b c When the confusion is possible the context must distinguish which symbols denote functions and which ones denote variables 1 Denotes an ordered pair of mathematical objects for example p 0 displaystyle pi 0 2 If a and b are real numbers displaystyle infty or displaystyle infty and a lt b then a b displaystyle a b denotes the open interval delimited by a and b See for an alternative notation 3 If a and b are integers a b displaystyle a b may denote the greatest common divisor of a and b Notation gcd a b displaystyle gcd a b is often used instead If x y z are vectors in R3 displaystyle mathbb R 3 then x y z displaystyle x y z may denote the scalar triple product citation needed See also in Square brackets Denotes a tuple If there are n objects separated by commas it is an n tuple Denotes an infinite sequence displaystyle begin pmatrix Box amp cdots amp Box vdots amp ddots amp vdots Box amp cdots amp Box end pmatrix Denotes a matrix Often denoted with square brackets displaystyle binom Box Box Denotes a binomial coefficient Given two nonnegative integers nk displaystyle binom n k is read as n choose k and is defined as the integer n n 1 n k 1 1 2 k n k n k displaystyle frac n n 1 cdots n k 1 1 cdot 2 cdots k frac n k n k if k 0 its value is conventionally 1 Using the left hand side expression it denotes a polynomial in n and is thus defined and used for any real or complex value of n displaystyle left frac Box Box right Legendre symbol If p is an odd prime number and a is an integer the value of ap displaystyle left frac a p right is 1 if a is a quadratic residue modulo p it is 1 if a is a quadratic non residue modulo p it is 0 if p divides a The same notation is used for the Jacobi symbol and Kronecker symbol which are generalizations where p is respectively any odd positive integer or any integer Square brackets 1 Sometimes used as a synonym of for avoiding nested parentheses 2 Equivalence class given an equivalence relation x displaystyle x often denotes the equivalence class of the element x 3 Integral part if x is a real number x displaystyle x often denotes the integral part or truncation of x that is the integer obtained by removing all digits after the decimal mark This notation has also been used for other variants of floor and ceiling functions 4 Iverson bracket if P is a predicate P displaystyle P may denote the Iverson bracket that is the function that takes the value 1 for the values of the free variables in P for which P is true and takes the value 0 otherwise For example x y displaystyle x y is the Kronecker delta function which equals one if x y displaystyle x y and zero otherwise 5 In combinatorics or computer science sometimes n displaystyle n with n N displaystyle n in mathbb N denotes the set 1 2 3 n displaystyle 1 2 3 ldots n of positive integers up to n with 0 displaystyle 0 emptyset Image of a subset if S is a subset of the domain of the function f then f S displaystyle f S is sometimes used for denoting the image of S When no confusion is possible notation f S is commonly used 1 Closed interval if a and b are real numbers such that a b displaystyle a leq b then a b displaystyle a b denotes the closed interval defined by them 2 Commutator group theory if a and b belong to a group then a b a 1b 1ab displaystyle a b a 1 b 1 ab 3 Commutator ring theory if a and b belong to a ring then a b ab ba displaystyle a b ab ba 4 Denotes the Lie bracket the operation of a Lie algebra 1 Degree of a field extension if F is an extension of a field E then F E displaystyle F E denotes the degree of the field extension F E displaystyle F E For example C R 2 displaystyle mathbb C mathbb R 2 2 Index of a subgroup if H is a subgroup of a group E then G H displaystyle G H denotes the index of H in G The notation G H is also used If x y z are vectors in R3 displaystyle mathbb R 3 then x y z displaystyle x y z may denote the scalar triple product See also in Parentheses displaystyle begin bmatrix Box amp cdots amp Box vdots amp ddots amp vdots Box amp cdots amp Box end bmatrix Denotes a matrix Often denoted with parentheses Braces Set builder notation for the empty set also denoted displaystyle emptyset or 1 Sometimes used as a synonym of and for avoiding nested parentheses 2 Set builder notation for a singleton set x displaystyle x denotes the set that has x as a single element Set builder notation denotes the set whose elements are listed between the braces separated by commas Set builder notation if P x displaystyle P x is a predicate depending on a variable x then both x P x displaystyle x P x and x P x displaystyle x mid P x denote the set formed by the values of x for which P x displaystyle P x is true Single brace 1 Used for emphasizing that several equations have to be considered as simultaneous equations for example 2x y 13x y 1 displaystyle textstyle begin cases 2x y 1 3x y 1 end cases 2 Piecewise definition for example x xif x 0 xif x lt 0 displaystyle textstyle x begin cases x amp text if x geq 0 x amp text if x lt 0 end cases 3 Used for grouped annotation of elements in a formula for example a b z 26 displaystyle textstyle underbrace a b ldots z 26 1 2 100 5050 displaystyle textstyle overbrace 1 2 cdots 100 5050 AB m n rows displaystyle textstyle left begin bmatrix A B end bmatrix right m n text rows Other brackets 1 Absolute value if x is a real or complex number x displaystyle x denotes its absolute value 2 Number of elements If S is a set S displaystyle S may denote its cardinality that is its number of elements S displaystyle S is also often used see 3 Length of a line segment If P and Q are two points in a Euclidean space then PQ displaystyle PQ often denotes the length of the line segment that they define which is the distance from P to Q and is often denoted d P Q displaystyle d P Q 4 For a similar looking operator see Index of a subgroup if H is a subgroup of a group G then G H displaystyle G H denotes the index of H in G The notation G H is also used displaystyle textstyle begin vmatrix Box amp cdots amp Box vdots amp ddots amp vdots Box amp cdots amp Box end vmatrix x1 1 x1 n xn 1 xn n displaystyle begin vmatrix x 1 1 amp cdots amp x 1 n vdots amp ddots amp vdots x n 1 amp cdots amp x n n end vmatrix denotes the determinant of the square matrix x1 1 x1 n xn 1 xn n displaystyle begin bmatrix x 1 1 amp cdots amp x 1 n vdots amp ddots amp vdots x n 1 amp cdots amp x n n end bmatrix 1 Denotes the norm of an element of a normed vector space 2 For the similar looking operator named parallel see Floor function if x is a real number x displaystyle lfloor x rfloor is the greatest integer that is not greater than x Ceiling function if x is a real number x displaystyle lceil x rceil is the lowest integer that is not lesser than x Nearest integer function if x is a real number x displaystyle lfloor x rceil is the integer that is the closest to x Open interval If a and b are real numbers displaystyle infty or displaystyle infty and a lt b displaystyle a lt b then a b displaystyle a b denotes the open interval delimited by a and b See for an alternative notation Both notations are used for a left open interval Both notations are used for a right open interval 1 Generated object if S is a set of elements in an algebraic structure S displaystyle langle S rangle denotes often the object generated by S If S s1 sn displaystyle S s 1 ldots s n one writes s1 sn displaystyle langle s 1 ldots s n rangle that is braces are omitted In particular this may denote the linear span in a vector space also often denoted Span S the generated subgroup in a group the generated ideal in a ring the generated submodule in a module 2 Often used mainly in physics for denoting an expected value In probability theory E X displaystyle E X is generally used instead of S displaystyle langle S rangle Both x y displaystyle langle x y rangle and x y displaystyle langle x mid y rangle are commonly used for denoting the inner product in an inner product space and displaystyle langle Box text and Box rangle Bra ket notation or Dirac notation if x and y are elements of an inner product space x displaystyle x rangle is the vector defined by x and y displaystyle langle y is the covector defined by y their inner product is y x displaystyle langle y mid x rangle Symbols that do not belong to formulasIn this section the symbols that are listed are used as some sorts of punctuation marks in mathematical reasoning or as abbreviations of natural language phrases They are generally not used inside a formula Some were used in classical logic for indicating the logical dependence between sentences written in plain language Except for the first two they are normally not used in printed mathematical texts since for readability it is generally recommended to have at least one word between

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