In mathematics, an affine space is a geometric structure that generalizes some of the properties of Euclidean spaces in such a way that these are independent of the concepts of distance and measure of angles, keeping only the properties related to parallelism and ratio of lengths for parallel line segments. Affine space is the setting for affine geometry.
As in Euclidean space, the fundamental objects in an affine space are called points, which can be thought of as locations in the space without any size or shape: zero-dimensional. Through any pair of points an infinite straight line can be drawn, a one-dimensional set of points; through any three points that are not collinear, a two-dimensional plane can be drawn; and, in general, through k + 1 points in general position, a k-dimensional flat or affine subspace can be drawn. Affine space is characterized by a notion of pairs of parallel lines that lie within the same plane but never meet each-other (non-parallel lines within the same plane intersect in a point). Given any line, a line parallel to it can be drawn through any point in the space, and the equivalence class of parallel lines are said to share a direction.
Unlike for vectors in a vector space, in an affine space there is no distinguished point that serves as an origin. There is no predefined concept of adding or multiplying points together, or multiplying a point by a scalar number. However, for any affine space, an associated vector space can be constructed from the differences between start and end points, which are called free vectors, displacement vectors, translation vectors or simply translations. Likewise, it makes sense to add a displacement vector to a point of an affine space, resulting in a new point translated from the starting point by that vector. While points cannot be arbitrarily added together, it is meaningful to take affine combinations of points: weighted sums with numerical coefficients summing to 1, resulting in another point. These coefficients define a barycentric coordinate system for the flat through the points.
Any vector space may be viewed as an affine space; this amounts to "forgetting" the special role played by the zero vector. In this case, elements of the vector space may be viewed either as points of the affine space or as displacement vectors or translations. When considered as a point, the zero vector is called the origin. Adding a fixed vector to the elements of a linear subspace (vector subspace) of a vector space produces an affine subspace of the vector space. One commonly says that this affine subspace has been obtained by translating (away from the origin) the linear subspace by the translation vector (the vector added to all the elements of the linear space). In finite dimensions, such an affine subspace is the solution set of an inhomogeneous linear system. The displacement vectors for that affine space are the solutions of the corresponding homogeneous linear system, which is a linear subspace. Linear subspaces, in contrast, always contain the origin of the vector space.
The dimension of an affine space is defined as the dimension of the vector space of its translations. An affine space of dimension one is an affine line. An affine space of dimension 2 is an affine plane. An affine subspace of dimension n – 1 in an affine space or a vector space of dimension n is an affine hyperplane.
Informal description
The following characterization may be easier to understand than the usual formal definition: an affine space is what is left of a vector space after one has forgotten which point is the origin (or, in the words of the French mathematician Marcel Berger, "An affine space is nothing more than a vector space whose origin we try to forget about, by adding translations to the linear maps"). Imagine that Alice knows that a certain point is the actual origin, but Bob believes that another point—call it p—is the origin. Two vectors, a and b, are to be added. Bob draws an arrow from point p to point a and another arrow from point p to point b, and completes the parallelogram to find what Bob thinks is a + b, but Alice knows that he has actually computed
- p + (a − p) + (b − p).
Similarly, Alice and Bob may evaluate any linear combination of a and b, or of any finite set of vectors, and will generally get different answers. However, if the sum of the coefficients in a linear combination is 1, then Alice and Bob will arrive at the same answer.
If Alice travels to
- λa + (1 − λ)b
then Bob can similarly travel to
- p + λ(a − p) + (1 − λ)(b − p) = λa + (1 − λ)b.
Under this condition, for all coefficients λ + (1 − λ) = 1, Alice and Bob describe the same point with the same linear combination, despite using different origins.
While only Alice knows the "linear structure", both Alice and Bob know the "affine structure"—i.e. the values of affine combinations, defined as linear combinations in which the sum of the coefficients is 1. A set with an affine structure is an affine space.
While affine space can be defined axiomatically (see § Axioms below), analogously to the definition of Euclidean space implied by Euclid's Elements, for convenience most modern sources define affine spaces in terms of the well developed vector space theory.
An affine space is a set A together with a vector space , and a transitive and free action of the additive group of on the set A. The elements of the affine space A are called points. The vector space is said to be associated to the affine space, and its elements are called vectors, translations, or sometimes free vectors.
Explicitly, the definition above means that the action is a mapping, generally denoted as an addition,
that has the following properties.
- Right identity:
- , where 0 is the zero vector in
- Associativity:
- (here the last + is the addition in )
- Free and transitive action:
- For every , the mapping is a bijection.
The first two properties are simply defining properties of a (right) group action. The third property characterizes free and transitive actions, the onto character coming from transitivity, and then the injective character follows from the action being free. There is a fourth property that follows from 1, 2 above:
- For all , the mapping is a bijection.
Property 3 is often used in the following equivalent form (the 5th property).
- For every a, b in A, there exists a unique , denoted b – a, such that .
Another way to express the definition is that an affine space is a principal homogeneous space for the action of the additive group of a vector space. Homogeneous spaces are, by definition, endowed with a transitive group action, and for a principal homogeneous space, such a transitive action is, by definition, free.
Subtraction and Weyl's axioms
The properties of the group action allows for the definition of subtraction for any given ordered pair (b, a) of points in A, producing a vector of . This vector, denoted or , is defined to be the unique vector in such that
Existence follows from the transitivity of the action, and uniqueness follows because the action is free.
This subtraction has the two following properties, called Weyl's axioms:
- , there is a unique point such that
The parallelogram property is satisfied in affine spaces, where it is expressed as: given four points the equalities and are equivalent. This results from the second Weyl's axiom, since
Affine spaces can be equivalently defined as a point set A, together with a vector space , and a subtraction satisfying Weyl's axioms. In this case, the addition of a vector to a point is defined from the first of Weyl's axioms.
Affine subspaces and parallelism
An affine subspace (also called, in some contexts, a linear variety, a flat, or, over the real numbers, a linear manifold) B of an affine space A is a subset of A such that, given a point , the set of vectors is a linear subspace of . This property, which does not depend on the choice of a, implies that B is an affine space, which has as its associated vector space.
The affine subspaces of A are the subsets of A of the form
where a is a point of A, and V a linear subspace of .
The linear subspace associated with an affine subspace is often called its direction, and two subspaces that share the same direction are said to be parallel.
This implies the following generalization of Playfair's axiom: Given a direction V, for any point a of A there is one and only one affine subspace of direction V, which passes through a, namely the subspace a + V.
Every translation maps any affine subspace to a parallel subspace.
The term parallel is also used for two affine subspaces such that the direction of one is included in the direction of the other.
Affine map
Given two affine spaces A and B whose associated vector spaces are and , an affine map or affine homomorphism from A to B is a map
such that
is a well defined linear map. By being well defined is meant that b – a = d – c implies f(b) – f(a) = f(d) – f(c).
This implies that, for a point and a vector , one has
Therefore, since for any given b in A, b = a + v for a unique v, f is completely defined by its value on a single point and the associated linear map .
An affine transformation or endomorphism of an affine space is an affine map from that space to itself. One important family of examples is the translations: given a vector , the translation map that sends for every in is an affine map. Another important family of examples are the linear maps centred at an origin: given a point and a linear map , one may define an affine map by for every in .
After making a choice of origin , any affine map may be written uniquely as a combination of a translation and a linear map centred at .
Vector spaces as affine spaces
Every vector space V may be considered as an affine space over itself. This means that every element of V may be considered either as a point or as a vector. This affine space is sometimes denoted (V, V) for emphasizing the double role of the elements of V. When considered as a point, the zero vector is commonly denoted o (or O, when upper-case letters are used for points) and called the origin.
If A is another affine space over the same vector space (that is ) the choice of any point a in A defines a unique affine isomorphism, which is the identity of V and maps a to o. In other words, the choice of an origin a in A allows us to identify A and (V, V) up to a canonical isomorphism. The counterpart of this property is that the affine space A may be identified with the vector space V in which "the place of the origin has been forgotten".
Relation to Euclidean spaces
Definition of Euclidean spaces
Euclidean spaces (including the one-dimensional line, two-dimensional plane, and three-dimensional space commonly studied in elementary geometry, as well as higher-dimensional analogues) are affine spaces.
Indeed, in most modern definitions, a Euclidean space is defined to be an affine space, such that the associated vector space is a real inner product space of finite dimension, that is a vector space over the reals with a positive-definite quadratic form q(x). The inner product of two vectors x and y is the value of the symmetric bilinear form
The usual Euclidean distance between two points A and B is
In older definition of Euclidean spaces through synthetic geometry, vectors are defined as equivalence classes of ordered pairs of points under equipollence (the pairs (A, B) and (C, D) are equipollent if the points A, B, D, C (in this order) form a parallelogram). It is straightforward to verify that the vectors form a vector space, the square of the Euclidean distance is a quadratic form on the space of vectors, and the two definitions of Euclidean spaces are equivalent.
Affine properties
In Euclidean geometry, the common phrase "affine property" refers to a property that can be proved in affine spaces, that is, it can be proved without using the quadratic form and its associated inner product. In other words, an affine property is a property that does not involve lengths and angles. Typical examples are parallelism, and the definition of a tangent. A non-example is the definition of a normal.
Equivalently, an affine property is a property that is invariant under affine transformations of the Euclidean space.
Affine combinations and barycenter
Let a1, ..., an be a collection of n points in an affine space, and be n elements of the ground field.
Suppose that . For any two points o and o' one has
Thus, this sum is independent of the choice of the origin, and the resulting vector may be denoted
When , one retrieves the definition of the subtraction of points.
Now suppose instead that the field elements satisfy . For some choice of an origin o, denote by the unique point such that
One can show that is independent from the choice of o. Therefore, if
one may write
The point is called the barycenter of the for the weights . One says also that is an affine combination of the with coefficients .
- When children find the answers to sums such as 4 + 3 or 4 − 2 by counting right or left on a number line, they are treating the number line as a one-dimensional affine space.
- Time can be modelled as a one-dimensional affine space. Specific points in time (such as a date on the calendar) are points in the affine space, while durations (such as a number of days) are displacements.
- The space of energies is an affine space for , since it is often not meaningful to talk about absolute energy, but it is meaningful to talk about energy differences. The vacuum energy when it is defined picks out a canonical origin.
- Physical space is often modelled as an affine space for in non-relativistic settings and in the relativistic setting. To distinguish them from the vector space these are sometimes called Euclidean spaces and .
- Any coset of a subspace V of a vector space is an affine space over that subspace.
- In particular, a line in the plane that doesn't pass through the origin is an affine space that is not a vector space relative to the operations it inherits from , although it can be given a canonical vector space structure by picking the point closest to the origin as the zero vector; likewise in higher dimensions and for any normed vector space
- If T is a matrix and b lies in its column space, the set of solutions of the equation Tx = b is an affine space over the subspace of solutions of Tx = 0.
- The solutions of an inhomogeneous linear differential equation form an affine space over the solutions of the corresponding homogeneous linear equation.
- Generalizing all of the above, if T : V → W is a linear map and y lies in its image, the set of solutions x ∈ V to the equation Tx = y is a coset of the kernel of T , and is therefore an affine space over Ker T .
- The space of (linear) complementary subspaces of a vector subspace V in a vector space W is an affine space, over Hom(W/V, V). That is, if 0 → V → W → X → 0 is a short exact sequence of vector spaces, then the space of all splittings of the exact sequence naturally carries the structure of an affine space over Hom(X, V).
- The space of connections (viewed from the vector bundle , where is a smooth manifold) is an affine space for the vector space of valued 1-forms. The space of connections (viewed from the principal bundle ) is an affine space for the vector space of -valued 1-forms, where is the associated adjoint bundle.
Affine span and bases
For any non-empty subset X of an affine space A, there is a smallest affine subspace that contains it, called the affine span of X. It is the intersection of all affine subspaces containing X, and its direction is the intersection of the directions of the affine subspaces that contain X.
The affine span of X is the set of all (finite) affine combinations of points of X, and its direction is the linear span of the x − y for x and y in X. If one chooses a particular point x0, the direction of the affine span of X is also the linear span of the x – x0 for x in X.
One says also that the affine span of X is generated by X and that X is a generating set of its affine span.
A set X of points of an affine space is said to be affinely independent or, simply, independent, if the affine span of any strict subset of X is a strict subset of the affine span of X. An affine basis or barycentric frame (see § Barycentric coordinates, below) of an affine space is a generating set that is also independent (that is a minimal generating set).
Recall that the dimension of an affine space is the dimension of its associated vector space. The bases of an affine space of finite dimension n are the independent subsets of n + 1 elements, or, equivalently, the generating subsets of n + 1 elements. Equivalently, {x0, ..., xn} is an affine basis of an affine space if and only if {x1 − x0, ..., xn − x0} is a linear basis of the associated vector space.
There are two strongly related kinds of coordinate systems that may be defined on affine spaces.
Barycentric coordinates
Let A be an affine space of dimension n over a field k, and be an affine basis of A. The properties of an affine basis imply that for every x in A there is a unique (n + 1)-tuple of elements of k such that
The are called the barycentric coordinates of x over the affine basis . If the xi are viewed as bodies that have weights (or masses) , the point x is thus the barycenter of the xi, and this explains the origin of the term barycentric coordinates.
The barycentric coordinates define an affine isomorphism between the affine space A and the affine subspace of kn + 1 defined by the equation .
For affine spaces of infinite dimension, the same definition applies, using only finite sums. This means that for each point, only a finite number of coordinates are non-zero.
Affine coordinates
An affine frame is a coordinate frame of an affine space, consisting of a point, called the origin, and a linear basis of the associated vector space. More precisely, for an affine space A with associated vector space , the origin o belongs to A, and the linear basis is a basis (v1, ..., vn) of (for simplicity of the notation, we consider only the case of finite dimension, the general case is similar).
For each point p of A, there is a unique sequence of elements of the ground field such that
or equivalently
The are called the affine coordinates of p over the affine frame (o, v1, ..., vn).
Example: In Euclidean geometry, Cartesian coordinates are affine coordinates relative to an orthonormal frame, that is an affine frame (o, v1, ..., vn) such that (v1, ..., vn) is an orthonormal basis.
Relationship between barycentric and affine coordinates
Barycentric coordinates and affine coordinates are strongly related, and may be considered as equivalent.
In fact, given a barycentric frame
one deduces immediately the affine frame
and, if
are the barycentric coordinates of a point over the barycentric frame, then the affine coordinates of the same point over the affine frame are
Conversely, if
is an affine frame, then
is a barycentric frame. If
are the affine coordinates of a point over the affine frame, then its barycentric coordinates over the barycentric frame are
Therefore, barycentric and affine coordinates are almost equivalent. In most applications, affine coordinates are preferred, as involving less coordinates that are independent. However, in the situations where the important points of the studied problem are affinely independent, barycentric coordinates may lead to simpler computation, as in the following example.
Example of the triangle
The vertices of a non-flat triangle form an affine basis of the Euclidean plane. The barycentric coordinates allows easy characterization of the elements of the triangle that do not involve angles or distances:
The vertices are the points of barycentric coordinates (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0) and (0, 0, 1). The lines supporting the edges are the points that have a zero coordinate. The edges themselves are the points that have one zero coordinate and two nonnegative coordinates. The interior of the triangle are the points whose coordinates are all positive. The medians are the points that have two equal coordinates, and the centroid is the point of coordinates (1/3, 1/3, 1/3).
Change of coordinates
Case of barycentric coordinates
Barycentric coordinates are readily changed from one basis to another. Let and be affine bases of A. For every x in A there is some tuple for which
Similarly, for every from the first basis, we now have in the second basis
for some tuple . Now we can rewrite our expression in the first basis as one in the second with
giving us coordinates in the second basis as the tuple .
Case of affine coordinates
Affine coordinates are also readily changed from one basis to another. Let , and , be affine frames of A. For each point p of A, there is a unique sequence of elements of the ground field such that
and similarly, for every from the first basis, we now have in the second basis
for tuple and tuples . Now we can rewrite our expression in the first basis as one in the second with
giving us coordinates in the second basis as the tuple .
Properties of affine homomorphisms
Matrix representation
An affine transformation is executed on a projective space of , by a 4 by 4 matrix with a special fourth column:
The transformation is affine instead of linear due to the inclusion of point , the transformed output of which reveals the affine shift.
Image and fibers
be an affine homomorphism, with
its associated linear map. The image of f is the affine subspace of F, which has as associated vector space. As an affine space does not have a zero element, an affine homomorphism does not have a kernel. However, the linear map does, and if we denote by its kernel, then for any point x of , the inverse image of x is an affine subspace of E whose direction is . This affine subspace is called the fiber of x.
An important example is the projection parallel to some direction onto an affine subspace. The importance of this example lies in the fact that Euclidean spaces are affine spaces, and that these kinds of projections are fundamental in Euclidean geometry.
More precisely, given an affine space E with associated vector space , let F be an affine subspace of direction , and D be a complementary subspace of in (this means that every vector of may be decomposed in a unique way as the sum of an element of and an element of D). For every point x of E, its projection to F parallel to D is the unique point p(x) in F such that
This is an affine homomorphism whose associated linear map is defined by
for x and y in E.
The image of this projection is F, and its fibers are the subspaces of direction D.
Quotient space
Although kernels are not defined for affine spaces, quotient spaces are defined. This results from the fact that "belonging to the same fiber of an affine homomorphism" is an equivalence relation.
Let E be an affine space, and D be a linear subspace of the associated vector space . The quotient E/D of E by D is the quotient of E by the equivalence relation such that x and y are equivalent if
This quotient is an affine space, which has as associated vector space.
For every affine homomorphism , the image is isomorphic to the quotient of E by the kernel of the associated linear map. This is the first isomorphism theorem for affine spaces.
Affine spaces are usually studied by analytic geometry using coordinates, or equivalently vector spaces. They can also be studied as synthetic geometry by writing down axioms, though this approach is much less common. There are several different systems of axioms for affine space.
Coxeter (1969, p. 192) axiomatizes the special case of affine geometry over the reals as ordered geometry together with an affine form of Desargues's theorem and an axiom stating that in a plane there is at most one line through a given point not meeting a given line.
Affine planes satisfy the following axioms (Cameron 1991, chapter 2): (in which two lines are called parallel if they are equal or disjoint):
- Any two distinct points lie on a unique line.
- Given a point and line there is a unique line that contains the point and is parallel to the line
- There exist three non-collinear points.
As well as affine planes over fields (or division rings), there are also many non-Desarguesian planes satisfying these axioms. (Cameron 1991, chapter 3) gives axioms for higher-dimensional affine spaces.
Purely axiomatic affine geometry is more general than affine spaces and is treated in a separate article.
Relation to projective spaces
Affine spaces are contained in projective spaces. For example, an affine plane can be obtained from any projective plane by removing one line and all the points on it, and conversely any affine plane can be used to construct a projective plane as a closure by adding a line at infinity whose points correspond to equivalence classes of parallel lines. Similar constructions hold in higher dimensions.
Further, transformations of projective space that preserve affine space (equivalently, that leave the hyperplane at infinity invariant as a set) yield transformations of affine space. Conversely, any affine linear transformation extends uniquely to a projective linear transformation, so the affine group is a subgroup of the projective group. For instance, Möbius transformations (transformations of the complex projective line, or Riemann sphere) are affine (transformations of the complex plane) if and only if they fix the point at infinity.
Affine algebraic geometry
In algebraic geometry, an affine variety (or, more generally, an affine algebraic set) is defined as the subset of an affine space that is the set of the common zeros of a set of so-called polynomial functions over the affine space. For defining a polynomial function over the affine space, one has to choose an affine frame. Then, a polynomial function is a function such that the image of any point is the value of some multivariate polynomial function of the coordinates of the point. As a change of affine coordinates may be expressed by linear functions (more precisely affine functions) of the coordinates, this definition is independent of a particular choice of coordinates.
The choice of a system of affine coordinates for an affine space of dimension n over a field k induces an affine isomorphism between and the affine coordinate space kn. This explains why, for simplification, many textbooks write , and introduce affine algebraic varieties as the common zeros of polynomial functions over kn.
As the whole affine space is the set of the common zeros of the zero polynomial, affine spaces are affine algebraic varieties.
Ring of polynomial functions
By the definition above, the choice of an affine frame of an affine space allows one to identify the polynomial functions on with polynomials in n variables, the ith variable representing the function that maps a point to its ith coordinate. It follows that the set of polynomial functions over is a k-algebra, denoted , which is isomorphic to the polynomial ring .
When one changes coordinates, the isomorphism between and changes accordingly, and this induces an automorphism of , which maps each indeterminate to a polynomial of degree one. It follows that the total degree defines a filtration of , which is independent from the choice of coordinates. The total degree defines also a graduation, but it depends on the choice of coordinates, as a change of affine coordinates may map indeterminates on non-homogeneous polynomials.
Zariski topology
Affine spaces over topological fields, such as the real or the complex numbers, have a natural topology. The Zariski topology, which is defined for affine spaces over any field, allows use of topological methods in any case. Zariski topology is the unique topology on an affine space whose closed sets are affine algebraic sets (that is sets of the common zeros of polynomial functions over the affine set). As, over a topological field, polynomial functions are continuous, every Zariski closed set is closed for the usual topology, if any. In other words, over a topological field, Zariski topology is coarser than the natural topology.
There is a natural injective function from an affine space into the set of prime ideals (that is the spectrum) of its ring of polynomial functions. When affine coordinates have been chosen, this function maps the point of coordinates to the maximal ideal . This function is a homeomorphism (for the Zariski topology of the affine space and of the spectrum of the ring of polynomial functions) of the affine space onto the image of the function.
The case of an algebraically closed ground field is especially important in algebraic geometry, because, in this case, the homeomorphism above is a map between the affine space and the set of all maximal ideals of the ring of functions (this is Hilbert's Nullstellensatz).
This is the starting idea of scheme theory of Grothendieck, which consists, for studying algebraic varieties, of considering as "points", not only the points of the affine space, but also all the prime ideals of the spectrum. This allows gluing together algebraic varieties in a similar way as, for manifolds, charts are glued together for building a manifold.
Like all affine varieties, local data on an affine space can always be patched together globally: the cohomology of affine space is trivial. More precisely, for all coherent sheaves F, and integers . This property is also enjoyed by all other affine varieties. But also all of the étale cohomology groups on affine space are trivial. In particular, every line bundle is trivial. More generally, the Quillen–Suslin theorem implies that every algebraic vector bundle over an affine space is trivial.
See also
- Affine hull – Smallest affine subspace that contains a subset
- Complex affine space – Affine space over the complex numbers
- Dimensional analysis § Geometry: position vs. displacement
- Exotic affine space – Real affine space of even dimension that is not isomorphic to a complex affine space
- Space (mathematics) – Mathematical set with some added structure
- Barycentric coordinate system – Coordinate system that is defined by points instead of vectors
- The word translation is generally preferred to displacement vector, which may be confusing, as displacements include also rotations.
- Berger 1987, p. 32
- Berger, Marcel (1984), "Affine spaces", Problems in Geometry, Springer, p. 11, ISBN 9780387909714
- Berger 1987, p. 33
- Snapper, Ernst; Troyer, Robert J. (1989), Metric Affine Geometry, p. 6
- Tarrida, Agusti R. (2011), "Affine spaces", Affine Maps, Euclidean Motions and Quadrics, Springer, pp. 1–2, ISBN 9780857297105
- Nomizu & Sasaki 1994, p. 7
- Strang, Gilbert (2009). Introduction to Linear Algebra (4th ed.). Wellesley: Wellesley-Cambridge Press. p. 460. ISBN 978-0-9802327-1-4.
- Hartshorne 1977, Ch. I, § 1.
- Berger, Marcel (1984), "Affine spaces", Problems in Geometry, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 978-0-387-90971-4
- Berger, Marcel (1987), Geometry I, Berlin: Springer, ISBN 3-540-11658-3
- Cameron, Peter J. (1991), Projective and polar spaces, QMW Maths Notes, vol. 13, London: Queen Mary and Westfield College School of Mathematical Sciences, MR 1153019
- Coxeter, Harold Scott MacDonald (1969), Introduction to Geometry (2nd ed.), New York: John Wiley & Sons, ISBN 978-0-471-50458-0, MR 0123930
- Dolgachev, I.V.; Shirokov, A.P. (2001) [1994], "Affine space", Encyclopedia of Mathematics, EMS Press
- Hartshorne, Robin (1977). Algebraic Geometry. Springer-Verlag. ISBN 978-0-387-90244-9. Zbl 0367.14001.
- Nomizu, K.; Sasaki, S. (1994), Affine Differential Geometry (New ed.), Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0-521-44177-3
- Snapper, Ernst; Troyer, Robert J. (1989), Metric Affine Geometry (Dover edition, first published in 1989 ed.), Dover Publications, ISBN 0-486-66108-3
- Reventós Tarrida, Agustí (2011), "Affine spaces", Affine Maps, Euclidean Motions and Quadrics, Springer, ISBN 978-0-85729-709-9
In mathematics an affine space is a geometric structure that generalizes some of the properties of Euclidean spaces in such a way that these are independent of the concepts of distance and measure of angles keeping only the properties related to parallelism and ratio of lengths for parallel line segments Affine space is the setting for affine geometry In R3 displaystyle mathbb R 3 the upper plane in blue P2 displaystyle P 2 is not a vector subspace since 0 P2 displaystyle mathbf 0 notin P 2 and a b P2 displaystyle mathbf a mathbf b notin P 2 it is an affine subspace Its direction the linear subspace associated with this affine subspace is the lower green plane P1 displaystyle P 1 which is a vector subspace Although a displaystyle mathbf a and b displaystyle mathbf b are in P2 displaystyle P 2 their difference is a displacement vector which does not belong to P2 displaystyle P 2 but belongs to vector space P1 displaystyle P 1 As in Euclidean space the fundamental objects in an affine space are called points which can be thought of as locations in the space without any size or shape zero dimensional Through any pair of points an infinite straight line can be drawn a one dimensional set of points through any three points that are not collinear a two dimensional plane can be drawn and in general through k 1 points in general position a k dimensional flat or affine subspace can be drawn Affine space is characterized by a notion of pairs of parallel lines that lie within the same plane but never meet each other non parallel lines within the same plane intersect in a point Given any line a line parallel to it can be drawn through any point in the space and the equivalence class of parallel lines are said to share a direction Unlike for vectors in a vector space in an affine space there is no distinguished point that serves as an origin There is no predefined concept of adding or multiplying points together or multiplying a point by a scalar number However for any affine space an associated vector space can be constructed from the differences between start and end points which are called free vectors displacement vectors translation vectors or simply translations Likewise it makes sense to add a displacement vector to a point of an affine space resulting in a new point translated from the starting point by that vector While points cannot be arbitrarily added together it is meaningful to take affine combinations of points weighted sums with numerical coefficients summing to 1 resulting in another point These coefficients define a barycentric coordinate system for the flat through the points Any vector space may be viewed as an affine space this amounts to forgetting the special role played by the zero vector In this case elements of the vector space may be viewed either as points of the affine space or as displacement vectors or translations When considered as a point the zero vector is called the origin Adding a fixed vector to the elements of a linear subspace vector subspace of a vector space produces an affine subspace of the vector space One commonly says that this affine subspace has been obtained by translating away from the origin the linear subspace by the translation vector the vector added to all the elements of the linear space In finite dimensions such an affine subspace is the solution set of an inhomogeneous linear system The displacement vectors for that affine space are the solutions of the corresponding homogeneous linear system which is a linear subspace Linear subspaces in contrast always contain the origin of the vector space The dimension of an affine space is defined as the dimension of the vector space of its translations An affine space of dimension one is an affine line An affine space of dimension 2 is an affine plane An affine subspace of dimension n 1 in an affine space or a vector space of dimension n is an affine hyperplane Informal descriptionOrigins from Alice s and Bob s perspectives Vector computation from Alice s perspective is in red whereas that from Bob s is in blue The following characterization may be easier to understand than the usual formal definition an affine space is what is left of a vector space after one has forgotten which point is the origin or in the words of the French mathematician Marcel Berger An affine space is nothing more than a vector space whose origin we try to forget about by adding translations to the linear maps Imagine that Alice knows that a certain point is the actual origin but Bob believes that another point call it p is the origin Two vectors a and b are to be added Bob draws an arrow from point p to point a and another arrow from point p to point b and completes the parallelogram to find what Bob thinks is a b but Alice knows that he has actually computed p a p b p Similarly Alice and Bob may evaluate any linear combination of a and b or of any finite set of vectors and will generally get different answers However if the sum of the coefficients in a linear combination is 1 then Alice and Bob will arrive at the same answer If Alice travels to la 1 l b then Bob can similarly travel to p l a p 1 l b p la 1 l b Under this condition for all coefficients l 1 l 1 Alice and Bob describe the same point with the same linear combination despite using different origins While only Alice knows the linear structure both Alice and Bob know the affine structure i e the values of affine combinations defined as linear combinations in which the sum of the coefficients is 1 A set with an affine structure is an affine space DefinitionWhile affine space can be defined axiomatically see Axioms below analogously to the definition of Euclidean space implied by Euclid s Elements for convenience most modern sources define affine spaces in terms of the well developed vector space theory An affine space is a set A together with a vector space A displaystyle overrightarrow A and a transitive and free action of the additive group of A displaystyle overrightarrow A on the set A The elements of the affine space A are called points The vector space A displaystyle overrightarrow A is said to be associated to the affine space and its elements are called vectors translations or sometimes free vectors Explicitly the definition above means that the action is a mapping generally denoted as an addition A A A a v a v displaystyle begin aligned A times overrightarrow A amp to A a v amp mapsto a v end aligned that has the following properties Right identity a A a 0 a displaystyle forall a in A a 0 a where 0 is the zero vector in A displaystyle overrightarrow A Associativity v w A a A a v w a v w displaystyle forall v w in overrightarrow A forall a in A a v w a v w here the last is the addition in A displaystyle overrightarrow A Free and transitive action For every a A displaystyle a in A the mapping A A v a v displaystyle overrightarrow A to A colon v mapsto a v is a bijection The first two properties are simply defining properties of a right group action The third property characterizes free and transitive actions the onto character coming from transitivity and then the injective character follows from the action being free There is a fourth property that follows from 1 2 above For all v A displaystyle v in overrightarrow A the mapping A A a a v displaystyle A to A colon a mapsto a v is a bijection Property 3 is often used in the following equivalent form the 5th property For every a b in A there exists a unique v A displaystyle v in overrightarrow A denoted b a such that b a v displaystyle b a v Another way to express the definition is that an affine space is a principal homogeneous space for the action of the additive group of a vector space Homogeneous spaces are by definition endowed with a transitive group action and for a principal homogeneous space such a transitive action is by definition free Subtraction and Weyl s axioms The properties of the group action allows for the definition of subtraction for any given ordered pair b a of points in A producing a vector of A displaystyle overrightarrow A This vector denoted b a displaystyle b a or ab displaystyle overrightarrow ab is defined to be the unique vector in A displaystyle overrightarrow A such that a b a b displaystyle a b a b Existence follows from the transitivity of the action and uniqueness follows because the action is free This subtraction has the two following properties called Weyl s axioms a A v A displaystyle forall a in A forall v in overrightarrow A there is a unique point b A displaystyle b in A such that b a v displaystyle b a v a b c A c b b a c a displaystyle forall a b c in A c b b a c a The parallelogram property is satisfied in affine spaces where it is expressed as given four points a b c d displaystyle a b c d the equalities b a d c displaystyle b a d c and c a d b displaystyle c a d b are equivalent This results from the second Weyl s axiom since d a d b b a d c c a displaystyle d a d b b a d c c a Affine spaces can be equivalently defined as a point set A together with a vector space A displaystyle overrightarrow A and a subtraction satisfying Weyl s axioms In this case the addition of a vector to a point is defined from the first of Weyl s axioms Affine subspaces and parallelismAn affine subspace also called in some contexts a linear variety a flat or over the real numbers a linear manifold B of an affine space A is a subset of A such that given a point a B displaystyle a in B the set of vectors B b a b B displaystyle overrightarrow B b a mid b in B is a linear subspace of A displaystyle overrightarrow A This property which does not depend on the choice of a implies that B is an affine space which has B displaystyle overrightarrow B as its associated vector space The affine subspaces of A are the subsets of A of the form a V a w w V displaystyle a V a w w in V where a is a point of A and V a linear subspace of A displaystyle overrightarrow A The linear subspace associated with an affine subspace is often called its direction and two subspaces that share the same direction are said to be parallel This implies the following generalization of Playfair s axiom Given a direction V for any point a of A there is one and only one affine subspace of direction V which passes through a namely the subspace a V Every translation A A a a v displaystyle A to A a mapsto a v maps any affine subspace to a parallel subspace The term parallel is also used for two affine subspaces such that the direction of one is included in the direction of the other Affine mapGiven two affine spaces A and B whose associated vector spaces are A displaystyle overrightarrow A and B displaystyle overrightarrow B an affine map or affine homomorphism from A to B is a map f A B displaystyle f A to B such that f A B b a f b f a displaystyle begin aligned overrightarrow f overrightarrow A amp to overrightarrow B b a amp mapsto f b f a end aligned is a well defined linear map By f displaystyle f being well defined is meant that b a d c implies f b f a f d f c This implies that for a point a A displaystyle a in A and a vector v A displaystyle v in overrightarrow A one has f a v f a f v displaystyle f a v f a overrightarrow f v Therefore since for any given b in A b a v for a unique v f is completely defined by its value on a single point and the associated linear map f displaystyle overrightarrow f Endomorphisms An affine transformation or endomorphism of an affine space A displaystyle A is an affine map from that space to itself One important family of examples is the translations given a vector v displaystyle overrightarrow v the translation map Tv A A displaystyle T overrightarrow v A rightarrow A that sends a a v displaystyle a mapsto a overrightarrow v for every a displaystyle a in A displaystyle A is an affine map Another important family of examples are the linear maps centred at an origin given a point b displaystyle b and a linear map M displaystyle M one may define an affine map LM b A A displaystyle L M b A rightarrow A by LM b a b M a b displaystyle L M b a b M a b for every a displaystyle a in A displaystyle A After making a choice of origin b displaystyle b any affine map may be written uniquely as a combination of a translation and a linear map centred at b displaystyle b Vector spaces as affine spacesEvery vector space V may be considered as an affine space over itself This means that every element of V may be considered either as a point or as a vector This affine space is sometimes denoted V V for emphasizing the double role of the elements of V When considered as a point the zero vector is commonly denoted o or O when upper case letters are used for points and called the origin If A is another affine space over the same vector space that is V A displaystyle V overrightarrow A the choice of any point a in A defines a unique affine isomorphism which is the identity of V and maps a to o In other words the choice of an origin a in A allows us to identify A and V V up to a canonical isomorphism The counterpart of this property is that the affine space A may be identified with the vector space V in which the place of the origin has been forgotten Relation to Euclidean spacesDefinition of Euclidean spaces Euclidean spaces including the one dimensional line two dimensional plane and three dimensional space commonly studied in elementary geometry as well as higher dimensional analogues are affine spaces Indeed in most modern definitions a Euclidean space is defined to be an affine space such that the associated vector space is a real inner product space of finite dimension that is a vector space over the reals with a positive definite quadratic form q x The inner product of two vectors x and y is the value of the symmetric bilinear form x y 12 q x y q x q y displaystyle x cdot y frac 1 2 q x y q x q y The usual Euclidean distance between two points A and B is d A B q B A displaystyle d A B sqrt q B A In older definition of Euclidean spaces through synthetic geometry vectors are defined as equivalence classes of ordered pairs of points under equipollence the pairs A B and C D are equipollent if the points A B D C in this order form a parallelogram It is straightforward to verify that the vectors form a vector space the square of the Euclidean distance is a quadratic form on the space of vectors and the two definitions of Euclidean spaces are equivalent Affine properties In Euclidean geometry the common phrase affine property refers to a property that can be proved in affine spaces that is it can be proved without using the quadratic form and its associated inner product In other words an affine property is a property that does not involve lengths and angles Typical examples are parallelism and the definition of a tangent A non example is the definition of a normal Equivalently an affine property is a property that is invariant under affine transformations of the Euclidean space Affine combinations and barycenterLet a1 an be a collection of n points in an affine space and l1 ln displaystyle lambda 1 dots lambda n be n elements of the ground field Suppose that l1 ln 0 displaystyle lambda 1 dots lambda n 0 For any two points o and o one has l1oa1 lnoan l1o a1 lno an displaystyle lambda 1 overrightarrow oa 1 dots lambda n overrightarrow oa n lambda 1 overrightarrow o a 1 dots lambda n overrightarrow o a n Thus this sum is independent of the choice of the origin and the resulting vector may be denoted l1a1 lnan displaystyle lambda 1 a 1 dots lambda n a n When n 2 l1 1 l2 1 displaystyle n 2 lambda 1 1 lambda 2 1 one retrieves the definition of the subtraction of points Now suppose instead that the field elements satisfy l1 ln 1 displaystyle lambda 1 dots lambda n 1 For some choice of an origin o denote by g displaystyle g the unique point such that l1oa1 lnoan og displaystyle lambda 1 overrightarrow oa 1 dots lambda n overrightarrow oa n overrightarrow og One can show that g displaystyle g is independent from the choice of o Therefore if l1 ln 1 displaystyle lambda 1 dots lambda n 1 one may write g l1a1 lnan displaystyle g lambda 1 a 1 dots lambda n a n The point g displaystyle g is called the barycenter of the ai displaystyle a i for the weights li displaystyle lambda i One says also that g displaystyle g is an affine combination of the ai displaystyle a i with coefficients li displaystyle lambda i ExamplesWhen children find the answers to sums such as 4 3 or 4 2 by counting right or left on a number line they are treating the number line as a one dimensional affine space Time can be modelled as a one dimensional affine space Specific points in time such as a date on the calendar are points in the affine space while durations such as a number of days are displacements The space of energies is an affine space for R displaystyle mathbb R since it is often not meaningful to talk about absolute energy but it is meaningful to talk about energy differences The vacuum energy when it is defined picks out a canonical origin Physical space is often modelled as an affine space for R3 displaystyle mathbb R 3 in non relativistic settings and R1 3 displaystyle mathbb R 1 3 in the relativistic setting To distinguish them from the vector space these are sometimes called Euclidean spaces E 3 displaystyle text E 3 and E 1 3 displaystyle text E 1 3 Any coset of a subspace V of a vector space is an affine space over that subspace In particular a line in the plane that doesn t pass through the origin is an affine space that is not a vector space relative to the operations it inherits from R2 displaystyle mathbb R 2 although it can be given a canonical vector space structure by picking the point closest to the origin as the zero vector likewise in higher dimensions and for any normed vector space If T is a matrix and b lies in its column space the set of solutions of the equation Tx b is an affine space over the subspace of solutions of Tx 0 The solutions of an inhomogeneous linear differential equation form an affine space over the solutions of the corresponding homogeneous linear equation Generalizing all of the above if T V W is a linear map and y lies in its image the set of solutions x V to the equation Tx y is a coset of the kernel of T and is therefore an affine space over Ker T The space of linear complementary subspaces of a vector subspace V in a vector space W is an affine space over Hom W V V That is if 0 V W X 0 is a short exact sequence of vector spaces then the space of all splittings of the exact sequence naturally carries the structure of an affine space over Hom X V The space of connections viewed from the vector bundle E pM displaystyle E xrightarrow pi M where M displaystyle M is a smooth manifold is an affine space for the vector space of End E displaystyle text End E valued 1 forms The space of connections viewed from the principal bundle P pM displaystyle P xrightarrow pi M is an affine space for the vector space of ad P displaystyle text ad P valued 1 forms where ad P displaystyle text ad P is the associated adjoint bundle Affine span and basesFor any non empty subset X of an affine space A there is a smallest affine subspace that contains it called the affine span of X It is the intersection of all affine subspaces containing X and its direction is the intersection of the directions of the affine subspaces that contain X The affine span of X is the set of all finite affine combinations of points of X and its direction is the linear span of the x y for x and y in X If one chooses a particular point x0 the direction of the affine span of X is also the linear span of the x x0 for x in X One says also that the affine span of X is generated by X and that X is a generating set of its affine span A set X of points of an affine space is said to be affinely independent or simply independent if the affine span of any strict subset of X is a strict subset of the affine span of X An affine basis or barycentric frame see Barycentric coordinates below of an affine space is a generating set that is also independent that is a minimal generating set Recall that the dimension of an affine space is the dimension of its associated vector space The bases of an affine space of finite dimension n are the independent subsets of n 1 elements or equivalently the generating subsets of n 1 elements Equivalently x0 xn is an affine basis of an affine space if and only if x1 x0 xn x0 is a linear basis of the associated vector space CoordinatesThere are two strongly related kinds of coordinate systems that may be defined on affine spaces Barycentric coordinates Let A be an affine space of dimension n over a field k and x0 xn displaystyle x 0 dots x n be an affine basis of A The properties of an affine basis imply that for every x in A there is a unique n 1 tuple l0 ln displaystyle lambda 0 dots lambda n of elements of k such that l0 ln 1 displaystyle lambda 0 dots lambda n 1 and x l0x0 lnxn displaystyle x lambda 0 x 0 dots lambda n x n The li displaystyle lambda i are called the barycentric coordinates of x over the affine basis x0 xn displaystyle x 0 dots x n If the xi are viewed as bodies that have weights or masses li displaystyle lambda i the point x is thus the barycenter of the xi and this explains the origin of the term barycentric coordinates The barycentric coordinates define an affine isomorphism between the affine space A and the affine subspace of kn 1 defined by the equation l0 ln 1 displaystyle lambda 0 dots lambda n 1 For affine spaces of infinite dimension the same definition applies using only finite sums This means that for each point only a finite number of coordinates are non zero Affine coordinates An affine frame is a coordinate frame of an affine space consisting of a point called the origin and a linear basis of the associated vector space More precisely for an affine space A with associated vector space A displaystyle overrightarrow A the origin o belongs to A and the linear basis is a basis v1 vn of A displaystyle overrightarrow A for simplicity of the notation we consider only the case of finite dimension the general case is similar For each point p of A there is a unique sequence l1 ln displaystyle lambda 1 dots lambda n of elements of the ground field such that p o l1v1 lnvn displaystyle p o lambda 1 v 1 dots lambda n v n or equivalently op l1v1 lnvn displaystyle overrightarrow op lambda 1 v 1 dots lambda n v n The li displaystyle lambda i are called the affine coordinates of p over the affine frame o v1 vn Example In Euclidean geometry Cartesian coordinates are affine coordinates relative to an orthonormal frame that is an affine frame o v1 vn such that v1 vn is an orthonormal basis Relationship between barycentric and affine coordinates Barycentric coordinates and affine coordinates are strongly related and may be considered as equivalent In fact given a barycentric frame x0 xn displaystyle x 0 dots x n one deduces immediately the affine frame x0 x0x1 x0xn x0 x1 x0 xn x0 displaystyle x 0 overrightarrow x 0 x 1 dots overrightarrow x 0 x n left x 0 x 1 x 0 dots x n x 0 right and if l0 l1 ln displaystyle left lambda 0 lambda 1 dots lambda n right are the barycentric coordinates of a point over the barycentric frame then the affine coordinates of the same point over the affine frame are l1 ln displaystyle left lambda 1 dots lambda n right Conversely if o v1 vn displaystyle left o v 1 dots v n right is an affine frame then o o v1 o vn displaystyle left o o v 1 dots o v n right is a barycentric frame If l1 ln displaystyle left lambda 1 dots lambda n right are the affine coordinates of a point over the affine frame then its barycentric coordinates over the barycentric frame are 1 l1 ln l1 ln displaystyle left 1 lambda 1 dots lambda n lambda 1 dots lambda n right Therefore barycentric and affine coordinates are almost equivalent In most applications affine coordinates are preferred as involving less coordinates that are independent However in the situations where the important points of the studied problem are affinely independent barycentric coordinates may lead to simpler computation as in the following example Example of the triangle The vertices of a non flat triangle form an affine basis of the Euclidean plane The barycentric coordinates allows easy characterization of the elements of the triangle that do not involve angles or distances The vertices are the points of barycentric coordinates 1 0 0 0 1 0 and 0 0 1 The lines supporting the edges are the points that have a zero coordinate The edges themselves are the points that have one zero coordinate and two nonnegative coordinates The interior of the triangle are the points whose coordinates are all positive The medians are the points that have two equal coordinates and the centroid is the point of coordinates 1 3 1 3 1 3 Change of coordinates Case of barycentric coordinates Barycentric coordinates are readily changed from one basis to another Let x0 xn displaystyle x 0 dots x n and x0 xn displaystyle x 0 dots x n be affine bases of A For every x in A there is some tuple l0 ln displaystyle lambda 0 dots lambda n for which x l0x0 lnxn displaystyle x lambda 0 x 0 dots lambda n x n Similarly for every xi x0 xn displaystyle x i in x 0 dots x n from the first basis we now have in the second basis xi li 0x0 li jxj li nxn displaystyle x i lambda i 0 x 0 dots lambda i j x j dots lambda i n x n for some tuple li 0 li n displaystyle lambda i 0 dots lambda i n Now we can rewrite our expression in the first basis as one in the second with x i 0nlixi i 0nli j 0nli jxj j 0n i 0nlili j xj displaystyle x sum i 0 n lambda i x i sum i 0 n lambda i sum j 0 n lambda i j x j sum j 0 n biggl sum i 0 n lambda i lambda i j biggr x j giving us coordinates in the second basis as the tuple ilili 0 textstyle bigl sum i lambda i lambda i 0 dots ilili n textstyle sum i lambda i lambda i n bigr Case of affine coordinates Affine coordinates are also readily changed from one basis to another Let o displaystyle o v1 vn displaystyle v 1 dots v n and o displaystyle o v1 vn displaystyle v 1 dots v n be affine frames of A For each point p of A there is a unique sequence l1 ln displaystyle lambda 1 dots lambda n of elements of the ground field such that p o l1v1 lnvn displaystyle p o lambda 1 v 1 dots lambda n v n and similarly for every vi v1 vn displaystyle v i in v 1 dots v n from the first basis we now have in the second basis o o lo 1v1 lo jvj lo nvn displaystyle o o lambda o 1 v 1 dots lambda o j v j dots lambda o n v n vi li 1v1 li jvj li nvn displaystyle v i lambda i 1 v 1 dots lambda i j v j dots lambda i n v n for tuple lo 1 lo n displaystyle lambda o 1 dots lambda o n and tuples li 1 li n displaystyle lambda i 1 dots lambda i n Now we can rewrite our expression in the first basis as one in the second with p o i 1nlivi o j 1nlo jvj i 1nli j 1nli jvj o j 1n lo j i 1nlili j vj displaystyle begin aligned p amp o sum i 1 n lambda i v i biggl o sum j 1 n lambda o j v j biggr sum i 1 n lambda i sum j 1 n lambda i j v j amp o sum j 1 n biggl lambda o j sum i 1 n lambda i lambda i j biggr v j end aligned giving us coordinates in the second basis as the tuple lo 1 ilili 1 textstyle bigl lambda o 1 sum i lambda i lambda i 1 dots lo n ilili n textstyle lambda o n sum i lambda i lambda i n bigr Properties of affine homomorphismsMatrix representation An affine transformation T displaystyle T is executed on a projective space P3 displaystyle mathbb P 3 of R3 displaystyle mathbb R 3 by a 4 by 4 matrix with a special fourth column A a11a12a130a21a22a230a31a32a330a41a42a431 T 1 0 0 0T 0 1 0 0T 0 0 1 0T 0 0 0 1 displaystyle A begin bmatrix a 11 amp a 12 amp a 13 amp 0 a 21 amp a 22 amp a 23 amp 0 a 31 amp a 32 amp a 33 amp 0 a 41 amp a 42 amp a 43 amp 1 end bmatrix begin bmatrix T 1 0 0 amp 0 T 0 1 0 amp 0 T 0 0 1 amp 0 T 0 0 0 amp 1 end bmatrix The transformation is affine instead of linear due to the inclusion of point 0 0 0 displaystyle 0 0 0 the transformed output of which reveals the affine shift Image and fibers Let f E F displaystyle f colon E to F be an affine homomorphism with f E F displaystyle overrightarrow f colon overrightarrow E to overrightarrow F its associated linear map The image of f is the affine subspace f E f a a E displaystyle f E f a mid a in E of F which has f E displaystyle overrightarrow f overrightarrow E as associated vector space As an affine space does not have a zero element an affine homomorphism does not have a kernel However the linear map f displaystyle overrightarrow f does and if we denote by K v E f v 0 displaystyle K v in overrightarrow E mid overrightarrow f v 0 its kernel then for any point x of f E displaystyle f E the inverse image f 1 x displaystyle f 1 x of x is an affine subspace of E whose direction is K displaystyle K This affine subspace is called the fiber of x Projection An important example is the projection parallel to some direction onto an affine subspace The importance of this example lies in the fact that Euclidean spaces are affine spaces and that these kinds of projections are fundamental in Euclidean geometry More precisely given an affine space E with associated vector space E displaystyle overrightarrow E let F be an affine subspace of direction F displaystyle overrightarrow F and D be a complementary subspace of F displaystyle overrightarrow F in E displaystyle overrightarrow E this means that every vector of E displaystyle overrightarrow E may be decomposed in a unique way as the sum of an element of F displaystyle overrightarrow F and an element of D For every point x of E its projection to F parallel to D is the unique point p x in F such that p x x D displaystyle p x x in D This is an affine homomorphism whose associated linear map p displaystyle overrightarrow p is defined by p x y p x p y displaystyle overrightarrow p x y p x p y for x and y in E The image of this projection is F and its fibers are the subspaces of direction D Quotient space Although kernels are not defined for affine spaces quotient spaces are defined This results from the fact that belonging to the same fiber of an affine homomorphism is an equivalence relation Let E be an affine space and D be a linear subspace of the associated vector space E displaystyle overrightarrow E The quotient E D of E by D is the quotient of E by the equivalence relation such that x and y are equivalent if x y D displaystyle x y in D This quotient is an affine space which has E D displaystyle overrightarrow E D as associated vector space For every affine homomorphism E F displaystyle E to F the image is isomorphic to the quotient of E by the kernel of the associated linear map This is the first isomorphism theorem for affine spaces AxiomsAffine spaces are usually studied by analytic geometry using coordinates or equivalently vector spaces They can also be studied as synthetic geometry by writing down axioms though this approach is much less common There are several different systems of axioms for affine space Coxeter 1969 p 192 axiomatizes the special case of affine geometry over the reals as ordered geometry together with an affine form of Desargues s theorem and an axiom stating that in a plane there is at most one line through a given point not meeting a given line Affine planes satisfy the following axioms Cameron 1991 chapter 2 in which two lines are called parallel if they are equal or disjoint Any two distinct points lie on a unique line Given a point and line there is a unique line that contains the point and is parallel to the line There exist three non collinear points As well as affine planes over fields or division rings there are also many non Desarguesian planes satisfying these axioms Cameron 1991 chapter 3 gives axioms for higher dimensional affine spaces Purely axiomatic affine geometry is more general than affine spaces and is treated in a separate article Relation to projective spacesAn affine space is a subspace of a projective space which is in turn the quotient of a vector space by an equivalence relation not by a linear subspace Affine spaces are contained in projective spaces For example an affine plane can be obtained from any projective plane by removing one line and all the points on it and conversely any affine plane can be used to construct a projective plane as a closure by adding a line at infinity whose points correspond to equivalence classes of parallel lines Similar constructions hold in higher dimensions Further transformations of projective space that preserve affine space equivalently that leave the hyperplane at infinity invariant as a set yield transformations of affine space Conversely any affine linear transformation extends uniquely to a projective linear transformation so the affine group is a subgroup of the projective group For instance Mobius transformations transformations of the complex projective line or Riemann sphere are affine transformations of the complex plane if and only if they fix the point at infinity Affine algebraic geometryIn algebraic geometry an affine variety or more generally an affine algebraic set is defined as the subset of an affine space that is the set of the common zeros of a set of so called polynomial functions over the affine space For defining a polynomial function over the affine space one has to choose an affine frame Then a polynomial function is a function such that the image of any point is the value of some multivariate polynomial function of the coordinates of the point As a change of affine coordinates may be expressed by linear functions more precisely affine functions of the coordinates this definition is independent of a particular choice of coordinates The choice of a system of affine coordinates for an affine space Akn displaystyle mathbb A k n of dimension n over a field k induces an affine isomorphism between Akn displaystyle mathbb A k n and the affine coordinate space kn This explains why for simplification many textbooks write Akn kn displaystyle mathbb A k n k n and introduce affine algebraic varieties as the common zeros of polynomial functions over kn As the whole affine space is the set of the common zeros of the zero polynomial affine spaces are affine algebraic varieties Ring of polynomial functions By the definition above the choice of an affine frame of an affine space Akn displaystyle mathbb A k n allows one to identify the polynomial functions on Akn displaystyle mathbb A k n with polynomials in n variables the ith variable representing the function that maps a point to its i th coordinate It follows that the set of polynomial functions over Akn displaystyle mathbb A k n is a k algebra denoted k Akn displaystyle k left mathbb A k n right which is isomorphic to the polynomial ring k X1 Xn displaystyle k left X 1 dots X n right When one changes coordinates the isomorphism between k Akn displaystyle k left mathbb A k n right and k X1 Xn displaystyle k X 1 dots X n changes accordingly and this induces an automorphism of k X1 Xn displaystyle k left X 1 dots X n right which maps each indeterminate to a polynomial of degree one It follows that the total degree defines a filtration of k Akn displaystyle k left mathbb A k n right which is independent from the choice of coordinates The total degree defines also a graduation but it depends on the choice of coordinates as a change of affine coordinates may map indeterminates on non homogeneous polynomials Zariski topology Affine spaces over topological fields such as the real or the complex numbers have a natural topology The Zariski topology which is defined for affine spaces over any field allows use of topological methods in any case Zariski topology is the unique topology on an affine space whose closed sets are affine algebraic sets that is sets of the common zeros of polynomial functions over the affine set As over a topological field polynomial functions are continuous every Zariski closed set is closed for the usual topology if any In other words over a topological field Zariski topology is coarser than the natural topology There is a natural injective function from an affine space into the set of prime ideals that is the spectrum of its ring of polynomial functions When affine coordinates have been chosen this function maps the point of coordinates a1 an displaystyle left a 1 dots a n right to the maximal ideal X1 a1 Xn an displaystyle left langle X 1 a 1 dots X n a n right rangle This function is a homeomorphism for the Zariski topology of the affine space and of the spectrum of the ring of polynomial functions of the affine space onto the image of the function The case of an algebraically closed ground field is especially important in algebraic geometry because in this case the homeomorphism above is a map between the affine space and the set of all maximal ideals of the ring of functions this is Hilbert s Nullstellensatz This is the starting idea of scheme theory of Grothendieck which consists for studying algebraic varieties of considering as points not only the points of the affine space but also all the prime ideals of the spectrum This allows gluing together algebraic varieties in a similar way as for manifolds charts are glued together for building a manifold Cohomology Like all affine varieties local data on an affine space can always be patched together globally the cohomology of affine space is trivial More precisely Hi Akn F 0 displaystyle H i left mathbb A k n mathbf F right 0 for all coherent sheaves F and integers i gt 0 displaystyle i gt 0 This property is also enjoyed by all other affine varieties But also all of the etale cohomology groups on affine space are trivial In particular every line bundle is trivial More generally the Quillen Suslin theorem implies that every algebraic vector bundle over an affine space is trivial See alsoAffine hull Smallest affine subspace that contains a subset Complex affine space Affine space over the complex numbers Dimensional analysis Geometry position vs displacement Exotic affine space Real affine space of even dimension that is not isomorphic to a complex affine space Space mathematics Mathematical set with some added structure Barycentric coordinate system Coordinate system that is defined by points instead of vectorsNotesThe word translation is generally preferred to displacement vector which may be confusing as displacements include also rotations Berger 1987 p 32 Berger Marcel 1984 Affine spaces Problems in Geometry Springer p 11 ISBN 9780387909714 Berger 1987 p 33 Snapper Ernst Troyer Robert J 1989 Metric Affine Geometry p 6 Tarrida Agusti R 2011 Affine spaces Affine Maps Euclidean Motions and Quadrics Springer pp 1 2 ISBN 9780857297105 Nomizu amp Sasaki 1994 p 7 Strang Gilbert 2009 Introduction to Linear Algebra 4th ed Wellesley Wellesley Cambridge Press p 460 ISBN 978 0 9802327 1 4 Hartshorne 1977 Ch I 1 ReferencesBerger Marcel 1984 Affine spaces Problems in Geometry Springer Verlag ISBN 978 0 387 90971 4 Berger Marcel 1987 Geometry I Berlin Springer ISBN 3 540 11658 3 Cameron Peter J 1991 Projective and polar spaces QMW Maths Notes vol 13 London Queen Mary and Westfield College School of Mathematical Sciences MR 1153019 Coxeter Harold Scott MacDonald 1969 Introduction to Geometry 2nd ed New York John Wiley amp Sons ISBN 978 0 471 50458 0 MR 0123930 Dolgachev I V Shirokov A P 2001 1994 Affine space Encyclopedia of Mathematics EMS Press Hartshorne Robin 1977 Algebraic Geometry Springer Verlag ISBN 978 0 387 90244 9 Zbl 0367 14001 Nomizu K Sasaki S 1994 Affine Differential Geometry New ed Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0 521 44177 3 Snapper Ernst Troyer Robert J 1989 Metric Affine Geometry Dover edition first published in 1989 ed Dover Publications ISBN 0 486 66108 3 Reventos Tarrida Agusti 2011 Affine spaces Affine Maps Euclidean Motions and Quadrics Springer ISBN 978 0 85729 709 9