![Function composition](https://www.english.nina.az/wikipedia/image/aHR0cHM6Ly91cGxvYWQud2lraW1lZGlhLm9yZy93aWtpcGVkaWEvY29tbW9ucy90aHVtYi8zLzM4L0V4YW1wbGVfZm9yX2FfY29tcG9zaXRpb25fb2ZfdHdvX2Z1bmN0aW9ucy5zdmcvMTYwMHB4LUV4YW1wbGVfZm9yX2FfY29tcG9zaXRpb25fb2ZfdHdvX2Z1bmN0aW9ucy5zdmcucG5n.png )
In mathematics, the composition operator takes two functions, and , and returns a new function . Thus, the function g is applied after applying f to x.
Reverse composition, sometimes denoted , applies the operation in the opposite order, applying first and second. Intuitively, reverse composition is a chaining process in which the output of function f feeds the input of function g.
The composition of functions is a special case of the composition of relations, sometimes also denoted by . As a result, all properties of composition of relations are true of composition of functions, such as associativity.
- Composition of functions on a finite set: If f = {(1, 1), (2, 3), (3, 1), (4, 2)}, and g = {(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 1), (4, 2)}, then g ∘ f = {(1, 2), (2, 1), (3, 2), (4, 3)}, as shown in the figure.
- Composition of functions on an infinite set: If f: R → R (where R is the set of all real numbers) is given by f(x) = 2x + 4 and g: R → R is given by g(x) = x3, then: (f ∘ g)(x) = f(g(x)) = f(x3) = 2x3 + 4, and(g ∘ f)(x) = g(f(x)) = g(2x + 4) = (2x + 4)3.
- If an airplane's altitude at time t is a(t), and the air pressure at altitude x is p(x), then (p ∘ a)(t) is the pressure around the plane at time t.
- Function defined on finite sets which change the order of their elements such as permutations can be composed on the same set, this being composition of permutations.
The composition of functions is always associative—a property inherited from the composition of relations. That is, if f, g, and h are composable, then f ∘ (g ∘ h) = (f ∘ g) ∘ h. Since the parentheses do not change the result, they are generally omitted.
In a strict sense, the composition g ∘ f is only meaningful if the codomain of f equals the domain of g; in a wider sense, it is sufficient that the former be an improper subset of the latter. Moreover, it is often convenient to tacitly restrict the domain of f, such that f produces only values in the domain of g. For example, the composition g ∘ f of the functions f : R → (−∞,+9] defined by f(x) = 9 − x2 and g : [0,+∞) → R defined by can be defined on the interval [−3,+3].
The functions g and f are said to commute with each other if g ∘ f = f ∘ g. Commutativity is a special property, attained only by particular functions, and often in special circumstances. For example, |x| + 3 = |x + 3| only when x ≥ 0. The picture shows another example.
The composition of one-to-one (injective) functions is always one-to-one. Similarly, the composition of onto (surjective) functions is always onto. It follows that the composition of two bijections is also a bijection. The inverse function of a composition (assumed invertible) has the property that (f ∘ g)−1 = g−1∘ f−1.
Derivatives of compositions involving differentiable functions can be found using the chain rule. Higher derivatives of such functions are given by Faà di Bruno's formula.
Composition of functions is sometimes described as a kind of multiplication on a function space, but has very different properties from pointwise multiplication of functions (e.g. composition is not commutative).
Composition monoids
Suppose one has two (or more) functions f: X → X, g: X → X having the same domain and codomain; these are often called transformations. Then one can form chains of transformations composed together, such as f ∘ f ∘ g ∘ f. Such chains have the algebraic structure of a monoid, called a transformation monoid or (much more seldom) a composition monoid. In general, transformation monoids can have remarkably complicated structure. One particular notable example is the de Rham curve. The set of all functions f: X → X is called the full transformation semigroup or symmetric semigroup on X. (One can actually define two semigroups depending how one defines the semigroup operation as the left or right composition of functions.)
If the transformations are bijective (and thus invertible), then the set of all possible combinations of these functions forms a transformation group; and one says that the group is generated by these functions. A fundamental result in group theory, Cayley's theorem, essentially says that any group is in fact just a subgroup of a permutation group (up to isomorphism).
The set of all bijective functions f: X → X (called permutations) forms a group with respect to function composition. This is the symmetric group, also sometimes called the composition group.
In the symmetric semigroup (of all transformations) one also finds a weaker, non-unique notion of inverse (called a pseudoinverse) because the symmetric semigroup is a regular semigroup.
Functional powers
If Y ⊆ X, then f: X→Y may compose with itself; this is sometimes denoted as f 2. That is:
More generally, for any natural number n ≥ 2, the nth functional power can be defined inductively by f n = f ∘ f n−1 = f n−1 ∘ f, a notation introduced by Hans Heinrich Bürmann[citation needed] and John Frederick William Herschel. Repeated composition of such a function with itself is called function iteration.
- By convention, f 0 is defined as the identity map on f 's domain, idX.
- If Y = X and f: X → X admits an inverse function f −1, negative functional powers f −n are defined for n > 0 as the negated power of the inverse function: f −n = (f −1)n.
Note: If f takes its values in a ring (in particular for real or complex-valued f ), there is a risk of confusion, as f n could also stand for the n-fold product of f, e.g. f 2(x) = f(x) · f(x). For trigonometric functions, usually the latter is meant, at least for positive exponents. For example, in trigonometry, this superscript notation represents standard exponentiation when used with trigonometric functions:
sin2(x) = sin(x) · sin(x).
However, for negative exponents (especially −1), it nevertheless usually refers to the inverse function, e.g., tan−1 = arctan ≠ 1/tan.
In some cases, when, for a given function f, the equation g ∘ g = f has a unique solution g, that function can be defined as the functional square root of f, then written as g = f 1/2.
More generally, when gn = f has a unique solution for some natural number n > 0, then f m/n can be defined as gm.
Under additional restrictions, this idea can be generalized so that the iteration count becomes a continuous parameter; in this case, such a system is called a flow, specified through solutions of Schröder's equation. Iterated functions and flows occur naturally in the study of fractals and dynamical systems.
To avoid ambiguity, some mathematicians[citation needed] choose to use ∘ to denote the compositional meaning, writing f∘n(x) for the n-th iterate of the function f(x), as in, for example, f∘3(x) meaning f(f(f(x))). For the same purpose, f[n](x) was used by Benjamin Peirce whereas Alfred Pringsheim and Jules Molk suggested nf(x) instead.
Alternative notations
Many mathematicians, particularly in group theory, omit the composition symbol, writing gf for g ∘ f.
During the mid-20th century, some mathematicians adopted postfix notation, writing xf for f(x) and (xf)g for g(f(x)). This can be more natural than prefix notation in many cases, such as in linear algebra when x is a row vector and f and g denote matrices and the composition is by matrix multiplication. The order is important because function composition is not necessarily commutative. Having successive transformations applying and composing to the right agrees with the left-to-right reading sequence.
Mathematicians who use postfix notation may write "fg", meaning first apply f and then apply g, in keeping with the order the symbols occur in postfix notation, thus making the notation "fg" ambiguous. Computer scientists may write "f ; g" for this, thereby disambiguating the order of composition. To distinguish the left composition operator from a text semicolon, in the Z notation the ⨾ character is used for left relation composition. Since all functions are binary relations, it is correct to use the [fat] semicolon for function composition as well (see the article on composition of relations for further details on this notation).
Composition operator
Given a function g, the composition operator Cg is defined as that operator which maps functions to functions as Composition operators are studied in the field of operator theory.
In programming languages
Function composition appears in one form or another in numerous programming languages.
Multivariate functions
Partial composition is possible for multivariate functions. The function resulting when some argument xi of the function f is replaced by the function g is called a composition of f and g in some computer engineering contexts, and is denoted f |xi = g
When g is a simple constant b, composition degenerates into a (partial) valuation, whose result is also known as restriction or co-factor.
In general, the composition of multivariate functions may involve several other functions as arguments, as in the definition of primitive recursive function. Given f, a n-ary function, and n m-ary functions g1, ..., gn, the composition of f with g1, ..., gn, is the m-ary function
This is sometimes called the generalized composite or superposition of f with g1, ..., gn. The partial composition in only one argument mentioned previously can be instantiated from this more general scheme by setting all argument functions except one to be suitably chosen projection functions. Here g1, ..., gn can be seen as a single vector/tuple-valued function in this generalized scheme, in which case this is precisely the standard definition of function composition.
A set of finitary operations on some base set X is called a clone if it contains all projections and is closed under generalized composition. A clone generally contains operations of various arities. The notion of commutation also finds an interesting generalization in the multivariate case; a function f of arity n is said to commute with a function g of arity m if f is a homomorphism preserving g, and vice versa, that is:
A unary operation always commutes with itself, but this is not necessarily the case for a binary (or higher arity) operation. A binary (or higher arity) operation that commutes with itself is called medial or entropic.
Composition can be generalized to arbitrary binary relations. If R ⊆ X × Y and S ⊆ Y × Z are two binary relations, then their composition amounts to
Considering a function as a special case of a binary relation (namely functional relations), function composition satisfies the definition for relation composition. A small circle R∘S has been used for the infix notation of composition of relations, as well as functions. When used to represent composition of functions however, the text sequence is reversed to illustrate the different operation sequences accordingly.
The composition is defined in the same way for partial functions and Cayley's theorem has its analogue called the Wagner–Preston theorem.
The category of sets with functions as morphisms is the prototypical category. The axioms of a category are in fact inspired from the properties (and also the definition) of function composition. The structures given by composition are axiomatized and generalized in category theory with the concept of morphism as the category-theoretical replacement of functions. The reversed order of composition in the formula (f ∘ g)−1 = (g−1 ∘ f −1) applies for composition of relations using converse relations, and thus in group theory. These structures form dagger categories.
The standard "foundation" for mathematics starts with sets and their elements. It is possible to start differently, by axiomatising not elements of sets but functions between sets. This can be done by using the language of categories and universal constructions.
. . . the membership relation for sets can often be replaced by the composition operation for functions. This leads to an alternative foundation for Mathematics upon categories -- specifically, on the category of all functions. Now much of Mathematics is dynamic, in that it deals with morphisms of an object into another object of the same kind. Such morphisms (like functions) form categories, and so the approach via categories fits well with the objective of organizing and understanding Mathematics. That, in truth, should be the goal of a proper philosophy of Mathematics.- Saunders Mac Lane, Mathematics: Form and Function
The composition symbol ∘ is encoded as U+2218 ∘ RING OPERATOR (∘, ∘); see the Degree symbol article for similar-appearing Unicode characters. In TeX, it is written \circ
See also
- Cobweb plot – a graphical technique for functional composition
- Combinatory logic
- Composition ring, a formal axiomatization of the composition operation
- Flow (mathematics)
- Function composition (computer science)
- Function of random variable, distribution of a function of a random variable
- Functional decomposition
- Functional square root
- Functional equation
- Higher-order function
- Infinite compositions of analytic functions
- Iterated function
- Lambda calculus
- The strict sense is used, e.g., in category theory, where a subset relation is modelled explicitly by an inclusion function.
- Alfred Pringsheim's and Jules Molk's (1907) notation nf(x) to denote function compositions must not be confused with Rudolf von Bitter Rucker's (1982) notation nx, introduced by Hans Maurer (1901) and Reuben Louis Goodstein (1947) for tetration, or with David Patterson Ellerman's (1995) nx pre-superscript notation for roots.
- Velleman, Daniel J. (2006). How to Prove It: A Structured Approach. Cambridge University Press. p. 232. ISBN 978-1-139-45097-3.
- Weisstein, Eric W. "Composition". mathworld.wolfram.com. Retrieved 2020-08-28.
- Rodgers, Nancy (2000). Learning to Reason: An Introduction to Logic, Sets, and Relations. John Wiley & Sons. pp. 359–362. ISBN 978-0-471-37122-9.
- "3.4: Composition of Functions". Mathematics LibreTexts. 2020-01-16. Retrieved 2020-08-28.
- Hollings, Christopher (2014). Mathematics across the Iron Curtain: A History of the Algebraic Theory of Semigroups. American Mathematical Society. p. 334. ISBN 978-1-4704-1493-1.
- Grillet, Pierre A. (1995). Semigroups: An Introduction to the Structure Theory. CRC Press. p. 2. ISBN 978-0-8247-9662-4.
- Dömösi, Pál; Nehaniv, Chrystopher L. (2005). Algebraic Theory of Automata Networks: An introduction. SIAM. p. 8. ISBN 978-0-89871-569-9.
- Carter, Nathan (2009-04-09). Visual Group Theory. MAA. p. 95. ISBN 978-0-88385-757-1.
- Ganyushkin, Olexandr; Mazorchuk, Volodymyr (2008). Classical Finite Transformation Semigroups: An Introduction. Springer Science & Business Media. p. 24. ISBN 978-1-84800-281-4.
- Herschel, John Frederick William (1820). "Part III. Section I. Examples of the Direct Method of Differences". A Collection of Examples of the Applications of the Calculus of Finite Differences. Cambridge, UK: Printed by J. Smith, sold by J. Deighton & sons. pp. 1–13 [5–6]. Archived from the original on 2020-08-04. Retrieved 2020-08-04. [1] (NB. Inhere, Herschel refers to his 1813 work and mentions Hans Heinrich Bürmann's older work.)
- Cajori, Florian (1952) [March 1929]. "§472. The power of a logarithm / §473. Iterated logarithms / §533. John Herschel's notation for inverse functions / §535. Persistence of rival notations for inverse functions / §537. Powers of trigonometric functions". A History of Mathematical Notations. Vol. 2 (3rd corrected printing of 1929 issue, 2nd ed.). Chicago, USA: Open court publishing company. pp. 108, 176–179, 336, 346. ISBN 978-1-60206-714-1. Retrieved 2016-01-18.
[…] §473. Iterated logarithms […] We note here the symbolism used by Pringsheim and Molk in their joint Encyclopédie article: "2logb a = logb (logb a), …, k+1logb a = logb (klogb a)."[a] […] §533. John Herschel's notation for inverse functions, sin−1 x, tan−1 x, etc., was published by him in the Philosophical Transactions of London, for the year 1813. He says (p. 10): "This notation cos.−1 e must not be understood to signify 1/cos. e, but what is usually written thus, arc (cos.=e)." He admits that some authors use cos.m A for (cos. A)m, but he justifies his own notation by pointing out that since d2 x, Δ3 x, Σ2 x mean dd x, ΔΔΔ x, ΣΣ x, we ought to write sin.2 x for sin. sin. x, log.3 x for log. log. log. x. Just as we write d−n V=∫n V, we may write similarly sin.−1 x=arc (sin.=x), log.−1 x.=cx. Some years later Herschel explained that in 1813 he used fn(x), f−n(x), sin.−1 x, etc., "as he then supposed for the first time. The work of a German Analyst, Burmann, has, however, within these few months come to his knowledge, in which the same is explained at a considerably earlier date. He[Burmann], however, does not seem to have noticed the convenience of applying this idea to the inverse functions tan−1, etc., nor does he appear at all aware of the inverse calculus of functions to which it gives rise." Herschel adds, "The symmetry of this notation and above all the new and most extensive views it opens of the nature of analytical operations seem to authorize its universal adoption."[b] […] §535. Persistence of rival notations for inverse function.— […] The use of Herschel's notation underwent a slight change in Benjamin Peirce's books, to remove the chief objection to them; Peirce wrote: "cos[−1] x," "log[−1] x."[c] […] §537. Powers of trigonometric functions.—Three principal notations have been used to denote, say, the square of sin x, namely, (sin x)2, sin x2, sin2 x. The prevailing notation at present is sin2 x, though the first is least likely to be misinterpreted. In the case of sin2 x two interpretations suggest themselves; first, sin x ⋅ sin x; second,[d] sin (sin x). As functions of the last type do not ordinarily present themselves, the danger of misinterpretation is very much less than in case of log2 x, where log x ⋅ log x and log (log x) are of frequent occurrence in analysis. […] The notation sinn x for (sin x)n has been widely used and is now the prevailing one. […]
(xviii+367+1 pages including 1 addenda page) (NB. ISBN and link for reprint of 2nd edition by Cosimo, Inc., New York, USA, 2013.) - Herschel, John Frederick William (1813) [1812-11-12]. "On a Remarkable Application of Cotes's Theorem". Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. 103 (Part 1). London: Royal Society of London, printed by W. Bulmer and Co., Cleveland-Row, St. James's, sold by G. and W. Nicol, Pall-Mall: 8–26 [10]. doi:10.1098/rstl.1813.0005. JSTOR 107384. S2CID 118124706.
- Peano, Giuseppe (1903). Formulaire mathématique (in French). Vol. IV. p. 229.
- Peirce, Benjamin (1852). Curves, Functions and Forces. Vol. I (new ed.). Boston, USA. p. 203.
{{cite book}}
: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link) - Pringsheim, Alfred; Molk, Jules (1907). Encyclopédie des sciences mathématiques pures et appliquées (in French). Vol. I. p. 195. Part I.
- Ivanov, Oleg A. (2009-01-01). Making Mathematics Come to Life: A Guide for Teachers and Students. American Mathematical Society. pp. 217–. ISBN 978-0-8218-4808-1.
- Gallier, Jean (2011). Discrete Mathematics. Springer. p. 118. ISBN 978-1-4419-8047-2.
- Barr, Michael; Wells, Charles (1998). Category Theory for Computing Science (PDF). p. 6. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2016-03-04. Retrieved 2014-08-23. (NB. This is the updated and free version of book originally published by Prentice Hall in 1990 as ISBN 978-0-13-120486-7.)
- ISO/IEC 13568:2002(E), p. 23
- Bryant, R. E. (August 1986). "Logic Minimization Algorithms for VLSI Synthesis" (PDF). IEEE Transactions on Computers. C-35 (8): 677–691. doi:10.1109/tc.1986.1676819. S2CID 10385726.
- Bergman, Clifford (2011). Universal Algebra: Fundamentals and Selected Topics. CRC Press. pp. 79–80, 90–91. ISBN 978-1-4398-5129-6.
- Tourlakis, George (2012). Theory of Computation. John Wiley & Sons. p. 100. ISBN 978-1-118-31533-0.
- Lipscomb, S. (1997). Symmetric Inverse Semigroups. AMS Mathematical Surveys and Monographs. p. xv. ISBN 0-8218-0627-0.
- Hilton, Peter; Wu, Yel-Chiang (1989). A Course in Modern Algebra. John Wiley & Sons. p. 65. ISBN 978-0-471-50405-4.
- "Saunders Mac Lane - Quotations". Maths History. Retrieved 2024-02-13.
External links
- "Composite function", Encyclopedia of Mathematics, EMS Press, 2001 [1994]
- "Composition of Functions" by Bruce Atwood, the Wolfram Demonstrations Project, 2007.
In mathematics the composition operator displaystyle circ takes two functions f displaystyle f and g displaystyle g and returns a new function h x g f x g f x displaystyle h x g circ f x g f x Thus the function g is applied after applying f to x Reverse composition sometimes denoted f g displaystyle f mapsto g applies the operation in the opposite order applying f displaystyle f first and g displaystyle g second Intuitively reverse composition is a chaining process in which the output of function f feeds the input of function g The composition of functions is a special case of the composition of relations sometimes also denoted by displaystyle circ As a result all properties of composition of relations are true of composition of functions such as associativity ExamplesConcrete example for the composition of two functions Composition of functions on a finite set If f 1 1 2 3 3 1 4 2 and g 1 2 2 3 3 1 4 2 then g f 1 2 2 1 3 2 4 3 as shown in the figure Composition of functions on an infinite set If f R R where R is the set of all real numbers is given by f x 2x 4 and g R R is given by g x x3 then f g x f g x f x3 2x3 4 and g f x g f x g 2x 4 2x 4 3 If an airplane s altitude at time t is a t and the air pressure at altitude x is p x then p a t is the pressure around the plane at time t Function defined on finite sets which change the order of their elements such as permutations can be composed on the same set this being composition of permutations PropertiesThe composition of functions is always associative a property inherited from the composition of relations That is if f g and h are composable then f g h f g h Since the parentheses do not change the result they are generally omitted In a strict sense the composition g f is only meaningful if the codomain of f equals the domain of g in a wider sense it is sufficient that the former be an improper subset of the latter Moreover it is often convenient to tacitly restrict the domain of f such that f produces only values in the domain of g For example the composition g f of the functions f R 9 defined by f x 9 x2 and g 0 R defined by g x x displaystyle g x sqrt x can be defined on the interval 3 3 Compositions of two real functions the absolute value and a cubic function in different orders show a non commutativity of composition The functions g and f are said to commute with each other if g f f g Commutativity is a special property attained only by particular functions and often in special circumstances For example x 3 x 3 only when x 0 The picture shows another example The composition of one to one injective functions is always one to one Similarly the composition of onto surjective functions is always onto It follows that the composition of two bijections is also a bijection The inverse function of a composition assumed invertible has the property that f g 1 g 1 f 1 Derivatives of compositions involving differentiable functions can be found using the chain rule Higher derivatives of such functions are given by Faa di Bruno s formula Composition of functions is sometimes described as a kind of multiplication on a function space but has very different properties from pointwise multiplication of functions e g composition is not commutative Composition monoidsSuppose one has two or more functions f X X g X X having the same domain and codomain these are often called transformations Then one can form chains of transformations composed together such as f f g f Such chains have the algebraic structure of a monoid called a transformation monoid or much more seldom a composition monoid In general transformation monoids can have remarkably complicated structure One particular notable example is the de Rham curve The set of all functions f X X is called the full transformation semigroup or symmetric semigroup on X One can actually define two semigroups depending how one defines the semigroup operation as the left or right composition of functions Composition of a shear mapping red and a clockwise rotation by 45 green On the left is the original object Above is shear then rotate Below is rotate then shear If the transformations are bijective and thus invertible then the set of all possible combinations of these functions forms a transformation group and one says that the group is generated by these functions A fundamental result in group theory Cayley s theorem essentially says that any group is in fact just a subgroup of a permutation group up to isomorphism The set of all bijective functions f X X called permutations forms a group with respect to function composition This is the symmetric group also sometimes called the composition group In the symmetric semigroup of all transformations one also finds a weaker non unique notion of inverse called a pseudoinverse because the symmetric semigroup is a regular semigroup Functional powersIf Y X then f X Y may compose with itself this is sometimes denoted as f2 That is f f x f f x f 2 x f f f x f f f x f 3 x f f f f x f f f f x f 4 x More generally for any natural number n 2 the n th functional power can be defined inductively by f n f f n 1 f n 1 f a notation introduced by Hans Heinrich Burmann citation needed and John Frederick William Herschel Repeated composition of such a function with itself is called function iteration By convention f 0 is defined as the identity map on f s domain idX If Y X and f X X admits an inverse function f 1 negative functional powers f n are defined for n gt 0 as the negated power of the inverse function f n f 1 n Note If f takes its values in a ring in particular for real or complex valued f there is a risk of confusion as f n could also stand for the n fold product of f e g f 2 x f x f x For trigonometric functions usually the latter is meant at least for positive exponents For example in trigonometry this superscript notation represents standard exponentiation when used with trigonometric functions sin2 x sin x sin x However for negative exponents especially 1 it nevertheless usually refers to the inverse function e g tan 1 arctan 1 tan In some cases when for a given function f the equation g g f has a unique solution g that function can be defined as the functional square root of f then written as g f 1 2 More generally when gn f has a unique solution for some natural number n gt 0 then f m n can be defined as gm Under additional restrictions this idea can be generalized so that the iteration count becomes a continuous parameter in this case such a system is called a flow specified through solutions of Schroder s equation Iterated functions and flows occur naturally in the study of fractals and dynamical systems To avoid ambiguity some mathematicians citation needed choose to use to denote the compositional meaning writing f n x for the n th iterate of the function f x as in for example f 3 x meaning f f f x For the same purpose f n x was used by Benjamin Peirce whereas Alfred Pringsheim and Jules Molk suggested n f x instead Alternative notationsMany mathematicians particularly in group theory omit the composition symbol writing gf for g f During the mid 20th century some mathematicians adopted postfix notation writing xf for f x and xf g for g f x This can be more natural than prefix notation in many cases such as in linear algebra when x is a row vector and f and g denote matrices and the composition is by matrix multiplication The order is important because function composition is not necessarily commutative Having successive transformations applying and composing to the right agrees with the left to right reading sequence Mathematicians who use postfix notation may write fg meaning first apply f and then apply g in keeping with the order the symbols occur in postfix notation thus making the notation fg ambiguous Computer scientists may write f g for this thereby disambiguating the order of composition To distinguish the left composition operator from a text semicolon in the Z notation the character is used for left relation composition Since all functions are binary relations it is correct to use the fat semicolon for function composition as well see the article on composition of relations for further details on this notation Composition operatorGiven a function g the composition operator Cg is defined as that operator which maps functions to functions as Cgf f g displaystyle C g f f circ g Composition operators are studied in the field of operator theory In programming languagesFunction composition appears in one form or another in numerous programming languages Multivariate functionsPartial composition is possible for multivariate functions The function resulting when some argument xi of the function f is replaced by the function g is called a composition of f and g in some computer engineering contexts and is denoted f xi g f xi g f x1 xi 1 g x1 x2 xn xi 1 xn displaystyle f x i g f x 1 ldots x i 1 g x 1 x 2 ldots x n x i 1 ldots x n When g is a simple constant b composition degenerates into a partial valuation whose result is also known as restriction or co factor f xi b f x1 xi 1 b xi 1 xn displaystyle f x i b f x 1 ldots x i 1 b x i 1 ldots x n In general the composition of multivariate functions may involve several other functions as arguments as in the definition of primitive recursive function Given f a n ary function and n m ary functions g1 gn the composition of f with g1 gn is the m ary function h x1 xm f g1 x1 xm gn x1 xm displaystyle h x 1 ldots x m f g 1 x 1 ldots x m ldots g n x 1 ldots x m This is sometimes called the generalized composite or superposition of f with g1 gn The partial composition in only one argument mentioned previously can be instantiated from this more general scheme by setting all argument functions except one to be suitably chosen projection functions Here g1 gn can be seen as a single vector tuple valued function in this generalized scheme in which case this is precisely the standard definition of function composition A set of finitary operations on some base set X is called a clone if it contains all projections and is closed under generalized composition A clone generally contains operations of various arities The notion of commutation also finds an interesting generalization in the multivariate case a function f of arity n is said to commute with a function g of arity m if f is a homomorphism preserving g and vice versa that is f g a11 a1m g an1 anm g f a11 an1 f a1m anm displaystyle f g a 11 ldots a 1m ldots g a n1 ldots a nm g f a 11 ldots a n1 ldots f a 1m ldots a nm A unary operation always commutes with itself but this is not necessarily the case for a binary or higher arity operation A binary or higher arity operation that commutes with itself is called medial or entropic GeneralizationsComposition can be generalized to arbitrary binary relations If R X Y and S Y Z are two binary relations then their composition amounts to R S x z X Z y Y x y R y z S displaystyle R circ S x z in X times Z exists y in Y x y in R land y z in S Considering a function as a special case of a binary relation namely functional relations function composition satisfies the definition for relation composition A small circle R S has been used for the infix notation of composition of relations as well as functions When used to represent composition of functions g f x g f x displaystyle g circ f x g f x however the text sequence is reversed to illustrate the different operation sequences accordingly The composition is defined in the same way for partial functions and Cayley s theorem has its analogue called the Wagner Preston theorem The category of sets with functions as morphisms is the prototypical category The axioms of a category are in fact inspired from the properties and also the definition of function composition The structures given by composition are axiomatized and generalized in category theory with the concept of morphism as the category theoretical replacement of functions The reversed order of composition in the formula f g 1 g 1 f 1 applies for composition of relations using converse relations and thus in group theory These structures form dagger categories The standard foundation for mathematics starts with sets and their elements It is possible to start differently by axiomatising not elements of sets but functions between sets This can be done by using the language of categories and universal constructions the membership relation for sets can often be replaced by the composition operation for functions This leads to an alternative foundation for Mathematics upon categories specifically on the category of all functions Now much of Mathematics is dynamic in that it deals with morphisms of an object into another object of the same kind Such morphisms like functions form categories and so the approach via categories fits well with the objective of organizing and understanding Mathematics That in truth should be the goal of a proper philosophy of Mathematics Saunders Mac Lane Mathematics Form and FunctionTypographyThe composition symbol is encoded as U 2218 RING OPERATOR amp compfn amp SmallCircle see the Degree symbol article for similar appearing Unicode characters In TeX it is written circ See alsoCobweb plot a graphical technique for functional composition Combinatory logic Composition ring a formal axiomatization of the composition operation Flow mathematics Function composition computer science Function of random variable distribution of a function of a random variable Functional decomposition Functional square root Functional equation Higher order function Infinite compositions of analytic functions Iterated function Lambda calculusNotesThe strict sense is used e g in category theory where a subset relation is modelled explicitly by an inclusion function Alfred Pringsheim s and Jules Molk s 1907 notation n f x to denote function compositions must not be confused with Rudolf von Bitter Rucker s 1982 notation n x introduced by Hans Maurer 1901 and Reuben Louis Goodstein 1947 for tetration or with David Patterson Ellerman s 1995 n x pre superscript notation for roots ReferencesVelleman Daniel J 2006 How to Prove It A Structured Approach Cambridge University Press p 232 ISBN 978 1 139 45097 3 Weisstein Eric W Composition mathworld wolfram com Retrieved 2020 08 28 Rodgers Nancy 2000 Learning to Reason An Introduction to Logic Sets and Relations John Wiley amp Sons pp 359 362 ISBN 978 0 471 37122 9 3 4 Composition of Functions Mathematics LibreTexts 2020 01 16 Retrieved 2020 08 28 Hollings Christopher 2014 Mathematics across the Iron Curtain A History of the Algebraic Theory of Semigroups American Mathematical Society p 334 ISBN 978 1 4704 1493 1 Grillet Pierre A 1995 Semigroups An Introduction to the Structure Theory CRC Press p 2 ISBN 978 0 8247 9662 4 Domosi Pal Nehaniv Chrystopher L 2005 Algebraic Theory of Automata Networks An introduction SIAM p 8 ISBN 978 0 89871 569 9 Carter Nathan 2009 04 09 Visual Group Theory MAA p 95 ISBN 978 0 88385 757 1 Ganyushkin Olexandr Mazorchuk Volodymyr 2008 Classical Finite Transformation Semigroups An Introduction Springer Science amp Business Media p 24 ISBN 978 1 84800 281 4 Herschel John Frederick William 1820 Part III Section I Examples of the Direct Method of Differences A Collection of Examples of the Applications of the Calculus of Finite Differences Cambridge UK Printed by J Smith sold by J Deighton amp sons pp 1 13 5 6 Archived from the original on 2020 08 04 Retrieved 2020 08 04 1 NB Inhere Herschel refers to his 1813 work and mentions Hans Heinrich Burmann s older work Cajori Florian 1952 March 1929 472 The power of a logarithm 473 Iterated logarithms 533 John Herschel s notation for inverse functions 535 Persistence of rival notations for inverse functions 537 Powers of trigonometric functions A History of Mathematical Notations Vol 2 3rd corrected printing of 1929 issue 2nd ed Chicago USA Open court publishing company pp 108 176 179 336 346 ISBN 978 1 60206 714 1 Retrieved 2016 01 18 473 Iterated logarithms We note here the symbolism used by Pringsheim and Molk in their joint Encyclopedie article 2logb a logb logb a k 1logb a logb klogb a a 533 John Herschel s notation for inverse functions sin 1 x tan 1 x etc was published by him in the Philosophical Transactions of London for the year 1813 He says p 10 This notation cos 1 e must not be understood to signify 1 cos e but what is usually written thus arc cos e He admits that some authors use cos m A for cos A m but he justifies his own notation by pointing out that since d2 x D3 x S2 x mean dd x DDD x SS x we ought to write sin 2 x for sin sin x log 3 x for log log log x Just as we write d n V n V we may write similarly sin 1 x arc sin x log 1 x cx Some years later Herschel explained that in 1813 he used fn x f n x sin 1 x etc as he then supposed for the first time The work of a German Analyst Burmann has however within these few months come to his knowledge in which the same is explained at a considerably earlier date He Burmann however does not seem to have noticed the convenience of applying this idea to the inverse functions tan 1 etc nor does he appear at all aware of the inverse calculus of functions to which it gives rise Herschel adds The symmetry of this notation and above all the new and most extensive views it opens of the nature of analytical operations seem to authorize its universal adoption b 535 Persistence of rival notations for inverse function The use of Herschel s notation underwent a slight change in Benjamin Peirce s books to remove the chief objection to them Peirce wrote cos 1 x log 1 x c 537 Powers of trigonometric functions Three principal notations have been used to denote say the square of sin x namely sin x 2 sin x2 sin2 x The prevailing notation at present is sin2 x though the first is least likely to be misinterpreted In the case of sin2 x two interpretations suggest themselves first sin x sin x second d sin sin x As functions of the last type do not ordinarily present themselves the danger of misinterpretation is very much less than in case of log2 x where log x log x and log log x are of frequent occurrence in analysis The notation sinn x for sin x n has been widely used and is now the prevailing one xviii 367 1 pages including 1 addenda page NB ISBN and link for reprint of 2nd edition by Cosimo Inc New York USA 2013 Herschel John Frederick William 1813 1812 11 12 On a Remarkable Application of Cotes s Theorem Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 103 Part 1 London Royal Society of London printed by W Bulmer and Co Cleveland Row St James s sold by G and W Nicol Pall Mall 8 26 10 doi 10 1098 rstl 1813 0005 JSTOR 107384 S2CID 118124706 Peano Giuseppe 1903 Formulaire mathematique in French Vol IV p 229 Peirce Benjamin 1852 Curves Functions and Forces Vol I new ed Boston USA p 203 a href wiki Template Cite book title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint location missing publisher link Pringsheim Alfred Molk Jules 1907 Encyclopedie des sciences mathematiques pures et appliquees in French Vol I p 195 Part I Ivanov Oleg A 2009 01 01 Making Mathematics Come to Life A Guide for Teachers and Students American Mathematical Society pp 217 ISBN 978 0 8218 4808 1 Gallier Jean 2011 Discrete Mathematics Springer p 118 ISBN 978 1 4419 8047 2 Barr Michael Wells Charles 1998 Category Theory for Computing Science PDF p 6 Archived from the original PDF on 2016 03 04 Retrieved 2014 08 23 NB This is the updated and free version of book originally published by Prentice Hall in 1990 as ISBN 978 0 13 120486 7 ISO IEC 13568 2002 E p 23 Bryant R E August 1986 Logic Minimization Algorithms for VLSI Synthesis PDF IEEE Transactions on Computers C 35 8 677 691 doi 10 1109 tc 1986 1676819 S2CID 10385726 Bergman Clifford 2011 Universal Algebra Fundamentals and Selected Topics CRC Press pp 79 80 90 91 ISBN 978 1 4398 5129 6 Tourlakis George 2012 Theory of Computation John Wiley amp Sons p 100 ISBN 978 1 118 31533 0 Lipscomb S 1997 Symmetric Inverse Semigroups AMS Mathematical Surveys and Monographs p xv ISBN 0 8218 0627 0 Hilton Peter Wu Yel Chiang 1989 A Course in Modern Algebra John Wiley amp Sons p 65 ISBN 978 0 471 50405 4 Saunders Mac Lane Quotations Maths History Retrieved 2024 02 13 External links Composite function Encyclopedia of Mathematics EMS Press 2001 1994 Composition of Functions by Bruce Atwood the Wolfram Demonstrations Project 2007