![Teleology](https://www.english.nina.az/wikipedia/image/aHR0cHM6Ly91cGxvYWQud2lraW1lZGlhLm9yZy93aWtpcGVkaWEvY29tbW9ucy90aHVtYi85Lzk4L1Nhbnppb18wMV9QbGF0b19BcmlzdG90bGUuanBnLzE2MDBweC1TYW56aW9fMDFfUGxhdG9fQXJpc3RvdGxlLmpwZw==.jpg )
Teleology (from τέλος, telos, 'end', 'aim', or 'goal', and λόγος, logos, 'explanation' or 'reason') or finality is a branch of causality giving the reason or an explanation for something as a function of its end, its purpose, or its goal, as opposed to as a function of its cause.James Wood, in his Nuttall Encyclopaedia, explained the meaning of teleology as "the doctrine of final causes, particularly the argument for the being and character of God from the being and character of His works; that the end reveals His purpose from the beginning, the end being regarded as the thought of God at the beginning, or the universe viewed as the realisation of Him and His eternal purpose."
A purpose that is imposed by human use, such as the purpose of a fork to hold food, is called extrinsic.Natural teleology, common in classical philosophy, though controversial today, contends that natural entities also have intrinsic purposes, regardless of human use or opinion. For instance, Aristotle claimed that an acorn's intrinsic telos is to become a fully grown oak tree. Though ancient atomists rejected the notion of natural teleology, teleological accounts of non-personal or non-human nature were explored and often endorsed in ancient and medieval philosophies, but fell into disfavor during the modern era (1600–1900).
In Western philosophy, the term and concept of teleology originated in the writings of Plato and Aristotle. Aristotle's 'four causes' give special place to the telos or "final cause" of each thing. In this, he followed Plato in seeing purpose in both human and nonhuman nature.
The word teleology combines Greek telos (τέλος, from τελε-, 'end' or 'purpose') and logia (-λογία, 'speak of', 'study of', or 'a branch of learning'). German philosopher Christian Wolff would coin the term, as teleologia (Latin), in his work Philosophia rationalis, sive logica (1728).
In Plato's dialogue Phaedo, Socrates argues that true explanations for any given physical phenomenon must be teleological. He bemoans those who fail to distinguish between a thing's necessary and sufficient causes, which he identifies respectively as material and final causes:
Imagine not being able to distinguish the real cause, from that without which the cause would not be able to act, as a cause. It is what the majority appear to do, like people groping in the dark; they call it a cause, thus giving it a name that does not belong to it. That is why one man surrounds the earth with a vortex to make the heavens keep it in place, another makes the air support it like a wide lid. As for their capacity of being in the best place they could be at this very time, this they do not look for, nor do they believe it to have any divine force, but they believe that they will sometime discover a stronger and more immortal Atlas to hold everything together more, and they do not believe that the truly good and 'binding' binds and holds them together.
— Plato, Phaedo, 99
Socrates here argues that while the materials that compose a body are necessary conditions for its moving or acting in a certain way, they nevertheless cannot be the sufficient condition for its moving or acting as it does. For example, if Socrates is sitting in an Athenian prison, the elasticity of his tendons is what allows him to be sitting, and so a physical description of his tendons can be listed as necessary conditions or auxiliary causes of his act of sitting. However, these are only necessary conditions of Socrates' sitting. To give a physical description of Socrates' body is to say that Socrates is sitting, but it does not give any idea why it came to be that he was sitting in the first place. To say why he was sitting and not not sitting, it is necessary to explain what it is about his sitting that is good, for all things brought about (i.e., all products of actions) are brought about because the actor saw some good in them. Thus, to give an explanation of something is to determine what about it is good. Its goodness is its actual cause—its purpose, telos or 'reason for which'.
Aristotle argued that Democritus was wrong to attempt to reduce all things to mere necessity, because doing so neglects the aim, order, and "final cause", which brings about these necessary conditions:
Democritus, however, neglecting the final cause, reduces to necessity all the operations of nature. Now, they are necessary, it is true, but yet they are for a final cause and for the sake of what is best in each case. Thus nothing prevents the teeth from being formed and being shed in this way; but it is not on account of these causes but on account of the end. ...
— Aristotle, Generation of Animals 5.8, 789a8–b15
In Physics, using the hylomorphic theory, (using eternal forms as his model[dubious – discuss]), Aristotle rejects Plato's assumption that the universe was created by an intelligent designer. For Aristotle, natural ends are produced by "natures" (principles of change internal to living things), and natures, Aristotle argued, do not deliberate:
It is absurd to suppose that ends are not present [in nature] because we do not see an agent deliberating.
— Aristotle, Physics, 2.8, 199b27-9
These Platonic and Aristotelian arguments ran counter to those presented earlier by Democritus and later by Lucretius, both of whom were supporters of what is now often called accidentalism:
Nothing in the body is made in order that we may use it. What happens to exist is the cause of its use.
— Lucretius, De rerum natura [On the Nature of Things] 4, 833
Modern philosophy
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In the 17th century, philosophers such as René Descartes and Thomas Hobbes wrote in opposition to Aristotelean teleology. The suggestion that there’s more to objects than their materialism was rejected in favor of a mechanistic view of even complex creatures and organisms. According to Hobbes, writing in Leviathan:
Life is but a motion of limbs. For what is the heart, but a spring; and the nerves, but so many strings; and the joints, but so many wheels, giving motion to the whole body.
But while science was doing a great job at explaining natural phenomena, it stopped short from explaining how life develops. In the late 18th century, Immanuel Kant acknowledged this shortcoming in his Critique of Judgement:
There will never be a Newton of the blade of grass, because human science will never be able to explain how a living being can originate from inanimate matter.
The chief instance, and the largest polemic morass, of teleological viewpoint in modern cosmology and ontology is the teleological argument that posits an intelligent designer as a god.
Postmodern philosophy
Teleological-based "grand narratives" are renounced by the postmodern tradition, where teleology may be viewed as reductive, exclusionary, and harmful to those whose stories are diminished or overlooked.
Against this postmodern position, Alasdair MacIntyre has argued that a narrative understanding of oneself, of one's capacity as an independent reasoner, one's dependence on others and on the social practices and traditions in which one participates, all tend towards an ultimate good of liberation. Social practices may themselves be understood as teleologically oriented to internal goods, for example, practices of philosophical and scientific inquiry are teleologically ordered to the elaboration of a true understanding of their objects. MacIntyre's After Virtue (1981) famously dismissed the naturalistic teleology of Aristotle's "metaphysical biology", but he has cautiously moved from that book's account of a sociological teleology toward an exploration of what remains valid in a more traditional teleological naturalism.
Teleology significantly informs the study of ethics, such as in:
- Business ethics: People in business commonly think in terms of purposeful action, as in, for example, management by objectives. Teleological analysis of business ethics leads to consideration of the full range of stakeholders in any business decision, including the management, the staff, the customers, the shareholders, the country, humanity and the environment.
- Medical ethics: Teleology provides a moral basis for the professional ethics of medicine, as physicians are generally concerned with outcomes and must therefore know the telos of a given treatment paradigm.
The broad spectrum of consequentialist ethics—of which utilitarianism is a well-known example—focuses on the result or consequences, with such principles as John Stuart Mill's 'principle of utility': "the greatest good for the greatest number". This principle is thus teleological, though in a broader sense than is elsewhere understood in philosophy.
In the classical notion, teleology is grounded in the inherent nature of things themselves, whereas in consequentialism, teleology is imposed on nature from outside by the human will. Consequentialist theories justify inherently what most people would call evil acts by their desirable outcomes, if the good of the outcome outweighs the bad of the act. So, for example, a consequentialist theory would say it was acceptable to kill one person in order to save two or more other people. These theories may be summarized by the maxim "the end justifies the means."
Consequentialism stands in contrast to the more classical notions of deontological ethics, of which examples include Immanuel Kant's categorical imperative, and Aristotle's virtue ethics—although formulations of virtue ethics are also often consequentialist in derivation.
In deontological ethics, the goodness or badness of individual acts is primary and a larger, more desirable goal is insufficient to justify bad acts committed on the way to that goal, even if the bad acts are relatively minor and the goal is major (like telling a small lie to prevent a war and save millions of lives). In requiring all constituent acts to be good, deontological ethics is much more rigid than consequentialism, which varies by circumstance.
Practical ethics are usually a mix of the two. For example, Mill also relies on deontic maxims to guide practical behavior, but they must be justifiable by the principle of utility.
A teleology of human aims played a crucial role in the work of economist Ludwig von Mises, especially in the development of his science of praxeology. Mises believed that an individual's action is teleological because it is governed by the existence of their chosen ends. In other words, individuals select what they believe to be the most appropriate means to achieve a sought after goal or end. Mises also stressed that, with respect to human action, teleology is not independent of causality: "No action can be devised and ventured upon without definite ideas about the relation of cause and effect, teleology presupposes causality."
Assuming reason and action to be predominantly influenced by ideological credence, Mises derived his portrayal of human motivation from Epicurean teachings, insofar as he assumes "atomistic individualism, teleology, and libertarianism, and defines man as an egoist who seeks a maximum of happiness" (i.e. the ultimate pursuit of pleasure over pain). "Man strives for," Mises remarks, "but never attains the perfect state of happiness described by Epicurus." Furthermore, expanding upon the Epicurean groundwork, Mises formalized his conception of pleasure and pain by assigning each specific meaning, allowing him to extrapolate his conception of attainable happiness to a critique of liberal versus socialist ideological societies. It is there, in his application of Epicurean belief to political theory, that Mises flouts Marxist theory, considering labor to be one of many of man's 'pains', a consideration which positioned labor as a violation of his original Epicurean assumption of man's manifest hedonistic pursuit. From here he further postulates a critical distinction between introversive labor and extroversive labor, further divaricating from basic Marxist theory, in which Marx hails labor as man's "species-essence", or his "species-activity".
In modern science, explanations that rely on teleology are often, but not always, avoided, either because they are unnecessary or because whether they are true or false is thought to be beyond the ability of human perception and understanding to judge. But using teleology as an explanatory style, in particular within evolutionary biology, is still controversial.
Since the Novum Organum of Francis Bacon, teleological explanations in physical science tend to be deliberately avoided in favor of focus on material and efficient explanations, although some recent accounts of quantum phenomena make use of teleology. Final and formal causation came to be viewed as false or too subjective. Nonetheless, some disciplines, in particular within evolutionary biology, continue to use language that appears teleological in describing natural tendencies towards certain end conditions. Some[who?] suggest, however, that these arguments ought to be, and practicably can be, rephrased in non-teleological forms; others hold that teleological language cannot always be easily expunged from descriptions in the life sciences, at least within the bounds of practical pedagogy.
Contemporary philosophers and scientists still debate whether teleological axioms are useful or accurate in proposing modern philosophies and scientific theories. An example of the reintroduction of teleology into modern language is the notion of an attractor. Another instance is when Thomas Nagel (2012), though not a biologist, proposed a non-Darwinian account of evolution that incorporates impersonal and natural teleological laws to explain the existence of life, consciousness, rationality, and objective value. Regardless, the accuracy can also be considered independently from the usefulness: it is a common experience in pedagogy that a minimum of apparent teleology can be useful in thinking about and explaining Darwinian evolution even if there is no true teleology driving evolution. Thus it is easier to say that evolution "gave" wolves sharp canine teeth because those teeth "serve the purpose of" predation regardless of whether there is an underlying non-teleologic reality in which evolution is not an actor with intentions. In other words, because human cognition and learning often rely on the narrative structure of stories – with actors, goals, and immediate (proximate) rather than ultimate (distal) causation (see also proximate and ultimate causation) – some minimal level of teleology might be recognized as useful or at least tolerable for practical purposes even by people who reject its cosmologic accuracy. Its accuracy is upheld by Barrow and Tipler (1986), whose citations of such teleologists as Max Planck and Norbert Wiener are significant for scientific endeavor.
Apparent teleology is a recurring issue in evolutionary biology, much to the consternation of some writers.
Statements implying that nature has goals, for example where a species is said to do something "in order to" achieve survival appear teleological, and therefore invalid. Usually, it is possible to rewrite such sentences to avoid the apparent teleology. Some biology courses have incorporated exercises requiring students to rephrase such sentences so that they do not read teleologically. Nevertheless, biologists still frequently write in a way which can be read as implying teleology even if that is not the intention. John Reiss argues that evolutionary biology can be purged of such teleology by rejecting the analogy of natural selection as a watchmaker. Other arguments against this analogy have also been promoted by writers such as Richard Dawkins.
Some authors, like James Lennox, have argued that Darwin was a teleologist, while others, such as Michael Ghiselin, describe this claim as a myth promoted by misinterpretations of his discussions and emphasized the distinction between using teleological metaphors and being teleological.
Biologist philosopher Francisco Ayala has argued that all statements about processes can be trivially translated into teleological statements, and vice versa, but that teleological statements are more explanatory and cannot be disposed of.Karen Neander has argued that the modern concept of biological 'function' is dependent upon selection. So, for example, it is not possible to say that anything that simply winks into existence without going through a process of selection has functions. We decide whether an appendage has a function by analysing the process of selection that led to it. Therefore, any talk of functions must be posterior to natural selection and function cannot be defined in the manner advocated by Reiss and Dawkins.
Ernst Mayr states that "adaptedness ... is an a posteriori result rather than an a priori goal-seeking". Various commentators view the teleological phrases used in modern evolutionary biology as a type of shorthand. For example, Simon Hugh Piper Maddrell writes that "the proper but cumbersome way of describing change by evolutionary adaptation [may be] substituted by shorter overtly teleological statements" for the sake of saving space, but that this "should not be taken to imply that evolution proceeds by anything other than from mutations arising by chance, with those that impart an advantage being retained by natural selection". Likewise, J. B. S. Haldane says, "Teleology is like a mistress to a biologist: he cannot live without her but he's unwilling to be seen with her in public."
Cybernetics is the study of the communication and control of regulatory feedback both in living beings and machines, and in combinations of the two.
Arturo Rosenblueth, Norbert Wiener, and Julian Bigelow had conceived of feedback mechanisms as lending a teleology to machinery. Wiener coined the term cybernetics to denote the study of "teleological mechanisms". In the cybernetic classification presented by Rosenblueth, Wiener, and Bigelow, teleology is feedback controlled purpose.
The classification system underlying cybernetics has been criticized by Frank Honywill George and Les Johnson, who cite the need for an external observability to the purposeful behavior in order to establish and validate the goal-seeking behavior. In this view, the purpose of observing and observed systems is respectively distinguished by the system's subjective autonomy and objective control.
See also
- Anthropic principle – Hypothesis about sapient life and the universe
- Causality – How one process influences another
- Chicken or the egg – Philosophical paradox
- Cybernetics – Transdisciplinary field concerned with regulatory and purposive systems
- Destiny – Predetermined course of events
- Dysteleology – Philosophical view that existence has no final goal
- Ed Ricketts – American marine biologist (1897–1948)
- Efficient cause – Topic in Aristotelian philosophy
- Final cause – Topic in Aristotelian philosophy
- Emergence – Unpredictable phenomenon in complex systems
- Four causes – Topic in Aristotelian philosophy
- Ludwig von Mises – Austrian–American economist (1881–1973)
- Moirai – Personifications of fate in Greek mythology
- Naturalism (philosophy) – Belief that only natural laws and forces operate in the universe
- Orthogenesis – Hypothesis that organisms have an innate tendency to evolve towards some goal
- Rationalism – Epistemological view centered on reason
- Telesis – Philosophy on social advancement
- Teleological argument – Argument for the existence of God
- Teleological behaviorism – Type of behaviorism
- Teleomechanism – Principle that mechanism is compatible with teleology
- Teleonomy – Apparent purposefulness brought about by natural processes
- Telos – Aristototelian concept of full potential; inherent purpose; objective of a person or thing
- see also Physics, 2.5–6: where "natures" are contrasted with intelligence
- cf. Lucretius, De rerum natura, 822–56
- "The received intellectual tradition has it that, in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, revolutionary philosophers began to curtail and reject the teleology of the medieval and scholastic Aristotelians, abandoning final causes in favor of a purely mechanistic model of the Universe." Johnson, Monte Ransom (2008), Aristotle on Teleology, Oxford University Press. pp. 23–24.
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- Barrow, John D., and Frank J. Tipler. 1986. The Anthropic Cosmological Principle. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198519492.
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- Dawkins, Richard. 1987. The Blind Watchmaker: Why the Evidence of Evolution Reveals a Universe Without Design. New York: W W Norton & Company.
- Lennox, James G. (1993). "Darwin was a Teleologist". Biology & Philosophy 8:409–21.
- Ghiselin, Michael T. (1994). "Darwin's language may seem teleological, but his thinking is another matter". Biology & Philosophy. 9 (4): 489–492. doi:10.1007/BF00850377. S2CID 170997321.
- Ayala, Francisco (1998). "Teleological explanations in evolutionary biology". Nature's Purposes: Analyses of Function and Design in Biology. Cambridge: MIT Press.
- Neander, Karen. 1998. "Functions as Selected Effects: The Conceptual Analyst's Defense". pp. 313–333 in Nature's Purposes: Analyses of Function and Design in Biology, edited by C. Allen, M. Bekoff, and G. Lauder. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
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- Hull, D. 1973. Philosophy of Biological Science, Foundations of Philosophy Series. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
- Mayr, Ernst. 1974. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science XIV pp. 91–117.
- Rosenblueth, Arturo; Wiener, Norbert; Bigelow, Julian (1943-01-01). "Behavior, Purpose and Teleology". Philosophy of Science. 10 (1): 18–24. doi:10.1086/286788. ISSN 0031-8248. S2CID 16179485.
- Wiener, Norbert. 1948. Cybernetics: Or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine.
- Conway, Patrick (1974). Development of volitional competence. MSS Information Corp. p. 60. ISBN 0-8422-0424-5.
- George, Frank Honywill; Johnson, Les (1985). Purposive behavior and teleological explanations. Gordon and Breach. pp. xII. ISBN 2881241107.
Further reading
This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domain: Wood, James, ed. (1907). "Teleology". The Nuttall Encyclopædia. London and New York: Frederick Warne.
- Espinoza, Miguel. "La finalité, le temps et les principes de la physique".
- Gotthelf, Allan. 1987. "Aristotle's Conception of Final Causality". In Philosophical Issues in Aristotle's Biology, edited by A. Gotthelf and J. G. Lennox. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-52-131091-1, 978-0-52-131091-8
- Horkheimer, Max, and Theodor Adorno. Dialectic of Enlightenment. ISBN 0-8047-3632-4
- Johnson, Monte Ransome. 2005. Aristotle on Teleology. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-928530-6, 978-0-19-928530-3
- Knight, Kelvin. 2007 Aristotelian Philosophy: Ethics and Politics from Aristotle to MacIntyre. New York: Polity Press. ISBN 978-0-7456-1977-4, 0-745-61977-0
- Lukács, Georg. History and Class Consciousness. ISBN 0-262-62020-0
- MacIntyre, Alasdair. 2006. "First Principles, Final Ends, and Contemporary Philosophical Issues". The Tasks of Philosophy: Selected Essays 1, edited by A. MacIntyre. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-19-875108-7, 978-0-19-875108-3
- Makin, Stephen. 2006. Metaphysics Book Theta, by Aristotle, with an introduction and commentary by S. Makin. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-67061-6, 0-521-67061-6
- Marcuse, Herbert. Hegel's Ontology and the Theory of Historicity. ISBN 0-262-13221-4
- Nissen, Lowell. 1997. Teleological Language in the Life Sciences. Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 0-8476-8694-9
- Barrow, John D., and Frank J. Tipler. The Anthropic Cosmological Principal. ISBN 0-19-851949-4
Quotations related to Teleology at Wikiquote
Teleology from telos telos end aim or goal and logos logos explanation or reason or finality is a branch of causality giving the reason or an explanation for something as a function of its end its purpose or its goal as opposed to as a function of its cause James Wood in his Nuttall Encyclopaedia explained the meaning of teleology as the doctrine of final causes particularly the argument for the being and character of God from the being and character of His works that the end reveals His purpose from the beginning the end being regarded as the thought of God at the beginning or the universe viewed as the realisation of Him and His eternal purpose Plato left and Aristotle depicted here in The School of Athens both developed philosophical arguments addressing the universe s apparent order logos A purpose that is imposed by human use such as the purpose of a fork to hold food is called extrinsic Natural teleology common in classical philosophy though controversial today contends that natural entities also have intrinsic purposes regardless of human use or opinion For instance Aristotle claimed that an acorn s intrinsic telos is to become a fully grown oak tree Though ancient atomists rejected the notion of natural teleology teleological accounts of non personal or non human nature were explored and often endorsed in ancient and medieval philosophies but fell into disfavor during the modern era 1600 1900 HistoryIn Western philosophy the term and concept of teleology originated in the writings of Plato and Aristotle Aristotle s four causes give special place to the telos or final cause of each thing In this he followed Plato in seeing purpose in both human and nonhuman nature Etymology The word teleology combines Greek telos telos from tele end or purpose and logia logia speak of study of or a branch of learning German philosopher Christian Wolff would coin the term as teleologia Latin in his work Philosophia rationalis sive logica 1728 Platonic In Plato s dialogue Phaedo Socrates argues that true explanations for any given physical phenomenon must be teleological He bemoans those who fail to distinguish between a thing s necessary and sufficient causes which he identifies respectively as material and final causes Imagine not being able to distinguish the real cause from that without which the cause would not be able to act as a cause It is what the majority appear to do like people groping in the dark they call it a cause thus giving it a name that does not belong to it That is why one man surrounds the earth with a vortex to make the heavens keep it in place another makes the air support it like a wide lid As for their capacity of being in the best place they could be at this very time this they do not look for nor do they believe it to have any divine force but they believe that they will sometime discover a stronger and more immortal Atlas to hold everything together more and they do not believe that the truly good and binding binds and holds them together Plato Phaedo 99 Socrates here argues that while the materials that compose a body are necessary conditions for its moving or acting in a certain way they nevertheless cannot be the sufficient condition for its moving or acting as it does For example if Socrates is sitting in an Athenian prison the elasticity of his tendons is what allows him to be sitting and so a physical description of his tendons can be listed as necessary conditions or auxiliary causes of his act of sitting However these are only necessary conditions of Socrates sitting To give a physical description of Socrates body is to say that Socrates is sitting but it does not give any idea why it came to be that he was sitting in the first place To say why he was sitting and not not sitting it is necessary to explain what it is about his sitting that is good for all things brought about i e all products of actions are brought about because the actor saw some good in them Thus to give an explanation of something is to determine what about it is good Its goodness is its actual cause its purpose telos or reason for which Aristotelian Aristotle argued that Democritus was wrong to attempt to reduce all things to mere necessity because doing so neglects the aim order and final cause which brings about these necessary conditions Democritus however neglecting the final cause reduces to necessity all the operations of nature Now they are necessary it is true but yet they are for a final cause and for the sake of what is best in each case Thus nothing prevents the teeth from being formed and being shed in this way but it is not on account of these causes but on account of the end Aristotle Generation of Animals 5 8 789a8 b15 In Physics using the hylomorphic theory using eternal forms as his model dubious discuss Aristotle rejects Plato s assumption that the universe was created by an intelligent designer For Aristotle natural ends are produced by natures principles of change internal to living things and natures Aristotle argued do not deliberate It is absurd to suppose that ends are not present in nature because we do not see an agent deliberating Aristotle Physics 2 8 199b27 9 These Platonic and Aristotelian arguments ran counter to those presented earlier by Democritus and later by Lucretius both of whom were supporters of what is now often called accidentalism Nothing in the body is made in order that we may use it What happens to exist is the cause of its use Lucretius De rerum natura On the Nature of Things 4 833Modern philosophyThis section needs expansion You can help by adding to it July 2021 In the 17th century philosophers such as Rene Descartes and Thomas Hobbes wrote in opposition to Aristotelean teleology The suggestion that there s more to objects than their materialism was rejected in favor of a mechanistic view of even complex creatures and organisms According to Hobbes writing in Leviathan Life is but a motion of limbs For what is the heart but a spring and the nerves but so many strings and the joints but so many wheels giving motion to the whole body But while science was doing a great job at explaining natural phenomena it stopped short from explaining how life develops In the late 18th century Immanuel Kant acknowledged this shortcoming in his Critique of Judgement There will never be a Newton of the blade of grass because human science will never be able to explain how a living being can originate from inanimate matter The chief instance and the largest polemic morass of teleological viewpoint in modern cosmology and ontology is the teleological argument that posits an intelligent designer as a god Postmodern philosophyTeleological based grand narratives are renounced by the postmodern tradition where teleology may be viewed as reductive exclusionary and harmful to those whose stories are diminished or overlooked Against this postmodern position Alasdair MacIntyre has argued that a narrative understanding of oneself of one s capacity as an independent reasoner one s dependence on others and on the social practices and traditions in which one participates all tend towards an ultimate good of liberation Social practices may themselves be understood as teleologically oriented to internal goods for example practices of philosophical and scientific inquiry are teleologically ordered to the elaboration of a true understanding of their objects MacIntyre s After Virtue 1981 famously dismissed the naturalistic teleology of Aristotle s metaphysical biology but he has cautiously moved from that book s account of a sociological teleology toward an exploration of what remains valid in a more traditional teleological naturalism EthicsTeleology significantly informs the study of ethics such as in Business ethics People in business commonly think in terms of purposeful action as in for example management by objectives Teleological analysis of business ethics leads to consideration of the full range of stakeholders in any business decision including the management the staff the customers the shareholders the country humanity and the environment Medical ethics Teleology provides a moral basis for the professional ethics of medicine as physicians are generally concerned with outcomes and must therefore know the telos of a given treatment paradigm Consequentialism The broad spectrum of consequentialist ethics of which utilitarianism is a well known example focuses on the result or consequences with such principles as John Stuart Mill s principle of utility the greatest good for the greatest number This principle is thus teleological though in a broader sense than is elsewhere understood in philosophy In the classical notion teleology is grounded in the inherent nature of things themselves whereas in consequentialism teleology is imposed on nature from outside by the human will Consequentialist theories justify inherently what most people would call evil acts by their desirable outcomes if the good of the outcome outweighs the bad of the act So for example a consequentialist theory would say it was acceptable to kill one person in order to save two or more other people These theories may be summarized by the maxim the end justifies the means Deontology Consequentialism stands in contrast to the more classical notions of deontological ethics of which examples include Immanuel Kant s categorical imperative and Aristotle s virtue ethics although formulations of virtue ethics are also often consequentialist in derivation In deontological ethics the goodness or badness of individual acts is primary and a larger more desirable goal is insufficient to justify bad acts committed on the way to that goal even if the bad acts are relatively minor and the goal is major like telling a small lie to prevent a war and save millions of lives In requiring all constituent acts to be good deontological ethics is much more rigid than consequentialism which varies by circumstance Practical ethics are usually a mix of the two For example Mill also relies on deontic maxims to guide practical behavior but they must be justifiable by the principle of utility EconomicsA teleology of human aims played a crucial role in the work of economist Ludwig von Mises especially in the development of his science of praxeology Mises believed that an individual s action is teleological because it is governed by the existence of their chosen ends In other words individuals select what they believe to be the most appropriate means to achieve a sought after goal or end Mises also stressed that with respect to human action teleology is not independent of causality No action can be devised and ventured upon without definite ideas about the relation of cause and effect teleology presupposes causality Assuming reason and action to be predominantly influenced by ideological credence Mises derived his portrayal of human motivation from Epicurean teachings insofar as he assumes atomistic individualism teleology and libertarianism and defines man as an egoist who seeks a maximum of happiness i e the ultimate pursuit of pleasure over pain Man strives for Mises remarks but never attains the perfect state of happiness described by Epicurus Furthermore expanding upon the Epicurean groundwork Mises formalized his conception of pleasure and pain by assigning each specific meaning allowing him to extrapolate his conception of attainable happiness to a critique of liberal versus socialist ideological societies It is there in his application of Epicurean belief to political theory that Mises flouts Marxist theory considering labor to be one of many of man s pains a consideration which positioned labor as a violation of his original Epicurean assumption of man s manifest hedonistic pursuit From here he further postulates a critical distinction between introversive labor and extroversive labor further divaricating from basic Marxist theory in which Marx hails labor as man s species essence or his species activity ScienceIn modern science explanations that rely on teleology are often but not always avoided either because they are unnecessary or because whether they are true or false is thought to be beyond the ability of human perception and understanding to judge But using teleology as an explanatory style in particular within evolutionary biology is still controversial Since the Novum Organum of Francis Bacon teleological explanations in physical science tend to be deliberately avoided in favor of focus on material and efficient explanations although some recent accounts of quantum phenomena make use of teleology Final and formal causation came to be viewed as false or too subjective Nonetheless some disciplines in particular within evolutionary biology continue to use language that appears teleological in describing natural tendencies towards certain end conditions Some who suggest however that these arguments ought to be and practicably can be rephrased in non teleological forms others hold that teleological language cannot always be easily expunged from descriptions in the life sciences at least within the bounds of practical pedagogy Contemporary philosophers and scientists still debate whether teleological axioms are useful or accurate in proposing modern philosophies and scientific theories An example of the reintroduction of teleology into modern language is the notion of an attractor Another instance is when Thomas Nagel 2012 though not a biologist proposed a non Darwinian account of evolution that incorporates impersonal and natural teleological laws to explain the existence of life consciousness rationality and objective value Regardless the accuracy can also be considered independently from the usefulness it is a common experience in pedagogy that a minimum of apparent teleology can be useful in thinking about and explaining Darwinian evolution even if there is no true teleology driving evolution Thus it is easier to say that evolution gave wolves sharp canine teeth because those teeth serve the purpose of predation regardless of whether there is an underlying non teleologic reality in which evolution is not an actor with intentions In other words because human cognition and learning often rely on the narrative structure of stories with actors goals and immediate proximate rather than ultimate distal causation see also proximate and ultimate causation some minimal level of teleology might be recognized as useful or at least tolerable for practical purposes even by people who reject its cosmologic accuracy Its accuracy is upheld by Barrow and Tipler 1986 whose citations of such teleologists as Max Planck and Norbert Wiener are significant for scientific endeavor Biology Apparent teleology is a recurring issue in evolutionary biology much to the consternation of some writers Statements implying that nature has goals for example where a species is said to do something in order to achieve survival appear teleological and therefore invalid Usually it is possible to rewrite such sentences to avoid the apparent teleology Some biology courses have incorporated exercises requiring students to rephrase such sentences so that they do not read teleologically Nevertheless biologists still frequently write in a way which can be read as implying teleology even if that is not the intention John Reiss argues that evolutionary biology can be purged of such teleology by rejecting the analogy of natural selection as a watchmaker Other arguments against this analogy have also been promoted by writers such as Richard Dawkins Some authors like James Lennox have argued that Darwin was a teleologist while others such as Michael Ghiselin describe this claim as a myth promoted by misinterpretations of his discussions and emphasized the distinction between using teleological metaphors and being teleological Biologist philosopher Francisco Ayala has argued that all statements about processes can be trivially translated into teleological statements and vice versa but that teleological statements are more explanatory and cannot be disposed of Karen Neander has argued that the modern concept of biological function is dependent upon selection So for example it is not possible to say that anything that simply winks into existence without going through a process of selection has functions We decide whether an appendage has a function by analysing the process of selection that led to it Therefore any talk of functions must be posterior to natural selection and function cannot be defined in the manner advocated by Reiss and Dawkins Ernst Mayr states that adaptedness is an a posteriori result rather than an a priori goal seeking Various commentators view the teleological phrases used in modern evolutionary biology as a type of shorthand For example Simon Hugh Piper Maddrell writes that the proper but cumbersome way of describing change by evolutionary adaptation may be substituted by shorter overtly teleological statements for the sake of saving space but that this should not be taken to imply that evolution proceeds by anything other than from mutations arising by chance with those that impart an advantage being retained by natural selection Likewise J B S Haldane says Teleology is like a mistress to a biologist he cannot live without her but he s unwilling to be seen with her in public Cybernetics Cybernetics is the study of the communication and control of regulatory feedback both in living beings and machines and in combinations of the two Arturo Rosenblueth Norbert Wiener and Julian Bigelow had conceived of feedback mechanisms as lending a teleology to machinery Wiener coined the term cybernetics to denote the study of teleological mechanisms In the cybernetic classification presented by Rosenblueth Wiener and Bigelow teleology is feedback controlled purpose The classification system underlying cybernetics has been criticized by Frank Honywill George and Les Johnson who cite the need for an external observability to the purposeful behavior in order to establish and validate the goal seeking behavior In this view the purpose of observing and observed systems is respectively distinguished by the system s subjective autonomy and objective control See alsoAnthropic principle Hypothesis about sapient life and the universe Causality How one process influences another Chicken or the egg Philosophical paradox Cybernetics Transdisciplinary field concerned with regulatory and purposive systems Destiny Predetermined course of events Dysteleology Philosophical view that existence has no final goal Ed Ricketts American marine biologist 1897 1948 Efficient cause Topic in Aristotelian philosophyPages displaying short descriptions of redirect targets Final cause Topic in Aristotelian philosophyPages displaying short descriptions of redirect targets Emergence Unpredictable phenomenon in complex systems Four causes Topic in Aristotelian philosophy Ludwig von Mises Austrian American economist 1881 1973 Moirai Personifications of fate in Greek mythology Naturalism philosophy Belief that only natural laws and forces operate in the universe Orthogenesis Hypothesis that organisms have an innate tendency to evolve towards some goal Rationalism Epistemological view centered on reason Telesis Philosophy on social advancement Teleological argument Argument for the existence of God Teleological behaviorism Type of behaviorism Teleomechanism Principle that mechanism is compatible with teleology Teleonomy Apparent purposefulness brought about by natural processes Telos Aristototelian concept of full potential inherent purpose objective of a person or thingReferencesNotes see also Physics 2 5 6 where natures are contrasted with intelligence cf Lucretius De rerum natura 822 56 The received intellectual tradition has it that in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries revolutionary philosophers began to curtail and reject the teleology of the medieval and scholastic Aristotelians abandoning final causes in favor of a purely mechanistic model of the Universe Johnson Monte Ransom 2008 Aristotle on Teleology Oxford University Press pp 23 24 Citations Partridge Eric 1977 Origins A Short Etymological Dictionary of Modern English London Routledge p 4187 Mahner Martin Bunge Mario 2013 03 14 Foundations of Biophilosophy Springer Science amp Business Media ISBN 9783662033685 Dubray Charles 2020 1912 Teleology In The Catholic Encyclopedia 14 New York Robert Appleton Company Retrieved 3 May 2020 via New Advent transcribed by D J Potter Junior Paulo Pereira Martins Vasconcelos Vitor Vieira 2011 12 09 A teleologia e a aleatoriedade no estudo das ciencias da natureza sistemas ontologia e evolucao Teleology and randomness in the study of the natural sciences systems ontology and evolution Revista Internacional Interdisciplinar INTERthesis in Portuguese 8 2 316 334 doi 10 5007 1807 1384 2011v8n2p316 ISSN 1807 1384 Allen Colin 2003 Teleological Notions in Biology Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Aristotle Metaphysics 1050a9 17 Wolff Christian 1732 1728 Philosophia Rationalis Sive Logica Methodo Scientifica Pertractata Et Ad Usum Scientiarum Atque Vitae Aptata Frankfurt and Leipzig Retrieved 2014 11 20 Phaedo Plato 98 99 Phaedo Plato 99b Timaeus Plato 46c9 d4 69e6 Timaeus Plato 27d8 29a Hardie R P and R K Gaye trans 2007 Aristotle Physics pp 602 852 in Aristotle Works edited by W D Ross Internet Archive open source full text pp 640 644 649 McShea Daniel W Babcock Gunnar O November 4 2024 Elusive but everywhere Aeon Retrieved November 30 2024 Hobbes Leviathan Introduction Kant 1790 Kritik der Urteilskraft Lyotard Jean Francois 1979 The Postmodern Condition A Report on Knowledge Lochhead Judy 2000 Postmodern Music Postmodern Thought ISBN 0 8153 3820 1 p 6 MACINTYRE ALASDAIR 2022 AFTER VIRTUE a study in moral theory S l UNIV OF NOTRE DAME PRESS ISBN 978 0 268 20405 1 OCLC 1287994331 Brooks Leonard J and Paul Dunn 2009 Brooks Leonard J Dunn Paul 31 March 2009 Business amp Professional Ethics for Directors Executives amp Accountants Cengage Learning ISBN 9780324594553 Cengage Learning ISBN 978 0 324 59455 3 p 149 Sugarman Jeremy and Daniel P Sulmasy 2001 Methods in Medical Ethics Georgetown University Press p 78 ISBN 978 0 87840 873 3 a href wiki Template Cite book title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint multiple names authors list link John Gray Ed 1998 John Stuart Mill On Liberty And Other Essays Oxford University Press p ix ISBN 0 19 283384 7 von Mises Ludwig The Ultimate Foundation of Economic Science Princeton NJ David Van Nostrand via Mises Institute Available in other formats Gonce R A Natural Law and Ludwig von Mises Praxeology and Economic Science Chattanooga TN Southern Economic Association Berki R N On the Nature and Origins of Marx s Concept of Labor Thousand Oaks CA Sage Publications Inc Hanke David 2004 Teleology The explanation that bedevils biology In John Cornwell ed Explanations Styles of explanation in science New York Oxford University Press pp 143 155 ISBN 0 19 860778 4 Retrieved 18 July 2010 Simpson W M R 2021 Cosmic Hylomorphism a powerist ontology of quantum mechanics European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 28 28 doi 10 1007 s13194 020 00342 5 PMC 7831748 PMID 33520035 von Foerster Heinz 1992 Cybernetics p 310 in Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence 1 edited by S C Shapiro ISBN 9780471503071 Nagel Thomas 2012 Mind and Cosmos Oxford University Press Barrow John D and Frank J Tipler 1986 The Anthropic Cosmological Principle New York Oxford University Press ISBN 9780198519492 Ruse M and J Travis eds 2009 Evolution The First Four Billion Years Cambridge MA Belknap Press p 364 Reiss John O 2009 Not by Design Retiring Darwin s Watchmaker Berkeley University of California Press page needed Dawkins Richard 1987 The Blind Watchmaker Why the Evidence of Evolution Reveals a Universe Without Design New York W W Norton amp Company Lennox James G 1993 Darwin was a Teleologist Biology amp Philosophy 8 409 21 Ghiselin Michael T 1994 Darwin s language may seem teleological but his thinking is another matter Biology amp Philosophy 9 4 489 492 doi 10 1007 BF00850377 S2CID 170997321 Ayala Francisco 1998 Teleological explanations in evolutionary biology Nature s Purposes Analyses of Function and Design in Biology Cambridge MIT Press Neander Karen 1998 Functions as Selected Effects The Conceptual Analyst s Defense pp 313 333 in Nature s Purposes Analyses of Function and Design in Biology edited by C Allen M Bekoff and G Lauder Cambridge MA MIT Press Mayr Ernst W 1992 The idea of teleology Journal of the History of Ideas 53 117 35 Madrell S H P 1998 Why are there no insects in the open sea The Journal of Experimental Biology 201 2461 64 Hull D 1973 Philosophy of Biological Science Foundations of Philosophy Series Englewood Cliffs NJ Prentice Hall Mayr Ernst 1974 Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science XIV pp 91 117 Rosenblueth Arturo Wiener Norbert Bigelow Julian 1943 01 01 Behavior Purpose and Teleology Philosophy of Science 10 1 18 24 doi 10 1086 286788 ISSN 0031 8248 S2CID 16179485 Wiener Norbert 1948 Cybernetics Or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine Conway Patrick 1974 Development of volitional competence MSS Information Corp p 60 ISBN 0 8422 0424 5 George Frank Honywill Johnson Les 1985 Purposive behavior and teleological explanations Gordon and Breach pp xII ISBN 2881241107 Further reading This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domain Wood James ed 1907 Teleology The Nuttall Encyclopaedia London and New York Frederick Warne Espinoza Miguel La finalite le temps et les principes de la physique Gotthelf Allan 1987 Aristotle s Conception of Final Causality In Philosophical Issues in Aristotle s Biology edited by A Gotthelf and J G Lennox Cambridge Cambridge University Press ISBN 0 52 131091 1 978 0 52 131091 8 Horkheimer Max and Theodor Adorno Dialectic of Enlightenment ISBN 0 8047 3632 4 Johnson Monte Ransome 2005 Aristotle on Teleology New York Oxford University Press ISBN 0 19 928530 6 978 0 19 928530 3 Knight Kelvin 2007 Aristotelian Philosophy Ethics and Politics from Aristotle to MacIntyre New York Polity Press ISBN 978 0 7456 1977 4 0 745 61977 0 Lukacs Georg History and Class Consciousness ISBN 0 262 62020 0 MacIntyre Alasdair 2006 First Principles Final Ends and Contemporary Philosophical Issues The Tasks of Philosophy Selected Essays 1 edited by A MacIntyre Cambridge Cambridge University Press ISBN 0 19 875108 7 978 0 19 875108 3 Makin Stephen 2006 Metaphysics Book Theta by Aristotle with an introduction and commentary by S Makin New York Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 521 67061 6 0 521 67061 6 Marcuse Herbert Hegel s Ontology and the Theory of Historicity ISBN 0 262 13221 4 Nissen Lowell 1997 Teleological Language in the Life Sciences Rowman amp Littlefield ISBN 0 8476 8694 9 Barrow John D and Frank J Tipler The Anthropic Cosmological Principal ISBN 0 19 851949 4 Quotations related to Teleology at Wikiquote