![Physics (Aristotle)](https://www.english.nina.az/wikipedia/image/aHR0cHM6Ly91cGxvYWQud2lraW1lZGlhLm9yZy93aWtpcGVkaWEvY29tbW9ucy90aHVtYi80LzRlL0FyaXN0b3RsZV9QaHlzaWNhX3BhZ2VfMS5wbmcvMTYwMHB4LUFyaXN0b3RsZV9QaHlzaWNhX3BhZ2VfMS5wbmc=.png )
The Physics (Greek: Φυσικὴ ἀκρόασις Phusike akroasis; Latin: Physica, or Naturales Auscultationes, possibly meaning "Lectures on nature") is a named text, written in ancient Greek, collated from a collection of surviving manuscripts known as the Corpus Aristotelicum, attributed to the 4th-century BC philosopher Aristotle.
The meaning of physics in Aristotle
It is a collection of treatises or lessons that deals with the most general (philosophical) principles of natural or moving things, both living and non-living, rather than physical theories (in the modern sense) or investigations of the particular contents of the universe. The chief purpose of the work is to discover the principles and causes of (and not merely to describe) change, or movement, or motion (κίνησις kinesis), especially that of natural wholes (mostly living things, but also inanimate wholes like the cosmos). In the conventional Andronicean ordering of Aristotle's works, it stands at the head of, as well as being foundational to, the long series of physical, cosmological and biological treatises, whose ancient Greek title, τὰ φυσικά, means "the [writings] on nature" or "natural philosophy".
Description of the content
The Physics is composed of eight books, which are further divided into chapters. This system is of ancient origin, now obscure. In modern languages, books are referenced with Roman numerals, standing for ancient Greek capital letters (the Greeks represented numbers with letters, e.g. A for 1). Chapters are identified by Arabic numerals, but the use of the English word "chapter" is strictly conventional. Ancient "chapters" (capita) are generally very short, often less than a page. Additionally, the Bekker numbers give the page and column (a or b) used in the Prussian Academy of Sciences' edition of Aristotle's works, instigated and managed by Bekker himself. These are evident in the 1831 2-volume edition. Bekker's line numbers may be given. These are often given, but unless the edition is the Academy's, they do match any line counts.
Book I (Α; 184a–192b)
Book I introduces Aristotle's approach to nature, which is to be based on principles, causes, and elements. Before offering his particular views, he engages previous theories, such as those offered by Melissus and Parmenides. Aristotle's own view comes out in Ch. 7 where he identifies three principles: substances, opposites, and privation.
Chapters 3 and 4 are among the most difficult in all of Aristotle's works and involve subtle refutations of the thought of Parmenides, Melissus and Anaxagoras.
In chapter 5, he continues his review of his predecessors, particularly how many first principles there are. Chapter 6 narrows down the number of principles to two or three. He presents his own account of the subject in chapter 7, where he first introduces the word matter (Greek: hyle) to designate fundamental essence (ousia). He defines matter in chapter 9: "For my definition of matter is just this—the primary substratum of each thing, from which it comes to be without qualification, and which persists in the result."
Matter in Aristotle's thought is, however, defined in terms of sensible reality; for example, a horse eats grass: the horse changes the grass into itself; the grass as such does not persist in the horse, but some aspect of it – its matter – does. Matter is not specifically described, but consists of whatever is apart from quality or quantity and that of which something may be predicated. Matter in this understanding does not exist independently (i.e. as a substance), but exists interdependently (i.e. as a "principle") with form and only insofar as it underlies change. Matter and form are analogical terms.
Book II (Β; 192b–200b)
Book II identifies "nature" (physis) as "a source or cause of being moved and of being at rest in that to which it belongs primarily" (1.192b21). Thus, those entities are natural which are capable of starting to move, e.g. growing, acquiring qualities, displacing themselves, and finally being born and dying. Aristotle contrasts natural things with the artificial: artificial things can move also, but they move according to what they are made of, not according to what they are. For example, if a wooden bed were buried and somehow sprouted as a tree, it would be according to what it is made of, not what it is. Aristotle contrasts two senses of nature: nature as matter and nature as form or definition.
By "nature", Aristotle means the natures of particular things and would perhaps be better translated "a nature." In Book II, however, his appeal to "nature" as a source of activities is more typically to the genera of natural kinds (the secondary substance). But, contra Plato, Aristotle attempts to resolve a philosophical quandary that was well understood in the fourth century. The Eudoxian planetary model sufficed for the wandering stars, but no deduction of terrestrial substance would be forthcoming based solely on the mechanical principles of necessity, (ascribed by Aristotle to material causation in chapter 9). In the Enlightenment, centuries before modern science made good on atomist intuitions, a nominal allegiance to mechanistic materialism gained popularity despite harboring Newton's action at distance, and comprising the native habitat of teleological arguments: Machines or artifacts composed of parts lacking any intrinsic relationship to each other with their order imposed from without. Thus, the source of an apparent thing's activities is not the whole itself, but its parts. While Aristotle asserts that the matter (and parts) are a necessary cause of things – the material cause – he says that nature is primarily the essence or formal cause (1.193b6), that is, the information, the whole species itself.
The necessary in nature, then, is plainly what we call by the name of matter, and the changes in it. Both causes must be stated by the physicist, but especially the end; for that is the cause of the matter, not vice versa; and the end is 'that for the sake of which', and the beginning starts from the definition or essence…
— Aristotle, Physics II 9
In chapter 3, Aristotle presents his theory of the four causes (material, efficient, formal, and final). Material cause explains what something is made of (for example, the wood of a house), formal cause explains the form which a thing follows to become that thing (the plans of an architect to build a house), efficient cause is the actual source of the change (the physical building of the house), and final cause is the intended purpose of the change (the final product of the house and its purpose as a shelter and home).
Of particular importance is the final cause or purpose (telos). It is a common mistake to conceive of the four causes as additive or alternative forces pushing or pulling; in reality, all four are needed to explain (7.198a22-25). What we typically mean by cause in the modern scientific idiom is only a narrow part of what Aristotle means by efficient cause. He contrasts purpose with the way in which "nature" does not work, chance (or luck), discussed in chapters 4, 5, and 6. (Chance working in the actions of humans is tuche and in unreasoning agents automaton.) Something happens by chance when all the lines of causality converge without that convergence being purposefully chosen, and produce a result similar to the teleologically caused one.
In chapters 7 through 9, Aristotle returns to the discussion of nature. With the enrichment of the preceding four chapters, he concludes that nature acts for an end, and he discusses the way that necessity is present in natural things. For Aristotle, the motion of natural things is determined from within them, while in the modern empirical sciences, motion is determined from without (more properly speaking: there is nothing to have an inside).
Book III (Γ; 200b–208a)
In order to understand "nature" as defined in the previous book, one must understand the terms of the definition. To understand motion, book III begins with the definition of change based on Aristotle's notions of potentiality and actuality. Change, he says, is the actualization of a thing's ability insofar as it is able.
The rest of the book (chapters 4-8) discusses the infinite (apeiron, the unlimited). He distinguishes between the infinite by addition and the infinite by division, and between the actually infinite and potentially infinite. He argues against the actually infinite in any form, including infinite bodies, substances, and voids. Aristotle here says the only type of infinity that exists is the potentially infinite. Aristotle characterizes this as that which serves as "the matter for the completion of a magnitude and is potentially (but not actually) the completed whole" (207a22-23). The infinite, lacking any form, is thereby unknowable. Aristotle writes, "it is not what has nothing outside it that is infinite, but what always has something outside it" (6.206b33-207a1-2).
Book IV (Δ; 208a–223b)
Book IV discusses the preconditions of motion: place (topos, chapters 1-5), void (kenon, chapters 6-9), and time (khronos, chapters 10-14). The book starts by distinguishing the various ways a thing can "be in" another. He likens place to an immobile container or vessel: "the innermost motionless boundary of what contains" is the primary place of a body (4.212a20). Unlike space, which is a volume co-existent with a body, place is a boundary or surface.
He teaches that, contrary to the Atomists and others, a void is not only unnecessary, but leads to contradictions, e.g., making locomotion impossible.
Time is a constant attribute of movements and, Aristotle thinks, does not exist on its own but is relative to the motions of things. Tony Roark describes Aristotle's view of time as follows:
Aristotle defines time as "a number of motion with respect to the before and after" (Phys. 219b1–2), by which he intends to denote motion's susceptibility to division into undetached parts of arbitrary length, a property that it possesses both by virtue of its intrinsic nature and also by virtue of the capacities and activities of percipient souls. Motion is intrinsically indeterminate, but perceptually determinable, with respect to its length. Acts of perception function as determiners; the result is determinate units of kinetic length, which is precisely what a temporal unit is.
Books V and VI (Ε: 224a–231a; Ζ: 231a–241b)
Books V and VI deal with how motion occurs. Book V classifies four species of movement, depending on where the opposites are located. Movement categories include quantity (e.g. a change in dimensions, from great to small), quality (as for colors: from pale to dark), place (local movements generally go from up downwards and vice versa), or, more controversially, substance. In fact, substances do not have opposites, so it is inappropriate to say that something properly becomes, from not-man, man: generation and corruption are not kinesis in the full sense.
Book VI discusses how a changing thing can reach the opposite state, if it has to pass through infinite intermediate stages. It investigates by rational and logical arguments the notions of continuity and division, establishing that change—and, consequently, time and place—are not divisible into indivisible parts; they are not mathematically discrete but continuous, that is, infinitely divisible (in other words, that you cannot build up a continuum out of discrete or indivisible points or moments). Among other things, this implies that there can be no definite (indivisible) moment when a motion begins. This discussion, together with that of speed and the different behavior of the four different species of motion, eventually helps Aristotle answer the famous paradoxes of Zeno, which purport to show the absurdity of motion's existence.
Book VII (Η; 241a25–250b7)
Book VII briefly deals with the relationship of the moved to his mover, which Aristotle describes in substantial divergence with Plato's theory of the soul as capable of setting itself in motion (Laws book X, Phaedrus, Phaedo). Everything which moves is moved by another. He then tries to correlate the species of motion and their speeds, with the local change (locomotion, phorà) as the most fundamental to which the others can be reduced.
Book VII.1-3 also exist in an alternative version, not included in the Bekker edition.
Book VIII (Θ; 250a14–267b26)
Book VIII (which occupies almost a fourth of the entire Physics, and probably constituted originally an independent course of lessons) discusses two main topics, though with a wide deployment of arguments: the time limits of the universe, and the existence of a Prime Mover — eternal, indivisible, without parts and without magnitude. Isn't the universe eternal, has it had a beginning, will it ever end? Aristotle's response, as a Greek, could hardly be affirmative, never having been told of a creatio ex nihilo, but he also has philosophical reasons for denying that motion had not always existed, on the grounds of the theory presented in the earlier books of the Physics. Eternity of motion is also confirmed by the existence of a substance which is different from all the others in lacking matter; being pure form, it is also in an eternal actuality, not being imperfect in any respect; hence needing not to move. This is demonstrated by describing the celestial bodies thus: the first things to be moved must undergo an infinite, single and continuous movement, that is, circular. This is not caused by any contact but (integrating the view contained in the Metaphysics, bk. XII) by love and aspiration.
Significance to philosophy and science in the modern world
The works of Aristotle are typically influential to the development of Western science and philosophy. The citations below are not given as any sort of final modern judgement on the interpretation and significance of Aristotle, but are only the notable views of some moderns.
Martin Heidegger writes:
The Physics is a lecture in which he seeks to determine beings that arise on their own, τὰ φύσει ὄντα, with regard to their being. Aristotelian "physics" is different from what we mean today by this word, not only to the extent that it belongs to antiquity whereas the modern physical sciences belong to modernity, rather above all it is different by virtue of the fact that Aristotle's "physics" is philosophy, whereas modern physics is a positive science that presupposes a philosophy.... This book determines the warp and woof of the whole of Western thinking, even at that place where it, as modern thinking, appears to think at odds with ancient thinking. But opposition is invariably comprised of a decisive, and often even perilous, dependence. Without Aristotle's Physics there would have been no Galileo.
Bertrand Russell says of Physics and On the Heavens (which he believed was a continuation of Physics) that they were:
...extremely influential, and dominated science until the time of Galileo ... The historian of philosophy, accordingly, must study them, in spite of the fact that hardly a sentence in either can be accepted in the light of modern science.
Italian theoretical physicist Carlo Rovelli considers Aristotle's physics as a correct and non-intuitive special case of Newtonian physics for the motion of matter in fluid after it has reached terminal velocity (steady state). His theory disregards the initial phase of acceleration, which is too short to be observed by the naked eye. Galileo's inclined plane experiment bypasses the issue, as it slows down acceleration enough to allow observing the initial phase of acceleration by the naked eye.
The five elements explain forms of observed motions. Ether explains circular motion in the sky, earth and water explains downward motion, and fire and air explains upward motion. To explain downward motion, instead of postulating one element, he proposed two, because wood moves up in water but down in air, while earth moves down in both water and air. The complex interaction between the 4 elements could explain most of the rising and falling motions of objects with different densities.
The velocity of falling objects is equal to , where
is the weight of the object,
is the density of the surrounding fluid (such as air, fire, or water),
is a constant, and
is a constant depending on the shape of the object. This is correct for the terminal velocity of falling objects in fluid in a constant gravitational field, in the case where most of the fluid resistance is drag force,
. In this case, the terminal velocity is
See also
- History of physics
- Horror vacui
- Euclid's Elements
- An explanation of Bekker numbering along with an image of Page 184, the start of Physics, is to be found in "How to Cite Aristotle" (PDF). Schenectady, NY: Union College. Retrieved 24 November 2017.
- A good explanation: David L. Schindler, "The Problem of Mechanism" in Beyond Mechanism, ed. David L. Schindler (University Press of America, 1986), 1-12 at 3-4.
- Hankinson, R. J. (1997). Cause and Explanation in Ancient Greek Thought. Oxford University Press. p. 125. ISBN 978-0-19-924656-4.
- Aristotle. trans. by R. P. Hardie and R. K. Gaye (ed.). "Physics". The Internet Classics Archive. II 9.
- For an especially clear discussion, see chapter 6 of Mortimer Adler, Aristotle for Everybody: Difficult Thought Made Easy (1978).
- There is an excellent explanation here: Michael J. Dodds, "Science, Causality And Divine Action: Classical Principles For Contemporary Challenges," CTNS Bulletin 21.1 (Winter 2001), sect. 2-3.
- For an overview of the topic with some interpretations of Aristotle's vocabulary, see Sachs, Joe. "Motion and its Place in Nature". Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved 1 December 2017.
- Brague 1990
- Roark 2011, p. 1
- Heidegger, Martin (1998). "On the Essence and Concept of φὐσις in Aristotle's Physics Β, 1". In McNeill, William (ed.). Pathmarks. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 183–230, 185.
Aristotle's Physics is the hidden, and therefore never adequately studied, foundational book of Western philosophy.
(Emphasis in original). - Heidegger, Martin (1991). The Principle of Reason. Studies in Continental Thought. Translated by Lilly, Reginald. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. pp. 62–63. ISBN 0253210666.
- Russell, Bertrand (1946). The History of Western Philosophy. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd. p. 226.
- Rovelli, Carlo (2015). "Aristotle's Physics: A Physicist's Look". Journal of the American Philosophical Association. 1 (1): 23–40. arXiv:1312.4057. doi:10.1017/apa.2014.11. ISSN 2053-4477.
Recensions of Physics in the ancient Greek
A recension is a selection of a specific text for publication. The manuscripts on a given work attributed to Aristotle offer textual variants. One recension makes a selection of one continuous text, but typically gives notes stating the alternative sections of text. Determining which text is to be presented as "original" is a detailed scholarly investigation. The recension is often known by its scholarly editor's name.
- Aristotle, Physics. Greek text with translation by P. H. Wicksteed, F. M. Cornford. Loeb Classical Library 228, 255. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1934–57.
- Aristotle, Physica. Ed. W. D. Ross. Oxford University Press, 1951. ISBN 9780198145141.
- Aristotle (1936). W.D. Ross (ed.). Aristotle's Physics. A Revised Text with Introduction and Commentary. Oxford: University Press. doi:10.1017/S0009840X00076721. S2CID 162514411.
- Aristotelis (1879). Volumen Secundum Continens Ethica, Naturalem Auscultationem, de Caelo, de Generatione et Metaphysica, cum Indice Nominum et Rerum. Opera Omnia (in Ancient Greek and Latin). Parisiis: Editore Ambrosio Firmin Didot.
- Aristotle; Fredericus Syllburgius (1837). Bekkeri, Immanuelis (ed.). Naturalis Auscultationis Libri VIII; De Caelo Libri IV; De Generatione et Corruptione Libri II. Aristotelis Opera; Accedunt Indices Syllburgiani (in Ancient Greek). Vol. Tomus II. Oxonii: E Typographeo Academico.
- ——; —— (1837). Naturalis Auscultationis Libri VIII; De Caelo Libri IV; De Generatione et Corruptione Libri II. Internet Archive. Different formats for display and downloading are available.
- ——; —— (1837). Naturalis Auscultationis Libri VIII; De Caelo Libri IV; De Generatione et Corruptione Libri II (PDF). Institute for the Study of Nature. A pdf file.
- Aristotelis (1831). Physicorum Libri VIII. Aristotelis Opera Omnia V. I (in Ancient Greek). Lipsiae: Sumptibus et Typis Car. Tauchnitii.
- Aristoteles (1831). Immanuelis Bekkeri (ed.). ΦΥΣΙΚΗΣ ΑΚΡΟΑΣΕΩΣ (PDF) (in Ancient Greek). Vol. Prius. Berolini: Academia Regia Borussica (Prussian Academy of Sciences).
English translations of the Physics
In reverse chronological order:
- Aristotle (2018). Physics. Translated by Reeve, C. D. C. Cambridge, MA: Hackett Publishing Company.
- Aristotle (2017). Koutrouby, Gregory (ed.). Physics. Translated by Hardie, R.P.; Gaye, R.K. Dover Publications. ISBN 978-0-486-81351-6. A republication of the 1930 edition. Available as an ebook.
- Aristotle (2005). Physics, or, Natural Hearing. Translated by Coughlin, Glen. South Bend: St. Augustine's Press.
- Aristotle (1999). Bostock, David (ed.). Physics. Translated by Waterfield, Robin. Oxford: University Press.
- Aristotle (1999). Physics: Book VIII. Clarendon Aristotle Series. Translated by Graham, Daniel W. Oxford: University Press.
- Aristotle (1995). Aristotle's Physics: A Guided Study. Translated by Sachs, Joe. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
- Aristotle (1984). Physics: Books I and II. Clarendon Aristotle Series. Translated by Charlton, William. Oxford: University Press.
- Aristotle (1983). Physics: Books III and IV. Clarendon Aristotle Series. Translated by Hussey, Edward. Oxford: University Press.
- Aristotle (1969). Physics. Translated by Apostle, Hippocrates G. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
- Aristotle (1961). Aristotle's Physics; with an Analytical Index of Technical Terms (PDF). Translated by Hope, Richard. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
- Aristotle (1940). Lectures on the Science of Natures, Books I-IV. Translated by Wallis, Charles Glenn. Annapolis: The St. John's Bookstore. OCLC 37790727. Also includes On Coming-To-Be and Ceasing-To-Be I.4-5; On The Generation Of Animals I.22.
- Aristotle (1935). Aristotle; containing selections from seven of the most important books of Aristotle ... Natural science, the Metaphysics, Zoology, Psychology, the Nicomachean ethics, On statecraft, and the Art of poetry. Translated by Wheelwright, Philip. New York: Odyssey Press. OCLC 3363066. Includes Physics I-II, III.1, VIII.
- Aristotle (1934). Physics Books 5-8. Loeb Classical Library 255. Translated by Wicksteed, P.H.; Cornford, F.M. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. This is the oldest of Loeb 255, reprinted or reissued many times subsequently under different subseries: Volume 5 of a 23-volume Aristotle set or Volume 2 of a 2-volume Aristotle Physics set. The terminology Volume 5, Volume 2, Volume 255 is apt to be confusing. Whatever the volume and printing date, Loeb 255 is still in copyright and therefore cannot be offered as a work in the public domain.
- Aristotle (1930). "Physica". In Ross, W.D. (ed.). The Works of Aristotle. Vol. II. Translated by Hardie, R.P.; Gaye, R.K. Oxford: University Press.
- —— (1930). Physica. Internet Archive. Scanned as is. Includes the translators' emphases and divisions within chapters.
- —— (1930). Physics. University of Adelaide Library. Archived from the original on 2014-09-29. Retrieved 2017-11-16. Formatted text divided into books and chapters only.
- —— (1930). Physics. Internet Classics Archive. Archived from the original on 2011-01-06. Retrieved 2008-10-26. Minimally formatted text divided into books and "parts." Book IV is incomplete.
- —— (1930). 07. Aristotle, Physics: Entire. Wildman's Weird Wild Web (a professorial site at Boston University). Single text file arranged in paragraphs.
- —— (1930). Physics. Greek Texts. Minimally formatted single pages accessed one at a time.
- —— (1930). Physics (PDF). PinkMonkey.com. Single pdf file of books and chapters.
- Aristotle (1929). Physics Books 1-4. Loeb Classical Library 228. Translated by Wicksteed, P.H.; Cornford, F.M. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. This is the oldest of Loeb 228, reprinted or reissued many times subsequently under different subseries: Volume 4 of a 23-volume Aristotle set or Volume 1 of a 2-volume Aristotle Physics set. The terminology Volume 4, Volume 1, Volume 228 is apt to be confusing. Whatever the volume and printing date, Loeb 228 is still in copyright and therefore cannot be offered as a work in the public domain.
- Aristotle; Simplicius (1806). The Physics or Physical Auscultation of Aristotle. Translated from the Greek with Copious Notes, in Which the Substance is given of the Invaluable Commentaries of Simplicius. Collected works.English.Taylor. Translated by Taylor, Thomas. London: Robert Wiles. hdl:2027/nyp.33433000341705.
Classical and medieval commentaries on the Physics
A commentary differs from a note in being a distinct work analyzing the language and subsumed concepts of some other work classically notable. A note appears within the annotated work on the same page or in a separate list. Commentaries are typically arranged by lemmas, or quotes from the notable work, followed by an analysis of the author of the commentary.
The commentaries on every work of Aristotle are a vast and mainly unpublished topic. They extend continuously from the death of the philosopher, representing the entire history of Graeco-Roman philosophy. There are thousands of commentators and commentaries known wholly or more typically in fragments of manuscripts. The latter especially occupy the vaults of institutions formerly responsible for copying them, such as monasteries. The process of publishing them is slow and ongoing.
Below is a brief representative bibliography of published commentaries on Aristotle's Physics available on or through the Internet. Like the topic itself, they are perforce multi-cultural, but English has been favored, as well as the original languages, ancient Greek and Latin.
- Aquinas, Thomas (1999). Commentary on Aristotle's Physics. Translated by Richard J. Blackwell; Richard J. Spath; W. Edmund Thirlkel. Notre Dame, Indiana: Dumb Ox Books.
- Averroes (1991). Averroes' questions in physics: from the unpublished Sêfer ha-derûšîm ha-tibʼîyîm. Translated by Helen Tunik Goldstein. Dordrecht; Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Buridani, Johanis (1509). Dullaert, Johanne (ed.). Acutissimi philosophi reverendi magistri Johannis Buridani subtilissime questiones super octo Phisicorum libros Aristotelis diligenter recognite et revise a magistro Johanne Dullaert de Gandavo antea nusquam impresse (in Latin). Parhisiis: Opera ac industria magistri P. Ledru, impensis ... D. Roce.
- Conimbricenses (1592). Commentarii Collegii Conimbricensis Societatis Iesu. In octo libros Physicorum Aristotelis Stagiritae (in Latin). Conimbricae: typis et expensis Antonij à Mariz.
- Jean de Jandun; Elias Cretensis (1551). Ioannis de Ianduno ... Super octo libros Aristotelis De physico auditu subtilissimae quaestiones: ... Eliae etiam hebraei Cretensis Quaestiones: uidelicet de primo motore, de mundi efficientia, de esse & essentia, & uno cum eiusdem in dictis Averrois super eosdem libros annotationibus quàm castigatissimae leguntur duo demum horum onium extant indices: alter questionum ac conclusionum singulorum librorum nuper additus, alter totius operis notabilia quaeque accuratissime demonstrans: ... (in Latin). Venetiis: apud Iuntas.
- Johannis maioris hadigtonani theologi (1526). Octo libri physicorum, cum philosophia atque metaphysica (in Latin). Parisiensis: a Johanne Paruo.
- William of Ockham (1990). "I. On the Notion of Knowledge or Science (Prologus in Expositionem super viii libros Physicorum)". In Stephen F. Brown (ed.). Philosophical Writings: A Selection (in Latin and English). Translated by Philotheus Boehner. Indianapolis; Cambridge: Hackett Publishing Company.
- —— (1989). George Marcil (ed.). Ockham on Aristotle's Physics; A Translation of Ockham's Brevis Summa Libri Physicorum. Text Series No. 17. Translated by Julian Davies. St. Bonaventure, New York: The Franciscan Institute. ISBN 9781576590607.
- Philoponus (2006). Richard Sorabji (ed.). On Aristotle Physics 1.1-3. Ancient Commentators on Aristotle. Translated by Catherine Osborne. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
- —— (2009). —— (ed.). On Aristotle Physics 1.4-9. Ancient Commentators on Aristotle. Translated by Catherine Osborne. London: Duckworth.
- —— (1993). —— (ed.). On Aristotle Physics 2. Ancient Commentators on Aristotle. Translated by A.R. Lacey. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
- —— (1994). —— (ed.). On Aristotle Physics 3. Ancient Commentators on Aristotle. Translated by M.I. Edwards. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
- —— (2012). —— (ed.). On Aristotle Physics 4.1-5. Ancient Commentators on Aristotle. Translated by Keimpe Algra; Johannes M. van Ophuijsen. London: Bristol Classical Press.
- —— (2012). —— (ed.). On Aristotle Physics 4.6-9. Ancient Commentators on Aristotle. Translated by Pamela M. Huby. London: Bristol Classical Press.
- Ramus, Petrus (Pierre de la Ramée), Scholarum physicarum libro octo... (Frankfurt: A Wecheli, 1683).
- Simplicius, On Aristotle's Physics, trans. (various) (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, Ancient Commentators on Aristotle series, 1993–2006).
- Romanus, Aegidius (Giles of Rome), In Octo Libros Physicorum Aristoteles (Venedig, 1502; Frankfurt: Minerva GMBH, 1968).
- Soto, Domingo de, Super octo libros physicorum Aristotelis quaestiones (Salamanca, 1555).
- Themistius, On the Physics (London: Bristol Classical Press, 2012).
Some modern commentaries, monographs and articles
- Bolotin, David (1997). An approach to Aristotle's physics: with particular attention to the role of his manner of writing. New York State: SUNY Press.
- Bostock, David (2006). Space, Time, Matter, and Form: Essays on Aristotle's Physics. Oxford Aristotle Studies. Oxford: University Press.
- Brague, Rémi (1990). "Aristotle's Definition of Motion and Its Ontological Implications". Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal. 13 (2). Translated by Pierre Adler; Laurent d'Ursel: 1–22. doi:10.5840/gfpj19901321. Aristotle's definition of motion, meaning any sort of a change, a technical concept from the Theory of Matter and Form, is especially difficult for moderns unfamiliar with the philosophy to understand. It is the actualization (the becoming visible) of a new instance of a form (or system of forms) in matter that has a potency (capability to receive) for it. Brague makes the attempt to elucidate to moderns.
- Connell, Richard J. (1966). Matter and Becoming. Chicago: Priory Press.
- —— (1995). Nature's Causes. Revisioning Philosophy; Vol. 21. New York: P. Lang.
- Coope, Ursula (2005). Time for Aristotle: Physics IV.10–14. Oxford: University Press.
- Corazzon, Raul (2016). "The Rediscovery of the Corpus Aristotelicum and the Birth of Aristotelianism" (PDF). Theory and History of Ontology.
- Gerson, Lloyd P., ed. (1999). Aristotle: Critical Assessments. Vol. 2: Physics, Cosmology and Biology. New York: Routledge. Collects these papers:
- Van Fraassen, Bas C. (1980). "A Re-examination of Aristotle's Philosophy of Science". Dialogue. 19 (1): 20–45. doi:10.1017/s0012217300024719. S2CID 170882853.
- Code, Alan (1976). "The Persistence of Aristotelian Matter". Philosophical Studies. 29 (6): 357–67. doi:10.1007/bf00646313. S2CID 171045703.
- Kosman, Aryeh (1969). "Aristotle's Definition of Motion" (PDF). Phronesis. 14 (1): 40–62. doi:10.1163/156852869x00037. S2CID 9607748. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2017-12-07.
- Graham, Daniel W. (1988). "Aristotle's Definition of Motion". Ancient Philosophy. 8 (2): 209–15. doi:10.5840/ancientphil1988824.
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- Sprague, Rosamond Kent (1991). "Plants as Aristotelian Substances" (PDF). Illinois Classical Studies. 56: 221–9.
- Grote, George (1880). Bain, Alexander; Robertson, G.Croom (eds.). Aristotle (2nd ed.). London: John Murray.
- Judson, Lindsay, ed. (1991). Aristotle's Physics: a collection of essays. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Kouremenos, Theokritos (2002). The proportions in Aristotle's Phys.7.5. Paligenesia, 76. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
- Lang, Helen S. (1992). Aristotle's Physics and its Medieval Varieties. Albany: State University of New York (SUNY). doi:10.1086/356750.
- Andre Goddu (March 1994). "Aristotle's Physics and Its Medieval Varieties. Helen S. Lang". Isis. 85 (1): 146, 147. doi:10.1086/356750.
- —— (1998). The Order of Nature in Aristotle's Physics: Place and the Elements. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1086/432288.
- Monte Johnson (December 2004). "Helen S. Lang. The Order of Nature in Aristotle's Physics: Place and the Elements". Isis. 95 (4): 687, 688. doi:10.1086/432288.
- Lynch, John Patrick (1972). Aristotle's School: A Study of a Greek Educational Institution. Berkeley: University of California Press.
- MacMullin, Ernan; Bobik, Joseph (1965). The Concept of Matter in Greek and Medieval Philosophy. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press.
- Maritain, Jacques, Science and Wisdom, trans. Bernard Wall (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1954).
- Morison, Benjamin, On Location: Aristotle's Concept of Place (Oxford University Press, 2002).
- Novak, Joseph A. (2001). "Abduction and Aristotle's Library". Proceedings of the Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation Conference. 4. University of Windsor.
- Reizler, Kurt, Physics and Reality (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1940).
- Roark, Tony (2011). Aristotle on Time: A Study of the Physics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Solmsen, Friedrich (1958). "Aristotle and Prime Matter: A Reply to Hugh R. King". Journal of the History of Ideas. 19 (2): 243–252. doi:10.2307/2707937. JSTOR 2707937.
- —— (1960). Aristotle's System of the Physical World: A Comparison with His Predecessors. Cornell studies in classical philology, 33. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
- —— (1961a). "Aristotle's Word for Matter". In Prete, Sesto (ed.). Didascaliæ: Studies in Honor of Anselm M. Albareda Prefect of the Vatican Library. New York: Bernard M. Rosenthal. pp. 393–408. Alborado's birth name was Joaquín Albareda y Ramoneda.
- —— (1961b). "Misplaced Passages at the End of Aristotle's Physics". American Journal of Philology. 82 (3): 270–282. doi:10.2307/292369. JSTOR 292369.
- Smith, Vincent Edward, The General Science of Nature (Milwaukee: The Bruce Publishing Company, 1958).
- Smith, Vincent Edward, Philosophical Physics (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1950).
- Wardy, Robert (1990). The Chain of Change: A study of Aristotle's Physics VII. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521373272.
- Watson, Walter (2012). The Lost Second Book of Aristotle's Poetics. Chicago; London: University of Chicago Press.
- White, Michael J. (1992). The Continuous and the Discrete: Ancient Physical Theories from a Contemporary Perspective. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
- Zeller, Eduard (1897a). Aristotle and the Earlier Peripatetics; being a translation from Zeller's Philosophy of the Greeks. Vol. I. Translated by Costelloe, B.F.C.; Muirhead, J.H. London: Longmans, Green, and Co.
- —— (1897b). Aristotle and the Earlier Peripatetics; being a translation from Zeller's Philosophy of the Greeks. Vol. II. Translated by Costelloe, B.F.C.; Muirhead, J.H. London: Longmans, Green, and Co.
Further reading
- Books
- Die Aristotelische Physik, W. Wieland, 1962, 2nd revised edition 1970.
- Articles
- Machamer, Peter K., "Aristotle on Natural Place and Motion," Isis 69:3 (Sept. 1978), 377–387.
External links
Commentaries and comments
- HTML Greek, in parallel with English translation: Fr. Kenny's collection (with Aquinas's commentary)
- HTML Greek, in parallel with French translation: P. Remacle's collection
- Thomas Aquinas's Commentary
- A 'Bigger' Physics – lecture at MIT on how Aristotle's natural philosophy complements modern science and the need for a general science of nature
- Greek text of Physics, as edited by W.D. Ross
- Perseus edition of Physics in Greek
- Aristotle: Motion and its Place in Nature entry in the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Physics, English Translation by Thomas Taylor public domain audiobook at LibriVox
- Text of Physics, (in html, epub or mobi format) as translated by and
The Physics Greek Fysikὴ ἀkroasis Phusike akroasis Latin Physica or Naturales Auscultationes possibly meaning Lectures on nature is a named text written in ancient Greek collated from a collection of surviving manuscripts known as the Corpus Aristotelicum attributed to the 4th century BC philosopher Aristotle First page of text Volume 2 of a work less formally known as the Oxford Aristotle with the usual label Ex Recensione Immanuelis Bekkeri appended to the title The translation of ex is equivocal in English it could mean of or from not helpful in this case The image is not the original publication of Bekker s recension from which the standard Bekker numbers are derived Indeed Bekker numbers do not appear at all though the recension is Bekker s and the book and chapter numbers derived from the age of manuscripts not known when are used For Bekker s arrangement see the 1831 edition published by the Academia Regia Borussica in Berlin The meaning of physics in AristotleIt is a collection of treatises or lessons that deals with the most general philosophical principles of natural or moving things both living and non living rather than physical theories in the modern sense or investigations of the particular contents of the universe The chief purpose of the work is to discover the principles and causes of and not merely to describe change or movement or motion kinhsis kinesis especially that of natural wholes mostly living things but also inanimate wholes like the cosmos In the conventional Andronicean ordering of Aristotle s works it stands at the head of as well as being foundational to the long series of physical cosmological and biological treatises whose ancient Greek title tὰ fysika means the writings on nature or natural philosophy Description of the contentThe Physics is composed of eight books which are further divided into chapters This system is of ancient origin now obscure In modern languages books are referenced with Roman numerals standing for ancient Greek capital letters the Greeks represented numbers with letters e g A for 1 Chapters are identified by Arabic numerals but the use of the English word chapter is strictly conventional Ancient chapters capita are generally very short often less than a page Additionally the Bekker numbers give the page and column a or b used in the Prussian Academy of Sciences edition of Aristotle s works instigated and managed by Bekker himself These are evident in the 1831 2 volume edition Bekker s line numbers may be given These are often given but unless the edition is the Academy s they do match any line counts Book I A 184a 192b Book I introduces Aristotle s approach to nature which is to be based on principles causes and elements Before offering his particular views he engages previous theories such as those offered by Melissus and Parmenides Aristotle s own view comes out in Ch 7 where he identifies three principles substances opposites and privation Chapters 3 and 4 are among the most difficult in all of Aristotle s works and involve subtle refutations of the thought of Parmenides Melissus and Anaxagoras In chapter 5 he continues his review of his predecessors particularly how many first principles there are Chapter 6 narrows down the number of principles to two or three He presents his own account of the subject in chapter 7 where he first introduces the word matter Greek hyle to designate fundamental essence ousia He defines matter in chapter 9 For my definition of matter is just this the primary substratum of each thing from which it comes to be without qualification and which persists in the result Matter in Aristotle s thought is however defined in terms of sensible reality for example a horse eats grass the horse changes the grass into itself the grass as such does not persist in the horse but some aspect of it its matter does Matter is not specifically described but consists of whatever is apart from quality or quantity and that of which something may be predicated Matter in this understanding does not exist independently i e as a substance but exists interdependently i e as a principle with form and only insofar as it underlies change Matter and form are analogical terms Book II B 192b 200b Book II identifies nature physis as a source or cause of being moved and of being at rest in that to which it belongs primarily 1 192b21 Thus those entities are natural which are capable of starting to move e g growing acquiring qualities displacing themselves and finally being born and dying Aristotle contrasts natural things with the artificial artificial things can move also but they move according to what they are made of not according to what they are For example if a wooden bed were buried and somehow sprouted as a tree it would be according to what it is made of not what it is Aristotle contrasts two senses of nature nature as matter and nature as form or definition By nature Aristotle means the natures of particular things and would perhaps be better translated a nature In Book II however his appeal to nature as a source of activities is more typically to the genera of natural kinds the secondary substance But contra Plato Aristotle attempts to resolve a philosophical quandary that was well understood in the fourth century The Eudoxian planetary model sufficed for the wandering stars but no deduction of terrestrial substance would be forthcoming based solely on the mechanical principles of necessity ascribed by Aristotle to material causation in chapter 9 In the Enlightenment centuries before modern science made good on atomist intuitions a nominal allegiance to mechanistic materialism gained popularity despite harboring Newton s action at distance and comprising the native habitat of teleological arguments Machines or artifacts composed of parts lacking any intrinsic relationship to each other with their order imposed from without Thus the source of an apparent thing s activities is not the whole itself but its parts While Aristotle asserts that the matter and parts are a necessary cause of things the material cause he says that nature is primarily the essence or formal cause 1 193b6 that is the information the whole species itself The necessary in nature then is plainly what we call by the name of matter and the changes in it Both causes must be stated by the physicist but especially the end for that is the cause of the matter not vice versa and the end is that for the sake of which and the beginning starts from the definition or essence Aristotle Physics II 9 In chapter 3 Aristotle presents his theory of the four causes material efficient formal and final Material cause explains what something is made of for example the wood of a house formal cause explains the form which a thing follows to become that thing the plans of an architect to build a house efficient cause is the actual source of the change the physical building of the house and final cause is the intended purpose of the change the final product of the house and its purpose as a shelter and home Of particular importance is the final cause or purpose telos It is a common mistake to conceive of the four causes as additive or alternative forces pushing or pulling in reality all four are needed to explain 7 198a22 25 What we typically mean by cause in the modern scientific idiom is only a narrow part of what Aristotle means by efficient cause He contrasts purpose with the way in which nature does not work chance or luck discussed in chapters 4 5 and 6 Chance working in the actions of humans is tuche and in unreasoning agents automaton Something happens by chance when all the lines of causality converge without that convergence being purposefully chosen and produce a result similar to the teleologically caused one In chapters 7 through 9 Aristotle returns to the discussion of nature With the enrichment of the preceding four chapters he concludes that nature acts for an end and he discusses the way that necessity is present in natural things For Aristotle the motion of natural things is determined from within them while in the modern empirical sciences motion is determined from without more properly speaking there is nothing to have an inside Book III G 200b 208a In order to understand nature as defined in the previous book one must understand the terms of the definition To understand motion book III begins with the definition of change based on Aristotle s notions of potentiality and actuality Change he says is the actualization of a thing s ability insofar as it is able The rest of the book chapters 4 8 discusses the infinite apeiron the unlimited He distinguishes between the infinite by addition and the infinite by division and between the actually infinite and potentially infinite He argues against the actually infinite in any form including infinite bodies substances and voids Aristotle here says the only type of infinity that exists is the potentially infinite Aristotle characterizes this as that which serves as the matter for the completion of a magnitude and is potentially but not actually the completed whole 207a22 23 The infinite lacking any form is thereby unknowable Aristotle writes it is not what has nothing outside it that is infinite but what always has something outside it 6 206b33 207a1 2 Book IV D 208a 223b Book IV discusses the preconditions of motion place topos chapters 1 5 void kenon chapters 6 9 and time khronos chapters 10 14 The book starts by distinguishing the various ways a thing can be in another He likens place to an immobile container or vessel the innermost motionless boundary of what contains is the primary place of a body 4 212a20 Unlike space which is a volume co existent with a body place is a boundary or surface He teaches that contrary to the Atomists and others a void is not only unnecessary but leads to contradictions e g making locomotion impossible Time is a constant attribute of movements and Aristotle thinks does not exist on its own but is relative to the motions of things Tony Roark describes Aristotle s view of time as follows Aristotle defines time as a number of motion with respect to the before and after Phys 219b1 2 by which he intends to denote motion s susceptibility to division into undetached parts of arbitrary length a property that it possesses both by virtue of its intrinsic nature and also by virtue of the capacities and activities of percipient souls Motion is intrinsically indeterminate but perceptually determinable with respect to its length Acts of perception function as determiners the result is determinate units of kinetic length which is precisely what a temporal unit is Books V and VI E 224a 231a Z 231a 241b Books V and VI deal with how motion occurs Book V classifies four species of movement depending on where the opposites are located Movement categories include quantity e g a change in dimensions from great to small quality as for colors from pale to dark place local movements generally go from up downwards and vice versa or more controversially substance In fact substances do not have opposites so it is inappropriate to say that something properly becomes from not man man generation and corruption are not kinesis in the full sense Book VI discusses how a changing thing can reach the opposite state if it has to pass through infinite intermediate stages It investigates by rational and logical arguments the notions of continuity and division establishing that change and consequently time and place are not divisible into indivisible parts they are not mathematically discrete but continuous that is infinitely divisible in other words that you cannot build up a continuum out of discrete or indivisible points or moments Among other things this implies that there can be no definite indivisible moment when a motion begins This discussion together with that of speed and the different behavior of the four different species of motion eventually helps Aristotle answer the famous paradoxes of Zeno which purport to show the absurdity of motion s existence Book VII H 241a25 250b7 Book VII briefly deals with the relationship of the moved to his mover which Aristotle describes in substantial divergence with Plato s theory of the soul as capable of setting itself in motion Laws book X Phaedrus Phaedo Everything which moves is moved by another He then tries to correlate the species of motion and their speeds with the local change locomotion phora as the most fundamental to which the others can be reduced Book VII 1 3 also exist in an alternative version not included in the Bekker edition Book VIII 8 250a14 267b26 Book VIII which occupies almost a fourth of the entire Physics and probably constituted originally an independent course of lessons discusses two main topics though with a wide deployment of arguments the time limits of the universe and the existence of a Prime Mover eternal indivisible without parts and without magnitude Isn t the universe eternal has it had a beginning will it ever end Aristotle s response as a Greek could hardly be affirmative never having been told of a creatio ex nihilo but he also has philosophical reasons for denying that motion had not always existed on the grounds of the theory presented in the earlier books of the Physics Eternity of motion is also confirmed by the existence of a substance which is different from all the others in lacking matter being pure form it is also in an eternal actuality not being imperfect in any respect hence needing not to move This is demonstrated by describing the celestial bodies thus the first things to be moved must undergo an infinite single and continuous movement that is circular This is not caused by any contact but integrating the view contained in the Metaphysics bk XII by love and aspiration Significance to philosophy and science in the modern worldThe works of Aristotle are typically influential to the development of Western science and philosophy The citations below are not given as any sort of final modern judgement on the interpretation and significance of Aristotle but are only the notable views of some moderns Heidegger Martin Heidegger writes The Physics is a lecture in which he seeks to determine beings that arise on their own tὰ fysei ὄnta with regard to their being Aristotelian physics is different from what we mean today by this word not only to the extent that it belongs to antiquity whereas the modern physical sciences belong to modernity rather above all it is different by virtue of the fact that Aristotle s physics is philosophy whereas modern physics is a positive science that presupposes a philosophy This book determines the warp and woof of the whole of Western thinking even at that place where it as modern thinking appears to think at odds with ancient thinking But opposition is invariably comprised of a decisive and often even perilous dependence Without Aristotle s Physics there would have been no Galileo Russell Bertrand Russell says of Physics and On the Heavens which he believed was a continuation of Physics that they were extremely influential and dominated science until the time of Galileo The historian of philosophy accordingly must study them in spite of the fact that hardly a sentence in either can be accepted in the light of modern science Rovelli Italian theoretical physicist Carlo Rovelli considers Aristotle s physics as a correct and non intuitive special case of Newtonian physics for the motion of matter in fluid after it has reached terminal velocity steady state His theory disregards the initial phase of acceleration which is too short to be observed by the naked eye Galileo s inclined plane experiment bypasses the issue as it slows down acceleration enough to allow observing the initial phase of acceleration by the naked eye The five elements explain forms of observed motions Ether explains circular motion in the sky earth and water explains downward motion and fire and air explains upward motion To explain downward motion instead of postulating one element he proposed two because wood moves up in water but down in air while earth moves down in both water and air The complex interaction between the 4 elements could explain most of the rising and falling motions of objects with different densities The velocity of falling objects is equal to C Wr n displaystyle C left frac W rho right n where W displaystyle W is the weight of the object r displaystyle rho is the density of the surrounding fluid such as air fire or water n gt 0 displaystyle n gt 0 is a constant and C displaystyle C is a constant depending on the shape of the object This is correct for the terminal velocity of falling objects in fluid in a constant gravitational field in the case where most of the fluid resistance is drag force rv2 displaystyle propto rho v 2 In this case the terminal velocity is C Wr 1 2 displaystyle C left frac W rho right 1 2 See alsoHistory of physics Horror vacui Euclid s ElementsNotesAn explanation of Bekker numbering along with an image of Page 184 the start of Physics is to be found in How to Cite Aristotle PDF Schenectady NY Union College Retrieved 24 November 2017 ReferencesA good explanation David L Schindler The Problem of Mechanism in Beyond Mechanism ed David L Schindler University Press of America 1986 1 12 at 3 4 Hankinson R J 1997 Cause and Explanation in Ancient Greek Thought Oxford University Press p 125 ISBN 978 0 19 924656 4 Aristotle trans by R P Hardie and R K Gaye ed Physics The Internet Classics Archive II 9 For an especially clear discussion see chapter 6 of Mortimer Adler Aristotle for Everybody Difficult Thought Made Easy 1978 There is an excellent explanation here Michael J Dodds Science Causality And Divine Action Classical Principles For Contemporary Challenges CTNS Bulletin 21 1 Winter 2001 sect 2 3 For an overview of the topic with some interpretations of Aristotle s vocabulary see Sachs Joe Motion and its Place in Nature Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy Retrieved 1 December 2017 Brague 1990 Roark 2011 p 1 Heidegger Martin 1998 On the Essence and Concept of fὐsis in Aristotle s Physics B 1 In McNeill William ed Pathmarks Cambridge Cambridge University Press pp 183 230 185 Aristotle sPhysicsis the hidden and therefore never adequately studied foundational book of Western philosophy Emphasis in original Heidegger Martin 1991 The Principle of Reason Studies in Continental Thought Translated by Lilly Reginald Bloomington Indiana University Press pp 62 63 ISBN 0253210666 Russell Bertrand 1946 The History of Western Philosophy London George Allen amp Unwin Ltd p 226 Rovelli Carlo 2015 Aristotle s Physics A Physicist s Look Journal of the American Philosophical Association 1 1 23 40 arXiv 1312 4057 doi 10 1017 apa 2014 11 ISSN 2053 4477 BibliographyRecensions of Physics in the ancient Greek A recension is a selection of a specific text for publication The manuscripts on a given work attributed to Aristotle offer textual variants One recension makes a selection of one continuous text but typically gives notes stating the alternative sections of text Determining which text is to be presented as original is a detailed scholarly investigation The recension is often known by its scholarly editor s name Aristotle Physics Greek text with translation by P H Wicksteed F M Cornford Loeb Classical Library 228 255 Cambridge MA Harvard University Press 1934 57 Aristotle Physica Ed W D Ross Oxford University Press 1951 ISBN 9780198145141 Aristotle 1936 W D Ross ed Aristotle s Physics A Revised Text with Introduction and Commentary Oxford University Press doi 10 1017 S0009840X00076721 S2CID 162514411 Aristotelis 1879 Volumen Secundum Continens Ethica Naturalem Auscultationem de Caelo de Generatione et Metaphysica cum Indice Nominum et Rerum Opera Omnia in Ancient Greek and Latin Parisiis Editore Ambrosio Firmin Didot Aristotle Fredericus Syllburgius 1837 Bekkeri Immanuelis ed Naturalis Auscultationis Libri VIII De Caelo Libri IV De Generatione et Corruptione Libri II Aristotelis Opera Accedunt Indices Syllburgiani in Ancient Greek Vol Tomus II Oxonii E Typographeo Academico 1837 Naturalis Auscultationis Libri VIII De Caelo Libri IV De Generatione et Corruptione Libri II Internet Archive Different formats for display and downloading are available 1837 Naturalis Auscultationis Libri VIII De Caelo Libri IV De Generatione et Corruptione Libri II PDF Institute for the Study of Nature A pdf file Aristotelis 1831 Physicorum Libri VIII Aristotelis Opera Omnia V I in Ancient Greek Lipsiae Sumptibus et Typis Car Tauchnitii Aristoteles 1831 Immanuelis Bekkeri ed FYSIKHS AKROASEWS PDF in Ancient Greek Vol Prius Berolini Academia Regia Borussica Prussian Academy of Sciences English translations of the Physics In reverse chronological order Aristotle 2018 Physics Translated by Reeve C D C Cambridge MA Hackett Publishing Company Aristotle 2017 Koutrouby Gregory ed Physics Translated by Hardie R P Gaye R K Dover Publications ISBN 978 0 486 81351 6 A republication of the 1930 edition Available as an ebook Aristotle 2005 Physics or Natural Hearing Translated by Coughlin Glen South Bend St Augustine s Press Aristotle 1999 Bostock David ed Physics Translated by Waterfield Robin Oxford University Press Aristotle 1999 Physics Book VIII Clarendon Aristotle Series Translated by Graham Daniel W Oxford University Press Aristotle 1995 Aristotle s Physics A Guided Study Translated by Sachs Joe New Brunswick NJ Rutgers University Press Aristotle 1984 Physics Books I and II Clarendon Aristotle Series Translated by Charlton William Oxford University Press Aristotle 1983 Physics Books III and IV Clarendon Aristotle Series Translated by Hussey Edward Oxford University Press Aristotle 1969 Physics Translated by Apostle Hippocrates G Bloomington Indiana University Press Aristotle 1961 Aristotle s Physics with an Analytical Index of Technical Terms PDF Translated by Hope Richard Lincoln University of Nebraska Press Aristotle 1940 Lectures on the Science of Natures Books I IV Translated by Wallis Charles Glenn Annapolis The St John s Bookstore OCLC 37790727 Also includes On Coming To Be and Ceasing To Be I 4 5 On The Generation Of Animals I 22 Aristotle 1935 Aristotle containing selections from seven of the most important books of Aristotle Natural science the Metaphysics Zoology Psychology the Nicomachean ethics On statecraft and the Art of poetry Translated by Wheelwright Philip New York Odyssey Press OCLC 3363066 Includes Physics I II III 1 VIII Aristotle 1934 Physics Books 5 8 Loeb Classical Library 255 Translated by Wicksteed P H Cornford F M Cambridge Massachusetts Harvard University Press This is the oldest of Loeb 255 reprinted or reissued many times subsequently under different subseries Volume 5 of a 23 volume Aristotle set or Volume 2 of a 2 volume Aristotle Physics set The terminology Volume 5 Volume 2 Volume 255 is apt to be confusing Whatever the volume and printing date Loeb 255 is still in copyright and therefore cannot be offered as a work in the public domain Aristotle 1930 Physica In Ross W D ed The Works of Aristotle Vol II Translated by Hardie R P Gaye R K Oxford University Press 1930 Physica Internet Archive Scanned as is Includes the translators emphases and divisions within chapters 1930 Physics University of Adelaide Library Archived from the original on 2014 09 29 Retrieved 2017 11 16 Formatted text divided into books and chapters only 1930 Physics Internet Classics Archive Archived from the original on 2011 01 06 Retrieved 2008 10 26 Minimally formatted text divided into books and parts Book IV is incomplete 1930 07 Aristotle Physics Entire Wildman s Weird Wild Web a professorial site at Boston University Single text file arranged in paragraphs 1930 Physics Greek Texts Minimally formatted single pages accessed one at a time 1930 Physics PDF PinkMonkey com Single pdf file of books and chapters Aristotle 1929 Physics Books 1 4 Loeb Classical Library 228 Translated by Wicksteed P H Cornford F M Cambridge Massachusetts Harvard University Press This is the oldest of Loeb 228 reprinted or reissued many times subsequently under different subseries Volume 4 of a 23 volume Aristotle set or Volume 1 of a 2 volume Aristotle Physics set The terminology Volume 4 Volume 1 Volume 228 is apt to be confusing Whatever the volume and printing date Loeb 228 is still in copyright and therefore cannot be offered as a work in the public domain Aristotle Simplicius 1806 The Physics or Physical Auscultation of Aristotle Translated from the Greek with Copious Notes in Which the Substance is given of the Invaluable Commentaries of Simplicius Collected works English Taylor Translated by Taylor Thomas London Robert Wiles hdl 2027 nyp 33433000341705 Classical and medieval commentaries on the Physics A commentary differs from a note in being a distinct work analyzing the language and subsumed concepts of some other work classically notable A note appears within the annotated work on the same page or in a separate list Commentaries are typically arranged by lemmas or quotes from the notable work followed by an analysis of the author of the commentary The commentaries on every work of Aristotle are a vast and mainly unpublished topic They extend continuously from the death of the philosopher representing the entire history of Graeco Roman philosophy There are thousands of commentators and commentaries known wholly or more typically in fragments of manuscripts The latter especially occupy the vaults of institutions formerly responsible for copying them such as monasteries The process of publishing them is slow and ongoing Below is a brief representative bibliography of published commentaries on Aristotle s Physics available on or through the Internet Like the topic itself they are perforce multi cultural but English has been favored as well as the original languages ancient Greek and Latin Aquinas Thomas 1999 Commentary on Aristotle s Physics Translated by Richard J Blackwell Richard J Spath W Edmund Thirlkel Notre Dame Indiana Dumb Ox Books Averroes 1991 Averroes questions in physics from the unpublished Sefer ha derusim ha tibʼiyim Translated by Helen Tunik Goldstein Dordrecht Boston Kluwer Academic Publishers Buridani Johanis 1509 Dullaert Johanne ed Acutissimi philosophi reverendi magistri Johannis Buridani subtilissime questiones super octo Phisicorum libros Aristotelis diligenter recognite et revise a magistro Johanne Dullaert de Gandavo antea nusquam impresse in Latin Parhisiis Opera ac industria magistri P Ledru impensis D Roce Conimbricenses 1592 Commentarii Collegii Conimbricensis Societatis Iesu In octo libros Physicorum Aristotelis Stagiritae in Latin Conimbricae typis et expensis Antonij a Mariz Jean de Jandun Elias Cretensis 1551 Ioannis de Ianduno Super octo libros Aristotelis De physico auditu subtilissimae quaestiones Eliae etiam hebraei Cretensis Quaestiones uidelicet de primo motore de mundi efficientia de esse amp essentia amp uno cum eiusdem in dictis Averrois super eosdem libros annotationibus quam castigatissimae leguntur duo demum horum onium extant indices alter questionum ac conclusionum singulorum librorum nuper additus alter totius operis notabilia quaeque accuratissime demonstrans in Latin Venetiis apud Iuntas Johannis maioris hadigtonani theologi 1526 Octo libri physicorum cum philosophia atque metaphysica in Latin Parisiensis a Johanne Paruo William of Ockham 1990 I On the Notion of Knowledge or Science Prologus in Expositionem super viii libros Physicorum In Stephen F Brown ed Philosophical Writings A Selection in Latin and English Translated by Philotheus Boehner Indianapolis Cambridge Hackett Publishing Company 1989 George Marcil ed Ockham on Aristotle s Physics A Translation of Ockham s Brevis Summa Libri Physicorum Text Series No 17 Translated by Julian Davies St Bonaventure New York The Franciscan Institute ISBN 9781576590607 Philoponus 2006 Richard Sorabji ed On Aristotle Physics 1 1 3 Ancient Commentators on Aristotle Translated by Catherine Osborne Ithaca N Y Cornell University Press 2009 ed On Aristotle Physics 1 4 9 Ancient Commentators on Aristotle Translated by Catherine Osborne London Duckworth 1993 ed On Aristotle Physics 2 Ancient Commentators on Aristotle Translated by A R Lacey Ithaca N Y Cornell University Press 1994 ed On Aristotle Physics 3 Ancient Commentators on Aristotle Translated by M I Edwards Ithaca N Y Cornell University Press 2012 ed On Aristotle Physics 4 1 5 Ancient Commentators on Aristotle Translated by Keimpe Algra Johannes M van Ophuijsen London Bristol Classical Press 2012 ed On Aristotle Physics 4 6 9 Ancient Commentators on Aristotle Translated by Pamela M Huby London Bristol Classical Press Ramus Petrus Pierre de la Ramee Scholarum physicarum libro octo Frankfurt A Wecheli 1683 Simplicius On Aristotle s Physics trans various Ithaca Cornell University Press Ancient Commentators on Aristotle series 1993 2006 Romanus Aegidius Giles of Rome In Octo Libros Physicorum Aristoteles Venedig 1502 Frankfurt Minerva GMBH 1968 Soto Domingo de Super octo libros physicorum Aristotelis quaestiones Salamanca 1555 Themistius On the Physics London Bristol Classical Press 2012 Some modern commentaries monographs and articles Bolotin David 1997 An approach to Aristotle s physics with particular attention to the role of his manner of writing New York State SUNY Press Bostock David 2006 Space Time Matter and Form Essays on Aristotle s Physics Oxford Aristotle Studies Oxford University Press Brague Remi 1990 Aristotle s Definition of Motion and Its Ontological Implications Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 13 2 Translated by Pierre Adler Laurent d Ursel 1 22 doi 10 5840 gfpj19901321 Aristotle s definition of motion meaning any sort of a change a technical concept from the Theory of Matter and Form is especially difficult for moderns unfamiliar with the philosophy to understand It is the actualization the becoming visible of a new instance of a form or system of forms in matter that has a potency capability to receive for it Brague makes the attempt to elucidate to moderns Connell Richard J 1966 Matter and Becoming Chicago Priory Press 1995 Nature s Causes Revisioning Philosophy Vol 21 New York P Lang Coope Ursula 2005 Time for Aristotle PhysicsIV 10 14 Oxford University Press Corazzon Raul 2016 The Rediscovery of the Corpus Aristotelicum and the Birth of Aristotelianism PDF Theory and History of Ontology Gerson Lloyd P ed 1999 Aristotle Critical Assessments Vol 2 Physics Cosmology and Biology New York Routledge Collects these papers Van Fraassen Bas C 1980 A Re examination of Aristotle s Philosophy of Science Dialogue 19 1 20 45 doi 10 1017 s0012217300024719 S2CID 170882853 Code Alan 1976 The Persistence of Aristotelian Matter Philosophical Studies 29 6 357 67 doi 10 1007 bf00646313 S2CID 171045703 Kosman Aryeh 1969 Aristotle s Definition of Motion PDF Phronesis 14 1 40 62 doi 10 1163 156852869x00037 S2CID 9607748 Archived from the original PDF on 2017 12 07 Graham Daniel W 1988 Aristotle s Definition of Motion Ancient Philosophy 8 2 209 15 doi 10 5840 ancientphil1988824 Cohen Sheldon M 1994 Aristotle on Elemental Motion Phronesis 39 2 150 9 doi 10 1163 156852894321052153 Bradie Michael Miller Fred D Jr 1984 Teleology and Natural Necessity in Aristotle History of Philosophy Quarterly 1 2 133 46 Meyer Susan Sauve 1992 Aristotle Teleology and Reduction The Philosophical Review 101 4 791 825 doi 10 2307 2185925 JSTOR 2185925 Lennox James G 1984 Aristotle on Chance Archiv fur Geschichte der Philosophie 66 1 52 60 doi 10 1515 agph 1984 66 1 52 S2CID 144352743 Gill Mary Louise 1980 Aristotle s Theory of Causal Action in Physics III 3 Phronesis 25 1 129 47 doi 10 1163 156852880x00089 Bostock David 1980 Aristotle s Account of Time Phronesis 25 2 148 69 doi 10 1163 156852880X00098 1995 Aristotle on the Transmutation of the Elements in De Generatione et 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s Embryology Philosophical Topics 15 2 51 59 doi 10 5840 philtopics19871524 Depew David J 1995 Human and Other Political Animals in Aristotle s History of Animals Phronesis 40 2 156 81 doi 10 1163 156852895321051937 Tress Daryl McGowan 1992 The Metaphysical Science of Aristotle s Generation of Animals and its Feminist Critics Review of Metaphysics 46 307 41 ISBN 9780415916028 Sprague Rosamond Kent 1991 Plants as Aristotelian Substances PDF Illinois Classical Studies 56 221 9 Grote George 1880 Bain Alexander Robertson G Croom eds Aristotle 2nd ed London John Murray Judson Lindsay ed 1991 Aristotle s Physics a collection of essays New York Oxford University Press Kouremenos Theokritos 2002 The proportions in Aristotle s Phys 7 5 Paligenesia 76 Stuttgart Franz Steiner Verlag Lang Helen S 1992 Aristotle s Physics and its Medieval Varieties Albany State University of New York SUNY doi 10 1086 356750 Andre Goddu March 1994 Aristotle s Physics and Its Medieval Varieties Helen S Lang Isis 85 1 146 147 doi 10 1086 356750 1998 The Order of Nature in Aristotle s Physics Place and the Elements Cambridge Cambridge University Press doi 10 1086 432288 Monte Johnson December 2004 Helen S Lang The Order of Nature in Aristotle s Physics Place and the Elements Isis 95 4 687 688 doi 10 1086 432288 Lynch John Patrick 1972 Aristotle s School A Study of a Greek Educational Institution Berkeley University of California Press MacMullin Ernan Bobik Joseph 1965 The Concept of Matter in Greek and Medieval Philosophy Notre Dame University of Notre Dame Press Maritain Jacques Science and Wisdom trans Bernard Wall New York Charles Scribner s Sons 1954 Morison Benjamin On Location Aristotle s Concept of Place Oxford University Press 2002 Novak Joseph A 2001 Abduction and Aristotle s Library Proceedings of the Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation Conference 4 University of Windsor Reizler Kurt Physics and Reality New Haven Yale University Press 1940 Roark Tony 2011 Aristotle on Time A Study of the Physics Cambridge Cambridge University Press Solmsen Friedrich 1958 Aristotle and Prime Matter A Reply to Hugh R King Journal of the History of Ideas 19 2 243 252 doi 10 2307 2707937 JSTOR 2707937 1960 Aristotle s System of the Physical World A Comparison with His Predecessors Cornell studies in classical philology 33 Ithaca NY Cornell University Press 1961a Aristotle s Word for Matter In Prete Sesto ed Didascaliae Studies in Honor of Anselm M Albareda Prefect of the Vatican Library New York Bernard M Rosenthal pp 393 408 Alborado s birth name was Joaquin Albareda y Ramoneda 1961b Misplaced Passages at the End of Aristotle s Physics American Journal of Philology 82 3 270 282 doi 10 2307 292369 JSTOR 292369 Smith Vincent Edward The General Science of Nature Milwaukee The Bruce Publishing Company 1958 Smith Vincent Edward Philosophical Physics New York Harper amp Brothers 1950 Wardy Robert 1990 The Chain of Change A study of Aristotle s Physics VII Cambridge New York Cambridge University Press ISBN 9780521373272 Watson Walter 2012 The Lost Second Book of Aristotle s Poetics Chicago London University of Chicago Press White Michael J 1992 The Continuous and the Discrete Ancient Physical Theories from a Contemporary Perspective Oxford Clarendon Press Zeller Eduard 1897a Aristotle and the Earlier Peripatetics being a translation from Zeller s Philosophy of the Greeks Vol I Translated by Costelloe B F C Muirhead J H London Longmans Green and Co 1897b Aristotle and the Earlier Peripatetics being a translation from Zeller s Philosophy of the Greeks Vol II Translated by Costelloe B F C Muirhead J H London Longmans Green and Co Further readingBooksDie Aristotelische Physik W Wieland 1962 2nd revised edition 1970 ArticlesMachamer Peter K Aristotle on Natural Place and Motion Isis 69 3 Sept 1978 377 387 External linksWikimedia Commons has media related to Physics Aristotle Wikisource has original text related to this article Physics Wikiquote has quotations related to Aristotle a Chapter from the History of Science Commentaries and comments HTML Greek in parallel with English translation Fr Kenny s collection with Aquinas s commentary HTML Greek in parallel with French translation P Remacle s collection Thomas Aquinas s Commentary A Bigger Physics lecture at MIT on how Aristotle s natural philosophy complements modern science and the need for a general science of natureOther Greek text of Physics as edited by W D Ross Perseus edition of Physics in Greek Aristotle Motion and its Place in Nature entry in the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy Physics English Translation by Thomas Taylor public domain audiobook at LibriVox Text of Physics in html epub or mobi format as translated by and