![Virtue ethics](https://www.english.nina.az/wikipedia/image/aHR0cHM6Ly91cGxvYWQud2lraW1lZGlhLm9yZy93aWtpcGVkaWEvZW4vdGh1bWIvNC80YS9Db21tb25zLWxvZ28uc3ZnLzE2MDBweC1Db21tb25zLWxvZ28uc3ZnLnBuZw==.png )
Virtue ethics (also aretaic ethics, from Greek ἀρετή [aretḗ]) is a philosophical approach that treats virtue and character as the primary subjects of ethics, in contrast to other ethical systems that put consequences of voluntary acts, principles or rules of conduct, or obedience to divine authority in the primary role.
Virtue ethics is usually contrasted with two other major approaches in ethics, consequentialism and deontology, which make the goodness of outcomes of an action (consequentialism) and the concept of moral duty (deontology) central. While virtue ethics does not necessarily deny the importance to ethics of goodness of states of affairs or of moral duties, it emphasizes virtue, and sometimes other concepts, like eudaimonia, to an extent that other ethics theories do not.[citation needed]
Key concepts
Virtue and vice
In virtue ethics, a virtue is a characteristic disposition to think, feel, and act well in some domain of life. In contrast, a vice is a characteristic disposition to think, feel, and act poorly in some domain of life. Virtues are not everyday habits; they are character traits, in the sense that they are central to someone’s personality and what they are like as a person.
In early versions and some modern versions of virtue ethics, a virtue is defined as a character trait that promotes or exhibits human "flourishing and well being" in the person who exhibits it. Some modern versions of virtue ethics do not define virtues in terms of well being or flourishing, and some go so far as to define virtues as traits that tend to promote some other good that is defined independently of the virtues, thereby subsuming virtue ethics under (or somehow merging it with) consequentialist ethics.
To Aristotle, a virtue was not a skill that made you better able to achieve eudaimonia but was itself an expression of eudaimonia — eudaimonia in activity.
In contrast with consequentialist and deontological ethical systems, in which one may be called upon to do the right thing even though it is not in one's own interests (one is to do it instead for the greater good, or out of duty), in virtue ethics, one does the right thing because it is in one's own interests. Part of training in practical virtue ethics is to come to see the coincidence of one's enlightened self-interest and the practice of the virtues, so that one is virtuous willingly, gladly, and enthusiastically because one knows that being virtuous is the best thing one can do with oneself.: I
Virtue and emotion
In ancient Greek and modern eudaimonic virtue ethics, virtues and vices are complex dispositions that involve both affective and intellectual components. That is, they are dispositions that involve both being able to reason well about the right thing to do (see below on phronesis), and also to engage emotions and feelings correctly.
For example, a generous person can reason well about when and how to help people, and such a person also helps people with pleasure and without conflict. In this, virtuous people are contrasted not only with vicious people (who reason poorly about what to do and are emotionally attached to the wrong things) and with the incontinent (who are tempted by their feelings into doing the wrong thing even though they know what is right), but also with the merely continent (whose emotions tempt them toward doing the wrong thing but whose strength of will lets them do what they know is right).
According to Rosalind Hursthouse, in Aristotelian virtue ethics, the emotions have moral significance because "virtues (and vices) are all dispositions not only to act, but to feel emotions, as reactions as well as impulses to action... [and] In the person with the virtues, these emotions will be felt on the right occasions, toward the right people or objects, for the right reasons, where 'right' means 'correct'..."
Phronesis and eudaimonia
Phronesis (φρόνησις; prudence, practical virtue, or practical wisdom) is an acquired trait that enables its possessor to identify the best thing to do in any given situation. Unlike theoretical wisdom, practical reason results in action or decision. As John McDowell puts it, practical wisdom involves a "perceptual sensitivity" to what a situation requires.
Eudaimonia (εὐδαιμονία) is a state variously translated from Greek as 'well-being', 'happiness', 'blessedness', and in the context of virtue ethics, 'human flourishing'.Eudaimonia in this sense is not a subjective, but an objective, state.[citation needed] It characterizes the well-lived life.
According to Aristotle, the most prominent exponent of eudaimonia in the Western philosophical tradition, eudaimonia defines the goal of human life. It consists of exercising the characteristic human quality—reason—as the soul's most proper and nourishing activity. In his Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle, like Plato before him, argued that the pursuit of eudaimonia is an "activity of the soul in accordance with perfect virtue",: I which further could only properly be exercised in the characteristic human community—the polis or city-state.
Although eudaimonia was first popularized by Aristotle, it now belongs to the tradition of virtue theories generally. For the virtue theorist, eudaimonia describes that state achieved by the person who lives the proper human life, an outcome that can be reached by practicing the virtues. A virtue is a habit or quality that allows the bearer to succeed at his, her, or its purpose. The virtue of a knife, for example, is sharpness; among the virtues of a racehorse is speed. Thus, to identify the virtues for human beings, one must have an account of what is the human purpose.
Not all modern virtue ethics theories are eudaimonic; some place another end in place of eudaimonia, while others are non-teleological: that is, they do not account for virtues in terms of the results that the practice of the virtues produce or tend to produce.
History of virtue
Like much of the Western tradition, virtue theory originated in ancient Greek philosophy.
Virtue ethics began with Socrates, and was subsequently developed further by Plato, Aristotle, and the Stoics. Virtue ethics concentrates on the character of the individual, rather than the acts (or consequences thereof) of the individual. There is debate among adherents of virtue ethics concerning what specific virtues are praiseworthy. However, most theorists agree that ethics is demonstrated by the practice of virtues.
Plato and Aristotle's treatments of virtues are not the same. Plato believes virtue is effectively an end to be sought, for which a friend might be a useful means. Aristotle states that the virtues function more as means to safeguard human relations, particularly authentic friendship, without which one's quest for happiness is frustrated.
Discussion of what were known as the four cardinal virtues—wisdom, justice, fortitude, and temperance—can be found in Plato's Republic. The virtues also figure prominently in Aristotle's ethical theory found in Nicomachean Ethics.
Virtue theory was inserted into the study of history by moralistic historians such as Livy, Plutarch, and Tacitus. The Greek idea of the virtues was passed on in Roman philosophy through Cicero and later incorporated into Christian moral theology by Ambrose of Milan. During the scholastic period, the most comprehensive consideration of the virtues from a theological perspective was provided by Thomas Aquinas in his Summa Theologiae and his Commentaries on the Nicomachean Ethics.
After the Reformation, Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics continued to be the main authority for the discipline of ethics at Protestant universities until the late seventeenth century, with over fifty Protestant commentaries published on the Nicomachean Ethics before 1682.
Though the tradition receded into the background of European philosophical thought in the past few centuries, the term "virtue" remained current during this period, and in fact appears prominently in the tradition of classical republicanism or classical liberalism. This tradition was prominent in the intellectual life of 16th-century Italy, as well as 17th- and 18th-century Britain and America; indeed the term "virtue" appears frequently in the work of Tomás Fernández de Medrano, Niccolò Machiavelli, David Hume, the republicans of the English Civil War period, the 18th-century English Whigs, and the prominent figures among the Scottish Enlightenment and the American Founding Fathers.
Contemporary "aretaic turn"
Although some Enlightenment philosophers (e.g. Hume) continued to emphasise the virtues, with the ascendancy of utilitarianism and deontological ethics, virtue theory moved to the margins of Western philosophy. The contemporary revival of virtue theory is frequently traced to the philosopher Elizabeth Anscombe's 1958 essay "Modern Moral Philosophy". Following this:
- In the 1976 paper "The Schizophrenia of Modern Ethical Theories", Michael Stocker summarises the main aretaic criticisms of deontological and consequentialist ethics.
- Philosopher, psychologist, and encyclopedist Mortimer Adler appealed to Aristotelian ethics, and the virtue theory of happiness or eudaimonia throughout his published work.
- Philippa Foot, published a collection of essays in 1978 entitled Virtues and Vices.
- Alasdair MacIntyre made an effort to reconstruct a virtue-based theory in dialogue with the problems of modern and postmodern thought; his works include After Virtue and Three Rival Versions of Moral Enquiry.
- Paul Ricoeur accorded an important place to Aristotelian teleological ethics in his hermeneutical phenomenology of the subject, most notably in his book Oneself as Another.
- Theologian Stanley Hauerwas found the language of virtue helpful in his own project.
- Richard Taylor argues for the restoration of classical virtues as the basis for morality in Virtue Ethics An Introduction (1991)
- Roger Crisp and Michael Slote edited a collection of important essays titled Virtue Ethics.
- Martha Nussbaum and Amartya Sen employed virtue theory in theorising the capability approach to international development.
- Julia Annas wrote The Morality of Happiness (1993).
- Lawrence C. Becker identified current virtue theory with Greek Stoicism in A New Stoicism. (1998).
- Rosalind Hursthouse published On Virtue Ethics (1999).
- Psychologist Martin Seligman drew on classical virtue ethics in conceptualizing positive psychology.
- Psychologist Daniel Goleman opens his book on Emotional Intelligence with a challenge from Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics.
- Michael Sandel discusses Aristotelian ethics to support his ethical theory of justice in his book Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do?
The aretaic turn in moral philosophy is paralleled by analogous developments in other philosophical disciplines. One of these is epistemology, where a distinctive virtue epistemology was developed by Linda Zagzebski and others. In political theory, there has been discussion of "virtue politics", and in legal theory, there is a small but growing body of literature on virtue jurisprudence. The aretaic turn also exists in American constitutional theory, where proponents argue for an emphasis on virtue and vice of constitutional adjudicators[clarification needed].[citation needed]
Aretaic approaches to morality, epistemology, and jurisprudence have been the subject of intense debates. One criticism focuses on the problem of guidance; one opponent, Robert Louden in his article "Some Vices of Virtue Ethics", questions whether the idea of a virtuous moral actor, believer, or judge can provide the guidance necessary for action, belief formation, or the resolution of legal disputes.
Lists of virtues
There are several lists of virtues. Socrates argued that virtue is knowledge, which suggests that there is really only one virtue. The Stoics identified four cardinal virtues: wisdom, justice, courage, and temperance. Wisdom is subdivided into good sense, good calculation, quick-wittedness, discretion, and resourcefulness. Justice is subdivided into piety, honesty, equity, and fair dealing. Courage is subdivided into endurance, confidence, high-mindedness, cheerfulness, and industriousness. Temperance or moderation is subdivided into good discipline, seemliness, modesty, and self-control.
John McDowell argues that virtue is a "perceptual capacity" to identify how one ought to act, and that all particular virtues are merely "specialized sensitivities" to a range of reasons for acting.
Aristotle's list
Aristotle identifies approximately 18 virtues that demonstrate a person is performing their human function well. He distinguished virtues pertaining to emotion and desire from those relating to the mind.: II The first he calls moral virtues, and the second intellectual virtues (though both are "moral" in the modern sense of the word).
Moral virtues
Aristotle suggested that each moral virtue was a golden mean between two corresponding vices, one of excess and one of deficiency. Each intellectual virtue is a mental skill or habit by which the mind arrives at truth, affirming what is or denying what is not.: VI In the Nicomachean Ethics. he discusses 11 moral virtues:
Dimension | Excess | Golden mean | Deficiency |
Fear and confidence | Rashness | Courage in the face of fear: III.6–9 | Cowardice |
Pleasure and pain | Self-indulgence | Temperance in the face of pleasure and pain: III.10–12 | Insensibility |
Getting and spending (minor) | Prodigality | Liberality with wealth and possessions: IV.1 | Illiberality |
Getting and spending (major) | Vulgarity | Magnificence with great wealth and possessions: IV.2 | Pettiness |
Honor and dishonor (major) | Vanity | Magnanimity with great honors: IV.3 | Pusillanimity |
Honor and dishonor (minor) | Empty vanity | Proper ambition with normal honors: IV.4 | Unambitiousness |
Anger | Irascibility | Patience: IV.5 | Lack of spirit |
Self-expression | Boastfulness | Honesty with self-expression: IV.7 | False modesty |
Conversation | Buffoonery | Wittiness in conversation: IV.8 | Boorishness |
Social conduct | Obsequiousness | Friendliness in social conduct: IV.6 | Cantankerousness |
Indignation | Envy | Justice and righteous indignation in the face of injury: IV.5 | Spitefulness |
Intellectual virtues
- Nous (intelligence), which apprehends fundamental truths (such as definitions, self-evident principles): VI.11
- Episteme (science), which is skill with inferential reasoning (such as proofs, syllogisms, demonstrations): VI.6
- Sophia (theoretical wisdom), which combines fundamental truths with valid, necessary inferences to reason well about unchanging truths.: VI.5
Aristotle also mentions several other traits:
- Gnome (good sense) – passing judgment, "sympathetic understanding": VI.11
- Synesis (understanding) – comprehending what others say, does not issue commands
- Phronesis (practical wisdom) – knowledge of what to do, knowledge of changing truths, issues commands: VI.8
- Techne (art, craftsmanship): VI.4
Aristotle's list is not the only list, however. As Alasdair MacIntyre observed in After Virtue, thinkers as diverse as Homer, the authors of the New Testament, Thomas Aquinas, and Benjamin Franklin have all proposed lists.Walter Kaufmann proposed as the four cardinal virtues: ambition/humility ("humbition"), love, courage, and honesty.
Proponents of virtue theory[who?] sometimes argue that a central feature of a virtue is its universal applicability. In other words, any character trait defined as a virtue must reasonably be universally regarded as a virtue for all people. According to this view, it is inconsistent to claim, for example, servility as a female virtue, while at the same time not proposing it as a male one.
Other proponents of virtue theory, notably Alasdair MacIntyre, respond to this objection by arguing that any account of the virtues must indeed be generated out of the community in which those virtues are to be practiced: the very word ethics implies ethos. That is to say that the virtues are, and necessarily must be, grounded in a particular time and place. What counts as a virtue in 4th-century BCE Athens would be a ludicrous guide to proper behaviour in 21st-century CE Toronto and vice versa. To take this view does not necessarily commit one to the argument that accounts of the virtues must therefore be static: moral activity—that is, attempts to contemplate and practice the virtues—can provide the cultural resources that allow people to change, albeit slowly, the ethos of their own societies.
MacIntyre appears to take this position in his seminal work on virtue ethics, After Virtue.
Another objection[whose?] to virtue theory is that virtue ethics does not focus on what sorts of actions are morally permitted and which ones are not, but rather on what sort of qualities someone ought to foster in order to become a good person. In other words, while some virtue theorists[who?] may not condemn, for example, murder as an inherently immoral or impermissible sort of action, they may argue that someone who commits a murder is severely lacking in several important virtues, such as compassion and fairness. Still, antagonists of the theory[who?] often object that this particular feature of the theory makes virtue ethics useless as a universal norm of acceptable conduct suitable as a base for legislation[citation needed]. Some virtue theorists[who?] concede this point, but respond by opposing the very notion of legitimate legislative authority instead, effectively advocating some form of anarchism as the political ideal.[citation needed] Other virtue theorists[who?] argue that laws should be made by virtuous legislators, and still another group argue that it is possible to base a judicial system on the moral notion of virtues rather than rules. Aristotle himself saw his Nicomachean Ethics as a prequel for his Politics and felt that the point of politics was to create the fertile soil for a virtuous citizenry to develop in, and that one purpose of virtue was that it helps you to contribute to a healthy polis.: X.9
Some virtue theorists[who?] might respond to this overall objection with the notion of a "bad act" also being an act characteristic of vice.[citation needed] That is to say that those acts that do not aim at virtue, or that stray from virtue, would constitute our conception of "bad behavior". Although not all virtue ethicists agree to this notion, this is one way the virtue ethicist can re-introduce the concept of the "morally impermissible". One could raise an objection that he is committing an argument from ignorance by postulating that what is not virtuous is unvirtuous. In other words, just because an action or person 'lacks of evidence' for virtue does not, all else constant, imply that said action or person is unvirtuous.
Subsumed in deontology and utilitarianism
Martha Nussbaum suggested that while virtue ethics is often considered to be anti-Enlightenment, "suspicious of theory and respectful of the wisdom embodied in local practices", it is actually neither fundamentally distinct from, nor does it qualify as a rival approach to deontology and utilitarianism. She argues that philosophers from these two Enlightenment traditions often include theories of virtue. She pointed out that Kant's "Doctrine of Virtue" (in The Metaphysics of Morals) "covers most of the same topics as do classical Greek theories", "that he offers a general account of virtue, in terms of the strength of the will in overcoming wayward and selfish inclinations; that he offers detailed analyses of standard virtues such as courage and self-control, and of vices, such as avarice, mendacity, servility, and pride; that, although in general, he portrays inclination as inimical to virtue, he also recognizes that sympathetic inclinations offer crucial support to virtue, and urges their deliberate cultivation."
Nussbaum also points to considerations of virtue by utilitarians such as Henry Sidgwick (The Methods of Ethics), Jeremy Bentham (The Principles of Morals and Legislation), and John Stuart Mill, who writes of moral development as part of an argument for the moral equality of women (The Subjection of Women). She argues that contemporary virtue ethicists such as Alasdair MacIntyre, Bernard Williams, Philippa Foot, and John McDowell have few points of agreement and that the common core of their work does not represent a break from Kant.
Kantian critique
Immanuel Kant's position on virtue ethics is contested. Those who argue that Kantian deontology conflicts with virtue ethics include Alasdair MacIntyre, Philippa Foot, and Bernard Williams. In the Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals and the Critique of Practical Reason, Immanuel Kant offers many different criticisms of ethical frameworks and against moral theories before him.[citation needed] Kant rarely mentioned Aristotle by name but did not exclude his moral philosophy of virtue ethics from his critique. Many Kantian arguments against virtue ethics claim that virtue ethics is inconsistent, or sometimes that it is not a real moral theory at all.
In "What Is Virtue Ethics All About?", Gregory Velazco y Trianosky identified the key points of divergence between virtue ethicists and what he called "neo-Kantianism", in the form these nine neo-Kantian moral assertions:
- The crucial moral question is "what is it right/obligatory to do?"
- Moral judgments are those that concern the rightness of actions.
- Such judgments take the form of rules or principles.
- Such rules or principles are universal, not respecting persons.
- They are not based on some concept of human good that is independent of moral goodness.
- They take the form of categorical imperatives that can be justified independently of the desires of the person they apply to.
- They are motivating; they can compel action in an agent, also independently of that agent's desires.
- An action, in order to be morally virtuous, must be motivated by this sort of moral judgment (not, for example, merely coincidentally aligned with it).
- The virtuousness of a character trait, or virtue, derives from the relationship that trait has to moral judgments, rules, and principles.
Trianosky says that modern sympathizers with virtue ethics almost all reject neo-Kantian claim #1, and many of them also reject certain of the other claims.
Utopianism and pluralism
Robert B. Louden criticizes virtue ethics on the basis that it promotes a form of unsustainable utopianism. Trying to arrive at a single set of virtues is immensely difficult in contemporary societies as, according to Louden, they contain "more ethnic, religious, and class groups than did the moral community which Aristotle theorized about" with each of these groups having "not only its own interests but its own set of virtues as well". Louden notes in passing that MacIntyre, a supporter of virtue-based ethics, has grappled with this in After Virtue but that ethics cannot dispense with building rules around acts and rely only on discussing the moral character of persons.
Topics in virtue ethics
Virtue ethics as a category
Virtue contrasts with deontological and consequentialist ethics; the three are the most predominant contemporary normative-ethical theories. Deontological ethics, sometimes referred to as duty ethics, emphasizes adherence to ethical principles or duties. How these duties are defined, however, is often a subject of debate. One rule scheme used by deontologists is divine command theory. Deontology also depends upon meta-ethical realism in postulating the existence of moral absolutes, regardless of circumstances. Immanuel Kant is considered a foremost theorist of deontological ethics.
The next predominant school of thought in normative ethics is consequentialism. While deontology emphasizes doing one's duty, consequentialism bases the morality of an action on its outcome. Instead of saying that one has a moral duty to abstain from murder, a consequentialist would say that we should abstain from murder because it has undesirable effects. The main contention is what outcomes should (or can) be identified as objectively desirable.
John Stuart Mill's greatest happiness principle is a commonly-adopted criterion of what is objectively desirable. Mill asserts that the desirability of an action is the net amount of happiness it brings, the number of people it brings happiness to, and the duration of that happiness. He tries to delineate classes of happiness, some preferable to others, but classifying such a concept is difficult.
A virtue ethicist identifies virtues (also known as desirable characteristics) that a good person embodies. Exhibiting these virtues is the aim of ethics, and one's actions are a reflection of one's virtues. To the virtue philosopher, action cannot be used as a demarcation of morality because a virtue encompasses more than a selection of an action; it is a way of being that leads the person exhibiting the virtue to consistently make certain types of choices. There is disagreement in virtue ethics about what are, and what are not, virtues. There are also difficulties in identifying the "virtuous" action to take in all circumstances, and how to define a virtue.
Consequentialist and deontological theories often still employ the term virtue in a restricted sense: as a tendency (or disposition) to adhere to the system's principles or rules. In those theories, virtue is secondary and the principles (or rules) are primary. These differing senses of what constitutes virtue are a potential source of confusion. Dogmatic claims about the purpose of human life, or about what a good life is for human beings, are typically controversial.
Virtue and politics
Virtue theory emphasizes Aristotle's belief in the polis as the acme of political organization,[citation needed] and the role of the virtues in enabling human beings to flourish in that environment. In contrast, classical republicanism emphasizes Tacitus's concern that power and luxury can corrupt individuals and destroy liberty, as Tacitus perceived in the transformation of the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire. Virtue for classical republicans is a shield against this sort of corruption and a means to preserve the good life one has, rather than a means by which to achieve the good life one does not yet have. Another way to put the distinction between the two traditions is that virtue ethics relies on Aristotle's fundamental distinction between the human-being-as-he-is from the human-being-as-he-should-be, while classical republicanism relies on the Tacitean distinction of the risk-of-becoming.
Virtue ethics has a number of contemporary applications:
- Social and political philosophy
Within the field of social ethics, Deirdre McCloskey argues that virtue ethics can provide a basis for a balanced approach to understanding capitalism and capitalist societies.
- Education
Within the field of philosophy of education, James Page argues that virtue ethics can provide a rationale and foundation for peace education.
- Health care and medical ethics
Thomas Alured Faunce argued that whistleblowing in healthcare settings would be more respected within clinical governance pathways if it had a firmer academic foundation in virtue ethics. He called for whistleblowing to be expressly supported in the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights. Barry Schwartz argues that "practical wisdom" is an antidote to much of the inefficient and inhumane bureaucracy of modern health care systems.
- Technology and the virtues
In her book Technology and the Virtues,Shannon Vallor proposed a series of "technomoral" virtues that people need to cultivate in order to flourish in our socio-technological world: Honesty (Respecting Truth), Self-control (Becoming the Author of Our Desires), Humility (Knowing What We Do Not Know), Justice (Upholding Rightness), Courage (Intelligent Fear and Hope), Empathy (Compassionate Concern for Others), Care (Loving Service to Others), Civility (Making Common Cause), Flexibility (Skillful Adaptation to Change), Perspective (Holding on to the Moral Whole), and Magnanimity (Moral Leadership and Nobility of Spirit).
See also
- Applied ethics – Practical application of moral considerations
- Arete – Greek philosophical concept
- Buddhist ethics (discipline)
- Confucianism – Chinese ethical and philosophical system
- Cynicism (philosophy) – Ancient school of philosophy
- Environmental virtue ethics – Way of approaching environmental ethics through the lens of virtue ethics
- Modern Stoicism – Virtue-focused philosophical system
- Phronesis – Ancient Greek word for a type of wisdom or intelligence
- Rule according to higher law – Belief that universal principles of morality override unjust laws
- Seven virtues – Seven virtues in Christian tradition
- Stoicism – Virtue-focused philosophical system
- Tirukkuṟaḷ – Ancient Tamil composition on personal ethics and morality
- Virtue epistemology – Philosophical approach
- Virtue jurisprudence – Virtue ethics applied to jurisprudence
- Virtue signalling – Pejorative term
- Pronounced /ˌærəˈteɪ.ɪk/.
- Carr, David; Steutel, Jan, eds. (1999). Virtue Ethics and Moral Education. Routledge. p. 22. ISBN 9780415170734.
- Statman, Daniel (1997). "Introduction to Virtue Ethics". Virtue Ethics: A Critical Reader. Edinburgh University Press. p. 7. ISBN 0878402217.
[Virtue Ethics] refers to a rather new (or renewed) approach to ethics, according to which the basic judgments in ethics are judgments about character.
- Hursthouse, Rosalind; Pettigrove, Glen (2018). "Virtue Ethics". In Zalta, Edward N. (ed.). Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2018 ed.). Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University. Retrieved 2021-02-19.
- Annas, Julia (2015-09-22). "Virtue and Duty: Negotiating Between Different Ethical Traditions". Journal of Value Inquiry. 49 (4): 609. doi:10.1007/s10790-015-9520-y. S2CID 143268990 – via SpringerLink.
- Statman, Daniel (1997). "Introduction to Virtue Ethics". Virtue Ethics: A Critical Reader. Edinburgh University Press. p. 8. ISBN 0878402217.
Virtues are viewed as necessary conditions for, or as constitutive elements of, human flourishing and wellbeing.
- Trianosky, Gregory Velazco y (1997). "What is Virtue Ethics All About?". In Statman, Daniel (ed.). Virtue Ethics: A Critical Reader. Edinburgh University Press. p. 48. ISBN 0878402217.
What is surprising today is how many of the most influential writers on the virtues today in fact defend some sort of teleological if not specifically utilitarian answer.
- Trianosky, Gregory Velazco y (1997). "What is Virtue Ethics All About?". In Statman, Daniel (ed.). Virtue Ethics: A Critical Reader. Edinburgh University Press. p. 47. ISBN 0878402217.
[Aristotle regards virtue as] a constitutive element of the human good rather than merely a means to its attainment.
- Aristotle. Andronicus (ed.). Nicomachean Ethics.
- Annas, Julia (1993). The Morality of Happiness. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 48–49. ISBN 0-19-507999-X.
- Hursthouse, Rosalind (1997). "Virtue Ethics and the Emotions". In Statman, Daniel (ed.). Virtue Ethics: A Critical Reader. Edinburgh University Press. p. 108. ISBN 0878402217.
- Pincoffs, Edmund (1971). "Quandary ethics". Mind. 80 (320): 552–571. doi:10.1093/mind/LXXX.320.552.
- Kraut, Richard (2016-01-01). Zalta, Edward N. (ed.). Aristotle's Ethics (Spring 2016 ed.). Archived from the original on 2019-03-18. Retrieved 2016-05-05.
- McDowell, John (1979). "Virtue and Reason". The Monist. 62 (3): 331–350. doi:10.5840/monist197962319.
- Pojman, L.P.; Fieser, J. (2009). "Virtue Theory". Ethics: Discovering Right and Wrong (6th ed.). Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth. pp. 146–169.
- Aristotle. Politics.
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Although modern virtue ethics does not have to take a 'neo-Aristotelian' or eudaimonist form..., almost any modern version still shows that its roots are in ancient Greek philosophy by the employment of three concepts derived from it. These are arête (excellence or virtue), phronesis (practical or moral wisdom) and eudaimonia (usually translated as happiness or flourishing).
- Statman, Daniel (1997). "Introduction to Virtue Ethics". Virtue Ethics: A Critical Reader. Edinburgh University Press. p. 11. ISBN 0878402217.
[I]t is important to notice (1.) that virtue ethics is not necessarily tied to the notion of wellbeing; and (2.) that according to some philosophers, virtue ethics is necessarily, or at least typically, of a non-teleological nature.
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- Plato: Oxford Bibliographies Online Research Guide. Oxford University Press, USA. 2010. p. 10. ISBN 978-0-19-980902-8.
- Aquinas, Thomas (1485). Summa Theologica.
- Aquinas, Thomas (1272). Commentary on the Ten Books of Ethics.
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- Stocker, Michael (1976). "The Schizophrenia of Modern Ethical Theories". The Journal of Philosophy. 73 (14): 453–466. doi:10.2307/2025782. JSTOR 2025782.
- Foot, Philippa (1978). Virtues and Vices. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. ISBN 0631127496.
- Ricoeur, Paul (1992) [1990]. Oneself as Another. Translated by Blamey, Kathleen. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ISBN 0-226-71329-6.
- Taylor, Richard (2002) [1991]. Virtue Ethics An Introduction. New York: Prometheus Books. ISBN 9781573929431.
- Crisp, Roger; Slote, Michael (1997). Virtue Ethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Annas, Julia (1993). The Morality of Happiness. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-509652-5.
- Becker, Lawrence C. (1998). A New Stoicism. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. p. 30. ISBN 978-0691009643.
- Hursthouse, Rosalind (1999). On Virtue Ethics. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-924799-4.
- Goleman, Daniel (1995). Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ. Aristotle's Challenge, pp. xix–xxiv: Bantam Books. ISBN 978-0-553-38371-3.
- Louden, Robert B. (1984). "On some vices of virtue ethics". American Philosophical Quarterly. 21 (3): 227–236.
- Plato, Meno.
- Stephens, William O. "Stoic Ethics". www.iep.utm.edu. Retrieved 14 February 2023.
- Cicero, Marcus Tullius. "De Officiis" [On Moral Duties]. www.oll.libertyfund.org. Retrieved 14 February 2023.
- McDowell, John (1979). "Virtue and reason". The Monist. 62 (3): 331–350. doi:10.5840/monist197962319.
- MacIntyre, Alasdair (1981). After Virtue. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press. Chapter 14. ISBN 0-268-00594-X.
- Kaufmann, Walter (1961). The Faith Of A Heretic. Doubleday & Co. pp. 317–338.
- Rachels, James, Stuart (2023). The Elements of Moral Philosophy (10th ed.). McGraw Hill LLC. pp. 169–184. ISBN 978-1-265-23718-9.
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- MacIntyre, Alasdair (1981). After Virtue. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press. pp. 42, 112. ISBN 0-268-00594-X.
- Sullivan, Roger J. (1974). "The Kantian Critique of Aristotle's Moral Philosophy: An Appraisal". The Review of Metaphysics. 28 (1): 24–53. JSTOR 20126582.
- Trianosky, Gregory Velazco y (1997). "What is Virtue Ethics All About?". In Statman, Daniel (ed.). Virtue Ethics: A Critical Reader. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 47–55. ISBN 0878402217.
- Louden, Robert B. (July 1984). "On Some Vices of Virtue Ethics". American Philosophical Quarterly. 21 (3): 227–236. JSTOR 20014051.
- Statman, Daniel (1997). "Introduction to Virtue Ethics". Virtue Ethics: A Critical Reader. Edinburgh University Press. p. 7. ISBN 0878402217.
[A] view shared by both deontologists and utilitarians... [is that] the value of character traits is dependent on the value of the conduct that these traits tend to produce, and it is the concept of right behavior that it theoretically prior, not that of virtue. In reversing the order of justification, virtue ethics is calling for a real revolution in ethical thought...
- Pocock, J.G.A. (1975). The Machiavellian Moment. Princeton University Press. ISBN 0-691-11472-2. LCCN 2002112936.
- McCloskey, Deirdre N. (2007). The Bourgeois Virtues. University of Chicago Press. ISBN 978-0-226-55664-2.
- Page, James; Page, James Smith (2008). Peace Education: Exploring Ethical and Philosophical Foundations. Information Age Pub Incorporated. ISBN 978-1-59311-889-1.
- Faunce, T.A. (2004). "Developing and Teaching the Virtue-Ethics Foundations of Healthcare Whistle Blowing". Monash Bioethics Review. 23 (4): 41–55. doi:10.1007/BF03351419. PMID 15688511. S2CID 195243797.
- Faunce, T.A.; Jefferys, S. (2007). "Whistleblowing and Scientific Misconduct: Renewing Legal and Virtue Ethics Foundations". Journal of Medicine and Law. 26 (3): 567–584. PMID 17970253.
- Faunce, T. A.; Nasu, H. (23 April 2009). "Normative Foundations of Technology Transfer and Transnational Benefit Principles in the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights". Journal of Medicine and Philosophy. 34 (3). Oxford University Press (OUP): 296–321. doi:10.1093/jmp/jhp021. ISSN 0360-5310. PMID 19395367.
- Schwartz, Barry (16 February 2009). "Our loss of wisdom". www.ted.com. Archived from the original on 2016-05-07. Retrieved 2016-05-05.
- Technology and the Virtues: A Philosophical Guide to a Future Worth Wanting. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press. 2016. ISBN 978-0190498511.
Further reading
- Yu, Jiyuan (1998). "Virtue: Confucius and Aristotle". Philosophy East and West. 48 (2): 323–47. doi:10.2307/1399830. JSTOR 1399830.
- Devettere, Raymond J. (2002). Introduction to Virtue Ethics. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press.
- Taylor, Richard (2002). An Introduction to Virtue Ethics. Amherst: Prometheus Books.
- Darwall, Stephen, ed. (2003). Virtue Ethics. Oxford: B. Blackwell.
- Swanton, Christine (2003). Virtue Ethics: a Pluralistic View. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Gardiner, Stephen M., ed. (2005). Virtue Ethics, Old and New. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
- Russell, Daniel C., ed. (2013). The Cambridge Companion to Virtue Ethics. New York: Cambridge University Press.
External links
- "Virtue Ethics". Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
- Hursthouse, Rosalind. "Virtue Ethics". In Zalta, Edward N. (ed.). Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
- Homiak, Marcia. "Moral Character". In Zalta, Edward N. (ed.). Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
- Virtue Ethics – summary, criticisms and how to apply the theory
- Legal theory lexicon: Virtue ethics by Larry Solum.
- The Virtue Ethics Research Hub
- The Four Stoic Virtues
Virtue ethics also aretaic ethics from Greek ἀreth aretḗ is a philosophical approach that treats virtue and character as the primary subjects of ethics in contrast to other ethical systems that put consequences of voluntary acts principles or rules of conduct or obedience to divine authority in the primary role Virtue ethics is usually contrasted with two other major approaches in ethics consequentialism and deontology which make the goodness of outcomes of an action consequentialism and the concept of moral duty deontology central While virtue ethics does not necessarily deny the importance to ethics of goodness of states of affairs or of moral duties it emphasizes virtue and sometimes other concepts like eudaimonia to an extent that other ethics theories do not citation needed Key conceptsVirtue and vice In virtue ethics a virtue is a characteristic disposition to think feel and act well in some domain of life In contrast a vice is a characteristic disposition to think feel and act poorly in some domain of life Virtues are not everyday habits they are character traits in the sense that they are central to someone s personality and what they are like as a person In early versions and some modern versions of virtue ethics a virtue is defined as a character trait that promotes or exhibits human flourishing and well being in the person who exhibits it Some modern versions of virtue ethics do not define virtues in terms of well being or flourishing and some go so far as to define virtues as traits that tend to promote some other good that is defined independently of the virtues thereby subsuming virtue ethics under or somehow merging it with consequentialist ethics To Aristotle a virtue was not a skill that made you better able to achieve eudaimonia but was itself an expression of eudaimonia eudaimonia in activity In contrast with consequentialist and deontological ethical systems in which one may be called upon to do the right thing even though it is not in one s own interests one is to do it instead for the greater good or out of duty in virtue ethics one does the right thing because it is in one s own interests Part of training in practical virtue ethics is to come to see the coincidence of one s enlightened self interest and the practice of the virtues so that one is virtuous willingly gladly and enthusiastically because one knows that being virtuous is the best thing one can do with oneself I Virtue and emotion In ancient Greek and modern eudaimonic virtue ethics virtues and vices are complex dispositions that involve both affective and intellectual components That is they are dispositions that involve both being able to reason well about the right thing to do see below on phronesis and also to engage emotions and feelings correctly For example a generous person can reason well about when and how to help people and such a person also helps people with pleasure and without conflict In this virtuous people are contrasted not only with vicious people who reason poorly about what to do and are emotionally attached to the wrong things and with the incontinent who are tempted by their feelings into doing the wrong thing even though they know what is right but also with the merely continent whose emotions tempt them toward doing the wrong thing but whose strength of will lets them do what they know is right According to Rosalind Hursthouse in Aristotelian virtue ethics the emotions have moral significance because virtues and vices are all dispositions not only to act but to feel emotions as reactions as well as impulses to action and In the person with the virtues these emotions will be felt on the right occasions toward the right people or objects for the right reasons where right means correct Phronesis and eudaimonia Phronesis fronhsis prudence practical virtue or practical wisdom is an acquired trait that enables its possessor to identify the best thing to do in any given situation Unlike theoretical wisdom practical reason results in action or decision As John McDowell puts it practical wisdom involves a perceptual sensitivity to what a situation requires Eudaimonia eὐdaimonia is a state variously translated from Greek as well being happiness blessedness and in the context of virtue ethics human flourishing Eudaimonia in this sense is not a subjective but an objective state citation needed It characterizes the well lived life According to Aristotle the most prominent exponent of eudaimonia in the Western philosophical tradition eudaimonia defines the goal of human life It consists of exercising the characteristic human quality reason as the soul s most proper and nourishing activity In his Nicomachean Ethics Aristotle like Plato before him argued that the pursuit of eudaimonia is an activity of the soul in accordance with perfect virtue I which further could only properly be exercised in the characteristic human community the polis or city state Although eudaimonia was first popularized by Aristotle it now belongs to the tradition of virtue theories generally For the virtue theorist eudaimonia describes that state achieved by the person who lives the proper human life an outcome that can be reached by practicing the virtues A virtue is a habit or quality that allows the bearer to succeed at his her or its purpose The virtue of a knife for example is sharpness among the virtues of a racehorse is speed Thus to identify the virtues for human beings one must have an account of what is the human purpose Not all modern virtue ethics theories are eudaimonic some place another end in place of eudaimonia while others are non teleological that is they do not account for virtues in terms of the results that the practice of the virtues produce or tend to produce History of virtueLike much of the Western tradition virtue theory originated in ancient Greek philosophy Virtue ethics began with Socrates and was subsequently developed further by Plato Aristotle and the Stoics Virtue ethics concentrates on the character of the individual rather than the acts or consequences thereof of the individual There is debate among adherents of virtue ethics concerning what specific virtues are praiseworthy However most theorists agree that ethics is demonstrated by the practice of virtues Plato and Aristotle s treatments of virtues are not the same Plato believes virtue is effectively an end to be sought for which a friend might be a useful means Aristotle states that the virtues function more as means to safeguard human relations particularly authentic friendship without which one s quest for happiness is frustrated Discussion of what were known as the four cardinal virtues wisdom justice fortitude and temperance can be found in Plato s Republic The virtues also figure prominently in Aristotle s ethical theory found in Nicomachean Ethics Virtue theory was inserted into the study of history by moralistic historians such as Livy Plutarch and Tacitus The Greek idea of the virtues was passed on in Roman philosophy through Cicero and later incorporated into Christian moral theology by Ambrose of Milan During the scholastic period the most comprehensive consideration of the virtues from a theological perspective was provided by Thomas Aquinas in his Summa Theologiae and his Commentaries on the Nicomachean Ethics After the Reformation Aristotle s Nicomachean Ethics continued to be the main authority for the discipline of ethics at Protestant universities until the late seventeenth century with over fifty Protestant commentaries published on the Nicomachean Ethics before 1682 Though the tradition receded into the background of European philosophical thought in the past few centuries the term virtue remained current during this period and in fact appears prominently in the tradition of classical republicanism or classical liberalism This tradition was prominent in the intellectual life of 16th century Italy as well as 17th and 18th century Britain and America indeed the term virtue appears frequently in the work of Tomas Fernandez de Medrano Niccolo Machiavelli David Hume the republicans of the English Civil War period the 18th century English Whigs and the prominent figures among the Scottish Enlightenment and the American Founding Fathers Contemporary aretaic turn Although some Enlightenment philosophers e g Hume continued to emphasise the virtues with the ascendancy of utilitarianism and deontological ethics virtue theory moved to the margins of Western philosophy The contemporary revival of virtue theory is frequently traced to the philosopher Elizabeth Anscombe s 1958 essay Modern Moral Philosophy Following this In the 1976 paper The Schizophrenia of Modern Ethical Theories Michael Stocker summarises the main aretaic criticisms of deontological and consequentialist ethics Philosopher psychologist and encyclopedist Mortimer Adler appealed to Aristotelian ethics and the virtue theory of happiness or eudaimonia throughout his published work Philippa Foot published a collection of essays in 1978 entitled Virtues and Vices Alasdair MacIntyre made an effort to reconstruct a virtue based theory in dialogue with the problems of modern and postmodern thought his works include After Virtue and Three Rival Versions of Moral Enquiry Paul Ricoeur accorded an important place to Aristotelian teleological ethics in his hermeneutical phenomenology of the subject most notably in his book Oneself as Another Theologian Stanley Hauerwas found the language of virtue helpful in his own project Richard Taylor argues for the restoration of classical virtues as the basis for morality in Virtue Ethics An Introduction 1991 Roger Crisp and Michael Slote edited a collection of important essays titled Virtue Ethics Martha Nussbaum and Amartya Sen employed virtue theory in theorising the capability approach to international development Julia Annas wrote The Morality of Happiness 1993 Lawrence C Becker identified current virtue theory with Greek Stoicism in A New Stoicism 1998 Rosalind Hursthouse published On Virtue Ethics 1999 Psychologist Martin Seligman drew on classical virtue ethics in conceptualizing positive psychology Psychologist Daniel Goleman opens his book on Emotional Intelligence with a challenge from Aristotle s Nicomachean Ethics Michael Sandel discusses Aristotelian ethics to support his ethical theory of justice in his book Justice What s the Right Thing to Do The aretaic turn in moral philosophy is paralleled by analogous developments in other philosophical disciplines One of these is epistemology where a distinctive virtue epistemology was developed by Linda Zagzebski and others In political theory there has been discussion of virtue politics and in legal theory there is a small but growing body of literature on virtue jurisprudence The aretaic turn also exists in American constitutional theory where proponents argue for an emphasis on virtue and vice of constitutional adjudicators clarification needed citation needed Aretaic approaches to morality epistemology and jurisprudence have been the subject of intense debates One criticism focuses on the problem of guidance one opponent Robert Louden in his article Some Vices of Virtue Ethics questions whether the idea of a virtuous moral actor believer or judge can provide the guidance necessary for action belief formation or the resolution of legal disputes Lists of virtuesThere are several lists of virtues Socrates argued that virtue is knowledge which suggests that there is really only one virtue The Stoics identified four cardinal virtues wisdom justice courage and temperance Wisdom is subdivided into good sense good calculation quick wittedness discretion and resourcefulness Justice is subdivided into piety honesty equity and fair dealing Courage is subdivided into endurance confidence high mindedness cheerfulness and industriousness Temperance or moderation is subdivided into good discipline seemliness modesty and self control John McDowell argues that virtue is a perceptual capacity to identify how one ought to act and that all particular virtues are merely specialized sensitivities to a range of reasons for acting Aristotle s list Aristotle identifies approximately 18 virtues that demonstrate a person is performing their human function well He distinguished virtues pertaining to emotion and desire from those relating to the mind II The first he calls moral virtues and the second intellectual virtues though both are moral in the modern sense of the word Moral virtues Aristotle suggested that each moral virtue was a golden mean between two corresponding vices one of excess and one of deficiency Each intellectual virtue is a mental skill or habit by which the mind arrives at truth affirming what is or denying what is not VI In the Nicomachean Ethics he discusses 11 moral virtues Dimension Excess Golden mean DeficiencyFear and confidence Rashness Courage in the face of fear III 6 9 CowardicePleasure and pain Self indulgence Temperance in the face of pleasure and pain III 10 12 InsensibilityGetting and spending minor Prodigality Liberality with wealth and possessions IV 1 IlliberalityGetting and spending major Vulgarity Magnificence with great wealth and possessions IV 2 PettinessHonor and dishonor major Vanity Magnanimity with great honors IV 3 PusillanimityHonor and dishonor minor Empty vanity Proper ambition with normal honors IV 4 UnambitiousnessAnger Irascibility Patience IV 5 Lack of spiritSelf expression Boastfulness Honesty with self expression IV 7 False modestyConversation Buffoonery Wittiness in conversation IV 8 BoorishnessSocial conduct Obsequiousness Friendliness in social conduct IV 6 CantankerousnessIndignation Envy Justice and righteous indignation in the face of injury IV 5 SpitefulnessIntellectual virtues Nous intelligence which apprehends fundamental truths such as definitions self evident principles VI 11 Episteme science which is skill with inferential reasoning such as proofs syllogisms demonstrations VI 6 Sophia theoretical wisdom which combines fundamental truths with valid necessary inferences to reason well about unchanging truths VI 5 Aristotle also mentions several other traits Gnome good sense passing judgment sympathetic understanding VI 11 Synesis understanding comprehending what others say does not issue commands Phronesis practical wisdom knowledge of what to do knowledge of changing truths issues commands VI 8 Techne art craftsmanship VI 4 Aristotle s list is not the only list however As Alasdair MacIntyre observed in After Virtue thinkers as diverse as Homer the authors of the New Testament Thomas Aquinas and Benjamin Franklin have all proposed lists Walter Kaufmann proposed as the four cardinal virtues ambition humility humbition love courage and honesty CriticismsProponents of virtue theory who sometimes argue that a central feature of a virtue is its universal applicability In other words any character trait defined as a virtue must reasonably be universally regarded as a virtue for all people According to this view it is inconsistent to claim for example servility as a female virtue while at the same time not proposing it as a male one Other proponents of virtue theory notably Alasdair MacIntyre respond to this objection by arguing that any account of the virtues must indeed be generated out of the community in which those virtues are to be practiced the very word ethics implies ethos That is to say that the virtues are and necessarily must be grounded in a particular time and place What counts as a virtue in 4th century BCE Athens would be a ludicrous guide to proper behaviour in 21st century CE Toronto and vice versa To take this view does not necessarily commit one to the argument that accounts of the virtues must therefore be static moral activity that is attempts to contemplate and practice the virtues can provide the cultural resources that allow people to change albeit slowly the ethos of their own societies MacIntyre appears to take this position in his seminal work on virtue ethics After Virtue Another objection whose to virtue theory is that virtue ethics does not focus on what sorts of actions are morally permitted and which ones are not but rather on what sort of qualities someone ought to foster in order to become a good person In other words while some virtue theorists who may not condemn for example murder as an inherently immoral or impermissible sort of action they may argue that someone who commits a murder is severely lacking in several important virtues such as compassion and fairness Still antagonists of the theory who often object that this particular feature of the theory makes virtue ethics useless as a universal norm of acceptable conduct suitable as a base for legislation citation needed Some virtue theorists who concede this point but respond by opposing the very notion of legitimate legislative authority instead effectively advocating some form of anarchism as the political ideal citation needed Other virtue theorists who argue that laws should be made by virtuous legislators and still another group argue that it is possible to base a judicial system on the moral notion of virtues rather than rules Aristotle himself saw his Nicomachean Ethics as a prequel for his Politics and felt that the point of politics was to create the fertile soil for a virtuous citizenry to develop in and that one purpose of virtue was that it helps you to contribute to a healthy polis X 9 Some virtue theorists who might respond to this overall objection with the notion of a bad act also being an act characteristic of vice citation needed That is to say that those acts that do not aim at virtue or that stray from virtue would constitute our conception of bad behavior Although not all virtue ethicists agree to this notion this is one way the virtue ethicist can re introduce the concept of the morally impermissible One could raise an objection that he is committing an argument from ignorance by postulating that what is not virtuous is unvirtuous In other words just because an action or person lacks of evidence for virtue does not all else constant imply that said action or person is unvirtuous Subsumed in deontology and utilitarianism Martha Nussbaum suggested that while virtue ethics is often considered to be anti Enlightenment suspicious of theory and respectful of the wisdom embodied in local practices it is actually neither fundamentally distinct from nor does it qualify as a rival approach to deontology and utilitarianism She argues that philosophers from these two Enlightenment traditions often include theories of virtue She pointed out that Kant s Doctrine of Virtue in The Metaphysics of Morals covers most of the same topics as do classical Greek theories that he offers a general account of virtue in terms of the strength of the will in overcoming wayward and selfish inclinations that he offers detailed analyses of standard virtues such as courage and self control and of vices such as avarice mendacity servility and pride that although in general he portrays inclination as inimical to virtue he also recognizes that sympathetic inclinations offer crucial support to virtue and urges their deliberate cultivation Nussbaum also points to considerations of virtue by utilitarians such as Henry Sidgwick The Methods of Ethics Jeremy Bentham The Principles of Morals and Legislation and John Stuart Mill who writes of moral development as part of an argument for the moral equality of women The Subjection of Women She argues that contemporary virtue ethicists such as Alasdair MacIntyre Bernard Williams Philippa Foot and John McDowell have few points of agreement and that the common core of their work does not represent a break from Kant Kantian critique Immanuel Kant s position on virtue ethics is contested Those who argue that Kantian deontology conflicts with virtue ethics include Alasdair MacIntyre Philippa Foot and Bernard Williams In the Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals and the Critique of Practical Reason Immanuel Kant offers many different criticisms of ethical frameworks and against moral theories before him citation needed Kant rarely mentioned Aristotle by name but did not exclude his moral philosophy of virtue ethics from his critique Many Kantian arguments against virtue ethics claim that virtue ethics is inconsistent or sometimes that it is not a real moral theory at all In What Is Virtue Ethics All About Gregory Velazco y Trianosky identified the key points of divergence between virtue ethicists and what he called neo Kantianism in the form these nine neo Kantian moral assertions The crucial moral question is what is it right obligatory to do Moral judgments are those that concern the rightness of actions Such judgments take the form of rules or principles Such rules or principles are universal not respecting persons They are not based on some concept of human good that is independent of moral goodness They take the form of categorical imperatives that can be justified independently of the desires of the person they apply to They are motivating they can compel action in an agent also independently of that agent s desires An action in order to be morally virtuous must be motivated by this sort of moral judgment not for example merely coincidentally aligned with it The virtuousness of a character trait or virtue derives from the relationship that trait has to moral judgments rules and principles Trianosky says that modern sympathizers with virtue ethics almost all reject neo Kantian claim 1 and many of them also reject certain of the other claims Utopianism and pluralism Robert B Louden criticizes virtue ethics on the basis that it promotes a form of unsustainable utopianism Trying to arrive at a single set of virtues is immensely difficult in contemporary societies as according to Louden they contain more ethnic religious and class groups than did the moral community which Aristotle theorized about with each of these groups having not only its own interests but its own set of virtues as well Louden notes in passing that MacIntyre a supporter of virtue based ethics has grappled with this in After Virtue but that ethics cannot dispense with building rules around acts and rely only on discussing the moral character of persons Topics in virtue ethicsVirtue ethics as a category Virtue contrasts with deontological and consequentialist ethics the three are the most predominant contemporary normative ethical theories Deontological ethics sometimes referred to as duty ethics emphasizes adherence to ethical principles or duties How these duties are defined however is often a subject of debate One rule scheme used by deontologists is divine command theory Deontology also depends upon meta ethical realism in postulating the existence of moral absolutes regardless of circumstances Immanuel Kant is considered a foremost theorist of deontological ethics The next predominant school of thought in normative ethics is consequentialism While deontology emphasizes doing one s duty consequentialism bases the morality of an action on its outcome Instead of saying that one has a moral duty to abstain from murder a consequentialist would say that we should abstain from murder because it has undesirable effects The main contention is what outcomes should or can be identified as objectively desirable John Stuart Mill s greatest happiness principle is a commonly adopted criterion of what is objectively desirable Mill asserts that the desirability of an action is the net amount of happiness it brings the number of people it brings happiness to and the duration of that happiness He tries to delineate classes of happiness some preferable to others but classifying such a concept is difficult A virtue ethicist identifies virtues also known as desirable characteristics that a good person embodies Exhibiting these virtues is the aim of ethics and one s actions are a reflection of one s virtues To the virtue philosopher action cannot be used as a demarcation of morality because a virtue encompasses more than a selection of an action it is a way of being that leads the person exhibiting the virtue to consistently make certain types of choices There is disagreement in virtue ethics about what are and what are not virtues There are also difficulties in identifying the virtuous action to take in all circumstances and how to define a virtue Consequentialist and deontological theories often still employ the term virtue in a restricted sense as a tendency or disposition to adhere to the system s principles or rules In those theories virtue is secondary and the principles or rules are primary These differing senses of what constitutes virtue are a potential source of confusion Dogmatic claims about the purpose of human life or about what a good life is for human beings are typically controversial Virtue and politics Virtue theory emphasizes Aristotle s belief in the polis as the acme of political organization citation needed and the role of the virtues in enabling human beings to flourish in that environment In contrast classical republicanism emphasizes Tacitus s concern that power and luxury can corrupt individuals and destroy liberty as Tacitus perceived in the transformation of the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire Virtue for classical republicans is a shield against this sort of corruption and a means to preserve the good life one has rather than a means by which to achieve the good life one does not yet have Another way to put the distinction between the two traditions is that virtue ethics relies on Aristotle s fundamental distinction between the human being as he is from the human being as he should be while classical republicanism relies on the Tacitean distinction of the risk of becoming Virtue ethics has a number of contemporary applications Social and political philosophy Within the field of social ethics Deirdre McCloskey argues that virtue ethics can provide a basis for a balanced approach to understanding capitalism and capitalist societies Education Within the field of philosophy of education James Page argues that virtue ethics can provide a rationale and foundation for peace education Health care and medical ethics Thomas Alured Faunce argued that whistleblowing in healthcare settings would be more respected within clinical governance pathways if it had a firmer academic foundation in virtue ethics He called for whistleblowing to be expressly supported in the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights Barry Schwartz argues that practical wisdom is an antidote to much of the inefficient and inhumane bureaucracy of modern health care systems Technology and the virtues In her book Technology and the Virtues Shannon Vallor proposed a series of technomoral virtues that people need to cultivate in order to flourish in our socio technological world Honesty Respecting Truth Self control Becoming the Author of Our Desires Humility Knowing What We Do Not Know Justice Upholding Rightness Courage Intelligent Fear and Hope Empathy Compassionate Concern for Others Care Loving Service to Others Civility Making Common Cause Flexibility Skillful Adaptation to Change Perspective Holding on to the Moral Whole and Magnanimity Moral Leadership and Nobility of Spirit See alsoApplied ethics Practical application of moral considerations Arete Greek philosophical concept Buddhist ethics discipline Confucianism Chinese ethical and philosophical system Cynicism philosophy Ancient school of philosophy Environmental virtue ethics Way of approaching environmental ethics through the lens of virtue ethics Modern Stoicism Virtue focused philosophical systemPages displaying short descriptions of redirect targets Phronesis Ancient Greek word for a type of wisdom or intelligence Rule according to higher law Belief that universal principles of morality override unjust laws Seven virtues Seven virtues in Christian tradition Stoicism Virtue focused philosophical system Tirukkuṟaḷ Ancient Tamil composition on personal ethics and moralityPages displaying short descriptions of redirect targets Virtue epistemology Philosophical approach Virtue jurisprudence Virtue ethics applied to jurisprudence Virtue signalling Pejorative termNotesPronounced ˌ aer e ˈ t eɪ ɪ k ReferencesCarr David Steutel Jan eds 1999 Virtue Ethics and Moral Education Routledge p 22 ISBN 9780415170734 Statman Daniel 1997 Introduction to Virtue Ethics Virtue Ethics A Critical Reader Edinburgh University Press p 7 ISBN 0878402217 Virtue Ethics refers to a rather new or renewed approach to ethics according to which the basic judgments in ethics are judgments about character Hursthouse Rosalind Pettigrove Glen 2018 Virtue Ethics In Zalta Edward N ed Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Winter 2018 ed Metaphysics Research Lab Stanford University Retrieved 2021 02 19 Annas Julia 2015 09 22 Virtue and Duty Negotiating Between Different Ethical Traditions Journal of Value Inquiry 49 4 609 doi 10 1007 s10790 015 9520 y S2CID 143268990 via SpringerLink Statman Daniel 1997 Introduction to Virtue Ethics Virtue Ethics A Critical Reader Edinburgh University Press p 8 ISBN 0878402217 Virtues are viewed as necessary conditions for or as constitutive elements of human flourishing and wellbeing Trianosky Gregory Velazco y 1997 What is Virtue Ethics All About In Statman Daniel ed Virtue Ethics A Critical Reader Edinburgh University Press p 48 ISBN 0878402217 What is surprising today is how many of the most influential writers on the virtues today in fact defend some sort of teleological if not specifically utilitarian answer Trianosky Gregory Velazco y 1997 What is Virtue Ethics All About In Statman Daniel ed Virtue Ethics A Critical Reader Edinburgh University Press p 47 ISBN 0878402217 Aristotle regards virtue as a constitutive element of the human good rather than merely a means to its attainment Aristotle Andronicus ed Nicomachean Ethics Annas Julia 1993 The Morality of Happiness New York Oxford University Press pp 48 49 ISBN 0 19 507999 X Hursthouse Rosalind 1997 Virtue Ethics and the Emotions In Statman Daniel ed Virtue Ethics A Critical Reader Edinburgh University Press p 108 ISBN 0878402217 Pincoffs Edmund 1971 Quandary ethics Mind 80 320 552 571 doi 10 1093 mind LXXX 320 552 Kraut Richard 2016 01 01 Zalta Edward N ed Aristotle s Ethics Spring 2016 ed Archived from the original on 2019 03 18 Retrieved 2016 05 05 McDowell John 1979 Virtue and Reason The Monist 62 3 331 350 doi 10 5840 monist197962319 Pojman L P Fieser J 2009 Virtue Theory Ethics Discovering Right and Wrong 6th ed Belmont Calif Wadsworth pp 146 169 Aristotle Politics Hursthouse Rosalind 8 Dec 2016 Virtue Ethics Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Stanford University Archived from the original on 23 September 2018 Retrieved 11 May 2020 Although modern virtue ethics does not have to take a neo Aristotelian or eudaimonist form almost any modern version still shows that its roots are in ancient Greek philosophy by the employment of three concepts derived from it These are arete excellence or virtue phronesis practical or moral wisdom and eudaimonia usually translated as happiness or flourishing Statman Daniel 1997 Introduction to Virtue Ethics Virtue Ethics A Critical Reader Edinburgh University Press p 11 ISBN 0878402217 I t is important to notice 1 that virtue ethics is not necessarily tied to the notion of wellbeing and 2 that according to some philosophers virtue ethics is necessarily or at least typically of a non teleological nature Gardiner P 2003 10 01 A virtue ethics approach to moral dilemmas in medicine Journal of Medical Ethics 29 5 297 302 doi 10 1136 jme 29 5 297 ISSN 0306 6800 PMC 1733793 PMID 14519840 Archived from the original on 2019 11 06 Bowin John 2020 Aristotle s Virtue Ethics PDF In Seigneurie Ken ed A Companion to World Literature John Wiley amp Sons Plato Oxford Bibliographies Online Research Guide Oxford University Press USA 2010 p 10 ISBN 978 0 19 980902 8 Aquinas Thomas 1485 Summa Theologica Aquinas Thomas 1272 Commentary on the Ten Books of Ethics Sytsma David 2021 Aristotle s Nicomachean Ethics and Protestantism Academia Letters 1650 1 8 doi 10 20935 AL1650 S2CID 237798959 Anscombe G E M 1958 Modern Moral Philosophy Philosophy 33 124 1 19 doi 10 1017 s0031819100037943 JSTOR 3749051 S2CID 197875941 Stocker Michael 1976 The Schizophrenia of Modern Ethical Theories The Journal of Philosophy 73 14 453 466 doi 10 2307 2025782 JSTOR 2025782 Foot Philippa 1978 Virtues and Vices Oxford Basil Blackwell ISBN 0631127496 MacIntyre Alasdair 1981 After Virtue Notre Dame Ind University of Notre Dame Press ISBN 0 268 00594 X MacIntyre Alasdair 1990 Three Rival Versions of Moral Enquiry Notre Dame Ind University of Notre Dame Press ISBN 0 268 01877 4 Ricoeur Paul 1992 1990 Oneself as Another Translated by Blamey Kathleen Chicago University of Chicago Press ISBN 0 226 71329 6 Taylor Richard 2002 1991 Virtue Ethics An Introduction New York Prometheus Books ISBN 9781573929431 Crisp Roger Slote Michael 1997 Virtue Ethics Oxford Oxford University Press Annas Julia 1993 The Morality of Happiness Oxford University Press ISBN 0 19 509652 5 Becker Lawrence C 1998 A New Stoicism Princeton N J Princeton University Press p 30 ISBN 978 0691009643 Hursthouse Rosalind 1999 On Virtue Ethics Oxford University Press ISBN 0 19 924799 4 Goleman Daniel 1995 Emotional Intelligence Why It Can Matter More Than IQ Aristotle s Challenge pp xix xxiv Bantam Books ISBN 978 0 553 38371 3 Louden Robert B 1984 On some vices of virtue ethics American Philosophical Quarterly 21 3 227 236 Plato Meno Stephens William O Stoic Ethics www iep utm edu Retrieved 14 February 2023 Cicero Marcus Tullius De Officiis On Moral Duties www oll libertyfund org Retrieved 14 February 2023 McDowell John 1979 Virtue and reason The Monist 62 3 331 350 doi 10 5840 monist197962319 MacIntyre Alasdair 1981 After Virtue Notre Dame Ind University of Notre Dame Press Chapter 14 ISBN 0 268 00594 X Kaufmann Walter 1961 The Faith Of A Heretic Doubleday amp Co pp 317 338 Rachels James Stuart 2023 The Elements of Moral Philosophy 10th ed McGraw Hill LLC pp 169 184 ISBN 978 1 265 23718 9 a href wiki Template Cite book title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint multiple names authors list link Nussbaum Martha C 1999 Virtue Ethics A Misleading Category The Journal of Ethics 3 3 163 201 doi 10 1023 A 1009877217694 JSTOR 25115613 S2CID 141533832 MacIntyre Alasdair 1981 After Virtue Notre Dame Ind University of Notre Dame Press pp 42 112 ISBN 0 268 00594 X Sullivan Roger J 1974 The Kantian Critique of Aristotle s Moral Philosophy An Appraisal The Review of Metaphysics 28 1 24 53 JSTOR 20126582 Trianosky Gregory Velazco y 1997 What is Virtue Ethics All About In Statman Daniel ed Virtue Ethics A Critical Reader Edinburgh University Press pp 47 55 ISBN 0878402217 Louden Robert B July 1984 On Some Vices of Virtue Ethics American Philosophical Quarterly 21 3 227 236 JSTOR 20014051 Statman Daniel 1997 Introduction to Virtue Ethics Virtue Ethics A Critical Reader Edinburgh University Press p 7 ISBN 0878402217 A view shared by both deontologists and utilitarians is that the value of character traits is dependent on the value of the conduct that these traits tend to produce and it is the concept of right behavior that it theoretically prior not that of virtue In reversing the order of justification virtue ethics is calling for a real revolution in ethical thought Pocock J G A 1975 The Machiavellian Moment Princeton University Press ISBN 0 691 11472 2 LCCN 2002112936 McCloskey Deirdre N 2007 The Bourgeois Virtues University of Chicago Press ISBN 978 0 226 55664 2 Page James Page James Smith 2008 Peace Education Exploring Ethical and Philosophical Foundations Information Age Pub Incorporated ISBN 978 1 59311 889 1 Faunce T A 2004 Developing and Teaching the Virtue Ethics Foundations of Healthcare Whistle Blowing Monash Bioethics Review 23 4 41 55 doi 10 1007 BF03351419 PMID 15688511 S2CID 195243797 Faunce T A Jefferys S 2007 Whistleblowing and Scientific Misconduct Renewing Legal and Virtue Ethics Foundations Journal of Medicine and Law 26 3 567 584 PMID 17970253 Faunce T A Nasu H 23 April 2009 Normative Foundations of Technology Transfer and Transnational Benefit Principles in the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 34 3 Oxford University Press OUP 296 321 doi 10 1093 jmp jhp021 ISSN 0360 5310 PMID 19395367 Schwartz Barry 16 February 2009 Our loss of wisdom www ted com Archived from the original on 2016 05 07 Retrieved 2016 05 05 Technology and the Virtues A Philosophical Guide to a Future Worth Wanting Oxford New York Oxford University Press 2016 ISBN 978 0190498511 Further readingYu Jiyuan 1998 Virtue Confucius and Aristotle Philosophy East and West 48 2 323 47 doi 10 2307 1399830 JSTOR 1399830 Devettere Raymond J 2002 Introduction to Virtue Ethics Washington D C Georgetown University Press Taylor Richard 2002 An Introduction to Virtue Ethics Amherst Prometheus Books Darwall Stephen ed 2003 Virtue Ethics Oxford B Blackwell Swanton Christine 2003 Virtue Ethics a Pluralistic View Oxford Oxford University Press Gardiner Stephen M ed 2005 Virtue Ethics Old and New Ithaca Cornell University Press Russell Daniel C ed 2013 The Cambridge Companion to Virtue Ethics New York Cambridge University Press External linksWikimedia Commons has media related to Virtue ethics Virtue Ethics Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy Hursthouse Rosalind Virtue Ethics In Zalta Edward N ed Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Homiak Marcia Moral Character In Zalta Edward N ed Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Virtue Ethics summary criticisms and how to apply the theory Legal theory lexicon Virtue ethics by Larry Solum The Virtue Ethics Research Hub The Four Stoic Virtues