In linguistic typology, subject–verb–object (SVO) is a sentence structure where the subject comes first, the verb second, and the object third. Languages may be classified according to the dominant sequence of these elements in unmarked sentences (i.e., sentences in which an unusual word order is not used for emphasis). English is included in this group. An example is "Sam ate apples."
SVO is the second-most common order by number of known languages, after SOV. Together, SVO and SOV account for more than 87% of the world's languages. The label SVO often includes ergative languages although they do not have nominative subjects.
Order | Example | Usage | Languages | |
SOV | "Sam apples ate." | 45% | Abaza, Abkhaz, Adyghe, Ainu, Amharic, Ancient Greek, Akkadian, Armenian, Avar, Aymara, Azerbaijani, Bambara, Basque, Bengali, Burmese, Burushaski, Chukchi, Elamite, Hindustani, Hittite, Hopi, Itelmen, Japanese, Kabardian, Korean, Kurdish, Latin, Lhasa Tibetan, Malayalam, Manchu, Mongolian, Navajo, Nepali, Nivkh, Oromo, Pali, Pashto, Persian, Quechua, Sanskrit, Sinhala, Tamil, Telugu, Tigrinya, Turkish, Yukaghir | |
SVO | "Sam ate apples." | 42% | Arabic (modern spoken varieties), Chinese, most European languages, Hausa, Hebrew, Indonesian, Kashmiri, Malay, Swahili, Thai, Vietnamese | |
VSO | "Ate Sam apples." | 9% | Arabic (classical and modern standard), Berber languages, Biblical Hebrew, Celtic languages, Filipino, Geʽez, Kariri, Polynesian languages | |
VOS | "Ate apples Sam." | 3% | Algonquian languages, Arawakan languages, Car, Chumash, Fijian, Malagasy, Mayan languages, Otomanguean languages, Qʼeqchiʼ, Salishan languages, Terêna | |
OVS | "Apples ate Sam." | 1% | Äiwoo, Hixkaryana, Urarina | |
OSV | "Apples Sam ate." | 0% | Tobati, Warao, Haida | |
Frequency distribution of word order in languages surveyed by Russell S. Tomlin in the 1980s( ) |
Subject–verb–object languages almost always place relative clauses after the nouns which they modify and adverbial subordinators before the clause modified, with varieties of Chinese being notable exceptions.
Although some subject–verb–object languages in West Africa, the best known being Ewe, use postpositions in noun phrases, the vast majority of them, such as English, have prepositions. Most subject–verb–object languages place genitives after the noun, but a significant minority, including the postpositional SVO languages of West Africa, the Hmong–Mien languages, some Sino-Tibetan languages, and European languages like Swedish, Danish, Lithuanian and Latvian have prenominal genitives (as would be expected in an SOV language).
Non-European SVO languages usually have a strong tendency to place adjectives, demonstratives and numerals after the nouns that they modify, but Chinese, Vietnamese, Malaysian and Indonesian place numerals before nouns, as in English. Some linguists have come to view the numeral as the head in the relationship to fit the rigid right-branching of these languages.
There is a strong tendency, as in English, for main verbs to be preceded by auxiliaries: I am thinking. He should reconsider.
Language differences and variation
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An example of SVO order in English is:
- Andy ate cereal.
In an analytic language such as English, subject–verb–object order is relatively inflexible because it identifies which part of the sentence is the subject and which one is the object. ("The dog bit Andy" and "Andy bit the dog" mean two completely different things, while, in case of "Bit Andy the dog", it may be difficult to determine whether it is a complete sentence or a fragment, with "Andy the dog" the object and an omitted/implied subject.)
The situation is more complex in languages that have no strict order of V and O imposed by their grammar. e.g. Russian, Finnish, Ukrainian, or Hungarian. Here, the ordering is rather governed by emphasis.
Russian allows the use of subject, verb, and object in any order and "shuffles" parts to bring up a slightly different contextual meaning each time. E.g. "любит она его" (loves she him) may be used to point out "she acts this way because she LOVES him", or "его она любит" (him she loves) is used in the context "if you pay attention, you'll see that HE is the one she truly loves", or "его любит она" (him loves she) may appear along the lines "I agree that cat is a disaster, but since my wife adores it and I adore her...". Regardless of order, it is clear that "его" is the object because it is in the accusative case.
In Polish, SVO order is basic in an affirmative sentence, and a different order is used to either emphasize some part of it or to adapt it to a broader context logic. For example, "Roweru ci nie kupię" (I won't buy you a bicycle), "Od piątej czekam" (I've been waiting since five).
In Turkish, it is normal to use SOV, but SVO may be used sometimes to emphasize the verb. For example, "John terk etti Mary'yi" (Lit. John/left/Mary: John left Mary) is the answer to the question "What did John do with Mary?" instead of the regular [SOV] sentence "John Mary'yi terk etti" (Lit. John/Mary/left).
German, Dutch, and Kashmiri display the order subject-verb-object in some, especially main clauses, but really are verb-second languages, not SVO languages in the sense of a word order type. They have SOV in subordinate clauses, as given in Example 1 below. Example 2 shows the effect of verb second order: the first element in the clause that comes before the V need not be the subject. In Kashmiri, the word order in embedded clauses is conditioned by the category of the subordinating conjunction, as in Example 3.
- "Er weiß, dass ich jeden Sonntag das Auto wasche."/"Hij weet dat ik elke zondag de auto was." (German & Dutch respectively: "He knows that I wash the car each Sunday", lit. "He knows that I each Sunday the car wash".) Cf. the simple sentence "Ich wasche das Auto jeden Sonntag."/ "Ik was de auto elke zondag.", "I wash the car each Sunday."
- "Jeden Sonntag wasche ich das Auto."/"Elke zondag was ik de auto." (German & Dutch respectively: "Each Sunday I wash the car.", lit. "Each Sunday wash I the car."). "Ich wasche das Auto jeden Sonntag"/"Ik was de auto elke zondag" translates perfectly into English "I wash the car each Sunday", but preposing the adverbial results in a structure that is different from the English one.
- Kashmiri:
"I was afraid you might give him the letter"
- If the embedded clause is introduced by the transparent conjunction zyi the SOV order changes to SVO. "mye ees phyikyir (zyi) tsi maa dyikh temyis ciThy".
English developed from such a reordering language and still bears traces of this word order, for example in locative inversion ("In the garden sat a cat.") and some clauses beginning with negative expressions: "only" ("Only then do we find X."), "not only" ("Not only did he storm away but also slammed the door."), "under no circumstances" ("under no circumstances are the students allowed to use a mobile phone"), "never" ("Never have I done that."), "on no account" and the like. In such cases, do-support is sometimes required, depending on the construction.
See also
- Subject–object–verb word order
- Object–subject–verb word order
- Object–verb–subject word order
- Verb–object–subject word order
- Verb–subject–object word order
- V2 word order
- Category:Subject–verb–object languages
- Crystal, David (1997). The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language (2nd ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-55967-7.
- Meyer, Charles F. (2010). Introducing English Linguistics (Student ed.). Cambridge University Press.
- Tomlin, Russell S. (1986). Basic Word Order: Functional Principles. London: Croom Helm. p. 22. ISBN 9780709924999. OCLC 13423631.
- "Order of Genitive and Noun".
- Donohue, Mark (2007). "Word order in Austronesian from north to south and west to east" (PDF). Linguistic Typology. 11 (2): 379. doi:10.1515/LINGTY.2007.026. S2CID 49214413. Archived from the original (PDF) on Mar 28, 2019 – via Austronesian linguistics - ANU.
- Bielec, Dana (2007). Polish, An Essential Grammar. Routledge. p. 272.
- The typological database WALS treats German as a language without fixed basic order; see WALS chapter 81.
- Hook, P. E. & Koul, O. N. (1996). Lakshmi, V.S. & Mukherjee, A. (eds.). "Kashmiri as a V-2 language". Word order in Indian languages. Osmania University: Centre of Advanced Study in Linguistics. p. 102. ISBN 81-85194-42-4.
In linguistic typology subject verb object SVO is a sentence structure where the subject comes first the verb second and the object third Languages may be classified according to the dominant sequence of these elements in unmarked sentences i e sentences in which an unusual word order is not used for emphasis English is included in this group An example is Sam ate apples SVO is the second most common order by number of known languages after SOV Together SVO and SOV account for more than 87 of the world s languages The label SVO often includes ergative languages although they do not have nominative subjects Order Example Usage LanguagesSOV Sam apples ate 45 45 Abaza Abkhaz Adyghe Ainu Amharic Ancient Greek Akkadian Armenian Avar Aymara Azerbaijani Bambara Basque Bengali Burmese Burushaski Chukchi Elamite Hindustani Hittite Hopi Itelmen Japanese Kabardian Korean Kurdish Latin Lhasa Tibetan Malayalam Manchu Mongolian Navajo Nepali Nivkh Oromo Pali Pashto Persian Quechua Sanskrit Sinhala Tamil Telugu Tigrinya Turkish YukaghirSVO Sam ate apples 42 42 Arabic modern spoken varieties Chinese most European languages Hausa Hebrew Indonesian Kashmiri Malay Swahili Thai VietnameseVSO Ate Sam apples 9 9 Arabic classical and modern standard Berber languages Biblical Hebrew Celtic languages Filipino Geʽez Kariri Polynesian languagesVOS Ate apples Sam 3 3 Algonquian languages Arawakan languages Car Chumash Fijian Malagasy Mayan languages Otomanguean languages Qʼeqchiʼ Salishan languages TerenaOVS Apples ate Sam 1 1 Aiwoo Hixkaryana UrarinaOSV Apples Sam ate 0 Tobati Warao HaidaFrequency distribution of word order in languages surveyed by Russell S Tomlin in the 1980s vte PropertiesSubject verb object languages almost always place relative clauses after the nouns which they modify and adverbial subordinators before the clause modified with varieties of Chinese being notable exceptions Although some subject verb object languages in West Africa the best known being Ewe use postpositions in noun phrases the vast majority of them such as English have prepositions Most subject verb object languages place genitives after the noun but a significant minority including the postpositional SVO languages of West Africa the Hmong Mien languages some Sino Tibetan languages and European languages like Swedish Danish Lithuanian and Latvian have prenominal genitives as would be expected in an SOV language Non European SVO languages usually have a strong tendency to place adjectives demonstratives and numerals after the nouns that they modify but Chinese Vietnamese Malaysian and Indonesian place numerals before nouns as in English Some linguists have come to view the numeral as the head in the relationship to fit the rigid right branching of these languages There is a strong tendency as in English for main verbs to be preceded by auxiliaries I am thinking He should reconsider Language differences and variationThis section needs additional citations for verification Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources in this section Unsourced material may be challenged and removed March 2023 Learn how and when to remove this message An example of SVO order in English is Andy ate cereal In an analytic language such as English subject verb object order is relatively inflexible because it identifies which part of the sentence is the subject and which one is the object The dog bit Andy and Andy bit the dog mean two completely different things while in case of Bit Andy the dog it may be difficult to determine whether it is a complete sentence or a fragment with Andy the dog the object and an omitted implied subject The situation is more complex in languages that have no strict order of V and O imposed by their grammar e g Russian Finnish Ukrainian or Hungarian Here the ordering is rather governed by emphasis Russian allows the use of subject verb and object in any order and shuffles parts to bring up a slightly different contextual meaning each time E g lyubit ona ego loves she him may be used to point out she acts this way because she LOVES him or ego ona lyubit him she loves is used in the context if you pay attention you ll see that HE is the one she truly loves or ego lyubit ona him loves she may appear along the lines I agree that cat is a disaster but since my wife adores it and I adore her Regardless of order it is clear that ego is the object because it is in the accusative case In Polish SVO order is basic in an affirmative sentence and a different order is used to either emphasize some part of it or to adapt it to a broader context logic For example Roweru ci nie kupie I won t buy you a bicycle Od piatej czekam I ve been waiting since five In Turkish it is normal to use SOV but SVO may be used sometimes to emphasize the verb For example John terk etti Mary yi Lit John left Mary John left Mary is the answer to the question What did John do with Mary instead of the regular SOV sentence John Mary yi terk etti Lit John Mary left German Dutch and Kashmiri display the order subject verb object in some especially main clauses but really are verb second languages not SVO languages in the sense of a word order type They have SOV in subordinate clauses as given in Example 1 below Example 2 shows the effect of verb second order the first element in the clause that comes before the V need not be the subject In Kashmiri the word order in embedded clauses is conditioned by the category of the subordinating conjunction as in Example 3 Er weiss dass ich jeden Sonntag das Auto wasche Hij weet dat ik elke zondag de auto was German amp Dutch respectively He knows that I wash the car each Sunday lit He knows that I each Sunday the car wash Cf the simple sentence Ich wasche das Auto jeden Sonntag Ik was de auto elke zondag I wash the car each Sunday Jeden Sonntag wasche ich das Auto Elke zondag was ik de auto German amp Dutch respectively Each Sunday I wash the car lit Each Sunday wash I the car Ich wasche das Auto jeden Sonntag Ik was de auto elke zondag translates perfectly into English I wash the car each Sunday but preposing the adverbial results in a structure that is different from the English one Kashmiri mye to meees wasphyikyir worryyithi ni lesttsi youtemyis to himciThy letterdyikh will give mye ees phyikyir yithi ni tsi temyis ciThy dyikh to me was worry lest you to him letter will give I was afraid you might give him the letter If the embedded clause is introduced by the transparent conjunction zyi the SOV order changes to SVO mye ees phyikyir zyi tsi maa dyikh temyis ciThy dd English developed from such a reordering language and still bears traces of this word order for example in locative inversion In the garden sat a cat and some clauses beginning with negative expressions only Only then do we find X not only Not only did he storm away but also slammed the door under no circumstances under no circumstances are the students allowed to use a mobile phone never Never have I done that on no account and the like In such cases do support is sometimes required depending on the construction See alsoSubject object verb word order Object subject verb word order Object verb subject word order Verb object subject word order Verb subject object word order V2 word order Category Subject verb object languagesReferencesCrystal David 1997 The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language 2nd ed Cambridge Cambridge University Press ISBN 0 521 55967 7 Meyer Charles F 2010 Introducing English Linguistics Student ed Cambridge University Press Tomlin Russell S 1986 Basic Word Order Functional Principles London Croom Helm p 22 ISBN 9780709924999 OCLC 13423631 Order of Genitive and Noun Donohue Mark 2007 Word order in Austronesian from north to south and west to east PDF Linguistic Typology 11 2 379 doi 10 1515 LINGTY 2007 026 S2CID 49214413 Archived from the original PDF on Mar 28 2019 via Austronesian linguistics ANU Bielec Dana 2007 Polish An Essential Grammar Routledge p 272 The typological database WALS treats German as a language without fixed basic order see WALS chapter 81 Hook P E amp Koul O N 1996 Lakshmi V S amp Mukherjee A eds Kashmiri as a V 2 language Word order in Indian languages Osmania University Centre of Advanced Study in Linguistics p 102 ISBN 81 85194 42 4