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In linguistic typology, a null-subject language is a language whose grammar permits an independent clause to lack an explicit subject; such a clause is then said to have a null subject.
In the principles and parameters framework, the null subject is controlled by the pro-drop parameter, which is either on or off for a particular language.[citation needed]
Typically, null-subject languages express person, number, and/or gender agreement with the referent on the verb, rendering a subject noun phrase redundant.
For example, in Italian the subject "she" can be either explicit or implicit:
"Maria does not want to eat."
The subject "(s)he" of the second sentence is only implied in Italian. English and French, on the other hand, require an explicit subject in this sentence.
Null-subject languages include Arabic, most Romance languages, Chinese, Greek, Hebrew, the Indo-Aryan languages, Japanese, Korean, Persian, the Slavic languages, Tamil, and the Turkic languages.
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Languages which are not null-subject languages usually require an explicit subject. English and French make an exception for the imperative mood, or where a subject is mentioned in the same sentence, one immediately preceding it, or where the subject is implied. These languages can sometimes drop pronouns in limited contexts: e.g, German for "please", Bitte, literally means "[I] beg", and in English "Not happy!" would be clearly understood as the first person singular "I am not happy". Similarly, in some cases the additional inclusion of pronouns in English has equivalent force to their optional inclusion in Spanish or Italian: e.g, "I cook, I wash up and I do the shopping" is more emphatic than simply "I cook, wash up and do the shopping".
Subjects may sometimes be dropped in colloquial speech where the subject is implied.
In the framework of government and binding theory of syntax, the term null subject refers to an empty category. The empty category in question is thought to behave like an ordinary pronoun with respect to anaphoric reference and other grammatical behavior. Hence it is most commonly referred to as "pro".
This phenomenon is similar, but not identical, to that of pro-drop languages, which may omit pronouns, including subject pronouns, but also object pronouns. While all pro-drop languages are null-subject languages, not all null-subject languages are pro-drop.
In null-subject languages that have verb inflection in which the verb inflects for person, the grammatical person of the subject is reflected by the inflection of the verb and likewise for number and gender.
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The following examples come from Portuguese:
- "I'm going home" can be translated either as "vou para casa" or as "eu vou para casa", where "eu" means "I".
- "It's raining" can be translated as está chovendo (Brazilian Portuguese) or está a chover (European Portuguese). In Portuguese, as in most other Romance languages (but not all, French is a notable exception), there is no exact equivalent for the pronoun it. However, some older persons say Ele está a chover (European Portuguese) which directly translates to "He is raining".
- "I'm going home. I'm going to watch TV" would not, except in exceptional circumstances, be translated as Eu vou para casa. Eu vou ver televisão. At least the subject of the second sentence should be omitted in Portuguese unless one wishes to express emphasis, as to emphasize the I.
As the examples illustrate, in many null-subject languages, personal pronouns exist and can be used for emphasis but are dropped whenever they can be inferred from the context. Some sentences do not allow a subject in any form while, in other cases an explicit subject without particular emphasis, would sound awkward or unnatural.
Most Bantu languages are null-subject. For example, in Ganda, 'I'm going home' could be translated as Ŋŋenze ewange or as Nze ŋŋenze ewange, where nze means 'I'.
I came, I saw, I conquered. ("Veni, vidi, vici")
Arabic is considered a null-subject language, as demonstrated by the following example:
helps you.
"Help another, (he) helps you."
Subject information for 'they' is encoded in the conjugation of the verb يساعد.
fəth etdim
I came, I saw, I conquered. ("Veni, vidi, vici")
I came, I saw, I conquered. ("Veni, vidi, vici")
In Catalan/Valencian, as in Spanish, Portuguese, Galician, etc., the subject is also encoded in the verb conjugation. Pronoun use is not obligatory.
- (Nosaltres) Anem a la platja: We go to the beach.
- (Tu) Ets la meva amiga: You are my friend.
- (Vostès/vosaltres) No són/sou benvinguts aquí: You are not welcome here.
- (Ells) Estan dormint: They are asleep.
- (Jo) Necessito ajuda: I need help.
- (Ell) És a la seva habitació: He is in his bedroom.
- (Ella) Està cansada: She is tired.
In Catalan/Valencian, one may choose whether to use the subject or not. If used in an inclined tone, it may be seen as an added emphasis; however, in colloquial speaking, usage of a pronoun is optional. Even so, sentences with a null subject are used more frequently than sentences with a subject. In some cases, it is even necessary to skip the subject to create a grammatically correct sentence.
Most varieties of Chinese tend to be non-null-subject. Verbs in Chinese languages are not conjugated, so it is not possible to determine the subject based on the verb alone. However, in certain circumstances, most Chinese varieties allow dropping of the subject, thus forming null-subject sentences. One of the instances where the subject would be removed is when the subject is known. Below is an example in Mandarin:
Mother: "Do not (you) forget to take out the rubbish."
younger sister:
Younger sister: "(I) know it."
The above example clearly shows that a speaker could omit the subject if the doer of the verb is known. In a Chinese imperative sentence, like the first text, the subject is also left out.
In Galician, as in Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, etc., the subject is also encoded in the verb conjugation. Pronoun use is not obligatory.
- (Nós) Imos á praia: We go to the beach.
- (Ti) E-la miña amiga: You are my friend. (Informal singular)
- (Vós) Non sodes benvidos aquí: You are not welcome here. (Informal Plural)
- (Eles) Están durmindo: They are sleeping.
- (Eu) Necesito axuda: I need help.
- (El) Está no seu cuarto: He is in his bedroom.
- (Ela) Está cansada: She is tired.
In Galician, one may choose whether to use the subject or not. If used in an inclined tone, it may be seen as an added emphasis; however, in colloquial speaking, usage of a pronoun is optional. Even so, sentences with a null subject are used more frequently than sentences with a subject. In some cases, it is even necessary to skip the subject to create a grammatically correct sentence.
Modern Greek
I came, I saw, I conquered.
"Εγώ(Egó)", which means "I",has been omitted. The conjugation has encoded them,
Hebrew is considered a partially null-subject language, as demonstrated by the following example:
You help others, they will help you.
Subjects can usually be omitted only when the verb is conjugated for grammatical person, as in the third-person plural in the example above. In Hebrew one can also construct null-subject sentences as in the Latin and Turkish language examples: "We/you/they are going to the beach" can be expressed as "holkhim la-yam" (הולכים לים), lit. "Are going to the beach." This is truly a null-subject construction.
As in Spanish and Turkish, though, Hebrew conjugates verbs in accordance with specific pronouns, so "we went to the beach" is technically just as much a null-subject construction as in the other languages, but in fact the conjugation does indicate the subject pronoun: "Halakhnu la-yam" (הלכנו לים), lit. "Went (we) to the beach." The word "halakhnu" means "we went", just as the Spanish and Turkish examples indicate the relevant pronoun as the subject in their conjugation. So these should perhaps not be considered to be true null-subject phrases. Potentially confusing the issue further is the fact that Hebrew word order can also make some sentences appear to be null-subject, when the subject is in fact given after the verb. For instance, "it's raining" is expressed "yored geshem" (יורד גשם), which means "descends rain"; "rain" is the subject. The phrases meaning "It's snowing" and "It's hailing" are formed in the same way.[citation needed]
The Hindustani language shows radical pro-drop. This type of pro-drop differs from pro-drop in languages like Spanish where pro-drop is licensed by rich verbal morphology. Radical pro-drop is possible only in NP languages. South Asian languages such as Hindustani, in general, have the ability to pro-drop any and all arguments. Here, the case is expressed in a morpheme that is independent from the stem, making the pro-drop possible.
'It is raining.'
'Did you give food to Nadya?'
'Yes, (I) gave (food to her).'
(I) bake a cake.
(He/She) calls his/her parents.
The conjugations of the root verbs (faccio for fare; chiama for chiamare) already imply the subject of the sentences.
Japanese and several other null-subject languages are topic-prominent languages; some of these languages require an expressed topic in order for sentences to make sense. In Japanese, for example, it is possible to start a sentence with a topic marked by the particle は(read as wa, written as ha) and in subsequent sentences leave the topic unstated, as it is understood to remain the same, until another one is either explicitly or implicitly introduced. For example, in the second sentence below, the subject ("we") is not expressed again but left implicit:
"We went shopping. Afterwards, we ate dinner."
In other cases, the topic can be changed without being explicitly stated, as in the following example, where the topic changes implicitly from "today" to "I".
release date
na n da
kaō ka
whether to buy
dō ka
or not
mayotte iru.
"The game comes out today, but (I) can't decide whether or not to buy (it)."
It is also common for Japanese to omit things which are obvious in context. If the above line were part of a conversation about considering purchasing the game, it could be further shortened to:
Release day
mayotte iru.
not sure.
"(It's the game's) release day, but (I) can't decide (whether or not to buy it)."
Verb-conjugation endings in Latin express number and person (as well as tense and mood).
I came, I saw, I conquered.
I think, therefore I am.
I came, I saw, I conquered. ("Veni, vidi, vici")
(I) think,
(I) am.
I think, therefore I am. ("Cogito ergo sum")
In Polish, the subject is omitted almost every time, although it can be present to put emphasis on the subject.
I came, I saw, I conquered. ("Veni, vidi, vici")
I came, I saw, I conquered. ("Veni, vidi, vici")
With subjects: آئون آيس، مون ڏٺو، آئون، کٽيس
Idiomatic translation: I came, I saw, I conquered.
In Spanish, as with Latin and most Romance languages, the subject is encoded in the verb conjugation. Pronoun use is not obligatory.
- (Yo) Necesito ayuda: I need help.
- (Tú) Eres mi amiga: You (informal) are my friend.
- (Vos) Sos mi amiga: You (informal) are my friend.
- (Usted) Me ve: You (formal) see me.
- (Él) Está en su habitación: He is in his bedroom.
- (Ella) Está cansada: She is tired.
- (Nosotros) Vamos a la playa: We go to the beach.
- (Vosotros) Deberíais andaros: You (plural, informal) should leave.
- (Ustedes) No son bienvenidos aquí: You (plural) are not welcome here.
- (Ellos) Están durmiendo: They are asleep.
- (Ellas) Van allí: They (feminine) go there.
In Spanish, for the most part one may choose whether to use the subject or not. Generally if a subject is provided, it is either for clarity or for emphasis. Sentences with a null subject are used more frequently than sentences with a subject.
Verb conjugations in Tamil incorporate suffixes for number (singular and plural) and person (1st, 2nd and 3rd), and also for gender (masculine, feminine and neuter) in the third person. An explicit subject, therefore, is unnecessary, and can be inferred from the verb conjugation.
Tamil script: முடிந்துவிட்டது
Transliteration: muḍinduviṭṭadu
Literal Translation: It has left, having ended.
Idiomatic Translation: It has come to an end.
Another example:
(I) came,
(I) saw,
(I) conquered
I came, I saw, I conquered. ("Veni, vidi, vici")
(I) Think,
(I) exist.
I think, therefore I am. ("Cogito ergo sum")
Impersonal constructions
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In some cases (impersonal constructions), a proposition has no referent at all. Pro-drop languages deal naturally with these, whereas many non-pro-drop languages such as English and French must fill in the syntactic gap by inserting a dummy pronoun. "*Rains" is not a correct sentence; a dummy "it" must be added: "It rains"; in French "Il pleut". In most Romance languages, however, "Rains" can be a sentence: Spanish "Llueve", Italian "Piove", Catalan "Plou", Portuguese "Chove", Romanian "Plouă", etc. Uralic and Slavic languages also show this trait: Finnish "Sataa", Hungarian "Esik"; Polish "Pada".
There are constructed languages that are not pro-drop but do not require this syntactic gap to be filled. For example, in Esperanto, "He made the cake" would translate as Li faris la kukon (never *Faris la kukon), but It rained yesterday would be Pluvis hieraŭ (not *Ĝi pluvis hieraŭ).
Null subjects in non-null-subject languages
Other languages (sometimes called non-null-subject languages) require each sentence to include a subject: this is the case for most Germanic languages, including English and German, as well as many other languages. French, though a Romance language, also requires a subject. In some cases—particularly in English, less so in German, and occasionally in French—colloquial expressions allow for the omission of the subject in a manner similar to that of Spanish or Russian:[vague][citation needed]
- "[It] Sounds good."
- "[I] Bumped into George this morning."
- "[We] Agreed to have a snifter to catch up on old times."
- "[We] Can, must, and shall fight."
- "[You] Went down to Brighton for the weekend?"
The imperative form
Even in such non-null-subject languages such as English, it is standard for clauses in the imperative mood to lack explicit subjects; for example:
- "Take a break—you're working too hard."
- "Shut up!"
- "Don't listen to him!"
An explicit declaration of the pronoun in the imperative mood is typically reserved for emphasis:
- "You stay away!"
- "Don't you listen to him!"
French and German offer less flexibility with respect to null subjects.
In French, it is neither grammatically correct nor possible to include the subject within the imperative form; the vous in the expression taisez-vous stems from the fact that se taire, "to be silent," is a reflexive verb and is thus the object with similar meaning to "yourself" in an English imperative.[citation needed]
In German, the pronoun (singular du or plural ihr) is normally omitted from the informal second-person imperative (Mach das, "Do it"), although it may be added in a colloquial manner for emphasis (Macht ihr das!, "You [guys] do it!"). By contrast, the addressee-specific formal imperative requires the addition of the pronoun Sie (as in Machen Sie das!, "Do it, [sir/ma'am]!") to avoid confusion with the otherwise morphologically identical infinitive, whereas the addressee-nonspecific or "neutral" formal imperative omits the pronoun and moves the verb to final position (as in Bitte nicht stören, "Please do not disturb"). On the other hand, the pronoun wir is always included in the first-person plural imperative (Machen wir das!, "Let's do it!"), with the verb appearing in first position to differentiate the imperative from the indicative mood, wherein the verb appears in second position (as in Wir machen das, "We're doing it").
Auxiliary languages
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Many international auxiliary languages, while not officially pro-drop, permit pronoun omission with some regularity.
In Interlingua, pronoun omission is most common with the pronoun il, which means "it" when referring to part of a sentence or to nothing in particular. Examples of this word include
- Il pluvia.
- It's raining.
- Il es ver que ille arriva deman.
- It is true that he arrives tomorrow.
Il tends to be omitted whenever the contraction "it's" can be used in English. Thus, il may be omitted from the second sentence above: "Es ver que ille arriva deman". In addition, subject pronouns are sometimes omitted when they can be inferred from a previous sentence:
- Illa audiva un crito. Curreva al porta. Aperiva lo.
- She heard a cry. Ran to the door. Opened it.
Similarly, Esperanto sometimes exhibits pronoun deletion in casual use. This deletion is normally limited to subject pronouns, especially where the pronoun has been used just previously:
Do you see him? He is coming now.
In "official" use, however, Esperanto admits of null-subject sentences in two cases only:
- (optional) in the 2nd person imperative (N.B. The Esperanto imperative is often named "volitive" instead, since it can be conjugated with a subject in any person, and also used in subordinate clauses)
- Venu! Come!
- Vi venu! You [there], come [with me]! (pronoun added for emphasis)
- For "impersonal verbs" which have no semantic subject. In English or French, an "empty" subject is nevertheless required:
- Pluvas. It is raining. FR: Il pleut.
- Estas nun somero. It is summer now. FR: C'est l'été à présent.
- Estas vere, ke li alvenos morgaŭ. It is true that he will arrive tomorrow. FR: C'est vrai qu'il arrivera demain.
- (In this latter case, the sentence is not really no-subject, since "ke li alvenos morgaŭ" ("that he will arrive tomorrow") is the subject.)
Contrary to the Interlingua example above, and as in English, a repeated subject can normally be omitted only within a single sentence:
- Ŝi aŭdis krion. Ŝi kuris al la pordo. Ŝi malfermis ĝin.
- She heard a shout. She ran to the door. She opened it.
- Ŝi aŭdis krion, kuris al la pordo kaj malfermis ĝin.
- She heard a shout, ran to the door and opened it.
See also
- Pro-sentence – Linguistic sentence with null subject
- Grewendorf, Günther; Zimmermann, Thomas Ede (2012). Discourse and Grammar: From Sentence Types to Lexical Categories. Germany: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek. p. 192. ISBN 978-1-61451-215-8.
- Butt, Miriam (2001-01-01). "Case, Agreement, Pronoun Incorporation and Pro-Drop in South Asian Languages". ResearchGate.
- Bhatia, Tej K. (1996). Colloquial Hindi. Great Britain: Biddles Ltd, Guildford and King's Lynn. pp. 42–51, 188–189. ISBN 0-415-11087-4.
- Joyce, Paul. "German verbs: the imperative". The Paul Joyce Beginners' German Course. Paul Joyce. Retrieved 31 May 2018.
- Alexiadou, Artemis 2006. Uniform and non-uniform aspects of pro-drop languages. In Arguments and agreement, ed. P. Ackema, P. Brandt, M. Schoorlemmer & F. Weerman, 127-158. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Barbosa, Pilar MEL Duarte, and M Kato. (2005) Null Subjects in European and Brazilian Portuguese. Journal of Portuguese Linguistics. ([1])
- Biberauer, Theresa, Anders Holmberg, Ian Roberts and Michele Sheehan (eds). 2010. Parametric Variation: Null subjects in Minimalist Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Cook, Manuela. (1997) A Theory for the Interpretation of Forms of Address in the Portuguese Language. Hispania, Vol 80, Nº 3, AATSP, USA
- Chomsky, Noam 1981. Lectures on government and binding. Studies in Generative Grammar 9. Dordrecht: Foris.
- Chomsky, Noam 1982. Concepts and Consequences of the Theory of Government and Binding. The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.
- D’Alessandro, Roberta. 2014. The Null Subject Parameter: Where are we and where are we headed? Ms. Leiden University Centre for Linguistics.
- Gilligan, Gary Martin. 1987. “A crosslinguistic approach to prodrop parameter.” PhD. dissertation, University of Southern California, Los Angeles.
- Holmberg, Anders. 2005. “Is there a little pro? Evidence from Finnish.” Linguistic Inquiry 36:533-564.
- Jaeggli, Oswaldo and Ken Safir 1987 (eds) The null subject parameter. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
- Kučerová, Ivona 2014. “The Syntax of Null Subjects.” Syntax 17:2, 132167.
- Perlmutter, David 1971. Deep and surface constraints in syntax. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
- Rizzi, Luigi 1986. 'Null Objects in Italian and the Theory of pro' Linguistic Inquiry 17:1986. pp. 501-557.
- Rizzi, Luigi 1982. Issues in Italian Syntax, Foris Publications, Dordrecht.
- Vikner, Sten. 1995. Verb Movement and Expletive Subjects in the Germanic Languages, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
- Zanuttini, Raffaella. 2008. Microcomparative syntax in English verbal agreement. Talk at NELS 39, November 2008.
External links
- List of languages including pro-drop (PD) or non-pro-drop (NPD) status, which is usually related to null-subject or non-null-subject status.
This article needs additional citations for verification Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed Find sources Null subject language news newspapers books scholar JSTOR November 2012 Learn how and when to remove this message In linguistic typology a null subject language is a language whose grammar permits an independent clause to lack an explicit subject such a clause is then said to have a null subject In the principles and parameters framework the null subject is controlled by the pro drop parameter which is either on or off for a particular language citation needed Typically null subject languages express person number and or gender agreement with the referent on the verb rendering a subject noun phrase redundant For example in Italian the subject she can be either explicit or implicit Maria Marianon notvuole wantmangiare to eat Maria non vuole mangiare Maria not want to eat Maria does not want to eat SubjectNon notvuole wantmangiare to eat Non vuole mangiare Subject not want to eat S he does not want to eat The subject s he of the second sentence is only implied in Italian English and French on the other hand require an explicit subject in this sentence Null subject languages include Arabic most Romance languages Chinese Greek Hebrew the Indo Aryan languages Japanese Korean Persian the Slavic languages Tamil and the Turkic languages CharacterizationThis section does not cite any sources Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed May 2018 Learn how and when to remove this message Languages which are not null subject languages usually require an explicit subject English and French make an exception for the imperative mood or where a subject is mentioned in the same sentence one immediately preceding it or where the subject is implied These languages can sometimes drop pronouns in limited contexts e g German for please Bitte literally means I beg and in English Not happy would be clearly understood as the first person singular I am not happy Similarly in some cases the additional inclusion of pronouns in English has equivalent force to their optional inclusion in Spanish or Italian e g I cook I wash up and I do the shopping is more emphatic than simply I cook wash up and do the shopping Subjects may sometimes be dropped in colloquial speech where the subject is implied In the framework of government and binding theory of syntax the term null subject refers to an empty category The empty category in question is thought to behave like an ordinary pronoun with respect to anaphoric reference and other grammatical behavior Hence it is most commonly referred to as pro This phenomenon is similar but not identical to that of pro drop languages which may omit pronouns including subject pronouns but also object pronouns While all pro drop languages are null subject languages not all null subject languages are pro drop In null subject languages that have verb inflection in which the verb inflects for person the grammatical person of the subject is reflected by the inflection of the verb and likewise for number and gender ExamplesThis section does not cite any sources Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed May 2018 Learn how and when to remove this message The following examples come from Portuguese I m going home can be translated either as vou para casa or as eu vou para casa where eu means I It s raining can be translated as esta chovendo Brazilian Portuguese or esta a chover European Portuguese In Portuguese as in most other Romance languages but not all French is a notable exception there is no exact equivalent for the pronoun it However some older persons say Ele esta a chover European Portuguese which directly translates to He is raining I m going home I m going to watch TV would not except in exceptional circumstances be translated as Eu vou para casa Eu vou ver televisao At least the subject of the second sentence should be omitted in Portuguese unless one wishes to express emphasis as to emphasize the I As the examples illustrate in many null subject languages personal pronouns exist and can be used for emphasis but are dropped whenever they can be inferred from the context Some sentences do not allow a subject in any form while in other cases an explicit subject without particular emphasis would sound awkward or unnatural Most Bantu languages are null subject For example in Ganda I m going home could be translated as Ŋŋenze ewange or as Nze ŋŋenze ewange where nze means I Albanian Erdha came pashe saw fitova conquered Erdha pashe fitova came saw conquered I came I saw I conquered Veni vidi vici Arabic Arabic is considered a null subject language as demonstrated by the following example ساع د غيرك يساعدكsa id helpghayrak other yusa iduk helps you sa id ghayrak yusa iduk help other helps you Help another he helps you Subject information for they is encoded in the conjugation of the verb يساعد Azerbaijani Geldim came gordum saw feth etdim conquered Geldim gordum feth etdim came saw conquered I came I saw I conquered Veni vidi vici Bulgarian Dojdoh came vidyah saw pobedih conquered Dojdoh vidyah pobedih came saw conquered I came I saw I conquered Veni vidi vici Catalan Valencian In Catalan Valencian as in Spanish Portuguese Galician etc the subject is also encoded in the verb conjugation Pronoun use is not obligatory Nosaltres Anem a la platja We go to the beach Tu Ets la meva amiga You are my friend Vostes vosaltres No son sou benvinguts aqui You are not welcome here Ells Estan dormint They are asleep Jo Necessito ajuda I need help Ell Es a la seva habitacio He is in his bedroom Ella Esta cansada She is tired In Catalan Valencian one may choose whether to use the subject or not If used in an inclined tone it may be seen as an added emphasis however in colloquial speaking usage of a pronoun is optional Even so sentences with a null subject are used more frequently than sentences with a subject In some cases it is even necessary to skip the subject to create a grammatically correct sentence Chinese Most varieties of Chinese tend to be non null subject Verbs in Chinese languages are not conjugated so it is not possible to determine the subject based on the verb alone However in certain circumstances most Chinese varieties allow dropping of the subject thus forming null subject sentences One of the instances where the subject would be removed is when the subject is known Below is an example in Mandarin 妈妈 mama mother 不 bu Not要 yao want忘 wang forget了 le PERF丢 diu throw垃圾 laji rubbish 妈妈 不 要 忘 了 丢 垃圾 mama bu yao wang le diu laji mother Not want forget PERF throw rubbish Mother Do not you forget to take out the rubbish 妹妹 meimei younger sister 知道 zhidao I know啦 la PTCL 妹妹 知道 啦 meimei zhidao la younger sister I know PTCL Younger sister I know it The above example clearly shows that a speaker could omit the subject if the doer of the verb is known In a Chinese imperative sentence like the first text the subject is also left out Galician In Galician as in Spanish Portuguese Catalan etc the subject is also encoded in the verb conjugation Pronoun use is not obligatory Nos Imos a praia We go to the beach Ti E la mina amiga You are my friend Informal singular Vos Non sodes benvidos aqui You are not welcome here Informal Plural Eles Estan durmindo They are sleeping Eu Necesito axuda I need help El Esta no seu cuarto He is in his bedroom Ela Esta cansada She is tired In Galician one may choose whether to use the subject or not If used in an inclined tone it may be seen as an added emphasis however in colloquial speaking usage of a pronoun is optional Even so sentences with a null subject are used more frequently than sentences with a subject In some cases it is even necessary to skip the subject to create a grammatically correct sentence Modern Greek Hr8a Irtha came eida eida saw nikhsa nikisa conquered Hr8a eida nikhsa Irtha eida nikisa came saw conquered I came I saw I conquered Egw Ego which means I has been omitted The conjugation has encoded them Hebrew Hebrew is considered a partially null subject language as demonstrated by the following example עזור לאחרים יעזרו לךazor helpl acherim others ya azru will helpl kha you azor l acherim ya azru l kha help others will help you You help others they will help you Subjects can usually be omitted only when the verb is conjugated for grammatical person as in the third person plural in the example above In Hebrew one can also construct null subject sentences as in the Latin and Turkish language examples We you they are going to the beach can be expressed as holkhim la yam הולכים לים lit Are going to the beach This is truly a null subject construction As in Spanish and Turkish though Hebrew conjugates verbs in accordance with specific pronouns so we went to the beach is technically just as much a null subject construction as in the other languages but in fact the conjugation does indicate the subject pronoun Halakhnu la yam הלכנו לים lit Went we to the beach The word halakhnu means we went just as the Spanish and Turkish examples indicate the relevant pronoun as the subject in their conjugation So these should perhaps not be considered to be true null subject phrases Potentially confusing the issue further is the fact that Hebrew word order can also make some sentences appear to be null subject when the subject is in fact given after the verb For instance it s raining is expressed yored geshem יורד גשם which means descends rain rain is the subject The phrases meaning It s snowing and It s hailing are formed in the same way citation needed Hindustani The Hindustani language shows radical pro drop This type of pro drop differs from pro drop in languages like Spanish where pro drop is licensed by rich verbal morphology Radical pro drop is possible only in NP languages South Asian languages such as Hindustani in general have the ability to pro drop any and all arguments Here the case is expressed in a morpheme that is independent from the stem making the pro drop possible 1 barish rain DIRho happen VRBrahi stay FEM SGhai is 3P SG barish ho rahi hai rain DIR happen VRB stay FEM SG is 3P SG It is raining 2A tum ne you ERGnadya ko nadya DATkhana food DIRdi ya give PRF MASC SG tum ne nadya ko khana di ya you ERG nadya DAT food DIR give PRF MASC SG Did you give food to Nadya 2B ha yesdiya give PRF GND MASC SG ha diya yes give PRF GND MASC SG Yes I gave food to her Italian Facciounatorta Faccio una torta I bake a cake Chiamaisuoigenitori Chiama i suoi genitori He She calls his her parents The conjugations of the root verbs faccio for fare chiama for chiamare already imply the subject of the sentences Japanese Japanese and several other null subject languages are topic prominent languages some of these languages require an expressed topic in order for sentences to make sense In Japanese for example it is possible to start a sentence with a topic marked by the particle は read as wa written as ha and in subsequent sentences leave the topic unstated as it is understood to remain the same until another one is either explicitly or implicitly introduced For example in the second sentence below the subject we is not expressed again but left implicit 私達 Watashitachi Weは wa TOP買い物 kaimono shoppingを o OBJした shita did 後 Ato Afterで de COMPLご飯 gohan dinnerを o OBJ食べた tabeta ate 私達 は 買い物 を した 後 で ご飯 を 食べた Watashitachi wa kaimono o shita Ato de gohan o tabeta We TOP shopping OBJ did After COMPL dinner OBJ ate We went shopping Afterwards we ate dinner In other cases the topic can be changed without being explicitly stated as in the following example where the topic changes implicitly from today to I 今日 Kyō Todayは wa TOPゲーム gemu gameの no GEN発売日 hatsubaibi release dateなんだ na n da isけど kedo but 買おうか kaō ka whether to buyどうか dō ka or not迷っている mayotte iru confused 今日 は ゲーム の 発売日 なんだ けど 買おうか どうか 迷っている Kyō wa gemu no hatsubaibi na n da kedo kaō ka dō ka mayotte iru Today TOP game GEN release date is but whether to buy or not confused The game comes out today but I can t decide whether or not to buy it It is also common for Japanese to omit things which are obvious in context If the above line were part of a conversation about considering purchasing the game it could be further shortened to 発売日 Hatsubaibi Release dayだけど dakedo but迷っている mayotte iru not sure 発売日 だけど 迷っている Hatsubaibi dakedo mayotte iru Release day but not sure It s the game s release day but I can t decide whether or not to buy it Latin Verb conjugation endings in Latin express number and person as well as tense and mood Veni Came I vidi saw I vici conquered I Veni vidi vici Came I saw I conquered I I came I saw I conquered Cogito Think I ergo thereforesum am Cogito ergo sum Think I therefore am I think therefore I am Macedonian Doјdov came vidov saw pobediv conquered Doјdov vidov pobediv came saw conquered I came I saw I conquered Veni vidi vici Polish Mysle I think wiec thereforejestem I am Mysle wiec jestem I think therefore I am I think therefore I am Cogito ergo sum In Polish the subject is omitted almost every time although it can be present to put emphasis on the subject Russian Prishyol came uvidel saw pobedil conquered Prishyol uvidel pobedil came saw conquered I came I saw I conquered Veni vidi vici Sindhi آيس ڏٺم کٽيمayus dditham khatiyus ayus dditham khatiyus I came I saw I conquered Veni vidi vici With subjects آئون آيس مون ڏٺو آئون کٽيس Idiomatic translation I came I saw I conquered Spanish In Spanish as with Latin and most Romance languages the subject is encoded in the verb conjugation Pronoun use is not obligatory Yo Necesito ayuda I need help Tu Eres mi amiga You informal are my friend Vos Sos mi amiga You informal are my friend Usted Me ve You formal see me El Esta en su habitacion He is in his bedroom Ella Esta cansada She is tired Nosotros Vamos a la playa We go to the beach Vosotros Deberiais andaros You plural informal should leave Ustedes No son bienvenidos aqui You plural are not welcome here Ellos Estan durmiendo They are asleep Ellas Van alli They feminine go there In Spanish for the most part one may choose whether to use the subject or not Generally if a subject is provided it is either for clarity or for emphasis Sentences with a null subject are used more frequently than sentences with a subject Tamil Verb conjugations in Tamil incorporate suffixes for number singular and plural and person 1st 2nd and 3rd and also for gender masculine feminine and neuter in the third person An explicit subject therefore is unnecessary and can be inferred from the verb conjugation Tamil script ம ட ந த வ ட டத Transliteration muḍinduviṭṭadu Literal Translation It has left having ended Idiomatic Translation It has come to an end Another example பந த Pantai Ball ACC அவர டம avariṭam him LOC க ட த த ன koṭutteṉ gave பந த அவர டம க ட த த ன Pantai avariṭam koṭutteṉ Ball ACC him LOC gave I gave him the ball Turkish Geldim I came gordum I saw yendim I conquered Geldim gordum yendim I came I saw I conquered I came I saw I conquered Veni vidi vici Dusunuyorum I Think oyleyse thereforevarim I exist Dusunuyorum oyleyse varim I Think therefore I exist I think therefore I am Cogito ergo sum Impersonal constructionsThis section does not cite any sources Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed May 2018 Learn how and when to remove this message In some cases impersonal constructions a proposition has no referent at all Pro drop languages deal naturally with these whereas many non pro drop languages such as English and French must fill in the syntactic gap by inserting a dummy pronoun Rains is not a correct sentence a dummy it must be added It rains in French Il pleut In most Romance languages however Rains can be a sentence Spanish Llueve Italian Piove Catalan Plou Portuguese Chove Romanian Plouă etc Uralic and Slavic languages also show this trait Finnish Sataa Hungarian Esik Polish Pada There are constructed languages that are not pro drop but do not require this syntactic gap to be filled For example in Esperanto He made the cake would translate as Li faris la kukon never Faris la kukon but It rained yesterday would be Pluvis hieraŭ not Ĝi pluvis hieraŭ Null subjects in non null subject languagesOther languages sometimes called non null subject languages require each sentence to include a subject this is the case for most Germanic languages including English and German as well as many other languages French though a Romance language also requires a subject In some cases particularly in English less so in German and occasionally in French colloquial expressions allow for the omission of the subject in a manner similar to that of Spanish or Russian vague citation needed It Sounds good I Bumped into George this morning We Agreed to have a snifter to catch up on old times We Can must and shall fight You Went down to Brighton for the weekend The imperative form Even in such non null subject languages such as English it is standard for clauses in the imperative mood to lack explicit subjects for example Take a break you re working too hard Shut up Don t listen to him An explicit declaration of the pronoun in the imperative mood is typically reserved for emphasis You stay away Don t you listen to him French and German offer less flexibility with respect to null subjects In French it is neither grammatically correct nor possible to include the subject within the imperative form the vous in the expression taisez vous stems from the fact that se taire to be silent is a reflexive verb and is thus the object with similar meaning to yourself in an English imperative citation needed In German the pronoun singular du or plural ihr is normally omitted from the informal second person imperative Mach das Do it although it may be added in a colloquial manner for emphasis Macht ihr das You guys do it By contrast the addressee specific formal imperative requires the addition of the pronoun Sie as in Machen Sie das Do it sir ma am to avoid confusion with the otherwise morphologically identical infinitive whereas the addressee nonspecific or neutral formal imperative omits the pronoun and moves the verb to final position as in Bitte nicht storen Please do not disturb On the other hand the pronoun wir is always included in the first person plural imperative Machen wir das Let s do it with the verb appearing in first position to differentiate the imperative from the indicative mood wherein the verb appears in second position as in Wir machen das We re doing it Auxiliary languagesThis section does not cite any sources Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed May 2018 Learn how and when to remove this message Many international auxiliary languages while not officially pro drop permit pronoun omission with some regularity Interlingua In Interlingua pronoun omission is most common with the pronoun il which means it when referring to part of a sentence or to nothing in particular Examples of this word include Il pluvia It s raining Il es ver que ille arriva deman It is true that he arrives tomorrow Il tends to be omitted whenever the contraction it s can be used in English Thus il may be omitted from the second sentence above Es ver que ille arriva deman In addition subject pronouns are sometimes omitted when they can be inferred from a previous sentence Illa audiva un crito Curreva al porta Aperiva lo She heard a cry Ran to the door Opened it Esperanto Similarly Esperanto sometimes exhibits pronoun deletion in casual use This deletion is normally limited to subject pronouns especially where the pronoun has been used just previously Ĉu QUESTION PARTICLEvi youvidas seelin him Venas Comesnun now Ĉu vi vidas lin Venas nun QUESTION PARTICLE you see him Comes now Do you see him He is coming now In official use however Esperanto admits of null subject sentences in two cases only optional in the 2nd person imperative N B The Esperanto imperative is often named volitive instead since it can be conjugated with a subject in any person and also used in subordinate clauses Venu Come Vi venu You there come with me pronoun added for emphasis For impersonal verbs which have no semantic subject In English or French an empty subject is nevertheless required Pluvas It is raining FR Il pleut Estas nun somero It is summer now FR C est l ete a present Estas vere ke li alvenos morgaŭ It is true that he will arrive tomorrow FR C est vrai qu il arrivera demain In this latter case the sentence is not really no subject since ke li alvenos morgaŭ that he will arrive tomorrow is the subject dd Contrary to the Interlingua example above and as in English a repeated subject can normally be omitted only within a single sentence Ŝi aŭdis krion Ŝi kuris al la pordo Ŝi malfermis ĝin She heard a shout She ran to the door She opened it dd Ŝi aŭdis krion kuris al la pordo kaj malfermis ĝin She heard a shout ran to the door and opened it dd See alsoPro sentence Linguistic sentence with null subjectNotesGrewendorf Gunther Zimmermann Thomas Ede 2012 Discourse and Grammar From Sentence Types to Lexical Categories Germany Deutsche Nationalbibliothek p 192 ISBN 978 1 61451 215 8 Butt Miriam 2001 01 01 Case Agreement Pronoun Incorporation and Pro Drop in South Asian Languages ResearchGate Bhatia Tej K 1996 Colloquial Hindi Great Britain Biddles Ltd Guildford and King s Lynn pp 42 51 188 189 ISBN 0 415 11087 4 Joyce Paul German verbs the imperative The Paul Joyce Beginners German Course Paul Joyce Retrieved 31 May 2018 BibliographyAlexiadou Artemis 2006 Uniform and non uniform aspects of pro drop languages In Arguments and agreement ed P Ackema P Brandt M Schoorlemmer amp F Weerman 127 158 Oxford Oxford University Press Barbosa Pilar MEL Duarte and M Kato 2005 Null Subjects in European and Brazilian Portuguese Journal of Portuguese Linguistics 1 Biberauer Theresa Anders Holmberg Ian Roberts and Michele Sheehan eds 2010 Parametric Variation Null subjects in Minimalist Theory Cambridge Cambridge University Press Cook Manuela 1997 A Theory for the Interpretation of Forms of Address in the Portuguese Language Hispania Vol 80 Nº 3 AATSP USA Chomsky Noam 1981 Lectures on government and binding Studies in Generative Grammar 9 Dordrecht Foris Chomsky Noam 1982 Concepts and Consequences of the Theory of Government and Binding The MIT Press Cambridge Mass D Alessandro Roberta 2014 The Null Subject Parameter Where are we and where are we headed Ms Leiden University Centre for Linguistics Gilligan Gary Martin 1987 A crosslinguistic approach to prodrop parameter PhD dissertation University of Southern California Los Angeles Holmberg Anders 2005 Is there a little pro Evidence from Finnish Linguistic Inquiry 36 533 564 Jaeggli Oswaldo and Ken Safir 1987 eds The null subject parameter Dordrecht Kluwer Kucerova Ivona 2014 The Syntax of Null Subjects Syntax 17 2 132167 Perlmutter David 1971 Deep and surface constraints in syntax New York Holt Rinehart and Winston Rizzi Luigi 1986 Null Objects in Italian and the Theory of pro Linguistic Inquiry 17 1986 pp 501 557 Rizzi Luigi 1982 Issues in Italian Syntax Foris Publications Dordrecht Vikner Sten 1995 Verb Movement and Expletive Subjects in the Germanic Languages Oxford University Press Oxford Zanuttini Raffaella 2008 Microcomparative syntax in English verbal agreement Talk at NELS 39 November 2008 External linksList of languages including pro drop PD or non pro drop NPD status which is usually related to null subject or non null subject status