Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm based on the concept of objects. Objects can contain data (called fields, attributes or properties) and have actions they can perform (called procedures or methods and implemented in code). In OOP, computer programs are designed by making them out of objects that interact with one another.

Many of the most widely used programming languages (such as C++, Java, and Python) support object-oriented programming to a greater or lesser degree, typically as part of multiple paradigms in combination with others such as imperative programming and declarative programming.
Significant object-oriented languages include Ada, ActionScript, C++, Common Lisp, C#, Dart, Eiffel, Fortran 2003, Haxe, Java,JavaScript, Kotlin, Logo, MATLAB, Objective-C, Object Pascal, Perl, PHP, Python, R, Raku, Ruby, Scala, SIMSCRIPT, Simula, Smalltalk, Swift, Vala and Visual Basic.NET.
The idea of "objects" in programming started with the artificial intelligence group at MIT in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Here, "object" referred to LISP atoms with identified properties (attributes). Another early example was Sketchpad created by Ivan Sutherland at MIT in 1960–1961. In the glossary of his technical report, Sutherland defined terms like "object" and "instance" (with the class concept covered by "master" or "definition"), albeit specialized to graphical interaction. Later, in 1968, AED-0, MIT's version of the ALGOL programming language, connected data structures ("plexes") and procedures, prefiguring what were later termed "messages", "methods", and "member functions". Topics such as data abstraction and modular programming were common points of discussion at this time.
Meanwhile, in Norway, Simula was developed during the years 1961–1967. Simula introduced essential object-oriented ideas, such as classes, inheritance, and dynamic binding. Simula was used mainly by researchers involved with physical modelling, like the movement of ships and their content through cargo ports. Simula is generally accepted as being the first language with the primary features and framework of an object-oriented language.
I thought of objects being like biological cells and/or individual computers on a network, only able to communicate with messages (so messaging came at the very beginning – it took a while to see how to do messaging in a programming language efficiently enough to be useful).
Influenced by both MIT and Simula, Alan Kay began developing his own ideas in November 1966. He would go on to create Smalltalk, an influential object-oriented programming language. By 1967, Kay was already using the term "object-oriented programming" in conversation. Although sometimes called the "father" of object-oriented programming, Kay has said his ideas differ from how object-oriented programming is commonly understood, and has implied that the computer science establishment did not adopt his notion. A 1976 MIT memo co-authored by Barbara Liskov lists Simula 67, CLU, and Alphard as object-oriented languages, but does not mention Smalltalk.
In the 1970s, the first version of the Smalltalk programming language was developed at Xerox PARC by Alan Kay, Dan Ingalls and Adele Goldberg. Smalltalk-72 was notable for use of objects at the language level and its graphical development environment. Smalltalk was a fully dynamic system, allowing users to create and modify classes as they worked. Much of the theory of OOP was developed in the context of Smalltalk, for example multiple inheritance.
In the late 1970s and 1980s, object-oriented programming rose to prominence. The Flavors object-oriented Lisp was developed starting 1979, introducing multiple inheritance and mixins. In August 1981, Byte Magazine highlighted Smalltalk and OOP, introducing these ideas to a wide audience. LOOPS, the object system for Interlisp-D, was influenced by Smalltalk and Flavors, and a paper about it was published in 1982. In 1986, the first Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA) was attended by 1,000 people. This conference marked the beginning of efforts to consolidate Lisp object systems, eventually resulting in the Common Lisp Object System. In the 1980s, there were a few attempts to design processor architectures that included hardware support for objects in memory, but these were not successful. Examples include the Intel iAPX 432 and the Linn Smart Rekursiv.
In the mid-1980s, new object-oriented languages like Objective-C, C++, and Eiffel emerged. Objective-C was developed by Brad Cox, who had used Smalltalk at ITT Inc.. Bjarne Stroustrup created C++ based on his experience using Simula for his PhD thesis.Bertrand Meyer produced the first design of the Eiffel language in 1985, which focused on software quality using a design by contract approach.
In the 1990s, object-oriented programming became the main way of programming, especially as more languages supported it. These included Visual FoxPro 3.0,C++, and Delphi[citation needed]. OOP became even more popular with the rise of graphical user interfaces, which used objects for buttons, menus and other elements. One well-known example is Apple's Cocoa framework, used on Mac OS X and written in Objective-C. OOP toolkits also enhanced the popularity of event-driven programming.[citation needed]
At ETH Zürich, Niklaus Wirth and his colleagues created new approaches to OOP. Modula-2 (1978) and Oberon (1987), included a distinctive approach to object orientation, classes, and type checking across module boundaries. Inheritance is not obvious in Wirth's design since his nomenclature looks in the opposite direction: It is called type extension and the viewpoint is from the parent down to the inheritor.
Many programming languages that existed before OOP have added object-oriented features, including Ada, BASIC, Fortran, Pascal, and COBOL. This sometimes caused compatibility and maintainability issues, as these languages were not originally designed with OOP in mind.
In the new millenium, new languages like Python and Ruby have emerged that combine object-oriented and procedural styles. The most commercially important "pure" object-oriented languages continue to be Java, developed by Sun Microsystems, as well as C# and Visual Basic.NET (VB.NET), both designed for Microsoft's .NET platform. These languages show the benefits of OOP by creating abstractions from implementation. The .NET platform supports cross-language inheritance, allowing programs to use objects from multiple languages together.
Object-oriented programming focuses on working with objects, but not all OOP languages have every feature linked to OOP. Below are some common features of languages that are considered strong in OOP or support it along with other programming styles. Important exceptions are also noted.Christopher J. Date pointed out that comparing OOP with other styles, like relational programming, is difficult because there isn't a clear, agreed-upon definition of OOP.
Imperative programming
Features from imperative and structured programming are present in OOP languages and are also found in non-OOP languages.
- Variables hold different data types like integers, strings, lists, and hash tables. Some data types are built-in while others result from combining variables using memory pointers.
- Procedures – also known as functions, methods, routines, or subroutines – take input, generate output, and work with data. Modern languages include structured programming constructs like loops and conditionals.
Support for modular programming lets programmers organize related procedures into files and modules. This makes programs easier to manage. Each modules has its own namespace, so items in one module will not conflict with items in another.
Object-oriented programming (OOP) was created to make code easier to reuse and maintain. However, it was not designed to clearly show the flow of a program's instructions—that was left to the compiler. As computers began using more parallel processing and multiple threads, it became more important to understand and control how instructions flow. This is difficult to do with OOP.
An object is a type of data structure that has two main parts: fields and methods. Fields may also be known as members, attributes, or properties, and hold information in the form of state variables. Methods are actions, subroutines, or procedures, defining the object's behavior in code. Objects are usually stored in memory, and in many programming languages, they work like pointers that link directly to a contiguous block containing the object instances's data.
Objects can contain other objects. This is called object composition. For example, an Employee object might have an Address object inside it, along with other information like "first_name" and "position". This type of structures shows "has-a" relationships, like "an employee has an address".
Some believe that OOP places too much focus on using objects rather than on algorithms and data structures. For example, programmer Rob Pike pointed out that OOP can make programmers think more about type hierarchy than composition. He has called object-oriented programming "the Roman numerals of computing".Rich Hickey, creator of Clojure, described OOP as overly simplistic, especially when it comes to representing real-world things that change over time.Alexander Stepanov said that OOP tries to fit everything into a single type, which can be limiting. He argued that sometimes we need multisorted algebras—families of interfaces that span multiple types, such as in generic programming. Stepanov also said that calling everything an "object" doesn't add much understanding.
Real-world modeling and relationships
Sometimes, objects represent real-world things and processes in digital form. For example, a graphics program may have objects such as "circle", "square", and "menu". An online shopping system might have objects such as "shopping cart", "customer", and "product". Niklaus Wirth said, "This paradigm [OOP] closely reflects the structure of systems in the real world and is therefore well suited to model complex systems with complex behavior".
However, more often, objects represent abstract entities, like an open file or a unit converter. Not everyone agrees that OOP makes it easy to copy the real world exactly or that doing so is even necessary. Bob Martin suggests that because classes are software, their relationships don't match the real-world relationships they represent.Bertrand Meyer argues in Object-Oriented Software Construction, that a program is not a model of the world but a model of some part of the world; "Reality is a cousin twice removed".Steve Yegge noted that natural languages lack the OOP approach of strictly prioritizing things (objects/nouns) before actions (methods/verbs), as opposed to functional programming which does the reverse. This can sometimes make OOP solutions more complicated than those written in procedural programming.
Most OOP languages allow reusing and extending code through "inheritance". This inheritance can use either "classes" or "prototypes", which have some differences but use similar terms for ideas like "object" and "instance".
In class-based programming, the most common type of OOP, every object is an instance of a specific class. The class defines the data format, like variables (e.g., name, age) and methods (actions the object can take). Every instance of the class has the same set of variables and methods. Objects are created using a special method in the class known as a constructor.
Here are a few key terms in class-based OOP:
- Class variables – belong to the class itself, so all objects in the class share one copy.
- Instance variables – belong to individual objects; every object has its own version of these variables.
- Member variables – refers to both the class and instance variables that are defined by a particular class.
- Class methods – linked to the class itself and can only use class variables.
- Instance methods – belong to individual objects, and can use both instance and class variables
Classes may inherit from other classes, creating a hierarchy of "subclasses". For example, an "Employee" class might inherit from a "Person" class. This means the Employee object will have all the variables from Person (like name variables) plus any new variables (like job position and salary). Similarly, the subclass may expand the interface with new methods. Most languages also allow the subclass to override the methods defined by superclasses. Some languages support multiple inheritance, where a class can inherit from more than one class, and other languages similarly support mixins or traits. For example, a mixin called UnicodeConversionMixin might add a method unicode_to_ascii() to both a FileReader and a WebPageScraper class.
Some classes are abstract, meaning they cannot be directly instantiated into objects; they're only meant to be inherited into other classes. Other classes are utility classes which contain only class variables and methods and are not meant to be instantiated or subclassed.
In prototype-based programming, there aren't any classes. Instead, each object is linked to another object, called its prototype or parent. In Self, an object may have multiple or no parents, but in the most popular prototype-based language, Javascript, every object has exactly one prototype link, up to the base Object type whose prototype is null.
The prototype acts as a model for new objects. For example, if you have an object fruit, you can make two objects apple and orange, based on it. There is no fruit class, but they share traits from the fruit prototype. Prototype-based languages also allow objects to have their own unique properties, so the apple object might have an attribute sugar_content, while the orange or fruit objects do not.
No inheritance
Some languages, like Go, don't use inheritance at all. Instead, they encourage "composition over inheritance", where objects are built using smaller parts instead of parent-child relationships. For example, instead of inheriting from class Person, the Employee class could simply contain a Person object. This lets the Employee class control how much of Person it exposes to other parts of the program. Delegation is another language feature that can be used as an alternative to inheritance.
Programmers have different opinions on inheritance. Bjarne Stroustrup, author of C++, has stated that it is possible to do OOP without inheritance.Rob Pike has criticized inheritance for creating complicated hierarchies instead of simpler solutions.
Inheritance and behavioral subtyping
People often think that if one class inherits from another, it means the subclass "is a" more specific version of the original class. This presumes the program semantics are that objects from the subclass can always replace objects from the original class without problems. This concept is known as behavioral subtyping, more specifically the Liskov substitution principle.
However, this is often not true, especially in programming languages that allow mutable objects, objects that change after they are created. In fact, subtype polymorphism as enforced by the type checker in OOP languages cannot guarantee behavioral subtyping in most if not all contexts. For example, the circle-ellipse problem is notoriously difficult to handle using OOP's concept of inheritance. Behavioral subtyping is undecidable in general, so it cannot be easily implemented by a compiler. Because of this, programmers must carefully design class hierarchies to avoid mistakes that the programming language itself cannot catch.
Dynamic dispatch
When a method is called on an object, the object itself—not outside code—decides which specific code to run. This process, called dynamic dispatch, usually happens at run time by checking a table linked to the object to find the correct method. In this context, a method call is also known as message passing, meaning the method name and its inputs are like a message sent to the object for it to act on. If the method choice depends on more than one type of object (such as other objects passed as parameters), it's called multiple dispatch.
Dynamic dispatch works together with inheritance: if an object doesn't have the requested method, it looks up to its parent class (delegation), and continues up the chain until it finds the method or reaches the top.
Data abstraction and encapsulation
Data abstraction is a way of organizing code so that only certain parts of the data are visible to related functions (data hiding). This helps prevent mistakes and makes the program easier to manage. Because data abstraction works well, many programming styles, like object-oriented programming and functional programming, use it as a key principle. Encapsulation is another important idea in programming. It means keeping the internal details of an object hidden from the outside code. This makes it easier to change how an object works on the inside without affecting other parts of the program, such as in code refactoring. Encapsulation also helps keep related code together (decoupling), making it easier for programmers to understand.
In object-oriented programming, objects act as a barrier between their internal workings and external code. Outside code can only interact with an object by calling specific public methods or variables. If a class only allows access to its data through methods and not directly, this is called information hiding. When designing a program, it's often recommended to keep data as hidden as possible. This means using local variables inside functions when possible, then private variables (which only the object can use), and finally public variables (which can be accessed by any part of the program) if necessary. Keeping data hidden helps prevent problems when changing the code later. Some programming languages, like Java, control information hiding by marking variables as private
(hidden) or public
(accessible). Other languages, like Python, rely on naming conventions, such as starting a private method's name with an underscore. Intermediate levels of access also exist, such as Java's protected
keyword, (which allows access from the same class and its subclasses, but not objects of a different class), and the internal
keyword in C#, Swift, and Kotlin, which restricts access to files within the same module.
Abstraction and information hiding are important concepts in programming, especially in object-oriented languages. Programs often create many copies of objects, and each one works independently. Supporters of this approach say it makes code easier to reuse and intuitively represents real-world situations. However, others argue that object-oriented programming does not enhance readability or modularity.Eric S. Raymond has written that object-oriented programming languages tend to encourage thickly layered programs that destroy transparency. Raymond compares this unfavourably to the approach taken with Unix and the C programming language.
One programming principle, called the "open/closed principle", says that classes and functions should be "open for extension, but closed for modification". Luca Cardelli has stated that OOP languages have "extremely poor modularity properties with respect to class extension and modification", and tend to be extremely complex. The latter point is reiterated by Joe Armstrong, the principal inventor of Erlang, who is quoted as saying:
The problem with object-oriented languages is they've got all this implicit environment that they carry around with them. You wanted a banana but what you got was a gorilla holding the banana and the entire jungle.
Leo Brodie says that information hiding can lead to copying the same code in multiple places (duplicating code), which goes against the don't repeat yourself rule of software development.
Polymorphism is the use of one symbol to represent multiple different types. In object-oriented programming, polymorphism more specifically refers to subtyping or subtype polymorphism, where a function can work with a specific interface and thus manipulate entities of different classes in a uniform manner.
For example, imagine a program has two shapes: a circle and a square. Both come from a common class called "Shape." Each shape has its own way of drawing itself. With subtype polymorphism, the program doesn't need to know the type of each shape, and can simply call the "Draw" method for each shape. The programming language runtime will ensure the correct version of the "Draw" method runs for each shape. Because the details of each shape are handled inside their own classes, this makes the code simpler and more organized, enabling strong separation of concerns.
Open recursion
In object-oriented programming, objects have methods that can change or use the object's data. Many programming languages use a special word, like this
or self
, to refer to the current object. In languages that support open recursion, a method in an object can call other methods in the same object, including itself, using this special word. This allows a method in one class to call another method defined later in a subclass, a feature known as late binding.
OOP languages
This section does not cite any sources.(August 2009) |
OOP languages can be grouped into different types based on how they support and use objects:
- Pure OOP languages: In these languages, everything is treated as an object, even basic things like numbers and characters. They are designed to fully support and enforce OOP. Examples: Ruby, Scala, Smalltalk, Eiffel, Emerald,JADE, Self, Raku.
- Mostly OOP languages: These languages focus on OOP but also include some procedural programming features. Examples: Java, Python, C++, C#, Delphi/Object Pascal, VB.NET.
- Retrofitted OOP languages: These were originally designed for other types of programming but later added some OOP features. Examples: PHP, JavaScript, Perl, Visual Basic (derived from BASIC), MATLAB, COBOL 2002, Fortran 2003, ABAP, Ada 95, Pascal.
- Unique OOP languages: These languages have OOP features like classes and inheritance but use them in their own way. Examples: Oberon, BETA.
- Object-based languages: These support some OOP ideas but avoid traditional class-based inheritance in favor of direct manipulation of objects. Examples: JavaScript, Lua, Modula-2, CLU, Go.
- Multi-paradigm languages: These support both OOP and other programming styles, but OOP is not the predominant style in the language. Examples include Tcl, where TclOO allows both prototype-based and class-based OOP, and Common Lisp, with its Common Lisp Object System.
Popularity and reception
Many popular programming languages, like C++, Java, and Python, use object-oriented programming. In the past, OOP was widely accepted, but recently, some programmers have criticized it and prefer functional programming instead. A study by Potok et al. found no major difference in productivity between OOP and other methods.
Paul Graham, a well-known computer scientist, believes big companies like OOP because it helps manage large teams of average programmers. He argues that OOP adds structure, making it harder for one person to make serious mistakes, but at the same time restrains smart programmers.Eric S. Raymond, a Unix programmer and open-source software advocate, argues that OOP is not the best way to write programs.
Richard Feldman says that, while OOP features helped some languages stay organized, their popularity comes from other reasons. Lawrence Krubner argues that OOP doesn't offer special advantages compared to other styles, like functional programming, and can make coding more complicated.Luca Cardelli says that OOP is slower and takes longer to compile than procedural programming.
OOP in dynamic languages
In recent years, object-oriented programming (OOP) has become very popular in dynamic programming languages. Some languages, like Python, PowerShell, Ruby and Groovy, were designed with OOP in mind. Others, like Perl, PHP, and ColdFusion, started as non-OOP languages but added OOP features later (starting with Perl 5, PHP 4, and ColdFusion version 6).
On the web, HTML, XHTML, and XML documents use the Document Object Model (DOM), which works with the JavaScript language. JavaScript is a well-known example of a prototype-based language. Instead of using classes like other OOP languages, JavaScript creates new objects by copying (or "cloning") existing ones. Another language that uses this method is Lua.
OOP in a network protocol
When computers communicate in a client-server system, they send messages to request services. For example, a simple message might include a length field (showing how big the message is), a code that identifies the type of message, and a data value. These messages can be designed as structured objects that both the client and server understand, so that each type of message corresponds to a class of objects in the client and server code. More complex messages might include structured objects as additional details. The client and server need to know how to serialize and deserialize these messages so they can be transmitted over the network, and map them to the appropriate object types. Both clients and servers can be thought of as complex object-oriented systems.
The Distributed Data Management Architecture (DDM) uses this idea by organizing objects into four levels:
- Basic message details - Information like message length, type, and data.
- Objects and collections - Similar to how objects work in Smalltalk, storing messages and their details.
- Managers - Like file directories, these organize and store data, as well as provide memory and processing power. They are similar to IBM i Objects.
- Clients and servers - These are full systems that include managers and handle security, directory services, and multitasking.
The first version of DDM defined distributed file services. Later, it was expanded to support databases through the Distributed Relational Database Architecture (DRDA).
Design patterns
Design patterns are common solutions to problems in software design. Some design patterns are especially useful for object-oriented programming, and design patterns are typically introduced in an OOP context.
Object patterns
The following are notable software design patterns for OOP objects.
- Function object: Class with one main method that acts like an anonymous function (in C++, the function operator,
- Immutable object: does not change state after creation
- First-class object: can be used without restriction
- Container object: contains other objects
- Factory object: creates other objects
- Metaobject: Used to create other objects (similar to a class, but an object)
- Prototype object: a specialized metaobject that creates new objects by copying itself
- Singleton object: only instance of its class for the lifetime of the program
- Filter object: receives a stream of data as its input and transforms it into the object's output
A common anti-pattern is the God object, an object that knows or does too much.
Gang of Four design patterns
Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software is a famous book published in 1994 by four authors: Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides. People often call them the "Gang of Four". The book talks about the strengths and weaknesses of object-oriented programming and explains 23 common ways to solve programming problems.
These solutions, called "design patterns," are grouped into three types:
- Creational patterns (5): Factory method pattern, Abstract factory pattern, Singleton pattern, Builder pattern, Prototype pattern
- Structural patterns (7): Adapter pattern, Bridge pattern, Composite pattern, Decorator pattern, Facade pattern, Flyweight pattern, Proxy pattern
- Behavioral patterns (11): Chain-of-responsibility pattern, Command pattern, Interpreter pattern, Iterator pattern, Mediator pattern, Memento pattern, Observer pattern, State pattern, Strategy pattern, Template method pattern, Visitor pattern
Object-orientation and databases
Both object-oriented programming and relational database management systems (RDBMSs) are widely used in software today. However, relational databases don't store objects directly, which creates a challenge when using them together. This issue is called object-relational impedance mismatch.
To solve this problem, developers use different methods, but none of them are perfect. One of the most common solutions is object-relational mapping (ORM), which helps connect object-oriented programs to relational databases. Examples of ORM tools include Visual FoxPro, Java Data Objects, and Ruby on Rails ActiveRecord.
Some databases, called object databases, are designed to work with object-oriented programming. However, they have not been as popular or successful as relational databases.
Date and Darwen have proposed a theoretical foundation that uses OOP as a kind of customizable type system to support RDBMSs, but it forbids objects containing pointers to other objects.
Responsibility- vs. data-driven design
In responsibility-driven design, classes are built around what they need to do and the information they share, in the form of a contract. This is different from data-driven design, where classes are built based on the data they need to store. According to Wirfs-Brock and Wilkerson, the originators of responsibility-driven design, responsibility-driven design is the better approach.
SOLID and GRASP guidelines
SOLID is a set of five rules for designing good software, created by Michael Feathers:
- Single responsibility principle: A class should have only one reason to change.
- Open/closed principle: Software entities should be open for extension, but closed for modification.
- Liskov substitution principle: Functions that use pointers or references to base classes must be able to use objects of derived classes without knowing it.
- Interface segregation principle: Clients should not be forced to depend upon interfaces that they do not use.
- Dependency inversion principle: Depend upon abstractions, not concretes.
GRASP (General Responsibility Assignment Software Patterns) is another set of software design rules, created by Craig Larman, that helps developers assign responsibilities to different parts of a program.
Formal semantics
In object-oriented programming, objects are things that exist while a program is running. An object can represent anything, like a person, a place, a bank account, or a table of data. Many researchers have tried to formally define how OOP works. Records are the basis for understanding objects. They can represent fields, and also methods, if function literals can be stored. However, inheritance presents difficulties, particularly with the interactions between open recursion and encapsulated state. Researchers have used recursive types and co-algebraic data types to incorporate essential features of OOP. Abadi and Cardelli defined several extensions of System F<: that deal with mutable objects, allowing both subtype polymorphism and parametric polymorphism (generics), and were able to formally model many OOP concepts and constructs. Although far from trivial, static analysis of object-oriented programming languages such as Java is a mature field, with several commercial tools.
See also
- Comparison of programming languages (object-oriented programming)
- Component-based software engineering
- Object association
- Object modeling language
- Object-oriented analysis and design
- Object-oriented ontology
- Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)
- Distributed Component Object Model
- Jeroo
Modeling languages
- Interface description language
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- Lewis, John; Loftus, William (2008). Java Software Solutions Foundations of Programming Design 6th ed. Pearson Education Inc. ISBN 978-0-321-53205-3., section 1.6 "Object-Oriented Programming"
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- McCarthy, John; Abrahams, Paul W.; ; Hart, swapnil d.; Levin, Michael I. (1962). LISP 1.5 Programmer's Manual. MIT Press. p. 105. ISBN 978-0-262-13011-0.
Object — a synonym for atomic symbol
- Ivan E. Sutherland (May 1963). Sketchpad: a man-machine graphical communication system. AFIPS '63 (Spring): Proceedings of the May 21–23, 1963 Spring Joint Computer Conference. AFIPS Press. pp. 329–346. doi:10.1145/1461551.1461591.
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- Bertrand Meyer (2009). Touch of Class: Learning to Program Well with Objects and Contracts. Springer Science & Business Media. p. 329. Bibcode:2009tclp.book.....M. ISBN 978-3-540-92144-8.
- Alan C. Kay (March 1993). "The early history of Smalltalk". ACM SIGPLAN Notices. 28 (3): 69–95. doi:10.1145/155360.155364.
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- Meyer 1997.
- 1995 (June) Visual FoxPro 3.0, FoxPro evolves from a procedural language to an object-oriented language. Visual FoxPro 3.0 introduces a database container, seamless client/server capabilities, support for ActiveX technologies, and OLE Automation and null support. Summary of Fox releases
- 1995 Reviewers Guide to Visual FoxPro 3.0: DFpug.de
- Khurana, Rohit (1 November 2009). Object Oriented Programming with C++, 1E. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Limited. ISBN 978-81-259-2532-3.
- Deborah J. Armstrong. The Quarks of Object-Oriented Development. A survey of nearly 40 years of computing literature identified several fundamental concepts found in the large majority of definitions of OOP, in descending order of popularity: Inheritance, Object, Class, Encapsulation, Method, Message Passing, Polymorphism, and Abstraction.
- John C. Mitchell, Concepts in programming languages, Cambridge University Press, 2003, ISBN 0-521-78098-5, p.278. Lists: Dynamic dispatch, abstraction, subtype polymorphism, and inheritance.
- Michael Lee Scott, Programming language pragmatics, Edition 2, Morgan Kaufmann, 2006, ISBN 0-12-633951-1, p. 470. Lists encapsulation, inheritance, and dynamic dispatch.
- Pierce, Benjamin (2002). Types and Programming Languages. MIT Press. ISBN 978-0-262-16209-8., section 18.1 "What is Object-Oriented Programming?" Lists: Dynamic dispatch, encapsulation or multi-methods (multiple dispatch), subtype polymorphism, inheritance or delegation, open recursion ("this"/"self")
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Further reading
- Abadi, Martin; Luca Cardelli (1998). A Theory of Objects. Springer Verlag. ISBN 978-0-387-94775-4.
- Abelson, Harold; Gerald Jay Sussman (1997). Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. MIT Press. ISBN 978-0-262-01153-2. Archived from the original on 26 December 2017. Retrieved 22 January 2006.
- Armstrong, Deborah J. (February 2006). "The Quarks of Object-Oriented Development". Communications of the ACM. 49 (2): 123–128. doi:10.1145/1113034.1113040. ISSN 0001-0782. S2CID 11485502.
- Bloch, Joshua (2018). "Effective Java: Programming Language Guide" (third ed.). Addison-Wesley. ISBN 978-0134685991.
- Booch, Grady (1997). Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications. Addison-Wesley. ISBN 978-0-8053-5340-2.
- Eeles, Peter; Oliver Sims (1998). Building Business Objects. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-0-471-19176-6.
- Gamma, Erich; Richard Helm; Ralph Johnson; John Vlissides (1995). Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object Oriented Software. Addison-Wesley. Bibcode:1995dper.book.....G. ISBN 978-0-201-63361-0.
- Harmon, Paul; William Morrissey (1996). The Object Technology Casebook – Lessons from Award-Winning Business Applications. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-0-471-14717-6.
- Jacobson, Ivar (1992). Object-Oriented Software Engineering: A Use Case-Driven Approach. Addison-Wesley. Bibcode:1992oose.book.....J. ISBN 978-0-201-54435-0.
- Kay, Alan. The Early History of Smalltalk. Archived from the original on 4 April 2005. Retrieved 18 April 2005.
- Meyer, Bertrand (1997). Object-Oriented Software Construction. Prentice Hall. ISBN 978-0-13-629155-8.
- Pecinovsky, Rudolf (2013). OOP – Learn Object Oriented Thinking & Programming. Bruckner Publishing. ISBN 978-80-904661-8-0.
- Rumbaugh, James; Michael Blaha; William Premerlani; Frederick Eddy; William Lorensen (1991). Object-Oriented Modeling and Design. Prentice Hall. ISBN 978-0-13-629841-0.
- Schach, Stephen (2006). Object-Oriented and Classical Software Engineering, Seventh Edition. McGraw-Hill. ISBN 978-0-07-319126-3.
- Schreiner, Axel-Tobias (1993). Object oriented programming with ANSI-C. Hanser. hdl:1850/8544. ISBN 978-3-446-17426-9.
- Taylor, David A. (1992). Object-Oriented Information Systems – Planning and Implementation. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-0-471-54364-0.
- Weisfeld, Matt (2009). The Object-Oriented Thought Process, Third Edition. Addison-Wesley. ISBN 978-0-672-33016-2.
- West, David (2004). Object Thinking (Developer Reference). Microsoft Press. ISBN 978-0-7356-1965-4.
External links
- Introduction to Object Oriented Programming Concepts (OOP) and More by L.W.C. Nirosh
- Discussion on Cons of OOP
- OOP Concepts (Java Tutorials)
Object oriented programming OOP is a programming paradigm based on the concept of objects Objects can contain data called fields attributes or properties and have actions they can perform called procedures or methods and implemented in code In OOP computer programs are designed by making them out of objects that interact with one another UML notation for a class This Button class has variables for data and functions Through inheritance a subclass can be created as a subset of the Button class Objects are instances of a class Many of the most widely used programming languages such as C Java and Python support object oriented programming to a greater or lesser degree typically as part of multiple paradigms in combination with others such as imperative programming and declarative programming Significant object oriented languages include Ada ActionScript C Common Lisp C Dart Eiffel Fortran 2003 Haxe Java JavaScript Kotlin Logo MATLAB Objective C Object Pascal Perl PHP Python R Raku Ruby Scala SIMSCRIPT Simula Smalltalk Swift Vala and Visual Basic NET HistoryThe idea of objects in programming started with the artificial intelligence group at MIT in the late 1950s and early 1960s Here object referred to LISP atoms with identified properties attributes Another early example was Sketchpad created by Ivan Sutherland at MIT in 1960 1961 In the glossary of his technical report Sutherland defined terms like object and instance with the class concept covered by master or definition albeit specialized to graphical interaction Later in 1968 AED 0 MIT s version of the ALGOL programming language connected data structures plexes and procedures prefiguring what were later termed messages methods and member functions Topics such as data abstraction and modular programming were common points of discussion at this time Meanwhile in Norway Simula was developed during the years 1961 1967 Simula introduced essential object oriented ideas such as classes inheritance and dynamic binding Simula was used mainly by researchers involved with physical modelling like the movement of ships and their content through cargo ports Simula is generally accepted as being the first language with the primary features and framework of an object oriented language I thought of objects being like biological cells and or individual computers on a network only able to communicate with messages so messaging came at the very beginning it took a while to see how to do messaging in a programming language efficiently enough to be useful Alan Kay Influenced by both MIT and Simula Alan Kay began developing his own ideas in November 1966 He would go on to create Smalltalk an influential object oriented programming language By 1967 Kay was already using the term object oriented programming in conversation Although sometimes called the father of object oriented programming Kay has said his ideas differ from how object oriented programming is commonly understood and has implied that the computer science establishment did not adopt his notion A 1976 MIT memo co authored by Barbara Liskov lists Simula 67 CLU and Alphard as object oriented languages but does not mention Smalltalk In the 1970s the first version of the Smalltalk programming language was developed at Xerox PARC by Alan Kay Dan Ingalls and Adele Goldberg Smalltalk 72 was notable for use of objects at the language level and its graphical development environment Smalltalk was a fully dynamic system allowing users to create and modify classes as they worked Much of the theory of OOP was developed in the context of Smalltalk for example multiple inheritance In the late 1970s and 1980s object oriented programming rose to prominence The Flavors object oriented Lisp was developed starting 1979 introducing multiple inheritance and mixins In August 1981 Byte Magazine highlighted Smalltalk and OOP introducing these ideas to a wide audience LOOPS the object system for Interlisp D was influenced by Smalltalk and Flavors and a paper about it was published in 1982 In 1986 the first Conference on Object Oriented Programming Systems Languages and Applications OOPSLA was attended by 1 000 people This conference marked the beginning of efforts to consolidate Lisp object systems eventually resulting in the Common Lisp Object System In the 1980s there were a few attempts to design processor architectures that included hardware support for objects in memory but these were not successful Examples include the Intel iAPX 432 and the Linn Smart Rekursiv In the mid 1980s new object oriented languages like Objective C C and Eiffel emerged Objective C was developed by Brad Cox who had used Smalltalk at ITT Inc Bjarne Stroustrup created C based on his experience using Simula for his PhD thesis Bertrand Meyer produced the first design of the Eiffel language in 1985 which focused on software quality using a design by contract approach In the 1990s object oriented programming became the main way of programming especially as more languages supported it These included Visual FoxPro 3 0 C and Delphi citation needed OOP became even more popular with the rise of graphical user interfaces which used objects for buttons menus and other elements One well known example is Apple s Cocoa framework used on Mac OS X and written in Objective C OOP toolkits also enhanced the popularity of event driven programming citation needed At ETH Zurich Niklaus Wirth and his colleagues created new approaches to OOP Modula 2 1978 and Oberon 1987 included a distinctive approach to object orientation classes and type checking across module boundaries Inheritance is not obvious in Wirth s design since his nomenclature looks in the opposite direction It is called type extension and the viewpoint is from the parent down to the inheritor Many programming languages that existed before OOP have added object oriented features including Ada BASIC Fortran Pascal and COBOL This sometimes caused compatibility and maintainability issues as these languages were not originally designed with OOP in mind In the new millenium new languages like Python and Ruby have emerged that combine object oriented and procedural styles The most commercially important pure object oriented languages continue to be Java developed by Sun Microsystems as well as C and Visual Basic NET VB NET both designed for Microsoft s NET platform These languages show the benefits of OOP by creating abstractions from implementation The NET platform supports cross language inheritance allowing programs to use objects from multiple languages together FeaturesObject oriented programming focuses on working with objects but not all OOP languages have every feature linked to OOP Below are some common features of languages that are considered strong in OOP or support it along with other programming styles Important exceptions are also noted Christopher J Date pointed out that comparing OOP with other styles like relational programming is difficult because there isn t a clear agreed upon definition of OOP Imperative programming Features from imperative and structured programming are present in OOP languages and are also found in non OOP languages Variables hold different data types like integers strings lists and hash tables Some data types are built in while others result from combining variables using memory pointers Procedures also known as functions methods routines or subroutines take input generate output and work with data Modern languages include structured programming constructs like loops and conditionals Support for modular programming lets programmers organize related procedures into files and modules This makes programs easier to manage Each modules has its own namespace so items in one module will not conflict with items in another Object oriented programming OOP was created to make code easier to reuse and maintain However it was not designed to clearly show the flow of a program s instructions that was left to the compiler As computers began using more parallel processing and multiple threads it became more important to understand and control how instructions flow This is difficult to do with OOP Objects An object is a type of data structure that has two main parts fields and methods Fields may also be known as members attributes or properties and hold information in the form of state variables Methods are actions subroutines or procedures defining the object s behavior in code Objects are usually stored in memory and in many programming languages they work like pointers that link directly to a contiguous block containing the object instances s data Objects can contain other objects This is called object composition For example an Employee object might have an Address object inside it along with other information like first name and position This type of structures shows has a relationships like an employee has an address Some believe that OOP places too much focus on using objects rather than on algorithms and data structures For example programmer Rob Pike pointed out that OOP can make programmers think more about type hierarchy than composition He has called object oriented programming the Roman numerals of computing Rich Hickey creator of Clojure described OOP as overly simplistic especially when it comes to representing real world things that change over time Alexander Stepanov said that OOP tries to fit everything into a single type which can be limiting He argued that sometimes we need multisorted algebras families of interfaces that span multiple types such as in generic programming Stepanov also said that calling everything an object doesn t add much understanding Real world modeling and relationships Sometimes objects represent real world things and processes in digital form For example a graphics program may have objects such as circle square and menu An online shopping system might have objects such as shopping cart customer and product Niklaus Wirth said This paradigm OOP closely reflects the structure of systems in the real world and is therefore well suited to model complex systems with complex behavior However more often objects represent abstract entities like an open file or a unit converter Not everyone agrees that OOP makes it easy to copy the real world exactly or that doing so is even necessary Bob Martin suggests that because classes are software their relationships don t match the real world relationships they represent Bertrand Meyer argues in Object Oriented Software Construction that a program is not a model of the world but a model of some part of the world Reality is a cousin twice removed Steve Yegge noted that natural languages lack the OOP approach of strictly prioritizing things objects nouns before actions methods verbs as opposed to functional programming which does the reverse This can sometimes make OOP solutions more complicated than those written in procedural programming Inheritance Most OOP languages allow reusing and extending code through inheritance This inheritance can use either classes or prototypes which have some differences but use similar terms for ideas like object and instance Class based In class based programming the most common type of OOP every object is an instance of a specific class The class defines the data format like variables e g name age and methods actions the object can take Every instance of the class has the same set of variables and methods Objects are created using a special method in the class known as a constructor Here are a few key terms in class based OOP Class variables belong to the class itself so all objects in the class share one copy Instance variables belong to individual objects every object has its own version of these variables Member variables refers to both the class and instance variables that are defined by a particular class Class methods linked to the class itself and can only use class variables Instance methods belong to individual objects and can use both instance and class variables Classes may inherit from other classes creating a hierarchy of subclasses For example an Employee class might inherit from a Person class This means the Employee object will have all the variables from Person like name variables plus any new variables like job position and salary Similarly the subclass may expand the interface with new methods Most languages also allow the subclass to override the methods defined by superclasses Some languages support multiple inheritance where a class can inherit from more than one class and other languages similarly support mixins or traits For example a mixin called UnicodeConversionMixin might add a method unicode to ascii to both a FileReader and a WebPageScraper class Some classes are abstract meaning they cannot be directly instantiated into objects they re only meant to be inherited into other classes Other classes are utility classes which contain only class variables and methods and are not meant to be instantiated or subclassed Prototype based In prototype based programming there aren t any classes Instead each object is linked to another object called its prototype or parent In Self an object may have multiple or no parents but in the most popular prototype based language Javascript every object has exactly one prototype link up to the base Object type whose prototype is null The prototype acts as a model for new objects For example if you have an object fruit you can make two objects apple and orange based on it There is no fruit class but they share traits from the fruit prototype Prototype based languages also allow objects to have their own unique properties so the apple object might have an attribute sugar content while the orange or fruit objects do not No inheritance Some languages like Go don t use inheritance at all Instead they encourage composition over inheritance where objects are built using smaller parts instead of parent child relationships For example instead of inheriting from class Person the Employee class could simply contain a Person object This lets the Employee class control how much of Person it exposes to other parts of the program Delegation is another language feature that can be used as an alternative to inheritance Programmers have different opinions on inheritance Bjarne Stroustrup author of C has stated that it is possible to do OOP without inheritance Rob Pike has criticized inheritance for creating complicated hierarchies instead of simpler solutions Inheritance and behavioral subtyping People often think that if one class inherits from another it means the subclass is a more specific version of the original class This presumes the program semantics are that objects from the subclass can always replace objects from the original class without problems This concept is known as behavioral subtyping more specifically the Liskov substitution principle However this is often not true especially in programming languages that allow mutable objects objects that change after they are created In fact subtype polymorphism as enforced by the type checker in OOP languages cannot guarantee behavioral subtyping in most if not all contexts For example the circle ellipse problem is notoriously difficult to handle using OOP s concept of inheritance Behavioral subtyping is undecidable in general so it cannot be easily implemented by a compiler Because of this programmers must carefully design class hierarchies to avoid mistakes that the programming language itself cannot catch Dynamic dispatch When a method is called on an object the object itself not outside code decides which specific code to run This process called dynamic dispatch usually happens at run time by checking a table linked to the object to find the correct method In this context a method call is also known as message passing meaning the method name and its inputs are like a message sent to the object for it to act on If the method choice depends on more than one type of object such as other objects passed as parameters it s called multiple dispatch Dynamic dispatch works together with inheritance if an object doesn t have the requested method it looks up to its parent class delegation and continues up the chain until it finds the method or reaches the top Data abstraction and encapsulation Data abstraction is a way of organizing code so that only certain parts of the data are visible to related functions data hiding This helps prevent mistakes and makes the program easier to manage Because data abstraction works well many programming styles like object oriented programming and functional programming use it as a key principle Encapsulation is another important idea in programming It means keeping the internal details of an object hidden from the outside code This makes it easier to change how an object works on the inside without affecting other parts of the program such as in code refactoring Encapsulation also helps keep related code together decoupling making it easier for programmers to understand In object oriented programming objects act as a barrier between their internal workings and external code Outside code can only interact with an object by calling specific public methods or variables If a class only allows access to its data through methods and not directly this is called information hiding When designing a program it s often recommended to keep data as hidden as possible This means using local variables inside functions when possible then private variables which only the object can use and finally public variables which can be accessed by any part of the program if necessary Keeping data hidden helps prevent problems when changing the code later Some programming languages like Java control information hiding by marking variables as private hidden or public accessible Other languages like Python rely on naming conventions such as starting a private method s name with an underscore Intermediate levels of access also exist such as Java s protected keyword which allows access from the same class and its subclasses but not objects of a different class and the internal keyword in C Swift and Kotlin which restricts access to files within the same module Abstraction and information hiding are important concepts in programming especially in object oriented languages Programs often create many copies of objects and each one works independently Supporters of this approach say it makes code easier to reuse and intuitively represents real world situations However others argue that object oriented programming does not enhance readability or modularity Eric S Raymond has written that object oriented programming languages tend to encourage thickly layered programs that destroy transparency Raymond compares this unfavourably to the approach taken with Unix and the C programming language One programming principle called the open closed principle says that classes and functions should be open for extension but closed for modification Luca Cardelli has stated that OOP languages have extremely poor modularity properties with respect to class extension and modification and tend to be extremely complex The latter point is reiterated by Joe Armstrong the principal inventor of Erlang who is quoted as saying The problem with object oriented languages is they ve got all this implicit environment that they carry around with them You wanted a banana but what you got was a gorilla holding the banana and the entire jungle Leo Brodie says that information hiding can lead to copying the same code in multiple places duplicating code which goes against the don t repeat yourself rule of software development Polymorphism Polymorphism is the use of one symbol to represent multiple different types In object oriented programming polymorphism more specifically refers to subtyping or subtype polymorphism where a function can work with a specific interface and thus manipulate entities of different classes in a uniform manner For example imagine a program has two shapes a circle and a square Both come from a common class called Shape Each shape has its own way of drawing itself With subtype polymorphism the program doesn t need to know the type of each shape and can simply call the Draw method for each shape The programming language runtime will ensure the correct version of the Draw method runs for each shape Because the details of each shape are handled inside their own classes this makes the code simpler and more organized enabling strong separation of concerns Open recursion In object oriented programming objects have methods that can change or use the object s data Many programming languages use a special word like span class k this span or span class kc self span to refer to the current object In languages that support open recursion a method in an object can call other methods in the same object including itself using this special word This allows a method in one class to call another method defined later in a subclass a feature known as late binding OOP languagesThis section does not cite any sources Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed August 2009 Learn how and when to remove this message OOP languages can be grouped into different types based on how they support and use objects Pure OOP languages In these languages everything is treated as an object even basic things like numbers and characters They are designed to fully support and enforce OOP Examples Ruby Scala Smalltalk Eiffel Emerald JADE Self Raku Mostly OOP languages These languages focus on OOP but also include some procedural programming features Examples Java Python C C Delphi Object Pascal VB NET Retrofitted OOP languages These were originally designed for other types of programming but later added some OOP features Examples PHP JavaScript Perl Visual Basic derived from BASIC MATLAB COBOL 2002 Fortran 2003 ABAP Ada 95 Pascal Unique OOP languages These languages have OOP features like classes and inheritance but use them in their own way Examples Oberon BETA Object based languages These support some OOP ideas but avoid traditional class based inheritance in favor of direct manipulation of objects Examples JavaScript Lua Modula 2 CLU Go Multi paradigm languages These support both OOP and other programming styles but OOP is not the predominant style in the language Examples include Tcl where TclOO allows both prototype based and class based OOP and Common Lisp with its Common Lisp Object System Popularity and reception The TIOBE programming language popularity index graph from 2002 to 2023 In the 2000s the object oriented Java orange and the procedural C dark blue competed for the top position Many popular programming languages like C Java and Python use object oriented programming In the past OOP was widely accepted but recently some programmers have criticized it and prefer functional programming instead A study by Potok et al found no major difference in productivity between OOP and other methods Paul Graham a well known computer scientist believes big companies like OOP because it helps manage large teams of average programmers He argues that OOP adds structure making it harder for one person to make serious mistakes but at the same time restrains smart programmers Eric S Raymond a Unix programmer and open source software advocate argues that OOP is not the best way to write programs Richard Feldman says that while OOP features helped some languages stay organized their popularity comes from other reasons Lawrence Krubner argues that OOP doesn t offer special advantages compared to other styles like functional programming and can make coding more complicated Luca Cardelli says that OOP is slower and takes longer to compile than procedural programming OOP in dynamic languages In recent years object oriented programming OOP has become very popular in dynamic programming languages Some languages like Python PowerShell Ruby and Groovy were designed with OOP in mind Others like Perl PHP and ColdFusion started as non OOP languages but added OOP features later starting with Perl 5 PHP 4 and ColdFusion version 6 On the web HTML XHTML and XML documents use the Document Object Model DOM which works with the JavaScript language JavaScript is a well known example of a prototype based language Instead of using classes like other OOP languages JavaScript creates new objects by copying or cloning existing ones Another language that uses this method is Lua OOP in a network protocol When computers communicate in a client server system they send messages to request services For example a simple message might include a length field showing how big the message is a code that identifies the type of message and a data value These messages can be designed as structured objects that both the client and server understand so that each type of message corresponds to a class of objects in the client and server code More complex messages might include structured objects as additional details The client and server need to know how to serialize and deserialize these messages so they can be transmitted over the network and map them to the appropriate object types Both clients and servers can be thought of as complex object oriented systems The Distributed Data Management Architecture DDM uses this idea by organizing objects into four levels Basic message details Information like message length type and data Objects and collections Similar to how objects work in Smalltalk storing messages and their details Managers Like file directories these organize and store data as well as provide memory and processing power They are similar to IBM i Objects Clients and servers These are full systems that include managers and handle security directory services and multitasking The first version of DDM defined distributed file services Later it was expanded to support databases through the Distributed Relational Database Architecture DRDA Design patternsDesign patterns are common solutions to problems in software design Some design patterns are especially useful for object oriented programming and design patterns are typically introduced in an OOP context Object patterns The following are notable software design patterns for OOP objects Function object Class with one main method that acts like an anonymous function in C the function operator operator Immutable object does not change state after creationFirst class object can be used without restrictionContainer object contains other objectsFactory object creates other objectsMetaobject Used to create other objects similar to a class but an object Prototype object a specialized metaobject that creates new objects by copying itselfSingleton object only instance of its class for the lifetime of the programFilter object receives a stream of data as its input and transforms it into the object s output A common anti pattern is the God object an object that knows or does too much Gang of Four design patterns Design Patterns Elements of Reusable Object Oriented Software is a famous book published in 1994 by four authors Erich Gamma Richard Helm Ralph Johnson and John Vlissides People often call them the Gang of Four The book talks about the strengths and weaknesses of object oriented programming and explains 23 common ways to solve programming problems These solutions called design patterns are grouped into three types Creational patterns 5 Factory method pattern Abstract factory pattern Singleton pattern Builder pattern Prototype pattern Structural patterns 7 Adapter pattern Bridge pattern Composite pattern Decorator pattern Facade pattern Flyweight pattern Proxy pattern Behavioral patterns 11 Chain of responsibility pattern Command pattern Interpreter pattern Iterator pattern Mediator pattern Memento pattern Observer pattern State pattern Strategy pattern Template method pattern Visitor patternObject orientation and databases Both object oriented programming and relational database management systems RDBMSs are widely used in software today However relational databases don t store objects directly which creates a challenge when using them together This issue is called object relational impedance mismatch To solve this problem developers use different methods but none of them are perfect One of the most common solutions is object relational mapping ORM which helps connect object oriented programs to relational databases Examples of ORM tools include Visual FoxPro Java Data Objects and Ruby on Rails ActiveRecord Some databases called object databases are designed to work with object oriented programming However they have not been as popular or successful as relational databases Date and Darwen have proposed a theoretical foundation that uses OOP as a kind of customizable type system to support RDBMSs but it forbids objects containing pointers to other objects Responsibility vs data driven design In responsibility driven design classes are built around what they need to do and the information they share in the form of a contract This is different from data driven design where classes are built based on the data they need to store According to Wirfs Brock and Wilkerson the originators of responsibility driven design responsibility driven design is the better approach SOLID and GRASP guidelines SOLID is a set of five rules for designing good software created by Michael Feathers Single responsibility principle A class should have only one reason to change Open closed principle Software entities should be open for extension but closed for modification Liskov substitution principle Functions that use pointers or references to base classes must be able to use objects of derived classes without knowing it Interface segregation principle Clients should not be forced to depend upon interfaces that they do not use Dependency inversion principle Depend upon abstractions not concretes GRASP General Responsibility Assignment Software Patterns is another set of software design rules created by Craig Larman that helps developers assign responsibilities to different parts of a program Formal semanticsIn object oriented programming objects are things that exist while a program is running An object can represent anything like a person a place a bank account or a table of data Many researchers have tried to formally define how OOP works Records are the basis for understanding objects They can represent fields and also methods if function literals can be stored However inheritance presents difficulties particularly with the interactions between open recursion and encapsulated state Researchers have used recursive types and co algebraic data types to incorporate essential features of OOP Abadi and Cardelli defined several extensions of System F lt that deal with mutable objects allowing both subtype polymorphism and parametric polymorphism generics and were able to formally model many OOP concepts and constructs Although far from trivial static analysis of object oriented programming languages such as Java is a mature field with several commercial tools See alsoComputer programming portalComparison of programming languages object oriented programming Component based software engineering Object association Object modeling language Object oriented analysis and design Object oriented ontologySystems CADES Common Object Request Broker Architecture CORBA Distributed Component Object Model JerooModeling languages IDEF4 Interface description language UMLReferences Dr Alan Kay on the Meaning of Object Oriented Programming 2003 Retrieved 11 February 2010 Kindler E Krivy I 2011 Object Oriented Simulation of systems with sophisticated control International Journal of General Systems 40 3 313 343 doi 10 1080 03081079 2010 539975 Lewis John Loftus William 2008 Java Software Solutions Foundations of Programming Design 6th 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Productivity Analysis of Object Oriented Software Developed in a Commercial Environment PDF Software Practice and Experience 29 10 833 847 doi 10 1002 SICI 1097 024X 199908 29 10 lt 833 AID SPE258 gt 3 0 CO 2 P S2CID 57865731 Retrieved 21 April 2010 Graham Paul Why ARC isn t especially Object Oriented PaulGraham com Retrieved 13 November 2009 Feldman Richard 30 September 2019 Why Isn t Functional Programming the Norm YouTube Krubner Lawrence Object Oriented Programming is an expensive disaster which must end smashcompany com Archived from the original on 14 October 2014 Retrieved 14 October 2014 Martin Robert C Design Principles and Design Patterns PDF Archived from the original PDF on 6 September 2015 Retrieved 28 April 2017 Neward Ted 26 June 2006 The Vietnam of Computer Science Interoperability Happens Archived from the original on 4 July 2006 Retrieved 2 June 2010 C J Date Hugh Darwen Foundation for Future Database Systems The Third Manifesto 2nd Edition Wirfs Brock Rebecca Wilkerson Brian 1989 Object Oriented Design A Responsibility Driven Approach ACM SIGPLAN Notices 24 10 74 doi 10 1145 74878 74885 Poll Erik Subtyping and Inheritance for Categorical Datatypes PDF Retrieved 5 June 2011 Abadi Martin Cardelli Luca 1996 A Theory of Objects Springer Verlag New York Inc ISBN 978 0 387 94775 4 Retrieved 21 April 2010 Tan Tian Li Yue 12 July 2023 Tai e A Developer Friendly Static Analysis Framework for Java by Harnessing the Good Designs of Classics ISSTA 2023 pp 1093 1105 doi 10 1145 3597926 3598120 Bhutani Vikram Toosi Farshad Ghassemi Buckley Jim 1 June 2024 Analysing the Analysers An Investigation of Source Code Analysis Tools Applied Computer Systems 29 1 98 111 doi 10 2478 acss 2024 0013 Further readingAbadi Martin Luca Cardelli 1998 A Theory of Objects Springer Verlag ISBN 978 0 387 94775 4 Abelson Harold Gerald Jay Sussman 1997 Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs MIT Press ISBN 978 0 262 01153 2 Archived from the original on 26 December 2017 Retrieved 22 January 2006 Armstrong Deborah J February 2006 The Quarks of Object Oriented Development Communications of the ACM 49 2 123 128 doi 10 1145 1113034 1113040 ISSN 0001 0782 S2CID 11485502 Bloch Joshua 2018 Effective Java Programming Language Guide third ed Addison Wesley ISBN 978 0134685991 Booch Grady 1997 Object Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications Addison Wesley ISBN 978 0 8053 5340 2 Eeles Peter Oliver Sims 1998 Building Business Objects John Wiley amp Sons ISBN 978 0 471 19176 6 Gamma Erich Richard Helm Ralph Johnson John Vlissides 1995 Design Patterns Elements of Reusable Object Oriented Software Addison Wesley Bibcode 1995dper book G ISBN 978 0 201 63361 0 Harmon Paul William Morrissey 1996 The Object Technology Casebook Lessons from Award Winning Business Applications John Wiley amp Sons ISBN 978 0 471 14717 6 Jacobson Ivar 1992 Object Oriented Software Engineering A Use Case Driven Approach Addison Wesley Bibcode 1992oose book J ISBN 978 0 201 54435 0 Kay Alan The Early History of Smalltalk Archived from the original on 4 April 2005 Retrieved 18 April 2005 Meyer Bertrand 1997 Object Oriented Software Construction Prentice Hall ISBN 978 0 13 629155 8 Pecinovsky Rudolf 2013 OOP Learn Object Oriented Thinking amp Programming Bruckner Publishing ISBN 978 80 904661 8 0 Rumbaugh James Michael Blaha William Premerlani Frederick Eddy William Lorensen 1991 Object Oriented Modeling and Design Prentice Hall ISBN 978 0 13 629841 0 Schach Stephen 2006 Object Oriented and Classical Software Engineering Seventh Edition McGraw Hill ISBN 978 0 07 319126 3 Schreiner Axel Tobias 1993 Object oriented programming with ANSI C Hanser hdl 1850 8544 ISBN 978 3 446 17426 9 Taylor David A 1992 Object Oriented Information Systems Planning and Implementation John Wiley amp Sons ISBN 978 0 471 54364 0 Weisfeld Matt 2009 The Object Oriented Thought Process Third Edition Addison Wesley ISBN 978 0 672 33016 2 West David 2004 Object Thinking Developer Reference Microsoft Press ISBN 978 0 7356 1965 4 External linksWikiquote has quotations related to Object orientation Wikiversity has learning resources about Object oriented programming at Topic Object Oriented Programming Wikibooks has a book on the topic of Object Oriented Programming Introduction to Object Oriented Programming Concepts OOP and More by L W C Nirosh Discussion on Cons of OOP OOP Concepts Java Tutorials