![Computer program](https://www.english.nina.az/wikipedia/image/aHR0cHM6Ly91cGxvYWQud2lraW1lZGlhLm9yZy93aWtpcGVkaWEvY29tbW9ucy90aHVtYi9hL2E0L0phdmFTY3JpcHRfY29kZS5wbmcvMTYwMHB4LUphdmFTY3JpcHRfY29kZS5wbmc=.png )
A computer program is a sequence or set of instructions in a programming language for a computer to execute. It is one component of software, which also includes documentation and other intangible components.
A computer program in its human-readable form is called source code. Source code needs another computer program to execute because computers can only execute their native machine instructions. Therefore, source code may be translated to machine instructions using a compiler written for the language. (Assembly language programs are translated using an assembler.) The resulting file is called an executable. Alternatively, source code may execute within an interpreter written for the language.
If the executable is requested for execution, then the operating system loads it into memory and starts a process. The central processing unit will soon switch to this process so it can fetch, decode, and then execute each machine instruction.
If the source code is requested for execution, then the operating system loads the corresponding interpreter into memory and starts a process. The interpreter then loads the source code into memory to translate and execute each statement. Running the source code is slower than running an executable. Moreover, the interpreter must be installed on the computer.
Example computer program
The "Hello, World!" program is used to illustrate a language's basic syntax. The syntax of the language BASIC (1964) was intentionally limited to make the language easy to learn. For example, variables are not declared before being used. Also, variables are automatically initialized to zero. Here is an example computer program, in Basic, to average a list of numbers:
10 INPUT "How many numbers to average?", A 20 FOR I = 1 TO A 30 INPUT "Enter number:", B 40 LET C = C + B 50 NEXT I 60 LET D = C/A 70 PRINT "The average is", D 80 END
Once the mechanics of basic computer programming are learned, more sophisticated and powerful languages are available to build large computer systems.
Improvements in software development are the result of improvements in computer hardware. At each stage in hardware's history, the task of computer programming changed dramatically.
Analytical Engine
In 1837, Jacquard's loom inspired Charles Babbage to attempt to build the Analytical Engine. The names of the components of the calculating device were borrowed from the textile industry. In the textile industry, yarn was brought from the store to be milled. The device had a store which consisted of memory to hold 1,000 numbers of 50 decimal digits each. Numbers from the store were transferred to the mill for processing. The engine was programmed using two sets of perforated cards. One set directed the operation and the other set inputted the variables. However, the thousands of cogged wheels and gears never fully worked together.
Ada Lovelace worked for Charles Babbage to create a description of the Analytical Engine (1843). The description contained Note G which completely detailed a method for calculating Bernoulli numbers using the Analytical Engine. This note is recognized by some historians as the world's first computer program.
Universal Turing machine
In 1936, Alan Turing introduced the Universal Turing machine, a theoretical device that can model every computation. It is a finite-state machine that has an infinitely long read/write tape. The machine can move the tape back and forth, changing its contents as it performs an algorithm. The machine starts in the initial state, goes through a sequence of steps, and halts when it encounters the halt state. All present-day computers are Turing complete.
The Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer (ENIAC) was built between July 1943 and Fall 1945. It was a Turing complete, general-purpose computer that used 17,468 vacuum tubes to create the circuits. At its core, it was a series of Pascalines wired together. Its 40 units weighed 30 tons, occupied 1,800 square feet (167 m2), and consumed $650 per hour (in 1940s currency) in electricity when idle. It had 20 base-10 accumulators. Programming the ENIAC took up to two months. Three function tables were on wheels and needed to be rolled to fixed function panels. Function tables were connected to function panels by plugging heavy black cables into plugboards. Each function table had 728 rotating knobs. Programming the ENIAC also involved setting some of the 3,000 switches. Debugging a program took a week. It ran from 1947 until 1955 at Aberdeen Proving Ground, calculating hydrogen bomb parameters, predicting weather patterns, and producing firing tables to aim artillery guns.
Stored-program computers
Instead of plugging in cords and turning switches, a stored-program computer loads its instructions into memory just like it loads its data into memory. As a result, the computer could be programmed quickly and perform calculations at very fast speeds.Presper Eckert and John Mauchly built the ENIAC. The two engineers introduced the stored-program concept in a three-page memo dated February 1944. Later, in September 1944, John von Neumann began working on the ENIAC project. On June 30, 1945, von Neumann published the First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC, which equated the structures of the computer with the structures of the human brain. The design became known as the von Neumann architecture. The architecture was simultaneously deployed in the constructions of the EDVAC and EDSAC computers in 1949.
The IBM System/360 (1964) was a family of computers, each having the same instruction set architecture. The Model 20 was the smallest and least expensive. Customers could upgrade and retain the same application software. The Model 195 was the most premium. Each System/360 model featured multiprogramming—having multiple processes in memory at once. When one process was waiting for input/output, another could compute.
IBM planned for each model to be programmed using PL/1. A committee was formed that included COBOL, Fortran and ALGOL programmers. The purpose was to develop a language that was comprehensive, easy to use, extendible, and would replace Cobol and Fortran. The result was a large and complex language that took a long time to compile.
Computers manufactured until the 1970s had front-panel switches for manual programming. The computer program was written on paper for reference. An instruction was represented by a configuration of on/off settings. After setting the configuration, an execute button was pressed. This process was then repeated. Computer programs also were automatically inputted via paper tape, punched cards or magnetic-tape. After the medium was loaded, the starting address was set via switches, and the execute button was pressed.
Very Large Scale Integration
A major milestone in software development was the invention of the Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) circuit (1964). Following World War II, tube-based technology was replaced with point-contact transistors (1947) and bipolar junction transistors (late 1950s) mounted on a circuit board.During the 1960s, the aerospace industry replaced the circuit board with an integrated circuit chip.
Robert Noyce, co-founder of Fairchild Semiconductor (1957) and Intel (1968), achieved a technological improvement to refine the production of field-effect transistors (1963). The goal is to alter the electrical resistivity and conductivity of a semiconductor junction. First, naturally occurring silicate minerals are converted into polysilicon rods using the Siemens process. The Czochralski process then converts the rods into a monocrystalline silicon, boule crystal. The crystal is then thinly sliced to form a wafer substrate. The planar process of photolithography then integrates unipolar transistors, capacitors, diodes, and resistors onto the wafer to build a matrix of metal–oxide–semiconductor (MOS) transistors. The MOS transistor is the primary component in integrated circuit chips.
Originally, integrated circuit chips had their function set during manufacturing. During the 1960s, controlling the electrical flow migrated to programming a matrix of read-only memory (ROM). The matrix resembled a two-dimensional array of fuses. The process to embed instructions onto the matrix was to burn out the unneeded connections. There were so many connections, firmware programmers wrote a computer program on another chip to oversee the burning. The technology became known as Programmable ROM. In 1971, Intel installed the computer program onto the chip and named it the Intel 4004 microprocessor.
The terms microprocessor and central processing unit (CPU) are now used interchangeably. However, CPUs predate microprocessors. For example, the IBM System/360 (1964) had a CPU made from circuit boards containing discrete components on ceramic substrates.
Sac State 8008
The Intel 4004 (1971) was a 4-bit microprocessor designed to run the Busicom calculator. Five months after its release, Intel released the Intel 8008, an 8-bit microprocessor. Bill Pentz led a team at Sacramento State to build the first microcomputer using the Intel 8008: the Sac State 8008 (1972). Its purpose was to store patient medical records. The computer supported a disk operating system to run a Memorex, 3-megabyte, hard disk drive. It had a color display and keyboard that was packaged in a single console. The disk operating system was programmed using IBM's Basic Assembly Language (BAL). The medical records application was programmed using a BASIC interpreter. However, the computer was an evolutionary dead-end because it was extremely expensive. Also, it was built at a public university lab for a specific purpose. Nonetheless, the project contributed to the development of the Intel 8080 (1974) instruction set.
x86 series
In 1978, the modern software development environment began when Intel upgraded the Intel 8080 to the Intel 8086. Intel simplified the Intel 8086 to manufacture the cheaper Intel 8088.IBM embraced the Intel 8088 when they entered the personal computer market (1981). As consumer demand for personal computers increased, so did Intel's microprocessor development. The succession of development is known as the x86 series. The x86 assembly language is a family of backward-compatible machine instructions. Machine instructions created in earlier microprocessors were retained throughout microprocessor upgrades. This enabled consumers to purchase new computers without having to purchase new application software. The major categories of instructions are:
- Memory instructions to set and access numbers and strings in random-access memory.
- Integer arithmetic logic unit (ALU) instructions to perform the primary arithmetic operations on integers.
- Floating point ALU instructions to perform the primary arithmetic operations on real numbers.
- Call stack instructions to push and pop words needed to allocate memory and interface with functions.
- Single instruction, multiple data (SIMD) instructions to increase speed when multiple processors are available to perform the same algorithm on an array of data.
Changing programming environment
VLSI circuits enabled the programming environment to advance from a computer terminal (until the 1990s) to a graphical user interface (GUI) computer. Computer terminals limited programmers to a single shell running in a command-line environment. During the 1970s, full-screen source code editing became possible through a text-based user interface. Regardless of the technology available, the goal is to program in a programming language.
Programming paradigms and languages
Programming language features exist to provide building blocks to be combined to express programming ideals. Ideally, a programming language should:
- express ideas directly in the code.
- express independent ideas independently.
- express relationships among ideas directly in the code.
- combine ideas freely.
- combine ideas only where combinations make sense.
- express simple ideas simply.
The programming style of a programming language to provide these building blocks may be categorized into programming paradigms. For example, different paradigms may differentiate:
- procedural languages, functional languages, and logical languages.
- different levels of data abstraction.
- different levels of class hierarchy.
- different levels of input datatypes, as in container types and generic programming.
Each of these programming styles has contributed to the synthesis of different programming languages.
A programming language is a set of keywords, symbols, identifiers, and rules by which programmers can communicate instructions to the computer. They follow a set of rules called a syntax.
- Keywords are reserved words to form declarations and statements.
- Symbols are characters to form operations, assignments, control flow, and delimiters.
- Identifiers are words created by programmers to form constants, variable names, structure names, and function names.
- Syntax Rules are defined in the Backus–Naur form.
Programming languages get their basis from formal languages. The purpose of defining a solution in terms of its formal language is to generate an algorithm to solve the underlining problem. An algorithm is a sequence of simple instructions that solve a problem.
Generations of programming language
The evolution of programming languages began when the EDSAC (1949) used the first stored computer program in its von Neumann architecture. Programming the EDSAC was in the first generation of programming language.
- The first generation of programming language is machine language.Machine language requires the programmer to enter instructions using instruction numbers called machine code. For example, the ADD operation on the PDP-11 has instruction number 24576.
- The second generation of programming language is assembly language.Assembly language allows the programmer to use mnemonic instructions instead of remembering instruction numbers. An assembler translates each assembly language mnemonic into its machine language number. For example, on the PDP-11, the operation 24576 can be referenced as ADD in the source code. The four basic arithmetic operations have assembly instructions like ADD, SUB, MUL, and DIV. Computers also have instructions like DW (Define Word) to reserve memory cells. Then the MOV instruction can copy integers between registers and memory.
- Labels allow the programmer to work with variable names. The assembler will later translate labels into physical memory addresses.
- Operations allow the programmer to work with mnemonics. The assembler will later translate mnemonics into instruction numbers.
- Operands tell the assembler which data the operation will process.
- Comments allow the programmer to articulate a narrative because the instructions alone are vague.
- The key characteristic of an assembly language program is it forms a one-to-one mapping to its corresponding machine language target.
- The third generation of programming language uses compilers and interpreters to execute computer programs. The distinguishing feature of a third generation language is its independence from particular hardware. Early languages include Fortran (1958), COBOL (1959), ALGOL (1960), and BASIC (1964). In 1973, the C programming language emerged as a high-level language that produced efficient machine language instructions. Whereas third-generation languages historically generated many machine instructions for each statement, C has statements that may generate a single machine instruction. Moreover, an optimizing compiler might overrule the programmer and produce fewer machine instructions than statements. Today, an entire paradigm of languages fill the imperative, third generation spectrum.
- The fourth generation of programming language emphasizes what output results are desired, rather than how programming statements should be constructed.Declarative languages attempt to limit side effects and allow programmers to write code with relatively few errors. One popular fourth generation language is called Structured Query Language (SQL).Database developers no longer need to process each database record one at a time. Also, a simple statement can generate output records without having to understand how they are retrieved.
Imperative languages
Imperative languages specify a sequential algorithm using declarations, expressions, and statements:
- A declaration introduces a variable name to the computer program and assigns it to a datatype – for example:
var x: integer;
- An expression yields a value – for example:
2 + 2
yields 4 - A statement might assign an expression to a variable or use the value of a variable to alter the program's control flow – for example:
x := 2 + 2; if x = 4 then do_something();
FORTRAN (1958) was unveiled as "The IBM Mathematical FORmula TRANslating system". It was designed for scientific calculations, without string handling facilities. Along with declarations, expressions, and statements, it supported:
- arrays.
- subroutines.
- "do" loops.
It succeeded because:
- programming and debugging costs were below computer running costs.
- it was supported by IBM.
- applications at the time were scientific.
However, non-IBM vendors also wrote Fortran compilers, but with a syntax that would likely fail IBM's compiler. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) developed the first Fortran standard in 1966. In 1978, Fortran 77 became the standard until 1991. Fortran 90 supports:
- records.
- pointers to arrays.
COBOL (1959) stands for "COmmon Business Oriented Language". Fortran manipulated symbols. It was soon realized that symbols did not need to be numbers, so strings were introduced. The US Department of Defense influenced COBOL's development, with Grace Hopper being a major contributor. The statements were English-like and verbose. The goal was to design a language so managers could read the programs. However, the lack of structured statements hindered this goal.
COBOL's development was tightly controlled, so dialects did not emerge to require ANSI standards. As a consequence, it was not changed for 15 years until 1974. The 1990s version did make consequential changes, like object-oriented programming.
ALGOL (1960) stands for "ALGOrithmic Language". It had a profound influence on programming language design. Emerging from a committee of European and American programming language experts, it used standard mathematical notation and had a readable, structured design. Algol was first to define its syntax using the Backus–Naur form. This led to syntax-directed compilers. It added features like:
- block structure, where variables were local to their block.
- arrays with variable bounds.
- "for" loops.
- functions.
- recursion.
Algol's direct descendants include Pascal, Modula-2, Ada, Delphi and Oberon on one branch. On another branch the descendants include C, C++ and Java.
BASIC (1964) stands for "Beginner's All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code". It was developed at Dartmouth College for all of their students to learn. If a student did not go on to a more powerful language, the student would still remember Basic. A Basic interpreter was installed in the microcomputers manufactured in the late 1970s. As the microcomputer industry grew, so did the language.
Basic pioneered the interactive session. It offered operating system commands within its environment:
- The 'new' command created an empty slate.
- Statements evaluated immediately.
- Statements could be programmed by preceding them with line numbers.
- The 'list' command displayed the program.
- The 'run' command executed the program.
However, the Basic syntax was too simple for large programs. Recent dialects added structure and object-oriented extensions. Microsoft's Visual Basic is still widely used and produces a graphical user interface.
C programming language (1973) got its name because the language BCPL was replaced with B, and AT&T Bell Labs called the next version "C". Its purpose was to write the UNIX operating system. C is a relatively small language, making it easy to write compilers. Its growth mirrored the hardware growth in the 1980s. Its growth also was because it has the facilities of assembly language, but uses a high-level syntax. It added advanced features like:
- inline assembler.
- arithmetic on pointers.
- pointers to functions.
- bit operations.
- freely combining complex operators.
C allows the programmer to control which region of memory data is to be stored. Global variables and static variables require the fewest clock cycles to store. The stack is automatically used for the standard variable declarations. Heap memory is returned to a pointer variable from the malloc()
- The global and static data region is located just above the program region. (The program region is technically called the text region. It is where machine instructions are stored.)
- The global and static data region is technically two regions. One region is called the initialized data segment, where variables declared with default values are stored. The other region is called the block started by segment, where variables declared without default values are stored.
- Variables stored in the global and static data region have their addresses set at compile-time. They retain their values throughout the life of the process.
- The global and static region stores the global variables that are declared on top of (outside) the
function. Global variables are visible tomain()
and every other function in the source code.
- The global and static region stores the global variables that are declared on top of (outside) the
- On the other hand, variable declarations inside of
, other functions, or within{
block delimiters are local variables. Local variables also include formal parameter variables. Parameter variables are enclosed within the parenthesis of a function definition. Parameters provide an interface to the function.
- Local variables declared using the
prefix are also stored in the global and static data region. Unlike global variables, static variables are only visible within the function or block. Static variables always retain their value. An example usage would be the functionint increment_counter(){static int counter = 0; counter++; return counter;}
- Local variables declared using the
- The stack region is a contiguous block of memory located near the top memory address. Variables placed in the stack are populated from top to bottom. A stack pointer is a special-purpose register that keeps track of the last memory address populated. Variables are placed into the stack via the assembly language PUSH instruction. Therefore, the addresses of these variables are set during runtime. The method for stack variables to lose their scope is via the POP instruction.
- Local variables declared without the
prefix, including formal parameter variables, are called automatic variables and are stored in the stack. They are visible inside the function or block and lose their scope upon exiting the function or block.
- Local variables declared without the
- The heap region is located below the stack. It is populated from the bottom to the top. The operating system manages the heap using a heap pointer and a list of allocated memory blocks. Like the stack, the addresses of heap variables are set during runtime. An out of memory error occurs when the heap pointer and the stack pointer meet.
- C provides the
library function to allocate heap memory. Populating the heap with data is an additional copy function. Variables stored in the heap are economically passed to functions using pointers. Without pointers, the entire block of data would have to be passed to the function via the stack.
- C provides the
In the 1970s, software engineers needed language support to break large projects down into modules. One obvious feature was to decompose large projects physically into separate files. A less obvious feature was to decompose large projects logically into abstract data types. At the time, languages supported concrete (scalar) datatypes like integer numbers, floating-point numbers, and strings of characters. Abstract datatypes are structures of concrete datatypes, with a new name assigned. For example, a list of integers could be called integer_list
In object-oriented jargon, abstract datatypes are called classes. However, a class is only a definition; no memory is allocated. When memory is allocated to a class and bound to an identifier, it is called an object.
Object-oriented imperative languages developed by combining the need for classes and the need for safe functional programming. A function, in an object-oriented language, is assigned to a class. An assigned function is then referred to as a method, member function, or operation. Object-oriented programming is executing operations on objects.
Object-oriented languages support a syntax to model subset/superset relationships. In set theory, an element of a subset inherits all the attributes contained in the superset. For example, a student is a person. Therefore, the set of students is a subset of the set of persons. As a result, students inherit all the attributes common to all persons. Additionally, students have unique attributes that other people do not have. Object-oriented languages model subset/superset relationships using inheritance.Object-oriented programming became the dominant language paradigm by the late 1990s.
C++ (1985) was originally called "C with Classes". It was designed to expand C's capabilities by adding the object-oriented facilities of the language Simula.
An object-oriented module is composed of two files. The definitions file is called the header file. Here is a C++ header file for the GRADE class in a simple school application:
// grade.h // ------- // Used to allow multiple source files to include // this header file without duplication errors. // ---------------------------------------------- #ifndef GRADE_H #define GRADE_H class GRADE { public: // This is the constructor operation. // ---------------------------------- GRADE ( const char letter ); // This is a class variable. // ------------------------- char letter; // This is a member operation. // --------------------------- int grade_numeric( const char letter ); // This is a class variable. // ------------------------- int numeric; }; #endif
A constructor operation is a function with the same name as the class name. It is executed when the calling operation executes the new
A module's other file is the source file. Here is a C++ source file for the GRADE class in a simple school application:
// grade.cpp // --------- #include "grade.h" GRADE::GRADE( const char letter ) { // Reference the object using the keyword 'this'. // ---------------------------------------------- this->letter = letter; // This is Temporal Cohesion // ------------------------- this->numeric = grade_numeric( letter ); } int GRADE::grade_numeric( const char letter ) { if ( ( letter == 'A' || letter == 'a' ) ) return 4; else if ( ( letter == 'B' || letter == 'b' ) ) return 3; else if ( ( letter == 'C' || letter == 'c' ) ) return 2; else if ( ( letter == 'D' || letter == 'd' ) ) return 1; else if ( ( letter == 'F' || letter == 'f' ) ) return 0; else return -1; }
Here is a C++ header file for the PERSON class in a simple school application:
// person.h // -------- #ifndef PERSON_H #define PERSON_H class PERSON { public: PERSON ( const char *name ); const char *name; }; #endif
Here is a C++ source file for the PERSON class in a simple school application:
// person.cpp // ---------- #include "person.h" PERSON::PERSON ( const char *name ) { this->name = name; }
Here is a C++ header file for the STUDENT class in a simple school application:
// student.h // --------- #ifndef STUDENT_H #define STUDENT_H #include "person.h" #include "grade.h" // A STUDENT is a subset of PERSON. // -------------------------------- class STUDENT : public PERSON{ public: STUDENT ( const char *name ); GRADE *grade; }; #endif
Here is a C++ source file for the STUDENT class in a simple school application:
// student.cpp // ----------- #include "student.h" #include "person.h" STUDENT::STUDENT ( const char *name ): // Execute the constructor of the PERSON superclass. // ------------------------------------------------- PERSON( name ) { // Nothing else to do. // ------------------- }
Here is a driver program for demonstration:
// student_dvr.cpp // --------------- #include <iostream> #include "student.h" int main( void ) { STUDENT *student = new STUDENT( "The Student" ); student->grade = new GRADE( 'a' ); std::cout // Notice student inherits PERSON's name << student->name << ": Numeric grade = " << student->grade->numeric << "\n"; return 0; }
Here is a makefile to compile everything:
# makefile # -------- all: student_dvr clean: rm student_dvr *.o student_dvr: student_dvr.cpp grade.o student.o person.o c++ student_dvr.cpp grade.o student.o person.o -o student_dvr grade.o: grade.cpp grade.h c++ -c grade.cpp student.o: student.cpp student.h c++ -c student.cpp person.o: person.cpp person.h c++ -c person.cpp
Declarative languages
Imperative languages have one major criticism: assigning an expression to a non-local variable may produce an unintended side effect.Declarative languages generally omit the assignment statement and the control flow. They describe what computation should be performed and not how to compute it. Two broad categories of declarative languages are functional languages and logical languages.
The principle behind a functional language is to use lambda calculus as a guide for a well defined semantic. In mathematics, a function is a rule that maps elements from an expression to a range of values. Consider the function:
times_10(x) = 10 * x
The expression 10 * x
is mapped by the function times_10()
to a range of values. One value happens to be 20. This occurs when x is 2. So, the application of the function is mathematically written as:
times_10(2) = 20
A functional language compiler will not store this value in a variable. Instead, it will push the value onto the computer's stack before setting the program counter back to the calling function. The calling function will then pop the value from the stack.
Imperative languages do support functions. Therefore, functional programming can be achieved in an imperative language, if the programmer uses discipline. However, a functional language will force this discipline onto the programmer through its syntax. Functional languages have a syntax tailored to emphasize the what.
A functional program is developed with a set of primitive functions followed by a single driver function. Consider the snippet:
function max( a, b ){/* code omitted */}
function min( a, b ){/* code omitted */}
function range( a, b, c ) {
return max( a, max( b, c ) ) - min( a, min( b, c ) );
The primitives are max()
and min()
. The driver function is range()
. Executing:
put( range( 10, 4, 7) );
will output 6.
Functional languages are used in computer science research to explore new language features. Moreover, their lack of side-effects have made them popular in parallel programming and concurrent programming. However, application developers prefer the object-oriented features of imperative languages.
Lisp (1958) stands for "LISt Processor". It is tailored to process lists. A full structure of the data is formed by building lists of lists. In memory, a tree data structure is built. Internally, the tree structure lends nicely for recursive functions. The syntax to build a tree is to enclose the space-separated elements within parenthesis. The following is a list of three elements. The first two elements are themselves lists of two elements:
((A B) (HELLO WORLD) 94)
Lisp has functions to extract and reconstruct elements. The function head()
returns a list containing the first element in the list. The function tail()
returns a list containing everything but the first element. The function cons()
returns a list that is the concatenation of other lists. Therefore, the following expression will return the list x
cons(head(x), tail(x))
One drawback of Lisp is when many functions are nested, the parentheses may look confusing. Modern Lisp environments help ensure parenthesis match. As an aside, Lisp does support the imperative language operations of the assignment statement and goto loops. Also, Lisp is not concerned with the datatype of the elements at compile time. Instead, it assigns (and may reassign) the datatypes at runtime. Assigning the datatype at runtime is called dynamic binding. Whereas dynamic binding increases the language's flexibility, programming errors may linger until late in the software development process.
Writing large, reliable, and readable Lisp programs requires forethought. If properly planned, the program may be much shorter than an equivalent imperative language program.Lisp is widely used in artificial intelligence. However, its usage has been accepted only because it has imperative language operations, making unintended side-effects possible.
ML (1973) stands for "Meta Language". ML checks to make sure only data of the same type are compared with one another. For example, this function has one input parameter (an integer) and returns an integer:
fun times_10(n : int) : int = 10 * n;
ML is not parenthesis-eccentric like Lisp. The following is an application of times_10()
times_10 2
It returns "20 : int". (Both the results and the datatype are returned.)
Like Lisp, ML is tailored to process lists. Unlike Lisp, each element is the same datatype. Moreover, ML assigns the datatype of an element at compile-time. Assigning the datatype at compile-time is called static binding. Static binding increases reliability because the compiler checks the context of variables before they are used.
Prolog (1972) stands for "PROgramming in LOGic". It is a logic programming language, based on formal logic. The language was developed by Alain Colmerauer and Philippe Roussel in Marseille, France. It is an implementation of Selective Linear Definite clause resolution, pioneered by Robert Kowalski and others at the University of Edinburgh.
The building blocks of a Prolog program are facts and rules. Here is a simple example:
cat(tom). % tom is a cat mouse(jerry). % jerry is a mouse animal(X) :- cat(X). % each cat is an animal animal(X) :- mouse(X). % each mouse is an animal big(X) :- cat(X). % each cat is big small(X) :- mouse(X). % each mouse is small eat(X,Y) :- mouse(X), cheese(Y). % each mouse eats each cheese eat(X,Y) :- big(X), small(Y). % each big animal eats each small animal
After all the facts and rules are entered, then a question can be asked:
- Will Tom eat Jerry?
?- eat(tom,jerry). true
The following example shows how Prolog will convert a letter grade to its numeric value:
numeric_grade('A', 4). numeric_grade('B', 3). numeric_grade('C', 2). numeric_grade('D', 1). numeric_grade('F', 0). numeric_grade(X, -1) :- not X = 'A', not X = 'B', not X = 'C', not X = 'D', not X = 'F'. grade('The Student', 'A').
?- grade('The Student', X), numeric_grade(X, Y). X = 'A', Y = 4
Here is a comprehensive example:
1) All dragons billow fire, or equivalently, a thing billows fire if the thing is a dragon:
billows_fire(X) :- is_a_dragon(X).
2) A creature billows fire if one of its parents billows fire:
billows_fire(X) :- is_a_creature(X), is_a_parent_of(Y,X), billows_fire(Y).
3) A thing X is a parent of a thing Y if X is the mother of Y or X is the father of Y:
is_a_parent_of(X, Y):- is_the_mother_of(X, Y). is_a_parent_of(X, Y):- is_the_father_of(X, Y).
4) A thing is a creature if the thing is a dragon:
is_a_creature(X) :- is_a_dragon(X).
5) Norberta is a dragon, and Puff is a creature. Norberta is the mother of Puff.
is_a_dragon(norberta). is_a_creature(puff). is_the_mother_of(norberta, puff).
Rule (2) is a recursive (inductive) definition. It can be understood declaratively, without the need to understand how it is executed.
Rule (3) shows how functions are represented by using relations. Here, the mother and father functions ensure that every individual has only one mother and only one father.
Prolog is an untyped language. Nonetheless, inheritance can be represented by using predicates. Rule (4) asserts that a creature is a superclass of a dragon.
Questions are answered using backward reasoning. Given the question:
?- billows_fire(X).
Prolog generates two answers :
X = norberta X = puff
Practical applications for Prolog are knowledge representation and problem solving in artificial intelligence.
Object-oriented programming
Object-oriented programming is a programming method to execute operations (functions) on objects. The basic idea is to group the characteristics of a phenomenon into an object container and give the container a name. The operations on the phenomenon are also grouped into the container.Object-oriented programming developed by combining the need for containers and the need for safe functional programming. This programming method need not be confined to an object-oriented language. In an object-oriented language, an object container is called a class. In a non-object-oriented language, a data structure (which is also known as a record) may become an object container. To turn a data structure into an object container, operations need to be written specifically for the structure. The resulting structure is called an abstract datatype. However, inheritance will be missing. Nonetheless, this shortcoming can be overcome.
Here is a C programming language header file for the GRADE abstract datatype in a simple school application:
/* grade.h */ /* ------- */ /* Used to allow multiple source files to include */ /* this header file without duplication errors. */ /* ---------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef GRADE_H #define GRADE_H typedef struct { char letter; } GRADE; /* Constructor */ /* ----------- */ GRADE *grade_new( char letter ); int grade_numeric( char letter ); #endif
The grade_new()
function performs the same algorithm as the C++ constructor operation.
Here is a C programming language source file for the GRADE abstract datatype in a simple school application:
/* grade.c */ /* ------- */ #include "grade.h" GRADE *grade_new( char letter ) { GRADE *grade; /* Allocate heap memory */ /* -------------------- */ if ( ! ( grade = calloc( 1, sizeof ( GRADE ) ) ) ) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR in %s/%s/%d: calloc() returned empty.\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__ ); exit( 1 ); } grade->letter = letter; return grade; } int grade_numeric( char letter ) { if ( ( letter == 'A' || letter == 'a' ) ) return 4; else if ( ( letter == 'B' || letter == 'b' ) ) return 3; else if ( ( letter == 'C' || letter == 'c' ) ) return 2; else if ( ( letter == 'D' || letter == 'd' ) ) return 1; else if ( ( letter == 'F' || letter == 'f' ) ) return 0; else return -1; }
In the constructor, the function calloc()
is used instead of malloc()
because each memory cell will be set to zero.
Here is a C programming language header file for the PERSON abstract datatype in a simple school application:
/* person.h */ /* -------- */ #ifndef PERSON_H #define PERSON_H typedef struct { char *name; } PERSON; /* Constructor */ /* ----------- */ PERSON *person_new( char *name ); #endif
Here is a C programming language source file for the PERSON abstract datatype in a simple school application:
/* person.c */ /* -------- */ #include "person.h" PERSON *person_new( char *name ) { PERSON *person; if ( ! ( person = calloc( 1, sizeof ( PERSON ) ) ) ) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR in %s/%s/%d: calloc() returned empty.\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__ ); exit( 1 ); } person->name = name; return person; }
Here is a C programming language header file for the STUDENT abstract datatype in a simple school application:
/* student.h */ /* --------- */ #ifndef STUDENT_H #define STUDENT_H #include "person.h" #include "grade.h" typedef struct { /* A STUDENT is a subset of PERSON. */ /* -------------------------------- */ PERSON *person; GRADE *grade; } STUDENT; /* Constructor */ /* ----------- */ STUDENT *student_new( char *name ); #endif
Here is a C programming language source file for the STUDENT abstract datatype in a simple school application:
/* student.c */ /* --------- */ #include "student.h" #include "person.h" STUDENT *student_new( char *name ) { STUDENT *student; if ( ! ( student = calloc( 1, sizeof ( STUDENT ) ) ) ) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR in %s/%s/%d: calloc() returned empty.\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__ ); exit( 1 ); } /* Execute the constructor of the PERSON superclass. */ /* ------------------------------------------------- */ student->person = person_new( name ); return student; }
Here is a driver program for demonstration:
/* student_dvr.c */ /* ------------- */ #include <stdio.h> #include "student.h" int main( void ) { STUDENT *student = student_new( "The Student" ); student->grade = grade_new( 'a' ); printf( "%s: Numeric grade = %d\n", /* Whereas a subset exists, inheritance does not. */ student->person->name, /* Functional programming is executing functions just-in-time (JIT) */ grade_numeric( student->grade->letter ) ); return 0; }
Here is a makefile to compile everything:
# makefile # -------- all: student_dvr clean: rm student_dvr *.o student_dvr: student_dvr.c grade.o student.o person.o gcc student_dvr.c grade.o student.o person.o -o student_dvr grade.o: grade.c grade.h gcc -c grade.c student.o: student.c student.h gcc -c student.c person.o: person.c person.h gcc -c person.c
The formal strategy to build object-oriented objects is to:
- Identify the objects. Most likely these will be nouns.
- Identify each object's attributes. What helps to describe the object?
- Identify each object's actions. Most likely these will be verbs.
- Identify the relationships from object to object. Most likely these will be verbs.
For example:
- A person is a human identified by a name.
- A grade is an achievement identified by a letter.
- A student is a person who earns a grade.
Syntax and semantics
The syntax of a computer program is a list of production rules which form its grammar. A programming language's grammar correctly places its declarations, expressions, and statements. Complementing the syntax of a language are its semantics. The semantics describe the meanings attached to various syntactic constructs. A syntactic construct may need a semantic description because a production rule may have an invalid interpretation. Also, different languages might have the same syntax; however, their behaviors may be different.
The syntax of a language is formally described by listing the production rules. Whereas the syntax of a natural language is extremely complicated, a subset of the English language can have this production rule listing:
- a sentence is made up of a noun-phrase followed by a verb-phrase;
- a noun-phrase is made up of an article followed by an adjective followed by a noun;
- a verb-phrase is made up of a verb followed by a noun-phrase;
- an article is 'the';
- an adjective is 'big' or
- an adjective is 'small';
- a noun is 'cat' or
- a noun is 'mouse';
- a verb is 'eats';
The words in bold-face are known as non-terminals. The words in 'single quotes' are known as terminals.
From this production rule listing, complete sentences may be formed using a series of replacements. The process is to replace non-terminals with either a valid non-terminal or a valid terminal. The replacement process repeats until only terminals remain. One valid sentence is:
- sentence
- noun-phrase verb-phrase
- article adjective noun verb-phrase
- the adjective noun verb-phrase
- the big noun verb-phrase
- the big cat verb-phrase
- the big cat verb noun-phrase
- the big cat eats noun-phrase
- the big cat eats article adjective noun
- the big cat eats the adjective noun
- the big cat eats the small noun
- the big cat eats the small mouse
However, another combination results in an invalid sentence:
- the small mouse eats the big cat
Therefore, a semantic is necessary to correctly describe the meaning of an eat activity.
One production rule listing method is called the Backus–Naur form (BNF). BNF describes the syntax of a language and itself has a syntax. This recursive definition is an example of a meta-language. The syntax of BNF includes:
which translates to is made up of a[n] when a non-terminal is to its right. It translates to is when a terminal is to its right.|
which translates to or.<
which surround non-terminals.
Using BNF, a subset of the English language can have this production rule listing:
<sentence> ::= <noun-phrase><verb-phrase> <noun-phrase> ::= <article><adjective><noun> <verb-phrase> ::= <verb><noun-phrase> <article> ::= the <adjective> ::= big | small <noun> ::= cat | mouse <verb> ::= eats
Using BNF, a signed-integer has the production rule listing:
<signed-integer> ::= <sign><integer> <sign> ::= + | - <integer> ::= <digit> | <digit><integer> <digit> ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
Notice the recursive production rule:
<integer> ::= <digit> | <digit><integer>
This allows for an infinite number of possibilities. Therefore, a semantic is necessary to describe a limitation of the number of digits.
Notice the leading zero possibility in the production rules:
<integer> ::= <digit> | <digit><integer> <digit> ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
Therefore, a semantic is necessary to describe that leading zeros need to be ignored.
Two formal methods are available to describe semantics. They are denotational semantics and axiomatic semantics.
Software engineering and computer programming
Software engineering is a variety of techniques to produce quality computer programs.Computer programming is the process of writing or editing source code. In a formal environment, a systems analyst will gather information from managers about all the organization's processes to automate. This professional then prepares a detailed plan for the new or modified system. The plan is analogous to an architect's blueprint.
Performance objectives
The systems analyst has the objective to deliver the right information to the right person at the right time. The critical factors to achieve this objective are:
- The quality of the output. Is the output useful for decision-making?
- The accuracy of the output. Does it reflect the true situation?
- The format of the output. Is the output easily understood?
- The speed of the output. Time-sensitive information is important when communicating with the customer in real time.
Cost objectives
Achieving performance objectives should be balanced with all of the costs, including:
- Development costs.
- Uniqueness costs. A reusable system may be expensive. However, it might be preferred over a limited-use system.
- Hardware costs.
- Operating costs.
Applying a systems development process will mitigate the axiom: the later in the process an error is detected, the more expensive it is to correct.
Waterfall model
The waterfall model is an implementation of a systems development process. As the waterfall label implies, the basic phases overlap each other:
- The investigation phase is to understand the underlying problem.
- The analysis phase is to understand the possible solutions.
- The design phase is to plan the best solution.
- The implementation phase is to program the best solution.
- The maintenance phase lasts throughout the life of the system. Changes to the system after it is deployed may be necessary. Faults may exist, including specification faults, design faults, or coding faults. Improvements may be necessary. Adaption may be necessary to react to a changing environment.
Computer programmer
A computer programmer is a specialist responsible for writing or modifying the source code to implement the detailed plan. A programming team is likely to be needed because most systems are too large to be completed by a single programmer. However, adding programmers to a project may not shorten the completion time. Instead, it may lower the quality of the system. To be effective, program modules need to be defined and distributed to team members. Also, team members must interact with one another in a meaningful and effective way.
Computer programmers may be programming in the small: programming within a single module. Chances are a module will execute modules located in other source code files. Therefore, computer programmers may be programming in the large: programming modules so they will effectively couple with each other. Programming-in-the-large includes contributing to the application programming interface (API).
Program modules
Modular programming is a technique to refine imperative language programs. Refined programs may reduce the software size, separate responsibilities, and thereby mitigate software aging. A program module is a sequence of statements that are bounded within a block and together identified by a name. Modules have a function, context, and logic:
- The function of a module is what it does.
- The context of a module are the elements being performed upon.
- The logic of a module is how it performs the function.
The module's name should be derived first by its function, then by its context. Its logic should not be part of the name. For example, function compute_square_root( x )
or function compute_square_root_integer( i : integer )
are appropriate module names. However, function compute_square_root_by_division( x )
is not.
The degree of interaction within a module is its level of cohesion.Cohesion is a judgment of the relationship between a module's name and its function. The degree of interaction between modules is the level of coupling.Coupling is a judgement of the relationship between a module's context and the elements being performed upon.
The levels of cohesion from worst to best are:
- Coincidental Cohesion: A module has coincidental cohesion if it performs multiple functions, and the functions are completely unrelated. For example,
function read_sales_record_print_next_line_convert_to_float()
. Coincidental cohesion occurs in practice if management enforces silly rules. For example, "Every module will have between 35 and 50 executable statements." - Logical Cohesion: A module has logical cohesion if it has available a series of functions, but only one of them is executed. For example,
function perform_arithmetic( perform_addition, a, b )
. - Temporal Cohesion: A module has temporal cohesion if it performs functions related to time. One example,
function initialize_variables_and_open_files()
. Another example,stage_one()
, ... - Procedural Cohesion: A module has procedural cohesion if it performs multiple loosely related functions. For example,
function read_part_number_update_employee_record()
. - Communicational Cohesion: A module has communicational cohesion if it performs multiple closely related functions. For example,
function read_part_number_update_sales_record()
. - Informational Cohesion: A module has informational cohesion if it performs multiple functions, but each function has its own entry and exit points. Moreover, the functions share the same data structure. Object-oriented classes work at this level.
- Functional Cohesion: a module has functional cohesion if it achieves a single goal working only on local variables. Moreover, it may be reusable in other contexts.
The levels of coupling from worst to best are:
- Content Coupling: A module has content coupling if it modifies a local variable of another function. COBOL used to do this with the alter verb.
- Common Coupling: A module has common coupling if it modifies a global variable.
- Control Coupling: A module has control coupling if another module can modify its control flow. For example,
perform_arithmetic( perform_addition, a, b )
. Instead, control should be on the makeup of the returned object. - Stamp Coupling: A module has stamp coupling if an element of a data structure passed as a parameter is modified. Object-oriented classes work at this level.
- Data Coupling: A module has data coupling if all of its input parameters are needed and none of them are modified. Moreover, the result of the function is returned as a single object.
Data flow analysis
Data flow analysis is a design method used to achieve modules of functional cohesion and data coupling. The input to the method is a data-flow diagram. A data-flow diagram is a set of ovals representing modules. Each module's name is displayed inside its oval. Modules may be at the executable level or the function level.
The diagram also has arrows connecting modules to each other. Arrows pointing into modules represent a set of inputs. Each module should have only one arrow pointing out from it to represent its single output object. (Optionally, an additional exception arrow points out.) A daisy chain of ovals will convey an entire algorithm. The input modules should start the diagram. The input modules should connect to the transform modules. The transform modules should connect to the output modules.
Functional categories
Computer programs may be categorized along functional lines. The main functional categories are application software and system software. System software includes the operating system, which couples computer hardware with application software. The purpose of the operating system is to provide an environment where application software executes in a convenient and efficient manner. Both application software and system software execute utility programs. At the hardware level, a microcode program controls the circuits throughout the central processing unit.
Application software
Application software is the key to unlocking the potential of the computer system.Enterprise application software bundles accounting, personnel, customer, and vendor applications. Examples include enterprise resource planning, customer relationship management, and supply chain management software.
Enterprise applications may be developed in-house as a one-of-a-kind proprietary software. Alternatively, they may be purchased as off-the-shelf software. Purchased software may be modified to provide custom software. If the application is customized, then either the company's resources are used or the resources are outsourced. Outsourced software development may be from the original software vendor or a third-party developer.
The potential advantages of in-house software are features and reports may be developed exactly to specification. Management may also be involved in the development process and offer a level of control. Management may decide to counteract a competitor's new initiative or implement a customer or vendor requirement. A merger or acquisition may necessitate enterprise software changes. The potential disadvantages of in-house software are time and resource costs may be extensive. Furthermore, risks concerning features and performance may be looming.
The potential advantages of off-the-shelf software are upfront costs are identifiable, the basic needs should be fulfilled, and its performance and reliability have a track record. The potential disadvantages of off-the-shelf software are it may have unnecessary features that confuse end users, it may lack features the enterprise needs, and the data flow may not match the enterprise's work processes.
Application service provider
One approach to economically obtaining a customized enterprise application is through an application service provider. Specialty companies provide hardware, custom software, and end-user support. They may speed the development of new applications because they possess skilled information system staff. The biggest advantage is it frees in-house resources from staffing and managing complex computer projects. Many application service providers target small, fast-growing companies with limited information system resources. On the other hand, larger companies with major systems will likely have their technical infrastructure in place. One risk is having to trust an external organization with sensitive information. Another risk is having to trust the provider's infrastructure reliability.
Operating system
Scheduling, Preemption, Context Switching
An operating system is the low-level software that supports a computer's basic functions, such as scheduling processes and controlling peripherals.
In the 1950s, the programmer, who was also the operator, would write a program and run it. After the program finished executing, the output may have been printed, or it may have been punched onto paper tape or cards for later processing. More often than not the program did not work. The programmer then looked at the console lights and fiddled with the console switches. If less fortunate, a memory printout was made for further study. In the 1960s, programmers reduced the amount of wasted time by automating the operator's job. A program called an operating system was kept in the computer at all times.
The term operating system may refer to two levels of software. The operating system may refer to the kernel program that manages the processes, memory, and devices. More broadly, the operating system may refer to the entire package of the central software. The package includes a kernel program, command-line interpreter, graphical user interface, utility programs, and editor.
Kernel Program
The kernel's main purpose is to manage the limited resources of a computer:
- The kernel program should perform process scheduling, which is also known as a context switch. The kernel creates a process control block when a computer program is selected for execution. However, an executing program gets exclusive access to the central processing unit only for a time slice. To provide each user with the appearance of continuous access, the kernel quickly preempts each process control block to execute another one. The goal for system developers is to minimize dispatch latency.
- The kernel program should perform memory management.
- When the kernel initially loads an executable into memory, it divides the address space logically into regions. The kernel maintains a master-region table and many per-process-region (pregion) tables—one for each running process. These tables constitute the virtual address space. The master-region table is used to determine where its contents are located in physical memory. The pregion tables allow each process to have its own program (text) pregion, data pregion, and stack pregion.
- The program pregion stores machine instructions. Since machine instructions do not change, the program pregion may be shared by many processes of the same executable.
- To save time and memory, the kernel may load only blocks of execution instructions from the disk drive, not the entire execution file completely.
- The kernel is responsible for translating virtual addresses into physical addresses. The kernel may request data from the memory controller and, instead, receive a page fault. If so, the kernel accesses the memory management unit to populate the physical data region and translate the address.
- The kernel allocates memory from the heap upon request by a process. When the process is finished with the memory, the process may request for it to be freed. If the process exits without requesting all allocated memory to be freed, then the kernel performs garbage collection to free the memory.
- The kernel also ensures that a process only accesses its own memory, and not that of the kernel or other processes.
- The kernel program should perform file system management. The kernel has instructions to create, retrieve, update, and delete files.
- The kernel program should perform device management. The kernel provides programs to standardize and simplify the interface to the mouse, keyboard, disk drives, printers, and other devices. Moreover, the kernel should arbitrate access to a device if two processes request it at the same time.
- The kernel program should perform network management. The kernel transmits and receives packets on behalf of processes. One key service is to find an efficient route to the target system.
- The kernel program should provide system level functions for programmers to use.
- Programmers access files through a relatively simple interface that in turn executes a relatively complicated low-level I/O interface. The low-level interface includes file creation, file descriptors, file seeking, physical reading, and physical writing.
- Programmers create processes through a relatively simple interface that in turn executes a relatively complicated low-level interface.
- Programmers perform date/time arithmetic through a relatively simple interface that in turn executes a relatively complicated low-level time interface.
- The kernel program should provide a communication channel between executing processes. For a large software system, it may be desirable to engineer the system into smaller processes. Processes may communicate with one another by sending and receiving signals.
Originally, operating systems were programmed in assembly; however, modern operating systems are typically written in higher-level languages like C, Objective-C, and Swift.
Utility program
A utility program is designed to aid system administration and software execution. Operating systems execute hardware utility programs to check the status of disk drives, memory, speakers, and printers. A utility program may optimize the placement of a file on a crowded disk. System utility programs monitor hardware and network performance. When a metric is outside an acceptable range, a trigger alert is generated.
Utility programs include compression programs so data files are stored on less disk space. Compressed programs also save time when data files are transmitted over the network. Utility programs can sort and merge data sets. Utility programs detect computer viruses.
Microcode program
A microcode program is the bottom-level interpreter that controls the data path of software-driven computers. (Advances in hardware have migrated these operations to hardware execution circuits.) Microcode instructions allow the programmer to more easily implement the digital logic level—the computer's real hardware. The digital logic level is the boundary between computer science and computer engineering.
A logic gate is a tiny transistor that can return one of two signals: on or off.
- Having one transistor forms the NOT gate.
- Connecting two transistors in series forms the NAND gate.
- Connecting two transistors in parallel forms the NOR gate.
- Connecting a NOT gate to a NAND gate forms the AND gate.
- Connecting a NOT gate to a NOR gate forms the OR gate.
These five gates form the building blocks of binary algebra—the digital logic functions of the computer.
Microcode instructions are mnemonics programmers may use to execute digital logic functions instead of forming them in binary algebra. They are stored in a central processing unit's (CPU) control store. These hardware-level instructions move data throughout the data path.
The micro-instruction cycle begins when the microsequencer uses its microprogram counter to fetch the next machine instruction from random-access memory. The next step is to decode the machine instruction by selecting the proper output line to the hardware module. The final step is to execute the instruction using the hardware module's set of gates.
Instructions to perform arithmetic are passed through an arithmetic logic unit (ALU). The ALU has circuits to perform elementary operations to add, shift, and compare integers. By combining and looping the elementary operations through the ALU, the CPU performs its complex arithmetic.
Microcode instructions move data between the CPU and the memory controller. Memory controller microcode instructions manipulate two registers. The memory address register is used to access each memory cell's address. The memory data register is used to set and read each cell's contents.
Microcode instructions move data between the CPU and the many computer buses. The disk controller bus writes to and reads from hard disk drives. Data is also moved between the CPU and other functional units via the peripheral component interconnect express bus.
- The Prolog language allows for a database of facts and rules to be entered in any order. However, a question about a database must be at the very end.
- An executable has each machine instruction ready for the CPU.
- For more information, visit X86 assembly language#Instruction types.
- introduced in 1999
- Operators like
will usually compile to a single instruction. - The line numbers were typically incremented by 10 to leave room if additional statements were added later.
- This function could be written more concisely as
int increment_counter(){ static int counter; return ++counter;}
. 1) Static variables are automatically initialized to zero. 2)++counter
is a prefix increment operator. - This is despite the metaphor of a stack, which normally grows from bottom to top.
- C also provides the
function to allocate heap memory. It provides two additional services: 1) It allows the programmer to create an array of arbitrary size. 2) It sets each memory cell to zero. - For string variables, C provides the
function. It executes both the allocation function and the copy function. - The UNIX operating system was written in C, macOS was written in Objective-C, and Swift replaced Objective-C.
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[Software includes] all or part of the programs, procedures, rules, and associated documentation of an information processing system.
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An alternative to compiling a source program is to use an interpreter. An interpreter can directly execute a source program[.]
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Their intention was to produce a language that was very simple for students to learn[.]
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The idea was that students could be merely casual users or go on from Basic to more sophisticated and powerful languages[.]
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Turing machines can model all the computations that can be performed on a computing machine.
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[A]ll the common mathematical functions, no matter how complicated, are Turing-computable.
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- Stroustrup, Bjarne (2013). The C++ Programming Language, Fourth Edition. Addison-Wesley. p. 11. ISBN 978-0-321-56384-2.
- Stair, Ralph M. (2003). Principles of Information Systems, Sixth Edition. Thomson. p. 159. ISBN 0-619-06489-7.
- Linz, Peter (1990). An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata. D. C. Heath and Company. p. 2. ISBN 978-0-669-17342-0.
- Weiss, Mark Allen (1994). Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++. Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc. p. 29. ISBN 0-8053-5443-3.
- Tanenbaum, Andrew S. (1990). Structured Computer Organization, Third Edition. Prentice Hall. p. 17. ISBN 978-0-13-854662-5.
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With third-generation and higher-level programming languages, each statement in the language translates into several instructions in machine language.
- Wilson, Leslie B. (1993). Comparative Programming Languages, Second Edition. Addison-Wesley. p. 75. ISBN 978-0-201-56885-1.
- Stroustrup, Bjarne (2013). The C++ Programming Language, Fourth Edition. Addison-Wesley. p. 40. ISBN 978-0-321-56384-2.
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- Wilson, Leslie B. (2001). Comparative Programming Languages, Third Edition. Addison-Wesley. p. 24. ISBN 0-201-71012-9.
- Wilson, Leslie B. (2001). Comparative Programming Languages, Third Edition. Addison-Wesley. p. 25. ISBN 0-201-71012-9.
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- Kerrisk, Michael (2010). The Linux Programming Interface. No Starch Press. p. 121. ISBN 978-1-59327-220-3.
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- Wilson, Leslie B. (2001). Comparative Programming Languages, Third Edition. Addison-Wesley. p. 193. ISBN 0-201-71012-9.
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- Wilson, Leslie B. (2001). Comparative Programming Languages, Third Edition. Addison-Wesley. p. 35. ISBN 0-201-71012-9.
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- Stroustrup, Bjarne (2013). The C++ Programming Language, Fourth Edition. Addison-Wesley. p. 22. ISBN 978-0-321-56384-2.
- Stroustrup, Bjarne (2013). The C++ Programming Language, Fourth Edition. Addison-Wesley. p. 21. ISBN 978-0-321-56384-2.
- Stroustrup, Bjarne (2013). The C++ Programming Language, Fourth Edition. Addison-Wesley. p. 49. ISBN 978-0-321-56384-2.
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- Wilson, Leslie B. (2001). Comparative Programming Languages, Third Edition. Addison-Wesley. p. 217. ISBN 0-201-71012-9.
- Weiss, Mark Allen (1994). Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++. Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc. p. 103. ISBN 0-8053-5443-3.
When there is a function call, all the important information needs to be saved, such as register values (corresponding to variable names) and the return address (which can be obtained from the program counter)[.] ... When the function wants to return, it ... restores all the registers. It then makes the return jump. Clearly, all of this work can be done using a stack, and that is exactly what happens in virtually every programming language that implements recursion.
- Wilson, Leslie B. (2001). Comparative Programming Languages, Third Edition. Addison-Wesley. p. 230. ISBN 0-201-71012-9.
- Wilson, Leslie B. (2001). Comparative Programming Languages, Third Edition. Addison-Wesley. p. 240. ISBN 0-201-71012-9.
- Wilson, Leslie B. (2001). Comparative Programming Languages, Third Edition. Addison-Wesley. p. 241. ISBN 0-201-71012-9.
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Simula was based on Algol 60 with one very important addition — the class concept. ... The basic idea was that the data (or data structure) and the operations performed on it belong together[.]
- Wilson, Leslie B. (2001). Comparative Programming Languages, Third Edition. Addison-Wesley. p. 39. ISBN 0-201-71012-9.
Originally, a large number of experimental languages were designed, many of which combined object-oriented and functional programming.
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While it is true that OOD [(object oriented design)] as such is not supported by the majority of popular languages, a large subset of OOD can be used.
- Weiss, Mark Allen (1994). Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++. Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc. p. 57. ISBN 0-8053-5443-3.
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The syntax (or grammar) of a programming language describes the correct form in which programs may be written[.]
- Wilson, Leslie B. (2001). Comparative Programming Languages, Third Edition. Addison-Wesley. p. 78. ISBN 0-201-71012-9.
The main components of an imperative language are declarations, expressions, and statements.
- Wilson, Leslie B. (2001). Comparative Programming Languages, Third Edition. Addison-Wesley. p. 290. ISBN 0-201-71012-9.
- Wilson, Leslie B. (2001). Comparative Programming Languages, Third Edition. Addison-Wesley. p. 294. ISBN 0-201-71012-9.
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- Rosen, Kenneth H. (1991). Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications. McGraw-Hill, Inc. p. 616. ISBN 978-0-07-053744-6.
- Rosen, Kenneth H. (1991). Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications. McGraw-Hill, Inc. p. 623. ISBN 978-0-07-053744-6.
- Rosen, Kenneth H. (1991). Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications. McGraw-Hill, Inc. p. 624. ISBN 978-0-07-053744-6.
- Wilson, Leslie B. (2001). Comparative Programming Languages, Third Edition. Addison-Wesley. p. 297. ISBN 0-201-71012-9.
- Schach, Stephen R. (1990). Software Engineering. Aksen Associates Incorporated Publishers. p. Preface. ISBN 0-256-08515-3.
- Stair, Ralph M. (2003). Principles of Information Systems, Sixth Edition. Thomson. p. 507. ISBN 0-619-06489-7.
- Stair, Ralph M. (2003). Principles of Information Systems, Sixth Edition. Thomson. p. 513. ISBN 0-619-06489-7.
- Stair, Ralph M. (2003). Principles of Information Systems, Sixth Edition. Thomson. p. 514. ISBN 0-619-06489-7.
- Stair, Ralph M. (2003). Principles of Information Systems, Sixth Edition. Thomson. p. 516. ISBN 0-619-06489-7.
- Schach, Stephen R. (1990). Software Engineering. Aksen Associates Incorporated Publishers. p. 8. ISBN 0-256-08515-3.
- Stair, Ralph M. (2003). Principles of Information Systems, Sixth Edition. Thomson. p. 517. ISBN 0-619-06489-7.
- Schach, Stephen R. (1990). Software Engineering. Aksen Associates Incorporated Publishers. p. 345. ISBN 0-256-08515-3.
- Schach, Stephen R. (1990). Software Engineering. Aksen Associates Incorporated Publishers. p. 319. ISBN 0-256-08515-3.
- Schach, Stephen R. (1990). Software Engineering. Aksen Associates Incorporated Publishers. p. 331. ISBN 0-256-08515-3.
- Schach, Stephen R. (1990). Software Engineering. Aksen Associates Incorporated Publishers. p. 216. ISBN 0-256-08515-3.
- Schach, Stephen R. (1990). Software Engineering. Aksen Associates Incorporated Publishers. p. 219. ISBN 0-256-08515-3.
- Schach, Stephen R. (1990). Software Engineering. Aksen Associates Incorporated Publishers. p. 226. ISBN 0-256-08515-3.
- Schach, Stephen R. (1990). Software Engineering. Aksen Associates Incorporated Publishers. p. 220. ISBN 0-256-08515-3.
- Schach, Stephen R. (1990). Software Engineering. Aksen Associates Incorporated Publishers. p. 258. ISBN 0-256-08515-3.
- Schach, Stephen R. (1990). Software Engineering. Aksen Associates Incorporated Publishers. p. 259. ISBN 0-256-08515-3.
- Silberschatz, Abraham (1994). Operating System Concepts, Fourth Edition. Addison-Wesley. p. 1. ISBN 978-0-201-50480-4.
- Stair, Ralph M. (2003). Principles of Information Systems, Sixth Edition. Thomson. p. 147. ISBN 0-619-06489-7.
The key to unlocking the potential of any computer system is application software.
- Stair, Ralph M. (2003). Principles of Information Systems, Sixth Edition. Thomson. p. 147. ISBN 0-619-06489-7.
- Stair, Ralph M. (2003). Principles of Information Systems, Sixth Edition. Thomson. p. 147. ISBN 0-619-06489-7.
[A] third-party software firm, often called a value-added software vendor, may develop or modify a software program to meet the needs of a particular industry or company.
- Stair, Ralph M. (2003). Principles of Information Systems, Sixth Edition. Thomson. p. 148. ISBN 0-619-06489-7.
Heading: Proprietary Software; Subheading: Advantages; Quote: You can get exactly what you need in terms of features, reports, and so on.
- Stair, Ralph M. (2003). Principles of Information Systems, Sixth Edition. Thomson. p. 148. ISBN 0-619-06489-7.
Heading: Proprietary Software; Subheading: Advantages; Quote: Being involved in the development offers a further level of control over the results.
- Stair, Ralph M. (2003). Principles of Information Systems, Sixth Edition. Thomson. p. 147. ISBN 0-619-06489-7.
Heading: Proprietary Software; Subheading: Advantages; Quote: There is more flexibility in making modifications that may be required to counteract a new initiative by one of your competitors or to meet new supplier and/or customer requirements.
- Stair, Ralph M. (2003). Principles of Information Systems, Sixth Edition. Thomson. p. 149. ISBN 0-619-06489-7.
- Tanenbaum, Andrew S. (1990). Structured Computer Organization, Third Edition. Prentice Hall. p. 11. ISBN 978-0-13-854662-5.
- Kerrisk, Michael (2010). The Linux Programming Interface. No Starch Press. p. 21. ISBN 978-1-59327-220-3.
- Kerrisk, Michael (2010). The Linux Programming Interface. No Starch Press. p. 22. ISBN 978-1-59327-220-3.
- Bach, Maurice J. (1986). The Design of the UNIX Operating System. Prentice-Hall, Inc. p. 152. ISBN 0-13-201799-7.
- Tanenbaum, Andrew S. (2013). Structured Computer Organization, Sixth Edition. Pearson. p. 443. ISBN 978-0-13-291652-3.
- Lacamera, Daniele (2018). Embedded Systems Architecture. Packt. p. 8. ISBN 978-1-78883-250-2.
- Kerrisk, Michael (2010). The Linux Programming Interface. No Starch Press. p. 23. ISBN 978-1-59327-220-3.
- Kernighan, Brian W. (1984). The Unix Programming Environment. Prentice Hall. p. 201. ISBN 0-13-937699-2.
- Kerrisk, Michael (2010). The Linux Programming Interface. No Starch Press. p. 187. ISBN 978-1-59327-220-3.
- Haviland, Keith (1987). Unix System Programming. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. p. 121. ISBN 0-201-12919-1.
- Stair, Ralph M. (2003). Principles of Information Systems, Sixth Edition. Thomson. p. 145. ISBN 0-619-06489-7.
- Stair, Ralph M. (2003). Principles of Information Systems, Sixth Edition. Thomson. p. 146. ISBN 0-619-06489-7.
- Tanenbaum, Andrew S. (2013). Structured Computer Organization, Sixth Edition. Pearson. p. 6. ISBN 978-0-13-291652-3.
- Tanenbaum, Andrew S. (2013). Structured Computer Organization, Sixth Edition. Pearson. p. 243. ISBN 978-0-13-291652-3.
- Tanenbaum, Andrew S. (2013). Structured Computer Organization, Sixth Edition. Pearson. p. 147. ISBN 978-0-13-291652-3.
- Tanenbaum, Andrew S. (2013). Structured Computer Organization, Sixth Edition. Pearson. p. 148. ISBN 978-0-13-291652-3.
- Tanenbaum, Andrew S. (2013). Structured Computer Organization, Sixth Edition. Pearson. p. 253. ISBN 978-0-13-291652-3.
- Tanenbaum, Andrew S. (2013). Structured Computer Organization, Sixth Edition. Pearson. p. 255. ISBN 978-0-13-291652-3.
- Tanenbaum, Andrew S. (2013). Structured Computer Organization, Sixth Edition. Pearson. p. 161. ISBN 978-0-13-291652-3.
- Tanenbaum, Andrew S. (2013). Structured Computer Organization, Sixth Edition. Pearson. p. 166. ISBN 978-0-13-291652-3.
- Tanenbaum, Andrew S. (2013). Structured Computer Organization, Sixth Edition. Pearson. p. 249. ISBN 978-0-13-291652-3.
- Tanenbaum, Andrew S. (2013). Structured Computer Organization, Sixth Edition. Pearson. p. 111. ISBN 978-0-13-291652-3.
A computer program is a sequence or set of instructions in a programming language for a computer to execute It is one component of software which also includes documentation and other intangible components Source code for a computer program written in the JavaScript language It demonstrates the appendChild method The method adds a new child node to an existing parent node It is commonly used to dynamically modify the structure of an HTML document A computer program in its human readable form is called source code Source code needs another computer program to execute because computers can only execute their native machine instructions Therefore source code may be translated to machine instructions using a compiler written for the language Assembly language programs are translated using an assembler The resulting file is called an executable Alternatively source code may execute within an interpreter written for the language If the executable is requested for execution then the operating system loads it into memory and starts a process The central processing unit will soon switch to this process so it can fetch decode and then execute each machine instruction If the source code is requested for execution then the operating system loads the corresponding interpreter into memory and starts a process The interpreter then loads the source code into memory to translate and execute each statement Running the source code is slower than running an executable Moreover the interpreter must be installed on the computer Example computer programThe Hello World program is used to illustrate a language s basic syntax The syntax of the language BASIC 1964 was intentionally limited to make the language easy to learn For example variables are not declared before being used Also variables are automatically initialized to zero Here is an example computer program in Basic to average a list of numbers 10 INPUT How many numbers to average A 20 FOR I 1 TO A 30 INPUT Enter number B 40 LET C C B 50 NEXT I 60 LET D C A 70 PRINT The average is D 80 END Once the mechanics of basic computer programming are learned more sophisticated and powerful languages are available to build large computer systems HistoryImprovements in software development are the result of improvements in computer hardware At each stage in hardware s history the task of computer programming changed dramatically Analytical Engine Lovelace s description from Note G In 1837 Jacquard s loom inspired Charles Babbage to attempt to build the Analytical Engine The names of the components of the calculating device were borrowed from the textile industry In the textile industry yarn was brought from the store to be milled The device had a store which consisted of memory to hold 1 000 numbers of 50 decimal digits each Numbers from the store were transferred to the mill for processing The engine was programmed using two sets of perforated cards One set directed the operation and the other set inputted the variables However the thousands of cogged wheels and gears never fully worked together Ada Lovelace worked for Charles Babbage to create a description of the Analytical Engine 1843 The description contained Note G which completely detailed a method for calculating Bernoulli numbers using the Analytical Engine This note is recognized by some historians as the world s first computer program Universal Turing machine In 1936 Alan Turing introduced the Universal Turing machine a theoretical device that can model every computation It is a finite state machine that has an infinitely long read write tape The machine can move the tape back and forth changing its contents as it performs an algorithm The machine starts in the initial state goes through a sequence of steps and halts when it encounters the halt state All present day computers are Turing complete ENIAC Glenn A Beck changing a tube in ENIAC The Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer ENIAC was built between July 1943 and Fall 1945 It was a Turing complete general purpose computer that used 17 468 vacuum tubes to create the circuits At its core it was a series of Pascalines wired together Its 40 units weighed 30 tons occupied 1 800 square feet 167 m2 and consumed 650 per hour in 1940s currency in electricity when idle It had 20 base 10 accumulators Programming the ENIAC took up to two months Three function tables were on wheels and needed to be rolled to fixed function panels Function tables were connected to function panels by plugging heavy black cables into plugboards Each function table had 728 rotating knobs Programming the ENIAC also involved setting some of the 3 000 switches Debugging a program took a week It ran from 1947 until 1955 at Aberdeen Proving Ground calculating hydrogen bomb parameters predicting weather patterns and producing firing tables to aim artillery guns Stored program computers Instead of plugging in cords and turning switches a stored program computer loads its instructions into memory just like it loads its data into memory As a result the computer could be programmed quickly and perform calculations at very fast speeds Presper Eckert and John Mauchly built the ENIAC The two engineers introduced the stored program concept in a three page memo dated February 1944 Later in September 1944 John von Neumann began working on the ENIAC project On June 30 1945 von Neumann published the First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC which equated the structures of the computer with the structures of the human brain The design became known as the von Neumann architecture The architecture was simultaneously deployed in the constructions of the EDVAC and EDSAC computers in 1949 The IBM System 360 1964 was a family of computers each having the same instruction set architecture The Model 20 was the smallest and least expensive Customers could upgrade and retain the same application software The Model 195 was the most premium Each System 360 model featured multiprogramming having multiple processes in memory at once When one process was waiting for input output another could compute IBM planned for each model to be programmed using PL 1 A committee was formed that included COBOL Fortran and ALGOL programmers The purpose was to develop a language that was comprehensive easy to use extendible and would replace Cobol and Fortran The result was a large and complex language that took a long time to compile Switches for manual input on a Data General Nova 3 manufactured in the mid 1970s Computers manufactured until the 1970s had front panel switches for manual programming The computer program was written on paper for reference An instruction was represented by a configuration of on off settings After setting the configuration an execute button was pressed This process was then repeated Computer programs also were automatically inputted via paper tape punched cards or magnetic tape After the medium was loaded the starting address was set via switches and the execute button was pressed Very Large Scale Integration A VLSI integrated circuit die A major milestone in software development was the invention of the Very Large Scale Integration VLSI circuit 1964 Following World War II tube based technology was replaced with point contact transistors 1947 and bipolar junction transistors late 1950s mounted on a circuit board During the 1960s the aerospace industry replaced the circuit board with an integrated circuit chip Robert Noyce co founder of Fairchild Semiconductor 1957 and Intel 1968 achieved a technological improvement to refine the production of field effect transistors 1963 The goal is to alter the electrical resistivity and conductivity of a semiconductor junction First naturally occurring silicate minerals are converted into polysilicon rods using the Siemens process The Czochralski process then converts the rods into a monocrystalline silicon boule crystal The crystal is then thinly sliced to form a wafer substrate The planar process of photolithography then integrates unipolar transistors capacitors diodes and resistors onto the wafer to build a matrix of metal oxide semiconductor MOS transistors The MOS transistor is the primary component in integrated circuit chips Originally integrated circuit chips had their function set during manufacturing During the 1960s controlling the electrical flow migrated to programming a matrix of read only memory ROM The matrix resembled a two dimensional array of fuses The process to embed instructions onto the matrix was to burn out the unneeded connections There were so many connections firmware programmers wrote a computer program on another chip to oversee the burning The technology became known as Programmable ROM In 1971 Intel installed the computer program onto the chip and named it the Intel 4004 microprocessor IBM s System 360 1964 CPU was not a microprocessor The terms microprocessor and central processing unit CPU are now used interchangeably However CPUs predate microprocessors For example the IBM System 360 1964 had a CPU made from circuit boards containing discrete components on ceramic substrates Sac State 8008 Artist s depiction of Sacramento State University s Intel 8008 microcomputer 1972 The Intel 4004 1971 was a 4 bit microprocessor designed to run the Busicom calculator Five months after its release Intel released the Intel 8008 an 8 bit microprocessor Bill Pentz led a team at Sacramento State to build the first microcomputer using the Intel 8008 the Sac State 8008 1972 Its purpose was to store patient medical records The computer supported a disk operating system to run a Memorex 3 megabyte hard disk drive It had a color display and keyboard that was packaged in a single console The disk operating system was programmed using IBM s Basic Assembly Language BAL The medical records application was programmed using a BASIC interpreter However the computer was an evolutionary dead end because it was extremely expensive Also it was built at a public university lab for a specific purpose Nonetheless the project contributed to the development of the Intel 8080 1974 instruction set x86 series The original IBM Personal Computer 1981 used an Intel 8088 microprocessor In 1978 the modern software development environment began when Intel upgraded the Intel 8080 to the Intel 8086 Intel simplified the Intel 8086 to manufacture the cheaper Intel 8088 IBM embraced the Intel 8088 when they entered the personal computer market 1981 As consumer demand for personal computers increased so did Intel s microprocessor development The succession of development is known as the x86 series The x86 assembly language is a family of backward compatible machine instructions Machine instructions created in earlier microprocessors were retained throughout microprocessor upgrades This enabled consumers to purchase new computers without having to purchase new application software The major categories of instructions are Memory instructions to set and access numbers and strings in random access memory Integer arithmetic logic unit ALU instructions to perform the primary arithmetic operations on integers Floating point ALU instructions to perform the primary arithmetic operations on real numbers Call stack instructions to push and pop words needed to allocate memory and interface with functions Single instruction multiple data SIMD instructions to increase speed when multiple processors are available to perform the same algorithm on an array of data Changing programming environment The DEC VT100 1978 was a widely used computer terminal VLSI circuits enabled the programming environment to advance from a computer terminal until the 1990s to a graphical user interface GUI computer Computer terminals limited programmers to a single shell running in a command line environment During the 1970s full screen source code editing became possible through a text based user interface Regardless of the technology available the goal is to program in a programming language Programming paradigms and languagesProgramming language features exist to provide building blocks to be combined to express programming ideals Ideally a programming language should express ideas directly in the code express independent ideas independently express relationships among ideas directly in the code combine ideas freely combine ideas only where combinations make sense express simple ideas simply The programming style of a programming language to provide these building blocks may be categorized into programming paradigms For example different paradigms may differentiate procedural languages functional languages and logical languages different levels of data abstraction different levels of class hierarchy different levels of input datatypes as in container types and generic programming Each of these programming styles has contributed to the synthesis of different programming languages A programming language is a set of keywords symbols identifiers and rules by which programmers can communicate instructions to the computer They follow a set of rules called a syntax Keywords are reserved words to form declarations and statements Symbols are characters to form operations assignments control flow and delimiters Identifiers are words created by programmers to form constants variable names structure names and function names Syntax Rules are defined in the Backus Naur form Programming languages get their basis from formal languages The purpose of defining a solution in terms of its formal language is to generate an algorithm to solve the underlining problem An algorithm is a sequence of simple instructions that solve a problem Generations of programming language Machine language monitor on a W65C816S microprocessor The evolution of programming languages began when the EDSAC 1949 used the first stored computer program in its von Neumann architecture Programming the EDSAC was in the first generation of programming language The first generation of programming language is machine language Machine language requires the programmer to enter instructions using instruction numbers called machine code For example the ADD operation on the PDP 11 has instruction number 24576 The second generation of programming language is assembly language Assembly language allows the programmer to use mnemonic instructions instead of remembering instruction numbers An assembler translates each assembly language mnemonic into its machine language number For example on the PDP 11 the operation 24576 can be referenced as ADD in the source code The four basic arithmetic operations have assembly instructions like ADD SUB MUL and DIV Computers also have instructions like DW Define Word to reserve memory cells Then the MOV instruction can copy integers between registers and memory The basic structure of an assembly language statement is a label operation operand and comment Labels allow the programmer to work with variable names The assembler will later translate labels into physical memory addresses Operations allow the programmer to work with mnemonics The assembler will later translate mnemonics into instruction numbers Operands tell the assembler which data the operation will process Comments allow the programmer to articulate a narrative because the instructions alone are vague The key characteristic of an assembly language program is it forms a one to one mapping to its corresponding machine language target dd The third generation of programming language uses compilers and interpreters to execute computer programs The distinguishing feature of a third generation language is its independence from particular hardware Early languages include Fortran 1958 COBOL 1959 ALGOL 1960 and BASIC 1964 In 1973 the C programming language emerged as a high level language that produced efficient machine language instructions Whereas third generation languages historically generated many machine instructions for each statement C has statements that may generate a single machine instruction Moreover an optimizing compiler might overrule the programmer and produce fewer machine instructions than statements Today an entire paradigm of languages fill the imperative third generation spectrum The fourth generation of programming language emphasizes what output results are desired rather than how programming statements should be constructed Declarative languages attempt to limit side effects and allow programmers to write code with relatively few errors One popular fourth generation language is called Structured Query Language SQL Database developers no longer need to process each database record one at a time Also a simple statement can generate output records without having to understand how they are retrieved Imperative languages A computer program written in an imperative language Imperative languages specify a sequential algorithm using declarations expressions and statements A declaration introduces a variable name to the computer program and assigns it to a datatype for example var x integer An expression yields a value for example 2 2 yields 4 A statement might assign an expression to a variable or use the value of a variable to alter the program s control flow for example x 2 2 a href wiki Conditional computer programming If E2 80 93then E2 80 93else title Conditional computer programming if a x 4 then do something Fortran FORTRAN 1958 was unveiled as The IBM Mathematical FORmula TRANslating system It was designed for scientific calculations without string handling facilities Along with declarations expressions and statements it supported arrays subroutines do loops It succeeded because programming and debugging costs were below computer running costs it was supported by IBM applications at the time were scientific However non IBM vendors also wrote Fortran compilers but with a syntax that would likely fail IBM s compiler The American National Standards Institute ANSI developed the first Fortran standard in 1966 In 1978 Fortran 77 became the standard until 1991 Fortran 90 supports records pointers to arrays COBOL COBOL 1959 stands for COmmon Business Oriented Language Fortran manipulated symbols It was soon realized that symbols did not need to be numbers so strings were introduced The US Department of Defense influenced COBOL s development with Grace Hopper being a major contributor The statements were English like and verbose The goal was to design a language so managers could read the programs However the lack of structured statements hindered this goal COBOL s development was tightly controlled so dialects did not emerge to require ANSI standards As a consequence it was not changed for 15 years until 1974 The 1990s version did make consequential changes like object oriented programming Algol ALGOL 1960 stands for ALGOrithmic Language It had a profound influence on programming language design Emerging from a committee of European and American programming language experts it used standard mathematical notation and had a readable structured design Algol was first to define its syntax using the Backus Naur form This led to syntax directed compilers It added features like block structure where variables were local to their block arrays with variable bounds for loops functions recursion Algol s direct descendants include Pascal Modula 2 Ada Delphi and Oberon on one branch On another branch the descendants include C C and Java Basic BASIC 1964 stands for Beginner s All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code It was developed at Dartmouth College for all of their students to learn If a student did not go on to a more powerful language the student would still remember Basic A Basic interpreter was installed in the microcomputers manufactured in the late 1970s As the microcomputer industry grew so did the language Basic pioneered the interactive session It offered operating system commands within its environment The new command created an empty slate Statements evaluated immediately Statements could be programmed by preceding them with line numbers The list command displayed the program The run command executed the program However the Basic syntax was too simple for large programs Recent dialects added structure and object oriented extensions Microsoft s Visual Basic is still widely used and produces a graphical user interface C C programming language 1973 got its name because the language BCPL was replaced with B and AT amp T Bell Labs called the next version C Its purpose was to write the UNIX operating system C is a relatively small language making it easy to write compilers Its growth mirrored the hardware growth in the 1980s Its growth also was because it has the facilities of assembly language but uses a high level syntax It added advanced features like inline assembler arithmetic on pointers pointers to functions bit operations freely combining complex operators Computer memory map C allows the programmer to control which region of memory data is to be stored Global variables and static variables require the fewest clock cycles to store The stack is automatically used for the standard variable declarations Heap memory is returned to a pointer variable from the malloc function The global and static data region is located just above the program region The program region is technically called the text region It is where machine instructions are stored The global and static data region is technically two regions One region is called the initialized data segment where variables declared with default values are stored The other region is called the block started by segment where variables declared without default values are stored Variables stored in the global and static data region have their addresses set at compile time They retain their values throughout the life of the process The global and static region stores the global variables that are declared on top of outside the main function Global variables are visible to main and every other function in the source code On the other hand variable declarations inside of main other functions or within block delimiters are local variables Local variables also include formal parameter variables Parameter variables are enclosed within the parenthesis of a function definition Parameters provide an interface to the function Local variables declared using the static prefix are also stored in the global and static data region Unlike global variables static variables are only visible within the function or block Static variables always retain their value An example usage would be the function int increment counter static int counter 0 counter return counter The stack region is a contiguous block of memory located near the top memory address Variables placed in the stack are populated from top to bottom A stack pointer is a special purpose register that keeps track of the last memory address populated Variables are placed into the stack via the assembly language PUSH instruction Therefore the addresses of these variables are set during runtime The method for stack variables to lose their scope is via the POP instruction Local variables declared without the static prefix including formal parameter variables are called automatic variables and are stored in the stack They are visible inside the function or block and lose their scope upon exiting the function or block The heap region is located below the stack It is populated from the bottom to the top The operating system manages the heap using a heap pointer and a list of allocated memory blocks Like the stack the addresses of heap variables are set during runtime An out of memory error occurs when the heap pointer and the stack pointer meet C provides the malloc library function to allocate heap memory Populating the heap with data is an additional copy function Variables stored in the heap are economically passed to functions using pointers Without pointers the entire block of data would have to be passed to the function via the stack C In the 1970s software engineers needed language support to break large projects down into modules One obvious feature was to decompose large projects physically into separate files A less obvious feature was to decompose large projects logically into abstract data types At the time languages supported concrete scalar datatypes like integer numbers floating point numbers and strings of characters Abstract datatypes are structures of concrete datatypes with a new name assigned For example a list of integers could be called integer list In object oriented jargon abstract datatypes are called classes However a class is only a definition no memory is allocated When memory is allocated to a class and bound to an identifier it is called an object Object oriented imperative languages developed by combining the need for classes and the need for safe functional programming A function in an object oriented language is assigned to a class An assigned function is then referred to as a method member function or operation Object oriented programming is executing operations on objects Object oriented languages support a syntax to model subset superset relationships In set theory an element of a subset inherits all the attributes contained in the superset For example a student is a person Therefore the set of students is a subset of the set of persons As a result students inherit all the attributes common to all persons Additionally students have unique attributes that other people do not have Object oriented languages model subset superset relationships using inheritance Object oriented programming became the dominant language paradigm by the late 1990s C 1985 was originally called C with Classes It was designed to expand C s capabilities by adding the object oriented facilities of the language Simula An object oriented module is composed of two files The definitions file is called the header file Here is a C header file for the GRADE class in a simple school application grade h Used to allow multiple source files to include this header file without duplication errors ifndef GRADE H define GRADE H class GRADE public This is the constructor operation GRADE const char letter This is a class variable char letter This is a member operation int grade numeric const char letter This is a class variable int numeric endif A constructor operation is a function with the same name as the class name It is executed when the calling operation executes the a href wiki New and delete C 2B 2B title New and delete C new a statement A module s other file is the source file Here is a C source file for the GRADE class in a simple school application grade cpp include grade h GRADE GRADE const char letter Reference the object using the keyword this this gt letter letter This is Temporal Cohesion this gt numeric grade numeric letter int GRADE grade numeric const char letter if letter A letter a return 4 else if letter B letter b return 3 else if letter C letter c return 2 else if letter D letter d return 1 else if letter F letter f return 0 else return 1 Here is a C header file for the PERSON class in a simple school application person h ifndef PERSON H define PERSON H class PERSON public PERSON const char name const char name endif Here is a C source file for the PERSON class in a simple school application person cpp include person h PERSON PERSON const char name this gt name name Here is a C header file for the STUDENT class in a simple school application student h ifndef STUDENT H define STUDENT H include person h include grade h A STUDENT is a subset of PERSON class STUDENT public PERSON public STUDENT const char name GRADE grade endif Here is a C source file for the STUDENT class in a simple school application student cpp include student h include person h STUDENT STUDENT const char name Execute the constructor of the PERSON superclass PERSON name Nothing else to do Here is a driver program for demonstration student dvr cpp include lt iostream gt include student h int main void STUDENT student new STUDENT The Student student gt grade new GRADE a std cout Notice student inherits PERSON s name lt lt student gt name lt lt Numeric grade lt lt student gt grade gt numeric lt lt n return 0 Here is a makefile to compile everything makefile all student dvr clean rm student dvr o student dvr student dvr cpp grade o student o person o c student dvr cpp grade o student o person o o student dvr grade o grade cpp grade h c c grade cpp student o student cpp student h c c student cpp person o person cpp person h c c person cpp Declarative languages Imperative languages have one major criticism assigning an expression to a non local variable may produce an unintended side effect Declarative languages generally omit the assignment statement and the control flow They describe what computation should be performed and not how to compute it Two broad categories of declarative languages are functional languages and logical languages The principle behind a functional language is to use lambda calculus as a guide for a well defined semantic In mathematics a function is a rule that maps elements from an expression to a range of values Consider the function times 10 x 10 x The expression 10 x is mapped by the function times 10 to a range of values One value happens to be 20 This occurs when x is 2 So the application of the function is mathematically written as times 10 2 20 A functional language compiler will not store this value in a variable Instead it will push the value onto the computer s stack before setting the program counter back to the calling function The calling function will then pop the value from the stack Imperative languages do support functions Therefore functional programming can be achieved in an imperative language if the programmer uses discipline However a functional language will force this discipline onto the programmer through its syntax Functional languages have a syntax tailored to emphasize the what A functional program is developed with a set of primitive functions followed by a single driver function Consider the snippet function max a b code omitted function min a b code omitted function range a b c return max a max b c min a min b c The primitives are max and min The driver function is range Executing put range 10 4 7 will output 6 Functional languages are used in computer science research to explore new language features Moreover their lack of side effects have made them popular in parallel programming and concurrent programming However application developers prefer the object oriented features of imperative languages Lisp Lisp 1958 stands for LISt Processor It is tailored to process lists A full structure of the data is formed by building lists of lists In memory a tree data structure is built Internally the tree structure lends nicely for recursive functions The syntax to build a tree is to enclose the space separated elements within parenthesis The following is a list of three elements The first two elements are themselves lists of two elements A B HELLO WORLD 94 Lisp has functions to extract and reconstruct elements The function head returns a list containing the first element in the list The function tail returns a list containing everything but the first element The function cons returns a list that is the concatenation of other lists Therefore the following expression will return the list x cons head x tail x One drawback of Lisp is when many functions are nested the parentheses may look confusing Modern Lisp environments help ensure parenthesis match As an aside Lisp does support the imperative language operations of the assignment statement and goto loops Also Lisp is not concerned with the datatype of the elements at compile time Instead it assigns and may reassign the datatypes at runtime Assigning the datatype at runtime is called dynamic binding Whereas dynamic binding increases the language s flexibility programming errors may linger until late in the software development process Writing large reliable and readable Lisp programs requires forethought If properly planned the program may be much shorter than an equivalent imperative language program Lisp is widely used in artificial intelligence However its usage has been accepted only because it has imperative language operations making unintended side effects possible ML ML 1973 stands for Meta Language ML checks to make sure only data of the same type are compared with one another For example this function has one input parameter an integer and returns an integer fun times 10 n int int 10 n ML is not parenthesis eccentric like Lisp The following is an application of times 10 times 10 2 It returns 20 int Both the results and the datatype are returned Like Lisp ML is tailored to process lists Unlike Lisp each element is the same datatype Moreover ML assigns the datatype of an element at compile time Assigning the datatype at compile time is called static binding Static binding increases reliability because the compiler checks the context of variables before they are used Prolog Prolog 1972 stands for PROgramming in LOGic It is a logic programming language based on formal logic The language was developed by Alain Colmerauer and Philippe Roussel in Marseille France It is an implementation of Selective Linear Definite clause resolution pioneered by Robert Kowalski and others at the University of Edinburgh The building blocks of a Prolog program are facts and rules Here is a simple example cat tom tom is a cat mouse jerry jerry is a mouse animal X cat X each cat is an animal animal X mouse X each mouse is an animal big X cat X each cat is big small X mouse X each mouse is small eat X Y mouse X cheese Y each mouse eats each cheese eat X Y big X small Y each big animal eats each small animal After all the facts and rules are entered then a question can be asked Will Tom eat Jerry eat tom jerry true The following example shows how Prolog will convert a letter grade to its numeric value numeric grade A 4 numeric grade B 3 numeric grade C 2 numeric grade D 1 numeric grade F 0 numeric grade X 1 not X A not X B not X C not X D not X F grade The Student A grade The Student X numeric grade X Y X A Y 4 Here is a comprehensive example 1 All dragons billow fire or equivalently a thing billows fire if the thing is a dragon billows fire X is a dragon X 2 A creature billows fire if one of its parents billows fire billows fire X is a creature X is a parent of Y X billows fire Y 3 A thing X is a parent of a thing Y if X is the mother of Y or X is the father of Y is a parent of X Y is the mother of X Y is a parent of X Y is the father of X Y 4 A thing is a creature if the thing is a dragon is a creature X is a dragon X 5 Norberta is a dragon and Puff is a creature Norberta is the mother of Puff is a dragon norberta is a creature puff is the mother of norberta puff Rule 2 is a recursive inductive definition It can be understood declaratively without the need to understand how it is executed Rule 3 shows how functions are represented by using relations Here the mother and father functions ensure that every individual has only one mother and only one father Prolog is an untyped language Nonetheless inheritance can be represented by using predicates Rule 4 asserts that a creature is a superclass of a dragon Questions are answered using backward reasoning Given the question billows fire X Prolog generates two answers X norberta X puff Practical applications for Prolog are knowledge representation and problem solving in artificial intelligence Object oriented programming Object oriented programming is a programming method to execute operations functions on objects The basic idea is to group the characteristics of a phenomenon into an object container and give the container a name The operations on the phenomenon are also grouped into the container Object oriented programming developed by combining the need for containers and the need for safe functional programming This programming method need not be confined to an object oriented language In an object oriented language an object container is called a class In a non object oriented language a data structure which is also known as a record may become an object container To turn a data structure into an object container operations need to be written specifically for the structure The resulting structure is called an abstract datatype However inheritance will be missing Nonetheless this shortcoming can be overcome Here is a C programming language header file for the GRADE abstract datatype in a simple school application grade h Used to allow multiple source files to include this header file without duplication errors ifndef GRADE H define GRADE H typedef struct char letter GRADE Constructor GRADE grade new char letter int grade numeric char letter endif The grade new function performs the same algorithm as the C constructor operation Here is a C programming language source file for the GRADE abstract datatype in a simple school application grade c include grade h GRADE grade new char letter GRADE grade Allocate heap memory if grade calloc 1 sizeof GRADE fprintf stderr ERROR in s s d calloc returned empty n FILE FUNCTION LINE exit 1 grade gt letter letter return grade int grade numeric char letter if letter A letter a return 4 else if letter B letter b return 3 else if letter C letter c return 2 else if letter D letter d return 1 else if letter F letter f return 0 else return 1 In the constructor the function calloc is used instead of malloc because each memory cell will be set to zero Here is a C programming language header file for the PERSON abstract datatype in a simple school application person h ifndef PERSON H define PERSON H typedef struct char name PERSON Constructor PERSON person new char name endif Here is a C programming language source file for the PERSON abstract datatype in a simple school application person c include person h PERSON person new char name PERSON person if person calloc 1 sizeof PERSON fprintf stderr ERROR in s s d calloc returned empty n FILE FUNCTION LINE exit 1 person gt name name return person Here is a C programming language header file for the STUDENT abstract datatype in a simple school application student h ifndef STUDENT H define STUDENT H include person h include grade h typedef struct A STUDENT is a subset of PERSON PERSON person GRADE grade STUDENT Constructor STUDENT student new char name endif Here is a C programming language source file for the STUDENT abstract datatype in a simple school application student c include student h include person h STUDENT student new char name STUDENT student if student calloc 1 sizeof STUDENT fprintf stderr ERROR in s s d calloc returned empty n FILE FUNCTION LINE exit 1 Execute the constructor of the PERSON superclass student gt person person new name return student Here is a driver program for demonstration student dvr c include lt stdio h gt include student h int main void STUDENT student student new The Student student gt grade grade new a printf s Numeric grade d n Whereas a subset exists inheritance does not student gt person gt name Functional programming is executing functions just in time JIT grade numeric student gt grade gt letter return 0 Here is a makefile to compile everything makefile all student dvr clean rm student dvr o student dvr student dvr c grade o student o person o gcc student dvr c grade o student o person o o student dvr grade o grade c grade h gcc c grade c student o student c student h gcc c student c person o person c person h gcc c person c The formal strategy to build object oriented objects is to Identify the objects Most likely these will be nouns Identify each object s attributes What helps to describe the object Identify each object s actions Most likely these will be verbs Identify the relationships from object to object Most likely these will be verbs For example A person is a human identified by a name A grade is an achievement identified by a letter A student is a person who earns a grade Syntax and semantics Production rules consist of a set of terminals and non terminals The syntax of a computer program is a list of production rules which form its grammar A programming language s grammar correctly places its declarations expressions and statements Complementing the syntax of a language are its semantics The semantics describe the meanings attached to various syntactic constructs A syntactic construct may need a semantic description because a production rule may have an invalid interpretation Also different languages might have the same syntax however their behaviors may be different The syntax of a language is formally described by listing the production rules Whereas the syntax of a natural language is extremely complicated a subset of the English language can have this production rule listing a sentence is made up of a noun phrase followed by a verb phrase a noun phrase is made up of an article followed by an adjective followed by a noun a verb phrase is made up of a verb followed by a noun phrase an article is the an adjective is big or an adjective is small a noun is cat or a noun is mouse a verb is eats The words in bold face are known as non terminals The words in single quotes are known as terminals From this production rule listing complete sentences may be formed using a series of replacements The process is to replace non terminals with either a valid non terminal or a valid terminal The replacement process repeats until only terminals remain One valid sentence is sentence noun phrase verb phrase article adjective noun verb phrase the adjective noun verb phrase the big noun verb phrase the big cat verb phrase the big cat verb noun phrase the big cat eats noun phrase the big cat eats article adjective noun the big cat eats the adjective noun the big cat eats the small noun the big cat eats the small mouse However another combination results in an invalid sentence the small mouse eats the big cat Therefore a semantic is necessary to correctly describe the meaning of an eat activity One production rule listing method is called the Backus Naur form BNF BNF describes the syntax of a language and itself has a syntax This recursive definition is an example of a meta language The syntax of BNF includes which translates to is made up of a n when a non terminal is to its right It translates to is when a terminal is to its right which translates to or lt and gt which surround non terminals Using BNF a subset of the English language can have this production rule listing lt sentence gt lt noun phrase gt lt verb phrase gt lt noun phrase gt lt article gt lt adjective gt lt noun gt lt verb phrase gt lt verb gt lt noun phrase gt lt article gt the lt adjective gt big small lt noun gt cat mouse lt verb gt eats Using BNF a signed integer has the production rule listing lt signed integer gt lt sign gt lt integer gt lt sign gt lt integer gt lt digit gt lt digit gt lt integer gt lt digit gt 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Notice the recursive production rule lt integer gt lt digit gt lt digit gt lt integer gt This allows for an infinite number of possibilities Therefore a semantic is necessary to describe a limitation of the number of digits Notice the leading zero possibility in the production rules lt integer gt lt digit gt lt digit gt lt integer gt lt digit gt 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Therefore a semantic is necessary to describe that leading zeros need to be ignored Two formal methods are available to describe semantics They are denotational semantics and axiomatic semantics Software engineering and computer programmingPrior to programming languages Betty Jennings and Fran Bilas programmed the ENIAC by moving cables and setting switches Software engineering is a variety of techniques to produce quality computer programs Computer programming is the process of writing or editing source code In a formal environment a systems analyst will gather information from managers about all the organization s processes to automate This professional then prepares a detailed plan for the new or modified system The plan is analogous to an architect s blueprint Performance objectives The systems analyst has the objective to deliver the right information to the right person at the right time The critical factors to achieve this objective are The quality of the output Is the output useful for decision making The accuracy of the output Does it reflect the true situation The format of the output Is the output easily understood The speed of the output Time sensitive information is important when communicating with the customer in real time Cost objectives Achieving performance objectives should be balanced with all of the costs including Development costs Uniqueness costs A reusable system may be expensive However it might be preferred over a limited use system Hardware costs Operating costs Applying a systems development process will mitigate the axiom the later in the process an error is detected the more expensive it is to correct Waterfall model The waterfall model is an implementation of a systems development process As the waterfall label implies the basic phases overlap each other The investigation phase is to understand the underlying problem The analysis phase is to understand the possible solutions The design phase is to plan the best solution The implementation phase is to program the best solution The maintenance phase lasts throughout the life of the system Changes to the system after it is deployed may be necessary Faults may exist including specification faults design faults or coding faults Improvements may be necessary Adaption may be necessary to react to a changing environment Computer programmer A computer programmer is a specialist responsible for writing or modifying the source code to implement the detailed plan A programming team is likely to be needed because most systems are too large to be completed by a single programmer However adding programmers to a project may not shorten the completion time Instead it may lower the quality of the system To be effective program modules need to be defined and distributed to team members Also team members must interact with one another in a meaningful and effective way Computer programmers may be programming in the small programming within a single module Chances are a module will execute modules located in other source code files Therefore computer programmers may be programming in the large programming modules so they will effectively couple with each other Programming in the large includes contributing to the application programming interface API Program modules Modular programming is a technique to refine imperative language programs Refined programs may reduce the software size separate responsibilities and thereby mitigate software aging A program module is a sequence of statements that are bounded within a block and together identified by a name Modules have a function context and logic The function of a module is what it does The context of a module are the elements being performed upon The logic of a module is how it performs the function The module s name should be derived first by its function then by its context Its logic should not be part of the name For example function compute square root x or function compute square root integer i integer are appropriate module names However function compute square root by division x is not The degree of interaction within a module is its level of cohesion Cohesion is a judgment of the relationship between a module s name and its function The degree of interaction between modules is the level of coupling Coupling is a judgement of the relationship between a module s context and the elements being performed upon Cohesion The levels of cohesion from worst to best are Coincidental Cohesion A module has coincidental cohesion if it performs multiple functions and the functions are completely unrelated For example function read sales record print next line convert to float Coincidental cohesion occurs in practice if management enforces silly rules For example Every module will have between 35 and 50 executable statements Logical Cohesion A module has logical cohesion if it has available a series of functions but only one of them is executed For example function perform arithmetic perform addition a b Temporal Cohesion A module has temporal cohesion if it performs functions related to time One example function initialize variables and open files Another example stage one stage two Procedural Cohesion A module has procedural cohesion if it performs multiple loosely related functions For example function read part number update employee record Communicational Cohesion A module has communicational cohesion if it performs multiple closely related functions For example function read part number update sales record Informational Cohesion A module has informational cohesion if it performs multiple functions but each function has its own entry and exit points Moreover the functions share the same data structure Object oriented classes work at this level Functional Cohesion a module has functional cohesion if it achieves a single goal working only on local variables Moreover it may be reusable in other contexts Coupling The levels of coupling from worst to best are Content Coupling A module has content coupling if it modifies a local variable of another function COBOL used to do this with the alter verb Common Coupling A module has common coupling if it modifies a global variable Control Coupling A module has control coupling if another module can modify its control flow For example perform arithmetic perform addition a b Instead control should be on the makeup of the returned object Stamp Coupling A module has stamp coupling if an element of a data structure passed as a parameter is modified Object oriented classes work at this level Data Coupling A module has data coupling if all of its input parameters are needed and none of them are modified Moreover the result of the function is returned as a single object Data flow analysis A sample function level data flow diagram Data flow analysis is a design method used to achieve modules of functional cohesion and data coupling The input to the method is a data flow diagram A data flow diagram is a set of ovals representing modules Each module s name is displayed inside its oval Modules may be at the executable level or the function level The diagram also has arrows connecting modules to each other Arrows pointing into modules represent a set of inputs Each module should have only one arrow pointing out from it to represent its single output object Optionally an additional exception arrow points out A daisy chain of ovals will convey an entire algorithm The input modules should start the diagram The input modules should connect to the transform modules The transform modules should connect to the output modules Functional categoriesA diagram showing that the user interacts with the application software The application software interacts with the operating system which interacts with the hardware Computer programs may be categorized along functional lines The main functional categories are application software and system software System software includes the operating system which couples computer hardware with application software The purpose of the operating system is to provide an environment where application software executes in a convenient and efficient manner Both application software and system software execute utility programs At the hardware level a microcode program controls the circuits throughout the central processing unit Application software Application software is the key to unlocking the potential of the computer system Enterprise application software bundles accounting personnel customer and vendor applications Examples include enterprise resource planning customer relationship management and supply chain management software Enterprise applications may be developed in house as a one of a kind proprietary software Alternatively they may be purchased as off the shelf software Purchased software may be modified to provide custom software If the application is customized then either the company s resources are used or the resources are outsourced Outsourced software development may be from the original software vendor or a third party developer The potential advantages of in house software are features and reports may be developed exactly to specification Management may also be involved in the development process and offer a level of control Management may decide to counteract a competitor s new initiative or implement a customer or vendor requirement A merger or acquisition may necessitate enterprise software changes The potential disadvantages of in house software are time and resource costs may be extensive Furthermore risks concerning features and performance may be looming The potential advantages of off the shelf software are upfront costs are identifiable the basic needs should be fulfilled and its performance and reliability have a track record The potential disadvantages of off the shelf software are it may have unnecessary features that confuse end users it may lack features the enterprise needs and the data flow may not match the enterprise s work processes Application service provider One approach to economically obtaining a customized enterprise application is through an application service provider Specialty companies provide hardware custom software and end user support They may speed the development of new applications because they possess skilled information system staff The biggest advantage is it frees in house resources from staffing and managing complex computer projects Many application service providers target small fast growing companies with limited information system resources On the other hand larger companies with major systems will likely have their technical infrastructure in place One risk is having to trust an external organization with sensitive information Another risk is having to trust the provider s infrastructure reliability Operating system Program vs Process vs Thread Scheduling Preemption Context Switching An operating system is the low level software that supports a computer s basic functions such as scheduling processes and controlling peripherals In the 1950s the programmer who was also the operator would write a program and run it After the program finished executing the output may have been printed or it may have been punched onto paper tape or cards for later processing More often than not the program did not work The programmer then looked at the console lights and fiddled with the console switches If less fortunate a memory printout was made for further study In the 1960s programmers reduced the amount of wasted time by automating the operator s job A program called an operating system was kept in the computer at all times The term operating system may refer to two levels of software The operating system may refer to the kernel program that manages the processes memory and devices More broadly the operating system may refer to the entire package of the central software The package includes a kernel program command line interpreter graphical user interface utility programs and editor Kernel Program A kernel connects the application software to the hardware of a computer The kernel s main purpose is to manage the limited resources of a computer The kernel program should perform process scheduling which is also known as a context switch The kernel creates a process control block when a computer program is selected for execution However an executing program gets exclusive access to the central processing unit only for a time slice To provide each user with the appearance of continuous access the kernel quickly preempts each process control block to execute another one The goal for system developers is to minimize dispatch latency Physical memory is scattered around RAM and the hard disk Virtual memory is one continuous block The kernel program should perform memory management When the kernel initially loads an executable into memory it divides the address space logically into regions The kernel maintains a master region table and many per process region pregion tables one for each running process These tables constitute the virtual address space The master region table is used to determine where its contents are located in physical memory The pregion tables allow each process to have its own program text pregion data pregion and stack pregion The program pregion stores machine instructions Since machine instructions do not change the program pregion may be shared by many processes of the same executable To save time and memory the kernel may load only blocks of execution instructions from the disk drive not the entire execution file completely The kernel is responsible for translating virtual addresses into physical addresses The kernel may request data from the memory controller and instead receive a page fault If so the kernel accesses the memory management unit to populate the physical data region and translate the address The kernel allocates memory from the heap upon request by a process When the process is finished with the memory the process may request for it to be freed If the process exits without requesting all allocated memory to be freed then the kernel performs garbage collection to free the memory The kernel also ensures that a process only accesses its own memory and not that of the kernel or other processes The kernel program should perform file system management The kernel has instructions to create retrieve update and delete files The kernel program should perform device management The kernel provides programs to standardize and simplify the interface to the mouse keyboard disk drives printers and other devices Moreover the kernel should arbitrate access to a device if two processes request it at the same time The kernel program should perform network management The kernel transmits and receives packets on behalf of processes One key service is to find an efficient route to the target system The kernel program should provide system level functions for programmers to use Programmers access files through a relatively simple interface that in turn executes a relatively complicated low level I O interface The low level interface includes file creation file descriptors file seeking physical reading and physical writing Programmers create processes through a relatively simple interface that in turn executes a relatively complicated low level interface Programmers perform date time arithmetic through a relatively simple interface that in turn executes a relatively complicated low level time interface The kernel program should provide a communication channel between executing processes For a large software system it may be desirable to engineer the system into smaller processes Processes may communicate with one another by sending and receiving signals Originally operating systems were programmed in assembly however modern operating systems are typically written in higher level languages like C Objective C and Swift Utility program A utility program is designed to aid system administration and software execution Operating systems execute hardware utility programs to check the status of disk drives memory speakers and printers A utility program may optimize the placement of a file on a crowded disk System utility programs monitor hardware and network performance When a metric is outside an acceptable range a trigger alert is generated Utility programs include compression programs so data files are stored on less disk space Compressed programs also save time when data files are transmitted over the network Utility programs can sort and merge data sets Utility programs detect computer viruses Microcode program NOT gateNAND gateNOR gateAND gateOR gate A microcode program is the bottom level interpreter that controls the data path of software driven computers Advances in hardware have migrated these operations to hardware execution circuits Microcode instructions allow the programmer to more easily implement the digital logic level the computer s real hardware The digital logic level is the boundary between computer science and computer engineering A logic gate is a tiny transistor that can return one of two signals on or off Having one transistor forms the NOT gate Connecting two transistors in series forms the NAND gate Connecting two transistors in parallel forms the NOR gate Connecting a NOT gate to a NAND gate forms the AND gate Connecting a NOT gate to a NOR gate forms the OR gate These five gates form the building blocks of binary algebra the digital logic functions of the computer Microcode instructions are mnemonics programmers may use to execute digital logic functions instead of forming them in binary algebra They are stored in a central processing unit s CPU control store These hardware level instructions move data throughout the data path The micro instruction cycle begins when the microsequencer uses its microprogram counter to fetch the next machine instruction from random access memory The next step is to decode the machine instruction by selecting the proper output line to the hardware module The final step is to execute the instruction using the hardware module s set of gates A symbolic representation of an ALU Instructions to perform arithmetic are passed through an arithmetic logic unit ALU The ALU has circuits to perform elementary operations to add shift and compare integers By combining and looping the elementary operations through the ALU the CPU performs its complex arithmetic Microcode instructions move data between the CPU and the memory controller Memory controller microcode instructions manipulate two registers The memory address register is used to access each memory cell s address The memory data register is used to set and read each cell s contents Microcode instructions move data between the CPU and the many computer buses The disk controller bus writes to and reads from hard disk drives Data is also moved between the CPU and other functional units via the peripheral component interconnect express bus NotesThe Prolog language allows for a database of facts and rules to be entered in any order However a question about a database must be at the very end An executable has each machine instruction ready for the CPU For more information visit X86 assembly language Instruction types introduced in 1999 Operators like x will usually compile to a single instruction The line numbers were typically incremented by 10 to leave room if additional statements were added later This function could be written more concisely as int increment counter static int counter return counter 1 Static variables are automatically initialized to zero 2 counter is a prefix increment operator This is despite the metaphor of a stack which normally grows from bottom to top C also provides the calloc function to allocate heap memory It provides two additional services 1 It allows the programmer to create an array of arbitrary size 2 It sets each memory cell to zero For string variables C provides the strdup function It executes both the allocation function and the copy function The UNIX operating system was written in C macOS was written in Objective C and Swift replaced Objective C References ISO IEC 2382 2015 ISO 2020 09 03 Archived from the original on 2016 06 17 Retrieved 2022 05 26 Software includes all or part of the programs procedures rules and associated documentation of an information processing system Wilson Leslie B 2001 Comparative Programming Languages Third Edition Addison Wesley p 7 ISBN 0 201 71012 9 An alternative to compiling a source program is to use an interpreter An interpreter can directly execute a source program Silberschatz Abraham 1994 Operating System Concepts Fourth Edition Addison Wesley p 98 ISBN 978 0 201 50480 4 Tanenbaum Andrew S 1990 Structured Computer Organization Third Edition Prentice Hall p 32 ISBN 978 0 13 854662 5 Wilson Leslie B 2001 Comparative Programming Languages Third Edition Addison Wesley p 7 ISBN 0 201 71012 9 Wilson Leslie B 2001 Comparative Programming Languages Third Edition Addison Wesley p 30 ISBN 0 201 71012 9 Their intention was to produce a language that was very simple for students to learn Wilson Leslie B 2001 Comparative Programming Languages Third Edition Addison Wesley p 31 ISBN 0 201 71012 9 Wilson Leslie B 2001 Comparative Programming Languages Third Edition Addison Wesley p 30 ISBN 0 201 71012 9 Wilson Leslie B 2001 Comparative Programming Languages Third Edition Addison Wesley p 30 ISBN 0 201 71012 9 The idea was that students could be merely casual users or go on from Basic to more sophisticated and powerful languages McCartney Scott 1999 ENIAC The Triumphs and Tragedies of the World s First Computer Walker and Company p 16 ISBN 978 0 8027 1348 3 Tanenbaum Andrew S 1990 Structured Computer Organization Third Edition Prentice Hall p 14 ISBN 978 0 13 854662 5 Bromley Allan G 1998 Charles Babbage s Analytical Engine 1838 PDF IEEE Annals of the History of Computing 20 4 29 45 doi 10 1109 85 728228 S2CID 2285332 Archived PDF from the original on 2016 03 04 Retrieved 2015 10 30 Tanenbaum Andrew S 1990 Structured Computer Organization Third Edition Prentice Hall p 15 ISBN 978 0 13 854662 5 J Fuegi J Francis October December 2003 Lovelace amp Babbage and the creation of the 1843 notes Annals of the History of Computing 25 4 16 19 25 doi 10 1109 MAHC 2003 1253887 Rosen Kenneth H 1991 Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications McGraw Hill Inc p 654 ISBN 978 0 07 053744 6 Turing machines can model all the computations that can be performed on a computing machine Linz Peter 1990 An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata D C Heath and Company p 234 ISBN 978 0 669 17342 0 Linz Peter 1990 An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata D C Heath and Company p 243 ISBN 978 0 669 17342 0 A ll the common mathematical functions no matter how complicated are Turing computable McCartney Scott 1999 ENIAC The Triumphs and Tragedies of the World s First Computer Walker and Company p 102 ISBN 978 0 8027 1348 3 McCartney Scott 1999 ENIAC The Triumphs and Tragedies of the World s First Computer Walker and Company p 94 ISBN 978 0 8027 1348 3 McCartney Scott 1999 ENIAC The Triumphs and Tragedies of the World s First Computer Walker and Company p 107 ISBN 978 0 8027 1348 3 McCartney Scott 1999 ENIAC The Triumphs and Tragedies of the World s First Computer Walker and Company p 120 ISBN 978 0 8027 1348 3 McCartney Scott 1999 ENIAC The Triumphs and Tragedies of the World s First Computer Walker and Company p 118 ISBN 978 0 8027 1348 3 McCartney Scott 1999 ENIAC The Triumphs and Tragedies of the World s First Computer Walker and Company p 119 ISBN 978 0 8027 1348 3 McCartney Scott 1999 ENIAC The Triumphs and Tragedies of the World s First Computer Walker and Company p 123 ISBN 978 0 8027 1348 3 Tanenbaum Andrew S 1990 Structured Computer Organization Third Edition Prentice Hall p 21 ISBN 978 0 13 854662 5 Wilson Leslie B 2001 Comparative Programming Languages Third Edition Addison Wesley p 27 ISBN 0 201 71012 9 Wilson Leslie B 2001 Comparative Programming Languages Third Edition Addison Wesley p 29 ISBN 0 201 71012 9 Silberschatz Abraham 1994 Operating System Concepts Fourth Edition Addison Wesley p 6 ISBN 978 0 201 50480 4 Bill Pentz A bit of Background the Post War March to VLSI Digibarn Computer Museum August 2008 Archived from the original on March 21 2022 Retrieved January 31 2022 To the Digital Age Research Labs Start up Companies and the Rise of 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Edition Thomson p 160 ISBN 0 619 06489 7 Tanenbaum Andrew S 1990 Structured Computer Organization Third Edition Prentice Hall p 399 ISBN 978 0 13 854662 5 Tanenbaum Andrew S 1990 Structured Computer Organization Third Edition Prentice Hall p 400 ISBN 978 0 13 854662 5 Tanenbaum Andrew S 1990 Structured Computer Organization Third Edition Prentice Hall p 398 ISBN 978 0 13 854662 5 Wilson Leslie B 2001 Comparative Programming Languages Third Edition Addison Wesley p 26 ISBN 0 201 71012 9 Wilson Leslie B 2001 Comparative Programming Languages Third Edition Addison Wesley p 37 ISBN 0 201 71012 9 Stair Ralph M 2003 Principles of Information Systems Sixth Edition Thomson p 160 ISBN 0 619 06489 7 With third generation and higher level programming languages each statement in the language translates into several instructions in machine language Wilson Leslie B 1993 Comparative Programming Languages Second Edition Addison Wesley p 75 ISBN 978 0 201 56885 1 Stroustrup Bjarne 2013 The C Programming Language Fourth Edition Addison Wesley p 40 ISBN 978 0 321 56384 2 Wilson Leslie B 2001 Comparative Programming Languages Third Edition Addison Wesley p 16 ISBN 0 201 71012 9 Wilson Leslie B 2001 Comparative Programming Languages Third Edition Addison Wesley p 24 ISBN 0 201 71012 9 Wilson Leslie B 2001 Comparative Programming Languages Third Edition Addison Wesley p 25 ISBN 0 201 71012 9 Wilson Leslie B 2001 Comparative Programming Languages Third Edition Addison Wesley p 19 ISBN 0 201 71012 9 Memory Layout of C Programs 12 September 2011 Archived from the original on 6 November 2021 Retrieved 6 November 2021 Kernighan Brian W Ritchie Dennis M 1988 The C Programming Language Second Edition Prentice Hall p 31 ISBN 0 13 110362 8 Wilson Leslie B 2001 Comparative Programming Languages Third Edition Addison Wesley p 128 ISBN 0 201 71012 9 Kerrisk Michael 2010 The Linux Programming Interface No Starch Press p 121 ISBN 978 1 59327 220 3 Kerrisk Michael 2010 The Linux Programming Interface No Starch Press p 122 ISBN 978 1 59327 220 3 Kernighan Brian W Ritchie Dennis M 1988 The C Programming Language Second Edition Prentice Hall p 185 ISBN 0 13 110362 8 Kernighan Brian W Ritchie Dennis M 1988 The C Programming Language Second Edition Prentice Hall p 187 ISBN 0 13 110362 8 Wilson Leslie B 2001 Comparative Programming Languages Third Edition Addison Wesley p 38 ISBN 0 201 71012 9 Wilson Leslie B 2001 Comparative Programming Languages Third Edition Addison Wesley p 193 ISBN 0 201 71012 9 Wilson Leslie B 2001 Comparative Programming Languages Third Edition Addison Wesley p 39 ISBN 0 201 71012 9 Wilson Leslie B 2001 Comparative Programming Languages Third Edition Addison Wesley p 35 ISBN 0 201 71012 9 Wilson Leslie B 2001 Comparative Programming Languages Third Edition Addison Wesley p 192 ISBN 0 201 71012 9 Stroustrup Bjarne 2013 The C Programming Language Fourth Edition Addison Wesley p 22 ISBN 978 0 321 56384 2 Stroustrup Bjarne 2013 The C Programming Language Fourth Edition Addison Wesley p 21 ISBN 978 0 321 56384 2 Stroustrup Bjarne 2013 The C Programming Language Fourth Edition Addison Wesley p 49 ISBN 978 0 321 56384 2 Wilson Leslie B 2001 Comparative Programming Languages Third Edition Addison Wesley p 218 ISBN 0 201 71012 9 Wilson Leslie B 2001 Comparative Programming Languages Third Edition Addison Wesley p 217 ISBN 0 201 71012 9 Weiss Mark Allen 1994 Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C Benjamin Cummings Publishing Company Inc p 103 ISBN 0 8053 5443 3 When there is a function call all the important information needs to be saved such as register values corresponding to variable names and the return address which can be obtained from the program counter When the function wants to return it restores all the registers It then makes the return jump Clearly all of this work can be done using a stack and that is exactly what happens in virtually every programming language that implements recursion Wilson Leslie B 2001 Comparative Programming Languages Third Edition Addison Wesley p 230 ISBN 0 201 71012 9 Wilson Leslie B 2001 Comparative Programming Languages Third Edition Addison Wesley p 240 ISBN 0 201 71012 9 Wilson Leslie B 2001 Comparative Programming Languages Third Edition Addison Wesley p 241 ISBN 0 201 71012 9 Jones Robin Maynard Clive Stewart Ian December 6 2012 The Art of Lisp Programming Springer Science amp Business Media p 2 ISBN 9781447117193 Wilson Leslie B 2001 Comparative Programming Languages Third Edition Addison Wesley p 220 ISBN 0 201 71012 9 Wilson Leslie B 2001 Comparative Programming Languages Third Edition Addison Wesley p 221 ISBN 0 201 71012 9 Wilson Leslie B 2001 Comparative Programming Languages Third Edition Addison Wesley p 229 ISBN 0 201 71012 9 Wilson Leslie B 2001 Comparative Programming Languages Third Edition Addison Wesley p 227 ISBN 0 201 71012 9 Wilson Leslie B 2001 Comparative Programming Languages Third Edition Addison Wesley p 222 ISBN 0 201 71012 9 Gordon Michael J C 1996 From LCF to HOL a short history Archived from the original on 2016 09 05 Retrieved 2021 10 30 Wilson Leslie B 2001 Comparative Programming Languages Third Edition Addison Wesley p 233 ISBN 0 201 71012 9 Wilson Leslie B 2001 Comparative Programming Languages Third Edition Addison Wesley p 235 ISBN 0 201 71012 9 Wilson Leslie B 2001 Comparative Programming Languages Third Edition Addison Wesley p 55 ISBN 0 201 71012 9 Colmerauer A Roussel P 1992 The birth of Prolog PDF ACM SIGPLAN Notices 28 3 Association for Computing Machinery 5 doi 10 1145 155360 155362 Kowalski R Davila J Sartor G and Calejo M 2023 Logical English for law and education In Prolog The Next 50 Years pp 287 299 Cham Springer Nature Switzerland Wilson Leslie B 2001 Comparative Programming Languages Third Edition Addison Wesley p 35 ISBN 0 201 71012 9 Simula was based on Algol 60 with one very important addition the class concept The basic idea was that the data or data structure and the operations performed on it belong together Wilson Leslie B 2001 Comparative Programming Languages Third Edition Addison Wesley p 39 ISBN 0 201 71012 9 Originally a large number of experimental languages were designed many of which combined object oriented and functional programming Schach Stephen R 1990 Software Engineering Aksen Associates Incorporated Publishers p 284 ISBN 0 256 08515 3 While it is true that OOD object oriented design as such is not supported by the majority of popular languages a large subset of OOD can be used Weiss Mark Allen 1994 Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C Benjamin Cummings Publishing Company Inc p 57 ISBN 0 8053 5443 3 Schach Stephen R 1990 Software Engineering Aksen Associates Incorporated Publishers p 285 ISBN 0 256 08515 3 Wilson Leslie B 2001 Comparative Programming Languages Third Edition Addison Wesley p 290 ISBN 0 201 71012 9 The syntax or grammar of a programming language describes the correct form in which programs may be written Wilson Leslie B 2001 Comparative Programming Languages Third Edition Addison Wesley p 78 ISBN 0 201 71012 9 The main components of an imperative language are declarations expressions and statements Wilson Leslie B 2001 Comparative Programming Languages Third Edition Addison Wesley p 290 ISBN 0 201 71012 9 Wilson Leslie B 2001 Comparative Programming Languages Third Edition Addison Wesley p 294 ISBN 0 201 71012 9 Rosen Kenneth H 1991 Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications McGraw Hill Inc p 615 ISBN 978 0 07 053744 6 Wilson Leslie B 2001 Comparative Programming Languages Third Edition Addison Wesley p 291 ISBN 0 201 71012 9 Rosen Kenneth H 1991 Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications McGraw Hill Inc p 616 ISBN 978 0 07 053744 6 Rosen Kenneth H 1991 Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications McGraw Hill Inc p 623 ISBN 978 0 07 053744 6 Rosen Kenneth H 1991 Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications McGraw Hill Inc p 624 ISBN 978 0 07 053744 6 Wilson Leslie B 2001 Comparative Programming Languages Third Edition Addison Wesley p 297 ISBN 0 201 71012 9 Schach Stephen R 1990 Software Engineering Aksen Associates Incorporated Publishers p Preface ISBN 0 256 08515 3 Stair Ralph M 2003 Principles of Information Systems Sixth Edition Thomson p 507 ISBN 0 619 06489 7 Stair Ralph M 2003 Principles of Information Systems Sixth Edition Thomson p 513 ISBN 0 619 06489 7 Stair Ralph M 2003 Principles of Information Systems Sixth Edition Thomson p 514 ISBN 0 619 06489 7 Stair Ralph M 2003 Principles of Information Systems Sixth Edition Thomson p 516 ISBN 0 619 06489 7 Schach Stephen R 1990 Software Engineering Aksen Associates Incorporated Publishers p 8 ISBN 0 256 08515 3 Stair Ralph M 2003 Principles of Information Systems Sixth Edition Thomson p 517 ISBN 0 619 06489 7 Schach Stephen R 1990 Software Engineering Aksen Associates Incorporated Publishers p 345 ISBN 0 256 08515 3 Schach Stephen R 1990 Software Engineering Aksen Associates Incorporated Publishers p 319 ISBN 0 256 08515 3 Schach Stephen R 1990 Software Engineering Aksen Associates Incorporated Publishers p 331 ISBN 0 256 08515 3 Schach Stephen R 1990 Software Engineering Aksen Associates Incorporated Publishers p 216 ISBN 0 256 08515 3 Schach Stephen R 1990 Software Engineering Aksen Associates Incorporated Publishers p 219 ISBN 0 256 08515 3 Schach Stephen R 1990 Software Engineering Aksen Associates Incorporated Publishers p 226 ISBN 0 256 08515 3 Schach Stephen R 1990 Software Engineering Aksen Associates Incorporated Publishers p 220 ISBN 0 256 08515 3 Schach Stephen R 1990 Software Engineering Aksen Associates Incorporated Publishers p 258 ISBN 0 256 08515 3 Schach Stephen R 1990 Software Engineering Aksen Associates Incorporated Publishers p 259 ISBN 0 256 08515 3 Silberschatz Abraham 1994 Operating System Concepts Fourth Edition Addison Wesley p 1 ISBN 978 0 201 50480 4 Stair Ralph M 2003 Principles of Information Systems Sixth Edition Thomson p 147 ISBN 0 619 06489 7 The key to unlocking the potential of any computer system is application software Stair Ralph M 2003 Principles of Information Systems Sixth Edition Thomson p 147 ISBN 0 619 06489 7 Stair Ralph M 2003 Principles of Information Systems Sixth Edition Thomson p 147 ISBN 0 619 06489 7 A third party software firm often called a value added software vendor may develop or modify a software program to meet the needs of a particular industry or company Stair Ralph M 2003 Principles of Information Systems Sixth Edition Thomson p 148 ISBN 0 619 06489 7 Heading Proprietary Software Subheading Advantages Quote You can get exactly what you need in terms of features reports and so on Stair Ralph M 2003 Principles of Information Systems Sixth Edition Thomson p 148 ISBN 0 619 06489 7 Heading Proprietary Software Subheading Advantages Quote Being involved in the development offers a further level of control over the results Stair Ralph M 2003 Principles of Information Systems Sixth Edition Thomson p 147 ISBN 0 619 06489 7 Heading Proprietary Software Subheading Advantages Quote There is more flexibility in making modifications that may be required to counteract a new initiative by one of your competitors or to meet new supplier and or customer requirements Stair Ralph M 2003 Principles of Information Systems Sixth Edition Thomson p 149 ISBN 0 619 06489 7 Tanenbaum Andrew S 1990 Structured Computer Organization Third Edition Prentice Hall p 11 ISBN 978 0 13 854662 5 Kerrisk Michael 2010 The Linux Programming Interface No Starch Press p 21 ISBN 978 1 59327 220 3 Kerrisk Michael 2010 The Linux Programming Interface No Starch Press p 22 ISBN 978 1 59327 220 3 Bach Maurice J 1986 The Design of the UNIX Operating System Prentice Hall Inc p 152 ISBN 0 13 201799 7 Tanenbaum Andrew S 2013 Structured Computer Organization Sixth Edition Pearson p 443 ISBN 978 0 13 291652 3 Lacamera Daniele 2018 Embedded Systems Architecture Packt p 8 ISBN 978 1 78883 250 2 Kerrisk Michael 2010 The Linux Programming Interface No Starch Press p 23 ISBN 978 1 59327 220 3 Kernighan Brian W 1984 The Unix Programming Environment Prentice Hall p 201 ISBN 0 13 937699 2 Kerrisk Michael 2010 The Linux Programming Interface No Starch Press p 187 ISBN 978 1 59327 220 3 Haviland Keith 1987 Unix System Programming Addison Wesley Publishing Company p 121 ISBN 0 201 12919 1 Stair Ralph M 2003 Principles of Information Systems Sixth Edition Thomson p 145 ISBN 0 619 06489 7 Stair Ralph M 2003 Principles of Information Systems Sixth Edition Thomson p 146 ISBN 0 619 06489 7 Tanenbaum Andrew S 2013 Structured Computer Organization Sixth Edition Pearson p 6 ISBN 978 0 13 291652 3 Tanenbaum Andrew S 2013 Structured Computer Organization Sixth Edition Pearson p 243 ISBN 978 0 13 291652 3 Tanenbaum Andrew S 2013 Structured Computer Organization Sixth Edition Pearson p 147 ISBN 978 0 13 291652 3 Tanenbaum Andrew S 2013 Structured Computer Organization Sixth Edition Pearson p 148 ISBN 978 0 13 291652 3 Tanenbaum Andrew S 2013 Structured Computer Organization Sixth Edition Pearson p 253 ISBN 978 0 13 291652 3 Tanenbaum Andrew S 2013 Structured Computer Organization Sixth Edition Pearson p 255 ISBN 978 0 13 291652 3 Tanenbaum Andrew S 2013 Structured Computer Organization Sixth Edition Pearson p 161 ISBN 978 0 13 291652 3 Tanenbaum Andrew S 2013 Structured Computer Organization Sixth Edition Pearson p 166 ISBN 978 0 13 291652 3 Tanenbaum Andrew S 2013 Structured Computer Organization Sixth Edition Pearson p 249 ISBN 978 0 13 291652 3 Tanenbaum Andrew S 2013 Structured Computer Organization Sixth Edition Pearson p 111 ISBN 978 0 13 291652 3