In computer science, conditionals (that is, conditional statements, conditional expressions and conditional constructs) are programming language constructs that perform different computations or actions or return different values depending on the value of a Boolean expression, called a condition.
Conditionals are typically implemented by selectively executing instructions. Although dynamic dispatch is not usually classified as a conditional construct, it is another way to select between alternatives at runtime.
Conditional statements are imperative constructs executed for side-effect, while conditional expressions return values. Many programming languages (such as C) have distinct conditional statements and conditional expressions. Although in pure functional programming, conditional expressions do not have side-effects, many languages with conditional expressions (such as Lisp) support conditional side-effects.
The if–then
or if–then–else
construction is used in many programming languages. Although the syntax varies from language to language, the basic structure (in pseudocode form) looks like this:
If (Boolean condition) Then (consequent) Else (alternative) End If
For example:
If stock=0 Then message= order new stock Else message= there is stock End If
In the example code above, the part represented by (Boolean condition) constitutes a conditional expression, having intrinsic value (e.g., it may be substituted by either of the values True
or False
) but having no intrinsic meaning. In contrast, the combination of this expression, the If
and Then
surrounding it, and the consequent that follows afterward constitute a conditional statement, having intrinsic meaning (e.g., expressing a coherent logical rule) but no intrinsic value.
When an interpreter finds an If
, it expects a Boolean condition – for example, x > 0
, which means "the variable x contains a number that is greater than zero" – and evaluates that condition. If the condition is true
, the statements following the then
are executed. Otherwise, the execution continues in the following branch – either in the else
block (which is usually optional), or if there is no else
branch, then after the end If
After either branch has been executed, control returns to the point after the end If
History and development
In early programming languages, especially some dialects of BASIC in the 1980s home computers, an if–then
statement could only contain GOTO
statements (equivalent to a branch instruction). This led to a hard-to-read style of programming known as spaghetti programming, with programs in this style called spaghetti code. As a result, structured programming, which allows (virtually) arbitrary statements to be put in statement blocks inside an if
statement, gained in popularity, until it became the norm even in most BASIC programming circles. Such mechanisms and principles were based on the older but more advanced ALGOL family of languages, and ALGOL-like languages such as Pascal and Modula-2 influenced modern BASIC variants for many years. While it is possible while using only GOTO
statements in if–then
statements to write programs that are not spaghetti code and are just as well structured and readable as programs written in a structured programming language, structured programming makes this easier and enforces it. Structured if–then–else
statements like the example above are one of the key elements of structured programming, and they are present in most popular high-level programming languages such as C, Java, JavaScript and Visual Basic .
The "dangling else" problem
The else
keyword is made to target a specific if–then
statement preceding it, but for nested if–then
statements, classic programming languages such as ALGOL 60 struggled to define which specific statement to target. Without clear boundaries for which statement is which, an else
keyword could target any preceding if–then
statement in the nest, as parsed.
if a then if b then s else s2
can be parsed as
if a then (if b then s) else s2
if a then (if b then s else s2)
depending on whether the else
is associated with the first if
or second if
. This is known as the dangling else problem, and is resolved in various ways, depending on the language (commonly via the end if
statement or {...}
Else if
By using else if
, it is possible to combine several conditions. Only the statements following the first condition that is found to be true will be executed. All other statements will be skipped.
if condition then -- statements elseif condition then -- more statements elseif condition then -- more statements; ... else -- other statements; end if;
For example, for a shop offering as much as a 30% discount for an item:
if discount < 11% then print (you have to pay $30) elseif discount<21% then print (you have to pay $20) elseif discount<31% then print (you have to pay $10) end if;
In the example above, if the discount is 10%, then the first if statement will be evaluated as true and "you have to pay $30" will be printed out. All other statements below that first if statement will be skipped.
The elseif
statement, in the Ada language for example, is simply syntactic sugar for else
followed by if
. In Ada, the difference is that only one end if
is needed, if one uses elseif
instead of else
followed by if
. PHP uses the elseif
keyword both for its curly brackets or colon syntaxes. Perl provides the keyword elsif
to avoid the large number of braces that would be required by multiple if
and else
statements. Python uses the special keyword elif
because structure is denoted by indentation rather than braces, so a repeated use of else
and if
would require increased indentation after every condition. Some implementations of BASIC, such as Visual Basic, use ElseIf
too. Similarly, the earlier UNIX shells (later gathered up to the POSIX shell syntax) use elif too, but giving the choice of delimiting with spaces, line breaks, or both.
However, in many languages more directly descended from Algol, such as Simula, Pascal, and C, this special syntax for the else if
construct is not present, nor is it present in the many syntactical derivatives of C, such as Java, ECMAScript, and so on. This works because in these languages, any single statement (in this case if cond
...) can follow a conditional without being enclosed in a block.
This design choice has a slight "cost". Each else if
branch effectively adds an extra nesting level. This complicates the job for the compiler (or the people who write the compiler), because the compiler must analyse and implement arbitrarily long else if
chains recursively.
If all terms in the sequence of conditionals are testing the value of a single expression (e.g., if x=0
... else if x=1
... else if x=2
...), an alternative is the switch statement, also called case-statement or select-statement. Conversely, in languages that do not have a switch statement, these can be produced by a sequence of else if
If–then–else expressions
Many languages support conditional expressions, which are similar to if statements, but return a value as a result. Thus, they are true expressions (which evaluate to a value), not statements (which may not be permitted in the context of a value). The concept of conditional expressions was first developed by John McCarthy during his research into symbolic processing and LISP in the late 1950s.
Algol family
ALGOL 60 and some other members of the ALGOL family allow if–then–else
as an expression. The idea of including conditional expressions was suggested by John McCarthy, though the ALGOL committee decided to use English words rather than McCarthy's mathematical syntax:
myvariable := if x > 20 then 1 else 2
Lisp dialects
Conditional expressions have always been a fundamental part of Lisp . In pure LISP, the COND
function is used. In dialects such as Scheme, Racket and Common Lisp :
;; Scheme (define myvariable (if (> x 12) 1 2)) ; Assigns 'myvariable' to 1 or 2, depending on the value of 'x'
;; Common Lisp (let ((x 10)) (setq myvariable (if (> x 12) 2 4))) ; Assigns 'myvariable' to 2
In Haskell 98, there is only an if expression, no if statement, and the else
part is compulsory, as every expression must have some value. Logic that would be expressed with conditionals in other languages is usually expressed with pattern matching in recursive functions.
Because Haskell is lazy, it is possible to write control structures, such as if, as ordinary expressions; the lazy evaluation means that an if function can evaluate only the condition and proper branch (where a strict language would evaluate all three). It can be written like this:
if' :: Bool -> a -> a -> a if' True x _ = x if' False _ y = y
C-like languages
C and C-like languages have a special ternary operator (?:) for conditional expressions with a function that may be described by a template like this:
condition ? evaluated-when-true : evaluated-when-false
This means that it can be inlined into expressions, unlike if-statements, in C-like languages:
my_variable = x > 10 ? "foo" : "bar"; // In C-like languages
which can be compared to the Algol-family if–then–else expressions (in contrast to a statement) (and similar in Ruby and Scala, among others).
To accomplish the same using an if-statement, this would take more than one line of code (under typical layout conventions), and require mentioning "my_variable" twice:
if (x > 10) my_variable = "foo"; else my_variable = "bar";
Some argue that the explicit if/then statement is easier to read and that it may compile to more efficient code than the ternary operator, while others argue that concise expressions are easier to read than statements spread over several lines containing repetition.
Small Basic
x = TextWindow.ReadNumber() If (x > 10) Then TextWindow.WriteLine("My variable is named 'foo'.") Else TextWindow.WriteLine("My variable is named 'bar'.") EndIf
First, when the user runs the program, a cursor appears waiting for the reader to type a number. If that number is greater than 10, the text "My variable is named 'foo'." is displayed on the screen. If the number is smaller than 10, then the message "My variable is named 'bar'." is printed on the screen.
Visual Basic
In Visual Basic and some other languages, a function called IIf
is provided, which can be used as a conditional expression. However, it does not behave like a true conditional expression, because both the true and false branches are always evaluated; it is just that the result of one of them is thrown away, while the result of the other is returned by the IIf function.
In Tcl if
is not a keyword but a function (in Tcl known as command or proc
). For example
if {$x > 10} { puts "Foo!" }
invokes a function named if
passing 2 arguments: The first one being the condition and the second one being the true branch. Both arguments are passed as strings (in Tcl everything within curly brackets is a string).
In the above example the condition is not evaluated before calling the function. Instead, the implementation of the if
function receives the condition as a string value and is responsible to evaluate this string as an expression in the callers scope.
Such a behavior is possible by using uplevel
and expr
- Uplevel makes it possible to implement new control constructs as Tcl procedures (for example, uplevel could be used to implement the while construct as a Tcl procedure).
Because if
is actually a function it also returns a value:
- The return value from the command is the result of the body script that was executed, or an empty string if none of the expressions was non-zero and there was no bodyN.
In Rust, if
is always an expression. It evaluates to the value of whichever branch is executed, or to the unit type ()
if no branch is executed. If a branch does not provide a return value, it evaluates to ()
by default. To ensure the if
expression's type is known at compile time, each branch must evaluate to a value of the same type. For this reason, an else
branch is effectively compulsory unless the other branches evaluate to ()
, because an if
without an else
can always evaluate to ()
by default.
// Assign my_variable some value, depending on the value of x let my_variable = if x > 20 { 1 } else { 2 }; // This variant will not compile because 1 and () have different types let my_variable = if x > 20 { 1 }; // Values can be omitted when not needed if x > 20 { println!("x is greater than 20"); }
Guarded conditionals
The Guarded Command Language (GCL) of Edsger Dijkstra supports conditional execution as a list of commands consisting of a Boolean-valued guard (corresponding to a condition) and its corresponding statement. In GCL, exactly one of the statements whose guards is true is evaluated, but which one is arbitrary. In this code
if G0 → S0 □ G1 → S1 ... □ Gn → Sn fi
the Gi's are the guards and the Si's are the statements. If none of the guards is true, the program's behavior is undefined.
GCL is intended primarily for reasoning about programs, but similar notations have been implemented in Concurrent Pascal and occam.
Arithmetic if
Up to Fortran 77, the language Fortran has had an arithmetic if statement which jumps to one of three labels depending on whether its argument e is e < 0, e = 0, e > 0. This was the earliest conditional statement in Fortran.
IF (e) label1, label2, label3
Where e is any numeric expression (not necessarily an integer).
This is equivalent to this sequence, where e is evaluated only once.
IF (e .LT. 0) GOTO label1 IF (e .EQ. 0) GOTO label2 IF (e .GT. 0) GOTO label3
Arithmetic if is an unstructured control statement, and is not used in structured programming.
In practice it has been observed that most arithmetic IF
statements reference the following statement with one or two of the labels.
This was the only conditional control statement in the original implementation of Fortran on the IBM 704 computer. On that computer the test-and-branch op-code had three addresses for those three states. Other computers would have "flag" registers such as positive, zero, negative, even, overflow, carry, associated with the last arithmetic operations and would use instructions such as 'Branch if accumulator negative' then 'Branch if accumulator zero' or similar. Note that the expression is evaluated once only, and in cases such as integer arithmetic where overflow may occur, the overflow or carry flags would be considered also.
Object-oriented implementation in Smalltalk
In contrast to other languages, in Smalltalk the conditional statement is not a language construct but defined in the class Boolean
as an abstract method that takes two parameters, both closures. Boolean
has two subclasses, True
and False
, which both define the method, True
executing the first closure only, False
executing the second closure only.
var = condition ifTrue: [ 'foo' ] ifFalse: [ 'bar' ]
JavaScript uses if-else statements similar to those in C languages. A Boolean value is accepted within parentheses between the reserved if keyword and a left curly bracket.
if (Math.random() < 0.5) { console.log("You got Heads!"); } else { console.log("You got Tails!"); }
The above example takes the conditional of Math.random() < 0.5
which outputs true
if a random float value between 0 and 1 is greater than 0.5. The statement uses it to randomly choose between outputting You got Heads!
or You got Tails!
to the console. Else and else-if statements can also be chained after the curly bracket of the statement preceding it as many times as necessary, as shown below:
var x = Math.random(); if (x < 1/3) { console.log("One person won!"); } else if (x < 2/3) { console.log("Two people won!"); } else { console.log("It's a three-way tie!"); }
Lambda calculus
In Lambda calculus, the concept of an if-then-else conditional can be expressed using the following expressions:
true = λx. λy. x false = λx. λy. y ifThenElse = (λc. λx. λy. (c x y))
- true takes up to two arguments and once both are provided (see currying), it returns the first argument given.
- false takes up to two arguments and once both are provided(see currying), it returns the second argument given.
- ifThenElse takes up to three arguments and once all are provided, it passes both second and third argument to the first argument(which is a function that given two arguments, and produces a result). We expect ifThenElse to only take true or false as an argument, both of which project the given two arguments to their preferred single argument, which is then returned.
note: if ifThenElse is passed two functions as the left and right conditionals; it is necessary to also pass an empty tuple () to the result of ifThenElse in order to actually call the chosen function, otherwise ifThenElse will just return the function object without getting called.
In a system where numbers can be used without definition (like Lisp, Traditional paper math, so on), the above can be expressed as a single closure below:
((λtrue. λfalse. λifThenElse. (ifThenElse true 2 3) )(λx. λy. x)(λx. λy. y)(λc. λl. λr. c l r))
Here, true, false, and ifThenElse are bound to their respective definitions which are passed to their scope at the end of their block.
A working JavaScript analogy(using only functions of single variable for rigor) to this is as follows:
var computationResult = ((_true => _false => _ifThenElse => _ifThenElse(_true)(2)(3) )(x => y => x)(x => y => y)(c => x => y => c(x)(y)));
The code above with multivariable functions looks like this:
var computationResult = ((_true, _false, _ifThenElse) => _ifThenElse(_true, 2, 3) )((x, y) => x, (x, y) => y, (c, x, y) => c(x, y));
Another version of the earlier example without a system where numbers are assumed is below.
The first example shows the first branch being taken, while second example shows the second branch being taken.
((λtrue. λfalse. λifThenElse. (ifThenElse true (λFirstBranch. FirstBranch) (λSecondBranch. SecondBranch)) )(λx. λy. x)(λx. λy. y)(λc. λl. λr. c l r)) ((λtrue. λfalse. λifThenElse. (ifThenElse false (λFirstBranch. FirstBranch) (λSecondBranch. SecondBranch)) )(λx. λy. x)(λx. λy. y)(λc. λl. λr. c l r))
Smalltalk uses a similar idea for its true and false representations, with True and False being singleton objects that respond to messages ifTrue/ifFalse differently.
Haskell used to use this exact model for its Boolean type, but at the time of writing, most Haskell programs use syntactic sugar "if a then b else c" construct which unlike ifThenElse does not compose unless either wrapped in another function or re-implemented as shown in The Haskell section of this page.
Case and switch statements
Switch statements (in some languages, case statements or multiway branches) compare a given value with specified constants and take action according to the first constant to match. There is usually a provision for a default action ('else','otherwise') to be taken if no match succeeds. Switch statements can allow compiler optimizations, such as lookup tables. In dynamic languages, the cases may not be limited to constant expressions, and might extend to pattern matching, as in the shell script example on the right, where the '*)' implements the default case as a regular expression matching any string.
Pascal: | C: | Shell script: |
case someChar of 'a': actionOnA; 'x': actionOnX; 'y','z':actionOnYandZ; else actionOnNoMatch; end; | switch (someChar) { case 'a': actionOnA; break; case 'x': actionOnX; break; case 'y': case 'z': actionOnYandZ; break; default: actionOnNoMatch; } | case $someChar in a) actionOnA; ;; x) actionOnX; ;; [yz]) actionOnYandZ; ;; *) actionOnNoMatch ;; esac |
Pattern matching
Pattern matching may be seen as an alternative to both if–then–else, and case statements. It is available in many programming languages with functional programming features, such as Wolfram Language, ML and many others. Here is a simple example written in the OCaml language:
match fruit with | "apple" -> cook pie | "coconut" -> cook dango_mochi | "banana" -> mix;;
The power of pattern matching is the ability to concisely match not only actions but also values to patterns of data. Here is an example written in Haskell which illustrates both of these features:
map _ [] = [] map f (h : t) = f h : map f t
This code defines a function map, which applies the first argument (a function) to each of the elements of the second argument (a list), and returns the resulting list. The two lines are the two definitions of the function for the two kinds of arguments possible in this case – one where the list is empty (just return an empty list) and the other case where the list is not empty.
Pattern matching is not strictly speaking always a choice construct, because it is possible in Haskell to write only one alternative, which is guaranteed to always be matched – in this situation, it is not being used as a choice construct, but simply as a way to bind names to values. However, it is frequently used as a choice construct in the languages in which it is available.
Hash-based conditionals
In programming languages that have associative arrays or comparable data structures, such as Python, Perl, PHP or Objective-C, it is idiomatic to use them to implement conditional assignment.
pet = input("Enter the type of pet you want to name: ") known_pets = { "Dog": "Fido", "Cat": "Meowsles", "Bird": "Tweety", } my_name = known_pets[pet]
In languages that have anonymous functions or that allow a programmer to assign a named function to a variable reference, conditional flow can be implemented by using a hash as a dispatch table.
An alternative to conditional branch instructions is predication. Predication is an architectural feature that enables instructions to be conditionally executed instead of modifying the control flow.
Choice system cross reference
This table refers to the most recent language specification of each language. For languages that do not have a specification, the latest officially released implementation is referred to.
Programming language | Structured if | switch–select–case | Conditional expressions | Arithmetic if | Pattern matching[A] | ||
then | else | else–if | |||||
Ada | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No |
ALGOL-60 | Yes | Yes | Unneeded[C] | No | Yes | No | No |
APL | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No |
Bash shell | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
C, C++ | No | Yes | Unneeded[B][C] | Fall-through | Yes | No | No |
C# | No | Yes | Unneeded[B][C] | Yes | Yes | No | No |
COBOL | Unneeded | Yes | Unneeded[C] | Yes | No | No | No |
Eiffel | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No |
F# | Yes | Yes | Yes | Unneeded[D] | Yes | No | Yes |
Fortran | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes[I] | Yes[G] | No |
Go | No | Yes | Unneeded[C] | Yes | No | No | No |
Haskell | Yes | Needed | Unneeded[C] | Yes, but unneeded[D] | Yes | No | Yes |
Java | No | Yes | Unneeded[C] | Fall-through | Yes | No | No |
ECMAScript (JavaScript) | No | Yes | Unneeded[C] | Fall-through | Yes | No | No |
Mathematica | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
Oberon | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No |
Perl | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No |
PHP | No | Yes | Yes | Fall-through | Yes | No | No |
Pascal, Object Pascal (Delphi) | Yes | Yes | Unneeded | Yes | No | No | No |
Python | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
QuickBASIC | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No |
Ruby | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes[H] |
Rust | No | Yes | Yes | Unneeded | Yes | No | Yes |
Scala | No | Yes | Unneeded[C] | Fall-through[citation needed] | Yes | No | Yes |
SQL | Yes[F] | Yes | Yes | Yes[F] | Yes | No | No |
Swift | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
Tcl | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
Visual Basic, classic | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No |
Visual Basic .NET | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No |
Windows PowerShell | No | Yes | Yes | Fall-through | Yes | No | No |
- ^ This refers to pattern matching as a distinct conditional construct in the programming language – as opposed to mere string pattern matching support, such as regular expression support.
- 1 2 An #ELIF directive is used in the preprocessor sub-language that is used to modify the code before compilation; and to include other files.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 The often-encountered
else if
in the C family of languages, and in COBOL and Haskell, is not a language feature but a set of nested and independent if then else statements combined with a particular source code layout. However, this also means that a distinct else–if construct is not really needed in these languages. - 1 2 In Haskell and F#, a separate constant choice construct is unneeded, because the same task can be done with pattern matching.
- ^ In a Ruby
construct, regular expression matching is among the conditional flow-control alternatives available. For an example, see this Stack Overflow question. - 1 2 SQL has two similar constructs that fulfill both roles, both introduced in SQL-92. A "searched
" expressionCASE WHEN cond1 THEN expr1 WHEN cond2 THEN expr2 [...] ELSE exprDflt END
works likeif ... else if ... else
, whereas a "simpleCASE
" expression:CASE expr WHEN val1 THEN expr1 [...] ELSE exprDflt END
works like a switch statement. For details and examples see Case (SQL). - ^ Arithmetic
was marked as obsolescent in Fortran 90. It was deleted as of the Fortran 2018 Standard. - ^ Pattern matching was added in Ruby 3.0. Some pattern matching constructs are still experimental.
- ^ Fortran 90 added the
intrinsic. Fortran 2023 added the C-like ternary operator.
See also
- Branch (computer science)
- Conditional compilation
- Dynamic dispatch for another way to make execution choices
- McCarthy Formalism for history and historical references
- Named condition
- Relational operator
- Test (Unix)
- Yoda conditions
- Conditional move
- PHP elseif syntax
- Visual Basic ElseIf syntax
- POSIX standard shell syntax
- Haskell 98 Language and Libraries: The Revised Report
- "If-then-else Proposal on HaskellWiki"
- "Efficient C Tips #6 – Don't use the ternary operator « Stack Overflow". 2009-02-18. Retrieved 2012-09-07.
- "New Control Structures". . Retrieved August 21, 2020.
- "uplevel manual page". . Retrieved August 21, 2020.
- "if manual page". . Retrieved August 21, 2020.
- "If and if let expressions". Retrieved November 1, 2020.
- "American National Standard Programming Language FORTRAN". 1978-04-03. Archived from the original on 2007-10-11. Retrieved 2007-09-09.
- "VisualWorks: Conditional Processing". 2006-12-16. Archived from the original on 2007-10-22. Retrieved 2007-09-09.
- "Pythonic way to implement switch/case statements". Archived from the original on 2015-01-20. Retrieved 2015-01-19.
-, Java Language Specification, 3rd Edition.
- Archived 2015-04-12 at the Wayback Machine ECMAScript Language Specification, 5th Edition.
- "Pattern Matching". Documentation for Ruby 3.0.
External links
- Media related to Conditional (computer programming) at Wikimedia Commons
- IF NOT (ActionScript 3.0) video
In computer science conditionals that is conditional statements conditional expressions and conditional constructs are programming language constructs that perform different computations or actions or return different values depending on the value of a Boolean expression called a condition If then else flow diagramA nested if then else flow diagram Conditionals are typically implemented by selectively executing instructions Although dynamic dispatch is not usually classified as a conditional construct it is another way to select between alternatives at runtime TerminologyConditional statements are imperative constructs executed for side effect while conditional expressions return values Many programming languages such as C have distinct conditional statements and conditional expressions Although in pure functional programming conditional expressions do not have side effects many languages with conditional expressions such as Lisp support conditional side effects If then else The if then or if then else construction is used in many programming languages Although the syntax varies from language to language the basic structure in pseudocode form looks like this If Boolean condition Then consequent Else alternative End If For example If stock 0 Then message order new stock Else message there is stock End If In the example code above the part represented by Boolean condition constitutes a conditional expression having intrinsic value e g it may be substituted by either of the values True or False but having no intrinsic meaning In contrast the combination of this expression the If and Then surrounding it and the consequent that follows afterward constitute a conditional statement having intrinsic meaning e g expressing a coherent logical rule but no intrinsic value When an interpreter finds an If it expects a Boolean condition for example x gt 0 which means the variable x contains a number that is greater than zero and evaluates that condition If the condition is true the statements following the then are executed Otherwise the execution continues in the following branch either in the else block which is usually optional or if there is no else branch then after the end If After either branch has been executed control returns to the point after the end If History and development In early programming languages especially some dialects of BASIC in the 1980s home computers an if then statement could only contain a href wiki GOTO class mw redirect title GOTO GOTO a statements equivalent to a branch instruction This led to a hard to read style of programming known as spaghetti programming with programs in this style called spaghetti code As a result structured programming which allows virtually arbitrary statements to be put in statement blocks inside an if statement gained in popularity until it became the norm even in most BASIC programming circles Such mechanisms and principles were based on the older but more advanced ALGOL family of languages and ALGOL like languages such as Pascal and Modula 2 influenced modern BASIC variants for many years While it is possible while using only GOTO statements in if then statements to write programs that are not spaghetti code and are just as well structured and readable as programs written in a structured programming language structured programming makes this easier and enforces it Structured if then else statements like the example above are one of the key elements of structured programming and they are present in most popular high level programming languages such as C Java JavaScript and Visual Basic The dangling else problem The else keyword is made to target a specific if then statement preceding it but for nested if then statements classic programming languages such as ALGOL 60 struggled to define which specific statement to target Without clear boundaries for which statement is which an else keyword could target any preceding if then statement in the nest as parsed if a then if b then s else s2 can be parsed as if a then if b then s else s2 or if a then if b then s else s2 depending on whether the else is associated with the first if or second if This is known as the dangling else problem and is resolved in various ways depending on the language commonly via the end if statement or brackets Else if By using else if it is possible to combine several conditions Only the statements following the first condition that is found to be true will be executed All other statements will be skipped if condition then statements elseif condition then more statements elseif condition then more statements else other statements end if For example for a shop offering as much as a 30 discount for an item if discount lt 11 then print you have to pay 30 elseif discount lt 21 then print you have to pay 20 elseif discount lt 31 then print you have to pay 10 end if In the example above if the discount is 10 then the first if statement will be evaluated as true and you have to pay 30 will be printed out All other statements below that first if statement will be skipped The elseif statement in the Ada language for example is simply syntactic sugar for else followed by if In Ada the difference is that only one end if is needed if one uses elseif instead of else followed by if PHP uses the elseif keyword both for its curly brackets or colon syntaxes Perl provides the keyword elsif to avoid the large number of braces that would be required by multiple if and else statements Python uses the special keyword elif because structure is denoted by indentation rather than braces so a repeated use of else and if would require increased indentation after every condition Some implementations of BASIC such as Visual Basic use ElseIf too Similarly the earlier UNIX shells later gathered up to the POSIX shell syntax use elif too but giving the choice of delimiting with spaces line breaks or both However in many languages more directly descended from Algol such as Simula Pascal and C this special syntax for the else if construct is not present nor is it present in the many syntactical derivatives of C such as Java ECMAScript and so on This works because in these languages any single statement in this case if i cond i can follow a conditional without being enclosed in a block This design choice has a slight cost Each else if branch effectively adds an extra nesting level This complicates the job for the compiler or the people who write the compiler because the compiler must analyse and implement arbitrarily long else if chains recursively If all terms in the sequence of conditionals are testing the value of a single expression e g if x 0 else if x 1 else if x 2 an alternative is the switch statement also called case statement or select statement Conversely in languages that do not have a switch statement these can be produced by a sequence of else if statements If then else expressions Many languages support conditional expressions which are similar to if statements but return a value as a result Thus they are true expressions which evaluate to a value not statements which may not be permitted in the context of a value The concept of conditional expressions was first developed by John McCarthy during his research into symbolic processing and LISP in the late 1950s Algol family ALGOL 60 and some other members of the ALGOL family allow if then else as an expression The idea of including conditional expressions was suggested by John McCarthy though the ALGOL committee decided to use English words rather than McCarthy s mathematical syntax myvariable if x gt 20 then 1 else 2 Lisp dialects Conditional expressions have always been a fundamental part of Lisp In pure LISP the COND function is used In dialects such as Scheme Racket and Common Lisp Scheme define myvariable if gt x 12 1 2 Assigns myvariable to 1 or 2 depending on the value of x Common Lisp let x 10 setq myvariable if gt x 12 2 4 Assigns myvariable to 2 Haskell In Haskell 98 there is only an if expression no if statement and the else part is compulsory as every expression must have some value Logic that would be expressed with conditionals in other languages is usually expressed with pattern matching in recursive functions Because Haskell is lazy it is possible to write control structures such as if as ordinary expressions the lazy evaluation means that an if function can evaluate only the condition and proper branch where a strict language would evaluate all three It can be written like this if Bool gt a gt a gt a if True x x if False y y C like languages C and C like languages have a special ternary operator for conditional expressions with a function that may be described by a template like this condition evaluated when true evaluated when false This means that it can be inlined into expressions unlike if statements in C like languages my variable x gt 10 foo bar In C like languages which can be compared to the Algol family if then else expressions in contrast to a statement and similar in Ruby and Scala among others To accomplish the same using an if statement this would take more than one line of code under typical layout conventions and require mentioning my variable twice if x gt 10 my variable foo else my variable bar Some argue that the explicit if then statement is easier to read and that it may compile to more efficient code than the ternary operator while others argue that concise expressions are easier to read than statements spread over several lines containing repetition Small Basic x TextWindow ReadNumber If x gt 10 Then TextWindow WriteLine My variable is named foo Else TextWindow WriteLine My variable is named bar EndIf First when the user runs the program a cursor appears waiting for the reader to type a number If that number is greater than 10 the text My variable is named foo is displayed on the screen If the number is smaller than 10 then the message My variable is named bar is printed on the screen Visual Basic In Visual Basic and some other languages a function called a href wiki IIf title IIf IIf a is provided which can be used as a conditional expression However it does not behave like a true conditional expression because both the true and false branches are always evaluated it is just that the result of one of them is thrown away while the result of the other is returned by the IIf function Tcl In Tcl if is not a keyword but a function in Tcl known as command or proc For example if x gt 10 puts Foo invokes a function named if passing 2 arguments The first one being the condition and the second one being the true branch Both arguments are passed as strings in Tcl everything within curly brackets is a string In the above example the condition is not evaluated before calling the function Instead the implementation of the if function receives the condition as a string value and is responsible to evaluate this string as an expression in the callers scope Such a behavior is possible by using uplevel and expr commands Uplevel makes it possible to implement new control constructs as Tcl procedures for example uplevel could be used to implement the while construct as a Tcl procedure Because if is actually a function it also returns a value The return value from the command is the result of the body script that was executed or an empty string if none of the expressions was non zero and there was no bodyN Rust In Rust if is always an expression It evaluates to the value of whichever branch is executed or to the unit type if no branch is executed If a branch does not provide a return value it evaluates to by default To ensure the if expression s type is known at compile time each branch must evaluate to a value of the same type For this reason an else branch is effectively compulsory unless the other branches evaluate to because an if without an else can always evaluate to by default Assign my variable some value depending on the value of x let my variable if x gt 20 1 else 2 This variant will not compile because 1 and have different types let my variable if x gt 20 1 Values can be omitted when not needed if x gt 20 println x is greater than 20 Guarded conditionals The Guarded Command Language GCL of Edsger Dijkstra supports conditional execution as a list of commands consisting of a Boolean valued guard corresponding to a condition and its corresponding statement In GCL exactly one of the statements whose guards is true is evaluated but which one is arbitrary In this code if G0 S0 G1 S1 Gn Sn fi the Gi s are the guards and the Si s are the statements If none of the guards is true the program s behavior is undefined GCL is intended primarily for reasoning about programs but similar notations have been implemented in Concurrent Pascal and occam Arithmetic if Up to Fortran 77 the language Fortran has had an arithmetic if statement which jumps to one of three labels depending on whether its argument e is e lt 0 e 0 e gt 0 This was the earliest conditional statement in Fortran Syntax IF e label1 label2 label3 Where e is any numeric expression not necessarily an integer Semantics This is equivalent to this sequence where e is evaluated only once IF e LT 0 GOTO label1 IF e EQ 0 GOTO label2 IF e GT 0 GOTO label3 Stylistics Arithmetic if is an unstructured control statement and is not used in structured programming In practice it has been observed that most arithmetic IF statements reference the following statement with one or two of the labels This was the only conditional control statement in the original implementation of Fortran on the IBM 704 computer On that computer the test and branch op code had three addresses for those three states Other computers would have flag registers such as positive zero negative even overflow carry associated with the last arithmetic operations and would use instructions such as Branch if accumulator negative then Branch if accumulator zero or similar Note that the expression is evaluated once only and in cases such as integer arithmetic where overflow may occur the overflow or carry flags would be considered also Object oriented implementation in Smalltalk In contrast to other languages in Smalltalk the conditional statement is not a language construct but defined in the class Boolean as an abstract method that takes two parameters both closures Boolean has two subclasses True and False which both define the method True executing the first closure only False executing the second closure only var condition ifTrue foo ifFalse bar JavaScript JavaScript uses if else statements similar to those in C languages A Boolean value is accepted within parentheses between the reserved if keyword and a left curly bracket if Math random lt 0 5 console log You got Heads else console log You got Tails The above example takes the conditional of Math random lt 0 5 which outputs true if a random float value between 0 and 1 is greater than 0 5 The statement uses it to randomly choose between outputting You got Heads or You got Tails to the console Else and else if statements can also be chained after the curly bracket of the statement preceding it as many times as necessary as shown below var x Math random if x lt 1 3 console log One person won else if x lt 2 3 console log Two people won else console log It s a three way tie Lambda calculus In Lambda calculus the concept of an if then else conditional can be expressed using the following expressions true lx ly x false lx ly y ifThenElse lc lx ly c x y true takes up to two arguments and once both are provided see currying it returns the first argument given false takes up to two arguments and once both are provided see currying it returns the second argument given ifThenElse takes up to three arguments and once all are provided it passes both second and third argument to the first argument which is a function that given two arguments and produces a result We expect ifThenElse to only take true or false as an argument both of which project the given two arguments to their preferred single argument which is then returned note if ifThenElse is passed two functions as the left and right conditionals it is necessary to also pass an empty tuple to the result of ifThenElse in order to actually call the chosen function otherwise ifThenElse will just return the function object without getting called In a system where numbers can be used without definition like Lisp Traditional paper math so on the above can be expressed as a single closure below ltrue lfalse lifThenElse ifThenElse true 2 3 lx ly x lx ly y lc ll lr c l r Here true false and ifThenElse are bound to their respective definitions which are passed to their scope at the end of their block A working JavaScript analogy using only functions of single variable for rigor to this is as follows var computationResult true gt false gt ifThenElse gt ifThenElse true 2 3 x gt y gt x x gt y gt y c gt x gt y gt c x y The code above with multivariable functions looks like this var computationResult true false ifThenElse gt ifThenElse true 2 3 x y gt x x y gt y c x y gt c x y Another version of the earlier example without a system where numbers are assumed is below The first example shows the first branch being taken while second example shows the second branch being taken ltrue lfalse lifThenElse ifThenElse true lFirstBranch FirstBranch lSecondBranch SecondBranch lx ly x lx ly y lc ll lr c l r ltrue lfalse lifThenElse ifThenElse false lFirstBranch FirstBranch lSecondBranch SecondBranch lx ly x lx ly y lc ll lr c l r Smalltalk uses a similar idea for its true and false representations with True and False being singleton objects that respond to messages ifTrue ifFalse differently Haskell used to use this exact model for its Boolean type but at the time of writing most Haskell programs use syntactic sugar if a then b else c construct which unlike ifThenElse does not compose unless either wrapped in another function or re implemented as shown in The Haskell section of this page Case and switch statementsSwitch statements in some languages case statements or multiway branches compare a given value with specified constants and take action according to the first constant to match There is usually a provision for a default action else otherwise to be taken if no match succeeds Switch statements can allow compiler optimizations such as lookup tables In dynamic languages the cases may not be limited to constant expressions and might extend to pattern matching as in the shell script example on the right where the implements the default case as a regular expression matching any string Pascal C Shell script case someChar of a actionOnA x actionOnX y z actionOnYandZ else actionOnNoMatch end switch someChar case a actionOnA break case x actionOnX break case y case z actionOnYandZ break default actionOnNoMatch case someChar in a actionOnA x actionOnX yz actionOnYandZ actionOnNoMatch esacPattern matchingPattern matching may be seen as an alternative to both if then else and case statements It is available in many programming languages with functional programming features such as Wolfram Language ML and many others Here is a simple example written in the OCaml language match fruit with apple gt cook pie coconut gt cook dango mochi banana gt mix The power of pattern matching is the ability to concisely match not only actions but also values to patterns of data Here is an example written in Haskell which illustrates both of these features map map f h t f h map f t This code defines a function map which applies the first argument a function to each of the elements of the second argument a list and returns the resulting list The two lines are the two definitions of the function for the two kinds of arguments possible in this case one where the list is empty just return an empty list and the other case where the list is not empty Pattern matching is not strictly speaking always a choice construct because it is possible in Haskell to write only one alternative which is guaranteed to always be matched in this situation it is not being used as a choice construct but simply as a way to bind names to values However it is frequently used as a choice construct in the languages in which it is available Hash based conditionalsIn programming languages that have associative arrays or comparable data structures such as Python Perl PHP or Objective C it is idiomatic to use them to implement conditional assignment pet input Enter the type of pet you want to name known pets Dog Fido Cat Meowsles Bird Tweety my name known pets pet In languages that have anonymous functions or that allow a programmer to assign a named function to a variable reference conditional flow can be implemented by using a hash as a dispatch table PredicationAn alternative to conditional branch instructions is predication Predication is an architectural feature that enables instructions to be conditionally executed instead of modifying the control flow Choice system cross referenceThis table refers to the most recent language specification of each language For languages that do not have a specification the latest officially released implementation is referred to Programming language Structured if switch select case Conditional expressions Arithmetic if Pattern matching A then else else ifAda Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No NoALGOL 60 Yes Yes Unneeded C No Yes No NoAPL No Yes Yes Yes Yes No NoBash shell Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No YesC C No Yes Unneeded B C Fall through Yes No NoC No Yes Unneeded B C Yes Yes No NoCOBOL Unneeded Yes Unneeded C Yes No No NoEiffel Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No NoF Yes Yes Yes Unneeded D Yes No YesFortran Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes I Yes G NoGo No Yes Unneeded C Yes No No NoHaskell Yes Needed Unneeded C Yes but unneeded D Yes No YesJava No Yes Unneeded C Fall through Yes No NoECMAScript JavaScript No Yes Unneeded C Fall through Yes No NoMathematica No Yes Yes Yes Yes No YesOberon Yes Yes Yes Yes No No NoPerl No Yes Yes Yes Yes No NoPHP No Yes Yes Fall through Yes No NoPascal Object Pascal Delphi Yes Yes Unneeded Yes No No NoPython No Yes Yes Yes Yes No YesQuickBASIC Yes Yes Yes Yes No No NoRuby Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes H Rust No Yes Yes Unneeded Yes No YesScala No Yes Unneeded C Fall through citation needed Yes No YesSQL Yes F Yes Yes Yes F Yes No NoSwift No Yes Yes Yes Yes No YesTcl No Yes Yes Yes Yes No YesVisual Basic classic Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No NoVisual Basic NET Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No NoWindows PowerShell No Yes Yes Fall through Yes No No This refers to pattern matching as a distinct conditional construct in the programming language as opposed to mere string pattern matching support such as regular expression support 1 2 An ELIF directive is used in the preprocessor sub language that is used to modify the code before compilation and to include other files 1 2 3 4 5 6 The often encountered else if in the C family of languages and in COBOL and Haskell is not a language feature but a set of nested and independent if then else statements combined with a particular source code layout However this also means that a distinct else if construct is not really needed in these languages 1 2 In Haskell and F a separate constant choice construct is unneeded because the same task can be done with pattern matching In a Ruby case construct regular expression matching is among the conditional flow control alternatives available For an example see this Stack Overflow question 1 2 SQL has two similar constructs that fulfill both roles both introduced in SQL 92 A searched CASE expression span class k CASE span span class w span span class k WHEN span span class w span span class n cond1 span span class w span span class k THEN span span class w span span class n expr1 span span class w span span class k WHEN span span class w span span class n cond2 span span class w span span class k THEN span span class w span span class n expr2 span span class w span span class p span span class w span span class k ELSE span span class w span span class n exprDflt span span class w span span class k END span works like if else if else whereas a simple CASE expression span class k CASE span span class w span span class n expr span span class w span span class k WHEN span span class w span span class n val1 span span class w span span class k THEN span span class w span span class n expr1 span span class w span span class p span span class w span span class k ELSE span span class w span span class n exprDflt span span class w span span class k END span works like a switch statement For details and examples see Case SQL Arithmetic if was marked as obsolescent in Fortran 90 It was deleted as of the Fortran 2018 Standard Pattern matching was added in Ruby 3 0 Some pattern matching constructs are still experimental Fortran 90 added the MERGE intrinsic Fortran 2023 added the C like ternary operator See alsoBranch computer science Conditional compilation Dynamic dispatch for another way to make execution choices McCarthy Formalism for history and historical references Named condition Relational operator Test Unix Yoda conditions Conditional moveReferencesPHP elseif syntax Visual Basic ElseIf syntax POSIX standard shell syntax Haskell 98 Language and Libraries The Revised Report If then else Proposal on HaskellWiki Efficient C Tips 6 Don t use the ternary operator Stack Overflow Embeddedgurus com 2009 02 18 Retrieved 2012 09 07 New Control Structures Retrieved August 21 2020 uplevel manual page Retrieved August 21 2020 if manual page Retrieved August 21 2020 If and if let expressions Retrieved November 1 2020 American National Standard Programming Language FORTRAN 1978 04 03 Archived from the original on 2007 10 11 Retrieved 2007 09 09 VisualWorks Conditional Processing 2006 12 16 Archived from the original on 2007 10 22 Retrieved 2007 09 09 Pythonic way to implement switch case statements Archived from the original on 2015 01 20 Retrieved 2015 01 19 Java sun com Java Language Specification 3rd Edition Ecma international org Archived 2015 04 12 at the Wayback Machine ECMAScript Language Specification 5th Edition Pattern Matching Documentation for Ruby 3 0 External linksLook up then or else in Wiktionary the free dictionary Media related to Conditional computer programming at Wikimedia Commons IF NOT ActionScript 3 0 video