Logical positivism, also known as logical empiricism or neo-positivism, was a philosophical movement, in the empiricist tradition, that sought to formulate a scientific philosophy in which philosophical discourse would be, in the perception of its proponents, as authoritative and meaningful as empirical science.
Logical positivism's central thesis was the verification principle, also known as the "verifiability criterion of meaning", according to which a statement is cognitively meaningful only if it can be verified through empirical observation or if it is a tautology (true by virtue of its own meaning or its own logical form). The verifiability criterion thus rejected statements of metaphysics, theology, ethics and aesthetics as cognitively meaningless in terms of truth value or factual content. Despite its ambition to overhaul philosophy by mimicking the structure and process of empirical science, logical positivism became erroneously stereotyped as an agenda to regulate the scientific process and to place strict standards on it.
The movement emerged in the late 1920s among philosophers, scientists and mathematicians congregated within the Vienna Circle and Berlin Circle and flourished in several European centres through the 1930s. By the end of World War II, many of its members had settled in the English-speaking world and the project shifted to less radical goals within the philosophy of science.
By the 1950s, problems identified within logical positivism's central tenets became seen as intractable, drawing escalating criticism among leading philosophers, notably from Willard van Orman Quine and Karl Popper, and even from within the movement, from Carl Hempel. These problems would remain unresolved, precipitating the movement's eventual decline and abandonment by the 1960s. In 1967, philosopher John Passmore pronounced logical positivism "dead, or as dead as a philosophical movement ever becomes".
Logical positivism emerged in Germany and Austria amid a cultural background characterised by the dominance of Hegelian metaphysics and the work of Hegelian successors such as F. H. Bradley, whose metaphysics portrayed the world without reference to empirical observation. The late 19th century also saw the emergence of neo-Kantianism as a philosophical movement, in the rationalist tradition.
The logical positivist program established its theoretical foundations in the empiricism of David Hume, Auguste Comte and Ernst Mach, along with the positivism of Comte and Mach, defining its exemplar of science in Einstein's general theory of relativity. In accordance with Mach's phenomenalism, whereby material objects exist only as sensory stimuli rather than as observable entities in the real world, logical positivists took all scientific knowledge to be only sensory experience. Further influence came from Percy Bridgman's operationalism—whereby a concept is not knowable unless it can be measured experimentally—as well as Immanuel Kant's perspectives on aprioricity.
Ludwig Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus established the theoretical foundations for the verifiability principle. His work introduced the view of philosophy as "critique of language", discussing theoretical distinctions between intelligible and nonsensical discourse. Tractatus adhered to a correspondence theory of truth, as opposed to a coherence theory of truth. Logical positivists were also influenced by Wittgenstein's interpretation of probability though, according to Neurath, some objected to the metaphysics in Tractatus.
Vienna and Berlin Circles
The Vienna Circle was led principally by Moritz Schlick, congregating around the University of Vienna and at the Café Central. A manifesto written by Otto Neurath, Hans Hahn and Rudolf Carnap in 1929 summarised the Vienna Circle's positions. Schlick had originally held a neo-Kantian position, but later converted, via Carnap's 1928 book Der logische Aufbau der Welt (The Logical Structure of the World). The Viennese maintained closely cooperative ties with the Berlin Circle, among whom Hans Reichenbach was pre-eminent. Carl Hempel, who studied under Reichenbach in Germany, was also to prove influential in the movement's later history. A friendly but tenacious critic of the movement was Karl Popper, whom Neurath nicknamed the "Official Opposition".
Early in the movement, Carnap, Hahn, Neurath and others recognised that the verifiability criterion was too stringent in that it rejected universal statements, which are vital to scientific hypothesis. A radical left wing emerged from the Vienna Circle, led by Neurath and Carnap, who proposed revisions to weaken the criterion, a program they referred to as the "liberalisation of empiricism". A conservative right wing, led by Schlick and Waismann, instead sought to classify universal statements as analytic truths, thereby to reconcile them with the existing criterion. Within the liberal wing Carnap emphasised fallibilism, as well as pragmatics, which he considered integral to empiricism. Neurath prescribed a move from Mach's phenomenalism to physicalism, though this would be opposed by Schlick. As Neurath and Carnap sought to pose science toward social reform, the split in the Vienna Circle also reflected political differences.
Both Schlick and Carnap had been influenced by and sought to define logical positivism versus the neo-Kantianism of Ernst Cassirer, the contemporary leading figure of the Marburg school, and against Edmund Husserl's phenomenology. Logical positivists especially opposed Martin Heidegger's obscure metaphysics, the epitome of what they had rejected through their epistemological doctrines. In the early 1930s, Carnap debated Heidegger over "metaphysical pseudosentences".
As the movement's first emissary to the New World, Moritz Schlick visited Stanford University in 1929, yet otherwise remained in Vienna and was murdered in 1936 at the University by a former student, Johann Nelböck, who was reportedly deranged. That year, A. J. Ayer, a British attendee at various Vienna Circle meetings since 1933, published Language, Truth and Logic, which imported logical positivism to the English-speaking world. In 1933, the Nazi Party's rise to power in Germany had triggered flight of intellectuals, which accelerated upon Germany's annexation of Austria in 1938. The logical positivists, many of whom were Jewish, were targeted and continued flight throughout the pre-war period. Their philosophy thus became dominant in the English-speaking world.
By the late 1930s, many in the movement had replaced phenomenalism with Neurath's physicalism, whereby material objects are not reducible to sensory stimuli but exist as publicly observable entities in the real world. Neurath settled in England, where he died in 1945. Carnap, Reichenbach and Hempel settled permanently in America.
Post-war period
Following the Second World War, logical positivism—now referred to by some as logical empiricism—turned to less radical objectives in the philosophy of science. Led by Carl Hempel, who expounded the covering law model of scientific explanation, the movement became a major underpinning of analytic philosophy in the English-speaking world and its influence extended beyond philosophy into the social sciences. At the same time, the movement drew intensifying scrutiny over its central problems and its doctrines were increasingly criticised, most trenchantly by Willard Van Orman Quine, Norwood Hanson, Karl Popper, Thomas Kuhn and Carl Hempel.
Verification and Confirmation
Verifiability Criterion of Meaning
According to the verifiability criterion of meaning, a statement is cognitively meaningful only if it is either verifiable by empirical observation or is an analytic truth (i.e. true by virtue of its own meaning or its own logical form).Cognitive meaningfulness was defined variably: possessing truth value; or corresponding to a possible state of affairs; or intelligible or understandable as are scientific statements. Other types of meaning—for instance, emotive, expressive or figurative—were dismissed from further review.
Metaphysics, theology, as well as much of ethics and aesthetics failed this criterion, and so were found cognitively meaningless and only emotively meaningful (though, notably, Schlick considered ethical and aesthetic statements cognitively meaningful). Ethics and aesthetics were considered subjective preferences, while theology and metaphysics contained "pseudostatements" that were neither true nor false. Thus, logical positivism indirectly asserted Hume's law, the principle that factual statements cannot justify evaluative statements, and that the two are separated by an unbridgeable gap. A. J. Ayer's Language, Truth and Logic (1936) presented an extreme version of this principle—the boo/hooray doctrine—whereby all evaluative judgments are merely emotional reactions.
Revisions to the criterion
Logical positivists in the Vienna Circle recognised quickly that the verifiability criterion was too restrictive. Specifically, universal statements were noted to be empirically unverifiable, rendering vital domains of science and reason, such as scientific hypothesis, cognitively meaningless under verificationism. This would pose significant problems for the logical positivist program, absent revisions to its criterion of meaning.
In his 1936 and 1937 papers, Testability and Meaning, Carnap proposed confirmation in place of verification, determining that, though universal laws cannot be verified, they can be confirmed. Carnap employed abundant logical and mathematical tools to research an inductive logic that would account for probability according to degrees of confirmation. However, he was never able to formulate a model. In Carnap's inductive logic, a universal law's degree of confirmation was always zero. The formulation of what eventually came to be called the "criterion of cognitive significance", stemming from this research, took three decades (Hempel 1950, Carnap 1956, Carnap 1961).Carl Hempel, who became a prominent critic of the logical positivist movement, elucidated the paradox of confirmation.
In his 1936 book, Language, Truth and Logic, A. J. Ayer distinguished strong and weak verification. He stipulated that, "A proposition is said to be verifiable, in the strong sense of the term, if, and only if, its truth could be conclusively established by experience", but is verifiable in the weak sense "if it is possible for experience to render it probable". He would add that, "no proposition, other than a tautology, can possibly be anything more than a probable hypothesis". Thus, he would conclude that all are open to weak verification.
Analytic-synthetic distinction
In theories of justification, a priori statements are those that can be known independently of observation, contrasting with a posteriori statements, which are dependent on observation. Statements may also be categorised into analytic and synthetic: Analytic statements are true by virtue of their own meaning or their own logical form, therefore are tautologies that are true by necessity but uninformative about the world. Synthetic statements, in comparison, are contingent propositions that refer to a state of facts concerning the world.
David Hume proposed an unambiguous distinction between analytic and synthetic, categorising knowledge exclusively as either "relations of ideas" (which are a priori, analytic and abstract) or "matters of fact and real existence" (a posteriori, synthetic and concrete), a classification referred to as Hume's fork.Immanuel Kant identified a further category of knowledge: Synthetic a priori statements, which are informative about the world, but known without observation. This principle is encapsulated in Kant's transcendental idealism, which attributes the mind a constructive role in phenomena whereby intuitive truths—including synthetic a priori conceptions of space and time—function as an interpretative filter for an observer's experience of the world. His thesis would serve to rescue Newton's law of universal gravitation from Hume's problem of induction by determining uniformity of nature to be in the category of a priori knowledge.
The Vienna Circle rejected Kant's conception of synthetic a priori knowledge given its incompatibility with the verifiability criterion. Yet, they adopted the Kantian position of defining mathematics and logic—ordinarily considered synthetic truths—as a priori.Carnap's solution to this discrepancy would be to reinterpret logical truths as tautologies, redefining logic as analytic, building upon theoretical foundations established in Wittgenstein's Tractatus. Mathematics, in turn, would be reduced to logic through the logicist approach proposed by Gottlob Frege. In effect, Carnap's reconstruction of analyticity expounded Hume's fork, affirming its analytic-synthetic distinction. This would be critically important in rendering the verification principle compatible with mathematics and logic.
Observation-theory distinction
Carnap devoted much of his career to the cornerstone doctrine of rational reconstruction, whereby scientific theories can be formalised into predicate logic and the components of a theory categorised into observation terms and theoretical terms. Observation terms are specified by direct observation and thus assumed to have fixed empirical definitions, whereas theoretical terms refer to the unobservables of a theory, including abstract conceptions such as mathematical formulas. The two categories of primitive terms would be interconnected in meaning via a deductive interpretative framework, referred to as correspondence rules.
Early in his research, Carnap postulated that correspondence rules could be used to define theoretical terms from observation terms, contending that scientific knowledge could be unified by reducing theoretical laws to "protocol sentences" grounded in observable facts. He would soon abandon this model of reconstruction, suggesting instead that theoretical terms could be defined implicitly by the axioms of a theory. Furthermore, that observation terms could, in some cases, garner meaning from theoretical terms via correspondence rules. Here, definition is said to be 'implicit' in that the axioms serve to exclude those interpretations that falsify the theory. Thus, axioms define theoretical terms indirectly by restricting the set of possible interpretations to those that are true interpretations.
By reconstructing the semantics of scientific language, Carnap's thesis builds upon earlier research in the reconstruction of syntax, referring to Bertrand Russell's logical atomism—the view that statements in natural language can be converted to standardised subunits of meaning assembled via a logical syntax. Rational reconstruction is sometimes referred to as the received view or syntactic view of theories in the context of subsequent work by Carl Hempel, Ernest Nagel and Herbert Feigl.
By reducing mathematics to logic, Bertrand Russell sought to convert the mathematical formulas of physics to symbolic logic. Gottlob Frege began this program of logicism, continuing it with Russell, but eventually lost interest. Russell then continued it with Alfred North Whitehead in their Principia Mathematica, inspiring some of the more mathematical logical positivists, such as Hans Hahn and Rudolf Carnap.
Carnap's early anti-metaphysical works employed Russell's theory of types. Like Russell, Carnap envisioned a universal language that could reconstruct mathematics and thereby encode physics. Yet Kurt Gödel's incompleteness theorem showed this to be impossible, except in trivial cases, and Alfred Tarski's undefinability theorem finally undermined all hopes of reducing mathematics to logic. Thus, a universal language failed to stem from Carnap's 1934 work Logische Syntax der Sprache (Logical Syntax of Language). Still, some logical positivists, including Carl Hempel, continued support of logicism.
Philosophy of science
The logical positivist movement shed much of its revolutionary zeal following the defeat of Nazism and the decline of rival philosophies that sought radical reform, notably Marburg neo-Kantianism, Husserlian phenomenology and Heidegger's existential hermeneutics. Hosted in the climate of American pragmatism and common sense empiricism, its proponents no longer crusaded to revise traditional philosophy into a radical scientific philosophy, but became respectable members of a new philosophical subdiscipline, philosophy of science. Receiving support from Ernest Nagel, they were especially influential in the social sciences.
Scientific explanation
Carl Hempel was prominent in the development of the deductive-nomological (DN) model, then the foremost model of scientific explanation defended even among critics of neo-positivism such as Popper. According to the DN model, a scientific explanation is valid only if it takes the form of a deductive inference from a set of explanatory premises (explanans) to the observation or theory to be explained (explanandum). The model stipulates that the premises must refer to at least one law, which it defines as an unrestricted generalization of the conditional form: "If A, then B". Laws therefore differ from mere regularities ("George always carries only $1 bills in his wallet") which do not necessarily support counterfactual claims. Furthermore, laws must be empirically verifiable in compliance with the verification principle.
The DN model ignores causal mechanisms beyond the principle of constant conjunction ("first event A and then always event B") in accordance with the Humean empiricist postulate that, though sequences of events are observable, the underpinning causal principles are not. Hempel stated that well-formulated natural laws (empirically confirmed regularities) are satisfactory in approximating causal explanation.
Hempel later proposed a probabilistic model of scientific explanation: The inductive-statistical (IS) model. Derivation of statistical laws from other statistical laws would further be designated as the deductive-statistical (DS) model. The DN and IS models are collectively referred to as the "covering law model" or "subsumption theory", the latter referring to the movement's stated goals of "theory reduction".
Unity of science
Logical positivists were committed to the vision of a unified science encompassing all scientific fields (including the special sciences, such as biology, anthropology, sociology and economics, and the fundamental science, or fundamental physics) which would be synthesised into a singular epistemic entity. Key to this concept was the doctrine of theory reduction, according to which the covering law model would be used to interconnect the special sciences and, thereupon, to reduce all laws in the special sciences to fundamental physics.
The movement envisioned a universal scientific language that could express statements with common meaning intelligible to all scientific fields. Carnap sought to realise this goal through the systematic reduction of the linguistic terms of more specialised fields to those of more fundamental fields. Various methods of reduction were proposed, referring to the use of set theory to manipulate logically primitive concepts (as in Carnap's Logical Structure of the World, 1928) or via analytic and a priori deductive operations (as described in Testability and Meaning, 1936, 1937). A number of publications over a period of thirty years would attempt to elucidate this concept.
In the post-war period, key tenets of logical positivism, including the verifiability criterion, analytic-synthetic distinction and observation-theory distinction, drew escalated criticism. This would become sustained from various directions by the 1950s, so that, even among fractious philosophers who disagreed on the general objectives of epistemology, most would concur that the logical positivist program had become untenable. Notable critics included Karl Popper, W. V. O. Quine, Norwood Hanson, Thomas Kuhn, Hilary Putnam, as well as J. L. Austin, Peter Strawson, Nelson Goodman and Richard Rorty.Hempel himself became a major critic from within the movement, denouncing the positivist thesis that empirical knowledge is restricted to basic statements, observation statements or protocol statements.
Karl Popper
Karl Popper, a graduate of the University of Vienna, was an outspoken critic of the logical positivist movement from its inception. In Logik der Forschung (1934, published in English in 1959 as The Logic of Scientific Discovery) he attacked verificationism directly, contending that the problem of induction renders it impossible for scientific hypotheses and other universal statements to be verified conclusively. Any attempt to do so, he argued, would commit the fallacy of affirming the consequent, given that verification cannot—in itself—exclude alternative valid explanations for a specific phenomenon or instance of observation. He would later affirm that the content of the verifiability criterion cannot be empirically verified, thus is meaningless by its own proposition and ultimately self-defeating as a principle.
In the same book, Popper proposed falsifiability, which he presented, not as a criterion of cognitive meaning like verificationism (as commonly misunderstood), but as a criterion to distinguish scientific from non-scientific statements, thereby to demarcate the boundaries of science. Popper observed that, though universal statements cannot be verified, they can be falsified, and that the most productive scientific theories were apparently those that carried the greatest 'predictive risks' of being falsified by observation. He would conclude that the scientific method should be a hypothetico-deductive model, wherein scientific hypotheses must be falsifiable (per his criterion), held as provisionally true until proven false by observation, and are corroborated by supporting evidence rather than verified or confirmed.
In rejecting neo-positivist views of cognitive meaningfulness, Popper considered metaphysics to be rich in meaning and important in the origination of scientific theories and value systems to be integral to science's quest for truth. At the same time, he disparaged pseudoscience, referring to the confirmation biases that embolden support for unfalsifiable conjectures (notably those in psychology and psychoanalysis) and ad hoc arguments used to entrench predictive theories that have been proven conclusively false.
Willard V. O. Quine
In his influential 1951 paper Two Dogmas of Empiricism, American philosopher and logicist Willard Van Orman Quine challenged the analytic-synthetic distinction. Specifically, Quine examined the concept of analyticity, determining that all attempts to explain the idea reduce ultimately to circular reasoning. He would conclude that, if analyticity is untenable, so too is the neo-positivist proposition to redefine its boundaries. Yet Carnap's reconstruction of analyticity was necessary for logic and mathematics to be deemed meaningful under verificationism. Quine's arguments encompassed numerous criticisms on this topic he had articulated to Carnap since 1933. His work effectively pronounced the verifiability criterion untenable, threatening to uproot the broader logical positivist project.
Norwood Hanson
In 1958, Norwood Hanson's Patterns of Discovery characterised the concept of theory-ladenness. Hanson and Thomas Kuhn held that even direct observations are never truly neutral in that they are laden with theory, i.e. influenced by a system of theoretical presuppositions that function as an interpretative framework for the senses. Accordingly, individuals subscribed to different theories might report radically different observations even as they investigate the same phenomena. Hanson's thesis attacked the observation-theory distinction, which draws a dividing line between observational and non-observational (theoretical) language. More broadly, its findings challenged the central-most tenets of empiricism in questioning the infallibility and objectivity of empirical observation.
Thomas Kuhn
Thomas Kuhn's landmark book of 1962, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions—which discussed paradigm shifts in fundamental physics—critically undermined confidence in scientific foundationalism. Kuhn proposed in its place a coherentist model of science, whereby scientific progress revolves around cores of established, coherent ideas which periodically undergo abrupt revolutionary changes.
Though foundationalism was often considered a constituent doctrine of logical positivism (and Kuhn's thesis an epistemological criticism of the movement) such views were simplistic: In the 1930s, Neurath had argued for the adoption of coherentism, famously comparing the progress of science to reconstruction of a boat at sea.Carnap had entertained foundationalism from 1929 to 1930, but he, Hans Hahn and others would later join Neurath in converting to a coherentist philosophy. The conservative wing of the Vienna Circle under Moritz Schlick subscribed to a form of foundationalism, but its principles were defined unconventionally or ambiguously.
In some sense, Kuhn's book unified science, but through historical and social assessment rather than by networking the scientific specialties using epistemological or linguistic models. His ideas were adopted quickly by scholars in non-scientific disciplines, such as the social sciences in which neo-positivists were dominant, ushering academia into postpositivism or postempiricism.
Hilary Putnam
In his critique of the received view in 1962, Hilary Putnam attacked the observation-theory distinction. Putnam proposed that the division between "observation terms" and "theoretical terms" was untenable, determining that both categories have the potential to be theory-laden. Accordingly, he remarked that observational reports frequently refer to theoretical terms in practice. He illustrated cases in which observation terms can be applied to entities that Carnap would classify as unobservables. For example, in Newton's corpuscular theory of light, observation concepts can be applied to the consideration of both sub-microscopic and macroscopic objects.
Putnam advocated scientific realism, whereby scientific theory describes a real world existing independently of the senses. He rejected positivism, which he dismissed as a form of metaphysical idealism, in that it precluded any possibility to acquire knowledge of the unobservable aspects of nature. He also spurned instrumentalism, according to which a scientific theory is judged, not by whether it corresponds to reality, but by the extent to which it allows empirical predictions or resolves conceptual problems.
Decline and legacy
In 1967, John Passmore wrote, "Logical positivism is dead, or as dead as a philosophical movement ever becomes". His opinions concurred with widespread sentiment in academic circles that the movement had run its course by the late 1960s. Logical positivism's fall heralded postpositivism, distinguished by Popper's critical rationalism—which characterised human knowledge as continuously evolving via conjectures and refutations—and Kuhn's historical and social perspectives on the saltatory course of scientific progress.
In a 1976 interview, A. J. Ayer, who had introduced logical positivism to the English-speaking world in the 1930s, was asked what he saw as its main defects and answered that, "nearly all of it was false". Yet, he maintained that it was "true in spirit", referring to the principles of empiricism and reductionism whereby mental phenomena resolve to the material or physical and philosophical questions largely resolve to ones of language and meaning. Despite its problems, logical positivism helped to anchor analytic philosophy in the English-speaking world and its influence extended beyond philosophy in shaping the course of psychology and the social sciences. In the post-war period, Carl Hempel's contributions were vitally important in establishing the subdiscipline of the philosophy of science.
Logical positivism's fall reopened the debate over the metaphysical merit of scientific theory, whether it can offer knowledge of the world beyond human experience (scientific realism) or whether it is simply an instrument to predict human experience (instrumentalism). Philosophers increasingly critiqued the movement's doctrine and history, often misrepresenting it without thorough examination, sometimes reducing it to oversimplifications and stereotypes, such as its association with foundationalism.
See also
- Definitions of philosophy – Proposed definitions of philosophy
- Anti-realism – Truth of a statement rests on its demonstrability, not its correspondence to an external reality
- Sociological positivism – Empiricist philosophical theory
- Academic skepticism – Skeptical period of ancient Academy
- The Structure of Science – 1961 book by Ernest Nagel
- Raven paradox – Paradox arising from the question of what constitutes evidence for a statement
- Unobservable – Entity not directly observable by humans
- Ernst Mach – Austrian physicist, philosopher and university educator (1838–1916)
- Gottlob Frege – German philosopher, logician, and mathematician (1848–1925)
- Friedrich Waismann – Austrian mathematician, physicist and philosopher (1896–1959)
- Gustav Bergmann – Austrian-born American philosopher (1906-1987)
- Herbert Feigl – Austrian-American philosopher
- Kurt Grelling – German logician and philosopher (1886–1942)
- R. B. Braithwaite – English philosopher and ethicist (1900–1990)
- Friedman, Michael (1999). Reconsidering Logical Positivism. Cambridge University Press. p. xiv. LCCN 85030366.
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- Tractatus Proposition 4.024 bears resemblance to Schlick's statement, "To state the circumstances under which a proposition is true is the same as stating its meaning".
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However, neo-positivism failed dismally to give a faithful account of science, whether natural or social. It failed because it remained anchored to sense-data and to a phenomenalist metaphysics, overrated the power of induction and underrated that of hypothesis, and denounced realism and materialism as metaphysical nonsense. Although it has never been practiced consistently in the advanced natural sciences and has been criticized by many philosophers, notably Popper (1959, 1963), logical positivism remains the tacit philosophy of many scientists.
- Hempel, Carl G (1950). "Problems and changes in the empiricist criterion of meaning". Revue Internationale de Philosophie. 41: 41–63.
- Various different views are discussed in Ayer's Language, Truth, and Logic, Schlick's "Positivism and realism" (reprinted in Sarkar 1996 and Ayer 1959) and Carnap's Philosophy and Logical Syntax.
- Allen, Barry (2007). "Turning back the linguistic turn in the theory of knowledge". Thesis Eleven. 89 (1): 6–22. doi:10.1177/0725513607076129. S2CID 145778455.
In his famous novel Nineteen Eighty-Four George Orwell gave a nice (if for us ironical) explanation of the boon Carnap expects from the logical reform of grammar. Right-thinking Ingsoc party members are as offended as Carnap by the unruliness of language. It's a scandal that grammar allows such pseudo-statements as 'It is the right of the people to alter or abolish Government' (Jefferson), or 'Das Nichts nichtet' (Heidegger). Language as it is makes no objection to such statements, and to Carnap, as to the Party, that's a sore defect. Newspeak, a reformed grammar under development at the Ministry of Truth, will do what Carnap wants philosophical grammar to do.
- Schlick, Moritz (1992). "The future Of philosophy". In Richard Rorty (ed.). The Linguistic Turn. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. pp. 43–53.
- Ayer, A.J (1936). Language, Truth, and Meaning. pp. 2, 63–77.
- John Vicker (2011). "The problem of induction". In Edward N. Zalta (ed.). The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2011 ed.). Retrieved 24 August 2012.
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- Sarkar, Sahotra (2021). "Rudolf Carnap Testability and Meaning". Logical Empiricism at its Peak. New York: Routledge. pp. 200–265. doi:10.4324/9781003249573-13. ISBN 978-1-003-24957-3.
- Hilary Putnam (1985). Philosophical Papers: Volume 3, Realism and Reason. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0521313940. LCCN lc82012903.
- Franco, Paul L. (2018). "Ordinary Language Criticisms of Logical Positivism". HOPOS: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science. 8 (1): 157–190.
- Okasha, Samir (2002). The Philosophy of Science: A Very Short Introduction. New York: Oxford University Press. p. 23.
- Shea, Brendan. "Karl Popper: Philosophy of Science". Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved 12 May 2019.
- Hacohen, Malachi Haim (2000). Karl Popper: The Formative Years, 1902–1945: Politics and Philosophy in Interwar Vienna. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 212–13.
- Popper, Karl (1962). Conjectures and Refutations: The Growth of Scientific Knowledge (2nd ed.). Routledge. pp. 34–37.
- Popper, Karl (2005). The Logic of Scientific Discovery (2nd ed.). London: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780203994627.
- Quine, Willard V. O. (1951). "Two Dogmas of Empiricism". Philosophical Review. 60: 20–43. collected in Quine, Willard V. O. (1953). From a Logical Point of View. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press.
- Rocknak, Stefanie. "Willard Van Orman Quine: The Analytic/Synthetic Distinction". Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved 14 July 2024.
- Shieh, Sanford (2012). "Logical Positivism and Quine". In D. Graff Fara; G. Russell (eds.). A Companion to the Philosophy of Language. Routledge. pp. 869–872.
- Caldwell, Bruce (1994). Beyond Positivism: Economic Methodology in the 20th Century. London: Routledge. pp. 47–48.
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- Uebel 2008 3.3 Uebel writes, "Even Schlick conceded, however, that all scientific statements were fallible ones, so his position on foundationalism was by no means the traditional one. The point of his “foundations” remained less than wholly clear and different interpretation of it have been put forward."
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- Chapman, Siobhan (2009). "Logical positivism". In Siobhan Chapman; Christopher Routledge (eds.). Key ideas in linguistics and the philosophy of language. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
- "Ayer on Logical Positivism: Section 4". YouTube. 6:30.
- Putnam, Hilary (1984). "What is realism?". In Jarrett Leplin (ed.). Scientific Realism. University of California Press. p. 140.
- Lane, Ruth (1996). "Positivism, scientific realism and political science: Recent developments in the philosophy of science". Journal of Theoretical Politics. 8 (3): 361–82. doi:10.1177/0951692896008003003.
- Friedman 1999 p. 1
- Friedman 1999 p. 2
Further reading
- Achinstein, Peter; Barker, Stephen F. (1969). The Legacy of Logical Positivism: Studies in the Philosophy of Science. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press.
- Bergmann, Gustav (1954). The Metaphysics of Logical Positivism. New York: Longmans Green.
- Cirera, Ramon (1994). Carnap and the Vienna Circle: Empiricism and Logical Syntax. Atlanta, GA: Rodopi.
- Creath, Richard. "Logical Empiricism". In Zalta, Edward N. (ed.). Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
- Gadol, Eugene T. (1982). Rationality and Science: A Memorial Volume for Moritz Schlick in Celebration of the Centennial of his Birth. Wien: Springer.
- Giere, Ronald N.; Richardson, Alan W. (1997). Origins of Logical Empiricism. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
- Hájek, Alan. "Interpretations of Probability". In Zalta, Edward N. (ed.). Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
- Holt, Jim (2017). "Positive Thinking". The New York Review of Books. 64 (20): 74–76.
- Jangam, R. T. (1970). Logical Positivism and Politics. Delhi: Sterling Publishers.
- Janik, Allan; Toulmin, Stephen (1973). Wittgenstein's Vienna. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson.
- Kraft, Victor (1953). The Vienna Circle: The Origin of Neo-positivism, a Chapter in the History of Recent Philosophy. New York: Greenwood Press.
- McGuinness, Brian (1979). Joachim Schulte; Brian McGuinness (eds.). Wittgenstein and the Vienna Circle: Conversations Recorded by Friedrich Waismann. New York: Barnes & Noble Books.
- Milkov, Nikolay, ed. (2015). Die Berliner Gruppe. Texte zum Logischen Empirismus von Walter Dubislav, Kurt Grelling, Carl G. Hempel, Alexander Herzberg, Kurt Lewin, Paul Oppenheim und Hans Reichenbach. Hamburg: Meiner.
- Mises von, Richard (1951). Positivism: A Study in Human Understanding. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
- Murzi, Mauro (2007). "Logical Positivism". In Tom Flynn (ed.). The New Encyclopedia of Unbelief. Prometheus Books.
- Parrini, Paolo (1983). Empirismo logico e convenzionalismo: saggio di storia della filosofia della scienza. Milano: F. Angeli.
- Parrini, Paolo; Salmon, Wesley C.; Salmon, Merrilee H., eds. (2003). Logical Empiricism – Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.
- Passmore, John (1967). "Logical Positivism". In Paul Edwards (ed.). The Encyclopedia of Philosophy (1st ed.). New York: Macmillan.
- Reisch, George (2005). How the Cold War Transformed Philosophy of Science: To the Icy Slopes of Logic. New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Rescher, Nicholas (1985). The Heritage of Logical Positivism. Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
- Alan Richardson; Thomas Uebel, eds. (2007). The Cambridge Companion to Logical Positivism. New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Ryckman, Thomas A. "Early Philosophical Interpretations of General Relativity". In Zalta, Edward N. (ed.). Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
- Salmon, Wesley; Wolters, Gereon, eds. (1994). Logic, Language, and the Structure of Scientific Theories: Proceedings of the Carnap-Reichenbach Centennial, University of Konstanz, 21–24 May 1991. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.
- Sarkar, Sahotra, ed. (1996). The Emergence of Logical Empiricism: From 1900 to the Vienna Circle. New York: Garland Publishing.
- Sarkar, Sahotra, ed. (1996). Logical Empiricism and the Special Sciences: Reichenbach, Feigl, and Nagel. New York: Garland Publishing.
- Sarkar, Sahotra, ed. (1996). Decline and Obsolescence of Logical Empiricism: Carnap vs. Quine and the Critics. New York: Garland Publishing.
- Sarkar, Sahotra, ed. (1996). The Legacy of the Vienna Circle: Modern Reappraisals. New York: Garland Publishing.
- Spohn, Wolfgang, ed. (1991). Erkenntnis Orientated: A Centennial Volume for Rudolf Carnap and Hans Reichenbach. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Stadler, Friedrich (2015). The Vienna Circle. Studies in the Origins, Development, and Influence of Logical Empiricism (2nd ed.). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Stadler, Friedrich, ed. (2003). The Vienna Circle and Logical Empiricism. Re-evaluation and Future Perspectives. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
- Werkmeister, William (May 1937). "Seven Theses of Logical Positivism Critically Examined". The Philosophical Review. 46 (3): 276–297. doi:10.2307/2181086. JSTOR 2181086.
External links
Media related to Logical positivism at Wikimedia Commons
Articles by logical positivists
- The Scientific Conception of the World: The Vienna Circle
- Carnap, Rudolf. 'The Elimination of Metaphysics Through Logical Analysis of Language'
- Carnap, Rudolf. 'Empiricism, Semantics, and Ontology.'
- Excerpt from Carnap, Rudolf. Philosophy and Logical Syntax.
- Feigl, Herbert. 'Positivism in the Twentieth Century (Logical Empiricism)', Dictionary of the History of Ideas, 1974, Gale Group (Electronic Edition)
Articles on logical positivism
- Kemerling, Garth. 'Logical Positivism', Philosophy Pages
- Murzi, Mauro. 'The Philosophy of Logical Positivism.'
Logical positivism also known as logical empiricism or neo positivism was a philosophical movement in the empiricist tradition that sought to formulate a scientific philosophy in which philosophical discourse would be in the perception of its proponents as authoritative and meaningful as empirical science Logical positivism s central thesis was the verification principle also known as the verifiability criterion of meaning according to which a statement is cognitively meaningful only if it can be verified through empirical observation or if it is a tautology true by virtue of its own meaning or its own logical form The verifiability criterion thus rejected statements of metaphysics theology ethics and aesthetics as cognitively meaningless in terms of truth value or factual content Despite its ambition to overhaul philosophy by mimicking the structure and process of empirical science logical positivism became erroneously stereotyped as an agenda to regulate the scientific process and to place strict standards on it The movement emerged in the late 1920s among philosophers scientists and mathematicians congregated within the Vienna Circle and Berlin Circle and flourished in several European centres through the 1930s By the end of World War II many of its members had settled in the English speaking world and the project shifted to less radical goals within the philosophy of science By the 1950s problems identified within logical positivism s central tenets became seen as intractable drawing escalating criticism among leading philosophers notably from Willard van Orman Quine and Karl Popper and even from within the movement from Carl Hempel These problems would remain unresolved precipitating the movement s eventual decline and abandonment by the 1960s In 1967 philosopher John Passmore pronounced logical positivism dead or as dead as a philosophical movement ever becomes OriginsLogical positivism emerged in Germany and Austria amid a cultural background characterised by the dominance of Hegelian metaphysics and the work of Hegelian successors such as F H Bradley whose metaphysics portrayed the world without reference to empirical observation The late 19th century also saw the emergence of neo Kantianism as a philosophical movement in the rationalist tradition The logical positivist program established its theoretical foundations in the empiricism of David Hume Auguste Comte and Ernst Mach along with the positivism of Comte and Mach defining its exemplar of science in Einstein s general theory of relativity In accordance with Mach s phenomenalism whereby material objects exist only as sensory stimuli rather than as observable entities in the real world logical positivists took all scientific knowledge to be only sensory experience Further influence came from Percy Bridgman s operationalism whereby a concept is not knowable unless it can be measured experimentally as well as Immanuel Kant s perspectives on aprioricity Ludwig Wittgenstein s Tractatus Logico Philosophicus established the theoretical foundations for the verifiability principle His work introduced the view of philosophy as critique of language discussing theoretical distinctions between intelligible and nonsensical discourse Tractatus adhered to a correspondence theory of truth as opposed to a coherence theory of truth Logical positivists were also influenced by Wittgenstein s interpretation of probability though according to Neurath some objected to the metaphysics in Tractatus HistoryVienna and Berlin Circles The Vienna Circle was led principally by Moritz Schlick congregating around the University of Vienna and at the Cafe Central A manifesto written by Otto Neurath Hans Hahn and Rudolf Carnap in 1929 summarised the Vienna Circle s positions Schlick had originally held a neo Kantian position but later converted via Carnap s 1928 book Der logische Aufbau der Welt The Logical Structure of the World The Viennese maintained closely cooperative ties with the Berlin Circle among whom Hans Reichenbach was pre eminent Carl Hempel who studied under Reichenbach in Germany was also to prove influential in the movement s later history A friendly but tenacious critic of the movement was Karl Popper whom Neurath nicknamed the Official Opposition Early in the movement Carnap Hahn Neurath and others recognised that the verifiability criterion was too stringent in that it rejected universal statements which are vital to scientific hypothesis A radical left wing emerged from the Vienna Circle led by Neurath and Carnap who proposed revisions to weaken the criterion a program they referred to as the liberalisation of empiricism A conservative right wing led by Schlick and Waismann instead sought to classify universal statements as analytic truths thereby to reconcile them with the existing criterion Within the liberal wing Carnap emphasised fallibilism as well as pragmatics which he considered integral to empiricism Neurath prescribed a move from Mach s phenomenalism to physicalism though this would be opposed by Schlick As Neurath and Carnap sought to pose science toward social reform the split in the Vienna Circle also reflected political differences Both Schlick and Carnap had been influenced by and sought to define logical positivism versus the neo Kantianism of Ernst Cassirer the contemporary leading figure of the Marburg school and against Edmund Husserl s phenomenology Logical positivists especially opposed Martin Heidegger s obscure metaphysics the epitome of what they had rejected through their epistemological doctrines In the early 1930s Carnap debated Heidegger over metaphysical pseudosentences Anglosphere As the movement s first emissary to the New World Moritz Schlick visited Stanford University in 1929 yet otherwise remained in Vienna and was murdered in 1936 at the University by a former student Johann Nelbock who was reportedly deranged That year A J Ayer a British attendee at various Vienna Circle meetings since 1933 published Language Truth and Logic which imported logical positivism to the English speaking world In 1933 the Nazi Party s rise to power in Germany had triggered flight of intellectuals which accelerated upon Germany s annexation of Austria in 1938 The logical positivists many of whom were Jewish were targeted and continued flight throughout the pre war period Their philosophy thus became dominant in the English speaking world By the late 1930s many in the movement had replaced phenomenalism with Neurath s physicalism whereby material objects are not reducible to sensory stimuli but exist as publicly observable entities in the real world Neurath settled in England where he died in 1945 Carnap Reichenbach and Hempel settled permanently in America Post war period Following the Second World War logical positivism now referred to by some as logical empiricism turned to less radical objectives in the philosophy of science Led by Carl Hempel who expounded the covering law model of scientific explanation the movement became a major underpinning of analytic philosophy in the English speaking world and its influence extended beyond philosophy into the social sciences At the same time the movement drew intensifying scrutiny over its central problems and its doctrines were increasingly criticised most trenchantly by Willard Van Orman Quine Norwood Hanson Karl Popper Thomas Kuhn and Carl Hempel PrinciplesVerification and Confirmation Verifiability Criterion of Meaning According to the verifiability criterion of meaning a statement is cognitively meaningful only if it is either verifiable by empirical observation or is an analytic truth i e true by virtue of its own meaning or its own logical form Cognitive meaningfulness was defined variably possessing truth value or corresponding to a possible state of affairs or intelligible or understandable as are scientific statements Other types of meaning for instance emotive expressive or figurative were dismissed from further review Metaphysics theology as well as much of ethics and aesthetics failed this criterion and so were found cognitively meaningless and only emotively meaningful though notably Schlick considered ethical and aesthetic statements cognitively meaningful Ethics and aesthetics were considered subjective preferences while theology and metaphysics contained pseudostatements that were neither true nor false Thus logical positivism indirectly asserted Hume s law the principle that factual statements cannot justify evaluative statements and that the two are separated by an unbridgeable gap A J Ayer s Language Truth and Logic 1936 presented an extreme version of this principle the boo hooray doctrine whereby all evaluative judgments are merely emotional reactions Revisions to the criterion Logical positivists in the Vienna Circle recognised quickly that the verifiability criterion was too restrictive Specifically universal statements were noted to be empirically unverifiable rendering vital domains of science and reason such as scientific hypothesis cognitively meaningless under verificationism This would pose significant problems for the logical positivist program absent revisions to its criterion of meaning In his 1936 and 1937 papers Testability and Meaning Carnap proposed confirmation in place of verification determining that though universal laws cannot be verified they can be confirmed Carnap employed abundant logical and mathematical tools to research an inductive logic that would account for probability according to degrees of confirmation However he was never able to formulate a model In Carnap s inductive logic a universal law s degree of confirmation was always zero The formulation of what eventually came to be called the criterion of cognitive significance stemming from this research took three decades Hempel 1950 Carnap 1956 Carnap 1961 Carl Hempel who became a prominent critic of the logical positivist movement elucidated the paradox of confirmation In his 1936 book Language Truth and Logic A J Ayer distinguished strong and weak verification He stipulated that A proposition is said to be verifiable in the strong sense of the term if and only if its truth could be conclusively established by experience but is verifiable in the weak sense if it is possible for experience to render it probable He would add that no proposition other than a tautology can possibly be anything more than a probable hypothesis Thus he would conclude that all are open to weak verification Analytic synthetic distinction In theories of justification a priori statements are those that can be known independently of observation contrasting with a posteriori statements which are dependent on observation Statements may also be categorised into analytic and synthetic Analytic statements are true by virtue of their own meaning or their own logical form therefore are tautologies that are true by necessity but uninformative about the world Synthetic statements in comparison are contingent propositions that refer to a state of facts concerning the world David Hume proposed an unambiguous distinction between analytic and synthetic categorising knowledge exclusively as either relations of ideas which are a priori analytic and abstract or matters of fact and real existence a posteriori synthetic and concrete a classification referred to as Hume s fork Immanuel Kant identified a further category of knowledge Synthetic a priori statements which are informative about the world but known without observation This principle is encapsulated in Kant s transcendental idealism which attributes the mind a constructive role in phenomena whereby intuitive truths including synthetic a priori conceptions of space and time function as an interpretative filter for an observer s experience of the world His thesis would serve to rescue Newton s law of universal gravitation from Hume s problem of induction by determining uniformity of nature to be in the category of a priori knowledge The Vienna Circle rejected Kant s conception of synthetic a priori knowledge given its incompatibility with the verifiability criterion Yet they adopted the Kantian position of defining mathematics and logic ordinarily considered synthetic truths as a priori Carnap s solution to this discrepancy would be to reinterpret logical truths as tautologies redefining logic as analytic building upon theoretical foundations established in Wittgenstein s Tractatus Mathematics in turn would be reduced to logic through the logicist approach proposed by Gottlob Frege In effect Carnap s reconstruction of analyticity expounded Hume s fork affirming its analytic synthetic distinction This would be critically important in rendering the verification principle compatible with mathematics and logic Observation theory distinction Carnap devoted much of his career to the cornerstone doctrine of rational reconstruction whereby scientific theories can be formalised into predicate logic and the components of a theory categorised into observation terms and theoretical terms Observation terms are specified by direct observation and thus assumed to have fixed empirical definitions whereas theoretical terms refer to the unobservables of a theory including abstract conceptions such as mathematical formulas The two categories of primitive terms would be interconnected in meaning via a deductive interpretative framework referred to as correspondence rules Early in his research Carnap postulated that correspondence rules could be used to define theoretical terms from observation terms contending that scientific knowledge could be unified by reducing theoretical laws to protocol sentences grounded in observable facts He would soon abandon this model of reconstruction suggesting instead that theoretical terms could be defined implicitly by the axioms of a theory Furthermore that observation terms could in some cases garner meaning from theoretical terms via correspondence rules Here definition is said to be implicit in that the axioms serve to exclude those interpretations that falsify the theory Thus axioms define theoretical terms indirectly by restricting the set of possible interpretations to those that are true interpretations By reconstructing the semantics of scientific language Carnap s thesis builds upon earlier research in the reconstruction of syntax referring to Bertrand Russell s logical atomism the view that statements in natural language can be converted to standardised subunits of meaning assembled via a logical syntax Rational reconstruction is sometimes referred to as the received view or syntactic view of theories in the context of subsequent work by Carl Hempel Ernest Nagel and Herbert Feigl Logicism By reducing mathematics to logic Bertrand Russell sought to convert the mathematical formulas of physics to symbolic logic Gottlob Frege began this program of logicism continuing it with Russell but eventually lost interest Russell then continued it with Alfred North Whitehead in their Principia Mathematica inspiring some of the more mathematical logical positivists such as Hans Hahn and Rudolf Carnap Carnap s early anti metaphysical works employed Russell s theory of types Like Russell Carnap envisioned a universal language that could reconstruct mathematics and thereby encode physics Yet Kurt Godel s incompleteness theorem showed this to be impossible except in trivial cases and Alfred Tarski s undefinability theorem finally undermined all hopes of reducing mathematics to logic Thus a universal language failed to stem from Carnap s 1934 work Logische Syntax der Sprache Logical Syntax of Language Still some logical positivists including Carl Hempel continued support of logicism Philosophy of scienceThe logical positivist movement shed much of its revolutionary zeal following the defeat of Nazism and the decline of rival philosophies that sought radical reform notably Marburg neo Kantianism Husserlian phenomenology and Heidegger s existential hermeneutics Hosted in the climate of American pragmatism and common sense empiricism its proponents no longer crusaded to revise traditional philosophy into a radical scientific philosophy but became respectable members of a new philosophical subdiscipline philosophy of science Receiving support from Ernest Nagel they were especially influential in the social sciences Scientific explanation Carl Hempel was prominent in the development of the deductive nomological DN model then the foremost model of scientific explanation defended even among critics of neo positivism such as Popper According to the DN model a scientific explanation is valid only if it takes the form of a deductive inference from a set of explanatory premises explanans to the observation or theory to be explained explanandum The model stipulates that the premises must refer to at least one law which it defines as an unrestricted generalization of the conditional form If A then B Laws therefore differ from mere regularities George always carries only 1 bills in his wallet which do not necessarily support counterfactual claims Furthermore laws must be empirically verifiable in compliance with the verification principle The DN model ignores causal mechanisms beyond the principle of constant conjunction first event A and then always event B in accordance with the Humean empiricist postulate that though sequences of events are observable the underpinning causal principles are not Hempel stated that well formulated natural laws empirically confirmed regularities are satisfactory in approximating causal explanation Hempel later proposed a probabilistic model of scientific explanation The inductive statistical IS model Derivation of statistical laws from other statistical laws would further be designated as the deductive statistical DS model The DN and IS models are collectively referred to as the covering law model or subsumption theory the latter referring to the movement s stated goals of theory reduction Unity of science Logical positivists were committed to the vision of a unified science encompassing all scientific fields including the special sciences such as biology anthropology sociology and economics and the fundamental science or fundamental physics which would be synthesised into a singular epistemic entity Key to this concept was the doctrine of theory reduction according to which the covering law model would be used to interconnect the special sciences and thereupon to reduce all laws in the special sciences to fundamental physics The movement envisioned a universal scientific language that could express statements with common meaning intelligible to all scientific fields Carnap sought to realise this goal through the systematic reduction of the linguistic terms of more specialised fields to those of more fundamental fields Various methods of reduction were proposed referring to the use of set theory to manipulate logically primitive concepts as in Carnap s Logical Structure of the World 1928 or via analytic and a priori deductive operations as described in Testability and Meaning 1936 1937 A number of publications over a period of thirty years would attempt to elucidate this concept CriticismIn the post war period key tenets of logical positivism including the verifiability criterion analytic synthetic distinction and observation theory distinction drew escalated criticism This would become sustained from various directions by the 1950s so that even among fractious philosophers who disagreed on the general objectives of epistemology most would concur that the logical positivist program had become untenable Notable critics included Karl Popper W V O Quine Norwood Hanson Thomas Kuhn Hilary Putnam as well as J L Austin Peter Strawson Nelson Goodman and Richard Rorty Hempel himself became a major critic from within the movement denouncing the positivist thesis that empirical knowledge is restricted to basic statements observation statements or protocol statements Karl Popper Karl Popper a graduate of the University of Vienna was an outspoken critic of the logical positivist movement from its inception In Logik der Forschung 1934 published in English in 1959 as The Logic of Scientific Discovery he attacked verificationism directly contending that the problem of induction renders it impossible for scientific hypotheses and other universal statements to be verified conclusively Any attempt to do so he argued would commit the fallacy of affirming the consequent given that verification cannot in itself exclude alternative valid explanations for a specific phenomenon or instance of observation He would later affirm that the content of the verifiability criterion cannot be empirically verified thus is meaningless by its own proposition and ultimately self defeating as a principle In the same book Popper proposed falsifiability which he presented not as a criterion of cognitive meaning like verificationism as commonly misunderstood but as a criterion to distinguish scientific from non scientific statements thereby to demarcate the boundaries of science Popper observed that though universal statements cannot be verified they can be falsified and that the most productive scientific theories were apparently those that carried the greatest predictive risks of being falsified by observation He would conclude that the scientific method should be a hypothetico deductive model wherein scientific hypotheses must be falsifiable per his criterion held as provisionally true until proven false by observation and are corroborated by supporting evidence rather than verified or confirmed In rejecting neo positivist views of cognitive meaningfulness Popper considered metaphysics to be rich in meaning and important in the origination of scientific theories and value systems to be integral to science s quest for truth At the same time he disparaged pseudoscience referring to the confirmation biases that embolden support for unfalsifiable conjectures notably those in psychology and psychoanalysis and ad hoc arguments used to entrench predictive theories that have been proven conclusively false Willard V O Quine In his influential 1951 paper Two Dogmas of Empiricism American philosopher and logicist Willard Van Orman Quine challenged the analytic synthetic distinction Specifically Quine examined the concept of analyticity determining that all attempts to explain the idea reduce ultimately to circular reasoning He would conclude that if analyticity is untenable so too is the neo positivist proposition to redefine its boundaries Yet Carnap s reconstruction of analyticity was necessary for logic and mathematics to be deemed meaningful under verificationism Quine s arguments encompassed numerous criticisms on this topic he had articulated to Carnap since 1933 His work effectively pronounced the verifiability criterion untenable threatening to uproot the broader logical positivist project Norwood Hanson In 1958 Norwood Hanson s Patterns of Discovery characterised the concept of theory ladenness Hanson and Thomas Kuhn held that even direct observations are never truly neutral in that they are laden with theory i e influenced by a system of theoretical presuppositions that function as an interpretative framework for the senses Accordingly individuals subscribed to different theories might report radically different observations even as they investigate the same phenomena Hanson s thesis attacked the observation theory distinction which draws a dividing line between observational and non observational theoretical language More broadly its findings challenged the central most tenets of empiricism in questioning the infallibility and objectivity of empirical observation Thomas Kuhn Thomas Kuhn s landmark book of 1962 The Structure of Scientific Revolutions which discussed paradigm shifts in fundamental physics critically undermined confidence in scientific foundationalism Kuhn proposed in its place a coherentist model of science whereby scientific progress revolves around cores of established coherent ideas which periodically undergo abrupt revolutionary changes Though foundationalism was often considered a constituent doctrine of logical positivism and Kuhn s thesis an epistemological criticism of the movement such views were simplistic In the 1930s Neurath had argued for the adoption of coherentism famously comparing the progress of science to reconstruction of a boat at sea Carnap had entertained foundationalism from 1929 to 1930 but he Hans Hahn and others would later join Neurath in converting to a coherentist philosophy The conservative wing of the Vienna Circle under Moritz Schlick subscribed to a form of foundationalism but its principles were defined unconventionally or ambiguously In some sense Kuhn s book unified science but through historical and social assessment rather than by networking the scientific specialties using epistemological or linguistic models His ideas were adopted quickly by scholars in non scientific disciplines such as the social sciences in which neo positivists were dominant ushering academia into postpositivism or postempiricism Hilary Putnam In his critique of the received view in 1962 Hilary Putnam attacked the observation theory distinction Putnam proposed that the division between observation terms and theoretical terms was untenable determining that both categories have the potential to be theory laden Accordingly he remarked that observational reports frequently refer to theoretical terms in practice He illustrated cases in which observation terms can be applied to entities that Carnap would classify as unobservables For example in Newton s corpuscular theory of light observation concepts can be applied to the consideration of both sub microscopic and macroscopic objects Putnam advocated scientific realism whereby scientific theory describes a real world existing independently of the senses He rejected positivism which he dismissed as a form of metaphysical idealism in that it precluded any possibility to acquire knowledge of the unobservable aspects of nature He also spurned instrumentalism according to which a scientific theory is judged not by whether it corresponds to reality but by the extent to which it allows empirical predictions or resolves conceptual problems Decline and legacyIn 1967 John Passmore wrote Logical positivism is dead or as dead as a philosophical movement ever becomes His opinions concurred with widespread sentiment in academic circles that the movement had run its course by the late 1960s Logical positivism s fall heralded postpositivism distinguished by Popper s critical rationalism which characterised human knowledge as continuously evolving via conjectures and refutations and Kuhn s historical and social perspectives on the saltatory course of scientific progress In a 1976 interview A J Ayer who had introduced logical positivism to the English speaking world in the 1930s was asked what he saw as its main defects and answered that nearly all of it was false Yet he maintained that it was true in spirit referring to the principles of empiricism and reductionism whereby mental phenomena resolve to the material or physical and philosophical questions largely resolve to ones of language and meaning Despite its problems logical positivism helped to anchor analytic philosophy in the English speaking world and its influence extended beyond philosophy in shaping the course of psychology and the social sciences In the post war period Carl Hempel s contributions were vitally important in establishing the subdiscipline of the philosophy of science Logical positivism s fall reopened the debate over the metaphysical merit of scientific theory whether it can offer knowledge of the world beyond human experience scientific realism or whether it is simply an instrument to predict human experience instrumentalism Philosophers increasingly critiqued the movement s doctrine and history often misrepresenting it without thorough examination sometimes reducing it to oversimplifications and stereotypes such as its association with foundationalism See alsoDefinitions of philosophy Proposed definitions of philosophy Anti realism Truth of a statement rests on its demonstrability not its correspondence to an external reality Sociological positivism Empiricist philosophical theoryPages displaying short descriptions of redirect targets Academic skepticism Skeptical period of ancient Academy The Structure of Science 1961 book by Ernest Nagel Raven paradox Paradox arising from the question of what constitutes evidence for a statement Unobservable Entity not directly observable by humans People Ernst Mach Austrian physicist philosopher and university educator 1838 1916 Gottlob Frege German philosopher logician and mathematician 1848 1925 Friedrich Waismann Austrian mathematician physicist and philosopher 1896 1959 Gustav Bergmann Austrian born American philosopher 1906 1987 Herbert Feigl Austrian American philosopher Kurt Grelling German logician and philosopher 1886 1942 R B Braithwaite English philosopher and ethicist 1900 1990 ReferencesFriedman Michael 1999 Reconsidering Logical Positivism Cambridge University Press p xiv LCCN 85030366 Godfrey Smith Peter 2010 Theory and Reality an Introduction to the Philosophy of Science University of Chicago Press ISBN 978 1 282 64630 8 OCLC 748357235 Uebel Thomas 2008 Vienna Circle In Edward N Zalta ed The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Spring 2024 ed Retrieved 27 February 2025 Hanfling Oswald 1996 Logical positivism In Stuart G Shanker ed Philosophy of Science Logic and Mathematics in the Twentieth Century Routledge pp 193 94 Suppe Frederick 1999 The Positivist Model of Scientific Theories In Robert Klee ed Scientific Inquiry Oxford University Press pp 16 24 Uebel 2008 3 7 Flew Antony G 1984 Science Conjectures and refutations In Andrew Bailey ed A Dictionary of Philosophy New York St Martin s Press p 156 Ray Christopher September 2017 Logical Positivism In Newton Smith W H ed A Companion to the Philosophy of Science 1st ed Wiley pp 243 251 doi 10 1002 9781405164481 ch37 ISBN 978 0 631 23020 5 Retrieved 19 October 2023 Leahey Thomas H 1980 The Myth of Operationism The Journal of Mind and Behavior 1 2 127 143 Tractatus Proposition 4 024 bears resemblance to Schlick s statement To state the circumstances under which a proposition is true is the same as stating its meaning Schlick Moritz 1932 Positivismus und realismus Erkenntnis 3 1 1 31 doi 10 1007 BF01886406 English translation in Sarkar Sahotra ed 1996 Logical Empiricism at its Peak Schlick Carnap and Neurath New York Garland Publishing p 38 Rand Rose 1933 Entwicklung der Thesen des Wiener Kreises Fetzer James 2012 Carl Hempel In Edward N Zalta ed The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Summer 2012 ed Retrieved 31 August 2012 Bartley W W 1982 The Philosophy of Karl Popper Part III Rationality Criticism and Logic Philosophia 11 1 2 121 221 doi 10 1007 bf02378809 ISSN 0048 3893 Sarkar S Pfeifer J 2005 The Philosophy of Science An Encyclopedia Vol 1 Taylor amp Francis p 83 ISBN 978 0415939270 Uebel 2008 3 1 Friedman 1999 p xii Caldwell Bruce 1984 Logical Positivism The Vienna Circle Beyond Positivism Routledge pp 29 36 doi 10 4324 9780203565520 7 ISBN 978 0 429 23433 0 Uebel 2008 2 1 Smith L D 1986 Behaviorism and Logical Positivism A Reassessment of the Alliance Stanford University Press p 314 ISBN 978 0804713016 LCCN 85030366 Bunge M A 1996 Finding Philosophy in Social Science Yale University Press p 317 ISBN 978 0300066067 LCCN lc96004399 However neo positivism failed dismally to give a faithful account of science whether natural or social It failed because it remained anchored to sense data and to a phenomenalist metaphysics overrated the power of induction and underrated that of hypothesis and denounced realism and materialism as metaphysical nonsense Although it has never been practiced consistently in the advanced natural sciences and has been criticized by many philosophers notably Popper 1959 1963 logical positivism remains the tacit philosophy of many scientists Hempel Carl G 1950 Problems and changes in the empiricist criterion of meaning Revue Internationale de Philosophie 41 41 63 Various different views are discussed in Ayer s Language Truth and Logic Schlick s Positivism and realism reprinted in Sarkar 1996 and Ayer 1959 and Carnap s Philosophy and Logical Syntax Allen Barry 2007 Turning back the linguistic turn in the theory of knowledge Thesis Eleven 89 1 6 22 doi 10 1177 0725513607076129 S2CID 145778455 In his famous novel Nineteen Eighty Four George Orwell gave a nice if for us ironical explanation of the boon Carnap expects from the logical reform of grammar Right thinking Ingsoc party members are as offended as Carnap by the unruliness of language It s a scandal that grammar allows such pseudo statements as It is the right of the people to alter or abolish Government Jefferson or Das Nichts nichtet Heidegger Language as it is makes no objection to such statements and to Carnap as to the Party that s a sore defect Newspeak a reformed grammar under development at the Ministry of Truth will do what Carnap wants philosophical grammar to do Schlick Moritz 1992 The future Of philosophy In Richard Rorty ed The Linguistic Turn Chicago University of Chicago Press pp 43 53 Ayer A J 1936 Language Truth and Meaning pp 2 63 77 John Vicker 2011 The problem of induction In Edward N Zalta ed The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Fall 2011 ed Retrieved 24 August 2012 This initial formulation of the criterion was soon seen to be too strong it counted as meaningless not only metaphysical statements but also statements that are clearly empirically meaningful such as that all copper conducts electricity and indeed any universally quantified statement of infinite scope as well as statements that were at the time beyond the reach of experience for technical and not conceptual reasons such as that there are mountains on the back side of the moon Murzi Mauro 2001 Rudolf Carnap 1891 1970 Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy Crupi Vincenzo 2021 Confirmation In Zalta Edward N ed The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Spring 2021 ed Retrieved 10 July 2023 Ayer 1936 pp 50 51 Rey Georges 2023 The Analytic Synthetic Distinction In Zalta Edward N Nodelman Uri eds The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Spring 2023 ed Metaphysics Research Lab Stanford University Retrieved 10 July 2023 Quine Willard Van Orman Analytic Synthetic Distinction Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy Retrieved 10 July 2023 Flew Antony 1984 A Dictionary of Philosophy 2nd ed New York St Martin s Press p 156 ISBN 978 0 312 20923 0 Mitchell Helen Buss 2010 Roots of Wisdom A Tapestry of Philosophical Traditions Cengage Learning pp 249 50 ISBN 978 0 495 80896 1 Rohlf Michael 2010 Immanuel Kant In Zalta Edward N ed The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Summer 2024 ed Metaphysics Research Lab Stanford University Retrieved 2 February 2025 De Pierris Graciela Friedman Michael 2008 Kant and Hume on Causality In Zalta Edward N ed The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Summer 2024 ed Metaphysics Research Lab Stanford University Retrieved 2 February 2025 Uebel 2008 2 3 Michael Friedman 1997 Carnap and Wittgenstein s Tractatus In William W Tait Leonard Linsky eds Early Analytic Philosophy Frege Russell Wittgenstein Open Court Publishing p 29 ISBN 978 0812693447 Jerrold J Katz 2000 The epistemic challenge to antirealism Realistic Rationalism MIT Press p 69 ISBN 978 0262263290 Leitgeb Hannes Carus Andre 2020 Supplement to Rudolf Carnap E The Reconstruction of Scientific Theories The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Retrieved 4 February 2025 Winnie John A 1967 The Implicit Definition of Theoretical Terms J Phil Sci 18 223 229 Lutz Sebastian 2021 Two Constants in Carnap s View on Scientific Theories In S Lutz A T Tuboly eds Logical Empiricism and the Physical Sciences Routledge pp 354 378 doi 10 4324 9780429429835 Russell Bertrand 1988 The Philosophy of Logical Atomism 1918 In John G Slater ed The Collected Papers of Bertrand Russell Volume 8 London Routledge pp 157 244 doi 10 4324 9781003557036 20 ISBN 978 1 003 55703 6 Hintikka Jaako 2009 Logicism In Andrew D Irvine ed Philosophy of Mathematics Burlington MA North Holland pp 283 84 Schlick Moritz 1932 The elimination of metaphysics through logical analysis of language Erkenntnis 2 1 1 31 doi 10 1007 BF01886406 Reprinted in Ayer Alfred Jules 1959 Logical Positivism New York Free Press pp 60 81 Novick Peter 1988 That Noble Dream Cambridge University Press p 546 Woodward James Scientific explanation In Edward N Zalta ed The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Winter 2011 ed Frederick Suppe Frederick 1977 The Structure of Scientific Theories 2nd ed University of Illinois Press pp 619 21 Montuschi Eleonora 2003 Objects in Social Science Continuum pp 61 62 Bechtel William 1988 Philosophy of Science An Overview for Cognitive Science Hillsdale NJ Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc pp 25 28 Riedel Manfred 1976 Causal and Historical Explanation In Manninen J Tuomela R eds Essays on Explanation and Understanding Studies in the Foundation of Humanities and Social Sciences Dordrecht D Reidel Publishing pp 3 4 Frost Arnold Gregory 2005 The Large Scale Structure of Logical Empiricism Unity of Science and the Elimination of Metaphysics Philosophy of Science 72 5 826 838 doi 10 1086 508113 Kuhn Thomas S 1996 The Structure of Scientific Revolutions University of Chicago Press ISBN 978 0 226 45808 3 Hinst Peter 2020 Carnap Rudolf Der logische Aufbau der Welt Kindlers Literatur Lexikon KLL Stuttgart J B Metzler pp 1 2 doi 10 1007 978 3 476 05728 0 9509 1 ISBN 978 3 476 05728 0 Sarkar Sahotra 2021 Rudolf Carnap Testability and Meaning Logical Empiricism at its Peak New York Routledge pp 200 265 doi 10 4324 9781003249573 13 ISBN 978 1 003 24957 3 Hilary Putnam 1985 Philosophical Papers Volume 3 Realism and Reason Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0521313940 LCCN lc82012903 Franco Paul L 2018 Ordinary Language Criticisms of Logical Positivism HOPOS The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 8 1 157 190 Okasha Samir 2002 The Philosophy of Science A Very Short Introduction New York Oxford University Press p 23 Shea Brendan Karl Popper Philosophy of Science Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy Retrieved 12 May 2019 Hacohen Malachi Haim 2000 Karl Popper The Formative Years 1902 1945 Politics and Philosophy in Interwar Vienna Cambridge Cambridge University Press pp 212 13 Popper Karl 1962 Conjectures and Refutations The Growth of Scientific Knowledge 2nd ed Routledge pp 34 37 Popper Karl 2005 The Logic of Scientific Discovery 2nd ed London Routledge doi 10 4324 9780203994627 Quine Willard V O 1951 Two Dogmas of Empiricism Philosophical Review 60 20 43 collected in Quine Willard V O 1953 From a Logical Point of View Cambridge MA Harvard University Press Rocknak Stefanie Willard Van Orman Quine The Analytic Synthetic Distinction Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy Retrieved 14 July 2024 Shieh Sanford 2012 Logical Positivism and Quine In D Graff Fara G Russell eds A Companion to the Philosophy of Language Routledge pp 869 872 Caldwell Bruce 1994 Beyond Positivism Economic Methodology in the 20th Century London Routledge pp 47 48 Boyd Nora Mills 2009 Theory and Observation in Science In Edward N Zalta ed The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy 2021 ed Retrieved 29 January 2025 Okasha Samir 2002 Scientific Change and Scientific Revolutions Philosophy of Science A Very Short Introduction Oxford Oxford University Press Daston Lorraine 2020 Thomas S Kuhn The Structure of Scientific Revolutions 1962 Public Culture 32 2 405 413 doi 10 1215 08992363 8090152 ISSN 0899 2363 Uebel 2008 3 3 Cartwright Nancy Cat Jordi Fleck Lola Uebel Thomas E 2008 On Neurath s Boat Otto Neurath Philosophy Between Science and Politics Ideas in Context Vol 38 Cambridge University Press pp 89 94 ISBN 978 0521041119 Uebel 2008 3 3 Uebel writes Even Schlick conceded however that all scientific statements were fallible ones so his position on foundationalism was by no means the traditional one The point of his foundations remained less than wholly clear and different interpretation of it have been put forward Novick 1988 pp 526 27 Putnam Hilary 1962 What Theories are Not In E Nagel P Suppes A Tarski eds Logic Methodology and Philosophy of Science Stanford Stanford University Press pp 240 251 Putnam Hilary 1999 Problems with the observational theoretical distinction In Robert Klee ed Scientific Inquiry New York Oxford University Press pp 25 29 Andreas Holger 2013 Theoretical Terms in Science In Edward N Zalta ed The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy August 2021 ed Retrieved 30 January 2025 Nicholas G Fotion 1995 Ted Honderich ed The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Oxford Oxford University Press p 508 ISBN 978 0 19 866132 0 William Stahl Robert A Campbell Gary Diver Yvonne Petry 2002 Webs of Reality Social Perspectives on Science and Religion Rutgers University Press p 180 ISBN 978 0 8135 3107 6 Chapman Siobhan 2009 Logical positivism In Siobhan Chapman Christopher Routledge eds Key ideas in linguistics and the philosophy of language Edinburgh Edinburgh University Press Ayer on Logical Positivism Section 4 YouTube 6 30 Putnam Hilary 1984 What is realism In Jarrett Leplin ed Scientific Realism University of California Press p 140 Lane Ruth 1996 Positivism scientific realism and political science Recent developments in the philosophy of science Journal of Theoretical Politics 8 3 361 82 doi 10 1177 0951692896008003003 Friedman 1999 p 1 Friedman 1999 p 2Further readingAchinstein Peter Barker Stephen F 1969 The Legacy of Logical Positivism Studies in the Philosophy of Science Baltimore Johns Hopkins Press Bergmann Gustav 1954 The Metaphysics of Logical Positivism New York Longmans Green Cirera Ramon 1994 Carnap and the Vienna Circle Empiricism and Logical Syntax Atlanta GA Rodopi Creath Richard Logical Empiricism In Zalta Edward N ed Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Gadol Eugene T 1982 Rationality and Science A Memorial Volume for Moritz Schlick in Celebration of the Centennial of his Birth Wien Springer Giere Ronald N Richardson Alan W 1997 Origins of Logical Empiricism Minneapolis University of Minnesota Press Hajek Alan Interpretations of Probability In Zalta Edward N ed Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Holt Jim 2017 Positive Thinking The New York Review of Books 64 20 74 76 Jangam R T 1970 Logical Positivism and Politics Delhi Sterling Publishers Janik Allan Toulmin Stephen 1973 Wittgenstein s Vienna London Weidenfeld and Nicolson Kraft Victor 1953 The Vienna Circle The Origin of Neo positivism a Chapter in the History of Recent Philosophy New York Greenwood Press McGuinness Brian 1979 Joachim Schulte Brian McGuinness eds Wittgenstein and the Vienna Circle Conversations Recorded by Friedrich Waismann New York Barnes amp Noble Books Milkov Nikolay ed 2015 Die Berliner Gruppe Texte zum Logischen Empirismus von Walter Dubislav Kurt Grelling Carl G Hempel Alexander Herzberg Kurt Lewin Paul Oppenheim und Hans Reichenbach Hamburg Meiner Mises von Richard 1951 Positivism A Study in Human Understanding Cambridge Harvard University Press Murzi Mauro 2007 Logical Positivism In Tom Flynn ed The New Encyclopedia of Unbelief Prometheus Books Parrini Paolo 1983 Empirismo logico e convenzionalismo saggio di storia della filosofia della scienza Milano F Angeli Parrini Paolo Salmon Wesley C Salmon Merrilee H eds 2003 Logical Empiricism Historical and Contemporary Perspectives Pittsburgh University of Pittsburgh Press Passmore John 1967 Logical Positivism In Paul Edwards ed The Encyclopedia of Philosophy 1st ed New York Macmillan Reisch George 2005 How the Cold War Transformed Philosophy of Science To the Icy Slopes of Logic New York Cambridge University Press Rescher Nicholas 1985 The Heritage of Logical Positivism Lanham MD University Press of America Alan Richardson Thomas Uebel eds 2007 The Cambridge Companion to Logical Positivism New York Cambridge University Press Ryckman Thomas A Early Philosophical Interpretations of General Relativity In Zalta Edward N ed Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Salmon Wesley Wolters Gereon eds 1994 Logic Language and the Structure of Scientific Theories Proceedings of the Carnap Reichenbach Centennial University of Konstanz 21 24 May 1991 Pittsburgh University of Pittsburgh Press Sarkar Sahotra ed 1996 The Emergence of Logical Empiricism From 1900 to the Vienna Circle New York Garland Publishing Sarkar Sahotra ed 1996 Logical Empiricism and the Special Sciences Reichenbach Feigl and Nagel New York Garland Publishing Sarkar Sahotra ed 1996 Decline and Obsolescence of Logical Empiricism Carnap vs Quine and the Critics New York Garland Publishing Sarkar Sahotra ed 1996 The Legacy of the Vienna Circle Modern Reappraisals New York Garland Publishing Spohn Wolfgang ed 1991 Erkenntnis Orientated A Centennial Volume for Rudolf Carnap and Hans Reichenbach Boston Kluwer Academic Publishers Stadler Friedrich 2015 The Vienna Circle Studies in the Origins Development and Influence of Logical Empiricism 2nd ed Dordrecht Springer Stadler Friedrich ed 2003 The Vienna Circle and Logical Empiricism Re evaluation and Future Perspectives Dordrecht Kluwer Werkmeister William May 1937 Seven Theses of Logical Positivism Critically Examined The Philosophical Review 46 3 276 297 doi 10 2307 2181086 JSTOR 2181086 External linksMedia related to Logical positivism at Wikimedia Commons Articles by logical positivists The Scientific Conception of the World The Vienna Circle Carnap Rudolf The Elimination of Metaphysics Through Logical Analysis of Language Carnap Rudolf Empiricism Semantics and Ontology Excerpt from Carnap Rudolf Philosophy and Logical Syntax Feigl Herbert Positivism in the Twentieth Century Logical Empiricism Dictionary of the History of Ideas 1974 Gale Group Electronic Edition Articles on logical positivism Kemerling Garth Logical Positivism Philosophy Pages Murzi Mauro The Philosophy of Logical Positivism