
Author: www.NiNa.Az
Feb 01, 2025 / 08:48

Epistemology is the branch of philosophy that examines the nature origin and limits of knowledge Also called theory of k


Epistemology is the branch of philosophy that examines the nature, origin, and limits of knowledge. Also called theory of knowledge, it explores different types of knowledge, such as propositional knowledge about facts, practical knowledge in the form of skills, and knowledge by acquaintance as a familiarity through experience. Epistemologists study the concepts of belief, truth, and justification to understand the nature of knowledge. To discover how knowledge arises, they investigate sources of justification, such as perception, introspection, memory, reason, and testimony.

The school of skepticism questions the human ability to attain knowledge while fallibilism says that knowledge is never certain. Empiricists hold that all knowledge comes from sense experience, whereas rationalists believe that some knowledge does not depend on it. Coherentists argue that a belief is justified if it coheres with other beliefs. Foundationalists, by contrast, maintain that the justification of basic beliefs does not depend on other beliefs. Internalism and externalism disagree about whether justification is determined solely by mental states or also by external circumstances.

Separate branches of epistemology are dedicated to knowledge found in specific fields, like scientific, mathematical, moral, and religious knowledge. Naturalized epistemology relies on empirical methods and discoveries, whereas formal epistemology uses formal tools from logic. Social epistemology investigates the communal aspect of knowledge and historical epistemology examines its historical conditions. Epistemology is closely related to psychology, which describes the beliefs people hold, while epistemology studies the norms governing the evaluation of beliefs. It also intersects with fields such as decision theory, education, and anthropology.

Early reflections on the nature, sources, and scope of knowledge are found in ancient Greek, Indian, and Chinese philosophy. The relation between reason and faith was a central topic in the medieval period. The modern era was characterized by the contrasting perspectives of empiricism and rationalism. Epistemologists in the 20th century examined the components, structure, and value of knowledge while integrating insights from the natural sciences and linguistics.


Epistemology is the philosophical study of knowledge. Also called theory of knowledge, it examines what knowledge is and what types of knowledge there are. It further investigates the sources of knowledge, like perception, inference, and testimony, to determine how knowledge is created. Another topic is the extent and limits of knowledge, confronting questions about what people can and cannot know. Other central concepts include belief, truth, justification, evidence, and reason. Epistemology is one of the main branches of philosophy besides fields like ethics, logic, and metaphysics. The term is also used in a slightly different sense to refer not to the branch of philosophy but to the positions of particular philosophers within that branch, as in Plato's epistemology and Immanuel Kant's epistemology.

As a normative field of inquiry, epistemology explores how people should acquire beliefs. It determines which beliefs or forms of belief acquisition fulfill the standards or epistemic goals of knowledge and which ones fail, thereby providing an evaluation of beliefs. Descriptive fields of inquiry, like psychology and cognitive sociology, are also interested in beliefs and related cognitive processes. Unlike epistemology, they study the beliefs people have and how people acquire them instead of examining the evaluative norms of these processes. Epistemology is relevant to many descriptive and normative disciplines, such as the other branches of philosophy and the sciences, by exploring the principles of how they may arrive at knowledge.

The word epistemology comes from the ancient Greek terms ἐπιστήμη (episteme, meaning knowledge or understanding) and λόγος (logos, meaning study of or reason), literally, the study of knowledge. The word was only coined in the 19th century to label this field and conceive it as a distinct branch of philosophy.

Central concepts

Epistemologists examine several foundational concepts to understand their essences and rely on them to formulate theories. Various epistemological disagreements have their roots in disputes about the nature and function of these concepts, like the controversies surrounding the definition of knowledge and the role of justification in it.


Knowledge is an awareness, familiarity, understanding, or skill. Its various forms all involve a cognitive success through which a person establishes epistemic contact with reality. Epistemologists typically understand knowledge as an aspect of individuals, generally as a cognitive mental state that helps them understand, interpret, and interact with the world. While this core sense is of particular interest to epistemologists, the term also has other meanings. For example, the epistemology of groups examines knowledge as a characteristic of a group of people who share ideas. The term can also refer to information stored in documents and computers.

Knowledge contrasts with ignorance, which is often simply defined as the absence of knowledge. Knowledge is usually accompanied by ignorance since people rarely have complete knowledge of a field, forcing them to rely on incomplete or uncertain information when making decisions. Even though many forms of ignorance can be mitigated through education and research, there are certain limits to human understanding that are responsible for inevitable ignorance. Some limitations are inherent in the human cognitive faculties themselves, such as the inability to know facts too complex for the human mind to conceive. Others depend on external circumstances when no access to the relevant information exists.

Epistemologists disagree on how much people know, for example, whether fallible beliefs can amount to knowledge or whether absolute certainty is required. The most stringent position is taken by radical skeptics, who argue that there is no knowledge at all.


The distinction between propositional knowledge and knowledge by acquaintance plays a central role in the epistemology of Bertrand Russell.

Epistemologists distinguish between different types of knowledge. Their primary interest is in knowledge of facts, called propositional knowledge. It is theoretical knowledge that can be expressed in declarative sentences using a that-clause, like "Ravi knows that kangaroos hop". For this reason, it is also called knowledge-that. Epistemologists often understand it as a relation between a knower and a known proposition, in the case above between the person Ravi and the proposition "kangaroos hop". It is use-independent since it is not tied to one specific purpose, unlike practical knowledge. It is a mental representation that embodies concepts and ideas to reflect reality. Because of its theoretical nature, it is often held that only creatures with highly developed minds, such as humans, possess propositional knowledge.

Propositional knowledge contrasts with non-propositional knowledge in the form of knowledge-how and knowledge by acquaintance. Knowledge-how is a practical ability or skill, like knowing how to read or how to prepare lasagna. It is usually tied to a specific goal and not mastered in the abstract without concrete practice. To know something by acquaintance means to have an immediate familiarity with or awareness of it, usually as a result of direct experiential contact. Examples are "familiarity with the city of Perth", "knowing the taste of tsampa", and "knowing Marta Vieira da Silva personally".

Another influential distinction in epistemology is between a posteriori and a priori knowledge.A posteriori knowledge is knowledge of empirical facts based on sensory experience, like "seeing that the sun is shining" and "smelling that a piece of meat has gone bad". Knowledge belonging to the empirical science and knowledge of everyday affairs belongs to a posteriori knowledge. A priori knowledge is knowledge of non-empirical facts and does not depend on evidence from sensory experience, like knowing that image. It belongs to fields such as mathematics and logic. The contrast between a posteriori and a priori knowledge plays a central role in the debate between empiricists and rationalists on whether all knowledge depends on sensory experience.

The analytic–synthetic distinction has its roots in the philosophy of Immanuel Kant.

A closely related contrast is between analytic and synthetic truths. A sentence is analytically true if its truth depends only on the meaning of the words it uses. For instance, the sentence "all bachelors are unmarried" is analytically true because the word "bachelor" already includes the meaning "unmarried". A sentence is synthetically true if its truth depends on additional facts. For example, the sentence "snow is white" is synthetically true because its truth depends on the color of snow in addition to the meanings of the words snow and white. A priori knowledge is primarily associated with analytic sentences while a posteriori knowledge is primarily associated with synthetic sentences. However, it is controversial whether this is true for all cases. Some philosophers, such as Willard Van Orman Quine, reject the distinction, saying that there are no analytic truths.


The analysis of knowledge is the attempt to identify the essential components or conditions of all and only propositional knowledge states. According to the so-called traditional analysis, knowledge has three components: it is a belief that is justified and true. In the second half of the 20th century, this view was put into doubt by a series of thought experiments that aimed to show that some justified true beliefs do not amount to knowledge. In one of them, a person is unaware of all the fake barns in their area. By coincidence, they stop in front of the only real barn and form a justified true belief that it is a real barn. Many epistemologists agree that this is not knowledge because the justification is not directly relevant to the truth. More specifically, this and similar counterexamples involve some form of epistemic luck, that is, a cognitive success that results from fortuitous circumstances rather than competence.

The so-called traditional analysis says that knowledge is justified true belief. Edmund Gettier tried to show that some justified true beliefs do not amount to knowledge.

Following these thought experiments, philosophers proposed various alternative definitions of knowledge by modifying or expanding the traditional analysis. According to one view, the known fact has to cause the belief in the right way. Another theory states that the belief is the product of a reliable belief formation process. Further approaches require that the person would not have the belief if it was false, that the belief is not inferred from a falsehood, that the justification cannot be undermined, or that the belief is infallible. There is no consensus on which of the proposed modifications and reconceptualizations is correct. Some philosophers, such as Timothy Williamson, reject the basic assumption underlying the analysis of knowledge by arguing that propositional knowledge is a unique state that cannot be dissected into simpler components.


The value of knowledge is the worth it holds by expanding understanding and guiding action. Knowledge can have instrumental value by helping a person achieve their goals. For example, knowledge of a disease helps a doctor cure their patient. The usefulness of a known fact depends on the circumstances. Knowledge of some facts may have little to no uses, like memorizing random phone numbers from an outdated phone book. Being able to assess the value of knowledge matters in choosing what information to acquire and transmit to others. It affects decisions like which subjects to teach at school and how to allocate funds to research projects.

Of particular interest to epistemologists is the question of whether knowledge is more valuable than a mere opinion that is true. Knowledge and true opinion often have a similar usefulness since both are accurate representations of reality. For example, if a person wants to go to Larissa, a true opinion about how to get there may help them in the same way as knowledge does. Considering this problem, Plato proposed that knowledge is better because it is more stable. Another suggestion focuses on practical reasoning. It proposes that people put more trust in knowledge than in mere true opinions when drawing conclusions and deciding what to do. A different response says that, unlike mere true opinion, knowledge has intrinsic value in addition to instrumental value. This view asserts that knowledge is always valuable, while true opinion is only valuable in circumstances where it is useful.

Belief and truth

Beliefs are mental states about what is the case, like believing that snow is white or that God exists. In epistemology, they are often understood as subjective attitudes that affirm or deny a proposition, which can be expressed in a declarative sentence. For instance, to believe that snow is white is to affirm the proposition "snow is white". According to this view, beliefs are representations of what the universe is like. They are kept in memory and can be retrieved when actively thinking about reality or when deciding how to act. A different view understands beliefs as behavioral patterns or dispositions to act rather than as representational items stored in the mind. According to this view, to believe that there is mineral water in the fridge is nothing more than a group of dispositions related to mineral water and the fridge. Examples are the dispositions to answer questions about the presence of mineral water affirmatively and to go to the fridge when thirsty. Some theorists deny the existence of beliefs, saying that this concept borrowed from folk psychology is an oversimplification of much more complex psychological or neurological processes. Beliefs play a central role in various epistemological debates, which cover their status as a component of propositional knowledge, the question of whether people have control over and are responsible for their beliefs, and the issue of whether there are degrees of beliefs, called credences.

As propositional attitudes, beliefs are true or false depending on whether they affirm a true or a false proposition. According to the correspondence theory of truth, to be true means to stand in the right relation to the world by accurately describing what it is like. This means that truth is objective: a belief is true if it corresponds to a fact. The coherence theory of truth says that a belief is true if it belongs to a coherent system of beliefs. A result of this view is that truth is relative since it depends on other beliefs. Further theories of truth include pragmatist, semantic, pluralist, and deflationary theories. Truth plays a central role in epistemology as a goal of cognitive processes and an attribute of propositional knowledge.


In epistemology, justification is a property of beliefs that fulfill certain norms about what a person should believe. According to a common view, this means that the person has sufficient reasons for holding this belief because they have information that supports it. Another view states that a belief is justified if it is formed by a reliable belief formation process, such as perception. The terms reasonable, warranted, and supported are closely related to the idea of justification and are sometimes used as synonyms. Justification is what distinguishes justified beliefs from superstition and lucky guesses. However, justification does not guarantee truth. For example, if a person has strong but misleading evidence, they may form a justified belief that is false.

Epistemologists often identify justification as one component of knowledge. Usually, they are not only interested in whether a person has a sufficient reason to hold a belief, known as propositional justification, but also in whether the person holds the belief because or based on this reason, known as doxastic justification. For example, if a person has sufficient reason to believe that a neighborhood is dangerous but forms this belief based on superstition then they have propositional justification but lack doxastic justification.


Sources of justification are ways or cognitive capacities through which people acquire justification. Often-discussed sources include perception, introspection, memory, reason, and testimony, but there is no universal agreement to what extent they all provide valid justification. Perception relies on sensory organs to gain empirical information. There are various forms of perception corresponding to different physical stimuli, such as visual, auditory, haptic, olfactory, and gustatory perception. Perception is not merely the reception of sense impressions but an active process that selects, organizes, and interprets sensory signals. Introspection is a closely related process focused not on external physical objects but on internal mental states. For example, seeing a bus at a bus station belongs to perception while feeling tired belongs to introspection.

Rationalists understand reason as a source of justification for non-empirical facts. It is often used to explain how people can know about mathematical, logical, and conceptual truths. Reason is also responsible for inferential knowledge, in which one or several beliefs are used as premises to support another belief. Memory depends on information provided by other sources, which it retains and recalls, like remembering a phone number perceived earlier. Justification by testimony relies on information one person communicates to another person. This can happen by talking to each other but can also occur in other forms, like a letter, a newspaper, and a blog.

Other concepts

Rationality is closely related to justification and the terms rational belief and justified belief are sometimes used as synonyms. However, rationality has a wider scope that encompasses both a theoretical side, covering beliefs, and a practical side, covering decisions, intentions, and actions. There are different conceptions about what it means for something to be rational. According to one view, a mental state is rational if it is based on or responsive to good reasons. Another view emphasizes the role of coherence, stating that rationality requires that the different mental states of a person are consistent and support each other. A slightly different approach holds that rationality is about achieving certain goals. Two goals of theoretical rationality are accuracy and comprehensiveness, meaning that a person has as few false beliefs and as many true beliefs as possible.

Epistemic norms are criteria to assess the cognitive quality of beliefs, like their justification and rationality. Epistemologists distinguish between deontic norms, which are prescriptions about what people should believe or which beliefs are correct, and axiological norms, which identify the goals and values of beliefs. Epistemic norms are closely related to intellectual or epistemic virtues, which are character traits like open-mindedness and conscientiousness. Epistemic virtues help individuals form true beliefs and acquire knowledge. They contrast with epistemic vices and act as foundational concepts of virtue epistemology.

Evidence for a belief is information that favors or supports it. Epistemologists understand evidence primarily in terms of mental states, for example, as sensory impressions or as other propositions that a person knows. But in a wider sense, it can also include physical objects, like bloodstains examined by forensic analysts or financial records studied by investigative journalists. Evidence is often understood in terms of probability: evidence for a belief makes it more likely that the belief is true. A defeater is evidence against a belief or evidence that undermines another piece of evidence. For instance, witness testimony connecting a suspect to a crime is evidence of their guilt while an alibi is a defeater.Evidentialists analyze justification in terms of evidence by saying that to be justified, a belief needs to rest on adequate evidence.

The presence of evidence usually affects doubt and certainty, which are subjective attitudes toward propositions that differ regarding their level of confidence. Doubt involves questioning the validity or truth of a proposition. Certainty, by contrast, is a strong affirmative conviction, meaning that the person is free of doubt that the proposition is true. In epistemology, doubt and certainty play central roles in skeptical projects aiming to establish that no belief is immune to doubt, such as ancient Greek skepticism, and in attempts to find a secure foundation of all knowledge, such as René Descartes' foundationalist epistemology.

While propositional knowledge is the main topic in epistemology, some theorists focus on understanding instead. Understanding is a more holistic notion that involves a wider grasp of a subject. To understand something, a person requires awareness of how different things are connected and why they are the way they are. For example, knowledge of isolated facts memorized from a textbook does not amount to understanding. According to one view, understanding is a special epistemic good that, unlike propositional knowledge, is always intrinsically valuable.Wisdom is similar in this regard and is sometimes considered the highest epistemic good. It encompasses a reflective understanding with practical applications. It helps people grasp and evaluate complex situations and lead a good life.

Schools of thought

Skepticism, fallibilism, and relativism

Philosophical skepticism questions the human ability to arrive at knowledge. Some skeptics limit their criticism to certain domains of knowledge. For example, religious skeptics say that it is impossible to have certain knowledge about the existence of deities or other religious doctrines. Similarly, moral skeptics challenge the existence of moral knowledge and metaphysical skeptics say that humans cannot know ultimate reality.

Global skepticism is the widest form of skepticism, asserting that there is no knowledge in any domain. In ancient philosophy, this view was accepted by academic skeptics while Pyrrhonian skeptics recommended the suspension of belief to achieve a state of tranquility. Overall, not many epistemologists have explicitly defended global skepticism. The influence of this position derives mainly from attempts by other philosophers to show that their theory overcomes the challenge of skepticism. For example, René Descartes used methodological doubt to find facts that cannot be doubted.

One consideration in favor of global skepticism is the dream argument. It starts from the observation that, while people are dreaming, they are usually unaware of this. This inability to distinguish between dream and regular experience is used to argue that there is no certain knowledge since a person can never be sure that they are not dreaming. Some critics assert that global skepticism is a self-refuting idea because denying the existence of knowledge is itself a knowledge claim. Another objection says that the abstract reasoning leading to skepticism is not convincing enough to overrule common sense.

Fallibilism is another response to skepticism. Fallibilists agree with skeptics that absolute certainty is impossible. Most fallibilists disagree with skeptics about the existence of knowledge, saying that there is knowledge since it does not require absolute certainty. They emphasize the need to keep an open and inquisitive mind since doubt can never be fully excluded, even for well-established knowledge claims like thoroughly tested scientific theories.

Epistemic relativism is related to skepticism but differs since it does not question the existence of knowledge in general. Instead, epistemic relativists only reject the idea that there are universal epistemic standards or absolute principles that apply equally to everyone. This means that what a person knows depends on the subjective criteria or social conventions used to assess epistemic status.

Empiricism and rationalism

John Locke and David Hume shaped the philosophy of empiricism.

The debate between empiricism and rationalism centers on the origins of human knowledge. Empiricism emphasizes that sense experience is the primary source of all knowledge. Some empiricists express this view by describing the mind as a blank slate that only develops ideas about the external world through the sense data it receives from the sensory organs. According to them, the mind can arrive at various additional insights by comparing impressions, combining them, generalizing to arrive at more abstract ideas, and deducing new conclusions from them. Empiricists say that all these mental operations depend on material from the senses and do not function on their own.

Even though rationalists usually accept sense experience as one source of knowledge, they also say that important forms of knowledge are directly possessed by reason without sense experience, like knowledge of mathematical and logical truths. According to some rationalists, the mind possesses inborn ideas, which it can access without the help of the senses. Others hold that there is an additional cognitive faculty, sometimes called rational intuition, through which people acquire nonempirical knowledge. Some rationalists limit their discussion to the origin of concepts, saying that the mind relies on inborn categories to understand the world and organize experience.

Foundationalism and coherentism

Diagram of foundationalism, coherentism, and infinitism with arrows symbolizing support between beliefs. According to foundationalism, some basic beliefs are justified without support from other beliefs. According to coherentism, justification requires that beliefs mutually support each other. According to infinitism, justification requires that beliefs form infinite support chains.

Foundationalists and coherentists disagree about the structure of knowledge. Foundationalism distinguishes between basic and non-basic beliefs. A belief is basic if it is justified directly, meaning that its validity does not depend on the support of other beliefs. A belief is non-basic if it is justified by another belief. For example, the belief that it rained last night is a non-basic belief if it is inferred from the observation that the street is wet. According to foundationalism, basic beliefs are the foundation on which all other knowledge is built while non-basic beliefs act as the superstructure resting on this foundation.

Coherentists reject the distinction between basic and non-basic beliefs, saying that the justification of any belief depends on other beliefs. They assert that a belief must be in tune with other beliefs to amount to knowledge. This is the case if the beliefs are consistent and support each other. According to coherentism, justification is a holistic aspect determined by the whole system of beliefs, which resembles an interconnected web.

The view of foundherentism is an intermediary position combining elements of both foundationalism and coherentism. It accepts the distinction between basic and non-basic beliefs while asserting that the justification of non-basic beliefs depends on coherence with other beliefs.

Infinitism presents another approach to the structure of knowledge. It agrees with coherentism that there are no basic beliefs while rejecting the view that beliefs can support each other in a circular manner. Instead, it argues that beliefs form infinite justification chains, in which each link of the chain supports the belief following it and is supported by the belief preceding it.

Internalism and externalism

Alvin Goldman was an influential defender of externalism.

The disagreement between internalism and externalism is about the sources of justification. Internalists say that justification depends only on factors within the individual. Examples of such factors include perceptual experience, memories, and the possession of other beliefs. This view emphasizes the importance of the cognitive perspective of the individual in the form of their mental states. It is commonly associated with the idea that the relevant factors are accessible, meaning that the individual can become aware of their reasons for holding a justified belief through introspection and reflection.

Evidentialism is an influential internalist view. It says that justification depends on the possession of evidence. In this context, evidence for a belief is any information in the individual's mind that supports the belief. For example, the perceptual experience of rain is evidence for the belief that it is raining. Evidentialists have suggested various other forms of evidence, including memories, intuitions, and other beliefs. According to evidentialism, a belief is justified if the individual's evidence supports the belief and they hold the belief on the basis of this evidence.

Externalism, by contrast, asserts that at least some relevant factors of knowledge are external to the individual. For instance, when considering the belief that a cup of coffee stands on the table, externalists are not primarily interested in the subjective perceptual experience that led to this belief. Instead, they focus on objective factors, like the quality of the person's eyesight, their ability to differentiate coffee from other beverages, and the circumstances under which they observed the cup. A key motivation of many forms of externalism is that justification makes it more likely that a belief is true. Based on this view, justification is external to the extent that some factors contributing to this likelihood are not part of the believer's cognitive perspective.

Reliabilism is an externalist theory asserting that a reliable connection between belief and truth is required for justification. Some reliabilists explain this in terms of reliable processes. According to this view, a belief is justified if it is produced by a reliable belief-formation process, like perception. A belief-formation process is reliable if most of the beliefs it causes are true. A slightly different view focuses on beliefs rather than belief-formation processes, saying that a belief is justified if it is a reliable indicator of the fact it presents. This means that the belief tracks the fact: the person believes it because it is a fact but would not believe it otherwise.

Virtue epistemology is another type of externalism and is sometimes understood as a form of reliabilism. It says that a belief is justified if it manifests intellectual virtues. Intellectual virtues are capacities or traits that perform cognitive functions and help people form true beliefs. Suggested examples include faculties like vision, memory, and introspection.


In the epistemology of perception, direct and indirect realists disagree about the connection between the perceiver and the perceived object. Direct realists say that this connection is direct, meaning that there is no difference between the object present in perceptual experience and the physical object causing this experience. According to indirect realism, the connection is indirect since there are mental entities, like ideas or sense data, that mediate between the perceiver and the external world. The contrast between direct and indirect realism is important for explaining the nature of illusions.

Constructivism in epistemology is the theory that how people view the world is not a simple reflection of external reality but an invention or a social construction. This view emphasizes the creative role of interpretation while undermining objectivity since social constructions may differ from society to society.

According to contrastivism, knowledge is a comparative term, meaning that to know something involves distinguishing it from relevant alternatives. For example, if a person spots a bird in the garden, they may know that it is a sparrow rather than an eagle but they may not know that it is a sparrow rather than an indistinguishable sparrow hologram.

Epistemic conservatism is a view about belief revision. It gives preference to the beliefs a person already has, asserting that a person should only change their beliefs if they have a good reason to. One motivation for adopting epistemic conservatism is that the cognitive resources of humans are limited, meaning that it is not feasible to constantly reexamine every belief.

Pragmatist epistemology is a form of fallibilism that emphasizes the close relation between knowing and acting. It sees the pursuit of knowledge as an ongoing process guided by common sense and experience while always open to revision. It reinterprets some core epistemological notions, for example, by conceptualizing beliefs as habits that shape actions rather then as representations that mirror the world.

Bayesian epistemology is a formal approach based on the idea that people have degrees of belief representing how certain they are. It uses probability theory to define norms of rationality that govern how certain people should be about their beliefs.

Phenomenological epistemology emphasizes the importance of first-person experience. It distinguishes between the natural and the phenomenological attitudes. The natural attitude focuses on objects belonging to common sense and natural science. The phenomenological attitude focuses on the experience of objects and aims to provide a presuppositionless description of how objects appear to the observer.

Particularism and generalism disagree about the right method of conducting epistemological research. Particularists start their inquiry by looking at specific cases. For example, to find a definition of knowledge, they rely on their intuitions about concrete instances of knowledge and particular thought experiments. They use these observations as methodological constraints that any theory of more general principles needs to follow. Generalists proceed in the opposite direction. They give preference to general epistemic principles, saying that it is not possible to accurately identify and describe specific cases without a grasp of these principles. Other methods in contemporary epistemology aim to extract philosophical insights from ordinary language or look at the role of knowledge in making assertions and guiding actions.

The work of Elizabeth S. Anderson combines the perspectives of feminist, social, and naturalized epistemology.

Postmodern epistemology criticizes the conditions of knowledge in advanced societies. This concerns in particular the metanarrative of a constant progress of scientific knowledge leading to a universal and foundational understanding of reality. Similarly, feminist epistemology adopts a critical perspective with its main focus on the effect of gender on knowledge. Among other topics, it explores how preconceptions about gender influence who has access to knowledge, how knowledge is produced, and which types of knowledge are valued in society. A related critical approach, found in decolonial scholarship, opposes the global influence of Western knowledge systems. It seeks to undermine Western hegemony and decolonize knowledge.

Various schools of epistemology are found in traditional Indian philosophy. Many of them focus on the different sources of knowledge, called pramāṇa. Perception, inference, and testimony are sources discussed by most schools. Other sources only considered by some schools are non-perception, which leads to knowledge of absences, and presumption.Buddhist epistemology tends to focus on immediate experience, understood as the presentation of unique particulars without the involvement of secondary cognitive processes, like thought and desire.Nyāya epistemology is a causal theory of knowledge, understanding sources of knowledge as reliable processes that cause episodes of truthful awareness. It sees perception as the primary source of knowledge and emphasizes its importance for successful action.Mīmāṃsā epistemology understands the holy scriptures known as the Vedas as a key source of knowledge while discussing the problem of their right interpretation.Jain epistemology states that reality is many-sided, meaning that no single viewpoint can capture the entirety of truth.

African epistemology is rooted in African ontology. It emphasizes the interconnectedness of reality in the form of a continuum between knowing subject and known object. It understands knowledge as a holistic phenomenon that includes sensory, emotional, intuitive, and rational aspects and is not limited to the physical domain.


Some branches of epistemology focus on the problems of knowledge within specific academic disciplines. The epistemology of science examines how scientific knowledge is generated and what problems arise in the process of validating, justifying, and interpreting scientific claims. A key issue concerns the problem of how individual observations can support universal scientific laws. Further topics include the nature of scientific evidence and the aims of science. The epistemology of mathematics studies the origin of mathematical knowledge. In exploring how mathematical theories are justified, it investigates the role of proofs and whether there are empirical sources of mathematical knowledge.

Epistemological problems are found in most areas of philosophy. The epistemology of logic examines how people know that an argument is valid. For example, it explores how logicians justify that modus ponens is a correct rule of inference or that all contradictions are false.Epistemologists of metaphysics investigate whether knowledge of the basic structure of reality is possible and what sources this knowledge could have. Knowledge of moral statements, like the claim that lying is wrong, belongs to the epistemology of ethics. It studies the role of ethical intuitions, coherence among moral beliefs, and the problem of moral disagreement. The ethics of belief is a closely related field covering the interrelation between epistemology and ethics. It examines the norms governing belief formation and asks whether violating them is morally wrong.

Religious epistemology studies the role of knowledge and justification for religious doctrines and practices. It evaluates the weight and reliability of evidence from religious experience and holy scriptures while also asking whether the norms of reason should be applied to religious faith.Social epistemology focuses on the social dimension of knowledge. While traditional epistemology is mainly interested in the knowledge possessed by individuals, social epistemology covers knowledge acquisition, transmission, and evaluation within groups, with specific emphasis on how people rely on each other when seeking knowledge.Historical epistemology examines how the understanding of knowledge and related concepts has changed over time. It asks whether the main issues in epistemology are perennial and to what extent past epistemological theories are relevant to contemporary debates. It is particularly concerned with scientific knowledge and practices associated with it. It contrasts with the history of epistemology, which presents, reconstructs, and evaluates epistemological theories of philosophers in the past.

Naturalized epistemology is closely associated with the natural sciences, relying on their methods and theories to examine knowledge. Naturalistic epistemologists focus on empirical observation to formulate their theories and are often critical of approaches to epistemology that proceed by a priori reasoning.Evolutionary epistemology is a naturalistic approach that understands cognition as a product of evolution, examining knowledge and the cognitive faculties responsible for it from the perspective of natural selection. Epistemologists of language explore the nature of linguistic knowledge. One of their topics is the role of tacit knowledge, for example, when native speakers have mastered the rules of grammar but are unable to explicitly articulate those rules. Epistemologists of modality examine knowledge about what is possible and necessary. Epistemic problems that arise when two people have diverging opinions on a topic are covered by the epistemology of disagreement. Epistemologists of ignorance are interested in epistemic faults and gaps in knowledge.

There are distinct areas of epistemology dedicated to specific sources of knowledge. Examples are the epistemology of perception, the epistemology of memory, and the epistemology of testimony.

Some branches of epistemology are characterized by their research method. Formal epistemology employs formal tools found in logic and mathematics to investigate the nature of knowledge.Experimental epistemologists rely in their research on empirical evidence about common knowledge practices.Applied epistemology focuses on the practical application of epistemological principles to diverse real-world problems, like the reliability of knowledge claims on the internet, how to assess sexual assault allegations, and how racism may lead to epistemic injustice.

Metaepistemologists examine the nature, goals, and research methods of epistemology. As a metatheory, it does not directly defend a position about which epistemological theories are correct but examines their fundamental concepts and background assumptions.

Epistemology and psychology were not defined as distinct fields until the 19th century; earlier investigations about knowledge often do not fit neatly into today's academic categories. Both contemporary disciplines study beliefs and the mental processes responsible for their formation and change. One important contrast is that psychology describes what beliefs people have and how they acquire them, thereby explaining why someone has a specific belief. The focus of epistemology is on evaluating beliefs, leading to a judgment about whether a belief is justified and rational in a particular case. Epistemology has a similar intimate connection to cognitive science, which understands mental events as processes that transform information.Artificial intelligence relies on the insights of epistemology and cognitive science to implement concrete solutions to problems associated with knowledge representation and automatic reasoning.

Logic is the study of correct reasoning. For epistemology, it is relevant to inferential knowledge, which arises when a person reasons from one known fact to another. This is the case, for example, if a person does not know directly that image but comes to infer it based on their knowledge that image, image, and image. Whether an inferential belief amounts to knowledge depends on the form of reasoning used, in particular, that the process does not violate the laws of logic. Another overlap between the two fields is found in the epistemic approach to fallacies. Fallacies are faulty arguments based on incorrect reasoning. The epistemic approach to fallacies explains why they are faulty, stating that arguments aim to expand knowledge. According to this view, an argument is a fallacy if it fails to do so. A further intersection is found in epistemic logic, which uses formal logical devices to study epistemological concepts like knowledge and belief.

Both decision theory and epistemology are interested in the foundations of rational thought and the role of beliefs. Unlike many approaches in epistemology, the main focus of decision theory lies less in the theoretical and more in the practical side, exploring how beliefs are translated into action. Decision theorists examine the reasoning involved in decision-making and the standards of good decisions. They identify beliefs as a central aspect of decision-making. One of their innovations is to distinguish between weaker and stronger beliefs. This helps them take the effect of uncertainty on decisions into consideration.

Epistemology and education have a shared interest in knowledge, with one difference being that education focuses on the transmission of knowledge, exploring the roles of both learner and teacher.Learning theory examines how people acquire knowledge.Behavioral learning theories explain the process in terms of behavior changes, for example, by associating a certain response with a particular stimulus.Cognitive learning theories study how the cognitive processes that affect knowledge acquisition transform information.Pedagogy looks at the transmission of knowledge from the teacher's side, exploring the teaching methods they may employ. In teacher-centered methods, the teacher takes the role of the main authority delivering knowledge and guiding the learning process. In student-centered methods, the teacher mainly supports and facilitates the learning process while the students take a more active role. The beliefs students have about knowledge, called personal epistemology, affect their intellectual development and learning success.

The anthropology of knowledge examines how knowledge is acquired, stored, retrieved, and communicated. It studies the social and cultural circumstances that affect how knowledge is reproduced and changes, covering the role of institutions like university departments and scientific journals as well as face-to-face discussions and online communications. It understands knowledge in a wide sense that encompasses various forms of understanding and culture, including practical skills. Unlike epistemology, it is not interested in whether a belief is true or justified but in how understanding is reproduced in society. The sociology of knowledge is a closely related field with a similar conception of knowledge. It explores how physical, demographic, economic, and sociocultural factors impact knowledge. It examines in what sociohistorical contexts knowledge emerges and the effects it has on people, for example, how socioeconomic conditions are related to the dominant ideology in a society.


Early reflections on the nature and sources of knowledge are found in ancient history. In ancient Greek philosophy, Plato (427–347 BCE) studied what knowledge is, examining how it differs from true opinion by being based on good reasons. According to him, the process of learning something is a form of recollection in which the soul remembers what it already knew before. Plato's student Aristotle (384–322 BCE) was particularly interested in scientific knowledge, exploring the role of sensory experience and how to make inferences from general principles. Aristotle's ideas influenced discussions in the Hellenistic schools of philosophy, which began to arise in the 4th century BCE and included Epicureanism, Stoicism, and skepticism. The Epicureans had an empiricist outlook, stating that sensations are always accurate and act as the supreme standard of judgments. The Stoics defended a similar position but limited themselves to lucid and specific sensations, which they regarded as true. The skepticists questioned that knowledge is possible, recommending instead suspension of judgment to arrive at a state of tranquility. Emerging in the 3rd century CE and inspired by Plato's philosophy,Neoplatonism distinguished knowledge from true belief, arguing that knowledge is infallible and limited to the realm of immaterial forms.

The Buddhist philosopher Dharmakirti developed a causal theory of knowledge.

The Upanishads, philosophical scriptures composed in ancient India between 700 and 300 BCE, examined how people acquire knowledge, including the role of introspection, comparison, and deduction. In the 6th century BCE, the school of Ajñana developed a radical skepticism questioning the possibility and usefulness of knowledge. By contrast, the school of Nyaya, which emerged in the 2nd century BCE, asserted that knowledge is possible. It provided a systematic treatment of how people acquire knowledge, distinguishing between valid and invalid sources. When Buddhist philosophers later became interested in epistemology, they relied on concepts developed in Nyaya and other traditions. Buddhist philosopher Dharmakirti (6th or 7th century CE) analyzed the process of knowing as a series of causally related events.

Ancient Chinese philosophers understood knowledge as an interconnected phenomenon fundamentally linked to ethical behavior and social involvement. Many saw wisdom as the goal of attaining knowledge.Mozi (470–391 BCE) proposed a pragmatic approach to knowledge using historical records, sensory evidence, and practical outcomes to validate beliefs.Mencius (c. 372–289 BCE) explored analogical reasoning as another source of knowledge and employed this method to criticize Mozi.Xunzi (c. 310-220 BCE) aimed to combine empirical observation and rational inquiry. He emphasized the importance of clarity and standards of reasoning without excluding the role of feeling and emotion.

The relation between reason and faith was a central topic in the medieval period. In Arabic–Persian philosophy, al-Farabi (c. 870–950) and Averroes (1126–1198) discussed how philosophy and theology interact and which is the better vehicle to truth.Al-Ghazali (c. 1056–1111) criticized many of the core teachings of previous Islamic philosophers, saying that they rely on unproven assumptions that do not amount to knowledge. Similarly in Western philosophy, Anselm of Canterbury (1033–1109) proposed that theological teaching and philosophical inquiry are in harmony and complement each other. Formulating a more critical approach, Peter Abelard (1079–1142) argued against unquestioned theological authorities and said that all things are open to rational doubt. Influenced by Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274) developed an empiricist theory, stating that "nothing is in the intellect unless it first appeared in the senses". According to an early form of direct realism proposed by William of Ockham (c. 1285–1349), perception of mind-independent objects happens directly without intermediaries. Meanwhile, in 14th-century India, Gaṅgeśa developed a reliabilist theory of knowledge and considered the problems of testimony and fallacies. In China, Wang Yangming (1472–1529) explored the unity of knowledge and action, holding that moral knowledge is inborn and can be attained by overcoming self-interest.

René Descartes used methodological doubt to seek certain foundations for philosophy.

The course of modern philosophy was shaped by René Descartes (1596–1650), who claimed that philosophy must begin from a position of indubitable knowledge of first principles. Inspired by skepticism, he aimed to find absolutely certain knowledge by encountering truths that cannot be doubted. He thought that this is the case for the assertion "I think, therefore I am", from which he constructed the rest of his philosophical system. Descartes, together with Baruch Spinoza (1632–1677) and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646–1716), belonged to the school of rationalism, which asserts that the mind possesses innate ideas independent of experience.John Locke (1632–1704) rejected this view in favor of an empiricism according to which the mind is a blank slate. This means that all ideas depend on sense experience, either as "ideas of sense", which are directly presented through the senses, or as "ideas of reflection", which the mind creates by reflecting on ideas of sense.David Hume (1711–1776) used this idea to explore the limits of what people can know. He said that knowledge of facts is never certain, adding that knowledge of relations between ideas, like mathematical truths, can be certain but contains no information about the world.Immanuel Kant (1724–1804) tried to find a middle position between rationalism and empiricism by identifying a type of knowledge that Hume had missed. For Kant, this is knowledge about principles that underlie all experience and structure it, such as spatial and temporal relations and fundamental categories of understanding.

In the 19th century and influenced by Kant's philosophy, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770–1831) rejected empiricism by arguing that sensory impressions on their own cannot amount to knowledge since all knowledge is actively structured by the knowing subject.John Stuart Mill (1806–1873), by contrast, defended a wide-sweeping form of empiricism and explained knowledge of general truths through inductive reasoning.Charles Peirce (1839–1914) thought that all knowledge is fallible, emphasizing that knowledge seekers should always be ready to revise their beliefs if new evidence is encountered. He used this idea to argue against Cartesian foundationalism seeking absolutely certain truths.

In the 20th century, fallibilism was further explored by J. L. Austin (1911–1960) and Karl Popper (1902–1994). In continental philosophy, Edmund Husserl (1859–1938) applied the skeptic idea of suspending judgment to the study of experience. By not judging whether an experience is accurate or not, he tried to describe the internal structure of experience instead. Influenced by earlier empiricists, logical positivists, like A. J. Ayer (1910–1989), said that all knowledge is either empirical or analytic.Bertrand Russell (1872–1970) developed an empiricist sense-datum theory, distinguishing between direct knowledge by acquaintance of sense data and indirect knowledge by description, which is inferred from knowledge by acquaintance.Common sense had a central place in G. E. Moore's (1873–1958) epistemology. He used trivial observations, like the fact that he has two hands, to argue against abstract philosophical theories that deviate from common sense.Ordinary language philosophy, as practiced by the late Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889–1951), is a similar approach that tries to extract epistemological insights from how ordinary language is used.

Edmund Gettier (1927–2021) conceived counterexamples against the idea that knowledge is the same as justified true belief. These counterexamples prompted many philosophers to suggest alternative definitions of knowledge. Developed by philosophers such as Alvin Goldman (1938–2024), reliabilism emerged as one of the alternatives, asserting that knowledge requires reliable sources and shifting the focus away from justification.Virtue epistemology, a closely related response, analyses belief formation in terms of the intellectual virtues or cognitive competencies involved in the process.Naturalized epistemology, as conceived by Willard Van Orman Quine (1908–2000), employs concepts and ideas from the natural sciences to formulate its theories. Other developments in late 20th-century epistemology were the emergence of social, feminist, and historical epistemology.

See also

  • Epistemological pluralism – School of thought in epistemology
  • Knowledge falsification – Deliberate misrepresentation of knowledge
  • Logology (science) – The study of all aspects of science and its practitioners
  • Reformed epistemology – School of philosophical thought
  • Theory of Knowledge (IB Course) – Compulsory International Baccalaureate subject



  1. Less commonly, the term "gnoseology" is also used as a synonym.
  2. Despite this contrast, epistemologists may rely on insights from the empirical sciences in formulating their normative theories. According to one interpretation, the aim of naturalized epistemology is to answer descriptive questions, but this characterization is disputed.
  3. As a label for a branch of philosophy, the term "epistemology" was first employed in 1854 by James E. Ferrier. In a different context, the word was used as early as 1847 in New York's Eclectic Magazine. As the term had not been coined before the 19th century, earlier philosophers did not explicitly label their theories as epistemology and often explored it in combination with psychology. According to philosopher Thomas Sturm, it is an open question how relevant the epistemological problems addressed by past philosophers are to contemporary philosophy.
  4. Other synonyms include declarative knowledge and descriptive knowledge.
  5. The distinction came to prominence in the 17th century and acted as a crucial factor in the philosophies of David Hume and Immanuel Kant.
  6. The accuracy of the label traditional analysis is debated since it suggests widespread acceptance within the history of philosophy, an idea not shared by all scholars.
  7. The relation between a belief and the reason on which it rests is called basing relation.
  8. Interest in epistemic virtues has increased since Ernest Sosa's formulation of virtue epistemology in the 1980s.
  9. The brain in a vat is a similar thought experiment assuming that a person does not have a body but is merely a brain receiving electrical stimuli indistinguishable from the stimuli a brain in a body would receive. This argument also leads to the conclusion of global skepticism based on the claim that it is not possible to distinguish stimuli representing the actual world from simulated stimuli.
  10. Some forms of extreme rationalism, found in ancient Greek philosophy, see reason as the sole source of knowledge.
  11. Both can be understood as responses to the regress problem.
  12. The theory of classical foundationalism has a stronger requirement by saying that basic beliefs are self-evident or indubitable.
  13. The internalist-externalist debate in epistemology is different from the internalism-externalism debate in philosophy of mind, which asks whether mental states depend only on the individual or also on their environment.
  14. While the discussion of different sources of knowledge is also found in other traditions, Indian epistemologists typically put special emphasis on the relation between knowledge and spiritual progress, understanding the aquisition of knowledge as part of the soteriological process.
  15. The precise characterization of the contrast is disputed.
  16. It is closely related to computational epistemology, which examines the interrelation between knowledge and computational processes.
  17. Epistemic injustice happens when valid knowledge claims are dismissed or misrepresented.
  18. Nonetheless, metaepistemological insights can have various indirect effects on disputes in epistemology.
  19. To argue for this point, Plato used the example of a slave boy, who manages to answer a series of geometry questions even though he never studied geometry.


  1. Merriam-Webster 2024
  2. O′Donohue & Kitchener 1996, p. 2
  3. Wolenski 2004, p. 3
  4. Oxford University Press 2024
  5. Alston 2006, pp. 1–2
  6. Sturm 2011, pp. 308–309
  7. Brown 2016, p. 104
  8. Hetherington, "Knowledge", § 1b. Knowledge-That
  9. Pritchard 2013, p. 4
  10. Stroll 2023, § A priori and a posteriori Knowledge.
  11. Juhl & Loomis 2009, p. 4
  12. Crumley II 2009, pp. 67–68
  13. Ichikawa & Steup 2018, § 6.1 Reliabilist Theories of Knowledge
  14. Ichikawa & Steup 2018, § 5.1 Sensitivity
  15. Crumley II 2009, p. 69
  16. Ichikawa & Steup 2018, § 7. Is Knowledge Analyzable?
  17. McCormick 2014, p. 42
  18. Pritchard 2013, pp. 11–12
  19. Pritchard, Turri & Carter 2022, § 6. Other Accounts of the Value of Knowledge
  20. Ichikawa & Steup 2018, § 1.3 The Justification Condition
  21. Blaauw & Pritchard 2005, pp. 92–93
  22. Silva & Oliveira 2022, pp. 1–4
  23. Steup & Neta 2024, § 5.2 Introspection
  24. McGrew 2011, p. 59
  25. Cohen 1998, § 1. The Philosophical Problem of Scepticism, § 2. Responses to Scepticism
  26. Wolenski 2004, pp. 17–18, 22–23
  27. Lacey 2005a, p. 783
  28. Tieszen 2005, p. 175
  29. Bradley 2015, pp. 170–171
  30. Bradley 2015, p. 170
  31. Blaauw & Pritchard 2005, p. 64
  32. Stairs 2017, p. 155
  33. BonJour 2016.
  34. Mittag, § 2b. Evidence
  35. Crumley II 2009, pp. 99, 298
  36. Crumley II 2009, p. 160
    • Foley 1983, p. 165
    • Vahid, Lead section, § 1. Doxastic Conservatism: The Debate
    • Phillips 1998, § 2. Nyāya Reliabilism
    • Dasti, Lead section, § 1.f.i. A Causal Theory of Knowledge
  37. Phillips 1998, § 2. Mīmāṃsā Self-certificationalism
  38. Warren 2020, § 6. The Epistemology of Logic
  39. Chignell 2018, Lead section
  40. Sturm 2011, pp. 303–304, 08–309
  41. Sturm 2011, p. 304
  42. Barber 2003, pp. 1–3, 10–11, 15
  43. Vaidya & Wallner 2021, pp. 1909–1910
  44. Croce 2023, Lead section
  45. Maguire 2015, pp. 33–34
  46. Siegel, Silins & Matthen 2014, p. 781
  47. Conee 1998, Lead section
  48. Pritchard 2004, p. 326
  49. Douven & Schupbach 2014, Lead section
  50. Beebe 2017, Lead section
  51. Lackey 2021, pp. 3, 8–9, 13
  52. Gerken 2018, Lead section
  53. Alston 2006, p. 2
  54. Wheeler & Pereira 2004, pp. 469–470, 472, 491
  55. Clark 2009, p. 516
  56. Stairs 2017, p. 156
  57. Hansen 2023, § 3.5 The Epistemic Approach to Fallacies
  58. Steele & Stefánsson 2020, Lead section
  59. Harasim 2017, p. 11
  60. Harasim 2017, pp. 11–12
  61. Emaliana 2017, pp. 59–61
  62. Pappas 1998, § Ancient Philosophy
  63. Adkins & Adkins 2014, p. 393
  64. Gerson 2014, pp. 266–267, 277–278
  65. Dunne 2006, p. 753
  66. Black, Lead section
  67. Bonevac 2023, p. xviii
    • Littlejohn, § 2c. Mencius (Mengzi, c. 372-289 B.C.E.) and Analogical Reasoning
    • Shen 2006, p. 216
  68. Wolenski 2004, p. 11
    • Littlejohn, § 2g. Wang Yangming on liangzhi: Direct, Clear, Universal Knowledge, § 3h. Wang Yangming: Moral Willing as Knowing
    • Shen 2006, pp. 219–222
  69. Wolenski 2004, pp. 14–15
  70. Pappas 1998, § Modern Philosophy: From Hume to Peirce
  71. Hamlyn 2005, p. 262
  72. Hamlyn 2006, pp. 317–318
  73. Crumley II 2009, pp. 183–184, 188–189


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Epistemology is the branch of philosophy that examines the nature origin and limits of knowledge Also called theory of knowledge it explores different types of knowledge such as propositional knowledge about facts practical knowledge in the form of skills and knowledge by acquaintance as a familiarity through experience Epistemologists study the concepts of belief truth and justification to understand the nature of knowledge To discover how knowledge arises they investigate sources of justification such as perception introspection memory reason and testimony The school of skepticism questions the human ability to attain knowledge while fallibilism says that knowledge is never certain Empiricists hold that all knowledge comes from sense experience whereas rationalists believe that some knowledge does not depend on it Coherentists argue that a belief is justified if it coheres with other beliefs Foundationalists by contrast maintain that the justification of basic beliefs does not depend on other beliefs Internalism and externalism disagree about whether justification is determined solely by mental states or also by external circumstances Separate branches of epistemology are dedicated to knowledge found in specific fields like scientific mathematical moral and religious knowledge Naturalized epistemology relies on empirical methods and discoveries whereas formal epistemology uses formal tools from logic Social epistemology investigates the communal aspect of knowledge and historical epistemology examines its historical conditions Epistemology is closely related to psychology which describes the beliefs people hold while epistemology studies the norms governing the evaluation of beliefs It also intersects with fields such as decision theory education and anthropology Early reflections on the nature sources and scope of knowledge are found in ancient Greek Indian and Chinese philosophy The relation between reason and faith was a central topic in the medieval period The modern era was characterized by the contrasting perspectives of empiricism and rationalism Epistemologists in the 20th century examined the components structure and value of knowledge while integrating insights from the natural sciences and linguistics DefinitionEpistemology is the philosophical study of knowledge Also called theory of knowledge it examines what knowledge is and what types of knowledge there are It further investigates the sources of knowledge like perception inference and testimony to determine how knowledge is created Another topic is the extent and limits of knowledge confronting questions about what people can and cannot know Other central concepts include belief truth justification evidence and reason Epistemology is one of the main branches of philosophy besides fields like ethics logic and metaphysics The term is also used in a slightly different sense to refer not to the branch of philosophy but to the positions of particular philosophers within that branch as in Plato s epistemology and Immanuel Kant s epistemology As a normative field of inquiry epistemology explores how people should acquire beliefs It determines which beliefs or forms of belief acquisition fulfill the standards or epistemic goals of knowledge and which ones fail thereby providing an evaluation of beliefs Descriptive fields of inquiry like psychology and cognitive sociology are also interested in beliefs and related cognitive processes Unlike epistemology they study the beliefs people have and how people acquire them instead of examining the evaluative norms of these processes Epistemology is relevant to many descriptive and normative disciplines such as the other branches of philosophy and the sciences by exploring the principles of how they may arrive at knowledge The word epistemology comes from the ancient Greek terms ἐpisthmh episteme meaning knowledge or understanding and logos logos meaning study of or reason literally the study of knowledge The word was only coined in the 19th century to label this field and conceive it as a distinct branch of philosophy Central conceptsEpistemologists examine several foundational concepts to understand their essences and rely on them to formulate theories Various epistemological disagreements have their roots in disputes about the nature and function of these concepts like the controversies surrounding the definition of knowledge and the role of justification in it Knowledge Knowledge is an awareness familiarity understanding or skill Its various forms all involve a cognitive success through which a person establishes epistemic contact with reality Epistemologists typically understand knowledge as an aspect of individuals generally as a cognitive mental state that helps them understand interpret and interact with the world While this core sense is of particular interest to epistemologists the term also has other meanings For example the epistemology of groups examines knowledge as a characteristic of a group of people who share ideas The term can also refer to information stored in documents and computers Knowledge contrasts with ignorance which is often simply defined as the absence of knowledge Knowledge is usually accompanied by ignorance since people rarely have complete knowledge of a field forcing them to rely on incomplete or uncertain information when making decisions Even though many forms of ignorance can be mitigated through education and research there are certain limits to human understanding that are responsible for inevitable ignorance Some limitations are inherent in the human cognitive faculties themselves such as the inability to know facts too complex for the human mind to conceive Others depend on external circumstances when no access to the relevant information exists Epistemologists disagree on how much people know for example whether fallible beliefs can amount to knowledge or whether absolute certainty is required The most stringent position is taken by radical skeptics who argue that there is no knowledge at all Types The distinction between propositional knowledge and knowledge by acquaintance plays a central role in the epistemology of Bertrand Russell Epistemologists distinguish between different types of knowledge Their primary interest is in knowledge of facts called propositional knowledge It is theoretical knowledge that can be expressed in declarative sentences using a that clause like Ravi knows that kangaroos hop For this reason it is also called knowledge that Epistemologists often understand it as a relation between a knower and a known proposition in the case above between the person Ravi and the proposition kangaroos hop It is use independent since it is not tied to one specific purpose unlike practical knowledge It is a mental representation that embodies concepts and ideas to reflect reality Because of its theoretical nature it is often held that only creatures with highly developed minds such as humans possess propositional knowledge Propositional knowledge contrasts with non propositional knowledge in the form of knowledge how and knowledge by acquaintance Knowledge how is a practical ability or skill like knowing how to read or how to prepare lasagna It is usually tied to a specific goal and not mastered in the abstract without concrete practice To know something by acquaintance means to have an immediate familiarity with or awareness of it usually as a result of direct experiential contact Examples are familiarity with the city of Perth knowing the taste of tsampa and knowing Marta Vieira da Silva personally Another influential distinction in epistemology is between a posteriori and a priori knowledge A posteriori knowledge is knowledge of empirical facts based on sensory experience like seeing that the sun is shining and smelling that a piece of meat has gone bad Knowledge belonging to the empirical science and knowledge of everyday affairs belongs to a posteriori knowledge A priori knowledge is knowledge of non empirical facts and does not depend on evidence from sensory experience like knowing that 2 2 4 displaystyle 2 2 4 It belongs to fields such as mathematics and logic The contrast between a posteriori and a priori knowledge plays a central role in the debate between empiricists and rationalists on whether all knowledge depends on sensory experience The analytic synthetic distinction has its roots in the philosophy of Immanuel Kant A closely related contrast is between analytic and synthetic truths A sentence is analytically true if its truth depends only on the meaning of the words it uses For instance the sentence all bachelors are unmarried is analytically true because the word bachelor already includes the meaning unmarried A sentence is synthetically true if its truth depends on additional facts For example the sentence snow is white is synthetically true because its truth depends on the color of snow in addition to the meanings of the words snow and white A priori knowledge is primarily associated with analytic sentences while a posteriori knowledge is primarily associated with synthetic sentences However it is controversial whether this is true for all cases Some philosophers such as Willard Van Orman Quine reject the distinction saying that there are no analytic truths Analysis The analysis of knowledge is the attempt to identify the essential components or conditions of all and only propositional knowledge states According to the so called traditional analysis knowledge has three components it is a belief that is justified and true In the second half of the 20th century this view was put into doubt by a series of thought experiments that aimed to show that some justified true beliefs do not amount to knowledge In one of them a person is unaware of all the fake barns in their area By coincidence they stop in front of the only real barn and form a justified true belief that it is a real barn Many epistemologists agree that this is not knowledge because the justification is not directly relevant to the truth More specifically this and similar counterexamples involve some form of epistemic luck that is a cognitive success that results from fortuitous circumstances rather than competence The so called traditional analysis says that knowledge is justified true belief Edmund Gettier tried to show that some justified true beliefs do not amount to knowledge Following these thought experiments philosophers proposed various alternative definitions of knowledge by modifying or expanding the traditional analysis According to one view the known fact has to cause the belief in the right way Another theory states that the belief is the product of a reliable belief formation process Further approaches require that the person would not have the belief if it was false that the belief is not inferred from a falsehood that the justification cannot be undermined or that the belief is infallible There is no consensus on which of the proposed modifications and reconceptualizations is correct Some philosophers such as Timothy Williamson reject the basic assumption underlying the analysis of knowledge by arguing that propositional knowledge is a unique state that cannot be dissected into simpler components Value The value of knowledge is the worth it holds by expanding understanding and guiding action Knowledge can have instrumental value by helping a person achieve their goals For example knowledge of a disease helps a doctor cure their patient The usefulness of a known fact depends on the circumstances Knowledge of some facts may have little to no uses like memorizing random phone numbers from an outdated phone book Being able to assess the value of knowledge matters in choosing what information to acquire and transmit to others It affects decisions like which subjects to teach at school and how to allocate funds to research projects Of particular interest to epistemologists is the question of whether knowledge is more valuable than a mere opinion that is true Knowledge and true opinion often have a similar usefulness since both are accurate representations of reality For example if a person wants to go to Larissa a true opinion about how to get there may help them in the same way as knowledge does Considering this problem Plato proposed that knowledge is better because it is more stable Another suggestion focuses on practical reasoning It proposes that people put more trust in knowledge than in mere true opinions when drawing conclusions and deciding what to do A different response says that unlike mere true opinion knowledge has intrinsic value in addition to instrumental value This view asserts that knowledge is always valuable while true opinion is only valuable in circumstances where it is useful Belief and truth Beliefs are mental states about what is the case like believing that snow is white or that God exists In epistemology they are often understood as subjective attitudes that affirm or deny a proposition which can be expressed in a declarative sentence For instance to believe that snow is white is to affirm the proposition snow is white According to this view beliefs are representations of what the universe is like They are kept in memory and can be retrieved when actively thinking about reality or when deciding how to act A different view understands beliefs as behavioral patterns or dispositions to act rather than as representational items stored in the mind According to this view to believe that there is mineral water in the fridge is nothing more than a group of dispositions related to mineral water and the fridge Examples are the dispositions to answer questions about the presence of mineral water affirmatively and to go to the fridge when thirsty Some theorists deny the existence of beliefs saying that this concept borrowed from folk psychology is an oversimplification of much more complex psychological or neurological processes Beliefs play a central role in various epistemological debates which cover their status as a component of propositional knowledge the question of whether people have control over and are responsible for their beliefs and the issue of whether there are degrees of beliefs called credences As propositional attitudes beliefs are true or false depending on whether they affirm a true or a false proposition According to the correspondence theory of truth to be true means to stand in the right relation to the world by accurately describing what it is like This means that truth is objective a belief is true if it corresponds to a fact The coherence theory of truth says that a belief is true if it belongs to a coherent system of beliefs A result of this view is that truth is relative since it depends on other beliefs Further theories of truth include pragmatist semantic pluralist and deflationary theories Truth plays a central role in epistemology as a goal of cognitive processes and an attribute of propositional knowledge Justification In epistemology justification is a property of beliefs that fulfill certain norms about what a person should believe According to a common view this means that the person has sufficient reasons for holding this belief because they have information that supports it Another view states that a belief is justified if it is formed by a reliable belief formation process such as perception The terms reasonable warranted and supported are closely related to the idea of justification and are sometimes used as synonyms Justification is what distinguishes justified beliefs from superstition and lucky guesses However justification does not guarantee truth For example if a person has strong but misleading evidence they may form a justified belief that is false Epistemologists often identify justification as one component of knowledge Usually they are not only interested in whether a person has a sufficient reason to hold a belief known as propositional justification but also in whether the person holds the belief because or based on this reason known as doxastic justification For example if a person has sufficient reason to believe that a neighborhood is dangerous but forms this belief based on superstition then they have propositional justification but lack doxastic justification Sources Sources of justification are ways or cognitive capacities through which people acquire justification Often discussed sources include perception introspection memory reason and testimony but there is no universal agreement to what extent they all provide valid justification Perception relies on sensory organs to gain empirical information There are various forms of perception corresponding to different physical stimuli such as visual auditory haptic olfactory and gustatory perception Perception is not merely the reception of sense impressions but an active process that selects organizes and interprets sensory signals Introspection is a closely related process focused not on external physical objects but on internal mental states For example seeing a bus at a bus station belongs to perception while feeling tired belongs to introspection Rationalists understand reason as a source of justification for non empirical facts It is often used to explain how people can know about mathematical logical and conceptual truths Reason is also responsible for inferential knowledge in which one or several beliefs are used as premises to support another belief Memory depends on information provided by other sources which it retains and recalls like remembering a phone number perceived earlier Justification by testimony relies on information one person communicates to another person This can happen by talking to each other but can also occur in other forms like a letter a newspaper and a blog Other concepts Rationality is closely related to justification and the terms rational belief and justified belief are sometimes used as synonyms However rationality has a wider scope that encompasses both a theoretical side covering beliefs and a practical side covering decisions intentions and actions There are different conceptions about what it means for something to be rational According to one view a mental state is rational if it is based on or responsive to good reasons Another view emphasizes the role of coherence stating that rationality requires that the different mental states of a person are consistent and support each other A slightly different approach holds that rationality is about achieving certain goals Two goals of theoretical rationality are accuracy and comprehensiveness meaning that a person has as few false beliefs and as many true beliefs as possible Epistemic norms are criteria to assess the cognitive quality of beliefs like their justification and rationality Epistemologists distinguish between deontic norms which are prescriptions about what people should believe or which beliefs are correct and axiological norms which identify the goals and values of beliefs Epistemic norms are closely related to intellectual or epistemic virtues which are character traits like open mindedness and conscientiousness Epistemic virtues help individuals form true beliefs and acquire knowledge They contrast with epistemic vices and act as foundational concepts of virtue epistemology Evidence for a belief is information that favors or supports it Epistemologists understand evidence primarily in terms of mental states for example as sensory impressions or as other propositions that a person knows But in a wider sense it can also include physical objects like bloodstains examined by forensic analysts or financial records studied by investigative journalists Evidence is often understood in terms of probability evidence for a belief makes it more likely that the belief is true A defeater is evidence against a belief or evidence that undermines another piece of evidence For instance witness testimony connecting a suspect to a crime is evidence of their guilt while an alibi is a defeater Evidentialists analyze justification in terms of evidence by saying that to be justified a belief needs to rest on adequate evidence The presence of evidence usually affects doubt and certainty which are subjective attitudes toward propositions that differ regarding their level of confidence Doubt involves questioning the validity or truth of a proposition Certainty by contrast is a strong affirmative conviction meaning that the person is free of doubt that the proposition is true In epistemology doubt and certainty play central roles in skeptical projects aiming to establish that no belief is immune to doubt such as ancient Greek skepticism and in attempts to find a secure foundation of all knowledge such as Rene Descartes foundationalist epistemology While propositional knowledge is the main topic in epistemology some theorists focus on understanding instead Understanding is a more holistic notion that involves a wider grasp of a subject To understand something a person requires awareness of how different things are connected and why they are the way they are For example knowledge of isolated facts memorized from a textbook does not amount to understanding According to one view understanding is a special epistemic good that unlike propositional knowledge is always intrinsically valuable Wisdom is similar in this regard and is sometimes considered the highest epistemic good It encompasses a reflective understanding with practical applications It helps people grasp and evaluate complex situations and lead a good life Schools of thoughtSkepticism fallibilism and relativism Philosophical skepticism questions the human ability to arrive at knowledge Some skeptics limit their criticism to certain domains of knowledge For example religious skeptics say that it is impossible to have certain knowledge about the existence of deities or other religious doctrines Similarly moral skeptics challenge the existence of moral knowledge and metaphysical skeptics say that humans cannot know ultimate reality Global skepticism is the widest form of skepticism asserting that there is no knowledge in any domain In ancient philosophy this view was accepted by academic skeptics while Pyrrhonian skeptics recommended the suspension of belief to achieve a state of tranquility Overall not many epistemologists have explicitly defended global skepticism The influence of this position derives mainly from attempts by other philosophers to show that their theory overcomes the challenge of skepticism For example Rene Descartes used methodological doubt to find facts that cannot be doubted One consideration in favor of global skepticism is the dream argument It starts from the observation that while people are dreaming they are usually unaware of this This inability to distinguish between dream and regular experience is used to argue that there is no certain knowledge since a person can never be sure that they are not dreaming Some critics assert that global skepticism is a self refuting idea because denying the existence of knowledge is itself a knowledge claim Another objection says that the abstract reasoning leading to skepticism is not convincing enough to overrule common sense Fallibilism is another response to skepticism Fallibilists agree with skeptics that absolute certainty is impossible Most fallibilists disagree with skeptics about the existence of knowledge saying that there is knowledge since it does not require absolute certainty They emphasize the need to keep an open and inquisitive mind since doubt can never be fully excluded even for well established knowledge claims like thoroughly tested scientific theories Epistemic relativism is related to skepticism but differs since it does not question the existence of knowledge in general Instead epistemic relativists only reject the idea that there are universal epistemic standards or absolute principles that apply equally to everyone This means that what a person knows depends on the subjective criteria or social conventions used to assess epistemic status Empiricism and rationalism John Locke and David Hume shaped the philosophy of empiricism The debate between empiricism and rationalism centers on the origins of human knowledge Empiricism emphasizes that sense experience is the primary source of all knowledge Some empiricists express this view by describing the mind as a blank slate that only develops ideas about the external world through the sense data it receives from the sensory organs According to them the mind can arrive at various additional insights by comparing impressions combining them generalizing to arrive at more abstract ideas and deducing new conclusions from them Empiricists say that all these mental operations depend on material from the senses and do not function on their own Even though rationalists usually accept sense experience as one source of knowledge they also say that important forms of knowledge are directly possessed by reason without sense experience like knowledge of mathematical and logical truths According to some rationalists the mind possesses inborn ideas which it can access without the help of the senses Others hold that there is an additional cognitive faculty sometimes called rational intuition through which people acquire nonempirical knowledge Some rationalists limit their discussion to the origin of concepts saying that the mind relies on inborn categories to understand the world and organize experience Foundationalism and coherentism Diagram of foundationalism coherentism and infinitism with arrows symbolizing support between beliefs According to foundationalism some basic beliefs are justified without support from other beliefs According to coherentism justification requires that beliefs mutually support each other According to infinitism justification requires that beliefs form infinite support chains Foundationalists and coherentists disagree about the structure of knowledge Foundationalism distinguishes between basic and non basic beliefs A belief is basic if it is justified directly meaning that its validity does not depend on the support of other beliefs A belief is non basic if it is justified by another belief For example the belief that it rained last night is a non basic belief if it is inferred from the observation that the street is wet According to foundationalism basic beliefs are the foundation on which all other knowledge is built while non basic beliefs act as the superstructure resting on this foundation Coherentists reject the distinction between basic and non basic beliefs saying that the justification of any belief depends on other beliefs They assert that a belief must be in tune with other beliefs to amount to knowledge This is the case if the beliefs are consistent and support each other According to coherentism justification is a holistic aspect determined by the whole system of beliefs which resembles an interconnected web The view of foundherentism is an intermediary position combining elements of both foundationalism and coherentism It accepts the distinction between basic and non basic beliefs while asserting that the justification of non basic beliefs depends on coherence with other beliefs Infinitism presents another approach to the structure of knowledge It agrees with coherentism that there are no basic beliefs while rejecting the view that beliefs can support each other in a circular manner Instead it argues that beliefs form infinite justification chains in which each link of the chain supports the belief following it and is supported by the belief preceding it Internalism and externalism Alvin Goldman was an influential defender of externalism The disagreement between internalism and externalism is about the sources of justification Internalists say that justification depends only on factors within the individual Examples of such factors include perceptual experience memories and the possession of other beliefs This view emphasizes the importance of the cognitive perspective of the individual in the form of their mental states It is commonly associated with the idea that the relevant factors are accessible meaning that the individual can become aware of their reasons for holding a justified belief through introspection and reflection Evidentialism is an influential internalist view It says that justification depends on the possession of evidence In this context evidence for a belief is any information in the individual s mind that supports the belief For example the perceptual experience of rain is evidence for the belief that it is raining Evidentialists have suggested various other forms of evidence including memories intuitions and other beliefs According to evidentialism a belief is justified if the individual s evidence supports the belief and they hold the belief on the basis of this evidence Externalism by contrast asserts that at least some relevant factors of knowledge are external to the individual For instance when considering the belief that a cup of coffee stands on the table externalists are not primarily interested in the subjective perceptual experience that led to this belief Instead they focus on objective factors like the quality of the person s eyesight their ability to differentiate coffee from other beverages and the circumstances under which they observed the cup A key motivation of many forms of externalism is that justification makes it more likely that a belief is true Based on this view justification is external to the extent that some factors contributing to this likelihood are not part of the believer s cognitive perspective Reliabilism is an externalist theory asserting that a reliable connection between belief and truth is required for justification Some reliabilists explain this in terms of reliable processes According to this view a belief is justified if it is produced by a reliable belief formation process like perception A belief formation process is reliable if most of the beliefs it causes are true A slightly different view focuses on beliefs rather than belief formation processes saying that a belief is justified if it is a reliable indicator of the fact it presents This means that the belief tracks the fact the person believes it because it is a fact but would not believe it otherwise Virtue epistemology is another type of externalism and is sometimes understood as a form of reliabilism It says that a belief is justified if it manifests intellectual virtues Intellectual virtues are capacities or traits that perform cognitive functions and help people form true beliefs Suggested examples include faculties like vision memory and introspection Others In the epistemology of perception direct and indirect realists disagree about the connection between the perceiver and the perceived object Direct realists say that this connection is direct meaning that there is no difference between the object present in perceptual experience and the physical object causing this experience According to indirect realism the connection is indirect since there are mental entities like ideas or sense data that mediate between the perceiver and the external world The contrast between direct and indirect realism is important for explaining the nature of illusions Constructivism in epistemology is the theory that how people view the world is not a simple reflection of external reality but an invention or a social construction This view emphasizes the creative role of interpretation while undermining objectivity since social constructions may differ from society to society According to contrastivism knowledge is a comparative term meaning that to know something involves distinguishing it from relevant alternatives For example if a person spots a bird in the garden they may know that it is a sparrow rather than an eagle but they may not know that it is a sparrow rather than an indistinguishable sparrow hologram Epistemic conservatism is a view about belief revision It gives preference to the beliefs a person already has asserting that a person should only change their beliefs if they have a good reason to One motivation for adopting epistemic conservatism is that the cognitive resources of humans are limited meaning that it is not feasible to constantly reexamine every belief Pragmatist epistemology is a form of fallibilism that emphasizes the close relation between knowing and acting It sees the pursuit of knowledge as an ongoing process guided by common sense and experience while always open to revision It reinterprets some core epistemological notions for example by conceptualizing beliefs as habits that shape actions rather then as representations that mirror the world Bayesian epistemology is a formal approach based on the idea that people have degrees of belief representing how certain they are It uses probability theory to define norms of rationality that govern how certain people should be about their beliefs Phenomenological epistemology emphasizes the importance of first person experience It distinguishes between the natural and the phenomenological attitudes The natural attitude focuses on objects belonging to common sense and natural science The phenomenological attitude focuses on the experience of objects and aims to provide a presuppositionless description of how objects appear to the observer Particularism and generalism disagree about the right method of conducting epistemological research Particularists start their inquiry by looking at specific cases For example to find a definition of knowledge they rely on their intuitions about concrete instances of knowledge and particular thought experiments They use these observations as methodological constraints that any theory of more general principles needs to follow Generalists proceed in the opposite direction They give preference to general epistemic principles saying that it is not possible to accurately identify and describe specific cases without a grasp of these principles Other methods in contemporary epistemology aim to extract philosophical insights from ordinary language or look at the role of knowledge in making assertions and guiding actions The work of Elizabeth S Anderson combines the perspectives of feminist social and naturalized epistemology Postmodern epistemology criticizes the conditions of knowledge in advanced societies This concerns in particular the metanarrative of a constant progress of scientific knowledge leading to a universal and foundational understanding of reality Similarly feminist epistemology adopts a critical perspective with its main focus on the effect of gender on knowledge Among other topics it explores how preconceptions about gender influence who has access to knowledge how knowledge is produced and which types of knowledge are valued in society A related critical approach found in decolonial scholarship opposes the global influence of Western knowledge systems It seeks to undermine Western hegemony and decolonize knowledge Various schools of epistemology are found in traditional Indian philosophy Many of them focus on the different sources of knowledge called pramaṇa Perception inference and testimony are sources discussed by most schools Other sources only considered by some schools are non perception which leads to knowledge of absences and presumption Buddhist epistemology tends to focus on immediate experience understood as the presentation of unique particulars without the involvement of secondary cognitive processes like thought and desire Nyaya epistemology is a causal theory of knowledge understanding sources of knowledge as reliable processes that cause episodes of truthful awareness It sees perception as the primary source of knowledge and emphasizes its importance for successful action Mimaṃsa epistemology understands the holy scriptures known as the Vedas as a key source of knowledge while discussing the problem of their right interpretation Jain epistemology states that reality is many sided meaning that no single viewpoint can capture the entirety of truth African epistemology is rooted in African ontology It emphasizes the interconnectedness of reality in the form of a continuum between knowing subject and known object It understands knowledge as a holistic phenomenon that includes sensory emotional intuitive and rational aspects and is not limited to the physical domain BranchesSome branches of epistemology focus on the problems of knowledge within specific academic disciplines The epistemology of science examines how scientific knowledge is generated and what problems arise in the process of validating justifying and interpreting scientific claims A key issue concerns the problem of how individual observations can support universal scientific laws Further topics include the nature of scientific evidence and the aims of science The epistemology of mathematics studies the origin of mathematical knowledge In exploring how mathematical theories are justified it investigates the role of proofs and whether there are empirical sources of mathematical knowledge Epistemological problems are found in most areas of philosophy The epistemology of logic examines how people know that an argument is valid For example it explores how logicians justify that modus ponens is a correct rule of inference or that all contradictions are false Epistemologists of metaphysics investigate whether knowledge of the basic structure of reality is possible and what sources this knowledge could have Knowledge of moral statements like the claim that lying is wrong belongs to the epistemology of ethics It studies the role of ethical intuitions coherence among moral beliefs and the problem of moral disagreement The ethics of belief is a closely related field covering the interrelation between epistemology and ethics It examines the norms governing belief formation and asks whether violating them is morally wrong Religious epistemology studies the role of knowledge and justification for religious doctrines and practices It evaluates the weight and reliability of evidence from religious experience and holy scriptures while also asking whether the norms of reason should be applied to religious faith Social epistemology focuses on the social dimension of knowledge While traditional epistemology is mainly interested in the knowledge possessed by individuals social epistemology covers knowledge acquisition transmission and evaluation within groups with specific emphasis on how people rely on each other when seeking knowledge Historical epistemology examines how the understanding of knowledge and related concepts has changed over time It asks whether the main issues in epistemology are perennial and to what extent past epistemological theories are relevant to contemporary debates It is particularly concerned with scientific knowledge and practices associated with it It contrasts with the history of epistemology which presents reconstructs and evaluates epistemological theories of philosophers in the past Naturalized epistemology is closely associated with the natural sciences relying on their methods and theories to examine knowledge Naturalistic epistemologists focus on empirical observation to formulate their theories and are often critical of approaches to epistemology that proceed by a priori reasoning Evolutionary epistemology is a naturalistic approach that understands cognition as a product of evolution examining knowledge and the cognitive faculties responsible for it from the perspective of natural selection Epistemologists of language explore the nature of linguistic knowledge One of their topics is the role of tacit knowledge for example when native speakers have mastered the rules of grammar but are unable to explicitly articulate those rules Epistemologists of modality examine knowledge about what is possible and necessary Epistemic problems that arise when two people have diverging opinions on a topic are covered by the epistemology of disagreement Epistemologists of ignorance are interested in epistemic faults and gaps in knowledge There are distinct areas of epistemology dedicated to specific sources of knowledge Examples are the epistemology of perception the epistemology of memory and the epistemology of testimony Some branches of epistemology are characterized by their research method Formal epistemology employs formal tools found in logic and mathematics to investigate the nature of knowledge Experimental epistemologists rely in their research on empirical evidence about common knowledge practices Applied epistemology focuses on the practical application of epistemological principles to diverse real world problems like the reliability of knowledge claims on the internet how to assess sexual assault allegations and how racism may lead to epistemic injustice Metaepistemologists examine the nature goals and research methods of epistemology As a metatheory it does not directly defend a position about which epistemological theories are correct but examines their fundamental concepts and background assumptions Related fieldsEpistemology and psychology were not defined as distinct fields until the 19th century earlier investigations about knowledge often do not fit neatly into today s academic categories Both contemporary disciplines study beliefs and the mental processes responsible for their formation and change One important contrast is that psychology describes what beliefs people have and how they acquire them thereby explaining why someone has a specific belief The focus of epistemology is on evaluating beliefs leading to a judgment about whether a belief is justified and rational in a particular case Epistemology has a similar intimate connection to cognitive science which understands mental events as processes that transform information Artificial intelligence relies on the insights of epistemology and cognitive science to implement concrete solutions to problems associated with knowledge representation and automatic reasoning Logic is the study of correct reasoning For epistemology it is relevant to inferential knowledge which arises when a person reasons from one known fact to another This is the case for example if a person does not know directly that 572 382 954 displaystyle 572 382 954 but comes to infer it based on their knowledge that 2 2 4 displaystyle 2 2 4 8 7 15 displaystyle 8 7 15 and 5 3 8 displaystyle 5 3 8 Whether an inferential belief amounts to knowledge depends on the form of reasoning used in particular that the process does not violate the laws of logic Another overlap between the two fields is found in the epistemic approach to fallacies Fallacies are faulty arguments based on incorrect reasoning The epistemic approach to fallacies explains why they are faulty stating that arguments aim to expand knowledge According to this view an argument is a fallacy if it fails to do so A further intersection is found in epistemic logic which uses formal logical devices to study epistemological concepts like knowledge and belief Both decision theory and epistemology are interested in the foundations of rational thought and the role of beliefs Unlike many approaches in epistemology the main focus of decision theory lies less in the theoretical and more in the practical side exploring how beliefs are translated into action Decision theorists examine the reasoning involved in decision making and the standards of good decisions They identify beliefs as a central aspect of decision making One of their innovations is to distinguish between weaker and stronger beliefs This helps them take the effect of uncertainty on decisions into consideration Epistemology and education have a shared interest in knowledge with one difference being that education focuses on the transmission of knowledge exploring the roles of both learner and teacher Learning theory examines how people acquire knowledge Behavioral learning theories explain the process in terms of behavior changes for example by associating a certain response with a particular stimulus Cognitive learning theories study how the cognitive processes that affect knowledge acquisition transform information Pedagogy looks at the transmission of knowledge from the teacher s side exploring the teaching methods they may employ In teacher centered methods the teacher takes the role of the main authority delivering knowledge and guiding the learning process In student centered methods the teacher mainly supports and facilitates the learning process while the students take a more active role The beliefs students have about knowledge called personal epistemology affect their intellectual development and learning success The anthropology of knowledge examines how knowledge is acquired stored retrieved and communicated It studies the social and cultural circumstances that affect how knowledge is reproduced and changes covering the role of institutions like university departments and scientific journals as well as face to face discussions and online communications It understands knowledge in a wide sense that encompasses various forms of understanding and culture including practical skills Unlike epistemology it is not interested in whether a belief is true or justified but in how understanding is reproduced in society The sociology of knowledge is a closely related field with a similar conception of knowledge It explores how physical demographic economic and sociocultural factors impact knowledge It examines in what sociohistorical contexts knowledge emerges and the effects it has on people for example how socioeconomic conditions are related to the dominant ideology in a society HistoryEarly reflections on the nature and sources of knowledge are found in ancient history In ancient Greek philosophy Plato 427 347 BCE studied what knowledge is examining how it differs from true opinion by being based on good reasons According to him the process of learning something is a form of recollection in which the soul remembers what it already knew before Plato s student Aristotle 384 322 BCE was particularly interested in scientific knowledge exploring the role of sensory experience and how to make inferences from general principles Aristotle s ideas influenced discussions in the Hellenistic schools of philosophy which began to arise in the 4th century BCE and included Epicureanism Stoicism and skepticism The Epicureans had an empiricist outlook stating that sensations are always accurate and act as the supreme standard of judgments The Stoics defended a similar position but limited themselves to lucid and specific sensations which they regarded as true The skepticists questioned that knowledge is possible recommending instead suspension of judgment to arrive at a state of tranquility Emerging in the 3rd century CE and inspired by Plato s philosophy Neoplatonism distinguished knowledge from true belief arguing that knowledge is infallible and limited to the realm of immaterial forms The Buddhist philosopher Dharmakirti developed a causal theory of knowledge The Upanishads philosophical scriptures composed in ancient India between 700 and 300 BCE examined how people acquire knowledge including the role of introspection comparison and deduction In the 6th century BCE the school of Ajnana developed a radical skepticism questioning the possibility and usefulness of knowledge By contrast the school of Nyaya which emerged in the 2nd century BCE asserted that knowledge is possible It provided a systematic treatment of how people acquire knowledge distinguishing between valid and invalid sources When Buddhist philosophers later became interested in epistemology they relied on concepts developed in Nyaya and other traditions Buddhist philosopher Dharmakirti 6th or 7th century CE analyzed the process of knowing as a series of causally related events Ancient Chinese philosophers understood knowledge as an interconnected phenomenon fundamentally linked to ethical behavior and social involvement Many saw wisdom as the goal of attaining knowledge Mozi 470 391 BCE proposed a pragmatic approach to knowledge using historical records sensory evidence and practical outcomes to validate beliefs Mencius c 372 289 BCE explored analogical reasoning as another source of knowledge and employed this method to criticize Mozi Xunzi c 310 220 BCE aimed to combine empirical observation and rational inquiry He emphasized the importance of clarity and standards of reasoning without excluding the role of feeling and emotion The relation between reason and faith was a central topic in the medieval period In Arabic Persian philosophy al Farabi c 870 950 and Averroes 1126 1198 discussed how philosophy and theology interact and which is the better vehicle to truth Al Ghazali c 1056 1111 criticized many of the core teachings of previous Islamic philosophers saying that they rely on unproven assumptions that do not amount to knowledge Similarly in Western philosophy Anselm of Canterbury 1033 1109 proposed that theological teaching and philosophical inquiry are in harmony and complement each other Formulating a more critical approach Peter Abelard 1079 1142 argued against unquestioned theological authorities and said that all things are open to rational doubt Influenced by Aristotle Thomas Aquinas 1225 1274 developed an empiricist theory stating that nothing is in the intellect unless it first appeared in the senses According to an early form of direct realism proposed by William of Ockham c 1285 1349 perception of mind independent objects happens directly without intermediaries Meanwhile in 14th century India Gaṅgesa developed a reliabilist theory of knowledge and considered the problems of testimony and fallacies In China Wang Yangming 1472 1529 explored the unity of knowledge and action holding that moral knowledge is inborn and can be attained by overcoming self interest Rene Descartes used methodological doubt to seek certain foundations for philosophy The course of modern philosophy was shaped by Rene Descartes 1596 1650 who claimed that philosophy must begin from a position of indubitable knowledge of first principles Inspired by skepticism he aimed to find absolutely certain knowledge by encountering truths that cannot be doubted He thought that this is the case for the assertion I think therefore I am from which he constructed the rest of his philosophical system Descartes together with Baruch Spinoza 1632 1677 and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz 1646 1716 belonged to the school of rationalism which asserts that the mind possesses innate ideas independent of experience John Locke 1632 1704 rejected this view in favor of an empiricism according to which the mind is a blank slate This means that all ideas depend on sense experience either as ideas of sense which are directly presented through the senses or as ideas of reflection which the mind creates by reflecting on ideas of sense David Hume 1711 1776 used this idea to explore the limits of what people can know He said that knowledge of facts is never certain adding that knowledge of relations between ideas like mathematical truths can be certain but contains no information about the world Immanuel Kant 1724 1804 tried to find a middle position between rationalism and empiricism by identifying a type of knowledge that Hume had missed For Kant this is knowledge about principles that underlie all experience and structure it such as spatial and temporal relations and fundamental categories of understanding In the 19th century and influenced by Kant s philosophy Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 1770 1831 rejected empiricism by arguing that sensory impressions on their own cannot amount to knowledge since all knowledge is actively structured by the knowing subject John Stuart Mill 1806 1873 by contrast defended a wide sweeping form of empiricism and explained knowledge of general truths through inductive reasoning Charles Peirce 1839 1914 thought that all knowledge is fallible emphasizing that knowledge seekers should always be ready to revise their beliefs if new evidence is encountered He used this idea to argue against Cartesian foundationalism seeking absolutely certain truths In the 20th century fallibilism was further explored by J L Austin 1911 1960 and Karl Popper 1902 1994 In continental philosophy Edmund Husserl 1859 1938 applied the skeptic idea of suspending judgment to the study of experience By not judging whether an experience is accurate or not he tried to describe the internal structure of experience instead Influenced by earlier empiricists logical positivists like A J Ayer 1910 1989 said that all knowledge is either empirical or analytic Bertrand Russell 1872 1970 developed an empiricist sense datum theory distinguishing between direct knowledge by acquaintance of sense data and indirect knowledge by description which is inferred from knowledge by acquaintance Common sense had a central place in G E Moore s 1873 1958 epistemology He used trivial observations like the fact that he has two hands to argue against abstract philosophical theories that deviate from common sense Ordinary language philosophy as practiced by the late Ludwig Wittgenstein 1889 1951 is a similar approach that tries to extract epistemological insights from how ordinary language is used Edmund Gettier 1927 2021 conceived counterexamples against the idea that knowledge is the same as justified true belief These counterexamples prompted many philosophers to suggest alternative definitions of knowledge Developed by philosophers such as Alvin Goldman 1938 2024 reliabilism emerged as one of the alternatives asserting that knowledge requires reliable sources and shifting the focus away from justification Virtue epistemology a closely related response analyses belief formation in terms of the intellectual virtues or cognitive competencies involved in the process Naturalized epistemology as conceived by Willard Van Orman Quine 1908 2000 employs concepts and ideas from the natural sciences to formulate its theories Other developments in late 20th century epistemology were the emergence of social feminist and historical epistemology See alsoPhilosophy portal Epistemological pluralism School of thought in epistemology Knowledge falsification Deliberate misrepresentation of knowledge Logology science The study of all aspects of science and its practitioners Reformed epistemology School of philosophical thought Theory of Knowledge IB Course Compulsory International Baccalaureate subjectPages displaying short descriptions of redirect targetsReferencesNotes Less commonly the term gnoseology is also used as a synonym Despite this contrast epistemologists may rely on insights from the empirical sciences in formulating their normative theories According to one interpretation the aim of naturalized epistemology is to answer descriptive questions but this characterization is disputed As a label for a branch of philosophy the term epistemology was first employed in 1854 by James E Ferrier In a different context the word was used as early as 1847 in New York s Eclectic Magazine As the term had not been coined before the 19th century earlier philosophers did not explicitly label their theories as epistemology and often explored it in combination with psychology According to philosopher Thomas Sturm it is an open question how relevant the epistemological problems addressed by past philosophers are to contemporary philosophy Other synonyms include declarative knowledge and descriptive knowledge The distinction came to prominence in the 17th century and acted as a crucial factor in the philosophies of David Hume and Immanuel Kant The accuracy of the label traditional analysis is debated since it suggests widespread acceptance within the history of philosophy an idea not shared by all scholars The relation between a belief and the reason on which it rests is called basing relation Interest in epistemic virtues has increased since Ernest Sosa s formulation of virtue epistemology in the 1980s The brain in a vat is a similar thought experiment assuming that a person does not have a body but is merely a brain receiving electrical stimuli indistinguishable from the stimuli a brain in a body would receive This argument also leads to the conclusion of global skepticism based on the claim that it is not possible to distinguish stimuli representing the actual world from simulated stimuli Some forms of extreme rationalism found in ancient Greek philosophy see reason as the sole source of knowledge Both can be understood as responses to the regress problem The theory of classical foundationalism has a stronger requirement by saying that basic beliefs are self evident or indubitable The internalist externalist debate in epistemology is different from the internalism externalism debate in philosophy of mind which asks whether mental states depend only on the individual or also on their environment While the discussion of different sources of knowledge is also found in other traditions Indian epistemologists typically put special emphasis on the relation between knowledge and spiritual progress understanding the aquisition of knowledge as part of the soteriological process The precise characterization of the contrast is disputed It is closely related to computational epistemology which examines the interrelation between knowledge and computational processes Epistemic injustice happens when valid knowledge claims are dismissed or misrepresented Nonetheless metaepistemological insights can have various indirect effects on disputes in epistemology To argue for this point Plato used the example of a slave boy who manages to answer a series of geometry questions even though he never studied geometry Citations Merriam Webster 2024 Truncellito Lead sectionBlaauw amp Pritchard 2005 pp 49 50Crumley II 2009 p 16Carter amp Littlejohn 2021 Introduction 1 What Is Epistemology Moser 2005 p 3 Fumerton 2006 pp 1 2Moser 2005 p 4 Brenner 1993 p 16Palmquist 2010 p 800Jenicek 2018 p 31 Steup amp Neta 2024 Lead sectionMoss 2021 pp 1 2 Crumley II 2009 p 16Carter amp Littlejohn 2021 Introduction 1 What Is Epistemology O Donohue amp Kitchener 1996 p 2 Crumley II 2009 p 192Mi 2007 pp 113 115 Audi 2003 pp 258 259Wolenski 2004 pp 3 4Campbell 2024 Lead section Steup amp Neta 2024 Lead sectionScott 2002 p 30Wolenski 2004 p 3 Wolenski 2004 p 3 Oxford University Press 2024 Alston 2006 pp 1 2 Sturm 2011 pp 308 309 Goldman amp McGrath 2015 pp 3 6Truncellito 2 The Nature of Propositional KnowledgeStroll 2023 Issues in epistemology Zagzebski 1999 p 109Steup amp Neta 2020 Lead section 1 The Varieties of Cognitive SuccessHarperCollins 2022a Klausen 2015 pp 813 818Lackey 2021 pp 111 112 HarperCollins 2022aMagee amp Popper 1971 pp 74 75HarperCollins 2022bWalton 2005 pp 59 64 Gross amp McGoey 2015 pp 1 4Haas amp Vogt 2015 pp 17 18Blaauw amp Pritchard 2005 p 79 Markie amp Folescu 2023 1 IntroductionRescher 2009 pp 2 6Stoltz 2021 p 120 Rescher 2009 pp 10 93Rescher 2009a pp x xi 57 58Dika 2023 p 163 Rescher 2009 pp 2 6Rescher 2009a pp 140 141 Wilson 2008 p 314Pritchard 2005 p 18Hetherington Fallibilism Lead section 8 Implications of Fallibilism No Knowledge Brown 2016 p 104 Hetherington Knowledge 1 Kinds of KnowledgeBarnett 1990 p 40Lilley Lightfoot amp Amaral 2004 pp 162 163 Klein 1998 1 The Varieties of KnowledgeHetherington Knowledge 1b Knowledge ThatStroll 2023 The Nature of Knowledge Hetherington Knowledge 1b Knowledge ThatStroll 2023 The Nature of KnowledgeZagzebski 1999 p 92 Hetherington Knowledge 1b Knowledge That Morrison 2005 p 371Reif 2008 p 33Zagzebski 1999 p 93 Pritchard 2013 p 4 Hetherington Knowledge 1 Kinds of KnowledgeStroll 2023 The Nature of KnowledgeStanley amp Willlamson 2001 pp 411 412 Hetherington Knowledge 1d Knowing HowPritchard 2013 p 3 Merrienboer 1997 p 32Klauer et al 2016 pp 105 6Pavese 2022 Lead section Hetherington Knowledge 1a Knowing by AcquaintanceStroll 2023 St Anselm of CanterburyZagzebski 1999 p 92Benton 2024 p 4 Stroll 2023 A Priori and a Posteriori KnowledgeBaehr A Priori and A Posteriori Lead sectionRussell 2020 Lead section Stroll 2023 A priori and a posteriori Knowledge Baehr A Priori and A Posteriori Lead sectionMoser 2016 Lead section Russell 2020 Lead sectionBaehr A Priori and A Posteriori Lead section 1 An Initial CharacterizationMoser 2016 Lead section Carter amp Littlejohn 2021 3 The AprioriPopper 2014 2 Deductivism and Inductivism Juhl amp Loomis 2009 p 4 Juhl amp Loomis 2009 pp ix x 1 2Russell 2023 Crumley II 2009 pp 54 55Ayers 2019 p 4 Ichikawa amp Steup 2018 Lead sectionCrumley II 2009 pp 53 54 Crumley II 2009 pp 61 62Ichikawa amp Steup 2018 3 The Gettier Problem Rodriguez 2018 pp 29 32Goldman 1976 pp 771 773Sudduth 2b Defeasibility Analyses and Propositional DefeatersIchikawa amp Steup 2018 10 2 Fake Barn Cases Crumley II 2009 pp 61 62Ichikawa amp Steup 2018 8 Epistemic Luck Pritchard 2005 pp 1 4Broncano Berrocal amp Carter 2017 Lead section Crumley II 2009 p 65Ichikawa amp Steup 2018 Lead section 3 The Gettier Problem Crumley II 2009 p 65Ichikawa amp Steup 2018 Lead section 3 The Gettier Problem Crumley II 2009 pp 67 68 Ichikawa amp Steup 2018 6 1 Reliabilist Theories of Knowledge Ichikawa amp Steup 2018 5 1 Sensitivity Crumley II 2009 p 75Ichikawa amp Steup 2018 4 No False Lemmas Crumley II 2009 p 69 Hetherington Knowledge 5c Questioning the Gettier Problem 6 Standards for KnowingKraft 2012 pp 49 50 Ichikawa amp Steup 2018 3 The Gettier Problem 7 Is Knowledge Analyzable Zagzebski 1999 pp 93 94 104 105Steup amp Neta 2020 2 3 Knowing Facts Ichikawa amp Steup 2018 7 Is Knowledge Analyzable Degenhardt 2019 pp 1 6Pritchard 2013 pp 10 11Olsson 2011 pp 874 875 McCormick 2014 p 42 Pritchard 2013 pp 11 12 Stehr amp Adolf 2016 pp 483 485Powell 2020 pp 132 133Meirmans et al 2019 pp 754 756Degenhardt 2019 pp 1 6 Pritchard Turri amp Carter 2022 1 Value ProblemsOlsson 2011 pp 874 875Greco 2021 The Value of Knowledge Olsson 2011 pp 874 875Pritchard Turri amp Carter 2022 1 Value ProblemsPlato 2002 pp 89 90 97b 98a Olsson 2011 p 875Greco 2021 The Value of Knowledge Pritchard Turri amp Carter 2022 6 Other Accounts of the Value of Knowledge Pritchard 2013 pp 15 16Greco 2021 The Value of Knowledge Braddon Mitchell amp Jackson 2011 Lead sectionBunnin amp Yu 2008 pp 80 81Dretske 2005 p 85Crumley II 2009 p 18 Braddon Mitchell amp Jackson 2011 Lead sectionSchwitzgebel 2024 Lead section 1 1 RepresentationalismSchwitzgebel 2011 pp 14 15 Schwitzgebel 2024 1 2 DispositionalismSchwitzgebel 2011 pp 17 18 Schwitzgebel 2024 1 5 Eliminativism Instrumentalism and FictionalismSchwitzgebel 2011 p 20 Blaauw amp Pritchard 2005 pp 14 15Schwitzgebel 2024 2 3 Degree of Belief 2 5 Belief and Knowledge Dretske 2005 p 85Lowe 2005 p 926Crumley II 2009 p 18 Lowe 2005 p 926Dowden amp Swartz 3 Correspondence TheoryLynch 2011 pp 3 5Crumley II 2009 p 58 Glanzberg 2023 1 2 The Coherence TheoryLowe 2005 pp 926 927Lynch 2011 p 3Crumley II 2009 p 58 Lynch 2011 pp 5 7 10Glanzberg 2023 1 The Neo classical Theories of Truth 2 Tarski s Theory of Truth 4 4 Truth Pluralism 5 DeflationismBlaauw amp Pritchard 2005 pp 148 149 Lynch 2011 p 5Blaauw amp Pritchard 2005 p 148 Goldman amp Bender 2005 p 465Kvanvig 2011 pp 25 26 Crumley II 2009 pp 83 84Olsson 2016 Kvanvig 2011 p 25Foley 1998 Lead section Ichikawa amp Steup 2018 1 3 The Justification Condition Crumley II 2009 p 149Comesana amp Comesana 2022 p 44 Blaauw amp Pritchard 2005 pp 92 93 Silva amp Oliveira 2022 pp 1 4 Ichikawa amp Steup 2018 1 3 2 Kinds of JustificationSilva amp Oliveira 2022 pp 1 4 Kern 2017 pp 8 10 133Smith 2023 p 3Steup amp Neta 2024 5 Sources of Knowledge and JustificationHetherington Knowledge 3 Ways of Knowing Steup amp Neta 2024 5 1 PerceptionHetherington Knowledge 3 Ways of Knowing Khatoon 2012 p 104Martin 1998 Lead section Steup amp Neta 2024 5 2 Introspection Hetherington Knowledge 3d Knowing by Thinking Plus ObservingSteup amp Neta 2024 5 4 ReasonAudi 2002 pp 85 90 91Audi 2006 p 38 Steup amp Neta 2024 5 3 MemoryAudi 2002 pp 72 75Gardiner 2001 pp 1351 1352Michaelian amp Sutton 2017 Steup amp Neta 2024 5 5 TestimonyLeonard 2021 Lead section 1 Reductionism and Non ReductionismGreen 2022 Lead section Blaauw amp Pritchard 2005 pp 123 124Foley 2011 pp 37 39 40Harman 2013 Theoretical and Practical RationalityMele amp Rawling 2004 pp 3 4 Heinzelmann 2023 pp 312 314Kiesewetter 2020 pp 332 334 Foley 2011 pp 39 40Blaauw amp Pritchard 2005 pp 123 124 Blaauw amp Pritchard 2005 p 109Engel 2011 p 47 Blaauw amp Pritchard 2005 p 88Choo 2016 pp 91 92Montmarquet 1987 pp 482 483 Turri Alfano amp Greco 2021 2 Precursors and Contemporary OriginsGreco 2005 p 288 Blaauw amp Pritchard 2005 pp 50 51DiFate Lead section 1 The Nature of Evidence What Is It and What Does It Do Kelly 2016 Lead sectionMcGrew 2011 pp 58 59 McGrew 2011 p 59 Sudduth Lead section 2c Constraints on Propositional DefeatersMcPherson 2020 p 10 Blaauw amp Pritchard 2005 p 51Kelly 2016 1 Evidence as That Which Justifies Belief Blaauw amp Pritchard 2005 pp 18 19 44Hookway 2005a p 134Hookway 2005b p 220 Blaauw amp Pritchard 2005 p 150Grimm 2011 pp 84 88Gordon Lead section Kekes 2005 p 959Blaauw amp Pritchard 2005 p 157Whitcomb 2011 p 95 Cohen 1998 Article SummaryHookway 2005 p 838Moser 2011 p 200 Hookway 2005 p 838Bergmann 2021 p 57Moreland amp Craig 2003 p 95 Hazlett 2014 p 18Levine 1999 p 11 Hookway 2005 p 838Comesana amp Klein 2024 Lead section Windt 2021 1 1 Cartesian Dream SkepticismKlein 1998 8 The Epistemic Principles and ScepticismHetherington Knowledge 4 Sceptical Doubts About Knowing Hookway 2005 p 838Steup amp Neta 2024 6 1 General Skepticism and Selective Skepticism Steup amp Neta 2024 6 2 Responses to the Closure ArgumentReed 2015 p 75 Cohen 1998 1 The Philosophical Problem of Scepticism 2 Responses to Scepticism Hetherington Fallibilism Lead section 9 Implications of Fallibilism Knowing Fallibly Rescher 1998 Article Summary Rescher 1998 Article SummaryHetherington Fallibilism 9 Implications of Fallibilism Knowing Fallibly Carter 2017 p 292Luper 2004 pp 271 272 Wolenski 2004 pp 17 18 22 23 Lacey 2005 p 242Markie amp Folescu 2023 Lead section 1 2 Empiricism Lacey 2005a p 783 Lacey 2005a p 783Markie amp Folescu 2023 Lead section 1 Introduction Tieszen 2005 p 175 Lacey 2005a p 783Markie amp Folescu 2023 Lead section 1 IntroductionHales 2009 p 29 Bradley 2015 pp 170 171 Audi 1988 pp 407 408Stairs 2017 pp 155 156Margolis 2007 p 214 Bradley 2015 p 170 Blaauw amp Pritchard 2005 p 64 Stairs 2017 pp 155 156Margolis 2007 p 214 Stairs 2017 p 155 Stairs 2017 pp 156 157O Brien 2006 p 77 Ruppert Schluter amp Seide 2016 p 59Tramel 2008 pp 215 216 Bradley 2015 pp 170 171Stairs 2017 pp 155 156 BonJour 2016 Pappas 2023 Lead sectionCrumley II 2009 pp 159 160Fumerton 2011 Lead section Bernecker 2013 Note 1Wilson 2023 Pappas 2023 Lead sectionPoston Lead sectionCrumley II 2009 pp 159 160 Crumley II 2009 pp 99 298Carter amp Littlejohn 2021 9 3 3 An Evidentialist ArgumentMittag Lead section Mittag 2b Evidence Crumley II 2009 pp 99 298 Crumley II 2009 p 160 Crumley II 2009 pp 83 301Olsson 2016 Crumley II 2009 p 84Lyons 2016 pp 160 162Olsson 2016 Crumley II 2009 pp 175 176Baehr Virtue Epistemology Lead section 1 Introduction to Virtue Epistemology Brown 1992 p 341Crumley II 2009 pp 268 269 277 278 300 301 Chiari amp Nuzzo 2009 p 21Crumley II 2009 pp 215 216 301 Cockram amp Morton 2017Baumann 2016 pp 59 60 Foley 1983 p 165Vahid Lead section 1 Doxastic Conservatism The Debate Legg amp Hookway 2021 Lead section 4 Pragmatist EpistemologyKelly amp Cordeiro 2020 p 1 Titelbaum 2022 pp 3 31 32Cozic 2018 Confirmation and Induction Pietersma 2000 pp 3 4Howarth 1998 Article Summary Greco 2021 1 Methodology in Epistemology Particularism and GeneralismLemos 2005 pp 488 489Dancy 2010 pp 532 533 Greco 2021 2 Methodology in Epistemology Beyond ParticularismGardiner 2015 pp 31 33 35 Clough amp McHugh 2020 p 177Grasswick 2018 Lead section Sharpe 2018 pp 318 319Best amp Kellner 1991 p 165 Anderson 1995 p 50Anderson 2024 Lead section Lee 2017 p 67Dreyer 2017 pp 1 7 Phillips 1998 Lead sectionPhillips amp Vaidya 2024 Lead sectionBhatt amp Mehrotra 2017 pp 12 13 Forsthoefel 2023 p 164Steup amp Neta 2024 5 Sources of Knowledge and Justification Phillips 1998 1 Buddhist Pragmatism and CoherentismSiderits 2021 p 332 Phillips 1998 2 Nyaya ReliabilismDasti Lead section 1 f i A Causal Theory of Knowledge Phillips 1998 2 Mimaṃsa Self certificationalism Webb 2 Epistemology and LogicSethia 2004 p 93 Chimakonam amp Ogbonnaya 2021 pp 179 182Jimoh 2017 pp 121 122 McCain amp Kampourakis 2019 pp xiii xivBird 2010 p 5Merritt 2020 pp 1 2 Murawski 2004 pp 571 572Sierpinska amp Lerman 1996 pp 827 828 Warren 2020 6 The Epistemology of Logic McDaniel 2020 7 2 The Epistemology of MetaphysicsVan Inwagen Sullivan amp Bernstein 2023 5 Is Metaphysics Possible DeLapp Lead section 6 Epistemological Issues in MetaethicsSayre McCord 2023 5 Moral Epistemology Chignell 2018 Lead section McNabb 2019 pp 1 3 22 23Howard Snyder amp McKaughan 2023 pp 96 97 Tanesini 2017 Lead sectionO Connor Goldberg amp Goldman 2024 Lead section 1 What Is Social Epistemology Avila amp Almeida 2023 p 235Vermeir 2013 pp 65 66Sturm 2011 pp 303 304 306 308 Sturm 2011 pp 303 304 08 309 Sturm 2011 p 304 Crumley II 2009 pp 183 184 188 189 300Wrenn Lead sectionRysiew 2021 2 Epistemology Naturalized Bradie amp Harms 2023 Lead sectionGontier Lead section Barber 2003 pp 1 3 10 11 15 Vaidya amp Wallner 2021 pp 1909 1910 Croce 2023 Lead section Maguire 2015 pp 33 34 Siegel Silins amp Matthen 2014 p 781 Conee 1998 Lead section Pritchard 2004 p 326 Douven amp Schupbach 2014 Lead section Segura 2009 pp 557 558Hendricks 2006 p 115 Beebe 2017 Lead section Lackey 2021 pp 3 8 9 13 Fricker 2007 pp 1 2Crichton Carel amp Kidd 2017 pp 65 66 Gerken 2018 Lead sectionMchugh Way amp Whiting 2019 pp 1 2 Gerken 2018 Lead section Alston 2006 p 2 Kitchener 1992 p 119Crumley II 2009 p 16Schmitt 2004 pp 841 842 Schmitt 2004 pp 841 842Friedenberg Silverman amp Spivey 2022 pp 2 3 Wheeler amp Pereira 2004 pp 469 470 472 491 Rosenberg 2002 p 184Steup amp Neta 2024 4 1 FoundationalismAudi 2002 p 90 Clark 2009 p 516 Stairs 2017 p 156 Hansen 2023 3 5 The Epistemic Approach to Fallacies Hansen 2023 Lead sectionChatfield 2017 p 194 Rescher 2005 p 1Rendsvig Symons amp Wang 2024 Lead section Kaplan 2005 pp 434 443 444Steele amp Stefansson 2020 Lead section 7 Concluding RemarksHooker Leach amp McClennen 2012 pp xiii xiv Steele amp Stefansson 2020 Lead section Kaplan 2005 pp 434 443 444Steele amp Stefansson 2020 7 Concluding Remarks Chazan 2022 p 15Leong 2007 Abstract Some Implications for Educators Kelly 2004 pp 183 184Harasim 2017 p 4 Harasim 2017 p 11 Harasim 2017 pp 11 12 Watkins amp Mortimore 1999 pp 1 3Payne 2003 p 264Gabriel 2022 p 16 Emaliana 2017 pp 59 61 Hofer 2008 pp 3 4Hofer 2001 pp 353 354 369 370 Allwood 2013 pp 69 72Barth 2002 pp 1 2 Coser 2009 Knowledge Sociology ofTufari 2003 Knowledge Sociology ofScheler amp Stikkers 2012 p 23 Hamlyn 2005 p 260Pappas 1998 Ancient Philosophy Pappas 1998 Ancient Philosophy Pappas 1998 Ancient PhilosophyHamlyn 2005 p 260Wolenski 2004 p 7 Hamlyn 2006 pp 287 288Wolenski 2004 p 8 Hamlyn 2006 p 288Vogt 2011 p 44 Wolenski 2004 p 8Pappas 1998 Ancient Philosophy Adkins amp Adkins 2014 p 393 Gerson 2014 pp 266 267 277 278 Dunne 2006 p 753 Black Lead section Fountoulakis 2021 p 23Warder 1998 pp 43 44Fletcher et al 2020 p 46 Prasad 1987 p 48Dasti Lead sectionBhatt 1989 p 72 Prasad 1987 p 6Dunne 2006 p 753 Bonevac 2023 p xviii Rosker 2021 Lead section 2 1 Relational EpistemologyShen 2006 pp 215 216 219 Littlejohn 2a The Mozi Later Mohists and Debaters bianshi Shen 2006 p 216 Littlejohn 2c Mencius Mengzi c 372 289 B C E and 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