Heterogeneous relation

Author: www.NiNa.Az
Mar 15, 2025 / 03:02

Transitive binary relations vteSymmetricAntisymmetricConnectedWell foundedHas joinsHas meetsReflexiveIrreflexiveAsymmetr

Heterogeneous relation
Heterogeneous relation
Heterogeneous relation

Transitive binary relations
Symmetric Antisymmetric Connected Well-founded Has joins Has meets Reflexive Irreflexive Asymmetric
Total, Semiconnex Anti-
Equivalence relation imageY imageY
Preorder (Quasiorder) imageY
Partial order imageY imageY
Total preorder imageY imageY
Total order imageY imageY imageY
Prewellordering imageY imageY imageY
Well-quasi-ordering imageY imageY
Well-ordering imageY imageY imageY imageY
Lattice imageY imageY imageY imageY
Join-semilattice imageY imageY imageY
Meet-semilattice imageY imageY imageY
Strict partial order imageY imageY imageY
Strict weak order imageY imageY imageY
Strict total order imageY imageY imageY imageY
Symmetric Antisymmetric Connected Well-founded Has joins Has meets Reflexive Irreflexive Asymmetric
Definitions, for all and
imageY indicates that the column's property is always true for the row's term (at the very left), while indicates that the property is not guaranteed in general (it might, or might not, hold). For example, that every equivalence relation is symmetric, but not necessarily antisymmetric, is indicated by imageY in the "Symmetric" column and in the "Antisymmetric" column, respectively.

All definitions tacitly require the homogeneous relation be transitive: for all if and then
A term's definition may require additional properties that are not listed in this table.

In mathematics, a binary relation associates elements of one set called the domain with elements of another set called the codomain. Precisely, a binary relation over sets and is a set of ordered pairs where is in and is in . It encodes the common concept of relation: an element is related to an element , if and only if the pair belongs to the set of ordered pairs that defines the binary relation.

An example of a binary relation is the "divides" relation over the set of prime numbers and the set of integers , in which each prime is related to each integer that is a multiple of , but not to an integer that is not a multiple of . In this relation, for instance, the prime number is related to numbers such as , , , , but not to or , just as the prime number is related to , , and , but not to or .

Binary relations, and especially homogeneous relations, are used in many branches of mathematics to model a wide variety of concepts. These include, among others:

A function may be defined as a binary relation that meets additional constraints. Binary relations are also heavily used in computer science.

A binary relation over sets and is an element of the power set of Since the latter set is ordered by inclusion (), each relation has a place in the lattice of subsets of A binary relation is called a homogeneous relation when . A binary relation is also called a heterogeneous relation when it is not necessary that .

Since relations are sets, they can be manipulated using set operations, including union, intersection, and complementation, and satisfying the laws of an algebra of sets. Beyond that, operations like the converse of a relation and the composition of relations are available, satisfying the laws of a calculus of relations, for which there are textbooks by Ernst Schröder,Clarence Lewis, and Gunther Schmidt. A deeper analysis of relations involves decomposing them into subsets called concepts, and placing them in a complete lattice.

In some systems of axiomatic set theory, relations are extended to classes, which are generalizations of sets. This extension is needed for, among other things, modeling the concepts of "is an element of" or "is a subset of" in set theory, without running into logical inconsistencies such as Russell's paradox.

A binary relation is the most studied special case of an -ary relation over sets , which is a subset of the Cartesian product


Given sets image and image, the Cartesian product image is defined as image and its elements are called ordered pairs.

A binary relation image over sets image and image is a subset of image The set image is called the domain or set of departure of image, and the set image the codomain or set of destination of image. In order to specify the choices of the sets image and image, some authors define a binary relation or correspondence as an ordered triple image, where image is a subset of image called the graph of the binary relation. The statement image reads "image is image-related to image" and is denoted by image. The domain of definition or active domain of image is the set of all image such that image for at least one image. The codomain of definition, active codomain,image or range of image is the set of all image such that image for at least one image. The field of image is the union of its domain of definition and its codomain of definition.

When image a binary relation is called a homogeneous relation (or endorelation). To emphasize the fact that image and image are allowed to be different, a binary relation is also called a heterogeneous relation. The prefix hetero is from the Greek ἕτερος (heteros, "other, another, different").

A heterogeneous relation has been called a rectangular relation, suggesting that it does not have the square-like symmetry of a homogeneous relation on a set where image Commenting on the development of binary relations beyond homogeneous relations, researchers wrote, "... a variant of the theory has evolved that treats relations from the very beginning as heterogeneous or rectangular, i.e. as relations where the normal case is that they are relations between different sets."

The terms correspondence,dyadic relation and two-place relation are synonyms for binary relation, though some authors use the term "binary relation" for any subset of a Cartesian product image without reference to image and image, and reserve the term "correspondence" for a binary relation with reference to image and image.[citation needed]

In a binary relation, the order of the elements is important; if image then image can be true or false independently of image. For example, image divides image, but image does not divide image.



If image and image are binary relations over sets image and image then image is the union relation of image and image over image and image.

The identity element is the empty relation. For example, image is the union of < and =, and image is the union of > and =.


If image and image are binary relations over sets image and image then image is the intersection relation of image and image over image and image.

The identity element is the universal relation. For example, the relation "is divisible by 6" is the intersection of the relations "is divisible by 3" and "is divisible by 2".


If image is a binary relation over sets image and image, and image is a binary relation over sets image and image then image (also denoted by image) is the composition relation of image and image over image and image.

The identity element is the identity relation. The order of image and image in the notation image used here agrees with the standard notational order for composition of functions. For example, the composition (is parent of)image(is mother of) yields (is maternal grandparent of), while the composition (is mother of)image(is parent of) yields (is grandmother of). For the former case, if image is the parent of image and image is the mother of image, then image is the maternal grandparent of image.


If image is a binary relation over sets image and image then image is the converse relation, also called inverse relation, of image over image and image.

For example, image is the converse of itself, as is image, and image and image are each other's converse, as are image and image A binary relation is equal to its converse if and only if it is symmetric.


If image is a binary relation over sets image and image then image (also denoted by image) is the complementary relation of image over image and image.

For example, image and image are each other's complement, as are image and image, image and image, image and image, and for total orders also image and image, and image and image.

The complement of the converse relation image is the converse of the complement: image

If image the complement has the following properties:

  • If a relation is symmetric, then so is the complement.
  • The complement of a reflexive relation is irreflexive—and vice versa.
  • The complement of a strict weak order is a total preorder—and vice versa.


If image is a binary homogeneous relation over a set image and image is a subset of image then image is the restriction relation of image to image over image.

If image is a binary relation over sets image and image and if image is a subset of image then image is the left-restriction relation of image to image over image and image.[clarification needed]

If a relation is reflexive, irreflexive, symmetric, antisymmetric, asymmetric, transitive, total, trichotomous, a partial order, total order, strict weak order, total preorder (weak order), or an equivalence relation, then so too are its restrictions.

However, the transitive closure of a restriction is a subset of the restriction of the transitive closure, i.e., in general not equal. For example, restricting the relation "image is parent of image" to females yields the relation "image is mother of the woman image"; its transitive closure does not relate a woman with her paternal grandmother. On the other hand, the transitive closure of "is parent of" is "is ancestor of"; its restriction to females does relate a woman with her paternal grandmother.

Also, the various concepts of completeness (not to be confused with being "total") do not carry over to restrictions. For example, over the real numbers a property of the relation image is that every non-empty subset image with an upper bound in image has a least upper bound (also called supremum) in image However, for the rational numbers this supremum is not necessarily rational, so the same property does not hold on the restriction of the relation image to the rational numbers.

A binary relation image over sets image and image is said to be contained in a relation image over image and image, written image if image is a subset of image, that is, for all image and image if image, then image. If image is contained in image and image is contained in image, then image and image are called equal written image. If image is contained in image but image is not contained in image, then image is said to be smaller than image, written image For example, on the rational numbers, the relation image is smaller than image, and equal to the composition image.

Matrix representation

Binary relations over sets image and image can be represented algebraically by logical matrices indexed by image and image with entries in the Boolean semiring (addition corresponds to OR and multiplication to AND) where matrix addition corresponds to union of relations, matrix multiplication corresponds to composition of relations (of a relation over image and image and a relation over image and image), the Hadamard product corresponds to intersection of relations, the zero matrix corresponds to the empty relation, and the matrix of ones corresponds to the universal relation. Homogeneous relations (when image) form a matrix semiring (indeed, a matrix semialgebra over the Boolean semiring) where the identity matrix corresponds to the identity relation.


2nd example relation
ball car doll cup
John +
Mary +
Venus +
1st example relation
ball car doll cup
John +
Mary +
Venus +
  1. The following example shows that the choice of codomain is important. Suppose there are four objects image and four people image A possible relation on image and image is the relation "is owned by", given by image That is, John owns the ball, Mary owns the doll, and Venus owns the car. Nobody owns the cup and Ian owns nothing; see the 1st example. As a set, image does not involve Ian, and therefore image could have been viewed as a subset of image i.e. a relation over image and image see the 2nd example. But in that second example, image contains no information about the ownership by Ian.

    While the 2nd example relation is surjective (see below), the 1st is not.

    Oceans and continents (islands omitted)
    Ocean borders continent
    Indian 0 0 1 0 1 1 1
    Arctic 1 0 0 1 1 0 0
    Atlantic 1 1 1 1 0 0 1
    Pacific 1 1 0 0 1 1 1
  2. Let image, the oceans of the globe, and image, the continents. Let image represent that ocean image borders continent image. Then the logical matrix for this relation is:
    The connectivity of the planet Earth can be viewed through image and image, the former being a image relation on image, which is the universal relation (image or a logical matrix of all ones). This universal relation reflects the fact that every ocean is separated from the others by at most one continent. On the other hand, image is a relation on image which fails to be universal because at least two oceans must be traversed to voyage from Europe to Australia.
  3. Visualization of relations leans on graph theory: For relations on a set (homogeneous relations), a directed graph illustrates a relation and a graph a symmetric relation. For heterogeneous relations a hypergraph has edges possibly with more than two nodes, and can be illustrated by a bipartite graph. Just as the clique is integral to relations on a set, so bicliques are used to describe heterogeneous relations; indeed, they are the "concepts" that generate a lattice associated with a relation.
    The various image axes represent time for observers in motion, the corresponding image axes are their lines of simultaneity
  4. Hyperbolic orthogonality: Time and space are different categories, and temporal properties are separate from spatial properties. The idea of simultaneous events is simple in absolute time and space since each time image determines a simultaneous hyperplane in that cosmology. Hermann Minkowski changed that when he articulated the notion of relative simultaneity, which exists when spatial events are "normal" to a time characterized by a velocity. He used an indefinite inner product, and specified that a time vector is normal to a space vector when that product is zero. The indefinite inner product in a composition algebra is given by
    image where the overbar denotes conjugation.
    As a relation between some temporal events and some spatial events, hyperbolic orthogonality (as found in split-complex numbers) is a heterogeneous relation.
  5. A geometric configuration can be considered a relation between its points and its lines. The relation is expressed as incidence. Finite and infinite projective and affine planes are included. Jakob Steiner pioneered the cataloguing of configurations with the Steiner systems image which have an n-element set image and a set of k-element subsets called blocks, such that a subset with image elements lies in just one block. These incidence structures have been generalized with block designs. The incidence matrix used in these geometrical contexts corresponds to the logical matrix used generally with binary relations.
    An incidence structure is a triple image where image and image are any two disjoint sets and image is a binary relation between image and image, i.e. image The elements of image will be called points, those of image blocks, and those of image flags.

Types of binary relations

Examples of four types of binary relations over the real numbers: one-to-one (in green), one-to-many (in blue), many-to-one (in red), many-to-many (in black).

Some important types of binary relations image over sets image and image are listed below.

Uniqueness properties:

  • Injective (also called left-unique): for all image and all image if image and image then image. In other words, every element of the codomain has at most one preimage element. For such a relation, image is called a primary key of image. For example, the green and blue binary relations in the diagram are injective, but the red one is not (as it relates both image and image to image), nor the black one (as it relates both image and image to image).
  • Functional (also called right-unique or univalent): for all image and all image if image and image then image. In other words, every element of the domain has at most one image element. Such a binary relation is called a partial function or partial mapping. For such a relation, image is called a primary key of image. For example, the red and green binary relations in the diagram are functional, but the blue one is not (as it relates image to both image and image), nor the black one (as it relates image to both image and image).
  • One-to-one: injective and functional. For example, the green binary relation in the diagram is one-to-one, but the red, blue and black ones are not.
  • One-to-many: injective and not functional. For example, the blue binary relation in the diagram is one-to-many, but the red, green and black ones are not.
  • Many-to-one: functional and not injective. For example, the red binary relation in the diagram is many-to-one, but the green, blue and black ones are not.
  • Many-to-many: not injective nor functional. For example, the black binary relation in the diagram is many-to-many, but the red, green and blue ones are not.

Totality properties (only definable if the domain image and codomain image are specified):

  • Total (also called left-total): for all image there exists a image such that image. In other words, every element of the domain has at least one image element. In other words, the domain of definition of image is equal to image. This property, is different from the definition of connected (also called total by some authors)[citation needed] in Properties. Such a binary relation is called a multivalued function. For example, the red and green binary relations in the diagram are total, but the blue one is not (as it does not relate image to any real number), nor the black one (as it does not relate image to any real number). As another example, image is a total relation over the integers. But it is not a total relation over the positive integers, because there is no image in the positive integers such that image. However, image is a total relation over the positive integers, the rational numbers and the real numbers. Every reflexive relation is total: for a given image, choose image.
  • Surjective (also called right-total): for all image, there exists an image such that image. In other words, every element of the codomain has at least one preimage element. In other words, the codomain of definition of image is equal to image. For example, the green and blue binary relations in the diagram are surjective, but the red one is not (as it does not relate any real number to image), nor the black one (as it does not relate any real number to image).

Uniqueness and totality properties (only definable if the domain image and codomain image are specified):

  • A function (also called mapping): a binary relation that is functional and total. In other words, every element of the domain has exactly one image element. For example, the red and green binary relations in the diagram are functions, but the blue and black ones are not.
  • An injection: a function that is injective. For example, the green relation in the diagram is an injection, but the red one is not; the black and the blue relation is not even a function.
  • A surjection: a function that is surjective. For example, the green relation in the diagram is a surjection, but the red one is not.
  • A bijection: a function that is injective and surjective. In other words, every element of the domain has exactly one image element and every element of the codomain has exactly one preimage element. For example, the green binary relation in the diagram is a bijection, but the red one is not.

If relations over proper classes are allowed:

  • Set-like (also called local): for all image, the class of all image such that image, i.e. image, is a set. For example, the relation image is set-like, and every relation on two sets is set-like. The usual ordering < over the class of ordinal numbers is a set-like relation, while its inverse > is not.[citation needed]

Sets versus classes

Certain mathematical "relations", such as "equal to", "subset of", and "member of", cannot be understood to be binary relations as defined above, because their domains and codomains cannot be taken to be sets in the usual systems of axiomatic set theory. For example, to model the general concept of "equality" as a binary relation image, take the domain and codomain to be the "class of all sets", which is not a set in the usual set theory.

In most mathematical contexts, references to the relations of equality, membership and subset are harmless because they can be understood implicitly to be restricted to some set in the context. The usual work-around to this problem is to select a "large enough" set image, that contains all the objects of interest, and work with the restriction image instead of image. Similarly, the "subset of" relation image needs to be restricted to have domain and codomain image (the power set of a specific set image): the resulting set relation can be denoted by image Also, the "member of" relation needs to be restricted to have domain image and codomain image to obtain a binary relation image that is a set. Bertrand Russell has shown that assuming image to be defined over all sets leads to a contradiction in naive set theory, see Russell's paradox.

Another solution to this problem is to use a set theory with proper classes, such as NBG or Morse–Kelley set theory, and allow the domain and codomain (and so the graph) to be proper classes: in such a theory, equality, membership, and subset are binary relations without special comment. (A minor modification needs to be made to the concept of the ordered triple image, as normally a proper class cannot be a member of an ordered tuple; or of course one can identify the binary relation with its graph in this context.) With this definition one can for instance define a binary relation over every set and its power set.

Homogeneous relation

A homogeneous relation over a set image is a binary relation over image and itself, i.e. it is a subset of the Cartesian product image It is also simply called a (binary) relation over image.

A homogeneous relation image over a set image may be identified with a directed simple graph permitting loops, where image is the vertex set and image is the edge set (there is an edge from a vertex image to a vertex image if and only if image). The set of all homogeneous relations image over a set image is the power set image which is a Boolean algebra augmented with the involution of mapping of a relation to its converse relation. Considering composition of relations as a binary operation on image, it forms a semigroup with involution.

Some important properties that a homogeneous relation image over a set image may have are:

  • Reflexive: for all image image. For example, image is a reflexive relation but > is not.
  • Irreflexive: for all image not image. For example, image is an irreflexive relation, but image is not.
  • Symmetric: for all image if image then image. For example, "is a blood relative of" is a symmetric relation.
  • Antisymmetric: for all image if image and image then image For example, image is an antisymmetric relation.
  • Asymmetric: for all image if image then not image. A relation is asymmetric if and only if it is both antisymmetric and irreflexive. For example, > is an asymmetric relation, but image is not.
  • Transitive: for all image if image and image then image. A transitive relation is irreflexive if and only if it is asymmetric. For example, "is ancestor of" is a transitive relation, while "is parent of" is not.
  • Connected: for all image if image then image or image.
  • Strongly connected: for all image image or image.
  • Dense: for all image if image then some image exists such that image and image.

A partial order is a relation that is reflexive, antisymmetric, and transitive. A strict partial order is a relation that is irreflexive, asymmetric, and transitive. A total order is a relation that is reflexive, antisymmetric, transitive and connected. A strict total order is a relation that is irreflexive, asymmetric, transitive and connected. An equivalence relation is a relation that is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive. For example, "image divides image" is a partial, but not a total order on natural numbers image "

Transitive binary relations vteSymmetricAntisymmetricConnectedWell foundedHas joinsHas meetsReflexiveIrreflexiveAsymmetricTotal SemiconnexAnti reflexiveEquivalence relationY Y Preorder Quasiorder Y Partial order Y Y Total preorder Y Y Total order YY Y Prewellordering YY Y Well quasi ordering Y Y Well ordering YYY Y Lattice Y YYY Join semilattice Y Y Y Meet semilattice Y YY Strict partial order Y YYStrict weak order Y YYStrict total order YY YYSymmetricAntisymmetricConnectedWell foundedHas joinsHas meetsReflexiveIrreflexiveAsymmetricDefinitions for all a b displaystyle a b and S displaystyle S neq varnothing aRb bRa displaystyle begin aligned amp aRb Rightarrow amp bRa end aligned aRb and bRa a b displaystyle begin aligned aRb text and amp bRa Rightarrow a amp b end aligned a b aRb or bRa displaystyle begin aligned a neq amp b Rightarrow aRb text or amp bRa end aligned minSexists displaystyle begin aligned min S text exists end aligned a bexists displaystyle begin aligned a vee b text exists end aligned a bexists displaystyle begin aligned a wedge b text exists end aligned aRa displaystyle aRa not aRa displaystyle text not aRa aRb not bRa displaystyle begin aligned aRb Rightarrow text not bRa end aligned Y indicates that the column s property is always true for the row s term at the very left while indicates that the property is not guaranteed in general it might or might not hold For example that every equivalence relation is symmetric but not necessarily antisymmetric is indicated by Y in the Symmetric column and in the Antisymmetric column respectively All definitions tacitly require the homogeneous relation R displaystyle R be transitive for all a b c displaystyle a b c if aRb displaystyle aRb and bRc displaystyle bRc then aRc displaystyle aRc A term s definition may require additional properties that are not listed in this table In mathematics a binary relation associates elements of one set called the domain with elements of another set called the codomain Precisely a binary relation over sets X displaystyle X and Y displaystyle Y is a set of ordered pairs x y displaystyle x y where x displaystyle x is in X displaystyle X and y displaystyle y is in Y displaystyle Y It encodes the common concept of relation an element x displaystyle x is related to an element y displaystyle y if and only if the pair x y displaystyle x y belongs to the set of ordered pairs that defines the binary relation An example of a binary relation is the divides relation over the set of prime numbers P displaystyle mathbb P and the set of integers Z displaystyle mathbb Z in which each prime p displaystyle p is related to each integer z displaystyle z that is a multiple of p displaystyle p but not to an integer that is not a multiple of p displaystyle p In this relation for instance the prime number 2 displaystyle 2 is related to numbers such as 4 displaystyle 4 0 displaystyle 0 6 displaystyle 6 10 displaystyle 10 but not to 1 displaystyle 1 or 9 displaystyle 9 just as the prime number 3 displaystyle 3 is related to 0 displaystyle 0 6 displaystyle 6 and 9 displaystyle 9 but not to 4 displaystyle 4 or 13 displaystyle 13 Binary relations and especially homogeneous relations are used in many branches of mathematics to model a wide variety of concepts These include among others the is greater than is equal to and divides relations in arithmetic the is congruent to relation in geometry the is adjacent to relation in graph theory the is orthogonal to relation in linear algebra A function may be defined as a binary relation that meets additional constraints Binary relations are also heavily used in computer science A binary relation over sets X displaystyle X and Y displaystyle Y is an element of the power set of X Y displaystyle X times Y Since the latter set is ordered by inclusion displaystyle subseteq each relation has a place in the lattice of subsets of X Y displaystyle X times Y A binary relation is called a homogeneous relation when X Y displaystyle X Y A binary relation is also called a heterogeneous relation when it is not necessary that X Y displaystyle X Y Since relations are sets they can be manipulated using set operations including union intersection and complementation and satisfying the laws of an algebra of sets Beyond that operations like the converse of a relation and the composition of relations are available satisfying the laws of a calculus of relations for which there are textbooks by Ernst Schroder Clarence Lewis and Gunther Schmidt A deeper analysis of relations involves decomposing them into subsets called concepts and placing them in a complete lattice In some systems of axiomatic set theory relations are extended to classes which are generalizations of sets This extension is needed for among other things modeling the concepts of is an element of or is a subset of in set theory without running into logical inconsistencies such as Russell s paradox A binary relation is the most studied special case n 2 displaystyle n 2 of an n displaystyle n ary relation over sets X1 Xn displaystyle X 1 dots X n which is a subset of the Cartesian product X1 Xn displaystyle X 1 times cdots times X n DefinitionGiven sets X displaystyle X and Y displaystyle Y the Cartesian product X Y displaystyle X times Y is defined as x y x X and y Y displaystyle x y mid x in X text and y in Y and its elements are called ordered pairs A binary relation R displaystyle R over sets X displaystyle X and Y displaystyle Y is a subset of X Y displaystyle X times Y The set X displaystyle X is called the domain or set of departure of R displaystyle R and the set Y displaystyle Y the codomain or set of destination of R displaystyle R In order to specify the choices of the sets X displaystyle X and Y displaystyle Y some authors define a binary relation or correspondence as an ordered triple X Y G displaystyle X Y G where G displaystyle G is a subset of X Y displaystyle X times Y called the graph of the binary relation The statement x y R displaystyle x y in R reads x displaystyle x is R displaystyle R related to y displaystyle y and is denoted by xRy displaystyle xRy The domain of definition or active domain of R displaystyle R is the set of all x displaystyle x such that xRy displaystyle xRy for at least one y displaystyle y The codomain of definition active codomain image or range of R displaystyle R is the set of all y displaystyle y such that xRy displaystyle xRy for at least one x displaystyle x The field of R displaystyle R is the union of its domain of definition and its codomain of definition When X Y displaystyle X Y a binary relation is called a homogeneous relation or endorelation To emphasize the fact that X displaystyle X and Y displaystyle Y are allowed to be different a binary relation is also called a heterogeneous relation The prefix hetero is from the Greek ἕteros heteros other another different A heterogeneous relation has been called a rectangular relation suggesting that it does not have the square like symmetry of a homogeneous relation on a set where A B displaystyle A B Commenting on the development of binary relations beyond homogeneous relations researchers wrote a variant of the theory has evolved that treats relations from the very beginning as heterogeneous or rectangular i e as relations where the normal case is that they are relations between different sets The terms correspondence dyadic relation and two place relation are synonyms for binary relation though some authors use the term binary relation for any subset of a Cartesian product X Y displaystyle X times Y without reference to X displaystyle X and Y displaystyle Y and reserve the term correspondence for a binary relation with reference to X displaystyle X and Y displaystyle Y citation needed In a binary relation the order of the elements is important if x y displaystyle x neq y then yRx displaystyle yRx can be true or false independently of xRy displaystyle xRy For example 3 displaystyle 3 divides 9 displaystyle 9 but 9 displaystyle 9 does not divide 3 displaystyle 3 OperationsUnion If R displaystyle R and S displaystyle S are binary relations over sets X displaystyle X and Y displaystyle Y then R S x y xRy or xSy displaystyle R cup S x y mid xRy text or xSy is the union relation of R displaystyle R and S displaystyle S over X displaystyle X and Y displaystyle Y The identity element is the empty relation For example displaystyle leq is the union of lt and and displaystyle geq is the union of gt and Intersection If R displaystyle R and S displaystyle S are binary relations over sets X displaystyle X and Y displaystyle Y then R S x y xRy and xSy displaystyle R cap S x y mid xRy text and xSy is the intersection relation of R displaystyle R and S displaystyle S over X displaystyle X and Y displaystyle Y The identity element is the universal relation For example the relation is divisible by 6 is the intersection of the relations is divisible by 3 and is divisible by 2 Composition If R displaystyle R is a binary relation over sets X displaystyle X and Y displaystyle Y and S displaystyle S is a binary relation over sets Y displaystyle Y and Z displaystyle Z then S R x z there exists y Y such that xRy and ySz displaystyle S circ R x z mid text there exists y in Y text such that xRy text and ySz also denoted by R S displaystyle R S is the composition relation of R displaystyle R and S displaystyle S over X displaystyle X and Z displaystyle Z The identity element is the identity relation The order of R displaystyle R and S displaystyle S in the notation S R displaystyle S circ R used here agrees with the standard notational order for composition of functions For example the composition is parent of displaystyle circ is mother of yields is maternal grandparent of while the composition is mother of displaystyle circ is parent of yields is grandmother of For the former case if x displaystyle x is the parent of y displaystyle y and y displaystyle y is the mother of z displaystyle z then x displaystyle x is the maternal grandparent of z displaystyle z Converse If R displaystyle R is a binary relation over sets X displaystyle X and Y displaystyle Y then RT y x xRy displaystyle R textsf T y x mid xRy is the converse relation also called inverse relation of R displaystyle R over Y displaystyle Y and X displaystyle X For example displaystyle is the converse of itself as is displaystyle neq and lt displaystyle lt and gt displaystyle gt are each other s converse as are displaystyle leq and displaystyle geq A binary relation is equal to its converse if and only if it is symmetric Complement If R displaystyle R is a binary relation over sets X displaystyle X and Y displaystyle Y then R x y xRy displaystyle bar R x y mid neg xRy also denoted by R displaystyle neg R is the complementary relation of R displaystyle R over X displaystyle X and Y displaystyle Y For example displaystyle and displaystyle neq are each other s complement as are displaystyle subseteq and displaystyle not subseteq displaystyle supseteq and displaystyle not supseteq displaystyle in and displaystyle not in and for total orders also lt displaystyle lt and displaystyle geq and gt displaystyle gt and displaystyle leq The complement of the converse relation RT displaystyle R textsf T is the converse of the complement RT R T displaystyle overline R mathsf T bar R mathsf T If X Y displaystyle X Y the complement has the following properties If a relation is symmetric then so is the complement The complement of a reflexive relation is irreflexive and vice versa The complement of a strict weak order is a total preorder and vice versa Restriction If R displaystyle R is a binary homogeneous relation over a set X displaystyle X and S displaystyle S is a subset of X displaystyle X then R S x y xRy and x S and y S displaystyle R vert S x y mid xRy text and x in S text and y in S is the restriction relation of R displaystyle R to S displaystyle S over X displaystyle X If R displaystyle R is a binary relation over sets X displaystyle X and Y displaystyle Y and if S displaystyle S is a subset of X displaystyle X then R S x y xRy and x S displaystyle R vert S x y mid xRy text and x in S is the left restriction relation of R displaystyle R to S displaystyle S over X displaystyle X and Y displaystyle Y clarification needed If a relation is reflexive irreflexive symmetric antisymmetric asymmetric transitive total trichotomous a partial order total order strict weak order total preorder weak order or an equivalence relation then so too are its restrictions However the transitive closure of a restriction is a subset of the restriction of the transitive closure i e in general not equal For example restricting the relation x displaystyle x is parent of y displaystyle y to females yields the relation x displaystyle x is mother of the woman y displaystyle y its transitive closure does not relate a woman with her paternal grandmother On the other hand the transitive closure of is parent of is is ancestor of its restriction to females does relate a woman with her paternal grandmother Also the various concepts of completeness not to be confused with being total do not carry over to restrictions For example over the real numbers a property of the relation displaystyle leq is that every non empty subset S R displaystyle S subseteq mathbb R with an upper bound in R displaystyle mathbb R has a least upper bound also called supremum in R displaystyle mathbb R However for the rational numbers this supremum is not necessarily rational so the same property does not hold on the restriction of the relation displaystyle leq to the rational numbers A binary relation R displaystyle R over sets X displaystyle X and Y displaystyle Y is said to be contained in a relation S displaystyle S over X displaystyle X and Y displaystyle Y written R S displaystyle R subseteq S if R displaystyle R is a subset of S displaystyle S that is for all x X displaystyle x in X and y Y displaystyle y in Y if xRy displaystyle xRy then xSy displaystyle xSy If R displaystyle R is contained in S displaystyle S and S displaystyle S is contained in R displaystyle R then R displaystyle R and S displaystyle S are called equal written R S displaystyle R S If R displaystyle R is contained in S displaystyle S but S displaystyle S is not contained in R displaystyle R then R displaystyle R is said to be smaller than S displaystyle S written R S displaystyle R subsetneq S For example on the rational numbers the relation gt displaystyle gt is smaller than displaystyle geq and equal to the composition gt gt displaystyle gt circ gt Matrix representation Binary relations over sets X displaystyle X and Y displaystyle Y can be represented algebraically by logical matrices indexed by X displaystyle X and Y displaystyle Y with entries in the Boolean semiring addition corresponds to OR and multiplication to AND where matrix addition corresponds to union of relations matrix multiplication corresponds to composition of relations of a relation over X displaystyle X and Y displaystyle Y and a relation over Y displaystyle Y and Z displaystyle Z the Hadamard product corresponds to intersection of relations the zero matrix corresponds to the empty relation and the matrix of ones corresponds to the universal relation Homogeneous relations when X Y displaystyle X Y form a matrix semiring indeed a matrix semialgebra over the Boolean semiring where the identity matrix corresponds to the identity relation Examples2nd example relation A displaystyle A B displaystyle B ball car doll cupJohn Mary Venus 1st example relation A displaystyle A B displaystyle B ball car doll cupJohn Mary Ian Venus The following example shows that the choice of codomain is important Suppose there are four objects A ball car doll cup displaystyle A text ball car doll cup and four people B John Mary Ian Venus displaystyle B text John Mary Ian Venus A possible relation on A displaystyle A and B displaystyle B is the relation is owned by given by R ball John doll Mary car Venus displaystyle R text ball John text doll Mary text car Venus That is John owns the ball Mary owns the doll and Venus owns the car Nobody owns the cup and Ian owns nothing see the 1st example As a set R displaystyle R does not involve Ian and therefore R displaystyle R could have been viewed as a subset of A John Mary Venus displaystyle A times text John Mary Venus i e a relation over A displaystyle A and John Mary Venus displaystyle text John Mary Venus see the 2nd example But in that second example R displaystyle R contains no information about the ownership by Ian While the 2nd example relation is surjective see below the 1st is not Oceans and continents islands omitted Ocean borders continent NA SA AF EU AS AU AAIndian 0 0 1 0 1 1 1Arctic 1 0 0 1 1 0 0Atlantic 1 1 1 1 0 0 1Pacific 1 1 0 0 1 1 1Let A Indian Arctic Atlantic Pacific displaystyle A text Indian text Arctic text Atlantic text Pacific the oceans of the globe and B NA SA AF EU AS AU AA displaystyle B text NA text SA text AF text EU text AS text AU text AA the continents Let aRb displaystyle aRb represent that ocean a displaystyle a borders continent b displaystyle b Then the logical matrix for this relation is R 0010111100110011110011100111 displaystyle R begin pmatrix 0 amp 0 amp 1 amp 0 amp 1 amp 1 amp 1 1 amp 0 amp 0 amp 1 amp 1 amp 0 amp 0 1 amp 1 amp 1 amp 1 amp 0 amp 0 amp 1 1 amp 1 amp 0 amp 0 amp 1 amp 1 amp 1 end pmatrix The connectivity of the planet Earth can be viewed through RRT displaystyle RR mathsf T and RTR displaystyle R mathsf T R the former being a 4 4 displaystyle 4 times 4 relation on A displaystyle A which is the universal relation A A displaystyle A times A or a logical matrix of all ones This universal relation reflects the fact that every ocean is separated from the others by at most one continent On the other hand RTR displaystyle R mathsf T R is a relation on B B displaystyle B times B which fails to be universal because at least two oceans must be traversed to voyage from Europe to Australia Visualization of relations leans on graph theory For relations on a set homogeneous relations a directed graph illustrates a relation and a graph a symmetric relation For heterogeneous relations a hypergraph has edges possibly with more than two nodes and can be illustrated by a bipartite graph Just as the clique is integral to relations on a set so bicliques are used to describe heterogeneous relations indeed they are the concepts that generate a lattice associated with a relation The various t displaystyle t axes represent time for observers in motion the corresponding x displaystyle x axes are their lines of simultaneityHyperbolic orthogonality Time and space are different categories and temporal properties are separate from spatial properties The idea of simultaneous events is simple in absolute time and space since each time t displaystyle t determines a simultaneous hyperplane in that cosmology Hermann Minkowski changed that when he articulated the notion of relative simultaneity which exists when spatial events are normal to a time characterized by a velocity He used an indefinite inner product and specified that a time vector is normal to a space vector when that product is zero The indefinite inner product in a composition algebra is given by x z xz x z displaystyle langle x z rangle x bar z bar x z where the overbar denotes conjugation As a relation between some temporal events and some spatial events hyperbolic orthogonality as found in split complex numbers is a heterogeneous relation A geometric configuration can be considered a relation between its points and its lines The relation is expressed as incidence Finite and infinite projective and affine planes are included Jakob Steiner pioneered the cataloguing of configurations with the Steiner systems S t k n displaystyle operatorname S t k n which have an n element set S displaystyle operatorname S and a set of k element subsets called blocks such that a subset with t displaystyle t elements lies in just one block These incidence structures have been generalized with block designs The incidence matrix used in these geometrical contexts corresponds to the logical matrix used generally with binary relations An incidence structure is a triple D V B I displaystyle mathbf D V mathbf B I where V displaystyle V and B displaystyle mathbf B are any two disjoint sets and I displaystyle I is a binary relation between V displaystyle V and B displaystyle mathbf B i e I V B displaystyle I subseteq V times mathbf B The elements of V displaystyle V will be called points those of B displaystyle mathbf B blocks and those of I displaystyle I flags Types of binary relationsExamples of four types of binary relations over the real numbers one to one in green one to many in blue many to one in red many to many in black Some important types of binary relations R displaystyle R over sets X displaystyle X and Y displaystyle Y are listed below Uniqueness properties Injective also called left unique for all x y X displaystyle x y in X and all z Y displaystyle z in Y if xRz displaystyle xRz and yRz displaystyle yRz then x y displaystyle x y In other words every element of the codomain has at most one preimage element For such a relation Y displaystyle Y is called a primary key of R displaystyle R For example the green and blue binary relations in the diagram are injective but the red one is not as it relates both 1 displaystyle 1 and 1 displaystyle 1 to 1 displaystyle 1 nor the black one as it relates both 1 displaystyle 1 and 1 displaystyle 1 to 0 displaystyle 0 Functional also called right unique or univalent for all x X displaystyle x in X and all y z Y displaystyle y z in Y if xRy displaystyle xRy and xRz displaystyle xRz then y z displaystyle y z In other words every element of the domain has at most one image element Such a binary relation is called a partial function or partial mapping For such a relation X displaystyle X is called a primary key of R displaystyle R For example the red and green binary relations in the diagram are functional but the blue one is not as it relates 1 displaystyle 1 to both 1 displaystyle 1 and 1 displaystyle 1 nor the black one as it relates 0 displaystyle 0 to both 1 displaystyle 1 and 1 displaystyle 1 One to one injective and functional For example the green binary relation in the diagram is one to one but the red blue and black ones are not One to many injective and not functional For example the blue binary relation in the diagram is one to many but the red green and black ones are not Many to one functional and not injective For example the red binary relation in the diagram is many to one but the green blue and black ones are not Many to many not injective nor functional For example the black binary relation in the diagram is many to many but the red green and blue ones are not Totality properties only definable if the domain X displaystyle X and codomain Y displaystyle Y are specified Total also called left total for all x X displaystyle x in X there exists a y Y displaystyle y in Y such that xRy displaystyle xRy In other words every element of the domain has at least one image element In other words the domain of definition of R displaystyle R is equal to X displaystyle X This property is different from the definition of connected also called total by some authors citation needed in Properties Such a binary relation is called a multivalued function For example the red and green binary relations in the diagram are total but the blue one is not as it does not relate 1 displaystyle 1 to any real number nor the black one as it does not relate 2 displaystyle 2 to any real number As another example gt displaystyle gt is a total relation over the integers But it is not a total relation over the positive integers because there is no y displaystyle y in the positive integers such that 1 gt y displaystyle 1 gt y However lt displaystyle lt is a total relation over the positive integers the rational numbers and the real numbers Every reflexive relation is total for a given x displaystyle x choose y x displaystyle y x Surjective also called right total for all y Y displaystyle y in Y there exists an x X displaystyle x in X such that xRy displaystyle xRy In other words every element of the codomain has at least one preimage element In other words the codomain of definition of R displaystyle R is equal to Y displaystyle Y For example the green and blue binary relations in the diagram are surjective but the red one is not as it does not relate any real number to 1 displaystyle 1 nor the black one as it does not relate any real number to 2 displaystyle 2 Uniqueness and totality properties only definable if the domain X displaystyle X and codomain Y displaystyle Y are specified A function also called mapping a binary relation that is functional and total In other words every element of the domain has exactly one image element For example the red and green binary relations in the diagram are functions but the blue and black ones are not An injection a function that is injective For example the green relation in the diagram is an injection but the red one is not the black and the blue relation is not even a function A surjection a function that is surjective For example the green relation in the diagram is a surjection but the red one is not A bijection a function that is injective and surjective In other words every element of the domain has exactly one image element and every element of the codomain has exactly one preimage element For example the green binary relation in the diagram is a bijection but the red one is not If relations over proper classes are allowed Set like also called local for all x X displaystyle x in X the class of all y Y displaystyle y in Y such that yRx displaystyle yRx i e y Y yRx displaystyle y in Y yRx is a set For example the relation displaystyle in is set like and every relation on two sets is set like The usual ordering lt over the class of ordinal numbers is a set like relation while its inverse gt is not citation needed Sets versus classesCertain mathematical relations such as equal to subset of and member of cannot be understood to be binary relations as defined above because their domains and codomains cannot be taken to be sets in the usual systems of axiomatic set theory For example to model the general concept of equality as a binary relation displaystyle take the domain and codomain to be the class of all sets which is not a set in the usual set theory In most mathematical contexts references to the relations of equality membership and subset are harmless because they can be understood implicitly to be restricted to some set in the context The usual work around to this problem is to select a large enough set A displaystyle A that contains all the objects of interest and work with the restriction A displaystyle A instead of displaystyle Similarly the subset of relation displaystyle subseteq needs to be restricted to have domain and codomain P A displaystyle P A the power set of a specific set A displaystyle A the resulting set relation can be denoted by A displaystyle subseteq A Also the member of relation needs to be restricted to have domain A displaystyle A and codomain P A displaystyle P A to obtain a binary relation A displaystyle in A that is a set Bertrand Russell has shown that assuming displaystyle in to be defined over all sets leads to a contradiction in naive set theory see Russell s paradox Another solution to this problem is to use a set theory with proper classes such as NBG or Morse Kelley set theory and allow the domain and codomain and so the graph to be proper classes in such a theory equality membership and subset are binary relations without special comment A minor modification needs to be made to the concept of the ordered triple X Y G displaystyle X Y G as normally a proper class cannot be a member of an ordered tuple or of course one can identify the binary relation with its graph in this context With this definition one can for instance define a binary relation over every set and its power set Homogeneous relationA homogeneous relation over a set X displaystyle X is a binary relation over X displaystyle X and itself i e it is a subset of the Cartesian product X X displaystyle X times X It is also simply called a binary relation over X displaystyle X A homogeneous relation R displaystyle R over a set X displaystyle X may be identified with a directed simple graph permitting loops where X displaystyle X is the vertex set and R displaystyle R is the edge set there is an edge from a vertex x displaystyle x to a vertex y displaystyle y if and only if xRy displaystyle xRy The set of all homogeneous relations B X displaystyle mathcal B X over a set X displaystyle X is the power set 2X X displaystyle 2 X times X which is a Boolean algebra augmented with the involution of mapping of a relation to its converse relation Considering composition of relations as a binary operation on B X displaystyle mathcal B X it forms a semigroup with involution Some important properties that a homogeneous relation R displaystyle R over a set X displaystyle X may have are Reflexive for all x X displaystyle x in X xRx displaystyle xRx For example displaystyle geq is a reflexive relation but gt is not Irreflexive for all x X displaystyle x in X not xRx displaystyle xRx For example gt displaystyle gt is an irreflexive relation but displaystyle geq is not Symmetric for all x y X displaystyle x y in X if xRy displaystyle xRy then yRx displaystyle yRx For example is a blood relative of is a symmetric relation Antisymmetric for all x y X displaystyle x y in X if xRy displaystyle xRy and yRx displaystyle yRx then x y displaystyle x y For example displaystyle geq is an antisymmetric relation Asymmetric for all x y X displaystyle x y in X if xRy displaystyle xRy then not yRx displaystyle yRx A relation is asymmetric if and only if it is both antisymmetric and irreflexive For example gt is an asymmetric relation but displaystyle geq is not Transitive for all x y z X displaystyle x y z in X if xRy displaystyle xRy and yRz displaystyle yRz then xRz displaystyle xRz A transitive relation is irreflexive if and only if it is asymmetric For example is ancestor of is a transitive relation while is parent of is not Connected for all x y X displaystyle x y in X if x y displaystyle x neq y then xRy displaystyle xRy or yRx displaystyle yRx Strongly connected for all x y X displaystyle x y in X xRy displaystyle xRy or yRx displaystyle yRx Dense for all x y X displaystyle x y in X if xRy displaystyle xRy then some z X displaystyle z in X exists such that xRz displaystyle xRz and zRy displaystyle zRy A partial order is a relation that is reflexive antisymmetric and transitive A strict partial order is a relation that is irreflexive asymmetric and transitive A total order is a relation that is reflexive antisymmetric transitive and connected A strict total order is a relation that is irreflexive asymmetric transitive and connected An equivalence relation is a relation that is reflexive symmetric and transitive For example x displaystyle x divides y displaystyle y is a partial but not a total order on natural numbers N displaystyle mathbb N x lt y displaystyle x lt y

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