Continuous function (topology)

Author: www.NiNa.Az
Mar 05, 2025 / 01:44

In mathematics a continuous function is a function such that a small variation of the argument induces a small variation

Continuous function (topology)
Continuous function (topology)
Continuous function (topology)

In mathematics, a continuous function is a function such that a small variation of the argument induces a small variation of the value of the function. This implies there are no abrupt changes in value, known as discontinuities. More precisely, a function is continuous if arbitrarily small changes in its value can be assured by restricting to sufficiently small changes of its argument. A discontinuous function is a function that is not continuous. Until the 19th century, mathematicians largely relied on intuitive notions of continuity and considered only continuous functions. The epsilon–delta definition of a limit was introduced to formalize the definition of continuity.

Continuity is one of the core concepts of calculus and mathematical analysis, where arguments and values of functions are real and complex numbers. The concept has been generalized to functions between metric spaces and between topological spaces. The latter are the most general continuous functions, and their definition is the basis of topology.

A stronger form of continuity is uniform continuity. In order theory, especially in domain theory, a related concept of continuity is Scott continuity.

As an example, the function H(t) denoting the height of a growing flower at time t would be considered continuous. In contrast, the function M(t) denoting the amount of money in a bank account at time t would be considered discontinuous since it "jumps" at each point in time when money is deposited or withdrawn.


A form of the epsilon–delta definition of continuity was first given by Bernard Bolzano in 1817. Augustin-Louis Cauchy defined continuity of image as follows: an infinitely small increment image of the independent variable x always produces an infinitely small change image of the dependent variable y (see e.g. Cours d'Analyse, p. 34). Cauchy defined infinitely small quantities in terms of variable quantities, and his definition of continuity closely parallels the infinitesimal definition used today (see microcontinuity). The formal definition and the distinction between pointwise continuity and uniform continuity were first given by Bolzano in the 1830s, but the work wasn't published until the 1930s. Like Bolzano,Karl Weierstrass denied continuity of a function at a point c unless it was defined at and on both sides of c, but Édouard Goursat allowed the function to be defined only at and on one side of c, and Camille Jordan allowed it even if the function was defined only at c. All three of those nonequivalent definitions of pointwise continuity are still in use.Eduard Heine provided the first published definition of uniform continuity in 1872, but based these ideas on lectures given by Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet in 1854.

Real functions


The function image is continuous on its domain (image), but is discontinuous at image when considered as a partial function defined on the reals.

A real function that is a function from real numbers to real numbers can be represented by a graph in the Cartesian plane; such a function is continuous if, roughly speaking, the graph is a single unbroken curve whose domain is the entire real line. A more mathematically rigorous definition is given below.

Continuity of real functions is usually defined in terms of limits. A function f with variable x is continuous at the real number c, if the limit of image as x tends to c, is equal to image

There are several different definitions of the (global) continuity of a function, which depend on the nature of its domain.

A function is continuous on an open interval if the interval is contained in the function's domain and the function is continuous at every interval point. A function that is continuous on the interval image (the whole real line) is often called simply a continuous function; one also says that such a function is continuous everywhere. For example, all polynomial functions are continuous everywhere.

A function is continuous on a semi-open or a closed interval; if the interval is contained in the domain of the function, the function is continuous at every interior point of the interval, and the value of the function at each endpoint that belongs to the interval is the limit of the values of the function when the variable tends to the endpoint from the interior of the interval. For example, the function image is continuous on its whole domain, which is the closed interval image

Many commonly encountered functions are partial functions that have a domain formed by all real numbers, except some isolated points. Examples include the reciprocal function image and the tangent function image When they are continuous on their domain, one says, in some contexts, that they are continuous, although they are not continuous everywhere. In other contexts, mainly when one is interested in their behavior near the exceptional points, one says they are discontinuous.

A partial function is discontinuous at a point if the point belongs to the topological closure of its domain, and either the point does not belong to the domain of the function or the function is not continuous at the point. For example, the functions image and image are discontinuous at 0, and remain discontinuous whichever value is chosen for defining them at 0. A point where a function is discontinuous is called a discontinuity.

Using mathematical notation, several ways exist to define continuous functions in the three senses mentioned above.

Let image be a function defined on a subset image of the set image of real numbers.

This subset image is the domain of f. Some possible choices include

  • image: i.e., image is the whole set of real numbers. or, for a and b real numbers,
  • image: image is a closed interval, or
  • image: image is an open interval.

In the case of the domain image being defined as an open interval, image and image do not belong to image, and the values of image and image do not matter for continuity on image.

Definition in terms of limits of functions

The function f is continuous at some point c of its domain if the limit of image as x approaches c through the domain of f, exists and is equal to image In mathematical notation, this is written as image In detail this means three conditions: first, f has to be defined at c (guaranteed by the requirement that c is in the domain of f). Second, the limit of that equation has to exist. Third, the value of this limit must equal image

(Here, we have assumed that the domain of f does not have any isolated points.)

Definition in terms of neighborhoods

A neighborhood of a point c is a set that contains, at least, all points within some fixed distance of c. Intuitively, a function is continuous at a point c if the range of f over the neighborhood of c shrinks to a single point image as the width of the neighborhood around c shrinks to zero. More precisely, a function f is continuous at a point c of its domain if, for any neighborhood image there is a neighborhood image in its domain such that image whenever image

As neighborhoods are defined in any topological space, this definition of a continuous function applies not only for real functions but also when the domain and the codomain are topological spaces and is thus the most general definition. It follows that a function is automatically continuous at every isolated point of its domain. For example, every real-valued function on the integers is continuous.

Definition in terms of limits of sequences

The sequence exp(1/n) converges to exp(0) = 1

One can instead require that for any sequence image of points in the domain which converges to c, the corresponding sequence image converges to image In mathematical notation, image

Weierstrass and Jordan definitions (epsilon–delta) of continuous functions

Illustration of the ε-δ-definition: at x = 2, any value δ ≤ 0.5 satisfies the condition of the definition for ε = 0.5.

Explicitly including the definition of the limit of a function, we obtain a self-contained definition: Given a function image as above and an element image of the domain image, image is said to be continuous at the point image when the following holds: For any positive real number image however small, there exists some positive real number image such that for all image in the domain of image with image the value of image satisfies image

Alternatively written, continuity of image at image means that for every image there exists a image such that for all image: image

More intuitively, we can say that if we want to get all the image values to stay in some small neighborhood around image we need to choose a small enough neighborhood for the image values around image If we can do that no matter how small the image neighborhood is, then image is continuous at image

In modern terms, this is generalized by the definition of continuity of a function with respect to a basis for the topology, here the metric topology.

Weierstrass had required that the interval image be entirely within the domain image, but Jordan removed that restriction.

Definition in terms of control of the remainder

In proofs and numerical analysis, we often need to know how fast limits are converging, or in other words, control of the remainder. We can formalize this to a definition of continuity. A function image is called a control function if

  • C is non-decreasing
  • image

A function image is C-continuous at image if there exists such a neighbourhood image that image

A function is continuous in image if it is C-continuous for some control function C.

This approach leads naturally to refining the notion of continuity by restricting the set of admissible control functions. For a given set of control functions image a function is image-continuous if it is image-continuous for some image For example, the Lipschitz and Hölder continuous functions of exponent α below are defined by the set of control functions image respectively image

Definition using oscillation

The failure of a function to be continuous at a point is quantified by its oscillation.

Continuity can also be defined in terms of oscillation: a function f is continuous at a point image if and only if its oscillation at that point is zero; in symbols, image A benefit of this definition is that it quantifies discontinuity: the oscillation gives how much the function is discontinuous at a point.

This definition is helpful in descriptive set theory to study the set of discontinuities and continuous points – the continuous points are the intersection of the sets where the oscillation is less than image (hence a image set) – and gives a rapid proof of one direction of the Lebesgue integrability condition.

The oscillation is equivalent to the image definition by a simple re-arrangement and by using a limit (lim sup, lim inf) to define oscillation: if (at a given point) for a given image there is no image that satisfies the image definition, then the oscillation is at least image and conversely if for every image there is a desired image the oscillation is 0. The oscillation definition can be naturally generalized to maps from a topological space to a metric space.

Definition using the hyperreals

Cauchy defined the continuity of a function in the following intuitive terms: an infinitesimal change in the independent variable corresponds to an infinitesimal change of the dependent variable (see Cours d'analyse, page 34). Non-standard analysis is a way of making this mathematically rigorous. The real line is augmented by adding infinite and infinitesimal numbers to form the hyperreal numbers. In nonstandard analysis, continuity can be defined as follows.

A real-valued function f is continuous at x if its natural extension to the hyperreals has the property that for all infinitesimal dx, image is infinitesimal

(see microcontinuity). In other words, an infinitesimal increment of the independent variable always produces an infinitesimal change of the dependent variable, giving a modern expression to Augustin-Louis Cauchy's definition of continuity.

Construction of continuous functions

The graph of a cubic function has no jumps or holes. The function is continuous.

Checking the continuity of a given function can be simplified by checking one of the above defining properties for the building blocks of the given function. It is straightforward to show that the sum of two functions, continuous on some domain, is also continuous on this domain. Given image then the sum of continuous functions image (defined by image for all image) is continuous in image

The same holds for the product of continuous functions, image (defined by image for all image) is continuous in image

Combining the above preservations of continuity and the continuity of constant functions and of the identity function image on image, one arrives at the continuity of all polynomial functions on image, such as image (pictured on the right).

The graph of a continuous rational function. The function is not defined for image The vertical and horizontal lines are asymptotes.

In the same way, it can be shown that the reciprocal of a continuous function image (defined by image for all image such that image) is continuous in image

This implies that, excluding the roots of image the quotient of continuous functions image (defined by image for all image, such that image) is also continuous on image.

For example, the function (pictured) image is defined for all real numbers image and is continuous at every such point. Thus, it is a continuous function. The question of continuity at image does not arise since image is not in the domain of image There is no continuous function image that agrees with image for all image

The sinc and the cos functions

Since the function sine is continuous on all reals, the sinc function image is defined and continuous for all real image However, unlike the previous example, G can be extended to a continuous function on all real numbers, by defining the value image to be 1, which is the limit of image when x approaches 0, i.e., image

Thus, by setting


the sinc-function becomes a continuous function on all real numbers. The term removable singularity is used in such cases when (re)defining values of a function to coincide with the appropriate limits make a function continuous at specific points.

A more involved construction of continuous functions is the function composition. Given two continuous functions image their composition, denoted as image and defined by image is continuous.

This construction allows stating, for example, that image is continuous for all image

Examples of discontinuous functions

Plot of the signum function. It shows that image. Thus, the signum function is discontinuous at 0 (see section 2.1.3).

An example of a discontinuous function is the Heaviside step function image, defined by image

Pick for instance image. Then there is no image-neighborhood around image, i.e. no open interval image with image that will force all the image values to be within the image-neighborhood of image, i.e. within image. Intuitively, we can think of this type of discontinuity as a sudden jump in function values.

Similarly, the signum or sign function image is discontinuous at image but continuous everywhere else. Yet another example: the function image is continuous everywhere apart from image.

Point plot of Thomae's function on the interval (0,1). The topmost point in the middle shows f(1/2) = 1/2.

Besides plausible continuities and discontinuities like above, there are also functions with a behavior, often coined pathological, for example, Thomae's function, image is continuous at all irrational numbers and discontinuous at all rational numbers. In a similar vein, Dirichlet's function, the indicator function for the set of rational numbers, image is nowhere continuous.


A useful lemma

Let image be a function that is continuous at a point image and image be a value such image Then image throughout some neighbourhood of image

Proof: By the definition of continuity, take image , then there exists image such that image Suppose there is a point in the neighbourhood image for which image then we have the contradiction image

Intermediate value theorem

The intermediate value theorem is an existence theorem, based on the real number property of completeness, and states:

If the real-valued function f is continuous on the closed interval image and k is some number between image and image then there is some number image such that image

For example, if a child grows from 1 m to 1.5 m between the ages of two and six years, then, at some time between two and six years of age, the child's height must have been 1.25 m.

As a consequence, if f is continuous on image and image and image differ in sign, then, at some point image image must equal zero.

Extreme value theorem

The extreme value theorem states that if a function f is defined on a closed interval image (or any closed and bounded set) and is continuous there, then the function attains its maximum, i.e. there exists image with image for all image The same is true of the minimum of f. These statements are not, in general, true if the function is defined on an open interval image (or any set that is not both closed and bounded), as, for example, the continuous function image defined on the open interval (0,1), does not attain a maximum, being unbounded above.

Relation to differentiability and integrability

Every differentiable function image is continuous, as can be shown. The converse does not hold: for example, the absolute value function


is everywhere continuous. However, it is not differentiable at image (but is so everywhere else). Weierstrass's function is also everywhere continuous but nowhere differentiable.

The derivative f′(x) of a differentiable function f(x) need not be continuous. If f′(x) is continuous, f(x) is said to be continuously differentiable. The set of such functions is denoted image More generally, the set of functions image (from an open interval (or open subset of image) image to the reals) such that f is image times differentiable and such that the image-th derivative of f is continuous is denoted image See differentiability class. In the field of computer graphics, properties related (but not identical) to image are sometimes called image (continuity of position), image (continuity of tangency), and image (continuity of curvature); see Smoothness of curves and surfaces.

Every continuous function image is integrable (for example in the sense of the Riemann integral). The converse does not hold, as the (integrable but discontinuous) sign function shows.

Pointwise and uniform limits

A sequence of continuous functions image whose (pointwise) limit function image is discontinuous. The convergence is not uniform.

Given a sequence image of functions such that the limit image exists for all image, the resulting function image is referred to as the pointwise limit of the sequence of functions image The pointwise limit function need not be continuous, even if all functions image are continuous, as the animation at the right shows. However, f is continuous if all functions image are continuous and the sequence converges uniformly, by the uniform convergence theorem. This theorem can be used to show that the exponential functions, logarithms, square root function, and trigonometric functions are continuous.

Directional Continuity

Discontinuous functions may be discontinuous in a restricted way, giving rise to the concept of directional continuity (or right and left continuous functions) and semi-continuity. Roughly speaking, a function is right-continuous if no jump occurs when the limit point is approached from the right. Formally, f is said to be right-continuous at the point c if the following holds: For any number image however small, there exists some number image such that for all x in the domain with image the value of image will satisfy image

This is the same condition as continuous functions, except it is required to hold for x strictly larger than c only. Requiring it instead for all x with image yields the notion of left-continuous functions. A function is continuous if and only if it is both right-continuous and left-continuous.


A function f is lower semi-continuous if, roughly, any jumps that might occur only go down, but not up. That is, for any image there exists some number image such that for all x in the domain with image the value of image satisfies image The reverse condition is upper semi-continuity.

Continuous functions between metric spaces

The concept of continuous real-valued functions can be generalized to functions between metric spaces. A metric space is a set image equipped with a function (called metric) image that can be thought of as a measurement of the distance of any two elements in X. Formally, the metric is a function image that satisfies a number of requirements, notably the triangle inequality. Given two metric spaces image and image and a function image then image is continuous at the point image (with respect to the given metrics) if for any positive real number image there exists a positive real number image such that all image satisfying image will also satisfy image As in the case of real functions above, this is equivalent to the condition that for every sequence image in image with limit image we have image The latter condition can be weakened as follows: image is continuous at the point image if and only if for every convergent sequence image in image with limit image, the sequence image is a Cauchy sequence, and image is in the domain of image.

The set of points at which a function between metric spaces is continuous is a image set – this follows from the image definition of continuity.

This notion of continuity is applied, for example, in functional analysis. A key statement in this area says that a linear operator image between normed vector spaces image and image (which are vector spaces equipped with a compatible norm, denoted image) is continuous if and only if it is bounded, that is, there is a constant image such that image for all image

Uniform, Hölder and Lipschitz continuity

For a Lipschitz continuous function, there is a double cone (shown in white) whose vertex can be translated along the graph so that the graph always remains entirely outside the cone.

The concept of continuity for functions between metric spaces can be strengthened in various ways by limiting the way image depends on image and c in the definition above. Intuitively, a function f as above is uniformly continuous if the image does not depend on the point c. More precisely, it is required that for every real number image there exists image such that for every image with image we have that image Thus, any uniformly continuous function is continuous. The converse does not generally hold but holds when the domain space X is compact. Uniformly continuous maps can be defined in the more general situation of uniform spaces.

A function is Hölder continuous with exponent α (a real number) if there is a constant K such that for all image the inequality image holds. Any Hölder continuous function is uniformly continuous. The particular case image is referred to as Lipschitz continuity. That is, a function is Lipschitz continuous if there is a constant K such that the inequality image holds for any image The Lipschitz condition occurs, for example, in the Picard–Lindelöf theorem concerning the solutions of ordinary differential equations.

Continuous functions between topological spaces

Another, more abstract, notion of continuity is the continuity of functions between topological spaces in which there generally is no formal notion of distance, as there is in the case of metric spaces. A topological space is a set X together with a topology on X, which is a set of subsets of X satisfying a few requirements with respect to their unions and intersections that generalize the properties of the open balls in metric spaces while still allowing one to talk about the neighborhoods of a given point. The elements of a topology are called open subsets of X (with respect to the topology).

A function image between two topological spaces X and Y is continuous if for every open set image the inverse image image is an open subset of X. That is, f is a function between the sets X and Y (not on the elements of the topology image), but the continuity of f depends on the topologies used on X and Y.

This is equivalent to the condition that the preimages of the closed sets (which are the complements of the open subsets) in Y are closed in X.

An extreme example: if a set X is given the discrete topology (in which every subset is open), all functions image to any topological space T are continuous. On the other hand, if X is equipped with the indiscrete topology (in which the only open subsets are the empty set and X) and the space T set is at least T0, then the only continuous functions are the constant functions. Conversely, any function whose codomain is indiscrete is continuous.

Continuity at a point

Continuity at a point: For every neighborhood V of image, there is a neighborhood U of x such that image

The translation in the language of neighborhoods of the image-definition of continuity leads to the following definition of the continuity at a point:

A function image is continuous at a point image if and only if for any neighborhood V of image in Y, there is a neighborhood U of image such that image

This definition is equivalent to the same statement with neighborhoods restricted to open neighborhoods and can be restated in several ways by using preimages rather than images.

Also, as every set that contains a neighborhood is also a neighborhood, and image is the largest subset U of X such that image this definition may be simplified into:

A function image is continuous at a point image if and only if image is a neighborhood of image for every neighborhood V of image in Y.

As an open set is a set that is a neighborhood of all its points, a function image is continuous at every point of X if and only if it is a continuous function.

If X and Y are metric spaces, it is equivalent to consider the neighborhood system of open balls centered at x and f(x) instead of all neighborhoods. This gives back the above image definition of continuity in the context of metric spaces. In general topological spaces, there is no notion of nearness or distance. If, however, the target space is a Hausdorff space, it is still true that f is continuous at a if and only if the limit of f as x approaches a is f(a). At an isolated point, every function is continuous.

Given image a map image is continuous at image if and only if whenever image is a filter on image that converges to image in image which is expressed by writing image then necessarily image in image If image denotes the neighborhood filter at image then image is continuous at image if and only if image in image Moreover, this happens if and only if the prefilter image is a filter base for the neighborhood filter of image in image

Alternative definitions

Several equivalent definitions for a topological structure exist; thus, several equivalent ways exist to define a continuous function.

Sequences and nets

In several contexts, the topology of a space is conveniently specified in terms of limit points. This is often accomplished by specifying when a point is the limit of a sequence. Still, for some spaces that are too large in some sense, one specifies also when a point is the limit of more general sets of points indexed by a directed set, known as nets. A function is (Heine-)continuous only if it takes limits of sequences to limits of sequences. In the former case, preservation of limits is also sufficient; in the latter, a function may preserve all limits of sequences yet still fail to be continuous, and preservation of nets is a necessary and sufficient condition.

In detail, a function image is sequentially continuous if whenever a sequence image in image converges to a limit image the sequence image converges to image Thus, sequentially continuous functions "preserve sequential limits." Every continuous function is sequentially continuous. If image is a first-countable space and countable choice holds, then the converse also holds: any function preserving sequential limits is continuous. In particular, if image is a metric space, sequential continuity and continuity are equivalent. For non-first-countable spaces, sequential continuity might be strictly weaker than continuity. (The spaces for which the two properties are equivalent are called sequential spaces.) This motivates the consideration of nets instead of sequences in general topological spaces. Continuous functions preserve the limits of nets, and this property characterizes continuous functions.

For instance, consider the case of real-valued functions of one real variable:

Theorem — A function image is continuous at image if and only if it is sequentially continuous at that point.


Proof. Assume that image is continuous at image (in the sense of image continuity). Let image be a sequence converging at image (such a sequence always exists, for example, image); since image is continuous at image image For any such image we can find a natural number image such that for all image image since image converges at image; combining this with image we obtain image Assume on the contrary that image is sequentially continuous and proceed by contradiction: suppose image is not continuous at image image then we can take image and call the corresponding point image: in this way we have defined a sequence image such that

In mathematics a continuous function is a function such that a small variation of the argument induces a small variation of the value of the function This implies there are no abrupt changes in value known as discontinuities More precisely a function is continuous if arbitrarily small changes in its value can be assured by restricting to sufficiently small changes of its argument A discontinuous function is a function that is not continuous Until the 19th century mathematicians largely relied on intuitive notions of continuity and considered only continuous functions The epsilon delta definition of a limit was introduced to formalize the definition of continuity Continuity is one of the core concepts of calculus and mathematical analysis where arguments and values of functions are real and complex numbers The concept has been generalized to functions between metric spaces and between topological spaces The latter are the most general continuous functions and their definition is the basis of topology A stronger form of continuity is uniform continuity In order theory especially in domain theory a related concept of continuity is Scott continuity As an example the function H t denoting the height of a growing flower at time t would be considered continuous In contrast the function M t denoting the amount of money in a bank account at time t would be considered discontinuous since it jumps at each point in time when money is deposited or withdrawn HistoryA form of the epsilon delta definition of continuity was first given by Bernard Bolzano in 1817 Augustin Louis Cauchy defined continuity of y f x displaystyle y f x as follows an infinitely small increment a displaystyle alpha of the independent variable x always produces an infinitely small change f x a f x displaystyle f x alpha f x of the dependent variable y see e g Cours d Analyse p 34 Cauchy defined infinitely small quantities in terms of variable quantities and his definition of continuity closely parallels the infinitesimal definition used today see microcontinuity The formal definition and the distinction between pointwise continuity and uniform continuity were first given by Bolzano in the 1830s but the work wasn t published until the 1930s Like Bolzano Karl Weierstrass denied continuity of a function at a point c unless it was defined at and on both sides of c but Edouard Goursat allowed the function to be defined only at and on one side of c and Camille Jordan allowed it even if the function was defined only at c All three of those nonequivalent definitions of pointwise continuity are still in use Eduard Heine provided the first published definition of uniform continuity in 1872 but based these ideas on lectures given by Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet in 1854 Real functionsDefinition The function f x 1x displaystyle f x tfrac 1 x is continuous on its domain R 0 displaystyle mathbb R setminus 0 but is discontinuous at x 0 displaystyle x 0 when considered as a partial function defined on the reals A real function that is a function from real numbers to real numbers can be represented by a graph in the Cartesian plane such a function is continuous if roughly speaking the graph is a single unbroken curve whose domain is the entire real line A more mathematically rigorous definition is given below Continuity of real functions is usually defined in terms of limits A function f with variable x is continuous at the real number c if the limit of f x displaystyle f x as x tends to c is equal to f c displaystyle f c There are several different definitions of the global continuity of a function which depend on the nature of its domain A function is continuous on an open interval if the interval is contained in the function s domain and the function is continuous at every interval point A function that is continuous on the interval displaystyle infty infty the whole real line is often called simply a continuous function one also says that such a function is continuous everywhere For example all polynomial functions are continuous everywhere A function is continuous on a semi open or a closed interval if the interval is contained in the domain of the function the function is continuous at every interior point of the interval and the value of the function at each endpoint that belongs to the interval is the limit of the values of the function when the variable tends to the endpoint from the interior of the interval For example the function f x x displaystyle f x sqrt x is continuous on its whole domain which is the closed interval 0 displaystyle 0 infty Many commonly encountered functions are partial functions that have a domain formed by all real numbers except some isolated points Examples include the reciprocal function x 1x textstyle x mapsto frac 1 x and the tangent function x tan x displaystyle x mapsto tan x When they are continuous on their domain one says in some contexts that they are continuous although they are not continuous everywhere In other contexts mainly when one is interested in their behavior near the exceptional points one says they are discontinuous A partial function is discontinuous at a point if the point belongs to the topological closure of its domain and either the point does not belong to the domain of the function or the function is not continuous at the point For example the functions x 1x textstyle x mapsto frac 1 x and x sin 1x textstyle x mapsto sin frac 1 x are discontinuous at 0 and remain discontinuous whichever value is chosen for defining them at 0 A point where a function is discontinuous is called a discontinuity Using mathematical notation several ways exist to define continuous functions in the three senses mentioned above Let f D R displaystyle f D to mathbb R be a function defined on a subset D displaystyle D of the set R displaystyle mathbb R of real numbers This subset D displaystyle D is the domain of f Some possible choices include D R displaystyle D mathbb R i e D displaystyle D is the whole set of real numbers or for a and b real numbers D a b x R a x b displaystyle D a b x in mathbb R mid a leq x leq b D displaystyle D is a closed interval or D a b x R a lt x lt b displaystyle D a b x in mathbb R mid a lt x lt b D displaystyle D is an open interval In the case of the domain D displaystyle D being defined as an open interval a displaystyle a and b displaystyle b do not belong to D displaystyle D and the values of f a displaystyle f a and f b displaystyle f b do not matter for continuity on D displaystyle D Definition in terms of limits of functions The function f is continuous at some point c of its domain if the limit of f x displaystyle f x as x approaches c through the domain of f exists and is equal to f c displaystyle f c In mathematical notation this is written as limx cf x f c displaystyle lim x to c f x f c In detail this means three conditions first f has to be defined at c guaranteed by the requirement that c is in the domain of f Second the limit of that equation has to exist Third the value of this limit must equal f c displaystyle f c Here we have assumed that the domain of f does not have any isolated points Definition in terms of neighborhoods A neighborhood of a point c is a set that contains at least all points within some fixed distance of c Intuitively a function is continuous at a point c if the range of f over the neighborhood of c shrinks to a single point f c displaystyle f c as the width of the neighborhood around c shrinks to zero More precisely a function f is continuous at a point c of its domain if for any neighborhood N1 f c displaystyle N 1 f c there is a neighborhood N2 c displaystyle N 2 c in its domain such that f x N1 f c displaystyle f x in N 1 f c whenever x N2 c displaystyle x in N 2 c As neighborhoods are defined in any topological space this definition of a continuous function applies not only for real functions but also when the domain and the codomain are topological spaces and is thus the most general definition It follows that a function is automatically continuous at every isolated point of its domain For example every real valued function on the integers is continuous Definition in terms of limits of sequences The sequence exp 1 n converges to exp 0 1 One can instead require that for any sequence xn n N displaystyle x n n in mathbb N of points in the domain which converges to c the corresponding sequence f xn n N displaystyle left f x n right n in mathbb N converges to f c displaystyle f c In mathematical notation xn n N D limn xn c limn f xn f c displaystyle forall x n n in mathbb N subset D lim n to infty x n c Rightarrow lim n to infty f x n f c Weierstrass and Jordan definitions epsilon delta of continuous functions Illustration of the e d definition at x 2 any value d 0 5 satisfies the condition of the definition for e 0 5 Explicitly including the definition of the limit of a function we obtain a self contained definition Given a function f D R displaystyle f D to mathbb R as above and an element x0 displaystyle x 0 of the domain D displaystyle D f displaystyle f is said to be continuous at the point x0 displaystyle x 0 when the following holds For any positive real number e gt 0 displaystyle varepsilon gt 0 however small there exists some positive real number d gt 0 displaystyle delta gt 0 such that for all x displaystyle x in the domain of f displaystyle f with x0 d lt x lt x0 d displaystyle x 0 delta lt x lt x 0 delta the value of f x displaystyle f x satisfies f x0 e lt f x lt f x0 e displaystyle f left x 0 right varepsilon lt f x lt f x 0 varepsilon Alternatively written continuity of f D R displaystyle f D to mathbb R at x0 D displaystyle x 0 in D means that for every e gt 0 displaystyle varepsilon gt 0 there exists a d gt 0 displaystyle delta gt 0 such that for all x D displaystyle x in D x x0 lt d implies f x f x0 lt e displaystyle left x x 0 right lt delta text implies f x f x 0 lt varepsilon More intuitively we can say that if we want to get all the f x displaystyle f x values to stay in some small neighborhood around f x0 displaystyle f left x 0 right we need to choose a small enough neighborhood for the x displaystyle x values around x0 displaystyle x 0 If we can do that no matter how small the f x0 displaystyle f x 0 neighborhood is then f displaystyle f is continuous at x0 displaystyle x 0 In modern terms this is generalized by the definition of continuity of a function with respect to a basis for the topology here the metric topology Weierstrass had required that the interval x0 d lt x lt x0 d displaystyle x 0 delta lt x lt x 0 delta be entirely within the domain D displaystyle D but Jordan removed that restriction Definition in terms of control of the remainder In proofs and numerical analysis we often need to know how fast limits are converging or in other words control of the remainder We can formalize this to a definition of continuity A function C 0 0 displaystyle C 0 infty to 0 infty is called a control function if C is non decreasing infd gt 0C d 0 displaystyle inf delta gt 0 C delta 0 A function f D R displaystyle f D to R is C continuous at x0 displaystyle x 0 if there exists such a neighbourhood N x0 textstyle N x 0 that f x f x0 C x x0 for all x D N x0 displaystyle f x f x 0 leq C left left x x 0 right right text for all x in D cap N x 0 A function is continuous in x0 displaystyle x 0 if it is C continuous for some control function C This approach leads naturally to refining the notion of continuity by restricting the set of admissible control functions For a given set of control functions C displaystyle mathcal C a function is C displaystyle mathcal C continuous if it is C displaystyle C continuous for some C C displaystyle C in mathcal C For example the Lipschitz and Holder continuous functions of exponent a below are defined by the set of control functions CLipschitz C C d K d K gt 0 displaystyle mathcal C mathrm Lipschitz C C delta K delta K gt 0 respectively CHolder a C C d K d a K gt 0 displaystyle mathcal C text Holder alpha C C delta K delta alpha K gt 0 Definition using oscillation The failure of a function to be continuous at a point is quantified by its oscillation Continuity can also be defined in terms of oscillation a function f is continuous at a point x0 displaystyle x 0 if and only if its oscillation at that point is zero in symbols wf x0 0 displaystyle omega f x 0 0 A benefit of this definition is that it quantifies discontinuity the oscillation gives how much the function is discontinuous at a point This definition is helpful in descriptive set theory to study the set of discontinuities and continuous points the continuous points are the intersection of the sets where the oscillation is less than e displaystyle varepsilon hence a Gd displaystyle G delta set and gives a rapid proof of one direction of the Lebesgue integrability condition The oscillation is equivalent to the e d displaystyle varepsilon delta definition by a simple re arrangement and by using a limit lim sup lim inf to define oscillation if at a given point for a given e0 displaystyle varepsilon 0 there is no d displaystyle delta that satisfies the e d displaystyle varepsilon delta definition then the oscillation is at least e0 displaystyle varepsilon 0 and conversely if for every e displaystyle varepsilon there is a desired d displaystyle delta the oscillation is 0 The oscillation definition can be naturally generalized to maps from a topological space to a metric space Definition using the hyperreals Cauchy defined the continuity of a function in the following intuitive terms an infinitesimal change in the independent variable corresponds to an infinitesimal change of the dependent variable see Cours d analyse page 34 Non standard analysis is a way of making this mathematically rigorous The real line is augmented by adding infinite and infinitesimal numbers to form the hyperreal numbers In nonstandard analysis continuity can be defined as follows A real valued function f is continuous at x if its natural extension to the hyperreals has the property that for all infinitesimal dx f x dx f x displaystyle f x dx f x is infinitesimal see microcontinuity In other words an infinitesimal increment of the independent variable always produces an infinitesimal change of the dependent variable giving a modern expression to Augustin Louis Cauchy s definition of continuity Construction of continuous functions The graph of a cubic function has no jumps or holes The function is continuous Checking the continuity of a given function can be simplified by checking one of the above defining properties for the building blocks of the given function It is straightforward to show that the sum of two functions continuous on some domain is also continuous on this domain Given f g D R displaystyle f g colon D to mathbb R then the sum of continuous functions s f g displaystyle s f g defined by s x f x g x displaystyle s x f x g x for all x D displaystyle x in D is continuous in D displaystyle D The same holds for the product of continuous functions p f g displaystyle p f cdot g defined by p x f x g x displaystyle p x f x cdot g x for all x D displaystyle x in D is continuous in D displaystyle D Combining the above preservations of continuity and the continuity of constant functions and of the identity function I x x displaystyle I x x on R displaystyle mathbb R one arrives at the continuity of all polynomial functions on R displaystyle mathbb R such as f x x3 x2 5x 3 displaystyle f x x 3 x 2 5x 3 pictured on the right The graph of a continuous rational function The function is not defined for x 2 displaystyle x 2 The vertical and horizontal lines are asymptotes In the same way it can be shown that the reciprocal of a continuous function r 1 f displaystyle r 1 f defined by r x 1 f x displaystyle r x 1 f x for all x D displaystyle x in D such that f x 0 displaystyle f x neq 0 is continuous in D x f x 0 displaystyle D setminus x f x 0 This implies that excluding the roots of g displaystyle g the quotient of continuous functions q f g displaystyle q f g defined by q x f x g x displaystyle q x f x g x for all x D displaystyle x in D such that g x 0 displaystyle g x neq 0 is also continuous on D x g x 0 displaystyle D setminus x g x 0 For example the function pictured y x 2x 1x 2 displaystyle y x frac 2x 1 x 2 is defined for all real numbers x 2 displaystyle x neq 2 and is continuous at every such point Thus it is a continuous function The question of continuity at x 2 displaystyle x 2 does not arise since x 2 displaystyle x 2 is not in the domain of y displaystyle y There is no continuous function F R R displaystyle F mathbb R to mathbb R that agrees with y x displaystyle y x for all x 2 displaystyle x neq 2 The sinc and the cos functions Since the function sine is continuous on all reals the sinc function G x sin x x displaystyle G x sin x x is defined and continuous for all real x 0 displaystyle x neq 0 However unlike the previous example G can be extended to a continuous function on all real numbers by defining the value G 0 displaystyle G 0 to be 1 which is the limit of G x displaystyle G x when x approaches 0 i e G 0 limx 0sin xx 1 displaystyle G 0 lim x to 0 frac sin x x 1 Thus by setting G x sin x x if x 01 if x 0 displaystyle G x begin cases frac sin x x amp text if x neq 0 1 amp text if x 0 end cases the sinc function becomes a continuous function on all real numbers The term removable singularity is used in such cases when re defining values of a function to coincide with the appropriate limits make a function continuous at specific points A more involved construction of continuous functions is the function composition Given two continuous functions g Dg R Rg R and f Df R Rf Dg displaystyle g D g subseteq mathbb R to R g subseteq mathbb R quad text and quad f D f subseteq mathbb R to R f subseteq D g their composition denoted as c g f Df R displaystyle c g circ f D f to mathbb R and defined by c x g f x displaystyle c x g f x is continuous This construction allows stating for example that esin ln x displaystyle e sin ln x is continuous for all x gt 0 displaystyle x gt 0 Examples of discontinuous functions Plot of the signum function It shows that limn sgn 1n sgn limn 1n displaystyle lim n to infty operatorname sgn left tfrac 1 n right neq operatorname sgn left lim n to infty tfrac 1 n right Thus the signum function is discontinuous at 0 see section 2 1 3 An example of a discontinuous function is the Heaviside step function H displaystyle H defined by H x 1 if x 00 if x lt 0 displaystyle H x begin cases 1 amp text if x geq 0 0 amp text if x lt 0 end cases Pick for instance e 1 2 displaystyle varepsilon 1 2 Then there is no d displaystyle delta neighborhood around x 0 displaystyle x 0 i e no open interval d d displaystyle delta delta with d gt 0 displaystyle delta gt 0 that will force all the H x displaystyle H x values to be within the e displaystyle varepsilon neighborhood of H 0 displaystyle H 0 i e within 1 2 3 2 displaystyle 1 2 3 2 Intuitively we can think of this type of discontinuity as a sudden jump in function values Similarly the signum or sign function sgn x 1 if x gt 0 0 if x 0 1 if x lt 0 displaystyle operatorname sgn x begin cases 1 amp text if x gt 0 0 amp text if x 0 1 amp text if x lt 0 end cases is discontinuous at x 0 displaystyle x 0 but continuous everywhere else Yet another example the function f x sin x 2 if x 00 if x 0 displaystyle f x begin cases sin left x 2 right amp text if x neq 0 0 amp text if x 0 end cases is continuous everywhere apart from x 0 displaystyle x 0 Point plot of Thomae s function on the interval 0 1 The topmost point in the middle shows f 1 2 1 2 Besides plausible continuities and discontinuities like above there are also functions with a behavior often coined pathological for example Thomae s function f x 1 if x 01q if x pq in lowest terms is a rational number0 if x is irrational displaystyle f x begin cases 1 amp text if x 0 frac 1 q amp text if x frac p q text in lowest terms is a rational number 0 amp text if x text is irrational end cases is continuous at all irrational numbers and discontinuous at all rational numbers In a similar vein Dirichlet s function the indicator function for the set of rational numbers D x 0 if x is irrational R Q 1 if x is rational Q displaystyle D x begin cases 0 amp text if x text is irrational in mathbb R setminus mathbb Q 1 amp text if x text is rational in mathbb Q end cases is nowhere continuous Properties A useful lemma Let f x displaystyle f x be a function that is continuous at a point x0 displaystyle x 0 and y0 displaystyle y 0 be a value such f x0 y0 displaystyle f left x 0 right neq y 0 Then f x y0 displaystyle f x neq y 0 throughout some neighbourhood of x0 displaystyle x 0 Proof By the definition of continuity take e y0 f x0 2 gt 0 displaystyle varepsilon frac y 0 f x 0 2 gt 0 then there exists d gt 0 displaystyle delta gt 0 such that f x f x0 lt y0 f x0 2 whenever x x0 lt d displaystyle left f x f x 0 right lt frac left y 0 f x 0 right 2 quad text whenever quad x x 0 lt delta Suppose there is a point in the neighbourhood x x0 lt d displaystyle x x 0 lt delta for which f x y0 displaystyle f x y 0 then we have the contradiction f x0 y0 lt f x0 y0 2 displaystyle left f x 0 y 0 right lt frac left f x 0 y 0 right 2 Intermediate value theorem The intermediate value theorem is an existence theorem based on the real number property of completeness and states If the real valued function f is continuous on the closed interval a b displaystyle a b and k is some number between f a displaystyle f a and f b displaystyle f b then there is some number c a b displaystyle c in a b such that f c k displaystyle f c k For example if a child grows from 1 m to 1 5 m between the ages of two and six years then at some time between two and six years of age the child s height must have been 1 25 m As a consequence if f is continuous on a b displaystyle a b and f a displaystyle f a and f b displaystyle f b differ in sign then at some point c a b displaystyle c in a b f c displaystyle f c must equal zero Extreme value theorem The extreme value theorem states that if a function f is defined on a closed interval a b displaystyle a b or any closed and bounded set and is continuous there then the function attains its maximum i e there exists c a b displaystyle c in a b with f c f x displaystyle f c geq f x for all x a b displaystyle x in a b The same is true of the minimum of f These statements are not in general true if the function is defined on an open interval a b displaystyle a b or any set that is not both closed and bounded as for example the continuous function f x 1x displaystyle f x frac 1 x defined on the open interval 0 1 does not attain a maximum being unbounded above Relation to differentiability and integrability Every differentiable function f a b R displaystyle f a b to mathbb R is continuous as can be shown The converse does not hold for example the absolute value function f x x x if x 0 x if x lt 0 displaystyle f x x begin cases x amp text if x geq 0 x amp text if x lt 0 end cases is everywhere continuous However it is not differentiable at x 0 displaystyle x 0 but is so everywhere else Weierstrass s function is also everywhere continuous but nowhere differentiable The derivative f x of a differentiable function f x need not be continuous If f x is continuous f x is said to be continuously differentiable The set of such functions is denoted C1 a b displaystyle C 1 a b More generally the set of functions f W R displaystyle f Omega to mathbb R from an open interval or open subset of R displaystyle mathbb R W displaystyle Omega to the reals such that f is n displaystyle n times differentiable and such that the n displaystyle n th derivative of f is continuous is denoted Cn W displaystyle C n Omega See differentiability class In the field of computer graphics properties related but not identical to C0 C1 C2 displaystyle C 0 C 1 C 2 are sometimes called G0 displaystyle G 0 continuity of position G1 displaystyle G 1 continuity of tangency and G2 displaystyle G 2 continuity of curvature see Smoothness of curves and surfaces Every continuous function f a b R displaystyle f a b to mathbb R is integrable for example in the sense of the Riemann integral The converse does not hold as the integrable but discontinuous sign function shows Pointwise and uniform limits A sequence of continuous functions fn x displaystyle f n x whose pointwise limit function f x displaystyle f x is discontinuous The convergence is not uniform Given a sequence f1 f2 I R displaystyle f 1 f 2 dotsc I to mathbb R of functions such that the limit f x limn fn x displaystyle f x lim n to infty f n x exists for all x D displaystyle x in D the resulting function f x displaystyle f x is referred to as the pointwise limit of the sequence of functions fn n N displaystyle left f n right n in N The pointwise limit function need not be continuous even if all functions fn displaystyle f n are continuous as the animation at the right shows However f is continuous if all functions fn displaystyle f n are continuous and the sequence converges uniformly by the uniform convergence theorem This theorem can be used to show that the exponential functions logarithms square root function and trigonometric functions are continuous Directional Continuity A right continuous function A left continuous function Discontinuous functions may be discontinuous in a restricted way giving rise to the concept of directional continuity or right and left continuous functions and semi continuity Roughly speaking a function is right continuous if no jump occurs when the limit point is approached from the right Formally f is said to be right continuous at the point c if the following holds For any number e gt 0 displaystyle varepsilon gt 0 however small there exists some number d gt 0 displaystyle delta gt 0 such that for all x in the domain with c lt x lt c d displaystyle c lt x lt c delta the value of f x displaystyle f x will satisfy f x f c lt e displaystyle f x f c lt varepsilon This is the same condition as continuous functions except it is required to hold for x strictly larger than c only Requiring it instead for all x with c d lt x lt c displaystyle c delta lt x lt c yields the notion of left continuous functions A function is continuous if and only if it is both right continuous and left continuous Semicontinuity A function f is lower semi continuous if roughly any jumps that might occur only go down but not up That is for any e gt 0 displaystyle varepsilon gt 0 there exists some number d gt 0 displaystyle delta gt 0 such that for all x in the domain with x c lt d displaystyle x c lt delta the value of f x displaystyle f x satisfies f x f c ϵ displaystyle f x geq f c epsilon The reverse condition is upper semi continuity Continuous functions between metric spacesThe concept of continuous real valued functions can be generalized to functions between metric spaces A metric space is a set X displaystyle X equipped with a function called metric dX displaystyle d X that can be thought of as a measurement of the distance of any two elements in X Formally the metric is a function dX X X R displaystyle d X X times X to mathbb R that satisfies a number of requirements notably the triangle inequality Given two metric spaces X dX displaystyle left X d X right and Y dY displaystyle left Y d Y right and a function f X Y displaystyle f X to Y then f displaystyle f is continuous at the point c X displaystyle c in X with respect to the given metrics if for any positive real number e gt 0 displaystyle varepsilon gt 0 there exists a positive real number d gt 0 displaystyle delta gt 0 such that all x X displaystyle x in X satisfying dX x c lt d displaystyle d X x c lt delta will also satisfy dY f x f c lt e displaystyle d Y f x f c lt varepsilon As in the case of real functions above this is equivalent to the condition that for every sequence xn displaystyle left x n right in X displaystyle X with limit limxn c displaystyle lim x n c we have limf xn f c displaystyle lim f left x n right f c The latter condition can be weakened as follows f displaystyle f is continuous at the point c displaystyle c if and only if for every convergent sequence xn displaystyle left x n right in X displaystyle X with limit c displaystyle c the sequence f xn displaystyle left f left x n right right is a Cauchy sequence and c displaystyle c is in the domain of f displaystyle f The set of points at which a function between metric spaces is continuous is a Gd displaystyle G delta set this follows from the e d displaystyle varepsilon delta definition of continuity This notion of continuity is applied for example in functional analysis A key statement in this area says that a linear operator T V W displaystyle T V to W between normed vector spaces V displaystyle V and W displaystyle W which are vector spaces equipped with a compatible norm denoted x displaystyle x is continuous if and only if it is bounded that is there is a constant K displaystyle K such that T x K x displaystyle T x leq K x for all x V displaystyle x in V Uniform Holder and Lipschitz continuity For a Lipschitz continuous function there is a double cone shown in white whose vertex can be translated along the graph so that the graph always remains entirely outside the cone The concept of continuity for functions between metric spaces can be strengthened in various ways by limiting the way d displaystyle delta depends on e displaystyle varepsilon and c in the definition above Intuitively a function f as above is uniformly continuous if the d displaystyle delta does not depend on the point c More precisely it is required that for every real number e gt 0 displaystyle varepsilon gt 0 there exists d gt 0 displaystyle delta gt 0 such that for every c b X displaystyle c b in X with dX b c lt d displaystyle d X b c lt delta we have that dY f b f c lt e displaystyle d Y f b f c lt varepsilon Thus any uniformly continuous function is continuous The converse does not generally hold but holds when the domain space X is compact Uniformly continuous maps can be defined in the more general situation of uniform spaces A function is Holder continuous with exponent a a real number if there is a constant K such that for all b c X displaystyle b c in X the inequality dY f b f c K dX b c a displaystyle d Y f b f c leq K cdot d X b c alpha holds Any Holder continuous function is uniformly continuous The particular case a 1 displaystyle alpha 1 is referred to as Lipschitz continuity That is a function is Lipschitz continuous if there is a constant K such that the inequality dY f b f c K dX b c displaystyle d Y f b f c leq K cdot d X b c holds for any b c X displaystyle b c in X The Lipschitz condition occurs for example in the Picard Lindelof theorem concerning the solutions of ordinary differential equations Continuous functions between topological spacesAnother more abstract notion of continuity is the continuity of functions between topological spaces in which there generally is no formal notion of distance as there is in the case of metric spaces A topological space is a set X together with a topology on X which is a set of subsets of X satisfying a few requirements with respect to their unions and intersections that generalize the properties of the open balls in metric spaces while still allowing one to talk about the neighborhoods of a given point The elements of a topology are called open subsets of X with respect to the topology A function f X Y displaystyle f X to Y between two topological spaces X and Y is continuous if for every open set V Y displaystyle V subseteq Y the inverse image f 1 V x X f x V displaystyle f 1 V x in X f x in V is an open subset of X That is f is a function between the sets X and Y not on the elements of the topology TX displaystyle T X but the continuity of f depends on the topologies used on X and Y This is equivalent to the condition that the preimages of the closed sets which are the complements of the open subsets in Y are closed in X An extreme example if a set X is given the discrete topology in which every subset is open all functions f X T displaystyle f X to T to any topological space T are continuous On the other hand if X is equipped with the indiscrete topology in which the only open subsets are the empty set and X and the space T set is at least T0 then the only continuous functions are the constant functions Conversely any function whose codomain is indiscrete is continuous Continuity at a point Continuity at a point For every neighborhood V of f x displaystyle f x there is a neighborhood U of x such that f U V displaystyle f U subseteq V The translation in the language of neighborhoods of the e d displaystyle varepsilon delta definition of continuity leads to the following definition of the continuity at a point A function f X Y displaystyle f X to Y is continuous at a point x X displaystyle x in X if and only if for any neighborhood V of f x displaystyle f x in Y there is a neighborhood U of x displaystyle x such that f U V displaystyle f U subseteq V This definition is equivalent to the same statement with neighborhoods restricted to open neighborhoods and can be restated in several ways by using preimages rather than images Also as every set that contains a neighborhood is also a neighborhood and f 1 V displaystyle f 1 V is the largest subset U of X such that f U V displaystyle f U subseteq V this definition may be simplified into A function f X Y displaystyle f X to Y is continuous at a point x X displaystyle x in X if and only if f 1 V displaystyle f 1 V is a neighborhood of x displaystyle x for every neighborhood V of f x displaystyle f x in Y As an open set is a set that is a neighborhood of all its points a function f X Y displaystyle f X to Y is continuous at every point of X if and only if it is a continuous function If X and Y are metric spaces it is equivalent to consider the neighborhood system of open balls centered at x and f x instead of all neighborhoods This gives back the above e d displaystyle varepsilon delta definition of continuity in the context of metric spaces In general topological spaces there is no notion of nearness or distance If however the target space is a Hausdorff space it is still true that f is continuous at a if and only if the limit of f as x approaches a is f a At an isolated point every function is continuous Given x X displaystyle x in X a map f X Y displaystyle f X to Y is continuous at x displaystyle x if and only if whenever B displaystyle mathcal B is a filter on X displaystyle X that converges to x displaystyle x in X displaystyle X which is expressed by writing B x displaystyle mathcal B to x then necessarily f B f x displaystyle f mathcal B to f x in Y displaystyle Y If N x displaystyle mathcal N x denotes the neighborhood filter at x displaystyle x then f X Y displaystyle f X to Y is continuous at x displaystyle x if and only if f N x f x displaystyle f mathcal N x to f x in Y displaystyle Y Moreover this happens if and only if the prefilter f N x displaystyle f mathcal N x is a filter base for the neighborhood filter of f x displaystyle f x in Y displaystyle Y Alternative definitions Several equivalent definitions for a topological structure exist thus several equivalent ways exist to define a continuous function Sequences and nets In several contexts the topology of a space is conveniently specified in terms of limit points This is often accomplished by specifying when a point is the limit of a sequence Still for some spaces that are too large in some sense one specifies also when a point is the limit of more general sets of points indexed by a directed set known as nets A function is Heine continuous only if it takes limits of sequences to limits of sequences In the former case preservation of limits is also sufficient in the latter a function may preserve all limits of sequences yet still fail to be continuous and preservation of nets is a necessary and sufficient condition In detail a function f X Y displaystyle f X to Y is sequentially continuous if whenever a sequence xn displaystyle left x n right in X displaystyle X converges to a limit x displaystyle x the sequence f xn displaystyle left f left x n right right converges to f x displaystyle f x Thus sequentially continuous functions preserve sequential limits Every continuous function is sequentially continuous If X displaystyle X is a first countable space and countable choice holds then the converse also holds any function preserving sequential limits is continuous In particular if X displaystyle X is a metric space sequential continuity and continuity are equivalent For non first countable spaces sequential continuity might be strictly weaker than continuity The spaces for which the two properties are equivalent are called sequential spaces This motivates the consideration of nets instead of sequences in general topological spaces Continuous functions preserve the limits of nets and this property characterizes continuous functions For instance consider the case of real valued functions of one real variable Theorem A function f A R R displaystyle f A subseteq mathbb R to mathbb R is continuous at x0 displaystyle x 0 if and only if it is sequentially continuous at that point ProofProof Assume that f A R R displaystyle f A subseteq mathbb R to mathbb R is continuous at x0 displaystyle x 0 in the sense of ϵ d displaystyle epsilon delta continuity Let xn n 1 displaystyle left x n right n geq 1 be a sequence converging at x0 displaystyle x 0 such a sequence always exists for example xn x for all n displaystyle x n x text for all n since f displaystyle f is continuous at x0 displaystyle x 0 ϵ gt 0 dϵ gt 0 0 lt x x0 lt dϵ f x f x0 lt ϵ displaystyle forall epsilon gt 0 exists delta epsilon gt 0 0 lt x x 0 lt delta epsilon implies f x f x 0 lt epsilon quad For any such dϵ displaystyle delta epsilon we can find a natural number nϵ gt 0 displaystyle nu epsilon gt 0 such that for all n gt nϵ displaystyle n gt nu epsilon xn x0 lt dϵ displaystyle x n x 0 lt delta epsilon since xn displaystyle left x n right converges at x0 displaystyle x 0 combining this with displaystyle we obtain ϵ gt 0 nϵ gt 0 n gt nϵ f xn f x0 lt ϵ displaystyle forall epsilon gt 0 exists nu epsilon gt 0 forall n gt nu epsilon quad f x n f x 0 lt epsilon Assume on the contrary that f displaystyle f is sequentially continuous and proceed by contradiction suppose f displaystyle f is not continuous at x0 displaystyle x 0 ϵ gt 0 dϵ gt 0 xdϵ 0 lt xdϵ x0 lt dϵ f xdϵ f x0 gt ϵ displaystyle exists epsilon gt 0 forall delta epsilon gt 0 exists x delta epsilon 0 lt x delta epsilon x 0 lt delta epsilon implies f x delta epsilon f x 0 gt epsilon then we can take dϵ 1 n n gt 0 displaystyle delta epsilon 1 n forall n gt 0 and call the corresponding point xdϵ xn displaystyle x delta epsilon x n in this way we have defined a sequence xn n 1 displaystyle x n n geq 1 such that

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