In linguistics, a compound is a lexeme (less precisely, a word or sign) that consists of more than one stem. Compounding, composition or nominal composition is the process of word formation that creates compound lexemes. Compounding occurs when two or more words or signs are joined to make a longer word or sign. Consequently, a compound is a unit composed of more than one stem, forming words or signs. If the joining of the words or signs is orthographically represented with a hyphen, the result is a hyphenated compound (e.g., must-have, hunter-gatherer). If they are joined without an intervening space, it is a closed compound (e.g., footpath, blackbird). If they are joined with a space (e.g. school bus, high school, lowest common denominator), then the result – at least in English – may be an open compound.
The meaning of the compound may be similar to or different from the meaning of its components in isolation. The component stems of a compound may be of the same part of speech—as in the case of the English word footpath, composed of the two nouns foot and path—or they may belong to different parts of speech, as in the case of the English word blackbird, composed of the adjective black and the noun bird. With very few exceptions, English compound words are stressed on their first component stem.
As a member of the Germanic family of languages, English is unusual in that even simple compounds made since the 18th century tend to be written in separate parts. This would be an error in other Germanic languages such as Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, German, and Dutch. However, this is merely an orthographic convention: as in other Germanic languages, arbitrary noun phrases, for example "girl scout troop", "city council member", and "cellar door", can be made up on the spot and used as compound nouns in English too.
For example, German Donaudampfschifffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän would be written in English as "Danube steamship transport company captain" and not as "Danubesteamshiptransportcompanycaptain".
The meaning of compounds may not always be transparent from their components, necessitating familiarity with usage and context. The addition of affix morphemes to words (such as suffixes or prefixes, as in employ → employment) should not be confused with nominal composition, as this is actually morphological derivation.
Some languages easily form compounds from what in other languages would be a multi-word expression. This can result in unusually long words, a phenomenon known in German (which is one such language) as Bandwurmwörter ("tapeworm words").
Compounding extends beyond spoken languages to include Sign languages as well, where compounds are also created by combining two or more sign stems.
So-called "classical compounds" are compounds derived from classical Latin or ancient Greek roots.
Formation of compounds
Compound formation rules vary widely across language types.
In a synthetic language, the relationship between the elements of a compound may be marked with a case or other morpheme. For example, the German compound Kapitänspatent consists of the lexemes Kapitän (sea captain) and Patent (license) joined by an -s- (originally a genitive case suffix); and similarly, the Latin lexeme paterfamilias contains the archaic genitive form familias of the lexeme familia (family). Conversely, in the Hebrew language compound, the word בֵּית סֵפֶר bet sefer (school), it is the head that is modified: the compound literally means "house-of book", with בַּיִת bayit (house) having entered the construct state to become בֵּית bet (house-of). This latter pattern is common throughout the Semitic languages, though in some it is combined with an explicit genitive case, so that both parts of the compound are marked, e.g.
"servant of-the-god: the servant of God"
Agglutinative languages tend to create very long words with derivational morphemes. Compounds may or may not require the use of derivational morphemes also.
In German, extremely extendable compound words can be found in the language of chemical compounds, where, in the cases of biochemistry and polymers, they can be practically unlimited in length, mostly because the German rule suggests combining all noun adjuncts with the noun as the last stem. German examples include Farbfernsehgerät (color television set), Funkfernbedienung (radio remote control), and the often quoted jocular word Donaudampfschifffahrtsgesellschaftskapitänsmütze (originally only two Fs, Danube-Steamboat-Shipping Company captain['s] hat), which can of course be made even longer and even more absurd, e.g. Donaudampfschifffahrtsgesellschaftskapitänsmützenreinigungsausschreibungsverordnungsdiskussionsanfang ("beginning of the discussion of a regulation on tendering of Danube steamboat shipping company captain hats") etc. According to several editions of the Guinness Book of World Records, the longest published German word has 79 letters and is Donaudampfschiffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft ("Association for Subordinate Officials of the Main Electric[ity] Maintenance Building of the Danube Steam Shipping"), but there is no evidence that this association ever actually existed.
In Finnish, although there is theoretically no limit to the length of compound words, words consisting of more than three components are rare. Internet folklore sometimes suggests that lentokonesuihkuturbiinimoottoriapumekaanikkoaliupseerioppilas (airplane jet turbine engine auxiliary mechanic non-commissioned officer student) is the longest word in Finnish, but evidence of its actual use is scant and anecdotal at best.
Compounds can be rather long when translating technical documents from English to some other language, since the lengths of the words are theoretically unlimited, especially in chemical terminology. For example, when translating an English technical document to Swedish, the term "Motion estimation search range settings" can be directly translated to rörelseuppskattningssökintervallsinställningar, though in reality, the word would most likely be divided in two: sökintervallsinställningar för rörelseuppskattning – "search range settings for motion estimation".
Semantic classification
A common semantic classification of compounds yields four types:
- endocentric
- exocentric
- copulative
- appositional
An endocentric compound (tatpuruṣa in the Sanskrit tradition) consists of a head, i.e. the categorical part that contains the basic meaning of the whole compound, and modifiers, which restrict this meaning. For example, the English compound doghouse, where house is the head and dog is the modifier, is understood as a house intended for a dog. Endocentric compounds tend to be of the same part of speech (word class) as their head, as in the case of doghouse.
An exocentric compound (bahuvrihi in the Sanskrit tradition) is a hyponym of some unexpressed semantic category (such as a person, plant, or animal): none (neither) of its components can be perceived as a formal head, and its meaning often cannot be transparently guessed from its constituent parts. For example, the English compound white-collar is neither a kind of collar nor a white thing. In an exocentric compound, the word class is determined lexically, disregarding the class of the constituents. For example, a must-have is not a verb but a noun. The meaning of this type of compound can be glossed as "(one) whose B is A", where B is the second element of the compound and A the first. A bahuvrihi compound is one whose nature is expressed by neither of the words: thus a white-collar person is neither white nor a collar (the collar's colour is a metonym for socioeconomic status). Other English examples include barefoot.
Copulative compounds (dvandva in the Sanskrit tradition) are compounds with two semantic heads, for example in a gradual scale (such as a mix of colours).
Appositional compounds are lexemes that have two (contrary or simultaneous) attributes that classify the compound.
Type | Description | Examples |
endocentric | A+B denotes a special kind of B | darkroom, smalltalk |
exocentric | A+B denotes a special kind of an unexpressed different semantic meaning C | redhead, scarecrow |
copulative | A+B denotes 'the sum' of what A and B denote | bittersweet, sleepwalk |
appositional | A and B provide different descriptions for the same referent | hunter-gatherer, maidservant |
Syntactic classification
Noun–noun compounds
All natural languages have compound nouns. The positioning of the words (i.e. the most common order of constituents in phrases where nouns are modified by adjectives, by possessors, by other nouns, etc.) varies according to the language. While Germanic languages, for example, are left-branching when it comes to noun phrases (the modifiers come before the head), the Romance languages are usually right-branching.
English compound nouns can be spaced, hyphenated, or solid, and they sometimes change orthographically in that direction over time, reflecting a semantic identity that evolves from a mere collocation to something stronger in its solidification. This theme has been summarized in usage guides under the aphorism that "compound nouns tend to solidify as they age"; thus a compound noun such as place name begins as spaced in most attestations and then becomes hyphenated as place-name and eventually solid as placename, or the spaced compound noun file name directly becomes solid as filename without being hyphenated.
Type | Description | Examples |
Spaced (or open) | The words are not visibly connected in writing. | place name, ice cream |
Hyphenated | A hyphen is used to join the words. | place-name, hunter-gatherer |
Solid (or closed) | When written, there is no space or intervening punctuation. | placename, scarecrow |
German, a fellow West Germanic language, has a somewhat different orthography, whereby compound nouns are virtually always required to be solid or at least hyphenated; even the hyphenated styling is used less now than it was in centuries past.
In French, compound nouns are often formed by left-hand heads with prepositional components inserted before the modifier, as in chemin-de-fer 'railway', lit. 'road of iron', and moulin à vent 'windmill', lit. 'mill (that works)-by-means-of wind'.
In Turkish, one way of forming compound nouns is as follows: yeldeğirmeni 'windmill' (yel: wind, değirmen-i: mill-possessive); demiryolu 'railway' (demir: iron, yol-u: road-possessive).
Occasionally, two synonymous nouns can form a compound noun, resulting in a pleonasm. One example is the English word pathway.
In Arabic, there are two distinct criteria unique to Arabic, or potentially Semitic languages in general. The initial criterion involves whether the possessive marker li-/la ‘for/of’ appears or is absent when the first element is definite. The second criterion deals with the appearance/absence of the possessive marker li-/la ‘for/of’ when the first element is preceded by a cardinal number.
Verb–noun compounds
A type of compound that is fairly common in the Indo-European languages is formed of a verb and its object, and in effect transforms a simple verbal clause into a noun.
In Spanish, for example, such compounds consist of a verb conjugated for the second person singular imperative followed by a noun (singular or plural): e.g., rascacielos (modelled on "skyscraper", lit. 'scratch skies'), sacacorchos 'corkscrew' (lit. 'pull corks'), guardarropa 'wardrobe' (lit. 'store clothes'). These compounds are formally invariable in the plural (but in many cases they have been reanalyzed as plural forms, and a singular form has appeared). French and Italian have these same compounds with the noun in the singular form: Italian grattacielo 'skyscraper', French grille-pain 'toaster' (lit. 'toast bread').
This construction exists in English, generally with the verb and noun both in uninflected form: examples are spoilsport, killjoy, breakfast, cutthroat, pickpocket, dreadnought, and know-nothing.
Also common in English is another type of verb–noun (or noun–verb) compound, in which an argument of the verb is incorporated into the verb, which is then usually turned into a gerund, such as breastfeeding, finger-pointing, etc. The noun is often an instrumental complement. From these gerunds new verbs can be made: (a mother) breastfeeds (a child) and from them new compounds mother-child breastfeeding, etc.
In the Australian Aboriginal language Jingulu, a Pama–Nyungan language, it is claimed that all verbs are V+N compounds, such as "do a sleep", or "run a dive", and the language has only three basic verbs: do, make, and run.
A special kind of compounding is incorporation, of which noun incorporation into a verbal root (as in English backstabbing, breastfeed, etc.) is most prevalent (see below).
Verb–verb compounds
Verb–verb compounds are sequences of more than one verb acting together to determine clause structure. They have two types:
- In a serial verb, two actions, often sequential, are expressed in a single clause. For example:
"turn and leave"
In Tamil, a Dravidian language, van̪t̪u paːr, lit. "come see". In each case, the two verbs together determine the semantics and argument structure.
Serial verb expressions in English may include What did you go and do that for?, or He just upped and left; this is however not quite a true compound since they are connected by a conjunction and the second missing arguments may be taken as a case of ellipsis.
- In a compound verb (or complex predicate), one of the verbs is the primary, and determines the primary semantics and also the argument structure. The secondary verb, often called a vector verb or explicator, provides fine distinctions, usually in temporality or aspect, and also carries the inflection (tense and/or agreement markers). The main verb usually appears in conjunctive participial (sometimes zero) form. For examples, Hindi निकल गया nikal gayā, lit. "exit went", means 'went out', while निकल पड़ा nikal paRā, lit. "exit fell", means 'departed' or 'was blurted out'. In these examples निकल nikal is the primary verb, and गया gayā and पड़ा paRā are the vector verbs. Similarly, in both English start reading and Japanese 読み始める yomihajimeru "read-CONJUNCTIVE-start" "start reading", the vector verbs start and 始める hajimeru "start" change according to tense, negation, and the like, while the main verbs reading and 読み yomi "reading" usually remain the same. An exception to this is the passive voice, in which both English and Japanese modify the main verb, i.e. start to be read and 読まれ始める yomarehajimeru lit. "read-PASSIVE-(CONJUNCTIVE)-start" start to be read. With a few exceptions, all compound verbs alternate with their simple counterparts. That is, removing the vector does not affect grammaticality at all nor the meaning very much: निकला nikalā '(He) went out.' In a few languages both components of the compound verb can be finite forms: Kurukh kecc-ar ker-ar lit. "died-3pl went-3pl" '(They) died.'
- Compound verbs are very common in some languages, such as the northern Indo-Aryan languages Hindustani and Punjabi, and Dravidian languages like Tamil, where as many as 20% of verb forms in running text are compound. They exist but are less common in other Indo-Aryan languages like Marathi and Nepali, in Tibeto-Burman languages like Limbu and Newari, in Turkic languages like Turkish and Kyrgyz, in Korean and Japanese, and in northeast Caucasian languages like Tsez and Avar.
- Under the influence of a Quichua substrate speakers living in the Ecuadorian altiplano have innovated compound verbs in Spanish:
'In anger (he/she) smashed the pot.'
- Botaremos matándote 'We will kill you.' (Cf. Quichua
Unknown glossing abbreviation(s) (help);
- Likewise in Hindi:
- Compound verb equivalents in English (examples from the internet):
- What did you go and do that for?
- If you are not giving away free information on your web site then a huge proportion of your business is just upping and leaving.
- Big Pig, she took and built herself a house out of brush.
- Caution: In descriptions of Persian and other Iranian languages the term 'compound verb' refers to noun-plus-verb compounds, not to the verb–verb compounds discussed here.
Parasynthetic compounds
Parasynthetic compounds are formed by a combination of compounding and derivation, with multiple lexical stems and a derivational affix. For example, English black-eyed is composed of black, eye, and -ed 'having', with the meaning 'having a black eye'; Italian imbustare is composed of in- 'in', busta 'envelope', -are (verbal suffix), with the meaning 'to put into an envelope'.
Compound adpositions
Compound prepositions formed by prepositions and nouns are common in English and the Romance languages (consider English on top of, Spanish encima de, etc.). Hindi has a small number of simple (i.e., one-word) postpositions and a large number of compound postpositions, mostly consisting of simple postposition ke followed by a specific postposition (e.g., ke pas, "near"; ke nīche, "underneath").
Examples from different languages
- معلمو الفيزياء muʕallim-uu l-fiizyaaʔ 'the physics teachers': معلمو muʕallim-uu 'teachers' + الفيزياء fiizyaaʔ 'physics'
- إبرة المخدر ʔibrat l-muxaddir 'the anaesthesia needle': إبرة ʔibrat 'needle' + مخدر muxaddir 'anaesthesia'
Chinese (traditional/simplified Chinese; Standard Chinese Pinyin/Cantonese Jyutping):
- 學生/学生 'student': 學 xué/hok6 learn + 生 shēng/sang1 living being
- 太空/太空 'space': 太 tài/taai3 great + 空 kōng/hung1 emptiness
- 摩天樓/摩天楼 'skyscraper': 摩 mó/mo1 touch + 天 tiān/tin1 sky + 樓 lóu/lau2 building (with more than 1 storey)
- 打印機/打印机 'printer': 打 dǎ/daa2 strike + 印 yìn/yan3 stamp/print + 機 jī/gei1 machine
- 百科全書/百科全书 'encyclopaedia': 百 bǎi/baak3 hundred + 科 kē/fo1 (branch of) study + 全 quán/cyun4 entire/complete + 書 shū/syu1 book
- 謝謝/谢谢 'thanks': Repeating of 謝 xiè thank
- arbeidsongeschiktheidsverzekering 'disability insurance': arbeid 'labour' + ongeschiktheid 'inaptitude' + verzekering 'insurance'.
- rioolwaterzuiveringsinstallatie 'sewage treatment plant': riool 'sewer' + water 'water' + zuivering 'cleaning' + installatie 'installation'.
- verjaardagskalender 'birthday calendar': verjaardag 'birthday' + kalender 'calendar'.
- klantenservicemedewerker 'customer service representative': klanten 'customers' + service 'service' + medewerker 'worker'.
- universiteitsbibliotheek 'university library': universiteit 'university' + bibliotheek 'library'.
- doorgroeimogelijkheden 'possibilities for advancement': door 'through' + groei 'grow' + mogelijkheden 'possibilities'.
- sanakirja 'dictionary': sana 'word' + kirja 'book'
- tietokone 'computer': tieto 'knowledge data' + kone 'machine'
- keskiviikko 'Wednesday': keski 'middle' + viikko 'week'
- maailma 'world': maa 'land' + ilma 'air'
- rautatieasema 'railway station': rauta 'iron' + tie 'road' + asema 'station'
- kolmivaihekilowattituntimittari 'electricity meter': 'three-phase kilowatt hour meter'
- Wolkenkratzer 'skyscraper': Wolken 'clouds' + Kratzer 'scraper'
- Eisenbahn 'railway': Eisen 'iron' + Bahn 'track'
- Kraftfahrzeug 'automobile': Kraft 'power' + fahren/fahr 'drive' + Zeug 'machinery'
- Stacheldraht 'barbed wire': Stachel 'barb/barbed' + Draht 'wire'
- Rinderkennzeichnungs- und Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz: literally cattle-marking- and beef-labeling-supervision-duties-delegation law
Ancient Greek:
- φιλόσοφος philósophos 'philosopher': φίλος phílos 'beloved' + σοφία sophíā 'wisdom'
- δημοκρατία dēmokratíā 'democracy': δῆμος dêmos 'people' + κράτος 'rule'
- ῥοδοδάκτυλος rhododáktylos 'rose-fingered': ῥόδον rhódon 'rose' + δάκτυλος dáktylos 'finger' (a Homeric epithet applied to the Dawn)
- járnbraut 'railway': járn 'iron' + braut 'path' or 'way'
- farartæki 'vehicle': farar 'journey' + tæki 'apparatus'
- alfræðiorðabók 'encyclopedia': al 'everything' + fræði 'study' or 'knowledge' + orðabók 'dictionary' (orða 'words' + bók 'book')
- símtal 'telephone conversation': sím 'telephone' + tal 'dialogue'
- millepiedi 'millipede': mille 'thousand' + piedi 'feet'
- ferrovia 'railway': ferro 'iron' + via 'way'
- tergicristallo 'windscreen wiper': tergere 'to wash' + cristallo 'crystal (pane of) glass'
- pomodoro: pomo d'oro = apple of Gold = tomatoes
- portacenere = porta cenere = ashtray
- 目覚まし(時計) mezamashi(dokei) 'alarm clock': 目 me 'eye' + 覚まし samashi (-zamashi) 'awakening (someone)' (+ 時計 tokei (-dokei) clock)
- お好み焼き okonomiyaki: お好み okonomi 'preference' + 焼き yaki 'cooking'
- 日帰り higaeri 'day trip': 日 hi 'day' + 帰り kaeri (-gaeri) 'returning (home)'
- 国会議事堂 kokkaigijidō 'national diet building': 国会 kokkai 'national diet' + 議事 giji 'proceedings' + 堂 dō 'hall'
- 안팎 anpak 'inside and outside': 안 an 'inside' + 밖 bak 'outside' (As two nouns compound the consonant sound 'b' fortifies into 'p' becoming 안팎 anpak rather than 안밖 anbak)
- mashkikiwaaboo 'tonic': mashkiki 'medicine' + waaboo 'liquid'
- miskomin 'raspberry': misko 'red' + miin 'berry'
- dibik-giizis 'moon': dibik 'night' + giizis 'sun'
- gichi-mookomaan 'white person/American': gichi 'big' + mookomaan 'knife'
- ciencia-ficción 'science fiction': ciencia, 'science', + ficción, 'fiction' (This word is a calque from the English expression science fiction. In English, the head of a compound word is the last morpheme: science fiction. Conversely, the Spanish head is located at the front, so ciencia ficción sounds like a kind of fictional science rather than scientific fiction.)
- ciempiés 'centipede': cien 'hundred' + pies 'feet'
- ferrocarril 'railway': ferro 'iron' + carril 'lane'
- paraguas 'umbrella': para 'stops' + aguas '(the) water'
- cabizbajo 'keeping the head low in a bad mood': cabeza 'head' + bajo 'down'
- subibaja 'seesaw' (contraction of sube y baja 'goes up and down')
- limpiaparabrisas 'windshield wiper' is a nested compound:limpia 'clean' + parabrisas windshield, which is itself a compound of para 'stop' + brisas 'breezes'.
- In Cemmozhi (Classical Tamil), rules for compounding are laid down in grammars such as Tolkappiyam and Nannūl, in various forms, under the name punarcci. Examples of compounds include kopuram from 'kō' (king) + 'puram' (exterior). Sometimes phonemes may be inserted during the blending process such as in kovil from 'kō' (king) + 'il' (home). Other types are like vennai (butter) from 'veḷḷai' (white) + 'nei' (ghee); note how 'veḷḷai' becomes 'ven'.
- In koṭuntamizh (Non-standard Tamil), parts of words from other languages may be morphed into Tamil. Common examples include 'ratta-azhuttam' (blood pressure) from the Sanskrit rakta (blood) and Cemmozhi 'azhuttam' (pressure); note how rakta becomes ratta in Tamil order to remove the consonant-cluster. This also happens with English, for examples kāpi-kaṭai (coffee shop) is from English coffee, which becomes kāpi in Tamil, and the Tamil kaṭai meaning shop.
Tłįchǫ Yatiì/Dogrib:
- dlòotsǫ̀ǫ̀ 'peanut butter': dlòo 'squirrel' + tsǫ̀ǫ̀ 'dung'
- eyakǫ̀ 'hospital: eya 'sick' + kǫ̀ 'house'
- dè gotłeè 'kerosene': dè 'land' + gotłeè 'its fat'
- dǫ łèt'è 'bannock': dǫ '[Aboriginal] people' + łèt'è 'bread'
Germanic languages
In Germanic languages (including English), compounds are formed by prepending what is effectively a namespace (disambiguation context) to the main word. For example, "football" would be a "ball" in the "foot" context. In itself, this does not alter the meaning of the main word. The added context only makes it more precise. As such, a "football" must be understood as a "ball". However, as is the case with "football", a well established compound word may have gained a special meaning in the language's vocabulary. Only this defines "football" as a particular type of ball (unambiguously the round object, not the dance party, at that), and also the game involving such a ball. Another example of special and altered meaning is "starfish" – a starfish is in fact not a fish in modern biology. Also syntactically, the compound word behaves like the main word – the whole compound word (or phrase) inherits the word class and inflection rules of the main word. That is to say, since "fish" and "shape" are nouns, "starfish" and "star shape" must also be nouns, and they must take plural forms as "starfish" and "star shapes", definite singular forms as "the starfish" and "the star shape", and so on. This principle also holds for languages that express definiteness by inflection (as in North Germanic).
Because a compound is understood as a word in its own right, it may in turn be used in new compounds, so forming an arbitrarily long word is trivial. This contrasts to Romance languages, where prepositions are more used to specify word relationships instead of concatenating the words. As a member of the Germanic family of languages, English is unusual in that compounds are normally written in separate parts. This would be an error in other Germanic languages such as Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, German and Dutch. However, this is merely an orthographic convention: As in other Germanic languages, arbitrary noun phrases, for example "girl scout troop", "city council member", and "cellar door", can be made up on the spot and used as compound nouns in English too.
Russian language
In the Russian language compounding is a common type of word formation, and several types of compounds exist, both in terms of compounded parts of speech and of the way of the formation of a compound.
Compound nouns may be agglutinative compounds, hyphenated compounds (стол-книга 'folding table', lit. 'table-book', "book-like table"), or abbreviated compounds (acronyms: колхоз 'kolkhoz'). Some compounds look like acronym, while in fact they are an agglutinations of type stem + word: Академгородок 'Akademgorodok' (from akademichesky gorodok 'academic village'). In agglutinative compound nouns, an agglutinating infix is typically used: пароход 'steamship': пар + о + ход. Compound nouns may be created as noun+noun, adjective + noun, noun + adjective (rare), noun + verb (or, rather, noun + verbal noun).
Compound adjectives may be formed either per se (бело-розовый 'white-pink') or as a result of compounding during the derivation of an adjective from a multi-word term: Каменноостровский проспект ([kəmʲɪnnʌʌˈstrovskʲɪj prʌˈspʲɛkt]) 'Stone Island Avenue', a street in St.Petersburg.
Reduplication in Russian is also a source of compounds.
Quite a few Russian words are borrowed from other languages in an already-compounded form, including numerous "classical compounds" or internationalisms: автомобиль 'automobile'.
Sanskrit language
Sanskrit is very rich in compound formation with seven major compound types and as many as 55 sub-types. The compound formation process is productive, so it is not possible to list all Sanskrit compounds in a dictionary. Compounds of two or three words are more frequent, but longer compounds with some running through pages are not rare in Sanskrit literature. Some examples are below (hyphens below show individual word boundaries for ease of reading but are not required in original Sanskrit).
- हिमालय (IAST Himālaya, decomposed as hima-ālaya): Name of the Himalaya mountain range. Literally the abode of snow. A compound of two words and four syllables.
- प्रवर-मुकुट-मणि-मरीचि-मञ्जरी-चय-चर्चित-चरण-युगल (IAST pravara-mukuṭa-maṇi-marīci-mañjarī-caya-carcita-caraṇa-yugala): Literally, O the one whose dual feet are covered by the cluster of brilliant rays from the gems of the best crowns, from the Sanskrit work Panchatantra. A compound of nine words and 25 syllables.
- कमला-कुच-कुङ्कुम-पिञ्जरीकृत-वक्षः-स्थल-विराजित-महा-कौस्तुभ-मणि-मरीचि-माला-निराकृत-त्रि-भुवन-तिमिर (IAST kamalā-kuca-kuṅkuma-piñjarīkṛta-vakṣaḥ-sthala-virājita-mahā-kaustubha-maṇi-marīci-mālā-nirākṛta-tri-bhuvana-timira): Literally O the one who dispels the darkness of three worlds by the shine of Kaustubha jewel hanging on the chest, which has been made reddish-yellow by the saffron from the bosom of Kamalā (Lakshmi), an adjective of Rama in the Kakabhushundi Rāmāyaṇa. A compound of 16 words and 44 syllables.
- साङ्ख्य-योग-न्याय-वैशेषिक-पूर्व-मीमांसा-वेदान्त-नारद-शाण्डिल्य-भक्ति-सूत्र-गीता-वाल्मीकीय-रामायण-भागवतादि-सिद्धान्त-बोध-पुरः-सर-समधिकृताशेष-तुलसी-दास-साहित्य-सौहित्य-स्वाध्याय-प्रवचन-व्याख्यान-परम-प्रवीणाः (IAST sāṅkhya-yoga-nyāya-vaiśeṣika-pūrva-mīmāṃsā-vedānta-nārada-śāṇḍilya-bhakti-sūtra-gītā-vālmīkīya-rāmāyaṇa-bhāgavatādi-siddhānta-bodha-puraḥ-sara-samadhikṛtāśeṣa-tulasī-dāsa-sāhitya-sauhitya-svādhyāya-pravacana-vyākhyāna-parama-pravīṇāḥ): Literally the acclaimed forerunner in understanding of the canons of Sāṅkhya, Yoga, Nyāya, Vaiśeṣika, Pūrva Mīmāṃsā, Vedānta, Nārada Bhakti Sūtra, Śāṇḍilya Bhakti Sūtra, Bhagavad Gītā, the Ramayana of Vālmīki, Śrīmadbhāgavata; and the most skilled in comprehensive self-study, discoursing and expounding of the complete works of Gosvāmī Tulasīdāsa. An adjective used in a panegyric of Jagadguru Rambhadracharya. The hyphens show only those word boundaries where there is no sandhi. On including word boundaries with sandhi (vedānta=veda-anta, rāmāyaṇa=rāma-ayana, bhāgavatādi=bhāgavata-ādi, siddhānta=siddha-anta, samadhikṛtāśeṣa=samadhikṛta-aśeṣa, svādhyāya=sva-adhyāya), this is a compound of 35 words and 86 syllables.
Sign languages
Also in sign languages, compounding is a productive word formation process. Both endocentric and exocentric compounds have been described for a variety of sign languages. Copulative compounds or dvandva, which are composed of two or more nouns from the same semantic category to denote that semantic category, also occur regularly in many sign languages. The sign for parents in Italian Sign Language, for instance, is a combination of the nouns 'father' and 'mother'. The sign for breakfast in American Sign Language follows the same concept. The words eat and morning are signed together to create a new word meaning breakfast.[citation needed] This is an example of a sequential compound; in sign languages, it is also possible to form simultaneous compounds, where one hand represents one lexeme while the other simultaneously represents another lexeme. An example is the sign for weekend in Sign Language of the Netherlands, which is produced by simultaneously signing a one-handed version of the sign for Saturday and a one-handed version of the sign for Sunday. In American Sign Language there is another process easily compared to compounding. Blending is the blending of two morphemes to create a new word called a portmanteau. This is different from compounding in that it breaks the strict linear order of compounding.
Recent trends in orthography
Although there is no universally agreed-upon guideline regarding the use of compound words in the English language, in recent decades written English has displayed a noticeable trend towards increased use of compounds. Recently, many words have been made by taking syllables of words and compounding them, such as pixel (picture element) and bit (binary digit). This is called a syllabic abbreviation.
In Dutch and the Scandinavian languages there is an unofficial trend toward splitting compound words, known in Norwegian as særskriving, in Swedish as särskrivning (literally "separate writing"), and in Dutch as Engelse ziekte (the "English disease"). Because the Dutch language and the Scandinavian languages rely heavily on the distinction between the compound word and the sequence of the separate words it consists of, this has serious implications. For example, the Norwegian adjective røykfritt (literally "smokefree", meaning no smoking allowed) if separated into its composite parts, would mean røyk fritt ("smoke freely"). In Dutch, compounds written with spaces may also be confused, but can also be interpreted as a sequence of a noun and a genitive (which is unmarked in Dutch) in formal abbreviated writing. This may lead to, for example, commissie vergadering ("commission meeting") being read as "commission of the meeting" rather than "meeting of the commission" (normally spelled commissievergadering).
The German spelling reform of 1996 introduced the option of hyphenating compound nouns when it enhances comprehensibility and readability. This is done mostly with very long compound words by separating them into two or more smaller compounds, like Eisenbahn-Unterführung (railway underpass) or Kraftfahrzeugs-Betriebsanleitung (car manual). Such practice is also permitted in other Germanic languages, e.g. Danish and Norwegian (Bokmål and Nynorsk alike), and is even encouraged between parts of the word that have very different pronunciation, such as when one part is a loan word or an acronym.
Compounding by language
- Classical compounds
- English compounds
- German compounds
- Sanskrit compounds
- Arabic compound
See also
- Compound modifier
- Bracketing paradox
- Etymological calque
- Genitive connector
- Incorporation (linguistics)
- Kenning
- Multiword expression
- Neologism
- Noun adjunct
- Phono-semantic matching
- Portmanteau compounds
- Status constructus
- Syllabic abbreviation
- Tweebuffelsmeteenskootmorsdoodgeskietfontein, South African placename
- Word formation
- Univerbation: a phrase becomes a word
- The word illustrates where compounds can be formed by combining multiple words together to create new, often complex, terms.
- Donau - This refers to the Danube River, the second-longest river in Europe, which flows through several countries including Germany and Austria.
- Dampf - Means "steam" in German, often used in the context of steamboats or steamships.
- Schiffahrt - This translates to "navigation" or "shipping" in English.
- Gesellschaft - Means "society" or "company" in German.
- Kapitän - Refers to the captain of a ship.
- Mütze - This translates to "cap" or "hat" in English.
- Sanchez-Stockhammer, Christina (2018-05-03). English Compounds and their Spelling. Cambridge University Press. p. 26. ISBN 978-1-108-18727-5.
English compounds cannot be defined as an uninterrupted sequence of characters
- University of Chicago press, ed. (2017). The Chicago manual of style (17th ed.). Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. pp. 443–444. ISBN 978-0-226-28705-8.
Compounds defined. An open compound is spelled as two or more words (high school, lowest common denominoator). A hyphenated compound is spelled with one or more hyphens (mass-produced, kilowatt-hour, non-English-speaking). A closed (or solid) compound is spelled as a single word (birthrate, smartphone).
- Nagarajan, Hemalatha (2022-10-20). The Routledge Companion to Linguistics in India. Taylor & Francis. ISBN 978-1-000-77574-7.
The compound can be a closed compound, where the two words are written together (e.g., blackboard), an open compound, where they are written separate (e.g., ice cream), or hyphenated, with a hyphen in between (e.g., short-term).
- McArthur, Thomas Burns; McArthur, Roshan (2005). Concise Oxford Companion to the English Language. Oxford University Press. p. 237. ISBN 978-0-19-280637-6.
- "open compound (noun)". Merriam-Webster. Retrieved 29 January 2024.
a compound whose word components are separated by a space in printing or writing
- "Seattle FinnFest '09".
- Altakhaineh, Abdel Rahman Mitib (2018-02-27). "Identifying N+N compounding in Modern Standard Arabic and Jordanian Arabic". Studia Linguistica. 73 (1): 1–36. doi:10.1111/stul.12087. ISSN 0039-3193.
- R. Pensalfini, Jingulu Grammar, Dictionary and Texts, PhD thesis (MIT, 1992), 138–9.[1]
- Oxford English Dictionary, Third Edition, June 2005 s.v.
- Chiara Melloni, Antonietta Bisetto, "Parasynthetic compounds: data and theory", in Sergio Scalies, Irene Vogel, eds., Cross-Disciplinary Issues in Compounding, ISBN 9789027248275, 2010, p. 199-218
- "Diccionario De La Lengua Española : limpiaparabrisas". Real Academia Española. Retrieved 16 February 2013.
- Student Dictionary of Compound Words of the Russian Language(1978) ISBN 0-8285-5190-1
- Kumar, Anil; Mittal, Vipul; Kulkarni, Amba (2010). "Sanskrit Compound Processor". In Jha, Girish Nath (ed.). Sanskrit Computational Linguistics: 4th International Symposium, New Delhi, India, December 10–12, 2010: Proceedings (Volume 6465 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence Series). Springer. pp. 57–69. ISBN 978-3-642-17527-5.
- Harper, Douglas. "Himalaya". Online Etymology Dictionary. Retrieved 2011-07-17.
- Kumar, Animesh (May 23, 2007). "Sruti Krta Rama Stuti". Stutimandal.com. Retrieved July 1, 2011.
- "Virudavali – Jagadguru Rambhadracharya". Shri Tulsi Peeth Seva Nyas. Retrieved October 25, 2011.
- Quer, Josep; Cecchetto, Carlo; Donati, Caterina; Geraci, Carlo, eds. (2017-11-20). "Part 4: Morphology". Sign Gram Blueprint. De Gruyter. pp. 163–270. doi:10.1515/9781501511806-009. ISBN 9781501511806. Retrieved 2019-02-19.
- "Word formation: compounding and blending in sign language". www.handspeak.com. Retrieved 2022-10-25.
- Hill, Joseph C. (2017). "Deaf Culture: Exploring Deaf Communities in the United States by Irene W. Leigh, Jean F. Andrews, and Raychelle L. Harris". Sign Language Studies. 18 (1): 162–165. doi:10.1353/sls.2017.0025. ISSN 1533-6263. S2CID 148714617.
- Sedivy, Julie (2017-11-16). "The Rise and Fall of the English Sentence". Nautilus. Retrieved 2020-08-02.
- Kortmann, Bernd: English Linguistics: Essentials, Cornelsen, Berlin 2005.
- The Oxford Handbook of Compounding, eds. Lieber, Rochelle & Pavol Štekauer, 2009. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Plag, Ingo: Word-formation in English, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2003.
- Scalise Sergio & Irene Vogel (eds.) (2010), Cross-Disciplinary Issues in Compounding, Amsterdam, Benjamins.
External links
- Compound word, encyclopedia.com
- Compounds and multi-word expressions in the languages of Europe by Rita Finkbeiner and Barbara Schlücker, 2019
- Compounds and multi-word expressions in English by Laurie Bauer, 2019
- Compounds and multi-word expressions in Finnish by Irma Hyvärinen, 2019
- Compounds and multi-word expressions in French by Kristel Van Goethem, 2018
- Compounds and multi-word expressions in German by Barbara Schlücker, 2019
- Compounds and multi-word expressions in Greek by Maria Koliopoulou, 2019
- Compounds and multi-word expressions in Hungarian by Ferenc Kiefer, 2019
- Compounds and multi-word expressions in Italian by Francesca Masini, 2019
- Compounds and multi-word expressions in Polish by Bozena Cetnarowska, 2019
- Compounds and multi-word expressions in Russian by Ingeborg Ohnheiser, 2019
- Compounds and multi-word expressions in Spanish by Jesús Fernández-Domínguez, 2019
In linguistics a compound is a lexeme less precisely a word or sign that consists of more than one stem Compounding composition or nominal composition is the process of word formation that creates compound lexemes Compounding occurs when two or more words or signs are joined to make a longer word or sign Consequently a compound is a unit composed of more than one stem forming words or signs If the joining of the words or signs is orthographically represented with a hyphen the result is a hyphenated compound e g must have hunter gatherer If they are joined without an intervening space it is a closed compound e g footpath blackbird If they are joined with a space e g school bus high school lowest common denominator then the result at least in English may be an open compound The meaning of the compound may be similar to or different from the meaning of its components in isolation The component stems of a compound may be of the same part of speech as in the case of the English word footpath composed of the two nouns foot and path or they may belong to different parts of speech as in the case of the English word blackbird composed of the adjective black and the noun bird With very few exceptions English compound words are stressed on their first component stem As a member of the Germanic family of languages English is unusual in that even simple compounds made since the 18th century tend to be written in separate parts This would be an error in other Germanic languages such as Norwegian Swedish Danish German and Dutch However this is merely an orthographic convention as in other Germanic languages arbitrary noun phrases for example girl scout troop city council member and cellar door can be made up on the spot and used as compound nouns in English too For example German Donau dampfschifffahrts gesellschafts kapitan would be written in English as Danube steamship transport company captain and not as Danube steamship transportcompany captain The meaning of compounds may not always be transparent from their components necessitating familiarity with usage and context The addition of affix morphemes to words such as suffixes or prefixes as in employ employment should not be confused with nominal composition as this is actually morphological derivation Some languages easily form compounds from what in other languages would be a multi word expression This can result in unusually long words a phenomenon known in German which is one such language as Bandwurmworter tapeworm words Compounding extends beyond spoken languages to include Sign languages as well where compounds are also created by combining two or more sign stems So called classical compounds are compounds derived from classical Latin or ancient Greek roots Formation of compoundsCompound formation rules vary widely across language types In a synthetic language the relationship between the elements of a compound may be marked with a case or other morpheme For example the German compound Kapitanspatent consists of the lexemes Kapitan sea captain and Patent license joined by an s originally a genitive case suffix and similarly the Latin lexeme paterfamilias contains the archaic genitive form familias of the lexeme familia family Conversely in the Hebrew language compound the word ב ית ס פ ר bet sefer school it is the head that is modified the compound literally means house of book with ב י ת bayit house having entered the construct state to become ב ית bet house of This latter pattern is common throughout the Semitic languages though in some it is combined with an explicit genitive case so that both parts of the compound are marked e g Arabicعبد اللهʕabd u servant NOMl lah i DEF god GEN ʕabd u l lah i servant NOM DEF god GEN servant of the god the servant of God Agglutinative languages tend to create very long words with derivational morphemes Compounds may or may not require the use of derivational morphemes also In German extremely extendable compound words can be found in the language of chemical compounds where in the cases of biochemistry and polymers they can be practically unlimited in length mostly because the German rule suggests combining all noun adjuncts with the noun as the last stem German examples include Farb fernsehgerat color television set Funk fernbedienung radio remote control and the often quoted jocular word Donau dampfschifffahrts gesellschafts kapitansmutze originally only two Fs Danube Steamboat Shipping Company captain s hat which can of course be made even longer and even more absurd e g Donau dampfschifffahrts gesellschafts kapitansmutzen reinigungs ausschreibungs verordnungs diskussionsanfang beginning of the discussion of a regulation on tendering of Danube steamboat shipping company captain hats etc According to several editions of the Guinness Book of World Records the longest published German word has 79 letters and is Donau dampfschiffahrts elektrizitaten hauptbetriebswerkbau unterbeamten gesellschaft Association for Subordinate Officials of the Main Electric ity Maintenance Building of the Danube Steam Shipping but there is no evidence that this association ever actually existed In Finnish although there is theoretically no limit to the length of compound words words consisting of more than three components are rare Internet folklore sometimes suggests that lentokone suihkuturbiinimoottori apumekaanikko aliupseerioppilas airplane jet turbine engine auxiliary mechanic non commissioned officer student is the longest word in Finnish but evidence of its actual use is scant and anecdotal at best Compounds can be rather long when translating technical documents from English to some other language since the lengths of the words are theoretically unlimited especially in chemical terminology For example when translating an English technical document to Swedish the term Motion estimation search range settings can be directly translated to rorelse uppskattnings sokintervalls installningar though in reality the word would most likely be divided in two sokintervalls installningar for rorelse uppskattning search range settings for motion estimation SubclassesSemantic classification A common semantic classification of compounds yields four types endocentric exocentric copulative appositional An endocentric compound tatpuruṣa in the Sanskrit tradition consists of a head i e the categorical part that contains the basic meaning of the whole compound and modifiers which restrict this meaning For example the English compound doghouse where house is the head and dog is the modifier is understood as a house intended for a dog Endocentric compounds tend to be of the same part of speech word class as their head as in the case of doghouse An exocentric compound bahuvrihi in the Sanskrit tradition is a hyponym of some unexpressed semantic category such as a person plant or animal none neither of its components can be perceived as a formal head and its meaning often cannot be transparently guessed from its constituent parts For example the English compound white collar is neither a kind of collar nor a white thing In an exocentric compound the word class is determined lexically disregarding the class of the constituents For example a must have is not a verb but a noun The meaning of this type of compound can be glossed as one whose B is A where B is the second element of the compound and A the first A bahuvrihi compound is one whose nature is expressed by neither of the words thus a white collar person is neither white nor a collar the collar s colour is a metonym for socioeconomic status Other English examples include barefoot Copulative compounds dvandva in the Sanskrit tradition are compounds with two semantic heads for example in a gradual scale such as a mix of colours Appositional compounds are lexemes that have two contrary or simultaneous attributes that classify the compound Type Description Examplesendocentric A B denotes a special kind of B darkroom smalltalkexocentric A B denotes a special kind of an unexpressed different semantic meaning C redhead scarecrowcopulative A B denotes the sum of what A and B denote bittersweet sleepwalkappositional A and B provide different descriptions for the same referent hunter gatherer maidservantSyntactic classification Noun noun compounds All natural languages have compound nouns The positioning of the words i e the most common order of constituents in phrases where nouns are modified by adjectives by possessors by other nouns etc varies according to the language While Germanic languages for example are left branching when it comes to noun phrases the modifiers come before the head the Romance languages are usually right branching English compound nouns can be spaced hyphenated or solid and they sometimes change orthographically in that direction over time reflecting a semantic identity that evolves from a mere collocation to something stronger in its solidification This theme has been summarized in usage guides under the aphorism that compound nouns tend to solidify as they age thus a compound noun such as place name begins as spaced in most attestations and then becomes hyphenated as place name and eventually solid as placename or the spaced compound noun file name directly becomes solid as filename without being hyphenated Types of English compound nouns Type Description ExamplesSpaced or open The words are not visibly connected in writing place name ice creamHyphenated A hyphen is used to join the words place name hunter gathererSolid or closed When written there is no space or intervening punctuation placename scarecrow German a fellow West Germanic language has a somewhat different orthography whereby compound nouns are virtually always required to be solid or at least hyphenated even the hyphenated styling is used less now than it was in centuries past In French compound nouns are often formed by left hand heads with prepositional components inserted before the modifier as in chemin de fer railway lit road of iron and moulin a vent windmill lit mill that works by means of wind In Turkish one way of forming compound nouns is as follows yeldegirmeni windmill yel wind degirmen i mill possessive demiryolu railway demir iron yol u road possessive Occasionally two synonymous nouns can form a compound noun resulting in a pleonasm One example is the English word pathway In Arabic there are two distinct criteria unique to Arabic or potentially Semitic languages in general The initial criterion involves whether the possessive marker li la for of appears or is absent when the first element is definite The second criterion deals with the appearance absence of the possessive marker li la for of when the first element is preceded by a cardinal number Verb noun compounds A type of compound that is fairly common in the Indo European languages is formed of a verb and its object and in effect transforms a simple verbal clause into a noun In Spanish for example such compounds consist of a verb conjugated for the second person singular imperative followed by a noun singular or plural e g rascacielos modelled on skyscraper lit scratch skies sacacorchos corkscrew lit pull corks guardarropa wardrobe lit store clothes These compounds are formally invariable in the plural but in many cases they have been reanalyzed as plural forms and a singular form has appeared French and Italian have these same compounds with the noun in the singular form Italian grattacielo skyscraper French grille pain toaster lit toast bread This construction exists in English generally with the verb and noun both in uninflected form examples are spoilsport killjoy breakfast cutthroat pickpocket dreadnought and know nothing Also common in English is another type of verb noun or noun verb compound in which an argument of the verb is incorporated into the verb which is then usually turned into a gerund such as breastfeeding finger pointing etc The noun is often an instrumental complement From these gerunds new verbs can be made a mother breastfeeds a child and from them new compounds mother child breastfeeding etc In the Australian Aboriginal language Jingulu a Pama Nyungan language it is claimed that all verbs are V N compounds such as do a sleep or run a dive and the language has only three basic verbs do make and run A special kind of compounding is incorporation of which noun incorporation into a verbal root as in English backstabbing breastfeed etc is most prevalent see below Verb verb compounds Verb verb compounds are sequences of more than one verb acting together to determine clause structure They have two types In a serial verb two actions often sequential are expressed in a single clause For example Ewetrɔ turndzo leave trɔ dzo turn leave turn and leave Hindiज कर ja kar go CONJ PTCPद ख dekh o see IMP ज कर द ख ja kar dekh o go CONJ PTCP see IMP go and see In Tamil a Dravidian language van t u paːr lit come see In each case the two verbs together determine the semantics and argument structure Serial verb expressions in English may include What did you go and do that for or He just upped and left this is however not quite a true compound since they are connected by a conjunction and the second missing arguments may be taken as a case of ellipsis In a compound verb or complex predicate one of the verbs is the primary and determines the primary semantics and also the argument structure The secondary verb often called a vector verb or explicator provides fine distinctions usually in temporality or aspect and also carries the inflection tense and or agreement markers The main verb usually appears in conjunctive participial sometimes zero form For examples Hindi न कल गय nikal gaya lit exit went means went out while न कल पड nikal paRa lit exit fell means departed or was blurted out In these examples न कल nikal is the primary verb and गय gaya and पड paRa are the vector verbs Similarly in both English start reading and Japanese 読み始める yomihajimeru read CONJUNCTIVE start start reading the vector verbs start and 始める hajimeru start change according to tense negation and the like while the main verbs reading and 読み yomi reading usually remain the same An exception to this is the passive voice in which both English and Japanese modify the main verb i e start to be read and 読まれ始める yomarehajimeru lit read PASSIVE CONJUNCTIVE start start to be read With a few exceptions all compound verbs alternate with their simple counterparts That is removing the vector does not affect grammaticality at all nor the meaning very much न कल nikala He went out In a few languages both components of the compound verb can be finite forms Kurukh kecc ar ker ar lit died 3pl went 3pl They died Compound verbs are very common in some languages such as the northern Indo Aryan languages Hindustani and Punjabi and Dravidian languages like Tamil where as many as 20 of verb forms in running text are compound They exist but are less common in other Indo Aryan languages like Marathi and Nepali in Tibeto Burman languages like Limbu and Newari in Turkic languages like Turkish and Kyrgyz in Korean and Japanese and in northeast Caucasian languages like Tsez and Avar Under the influence of a Quichua substrate speakers living in the Ecuadorian altiplano have innovated compound verbs in Spanish De fromrabia angerpuso putrompiendo breakingla theolla pot De rabia puso rompiendo la olla from anger put breaking the pot In anger he she smashed the pot Botaremos matandote We will kill you Cf Quichuahuanuchi shpa kill CPshitashun throw 1PL FUT huanuchi shpa shitashun kill CP throw 1PL FUT Unknown glossing abbreviation s help Likewise in Hindi त र tere weक ko willम र mar kill throwड ल ग DaleNge you त र क म र ड ल ग tere ko mar DaleNge we will kill throw you Compound verb equivalents in English examples from the internet What did you go and do that for If you are not giving away free information on your web site then a huge proportion of your business is just upping and leaving Big Pig she took and built herself a house out of brush Caution In descriptions of Persian and other Iranian languages the term compound verb refers to noun plus verb compounds not to the verb verb compounds discussed here Parasynthetic compounds Parasynthetic compounds are formed by a combination of compounding and derivation with multiple lexical stems and a derivational affix For example English black eyed is composed of black eye and ed having with the meaning having a black eye Italian imbustare is composed of in in busta envelope are verbal suffix with the meaning to put into an envelope Compound adpositions Compound prepositions formed by prepositions and nouns are common in English and the Romance languages consider English on top of Spanish encima de etc Hindi has a small number of simple i e one word postpositions and a large number of compound postpositions mostly consisting of simple postposition ke followed by a specific postposition e g ke pas near ke niche underneath Examples from different languagesArabic معلمو الفيزياء muʕallim uu l fiizyaaʔ the physics teachers معلمو muʕallim uu teachers الفيزياء fiizyaaʔ physics إبرة المخدر ʔibrat l muxaddir the anaesthesia needle إبرة ʔibrat needle مخدر muxaddir anaesthesia Chinese traditional simplified Chinese Standard Chinese Pinyin Cantonese Jyutping 學生 学生 student 學 xue hok6 learn 生 sheng sang1 living being 太空 太空 space 太 tai taai3 great 空 kōng hung1 emptiness 摩天樓 摩天楼 skyscraper 摩 mo mo1 touch 天 tian tin1 sky 樓 lou lau2 building with more than 1 storey 打印機 打印机 printer 打 dǎ daa2 strike 印 yin yan3 stamp print 機 ji gei1 machine 百科全書 百科全书 encyclopaedia 百 bǎi baak3 hundred 科 ke fo1 branch of study 全 quan cyun4 entire complete 書 shu syu1 book 謝謝 谢谢 thanks Repeating of 謝 xie thank Dutch arbeids ongeschiktheids verzekering disability insurance arbeid labour ongeschiktheid inaptitude verzekering insurance rioolwater zuiverings installatie sewage treatment plant riool sewer water water zuivering cleaning installatie installation verjaardags kalender birthday calendar verjaardag birthday kalender calendar klantenservice medewerker customer service representative klanten customers service service medewerker worker universiteits bibliotheek university library universiteit university bibliotheek library doorgroei mogelijkheden possibilities for advancement door through groei grow mogelijkheden possibilities Finnish sanakirja dictionary sana word kirja book tietokone computer tieto knowledge data kone machine keskiviikko Wednesday keski middle viikko week maailma world maa land ilma air rautatieasema railway station rauta iron tie road asema station kolmivaihe kilowattitunti mittari electricity meter three phase kilowatt hour meter Sewage treatment facility The German language has many compounds German Wolkenkratzer skyscraper Wolken clouds Kratzer scraper Eisenbahn railway Eisen iron Bahn track Kraftfahrzeug automobile Kraft power fahren fahr drive Zeug machinery Stacheldraht barbed wire Stachel barb barbed Draht wire Rinder kennzeichnungs und Rindfleisch etikettierungs uberwachungs aufgaben ubertragungs gesetz literally cattle marking and beef labeling supervision duties delegation law Ancient Greek filosofos philosophos philosopher filos philos beloved sofia sophia wisdom dhmokratia demokratia democracy dῆmos demos people kratos rule ῥododaktylos rhododaktylos rose fingered ῥodon rhodon rose daktylos daktylos finger a Homeric epithet applied to the Dawn Icelandic jarnbraut railway jarn iron braut path or way farartaeki vehicle farar journey taeki apparatus alfraediordabok encyclopedia al everything fraedi study or knowledge ordabok dictionary orda words bok book simtal telephone conversation sim telephone tal dialogue Italian millepiedi millipede mille thousand piedi feet ferrovia railway ferro iron via way tergicristallo windscreen wiper tergere to wash cristallo crystal pane of glass pomodoro pomo d oro apple of Gold tomatoes portacenere porta cenere ashtray Japanese 目覚まし 時計 mezamashi dokei alarm clock 目 me eye 覚まし samashi zamashi awakening someone 時計 tokei dokei clock お好み焼き okonomiyaki お好み okonomi preference 焼き yaki cooking 日帰り higaeri day trip 日 hi day 帰り kaeri gaeri returning home 国会議事堂 kokkaigijidō national diet building 国会 kokkai national diet 議事 giji proceedings 堂 dō hall Korean 안팎 anpak inside and outside 안 an inside 밖 bak outside As two nouns compound the consonant sound b fortifies into p becoming 안팎 anpak rather than 안밖 anbak Ojibwe Anishinaabemowin mashkikiwaaboo tonic mashkiki medicine waaboo liquid miskomin raspberry misko red miin berry dibik giizis moon dibik night giizis sun gichi mookomaan white person American gichi big mookomaan knife Spanish ciencia ficcion science fiction ciencia science ficcion fiction This word is a calque from the English expression science fiction In English the head of a compound word is the last morpheme science fiction Conversely the Spanish head is located at the front so ciencia ficcion sounds like a kind of fictional science rather than scientific fiction ciempies centipede cien hundred pies feet ferrocarril railway ferro iron carril lane paraguas umbrella para stops aguas the water cabizbajo keeping the head low in a bad mood cabeza head bajo down subibaja seesaw contraction of sube y baja goes up and down limpiaparabrisas windshield wiper is a nested compound limpia clean parabrisas windshield which is itself a compound of para stop brisas breezes Tamil In Cemmozhi Classical Tamil rules for compounding are laid down in grammars such as Tolkappiyam and Nannul in various forms under the name punarcci Examples of compounds include kopuram from kō king puram exterior Sometimes phonemes may be inserted during the blending process such as in kovil from kō king il home Other types are like vennai butter from veḷḷai white nei ghee note how veḷḷai becomes ven In koṭuntamizh Non standard Tamil parts of words from other languages may be morphed into Tamil Common examples include ratta azhuttam blood pressure from the Sanskrit rakta blood and Cemmozhi azhuttam pressure note how rakta becomes ratta in Tamil order to remove the consonant cluster This also happens with English for examples kapi kaṭai coffee shop is from English coffee which becomes kapi in Tamil and the Tamil kaṭai meaning shop Tlįchǫ Yatii Dogrib dlootsǫ ǫ peanut butter dloo squirrel tsǫ ǫ dung eyakǫ hospital eya sick kǫ house de gotlee kerosene de land gotlee its fat dǫ let e bannock dǫ Aboriginal people let e bread Germanic languages In Germanic languages including English compounds are formed by prepending what is effectively a namespace disambiguation context to the main word For example football would be a ball in the foot context In itself this does not alter the meaning of the main word The added context only makes it more precise As such a football must be understood as a ball However as is the case with football a well established compound word may have gained a special meaning in the language s vocabulary Only this defines football as a particular type of ball unambiguously the round object not the dance party at that and also the game involving such a ball Another example of special and altered meaning is starfish a starfish is in fact not a fish in modern biology Also syntactically the compound word behaves like the main word the whole compound word or phrase inherits the word class and inflection rules of the main word That is to say since fish and shape are nouns starfish and star shape must also be nouns and they must take plural forms as starfish and star shapes definite singular forms as the starfish and the star shape and so on This principle also holds for languages that express definiteness by inflection as in North Germanic Because a compound is understood as a word in its own right it may in turn be used in new compounds so forming an arbitrarily long word is trivial This contrasts to Romance languages where prepositions are more used to specify word relationships instead of concatenating the words As a member of the Germanic family of languages English is unusual in that compounds are normally written in separate parts This would be an error in other Germanic languages such as Norwegian Swedish Danish German and Dutch However this is merely an orthographic convention As in other Germanic languages arbitrary noun phrases for example girl scout troop city council member and cellar door can be made up on the spot and used as compound nouns in English too Russian language In the Russian language compounding is a common type of word formation and several types of compounds exist both in terms of compounded parts of speech and of the way of the formation of a compound Compound nouns may be agglutinative compounds hyphenated compounds stol kniga folding table lit table book book like table or abbreviated compounds acronyms kolhoz kolkhoz Some compounds look like acronym while in fact they are an agglutinations of type stem word Akademgorodok Akademgorodok from akademichesky gorodok academic village In agglutinative compound nouns an agglutinating infix is typically used parohod steamship par o hod Compound nouns may be created as noun noun adjective noun noun adjective rare noun verb or rather noun verbal noun Compound adjectives may be formed either per se belo rozovyj white pink or as a result of compounding during the derivation of an adjective from a multi word term Kamennoostrovskij prospekt kemʲɪnnʌʌˈstrovskʲɪj prʌˈspʲɛkt Stone Island Avenue a street in St Petersburg Reduplication in Russian is also a source of compounds Quite a few Russian words are borrowed from other languages in an already compounded form including numerous classical compounds or internationalisms avtomobil automobile Sanskrit language Sanskrit is very rich in compound formation with seven major compound types and as many as 55 sub types The compound formation process is productive so it is not possible to list all Sanskrit compounds in a dictionary Compounds of two or three words are more frequent but longer compounds with some running through pages are not rare in Sanskrit literature Some examples are below hyphens below show individual word boundaries for ease of reading but are not required in original Sanskrit ह म लय IAST Himalaya decomposed as hima alaya Name of the Himalaya mountain range Literally the abode of snow A compound of two words and four syllables प रवर म क ट मण मर च मञ जर चय चर च त चरण य गल IAST pravara mukuṭa maṇi marici manjari caya carcita caraṇa yugala Literally O the one whose dual feet are covered by the cluster of brilliant rays from the gems of the best crowns from the Sanskrit work Panchatantra A compound of nine words and 25 syllables कमल क च क ङ क म प ञ जर क त वक ष स थल व र ज त मह क स त भ मण मर च म ल न र क त त र भ वन त म र IAST kamala kuca kuṅkuma pinjarikṛta vakṣaḥ sthala virajita maha kaustubha maṇi marici mala nirakṛta tri bhuvana timira Literally O the one who dispels the darkness of three worlds by the shine of Kaustubha jewel hanging on the chest which has been made reddish yellow by the saffron from the bosom of Kamala Lakshmi an adjective of Rama in the Kakabhushundi Ramayaṇa A compound of 16 words and 44 syllables स ङ ख य य ग न य य व श ष क प र व म म स व द न त न रद श ण ड ल य भक त स त र ग त व ल म क य र म यण भ गवत द स द ध न त ब ध प र सर समध क त श ष त लस द स स ह त य स ह त य स व ध य य प रवचन व य ख य न परम प रव ण IAST saṅkhya yoga nyaya vaiseṣika purva mimaṃsa vedanta narada saṇḍilya bhakti sutra gita valmikiya ramayaṇa bhagavatadi siddhanta bodha puraḥ sara samadhikṛtaseṣa tulasi dasa sahitya sauhitya svadhyaya pravacana vyakhyana parama praviṇaḥ Literally the acclaimed forerunner in understanding of the canons of Saṅkhya Yoga Nyaya Vaiseṣika Purva Mimaṃsa Vedanta Narada Bhakti Sutra Saṇḍilya Bhakti Sutra Bhagavad Gita the Ramayana of Valmiki Srimadbhagavata and the most skilled in comprehensive self study discoursing and expounding of the complete works of Gosvami Tulasidasa An adjective used in a panegyric of Jagadguru Rambhadracharya The hyphens show only those word boundaries where there is no sandhi On including word boundaries with sandhi vedanta veda anta ramayaṇa rama ayana bhagavatadi bhagavata adi siddhanta siddha anta samadhikṛtaseṣa samadhikṛta aseṣa svadhyaya sva adhyaya this is a compound of 35 words and 86 syllables Sign languages Also in sign languages compounding is a productive word formation process Both endocentric and exocentric compounds have been described for a variety of sign languages Copulative compounds or dvandva which are composed of two or more nouns from the same semantic category to denote that semantic category also occur regularly in many sign languages The sign for parents in Italian Sign Language for instance is a combination of the nouns father and mother The sign for breakfast in American Sign Language follows the same concept The words eat and morning are signed together to create a new word meaning breakfast citation needed This is an example of a sequential compound in sign languages it is also possible to form simultaneous compounds where one hand represents one lexeme while the other simultaneously represents another lexeme An example is the sign for weekend in Sign Language of the Netherlands which is produced by simultaneously signing a one handed version of the sign for Saturday and a one handed version of the sign for Sunday In American Sign Language there is another process easily compared to compounding Blending is the blending of two morphemes to create a new word called a portmanteau This is different from compounding in that it breaks the strict linear order of compounding Recent trends in orthographyAlthough there is no universally agreed upon guideline regarding the use of compound words in the English language in recent decades written English has displayed a noticeable trend towards increased use of compounds Recently many words have been made by taking syllables of words and compounding them such as pixel picture element and bit binary digit This is called a syllabic abbreviation In Dutch and the Scandinavian languages there is an unofficial trend toward splitting compound words known in Norwegian as saerskriving in Swedish as sarskrivning literally separate writing and in Dutch as Engelse ziekte the English disease Because the Dutch language and the Scandinavian languages rely heavily on the distinction between the compound word and the sequence of the separate words it consists of this has serious implications For example the Norwegian adjective roykfritt literally smokefree meaning no smoking allowed if separated into its composite parts would mean royk fritt smoke freely In Dutch compounds written with spaces may also be confused but can also be interpreted as a sequence of a noun and a genitive which is unmarked in Dutch in formal abbreviated writing This may lead to for example commissie vergadering commission meeting being read as commission of the meeting rather than meeting of the commission normally spelled commissievergadering The German spelling reform of 1996 introduced the option of hyphenating compound nouns when it enhances comprehensibility and readability This is done mostly with very long compound words by separating them into two or more smaller compounds like Eisenbahn Unterfuhrung railway underpass or Kraftfahrzeugs Betriebsanleitung car manual Such practice is also permitted in other Germanic languages e g Danish and Norwegian Bokmal and Nynorsk alike and is even encouraged between parts of the word that have very different pronunciation such as when one part is a loan word or an acronym Compounding by languageClassical compounds English compounds German compounds Sanskrit compounds Arabic compoundSee alsoCompound modifier Bracketing paradox Etymological calque Genitive connector Incorporation linguistics Kenning Multiword expression Neologism Noun adjunct Phono semantic matching Portmanteau compounds Status constructus Syllabic abbreviation Tweebuffelsmeteenskootmorsdoodgeskietfontein South African placename Word formation Univerbation a phrase becomes a wordNotesThe word illustrates where compounds can be formed by combining multiple words together to create new often complex terms Donau This refers to the Danube River the second longest river in Europe which flows through several countries including Germany and Austria Dampf Means steam in German often used in the context of steamboats or steamships Schiffahrt This translates to navigation or shipping in English Gesellschaft Means society or company in German Kapitan Refers to the captain of a ship Mutze This translates to cap or hat in English So Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaftskapitansmutze can be understood as the Danube steam navigation company captain s cap in English ReferencesSanchez Stockhammer Christina 2018 05 03 English Compounds and their Spelling Cambridge University Press p 26 ISBN 978 1 108 18727 5 English compounds cannot be defined as an uninterrupted sequence of characters University of Chicago press ed 2017 The Chicago manual of style 17th ed Chicago The University of Chicago Press pp 443 444 ISBN 978 0 226 28705 8 Compounds defined An open compound is spelled as two or more words high school lowest common denominoator A hyphenated compound is spelled with one or more hyphens mass produced kilowatt hour non English speaking A closed or solid compound is spelled as a single word birthrate smartphone Nagarajan Hemalatha 2022 10 20 The Routledge Companion to Linguistics in India Taylor amp Francis ISBN 978 1 000 77574 7 The compound can be a closed compound where the two words are written together e g blackboard an open compound where they are written separate e g ice cream or hyphenated with a hyphen in between e g short term McArthur Thomas Burns McArthur Roshan 2005 Concise Oxford Companion to the English Language Oxford University Press p 237 ISBN 978 0 19 280637 6 open compound noun Merriam Webster Retrieved 29 January 2024 a compound whose word components are separated by a space in printing or writing Seattle FinnFest 09 Altakhaineh Abdel Rahman Mitib 2018 02 27 Identifying N N compounding in Modern Standard Arabic and Jordanian Arabic Studia Linguistica 73 1 1 36 doi 10 1111 stul 12087 ISSN 0039 3193 R Pensalfini Jingulu Grammar Dictionary and Texts PhD thesis MIT 1992 138 9 1 Oxford English Dictionary Third Edition June 2005 s v Chiara Melloni Antonietta Bisetto Parasynthetic compounds data and theory in Sergio Scalies Irene Vogel eds Cross Disciplinary Issues in Compounding ISBN 9789027248275 2010 p 199 218 Diccionario De La Lengua Espanola limpiaparabrisas Real Academia Espanola Retrieved 16 February 2013 Student Dictionary of Compound Words of the Russian Language 1978 ISBN 0 8285 5190 1 Kumar Anil Mittal Vipul Kulkarni Amba 2010 Sanskrit Compound Processor In Jha Girish Nath ed Sanskrit Computational Linguistics 4th International Symposium New Delhi India December 10 12 2010 Proceedings Volume 6465 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence Series Springer pp 57 69 ISBN 978 3 642 17527 5 Harper Douglas Himalaya Online Etymology Dictionary Retrieved 2011 07 17 Kumar Animesh May 23 2007 Sruti Krta Rama Stuti Stutimandal com Retrieved July 1 2011 Virudavali Jagadguru Rambhadracharya Shri Tulsi Peeth Seva Nyas Retrieved October 25 2011 Quer Josep Cecchetto Carlo Donati Caterina Geraci Carlo eds 2017 11 20 Part 4 Morphology SignGramBlueprint De Gruyter pp 163 270 doi 10 1515 9781501511806 009 ISBN 9781501511806 Retrieved 2019 02 19 Word formation compounding and blending in sign language www handspeak com Retrieved 2022 10 25 Hill Joseph C 2017 Deaf Culture Exploring Deaf Communities in the United States by Irene W Leigh Jean F Andrews and Raychelle L Harris Sign Language Studies 18 1 162 165 doi 10 1353 sls 2017 0025 ISSN 1533 6263 S2CID 148714617 Sedivy Julie 2017 11 16 The Rise and Fall of the English Sentence Nautilus Retrieved 2020 08 02 Sources Kortmann Bernd English Linguistics Essentials Cornelsen Berlin 2005 The Oxford Handbook of Compounding eds Lieber Rochelle amp Pavol Stekauer 2009 Oxford Oxford University Press Plag Ingo Word formation in English Cambridge University Press Cambridge 2003 Scalise Sergio amp Irene Vogel eds 2010 Cross Disciplinary Issues in Compounding Amsterdam Benjamins External linksLook up compound word in Wiktionary the free dictionary Compound word encyclopedia com Compounds and multi word expressions in the languages of Europe by Rita Finkbeiner and Barbara Schlucker 2019 Compounds and multi word expressions in English by Laurie Bauer 2019 Compounds and multi word expressions in Finnish by Irma Hyvarinen 2019 Compounds and multi word expressions in French by Kristel Van Goethem 2018 Compounds and multi word expressions in German by Barbara Schlucker 2019 Compounds and multi word expressions in Greek by Maria Koliopoulou 2019 Compounds and multi word expressions in Hungarian by Ferenc Kiefer 2019 Compounds and multi word expressions in Italian by Francesca Masini 2019 Compounds and multi word expressions in Polish by Bozena Cetnarowska 2019 Compounds and multi word expressions in Russian by Ingeborg Ohnheiser 2019 Compounds and multi word expressions in Spanish by Jesus Fernandez Dominguez 2019