In mathematical logic and computer science the symbol ⊢ () has taken the name turnstile because of its resemblance to a typical turnstile if viewed from above. It is also referred to as tee and is often read as "yields", "proves", "satisfies" or "entails".
The turnstile represents a binary relation. It has several different interpretations in different contexts:
- In epistemology, Per Martin-Löf (1996) analyzes the
symbol thus: "...[T]he combination of Frege's Urteilsstrich, judgement stroke [ | ], and Inhaltsstrich, content stroke [—], came to be called the assertion sign." Frege's notation for a judgement of some content A
- can then be read
- I know A is true.
- In the same vein, a conditional assertion
- can be read as:
- From P, I know that Q
- In metalogic, the study of formal languages; the turnstile represents syntactic consequence (or "derivability"). This is to say, that it shows that one string can be derived from another in a single step, according to the transformation rules (i.e. the syntax) of some given formal system. As such, the expression
- means that Q is derivable from P in the system.
- Consistent with its use for derivability, a "⊢" followed by an expression without anything preceding it denotes a theorem, which is to say that the expression can be derived from the rules using an empty set of axioms. As such, the expression
- means that Q is a theorem in the system.
- In proof theory, the turnstile is used to denote "provability" or "derivability". For example, if T is a formal theory and S is a particular sentence in the language of the theory then
- means that S is provable from T. This usage is demonstrated in the article on propositional calculus. The syntactic consequence of provability should be contrasted to semantic consequence, denoted by the double turnstile symbol
. One says that
is a semantic consequence of
, or
, when all possible valuations in which
is true,
is also true. For propositional logic, it may be shown that semantic consequence
and derivability
are equivalent to one-another. That is, propositional logic is sound (
) and complete (
- In sequent calculus, the turnstile is used to denote a sequent. A sequent
asserts that, if all the antecedents
are true, then at least one of the consequents
must be true.
- In the typed lambda calculus, the turnstile is used to separate typing assumptions from the typing judgment.
- In category theory, a reversed turnstile (
), as in
, is used to indicate that the functor F is left adjoint to the functor G. More rarely, a turnstile (
), as in
, is used to indicate that the functor G is right adjoint to the functor F.
- In APL the symbol is called "right tack" and represents the ambivalent right identity function where both X⊢Y and ⊢Y are Y. The reversed symbol "⊣" is called "left tack" and represents the analogous left identity where X⊣Y is X and ⊣Y is Y.
- In combinatorics,
means that λ is a partition of the integer n.
- In Hewlett-Packard's HP-41C/CV/CX and HP-42S series of calculators, the symbol (at code point 127 in the FOCAL character set) is called "Append character" and is used to indicate that the following characters will be appended to the alpha register rather than replacing the existing contents of the register. The symbol is also supported (at code point 148) in a modified variant of the HP Roman-8 character set used by other HP calculators.
- On the Casio fx-92 Collège 2D and fx-92+ Spéciale Collège calculators, the symbol represents the modulo operator; entering
will produce an answer of
, where Q is the quotient and R is the remainder.
- In model theory,
, every model of
is a model of
In TeX, the turnstile symbol is obtained from the command \vdash.
In Unicode, the turnstile symbol (⊢) is called right tack and is at code point U+22A2. (Code point U+22A6 is named assertion sign (⊦).)
- U+22A2 ⊢ RIGHT TACK (⊢, ⊢)
- = turnstile
- = proves, implies, yields
- = reducible
- U+22A3 ⊣ LEFT TACK (⊣, ⊣)
- = reverse turnstile
- = non-theorem, does not yield
- ≡ 22A2⊢ 0338$̸
On a typewriter, a turnstile can be composed from a vertical bar (|) and a dash (–).
In LaTeX there is a turnstile package which issues this sign in many ways, and is capable of putting labels below or above it, in the correct places.
Similar graphemes
- ꜔ (U+A714) Modifier Letter Mid Left-Stem Tone Bar
- ├ (U+251C) Box Drawings Light Vertical And Right
- ㅏ (U+314F) Hangul Letter A
- Ͱ (U+0370) Greek Capital Letter Heta
- ͱ (U+0371) Greek Small Letter Heta
- Ⱶ (U+2C75) Latin Capital Letter Half H
- ⱶ (U+2C76) Latin Small Letter Half H
- ⎬ (U+23AC) Right Curly Bracket Middle Piece
See also
- Double turnstile ⊨
- List of logic symbols
- List of mathematical symbols
- Martin-Löf 1996, pp. 6, 15
- Martin-Löf 1996, p. 15
- "Chapter 6, Formal Language Theory" (PDF).
- Troelstra & Schwichtenberg 2000
- Dirk van Dalen, Logic and Structure (1980), Springer, ISBN 3-540-20879-8. See Chapter 1, section 1.5.
- "Peter Selinger, Lecture Notes on the Lambda Calculus" (PDF).
- Schmidt 1994
- "adjoint functor in nLab". ncatlab.org.
- @FunctorFact (5 July 2016). "Functor Fact on Twitter" (Tweet) – via Twitter.
- "A Dictionary of APL". www.jsoftware.com.
- Iverson 1987
- Stanley, Richard P. (1999). Enumerative Combinatorics. Vol. 2 (1st ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p. 287.
- fx-92 Spéciale Collège Mode d'emploi (PDF). Casio. 2015. p. 12.
- "Unicode standard" (PDF).
- "CTAN: /tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/turnstile". ctan.org.
- Frege, Gottlob (1879). Begriffsschrift: Eine der arithmetischen nachgebildete Formelsprache des reinen Denkens. Halle.
- Iverson, Kenneth (1987). A Dictionary of APL.
- Martin-Löf, Per (1996). "On the meanings of the logical constants and the justifications of the logical laws" (PDF). . 1 (1): 11–60. (Lecture notes to a short course at Università degli Studi di Siena, April 1983.)
- (1994). The Structure of Typed Programming Languages. MIT Press. ISBN 0-262-19349-3.
- Troelstra, A. S.; (2000). Basic Proof Theory (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-77911-1.
In mathematical logic and computer science the symbol displaystyle vdash has taken the name turnstile because of its resemblance to a typical turnstile if viewed from above It is also referred to as tee and is often read as yields proves satisfies or entails InterpretationsThe turnstile represents a binary relation It has several different interpretations in different contexts In epistemology Per Martin Lof 1996 analyzes the displaystyle vdash symbol thus T he combination of Frege s Urteilsstrich judgement stroke and Inhaltsstrich content stroke came to be called the assertion sign Frege s notation for a judgement of some content A A displaystyle vdash A dd can then be readI know A is true dd In the same vein a conditional assertionP Q displaystyle P vdash Q dd can be read as From P I know that Q dd In metalogic the study of formal languages the turnstile represents syntactic consequence or derivability This is to say that it shows that one string can be derived from another in a single step according to the transformation rules i e the syntax of some given formal system As such the expressionP Q displaystyle P vdash Q dd means that Q is derivable from P in the system Consistent with its use for derivability a followed by an expression without anything preceding it denotes a theorem which is to say that the expression can be derived from the rules using an empty set of axioms As such the expression Q displaystyle vdash Q dd means that Q is a theorem in the system In proof theory the turnstile is used to denote provability or derivability For example if T is a formal theory and S is a particular sentence in the language of the theory thenT S displaystyle T vdash S dd means that S is provable from T This usage is demonstrated in the article on propositional calculus The syntactic consequence of provability should be contrasted to semantic consequence denoted by the double turnstile symbol displaystyle models One says that S displaystyle S is a semantic consequence of T displaystyle T or T S displaystyle T models S when all possible valuations in which T displaystyle T is true S displaystyle S is also true For propositional logic it may be shown that semantic consequence displaystyle models and derivability displaystyle vdash are equivalent to one another That is propositional logic is sound displaystyle vdash implies displaystyle models and complete displaystyle models implies displaystyle vdash In sequent calculus the turnstile is used to denote a sequent A sequent A1 Am B1 Bn displaystyle A 1 dots A m vdash B 1 dots B n asserts that if all the antecedents A1 Am displaystyle A 1 dots A m are true then at least one of the consequents B1 Bn displaystyle B 1 dots B n must be true In the typed lambda calculus the turnstile is used to separate typing assumptions from the typing judgment In category theory a reversed turnstile displaystyle dashv as in F G displaystyle F dashv G is used to indicate that the functor F is left adjoint to the functor G More rarely a turnstile displaystyle vdash as in G F displaystyle G vdash F is used to indicate that the functor G is right adjoint to the functor F In APL the symbol is called right tack and represents the ambivalent right identity function where both X Y and Y are Y The reversed symbol is called left tack and represents the analogous left identity where X Y is X and Y is Y In combinatorics l n displaystyle lambda vdash n means that l is a partition of the integer n In Hewlett Packard s HP 41C CV CX and HP 42S series of calculators the symbol at code point 127 in the FOCAL character set is called Append character and is used to indicate that the following characters will be appended to the alpha register rather than replacing the existing contents of the register The symbol is also supported at code point 148 in a modified variant of the HP Roman 8 character set used by other HP calculators On the Casio fx 92 College 2D and fx 92 Speciale College calculators the symbol represents the modulo operator entering 5 2 displaystyle 5 vdash 2 will produce an answer of Q 2 R 1 displaystyle Q 2 R 1 where Q is the quotient and R is the remainder In model theory f ps displaystyle varphi vdash psi means f displaystyle varphi entails ps displaystyle psi every model of f displaystyle varphi is a model of ps displaystyle psi TypographyIn TeX the turnstile symbol displaystyle vdash is obtained from the command vdash In Unicode the turnstile symbol is called right tack and is at code point U 22A2 Code point U 22A6 is named assertion sign U 22A2 RIGHT TACK amp RightTee amp vdash turnstile proves implies yields reducible U 22A3 LEFT TACK amp dashv amp LeftTee reverse turnstile non theorem does not yield U 22AC DOES NOT PROVE amp nvdash 22A2 0338 On a typewriter a turnstile can be composed from a vertical bar and a dash In LaTeX there is a turnstile package which issues this sign in many ways and is capable of putting labels below or above it in the correct places Similar graphemes U A714 Modifier Letter Mid Left Stem Tone Bar U 251C Box Drawings Light Vertical And Right ㅏ U 314F Hangul Letter A Ͱ U 0370 Greek Capital Letter Heta ͱ U 0371 Greek Small Letter Heta Ⱶ U 2C75 Latin Capital Letter Half H ⱶ U 2C76 Latin Small Letter Half H U 23AC Right Curly Bracket Middle PieceSee alsoDouble turnstile List of logic symbols List of mathematical symbolsNotesMartin Lof 1996 pp 6 15 Martin Lof 1996 p 15 Chapter 6 Formal Language Theory PDF Troelstra amp Schwichtenberg 2000 Dirk van Dalen Logic and Structure 1980 Springer ISBN 3 540 20879 8 See Chapter 1 section 1 5 Peter Selinger Lecture Notes on the Lambda Calculus PDF Schmidt 1994 adjoint functor in nLab ncatlab org FunctorFact 5 July 2016 Functor Fact on Twitter Tweet via Twitter A Dictionary of APL www jsoftware com Iverson 1987 Stanley Richard P 1999 Enumerative Combinatorics Vol 2 1st ed Cambridge Cambridge University Press p 287 fx 92 Speciale College Mode d emploi PDF Casio 2015 p 12 Unicode standard PDF CTAN tex archive macros latex contrib turnstile ctan org ReferencesFrege Gottlob 1879 Begriffsschrift Eine der arithmetischen nachgebildete Formelsprache des reinen Denkens Halle Iverson Kenneth 1987 A Dictionary of APL Martin Lof Per 1996 On the meanings of the logical constants and the justifications of the logical laws PDF 1 1 11 60 Lecture notes to a short course at Universita degli Studi di Siena April 1983 1994 The Structure of Typed Programming Languages MIT Press ISBN 0 262 19349 3 Troelstra A S 2000 Basic Proof Theory 2nd ed Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0 521 77911 1