In mathematical logic, model theory is the study of the relationship between formal theories (a collection of sentences in a formal language expressing statements about a mathematical structure), and their models (those structures in which the statements of the theory hold). The aspects investigated include the number and size of models of a theory, the relationship of different models to each other, and their interaction with the formal language itself. In particular, model theorists also investigate the sets that can be defined in a model of a theory, and the relationship of such definable sets to each other. As a separate discipline, model theory goes back to Alfred Tarski, who first used the term "Theory of Models" in publication in 1954. Since the 1970s, the subject has been shaped decisively by Saharon Shelah's stability theory.
Compared to other areas of mathematical logic such as proof theory, model theory is often less concerned with formal rigour and closer in spirit to classical mathematics. This has prompted the comment that "if proof theory is about the sacred, then model theory is about the profane". The applications of model theory to algebraic and Diophantine geometry reflect this proximity to classical mathematics, as they often involve an integration of algebraic and model-theoretic results and techniques. Consequently, proof theory is syntactic in nature, in contrast to model theory, which is semantic in nature.
The most prominent scholarly organization in the field of model theory is the Association for Symbolic Logic.
This page focuses on finitary first order model theory of infinite structures.
The relative emphasis placed on the class of models of a theory as opposed to the class of definable sets within a model fluctuated in the history of the subject, and the two directions are summarised by the pithy characterisations from 1973 and 1997 respectively:
- model theory = universal algebra + logic
where universal algebra stands for mathematical structures and logic for logical theories; and
- model theory = algebraic geometry − fields.
where logical formulas are to definable sets what equations are to varieties over a field.
Nonetheless, the interplay of classes of models and the sets definable in them has been crucial to the development of model theory throughout its history. For instance, while stability was originally introduced to classify theories by their numbers of models in a given cardinality, stability theory proved crucial to understanding the geometry of definable sets.
Fundamental notions of first-order model theory
First-order logic
A first-order formula is built out of atomic formulas such as or by means of the Boolean connectives and prefixing of quantifiers or . A sentence is a formula in which each occurrence of a variable is in the scope of a corresponding quantifier. Examples for formulas are (or to indicate is the unbound variable in ) and (or ), defined as follows:
(Note that the equality symbol has a double meaning here.) It is intuitively clear how to translate such formulas into mathematical meaning. In the semiring of natural numbers , viewed as a structure with binary functions for addition and multiplication and constants for 0 and 1 of the natural numbers, for example, an element satisfies the formula if and only if is a prime number. The formula similarly defines irreducibility. Tarski gave a rigorous definition, sometimes called "Tarski's definition of truth", for the satisfaction relation , so that one easily proves:
- is a prime number.
- is irreducible.
A set of sentences is called a (first-order) theory, which takes the sentences in the set as its axioms. A theory is satisfiable if it has a model , i.e. a structure (of the appropriate signature) which satisfies all the sentences in the set . A complete theory is a theory that contains every sentence or its negation. The complete theory of all sentences satisfied by a structure is also called the theory of that structure.
It's a consequence of Gödel's completeness theorem (not to be confused with his incompleteness theorems) that a theory has a model if and only if it is consistent, i.e. no contradiction is proved by the theory. Therefore, model theorists often use "consistent" as a synonym for "satisfiable".
Basic model-theoretic concepts
A signature or language is a set of non-logical symbols such that each symbol is either a constant symbol, or a function or relation symbol with a specified arity. Note that in some literature, constant symbols are considered as function symbols with zero arity, and hence are omitted. A structure is a set together with interpretations of each of the symbols of the signature as relations and functions on (not to be confused with the formal notion of an "interpretation" of one structure in another).
Example: A common signature for ordered rings is , where and are 0-ary function symbols (also known as constant symbols), and are binary (= 2-ary) function symbols, is a unary (= 1-ary) function symbol, and is a binary relation symbol. Then, when these symbols are interpreted to correspond with their usual meaning on (so that e.g. is a function from to and is a subset of ), one obtains a structure .
A structure is said to model a set of first-order sentences in the given language if each sentence in is true in with respect to the interpretation of the signature previously specified for . (Again, not to be confused with the formal notion of an "interpretation" of one structure in another) A model of is a structure that models .
A substructure of a σ-structure is a subset of its domain, closed under all functions in its signature σ, which is regarded as a σ-structure by restricting all functions and relations in σ to the subset. This generalises the analogous concepts from algebra; for instance, a subgroup is a substructure in the signature with multiplication and inverse.
A substructure is said to be elementary if for any first-order formula and any elements a1, ..., an of ,
- if and only if .
In particular, if is a sentence and an elementary substructure of , then if and only if . Thus, an elementary substructure is a model of a theory exactly when the superstructure is a model.
Example: While the field of algebraic numbers is an elementary substructure of the field of complex numbers , the rational field is not, as we can express "There is a square root of 2" as a first-order sentence satisfied by but not by .
An embedding of a σ-structure into another σ-structure is a map f: A → B between the domains which can be written as an isomorphism of with a substructure of . If it can be written as an isomorphism with an elementary substructure, it is called an elementary embedding. Every embedding is an injective homomorphism, but the converse holds only if the signature contains no relation symbols, such as in groups or fields.
A field or a vector space can be regarded as a (commutative) group by simply ignoring some of its structure. The corresponding notion in model theory is that of a reduct of a structure to a subset of the original signature. The opposite relation is called an expansion - e.g. the (additive) group of the rational numbers, regarded as a structure in the signature {+,0} can be expanded to a field with the signature {×,+,1,0} or to an ordered group with the signature {+,0,<}.
Similarly, if σ' is a signature that extends another signature σ, then a complete σ'-theory can be restricted to σ by intersecting the set of its sentences with the set of σ-formulas. Conversely, a complete σ-theory can be regarded as a σ'-theory, and one can extend it (in more than one way) to a complete σ'-theory. The terms reduct and expansion are sometimes applied to this relation as well.
Compactness and the Löwenheim–Skolem theorem
The compactness theorem states that a set of sentences S is satisfiable if every finite subset of S is satisfiable. The analogous statement with consistent instead of satisfiable is trivial, since every proof can have only a finite number of antecedents used in the proof. The completeness theorem allows us to transfer this to satisfiability. However, there are also several direct (semantic) proofs of the compactness theorem. As a corollary (i.e., its contrapositive), the compactness theorem says that every unsatisfiable first-order theory has a finite unsatisfiable subset. This theorem is of central importance in model theory, where the words "by compactness" are commonplace.
Another cornerstone of first-order model theory is the Löwenheim–Skolem theorem. According to the theorem, every infinite structure in a countable signature has a countable elementary substructure. Conversely, for any infinite cardinal κ every infinite structure in a countable signature that is of cardinality less than κ can be elementarily embedded in another structure of cardinality κ (There is a straightforward generalisation to uncountable signatures). In particular, the Löwenheim-Skolem theorem implies that any theory in a countable signature with infinite models has a countable model as well as arbitrarily large models.
In a certain sense made precise by Lindström's theorem, first-order logic is the most expressive logic for which both the Löwenheim–Skolem theorem and the compactness theorem hold.
Definable sets
In model theory, definable sets are important objects of study. For instance, in the formula
defines the subset of prime numbers, while the formula
defines the subset of even numbers. In a similar way, formulas with n free variables define subsets of . For example, in a field, the formula
defines the curve of all such that .
Both of the definitions mentioned here are parameter-free, that is, the defining formulas don't mention any fixed domain elements. However, one can also consider definitions with parameters from the model. For instance, in , the formula
uses the parameter from to define a curve.
Eliminating quantifiers
In general, definable sets without quantifiers are easy to describe, while definable sets involving possibly nested quantifiers can be much more complicated.
This makes quantifier elimination a crucial tool for analysing definable sets: A theory T has quantifier elimination if every first-order formula φ(x1, ..., xn) over its signature is equivalent modulo T to a first-order formula ψ(x1, ..., xn) without quantifiers, i.e. holds in all models of T. If the theory of a structure has quantifier elimination, every set definable in a structure is definable by a quantifier-free formula over the same parameters as the original definition. For example, the theory of algebraically closed fields in the signature σring = (×,+,−,0,1) has quantifier elimination. This means that in an algebraically closed field, every formula is equivalent to a Boolean combination of equations between polynomials.
If a theory does not have quantifier elimination, one can add additional symbols to its signature so that it does. Axiomatisability and quantifier elimination results for specific theories, especially in algebra, were among the early landmark results of model theory. But often instead of quantifier elimination a weaker property suffices:
A theory T is called model-complete if every substructure of a model of T which is itself a model of T is an elementary substructure. There is a useful criterion for testing whether a substructure is an elementary substructure, called the Tarski–Vaught test. It follows from this criterion that a theory T is model-complete if and only if every first-order formula φ(x1, ..., xn) over its signature is equivalent modulo T to an existential first-order formula, i.e. a formula of the following form:
- ,
where ψ is quantifier free. A theory that is not model-complete may have a model completion, which is a related model-complete theory that is not, in general, an extension of the original theory. A more general notion is that of a model companion.
In every structure, every finite subset is definable with parameters: Simply use the formula
- .
Since we can negate this formula, every cofinite subset (which includes all but finitely many elements of the domain) is also always definable.
This leads to the concept of a minimal structure. A structure is called minimal if every subset definable with parameters from is either finite or cofinite. The corresponding concept at the level of theories is called strong minimality: A theory T is called strongly minimal if every model of T is minimal. A structure is called strongly minimal if the theory of that structure is strongly minimal. Equivalently, a structure is strongly minimal if every elementary extension is minimal. Since the theory of algebraically closed fields has quantifier elimination, every definable subset of an algebraically closed field is definable by a quantifier-free formula in one variable. Quantifier-free formulas in one variable express Boolean combinations of polynomial equations in one variable, and since a nontrivial polynomial equation in one variable has only a finite number of solutions, the theory of algebraically closed fields is strongly minimal.
On the other hand, the field of real numbers is not minimal: Consider, for instance, the definable set
- .
This defines the subset of non-negative real numbers, which is neither finite nor cofinite. One can in fact use to define arbitrary intervals on the real number line. It turns out that these suffice to represent every definable subset of . This generalisation of minimality has been very useful in the model theory of ordered structures. A densely totally ordered structure in a signature including a symbol for the order relation is called o-minimal if every subset definable with parameters from is a finite union of points and intervals.
Definable and interpretable structures
Particularly important are those definable sets that are also substructures, i. e. contain all constants and are closed under function application. For instance, one can study the definable subgroups of a certain group. However, there is no need to limit oneself to substructures in the same signature. Since formulas with n free variables define subsets of , n-ary relations can also be definable. Functions are definable if the function graph is a definable relation, and constants are definable if there is a formula such that a is the only element of such that is true. In this way, one can study definable groups and fields in general structures, for instance, which has been important in geometric stability theory.
One can even go one step further, and move beyond immediate substructures. Given a mathematical structure, there are very often associated structures which can be constructed as a quotient of part of the original structure via an equivalence relation. An important example is a quotient group of a group. One might say that to understand the full structure one must understand these quotients. When the equivalence relation is definable, we can give the previous sentence a precise meaning. We say that these structures are interpretable. A key fact is that one can translate sentences from the language of the interpreted structures to the language of the original structure. Thus one can show that if a structure interprets another whose theory is undecidable, then itself is undecidable.
Basic notions
For a sequence of elements of a structure and a subset A of , one can consider the set of all first-order formulas with parameters in A that are satisfied by . This is called the complete (n-)type realised by over A. If there is an automorphism of that is constant on A and sends to respectively, then and realise the same complete type over A.
The real number line , viewed as a structure with only the order relation {<}, will serve as a running example in this section. Every element satisfies the same 1-type over the empty set. This is clear since any two real numbers a and b are connected by the order automorphism that shifts all numbers by b-a. The complete 2-type over the empty set realised by a pair of numbers depends on their order: either , or . Over the subset of integers, the 1-type of a non-integer real number a depends on its value rounded down to the nearest integer.
More generally, whenever is a structure and A a subset of , a (partial) n-type over A is a set of formulas p with at most n free variables that are realised in an elementary extension of . If p contains every such formula or its negation, then p is complete. The set of complete n-types over A is often written as . If A is the empty set, then the type space only depends on the theory of . The notation is commonly used for the set of types over the empty set consistent with . If there is a single formula such that the theory of implies for every formula in p, then p is called isolated.
Since the real numbers are Archimedean, there is no real number larger than every integer. However, a compactness argument shows that there is an elementary extension of the real number line in which there is an element larger than any integer. Therefore, the set of formulas is a 1-type over that is not realised in the real number line .
A subset of that can be expressed as exactly those elements of realising a certain type over A is called type-definable over A. For an algebraic example, suppose is an algebraically closed field. The theory has quantifier elimination . This allows us to show that a type is determined exactly by the polynomial equations it contains. Thus the set of complete -types over a subfield corresponds to the set of prime ideals of the polynomial ring , and the type-definable sets are exactly the affine varieties.
Structures and types
While not every type is realised in every structure, every structure realises its isolated types. If the only types over the empty set that are realised in a structure are the isolated types, then the structure is called atomic.
On the other hand, no structure realises every type over every parameter set; if one takes all of as the parameter set, then every 1-type over realised in is isolated by a formula of the form a = x for an . However, any proper elementary extension of contains an element that is not in . Therefore, a weaker notion has been introduced that captures the idea of a structure realising all types it could be expected to realise. A structure is called saturated if it realises every type over a parameter set that is of smaller cardinality than itself.
While an automorphism that is constant on A will always preserve types over A, it is generally not true that any two sequences and that satisfy the same type over A can be mapped to each other by such an automorphism. A structure in which this converse does hold for all A of smaller cardinality than is called homogeneous.
The real number line is atomic in the language that contains only the order , since all n-types over the empty set realised by in are isolated by the order relations between the . It is not saturated, however, since it does not realise any 1-type over the countable set that implies x to be larger than any integer. The rational number line is saturated, in contrast, since is itself countable and therefore only has to realise types over finite subsets to be saturated.
Stone spaces
The set of definable subsets of over some parameters is a Boolean algebra. By Stone's representation theorem for Boolean algebras there is a natural dual topological space, which consists exactly of the complete -types over . The topology generated by sets of the form for single formulas . This is called the Stone space of n-types over A. This topology explains some of the terminology used in model theory: The compactness theorem says that the Stone space is a compact topological space, and a type p is isolated if and only if p is an isolated point in the Stone topology.
While types in algebraically closed fields correspond to the spectrum of the polynomial ring, the topology on the type space is the constructible topology: a set of types is basic open iff it is of the form or of the form . This is finer than the Zariski topology.
Constructing models
Realising and omitting types
Constructing models that realise certain types and do not realise others is an important task in model theory. Not realising a type is referred to as omitting it, and is generally possible by the (Countable) Omitting types theorem:
- Let be a theory in a countable signature and let be a countable set of non-isolated types over the empty set.
- Then there is a model of which omits every type in .
This implies that if a theory in a countable signature has only countably many types over the empty set, then this theory has an atomic model.
On the other hand, there is always an elementary extension in which any set of types over a fixed parameter set is realised:
- Let be a structure and let be a set of complete types over a given parameter set
- Then there is an elementary extension of which realises every type in .
However, since the parameter set is fixed and there is no mention here of the cardinality of , this does not imply that every theory has a saturated model. In fact, whether every theory has a saturated model is independent of the axioms of Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory, and is true if the generalised continuum hypothesis holds.
Ultraproducts are used as a general technique for constructing models that realise certain types. An ultraproduct is obtained from the direct product of a set of structures over an index set I by identifying those tuples that agree on almost all entries, where almost all is made precise by an ultrafilter U on I. An ultraproduct of copies of the same structure is known as an ultrapower. The key to using ultraproducts in model theory is Łoś's theorem:
- Let be a set of σ-structures indexed by an index set I and U an ultrafilter on I. Then any σ-formula is true in the ultraproduct of the by if the set of all for which lies in U.
In particular, any ultraproduct of models of a theory is itself a model of that theory, and thus if two models have isomorphic ultrapowers, they are elementarily equivalent. The Keisler-Shelah theorem provides a converse:
- If M and N are elementary equivalent, then there is a set I and an ultrafilter U on I such that the ultrapowers by U of M and :N are isomorphic.
Therefore, ultraproducts provide a way to talk about elementary equivalence that avoids mentioning first-order theories at all. Basic theorems of model theory such as the compactness theorem have alternative proofs using ultraproducts, and they can be used to construct saturated elementary extensions if they exist.
A theory was originally called categorical if it determines a structure up to isomorphism. It turns out that this definition is not useful, due to serious restrictions in the expressivity of first-order logic. The Löwenheim–Skolem theorem implies that if a theory T has an infinite model for some infinite cardinal number, then it has a model of size κ for any sufficiently large cardinal number κ. Since two models of different sizes cannot possibly be isomorphic, only finite structures can be described by a categorical theory.
However, the weaker notion of κ-categoricity for a cardinal κ has become a key concept in model theory. A theory T is called κ-categorical if any two models of T that are of cardinality κ are isomorphic. It turns out that the question of κ-categoricity depends critically on whether κ is bigger than the cardinality of the language (i.e. , where |σ| is the cardinality of the signature). For finite or countable signatures this means that there is a fundamental difference between ω-cardinality and κ-cardinality for uncountable κ.
ω-categorical theories can be characterised by properties of their type space:
- For a complete first-order theory T in a finite or countable signature the following conditions are equivalent:
- T is ω-categorical.
- Every type in Sn(T) is isolated.
- For every natural number n, Sn(T) is finite.
- For every natural number n, the number of formulas φ(x1, ..., xn) in n free variables, up to equivalence modulo T, is finite.
The theory of , which is also the theory of , is ω-categorical, as every n-type over the empty set is isolated by the pairwise order relation between the . This means that every countable dense linear order is order-isomorphic to the rational number line. On the other hand, the theories of ℚ, ℝ and ℂ as fields are not -categorical. This follows from the fact that in all those fields, any of the infinitely many natural numbers can be defined by a formula of the form .
-categorical theories and their countable models also have strong ties with oligomorphic groups:
- A complete first-order theory T in a finite or countable signature is ω-categorical if and only if its automorphism group is oligomorphic.
The equivalent characterisations of this subsection, due independently to Engeler, Ryll-Nardzewski and Svenonius, are sometimes referred to as the Ryll-Nardzewski theorem.
In combinatorial signatures, a common source of ω-categorical theories are Fraïssé limits, which are obtained as the limit of amalgamating all possible configurations of a class of finite relational structures.
Uncountable categoricity
Michael Morley showed in 1963 that there is only one notion of uncountable categoricity for theories in countable languages.
- Morley's categoricity theorem
- If a first-order theory T in a finite or countable signature is κ-categorical for some uncountable cardinal κ, then T is κ-categorical for all uncountable cardinals κ.
Morley's proof revealed deep connections between uncountable categoricity and the internal structure of the models, which became the starting point of classification theory and stability theory. Uncountably categorical theories are from many points of view the most well-behaved theories. In particular, complete strongly minimal theories are uncountably categorical. This shows that the theory of algebraically closed fields of a given characteristic is uncountably categorical, with the transcendence degree of the field determining its isomorphism type.
A theory that is both ω-categorical and uncountably categorical is called totally categorical.
Stability theory
A key factor in the structure of the class of models of a first-order theory is its place in the stability hierarchy.
- A complete theory T is called -stable for a cardinal if for any model of T and any parameter set of cardinality not exceeding , there are at most complete T-types over A.
A theory is called stable if it is -stable for some infinite cardinal . Traditionally, theories that are -stable are called -stable.
The stability hierarchy
A fundamental result in stability theory is the stability spectrum theorem, which implies that every complete theory T in a countable signature falls in one of the following classes:
- There are no cardinals such that T is -stable.
- T is -stable if and only if (see Cardinal exponentiation for an explanation of ).
- T is -stable for any (where is the cardinality of the continuum).
A theory of the first type is called unstable, a theory of the second type is called strictly stable and a theory of the third type is called superstable. Furthermore, if a theory is -stable, it is stable in every infinite cardinal, so -stability is stronger than superstability.
Many construction in model theory are easier when restricted to stable theories; for instance, every model of a stable theory has a saturated elementary extension, regardless of whether the generalised continuum hypothesis is true.
Shelah's original motivation for studying stable theories was to decide how many models a countable theory has of any uncountable cardinality. If a theory is uncountably categorical, then it is -stable. More generally, the Main gap theorem implies that if there is an uncountable cardinal such that a theory T has less than models of cardinality , then T is superstable.
Geometric stability theory
The stability hierarchy is also crucial for analysing the geometry of definable sets within a model of a theory. In -stable theories, Morley rank is an important dimension notion for definable sets S within a model. It is defined by transfinite induction:
- The Morley rank is at least 0 if S is non-empty.
- For α a successor ordinal, the Morley rank is at least α if in some elementary extension N of M, the set S has infinitely many disjoint definable subsets, each of rank at least α − 1.
- For α a non-zero limit ordinal, the Morley rank is at least α if it is at least β for all β less than α.
A theory T in which every definable set has well-defined Morley rank is called totally transcendental; if T is countable, then T is totally transcendental if and only if T is -stable. Morley Rank can be extended to types by setting the Morley rank of a type to be the minimum of the Morley ranks of the formulas in the type. Thus, one can also speak of the Morley rank of an element a over a parameter set A, defined as the Morley rank of the type of a over A. There are also analogues of Morley rank which are well-defined if and only if a theory is superstable (U-rank) or merely stable (Shelah's -rank). Those dimension notions can be used to define notions of independence and of generic extensions.
More recently, stability has been decomposed into simplicity and "not the independence property" (NIP). are those theories in which a well-behaved notion of independence can be defined, while NIP theories generalise o-minimal structures. They are related to stability since a theory is stable if and only if it is NIP and simple, and various aspects of stability theory have been generalised to theories in one of these classes.
Non-elementary model theory
Model-theoretic results have been generalised beyond elementary classes, that is, classes axiomatisable by a first-order theory.
Model theory in higher-order logics or infinitary logics is hampered by the fact that completeness and compactness do not in general hold for these logics. This is made concrete by Lindstrom's theorem, stating roughly that first-order logic is essentially the strongest logic in which both the Löwenheim-Skolem theorems and compactness hold. However, model theoretic techniques have been developed extensively for these logics too. It turns out, however, that much of the model theory of more expressive logical languages is independent of Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory.
More recently, alongside the shift in focus to complete stable and categorical theories, there has been work on classes of models defined semantically rather than axiomatised by a logical theory. One example is homogeneous model theory, which studies the class of substructures of arbitrarily large homogeneous models. Fundamental results of stability theory and geometric stability theory generalise to this setting. As a generalisation of strongly minimal theories, classes are those in which every definable set is either countable or co-countable. They are key to the model theory of the complex exponential function. The most general semantic framework in which stability is studied are abstract elementary classes, which are defined by a strong substructure relation generalising that of an elementary substructure. Even though its definition is purely semantic, every abstract elementary class can be presented as the models of a first-order theory which omit certain types. Generalising stability-theoretic notions to abstract elementary classes is an ongoing research program.
Selected applications
Among the early successes of model theory are Tarski's proofs of quantifier elimination for various algebraically interesting classes, such as the real closed fields, Boolean algebras and algebraically closed fields of a given characteristic. Quantifier elimination allowed Tarski to show that the first-order theories of real-closed and algebraically closed fields as well as the first-order theory of Boolean algebras are decidable, classify the Boolean algebras up to elementary equivalence and show that the theories of real-closed fields and algebraically closed fields of a given characteristic are unique. Furthermore, quantifier elimination provided a precise description of definable relations on algebraically closed fields as algebraic varieties and of the definable relations on real-closed fields as semialgebraic sets
In the 1960s, the introduction of the ultraproduct construction led to new applications in algebra. This includes Ax's work on pseudofinite fields, proving that the theory of finite fields is decidable, and Ax and Kochen's proof of as special case of Artin's conjecture on diophantine equations, the Ax–Kochen theorem. The ultraproduct construction also led to Abraham Robinson's development of nonstandard analysis, which aims to provide a rigorous calculus of infinitesimals.
More recently, the connection between stability and the geometry of definable sets led to several applications from algebraic and diophantine geometry, including Ehud Hrushovski's 1996 proof of the geometric Mordell–Lang conjecture in all characteristics In 2001, similar methods were used to prove a generalisation of the Manin-Mumford conjecture. In 2011, Jonathan Pila applied techniques around o-minimality to prove the André–Oort conjecture for products of Modular curves.
In a separate strand of inquiries that also grew around stable theories, Laskowski showed in 1992 that NIP theories describe exactly those definable classes that are PAC-learnable in machine learning theory. This has led to several interactions between these separate areas. In 2018, the correspondence was extended as Hunter and Chase showed that stable theories correspond to online learnable classes.
Model theory as a subject has existed since approximately the middle of the 20th century, and the name was coined by Alfred Tarski, a member of the Lwów–Warsaw school, in 1954. However some earlier research, especially in mathematical logic, is often regarded as being of a model-theoretical nature in retrospect. The first significant result in what is now model theory was a special case of the downward Löwenheim–Skolem theorem, published by Leopold Löwenheim in 1915. The compactness theorem was implicit in work by Thoralf Skolem, but it was first published in 1930, as a lemma in Kurt Gödel's proof of his completeness theorem. The Löwenheim–Skolem theorem and the compactness theorem received their respective general forms in 1936 and 1941 from Anatoly Maltsev. The development of model theory as an independent discipline was brought on by Alfred Tarski during the interbellum. Tarski's work included logical consequence, deductive systems, the algebra of logic, the theory of definability, and the semantic definition of truth, among other topics. His semantic methods culminated in the model theory he and a number of his Berkeley students developed in the 1950s and '60s.
In the further history of the discipline, different strands began to emerge, and the focus of the subject shifted. In the 1960s, techniques around ultraproducts became a popular tool in model theory. At the same time, researchers such as James Ax were investigating the first-order model theory of various algebraic classes, and others such as H. Jerome Keisler were extending the concepts and results of first-order model theory to other logical systems. Then, inspired by Morley's problem, Shelah developed stability theory. His work around stability changed the complexion of model theory, giving rise to a whole new class of concepts. This is known as the paradigm shift. Over the next decades, it became clear that the resulting stability hierarchy is closely connected to the geometry of sets that are definable in those models; this gave rise to the subdiscipline now known as geometric stability theory. An example of an influential proof from geometric model theory is Hrushovski's proof of the Mordell–Lang conjecture for function fields.
Connections to related branches of mathematical logic
Finite model theory
Finite model theory, which concentrates on finite structures, diverges significantly from the study of infinite structures in both the problems studied and the techniques used. In particular, many central results of classical model theory that fail when restricted to finite structures. This includes the compactness theorem, Gödel's completeness theorem, and the method of ultraproducts for first-order logic. At the interface of finite and infinite model theory are algorithmic or computable model theory and the study of , where the infinite models of a generic theory of a class of structures provide information on the distribution of finite models. Prominent application areas of FMT are descriptive complexity theory, database theory and formal language theory.
Set theory
Any set theory (which is expressed in a countable language), if it is consistent, has a countable model; this is known as Skolem's paradox, since there are sentences in set theory which postulate the existence of uncountable sets and yet these sentences are true in our countable model. Particularly the proof of the independence of the continuum hypothesis requires considering sets in models which appear to be uncountable when viewed from within the model, but are countable to someone outside the model.
The model-theoretic viewpoint has been useful in set theory; for example in Kurt Gödel's work on the constructible universe, which, along with the method of forcing developed by Paul Cohen can be shown to prove the (again philosophically interesting) independence of the axiom of choice and the continuum hypothesis from the other axioms of set theory.
In the other direction, model theory is itself formalised within Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory. For instance, the development of the fundamentals of model theory (such as the compactness theorem) rely on the axiom of choice, and is in fact equivalent over Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory without choice to the Boolean prime ideal theorem. Other results in model theory depend on set-theoretic axioms beyond the standard ZFC framework. For example, if the Continuum Hypothesis holds then every countable model has an ultrapower which is saturated (in its own cardinality). Similarly, if the Generalized Continuum Hypothesis holds then every model has a saturated elementary extension. Neither of these results are provable in ZFC alone. Finally, some questions arising from model theory (such as compactness for infinitary logics) have been shown to be equivalent to large cardinal axioms.
See also
- Abstract model theory
- Algebraic theory
- Compactness theorem
- Descriptive complexity
- Elementary class
- Elementary equivalence
- First-order theories
- Hyperreal number
- Institutional model theory
- Kripke semantics
- Löwenheim–Skolem theorem
- Model-theoretic grammar
- Proof theory
- Saturated model
- Skolem normal form
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- Ebbinghaus, Heinz-Dieter; Flum, Jörg (1995). "0-1 Laws". Finite Model Theory. Perspectives in Mathematical Logic. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-03182-7. ISBN 978-3-662-03184-1.
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- Baldwin, John T. (2018-01-19). "Model theory and set theory". Model Theory and the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice. Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781316987216. ISBN 978-1-107-18921-8. S2CID 126311148.
Canonical textbooks
- Chang, Chen Chung; Keisler, H. Jerome (1990) [1973]. Model Theory. Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics (3rd ed.). Elsevier. ISBN 978-0-444-88054-3.
- Chang, Chen Chung; Keisler, H. Jerome (2012) [1990]. Model Theory. Dover Books on Mathematics (3rd ed.). Dover Publications. p. 672. ISBN 978-0-486-48821-9.
- Hodges, Wilfrid (1997). A shorter model theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-58713-6.
- Kopperman, R. (1972). Model Theory and Its Applications. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
- Marker, David (2002). Model Theory: An Introduction. Graduate Texts in Mathematics 217. Springer. ISBN 0-387-98760-6.
Other textbooks
- Bell, John L.; Slomson, Alan B. (2006) [1969]. Models and Ultraproducts: An Introduction (reprint of 1974 ed.). Dover Publications. ISBN 0-486-44979-3.
- Ebbinghaus, Heinz-Dieter; Flum, Jörg; Thomas, Wolfgang (1994). Mathematical Logic. Springer. ISBN 0-387-94258-0.
- Hinman, Peter G. (2005). Fundamentals of Mathematical Logic. A K Peters. ISBN 1-56881-262-0.
- Hodges, Wilfrid (1993). Model theory. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-30442-3.
- Manzano, María (1999). Model theory. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-853851-0.
- Poizat, Bruno (2000). A Course in Model Theory. Springer. ISBN 0-387-98655-3.
- Rautenberg, Wolfgang (2010). A Concise Introduction to Mathematical Logic (3rd ed.). New York: Springer Science+Business Media. doi:10.1007/978-1-4419-1221-3. ISBN 978-1-4419-1220-6.
- Rothmaler, Philipp (2000). Introduction to Model Theory (new ed.). Taylor & Francis. ISBN 90-5699-313-5.
- Tent, Katrin; Ziegler, Martin (2012). A Course in Model Theory. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521763240.
- Kirby, Jonathan (2019). An Invitation to Model Theory. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-1-107-16388-1.
Free online texts
- Chatzidakis, Zoé (2001). Introduction to Model Theory (PDF). pp. 26 pages.
- Pillay, Anand (2002). Lecture Notes – Model Theory (PDF). pp. 61 pages.
- "Model theory", Encyclopedia of Mathematics, EMS Press, 2001 [1994]
- Hodges, Wilfrid, Model theory. The Stanford Encyclopedia Of Philosophy, E. Zalta (ed.).
- Hodges, Wilfrid, First-order Model theory. The Stanford Encyclopedia Of Philosophy, E. Zalta (ed.).
- Simmons, Harold (2004), An introduction to Good old fashioned model theory. Notes of an introductory course for postgraduates (with exercises).
- Barwise, J.; Feferman, S., eds. (1985). "Model-Theoretic Logics". Perspectives in Logic. 8. ISBN 3540909362.
In mathematical logic model theory is the study of the relationship between formal theories a collection of sentences in a formal language expressing statements about a mathematical structure and their models those structures in which the statements of the theory hold The aspects investigated include the number and size of models of a theory the relationship of different models to each other and their interaction with the formal language itself In particular model theorists also investigate the sets that can be defined in a model of a theory and the relationship of such definable sets to each other As a separate discipline model theory goes back to Alfred Tarski who first used the term Theory of Models in publication in 1954 Since the 1970s the subject has been shaped decisively by Saharon Shelah s stability theory Compared to other areas of mathematical logic such as proof theory model theory is often less concerned with formal rigour and closer in spirit to classical mathematics This has prompted the comment that if proof theory is about the sacred then model theory is about the profane The applications of model theory to algebraic and Diophantine geometry reflect this proximity to classical mathematics as they often involve an integration of algebraic and model theoretic results and techniques Consequently proof theory is syntactic in nature in contrast to model theory which is semantic in nature The most prominent scholarly organization in the field of model theory is the Association for Symbolic Logic OverviewThis page focuses on finitary first order model theory of infinite structures The relative emphasis placed on the class of models of a theory as opposed to the class of definable sets within a model fluctuated in the history of the subject and the two directions are summarised by the pithy characterisations from 1973 and 1997 respectively model theory universal algebra logic where universal algebra stands for mathematical structures and logic for logical theories and model theory algebraic geometry fields where logical formulas are to definable sets what equations are to varieties over a field Nonetheless the interplay of classes of models and the sets definable in them has been crucial to the development of model theory throughout its history For instance while stability was originally introduced to classify theories by their numbers of models in a given cardinality stability theory proved crucial to understanding the geometry of definable sets Fundamental notions of first order model theoryFirst order logic A first order formula is built out of atomic formulas such as R f x y z displaystyle R f x y z or y x 1 displaystyle y x 1 by means of the Boolean connectives displaystyle neg land lor rightarrow and prefixing of quantifiers v displaystyle forall v or v displaystyle exists v A sentence is a formula in which each occurrence of a variable is in the scope of a corresponding quantifier Examples for formulas are f displaystyle varphi or f x displaystyle varphi x to indicate x displaystyle x is the unbound variable in f displaystyle varphi and ps displaystyle psi or ps x displaystyle psi x defined as follows f u v w x w u v w x w u w x w v x 0 x 1 ps u v u v x u x v x x 0 x 1 displaystyle begin array lcl varphi amp amp forall u forall v exists w x times w u times v rightarrow exists w x times w u lor exists w x times w v land x neq 0 land x neq 1 psi amp amp forall u forall v u times v x rightarrow u x lor v x land x neq 0 land x neq 1 end array Note that the equality symbol has a double meaning here It is intuitively clear how to translate such formulas into mathematical meaning In the semiring of natural numbers N displaystyle mathcal N viewed as a structure with binary functions for addition and multiplication and constants for 0 and 1 of the natural numbers for example an element n displaystyle n satisfies the formula f displaystyle varphi if and only if n displaystyle n is a prime number The formula ps displaystyle psi similarly defines irreducibility Tarski gave a rigorous definition sometimes called Tarski s definition of truth for the satisfaction relation displaystyle models so that one easily proves N f n n displaystyle mathcal N models varphi n iff n is a prime number N ps n n displaystyle mathcal N models psi n iff n is irreducible A set T displaystyle T of sentences is called a first order theory which takes the sentences in the set as its axioms A theory is satisfiable if it has a model M T displaystyle mathcal M models T i e a structure of the appropriate signature which satisfies all the sentences in the set T displaystyle T A complete theory is a theory that contains every sentence or its negation The complete theory of all sentences satisfied by a structure is also called the theory of that structure It s a consequence of Godel s completeness theorem not to be confused with his incompleteness theorems that a theory has a model if and only if it is consistent i e no contradiction is proved by the theory Therefore model theorists often use consistent as a synonym for satisfiable Basic model theoretic concepts A signature or language is a set of non logical symbols such that each symbol is either a constant symbol or a function or relation symbol with a specified arity Note that in some literature constant symbols are considered as function symbols with zero arity and hence are omitted A structure is a set M displaystyle M together with interpretations of each of the symbols of the signature as relations and functions on M displaystyle M not to be confused with the formal notion of an interpretation of one structure in another Example A common signature for ordered rings is sor 0 1 lt displaystyle sigma or 0 1 times lt where 0 displaystyle 0 and 1 displaystyle 1 are 0 ary function symbols also known as constant symbols displaystyle and displaystyle times are binary 2 ary function symbols displaystyle is a unary 1 ary function symbol and lt displaystyle lt is a binary relation symbol Then when these symbols are interpreted to correspond with their usual meaning on Q displaystyle mathbb Q so that e g displaystyle is a function from Q2 displaystyle mathbb Q 2 to Q displaystyle mathbb Q and lt displaystyle lt is a subset of Q2 displaystyle mathbb Q 2 one obtains a structure Q sor displaystyle mathbb Q sigma or A structure N displaystyle mathcal N is said to model a set of first order sentences T displaystyle T in the given language if each sentence in T displaystyle T is true in N displaystyle mathcal N with respect to the interpretation of the signature previously specified for N displaystyle mathcal N Again not to be confused with the formal notion of an interpretation of one structure in another A model of T displaystyle T is a structure that models T displaystyle T A substructure A displaystyle mathcal A of a s structure B displaystyle mathcal B is a subset of its domain closed under all functions in its signature s which is regarded as a s structure by restricting all functions and relations in s to the subset This generalises the analogous concepts from algebra for instance a subgroup is a substructure in the signature with multiplication and inverse A substructure is said to be elementary if for any first order formula f displaystyle varphi and any elements a1 an of A displaystyle mathcal A A f a1 an displaystyle mathcal A models varphi a 1 a n if and only if B f a1 an displaystyle mathcal B models varphi a 1 a n In particular if f displaystyle varphi is a sentence and A displaystyle mathcal A an elementary substructure of B displaystyle mathcal B then A f displaystyle mathcal A models varphi if and only if B f displaystyle mathcal B models varphi Thus an elementary substructure is a model of a theory exactly when the superstructure is a model Example While the field of algebraic numbers Q displaystyle overline mathbb Q is an elementary substructure of the field of complex numbers C displaystyle mathbb C the rational field Q displaystyle mathbb Q is not as we can express There is a square root of 2 as a first order sentence satisfied by C displaystyle mathbb C but not by Q displaystyle mathbb Q An embedding of a s structure A displaystyle mathcal A into another s structure B displaystyle mathcal B is a map f A B between the domains which can be written as an isomorphism of A displaystyle mathcal A with a substructure of B displaystyle mathcal B If it can be written as an isomorphism with an elementary substructure it is called an elementary embedding Every embedding is an injective homomorphism but the converse holds only if the signature contains no relation symbols such as in groups or fields A field or a vector space can be regarded as a commutative group by simply ignoring some of its structure The corresponding notion in model theory is that of a reduct of a structure to a subset of the original signature The opposite relation is called an expansion e g the additive group of the rational numbers regarded as a structure in the signature 0 can be expanded to a field with the signature 1 0 or to an ordered group with the signature 0 lt Similarly if s is a signature that extends another signature s then a complete s theory can be restricted to s by intersecting the set of its sentences with the set of s formulas Conversely a complete s theory can be regarded as a s theory and one can extend it in more than one way to a complete s theory The terms reduct and expansion are sometimes applied to this relation as well Compactness and the Lowenheim Skolem theorem The compactness theorem states that a set of sentences S is satisfiable if every finite subset of S is satisfiable The analogous statement with consistent instead of satisfiable is trivial since every proof can have only a finite number of antecedents used in the proof The completeness theorem allows us to transfer this to satisfiability However there are also several direct semantic proofs of the compactness theorem As a corollary i e its contrapositive the compactness theorem says that every unsatisfiable first order theory has a finite unsatisfiable subset This theorem is of central importance in model theory where the words by compactness are commonplace Another cornerstone of first order model theory is the Lowenheim Skolem theorem According to the theorem every infinite structure in a countable signature has a countable elementary substructure Conversely for any infinite cardinal k every infinite structure in a countable signature that is of cardinality less than k can be elementarily embedded in another structure of cardinality k There is a straightforward generalisation to uncountable signatures In particular the Lowenheim Skolem theorem implies that any theory in a countable signature with infinite models has a countable model as well as arbitrarily large models In a certain sense made precise by Lindstrom s theorem first order logic is the most expressive logic for which both the Lowenheim Skolem theorem and the compactness theorem hold DefinabilityDefinable sets In model theory definable sets are important objects of study For instance in N displaystyle mathbb N the formula u v w x w u v w x w u w x w v x 0 x 1 displaystyle forall u forall v exists w x times w u times v rightarrow exists w x times w u lor exists w x times w v land x neq 0 land x neq 1 defines the subset of prime numbers while the formula y 2 y x displaystyle exists y 2 times y x defines the subset of even numbers In a similar way formulas with n free variables define subsets of Mn displaystyle mathcal M n For example in a field the formula y x x displaystyle y x times x defines the curve of all x y displaystyle x y such that y x2 displaystyle y x 2 Both of the definitions mentioned here are parameter free that is the defining formulas don t mention any fixed domain elements However one can also consider definitions with parameters from the model For instance in R displaystyle mathbb R the formula y x x p displaystyle y x times x pi uses the parameter p displaystyle pi from R displaystyle mathbb R to define a curve Eliminating quantifiers In general definable sets without quantifiers are easy to describe while definable sets involving possibly nested quantifiers can be much more complicated This makes quantifier elimination a crucial tool for analysing definable sets A theory T has quantifier elimination if every first order formula f x1 xn over its signature is equivalent modulo T to a first order formula ps x1 xn without quantifiers i e x1 xn ϕ x1 xn ps x1 xn displaystyle forall x 1 dots forall x n phi x 1 dots x n leftrightarrow psi x 1 dots x n holds in all models of T If the theory of a structure has quantifier elimination every set definable in a structure is definable by a quantifier free formula over the same parameters as the original definition For example the theory of algebraically closed fields in the signature sring 0 1 has quantifier elimination This means that in an algebraically closed field every formula is equivalent to a Boolean combination of equations between polynomials If a theory does not have quantifier elimination one can add additional symbols to its signature so that it does Axiomatisability and quantifier elimination results for specific theories especially in algebra were among the early landmark results of model theory But often instead of quantifier elimination a weaker property suffices A theory T is called model complete if every substructure of a model of T which is itself a model of T is an elementary substructure There is a useful criterion for testing whether a substructure is an elementary substructure called the Tarski Vaught test It follows from this criterion that a theory T is model complete if and only if every first order formula f x1 xn over its signature is equivalent modulo T to an existential first order formula i e a formula of the following form v1 vmps x1 xn v1 vm displaystyle exists v 1 dots exists v m psi x 1 dots x n v 1 dots v m where ps is quantifier free A theory that is not model complete may have a model completion which is a related model complete theory that is not in general an extension of the original theory A more general notion is that of a model companion Minimality In every structure every finite subset a1 an displaystyle a 1 dots a n is definable with parameters Simply use the formula x a1 x an displaystyle x a 1 vee dots vee x a n Since we can negate this formula every cofinite subset which includes all but finitely many elements of the domain is also always definable This leads to the concept of a minimal structure A structure M displaystyle mathcal M is called minimal if every subset A M displaystyle A subseteq mathcal M definable with parameters from M displaystyle mathcal M is either finite or cofinite The corresponding concept at the level of theories is called strong minimality A theory T is called strongly minimal if every model of T is minimal A structure is called strongly minimal if the theory of that structure is strongly minimal Equivalently a structure is strongly minimal if every elementary extension is minimal Since the theory of algebraically closed fields has quantifier elimination every definable subset of an algebraically closed field is definable by a quantifier free formula in one variable Quantifier free formulas in one variable express Boolean combinations of polynomial equations in one variable and since a nontrivial polynomial equation in one variable has only a finite number of solutions the theory of algebraically closed fields is strongly minimal On the other hand the field R displaystyle mathbb R of real numbers is not minimal Consider for instance the definable set f x y y y x displaystyle varphi x exists y y times y x This defines the subset of non negative real numbers which is neither finite nor cofinite One can in fact use f displaystyle varphi to define arbitrary intervals on the real number line It turns out that these suffice to represent every definable subset of R displaystyle mathbb R This generalisation of minimality has been very useful in the model theory of ordered structures A densely totally ordered structure M displaystyle mathcal M in a signature including a symbol for the order relation is called o minimal if every subset A M displaystyle A subseteq mathcal M definable with parameters from M displaystyle mathcal M is a finite union of points and intervals Definable and interpretable structures Particularly important are those definable sets that are also substructures i e contain all constants and are closed under function application For instance one can study the definable subgroups of a certain group However there is no need to limit oneself to substructures in the same signature Since formulas with n free variables define subsets of Mn displaystyle mathcal M n n ary relations can also be definable Functions are definable if the function graph is a definable relation and constants a M displaystyle a in mathcal M are definable if there is a formula f x displaystyle varphi x such that a is the only element of M displaystyle mathcal M such that f a displaystyle varphi a is true In this way one can study definable groups and fields in general structures for instance which has been important in geometric stability theory One can even go one step further and move beyond immediate substructures Given a mathematical structure there are very often associated structures which can be constructed as a quotient of part of the original structure via an equivalence relation An important example is a quotient group of a group One might say that to understand the full structure one must understand these quotients When the equivalence relation is definable we can give the previous sentence a precise meaning We say that these structures are interpretable A key fact is that one can translate sentences from the language of the interpreted structures to the language of the original structure Thus one can show that if a structure M displaystyle mathcal M interprets another whose theory is undecidable then M displaystyle mathcal M itself is undecidable TypesBasic notions For a sequence of elements a1 an displaystyle a 1 dots a n of a structure M displaystyle mathcal M and a subset A of M displaystyle mathcal M one can consider the set of all first order formulas f x1 xn displaystyle varphi x 1 dots x n with parameters in A that are satisfied by a1 an displaystyle a 1 dots a n This is called the complete n type realised by a1 an displaystyle a 1 dots a n over A If there is an automorphism of M displaystyle mathcal M that is constant on A and sends a1 an displaystyle a 1 dots a n to b1 bn displaystyle b 1 dots b n respectively then a1 an displaystyle a 1 dots a n and b1 bn displaystyle b 1 dots b n realise the same complete type over A The real number line R displaystyle mathbb R viewed as a structure with only the order relation lt will serve as a running example in this section Every element a R displaystyle a in mathbb R satisfies the same 1 type over the empty set This is clear since any two real numbers a and b are connected by the order automorphism that shifts all numbers by b a The complete 2 type over the empty set realised by a pair of numbers a1 a2 displaystyle a 1 a 2 depends on their order either a1 lt a2 displaystyle a 1 lt a 2 a1 a2 displaystyle a 1 a 2 or a2 lt a1 displaystyle a 2 lt a 1 Over the subset Z R displaystyle mathbb Z subseteq mathbb R of integers the 1 type of a non integer real number a depends on its value rounded down to the nearest integer More generally whenever M displaystyle mathcal M is a structure and A a subset of M displaystyle mathcal M a partial n type over A is a set of formulas p with at most n free variables that are realised in an elementary extension N displaystyle mathcal N of M displaystyle mathcal M If p contains every such formula or its negation then p is complete The set of complete n types over A is often written as SnM A displaystyle S n mathcal M A If A is the empty set then the type space only depends on the theory T displaystyle T of M displaystyle mathcal M The notation Sn T displaystyle S n T is commonly used for the set of types over the empty set consistent with T displaystyle T If there is a single formula f displaystyle varphi such that the theory of M displaystyle mathcal M implies f ps displaystyle varphi rightarrow psi for every formula ps displaystyle psi in p then p is called isolated Since the real numbers R displaystyle mathbb R are Archimedean there is no real number larger than every integer However a compactness argument shows that there is an elementary extension of the real number line in which there is an element larger than any integer Therefore the set of formulas n lt x n Z displaystyle n lt x n in mathbb Z is a 1 type over Z R displaystyle mathbb Z subseteq mathbb R that is not realised in the real number line R displaystyle mathbb R A subset of Mn displaystyle mathcal M n that can be expressed as exactly those elements of Mn displaystyle mathcal M n realising a certain type over A is called type definable over A For an algebraic example suppose M displaystyle M is an algebraically closed field The theory has quantifier elimination This allows us to show that a type is determined exactly by the polynomial equations it contains Thus the set of complete n displaystyle n types over a subfield A displaystyle A corresponds to the set of prime ideals of the polynomial ring A x1 xn displaystyle A x 1 ldots x n and the type definable sets are exactly the affine varieties Structures and types While not every type is realised in every structure every structure realises its isolated types If the only types over the empty set that are realised in a structure are the isolated types then the structure is called atomic On the other hand no structure realises every type over every parameter set if one takes all of M displaystyle mathcal M as the parameter set then every 1 type over M displaystyle mathcal M realised in M displaystyle mathcal M is isolated by a formula of the form a x for an a M displaystyle a in mathcal M However any proper elementary extension of M displaystyle mathcal M contains an element that is not in M displaystyle mathcal M Therefore a weaker notion has been introduced that captures the idea of a structure realising all types it could be expected to realise A structure is called saturated if it realises every type over a parameter set A M displaystyle A subset mathcal M that is of smaller cardinality than M displaystyle mathcal M itself While an automorphism that is constant on A will always preserve types over A it is generally not true that any two sequences a1 an displaystyle a 1 dots a n and b1 bn displaystyle b 1 dots b n that satisfy the same type over A can be mapped to each other by such an automorphism A structure M displaystyle mathcal M in which this converse does hold for all A of smaller cardinality than M displaystyle mathcal M is called homogeneous The real number line is atomic in the language that contains only the order lt displaystyle lt since all n types over the empty set realised by a1 an displaystyle a 1 dots a n in R displaystyle mathbb R are isolated by the order relations between the a1 an displaystyle a 1 dots a n It is not saturated however since it does not realise any 1 type over the countable set Z displaystyle mathbb Z that implies x to be larger than any integer The rational number line Q displaystyle mathbb Q is saturated in contrast since Q displaystyle mathbb Q is itself countable and therefore only has to realise types over finite subsets to be saturated Stone spaces The set of definable subsets of Mn displaystyle mathcal M n over some parameters A displaystyle A is a Boolean algebra By Stone s representation theorem for Boolean algebras there is a natural dual topological space which consists exactly of the complete n displaystyle n types over A displaystyle A The topology generated by sets of the form p f p displaystyle p varphi in p for single formulas f displaystyle varphi This is called the Stone space of n types over A This topology explains some of the terminology used in model theory The compactness theorem says that the Stone space is a compact topological space and a type p is isolated if and only if p is an isolated point in the Stone topology While types in algebraically closed fields correspond to the spectrum of the polynomial ring the topology on the type space is the constructible topology a set of types is basic open iff it is of the form p f x 0 p displaystyle p f x 0 in p or of the form p f x 0 p displaystyle p f x neq 0 in p This is finer than the Zariski topology Constructing modelsRealising and omitting types Constructing models that realise certain types and do not realise others is an important task in model theory Not realising a type is referred to as omitting it and is generally possible by the Countable Omitting types theorem Let T displaystyle mathcal T be a theory in a countable signature and let F displaystyle Phi be a countable set of non isolated types over the empty set Then there is a model M displaystyle mathcal M of T displaystyle mathcal T which omits every type in F displaystyle Phi This implies that if a theory in a countable signature has only countably many types over the empty set then this theory has an atomic model On the other hand there is always an elementary extension in which any set of types over a fixed parameter set is realised Let M displaystyle mathcal M be a structure and let F displaystyle Phi be a set of complete types over a given parameter set A M displaystyle A subset mathcal M Then there is an elementary extension N displaystyle mathcal N of M displaystyle mathcal M which realises every type in F displaystyle Phi However since the parameter set is fixed and there is no mention here of the cardinality of N displaystyle mathcal N this does not imply that every theory has a saturated model In fact whether every theory has a saturated model is independent of the axioms of Zermelo Fraenkel set theory and is true if the generalised continuum hypothesis holds Ultraproducts Ultraproducts are used as a general technique for constructing models that realise certain types An ultraproduct is obtained from the direct product of a set of structures over an index set I by identifying those tuples that agree on almost all entries where almost all is made precise by an ultrafilter U on I An ultraproduct of copies of the same structure is known as an ultrapower The key to using ultraproducts in model theory is Los s theorem Let Mi displaystyle mathcal M i be a set of s structures indexed by an index set I and U an ultrafilter on I Then any s formula f ai i I displaystyle varphi a i i in I is true in the ultraproduct of the Mi displaystyle mathcal M i by U displaystyle U if the set of all i I displaystyle i in I for which Mi f ai displaystyle mathcal M i models varphi a i lies in U In particular any ultraproduct of models of a theory is itself a model of that theory and thus if two models have isomorphic ultrapowers they are elementarily equivalent The Keisler Shelah theorem provides a converse If M and N are elementary equivalent then there is a set I and an ultrafilter U on I such that the ultrapowers by U of M and N are isomorphic Therefore ultraproducts provide a way to talk about elementary equivalence that avoids mentioning first order theories at all Basic theorems of model theory such as the compactness theorem have alternative proofs using ultraproducts and they can be used to construct saturated elementary extensions if they exist CategoricityA theory was originally called categorical if it determines a structure up to isomorphism It turns out that this definition is not useful due to serious restrictions in the expressivity of first order logic The Lowenheim Skolem theorem implies that if a theory T has an infinite model for some infinite cardinal number then it has a model of size k for any sufficiently large cardinal number k Since two models of different sizes cannot possibly be isomorphic only finite structures can be described by a categorical theory However the weaker notion of k categoricity for a cardinal k has become a key concept in model theory A theory T is called k categorical if any two models of T that are of cardinality k are isomorphic It turns out that the question of k categoricity depends critically on whether k is bigger than the cardinality of the language i e ℵ0 s displaystyle aleph 0 sigma where s is the cardinality of the signature For finite or countable signatures this means that there is a fundamental difference between w cardinality and k cardinality for uncountable k w categoricity w categorical theories can be characterised by properties of their type space For a complete first order theory T in a finite or countable signature the following conditions are equivalent T is w categorical Every type in Sn T is isolated For every natural number n Sn T is finite For every natural number n the number of formulas f x1 xn in n free variables up to equivalence modulo T is finite The theory of Q lt displaystyle mathbb Q lt which is also the theory of R lt displaystyle mathbb R lt is w categorical as every n type p x1 xn displaystyle p x 1 dots x n over the empty set is isolated by the pairwise order relation between the xi displaystyle x i This means that every countable dense linear order is order isomorphic to the rational number line On the other hand the theories of ℚ ℝ and ℂ as fields are not w displaystyle omega categorical This follows from the fact that in all those fields any of the infinitely many natural numbers can be defined by a formula of the form x 1 1 displaystyle x 1 dots 1 ℵ0 displaystyle aleph 0 categorical theories and their countable models also have strong ties with oligomorphic groups A complete first order theory T in a finite or countable signature is w categorical if and only if its automorphism group is oligomorphic The equivalent characterisations of this subsection due independently to Engeler Ryll Nardzewski and Svenonius are sometimes referred to as the Ryll Nardzewski theorem In combinatorial signatures a common source of w categorical theories are Fraisse limits which are obtained as the limit of amalgamating all possible configurations of a class of finite relational structures Uncountable categoricity Michael Morley showed in 1963 that there is only one notion of uncountable categoricity for theories in countable languages Morley s categoricity theorem If a first order theory T in a finite or countable signature is k categorical for some uncountable cardinal k then T is k categorical for all uncountable cardinals k Morley s proof revealed deep connections between uncountable categoricity and the internal structure of the models which became the starting point of classification theory and stability theory Uncountably categorical theories are from many points of view the most well behaved theories In particular complete strongly minimal theories are uncountably categorical This shows that the theory of algebraically closed fields of a given characteristic is uncountably categorical with the transcendence degree of the field determining its isomorphism type A theory that is both w categorical and uncountably categorical is called totally categorical Stability theoryA key factor in the structure of the class of models of a first order theory is its place in the stability hierarchy A complete theory T is called l displaystyle lambda stable for a cardinal l displaystyle lambda if for any model M displaystyle mathcal M of T and any parameter set A M displaystyle A subset mathcal M of cardinality not exceeding l displaystyle lambda there are at most l displaystyle lambda complete T types over A A theory is called stable if it is l displaystyle lambda stable for some infinite cardinal l displaystyle lambda Traditionally theories that are ℵ0 displaystyle aleph 0 stable are called w displaystyle omega stable The stability hierarchy A fundamental result in stability theory is the stability spectrum theorem which implies that every complete theory T in a countable signature falls in one of the following classes There are no cardinals l displaystyle lambda such that T is l displaystyle lambda stable T is l displaystyle lambda stable if and only if lℵ0 l displaystyle lambda aleph 0 lambda see Cardinal exponentiation for an explanation of lℵ0 displaystyle lambda aleph 0 T is l displaystyle lambda stable for any l 2ℵ0 displaystyle lambda geq 2 aleph 0 where 2ℵ0 displaystyle 2 aleph 0 is the cardinality of the continuum A theory of the first type is called unstable a theory of the second type is called strictly stable and a theory of the third type is called superstable Furthermore if a theory is w displaystyle omega stable it is stable in every infinite cardinal so w displaystyle omega stability is stronger than superstability Many construction in model theory are easier when restricted to stable theories for instance every model of a stable theory has a saturated elementary extension regardless of whether the generalised continuum hypothesis is true Shelah s original motivation for studying stable theories was to decide how many models a countable theory has of any uncountable cardinality If a theory is uncountably categorical then it is w displaystyle omega stable More generally the Main gap theorem implies that if there is an uncountable cardinal l displaystyle lambda such that a theory T has less than 2l displaystyle 2 lambda models of cardinality l displaystyle lambda then T is superstable Geometric stability theory The stability hierarchy is also crucial for analysing the geometry of definable sets within a model of a theory In w displaystyle omega stable theories Morley rank is an important dimension notion for definable sets S within a model It is defined by transfinite induction The Morley rank is at least 0 if S is non empty For a a successor ordinal the Morley rank is at least a if in some elementary extension N of M the set S has infinitely many disjoint definable subsets each of rank at least a 1 For a a non zero limit ordinal the Morley rank is at least a if it is at least b for all b less than a A theory T in which every definable set has well defined Morley rank is called totally transcendental if T is countable then T is totally transcendental if and only if T is w displaystyle omega stable Morley Rank can be extended to types by setting the Morley rank of a type to be the minimum of the Morley ranks of the formulas in the type Thus one can also speak of the Morley rank of an element a over a parameter set A defined as the Morley rank of the type of a over A There are also analogues of Morley rank which are well defined if and only if a theory is superstable U rank or merely stable Shelah s displaystyle infty rank Those dimension notions can be used to define notions of independence and of generic extensions More recently stability has been decomposed into simplicity and not the independence property NIP are those theories in which a well behaved notion of independence can be defined while NIP theories generalise o minimal structures They are related to stability since a theory is stable if and only if it is NIP and simple and various aspects of stability theory have been generalised to theories in one of these classes Non elementary model theoryModel theoretic results have been generalised beyond elementary classes that is classes axiomatisable by a first order theory Model theory in higher order logics or infinitary logics is hampered by the fact that completeness and compactness do not in general hold for these logics This is made concrete by Lindstrom s theorem stating roughly that first order logic is essentially the strongest logic in which both the Lowenheim Skolem theorems and compactness hold However model theoretic techniques have been developed extensively for these logics too It turns out however that much of the model theory of more expressive logical languages is independent of Zermelo Fraenkel set theory More recently alongside the shift in focus to complete stable and categorical theories there has been work on classes of models defined semantically rather than axiomatised by a logical theory One example is homogeneous model theory which studies the class of substructures of arbitrarily large homogeneous models Fundamental results of stability theory and geometric stability theory generalise to this setting As a generalisation of strongly minimal theories classes are those in which every definable set is either countable or co countable They are key to the model theory of the complex exponential function The most general semantic framework in which stability is studied are abstract elementary classes which are defined by a strong substructure relation generalising that of an elementary substructure Even though its definition is purely semantic every abstract elementary class can be presented as the models of a first order theory which omit certain types Generalising stability theoretic notions to abstract elementary classes is an ongoing research program Selected applicationsAmong the early successes of model theory are Tarski s proofs of quantifier elimination for various algebraically interesting classes such as the real closed fields Boolean algebras and algebraically closed fields of a given characteristic Quantifier elimination allowed Tarski to show that the first order theories of real closed and algebraically closed fields as well as the first order theory of Boolean algebras are decidable classify the Boolean algebras up to elementary equivalence and show that the theories of real closed fields and algebraically closed fields of a given characteristic are unique Furthermore quantifier elimination provided a precise description of definable relations on algebraically closed fields as algebraic varieties and of the definable relations on real closed fields as semialgebraic sets In the 1960s the introduction of the ultraproduct construction led to new applications in algebra This includes Ax s work on pseudofinite fields proving that the theory of finite fields is decidable and Ax and Kochen s proof of as special case of Artin s conjecture on diophantine equations the Ax Kochen theorem The ultraproduct construction also led to Abraham Robinson s development of nonstandard analysis which aims to provide a rigorous calculus of infinitesimals More recently the connection between stability and the geometry of definable sets led to several applications from algebraic and diophantine geometry including Ehud Hrushovski s 1996 proof of the geometric Mordell Lang conjecture in all characteristics In 2001 similar methods were used to prove a generalisation of the Manin Mumford conjecture In 2011 Jonathan Pila applied techniques around o minimality to prove the Andre Oort conjecture for products of Modular curves In a separate strand of inquiries that also grew around stable theories Laskowski showed in 1992 that NIP theories describe exactly those definable classes that are PAC learnable in machine learning theory This has led to several interactions between these separate areas In 2018 the correspondence was extended as Hunter and Chase showed that stable theories correspond to online learnable classes HistoryModel theory as a subject has existed since approximately the middle of the 20th century and the name was coined by Alfred Tarski a member of the Lwow Warsaw school in 1954 However some earlier research especially in mathematical logic is often regarded as being of a model theoretical nature in retrospect The first significant result in what is now model theory was a special case of the downward Lowenheim Skolem theorem published by Leopold Lowenheim in 1915 The compactness theorem was implicit in work by Thoralf Skolem but it was first published in 1930 as a lemma in Kurt Godel s proof of his completeness theorem The Lowenheim Skolem theorem and the compactness theorem received their respective general forms in 1936 and 1941 from Anatoly Maltsev The development of model theory as an independent discipline was brought on by Alfred Tarski during the interbellum Tarski s work included logical consequence deductive systems the algebra of logic the theory of definability and the semantic definition of truth among other topics His semantic methods culminated in the model theory he and a number of his Berkeley students developed in the 1950s and 60s In the further history of the discipline different strands began to emerge and the focus of the subject shifted In the 1960s techniques around ultraproducts became a popular tool in model theory At the same time researchers such as James Ax were investigating the first order model theory of various algebraic classes and others such as H Jerome Keisler were extending the concepts and results of first order model theory to other logical systems Then inspired by Morley s problem Shelah developed stability theory His work around stability changed the complexion of model theory giving rise to a whole new class of concepts This is known as the paradigm shift Over the next decades it became clear that the resulting stability hierarchy is closely connected to the geometry of sets that are definable in those models this gave rise to the subdiscipline now known as geometric stability theory An example of an influential proof from geometric model theory is Hrushovski s proof of the Mordell Lang conjecture for function fields Connections to related branches of mathematical logicFinite model theory Finite model theory which concentrates on finite structures diverges significantly from the study of infinite structures in both the problems studied and the techniques used In particular many central results of classical model theory that fail when restricted to finite structures This includes the compactness theorem Godel s completeness theorem and the method of ultraproducts for first order logic At the interface of finite and infinite model theory are algorithmic or computable model theory and the study of where the infinite models of a generic theory of a class of structures provide information on the distribution of finite models Prominent application areas of FMT are descriptive complexity theory database theory and formal language theory Set theory Any set theory which is expressed in a countable language if it is consistent has a countable model this is known as Skolem s paradox since there are sentences in set theory which postulate the existence of uncountable sets and yet these sentences are true in our countable model Particularly the proof of the independence of the continuum hypothesis requires considering sets in models which appear to be uncountable when viewed from within the model but are countable to someone outside the model The model theoretic viewpoint has been useful in set theory for example in Kurt Godel s work on the constructible universe which along with the method of forcing developed by Paul Cohen can be shown to prove the again philosophically interesting independence of the axiom of choice and the continuum hypothesis from the other axioms of set theory In the other direction model theory is itself formalised within Zermelo Fraenkel set theory For instance the development of the fundamentals of model theory such as the compactness theorem rely on the axiom of choice and is in fact equivalent over Zermelo Fraenkel set theory without choice to the Boolean prime ideal theorem Other results in model theory depend on set theoretic axioms beyond the standard ZFC framework For example if the Continuum Hypothesis holds then every countable model has an ultrapower which is saturated in its own cardinality Similarly if the Generalized Continuum Hypothesis holds then every model has a saturated elementary extension Neither of these results are provable in ZFC alone Finally some questions arising from model theory such as compactness for infinitary logics have been shown to be equivalent to large cardinal axioms See alsoAbstract model theory Algebraic theory Compactness theorem Descriptive complexity Elementary class Elementary equivalence First order theories Hyperreal number Institutional model theory Kripke semantics Lowenheim Skolem theorem Model theoretic grammar Proof theory Saturated model Skolem normal formNotesChang amp Keisler 1990 p 1 Model Theory The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Metaphysics Research Lab Stanford University 2020 Dirk van Dalen 1980 Fifth revision 2013 Logic and Structure Springer See page 1 Hodges 1997 p vii Marker 2002 p 32 Marker 2002 p 45 Barwise amp Feferman 1985 p 43 Marker 2002 p 19 Marker 2002 p 71 Marker 2002 p 72 Marker 2002 p 85 Doner John Hodges Wilfrid 1988 Alfred Tarski and Decidable Theories The Journal of Symbolic Logic 53 1 20 doi 10 2307 2274425 ISSN 0022 4812 JSTOR 2274425 Marker 2002 p 45 Marker 2002 p 106 Marker 2002 p 208 Marker 2002 p 97 Hodges 1993 pp 31 92 Tarski Alfred 1953 I A General Method in Proofs of Undecidability Undecidable Theories Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics vol 13 Elsevier pp 1 34 doi 10 1016 s0049 237x 09 70292 7 ISBN 9780444533784 retrieved 2022 01 26 Marker 2002 pp 115 124 Marker 2002 pp 125 155 Hodges 1993 p 280 Marker 2002 pp 124 125 Hodges 1993 p 333 Hodges 1993 p 451 Hodges 1993 p 492 Hodges 1993 p 450 Hodges 1993 p 452 Bell amp Slomson 2006 p 102 Morley Michael 1963 On theories categorical in uncountable powers Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 49 2 213 216 Bibcode 1963PNAS 49 213M doi 10 1073 pnas 49 2 213 PMC 299780 PMID 16591050 Marker 2002 p 135 Marker 2002 p 172 Marker 2002 p 136 Hodges 1993 p 494 Saharon Shelah 1990 Classification theory and the number of non isomorphic models North Holland ISBN 0 444 70260 1 OCLC 800472113 Wagner Frank 2011 Simple theories Springer doi 10 1007 978 94 017 3002 0 ISBN 978 90 481 5417 3 Barwise J 2016 Barwise J Feferman S eds Model Theoretic Logics Background and Aims Model Theoretic Logics Cambridge Cambridge University Press pp 3 24 doi 10 1017 9781316717158 004 ISBN 9781316717158 retrieved 2022 01 15 Shelah Saharon 2000 On what I do not understand and have something to say model theory Fundamenta Mathematicae 166 1 1 82 arXiv math 9910158 doi 10 4064 fm 166 1 2 1 82 ISSN 0016 2736 S2CID 116922041 Buechler Steven Lessmann Olivier 2002 10 08 Simple homogeneous models Journal of the American Mathematical Society 16 1 91 121 doi 10 1090 s0894 0347 02 00407 1 ISSN 0894 0347 S2CID 12044966 Marker David 2016 Quasiminimal excellence Lectures on Infinitary Model Theory Cambridge Cambridge University Press pp 97 112 doi 10 1017 cbo9781316855560 009 ISBN 9781316855560 retrieved 2022 01 23 Baldwin John 2009 07 24 Categoricity University Lecture Series Vol 50 Providence Rhode Island American Mathematical Society doi 10 1090 ulect 050 ISBN 9780821848937 Hodges 1993 pp 68 69 Doner John Hodges Wilfrid March 1988 Alfred Tarski and Decidable Theories The Journal of Symbolic Logic 53 1 20 doi 10 2307 2274425 ISSN 0022 4812 JSTOR 2274425 Eklof Paul C 1977 Ultraproducts for Algebraists HANDBOOK OF MATHEMATICAL LOGIC Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics vol 90 Elsevier pp 105 137 doi 10 1016 s0049 237x 08 71099 1 ISBN 9780444863881 retrieved 2022 01 23 Ax James Kochen Simon 1965 Diophantine Problems Over Local Fields I American Journal of Mathematics 87 605 630 Cherlin Greg Hirschfeld Joram 1972 Ultrafilters and Ultraproducts in Non Standard Analysis Contributions to Non Standard Analysis Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics vol 69 Elsevier pp 261 279 doi 10 1016 s0049 237x 08 71563 5 ISBN 9780720420654 retrieved 2022 01 23 Ehud Hrushovski The Mordell Lang Conjecture for Function Fields Journal of the American Mathematical Society 9 3 1996 pp 667 690 Pila Jonathan 2011 O minimality and the Andre Oort conjecture for Cn Annals of Mathematics 173 3 1779 1840 doi 10 4007 annals 2011 173 3 11 CHASE HUNTER FREITAG JAMES 2019 02 15 Model Theory and Machine Learning The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 25 3 319 332 arXiv 1801 06566 doi 10 1017 bsl 2018 71 ISSN 1079 8986 S2CID 119689419 Tarski Alfred 1954 Contributions to the Theory of Models I Indagationes Mathematicae 57 572 581 doi 10 1016 S1385 7258 54 50074 0 ISSN 1385 7258 Wilfrid Hodges 2018 05 24 Historical Appendix A short history of model theory Philosophy and model theory By Button Tim Walsh Sean p 439 doi 10 1093 oso 9780198790396 003 0018 All three commentators i e Vaught van Heijenoort and Dreben agree that both the completeness and compactness theorems were implicit in Skolem 1923 Dawson J W 1993 The compactness of first order logic from Godel to Lindstrom History and Philosophy of Logic 14 15 37 doi 10 1080 01445349308837208 Hodges 1993 p 475 Baldwin John T 2018 01 19 Model Theory and the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice Cambridge University Press doi 10 1017 9781316987216 ISBN 978 1 107 18921 8 S2CID 126311148 Sacks Gerald 2003 Mathematical logic in the 20th century Singapore University Press doi 10 1142 4800 ISBN 981 256 489 6 OCLC 62715985 Ebbinghaus Heinz Dieter Flum Jorg 1995 Finite Model Theory Perspectives in Mathematical Logic p v doi 10 1007 978 3 662 03182 7 ISBN 978 3 662 03184 1 Ebbinghaus Heinz Dieter Flum Jorg 1995 0 1 Laws Finite Model Theory Perspectives in Mathematical Logic doi 10 1007 978 3 662 03182 7 ISBN 978 3 662 03184 1 Ebbinghaus Heinz Dieter Flum Jorg 1995 Finite Model Theory Perspectives in Mathematical Logic doi 10 1007 978 3 662 03182 7 ISBN 978 3 662 03184 1 Kunen Kenneth 2011 Models of set theory Set Theory College Publications ISBN 978 1 84890 050 9 Kunen Kenneth 2011 Set Theory College Publications ISBN 978 1 84890 050 9 Hodges 1993 p 272 Baldwin John T 2018 01 19 Model theory and set theory Model Theory and the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice Cambridge University Press doi 10 1017 9781316987216 ISBN 978 1 107 18921 8 S2CID 126311148 ReferencesCanonical textbooks Chang Chen Chung Keisler H Jerome 1990 1973 Model Theory Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics 3rd ed Elsevier ISBN 978 0 444 88054 3 Chang Chen Chung Keisler H Jerome 2012 1990 Model Theory Dover Books on Mathematics 3rd ed Dover Publications p 672 ISBN 978 0 486 48821 9 Hodges Wilfrid 1997 A shorter model theory Cambridge Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0 521 58713 6 Kopperman R 1972 Model Theory and Its Applications Boston Allyn and Bacon Marker David 2002 Model Theory An Introduction Graduate Texts in Mathematics 217 Springer ISBN 0 387 98760 6 Other textbooks Bell John L Slomson Alan B 2006 1969 Models and Ultraproducts An Introduction reprint of 1974 ed Dover Publications ISBN 0 486 44979 3 Ebbinghaus Heinz Dieter Flum Jorg Thomas Wolfgang 1994 Mathematical Logic Springer ISBN 0 387 94258 0 Hinman Peter G 2005 Fundamentals of Mathematical Logic A K Peters ISBN 1 56881 262 0 Hodges Wilfrid 1993 Model theory Cambridge University Press ISBN 0 521 30442 3 Manzano Maria 1999 Model theory Oxford University Press ISBN 0 19 853851 0 Poizat Bruno 2000 A Course in Model Theory Springer ISBN 0 387 98655 3 Rautenberg Wolfgang 2010 A Concise Introduction to Mathematical Logic 3rd ed New York Springer Science Business Media doi 10 1007 978 1 4419 1221 3 ISBN 978 1 4419 1220 6 Rothmaler Philipp 2000 Introduction to Model Theory new ed Taylor amp Francis ISBN 90 5699 313 5 Tent Katrin Ziegler Martin 2012 A Course in Model Theory Cambridge University Press ISBN 9780521763240 Kirby Jonathan 2019 An Invitation to Model Theory Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 1 107 16388 1 Free online texts Chatzidakis Zoe 2001 Introduction to Model Theory PDF pp 26 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