In physics, spacetime, also called the space-time continuum, is a mathematical model that fuses the three dimensions of space and the one dimension of time into a single four-dimensional continuum. Spacetime diagrams are useful in visualizing and understanding relativistic effects, such as how different observers perceive where and when events occur.
Until the turn of the 20th century, the assumption had been that the three-dimensional geometry of the universe (its description in terms of locations, shapes, distances, and directions) was distinct from time (the measurement of when events occur within the universe). However, space and time took on new meanings with the Lorentz transformation and special theory of relativity.
In 1908, Hermann Minkowski presented a geometric interpretation of special relativity that fused time and the three spatial dimensions into a single four-dimensional continuum now known as Minkowski space. This interpretation proved vital to the general theory of relativity, wherein spacetime is curved by mass and energy.
Non-relativistic classical mechanics treats time as a universal quantity of measurement that is uniform throughout, is separate from space, and is agreed on by all observers. Classical mechanics assumes that time has a constant rate of passage, independent of the observer's state of motion, or anything external. It assumes that space is Euclidean: it assumes that space follows the geometry of common sense.
In the context of special relativity, time cannot be separated from the three dimensions of space, because the observed rate at which time passes for an object depends on the object's velocity relative to the observer.: 214–217 General relativity provides an explanation of how gravitational fields can slow the passage of time for an object as seen by an observer outside the field.
In ordinary space, a position is specified by three numbers, known as dimensions. In the Cartesian coordinate system, these are often called x, y and z. A point in spacetime is called an event, and requires four numbers to be specified: the three-dimensional location in space, plus the position in time (Fig. 1). An event is represented by a set of coordinates x, y, z and t. Spacetime is thus four-dimensional.
Unlike the analogies used in popular writings to explain events, such as firecrackers or sparks, mathematical events have zero duration and represent a single point in spacetime. Although it is possible to be in motion relative to the popping of a firecracker or a spark, it is not possible for an observer to be in motion relative to an event.
The path of a particle through spacetime can be considered to be a sequence of events. The series of events can be linked together to form a curve that represents the particle's progress through spacetime. That path is called the particle's world line.: 105
Mathematically, spacetime is a manifold, which is to say, it appears locally "flat" near each point in the same way that, at small enough scales, the surface of a globe appears to be flat. A scale factor, (conventionally called the speed-of-light) relates distances measured in space to distances measured in time. The magnitude of this scale factor (nearly 300,000 kilometres or 190,000 miles in space being equivalent to one second in time), along with the fact that spacetime is a manifold, implies that at ordinary, non-relativistic speeds and at ordinary, human-scale distances, there is little that humans might observe that is noticeably different from what they might observe if the world were Euclidean. It was only with the advent of sensitive scientific measurements in the mid-1800s, such as the Fizeau experiment and the Michelson–Morley experiment, that puzzling discrepancies began to be noted between observation versus predictions based on the implicit assumption of Euclidean space.
In special relativity, an observer will, in most cases, mean a frame of reference from which a set of objects or events is being measured. This usage differs significantly from the ordinary English meaning of the term. Reference frames are inherently nonlocal constructs, and according to this usage of the term, it does not make sense to speak of an observer as having a location.
In Fig. 1-1, imagine that the frame under consideration is equipped with a dense lattice of clocks, synchronized within this reference frame, that extends indefinitely throughout the three dimensions of space. Any specific location within the lattice is not important. The latticework of clocks is used to determine the time and position of events taking place within the whole frame. The term observer refers to the whole ensemble of clocks associated with one inertial frame of reference.: 17–22
In this idealized case, every point in space has a clock associated with it, and thus the clocks register each event instantly, with no time delay between an event and its recording. A real observer will see a delay between the emission of a signal and its detection due to the speed of light. To synchronize the clocks, in the data reduction following an experiment, the time when a signal is received will be corrected to reflect its actual time were it to have been recorded by an idealized lattice of clocks.: 17–22
In many books on special relativity, especially older ones, the word "observer" is used in the more ordinary sense of the word. It is usually clear from context which meaning has been adopted.
Physicists distinguish between what one measures or observes, after one has factored out signal propagation delays, versus what one visually sees without such corrections. Failing to understand the difference between what one measures and what one sees is the source of much confusion among students of relativity.
By the mid-1800s, various experiments such as the observation of the Arago spot and differential measurements of the speed of light in air versus water were considered to have proven the wave nature of light as opposed to a corpuscular theory. Propagation of waves was then assumed to require the existence of a waving medium; in the case of light waves, this was considered to be a hypothetical luminiferous aether. The various attempts to establish the properties of this hypothetical medium yielded contradictory results. For example, the Fizeau experiment of 1851, conducted by French physicist Hippolyte Fizeau, demonstrated that the speed of light in flowing water was less than the sum of the speed of light in air plus the speed of the water by an amount dependent on the water's index of refraction.
Among other issues, the dependence of the partial aether-dragging implied by this experiment on the index of refraction (which is dependent on wavelength) led to the unpalatable conclusion that aether simultaneously flows at different speeds for different colors of light. The Michelson–Morley experiment of 1887 (Fig. 1-2) showed no differential influence of Earth's motions through the hypothetical aether on the speed of light, and the most likely explanation, complete aether dragging, was in conflict with the observation of stellar aberration.
George Francis FitzGerald in 1889, and Hendrik Lorentz in 1892, independently proposed that material bodies traveling through the fixed aether were physically affected by their passage, contracting in the direction of motion by an amount that was exactly what was necessary to explain the negative results of the Michelson–Morley experiment. No length changes occur in directions transverse to the direction of motion.
By 1904, Lorentz had expanded his theory such that he had arrived at equations formally identical with those that Einstein was to derive later, i.e. the Lorentz transformation. As a theory of dynamics (the study of forces and torques and their effect on motion), his theory assumed actual physical deformations of the physical constituents of matter.: 163–174 Lorentz's equations predicted a quantity that he called local time, with which he could explain the aberration of light, the Fizeau experiment and other phenomena.
Henri Poincaré was the first to combine space and time into spacetime.: 73–80, 93–95 He argued in 1898 that the simultaneity of two events is a matter of convention. In 1900, he recognized that Lorentz's "local time" is actually what is indicated by moving clocks by applying an explicitly operational definition of clock synchronization assuming constant light speed. In 1900 and 1904, he suggested the inherent undetectability of the aether by emphasizing the validity of what he called the principle of relativity. In 1905/1906 he mathematically perfected Lorentz's theory of electrons in order to bring it into accordance with the postulate of relativity.
While discussing various hypotheses on Lorentz invariant gravitation, he introduced the innovative concept of a 4-dimensional spacetime by defining various four vectors, namely four-position, four-velocity, and four-force. He did not pursue the 4-dimensional formalism in subsequent papers, however, stating that this line of research seemed to "entail great pain for limited profit", ultimately concluding "that three-dimensional language seems the best suited to the description of our world". Even as late as 1909, Poincaré continued to describe the dynamical interpretation of the Lorentz transform.: 163–174
In 1905, Albert Einstein analyzed special relativity in terms of kinematics (the study of moving bodies without reference to forces) rather than dynamics. His results were mathematically equivalent to those of Lorentz and Poincaré. He obtained them by recognizing that the entire theory can be built upon two postulates: the principle of relativity and the principle of the constancy of light speed. His work was filled with vivid imagery involving the exchange of light signals between clocks in motion, careful measurements of the lengths of moving rods, and other such examples.
Einstein in 1905 superseded previous attempts of an electromagnetic mass–energy relation by introducing the general equivalence of mass and energy, which was instrumental for his subsequent formulation of the equivalence principle in 1907, which declares the equivalence of inertial and gravitational mass. By using the mass–energy equivalence, Einstein showed that the gravitational mass of a body is proportional to its energy content, which was one of the early results in developing general relativity. While it would appear that he did not at first think geometrically about spacetime,: 219 in the further development of general relativity, Einstein fully incorporated the spacetime formalism.
When Einstein published in 1905, another of his competitors, his former mathematics professor Hermann Minkowski, had also arrived at most of the basic elements of special relativity. Max Born recounted a meeting he had made with Minkowski, seeking to be Minkowski's student/collaborator:
I went to Cologne, met Minkowski and heard his celebrated lecture 'Space and Time' delivered on 2 September 1908. [...] He told me later that it came to him as a great shock when Einstein published his paper in which the equivalence of the different local times of observers moving relative to each other was pronounced; for he had reached the same conclusions independently but did not publish them because he wished first to work out the mathematical structure in all its splendor. He never made a priority claim and always gave Einstein his full share in the great discovery.
Minkowski had been concerned with the state of electrodynamics after Michelson's disruptive experiments at least since the summer of 1905, when Minkowski and David Hilbert led an advanced seminar attended by notable physicists of the time to study the papers of Lorentz, Poincaré et al. Minkowski saw Einstein's work as an extension of Lorentz's, and was most directly influenced by Poincaré.
On 5 November 1907 (a little more than a year before his death), Minkowski introduced his geometric interpretation of spacetime in a lecture to the Göttingen Mathematical society with the title, The Relativity Principle (Das Relativitätsprinzip). On 21 September 1908, Minkowski presented his talk, Space and Time (Raum und Zeit), to the German Society of Scientists and Physicians. The opening words of Space and Time include Minkowski's statement that "Henceforth, space for itself, and time for itself shall completely reduce to a mere shadow, and only some sort of union of the two shall preserve independence." Space and Time included the first public presentation of spacetime diagrams (Fig. 1-4), and included a remarkable demonstration that the concept of the invariant interval (discussed below), along with the empirical observation that the speed of light is finite, allows derivation of the entirety of special relativity.
The spacetime concept and the Lorentz group are closely connected to certain types of sphere, hyperbolic, or conformal geometries and their transformation groups already developed in the 19th century, in which invariant intervals analogous to the spacetime interval are used.
Einstein, for his part, was initially dismissive of Minkowski's geometric interpretation of special relativity, regarding it as überflüssige Gelehrsamkeit (superfluous learnedness). However, in order to complete his search for general relativity that started in 1907, the geometric interpretation of relativity proved to be vital. In 1916, Einstein fully acknowledged his indebtedness to Minkowski, whose interpretation greatly facilitated the transition to general relativity.: 151–152 Since there are other types of spacetime, such as the curved spacetime of general relativity, the spacetime of special relativity is today known as Minkowski spacetime.
Spacetime in special relativity
Spacetime interval
In three dimensions, the distance between two points can be defined using the Pythagorean theorem:
Although two viewers may measure the x, y, and z position of the two points using different coordinate systems, the distance between the points will be the same for both, assuming that they are measuring using the same units. The distance is "invariant".
In special relativity, however, the distance between two points is no longer the same if measured by two different observers, when one of the observers is moving, because of Lorentz contraction. The situation is even more complicated if the two points are separated in time as well as in space. For example, if one observer sees two events occur at the same place, but at different times, a person moving with respect to the first observer will see the two events occurring at different places, because the moving point of view sees itself as stationary, and the position of the event as receding or approaching. Thus, a different measure must be used to measure the effective "distance" between two events.: 48–50, 100–102
In four-dimensional spacetime, the analog to distance is the interval. Although time comes in as a fourth dimension, it is treated differently than the spatial dimensions. Minkowski space hence differs in important respects from four-dimensional Euclidean space. The fundamental reason for merging space and time into spacetime is that space and time are separately not invariant, which is to say that, under the proper conditions, different observers will disagree on the length of time between two events (because of time dilation) or the distance between the two events (because of length contraction). Special relativity provides a new invariant, called the spacetime interval, which combines distances in space and in time. All observers who measure the time and distance between any two events will end up computing the same spacetime interval. Suppose an observer measures two events as being separated in time by and a spatial distance
Then the squared spacetime interval
between the two events that are separated by a distance
in space and by
in the
-coordinate is:
or for three space dimensions,
The constant the speed of light, converts time
units (like seconds) into space units (like meters). The squared interval
is a measure of separation between events A and B that are time separated and in addition space separated either because there are two separate objects undergoing events, or because a single object in space is moving inertially between its events. The separation interval is the difference between the square of the spatial distance separating event B from event A and the square of the spatial distance traveled by a light signal in that same time interval
. If the event separation is due to a light signal, then this difference vanishes and
When the event considered is infinitesimally close to each other, then we may write
In a different inertial frame, say with coordinates , the spacetime interval
can be written in a same form as above. Because of the constancy of speed of light, the light events in all inertial frames belong to zero interval,
. For any other infinitesimal event where
, one can prove that
which in turn upon integration leads to
.: 2 The invariance of the spacetime interval between the same events for all inertial frames of reference is one of the fundamental results of special theory of relativity.
Although for brevity, one frequently sees interval expressions expressed without deltas, including in most of the following discussion, it should be understood that in general, means
, etc. We are always concerned with differences of spatial or temporal coordinate values belonging to two events, and since there is no preferred origin, single coordinate values have no essential meaning.
The equation above is similar to the Pythagorean theorem, except with a minus sign between the and the
terms. The spacetime interval is the quantity
itself. The reason is that unlike distances in Euclidean geometry, intervals in Minkowski spacetime can be negative. Rather than deal with square roots of negative numbers, physicists customarily regard
as a distinct symbol in itself, rather than the square of something.: 217
- Note: There are two sign conventions in use in the relativity literature:
- and
- These sign conventions are associated with the metric signatures (+−−−) and (−+++). A minor variation is to place the time coordinate last rather than first. Both conventions are widely used within the field of study.
- In the following discussion, we use the first convention.
In general can assume any real number value. If
is positive, the spacetime interval is referred to as timelike. Since spatial distance traversed by any massive object is always less than distance traveled by the light for the same time interval, positive intervals are always timelike. If
is negative, the spacetime interval is said to be spacelike. Spacetime intervals are equal to zero when
In other words, the spacetime interval between two events on the world line of something moving at the speed of light is zero. Such an interval is termed lightlike or null. A photon arriving in our eye from a distant star will not have aged, despite having (from our perspective) spent years in its passage.: 48–50
A spacetime diagram is typically drawn with only a single space and a single time coordinate. Fig. 2-1 presents a spacetime diagram illustrating the world lines (i.e. paths in spacetime) of two photons, A and B, originating from the same event and going in opposite directions. In addition, C illustrates the world line of a slower-than-light-speed object. The vertical time coordinate is scaled by so that it has the same units (meters) as the horizontal space coordinate. Since photons travel at the speed of light, their world lines have a slope of ±1.: 23–25 In other words, every meter that a photon travels to the left or right requires approximately 3.3 nanoseconds of time.
Reference frames
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To gain insight in how spacetime coordinates measured by observers in different reference frames compare with each other, it is useful to work with a simplified setup with frames in a standard configuration. With care, this allows simplification of the math with no loss of generality in the conclusions that are reached. In Fig. 2-2, two Galilean reference frames (i.e. conventional 3-space frames) are displayed in relative motion. Frame S belongs to a first observer O, and frame S′ (pronounced "S prime") belongs to a second observer O′.
- The x, y, z axes of frame S are oriented parallel to the respective primed axes of frame S′.
- Frame S′ moves in the x-direction of frame S with a constant velocity v as measured in frame S.
- The origins of frames S and S′ are coincident when time t = 0 for frame S and t′ = 0 for frame S′.: 107
Fig. 2-3a redraws Fig. 2-2 in a different orientation. Fig. 2-3b illustrates a relativistic spacetime diagram from the viewpoint of observer O. Since S and S′ are in standard configuration, their origins coincide at times t = 0 in frame S and t′ = 0 in frame S′. The ct′ axis passes through the events in frame S′ which have x′ = 0. But the points with x′ = 0 are moving in the x-direction of frame S with velocity v, so that they are not coincident with the ct axis at any time other than zero. Therefore, the ct′ axis is tilted with respect to the ct axis by an angle θ given by: 23–31
The x′ axis is also tilted with respect to the x axis. To determine the angle of this tilt, we recall that the slope of the world line of a light pulse is always ±1. Fig. 2-3c presents a spacetime diagram from the viewpoint of observer O′. Event P represents the emission of a light pulse at x′ = 0, ct′ = −a. The pulse is reflected from a mirror situated a distance a from the light source (event Q), and returns to the light source at x′ = 0, ct′ = a (event R).
The same events P, Q, R are plotted in Fig. 2-3b in the frame of observer O. The light paths have slopes = 1 and −1, so that △PQR forms a right triangle with PQ and QR both at 45 degrees to the x and ct axes. Since OP = OQ = OR, the angle between x′ and x must also be θ.: 113–118
While the rest frame has space and time axes that meet at right angles, the moving frame is drawn with axes that meet at an acute angle. The frames are actually equivalent.: 23–31 The asymmetry is due to unavoidable distortions in how spacetime coordinates can map onto a Cartesian plane, and should be considered no stranger than the manner in which, on a Mercator projection of the Earth, the relative sizes of land masses near the poles (Greenland and Antarctica) are highly exaggerated relative to land masses near the Equator.
Light cone
In Fig. 2–4, event O is at the origin of a spacetime diagram, and the two diagonal lines represent all events that have zero spacetime interval with respect to the origin event. These two lines form what is called the light cone of the event O, since adding a second spatial dimension (Fig. 2-5) makes the appearance that of two right circular cones meeting with their apices at O. One cone extends into the future (t>0), the other into the past (t<0).
A light (double) cone divides spacetime into separate regions with respect to its apex. The interior of the future light cone consists of all events that are separated from the apex by more time (temporal distance) than necessary to cross their spatial distance at lightspeed; these events comprise the timelike future of the event O. Likewise, the timelike past comprises the interior events of the past light cone. So in timelike intervals Δct is greater than Δx, making timelike intervals positive.: 220
The region exterior to the light cone consists of events that are separated from the event O by more space than can be crossed at lightspeed in the given time. These events comprise the so-called spacelike region of the event O, denoted "Elsewhere" in Fig. 2-4. Events on the light cone itself are said to be lightlike (or null separated) from O. Because of the invariance of the spacetime interval, all observers will assign the same light cone to any given event, and thus will agree on this division of spacetime.: 220
The light cone has an essential role within the concept of causality. It is possible for a not-faster-than-light-speed signal to travel from the position and time of O to the position and time of D (Fig. 2-4). It is hence possible for event O to have a causal influence on event D. The future light cone contains all the events that could be causally influenced by O. Likewise, it is possible for a not-faster-than-light-speed signal to travel from the position and time of A, to the position and time of O. The past light cone contains all the events that could have a causal influence on O. In contrast, assuming that signals cannot travel faster than the speed of light, any event, like e.g. B or C, in the spacelike region (Elsewhere), cannot either affect event O, nor can they be affected by event O employing such signalling. Under this assumption any causal relationship between event O and any events in the spacelike region of a light cone is excluded.
Relativity of simultaneity
All observers will agree that for any given event, an event within the given event's future light cone occurs after the given event. Likewise, for any given event, an event within the given event's past light cone occurs before the given event. The before–after relationship observed for timelike-separated events remains unchanged no matter what the reference frame of the observer, i.e. no matter how the observer may be moving. The situation is quite different for spacelike-separated events. Fig. 2-4 was drawn from the reference frame of an observer moving at v = 0. From this reference frame, event C is observed to occur after event O, and event B is observed to occur before event O.
From a different reference frame, the orderings of these non-causally-related events can be reversed. In particular, one notes that if two events are simultaneous in a particular reference frame, they are necessarily separated by a spacelike interval and thus are noncausally related. The observation that simultaneity is not absolute, but depends on the observer's reference frame, is termed the relativity of simultaneity.
Fig. 2-6 illustrates the use of spacetime diagrams in the analysis of the relativity of simultaneity. The events in spacetime are invariant, but the coordinate frames transform as discussed above for Fig. 2-3. The three events (A, B, C) are simultaneous from the reference frame of an observer moving at v = 0. From the reference frame of an observer moving at v = 0.3c, the events appear to occur in the order C, B, A. From the reference frame of an observer moving at v = −0.5c, the events appear to occur in the order A, B, C. The white line represents a plane of simultaneity being moved from the past of the observer to the future of the observer, highlighting events residing on it. The gray area is the light cone of the observer, which remains invariant.
A spacelike spacetime interval gives the same distance that an observer would measure if the events being measured were simultaneous to the observer. A spacelike spacetime interval hence provides a measure of proper distance, i.e. the true distance = Likewise, a timelike spacetime interval gives the same measure of time as would be presented by the cumulative ticking of a clock that moves along a given world line. A timelike spacetime interval hence provides a measure of the proper time =
: 220–221
Invariant hyperbola
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In Euclidean space (having spatial dimensions only), the set of points equidistant (using the Euclidean metric) from some point form a circle (in two dimensions) or a sphere (in three dimensions). In (1+1)-dimensional Minkowski spacetime (having one temporal and one spatial dimension), the points at some constant spacetime interval away from the origin (using the Minkowski metric) form curves given by the two equations
with some positive real constant. These equations describe two families of hyperbolae in an x–ct spacetime diagram, which are termed invariant hyperbolae.
In Fig. 2-7a, each magenta hyperbola connects all events having some fixed spacelike separation from the origin, while the green hyperbolae connect events of equal timelike separation.
The magenta hyperbolae, which cross the x axis, are timelike curves, which is to say that these hyperbolae represent actual paths that can be traversed by (constantly accelerating) particles in spacetime: Between any two events on one hyperbola a causality relation is possible, because the inverse of the slope—representing the necessary speed—for all secants is less than . On the other hand, the green hyperbolae, which cross the ct axis, are spacelike curves because all intervals along these hyperbolae are spacelike intervals: No causality is possible between any two points on one of these hyperbolae, because all secants represent speeds larger than
Fig. 2-7b reflects the situation in (1+2)-dimensional Minkowski spacetime (one temporal and two spatial dimensions) with the corresponding hyperboloids. The invariant hyperbolae displaced by spacelike intervals from the origin generate hyperboloids of one sheet, while the invariant hyperbolae displaced by timelike intervals from the origin generate hyperboloids of two sheets.
The (1+2)-dimensional boundary between space- and time-like hyperboloids, established by the events forming a zero spacetime interval to the origin, is made up by degenerating the hyperboloids to the light cone. In (1+1)-dimensions the hyperbolae degenerate to the two grey 45°-lines depicted in Fig. 2-7a.
Time dilation and length contraction
Fig. 2-8 illustrates the invariant hyperbola for all events that can be reached from the origin in a proper time of 5 meters (approximately 1.67×10−8 s). Different world lines represent clocks moving at different speeds. A clock that is stationary with respect to the observer has a world line that is vertical, and the elapsed time measured by the observer is the same as the proper time. For a clock traveling at 0.3 c, the elapsed time measured by the observer is 5.24 meters (1.75×10−8 s), while for a clock traveling at 0.7 c, the elapsed time measured by the observer is 7.00 meters (2.34×10−8 s).: 220–221
This illustrates the phenomenon known as time dilation. Clocks that travel faster take longer (in the observer frame) to tick out the same amount of proper time, and they travel further along the x–axis within that proper time than they would have without time dilation.: 220–221 The measurement of time dilation by two observers in different inertial reference frames is mutual. If observer O measures the clocks of observer O′ as running slower in his frame, observer O′ in turn will measure the clocks of observer O as running slower.
Length contraction, like time dilation, is a manifestation of the relativity of simultaneity. Measurement of length requires measurement of the spacetime interval between two events that are simultaneous in one's frame of reference. But events that are simultaneous in one frame of reference are, in general, not simultaneous in other frames of reference.
Fig. 2-9 illustrates the motions of a 1 m rod that is traveling at 0.5 c along the x axis. The edges of the blue band represent the world lines of the rod's two endpoints. The invariant hyperbola illustrates events separated from the origin by a spacelike interval of 1 m. The endpoints O and B measured when t′ = 0 are simultaneous events in the S′ frame. But to an observer in frame S, events O and B are not simultaneous. To measure length, the observer in frame S measures the endpoints of the rod as projected onto the x-axis along their world lines. The projection of the rod's world sheet onto the x axis yields the foreshortened length OC.: 125
(not illustrated) Drawing a vertical line through A so that it intersects the x′ axis demonstrates that, even as OB is foreshortened from the point of view of observer O, OA is likewise foreshortened from the point of view of observer O′. In the same way that each observer measures the other's clocks as running slow, each observer measures the other's rulers as being contracted.
In regards to mutual length contraction, Fig. 2-9 illustrates that the primed and unprimed frames are mutually rotated by a hyperbolic angle (analogous to ordinary angles in Euclidean geometry). Because of this rotation, the projection of a primed meter-stick onto the unprimed x-axis is foreshortened, while the projection of an unprimed meter-stick onto the primed x′-axis is likewise foreshortened.
Mutual time dilation and the twin paradox
Mutual time dilation
Mutual time dilation and length contraction tend to strike beginners as inherently self-contradictory concepts. If an observer in frame S measures a clock, at rest in frame S', as running slower than his', while S' is moving at speed v in S, then the principle of relativity requires that an observer in frame S' likewise measures a clock in frame S, moving at speed −v in S', as running slower than hers. How two clocks can run both slower than the other, is an important question that "goes to the heart of understanding special relativity.": 198
This apparent contradiction stems from not correctly taking into account the different settings of the necessary, related measurements. These settings allow for a consistent explanation of the only apparent contradiction. It is not about the abstract ticking of two identical clocks, but about how to measure in one frame the temporal distance of two ticks of a moving clock. It turns out that in mutually observing the duration between ticks of clocks, each moving in the respective frame, different sets of clocks must be involved. In order to measure in frame S the tick duration of a moving clock W′ (at rest in S′), one uses two additional, synchronized clocks W1 and W2 at rest in two arbitrarily fixed points in S with the spatial distance d.
- Two events can be defined by the condition "two clocks are simultaneously at one place", i.e., when W′ passes each W1 and W2. For both events the two readings of the collocated clocks are recorded. The difference of the two readings of W1 and W2 is the temporal distance of the two events in S, and their spatial distance is d. The difference of the two readings of W′ is the temporal distance of the two events in S′. In S′ these events are only separated in time, they happen at the same place in S′. Because of the invariance of the spacetime interval spanned by these two events, and the nonzero spatial separation d in S, the temporal distance in S′ must be smaller than the one in S: the smaller temporal distance between the two events, resulting from the readings of the moving clock W′, belongs to the slower running clock W′.
Conversely, for judging in frame S′ the temporal distance of two events on a moving clock W (at rest in S), one needs two clocks at rest in S′.
- In this comparison the clock W is moving by with velocity −v. Recording again the four readings for the events, defined by "two clocks simultaneously at one place", results in the analogous temporal distances of the two events, now temporally and spatially separated in S′, and only temporally separated but collocated in S. To keep the spacetime interval invariant, the temporal distance in S must be smaller than in S′, because of the spatial separation of the events in S′: now clock W is observed to run slower.
The necessary recordings for the two judgements, with "one moving clock" and "two clocks at rest" in respectively S or S′, involves two different sets, each with three clocks. Since there are different sets of clocks involved in the measurements, there is no inherent necessity that the measurements be reciprocally "consistent" such that, if one observer measures the moving clock to be slow, the other observer measures the one's clock to be fast.: 198–199
Fig. 2-10 illustrates the previous discussion of mutual time dilation with Minkowski diagrams. The upper picture reflects the measurements as seen from frame S "at rest" with unprimed, rectangular axes, and frame S′ "moving with v > 0", coordinatized by primed, oblique axes, slanted to the right; the lower picture shows frame S′ "at rest" with primed, rectangular coordinates, and frame S "moving with −v < 0", with unprimed, oblique axes, slanted to the left.
Each line drawn parallel to a spatial axis (x, x′) represents a line of simultaneity. All events on such a line have the same time value (ct, ct′). Likewise, each line drawn parallel to a temporal axis (ct, ct′) represents a line of equal spatial coordinate values (x, x′).
- One may designate in both pictures the origin O (= O′) as the event, where the respective "moving clock" is collocated with the "first clock at rest" in both comparisons. Obviously, for this event the readings on both clocks in both comparisons are zero. As a consequence, the worldlines of the moving clocks are the slanted to the right ct′-axis (upper pictures, clock W′) and the slanted to the left ct-axes (lower pictures, clock W). The worldlines of W1 and W′1 are the corresponding vertical time axes (ct in the upper pictures, and ct′ in the lower pictures).
- In the upper picture the place for W2 is taken to be Ax > 0, and thus the worldline (not shown in the pictures) of this clock intersects the worldline of the moving clock (the ct′-axis) in the event labelled A, where "two clocks are simultaneously at one place". In the lower picture the place for W′2 is taken to be Cx′ < 0, and so in this measurement the moving clock W passes W′2 in the event C.
- In the upper picture the ct-coordinate At of the event A (the reading of W2) is labeled B, thus giving the elapsed time between the two events, measured with W1 and W2, as OB. For a comparison, the length of the time interval OA, measured with W′, must be transformed to the scale of the ct-axis. This is done by the invariant hyperbola (see also Fig. 2-8) through A, connecting all events with the same spacetime interval from the origin as A. This yields the event C on the ct-axis, and obviously: OC < OB, the "moving" clock W′ runs slower.
To show the mutual time dilation immediately in the upper picture, the event D may be constructed as the event at x′ = 0 (the location of clock W′ in S′), that is simultaneous to C (OC has equal spacetime interval as OA) in S′. This shows that the time interval OD is longer than OA, showing that the "moving" clock runs slower.: 124
In the lower picture the frame S is moving with velocity −v in the frame S′ at rest. The worldline of clock W is the ct-axis (slanted to the left), the worldline of W′1 is the vertical ct′-axis, and the worldline of W′2 is the vertical through event C, with ct′-coordinate D. The invariant hyperbola through event C scales the time interval OC to OA, which is shorter than OD; also, B is constructed (similar to D in the upper pictures) as simultaneous to A in S, at x = 0. The result OB > OC corresponds again to above.
The word "measure" is important. In classical physics an observer cannot affect an observed object, but the object's state of motion can affect the observer's observations of the object.
Twin paradox
Many introductions to special relativity illustrate the differences between Galilean relativity and special relativity by posing a series of "paradoxes". These paradoxes are, in fact, ill-posed problems, resulting from our unfamiliarity with velocities comparable to the speed of light. The remedy is to solve many problems in special relativity and to become familiar with its so-called counter-intuitive predictions. The geometrical approach to studying spacetime is considered one of the best methods for developing a modern intuition.
The twin paradox is a thought experiment involving identical twins, one of whom makes a journey into space in a high-speed rocket, returning home to find that the twin who remained on Earth has aged more. This result appears puzzling because each twin observes the other twin as moving, and so at first glance, it would appear that each should find the other to have aged less. The twin paradox sidesteps the justification for mutual time dilation presented above by avoiding the requirement for a third clock.: 207 Nevertheless, the twin paradox is not a true paradox because it is easily understood within the context of special relativity.
The impression that a paradox exists stems from a misunderstanding of what special relativity states. Special relativity does not declare all frames of reference to be equivalent, only inertial frames. The traveling twin's frame is not inertial during periods when she is accelerating. Furthermore, the difference between the twins is observationally detectable: the traveling twin needs to fire her rockets to be able to return home, while the stay-at-home twin does not.
These distinctions should result in a difference in the twins' ages. The spacetime diagram of Fig. 2-11 presents the simple case of a twin going straight out along the x axis and immediately turning back. From the standpoint of the stay-at-home twin, there is nothing puzzling about the twin paradox at all. The proper time measured along the traveling twin's world line from O to C, plus the proper time measured from C to B, is less than the stay-at-home twin's proper time measured from O to A to B. More complex trajectories require integrating the proper time between the respective events along the curve (i.e. the path integral) to calculate the total amount of proper time experienced by the traveling twin.
Complications arise if the twin paradox is analyzed from the traveling twin's point of view.
Weiss's nomenclature, designating the stay-at-home twin as Terence and the traveling twin as Stella, is hereafter used.
Stella is not in an inertial frame. Given this fact, it is sometimes incorrectly stated that full resolution of the twin paradox requires general relativity:
A pure SR analysis would be as follows: Analyzed in Stella's rest frame, she is motionless for the entire trip. When she fires her rockets for the turnaround, she experiences a pseudo force which resembles a gravitational force.Figs. 2-6 and 2-11 illustrate the concept of lines (planes) of simultaneity: Lines parallel to the observer's x-axis (xy-plane) represent sets of events that are simultaneous in the observer frame. In Fig. 2-11, the blue lines connect events on Terence's world line which, from Stella's point of view, are simultaneous with events on her world line. (Terence, in turn, would observe a set of horizontal lines of simultaneity.) Throughout both the outbound and the inbound legs of Stella's journey, she measures Terence's clocks as running slower than her own. But during the turnaround (i.e. between the bold blue lines in the figure), a shift takes place in the angle of her lines of simultaneity, corresponding to a rapid skip-over of the events in Terence's world line that Stella considers to be simultaneous with her own. Therefore, at the end of her trip, Stella finds that Terence has aged more than she has.
Although general relativity is not required to analyze the twin paradox, application of the Equivalence Principle of general relativity does provide some additional insight into the subject. Stella is not stationary in an inertial frame. Analyzed in Stella's rest frame, she is motionless for the entire trip. When she is coasting her rest frame is inertial, and Terence's clock will appear to run slow. But when she fires her rockets for the turnaround, her rest frame is an accelerated frame and she experiences a force which is pushing her as if she were in a gravitational field. Terence will appear to be high up in that field and because of gravitational time dilation, his clock will appear to run fast, so much so that the net result will be that Terence has aged more than Stella when they are back together. The theoretical arguments predicting gravitational time dilation are not exclusive to general relativity. Any theory of gravity will predict gravitational time dilation if it respects the principle of equivalence, including Newton's theory.: 16
This introductory section has focused on the spacetime of special relativity, since it is the easiest to describe. Minkowski spacetime is flat, takes no account of gravity, is uniform throughout, and serves as nothing more than a static background for the events that take place in it. The presence of gravity greatly complicates the description of spacetime. In general relativity, spacetime is no longer a static background, but actively interacts with the physical systems that it contains. Spacetime curves in the presence of matter, can propagate waves, bends light, and exhibits a host of other phenomena.: 221 A few of these phenomena are described in the later sections of this article.
Basic mathematics of spacetime
Galilean transformations
A basic goal is to be able to compare measurements made by observers in relative motion. If there is an observer O in frame S who has measured the time and space coordinates of an event, assigning this event three Cartesian coordinates and the time as measured on his lattice of synchronized clocks (x, y, z, t) (see Fig. 1-1). A second observer O′ in a different frame S′ measures the same event in her coordinate system and her lattice of synchronized clocks (x′, y′, z′, t′). With inertial frames, neither observer is under acceleration, and a simple set of equations allows us to relate coordinates (x, y, z, t) to (x′, y′, z′, t′). Given that the two coordinate systems are in standard configuration, meaning that they are aligned with parallel (x, y, z) coordinates and that t = 0 when t′ = 0, the coordinate transformation is as follows:
Fig. 3-1 illustrates that in Newton's theory, time is universal, not the velocity of light.: 36–37 Consider the following thought experiment: The red arrow illustrates a train that is moving at 0.4 c with respect to the platform. Within the train, a passenger shoots a bullet with a speed of 0.4 c in the frame of the train. The blue arrow illustrates that a person standing on the train tracks measures the bullet as traveling at 0.8 c. This is in accordance with our naive expectations.
More generally, assuming that frame S′ is moving at velocity v with respect to frame S, then within frame S′, observer O′ measures an object moving with velocity u′. Velocity u with respect to frame S, since x = ut, x′ = x − vt, and t = t′, can be written as x′ = ut − vt = (u − v)t = (u − v)t′. This leads to u′ = x′/t′ and ultimately
which is the common-sense Galilean law for the addition of velocities.
Relativistic composition of velocities
The composition of velocities is quite different in relativistic spacetime. To reduce the complexity of the equations slightly, we introduce a common shorthand for the ratio of the speed of an object relative to light,
Fig. 3-2a illustrates a red train that is moving forward at a speed given by v/c = β = s/a. From the primed frame of the train, a passenger shoots a bullet with a speed given by u′/c = β′ = n/m, where the distance is measured along a line parallel to the red x′ axis rather than parallel to the black x axis. What is the composite velocity u of the bullet relative to the platform, as represented by the blue arrow? Referring to Fig. 3-2b:
- From the platform, the composite speed of the bullet is given by u = c(s + r)/(a + b).
- The two yellow triangles are similar because they are right triangles that share a common angle α. In the large yellow triangle, the ratio s/a = v/c = β.
- The ratios of corresponding sides of the two yellow triangles are constant, so that r/a = b/s = n/m = β′. So b = u′s/c and r = u′a/c.
- Substitute the expressions for b and r into the expression for u in step 1 to yield Einstein's formula for the addition of velocities:: 42–48
The relativistic formula for addition of velocities presented above exhibits several important features:
- If u′ and v are both very small compared with the speed of light, then the product vu′/c2 becomes vanishingly small, and the overall result becomes indistinguishable from the Galilean formula (Newton's formula) for the addition of velocities: u = u′ + v. The Galilean formula is a special case of the relativistic formula applicable to low velocities.
- If u′ is set equal to c, then the formula yields u = c regardless of the starting value of v. The velocity of light is the same for all observers regardless their motions relative to the emitting source.: 49
Time dilation and length contraction revisited
This section needs additional citations for verification.(March 2024) |
It is straightforward to obtain quantitative expressions for time dilation and length contraction. Fig. 3-3 is a composite image containing individual frames taken from two previous animations, simplified and relabeled for the purposes of this section.
To reduce the complexity of the equations slightly, there are a variety of different shorthand notations for ct:
are common.
- One also sees very frequently the use of the convention
In Fig. 3-3a, segments OA and OK represent equal spacetime intervals. Time dilation is represented by the ratio OB/OK. The invariant hyperbola has the equation w = √x2 + k2 where k = OK, and the red line representing the world line of a particle in motion has the equation w = x/β = xc/v. A bit of algebraic manipulation yields
The expression involving the square root symbol appears very frequently in relativity, and one over the expression is called the Lorentz factor, denoted by the Greek letter gamma :
If v is greater than or equal to c, the expression for becomes physically meaningless, implying that c is the maximum possible speed in nature. For any v greater than zero, the Lorentz factor will be greater than one, although the shape of the curve is such that for low speeds, the Lorentz factor is extremely close to one.
In Fig. 3-3b, segments OA and OK represent equal spacetime intervals. Length contraction is represented by the ratio OB/OK. The invariant hyperbola has the equation x = √w2 + k2, where k = OK, and the edges of the blue band representing the world lines of the endpoints of a rod in motion have slope 1/β = c/v. Event A has coordinates (x, w) = (γk, γβk). Since the tangent line through A and B has the equation w = (x − OB)/β, we have γβk = (γk − OB)/β and
Lorentz transformations
The Galilean transformations and their consequent commonsense law of addition of velocities work well in our ordinary low-speed world of planes, cars and balls. Beginning in the mid-1800s, however, sensitive scientific instrumentation began finding anomalies that did not fit well with the ordinary addition of velocities.
Lorentz transformations are used to transform the coordinates of an event from one frame to another in special relativity.
The Lorentz factor appears in the Lorentz transformations:
The inverse Lorentz transformations are:
When v ≪ c and x is small enough, the v2/c2 and vx/c2 terms approach zero, and the Lorentz transformations approximate to the Galilean transformations.
etc., most often really mean
etc. Although for brevity the Lorentz transformation equations are written without deltas, x means Δx, etc. We are, in general, always concerned with the space and time differences between events.
Calling one set of transformations the normal Lorentz transformations and the other the inverse transformations is misleading, since there is no intrinsic difference between the frames. Different authors call one or the other set of transformations the "inverse" set. The forwards and inverse transformations are trivially related to each other, since the S frame can only be moving forwards or reverse with respect to S′. So inverting the equations simply entails switching the primed and unprimed variables and replacing v with −v.: 71–79
Example: Terence and Stella are at an Earth-to-Mars space race. Terence is an official at the starting line, while Stella is a participant. At time t = t′ = 0, Stella's spaceship accelerates instantaneously to a speed of 0.5 c. The distance from Earth to Mars is 300 light-seconds (about 90.0×106 km). Terence observes Stella crossing the finish-line clock at t = 600.00 s. But Stella observes the time on her ship chronometer to be as she passes the finish line, and she calculates the distance between the starting and finish lines, as measured in her frame, to be 259.81 light-seconds (about 77.9×106 km). 1).
Deriving the Lorentz transformations
There have been many dozens of derivations of the Lorentz transformations since Einstein's original work in 1905, each with its particular focus. Although Einstein's derivation was based on the invariance of the speed of light, there are other physical principles that may serve as starting points. Ultimately, these alternative starting points can be considered different expressions of the underlying principle of locality, which states that the influence that one particle exerts on another can not be transmitted instantaneously.
The derivation given here and illustrated in Fig. 3-5 is based on one presented by Bais: 64–66 and makes use of previous results from the Relativistic Composition of Velocities, Time Dilation, and Length Contraction sections. Event P has coordinates (w, x) in the black "rest system" and coordinates (w′, x′) in the red frame that is moving with velocity parameter β = v/c. To determine w′ and x′ in terms of w and x (or the other way around) it is easier at first to derive the inverse Lorentz transformation.
- There can be no such thing as length expansion/contraction in the transverse directions. y' must equal y and z′ must equal z, otherwise whether a fast moving 1 m ball could fit through a 1 m circular hole would depend on the observer. The first postulate of relativity states that all inertial frames are equivalent, and transverse expansion/contraction would violate this law.: 27–28
- From the drawing, w = a + b and x = r + s
- From previous results using similar triangles, we know that s/a = b/r = v/c = β.
- Because of time dilation, a = γw′
- Substituting equation (4) into s/a = β yields s = γw′β.
- Length contraction and similar triangles give us r = γx′ and b = βr = βγx′
- Substituting the expressions for s, a, r and b into the equations in Step 2 immediately yield
The above equations are alternate expressions for the t and x equations of the inverse Lorentz transformation, as can be seen by substituting ct for w, ct′ for w′, and v/c for β. From the inverse transformation, the equations of the forwards transformation can be derived by solving for t′ and x′.
Linearity of the Lorentz transformations
The Lorentz transformations have a mathematical property called linearity, since x′ and t′ are obtained as linear combinations of x and t, with no higher powers involved. The linearity of the transformation reflects a fundamental property of spacetime that was tacitly assumed in the derivation, namely, that the properties of inertial frames of reference are independent of location and time. In the absence of gravity, spacetime looks the same everywhere.: 67 All inertial observers will agree on what constitutes accelerating and non-accelerating motion.: 72–73 Any one observer can use her own measurements of space and time, but there is nothing absolute about them. Another observer's conventions will do just as well.: 190
A result of linearity is that if two Lorentz transformations are applied sequentially, the result is also a Lorentz transformation.
Example: Terence observes Stella speeding away from him at 0.500 c, and he can use the Lorentz transformations with β = 0.500 to relate Stella's measurements to his own. Stella, in her frame, observes Ursula traveling away from her at 0.250 c, and she can use the Lorentz transformations with β = 0.250 to relate Ursula's measurements with her own. Because of the linearity of the transformations and the relativistic composition of velocities, Terence can use the Lorentz transformations with β = 0.666 to relate Ursula's measurements with his own.
Doppler effect
The Doppler effect is the change in frequency or wavelength of a wave for a receiver and source in relative motion. For simplicity, we consider here two basic scenarios: (1) The motions of the source and/or receiver are exactly along the line connecting them (longitudinal Doppler effect), and (2) the motions are at right angles to the said line (transverse Doppler effect). We are ignoring scenarios where they move along intermediate angles.
Longitudinal Doppler effect
The classical Doppler analysis deals with waves that are propagating in a medium, such as sound waves or water ripples, and which are transmitted between sources and receivers that are moving towards or away from each other. The analysis of such waves depends on whether the source, the receiver, or both are moving relative to the medium. Given the scenario where the receiver is stationary with respect to the medium, and the source is moving directly away from the receiver at a speed of vs for a velocity parameter of βs, the wavelength is increased, and the observed frequency f is given by
On the other hand, given the scenario where source is stationary, and the receiver is moving directly away from the source at a speed of vr for a velocity parameter of βr, the wavelength is not changed, but the transmission velocity of the waves relative to the receiver is decreased, and the observed frequency f is given by
Light, unlike sound or water ripples, does not propagate through a medium, and there is no distinction between a source moving away from the receiver or a receiver moving away from the source. Fig. 3-6 illustrates a relativistic spacetime diagram showing a source separating from the receiver with a velocity parameter so that the separation between source and receiver at time
. Because of time dilation,
Since the slope of the green light ray is −1,
Hence, the relativistic Doppler effect is given by: 58–59
Transverse Doppler effect
Suppose that a source and a receiver, both approaching each other in uniform inertial motion along non-intersecting lines, are at their closest approach to each other. It would appear that the classical analysis predicts that the receiver detects no Doppler shift. Due to subtleties in the analysis, that expectation is not necessarily true. Nevertheless, when appropriately defined, transverse Doppler shift is a relativistic effect that has no classical analog. The subtleties are these:: 541–543
- Fig. 3-7a. What is the frequency measurement when the receiver is geometrically at its closest approach to the source? This scenario is most easily analyzed from the frame S′ of the source.
- Fig. 3-7b. What is the frequency measurement when the receiver sees the source as being closest to it? This scenario is most easily analyzed from the frame S of the receiver.
Two other scenarios are commonly examined in discussions of transverse Doppler shift:
- Fig. 3-7c. If the receiver is moving in a circle around the source, what frequency does the receiver measure?
- Fig. 3-7d. If the source is moving in a circle around the receiver, what frequency does the receiver measure?
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In scenario (a), the point of closest approach is frame-independent and represents the moment where there is no change in distance versus time (i.e. dr/dt = 0 where r is the distance between receiver and source) and hence no longitudinal Doppler shift. The source observes the receiver as being illuminated by light of frequency f′, but also observes the receiver as having a time-dilated clock. In frame S, the receiver is therefore illuminated by blueshifted light of frequency
In scenario (b) the illustration shows the receiver being illuminated by light from when the source was closest to the receiver, even though the source has moved on. Because the source's clocks are time dilated as measured in frame S, and since dr/dt was equal to zero at this point, the light from the source, emitted from this closest point, is redshifted with frequency
Scenarios (c) and (d) can be analyzed by simple time dilation arguments. In (c), the receiver observes light from the source as being blueshifted by a factor of , and in (d), the light is redshifted. The only seeming complication is that the orbiting objects are in accelerated motion. However, if an inertial observer looks at an accelerating clock, only the clock's instantaneous speed is important when computing time dilation. (The converse, however, is not true.): 541–543 Most reports of transverse Doppler shift refer to the effect as a redshift and analyze the effect in terms of scenarios (b) or (d).
Energy and momentum
Extending momentum to four dimensions
In classical mechanics, the state of motion of a particle is characterized by its mass and its velocity. Linear momentum, the product of a particle's mass and velocity, is a vector quantity, possessing the same direction as the velocity: p = mv. It is a conserved quantity, meaning that if a closed system is not affected by external forces, its total linear momentum cannot change.
In relativistic mechanics, the momentum vector is extended to four dimensions. Added to the momentum vector is a time component that allows the spacetime momentum vector to transform like the spacetime position vector . In exploring the properties of the spacetime momentum, we start, in Fig. 3-8a, by examining what a particle looks like at rest. In the rest frame, the spatial component of the momentum is zero, i.e. p = 0, but the time component equals mc.
We can obtain the transformed components of this vector in the moving frame by using the Lorentz transformations, or we can read it directly from the figure because we know that and
, since the red axes are rescaled by gamma. Fig. 3-8b illustrates the situation as it appears in the moving frame. It is apparent that the space and time components of the four-momentum go to infinity as the velocity of the moving frame approaches c.: 84–87
We will use this information shortly to obtain an expression for the four-momentum.
Momentum of light
Light particles, or photons, travel at the speed of c, the constant that is conventionally known as the speed of light. This statement is not a tautology, since many modern formulations of relativity do not start with constant speed of light as a postulate. Photons therefore propagate along a lightlike world line and, in appropriate units, have equal space and time components for every observer.
A consequence of Maxwell's theory of electromagnetism is that light carries energy and momentum, and that their ratio is a constant: . Rearranging,
, and since for photons, the space and time components are equal, E/c must therefore be equated with the time component of the spacetime momentum vector.
Photons travel at the speed of light, yet have finite momentum and energy. For this to be so, the mass term in γmc must be zero, meaning that photons are massless particles. Infinity times zero is an ill-defined quantity, but E/c is well-defined.
By this analysis, if the energy of a photon equals E in the rest frame, it equals in a moving frame. This result can be derived by inspection of Fig. 3-9 or by application of the Lorentz transformations, and is consistent with the analysis of Doppler effect given previously.: 88
Mass–energy relationship
Consideration of the interrelationships between the various components of the relativistic momentum vector led Einstein to several important conclusions.
- In the low speed limit as β = v/c approaches zero, γ approaches 1, so the spatial component of the relativistic momentum
approaches mv, the classical term for momentum. Following this perspective, γm can be interpreted as a relativistic generalization of m. Einstein proposed that the relativistic mass of an object increases with velocity according to the formula
- Likewise, comparing the time component of the relativistic momentum with that of the photon,
, so that Einstein arrived at the relationship
. Simplified to the case of zero velocity, this is Einstein's equation relating energy and mass.
Another way of looking at the relationship between mass and energy is to consider a series expansion of γmc2 at low velocity:
The second term is just an expression for the kinetic energy of the particle. Mass indeed appears to be another form of energy.: 90–92 : 129–130, 180
The concept of relativistic mass that Einstein introduced in 1905, mrel, although amply validated every day in particle accelerators around the globe (or indeed in any instrumentation whose use depends on high velocity particles, such as electron microscopes, old-fashioned color television sets, etc.), has nevertheless not proven to be a fruitful concept in physics in the sense that it is not a concept that has served as a basis for other theoretical development. Relativistic mass, for instance, plays no role in general relativity.
For this reason, as well as for pedagogical concerns, most physicists currently prefer a different terminology when referring to the relationship between mass and energy. "Relativistic mass" is a deprecated term. The term "mass" by itself refers to the rest mass or invariant mass, and is equal to the invariant length of the relativistic momentum vector. Expressed as a formula,
This formula applies to all particles, massless as well as massive. For photons where mrest equals zero, it yields, .: 90–92
Because of the close relationship between mass and energy, the four-momentum (also called 4-momentum) is also called the energy–momentum 4-vector. Using an uppercase P to represent the four-momentum and a lowercase p to denote the spatial momentum, the four-momentum may be written as
or alternatively,
using the convention that
: 129–130, 180
Conservation laws
In physics, conservation laws state that certain particular measurable properties of an isolated physical system do not change as the system evolves over time. In 1915, Emmy Noether discovered that underlying each conservation law is a fundamental symmetry of nature. The fact that physical processes do not care where in space they take place (space translation symmetry) yields conservation of momentum, the fact that such processes do not care when they take place (time translation symmetry) yields conservation of energy, and so on. In this section, we examine the Newtonian views of conservation of mass, momentum and energy from a relativistic perspective.
Total momentum
To understand how the Newtonian view of conservation of momentum needs to be modified in a relativistic context, we examine the problem of two colliding bodies limited to a single dimension.
In Newtonian mechanics, two extreme cases of this problem may be distinguished yielding mathematics of minimum complexity:
- (1) The two bodies rebound from each other in a completely elastic collision.
- (2) The two bodies stick together and continue moving as a single particle. This second case is the case of completely inelastic collision.
For both cases (1) and (2), momentum, mass, and total energy are conserved. However, kinetic energy is not conserved in cases of inelastic collision. A certain fraction of the initial kinetic energy is converted to heat.
In case (2), two masses with momentums and
collide to produce a single particle of conserved mass
traveling at the center of mass velocity of the original system,
. The total momentum
is conserved.
Fig. 3-10 illustrates the inelastic collision of two particles from a relativistic perspective. The time components and
add up to total E/c of the resultant vector, meaning that energy is conserved. Likewise, the space components
add up to form p of the resultant vector. The four-momentum is, as expected, a conserved quantity. However, the invariant mass of the fused particle, given by the point where the invariant hyperbola of the total momentum intersects the energy axis, is not equal to the sum of the invariant masses of the individual particles that collided. Indeed, it is larger than the sum of the individual masses:
.: 94–97
Looking at the events of this scenario in reverse sequence, we see that non-conservation of mass is a common occurrence: when an unstable elementary particle spontaneously decays into two lighter particles, total energy is conserved, but the mass is not. Part of the mass is converted into kinetic energy.: 134–138
Choice of reference frames
(above) Lab Frame.
(right) Center of Momentum Frame.
The freedom to choose any frame in which to perform an analysis allows us to pick one which may be particularly convenient. For analysis of momentum and energy problems, the most convenient frame is usually the "center-of-momentum frame" (also called the zero-momentum frame, or COM frame). This is the frame in which the space component of the system's total momentum is zero. Fig. 3-11 illustrates the breakup of a high speed particle into two daughter particles. In the lab frame, the daughter particles are preferentially emitted in a direction oriented along the original particle's trajectory. In the COM frame, however, the two daughter particles are emitted in opposite directions, although their masses and the magnitude of their velocities are generally not the same.
Energy and momentum conservation
In a Newtonian analysis of interacting particles, transformation between frames is simple because all that is necessary is to apply the Galilean transformation to all velocities. Since , the momentum
. If the total momentum of an interacting system of particles is observed to be conserved in one frame, it will likewise be observed to be conserved in any other frame.: 241–245
Conservation of momentum in the COM frame amounts to the requirement that p = 0 both before and after collision. In the Newtonian analysis, conservation of mass dictates that . In the simplified, one-dimensional scenarios that we have been considering, only one additional constraint is necessary before the outgoing momenta of the particles can be determined—an energy condition. In the one-dimensional case of a completely elastic collision with no loss of kinetic energy, the outgoing velocities of the rebounding particles in the COM frame will be precisely equal and opposite to their incoming velocities. In the case of a completely inelastic collision with total loss of kinetic energy, the outgoing velocities of the rebounding particles will be zero.: 241–245
Newtonian momenta, calculated as , fail to behave properly under Lorentzian transformation. The linear transformation of velocities
is replaced by the highly nonlinear
so that a calculation demonstrating conservation of momentum in one frame will be invalid in other frames. Einstein was faced with either having to give up conservation of momentum, or to change the definition of momentum. This second option was what he chose.: 104
The relativistic conservation law for energy and momentum replaces the three classical conservation laws for energy, momentum and mass. Mass is no longer conserved independently, because it has been subsumed into the total relativistic energy. This makes the relativistic conservation of energy a simpler concept than in nonrelativistic mechanics, because the total energy is conserved without any qualifications. Kinetic energy converted into heat or internal potential energy shows up as an increase in mass.: 127
Fig. 3-12a illustrates the energy–momentum diagram for this decay reaction in the rest frame of the pion. Because of its negligible mass, a neutrino travels at very nearly the speed of light. The relativistic expression for its energy, like that of the photon, is which is also the value of the space component of its momentum. To conserve momentum, the muon has the same value of the space component of the neutrino's momentum, but in the opposite direction.
Introduction to curved spacetime
Newton's theories assumed that motion takes place against the backdrop of a rigid Euclidean reference frame that extends throughout all space and all time. Gravity is mediated by a mysterious force, acting instantaneously across a distance, whose actions are independent of the intervening space. In contrast, Einstein denied that there is any background Euclidean reference frame that extends throughout space. Nor is there any such thing as a force of gravitation, only the structure of spacetime itself.: 175–190
In spacetime terms, the path of a satellite orbiting the Earth is not dictated by the distant influences of the Earth, Moon and Sun. Instead, the satellite moves through space only in response to local conditions. Since spacetime is everywhere locally flat when considered on a sufficiently small scale, the satellite is always following a straight line in its local inertial frame. We say that the satellite always follows along the path of a geodesic. No evidence of gravitation can be discovered following alongside the motions of a single particle.: 175–190
In any analysis of spacetime, evidence of gravitation requires that one observe the relative accelerations of two bodies or two separated particles. In Fig. 5-1, two separated particles, free-falling in the gravitational field of the Earth, exhibit tidal accelerations due to local inhomogeneities in the gravitational field such that each particle follows a different path through spacetime. The tidal accelerations that these particles exhibit with respect to each other do not require forces for their explanation. Rather, Einstein described them in terms of the geometry of spacetime, i.e. the curvature of spacetime. These tidal accelerations are strictly local. It is the cumulative total effect of many local manifestations of curvature that result in the appearance of a gravitational force acting at a long range from Earth.: 175–190
- Different observers viewing the scenarios presented in this figure interpret the scenarios differently depending on their knowledge of the situation. (i) A first observer, at the center of mass of particles 2 and 3 but unaware of the large mass 1, concludes that a force of repulsion exists between the particles in scenario A while a force of attraction exists between the particles in scenario B. (ii) A second observer, aware of the large mass 1, smiles at the first reporter's naiveté. This second observer knows that in reality, the apparent forces between particles 2 and 3 really represent tidal effects resulting from their differential attraction by mass 1. (iii) A third observer, trained in general relativity, knows that there are, in fact, no forces at all acting between the three objects. Rather, all three objects move along geodesics in spacetime.
Two central propositions underlie general relativity.
- The first crucial concept is coordinate independence: The laws of physics cannot depend on what coordinate system one uses. This is a major extension of the principle of relativity from the version used in special relativity, which states that the laws of physics must be the same for every observer moving in non-accelerated (inertial) reference frames. In general relativity, to use Einstein's own (translated) words, "the laws of physics must be of such a nature that they apply to systems of reference in any kind of motion.": 113 This leads to an immediate issue: In accelerated frames, one feels forces that seemingly would enable one to assess one's state of acceleration in an absolute sense. Einstein resolved this problem through the principle of equivalence.: 137–149
- The equivalence principle states that in any sufficiently small region of space, the effects of gravitation are the same as those from acceleration.
In Fig. 5-2, person A is in a spaceship, far from any massive objects, that undergoes a uniform acceleration of g. Person B is in a box resting on Earth. Provided that the spaceship is sufficiently small so that tidal effects are non-measurable (given the sensitivity of current gravity measurement instrumentation, A and B presumably should be Lilliputians), there are no experiments that A and B can perform which will enable them to tell which setting they are in.: 141–149
An alternative expression of the equivalence principle is to note that in Newton's universal law of gravitation, F = GMmg/r2 = mgg and in Newton's second law, F = mia, there is no a priori reason why the gravitational mass mg should be equal to the inertial mass mi. The equivalence principle states that these two masses are identical.: 141–149
Technical topics
Is spacetime really curved?
In Poincaré's conventionalist views, the essential criteria according to which one should select a Euclidean versus non-Euclidean geometry would be economy and simplicity. A realist would say that Einstein discovered spacetime to be non-Euclidean. A conventionalist would say that Einstein merely found it more convenient to use non-Euclidean geometry. The conventionalist would maintain that Einstein's analysis said nothing about what the geometry of spacetime really is.
Such being said,
- Is it possible to represent general relativity in terms of flat spacetime?
- Are there any situations where a flat spacetime interpretation of general relativity may be more convenient than the usual curved spacetime interpretation?
In response to the first question, a number of authors including Deser, Grishchuk, Rosen, Weinberg, etc. have provided various formulations of gravitation as a field in a flat manifold. Those theories are variously called "bimetric gravity", the "field-theoretical approach to general relativity", and so forth. Kip Thorne has provided a popular review of these theories.: 397–403
The flat spacetime paradigm posits that matter creates a gravitational field that causes rulers to shrink when they are turned from circumferential orientation to radial, and that causes the ticking rates of clocks to dilate. The flat spacetime paradigm is fully equivalent to the curved spacetime paradigm in that they both represent the same physical phenomena. However, their mathematical formulations are entirely different. Working physicists routinely switch between using curved and flat spacetime techniques depending on the requirements of the problem. The flat spacetime paradigm is convenient when performing approximate calculations in weak fields. Hence, flat spacetime techniques tend be used when solving gravitational wave problems, while curved spacetime techniques tend be used in the analysis of black holes.: 397–403
Asymptotic symmetries
The spacetime symmetry group for Special Relativity is the Poincaré group, which is a ten-dimensional group of three Lorentz boosts, three rotations, and four spacetime translations. It is logical to ask what symmetries if any might apply in General Relativity. A tractable case might be to consider the symmetries of spacetime as seen by observers located far away from all sources of the gravitational field. The naive expectation for asymptotically flat spacetime symmetries might be simply to extend and reproduce the symmetries of flat spacetime of special relativity, viz., the Poincaré group.
In 1962 Hermann Bondi, M. G. van der Burg, A. W. Metzner and Rainer K. Sachs addressed this asymptotic symmetry problem in order to investigate the flow of energy at infinity due to propagating gravitational waves. Their first step was to decide on some physically sensible boundary conditions to place on the gravitational field at lightlike infinity to characterize what it means to say a metric is asymptotically flat, making no a priori assumptions about the nature of the asymptotic symmetry group—not even the assumption that such a group exists. Then after designing what they considered to be the most sensible boundary conditions, they investigated the nature of the resulting asymptotic symmetry transformations that leave invariant the form of the boundary conditions appropriate for asymptotically flat gravitational fields.: 35
What they found was that the asymptotic symmetry transformations actually do form a group and the structure of this group does not depend on the particular gravitational field that happens to be present. This means that, as expected, one can separate the kinematics of spacetime from the dynamics of the gravitational field at least at spatial infinity. The puzzling surprise in 1962 was their discovery of a rich infinite-dimensional group (the so-called BMS group) as the asymptotic symmetry group, instead of the finite-dimensional Poincaré group, which is a subgroup of the BMS group. Not only are the Lorentz transformations asymptotic symmetry transformations, there are also additional transformations that are not Lorentz transformations but are asymptotic symmetry transformations. In fact, they found an additional infinity of transformation generators known as supertranslations. This implies the conclusion that General Relativity (GR) does not reduce to special relativity in the case of weak fields at long distances.: 35
Riemannian geometry
Riemannian geometry is the branch of differential geometry that studies Riemannian manifolds, defined as smooth manifolds with a Riemannian metric (an inner product on the tangent space at each point that varies smoothly from point to point). This gives, in particular, local notions of angle, length of curves, surface area and volume. From those, some other global quantities can be derived by integrating local contributions.
Riemannian geometry originated with the vision of Bernhard Riemann expressed in his inaugural lecture "Ueber die Hypothesen, welche der Geometrie zu Grunde liegen" ("On the Hypotheses on which Geometry is Based"). It is a very broad and abstract generalization of the differential geometry of surfaces in R3. Development of Riemannian geometry resulted in synthesis of diverse results concerning the geometry of surfaces and the behavior of geodesics on them, with techniques that can be applied to the study of differentiable manifolds of higher dimensions. It enabled the formulation of Einstein's general theory of relativity, made profound impact on group theory and representation theory, as well as analysis, and spurred the development of algebraic and differential topology.
Curved manifolds
For physical reasons, a spacetime continuum is mathematically defined as a four-dimensional, smooth, connected Lorentzian manifold . This means the smooth Lorentz metric
has signature
. The metric determines the geometry of spacetime, as well as determining the geodesics of particles and light beams. About each point (event) on this manifold, coordinate charts are used to represent observers in reference frames. Usually, Cartesian coordinates
are used. Moreover, for simplicity's sake, units of measurement are usually chosen such that the speed of light
is equal to 1.
A reference frame (observer) can be identified with one of these coordinate charts; any such observer can describe any event . Another reference frame may be identified by a second coordinate chart about
. Two observers (one in each reference frame) may describe the same event
but obtain different descriptions.
Usually, many overlapping coordinate charts are needed to cover a manifold. Given two coordinate charts, one containing (representing an observer) and another containing
(representing another observer), the intersection of the charts represents the region of spacetime in which both observers can measure physical quantities and hence compare results. The relation between the two sets of measurements is given by a non-singular coordinate transformation on this intersection. The idea of coordinate charts as local observers who can perform measurements in their vicinity also makes good physical sense, as this is how one actually collects physical data—locally.
For example, two observers, one of whom is on Earth, but the other one who is on a fast rocket to Jupiter, may observe a comet crashing into Jupiter (this is the event ). In general, they will disagree about the exact location and timing of this impact, i.e., they will have different 4-tuples
(as they are using different coordinate systems). Although their kinematic descriptions will differ, dynamical (physical) laws, such as momentum conservation and the first law of thermodynamics, will still hold. In fact, relativity theory requires more than this in the sense that it stipulates these (and all other physical) laws must take the same form in all coordinate systems. This introduces tensors into relativity, by which all physical quantities are represented.
Geodesics are said to be timelike, null, or spacelike if the tangent vector to one point of the geodesic is of this nature. Paths of particles and light beams in spacetime are represented by timelike and null (lightlike) geodesics, respectively.
Privileged character of 3+1 spacetime
There are two kinds of dimensions: spatial (bidirectional) and temporal (unidirectional). Let the number of spatial dimensions be N and the number of temporal dimensions be T. That N = 3 and T = 1, setting aside the compactified dimensions invoked by string theory and undetectable to date, can be explained by appealing to the physical consequences of letting N differ from 3 and T differ from 1. The argument is often of an anthropic character and possibly the first of its kind, albeit before the complete concept came into vogue.
The implicit notion that the dimensionality of the universe is special is first attributed to Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, who in the Discourse on Metaphysics suggested that the world is "the one which is at the same time the simplest in hypothesis and the richest in phenomena".Immanuel Kant argued that 3-dimensional space was a consequence of the inverse square law of universal gravitation. While Kant's argument is historically important, John D. Barrow said that it "gets the punch-line back to front: it is the three-dimensionality of space that explains why we see inverse-square force laws in Nature, not vice-versa" (Barrow 2002:204).
In 1920, Paul Ehrenfest showed that if there is only a single time dimension and more than three spatial dimensions, the orbit of a planet about its Sun cannot remain stable. The same is true of a star's orbit around the center of its galaxy. Ehrenfest also showed that if there are an even number of spatial dimensions, then the different parts of a wave impulse will travel at different speeds. If there are spatial dimensions, where k is a positive whole number, then wave impulses become distorted. In 1922, Hermann Weyl claimed that Maxwell's theory of electromagnetism can be expressed in terms of an action only for a four-dimensional manifold. Finally, Tangherlini showed in 1963 that when there are more than three spatial dimensions, electron orbitals around nuclei cannot be stable; electrons would either fall into the nucleus or disperse.
Max Tegmark expands on the preceding argument in the following anthropic manner. If T differs from 1, the behavior of physical systems could not be predicted reliably from knowledge of the relevant partial differential equations. In such a universe, intelligent life capable of manipulating technology could not emerge. Moreover, if T > 1, Tegmark maintains that protons and electrons would be unstable and could decay into particles having greater mass than themselves. (This is not a problem if the particles have a sufficiently low temperature.) Lastly, if N < 3, gravitation of any kind becomes problematic, and the universe would probably be too simple to contain observers. For example, when N < 3, nerves cannot cross without intersecting. Hence anthropic and other arguments rule out all cases except N = 3 and T = 1, which describes the world around us.
On the other hand, in view of creating black holes from an ideal monatomic gas under its self-gravity, Wei-Xiang Feng showed that (3 + 1)-dimensional spacetime is the marginal dimensionality. Moreover, it is the unique dimensionality that can afford a "stable" gas sphere with a "positive" cosmological constant. However, a self-gravitating gas cannot be stably bound if the mass sphere is larger than ~1021 solar masses, due to the small positivity of the cosmological constant observed.
In 2019, James Scargill argued that complex life may be possible with two spatial dimensions. According to Scargill, a purely scalar theory of gravity may enable a local gravitational force, and 2D networks may be sufficient for complex neural networks.See also
- Basic introduction to the mathematics of curved spacetime
- Complex spacetime
- Einstein's thought experiments
- Four-dimensionalism
- Geography
- Global spacetime structure
- List of spacetimes
- Metric space
- Philosophy of space and time
- Present
- Time geography
- luminiferous from the Latin lumen, light, + ferens, carrying; aether from the Greek αἰθήρ (aithēr), pure air, clear sky
- By stating that simultaneity is a matter of convention, Poincaré meant that to talk about time at all, one must have synchronized clocks, and the synchronization of clocks must be established by a specified, operational procedure (convention). This stance represented a fundamental philosophical break from Newton, who conceived of an absolute, true time that was independent of the workings of the inaccurate clocks of his day. This stance also represented a direct attack against the influential philosopher Henri Bergson, who argued that time, simultaneity, and duration were matters of intuitive understanding.
- The operational procedure adopted by Poincaré was essentially identical to what is known as Einstein synchronization, even though a variant of it was already a widely used procedure by telegraphers in the middle 19th century. Basically, to synchronize two clocks, one flashes a light signal from one to the other, and adjusts for the time that the flash takes to arrive.
- A hallmark of Einstein's career, in fact, was his use of visualized thought experiments (Gedanken–Experimente) as a fundamental tool for understanding physical issues. For special relativity, he employed moving trains and flashes of lightning for his most penetrating insights. For curved spacetime, he considered a painter falling off a roof, accelerating elevators, blind beetles crawling on curved surfaces and the like. In his great Solvay Debates with Bohr on the nature of reality (1927 and 1930), he devised multiple imaginary contraptions intended to show, at least in concept, means whereby the Heisenberg uncertainty principle might be evaded. Finally, in a profound contribution to the literature on quantum mechanics, Einstein considered two particles briefly interacting and then flying apart so that their states are correlated, anticipating the phenomenon known as quantum entanglement.
- In the original version of this lecture, Minkowski continued to use such obsolescent terms as the ether, but the posthumous publication in 1915 of this lecture in the Annals of Physics (Annalen der Physik) was edited by Sommerfeld to remove this term. Sommerfeld also edited the published form of this lecture to revise Minkowski's judgement of Einstein from being a mere clarifier of the principle of relativity, to being its chief expositor.
- (In the following, the group G∞ is the Galilean group and the group Gc the Lorentz group.) "With respect to this it is clear that the group Gc in the limit for c = ∞, i.e. as group G∞, exactly becomes the full group belonging to Newtonian Mechanics. In this state of affairs, and since Gc is mathematically more intelligible than G∞, a mathematician may, by a free play of imagination, hit upon the thought that natural phenomena actually possess an invariance, not for the group G∞, but rather for a group Gc, where c is definitely finite, and only exceedingly large using the ordinary measuring units."
- For instance, the Lorentz group is a subgroup of the conformal group in four dimensions.: 41–42 The Lorentz group is isomorphic to the Laguerre group transforming planes into planes,: 39–42 it is isomorphic to the Möbius group of the plane,: 22 and is isomorphic to the group of isometries in hyperbolic space which is often expressed in terms of the hyperboloid model.: 3.2.3
- In a Cartesian plane, ordinary rotation leaves a circle unchanged. In spacetime, hyperbolic rotation preserves the hyperbolic metric.
- Even with no (de)acceleration i.e. using one inertial frame O for constant, high-velocity outward journey and another inertial frame I for constant, high-velocity inward journey – the sum of the elapsed time in those frames (O and I) is shorter than the elapsed time in the stationary inertial frame S. Thus acceleration and deceleration is not the cause of shorter elapsed time during the outward and inward journey. Instead the use of two different constant, high-velocity inertial frames for outward and inward journey is really the cause of shorter elapsed time total. Granted, if the same twin has to travel outward and inward leg of the journey and safely switch from outward to inward leg of the journey, the acceleration and deceleration is required. If the travelling twin could ride the high-velocity outward inertial frame and instantaneously switch to high-velocity inward inertial frame the example would still work. The point is that real reason should be stated clearly. The asymmetry is because of the comparison of sum of elapsed times in two different inertial frames (O and I) to the elapsed time in a single inertial frame S.
- The ease of analyzing a relativistic scenario often depends on the frame in which one chooses to perform the analysis. In this linked image, we present alternative views of the transverse Doppler shift scenario where source and receiver are at their closest approach to each other. (a) If we analyze the scenario in the frame of the receiver, we find that the analysis is more complicated than it should be. The apparent position of a celestial object is displaced from its true position (or geometric position) because of the object's motion during the time it takes its light to reach an observer. The source would be time-dilated relative to the receiver, but the redshift implied by this time dilation would be offset by a blueshift due to the longitudinal component of the relative motion between the receiver and the apparent position of the source. (b) It is much easier if, instead, we analyze the scenario from the frame of the source. An observer situated at the source knows, from the problem statement, that the receiver is at its closest point to him. That means that the receiver has no longitudinal component of motion to complicate the analysis. Since the receiver's clocks are time-dilated relative to the source, the light that the receiver receives is therefore blue-shifted by a factor of gamma.
- Not all experiments characterize the effect in terms of a redshift. For example, the Kündig experiment measures transverse blueshift using a Mössbauer source setup at the center of a centrifuge rotor and an absorber at the rim.
- Newton himself was acutely aware of the inherent difficulties with these assumptions, but as a practical matter, making these assumptions was the only way that he could make progress. In 1692, he wrote to his friend Richard Bentley: "That Gravity should be innate, inherent and essential to Matter, so that one body may act upon another at a distance thro' a Vacuum, without the Mediation of any thing else, by and through which their Action and Force may be conveyed from one to another, is to me so great an Absurdity that I believe no Man who has in philosophical Matters a competent Faculty of thinking can ever fall into it."
- This is because the law of gravitation (or any other inverse-square law) follows from the concept of flux and the proportional relationship of flux density and field strength. If N = 3, then 3-dimensional solid objects have surface areas proportional to the square of their size in any selected spatial dimension. In particular, a sphere of radius r has a surface area of 4πr2. More generally, in a space of N dimensions, the strength of the gravitational attraction between two bodies separated by a distance of r would be inversely proportional to rN−1.
Additional details
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In physics spacetime also called the space time continuum is a mathematical model that fuses the three dimensions of space and the one dimension of time into a single four dimensional continuum Spacetime diagrams are useful in visualizing and understanding relativistic effects such as how different observers perceive where and when events occur Until the turn of the 20th century the assumption had been that the three dimensional geometry of the universe its description in terms of locations shapes distances and directions was distinct from time the measurement of when events occur within the universe However space and time took on new meanings with the Lorentz transformation and special theory of relativity In 1908 Hermann Minkowski presented a geometric interpretation of special relativity that fused time and the three spatial dimensions into a single four dimensional continuum now known as Minkowski space This interpretation proved vital to the general theory of relativity wherein spacetime is curved by mass and energy FundamentalsDefinitions Non relativistic classical mechanics treats time as a universal quantity of measurement that is uniform throughout is separate from space and is agreed on by all observers Classical mechanics assumes that time has a constant rate of passage independent of the observer s state of motion or anything external It assumes that space is Euclidean it assumes that space follows the geometry of common sense In the context of special relativity time cannot be separated from the three dimensions of space because the observed rate at which time passes for an object depends on the object s velocity relative to the observer 214 217 General relativity provides an explanation of how gravitational fields can slow the passage of time for an object as seen by an observer outside the field In ordinary space a position is specified by three numbers known as dimensions In the Cartesian coordinate system these are often called x y and z A point in spacetime is called an event and requires four numbers to be specified the three dimensional location in space plus the position in time Fig 1 An event is represented by a set of coordinates x y z and t Spacetime is thus four dimensional Unlike the analogies used in popular writings to explain events such as firecrackers or sparks mathematical events have zero duration and represent a single point in spacetime Although it is possible to be in motion relative to the popping of a firecracker or a spark it is not possible for an observer to be in motion relative to an event The path of a particle through spacetime can be considered to be a sequence of events The series of events can be linked together to form a curve that represents the particle s progress through spacetime That path is called the particle s world line 105 Mathematically spacetime is a manifold which is to say it appears locally flat near each point in the same way that at small enough scales the surface of a globe appears to be flat A scale factor c displaystyle c conventionally called the speed of light relates distances measured in space to distances measured in time The magnitude of this scale factor nearly 300 000 kilometres or 190 000 miles in space being equivalent to one second in time along with the fact that spacetime is a manifold implies that at ordinary non relativistic speeds and at ordinary human scale distances there is little that humans might observe that is noticeably different from what they might observe if the world were Euclidean It was only with the advent of sensitive scientific measurements in the mid 1800s such as the Fizeau experiment and the Michelson Morley experiment that puzzling discrepancies began to be noted between observation versus predictions based on the implicit assumption of Euclidean space Figure 1 1 Each location in spacetime is marked by four numbers defined by a frame of reference the position in space and the time which can be visualized as the reading of a clock located at each position in space The observer synchronizes the clocks according to their own reference frame In special relativity an observer will in most cases mean a frame of reference from which a set of objects or events is being measured This usage differs significantly from the ordinary English meaning of the term Reference frames are inherently nonlocal constructs and according to this usage of the term it does not make sense to speak of an observer as having a location In Fig 1 1 imagine that the frame under consideration is equipped with a dense lattice of clocks synchronized within this reference frame that extends indefinitely throughout the three dimensions of space Any specific location within the lattice is not important The latticework of clocks is used to determine the time and position of events taking place within the whole frame The term observer refers to the whole ensemble of clocks associated with one inertial frame of reference 17 22 In this idealized case every point in space has a clock associated with it and thus the clocks register each event instantly with no time delay between an event and its recording A real observer will see a delay between the emission of a signal and its detection due to the speed of light To synchronize the clocks in the data reduction following an experiment the time when a signal is received will be corrected to reflect its actual time were it to have been recorded by an idealized lattice of clocks 17 22 In many books on special relativity especially older ones the word observer is used in the more ordinary sense of the word It is usually clear from context which meaning has been adopted Physicists distinguish between what one measures or observes after one has factored out signal propagation delays versus what one visually sees without such corrections Failing to understand the difference between what one measures and what one sees is the source of much confusion among students of relativity HistoryFigure 1 2 Michelson and Morley expected that motion through the aether would cause a differential phase shift between light traversing the two arms of their apparatus The most logical explanation of their negative result aether dragging was in conflict with the observation of stellar aberration By the mid 1800s various experiments such as the observation of the Arago spot and differential measurements of the speed of light in air versus water were considered to have proven the wave nature of light as opposed to a corpuscular theory Propagation of waves was then assumed to require the existence of a waving medium in the case of light waves this was considered to be a hypothetical luminiferous aether The various attempts to establish the properties of this hypothetical medium yielded contradictory results For example the Fizeau experiment of 1851 conducted by French physicist Hippolyte Fizeau demonstrated that the speed of light in flowing water was less than the sum of the speed of light in air plus the speed of the water by an amount dependent on the water s index of refraction Among other issues the dependence of the partial aether dragging implied by this experiment on the index of refraction which is dependent on wavelength led to the unpalatable conclusion that aether simultaneously flows at different speeds for different colors of light The Michelson Morley experiment of 1887 Fig 1 2 showed no differential influence of Earth s motions through the hypothetical aether on the speed of light and the most likely explanation complete aether dragging was in conflict with the observation of stellar aberration George Francis FitzGerald in 1889 and Hendrik Lorentz in 1892 independently proposed that material bodies traveling through the fixed aether were physically affected by their passage contracting in the direction of motion by an amount that was exactly what was necessary to explain the negative results of the Michelson Morley experiment No length changes occur in directions transverse to the direction of motion By 1904 Lorentz had expanded his theory such that he had arrived at equations formally identical with those that Einstein was to derive later i e the Lorentz transformation As a theory of dynamics the study of forces and torques and their effect on motion his theory assumed actual physical deformations of the physical constituents of matter 163 174 Lorentz s equations predicted a quantity that he called local time with which he could explain the aberration of light the Fizeau experiment and other phenomena Hendrik LorentzHenri PoincareAlbert EinsteinHermann MinkowskiFigure 1 3 Henri Poincare was the first to combine space and time into spacetime 73 80 93 95 He argued in 1898 that the simultaneity of two events is a matter of convention In 1900 he recognized that Lorentz s local time is actually what is indicated by moving clocks by applying an explicitly operational definition of clock synchronization assuming constant light speed In 1900 and 1904 he suggested the inherent undetectability of the aether by emphasizing the validity of what he called the principle of relativity In 1905 1906 he mathematically perfected Lorentz s theory of electrons in order to bring it into accordance with the postulate of relativity While discussing various hypotheses on Lorentz invariant gravitation he introduced the innovative concept of a 4 dimensional spacetime by defining various four vectors namely four position four velocity and four force He did not pursue the 4 dimensional formalism in subsequent papers however stating that this line of research seemed to entail great pain for limited profit ultimately concluding that three dimensional language seems the best suited to the description of our world Even as late as 1909 Poincare continued to describe the dynamical interpretation of the Lorentz transform 163 174 In 1905 Albert Einstein analyzed special relativity in terms of kinematics the study of moving bodies without reference to forces rather than dynamics His results were mathematically equivalent to those of Lorentz and Poincare He obtained them by recognizing that the entire theory can be built upon two postulates the principle of relativity and the principle of the constancy of light speed His work was filled with vivid imagery involving the exchange of light signals between clocks in motion careful measurements of the lengths of moving rods and other such examples Einstein in 1905 superseded previous attempts of an electromagnetic mass energy relation by introducing the general equivalence of mass and energy which was instrumental for his subsequent formulation of the equivalence principle in 1907 which declares the equivalence of inertial and gravitational mass By using the mass energy equivalence Einstein showed that the gravitational mass of a body is proportional to its energy content which was one of the early results in developing general relativity While it would appear that he did not at first think geometrically about spacetime 219 in the further development of general relativity Einstein fully incorporated the spacetime formalism When Einstein published in 1905 another of his competitors his former mathematics professor Hermann Minkowski had also arrived at most of the basic elements of special relativity Max Born recounted a meeting he had made with Minkowski seeking to be Minkowski s student collaborator I went to Cologne met Minkowski and heard his celebrated lecture Space and Time delivered on 2 September 1908 He told me later that it came to him as a great shock when Einstein published his paper in which the equivalence of the different local times of observers moving relative to each other was pronounced for he had reached the same conclusions independently but did not publish them because he wished first to work out the mathematical structure in all its splendor He never made a priority claim and always gave Einstein his full share in the great discovery Minkowski had been concerned with the state of electrodynamics after Michelson s disruptive experiments at least since the summer of 1905 when Minkowski and David Hilbert led an advanced seminar attended by notable physicists of the time to study the papers of Lorentz Poincare et al Minkowski saw Einstein s work as an extension of Lorentz s and was most directly influenced by Poincare Figure 1 4 Hand colored transparency presented by Minkowski in his 1908 Raum und Zeit lecture On 5 November 1907 a little more than a year before his death Minkowski introduced his geometric interpretation of spacetime in a lecture to the Gottingen Mathematical society with the title The Relativity Principle Das Relativitatsprinzip On 21 September 1908 Minkowski presented his talk Space and Time Raum und Zeit to the German Society of Scientists and Physicians The opening words of Space and Time include Minkowski s statement that Henceforth space for itself and time for itself shall completely reduce to a mere shadow and only some sort of union of the two shall preserve independence Space and Time included the first public presentation of spacetime diagrams Fig 1 4 and included a remarkable demonstration that the concept of the invariant interval discussed below along with the empirical observation that the speed of light is finite allows derivation of the entirety of special relativity The spacetime concept and the Lorentz group are closely connected to certain types of sphere hyperbolic or conformal geometries and their transformation groups already developed in the 19th century in which invariant intervals analogous to the spacetime interval are used Einstein for his part was initially dismissive of Minkowski s geometric interpretation of special relativity regarding it as uberflussige Gelehrsamkeit superfluous learnedness However in order to complete his search for general relativity that started in 1907 the geometric interpretation of relativity proved to be vital In 1916 Einstein fully acknowledged his indebtedness to Minkowski whose interpretation greatly facilitated the transition to general relativity 151 152 Since there are other types of spacetime such as the curved spacetime of general relativity the spacetime of special relativity is today known as Minkowski spacetime Spacetime in special relativitySpacetime interval In three dimensions the distance Dd displaystyle Delta d between two points can be defined using the Pythagorean theorem Dd 2 Dx 2 Dy 2 Dz 2 displaystyle Delta d 2 Delta x 2 Delta y 2 Delta z 2 Although two viewers may measure the x y and z position of the two points using different coordinate systems the distance between the points will be the same for both assuming that they are measuring using the same units The distance is invariant In special relativity however the distance between two points is no longer the same if measured by two different observers when one of the observers is moving because of Lorentz contraction The situation is even more complicated if the two points are separated in time as well as in space For example if one observer sees two events occur at the same place but at different times a person moving with respect to the first observer will see the two events occurring at different places because the moving point of view sees itself as stationary and the position of the event as receding or approaching Thus a different measure must be used to measure the effective distance between two events 48 50 100 102 In four dimensional spacetime the analog to distance is the interval Although time comes in as a fourth dimension it is treated differently than the spatial dimensions Minkowski space hence differs in important respects from four dimensional Euclidean space The fundamental reason for merging space and time into spacetime is that space and time are separately not invariant which is to say that under the proper conditions different observers will disagree on the length of time between two events because of time dilation or the distance between the two events because of length contraction Special relativity provides a new invariant called the spacetime interval which combines distances in space and in time All observers who measure the time and distance between any two events will end up computing the same spacetime interval Suppose an observer measures two events as being separated in time by Dt displaystyle Delta t and a spatial distance Dx displaystyle Delta x Then the squared spacetime interval Ds 2 displaystyle Delta s 2 between the two events that are separated by a distance Dx displaystyle Delta x in space and by Dct cDt displaystyle Delta ct c Delta t in the ct displaystyle ct coordinate is Ds 2 Dct 2 Dx 2 displaystyle Delta s 2 Delta ct 2 Delta x 2 or for three space dimensions Ds 2 Dct 2 Dx 2 Dy 2 Dz 2 displaystyle Delta s 2 Delta ct 2 Delta x 2 Delta y 2 Delta z 2 The constant c displaystyle c the speed of light converts time t displaystyle t units like seconds into space units like meters The squared interval Ds2 displaystyle Delta s 2 is a measure of separation between events A and B that are time separated and in addition space separated either because there are two separate objects undergoing events or because a single object in space is moving inertially between its events The separation interval is the difference between the square of the spatial distance separating event B from event A and the square of the spatial distance traveled by a light signal in that same time interval Dt displaystyle Delta t If the event separation is due to a light signal then this difference vanishes and Ds 0 displaystyle Delta s 0 When the event considered is infinitesimally close to each other then we may write ds2 c2dt2 dx2 dy2 dz2 displaystyle ds 2 c 2 dt 2 dx 2 dy 2 dz 2 In a different inertial frame say with coordinates t x y z displaystyle t x y z the spacetime interval ds displaystyle ds can be written in a same form as above Because of the constancy of speed of light the light events in all inertial frames belong to zero interval ds ds 0 displaystyle ds ds 0 For any other infinitesimal event where ds 0 displaystyle ds neq 0 one can prove that ds2 ds 2 displaystyle ds 2 ds 2 which in turn upon integration leads to s s displaystyle s s 2 The invariance of the spacetime interval between the same events for all inertial frames of reference is one of the fundamental results of special theory of relativity Although for brevity one frequently sees interval expressions expressed without deltas including in most of the following discussion it should be understood that in general x displaystyle x means Dx displaystyle Delta x etc We are always concerned with differences of spatial or temporal coordinate values belonging to two events and since there is no preferred origin single coordinate values have no essential meaning Figure 2 1 Spacetime diagram illustrating two photons A and B originating at the same event and a slower than light speed object C The equation above is similar to the Pythagorean theorem except with a minus sign between the ct 2 displaystyle ct 2 and the x2 displaystyle x 2 terms The spacetime interval is the quantity s2 displaystyle s 2 not s displaystyle s itself The reason is that unlike distances in Euclidean geometry intervals in Minkowski spacetime can be negative Rather than deal with square roots of negative numbers physicists customarily regard s2 displaystyle s 2 as a distinct symbol in itself rather than the square of something 217 Note There are two sign conventions in use in the relativity literature s2 ct 2 x2 y2 z2 displaystyle s 2 ct 2 x 2 y 2 z 2 dd ands2 ct 2 x2 y2 z2 displaystyle s 2 ct 2 x 2 y 2 z 2 dd These sign conventions are associated with the metric signatures and A minor variation is to place the time coordinate last rather than first Both conventions are widely used within the field of study In the following discussion we use the first convention In general s2 displaystyle s 2 can assume any real number value If s2 displaystyle s 2 is positive the spacetime interval is referred to as timelike Since spatial distance traversed by any massive object is always less than distance traveled by the light for the same time interval positive intervals are always timelike If s2 displaystyle s 2 is negative the spacetime interval is said to be spacelike Spacetime intervals are equal to zero when x ct displaystyle x pm ct In other words the spacetime interval between two events on the world line of something moving at the speed of light is zero Such an interval is termed lightlike or null A photon arriving in our eye from a distant star will not have aged despite having from our perspective spent years in its passage 48 50 A spacetime diagram is typically drawn with only a single space and a single time coordinate Fig 2 1 presents a spacetime diagram illustrating the world lines i e paths in spacetime of two photons A and B originating from the same event and going in opposite directions In addition C illustrates the world line of a slower than light speed object The vertical time coordinate is scaled by c displaystyle c so that it has the same units meters as the horizontal space coordinate Since photons travel at the speed of light their world lines have a slope of 1 23 25 In other words every meter that a photon travels to the left or right requires approximately 3 3 nanoseconds of time Reference frames This section needs additional citations for verification Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources in this section Unsourced material may be challenged and removed March 2024 Learn how and when to remove this message Figure 2 2 Galilean diagram of two frames of reference in standard configurationFigure 2 3 a Galilean diagram of two frames of reference in standard configuration b spacetime diagram of two frames of reference c spacetime diagram showing the path of a reflected light pulse To gain insight in how spacetime coordinates measured by observers in different reference frames compare with each other it is useful to work with a simplified setup with frames in a standard configuration With care this allows simplification of the math with no loss of generality in the conclusions that are reached In Fig 2 2 two Galilean reference frames i e conventional 3 space frames are displayed in relative motion Frame S belongs to a first observer O and frame S pronounced S prime belongs to a second observer O The x y z axes of frame S are oriented parallel to the respective primed axes of frame S Frame S moves in the x direction of frame S with a constant velocity v as measured in frame S The origins of frames S and S are coincident when time t 0 for frame S and t 0 for frame S 107 Fig 2 3a redraws Fig 2 2 in a different orientation Fig 2 3b illustrates a relativistic spacetime diagram from the viewpoint of observer O Since S and S are in standard configuration their origins coincide at times t 0 in frame S and t 0 in frame S The ct axis passes through the events in frame S which have x 0 But the points with x 0 are moving in the x direction of frame S with velocity v so that they are not coincident with the ct axis at any time other than zero Therefore the ct axis is tilted with respect to the ct axis by an angle 8 given by 23 31 tan 8 v c displaystyle tan theta v c The x axis is also tilted with respect to the x axis To determine the angle of this tilt we recall that the slope of the world line of a light pulse is always 1 Fig 2 3c presents a spacetime diagram from the viewpoint of observer O Event P represents the emission of a light pulse at x 0 ct a The pulse is reflected from a mirror situated a distance a from the light source event Q and returns to the light source at x 0 ct a event R The same events P Q R are plotted in Fig 2 3b in the frame of observer O The light paths have slopes 1 and 1 so that PQR forms a right triangle with PQ and QR both at 45 degrees to the x and ct axes Since OP OQ OR the angle between x and x must also be 8 113 118 While the rest frame has space and time axes that meet at right angles the moving frame is drawn with axes that meet at an acute angle The frames are actually equivalent 23 31 The asymmetry is due to unavoidable distortions in how spacetime coordinates can map onto a Cartesian plane and should be considered no stranger than the manner in which on a Mercator projection of the Earth the relative sizes of land masses near the poles Greenland and Antarctica are highly exaggerated relative to land masses near the Equator Light cone Figure 2 4 The light cone centered on an event divides the rest of spacetime into the future the past and elsewhere In Fig 2 4 event O is at the origin of a spacetime diagram and the two diagonal lines represent all events that have zero spacetime interval with respect to the origin event These two lines form what is called the light cone of the event O since adding a second spatial dimension Fig 2 5 makes the appearance that of two right circular cones meeting with their apices at O One cone extends into the future t gt 0 the other into the past t lt 0 Figure 2 5 Light cone in 2D space plus a time dimension A light double cone divides spacetime into separate regions with respect to its apex The interior of the future light cone consists of all events that are separated from the apex by more time temporal distance than necessary to cross their spatial distance at lightspeed these events comprise the timelike future of the event O Likewise the timelike past comprises the interior events of the past light cone So in timelike intervals Dct is greater than Dx making timelike intervals positive 220 The region exterior to the light cone consists of events that are separated from the event O by more space than can be crossed at lightspeed in the given time These events comprise the so called spacelike region of the event O denoted Elsewhere in Fig 2 4 Events on the light cone itself are said to be lightlike or null separated from O Because of the invariance of the spacetime interval all observers will assign the same light cone to any given event and thus will agree on this division of spacetime 220 The light cone has an essential role within the concept of causality It is possible for a not faster than light speed signal to travel from the position and time of O to the position and time of D Fig 2 4 It is hence possible for event O to have a causal influence on event D The future light cone contains all the events that could be causally influenced by O Likewise it is possible for a not faster than light speed signal to travel from the position and time of A to the position and time of O The past light cone contains all the events that could have a causal influence on O In contrast assuming that signals cannot travel faster than the speed of light any event like e g B or C in the spacelike region Elsewhere cannot either affect event O nor can they be affected by event O employing such signalling Under this assumption any causal relationship between event O and any events in the spacelike region of a light cone is excluded Relativity of simultaneity Figure 2 6 Animation illustrating relativity of simultaneity All observers will agree that for any given event an event within the given event s future light cone occurs after the given event Likewise for any given event an event within the given event s past light cone occurs before the given event The before after relationship observed for timelike separated events remains unchanged no matter what the reference frame of the observer i e no matter how the observer may be moving The situation is quite different for spacelike separated events Fig 2 4 was drawn from the reference frame of an observer moving at v 0 From this reference frame event C is observed to occur after event O and event B is observed to occur before event O From a different reference frame the orderings of these non causally related events can be reversed In particular one notes that if two events are simultaneous in a particular reference frame they are necessarily separated by a spacelike interval and thus are noncausally related The observation that simultaneity is not absolute but depends on the observer s reference frame is termed the relativity of simultaneity Fig 2 6 illustrates the use of spacetime diagrams in the analysis of the relativity of simultaneity The events in spacetime are invariant but the coordinate frames transform as discussed above for Fig 2 3 The three events A B C are simultaneous from the reference frame of an observer moving at v 0 From the reference frame of an observer moving at v 0 3c the events appear to occur in the order C B A From the reference frame of an observer moving at v 0 5c the events appear to occur in the order A B C The white line represents a plane of simultaneity being moved from the past of the observer to the future of the observer highlighting events residing on it The gray area is the light cone of the observer which remains invariant A spacelike spacetime interval gives the same distance that an observer would measure if the events being measured were simultaneous to the observer A spacelike spacetime interval hence provides a measure of proper distance i e the true distance s2 displaystyle sqrt s 2 Likewise a timelike spacetime interval gives the same measure of time as would be presented by the cumulative ticking of a clock that moves along a given world line A timelike spacetime interval hence provides a measure of the proper time s2 displaystyle sqrt s 2 220 221 Invariant hyperbola This section needs additional citations for verification Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources in this section Unsourced material may be challenged and removed March 2024 Learn how and when to remove this message Figure 2 7 a Families of invariant hyperbolae b Hyperboloids of two sheets and one sheet In Euclidean space having spatial dimensions only the set of points equidistant using the Euclidean metric from some point form a circle in two dimensions or a sphere in three dimensions In 1 1 dimensional Minkowski spacetime having one temporal and one spatial dimension the points at some constant spacetime interval away from the origin using the Minkowski metric form curves given by the two equations ct 2 x2 s2 displaystyle ct 2 x 2 pm s 2 with s2 displaystyle s 2 some positive real constant These equations describe two families of hyperbolae in an x ct spacetime diagram which are termed invariant hyperbolae In Fig 2 7a each magenta hyperbola connects all events having some fixed spacelike separation from the origin while the green hyperbolae connect events of equal timelike separation The magenta hyperbolae which cross the x axis are timelike curves which is to say that these hyperbolae represent actual paths that can be traversed by constantly accelerating particles in spacetime Between any two events on one hyperbola a causality relation is possible because the inverse of the slope representing the necessary speed for all secants is less than c displaystyle c On the other hand the green hyperbolae which cross the ct axis are spacelike curves because all intervals along these hyperbolae are spacelike intervals No causality is possible between any two points on one of these hyperbolae because all secants represent speeds larger than c displaystyle c Fig 2 7b reflects the situation in 1 2 dimensional Minkowski spacetime one temporal and two spatial dimensions with the corresponding hyperboloids The invariant hyperbolae displaced by spacelike intervals from the origin generate hyperboloids of one sheet while the invariant hyperbolae displaced by timelike intervals from the origin generate hyperboloids of two sheets The 1 2 dimensional boundary between space and time like hyperboloids established by the events forming a zero spacetime interval to the origin is made up by degenerating the hyperboloids to the light cone In 1 1 dimensions the hyperbolae degenerate to the two grey 45 lines depicted in Fig 2 7a Time dilation and length contraction Figure 2 8 The invariant hyperbola comprises the points that can be reached from the origin in a fixed proper time by clocks traveling at different speeds Fig 2 8 illustrates the invariant hyperbola for all events that can be reached from the origin in a proper time of 5 meters approximately 1 67 10 8 s Different world lines represent clocks moving at different speeds A clock that is stationary with respect to the observer has a world line that is vertical and the elapsed time measured by the observer is the same as the proper time For a clock traveling at 0 3 c the elapsed time measured by the observer is 5 24 meters 1 75 10 8 s while for a clock traveling at 0 7 c the elapsed time measured by the observer is 7 00 meters 2 34 10 8 s 220 221 This illustrates the phenomenon known as time dilation Clocks that travel faster take longer in the observer frame to tick out the same amount of proper time and they travel further along the x axis within that proper time than they would have without time dilation 220 221 The measurement of time dilation by two observers in different inertial reference frames is mutual If observer O measures the clocks of observer O as running slower in his frame observer O in turn will measure the clocks of observer O as running slower Figure 2 9 In this spacetime diagram the 1 m length of the moving rod as measured in the primed frame is the foreshortened distance OC when projected onto the unprimed frame Length contraction like time dilation is a manifestation of the relativity of simultaneity Measurement of length requires measurement of the spacetime interval between two events that are simultaneous in one s frame of reference But events that are simultaneous in one frame of reference are in general not simultaneous in other frames of reference Fig 2 9 illustrates the motions of a 1 m rod that is traveling at 0 5 c along the x axis The edges of the blue band represent the world lines of the rod s two endpoints The invariant hyperbola illustrates events separated from the origin by a spacelike interval of 1 m The endpoints O and B measured when t 0 are simultaneous events in the S frame But to an observer in frame S events O and B are not simultaneous To measure length the observer in frame S measures the endpoints of the rod as projected onto the x axis along their world lines The projection of the rod s world sheet onto the x axis yields the foreshortened length OC 125 not illustrated Drawing a vertical line through A so that it intersects the x axis demonstrates that even as OB is foreshortened from the point of view of observer O OA is likewise foreshortened from the point of view of observer O In the same way that each observer measures the other s clocks as running slow each observer measures the other s rulers as being contracted In regards to mutual length contraction Fig 2 9 illustrates that the primed and unprimed frames are mutually rotated by a hyperbolic angle analogous to ordinary angles in Euclidean geometry Because of this rotation the projection of a primed meter stick onto the unprimed x axis is foreshortened while the projection of an unprimed meter stick onto the primed x axis is likewise foreshortened Mutual time dilation and the twin paradox Mutual time dilation Mutual time dilation and length contraction tend to strike beginners as inherently self contradictory concepts If an observer in frame S measures a clock at rest in frame S as running slower than his while S is moving at speed v in S then the principle of relativity requires that an observer in frame S likewise measures a clock in frame S moving at speed v in S as running slower than hers How two clocks can run both slower than the other is an important question that goes to the heart of understanding special relativity 198 This apparent contradiction stems from not correctly taking into account the different settings of the necessary related measurements These settings allow for a consistent explanation of the only apparent contradiction It is not about the abstract ticking of two identical clocks but about how to measure in one frame the temporal distance of two ticks of a moving clock It turns out that in mutually observing the duration between ticks of clocks each moving in the respective frame different sets of clocks must be involved In order to measure in frame S the tick duration of a moving clock W at rest in S one uses two additional synchronized clocks W1 and W2 at rest in two arbitrarily fixed points in S with the spatial distance d Two events can be defined by the condition two clocks are simultaneously at one place i e when W passes each W1 and W2 For both events the two readings of the collocated clocks are recorded The difference of the two readings of W1 and W2 is the temporal distance of the two events in S and their spatial distance is d The difference of the two readings of W is the temporal distance of the two events in S In S these events are only separated in time they happen at the same place in S Because of the invariance of the spacetime interval spanned by these two events and the nonzero spatial separation d in S the temporal distance in S must be smaller than the one in S the smaller temporal distance between the two events resulting from the readings of the moving clock W belongs to the slower running clock W Conversely for judging in frame S the temporal distance of two events on a moving clock W at rest in S one needs two clocks at rest in S In this comparison the clock W is moving by with velocity v Recording again the four readings for the events defined by two clocks simultaneously at one place results in the analogous temporal distances of the two events now temporally and spatially separated in S and only temporally separated but collocated in S To keep the spacetime interval invariant the temporal distance in S must be smaller than in S because of the spatial separation of the events in S now clock W is observed to run slower The necessary recordings for the two judgements with one moving clock and two clocks at rest in respectively S or S involves two different sets each with three clocks Since there are different sets of clocks involved in the measurements there is no inherent necessity that the measurements be reciprocally consistent such that if one observer measures the moving clock to be slow the other observer measures the one s clock to be fast 198 199 Figure 2 10 Mutual time dilation Fig 2 10 illustrates the previous discussion of mutual time dilation with Minkowski diagrams The upper picture reflects the measurements as seen from frame S at rest with unprimed rectangular axes and frame S moving with v gt 0 coordinatized by primed oblique axes slanted to the right the lower picture shows frame S at rest with primed rectangular coordinates and frame S moving with v lt 0 with unprimed oblique axes slanted to the left Each line drawn parallel to a spatial axis x x represents a line of simultaneity All events on such a line have the same time value ct ct Likewise each line drawn parallel to a temporal axis ct ct represents a line of equal spatial coordinate values x x One may designate in both pictures the origin O O as the event where the respective moving clock is collocated with the first clock at rest in both comparisons Obviously for this event the readings on both clocks in both comparisons are zero As a consequence the worldlines of the moving clocks are the slanted to the right ct axis upper pictures clock W and the slanted to the left ct axes lower pictures clock W The worldlines of W1 and W 1 are the corresponding vertical time axes ct in the upper pictures and ct in the lower pictures In the upper picture the place for W2 is taken to be Ax gt 0 and thus the worldline not shown in the pictures of this clock intersects the worldline of the moving clock the ct axis in the event labelled A where two clocks are simultaneously at one place In the lower picture the place for W 2 is taken to be Cx lt 0 and so in this measurement the moving clock W passes W 2 in the event C In the upper picture the ct coordinate At of the event A the reading of W2 is labeled B thus giving the elapsed time between the two events measured with W1 and W2 as OB For a comparison the length of the time interval OA measured with W must be transformed to the scale of the ct axis This is done by the invariant hyperbola see also Fig 2 8 through A connecting all events with the same spacetime interval from the origin as A This yields the event C on the ct axis and obviously OC lt OB the moving clock W runs slower To show the mutual time dilation immediately in the upper picture the event D may be constructed as the event at x 0 the location of clock W in S that is simultaneous to C OC has equal spacetime interval as OA in S This shows that the time interval OD is longer than OA showing that the moving clock runs slower 124 In the lower picture the frame S is moving with velocity v in the frame S at rest The worldline of clock W is the ct axis slanted to the left the worldline of W 1 is the vertical ct axis and the worldline of W 2 is the vertical through event C with ct coordinate D The invariant hyperbola through event C scales the time interval OC to OA which is shorter than OD also B is constructed similar to D in the upper pictures as simultaneous to A in S at x 0 The result OB gt OC corresponds again to above The word measure is important In classical physics an observer cannot affect an observed object but the object s state of motion can affect the observer s observations of the object Twin paradox Many introductions to special relativity illustrate the differences between Galilean relativity and special relativity by posing a series of paradoxes These paradoxes are in fact ill posed problems resulting from our unfamiliarity with velocities comparable to the speed of light The remedy is to solve many problems in special relativity and to become familiar with its so called counter intuitive predictions The geometrical approach to studying spacetime is considered one of the best methods for developing a modern intuition The twin paradox is a thought experiment involving identical twins one of whom makes a journey into space in a high speed rocket returning home to find that the twin who remained on Earth has aged more This result appears puzzling because each twin observes the other twin as moving and so at first glance it would appear that each should find the other to have aged less The twin paradox sidesteps the justification for mutual time dilation presented above by avoiding the requirement for a third clock 207 Nevertheless the twin paradox is not a true paradox because it is easily understood within the context of special relativity The impression that a paradox exists stems from a misunderstanding of what special relativity states Special relativity does not declare all frames of reference to be equivalent only inertial frames The traveling twin s frame is not inertial during periods when she is accelerating Furthermore the difference between the twins is observationally detectable the traveling twin needs to fire her rockets to be able to return home while the stay at home twin does not Figure 2 11 Spacetime explanation of the twin paradox These distinctions should result in a difference in the twins ages The spacetime diagram of Fig 2 11 presents the simple case of a twin going straight out along the x axis and immediately turning back From the standpoint of the stay at home twin there is nothing puzzling about the twin paradox at all The proper time measured along the traveling twin s world line from O to C plus the proper time measured from C to B is less than the stay at home twin s proper time measured from O to A to B More complex trajectories require integrating the proper time between the respective events along the curve i e the path integral to calculate the total amount of proper time experienced by the traveling twin Complications arise if the twin paradox is analyzed from the traveling twin s point of view Weiss s nomenclature designating the stay at home twin as Terence and the traveling twin as Stella is hereafter used Stella is not in an inertial frame Given this fact it is sometimes incorrectly stated that full resolution of the twin paradox requires general relativity A pure SR analysis would be as follows Analyzed in Stella s rest frame she is motionless for the entire trip When she fires her rockets for the turnaround she experiences a pseudo force which resembles a gravitational force Figs 2 6 and 2 11 illustrate the concept of lines planes of simultaneity Lines parallel to the observer s x axis xy plane represent sets of events that are simultaneous in the observer frame In Fig 2 11 the blue lines connect events on Terence s world line which from Stella s point of view are simultaneous with events on her world line Terence in turn would observe a set of horizontal lines of simultaneity Throughout both the outbound and the inbound legs of Stella s journey she measures Terence s clocks as running slower than her own But during the turnaround i e between the bold blue lines in the figure a shift takes place in the angle of her lines of simultaneity corresponding to a rapid skip over of the events in Terence s world line that Stella considers to be simultaneous with her own Therefore at the end of her trip Stella finds that Terence has aged more than she has Although general relativity is not required to analyze the twin paradox application of the Equivalence Principle of general relativity does provide some additional insight into the subject Stella is not stationary in an inertial frame Analyzed in Stella s rest frame she is motionless for the entire trip When she is coasting her rest frame is inertial and Terence s clock will appear to run slow But when she fires her rockets for the turnaround her rest frame is an accelerated frame and she experiences a force which is pushing her as if she were in a gravitational field Terence will appear to be high up in that field and because of gravitational time dilation his clock will appear to run fast so much so that the net result will be that Terence has aged more than Stella when they are back together The theoretical arguments predicting gravitational time dilation are not exclusive to general relativity Any theory of gravity will predict gravitational time dilation if it respects the principle of equivalence including Newton s theory 16 Gravitation This introductory section has focused on the spacetime of special relativity since it is the easiest to describe Minkowski spacetime is flat takes no account of gravity is uniform throughout and serves as nothing more than a static background for the events that take place in it The presence of gravity greatly complicates the description of spacetime In general relativity spacetime is no longer a static background but actively interacts with the physical systems that it contains Spacetime curves in the presence of matter can propagate waves bends light and exhibits a host of other phenomena 221 A few of these phenomena are described in the later sections of this article Basic mathematics of spacetimeGalilean transformations A basic goal is to be able to compare measurements made by observers in relative motion If there is an observer O in frame S who has measured the time and space coordinates of an event assigning this event three Cartesian coordinates and the time as measured on his lattice of synchronized clocks x y z t see Fig 1 1 A second observer O in a different frame S measures the same event in her coordinate system and her lattice of synchronized clocks x y z t With inertial frames neither observer is under acceleration and a simple set of equations allows us to relate coordinates x y z t to x y z t Given that the two coordinate systems are in standard configuration meaning that they are aligned with parallel x y z coordinates and that t 0 when t 0 the coordinate transformation is as follows x x vt displaystyle x x vt y y displaystyle y y z z displaystyle z z t t displaystyle t t Figure 3 1 Galilean Spacetime and composition of velocities Fig 3 1 illustrates that in Newton s theory time is universal not the velocity of light 36 37 Consider the following thought experiment The red arrow illustrates a train that is moving at 0 4 c with respect to the platform Within the train a passenger shoots a bullet with a speed of 0 4 c in the frame of the train The blue arrow illustrates that a person standing on the train tracks measures the bullet as traveling at 0 8 c This is in accordance with our naive expectations More generally assuming that frame S is moving at velocity v with respect to frame S then within frame S observer O measures an object moving with velocity u Velocity u with respect to frame S since x ut x x vt and t t can be written as x ut vt u v t u v t This leads to u x t and ultimately u u v displaystyle u u v or u u v displaystyle u u v which is the common sense Galilean law for the addition of velocities Relativistic composition of velocities Figure 3 2 Relativistic composition of velocities The composition of velocities is quite different in relativistic spacetime To reduce the complexity of the equations slightly we introduce a common shorthand for the ratio of the speed of an object relative to light b v c displaystyle beta v c Fig 3 2a illustrates a red train that is moving forward at a speed given by v c b s a From the primed frame of the train a passenger shoots a bullet with a speed given by u c b n m where the distance is measured along a line parallel to the red x axis rather than parallel to the black x axis What is the composite velocity u of the bullet relative to the platform as represented by the blue arrow Referring to Fig 3 2b From the platform the composite speed of the bullet is given by u c s r a b The two yellow triangles are similar because they are right triangles that share a common angle a In the large yellow triangle the ratio s a v c b The ratios of corresponding sides of the two yellow triangles are constant so that r a b s n m b So b u s c and r u a c Substitute the expressions for b and r into the expression for u in step 1 to yield Einstein s formula for the addition of velocities 42 48 u v u 1 vu c2 displaystyle u v u over 1 vu c 2 The relativistic formula for addition of velocities presented above exhibits several important features If u and v are both very small compared with the speed of light then the product vu c2 becomes vanishingly small and the overall result becomes indistinguishable from the Galilean formula Newton s formula for the addition of velocities u u v The Galilean formula is a special case of the relativistic formula applicable to low velocities If u is set equal to c then the formula yields u c regardless of the starting value of v The velocity of light is the same for all observers regardless their motions relative to the emitting source 49 Time dilation and length contraction revisited This section needs additional citations for verification Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources in this section Unsourced material may be challenged and removed March 2024 Learn how and when to remove this message Figure 3 3 Spacetime diagrams illustrating time dilation and length contraction It is straightforward to obtain quantitative expressions for time dilation and length contraction Fig 3 3 is a composite image containing individual frames taken from two previous animations simplified and relabeled for the purposes of this section To reduce the complexity of the equations slightly there are a variety of different shorthand notations for ct T ct displaystyle mathrm T ct and w ct displaystyle w ct are common One also sees very frequently the use of the convention c 1 displaystyle c 1 Figure 3 4 Lorentz factor as a function of velocity In Fig 3 3a segments OA and OK represent equal spacetime intervals Time dilation is represented by the ratio OB OK The invariant hyperbola has the equation w x2 k2 where k OK and the red line representing the world line of a particle in motion has the equation w x b xc v A bit of algebraic manipulation yields OB OK 1 v2 c2 textstyle OB OK sqrt 1 v 2 c 2 The expression involving the square root symbol appears very frequently in relativity and one over the expression is called the Lorentz factor denoted by the Greek letter gamma g displaystyle gamma g 11 v2 c2 11 b2 displaystyle gamma frac 1 sqrt 1 v 2 c 2 frac 1 sqrt 1 beta 2 If v is greater than or equal to c the expression for g displaystyle gamma becomes physically meaningless implying that c is the maximum possible speed in nature For any v greater than zero the Lorentz factor will be greater than one although the shape of the curve is such that for low speeds the Lorentz factor is extremely close to one In Fig 3 3b segments OA and OK represent equal spacetime intervals Length contraction is represented by the ratio OB OK The invariant hyperbola has the equation x w2 k2 where k OK and the edges of the blue band representing the world lines of the endpoints of a rod in motion have slope 1 b c v Event A has coordinates x w gk gbk Since the tangent line through A and B has the equation w x OB b we have gbk gk OB b and OB OK g 1 b2 1g displaystyle OB OK gamma 1 beta 2 frac 1 gamma Lorentz transformations The Galilean transformations and their consequent commonsense law of addition of velocities work well in our ordinary low speed world of planes cars and balls Beginning in the mid 1800s however sensitive scientific instrumentation began finding anomalies that did not fit well with the ordinary addition of velocities Lorentz transformations are used to transform the coordinates of an event from one frame to another in special relativity The Lorentz factor appears in the Lorentz transformations t g t vxc2 x g x vt y yz z displaystyle begin aligned t amp gamma left t frac vx c 2 right x amp gamma left x vt right y amp y z amp z end aligned The inverse Lorentz transformations are t g t vx c2 x g x vt y y z z displaystyle begin aligned t amp gamma left t frac vx c 2 right x amp gamma left x vt right y amp y z amp z end aligned When v c and x is small enough the v2 c2 and vx c2 terms approach zero and the Lorentz transformations approximate to the Galilean transformations t g t vx c2 displaystyle t gamma t vx c 2 x g x vt displaystyle x gamma x vt etc most often really mean Dt g Dt vDx c2 displaystyle Delta t gamma Delta t v Delta x c 2 Dx g Dx vDt displaystyle Delta x gamma Delta x v Delta t etc Although for brevity the Lorentz transformation equations are written without deltas x means Dx etc We are in general always concerned with the space and time differences between events Calling one set of transformations the normal Lorentz transformations and the other the inverse transformations is misleading since there is no intrinsic difference between the frames Different authors call one or the other set of transformations the inverse set The forwards and inverse transformations are trivially related to each other since the S frame can only be moving forwards or reverse with respect to S So inverting the equations simply entails switching the primed and unprimed variables and replacing v with v 71 79 Example Terence and Stella are at an Earth to Mars space race Terence is an official at the starting line while Stella is a participant At time t t 0 Stella s spaceship accelerates instantaneously to a speed of 0 5 c The distance from Earth to Mars is 300 light seconds about 90 0 106 km Terence observes Stella crossing the finish line clock at t 600 00 s But Stella observes the time on her ship chronometer to be t g t vx c2 519 62 s displaystyle t prime gamma left t vx c 2 right 519 62 text s as she passes the finish line and she calculates the distance between the starting and finish lines as measured in her frame to be 259 81 light seconds about 77 9 106 km 1 Deriving the Lorentz transformations Figure 3 5 Derivation of Lorentz Transformation There have been many dozens of derivations of the Lorentz transformations since Einstein s original work in 1905 each with its particular focus Although Einstein s derivation was based on the invariance of the speed of light there are other physical principles that may serve as starting points Ultimately these alternative starting points can be considered different expressions of the underlying principle of locality which states that the influence that one particle exerts on another can not be transmitted instantaneously The derivation given here and illustrated in Fig 3 5 is based on one presented by Bais 64 66 and makes use of previous results from the Relativistic Composition of Velocities Time Dilation and Length Contraction sections Event P has coordinates w x in the black rest system and coordinates w x in the red frame that is moving with velocity parameter b v c To determine w and x in terms of w and x or the other way around it is easier at first to derive the inverse Lorentz transformation There can be no such thing as length expansion contraction in the transverse directions y must equal y and z must equal z otherwise whether a fast moving 1 m ball could fit through a 1 m circular hole would depend on the observer The first postulate of relativity states that all inertial frames are equivalent and transverse expansion contraction would violate this law 27 28 From the drawing w a b and x r s From previous results using similar triangles we know that s a b r v c b Because of time dilation a gw Substituting equation 4 into s a b yields s gw b Length contraction and similar triangles give us r gx and b br bgx Substituting the expressions for s a r and b into the equations in Step 2 immediately yield w gw bgx displaystyle w gamma w beta gamma x x gx bgw displaystyle x gamma x beta gamma w The above equations are alternate expressions for the t and x equations of the inverse Lorentz transformation as can be seen by substituting ct for w ct for w and v c for b From the inverse transformation the equations of the forwards transformation can be derived by solving for t and x Linearity of the Lorentz transformations The Lorentz transformations have a mathematical property called linearity since x and t are obtained as linear combinations of x and t with no higher powers involved The linearity of the transformation reflects a fundamental property of spacetime that was tacitly assumed in the derivation namely that the properties of inertial frames of reference are independent of location and time In the absence of gravity spacetime looks the same everywhere 67 All inertial observers will agree on what constitutes accelerating and non accelerating motion 72 73 Any one observer can use her own measurements of space and time but there is nothing absolute about them Another observer s conventions will do just as well 190 A result of linearity is that if two Lorentz transformations are applied sequentially the result is also a Lorentz transformation Example Terence observes Stella speeding away from him at 0 500 c and he can use the Lorentz transformations with b 0 500 to relate Stella s measurements to his own Stella in her frame observes Ursula traveling away from her at 0 250 c and she can use the Lorentz transformations with b 0 250 to relate Ursula s measurements with her own Because of the linearity of the transformations and the relativistic composition of velocities Terence can use the Lorentz transformations with b 0 666 to relate Ursula s measurements with his own Doppler effect The Doppler effect is the change in frequency or wavelength of a wave for a receiver and source in relative motion For simplicity we consider here two basic scenarios 1 The motions of the source and or receiver are exactly along the line connecting them longitudinal Doppler effect and 2 the motions are at right angles to the said line transverse Doppler effect We are ignoring scenarios where they move along intermediate angles Longitudinal Doppler effect The classical Doppler analysis deals with waves that are propagating in a medium such as sound waves or water ripples and which are transmitted between sources and receivers that are moving towards or away from each other The analysis of such waves depends on whether the source the receiver or both are moving relative to the medium Given the scenario where the receiver is stationary with respect to the medium and the source is moving directly away from the receiver at a speed of vs for a velocity parameter of bs the wavelength is increased and the observed frequency f is given by f 11 bsf0 displaystyle f frac 1 1 beta s f 0 On the other hand given the scenario where source is stationary and the receiver is moving directly away from the source at a speed of vr for a velocity parameter of br the wavelength is not changed but the transmission velocity of the waves relative to the receiver is decreased and the observed frequency f is given by f 1 br f0 displaystyle f 1 beta r f 0 Figure 3 6 Spacetime diagram of relativistic Doppler effect Light unlike sound or water ripples does not propagate through a medium and there is no distinction between a source moving away from the receiver or a receiver moving away from the source Fig 3 6 illustrates a relativistic spacetime diagram showing a source separating from the receiver with a velocity parameter b displaystyle beta so that the separation between source and receiver at time w displaystyle w is bw displaystyle beta w Because of time dilation w gw displaystyle w gamma w Since the slope of the green light ray is 1 T w bw gw 1 b displaystyle T w beta w gamma w 1 beta Hence the relativistic Doppler effect is given by 58 59 f 1 b1 bf0 displaystyle f sqrt frac 1 beta 1 beta f 0 Transverse Doppler effect Figure 3 7 Transverse Doppler effect scenarios Suppose that a source and a receiver both approaching each other in uniform inertial motion along non intersecting lines are at their closest approach to each other It would appear that the classical analysis predicts that the receiver detects no Doppler shift Due to subtleties in the analysis that expectation is not necessarily true Nevertheless when appropriately defined transverse Doppler shift is a relativistic effect that has no classical analog The subtleties are these 541 543 Fig 3 7a What is the frequency measurement when the receiver is geometrically at its closest approach to the source This scenario is most easily analyzed from the frame S of the source Fig 3 7b What is the frequency measurement when the receiver sees the source as being closest to it This scenario is most easily analyzed from the frame S of the receiver Two other scenarios are commonly examined in discussions of transverse Doppler shift Fig 3 7c If the receiver is moving in a circle around the source what frequency does the receiver measure Fig 3 7d If the source is moving in a circle around the receiver what frequency does the receiver measure lt end plainlist gt In scenario a the point of closest approach is frame independent and represents the moment where there is no change in distance versus time i e dr dt 0 where r is the distance between receiver and source and hence no longitudinal Doppler shift The source observes the receiver as being illuminated by light of frequency f but also observes the receiver as having a time dilated clock In frame S the receiver is therefore illuminated by blueshifted light of frequency f f g f 1 b2 displaystyle f f gamma f sqrt 1 beta 2 In scenario b the illustration shows the receiver being illuminated by light from when the source was closest to the receiver even though the source has moved on Because the source s clocks are time dilated as measured in frame S and since dr dt was equal to zero at this point the light from the source emitted from this closest point is redshifted with frequency f f g f 1 b2 displaystyle f f gamma f sqrt 1 beta 2 Scenarios c and d can be analyzed by simple time dilation arguments In c the receiver observes light from the source as being blueshifted by a factor of g displaystyle gamma and in d the light is redshifted The only seeming complication is that the orbiting objects are in accelerated motion However if an inertial observer looks at an accelerating clock only the clock s instantaneous speed is important when computing time dilation The converse however is not true 541 543 Most reports of transverse Doppler shift refer to the effect as a redshift and analyze the effect in terms of scenarios b or d Energy and momentum Extending momentum to four dimensions Figure 3 8 Relativistic spacetime momentum vector The coordinate axes of the rest frame are momentum p and mass c For comparison we have overlaid a spacetime coordinate system with axes position and time c In classical mechanics the state of motion of a particle is characterized by its mass and its velocity Linear momentum the product of a particle s mass and velocity is a vector quantity possessing the same direction as the velocity p mv It is a conserved quantity meaning that if a closed system is not affected by external forces its total linear momentum cannot change In relativistic mechanics the momentum vector is extended to four dimensions Added to the momentum vector is a time component that allows the spacetime momentum vector to transform like the spacetime position vector x t displaystyle x t In exploring the properties of the spacetime momentum we start in Fig 3 8a by examining what a particle looks like at rest In the rest frame the spatial component of the momentum is zero i e p 0 but the time component equals mc We can obtain the transformed components of this vector in the moving frame by using the Lorentz transformations or we can read it directly from the figure because we know that mc gmc displaystyle mc prime gamma mc and p bgmc displaystyle p prime beta gamma mc since the red axes are rescaled by gamma Fig 3 8b illustrates the situation as it appears in the moving frame It is apparent that the space and time components of the four momentum go to infinity as the velocity of the moving frame approaches c 84 87 We will use this information shortly to obtain an expression for the four momentum Momentum of light Figure 3 9 Energy and momentum of light in different inertial frames Light particles or photons travel at the speed of c the constant that is conventionally known as the speed of light This statement is not a tautology since many modern formulations of relativity do not start with constant speed of light as a postulate Photons therefore propagate along a lightlike world line and in appropriate units have equal space and time components for every observer A consequence of Maxwell s theory of electromagnetism is that light carries energy and momentum and that their ratio is a constant E p c displaystyle E p c Rearranging E c p displaystyle E c p and since for photons the space and time components are equal E c must therefore be equated with the time component of the spacetime momentum vector Photons travel at the speed of light yet have finite momentum and energy For this to be so the mass term in gmc must be zero meaning that photons are massless particles Infinity times zero is an ill defined quantity but E c is well defined By this analysis if the energy of a photon equals E in the rest frame it equals E 1 b gE displaystyle E prime 1 beta gamma E in a moving frame This result can be derived by inspection of Fig 3 9 or by application of the Lorentz transformations and is consistent with the analysis of Doppler effect given previously 88 Mass energy relationship Consideration of the interrelationships between the various components of the relativistic momentum vector led Einstein to several important conclusions In the low speed limit as b v c approaches zero g approaches 1 so the spatial component of the relativistic momentum bgmc gmv displaystyle beta gamma mc gamma mv approaches mv the classical term for momentum Following this perspective gm can be interpreted as a relativistic generalization of m Einstein proposed that the relativistic mass of an object increases with velocity according to the formula mrel gm displaystyle m text rel gamma m Likewise comparing the time component of the relativistic momentum with that of the photon gmc mrelc E c displaystyle gamma mc m text rel c E c so that Einstein arrived at the relationship E mrelc2 displaystyle E m text rel c 2 Simplified to the case of zero velocity this is Einstein s equation relating energy and mass Another way of looking at the relationship between mass and energy is to consider a series expansion of gmc2 at low velocity E gmc2 mc21 b2 displaystyle E gamma mc 2 frac mc 2 sqrt 1 beta 2 mc2 12mv2 displaystyle approx mc 2 frac 1 2 mv 2 The second term is just an expression for the kinetic energy of the particle Mass indeed appears to be another form of energy 90 92 129 130 180 The concept of relativistic mass that Einstein introduced in 1905 mrel although amply validated every day in particle accelerators around the globe or indeed in any instrumentation whose use depends on high velocity particles such as electron microscopes old fashioned color television sets etc has nevertheless not proven to be a fruitful concept in physics in the sense that it is not a concept that has served as a basis for other theoretical development Relativistic mass for instance plays no role in general relativity For this reason as well as for pedagogical concerns most physicists currently prefer a different terminology when referring to the relationship between mass and energy Relativistic mass is a deprecated term The term mass by itself refers to the rest mass or invariant mass and is equal to the invariant length of the relativistic momentum vector Expressed as a formula E2 p2c2 mrest2c4 displaystyle E 2 p 2 c 2 m text rest 2 c 4 This formula applies to all particles massless as well as massive For photons where mrest equals zero it yields E pc displaystyle E pm pc 90 92 Four momentum Because of the close relationship between mass and energy the four momentum also called 4 momentum is also called the energy momentum 4 vector Using an uppercase P to represent the four momentum and a lowercase p to denote the spatial momentum the four momentum may be written as P E c p E c px py pz displaystyle P equiv E c vec p E c p x p y p z or alternatively P E p E px py pz displaystyle P equiv E vec p E p x p y p z using the convention that c 1 displaystyle c 1 129 130 180 Conservation laws In physics conservation laws state that certain particular measurable properties of an isolated physical system do not change as the system evolves over time In 1915 Emmy Noether discovered that underlying each conservation law is a fundamental symmetry of nature The fact that physical processes do not care where in space they take place space translation symmetry yields conservation of momentum the fact that such processes do not care when they take place time translation symmetry yields conservation of energy and so on In this section we examine the Newtonian views of conservation of mass momentum and energy from a relativistic perspective Total momentum Figure 3 10 Relativistic conservation of momentum To understand how the Newtonian view of conservation of momentum needs to be modified in a relativistic context we examine the problem of two colliding bodies limited to a single dimension In Newtonian mechanics two extreme cases of this problem may be distinguished yielding mathematics of minimum complexity 1 The two bodies rebound from each other in a completely elastic collision 2 The two bodies stick together and continue moving as a single particle This second case is the case of completely inelastic collision For both cases 1 and 2 momentum mass and total energy are conserved However kinetic energy is not conserved in cases of inelastic collision A certain fraction of the initial kinetic energy is converted to heat In case 2 two masses with momentums p1 m1v1 displaystyle boldsymbol p boldsymbol 1 m 1 boldsymbol v boldsymbol 1 and p2 m2v2 displaystyle boldsymbol p boldsymbol 2 m 2 boldsymbol v boldsymbol 2 collide to produce a single particle of conserved mass m m1 m2 displaystyle m m 1 m 2 traveling at the center of mass velocity of the original system vcm m1v1 m2v2 m1 m2 displaystyle boldsymbol v cm left m 1 boldsymbol v 1 m 2 boldsymbol v 2 right left m 1 m 2 right The total momentum p p1 p2 displaystyle boldsymbol p p 1 p 2 is conserved Fig 3 10 illustrates the inelastic collision of two particles from a relativistic perspective The time components E1 c displaystyle E 1 c and E2 c displaystyle E 2 c add up to total E c of the resultant vector meaning that energy is conserved Likewise the space components p1 displaystyle boldsymbol p 1 and p2 displaystyle boldsymbol p 2 add up to form p of the resultant vector The four momentum is as expected a conserved quantity However the invariant mass of the fused particle given by the point where the invariant hyperbola of the total momentum intersects the energy axis is not equal to the sum of the invariant masses of the individual particles that collided Indeed it is larger than the sum of the individual masses m gt m1 m2 displaystyle m gt m 1 m 2 94 97 Looking at the events of this scenario in reverse sequence we see that non conservation of mass is a common occurrence when an unstable elementary particle spontaneously decays into two lighter particles total energy is conserved but the mass is not Part of the mass is converted into kinetic energy 134 138 Choice of reference frames Figure 3 11 above Lab Frame right Center of Momentum Frame The freedom to choose any frame in which to perform an analysis allows us to pick one which may be particularly convenient For analysis of momentum and energy problems the most convenient frame is usually the center of momentum frame also called the zero momentum frame or COM frame This is the frame in which the space component of the system s total momentum is zero Fig 3 11 illustrates the breakup of a high speed particle into two daughter particles In the lab frame the daughter particles are preferentially emitted in a direction oriented along the original particle s trajectory In the COM frame however the two daughter particles are emitted in opposite directions although their masses and the magnitude of their velocities are generally not the same Energy and momentum conservation In a Newtonian analysis of interacting particles transformation between frames is simple because all that is necessary is to apply the Galilean transformation to all velocities Since v v u displaystyle v v u the momentum p p mu displaystyle p p mu If the total momentum of an interacting system of particles is observed to be conserved in one frame it will likewise be observed to be conserved in any other frame 241 245 Conservation of momentum in the COM frame amounts to the requirement that p 0 both before and after collision In the Newtonian analysis conservation of mass dictates that m m1 m2 displaystyle m m 1 m 2 In the simplified one dimensional scenarios that we have been considering only one additional constraint is necessary before the outgoing momenta of the particles can be determined an energy condition In the one dimensional case of a completely elastic collision with no loss of kinetic energy the outgoing velocities of the rebounding particles in the COM frame will be precisely equal and opposite to their incoming velocities In the case of a completely inelastic collision with total loss of kinetic energy the outgoing velocities of the rebounding particles will be zero 241 245 Newtonian momenta calculated as p mv displaystyle p mv fail to behave properly under Lorentzian transformation The linear transformation of velocities v v u displaystyle v v u is replaced by the highly nonlinear v v u 1 vu c2 displaystyle v prime v u 1 vu c 2 so that a calculation demonstrating conservation of momentum in one frame will be invalid in other frames Einstein was faced with either having to give up conservation of momentum or to change the definition of momentum This second option was what he chose 104 Figure 3 12a Energy momentum diagram for decay of a charged pion Figure 3 12b Graphing calculator analysis of charged pion decay The relativistic conservation law for energy and momentum replaces the three classical conservation laws for energy momentum and mass Mass is no longer conserved independently because it has been subsumed into the total relativistic energy This makes the relativistic conservation of energy a simpler concept than in nonrelativistic mechanics because the total energy is conserved without any qualifications Kinetic energy converted into heat or internal potential energy shows up as an increase in mass 127 Example Because of the equivalence of mass and energy elementary particle masses are customarily stated in energy units where 1 MeV 106 electron volts A charged pion is a particle of mass 139 57 MeV approx 273 times the electron mass It is unstable and decays into a muon of mass 105 66 MeV approx 207 times the electron mass and an antineutrino which has an almost negligible mass The difference between the pion mass and the muon mass is 33 91 MeV p m n m Fig 3 12a illustrates the energy momentum diagram for this decay reaction in the rest frame of the pion Because of its negligible mass a neutrino travels at very nearly the speed of light The relativistic expression for its energy like that of the photon is Ev pc displaystyle E v pc which is also the value of the space component of its momentum To conserve momentum the muon has the same value of the space component of the neutrino s momentum but in the opposite direction Algebraic analyses of the energetics of this decay reaction are available online so Fig 3 12b presents instead a graphing calculator solution The energy of the neutrino is 29 79 MeV and the energy of the muon is 33 91 MeV 29 79 MeV 4 12 MeV Most of the energy is carried off by the near zero mass neutrino Introduction to curved spacetimeThis section is an excerpt from Curved spacetime Introduction edit Newton s theories assumed that motion takes place against the backdrop of a rigid Euclidean reference frame that extends throughout all space and all time Gravity is mediated by a mysterious force acting instantaneously across a distance whose actions are independent of the intervening space In contrast Einstein denied that there is any background Euclidean reference frame that extends throughout space Nor is there any such thing as a force of gravitation only the structure of spacetime itself 175 190 Figure 5 1 Tidal effects In spacetime terms the path of a satellite orbiting the Earth is not dictated by the distant influences of the Earth Moon and Sun Instead the satellite moves through space only in response to local conditions Since spacetime is everywhere locally flat when considered on a sufficiently small scale the satellite is always following a straight line in its local inertial frame We say that the satellite always follows along the path of a geodesic No evidence of gravitation can be discovered following alongside the motions of a single particle 175 190 In any analysis of spacetime evidence of gravitation requires that one observe the relative accelerations of two bodies or two separated particles In Fig 5 1 two separated particles free falling in the gravitational field of the Earth exhibit tidal accelerations due to local inhomogeneities in the gravitational field such that each particle follows a different path through spacetime The tidal accelerations that these particles exhibit with respect to each other do not require forces for their explanation Rather Einstein described them in terms of the geometry of spacetime i e the curvature of spacetime These tidal accelerations are strictly local It is the cumulative total effect of many local manifestations of curvature that result in the appearance of a gravitational force acting at a long range from Earth 175 190 Different observers viewing the scenarios presented in this figure interpret the scenarios differently depending on their knowledge of the situation i A first observer at the center of mass of particles 2 and 3 but unaware of the large mass 1 concludes that a force of repulsion exists between the particles in scenario A while a force of attraction exists between the particles in scenario B ii A second observer aware of the large mass 1 smiles at the first reporter s naivete This second observer knows that in reality the apparent forces between particles 2 and 3 really represent tidal effects resulting from their differential attraction by mass 1 iii A third observer trained in general relativity knows that there are in fact no forces at all acting between the three objects Rather all three objects move along geodesics in spacetime Two central propositions underlie general relativity The first crucial concept is coordinate independence The laws of physics cannot depend on what coordinate system one uses This is a major extension of the principle of relativity from the version used in special relativity which states that the laws of physics must be the same for every observer moving in non accelerated inertial reference frames In general relativity to use Einstein s own translated words the laws of physics must be of such a nature that they apply to systems of reference in any kind of motion 113 This leads to an immediate issue In accelerated frames one feels forces that seemingly would enable one to assess one s state of acceleration in an absolute sense Einstein resolved this problem through the principle of equivalence 137 149 Figure 5 2 Equivalence principleThe equivalence principle states that in any sufficiently small region of space the effects of gravitation are the same as those from acceleration In Fig 5 2 person A is in a spaceship far from any massive objects that undergoes a uniform acceleration of g Person B is in a box resting on Earth Provided that the spaceship is sufficiently small so that tidal effects are non measurable given the sensitivity of current gravity measurement instrumentation A and B presumably should be Lilliputians there are no experiments that A and B can perform which will enable them to tell which setting they are in 141 149 An alternative expression of the equivalence principle is to note that in Newton s universal law of gravitation F GMmg r2 mgg and in Newton s second law F mia there is no a priori reason why the gravitational mass mg should be equal to the inertial mass mi The equivalence principle states that these two masses are identical 141 149 To go from the elementary description above of curved spacetime to a complete description of gravitation requires tensor calculus and differential geometry topics both requiring considerable study Without these mathematical tools it is possible to write about general relativity but it is not possible to demonstrate any non trivial derivations Technical topicsIs spacetime really curved In Poincare s conventionalist views the essential criteria according to which one should select a Euclidean versus non Euclidean geometry would be economy and simplicity A realist would say that Einstein discovered spacetime to be non Euclidean A conventionalist would say that Einstein merely found it more convenient to use non Euclidean geometry The conventionalist would maintain that Einstein s analysis said nothing about what the geometry of spacetime really is Such being said Is it possible to represent general relativity in terms of flat spacetime Are there any situations where a flat spacetime interpretation of general relativity may be more convenient than the usual curved spacetime interpretation In response to the first question a number of authors including Deser Grishchuk Rosen Weinberg etc have provided various formulations of gravitation as a field in a flat manifold Those theories are variously called bimetric gravity the field theoretical approach to general relativity and so forth Kip Thorne has provided a popular review of these theories 397 403 The flat spacetime paradigm posits that matter creates a gravitational field that causes rulers to shrink when they are turned from circumferential orientation to radial and that causes the ticking rates of clocks to dilate The flat spacetime paradigm is fully equivalent to the curved spacetime paradigm in that they both represent the same physical phenomena However their mathematical formulations are entirely different Working physicists routinely switch between using curved and flat spacetime techniques depending on the requirements of the problem The flat spacetime paradigm is convenient when performing approximate calculations in weak fields Hence flat spacetime techniques tend be used when solving gravitational wave problems while curved spacetime techniques tend be used in the analysis of black holes 397 403 Asymptotic symmetries The spacetime symmetry group for Special Relativity is the Poincare group which is a ten dimensional group of three Lorentz boosts three rotations and four spacetime translations It is logical to ask what symmetries if any might apply in General Relativity A tractable case might be to consider the symmetries of spacetime as seen by observers located far away from all sources of the gravitational field The naive expectation for asymptotically flat spacetime symmetries might be simply to extend and reproduce the symmetries of flat spacetime of special relativity viz the Poincare group In 1962 Hermann Bondi M G van der Burg A W Metzner and Rainer K Sachs addressed this asymptotic symmetry problem in order to investigate the flow of energy at infinity due to propagating gravitational waves Their first step was to decide on some physically sensible boundary conditions to place on the gravitational field at lightlike infinity to characterize what it means to say a metric is asymptotically flat making no a priori assumptions about the nature of the asymptotic symmetry group not even the assumption that such a group exists Then after designing what they considered to be the most sensible boundary conditions they investigated the nature of the resulting asymptotic symmetry transformations that leave invariant the form of the boundary conditions appropriate for asymptotically flat gravitational fields 35 What they found was that the asymptotic symmetry transformations actually do form a group and the structure of this group does not depend on the particular gravitational field that happens to be present This means that as expected one can separate the kinematics of spacetime from the dynamics of the gravitational field at least at spatial infinity The puzzling surprise in 1962 was their discovery of a rich infinite dimensional group the so called BMS group as the asymptotic symmetry group instead of the finite dimensional Poincare group which is a subgroup of the BMS group Not only are the Lorentz transformations asymptotic symmetry transformations there are also additional transformations that are not Lorentz transformations but are asymptotic symmetry transformations In fact they found an additional infinity of transformation generators known as supertranslations This implies the conclusion that General Relativity GR does not reduce to special relativity in the case of weak fields at long distances 35 Riemannian geometry This section is an excerpt from Riemannian geometry edit Riemannian geometry is the branch of differential geometry that studies Riemannian manifolds defined as smooth manifolds with a Riemannian metric an inner product on the tangent space at each point that varies smoothly from point to point This gives in particular local notions of angle length of curves surface area and volume From those some other global quantities can be derived by integrating local contributions Riemannian geometry originated with the vision of Bernhard Riemann expressed in his inaugural lecture Ueber die Hypothesen welche der Geometrie zu Grunde liegen On the Hypotheses on which Geometry is Based It is a very broad and abstract generalization of the differential geometry of surfaces in R3 Development of Riemannian geometry resulted in synthesis of diverse results concerning the geometry of surfaces and the behavior of geodesics on them with techniques that can be applied to the study of differentiable manifolds of higher dimensions It enabled the formulation of Einstein s general theory of relativity made profound impact on group theory and representation theory as well as analysis and spurred the development of algebraic and differential topology Curved manifolds For physical reasons a spacetime continuum is mathematically defined as a four dimensional smooth connected Lorentzian manifold M g displaystyle M g This means the smooth Lorentz metric g displaystyle g has signature 3 1 displaystyle 3 1 The metric determines the geometry of spacetime as well as determining the geodesics of particles and light beams About each point event on this manifold coordinate charts are used to represent observers in reference frames Usually Cartesian coordinates x y z t displaystyle x y z t are used Moreover for simplicity s sake units of measurement are usually chosen such that the speed of light c displaystyle c is equal to 1 A reference frame observer can be identified with one of these coordinate charts any such observer can describe any event p displaystyle p Another reference frame may be identified by a second coordinate chart about p displaystyle p Two observers one in each reference frame may describe the same event p displaystyle p but obtain different descriptions Usually many overlapping coordinate charts are needed to cover a manifold Given two coordinate charts one containing p displaystyle p representing an observer and another containing q displaystyle q representing another observer the intersection of the charts represents the region of spacetime in which both observers can measure physical quantities and hence compare results The relation between the two sets of measurements is given by a non singular coordinate transformation on this intersection The idea of coordinate charts as local observers who can perform measurements in their vicinity also makes good physical sense as this is how one actually collects physical data locally For example two observers one of whom is on Earth but the other one who is on a fast rocket to Jupiter may observe a comet crashing into Jupiter this is the event p displaystyle p In general they will disagree about the exact location and timing of this impact i e they will have different 4 tuples x y z t displaystyle x y z t as they are using different coordinate systems Although their kinematic descriptions will differ dynamical physical laws such as momentum conservation and the first law of thermodynamics will still hold In fact relativity theory requires more than this in the sense that it stipulates these and all other physical laws must take the same form in all coordinate systems This introduces tensors into relativity by which all physical quantities are represented Geodesics are said to be timelike null or spacelike if the tangent vector to one point of the geodesic is of this nature Paths of particles and light beams in spacetime are represented by timelike and null lightlike geodesics respectively Privileged character of 3 1 spacetime This section is an excerpt from Anthropic principle Dimensions of spacetime edit Properties of n m dimensional spacetimes There are two kinds of dimensions spatial bidirectional and temporal unidirectional Let the number of spatial dimensions be N and the number of temporal dimensions be T That N 3 and T 1 setting aside the compactified dimensions invoked by string theory and undetectable to date can be explained by appealing to the physical consequences of letting N differ from 3 and T differ from 1 The argument is often of an anthropic character and possibly the first of its kind albeit before the complete concept came into vogue The implicit notion that the dimensionality of the universe is special is first attributed to Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz who in the Discourse on Metaphysics suggested that the world is the one which is at the same time the simplest in hypothesis and the richest in phenomena Immanuel Kant argued that 3 dimensional space was a consequence of the inverse square law of universal gravitation While Kant s argument is historically important John D Barrow said that it gets the punch line back to front it is the three dimensionality of space that explains why we see inverse square force laws in Nature not vice versa Barrow 2002 204 In 1920 Paul Ehrenfest showed that if there is only a single time dimension and more than three spatial dimensions the orbit of a planet about its Sun cannot remain stable The same is true of a star s orbit around the center of its galaxy Ehrenfest also showed that if there are an even number of spatial dimensions then the different parts of a wave impulse will travel at different speeds If there are 5 2k displaystyle 5 2k spatial dimensions where k is a positive whole number then wave impulses become distorted In 1922 Hermann Weyl claimed that Maxwell s theory of electromagnetism can be expressed in terms of an action only for a four dimensional manifold Finally Tangherlini showed in 1963 that when there are more than three spatial dimensions electron orbitals around nuclei cannot be stable electrons would either fall into the nucleus or disperse Max Tegmark expands on the preceding argument in the following anthropic manner If T differs from 1 the behavior of physical systems could not be predicted reliably from knowledge of the relevant partial differential equations In such a universe intelligent life capable of manipulating technology could not emerge Moreover if T gt 1 Tegmark maintains that protons and electrons would be unstable and could decay into particles having greater mass than themselves This is not a problem if the particles have a sufficiently low temperature Lastly if N lt 3 gravitation of any kind becomes problematic and the universe would probably be too simple to contain observers For example when N lt 3 nerves cannot cross without intersecting Hence anthropic and other arguments rule out all cases except N 3 and T 1 which describes the world around us On the other hand in view of creating black holes from an ideal monatomic gas under its self gravity Wei Xiang Feng showed that 3 1 dimensional spacetime is the marginal dimensionality Moreover it is the unique dimensionality that can afford a stable gas sphere with a positive cosmological constant However a self gravitating gas cannot be stably bound if the mass sphere is larger than 1021 solar masses due to the small positivity of the cosmological constant observed In 2019 James Scargill argued that complex life may be possible with two spatial dimensions According to Scargill a purely scalar theory of gravity may enable a local gravitational force and 2D networks may be sufficient for complex neural networks See alsoBasic introduction to the mathematics of curved spacetime Complex spacetime Einstein s thought experiments Four dimensionalism Geography Global spacetime structure List of spacetimes Metric space Philosophy of space and time Present Time geographyNotesluminiferous from the Latin lumen light ferens carrying aether from the Greek aἰ8hr aither pure air clear sky By stating that simultaneity is a matter of convention Poincare meant that to talk about time at all one must have synchronized clocks and the synchronization of clocks must be established by a specified operational procedure convention This stance represented a fundamental philosophical break from Newton who conceived of an absolute true time that was independent of the workings of the inaccurate clocks of his day This stance also represented a direct attack against the influential philosopher Henri Bergson who argued that time simultaneity and duration were matters of intuitive understanding The operational procedure adopted by Poincare was essentially identical to what is known as Einstein synchronization even though a variant of it was already a widely used procedure by telegraphers in the middle 19th century Basically to synchronize two clocks one flashes a light signal from one to the other and adjusts for the time that the flash takes to arrive A hallmark of Einstein s career in fact was his use of visualized thought experiments Gedanken Experimente as a fundamental tool for understanding physical issues For special relativity he employed moving trains and flashes of lightning for his most penetrating insights For curved spacetime he considered a painter falling off a roof accelerating elevators blind beetles crawling on curved surfaces and the like In his great Solvay Debates with Bohr on the nature of reality 1927 and 1930 he devised multiple imaginary contraptions intended to show at least in concept means whereby the Heisenberg uncertainty principle might be evaded Finally in a profound contribution to the literature on quantum mechanics Einstein considered two particles briefly interacting and then flying apart so that their states are correlated anticipating the phenomenon known as quantum entanglement In the original version of this lecture Minkowski continued to use such obsolescent terms as the ether but the posthumous publication in 1915 of this lecture in the Annals of Physics Annalen der Physik was edited by Sommerfeld to remove this term Sommerfeld also edited the published form of this lecture to revise Minkowski s judgement of Einstein from being a mere clarifier of the principle of relativity to being its chief expositor In the following the group G is the Galilean group and the group Gc the Lorentz group With respect to this it is clear that the group Gc in the limit for c i e as group G exactly becomes the full group belonging to Newtonian Mechanics In this state of affairs and since Gc is mathematically more intelligible than G a mathematician may by a free play of imagination hit upon the thought that natural phenomena actually possess an invariance not for the group G but rather for a group Gc where c is definitely finite and only exceedingly large using the ordinary measuring units For instance the Lorentz group is a subgroup of the conformal group in four dimensions 41 42 The Lorentz group is isomorphic to the Laguerre group transforming planes into planes 39 42 it is isomorphic to the Mobius group of the plane 22 and is isomorphic to the group of isometries in hyperbolic space which is often expressed in terms of the hyperboloid model 3 2 3 In a Cartesian plane ordinary rotation leaves a circle unchanged In spacetime hyperbolic rotation preserves the hyperbolic metric Even with no de acceleration i e using one inertial frame O for constant high velocity outward journey and another inertial frame I for constant high velocity inward journey the sum of the elapsed time in those frames O and I is shorter than the elapsed time in the stationary inertial frame S Thus acceleration and deceleration is not the cause of shorter elapsed time during the outward and inward journey Instead the use of two different constant high velocity inertial frames for outward and inward journey is really the cause of shorter elapsed time total Granted if the same twin has to travel outward and inward leg of the journey and safely switch from outward to inward leg of the journey the acceleration and deceleration is required If the travelling twin could ride the high velocity outward inertial frame and instantaneously switch to high velocity inward inertial frame the example would still work The point is that real reason should be stated clearly The asymmetry is because of the comparison of sum of elapsed times in two different inertial frames O and I to the elapsed time in a single inertial frame S The ease of analyzing a relativistic scenario often depends on the frame in which one chooses to perform the analysis In this linked image we present alternative views of the transverse Doppler shift scenario where source and receiver are at their closest approach to each other a If we analyze the scenario in the frame of the receiver we find that the analysis is more complicated than it should be The apparent position of a celestial object is displaced from its true position or geometric position because of the object s motion during the time it takes its light to reach an observer The source would be time dilated relative to the receiver but the redshift implied by this time dilation would be offset by a blueshift due to the longitudinal component of the relative motion between the receiver and the apparent position of the source b It is much easier if instead we analyze the scenario from the frame of the source An observer situated at the source knows from the problem statement that the receiver is at its closest point to him That means that the receiver has no longitudinal component of motion to complicate the analysis Since the receiver s clocks are time dilated relative to the source the light that the receiver receives is therefore blue shifted by a factor of gamma Not all experiments characterize the effect in terms of a redshift For example the Kundig experiment measures transverse blueshift using a Mossbauer source setup at the center of a centrifuge rotor and an absorber at the rim Newton himself was acutely aware of the inherent difficulties with these assumptions but as a practical matter making these assumptions was the only way that he could make progress In 1692 he wrote to his friend Richard Bentley That Gravity should be innate inherent and essential to Matter so that one body may act upon another at a distance thro a Vacuum without the Mediation of any thing else by and through which their Action and Force may be conveyed from one to another is to me so great an Absurdity that I believe no Man who has in philosophical Matters a competent Faculty of thinking can ever fall into it This is because the law of gravitation or any other inverse square law follows from the concept of flux and the proportional relationship of flux density and field strength If N 3 then 3 dimensional solid objects have surface areas proportional to the square of their size in any selected spatial dimension In particular a sphere of radius r has a surface area of 4pr2 More generally in a space of N dimensions the strength of the gravitational attraction between two bodies separated by a distance of r would be inversely proportional to rN 1 Additional detailsReferencesRynasiewicz Robert 12 August 2004 Newton s Views on Space Time and Motion Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Metaphysics Research Lab Stanford University Archived from the original on 16 July 2012 Retrieved 24 March 2017 Davis Philip J 2006 Mathematics amp Common Sense A Case of Creative Tension Wellesley Massachusetts A K Peters p 86 ISBN 978 1 4398 6432 6 Schutz Bernard 2004 Gravity from the Ground Up An Introductory Guide to Gravity and General Relativity Reprint ed Cambridge Cambridge University Press ISBN 0 521 45506 5 Archived from the original on 17 January 2023 Retrieved 24 May 2017 Fock V 1966 The Theory of Space Time and Gravitation 2nd ed New York Pergamon Press Ltd p 33 ISBN 0 08 010061 9 Retrieved 14 October 2023 Lawden D F 1982 Introduction to 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