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In probability theory, a probability density function (PDF), density function, or density of an absolutely continuous random variable, is a function whose value at any given sample (or point) in the sample space (the set of possible values taken by the random variable) can be interpreted as providing a relative likelihood that the value of the random variable would be equal to that sample. Probability density is the probability per unit length, in other words, while the absolute likelihood for a continuous random variable to take on any particular value is 0 (since there is an infinite set of possible values to begin with), the value of the PDF at two different samples can be used to infer, in any particular draw of the random variable, how much more likely it is that the random variable would be close to one sample compared to the other sample.

More precisely, the PDF is used to specify the probability of the random variable falling within a particular range of values, as opposed to taking on any one value. This probability is given by the integral of this variable's PDF over that range—that is, it is given by the area under the density function but above the horizontal axis and between the lowest and greatest values of the range. The probability density function is nonnegative everywhere, and the area under the entire curve is equal to 1.
The terms probability distribution function and probability function have also sometimes been used to denote the probability density function. However, this use is not standard among probabilists and statisticians. In other sources, "probability distribution function" may be used when the probability distribution is defined as a function over general sets of values or it may refer to the cumulative distribution function, or it may be a probability mass function (PMF) rather than the density. "Density function" itself is also used for the probability mass function, leading to further confusion. In general though, the PMF is used in the context of discrete random variables (random variables that take values on a countable set), while the PDF is used in the context of continuous random variables.
Suppose bacteria of a certain species typically live 20 to 30 hours. The probability that a bacterium lives exactly 5 hours is equal to zero. A lot of bacteria live for approximately 5 hours, but there is no chance that any given bacterium dies at exactly 5.00... hours. However, the probability that the bacterium dies between 5 hours and 5.01 hours is quantifiable. Suppose the answer is 0.02 (i.e., 2%). Then, the probability that the bacterium dies between 5 hours and 5.001 hours should be about 0.002, since this time interval is one-tenth as long as the previous. The probability that the bacterium dies between 5 hours and 5.0001 hours should be about 0.0002, and so on.
In this example, the ratio (probability of living during an interval) / (duration of the interval) is approximately constant, and equal to 2 per hour (or 2 hour−1). For example, there is 0.02 probability of dying in the 0.01-hour interval between 5 and 5.01 hours, and (0.02 probability / 0.01 hours) = 2 hour−1. This quantity 2 hour−1 is called the probability density for dying at around 5 hours. Therefore, the probability that the bacterium dies at 5 hours can be written as (2 hour−1) dt. This is the probability that the bacterium dies within an infinitesimal window of time around 5 hours, where dt is the duration of this window. For example, the probability that it lives longer than 5 hours, but shorter than (5 hours + 1 nanosecond), is (2 hour−1)×(1 nanosecond) ≈ 6×10−13 (using the unit conversion 3.6×1012 nanoseconds = 1 hour).
There is a probability density function f with f(5 hours) = 2 hour−1. The integral of f over any window of time (not only infinitesimal windows but also large windows) is the probability that the bacterium dies in that window.
Absolutely continuous univariate distributions
A probability density function is most commonly associated with absolutely continuous univariate distributions. A random variable has density
, where
is a non-negative Lebesgue-integrable function, if:
Hence, if is the cumulative distribution function of
, then:
and (if
is continuous at
Intuitively, one can think of as being the probability of
falling within the infinitesimal interval
Formal definition
(This definition may be extended to any probability distribution using the measure-theoretic definition of probability.)
A random variable with values in a measurable space
with the Borel sets as measurable subsets) has as probability distribution the pushforward measure X∗P on
: the density of
with respect to a reference measure
is the Radon–Nikodym derivative:
That is, f is any measurable function with the property that: for any measurable set
In the continuous univariate case above, the reference measure is the Lebesgue measure. The probability mass function of a discrete random variable is the density with respect to the counting measure over the sample space (usually the set of integers, or some subset thereof).
It is not possible to define a density with reference to an arbitrary measure (e.g. one can not choose the counting measure as a reference for a continuous random variable). Furthermore, when it does exist, the density is almost unique, meaning that any two such densities coincide almost everywhere.
Further details
Unlike a probability, a probability density function can take on values greater than one; for example, the continuous uniform distribution on the interval [0, 1/2] has probability density f(x) = 2 for 0 ≤ x ≤ 1/2 and f(x) = 0 elsewhere.
The standard normal distribution has probability density
If a random variable X is given and its distribution admits a probability density function f, then the expected value of X (if the expected value exists) can be calculated as
Not every probability distribution has a density function: the distributions of discrete random variables do not; nor does the Cantor distribution, even though it has no discrete component, i.e., does not assign positive probability to any individual point.
A distribution has a density function if its cumulative distribution function F(x) is absolutely continuous. In this case: F is almost everywhere differentiable, and its derivative can be used as probability density:
If a probability distribution admits a density, then the probability of every one-point set {a} is zero; the same holds for finite and countable sets.
Two probability densities f and g represent the same probability distribution precisely if they differ only on a set of Lebesgue measure zero.
In the field of statistical physics, a non-formal reformulation of the relation above between the derivative of the cumulative distribution function and the probability density function is generally used as the definition of the probability density function. This alternate definition is the following:
If dt is an infinitely small number, the probability that X is included within the interval (t, t + dt) is equal to f(t) dt, or:
Link between discrete and continuous distributions
It is possible to represent certain discrete random variables as well as random variables involving both a continuous and a discrete part with a generalized probability density function using the Dirac delta function. (This is not possible with a probability density function in the sense defined above, it may be done with a distribution.) For example, consider a binary discrete random variable having the Rademacher distribution—that is, taking −1 or 1 for values, with probability 1⁄2 each. The density of probability associated with this variable is:
More generally, if a discrete variable can take n different values among real numbers, then the associated probability density function is: where
are the discrete values accessible to the variable and
are the probabilities associated with these values.
This substantially unifies the treatment of discrete and continuous probability distributions. The above expression allows for determining statistical characteristics of such a discrete variable (such as the mean, variance, and kurtosis), starting from the formulas given for a continuous distribution of the probability.
Families of densities
It is common for probability density functions (and probability mass functions) to be parametrized—that is, to be characterized by unspecified parameters. For example, the normal distribution is parametrized in terms of the mean and the variance, denoted by and
respectively, giving the family of densities
Different values of the parameters describe different distributions of different random variables on the same sample space (the same set of all possible values of the variable); this sample space is the domain of the family of random variables that this family of distributions describes. A given set of parameters describes a single distribution within the family sharing the functional form of the density. From the perspective of a given distribution, the parameters are constants, and terms in a density function that contain only parameters, but not variables, are part of the normalization factor of a distribution (the multiplicative factor that ensures that the area under the density—the probability of something in the domain occurring— equals 1). This normalization factor is outside the kernel of the distribution.
Since the parameters are constants, reparametrizing a density in terms of different parameters to give a characterization of a different random variable in the family, means simply substituting the new parameter values into the formula in place of the old ones.
Densities associated with multiple variables
For continuous random variables X1, ..., Xn, it is also possible to define a probability density function associated to the set as a whole, often called joint probability density function. This density function is defined as a function of the n variables, such that, for any domain D in the n-dimensional space of the values of the variables X1, ..., Xn, the probability that a realisation of the set variables falls inside the domain D is
If F(x1, ..., xn) = Pr(X1 ≤ x1, ..., Xn ≤ xn) is the cumulative distribution function of the vector (X1, ..., Xn), then the joint probability density function can be computed as a partial derivative
Marginal densities
For i = 1, 2, ..., n, let fXi(xi) be the probability density function associated with variable Xi alone. This is called the marginal density function, and can be deduced from the probability density associated with the random variables X1, ..., Xn by integrating over all values of the other n − 1 variables:
Continuous random variables X1, ..., Xn admitting a joint density are all independent from each other if
If the joint probability density function of a vector of n random variables can be factored into a product of n functions of one variable (where each fi is not necessarily a density) then the n variables in the set are all independent from each other, and the marginal probability density function of each of them is given by
This elementary example illustrates the above definition of multidimensional probability density functions in the simple case of a function of a set of two variables. Let us call a 2-dimensional random vector of coordinates (X, Y): the probability to obtain
in the quarter plane of positive x and y is
Function of random variables and change of variables in the probability density function
If the probability density function of a random variable (or vector) X is given as fX(x), it is possible (but often not necessary; see below) to calculate the probability density function of some variable Y = g(X). This is also called a "change of variable" and is in practice used to generate a random variable of arbitrary shape fg(X) = fY using a known (for instance, uniform) random number generator.
It is tempting to think that in order to find the expected value E(g(X)), one must first find the probability density fg(X) of the new random variable Y = g(X). However, rather than computing one may find instead
The values of the two integrals are the same in all cases in which both X and g(X) actually have probability density functions. It is not necessary that g be a one-to-one function. In some cases the latter integral is computed much more easily than the former. See Law of the unconscious statistician.
Scalar to scalar
Let be a monotonic function, then the resulting density function is
Here g−1 denotes the inverse function.
This follows from the fact that the probability contained in a differential area must be invariant under change of variables. That is, or
For functions that are not monotonic, the probability density function for y is where n(y) is the number of solutions in x for the equation
, and
are these solutions.
Vector to vector
Suppose x is an n-dimensional random variable with joint density f. If y = G(x), where G is a bijective, differentiable function, then y has density pY: with the differential regarded as the Jacobian of the inverse of G(⋅), evaluated at y.
For example, in the 2-dimensional case x = (x1, x2), suppose the transform G is given as y1 = G1(x1, x2), y2 = G2(x1, x2) with inverses x1 = G1−1(y1, y2), x2 = G2−1(y1, y2). The joint distribution for y = (y1, y2) has density
Vector to scalar
Let be a differentiable function and
be a random vector taking values in
be the probability density function of
be the Dirac delta function. It is possible to use the formulas above to determine
, the probability density function of
, which will be given by
This result leads to the law of the unconscious statistician:
Let be a collapsed random variable with probability density function
(i.e., a constant equal to zero). Let the random vector
and the transform
be defined as
It is clear that is a bijective mapping, and the Jacobian of
is given by:
which is an upper triangular matrix with ones on the main diagonal, therefore its determinant is 1. Applying the change of variable theorem from the previous section we obtain that
which if marginalized over
leads to the desired probability density function.
Sums of independent random variables
The probability density function of the sum of two independent random variables U and V, each of which has a probability density function, is the convolution of their separate density functions:
It is possible to generalize the previous relation to a sum of N independent random variables, with densities U1, ..., UN:
This can be derived from a two-way change of variables involving Y = U + V and Z = V, similarly to the example below for the quotient of independent random variables.
Products and quotients of independent random variables
Given two independent random variables U and V, each of which has a probability density function, the density of the product Y = UV and quotient Y = U/V can be computed by a change of variables.
Example: Quotient distribution
To compute the quotient Y = U/V of two independent random variables U and V, define the following transformation:
Then, the joint density p(y,z) can be computed by a change of variables from U,V to Y,Z, and Y can be derived by marginalizing out Z from the joint density.
The inverse transformation is
The absolute value of the Jacobian matrix determinant of this transformation is:
And the distribution of Y can be computed by marginalizing out Z:
This method crucially requires that the transformation from U,V to Y,Z be bijective. The above transformation meets this because Z can be mapped directly back to V, and for a given V the quotient U/V is monotonic. This is similarly the case for the sum U + V, difference U − V and product UV.
Exactly the same method can be used to compute the distribution of other functions of multiple independent random variables.
Example: Quotient of two standard normals
Given two standard normal variables U and V, the quotient can be computed as follows. First, the variables have the following density functions:
We transform as described above:
This leads to:
This is the density of a standard Cauchy distribution.
See also
- Density estimation – Estimate of an unobservable underlying probability density function
- Kernel density estimation – Estimator
- Likelihood function – Function related to statistics and probability theory
- List of probability distributions
- Probability amplitude – Complex number whose squared absolute value is a probability
- Probability mass function – Discrete-variable probability distribution
- Secondary measure
- Merging independent probability density functions
- Uses as position probability density:
- Atomic orbital – Function describing an electron in an atom
- Home range – The area in which an animal lives and moves on a periodic basis
- "AP Statistics Review - Density Curves and the Normal Distributions". Archived from the original on 2 April 2015. Retrieved 16 March 2015.
- Grinstead, Charles M.; Snell, J. Laurie (2009). "Conditional Probability - Discrete Conditional" (PDF). Grinstead & Snell's Introduction to Probability. Orange Grove Texts. ISBN 978-1616100469. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2003-04-25. Retrieved 2019-07-25.
- "probability - Is a uniformly random number over the real line a valid distribution?". Cross Validated. Retrieved 2021-10-06.
- Ord, J.K. (1972) Families of Frequency Distributions, Griffin. ISBN 0-85264-137-0 (for example, Table 5.1 and Example 5.4)
- Siegrist, Kyle (5 May 2020). "Transformations of Random Variables". LibreTexts Statistics. Retrieved 22 December 2023.
- Devore, Jay L.; Berk, Kenneth N. (2007). Modern Mathematical Statistics with Applications. Cengage. p. 263. ISBN 978-0-534-40473-4.
- David, Stirzaker (2007-01-01). Elementary Probability. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0521534284. OCLC 851313783.
Further reading
- Billingsley, Patrick (1979). Probability and Measure. New York, Toronto, London: John Wiley and Sons. ISBN 0-471-00710-2.
- Casella, George; Berger, Roger L. (2002). Statistical Inference (Second ed.). Thomson Learning. pp. 34–37. ISBN 0-534-24312-6.
- Stirzaker, David (2003). Elementary Probability. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-42028-8. Chapters 7 to 9 are about continuous variables.
External links
- Ushakov, N.G. (2001) [1994], "Density of a probability distribution", Encyclopedia of Mathematics, EMS Press
- Weisstein, Eric W. "Probability density function". MathWorld.
This article needs additional citations for verification Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed Find sources Probability density function news newspapers books scholar JSTOR June 2022 Learn how and when to remove this message In probability theory a probability density function PDF density function or density of an absolutely continuous random variable is a function whose value at any given sample or point in the sample space the set of possible values taken by the random variable can be interpreted as providing a relative likelihood that the value of the random variable would be equal to that sample Probability density is the probability per unit length in other words while the absolute likelihood for a continuous random variable to take on any particular value is 0 since there is an infinite set of possible values to begin with the value of the PDF at two different samples can be used to infer in any particular draw of the random variable how much more likely it is that the random variable would be close to one sample compared to the other sample Box plot and probability density function of a normal distribution N 0 s2 Geometric visualisation of the mode median and mean of an arbitrary unimodal probability density function More precisely the PDF is used to specify the probability of the random variable falling within a particular range of values as opposed to taking on any one value This probability is given by the integral of this variable s PDF over that range that is it is given by the area under the density function but above the horizontal axis and between the lowest and greatest values of the range The probability density function is nonnegative everywhere and the area under the entire curve is equal to 1 The terms probability distribution function and probability function have also sometimes been used to denote the probability density function However this use is not standard among probabilists and statisticians In other sources probability distribution function may be used when the probability distribution is defined as a function over general sets of values or it may refer to the cumulative distribution function or it may be a probability mass function PMF rather than the density Density function itself is also used for the probability mass function leading to further confusion In general though the PMF is used in the context of discrete random variables random variables that take values on a countable set while the PDF is used in the context of continuous random variables ExampleExamples of four continuous probability density functions Suppose bacteria of a certain species typically live 20 to 30 hours The probability that a bacterium lives exactly 5 hours is equal to zero A lot of bacteria live for approximately 5 hours but there is no chance that any given bacterium dies at exactly 5 00 hours However the probability that the bacterium dies between 5 hours and 5 01 hours is quantifiable Suppose the answer is 0 02 i e 2 Then the probability that the bacterium dies between 5 hours and 5 001 hours should be about 0 002 since this time interval is one tenth as long as the previous The probability that the bacterium dies between 5 hours and 5 0001 hours should be about 0 0002 and so on In this example the ratio probability of living during an interval duration of the interval is approximately constant and equal to 2 per hour or 2 hour 1 For example there is 0 02 probability of dying in the 0 01 hour interval between 5 and 5 01 hours and 0 02 probability 0 01 hours 2 hour 1 This quantity 2 hour 1 is called the probability density for dying at around 5 hours Therefore the probability that the bacterium dies at 5 hours can be written as 2 hour 1 dt This is the probability that the bacterium dies within an infinitesimal window of time around 5 hours where dt is the duration of this window For example the probability that it lives longer than 5 hours but shorter than 5 hours 1 nanosecond is 2 hour 1 1 nanosecond 6 10 13 using the unit conversion 3 6 1012 nanoseconds 1 hour There is a probability density function f with f 5 hours 2 hour 1 The integral of f over any window of time not only infinitesimal windows but also large windows is the probability that the bacterium dies in that window Absolutely continuous univariate distributionsA probability density function is most commonly associated with absolutely continuous univariate distributions A random variable X displaystyle X has density fX displaystyle f X where fX displaystyle f X is a non negative Lebesgue integrable function if Pr a X b abfX x dx displaystyle Pr a leq X leq b int a b f X x dx Hence if FX displaystyle F X is the cumulative distribution function of X displaystyle X then FX x xfX u du displaystyle F X x int infty x f X u du and if fX displaystyle f X is continuous at x displaystyle x fX x ddxFX x displaystyle f X x frac d dx F X x Intuitively one can think of fX x dx displaystyle f X x dx as being the probability of X displaystyle X falling within the infinitesimal interval x x dx displaystyle x x dx Formal definition This definition may be extended to any probability distribution using the measure theoretic definition of probability A random variable X displaystyle X with values in a measurable space X A displaystyle mathcal X mathcal A usually Rn displaystyle mathbb R n with the Borel sets as measurable subsets has as probability distribution the pushforward measure X P on X A displaystyle mathcal X mathcal A the density of X displaystyle X with respect to a reference measure m displaystyle mu on X A displaystyle mathcal X mathcal A is the Radon Nikodym derivative f dX Pdm displaystyle f frac dX P d mu That is f is any measurable function with the property that Pr X A X 1AdP Afdm displaystyle Pr X in A int X 1 A dP int A f d mu for any measurable set A A displaystyle A in mathcal A Discussion In the continuous univariate case above the reference measure is the Lebesgue measure The probability mass function of a discrete random variable is the density with respect to the counting measure over the sample space usually the set of integers or some subset thereof It is not possible to define a density with reference to an arbitrary measure e g one can not choose the counting measure as a reference for a continuous random variable Furthermore when it does exist the density is almost unique meaning that any two such densities coincide almost everywhere Further detailsUnlike a probability a probability density function can take on values greater than one for example the continuous uniform distribution on the interval 0 1 2 has probability density f x 2 for 0 x 1 2 and f x 0 elsewhere The standard normal distribution has probability density f x 12pe x2 2 displaystyle f x frac 1 sqrt 2 pi e x 2 2 If a random variable X is given and its distribution admits a probability density function f then the expected value of X if the expected value exists can be calculated as E X xf x dx displaystyle operatorname E X int infty infty x f x dx Not every probability distribution has a density function the distributions of discrete random variables do not nor does the Cantor distribution even though it has no discrete component i e does not assign positive probability to any individual point A distribution has a density function if its cumulative distribution function F x is absolutely continuous In this case F is almost everywhere differentiable and its derivative can be used as probability density ddxF x f x displaystyle frac d dx F x f x If a probability distribution admits a density then the probability of every one point set a is zero the same holds for finite and countable sets Two probability densities f and g represent the same probability distribution precisely if they differ only on a set of Lebesgue measure zero In the field of statistical physics a non formal reformulation of the relation above between the derivative of the cumulative distribution function and the probability density function is generally used as the definition of the probability density function This alternate definition is the following If dt is an infinitely small number the probability that X is included within the interval t t dt is equal to f t dt or Pr t lt X lt t dt f t dt displaystyle Pr t lt X lt t dt f t dt Link between discrete and continuous distributionsIt is possible to represent certain discrete random variables as well as random variables involving both a continuous and a discrete part with a generalized probability density function using the Dirac delta function This is not possible with a probability density function in the sense defined above it may be done with a distribution For example consider a binary discrete random variable having the Rademacher distribution that is taking 1 or 1 for values with probability 1 2 each The density of probability associated with this variable is f t 12 d t 1 d t 1 displaystyle f t frac 1 2 delta t 1 delta t 1 More generally if a discrete variable can take n different values among real numbers then the associated probability density function is f t i 1npid t xi displaystyle f t sum i 1 n p i delta t x i where x1 xn displaystyle x 1 ldots x n are the discrete values accessible to the variable and p1 pn displaystyle p 1 ldots p n are the probabilities associated with these values This substantially unifies the treatment of discrete and continuous probability distributions The above expression allows for determining statistical characteristics of such a discrete variable such as the mean variance and kurtosis starting from the formulas given for a continuous distribution of the probability Families of densitiesIt is common for probability density functions and probability mass functions to be parametrized that is to be characterized by unspecified parameters For example the normal distribution is parametrized in terms of the mean and the variance denoted by m displaystyle mu and s2 displaystyle sigma 2 respectively giving the family of densities f x m s2 1s2pe 12 x ms 2 displaystyle f x mu sigma 2 frac 1 sigma sqrt 2 pi e frac 1 2 left frac x mu sigma right 2 Different values of the parameters describe different distributions of different random variables on the same sample space the same set of all possible values of the variable this sample space is the domain of the family of random variables that this family of distributions describes A given set of parameters describes a single distribution within the family sharing the functional form of the density From the perspective of a given distribution the parameters are constants and terms in a density function that contain only parameters but not variables are part of the normalization factor of a distribution the multiplicative factor that ensures that the area under the density the probability of something in the domain occurring equals 1 This normalization factor is outside the kernel of the distribution Since the parameters are constants reparametrizing a density in terms of different parameters to give a characterization of a different random variable in the family means simply substituting the new parameter values into the formula in place of the old ones Densities associated with multiple variablesFor continuous random variables X1 Xn it is also possible to define a probability density function associated to the set as a whole often called joint probability density function This density function is defined as a function of the n variables such that for any domain D in the n dimensional space of the values of the variables X1 Xn the probability that a realisation of the set variables falls inside the domain D is Pr X1 Xn D DfX1 Xn x1 xn dx1 dxn displaystyle Pr left X 1 ldots X n in D right int D f X 1 ldots X n x 1 ldots x n dx 1 cdots dx n If F x1 xn Pr X1 x1 Xn xn is the cumulative distribution function of the vector X1 Xn then the joint probability density function can be computed as a partial derivative f x nF x1 xn x displaystyle f x left frac partial n F partial x 1 cdots partial x n right x Marginal densities For i 1 2 n let fXi xi be the probability density function associated with variable Xi alone This is called the marginal density function and can be deduced from the probability density associated with the random variables X1 Xn by integrating over all values of the other n 1 variables fXi xi f x1 xn dx1 dxi 1dxi 1 dxn displaystyle f X i x i int f x 1 ldots x n dx 1 cdots dx i 1 dx i 1 cdots dx n Independence Continuous random variables X1 Xn admitting a joint density are all independent from each other if fX1 Xn x1 xn fX1 x1 fXn xn displaystyle f X 1 ldots X n x 1 ldots x n f X 1 x 1 cdots f X n x n Corollary If the joint probability density function of a vector of n random variables can be factored into a product of n functions of one variable fX1 Xn x1 xn f1 x1 fn xn displaystyle f X 1 ldots X n x 1 ldots x n f 1 x 1 cdots f n x n where each fi is not necessarily a density then the n variables in the set are all independent from each other and the marginal probability density function of each of them is given by fXi xi fi xi fi x dx displaystyle f X i x i frac f i x i int f i x dx Example This elementary example illustrates the above definition of multidimensional probability density functions in the simple case of a function of a set of two variables Let us call R displaystyle vec R a 2 dimensional random vector of coordinates X Y the probability to obtain R displaystyle vec R in the quarter plane of positive x and y is Pr X gt 0 Y gt 0 0 0 fX Y x y dxdy displaystyle Pr left X gt 0 Y gt 0 right int 0 infty int 0 infty f X Y x y dx dy Function of random variables and change of variables in the probability density functionIf the probability density function of a random variable or vector X is given as fX x it is possible but often not necessary see below to calculate the probability density function of some variable Y g X This is also called a change of variable and is in practice used to generate a random variable of arbitrary shape fg X fY using a known for instance uniform random number generator It is tempting to think that in order to find the expected value E g X one must first find the probability density fg X of the new random variable Y g X However rather than computing E g X yfg X y dy displaystyle operatorname E big g X big int infty infty yf g X y dy one may find instead E g X g x fX x dx displaystyle operatorname E big g X big int infty infty g x f X x dx The values of the two integrals are the same in all cases in which both X and g X actually have probability density functions It is not necessary that g be a one to one function In some cases the latter integral is computed much more easily than the former See Law of the unconscious statistician Scalar to scalar Let g R R displaystyle g mathbb R to mathbb R be a monotonic function then the resulting density function isfY y fX g 1 y ddy g 1 y displaystyle f Y y f X big g 1 y big left frac d dy big g 1 y big right Here g 1 denotes the inverse function This follows from the fact that the probability contained in a differential area must be invariant under change of variables That is fY y dy fX x dx displaystyle left f Y y dy right left f X x dx right or fY y dxdy fX x ddy x fX x ddy g 1 y fX g 1 y g 1 y fX g 1 y displaystyle f Y y left frac dx dy right f X x left frac d dy x right f X x left frac d dy big g 1 y big right f X big g 1 y big left left g 1 right y right cdot f X big g 1 y big For functions that are not monotonic the probability density function for y is k 1n y ddygk 1 y fX gk 1 y displaystyle sum k 1 n y left frac d dy g k 1 y right cdot f X big g k 1 y big where n y is the number of solutions in x for the equation g x y displaystyle g x y and gk 1 y displaystyle g k 1 y are these solutions Vector to vector Suppose x is an n dimensional random variable with joint density f If y G x where G is a bijective differentiable function then y has density pY pY y f G 1 y det dG 1 z dz z y displaystyle p Y mathbf y f Bigl G 1 mathbf y Bigr left det left left frac dG 1 mathbf z d mathbf z right mathbf z mathbf y right right with the differential regarded as the Jacobian of the inverse of G evaluated at y For example in the 2 dimensional case x x1 x2 suppose the transform G is given as y1 G1 x1 x2 y2 G2 x1 x2 with inverses x1 G1 1 y1 y2 x2 G2 1 y1 y2 The joint distribution for y y1 y2 has densitypY1 Y2 y1 y2 fX1 X2 G1 1 y1 y2 G2 1 y1 y2 G1 1 y1 G2 1 y2 G1 1 y2 G2 1 y1 displaystyle p Y 1 Y 2 y 1 y 2 f X 1 X 2 big G 1 1 y 1 y 2 G 2 1 y 1 y 2 big left vert frac partial G 1 1 partial y 1 frac partial G 2 1 partial y 2 frac partial G 1 1 partial y 2 frac partial G 2 1 partial y 1 right vert Vector to scalar Let V Rn R displaystyle V mathbb R n to mathbb R be a differentiable function and X displaystyle X be a random vector taking values in Rn displaystyle mathbb R n fX displaystyle f X be the probability density function of X displaystyle X and d displaystyle delta cdot be the Dirac delta function It is possible to use the formulas above to determine fY displaystyle f Y the probability density function of Y V X displaystyle Y V X which will be given by fY y RnfX x d y V x dx displaystyle f Y y int mathbb R n f X mathbf x delta big y V mathbf x big d mathbf x This result leads to the law of the unconscious statistician EY Y RyfY y dy Ry RnfX x d y V x dxdy Rn RyfX x d y V x dydx RnV x fX x dx EX V X displaystyle operatorname E Y Y int mathbb R yf Y y dy int mathbb R y int mathbb R n f X mathbf x delta big y V mathbf x big d mathbf x dy int mathbb R n int mathbb R yf X mathbf x delta big y V mathbf x big dy d mathbf x int mathbb R n V mathbf x f X mathbf x d mathbf x operatorname E X V X Proof Let Z displaystyle Z be a collapsed random variable with probability density function pZ z d z displaystyle p Z z delta z i e a constant equal to zero Let the random vector X displaystyle tilde X and the transform H displaystyle H be defined as H Z X Z V X X YX displaystyle H Z X begin bmatrix Z V X X end bmatrix begin bmatrix Y tilde X end bmatrix It is clear that H displaystyle H is a bijective mapping and the Jacobian of H 1 displaystyle H 1 is given by dH 1 y x dydx 1 dV x dx 0n 1In n displaystyle frac dH 1 y tilde mathbf x dy d tilde mathbf x begin bmatrix 1 amp frac dV tilde mathbf x d tilde mathbf x mathbf 0 n times 1 amp mathbf I n times n end bmatrix which is an upper triangular matrix with ones on the main diagonal therefore its determinant is 1 Applying the change of variable theorem from the previous section we obtain that fY X y x fX x d y V x displaystyle f Y X y x f X mathbf x delta big y V mathbf x big which if marginalized over x displaystyle x leads to the desired probability density function Sums of independent random variablesThe probability density function of the sum of two independent random variables U and V each of which has a probability density function is the convolution of their separate density functions fU V x fU y fV x y dy fU fV x displaystyle f U V x int infty infty f U y f V x y dy left f U f V right x It is possible to generalize the previous relation to a sum of N independent random variables with densities U1 UN fU1 U x fU1 fUN x displaystyle f U 1 cdots U x left f U 1 cdots f U N right x This can be derived from a two way change of variables involving Y U V and Z V similarly to the example below for the quotient of independent random variables Products and quotients of independent random variablesGiven two independent random variables U and V each of which has a probability density function the density of the product Y UV and quotient Y U V can be computed by a change of variables Example Quotient distribution To compute the quotient Y U V of two independent random variables U and V define the following transformation Y U VZ V displaystyle begin aligned Y amp U V 1ex Z amp V end aligned Then the joint density p y z can be computed by a change of variables from U V to Y Z and Y can be derived by marginalizing out Z from the joint density The inverse transformation is U YZV Z displaystyle begin aligned U amp YZ V amp Z end aligned The absolute value of the Jacobian matrix determinant J U V Y Z displaystyle J U V mid Y Z of this transformation is det u y u z v y v z det zy01 z displaystyle left det begin bmatrix frac partial u partial y amp frac partial u partial z frac partial v partial y amp frac partial v partial z end bmatrix right left det begin bmatrix z amp y 0 amp 1 end bmatrix right z Thus p y z p u v J u v y z p u p v J u v y z pU yz pV z z displaystyle p y z p u v J u v mid y z p u p v J u v mid y z p U yz p V z z And the distribution of Y can be computed by marginalizing out Z p y pU yz pV z z dz displaystyle p y int infty infty p U yz p V z z dz This method crucially requires that the transformation from U V to Y Z be bijective The above transformation meets this because Z can be mapped directly back to V and for a given V the quotient U V is monotonic This is similarly the case for the sum U V difference U V and product UV Exactly the same method can be used to compute the distribution of other functions of multiple independent random variables Example Quotient of two standard normals Given two standard normal variables U and V the quotient can be computed as follows First the variables have the following density functions p u 12pe u2 2p v 12pe v2 2 displaystyle begin aligned p u amp frac 1 sqrt 2 pi e u 2 2 1ex p v amp frac 1 sqrt 2 pi e v 2 2 end aligned We transform as described above Y U VZ V displaystyle begin aligned Y amp U V 1ex Z amp V end aligned This leads to p y pU yz pV z z dz 12pe 12y2z212pe 12z2 z dz 12pe 12 y2 1 z2 z dz 2 0 12pe 12 y2 1 z2zdz 0 1pe y2 1 uduu 12z2 1p y2 1 e y2 1 u u 0 1p y2 1 displaystyle begin aligned p y amp int infty infty p U yz p V z z dz 5pt amp int infty infty frac 1 sqrt 2 pi e frac 1 2 y 2 z 2 frac 1 sqrt 2 pi e frac 1 2 z 2 z dz 5pt amp int infty infty frac 1 2 pi e frac 1 2 left y 2 1 right z 2 z dz 5pt amp 2 int 0 infty frac 1 2 pi e frac 1 2 left y 2 1 right z 2 z dz 5pt amp int 0 infty frac 1 pi e left y 2 1 right u du amp amp u tfrac 1 2 z 2 5pt amp left frac 1 pi left y 2 1 right e left y 2 1 right u right u 0 infty 5pt amp frac 1 pi left y 2 1 right end aligned This is the density of a standard Cauchy distribution See alsoDensity estimation Estimate of an unobservable underlying probability density function Kernel density estimation EstimatorPages displaying short descriptions with no spaces Likelihood function Function related to statistics and probability theory List of probability distributions Probability amplitude Complex number whose squared absolute value is a probability Probability mass function Discrete variable probability distribution Secondary measure Merging independent probability density functions Uses as position probability density Atomic orbital Function describing an electron in an atom Home range The area in which an animal lives and moves on a periodic basisReferences AP Statistics Review Density Curves and the Normal Distributions Archived from the original on 2 April 2015 Retrieved 16 March 2015 Grinstead Charles M Snell J Laurie 2009 Conditional Probability Discrete Conditional PDF Grinstead amp Snell s Introduction to Probability Orange Grove Texts ISBN 978 1616100469 Archived PDF from the original on 2003 04 25 Retrieved 2019 07 25 probability Is a uniformly random number over the real line a valid distribution Cross Validated Retrieved 2021 10 06 Ord J K 1972 Families of Frequency Distributions Griffin ISBN 0 85264 137 0 for example Table 5 1 and Example 5 4 Siegrist Kyle 5 May 2020 Transformations of Random Variables LibreTexts Statistics Retrieved 22 December 2023 Devore Jay L Berk Kenneth N 2007 Modern Mathematical Statistics with Applications Cengage p 263 ISBN 978 0 534 40473 4 David Stirzaker 2007 01 01 Elementary Probability Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0521534284 OCLC 851313783 Further readingBillingsley Patrick 1979 Probability and Measure New York Toronto London John Wiley and Sons ISBN 0 471 00710 2 Casella George Berger Roger L 2002 Statistical Inference Second ed Thomson Learning pp 34 37 ISBN 0 534 24312 6 Stirzaker David 2003 Elementary Probability Cambridge University Press ISBN 0 521 42028 8 Chapters 7 to 9 are about continuous variables External linksUshakov N G 2001 1994 Density of a probability distribution Encyclopedia of Mathematics EMS Press Weisstein Eric W Probability density function MathWorld