This article may be too long to read and navigate comfortably.(February 2025) |
Distributions, also known as Schwartz distributions or generalized functions, are objects that generalize the classical notion of functions in mathematical analysis. Distributions make it possible to differentiate functions whose derivatives do not exist in the classical sense. In particular, any locally integrable function has a distributional derivative.
Distributions are widely used in the theory of partial differential equations, where it may be easier to establish the existence of distributional solutions (weak solutions) than classical solutions, or where appropriate classical solutions may not exist. Distributions are also important in physics and engineering where many problems naturally lead to differential equations whose solutions or initial conditions are singular, such as the Dirac delta function.
A function is normally thought of as acting on the points in the function domain by "sending" a point in the domain to the point Instead of acting on points, distribution theory reinterprets functions such as as acting on test functions in a certain way. In applications to physics and engineering, test functions are usually infinitely differentiable complex-valued (or real-valued) functions with compact support that are defined on some given non-empty open subset . (Bump functions are examples of test functions.) The set of all such test functions forms a vector space that is denoted by or
Most commonly encountered functions, including all continuous maps if using can be canonically reinterpreted as acting via "integration against a test function." Explicitly, this means that such a function "acts on" a test function by "sending" it to the number which is often denoted by This new action of defines a scalar-valued map whose domain is the space of test functions This functional turns out to have the two defining properties of what is known as a distribution on : it is linear, and it is also continuous when is given a certain topology called the canonical LF topology. The action (the integration ) of this distribution on a test function can be interpreted as a weighted average of the distribution on the support of the test function, even if the values of the distribution at a single point are not well-defined. Distributions like that arise from functions in this way are prototypical examples of distributions, but there exist many distributions that cannot be defined by integration against any function. Examples of the latter include the Dirac delta function and distributions defined to act by integration of test functions against certain measures on Nonetheless, it is still always possible to reduce any arbitrary distribution down to a simpler family of related distributions that do arise via such actions of integration.
More generally, a distribution on is by definition a linear functional on that is continuous when is given a topology called the canonical LF topology. This leads to the space of (all) distributions on , usually denoted by (note the prime), which by definition is the space of all distributions on (that is, it is the continuous dual space of ); it is these distributions that are the main focus of this article.
Definitions of the appropriate topologies on spaces of test functions and distributions are given in the article on spaces of test functions and distributions. This article is primarily concerned with the definition of distributions, together with their properties and some important examples.
The practical use of distributions can be traced back to the use of Green's functions in the 1830s to solve ordinary differential equations, but was not formalized until much later. According to Kolmogorov & Fomin (1957), generalized functions originated in the work of Sergei Sobolev (1936) on second-order hyperbolic partial differential equations, and the ideas were developed in somewhat extended form by Laurent Schwartz in the late 1940s. According to his autobiography, Schwartz introduced the term "distribution" by analogy with a distribution of electrical charge, possibly including not only point charges but also dipoles and so on. Gårding (1997) comments that although the ideas in the transformative book by Schwartz (1951) were not entirely new, it was Schwartz's broad attack and conviction that distributions would be useful almost everywhere in analysis that made the difference. A detailed history of the theory of distributions was given by Lützen (1982).
The following notation will be used throughout this article:
- is a fixed positive integer and is a fixed non-empty open subset of Euclidean space
- denotes the natural numbers.
- will denote a non-negative integer or
- If is a function then will denote its domain and the support of denoted by is defined to be the closure of the set in
- For two functions the following notation defines a canonical pairing:
- A multi-index of size is an element in (given that is fixed, if the size of multi-indices is omitted then the size should be assumed to be ). The length of a multi-index is defined as and denoted by Multi-indices are particularly useful when dealing with functions of several variables, in particular, we introduce the following notations for a given multi-index : We also introduce a partial order of all multi-indices by if and only if for all When we define their multi-index binomial coefficient as:
Definitions of test functions and distributions
In this section, some basic notions and definitions needed to define real-valued distributions on U are introduced. Further discussion of the topologies on the spaces of test functions and distributions is given in the article on spaces of test functions and distributions.
- Let
- Let denote the vector space of all k-times continuously differentiable real or complex-valued functions on U.
- For any compact subset let and both denote the vector space of all those functions such that
- If then the domain of is U and not K. So although depends on both K and U, only K is typically indicated. The justification for this common practice is detailed below. The notation will only be used when the notation risks being ambiguous.
- Every contains the constant 0 map, even if
- Let denote the set of all such that for some compact subset K of U.
- Equivalently, is the set of all such that has compact support.
- is equal to the union of all as ranges over all compact subsets of
- If is a real-valued function on , then is an element of if and only if is a bump function. Every real-valued test function on is also a complex-valued test function on

For all and any compact subsets and of , we have:
Distributions on U are continuous linear functionals on when this vector space is endowed with a particular topology called the canonical LF-topology. The following proposition states two necessary and sufficient conditions for the continuity of a linear function on that are often straightforward to verify.
Proposition: A linear functional T on is continuous, and therefore a distribution, if and only if any of the following equivalent conditions is satisfied:
- For every compact subset there exist constants and (dependent on ) such that for all with support contained in ,
- For every compact subset and every sequence in whose supports are contained in , if converges uniformly to zero on for every multi-index , then
Topology on Ck(U)
We now introduce the seminorms that will define the topology on Different authors sometimes use different families of seminorms so we list the most common families below. However, the resulting topology is the same no matter which family is used.
while for define all the functions above to be the constant 0 map.
All of the functions above are non-negative -valuedseminorms on As explained in this article, every set of seminorms on a vector space induces a locally convex vector topology.
Each of the following sets of seminorms generate the same locally convex vector topology on (so for example, the topology generated by the seminorms in is equal to the topology generated by those in ).
With this topology, becomes a locally convex Fréchet space that is not normable. Every element of is a continuous seminorm on Under this topology, a net in converges to if and only if for every multi-index with and every compact the net of partial derivatives converges uniformly to on For any any (von Neumann) bounded subset of is a relatively compact subset of In particular, a subset of is bounded if and only if it is bounded in for all The space is a Montel space if and only if
A subset of is open in this topology if and only if there exists such that is open when is endowed with the subspace topology induced on it by
Topology on Ck(K)
As before, fix Recall that if is any compact subset of then
If is finite then is a Banach space with a topology that can be defined by the norm And when then is even a Hilbert space.
Trivial extensions and independence of Ck(K)'s topology from U
Suppose is an open subset of and is a compact subset. By definition, elements of are functions with domain (in symbols, ), so the space and its topology depend on to make this dependence on the open set clear, temporarily denote by Importantly, changing the set to a different open subset (with ) will change the set from to so that elements of will be functions with domain instead of Despite depending on the open set (), the standard notation for makes no mention of it. This is justified because, as this subsection will now explain, the space is canonically identified as a subspace of (both algebraically and topologically).
It is enough to explain how to canonically identify with when one of and is a subset of the other. The reason is that if and are arbitrary open subsets of containing then the open set also contains so that each of and is canonically identified with and now by transitivity, is thus identified with So assume are open subsets of containing
Given its trivial extension to is the function defined by: This trivial extension belongs to (because has compact support) and it will be denoted by (that is, ). The assignment thus induces a map that sends a function in to its trivial extension on This map is a linear injection and for every compact subset (where is also a compact subset of since ), If is restricted to then the following induced linear map is a homeomorphism (linear homeomorphisms are called TVS-isomorphisms): and thus the next map is a topological embedding: Using the injection the vector space is canonically identified with its image in Because through this identification, can also be considered as a subset of Thus the topology on is independent of the open subset of that contains which justifies the practice of writing instead of
Canonical LF topology
Recall that denotes all functions in that have compact support in where note that is the union of all as ranges over all compact subsets of Moreover, for each is a dense subset of The special case when gives us the space of test functions.
The canonical LF-topology is not metrizable and importantly, it is strictly finer than the subspace topology that induces on However, the canonical LF-topology does make into a complete reflexive nuclearMontelbornological barrelled Mackey space; the same is true of its strong dual space (that is, the space of all distributions with its usual topology). The canonical LF-topology can be defined in various ways.
As discussed earlier, continuous linear functionals on a are known as distributions on Other equivalent definitions are described below.
There is a canonical duality pairing between a distribution on and a test function which is denoted using angle brackets by
One interprets this notation as the distribution acting on the test function to give a scalar, or symmetrically as the test function acting on the distribution
Characterizations of distributions
Proposition. If is a linear functional on then the following are equivalent:
- T is a distribution;
- T is continuous;
- T is continuous at the origin;
- T is uniformly continuous;
- T is a bounded operator;
- T is sequentially continuous;
- explicitly, for every sequence in that converges in to some
- T is sequentially continuous at the origin; in other words, T maps null sequences to null sequences;
- explicitly, for every sequence in that converges in to the origin (such a sequence is called a null sequence),
- a null sequence is by definition any sequence that converges to the origin;
- T maps null sequences to bounded subsets;
- explicitly, for every sequence in that converges in to the origin, the sequence is bounded;
- T maps Mackey convergent null sequences to bounded subsets;
- explicitly, for every Mackey convergent null sequence in the sequence is bounded;
- a sequence is said to be Mackey convergent to the origin if there exists a divergent sequence of positive real numbers such that the sequence is bounded; every sequence that is Mackey convergent to the origin necessarily converges to the origin (in the usual sense);
- The kernel of T is a closed subspace of
- The graph of T is closed;
- There exists a continuous seminorm on such that
- There exists a constant and a finite subset (where is any collection of continuous seminorms that defines the canonical LF topology on ) such that
- For every compact subset there exist constants and such that for all
- For every compact subset there exist constants and such that for all with support contained in
- For any compact subset and any sequence in if converges uniformly to zero for all multi-indices then
Topology on the space of distributions and its relation to the weak-* topology
The set of all distributions on is the continuous dual space of which when endowed with the strong dual topology is denoted by Importantly, unless indicated otherwise, the topology on is the strong dual topology; if the topology is instead the weak-* topology then this will be indicated. Neither topology is metrizable although unlike the weak-* topology, the strong dual topology makes into a complete nuclear space, to name just a few of its desirable properties.
Neither nor its strong dual is a sequential space and so neither of their topologies can be fully described by sequences (in other words, defining only what sequences converge in these spaces is not enough to fully/correctly define their topologies). However, a sequence in converges in the strong dual topology if and only if it converges in the weak-* topology (this leads many authors to use pointwise convergence to define the convergence of a sequence of distributions; this is fine for sequences but this is not guaranteed to extend to the convergence of nets of distributions because a net may converge pointwise but fail to converge in the strong dual topology). More information about the topology that is endowed with can be found in the article on spaces of test functions and distributions and the articles on polar topologies and dual systems.
A linear map from into another locally convex topological vector space (such as any normed space) is continuous if and only if it is sequentially continuous at the origin. However, this is no longer guaranteed if the map is not linear or for maps valued in more general topological spaces (for example, that are not also locally convex topological vector spaces). The same is true of maps from (more generally, this is true of maps from any locally convex bornological space).
Localization of distributions
There is no way to define the value of a distribution in at a particular point of U. However, as is the case with functions, distributions on U restrict to give distributions on open subsets of U. Furthermore, distributions are locally determined in the sense that a distribution on all of U can be assembled from a distribution on an open cover of U satisfying some compatibility conditions on the overlaps. Such a structure is known as a sheaf.
Extensions and restrictions to an open subset
Let be open subsets of Every function can be extended by zero from its domain V to a function on U by setting it equal to on the complement This extension is a smooth compactly supported function called the trivial extension of to and it will be denoted by This assignment defines the trivial extension operator which is a continuous injective linear map. It is used to canonically identify as a vector subspace of (although not as a topological subspace). Its transpose (explained here) is called the restriction to of distributions in and as the name suggests, the image of a distribution under this map is a distribution on called the restriction of to The defining condition of the restriction is: If then the (continuous injective linear) trivial extension map is not a topological embedding (in other words, if this linear injection was used to identify as a subset of then 's topology would strictly finer than the subspace topology that induces on it; importantly, it would not be a topological subspace since that requires equality of topologies) and its range is also not dense in its codomain Consequently if then the restriction mapping is neither injective nor surjective. A distribution is said to be extendible to U if it belongs to the range of the transpose of and it is called extendible if it is extendable to
Unless the restriction to V is neither injective nor surjective. Lack of surjectivity follows since distributions can blow up towards the boundary of V. For instance, if and then the distribution is in but admits no extension to
Gluing and distributions that vanish in a set
Theorem — Let be a collection of open subsets of For each let and suppose that for all the restriction of to is equal to the restriction of to (note that both restrictions are elements of ). Then there exists a unique such that for all the restriction of T to is equal to
Let V be an open subset of U. is said to vanish in V if for all such that we have T vanishes in V if and only if the restriction of T to V is equal to 0, or equivalently, if and only if T lies in the kernel of the restriction map
Corollary — Let be a collection of open subsets of and let if and only if for each the restriction of T to is equal to 0.
Corollary — The union of all open subsets of U in which a distribution T vanishes is an open subset of U in which T vanishes.
Support of a distribution
This last corollary implies that for every distribution T on U, there exists a unique largest subset V of U such that T vanishes in V (and does not vanish in any open subset of U that is not contained in V); the complement in U of this unique largest open subset is called the support of T. Thus
If is a locally integrable function on U and if is its associated distribution, then the support of is the smallest closed subset of U in the complement of which is almost everywhere equal to 0. If is continuous, then the support of is equal to the closure of the set of points in U at which does not vanish. The support of the distribution associated with the Dirac measure at a point is the set If the support of a test function does not intersect the support of a distribution T then A distribution T is 0 if and only if its support is empty. If is identically 1 on some open set containing the support of a distribution T then If the support of a distribution T is compact then it has finite order and there is a constant and a non-negative integer such that:
If T has compact support, then it has a unique extension to a continuous linear functional on ; this function can be defined by where is any function that is identically 1 on an open set containing the support of T.
If and then and Thus, distributions with support in a given subset form a vector subspace of Furthermore, if is a differential operator in U, then for all distributions T on U and all
This article may be too long to read and navigate comfortably Consider splitting content into sub articles condensing it or adding subheadings Please discuss this issue on the article s talk page February 2025 Mathematical term generalizing the concept of function Distributions also known as Schwartz distributions or generalized functions are objects that generalize the classical notion of functions in mathematical analysis Distributions make it possible to differentiate functions whose derivatives do not exist in the classical sense In particular any locally integrable function has a distributional derivative Distributions are widely used in the theory of partial differential equations where it may be easier to establish the existence of distributional solutions weak solutions than classical solutions or where appropriate classical solutions may not exist Distributions are also important in physics and engineering where many problems naturally lead to differential equations whose solutions or initial conditions are singular such as the Dirac delta function A function f displaystyle f is normally thought of as acting on the points in the function domain by sending a point x displaystyle x in the domain to the point f x displaystyle f x Instead of acting on points distribution theory reinterprets functions such as f displaystyle f as acting on test functions in a certain way In applications to physics and engineering test functions are usually infinitely differentiable complex valued or real valued functions with compact support that are defined on some given non empty open subset U Rn displaystyle U subseteq mathbb R n Bump functions are examples of test functions The set of all such test functions forms a vector space that is denoted by Cc U displaystyle C c infty U or D U displaystyle mathcal D U Most commonly encountered functions including all continuous maps f R R displaystyle f mathbb R to mathbb R if using U R displaystyle U mathbb R can be canonically reinterpreted as acting via integration against a test function Explicitly this means that such a function f displaystyle f acts on a test function ps D R displaystyle psi in mathcal D mathbb R by sending it to the number Rfpsdx textstyle int mathbb R f psi dx which is often denoted by Df ps displaystyle D f psi This new action ps Df ps textstyle psi mapsto D f psi of f displaystyle f defines a scalar valued map Df D R C displaystyle D f mathcal D mathbb R to mathbb C whose domain is the space of test functions D R displaystyle mathcal D mathbb R This functional Df displaystyle D f turns out to have the two defining properties of what is known as a distribution on U R displaystyle U mathbb R it is linear and it is also continuous when D R displaystyle mathcal D mathbb R is given a certain topology called the canonical LF topology The action the integration ps Rfpsdx textstyle psi mapsto int mathbb R f psi dx of this distribution Df displaystyle D f on a test function ps displaystyle psi can be interpreted as a weighted average of the distribution on the support of the test function even if the values of the distribution at a single point are not well defined Distributions like Df displaystyle D f that arise from functions in this way are prototypical examples of distributions but there exist many distributions that cannot be defined by integration against any function Examples of the latter include the Dirac delta function and distributions defined to act by integration of test functions ps Upsdm textstyle psi mapsto int U psi d mu against certain measures m displaystyle mu on U displaystyle U Nonetheless it is still always possible to reduce any arbitrary distribution down to a simpler family of related distributions that do arise via such actions of integration More generally a distribution on U displaystyle U is by definition a linear functional on Cc U displaystyle C c infty U that is continuous when Cc U displaystyle C c infty U is given a topology called the canonical LF topology This leads to the space of all distributions on U displaystyle U usually denoted by D U displaystyle mathcal D U note the prime which by definition is the space of all distributions on U displaystyle U that is it is the continuous dual space of Cc U displaystyle C c infty U it is these distributions that are the main focus of this article Definitions of the appropriate topologies on spaces of test functions and distributions are given in the article on spaces of test functions and distributions This article is primarily concerned with the definition of distributions together with their properties and some important examples History The practical use of distributions can be traced back to the use of Green s functions in the 1830s to solve ordinary differential equations but was not formalized until much later According to Kolmogorov amp Fomin 1957 generalized functions originated in the work of Sergei Sobolev 1936 on second order hyperbolic partial differential equations and the ideas were developed in somewhat extended form by Laurent Schwartz in the late 1940s According to his autobiography Schwartz introduced the term distribution by analogy with a distribution of electrical charge possibly including not only point charges but also dipoles and so on Garding 1997 comments that although the ideas in the transformative book by Schwartz 1951 were not entirely new it was Schwartz s broad attack and conviction that distributions would be useful almost everywhere in analysis that made the difference A detailed history of the theory of distributions was given by Lutzen 1982 Notation The following notation will be used throughout this article n displaystyle n is a fixed positive integer and U displaystyle U is a fixed non empty open subset of Euclidean space Rn displaystyle mathbb R n N0 0 1 2 displaystyle mathbb N 0 0 1 2 ldots denotes the natural numbers k displaystyle k will denote a non negative integer or displaystyle infty If f displaystyle f is a function then Dom f displaystyle operatorname Dom f will denote its domain and the support of f displaystyle f denoted by supp f displaystyle operatorname supp f is defined to be the closure of the set x Dom f f x 0 displaystyle x in operatorname Dom f f x neq 0 in Dom f displaystyle operatorname Dom f For two functions f g U C displaystyle f g U to mathbb C the following notation defines a canonical pairing f g Uf x g x dx displaystyle langle f g rangle int U f x g x dx A multi index of size n displaystyle n is an element in Nn displaystyle mathbb N n given that n displaystyle n is fixed if the size of multi indices is omitted then the size should be assumed to be n displaystyle n The length of a multi index a a1 an Nn displaystyle alpha alpha 1 ldots alpha n in mathbb N n is defined as a1 an displaystyle alpha 1 cdots alpha n and denoted by a displaystyle alpha Multi indices are particularly useful when dealing with functions of several variables in particular we introduce the following notations for a given multi index a a1 an Nn displaystyle alpha alpha 1 ldots alpha n in mathbb N n xa x1a1 xnan a a x1a1 xnan displaystyle begin aligned x alpha amp x 1 alpha 1 cdots x n alpha n partial alpha amp frac partial alpha partial x 1 alpha 1 cdots partial x n alpha n end aligned We also introduce a partial order of all multi indices by b a displaystyle beta geq alpha if and only if bi ai displaystyle beta i geq alpha i for all 1 i n displaystyle 1 leq i leq n When b a displaystyle beta geq alpha we define their multi index binomial coefficient as ba b1a1 bnan displaystyle binom beta alpha binom beta 1 alpha 1 cdots binom beta n alpha n Definitions of test functions and distributions In this section some basic notions and definitions needed to define real valued distributions on U are introduced Further discussion of the topologies on the spaces of test functions and distributions is given in the article on spaces of test functions and distributions Notation Let k 0 1 2 displaystyle k in 0 1 2 ldots infty Let Ck U displaystyle C k U denote the vector space of all k times continuously differentiable real or complex valued functions on U For any compact subset K U displaystyle K subseteq U let Ck K displaystyle C k K and Ck K U displaystyle C k K U both denote the vector space of all those functions f Ck U displaystyle f in C k U such that supp f K displaystyle operatorname supp f subseteq K If f Ck K displaystyle f in C k K then the domain of f displaystyle f is U and not K So although Ck K displaystyle C k K depends on both K and U only K is typically indicated The justification for this common practice is detailed below The notation Ck K U displaystyle C k K U will only be used when the notation Ck K displaystyle C k K risks being ambiguous Every Ck K displaystyle C k K contains the constant 0 map even if K displaystyle K varnothing Let Cck U displaystyle C c k U denote the set of all f Ck U displaystyle f in C k U such that f Ck K displaystyle f in C k K for some compact subset K of U Equivalently Cck U displaystyle C c k U is the set of all f Ck U displaystyle f in C k U such that f displaystyle f has compact support Cck U displaystyle C c k U is equal to the union of all Ck K displaystyle C k K as K U displaystyle K subseteq U ranges over all compact subsets of U displaystyle U If f displaystyle f is a real valued function on U displaystyle U then f displaystyle f is an element of Cck U displaystyle C c k U if and only if f displaystyle f is a Ck displaystyle C k bump function Every real valued test function on U displaystyle U is also a complex valued test function on U displaystyle U The graph of the bump function x y R2 PS r displaystyle x y in mathbb R 2 mapsto Psi r where r x2 y2 12 displaystyle r left x 2 y 2 right frac 1 2 and PS r e 11 r2 1 r lt 1 displaystyle Psi r e frac 1 1 r 2 cdot mathbf 1 r lt 1 This function is a test function on R2 displaystyle mathbb R 2 and is an element of Cc R2 displaystyle C c infty left mathbb R 2 right The support of this function is the closed unit disk in R2 displaystyle mathbb R 2 It is non zero on the open unit disk and it is equal to 0 everywhere outside of it For all j k 0 1 2 displaystyle j k in 0 1 2 ldots infty and any compact subsets K displaystyle K and L displaystyle L of U displaystyle U we have Ck K Cck U Ck U Ck K Ck L if K LCk K Cj K if j kCck U Ccj U if j kCk U Cj U if j k displaystyle begin aligned C k K amp subseteq C c k U subseteq C k U C k K amp subseteq C k L amp amp text if K subseteq L C k K amp subseteq C j K amp amp text if j leq k C c k U amp subseteq C c j U amp amp text if j leq k C k U amp subseteq C j U amp amp text if j leq k end aligned Definition Elements of Cc U displaystyle C c infty U are called test functions on U and Cc U displaystyle C c infty U is called the space of test functions on U We will use both D U displaystyle mathcal D U and Cc U displaystyle C c infty U to denote this space Distributions on U are continuous linear functionals on Cc U displaystyle C c infty U when this vector space is endowed with a particular topology called the canonical LF topology The following proposition states two necessary and sufficient conditions for the continuity of a linear function on Cc U displaystyle C c infty U that are often straightforward to verify Proposition A linear functional T on Cc U displaystyle C c infty U is continuous and therefore a distribution if and only if any of the following equivalent conditions is satisfied For every compact subset K U displaystyle K subseteq U there exist constants C gt 0 displaystyle C gt 0 and N N displaystyle N in mathbb N dependent on K displaystyle K such that for all f Cc U displaystyle f in C c infty U with support contained in K displaystyle K T f Csup af x x U a N displaystyle T f leq C sup partial alpha f x x in U alpha leq N For every compact subset K U displaystyle K subseteq U and every sequence fi i 1 displaystyle f i i 1 infty in Cc U displaystyle C c infty U whose supports are contained in K displaystyle K if afi i 1 displaystyle partial alpha f i i 1 infty converges uniformly to zero on U displaystyle U for every multi index a displaystyle alpha then T fi 0 displaystyle T f i to 0 Topology on Ck U We now introduce the seminorms that will define the topology on Ck U displaystyle C k U Different authors sometimes use different families of seminorms so we list the most common families below However the resulting topology is the same no matter which family is used Suppose k 0 1 2 displaystyle k in 0 1 2 ldots infty and K displaystyle K is an arbitrary compact subset of U displaystyle U Suppose i displaystyle i is an integer such that 0 i k displaystyle 0 leq i leq k and p displaystyle p is a multi index with length p k displaystyle p leq k For K displaystyle K neq varnothing and f Ck U displaystyle f in C k U define 1 sp K f supx0 K pf x0 2 qi K f sup p i supx0 K pf x0 sup p i sp K f 3 ri K f supx0 K p i pf x0 4 ti K f supx0 K p i pf x0 displaystyle begin alignedat 4 text 1 amp s p K f amp amp sup x 0 in K left partial p f x 0 right 4pt text 2 amp q i K f amp amp sup p leq i left sup x 0 in K left partial p f x 0 right right sup p leq i left s p K f right 4pt text 3 amp r i K f amp amp sup stackrel p leq i x 0 in K left partial p f x 0 right 4pt text 4 amp t i K f amp amp sup x 0 in K left sum p leq i left partial p f x 0 right right end alignedat while for K displaystyle K varnothing define all the functions above to be the constant 0 map All of the functions above are non negative R displaystyle mathbb R valuedseminorms on Ck U displaystyle C k U As explained in this article every set of seminorms on a vector space induces a locally convex vector topology Each of the following sets of seminorms A qi K K compact and i N satisfies 0 i k B ri K K compact and i N satisfies 0 i k C ti K K compact and i N satisfies 0 i k D sp K K compact and p Nn satisfies p k displaystyle begin alignedat 4 A quad amp q i K amp amp K text compact and amp amp i in mathbb N text satisfies amp amp 0 leq i leq k B quad amp r i K amp amp K text compact and amp amp i in mathbb N text satisfies amp amp 0 leq i leq k C quad amp t i K amp amp K text compact and amp amp i in mathbb N text satisfies amp amp 0 leq i leq k D quad amp s p K amp amp K text compact and amp amp p in mathbb N n text satisfies amp amp p leq k end alignedat generate the same locally convex vector topology on Ck U displaystyle C k U so for example the topology generated by the seminorms in A displaystyle A is equal to the topology generated by those in C displaystyle C The vector space Ck U displaystyle C k U is endowed with the locally convex topology induced by any one of the four families A B C D displaystyle A B C D of seminorms described above This topology is also equal to the vector topology induced by all of the seminorms in A B C D displaystyle A cup B cup C cup D With this topology Ck U displaystyle C k U becomes a locally convex Frechet space that is not normable Every element of A B C D displaystyle A cup B cup C cup D is a continuous seminorm on Ck U displaystyle C k U Under this topology a net fi i I displaystyle f i i in I in Ck U displaystyle C k U converges to f Ck U displaystyle f in C k U if and only if for every multi index p displaystyle p with p lt k 1 displaystyle p lt k 1 and every compact K displaystyle K the net of partial derivatives pfi i I displaystyle left partial p f i right i in I converges uniformly to pf displaystyle partial p f on K displaystyle K For any k 0 1 2 displaystyle k in 0 1 2 ldots infty any von Neumann bounded subset of Ck 1 U displaystyle C k 1 U is a relatively compact subset of Ck U displaystyle C k U In particular a subset of C U displaystyle C infty U is bounded if and only if it is bounded in Ci U displaystyle C i U for all i N displaystyle i in mathbb N The space Ck U displaystyle C k U is a Montel space if and only if k displaystyle k infty A subset W displaystyle W of C U displaystyle C infty U is open in this topology if and only if there exists i N displaystyle i in mathbb N such that W displaystyle W is open when C U displaystyle C infty U is endowed with the subspace topology induced on it by Ci U displaystyle C i U Topology on Ck K As before fix k 0 1 2 displaystyle k in 0 1 2 ldots infty Recall that if K displaystyle K is any compact subset of U displaystyle U then Ck K Ck U displaystyle C k K subseteq C k U Assumption For any compact subset K U displaystyle K subseteq U we will henceforth assume that Ck K displaystyle C k K is endowed with the subspace topology it inherits from the Frechet space Ck U displaystyle C k U If k displaystyle k is finite then Ck K displaystyle C k K is a Banach space with a topology that can be defined by the norm rK f sup p lt k supx0 K pf x0 displaystyle r K f sup p lt k left sup x 0 in K left partial p f x 0 right right And when k 2 displaystyle k 2 then Ck K displaystyle C k K is even a Hilbert space Trivial extensions and independence of Ck K s topology from U Suppose U displaystyle U is an open subset of Rn displaystyle mathbb R n and K U displaystyle K subseteq U is a compact subset By definition elements of Ck K displaystyle C k K are functions with domain U displaystyle U in symbols Ck K Ck U displaystyle C k K subseteq C k U so the space Ck K displaystyle C k K and its topology depend on U displaystyle U to make this dependence on the open set U displaystyle U clear temporarily denote Ck K displaystyle C k K by Ck K U displaystyle C k K U Importantly changing the set U displaystyle U to a different open subset U displaystyle U with K U displaystyle K subseteq U will change the set Ck K displaystyle C k K from Ck K U displaystyle C k K U to Ck K U displaystyle C k K U so that elements of Ck K displaystyle C k K will be functions with domain U displaystyle U instead of U displaystyle U Despite Ck K displaystyle C k K depending on the open set U or U displaystyle U text or U the standard notation for Ck K displaystyle C k K makes no mention of it This is justified because as this subsection will now explain the space Ck K U displaystyle C k K U is canonically identified as a subspace of Ck K U displaystyle C k K U both algebraically and topologically It is enough to explain how to canonically identify Ck K U displaystyle C k K U with Ck K U displaystyle C k K U when one of U displaystyle U and U displaystyle U is a subset of the other The reason is that if V displaystyle V and W displaystyle W are arbitrary open subsets of Rn displaystyle mathbb R n containing K displaystyle K then the open set U V W displaystyle U V cap W also contains K displaystyle K so that each of Ck K V displaystyle C k K V and Ck K W displaystyle C k K W is canonically identified with Ck K V W displaystyle C k K V cap W and now by transitivity Ck K V displaystyle C k K V is thus identified with Ck K W displaystyle C k K W So assume U V displaystyle U subseteq V are open subsets of Rn displaystyle mathbb R n containing K displaystyle K Given f Cck U displaystyle f in C c k U its trivial extension to V displaystyle V is the function F V C displaystyle F V to mathbb C defined by F x f x x U 0otherwise displaystyle F x begin cases f x amp x in U 0 amp text otherwise end cases This trivial extension belongs to Ck V displaystyle C k V because f Cck U displaystyle f in C c k U has compact support and it will be denoted by I f displaystyle I f that is I f F displaystyle I f F The assignment f I f displaystyle f mapsto I f thus induces a map I Cck U Ck V displaystyle I C c k U to C k V that sends a function in Cck U displaystyle C c k U to its trivial extension on V displaystyle V This map is a linear injection and for every compact subset K U displaystyle K subseteq U where K displaystyle K is also a compact subset of V displaystyle V since K U V displaystyle K subseteq U subseteq V I Ck K U Ck K V and thus I Cck U Cck V displaystyle begin alignedat 4 I left C k K U right amp C k K V qquad text and thus I left C c k U right amp subseteq C c k V end alignedat If I displaystyle I is restricted to Ck K U displaystyle C k K U then the following induced linear map is a homeomorphism linear homeomorphisms are called TVS isomorphisms Ck K U Ck K V f I f displaystyle begin alignedat 4 amp C k K U amp amp to amp amp C k K V amp f amp amp mapsto amp amp I f end alignedat and thus the next map is a topological embedding Ck K U Ck V f I f displaystyle begin alignedat 4 amp C k K U amp amp to amp amp C k V amp f amp amp mapsto amp amp I f end alignedat Using the injection I Cck U Ck V displaystyle I C c k U to C k V the vector space Cck U displaystyle C c k U is canonically identified with its image in Cck V Ck V displaystyle C c k V subseteq C k V Because Ck K U Cck U displaystyle C k K U subseteq C c k U through this identification Ck K U displaystyle C k K U can also be considered as a subset of Ck V displaystyle C k V Thus the topology on Ck K U displaystyle C k K U is independent of the open subset U displaystyle U of Rn displaystyle mathbb R n that contains K displaystyle K which justifies the practice of writing Ck K displaystyle C k K instead of Ck K U displaystyle C k K U Canonical LF topology Recall that Cck U displaystyle C c k U denotes all functions in Ck U displaystyle C k U that have compact support in U displaystyle U where note that Cck U displaystyle C c k U is the union of all Ck K displaystyle C k K as K displaystyle K ranges over all compact subsets of U displaystyle U Moreover for each k Cck U displaystyle k C c k U is a dense subset of Ck U displaystyle C k U The special case when k displaystyle k infty gives us the space of test functions Cc U displaystyle C c infty U is called the space of test functions on U displaystyle U and it may also be denoted by D U displaystyle mathcal D U Unless indicated otherwise it is endowed with a topology called the canonical LF topology whose definition is given in the article Spaces of test functions and distributions The canonical LF topology is not metrizable and importantly it is strictly finer than the subspace topology that C U displaystyle C infty U induces on Cc U displaystyle C c infty U However the canonical LF topology does make Cc U displaystyle C c infty U into a complete reflexive nuclearMontelbornological barrelled Mackey space the same is true of its strong dual space that is the space of all distributions with its usual topology The canonical LF topology can be defined in various ways Distributions As discussed earlier continuous linear functionals on a Cc U displaystyle C c infty U are known as distributions on U displaystyle U Other equivalent definitions are described below By definition a distribution on U displaystyle U is a continuous linear functional on Cc U displaystyle C c infty U Said differently a distribution on U displaystyle U is an element of the continuous dual space of Cc U displaystyle C c infty U when Cc U displaystyle C c infty U is endowed with its canonical LF topology There is a canonical duality pairing between a distribution T displaystyle T on U displaystyle U and a test function f Cc U displaystyle f in C c infty U which is denoted using angle brackets by D U Cc U R T f T f T f displaystyle begin cases mathcal D U times C c infty U to mathbb R T f mapsto langle T f rangle T f end cases One interprets this notation as the distribution T displaystyle T acting on the test function f displaystyle f to give a scalar or symmetrically as the test function f displaystyle f acting on the distribution T displaystyle T Characterizations of distributions Proposition If T displaystyle T is a linear functional on Cc U displaystyle C c infty U then the following are equivalent T is a distribution T is continuous T is continuous at the origin T is uniformly continuous T is a bounded operator T is sequentially continuous explicitly for every sequence fi i 1 displaystyle left f i right i 1 infty in Cc U displaystyle C c infty U that converges in Cc U displaystyle C c infty U to some f Cc U displaystyle f in C c infty U limi T fi T f textstyle lim i to infty T left f i right T f T is sequentially continuous at the origin in other words T maps null sequences to null sequences explicitly for every sequence fi i 1 displaystyle left f i right i 1 infty in Cc U displaystyle C c infty U that converges in Cc U displaystyle C c infty U to the origin such a sequence is called a null sequence limi T fi 0 textstyle lim i to infty T left f i right 0 a null sequence is by definition any sequence that converges to the origin T maps null sequences to bounded subsets explicitly for every sequence fi i 1 displaystyle left f i right i 1 infty in Cc U displaystyle C c infty U that converges in Cc U displaystyle C c infty U to the origin the sequence T fi i 1 displaystyle left T left f i right right i 1 infty is bounded T maps Mackey convergent null sequences to bounded subsets explicitly for every Mackey convergent null sequence fi i 1 displaystyle left f i right i 1 infty in Cc U displaystyle C c infty U the sequence T fi i 1 displaystyle left T left f i right right i 1 infty is bounded a sequence f fi i 1 displaystyle f bullet left f i right i 1 infty is said to be Mackey convergent to the origin if there exists a divergent sequence r ri i 1 displaystyle r bullet left r i right i 1 infty to infty of positive real numbers such that the sequence rifi i 1 displaystyle left r i f i right i 1 infty is bounded every sequence that is Mackey convergent to the origin necessarily converges to the origin in the usual sense The kernel of T is a closed subspace of Cc U displaystyle C c infty U The graph of T is closed There exists a continuous seminorm g displaystyle g on Cc U displaystyle C c infty U such that T g displaystyle T leq g There exists a constant C gt 0 displaystyle C gt 0 and a finite subset g1 gm P displaystyle g 1 ldots g m subseteq mathcal P where P displaystyle mathcal P is any collection of continuous seminorms that defines the canonical LF topology on Cc U displaystyle C c infty U such that T C g1 gm displaystyle T leq C g 1 cdots g m For every compact subset K U displaystyle K subseteq U there exist constants C gt 0 displaystyle C gt 0 and N N displaystyle N in mathbb N such that for all f C K displaystyle f in C infty K T f Csup af x x U a N displaystyle T f leq C sup partial alpha f x x in U alpha leq N For every compact subset K U displaystyle K subseteq U there exist constants CK gt 0 displaystyle C K gt 0 and NK N displaystyle N K in mathbb N such that for all f Cc U displaystyle f in C c infty U with support contained in K displaystyle K T f CKsup af x x K a NK displaystyle T f leq C K sup partial alpha f x x in K alpha leq N K For any compact subset K U displaystyle K subseteq U and any sequence fi i 1 displaystyle f i i 1 infty in C K displaystyle C infty K if pfi i 1 displaystyle partial p f i i 1 infty converges uniformly to zero for all multi indices p displaystyle p then T fi 0 displaystyle T f i to 0 Topology on the space of distributions and its relation to the weak topology The set of all distributions on U displaystyle U is the continuous dual space of Cc U displaystyle C c infty U which when endowed with the strong dual topology is denoted by D U displaystyle mathcal D U Importantly unless indicated otherwise the topology on D U displaystyle mathcal D U is the strong dual topology if the topology is instead the weak topology then this will be indicated Neither topology is metrizable although unlike the weak topology the strong dual topology makes D U displaystyle mathcal D U into a complete nuclear space to name just a few of its desirable properties Neither Cc U displaystyle C c infty U nor its strong dual D U displaystyle mathcal D U is a sequential space and so neither of their topologies can be fully described by sequences in other words defining only what sequences converge in these spaces is not enough to fully correctly define their topologies However a sequence in D U displaystyle mathcal D U converges in the strong dual topology if and only if it converges in the weak topology this leads many authors to use pointwise convergence to define the convergence of a sequence of distributions this is fine for sequences but this is not guaranteed to extend to the convergence of nets of distributions because a net may converge pointwise but fail to converge in the strong dual topology More information about the topology that D U displaystyle mathcal D U is endowed with can be found in the article on spaces of test functions and distributions and the articles on polar topologies and dual systems A linear map from D U displaystyle mathcal D U into another locally convex topological vector space such as any normed space is continuous if and only if it is sequentially continuous at the origin However this is no longer guaranteed if the map is not linear or for maps valued in more general topological spaces for example that are not also locally convex topological vector spaces The same is true of maps from Cc U displaystyle C c infty U more generally this is true of maps from any locally convex bornological space Localization of distributions There is no way to define the value of a distribution in D U displaystyle mathcal D U at a particular point of U However as is the case with functions distributions on U restrict to give distributions on open subsets of U Furthermore distributions are locally determined in the sense that a distribution on all of U can be assembled from a distribution on an open cover of U satisfying some compatibility conditions on the overlaps Such a structure is known as a sheaf Extensions and restrictions to an open subset Let V U displaystyle V subseteq U be open subsets of Rn displaystyle mathbb R n Every function f D V displaystyle f in mathcal D V can be extended by zero from its domain V to a function on U by setting it equal to 0 displaystyle 0 on the complement U V displaystyle U setminus V This extension is a smooth compactly supported function called the trivial extension of f displaystyle f to U displaystyle U and it will be denoted by EVU f displaystyle E VU f This assignment f EVU f displaystyle f mapsto E VU f defines the trivial extension operator EVU D V D U displaystyle E VU mathcal D V to mathcal D U which is a continuous injective linear map It is used to canonically identify D V displaystyle mathcal D V as a vector subspace of D U displaystyle mathcal D U although not as a topological subspace Its transpose explained here rVU tEVU D U D V displaystyle rho VU t E VU mathcal D U to mathcal D V is called the restriction to V displaystyle V of distributions in U displaystyle U and as the name suggests the image rVU T displaystyle rho VU T of a distribution T D U displaystyle T in mathcal D U under this map is a distribution on V displaystyle V called the restriction of T displaystyle T to V displaystyle V The defining condition of the restriction rVU T displaystyle rho VU T is rVUT ϕ T EVUϕ for all ϕ D V displaystyle langle rho VU T phi rangle langle T E VU phi rangle quad text for all phi in mathcal D V If V U displaystyle V neq U then the continuous injective linear trivial extension map EVU D V D U displaystyle E VU mathcal D V to mathcal D U is not a topological embedding in other words if this linear injection was used to identify D V displaystyle mathcal D V as a subset of D U displaystyle mathcal D U then D V displaystyle mathcal D V s topology would strictly finer than the subspace topology that D U displaystyle mathcal D U induces on it importantly it would not be a topological subspace since that requires equality of topologies and its range is also not dense in its codomain D U displaystyle mathcal D U Consequently if V U displaystyle V neq U then the restriction mapping is neither injective nor surjective A distribution S D V displaystyle S in mathcal D V is said to be extendible to U if it belongs to the range of the transpose of EVU displaystyle E VU and it is called extendible if it is extendable to Rn displaystyle mathbb R n Unless U V displaystyle U V the restriction to V is neither injective nor surjective Lack of surjectivity follows since distributions can blow up towards the boundary of V For instance if U R displaystyle U mathbb R and V 0 2 displaystyle V 0 2 then the distribution T x n 1 nd x 1n displaystyle T x sum n 1 infty n delta left x frac 1 n right is in D V displaystyle mathcal D V but admits no extension to D U displaystyle mathcal D U Gluing and distributions that vanish in a set Theorem Let Ui i I displaystyle U i i in I be a collection of open subsets of Rn displaystyle mathbb R n For each i I displaystyle i in I let Ti D Ui displaystyle T i in mathcal D U i and suppose that for all i j I displaystyle i j in I the restriction of Ti displaystyle T i to Ui Uj displaystyle U i cap U j is equal to the restriction of Tj displaystyle T j to Ui Uj displaystyle U i cap U j note that both restrictions are elements of D Ui Uj displaystyle mathcal D U i cap U j Then there exists a unique T D i IUi textstyle T in mathcal D bigcup i in I U i such that for all i I displaystyle i in I the restriction of T to Ui displaystyle U i is equal to Ti displaystyle T i Let V be an open subset of U T D U displaystyle T in mathcal D U is said to vanish in V if for all f D U displaystyle f in mathcal D U such that supp f V displaystyle operatorname supp f subseteq V we have Tf 0 displaystyle Tf 0 T vanishes in V if and only if the restriction of T to V is equal to 0 or equivalently if and only if T lies in the kernel of the restriction map rVU displaystyle rho VU Corollary Let Ui i I displaystyle U i i in I be a collection of open subsets of Rn displaystyle mathbb R n and let T D i IUi textstyle T in mathcal D bigcup i in I U i T 0 displaystyle T 0 if and only if for each i I displaystyle i in I the restriction of T to Ui displaystyle U i is equal to 0 Corollary The union of all open subsets of U in which a distribution T vanishes is an open subset of U in which T vanishes Support of a distribution This last corollary implies that for every distribution T on U there exists a unique largest subset V of U such that T vanishes in V and does not vanish in any open subset of U that is not contained in V the complement in U of this unique largest open subset is called the support of T Thus supp T U V rVUT 0 displaystyle operatorname supp T U setminus bigcup V mid rho VU T 0 If f displaystyle f is a locally integrable function on U and if Df displaystyle D f is its associated distribution then the support of Df displaystyle D f is the smallest closed subset of U in the complement of which f displaystyle f is almost everywhere equal to 0 If f displaystyle f is continuous then the support of Df displaystyle D f is equal to the closure of the set of points in U at which f displaystyle f does not vanish The support of the distribution associated with the Dirac measure at a point x0 displaystyle x 0 is the set x0 displaystyle x 0 If the support of a test function f displaystyle f does not intersect the support of a distribution T then Tf 0 displaystyle Tf 0 A distribution T is 0 if and only if its support is empty If f C U displaystyle f in C infty U is identically 1 on some open set containing the support of a distribution T then fT T displaystyle fT T If the support of a distribution T is compact then it has finite order and there is a constant C displaystyle C and a non negative integer N displaystyle N such that Tϕ C ϕ N Csup aϕ x x U a N for all ϕ D U displaystyle T phi leq C phi N C sup left left partial alpha phi x right x in U alpha leq N right quad text for all phi in mathcal D U If T has compact support then it has a unique extension to a continuous linear functional T displaystyle widehat T on C U displaystyle C infty U this function can be defined by T f T psf displaystyle widehat T f T psi f where ps D U displaystyle psi in mathcal D U is any function that is identically 1 on an open set containing the support of T If S T D U displaystyle S T in mathcal D U and l 0 displaystyle lambda neq 0 then supp S T supp S supp T displaystyle operatorname supp S T subseteq operatorname supp S cup operatorname supp T and supp lT supp T displaystyle operatorname supp lambda T operatorname supp T Thus distributions with support in a given subset A U displaystyle A subseteq U form a vector subspace of D U displaystyle mathcal D U Furthermore if P displaystyle P is a differential operator in U then for all distributions T on U and all