Plotinus (/plɒˈtaɪnəs/; Ancient Greek: Πλωτῖνος, Plōtînos; c. 204/5 – 270 CE) was a Greek Platonist philosopher, born and raised in Roman Egypt. Plotinus is regarded by modern scholarship as the founder of Neoplatonism. His teacher was the self-taught philosopher Ammonius Saccas, who belonged to the Platonic tradition. Historians of the 19th century invented the term "neoplatonism" and applied it to refer to Plotinus and his philosophy, which was vastly influential during late antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance. Much of the biographical information about Plotinus comes from Porphyry's preface to his edition of Plotinus' most notable literary work, The Enneads. In his metaphysical writings, Plotinus described three fundamental principles: the One, the Intellect, and the Soul. His works have inspired centuries of pagan, Jewish, Christian, Gnostic, and early Islamic metaphysicians and mystics, including developing precepts that influence mainstream theological concepts within religions, such as his work on duality of the One in two metaphysical states.
Plotinus | |
![]() Head in white marble. The identification as Plotinus is plausible but not proven. | |
Born | c. 204/5 CE Asyut or Lycopolis, Egypt, Roman Empire |
Died | 270 (aged 64–65) CE Campania, Roman Empire |
Notable work | The Enneads |
Era | Ancient philosophy |
Region | Western philosophy |
School | Neoplatonism |
Main interests | Platonism, metaphysics, mysticism |
Notable ideas | Emanation of all things from the One Three main hypostases: the One, Intellect, and Soul Henosis |
Porphyry reported that Plotinus was sixty-six years old when he died in 270 CE, the second year of the reign of the Roman Emperor Claudius II, thus giving us the year of his birth as around 204. Eunapius reported that Plotinus was born in Lyco, which could either refer to the modern Asyut in Upper Egypt or Deltaic Lycopolis, in Lower Egypt. This has led to speculations that his family was either (Hellenized) Egyptian,Greek, or Roman. Historian Lloyd P. Gerson states that Plotinus was "almost certainly" a Greek.A.H. Armstrong, one of the foremost authorities on the philosophical teachings of Plotinus, writes that: "All that can be said with reasonable certainty is that Greek was his normal language and that he had a Greek education". Plotinus himself was said to have had little interest in his ancestry, birthplace, or that of anyone else for that matter. His native language was Greek.
Plotinus had an inherent distrust of materiality (an attitude common to Platonism), holding to the view that phenomena were a poor image or mimicry (mimesis) of something "higher and intelligible" (VI.I) which was the "truer part of genuine Being". This distrust extended to the body, including his own; it is reported by Porphyry that at one point he refused to have his portrait painted, presumably for much the same reasons of dislike. Likewise, Plotinus never discussed his ancestry, childhood, or his place or date of birth. From all accounts his personal and social life exhibited the highest moral and spiritual standards.
Plotinus took up the study of philosophy at the age of twenty-eight, around the year 232 and travelled to Alexandria to study. There he was dissatisfied with every teacher he encountered, until an acquaintance suggested he listen to the ideas of the self-taught Platonist philosopher Ammonius Saccas. Upon hearing Ammonius' lecture, Plotinus declared to his friend: "this is the man I was looking for", began to study intently under his new instructor, and remained with him as his student for eleven years. Besides Ammonius, Plotinus was also influenced by the philosophical works of Aristotle, the pre-Socratic philosophers Empedocles and Heraclitus, the Middle Platonist philosophers Alexander of Aphrodisias and Numenius of Apamea, along with various Stoics and Neopythagoreans.
Expedition to Persia and return to Rome
After having spent eleven years in Alexandria, he then decided, at the age of around thirty-eight, to investigate the philosophical teachings of the Persian and Indian philosophers. In the pursuit of this endeavor he left Alexandria and joined the army of the Roman emperor Gordian III as it marched on Persia (242–243). However, the campaign was a failure, and on Gordian's eventual death Plotinus found himself abandoned in a hostile land, and only with difficulty found his way back to safety in Antioch.
At the age of forty, during the reign of Emperor Philip the Arab, he came to Rome, where he stayed for most of the remainder of his life. There he attracted a number of students. His innermost circle included Porphyry, Amelius Gentilianus of Tuscany, the Senator Castricius Firmus, and Eustochius of Alexandria, a doctor who devoted himself to learning from Plotinus and attending to him until his death. Other students included: Zethos, an Arab by ancestry who died before Plotinus, leaving him a legacy and some land; Zoticus, a critic and poet; Paulinus, a doctor of Scythopolis; and Serapion from Alexandria. He had students amongst the Roman Senate beside Castricius, such as Marcellus Orontius, Sabinillus, and Rogantianus. Women were also numbered amongst his students, including Gemina, in whose house he lived during his residence in Rome, and her daughter, also Gemina; and Amphiclea, the wife of Ariston, the son of Iamblichus. Finally, Plotinus was a correspondent of the philosopher Cassius Longinus.
Later life
While in Rome, Plotinus also gained the respect of the Emperor Gallienus and his wife Salonina. At one point Plotinus attempted to interest Gallienus in rebuilding an abandoned settlement in Campania, known as the 'City of Philosophers', where the inhabitants would live under the constitution set out in Plato's Laws. An Imperial subsidy was never granted, for reasons unknown to Porphyry, who reports the incident.
Plotinus subsequently went to live in Sicily. He spent his final days in seclusion on an estate in Campania which his friend Zethos had bequeathed him. According to the account of Eustochius, who attended him at the end, Plotinus' final words were: "Try to raise the divine in yourselves to the divine in the all." Eustochius records that a snake crept under the bed where Plotinus lay, and slipped away through a hole in the wall; at the same moment the philosopher died.
Plotinus wrote the essays that became the Enneads (from Greek ἐννέα (ennéa), or group of nine) over a period of several years from c. 253 until a few months before his death seventeen years later. Porphyry makes note that the Enneads, before being compiled and arranged by himself, were merely the enormous collection of notes and essays which Plotinus used in his lectures and debates, rather than a formal book. Plotinus was unable to revise his own work due to his poor eyesight, yet his writings required extensive editing, according to Porphyry: his master's handwriting was atrocious, he did not properly separate his words, and he cared little for niceties of spelling. Plotinus intensely disliked the editorial process, and turned the task to Porphyry, who polished and edited them into their modern form.
Major ideas
The One
Plotinus taught that there is a supreme, totally transcendent "One", containing no division, multiplicity, or distinction; beyond all categories of being and non-being. His "One" "cannot be any existing thing", nor is it merely the sum of all things (compare the Stoic doctrine of disbelief in non-material existence), but "is prior to all existents". Plotinus identified his "One" with the concept of 'Good' and the principle of 'Beauty'. (I.6.9)
His "One" concept encompassed thinker and object. Even the self-contemplating intelligence (the noesis of the nous) must contain duality. "Once you have uttered 'The Good,' add no further thought: by any addition, and in proportion to that addition, you introduce a deficiency." (III.8.11) Plotinus denies sentience, self-awareness or any other action (ergon) to the One (τὸ Ἕν, to hen; V.6.6). Rather, if we insist on describing it further, we must call the One a sheer potentiality (dynamis) without which nothing could exist. (III.8.10) As Plotinus explains in both places and elsewhere (e.g. V.6.3), it is impossible for the One to be Being or a self-aware Creator God. At (V.6.4), Plotinus compared the One to "light", the Divine Intellect/Nous (Νοῦς, Nous; first will towards Good) to the "Sun", and lastly the Soul (Ψυχή, Psyche) to the "Moon" whose light is merely a "derivative conglomeration of light from the 'Sun'". The first light could exist without any celestial body.
The One, being beyond all attributes including being and non-being, is the source of the world—but not through any act of creation, since activity cannot be ascribed to the unchangeable, immutable One. Plotinus argues instead that the multiple cannot exist without the simple. The "less perfect" must, of necessity, "emanate", or issue forth, from the "perfect" or "more perfect". Thus, all of "creation" emanates from the One in succeeding stages of lesser and lesser perfection. These stages are not temporally isolated, but occur throughout time as a constant process.
The One is not just an intellectual concept but something that can be experienced, an experience where one goes beyond all multiplicity. Plotinus writes, "We ought not even to say that he will see, but he will be that which he sees, if indeed it is possible any longer to distinguish between seer and seen, and not boldly to affirm that the two are one."
Emanation by the One
Although Plotinus never mentions Christianity in any of his works, he seems to offer an alternative to the orthodox Christian notion of creation ex nihilo (out of nothing), though this is disputed. The metaphysics of emanation (ἀπορροή aporrhoe (ΙΙ.3.2) or ἀπόρροια aporrhoia (II.3.11)) (literally a flowing, ροη, out, απο), similar to the metaphysics of Creation, describes the absolute transcendence of the One or of the Divine, as the source of the Being of all things, but which remains transcendent of them in its own nature. The One is in no way affected or diminished by these emanations, just as the Christian God in no way is augmented or diminished by the act of Creation. Plotinus, using a venerable analogy that would become crucial for the (largely neoplatonic) metaphysics of developed Christian thought, likens the One to the Sun which emanates light indiscriminately without thereby diminishing itself, or reflection in a mirror which in no way diminishes or otherwise alters the object being reflected.
The first emanation is Nous (Divine Mind, Logos, Order, Thought, Reason), identified metaphorically with the Demiurge in Plato's Timaeus. It is the first Will toward Good. From Nous proceeds the World Soul, which Plotinus subdivides into upper and lower, identifying the lower aspect of Soul with nature. From the world soul proceeds individual human souls, and finally, matter, at the lowest level of being and thus the least perfected level of the cosmos. Plotinus asserted the ultimately divine nature of material creation since it ultimately derives from the One, through the mediums of Nous and the world soul. It is by the Good or through beauty that we recognize the One, in material things and then in the Forms. (I.6.6 and I.6.9)
The essentially devotional nature of Plotinus' philosophy may be further illustrated by his concept of attaining ecstatic union with the One (henosis). Porphyry relates that Plotinus attained such a union four times during the years he knew him. This may be related to enlightenment, liberation, and other concepts of mysticism common to many Eastern traditions.
The true human and happiness
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The philosophy of Plotinus has always exerted a peculiar fascination upon those whose discontent with things as they are has led them to seek the realities behind what they took to be merely the appearances of the sense.
Authentic human happiness for Plotinus consists of the true human identifying with that which is the best in the universe. Because happiness is beyond anything physical, Plotinus stresses the point that worldly fortune does not control true human happiness, and thus “… there exists no single human being that does not either potentially or effectively possess this thing we hold to constitute happiness.” (Enneads I.4.4) The issue of happiness is one of Plotinus’ greatest imprints on Western thought, as he is one of the first to introduce the idea that eudaimonia (happiness) is attainable only within consciousness.
The true human is an incorporeal contemplative capacity of the soul, and superior to all things corporeal. It then follows that real human happiness is independent of the physical world. Real happiness is, instead, dependent on the metaphysical and authentic human being found in this highest capacity of Reason. “For man, and especially the Proficient, is not the Couplement of Soul and body: the proof is that man can be disengaged from the body and disdain its nominal goods.” (Enneads I.4.14) The human who has achieved happiness will not be bothered by sickness, discomfort, etc., as his focus is on the greatest things. Authentic human happiness is the utilization of the most authentically human capacity of contemplation. Even in daily, physical action, the flourishing human’s “… Act is determined by the higher phase of the Soul.” (Enneads III.4.6) Even in the most dramatic arguments Plotinus considers (if the Proficient is subject to extreme physical torture, for example), he concludes this only strengthens his claim of true happiness being metaphysical, as the truly happy human being would understand that which is being tortured is merely a body, not the conscious self, and happiness could persist.
Plotinus offers a comprehensive description of his conception of a person who has achieved eudaimonia. “The perfect life” involves a man who commands reason and contemplation. (Enneads I.4.4) A happy person will not sway between happy and sad, as many of Plotinus' contemporaries believed. Stoics, for example, question the ability of someone to be happy (presupposing happiness is contemplation) if they are mentally incapacitated or even asleep. Plotinus disregards this claim, as the soul and true human do not sleep or even exist in time, nor will a living human who has achieved eudaimonia suddenly stop using its greatest, most authentic capacity just because of the body’s discomfort in the physical realm. “… The Proficient’s will is set always and only inward.” (Enneads I.4.11)
Overall, happiness for Plotinus is "... a flight from this world's ways and things." (Theaet. 176) and a focus on the highest, i.e. Forms and the One.
Plotinus regarded happiness as living in an interior way (interiority or self-sufficiency), and this being the obverse of attachment to the objects of embodied desires.
Henosis is the word for mystical "oneness", "union", or "unity" in classical Greek. In Platonism, and especially neoplatonism, the goal of henosis is union with what is fundamental in reality: the One (τὸ Ἕν), the Source, or Monad.
As is specified in the writings of Plotinus on henology, one can reach a state of tabula rasa, blank state where the individual may grasp or merge with The One. This absolute simplicity means that the nous or the person is then dissolved, completely absorbed back into the Monad. Here within the Enneads of Plotinus the Monad can be referred to as the Good above the demiurge. The Monad or dunamis (force) is of one singular expression (the will or the one which is the good); all is contained in the Monad and the Monad is all (pantheism). All division is reconciled in the one; the final stage before reaching singularity, called duality (dyad), is completely reconciled in the Monad, Source or One (see monism). As the one source or substance of all things, the Monad is all encompassing. As infinite and indeterminate all is reconciled in the dunamis or one. It is the demiurge or second emanation that is the nous in Plotinus. It is the demiurge (creator, action, energy) or nous that "perceives" and therefore causes the force (potential or One) to manifest as energy, or the dyad called the material world. Nous as being; being and perception (intellect) manifest what is called soul (World Soul).
Henosis for Plotinus was defined in his works as a reversing of the ontological process of consciousness via meditation (in the Western mind to uncontemplate) toward no thought (Nous or demiurge) and no division (dyad) within the individual (being). Plotinus words his teachings to reconcile not only Plato with Aristotle but also various World religions that he had personal contact with during his various travels. Plotinus' works have an ascetic character in that they reject matter as an illusion (non-existent). Matter was strictly treated as immanent, with matter as essential to its being, having no true or transcendential character or essence, substance or ousia (οὐσία). This approach is called philosophical Idealism.
Relation with contemporary philosophy and religion
Plotinus's Relation to Plato
For several centuries after the Protestant Reformation, neoplatonism was condemned as a decadent and 'oriental' distortion of Platonism. In a 1929 essay, E. R. Dodds showed that key conceptions of neoplatonism could be traced from their origin in Plato's dialogues, through his immediate followers (e.g., Speusippus) and the neopythagoreans, to Plotinus and the neoplatonists. Thus Plotinus' philosophy was, he argued, 'not the starting-point of neoplatonism but its intellectual culmination.' Further research reinforced this view and by 1954 Merlan could say 'The present tendency is toward bridging rather than widening the gap separating Platonism from neoplatonism.'
Since the 1950s, the Tübingen School of Plato interpretation has argued that the so-called 'unwritten doctrines' of Plato debated by Aristotle and the Old Academy strongly resemble Plotinus's metaphysics. In this case, the neoplatonic reading of Plato would be, at least in this central area, historically justified. This implies that neoplatonism is less of an innovation than it appears without the recognition of Plato's unwritten doctrines. Advocates of the Tübingen School emphasize this advantage of their interpretation. They see Plotinus as advancing a tradition of thought begun by Plato himself. Plotinus's metaphysics, at least in broad outline, was therefore already familiar to the first generation of Plato's students. This confirms Plotinus' own view, for he considered himself not the inventor of a system but the faithful interpreter of Plato's doctrines.
Plotinus and the Gnostics
This section possibly contains original research.(April 2020) |
At least two modern conferences within Hellenic philosophy fields of study have been held in order to address what Plotinus stated in his tract Against the Gnostics and to whom he was addressing it, in order to separate and clarify the events and persons involved in the origin of the term "Gnostic". From the dialogue, it appears that the word had an origin in the Platonic and Hellenistic tradition long before the group calling themselves "Gnostics"—or the group covered under the modern term "Gnosticism"—ever appeared. It would seem that this shift from Platonic to Gnostic usage has led many people to confusion. The strategy of sectarians taking Greek terms from philosophical contexts and re-applying them to religious contexts was popular in Christianity, the Cult of Isis and other ancient religious contexts including Hermetic ones (see Alexander of Abonutichus for an example).
According to A. H. Armstrong, Plotinus and the neoplatonists viewed Gnosticism[clarification needed] as a form of heresy or sectarianism to the Pythagorean and Platonic philosophy of the Mediterranean and Middle East. Also according to Armstrong, Plotinus accused them of using senseless jargon and being overly dramatic and insolent in their distortion of Plato's ontology." Armstrong argues that Plotinus attacks his opponents as untraditional, irrational and immoral and arrogant. Armstrong believed that Plotinus also attacks them as elitist and blasphemous to Plato for the Gnostics despising the material world and its maker.
For decades, Armstrong's was the only translation available of Plotinus. For this reason, his claims were authoritative. However, a modern translation by Lloyd P. Gerson doesn't necessarily support all of Armstrong's views. Unlike Armstrong, Gerson didn't find Plotinus to be so vitriolic against the Gnostics. According to Gerson:
As Plotinus himself tells us, at the time of this treatise’s composition some of his friends were ‘attached’ to Gnostic doctrine, and he believed that this attachment was harmful. So he sets out here a number of objections and corrections. Some of these are directed at very specific tenets of Gnosticism, e.g. the introduction of a ‘new earth’ or a principle of ‘Wisdom’, but the general thrust of this treatise has a much broader scope. The Gnostics are very critical of the sensible universe and its contents, and as a Platonist, Plotinus must share this critical attitude to some extent. But here he makes his case that the proper understanding of the highest principles and emanation forces us to respect the sensible world as the best possible imitation of the intelligible world.
Plotinus seems to direct his attacks at a very specific sect of Gnostics, most notably a sect of Gnostics that held anti-polytheistic and anti-daemon views, and that preached salvation was possible without struggle. At one point, Plotinus makes clear that his major grudge is the way Gnostics 'misused' Plato's teachings, and not their own teachings themselves:
There are no hard feelings if they tell us in which respects they intend to disagree with Plato [...] Rather, whatever strikes them as their own distinct views in comparison with the Greeks’, these views – as well as the views that contradict them – should be forthrightly set out on their own in a considerate and philosophical manner.
The neoplatonic movement (though Plotinus would have simply referred to himself as a philosopher of Plato) seems to be motivated by the desire of Plotinus to revive the pagan philosophical tradition. Plotinus was not claiming to innovate with the Enneads, but to clarify aspects of the works of Plato that he considered misrepresented or misunderstood. Plotinus does not claim to be an innovator, but rather a communicator of a tradition. Plotinus referred to tradition as a way to interpret Plato's intentions. Because the teachings of Plato were for members of the academy rather than the general public, it was easy for outsiders to misunderstand Plato's meaning. However, Plotinus attempted to clarify how the philosophers of the academy had not arrived at the same conclusions (such as misotheism or dystheism of the creator God as an answer to the problem of evil) as the targets of his criticism.
Against causal astrology
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Plotinus seems to be one of the first to have argued against the then popular notion of causal astrology. In the late tractate 2.3, "Are the stars causes?", Plotinus makes the argument that specific stars influencing one's fortune (a common Hellenistic theme) attributes irrationality to a perfect universe, and invites moral depravity. He does, however, claim the stars and planets are ensouled, as witnessed by their movement.
Film studies
Plotinian concepts have been discussed in a cinematic context and relate Plotinus' theory of time as a transitory intelligible movement of the soul to Bergson’s and Deleuze’s time-image.
Ancient world
The emperor Julian the Apostate was deeply influenced by neoplatonism, as was Hypatia of Alexandria. Neoplatonism influenced many Christians as well, including Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite.St. Augustine, though often referred to as a "Platonist", acquired his Platonist philosophy through the mediation of the Neoplatonist teachings of Plotinus.
Plotinus' philosophy had an influence on the development of Christian theology. In A History of Western Philosophy, philosopher Bertrand Russell wrote that:
To the Christian, the Other World was the Kingdom of Heaven, to be enjoyed after death; to the Platonist, it was the eternal world of ideas, the real world as opposed to that of illusory appearance. Christian theologians combined these points of view, and embodied much of the philosophy of Plotinus. [...] Plotinus, accordingly, is historically important as an influence in moulding the Christianity of the Middle Ages and of theology.
The Eastern Orthodox position on energy, for example, is often contrasted with the position of the Roman Catholic Church, and in part this is attributed to varying interpretations of Aristotle and Plotinus, either through Thomas Aquinas for the Roman Catholics or Gregory Palamas for the Orthodox Christians.[citation needed]
Neoplatonism and the ideas of Plotinus influenced medieval Islam as well, since the Mutazilite Abbasids fused Greek concepts into sponsored state texts, and found great influence amongst the Ismaili Shia and Persian philosophers as well, such as Muhammad al-Nasafi and Abu Yaqub Sijistani. By the 11th century, neoplatonism was adopted by the Fatimid state of Egypt, and taught by their da'i. Neoplatonism was brought to the Fatimid court by Hamid al-Din al-Kirmani, although his teachings differed from Nasafi and Sijistani, who were more aligned with the original teachings of Plotinus. The teachings of Kirmani in turn influenced philosophers such as Nasir Khusraw of Persia.
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As with Islam and Christianity, neoplatonism in general and Plotinus in particular influenced speculative thought. Notable thinkers expressing neoplatonist themes are Solomon ibn Gabirol (Latin: Avicebron) and Moses ben Maimon (Latin: Maimonides). As with Islam and Christianity, apophatic theology and the privative nature of evil are two prominent themes that such thinkers picked up from either Plotinus or his successors.
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In the Renaissance the philosopher Marsilio Ficino set up an Academy under the patronage of Cosimo de Medici in Florence, mirroring that of Plato. His work was of great importance in reconciling the philosophy of Plato directly with Christianity. One of his most distinguished pupils was Pico della Mirandola, author of An Oration on the Dignity of Man.
Great Britain
In Great Britain, Plotinus was the cardinal influence on the 17th-century school of the Cambridge Platonists, and on numerous writers from Samuel Taylor Coleridge to W. B. Yeats and Kathleen Raine.
Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan and Ananda Coomaraswamy used the writing of Plotinus in their own texts as a superlative elaboration upon Indian monism, specifically Upanishadic and Advaita Vedantic thought.[citation needed] Coomaraswamy has compared Plotinus' teachings to the Hindu school of Advaita Vedanta (advaita meaning "not two" or "non-dual"). M. Vasudevacharya says, "Though Plotinus never managed to reach India, his method shows an affinity to the 'method of negation' as taught in some of the Upanishads, such as the Brhadaranyaka Upanishad, and also to the practice of yoga."
Advaita Vedanta and neoplatonism have been compared by J. F. Staal,Frederick Copleston, Aldo Magris and Mario Piantelli, Radhakrishnan, Gwen Griffith-Dickson, and John Y. Fenton.
The joint influence of Advaitin and neoplatonic ideas on Ralph Waldo Emerson was considered by Dale Riepe in 1967.
See also
- Antiochus of Ascalon
- Disciples of Plotinus
- Ecstasy in philosophy
- Emanationism
- Form of the Good
- Allegorical interpretations of Plato
- The One in Neoplatonism
- Pantaenus
- Platonic Academy
- Plato's unwritten doctrines
- Plutarch of Chaeronea
- The Theology of Aristotle
- Thomas Taylor
- Plotinus:
* "Our thought cannot grasp the One as long as any other image remains active in the soul. To this end, you must set free your soul from all outward things and turn wholly within yourself, with no more leaning to what lies outside, and lay your mind bare of ideal forms, as before of the objects of sense, and forget even yourself, and so come within sight of that One. (6.9.7)
* "If he remembers who he became when he merged with the One, he will bear its image in himself. He was himself one, with no diversity in himself or his outward relations; for no movement was in him, no passion, no desire for another, once the ascent was accomplished. Nor indeed was there any reason or though, nor, if we dare say it, any trace of himself." (6.9.11) - From Introduction to Against the Gnostics in Plotinus' Enneads as translated by A. H. Armstrong, pp. 220–222:
The treatise as it stands in the Enneads is a most powerful protest on behalf of Hellenic philosophy against the un-Hellenic heresy (as it was from the Platonist as well as the orthodox Christian point of view) of Gnosticism. There were Gnostics among Plotinus's own friends, whom he had not succeeded in converting (Enneads ch.10 of this treatise) and he and his pupils devoted considerable time and energy to anti-Gnostic controversy (Life of Plotinus ch.16). He obviously considered Gnosticism an extremely dangerous influence, likely to pervert the minds even of members of his own circle. It is impossible to attempt to give an account of Gnosticism here. By far the best discussion of what the particular group of Gnostics Plotinus knew believed is M. Puech's admirable contribution to Entretiens Hardt V (Les Sourcesde Plotin). But it is important for the understanding of this treatise to be clear about the reasons why Plotinus disliked them so intensely and thought their influence so harmful. - From Introduction to Against the Gnostics in Plotinus' Enneads as translated by A. H. Armstrong, pp. 220–222:
Short statement of the doctrine of the three hypostasis, the One, Intellect and Soul; there cannot be more or fewer than these three.
1. Criticism of the attempts to multiply the hypostasis, and especially of the idea of two intellects, one which thinks and that other which thinks that it thinks. (Against the Gnostics, Enneads ch. 1). The true doctrine of Soul (ch. 2).
2. The law of necessary procession and the eternity of the universe (ch. 3).
– Attack on the Gnostic doctrine of the making of the universe by a fallen soul, and on their despising of the universe and the heavenly bodies (chs. 4–5).
– The sense-less jargon of the Gnostics, their plagiarism from and perversion of Plato, and their insolent arrogance (ch. 6).
3. The true doctrine about Universal Soul and the goodness of the universe which it forms and rules (chs. 7–8).
4. Refutation of objections from the inequalities and injustices of human life (ch. 9).
5. Ridiculous arrogance of the Gnostics who refuse to acknowledge the hierarchy of created gods and spirits and say that they alone are sons of God and superior to the heavens (ch. 9).
6. The absurdities of the Gnostic doctrine of the fall of "Wisdom" (Sophia) and of the generation and activities of the Demiurge, maker of the visible universe (chs. 10–12).
7. False and melodramatic Gnostic teaching about the cosmic spheres and their influence (ch. 13).
8. The blasphemous falsity of the Gnostic claim to control the higher powers by magic and the absurdity of their claim to cure diseases by casting out demons (ch. 14).
9. The false other-worldliness of the Gnostics leads to immorality (ch. 15).
10. The true Platonic other-worldliness, which loves and venerates the material universe in all its goodness and beauty as the most perfect possible image of the intelligible, contracted at length with the false, Gnostic, other-worldliness which hates and despises the material universe and its beauties (chs. 16–18).
A. H. Armstrong, Introduction to Against the Gnostics in Plotinus' Enneads, pages 220–222 - From Introduction to Against the Gnostics in Plotinus' Enneads as translated by A. H. Armstrong, pp. 220–222:
The teaching of the Gnostics seems to him untraditional, irrational and immoral. They despise and revile the ancient Platonic teaching and claim to have a new and superior wisdom of their own: but in fact anything that is true in their teaching comes from Plato, and all they have done themselves is to add senseless complications and pervert the true traditional doctrine into a melodramatic, superstitious fantasy designed to feed their own delusions of grandeur. They reject the only true way of salvation through wisdom and virtue, the slow patient study of truth and pursuit of perfection by men who respect the wisdom of the ancients and that know their place in the universe. Pages 220–222 - Introduction to Against the Gnostics in Plotinus' Enneads as translated by A. H. Armstrong, pp. 220–222:
9. The false other-worldliness of the Gnostics leads to immorality (Enneads ch. 15). - Introduction to Against the Gnostics in Plotinus' Enneads as translated by A. H. Armstrong, pp. 220–222:
Ridiculous arrogance of the Gnostics who refuse to acknowledge the hierarchy of created gods and spirits and say that they alone are sons of God and superior to the heavens (Enneads ch. 9) - They claim to be a privileged caste of beings, in whom alone God is interested, and who are saved not by their own efforts but by some dramatic and arbitrary divine proceeding; and this, Plotinus says, leads to immorality. Worst of all, they despise and hate the material universe and deny its goodness and the goodness of its maker. This for a Platonist is utter blasphemy, and all the worse because it obviously derives to some extent from the sharply other-worldly side of Plato's own teaching (e.g. in the Phaedo). At this point in his attack Plotinus comes very close in some ways to the orthodox Christian opponents of Gnosticism, who also insist that this world is the good work of God in his goodness. But, here as on the question of salvation, the doctrine which Plotinus is defending is as sharply opposed on other ways to orthodox Christianity as to Gnosticism: for he maintains not only the goodness of the material universe but also its eternity and its divinity. The idea that the universe could have a beginning and end is inseparably connected in his mind with the idea that the divine action in making it is arbitrary and irrational. And to deny the divinity (though a subordinate and dependent divinity) of the World-Soul, and of those noblest of embodied living beings the heavenly bodies, seems to him both blasphemous and unreasonable. Pages 220–222
- "... as Plotinus had endeavored to revive the religious spirit of paganism".
- Gerson, Lloyd P. (2017). "Plotinus and Platonism". In Tarrant, Harold; Renaud, François; Baltzly, Dirk; Layne, Danielle A. (eds.). Brill's Companion to the Reception of Plato in Antiquity. Brill's Companions to Classical Reception. Vol. 13. Leiden and Boston: Brill Publishers. pp. 316–335. doi:10.1163/9789004355385_018. ISBN 978-90-04-27069-5. ISSN 2213-1426.
- Armstrong, A. Hilary; Duignan, Brian; Lotha, Gloria; Rodriguez, Emily (1 January 2021) [20 July 1998]. "Plotinus". Encyclopædia Britannica. Edinburgh: Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. Archived from the original on 17 April 2021. Retrieved 5 August 2021.
Plotinus (born 205, Lyco, or Lycopolis, Egypt?—died 270, Campania), ancient philosopher, the centre of an influential circle of intellectuals and men of letters in 3rd-century Rome, who is regarded by modern scholars as the founder of the neoplatonic school of philosophy. [...] In his 28th year—he seems to have been rather a late developer—Plotinus felt an impulse to study philosophy and thus went to Alexandria. He attended the lectures of the most eminent professors in Alexandria at the time, which reduced him to a state of complete depression. In the end, a friend who understood what he wanted took him to hear the self-taught philosopher Ammonius Saccas. When he had heard Ammonius speak, Plotinus said, "This is the man I was looking for," and stayed with him for 11 years. [...] At the end of his time with Ammonius, Plotinus joined the expedition of the Roman emperor Gordian III against Persia (242–243), with the intention of trying to learn something at first hand about the philosophies of the Persians and Indians. The expedition came to a disastrous end in Mesopotamia, however, when Gordian was murdered by the soldiers and Philip the Arabian was proclaimed emperor. Plotinus escaped with difficulty and made his way back to Antioch. From there he went to Rome, where he settled at the age of 40. [...] Plotinus's own thought shows some striking similarities to Indian philosophy, but he never actually made contact with Eastern sages because of the failure of the expedition. Though direct or indirect contact with Indians educated in their own religious-philosophical traditions may not have been impossible in 3rd-century Alexandria, the resemblances of the philosophy of Plotinus to Indian thought were more likely a natural development of the Greek tradition that he inherited.
- Gerson, Lloyd P. (Fall 2018). "Plotinus". In Zalta, Edward N. (ed.). Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford University. ISSN 1095-5054. OCLC 643092515. Archived from the original on 26 November 2018. Retrieved 5 August 2021.
Plotinus (204/5 – 270), is generally regarded as the founder of neoplatonism. He is one of the most influential philosophers in antiquity after Plato and Aristotle. The term 'neoplatonism' is an invention of early 19th century European scholarship and indicates the penchant of historians for dividing 'periods' in history. In this case, the term was intended to indicate that Plotinus initiated a new phase in the development of the Platonic tradition. What this 'newness' amounted to, if anything, is controversial, largely because one's assessment of it depends upon one's assessment of what Platonism is. In fact, Plotinus (like all his successors) regarded himself simply as a Platonist, that is, as an expositor and defender of the philosophical position whose greatest exponent was Plato himself. [...] The three basic principles of Plotinus' metaphysics are called by him 'the One' (or, equivalently, 'the Good'), Intellect, and Soul. These principles are both ultimate ontological realities and explanatory principles. Plotinus believed that they were recognized by Plato as such, as well as by the entire subsequent Platonic tradition. [...] Porphyry informs us that during the first ten years of his time in Rome, Plotinus lectured exclusively on the philosophy of Ammonius. During this time he also wrote nothing. Porphyry tells us that when he himself arrived in Rome in 263, the first 21 of Plotinus' treatises had already been written. The remainder of the 54 treatises constituting his Enneads were written in the last seven or eight years of his life.
- Siorvanes, Lucas (2018). "Plotinus and Neoplatonism: The Creation of a New Synthesis". In Keyser, Paul T.; Scarborough, John (eds.). Oxford Handbook of Science and Medicine in the Classical World. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 847–868. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199734146.013.78. ISBN 9780199734146. LCCN 2017049555.
- Halfwassen, Jens (2014). "The Metaphysics of the One". In Remes, Pauliina; Slaveva-Griffin, Svetla (eds.). The Routledge Handbook of Neoplatonism. Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy. Abingdon, Oxfordshire and New York: Routledge. pp. 182–199. ISBN 9781138573963.
- "Who was Plotinus?". Australian Broadcasting Corporation. 2011-06-07.
- Bilolo, M.: La notion de « l’Un » dans les Ennéades de Plotin et dans les Hymnes thébains. Contribution à l’étude des sources égyptiennes du néo-platonisme. In: D. Kessler, R. Schulz (Eds.), "Gedenkschrift für Winfried Barta ḥtp dj n ḥzj" (Münchner Ägyptologische Untersuchungen, Bd. 4), Frankfurt; Berlin; Bern; New York; Paris; Wien: Peter Lang, 1995, pp. 67–91.
- Gerson, Lloyd P. (1999). Plotinus. Taylor & Francis. pp. XII (12). ISBN 978-0-415-20352-4.
- Rist, John M.; Rist (1967). Plotinus: Road to Reality. CUP Archive. p. 4. ISBN 978-0-521-06085-1.
- "Plotinus." The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Columbia University Press, 2003.
- Armstrong, A.H. (20 July 1998). "Plotinus". Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved 2023-01-22.
- "The Enneads of Plotinus: Porphyry: On the Life of Plotinus and the Arrangement of his Work". www.sacred-texts.com. Retrieved 2022-10-30.
- McGroarty, Kieran (2001) The Ethics of Plotinus. In: Eklogai: Studies in Honour of Thomas Finan and Gerard Watson. Department of Ancient Classics, National University of Ireland Maynooth, p. 20. ISBN 0901519340 "His [Plotinus'] language was certainly Greek."
- Castel, Toni Leigh. (2014) "The Plotinian first hypostasis and the Trinity: points of convergence and of divergence in Augustine's De doctrina Christiana liber primus." (thesis). University of Johannesburg. p. 15 "Plotinus' name may be Roman but his native tongue was certainly Greek"
- Leete, Helen, 1938– (23 December 2016). Beauty and the mystic : Plotinus and Hawkins. Epping, N.S.W. ISBN 9780987524836. OCLC 967937243.
{{cite book}}
: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link) CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link) - Stamatellos, Giannis (2007). "Matter and Soul". Plotinus and the Presocratics: A Philosophical Study of Presocratic Influences on Plotinus' Enneads. Albany, New York: State University of New York Press. pp. 161–172. ISBN 978-0-7914-7061-9. LCCN 2006017562.
- Porphyry, On the Life of Plotinus and the Order of His Books, Ch. 3 (in Armstrong's Loeb translation, "he became eager to make acquaintance with the Persian philosophical discipline and that prevailing among the Indians").
- Porphyry, Vita Plotini, 9. See also Emma C. Clarke, John M. Dillon, and Jackson P. Hershbell (1999), Iamblichus on The Mysteries, page xix. SBL. who say that "to gain some credible chronology, one assumes that Ariston married Amphicleia some time after Plotinus's death"
- Mark Edwards, Neoplatonic Saints: The Lives of Plotinus and Proclus by Their Students, Liverpool University Press, 2000, p. 4 n. 20.
- Stace, W. T. (1960) The Teachings of the Mystics, New York, Signet, pp. 110–123
- Stace, W. T. (1960) The Teachings of the Mystics, New York, Signet, p. 122
- Plotinus (204—270)
- Lander, Janis (2013). Spiritual Art and Art Education. Routledge. p. 76. ISBN 9781134667895.
- Plotinus (1950). The philosophy of Plotinus: representative books from the Enneads. Appleton-Century-Crofts. p. vii. Retrieved 1 February 2012.
- "Plotinus". The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University. 2018.
- Stamatellos, Giannis. Plotinus and the Presocratics: A Philosophical Study of Presocratic Influences in Plotinus' Enneads. SUNY Series in Ancient Greek Philosophy. SUNY Press, 2007, p. 37 ISBN 0791470628
- Neoplatonism and Gnosticism by Richard T. Wallis, Jay Bregman, International Society for Neoplatonic Studies, p. 55
- Richard T. Wallis; Jay Bregman (1992). "Pleroma and Noetic Cosmos: A Comparative Study". Neoplatonism and Gnosticism. SUNY Press. p. 99. ISBN 978-0-7914-1337-1.
- Schopenhauer wrote of this neoplatonist philosopher: "With Plotinus there even appears, probably for the first time in Western philosophy, idealism that had long been current in the East even at that time, for it taught (Enneads, iii, lib. vii, c.10) that the soul has made the world by stepping from eternity into time, with the explanation: 'For there is for this universe no other place than the soul or mind' (neque est alter hujus universi locus quam anima), indeed the ideality of time is expressed in the words: 'We should not accept time outside the soul or mind' (oportet autem nequaquam extra animam tempus accipere)." (Parerga and Paralipomena, Volume I, "Fragments for the History of Philosophy," § 7)
- E. R. Dodds, 'The Parmenides of Plato and the Origin of the neoplatonic One,' The Classical Quarterly, v. 22, No. 3/4, 1928, pp. 129–142, esp. 140.
- Philip Merlan, From Platonism to Neoplatonism (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1954, 1968), p. 3.
- Detlef Thiel: Die Philosophie des Xenokrates im Kontext der Alten Akademie, München 2006, pp. 197ff. and note 64; Jens Halfwassen: Der Aufstieg zum Einen.
- Plotinus: The Enneads. Cambridge University Press. 2017. ISBN 9781107001770.
- A Biographical History of Philosophy, by George Henry Lewes Published 1892, G. Routledge & Sons, LTD, p. 294
- Pseudo-Dionysius in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- Sheppard, Anne; Dillon, John (2024-07-18). "Badness, Plotinus on Evil". Review of Ecumenical Studies. 16 (1): 114–120. doi:10.2478/ress-2024-0008.
- Botz-Bornstein, Thorsten; Stamatellos, Giannis (2017). Plotinus and the Moving Image. Brill. ISBN 978-90-04-35716-7.
- Dingeldein, Laura B. (2016). "Julian's Philosophy and His Religious Program". In DesRosiers, Nathaniel P.; Vuong, Lily C. (eds.). Religious Competition in the Greco-Roman World. Atlanta: SBL Press. pp. 119–129. ISBN 978-0884141587.
- Michael A. B. Deakin (2018-02-22). "Hypatia". Encyclopædia Britannica. Archived from the original on 2018-03-26.
- W. R. Inge (April 1900). "The Permanent Influence of Neoplatonism upon Christianity". The American Journal of Theology. 4 (2): 328–344. doi:10.1086/477376. JSTOR 3153114.
- Rhodes, Michael Craig (2014). "Pseudo-Dionysius' concept of God". International Journal of Philosophy and Theology. 75 (4): 306–318. doi:10.1080/21692327.2015.1011683. S2CID 170105090.
- Mendelson, Michael (2016). "Saint Augustine". In Edward N. Zalta (ed.). The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2016 ed.). Stanford: Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University.
- Gersh, Stephen (2012). "The First Principles of Latin Neoplatonism: Augustine, Macrobius, Boethius". Vivarium. 50 (2): 113–117, 120–125, 130–132, 134–138. doi:10.1163/15685349-12341236. JSTOR 41963885.
- "A History of Western Philosophy." Bertrand Russell. Simon & Schuster, INC. 1945. pp. 284–285
- Heinz Halm, Shi'ism, Columbia University Press, 2004, p. 176.
- Heinz Halm, Shi'ism, Columbia University Press, 2004, p. 177.
- Michaud, Derek (2017). Reason Turned into Sense: John Smith on Spiritual Sensation. Peeters. pp. 102–105, 114, 115, 129, 137, 146, 153, 154, 155, 172, 174, 175, 177–178, 180, 181, 181, 184, 185, 188, 195.
- "W. B. Yeats and "A Vision": Plotinus and the Principles".
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge (2019). The Notebooks of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Volume 4: 1819–1826: Notes. Princeton University Press. p. 453. ISBN 978-0-691-65599-4.
- Anna Baldwin; Sarah Hutton; Senior Lecturer School of Humanities Sarah Hutton (24 March 1994). Platonism and the English Imagination. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-40308-5.
- Swami-krishnananda.org
- Vasudevacharya, M. (2017). The Maker and the Material. Milton Keynes, UK. p. 84. ISBN 978-1-925666-82-3.
- J. F. Staal (1961), Advaita and Neoplatonism: A critical study in comparative philosophy, Madras: University of Madras
- Frederick Charles Copleston. "Religion and the One 1979–1981". Giffordlectures.org. Archived from the original on 2010-04-09. Retrieved 2010-01-08.
- Special section "Fra Oriente e Occidente" in Annuario filosofico No. 6 (1990), including the articles "Plotino e l'India" by Aldo Magris and "L'India e Plotino" by Mario Piantelli
- Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan (ed.)(1952), History of Philosophy Eastern and Western, Vol.2. London: George Allen & Unwin. p. 114
- "Creator (or not?)". Gresham.ac.uk. Archived from the original on 2009-02-14. Retrieved 2010-01-08.
- John Y. Fenton (1981), "Mystical Experience as a Bridge for Cross-Cultural Philosophy of Religion: A Critique", Journal of the American Academy of Religion, p. 55
- Dale Riepe (1967), "Emerson and Indian Philosophy", Journal of the History of Ideas 28(1):115 (1967)
- Critical editions of the Greek text
- Émile Bréhier, Plotin: Ennéades (with French translation), Collection Budé, 1924–1938.
- Paul Henry and Hans-Rudolf Schwyzer (eds.), Editio maior (3 volumes), Paris, Desclée de Brouwer, 1951–1973.
- Paul Henry and Hans-Rudolf Schwyzer (eds.), Editio minor, Oxford, Oxford Classical Text, 1964–1982.
- Complete English translation
- Thomas Taylor, Collected Writings of Plotinus, Frome, Prometheus Trust, 1994. ISBN 1-898910-02-2 (contains approximately half of the Enneads)
- Plotinus. The Enneads (translated by Stephen MacKenna), London, Medici Society, 1917–1930 (an online version is available at Sacred Texts); 2nd edition, B. S. Page (ed.), 1956.
- A. H. Armstrong, Plotinus. Enneads (with Greek text), Loeb Classical Library, 7 vol., 1966–1988.
- Lloyd P. Gerson (ed.), George Boys-Stones, John M. Dillon, Lloyd P. Gerson, R.A. King, Andrew Smith and James Wilberding (trs.). The Enneads. Cambridge University Press, 2018.
- Lexica
- J. H. Sleeman and G. Pollet, Lexicon Plotinianum, Leiden, 1980.
- Roberto Radice (ed.), Lexicon II: Plotinus, Milan, Biblia, 2004. (Electronic edition by Roberto Bombacigno)
- The Life of Plotinus by Porphyry
- Porphyry, "On the Life of Plotinus and the Arrangement of his Works" in Mark Edwards (ed.), Neoplatonic Saints: The Lives of Plotinus and Proclus by their Students, Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, 2000.
- Anthologies of texts in translation, with annotations
- Kevin Corrigan, Reading Plotinus: A Practical Introduction to Neoplatonism, West Lafayette, Purdue University Press, 2005.
- John M. Dillon and Lloyd P. Gerson, Neoplatonic Philosophy: Introductory Readings, Hackett, 2004.
- Long, Anthony A., ed. (2022). Ennead II.4: On matter. Las Vegas: Parmenides Publishing. ISBN 9781733535762.
- Introductory works
- Erik Emilsson, Plotinus, New York: Routledge, 2017.
- Kevin Corrigan, Reading Plotinus. A Practical Introduction to Neoplatonism, Purdue University Press, 1995.
- Lloyd P. Gerson, Plotinus, New York, Routledge, 1994.
- Lloyd P. Gerson (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Plotinus, Cambridge, 1996.
- Dominic J. O'Meara, Plotinus. An Introduction to the Enneads, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1993. (Reprinted 2005)
- John M. Rist, Plotinus. The Road to Reality, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1967.
- Major commentaries in English
- Cinzia Arruzza, Plotinus: Ennead II.5, On What Is Potentially and What Actually, The Enneads of Plotinus Series edited by John M. Dillon and Andrew Smith, Parmenides Publishing, 2015, ISBN 978-1-930972-63-6
- Michael Atkinson, Plotinus: Ennead V.1, On the Three Principal Hypostases, Oxford, 1983.
- Kevin Corrigan, Plotinus' Theory of Matter-Evil: Plato, Aristotle, and Alexander of Aphrodisias (II.4, II.5, III.6, I.8), Leiden, 1996.
- John N. Deck, Nature, Contemplation and the One: A Study in the Philosophy of Plotinus, University of Toronto Press, 1967; Paul Brunton Philosophical Foundation, 1991.
- John M. Dillon, H.J. Blumenthal, Plotinus: Ennead IV.3–4.29, "Problems Concerning the Soul", The Enneads of Plotinus Series edited by John M. Dillon and Andrew Smith, Parmenides Publishing, 2015, ISBN 978-1-930972-89-6
- Eyjólfur K. Emilsson, Steven K. Strange, Plotinus: Ennead VI.4 & VI.5: On the Presence of Being, One and the Same, Everywhere as a Whole, The Enneads of Plotinus Series edited by John M. Dillon and Andrew Smith, Parmenides Publishing, 2015, ISBN 978-1-930972-34-6
- Barrie Fleet, Plotinus: Ennead III.6, On the Impassivity of the Bodiless, Oxford, 1995.
- Barrie Fleet, Plotinus: Ennead IV.8, On the Descent of the Soul into Bodies, The Enneads of Plotinus Series edited by John M. Dillon and Andrew Smith, Parmenides Publishing, 2012. ISBN 978-1-930972-77-3
- Lloyd P. Gerson, Plotinus: Ennead V.5, That the Intelligibles are not External to the Intellect, and on the Good, The Enneads of Plotinus Series edited by John M. Dillon and Andrew Smith, Parmenides Publishing, 2013, ISBN 978-1-930972-85-8
- Sebastian R. P. Gertz, Plotinus: Ennead II.9, Against the Gnostics, The Enneads of Plotinus Series edited by John M. Dillon and Andrew Smith, Parmenides Publishing, 2017, ISBN 978-1-930972-37-7
- Gary M. Gurtler, SJ, Plotinus: Ennead IV.4.30–45 & IV.5, "Problems Concerning the Soul", The Enneads of Plotinus Series edited by John M. Dillon and Andrew Smith, Parmenides Publishing, 2015, ISBN 978-1-930972-69-8
- W. Helleman-Elgersma, Soul-Sisters. A Commentary on Enneads IV, 3 (27), 1–8 of Plotinus, Amsterdam, 1980.
- James Luchte, Early Greek Thought: Before the Dawn. London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2011. ISBN 978-0567353313.
- Kieran McGroarty, Plotinus on Eudaimonia: A Commentary on Ennead I.4, Oxford, 2006.
- P. A. Meijer, Plotinus on the Good or the One (VI.9), Amsterdam, 1992.
- H. Oosthout, Modes of Knowledge and the Transcendental: An Introduction to Plotinus Ennead V.3, Amsterdam, 1991.
- J. Wilberding, Plotinus' Cosmology. A study of Ennead II. 1 (40), Oxford, 2006.
- A. M. Wolters, Plotinus on Eros: A Detailed Exegetical Study of Enneads III, 5, Amsterdam, 1972.
- General works on Neoplatonism
- Robert M. Berchman, From Philo to Origen: Middle Platonism in Transition, Chico, Scholars Press, 1984.
- Frederick Copleston, A History of Philosophy: Vol. 1, Part 2. ISBN 0-385-00210-6
- Hartmann, Udo (2018). Der spätantike Philosoph. Die Lebenswelten der paganen Gelehrten und ihre hagiographische Ausgestaltung in den Philosophenviten von Porphyrios bis Damaskios (in German). 3 volumes. Bonn: Habelt, ISBN 978-3-7749-4172-4
- P. Merlan, "Greek Philosophy from Plato to Plotinus" in A. H. Armstrong (ed.), The Cambridge History of Later Greek and Early Medieval Philosophy, Cambridge, 1967. ISBN 0-521-04054-X
- Pauliina Remes, Neoplatonism (Ancient Philosophies), University of California Press, 2008.
- Thomas Taylor, The fragments that remain of the lost writings of Proclus, surnamed the Platonic successor, London, 1825. (Selene Books reprint edition, 1987. ISBN 0-933601-11-5)
- Richard T. Wallis, Neoplatonism and Gnosticism, University of Oklahoma, 1984. ISBN 0-7914-1337-3 and ISBN 0-7914-1338-1
- Studies on some aspects of Plotinus' work
- R. B. Harris (ed.), Neoplatonism and Indian Thought, Albany, 1982.
- Girard, Charles (2023). L'homme sans dualité: la question du sujet le « nous » chez Plotin. Paris: Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin. ISBN 9782711630684.
- Giannis Stamatellos, Plotinus and the Presocratics. A Philosophical Study of Presocratic Influences in Plotinus' Enneads, Albany, 2008.
- N. Joseph Torchia, Plotinus, Tolma, and the Descent of Being, New York, Peter Lang, 1993. ISBN 0-8204-1768-8
- Antonia Tripolitis, The Doctrine of the Soul in the thought of Plotinus and Origen, Libra Publishers, 1978.
- M. F. Wagner (ed.), Neoplatonism and Nature. Studies in Plotinus' Enneads, Albany, 2002.
External links
- Works by Plotinus at Project Gutenberg
- Works by or about Plotinus at the Internet Archive
- Works by Plotinus at LibriVox (public domain audiobooks)
- Direct links to each Tractate of the Enneads in English, Greek and French.
- Text of the Enneads
- Greek original (page scans of Adolf Kirchhoff's 1856 Teubner edition) with English (complete) and French (partial) translations;
- Online English translations
- Plotinus, The Six Enneads, translated by Stephen MacKenna (with B. S. Page), at Sacred Texts.
- The Internet Classics Archive of MIT The Six Enneads, translated into English by Stephen MacKenna and B.S. Page.
- On the Intelligible Beauty, translated by Thomas Taylor Ennead V viii(see also the Catalog of other books which include Porphyry, Plotinus' biographer – TTS Catalog).
- Philosophy Archive: An Essay on the Beautiful, translated into English by Thomas Taylor in 1917
- On the First Good and the Other Goods, Ennead 1.7. Translated by Eric S. Fallick, 2011
- On Dialectic, Ennead 1.3 Translated by Eric S. Fallick, 2015
- Encyclopedias
- Kalligas, Paul. "Plotinus". In Zalta, Edward N. (ed.). Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
- Moore, Edward. "Plotinus". Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
- Bibliographies
- In English, by Richard Dufour.
- In French by Pierre Thillet.
- Plotinus' Criticism of Aristotle's Categories (Enneads VI, 1–3) with an annotated bibliography
Plotinus p l ɒ ˈ t aɪ n e s Ancient Greek Plwtῖnos Plōtinos c 204 5 270 CE was a Greek Platonist philosopher born and raised in Roman Egypt Plotinus is regarded by modern scholarship as the founder of Neoplatonism His teacher was the self taught philosopher Ammonius Saccas who belonged to the Platonic tradition Historians of the 19th century invented the term neoplatonism and applied it to refer to Plotinus and his philosophy which was vastly influential during late antiquity the Middle Ages and the Renaissance Much of the biographical information about Plotinus comes from Porphyry s preface to his edition of Plotinus most notable literary work The Enneads In his metaphysical writings Plotinus described three fundamental principles the One the Intellect and the Soul His works have inspired centuries of pagan Jewish Christian Gnostic and early Islamic metaphysicians and mystics including developing precepts that influence mainstream theological concepts within religions such as his work on duality of the One in two metaphysical states PlotinusHead in white marble The identification as Plotinus is plausible but not proven Bornc 204 5 CE Asyut or Lycopolis Egypt Roman EmpireDied270 aged 64 65 CE Campania Roman EmpireNotable workThe EnneadsEraAncient philosophyRegionWestern philosophySchoolNeoplatonismMain interestsPlatonism metaphysics mysticismNotable ideasEmanation of all things from the One Three main hypostases the One Intellect and Soul HenosisBiographyPorphyry reported that Plotinus was sixty six years old when he died in 270 CE the second year of the reign of the Roman Emperor Claudius II thus giving us the year of his birth as around 204 Eunapius reported that Plotinus was born in Lyco which could either refer to the modern Asyut in Upper Egypt or Deltaic Lycopolis in Lower Egypt This has led to speculations that his family was either Hellenized Egyptian Greek or Roman Historian Lloyd P Gerson states that Plotinus was almost certainly a Greek A H Armstrong one of the foremost authorities on the philosophical teachings of Plotinus writes that All that can be said with reasonable certainty is that Greek was his normal language and that he had a Greek education Plotinus himself was said to have had little interest in his ancestry birthplace or that of anyone else for that matter His native language was Greek Plotinus had an inherent distrust of materiality an attitude common to Platonism holding to the view that phenomena were a poor image or mimicry mimesis of something higher and intelligible VI I which was the truer part of genuine Being This distrust extended to the body including his own it is reported by Porphyry that at one point he refused to have his portrait painted presumably for much the same reasons of dislike Likewise Plotinus never discussed his ancestry childhood or his place or date of birth From all accounts his personal and social life exhibited the highest moral and spiritual standards Plotinus took up the study of philosophy at the age of twenty eight around the year 232 and travelled to Alexandria to study There he was dissatisfied with every teacher he encountered until an acquaintance suggested he listen to the ideas of the self taught Platonist philosopher Ammonius Saccas Upon hearing Ammonius lecture Plotinus declared to his friend this is the man I was looking for began to study intently under his new instructor and remained with him as his student for eleven years Besides Ammonius Plotinus was also influenced by the philosophical works of Aristotle the pre Socratic philosophers Empedocles and Heraclitus the Middle Platonist philosophers Alexander of Aphrodisias and Numenius of Apamea along with various Stoics and Neopythagoreans Expedition to Persia and return to Rome After having spent eleven years in Alexandria he then decided at the age of around thirty eight to investigate the philosophical teachings of the Persian and Indian philosophers In the pursuit of this endeavor he left Alexandria and joined the army of the Roman emperor Gordian III as it marched on Persia 242 243 However the campaign was a failure and on Gordian s eventual death Plotinus found himself abandoned in a hostile land and only with difficulty found his way back to safety in Antioch At the age of forty during the reign of Emperor Philip the Arab he came to Rome where he stayed for most of the remainder of his life There he attracted a number of students His innermost circle included Porphyry Amelius Gentilianus of Tuscany the Senator Castricius Firmus and Eustochius of Alexandria a doctor who devoted himself to learning from Plotinus and attending to him until his death Other students included Zethos an Arab by ancestry who died before Plotinus leaving him a legacy and some land Zoticus a critic and poet Paulinus a doctor of Scythopolis and Serapion from Alexandria He had students amongst the Roman Senate beside Castricius such as Marcellus Orontius Sabinillus and Rogantianus Women were also numbered amongst his students including Gemina in whose house he lived during his residence in Rome and her daughter also Gemina and Amphiclea the wife of Ariston the son of Iamblichus Finally Plotinus was a correspondent of the philosopher Cassius Longinus Later life Presumed depiction of Plotinus and his disciples on a Roman sarcophagus in the Museo Gregoriano Profano Vatican Museums Rome While in Rome Plotinus also gained the respect of the Emperor Gallienus and his wife Salonina At one point Plotinus attempted to interest Gallienus in rebuilding an abandoned settlement in Campania known as the City of Philosophers where the inhabitants would live under the constitution set out in Plato s Laws An Imperial subsidy was never granted for reasons unknown to Porphyry who reports the incident Plotinus subsequently went to live in Sicily He spent his final days in seclusion on an estate in Campania which his friend Zethos had bequeathed him According to the account of Eustochius who attended him at the end Plotinus final words were Try to raise the divine in yourselves to the divine in the all Eustochius records that a snake crept under the bed where Plotinus lay and slipped away through a hole in the wall at the same moment the philosopher died Plotinus wrote the essays that became the Enneads from Greek ἐnnea ennea or group of nine over a period of several years from c 253 until a few months before his death seventeen years later Porphyry makes note that the Enneads before being compiled and arranged by himself were merely the enormous collection of notes and essays which Plotinus used in his lectures and debates rather than a formal book Plotinus was unable to revise his own work due to his poor eyesight yet his writings required extensive editing according to Porphyry his master s handwriting was atrocious he did not properly separate his words and he cared little for niceties of spelling Plotinus intensely disliked the editorial process and turned the task to Porphyry who polished and edited them into their modern form Major ideasThe One Plotinus taught that there is a supreme totally transcendent One containing no division multiplicity or distinction beyond all categories of being and non being His One cannot be any existing thing nor is it merely the sum of all things compare the Stoic doctrine of disbelief in non material existence but is prior to all existents Plotinus identified his One with the concept of Good and the principle of Beauty I 6 9 His One concept encompassed thinker and object Even the self contemplating intelligence the noesis of the nous must contain duality Once you have uttered The Good add no further thought by any addition and in proportion to that addition you introduce a deficiency III 8 11 Plotinus denies sentience self awareness or any other action ergon to the One tὸ Ἕn to hen V 6 6 Rather if we insist on describing it further we must call the One a sheer potentiality dynamis without which nothing could exist III 8 10 As Plotinus explains in both places and elsewhere e g V 6 3 it is impossible for the One to be Being or a self aware Creator God At V 6 4 Plotinus compared the One to light the Divine Intellect Nous Noῦs Nous first will towards Good to the Sun and lastly the Soul PSyxh Psyche to the Moon whose light is merely a derivative conglomeration of light from the Sun The first light could exist without any celestial body The One being beyond all attributes including being and non being is the source of the world but not through any act of creation since activity cannot be ascribed to the unchangeable immutable One Plotinus argues instead that the multiple cannot exist without the simple The less perfect must of necessity emanate or issue forth from the perfect or more perfect Thus all of creation emanates from the One in succeeding stages of lesser and lesser perfection These stages are not temporally isolated but occur throughout time as a constant process The One is not just an intellectual concept but something that can be experienced an experience where one goes beyond all multiplicity Plotinus writes We ought not even to say that he will see but he will be that which he sees if indeed it is possible any longer to distinguish between seer and seen and not boldly to affirm that the two are one Emanation by the One Although Plotinus never mentions Christianity in any of his works he seems to offer an alternative to the orthodox Christian notion of creation ex nihilo out of nothing though this is disputed The metaphysics of emanation ἀporroh aporrhoe II 3 2 or ἀporroia aporrhoia II 3 11 literally a flowing roh out apo similar to the metaphysics of Creation describes the absolute transcendence of the One or of the Divine as the source of the Being of all things but which remains transcendent of them in its own nature The One is in no way affected or diminished by these emanations just as the Christian God in no way is augmented or diminished by the act of Creation Plotinus using a venerable analogy that would become crucial for the largely neoplatonic metaphysics of developed Christian thought likens the One to the Sun which emanates light indiscriminately without thereby diminishing itself or reflection in a mirror which in no way diminishes or otherwise alters the object being reflected The first emanation is Nous Divine Mind Logos Order Thought Reason identified metaphorically with the Demiurge in Plato s Timaeus It is the first Will toward Good From Nous proceeds the World Soul which Plotinus subdivides into upper and lower identifying the lower aspect of Soul with nature From the world soul proceeds individual human souls and finally matter at the lowest level of being and thus the least perfected level of the cosmos Plotinus asserted the ultimately divine nature of material creation since it ultimately derives from the One through the mediums of Nous and the world soul It is by the Good or through beauty that we recognize the One in material things and then in the Forms I 6 6 and I 6 9 The essentially devotional nature of Plotinus philosophy may be further illustrated by his concept of attaining ecstatic union with the One henosis Porphyry relates that Plotinus attained such a union four times during the years he knew him This may be related to enlightenment liberation and other concepts of mysticism common to many Eastern traditions The true human and happiness This article needs additional citations for verification Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed Find sources Plotinus news newspapers books scholar JSTOR January 2024 Learn how and when to remove this message The philosophy of Plotinus has always exerted a peculiar fascination upon those whose discontent with things as they are has led them to seek the realities behind what they took to be merely the appearances of the sense The philosophy of Plotinus representative books from the Enneads p vii Authentic human happiness for Plotinus consists of the true human identifying with that which is the best in the universe Because happiness is beyond anything physical Plotinus stresses the point that worldly fortune does not control true human happiness and thus there exists no single human being that does not either potentially or effectively possess this thing we hold to constitute happiness Enneads I 4 4 The issue of happiness is one of Plotinus greatest imprints on Western thought as he is one of the first to introduce the idea that eudaimonia happiness is attainable only within consciousness The true human is an incorporeal contemplative capacity of the soul and superior to all things corporeal It then follows that real human happiness is independent of the physical world Real happiness is instead dependent on the metaphysical and authentic human being found in this highest capacity of Reason For man and especially the Proficient is not the Couplement of Soul and body the proof is that man can be disengaged from the body and disdain its nominal goods Enneads I 4 14 The human who has achieved happiness will not be bothered by sickness discomfort etc as his focus is on the greatest things Authentic human happiness is the utilization of the most authentically human capacity of contemplation Even in daily physical action the flourishing human s Act is determined by the higher phase of the Soul Enneads III 4 6 Even in the most dramatic arguments Plotinus considers if the Proficient is subject to extreme physical torture for example he concludes this only strengthens his claim of true happiness being metaphysical as the truly happy human being would understand that which is being tortured is merely a body not the conscious self and happiness could persist Plotinus offers a comprehensive description of his conception of a person who has achieved eudaimonia The perfect life involves a man who commands reason and contemplation Enneads I 4 4 A happy person will not sway between happy and sad as many of Plotinus contemporaries believed Stoics for example question the ability of someone to be happy presupposing happiness is contemplation if they are mentally incapacitated or even asleep Plotinus disregards this claim as the soul and true human do not sleep or even exist in time nor will a living human who has achieved eudaimonia suddenly stop using its greatest most authentic capacity just because of the body s discomfort in the physical realm The Proficient s will is set always and only inward Enneads I 4 11 Overall happiness for Plotinus is a flight from this world s ways and things Theaet 176 and a focus on the highest i e Forms and the One Plotinus regarded happiness as living in an interior way interiority or self sufficiency and this being the obverse of attachment to the objects of embodied desires Henosis Henosis is the word for mystical oneness union or unity in classical Greek In Platonism and especially neoplatonism the goal of henosis is union with what is fundamental in reality the One tὸ Ἕn the Source or Monad As is specified in the writings of Plotinus on henology one can reach a state of tabula rasa blank state where the individual may grasp or merge with The One This absolute simplicity means that the nous or the person is then dissolved completely absorbed back into the Monad Here within the Enneads of Plotinus the Monad can be referred to as the Good above the demiurge The Monad or dunamis force is of one singular expression the will or the one which is the good all is contained in the Monad and the Monad is all pantheism All division is reconciled in the one the final stage before reaching singularity called duality dyad is completely reconciled in the Monad Source or One see monism As the one source or substance of all things the Monad is all encompassing As infinite and indeterminate all is reconciled in the dunamis or one It is the demiurge or second emanation that is the nous in Plotinus It is the demiurge creator action energy or nous that perceives and therefore causes the force potential or One to manifest as energy or the dyad called the material world Nous as being being and perception intellect manifest what is called soul World Soul Henosis for Plotinus was defined in his works as a reversing of the ontological process of consciousness via meditation in the Western mind to uncontemplate toward no thought Nous or demiurge and no division dyad within the individual being Plotinus words his teachings to reconcile not only Plato with Aristotle but also various World religions that he had personal contact with during his various travels Plotinus works have an ascetic character in that they reject matter as an illusion non existent Matter was strictly treated as immanent with matter as essential to its being having no true or transcendential character or essence substance or ousia oὐsia This approach is called philosophical Idealism Relation with contemporary philosophy and religionPlotinus s Relation to Plato For several centuries after the Protestant Reformation neoplatonism was condemned as a decadent and oriental distortion of Platonism In a 1929 essay E R Dodds showed that key conceptions of neoplatonism could be traced from their origin in Plato s dialogues through his immediate followers e g Speusippus and the neopythagoreans to Plotinus and the neoplatonists Thus Plotinus philosophy was he argued not the starting point of neoplatonism but its intellectual culmination Further research reinforced this view and by 1954 Merlan could say The present tendency is toward bridging rather than widening the gap separating Platonism from neoplatonism Since the 1950s the Tubingen School of Plato interpretation has argued that the so called unwritten doctrines of Plato debated by Aristotle and the Old Academy strongly resemble Plotinus s metaphysics In this case the neoplatonic reading of Plato would be at least in this central area historically justified This implies that neoplatonism is less of an innovation than it appears without the recognition of Plato s unwritten doctrines Advocates of the Tubingen School emphasize this advantage of their interpretation They see Plotinus as advancing a tradition of thought begun by Plato himself Plotinus s metaphysics at least in broad outline was therefore already familiar to the first generation of Plato s students This confirms Plotinus own view for he considered himself not the inventor of a system but the faithful interpreter of Plato s doctrines Plotinus and the Gnostics This section possibly contains original research Please improve it by verifying the claims made and adding inline citations Statements consisting only of original research should be removed April 2020 Learn how and when to remove this message At least two modern conferences within Hellenic philosophy fields of study have been held in order to address what Plotinus stated in his tract Against the Gnostics and to whom he was addressing it in order to separate and clarify the events and persons involved in the origin of the term Gnostic From the dialogue it appears that the word had an origin in the Platonic and Hellenistic tradition long before the group calling themselves Gnostics or the group covered under the modern term Gnosticism ever appeared It would seem that this shift from Platonic to Gnostic usage has led many people to confusion The strategy of sectarians taking Greek terms from philosophical contexts and re applying them to religious contexts was popular in Christianity the Cult of Isis and other ancient religious contexts including Hermetic ones see Alexander of Abonutichus for an example According to A H Armstrong Plotinus and the neoplatonists viewed Gnosticism clarification needed as a form of heresy or sectarianism to the Pythagorean and Platonic philosophy of the Mediterranean and Middle East Also according to Armstrong Plotinus accused them of using senseless jargon and being overly dramatic and insolent in their distortion of Plato s ontology Armstrong argues that Plotinus attacks his opponents as untraditional irrational and immoral and arrogant Armstrong believed that Plotinus also attacks them as elitist and blasphemous to Plato for the Gnostics despising the material world and its maker For decades Armstrong s was the only translation available of Plotinus For this reason his claims were authoritative However a modern translation by Lloyd P Gerson doesn t necessarily support all of Armstrong s views Unlike Armstrong Gerson didn t find Plotinus to be so vitriolic against the Gnostics According to Gerson As Plotinus himself tells us at the time of this treatise s composition some of his friends were attached to Gnostic doctrine and he believed that this attachment was harmful So he sets out here a number of objections and corrections Some of these are directed at very specific tenets of Gnosticism e g the introduction of a new earth or a principle of Wisdom but the general thrust of this treatise has a much broader scope The Gnostics are very critical of the sensible universe and its contents and as a Platonist Plotinus must share this critical attitude to some extent But here he makes his case that the proper understanding of the highest principles and emanation forces us to respect the sensible world as the best possible imitation of the intelligible world Plotinus seems to direct his attacks at a very specific sect of Gnostics most notably a sect of Gnostics that held anti polytheistic and anti daemon views and that preached salvation was possible without struggle At one point Plotinus makes clear that his major grudge is the way Gnostics misused Plato s teachings and not their own teachings themselves There are no hard feelings if they tell us in which respects they intend to disagree with Plato Rather whatever strikes them as their own distinct views in comparison with the Greeks these views as well as the views that contradict them should be forthrightly set out on their own in a considerate and philosophical manner The neoplatonic movement though Plotinus would have simply referred to himself as a philosopher of Plato seems to be motivated by the desire of Plotinus to revive the pagan philosophical tradition Plotinus was not claiming to innovate with the Enneads but to clarify aspects of the works of Plato that he considered misrepresented or misunderstood Plotinus does not claim to be an innovator but rather a communicator of a tradition Plotinus referred to tradition as a way to interpret Plato s intentions Because the teachings of Plato were for members of the academy rather than the general public it was easy for outsiders to misunderstand Plato s meaning However Plotinus attempted to clarify how the philosophers of the academy had not arrived at the same conclusions such as misotheism or dystheism of the creator God as an answer to the problem of evil as the targets of his criticism Against causal astrology This section does not cite any sources Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed April 2020 Learn how and when to remove this message Plotinus seems to be one of the first to have argued against the then popular notion of causal astrology In the late tractate 2 3 Are the stars causes Plotinus makes the argument that specific stars influencing one s fortune a common Hellenistic theme attributes irrationality to a perfect universe and invites moral depravity He does however claim the stars and planets are ensouled as witnessed by their movement Film studiesPlotinian concepts have been discussed in a cinematic context and relate Plotinus theory of time as a transitory intelligible movement of the soul to Bergson s and Deleuze s time image InfluenceAncient world The emperor Julian the Apostate was deeply influenced by neoplatonism as was Hypatia of Alexandria Neoplatonism influenced many Christians as well including Pseudo Dionysius the Areopagite St Augustine though often referred to as a Platonist acquired his Platonist philosophy through the mediation of the Neoplatonist teachings of Plotinus Christianity Plotinus philosophy had an influence on the development of Christian theology In A History of Western Philosophy philosopher Bertrand Russell wrote that To the Christian the Other World was the Kingdom of Heaven to be enjoyed after death to the Platonist it was the eternal world of ideas the real world as opposed to that of illusory appearance Christian theologians combined these points of view and embodied much of the philosophy of Plotinus Plotinus accordingly is historically important as an influence in moulding the Christianity of the Middle Ages and of theology The Eastern Orthodox position on energy for example is often contrasted with the position of the Roman Catholic Church and in part this is attributed to varying interpretations of Aristotle and Plotinus either through Thomas Aquinas for the Roman Catholics or Gregory Palamas for the Orthodox Christians citation needed Islam Neoplatonism and the ideas of Plotinus influenced medieval Islam as well since the Mutazilite Abbasids fused Greek concepts into sponsored state texts and found great influence amongst the Ismaili Shia and Persian philosophers as well such as Muhammad al Nasafi and Abu Yaqub Sijistani By the 11th century neoplatonism was adopted by the Fatimid state of Egypt and taught by their da i Neoplatonism was brought to the Fatimid court by Hamid al Din al Kirmani although his teachings differed from Nasafi and Sijistani who were more aligned with the original teachings of Plotinus The teachings of Kirmani in turn influenced philosophers such as Nasir Khusraw of Persia Judaism This section does not cite any sources Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed April 2020 Learn how and when to remove this message As with Islam and Christianity neoplatonism in general and Plotinus in particular influenced speculative thought Notable thinkers expressing neoplatonist themes are Solomon ibn Gabirol Latin Avicebron and Moses ben Maimon Latin Maimonides As with Islam and Christianity apophatic theology and the privative nature of evil are two prominent themes that such thinkers picked up from either Plotinus or his successors Renaissance This section does not cite any sources Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed April 2020 Learn how and when to remove this message In the Renaissance the philosopher Marsilio Ficino set up an Academy under the patronage of Cosimo de Medici in Florence mirroring that of Plato His work was of great importance in reconciling the philosophy of Plato directly with Christianity One of his most distinguished pupils was Pico della Mirandola author of An Oration on the Dignity of Man Great Britain In Great Britain Plotinus was the cardinal influence on the 17th century school of the Cambridge Platonists and on numerous writers from Samuel Taylor Coleridge to W B Yeats and Kathleen Raine India Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan and Ananda Coomaraswamy used the writing of Plotinus in their own texts as a superlative elaboration upon Indian monism specifically Upanishadic and Advaita Vedantic thought citation needed Coomaraswamy has compared Plotinus teachings to the Hindu school of Advaita Vedanta advaita meaning not two or non dual M Vasudevacharya says Though Plotinus never managed to reach India his method shows an affinity to the method of negation as taught in some of the Upanishads such as the Brhadaranyaka Upanishad and also to the practice of yoga Advaita Vedanta and neoplatonism have been compared by J F Staal Frederick Copleston Aldo Magris and Mario Piantelli Radhakrishnan Gwen Griffith Dickson and John Y Fenton The joint influence of Advaitin and neoplatonic ideas on Ralph Waldo Emerson was considered by Dale Riepe in 1967 See alsoAntiochus of Ascalon Disciples of Plotinus Ecstasy in philosophy Emanationism Form of the Good Allegorical interpretations of Plato The One in Neoplatonism Pantaenus Platonic Academy Plato s unwritten doctrines Plutarch of Chaeronea The Theology of Aristotle Thomas TaylorNotesPlotinus Our thought cannot grasp the One as long as any other image remains active in the soul To this end you must set free your soul from all outward things and turn wholly within yourself with no more leaning to what lies outside and lay your mind bare of ideal forms as before of the objects of sense and forget even yourself and so come within sight of that One 6 9 7 If he remembers who he became when he merged with the One he will bear its image in himself He was himself one with no diversity in himself or his outward relations for no movement was in him no passion no desire for another once the ascent was accomplished Nor indeed was there any reason or though nor if we dare say it any trace of himself 6 9 11 From Introduction to Against the Gnostics in Plotinus Enneads as translated by A H Armstrong pp 220 222 The treatise as it stands in the Enneads is a most powerful protest on behalf of Hellenic philosophy against the un Hellenic heresy as it was from the Platonist as well as the orthodox Christian point of view of Gnosticism There were Gnostics among Plotinus s own friends whom he had not succeeded in converting Enneads ch 10 of this treatise and he and his pupils devoted considerable time and energy to anti Gnostic controversy Life of Plotinus ch 16 He obviously considered Gnosticism an extremely dangerous influence likely to pervert the minds even of members of his own circle It is impossible to attempt to give an account of Gnosticism here By far the best discussion of what the particular group of Gnostics Plotinus knew believed is M Puech s admirable contribution to Entretiens Hardt V Les Sourcesde Plotin But it is important for the understanding of this treatise to be clear about the reasons why Plotinus disliked them so intensely and thought their influence so harmful From Introduction to Against the Gnostics in Plotinus Enneads as translated by A H Armstrong pp 220 222 Short statement of the doctrine of the three hypostasis the One Intellect and Soul there cannot be more or fewer than these three 1 Criticism of the attempts to multiply the hypostasis and especially of the idea of two intellects one which thinks and that other which thinks that it thinks Against the Gnostics Enneads ch 1 The true doctrine of Soul ch 2 2 The law of necessary procession and the eternity of the universe ch 3 Attack on the Gnostic doctrine of the making of the universe by a fallen soul and on their despising of the universe and the heavenly bodies chs 4 5 The sense less jargon of the Gnostics their plagiarism from and perversion of Plato and their insolent arrogance ch 6 3 The true doctrine about Universal Soul and the goodness of the universe which it forms and rules chs 7 8 4 Refutation of objections from the inequalities and injustices of human life ch 9 5 Ridiculous arrogance of the Gnostics who refuse to acknowledge the hierarchy of created gods and spirits and say that they alone are sons of God and superior to the heavens ch 9 6 The absurdities of the Gnostic doctrine of the fall of Wisdom Sophia and of the generation and activities of the Demiurge maker of the visible universe chs 10 12 7 False and melodramatic Gnostic teaching about the cosmic spheres and their influence ch 13 8 The blasphemous falsity of the Gnostic claim to control the higher powers by magic and the absurdity of their claim to cure diseases by casting out demons ch 14 9 The false other worldliness of the Gnostics leads to immorality ch 15 10 The true Platonic other worldliness which loves and venerates the material universe in all its goodness and beauty as the most perfect possible image of the intelligible contracted at length with the false Gnostic other worldliness which hates and despises the material universe and its beauties chs 16 18 A H Armstrong Introduction to Against the Gnostics in Plotinus Enneads pages 220 222 From Introduction to Against the Gnostics in Plotinus Enneads as translated by A H Armstrong pp 220 222 The teaching of the Gnostics seems to him untraditional irrational and immoral They despise and revile the ancient Platonic teaching and claim to have a new and superior wisdom of their own but in fact anything that is true in their teaching comes from Plato and all they have done themselves is to add senseless complications and pervert the true traditional doctrine into a melodramatic superstitious fantasy designed to feed their own delusions of grandeur They reject the only true way of salvation through wisdom and virtue the slow patient study of truth and pursuit of perfection by men who respect the wisdom of the ancients and that know their place in the universe Pages 220 222 Introduction to Against the Gnostics in Plotinus Enneads as translated by A H Armstrong pp 220 222 9 The false other worldliness of the Gnostics leads to immorality Enneads ch 15 Introduction to Against the Gnostics in Plotinus Enneads as translated by A H Armstrong pp 220 222 Ridiculous arrogance of the Gnostics who refuse to acknowledge the hierarchy of created gods and spirits and say that they alone are sons of God and superior to the heavens Enneads ch 9 They claim to be a privileged caste of beings in whom alone God is interested and who are saved not by their own efforts but by some dramatic and arbitrary divine proceeding and this Plotinus says leads to immorality Worst of all they despise and hate the material universe and deny its goodness and the goodness of its maker This for a Platonist is utter blasphemy and all the worse because it obviously derives to some extent from the sharply other worldly side of Plato s own teaching e g in the Phaedo At this point in his attack Plotinus comes very close in some ways to the orthodox Christian opponents of Gnosticism who also insist that this world is the good work of God in his goodness But here as on the question of salvation the doctrine which Plotinus is defending is as sharply opposed on other ways to orthodox Christianity as to Gnosticism for he maintains not only the goodness of the material universe but also its eternity and its divinity The idea that the universe could have a beginning and end is inseparably connected in his mind with the idea that the divine action in making it is arbitrary and irrational And to deny the divinity though a subordinate and dependent divinity of the World Soul and of those noblest of embodied living beings the heavenly bodies seems to him both blasphemous and unreasonable Pages 220 222 as Plotinus had endeavored to revive the religious spirit of paganism ReferencesGerson Lloyd P 2017 Plotinus and Platonism In Tarrant Harold Renaud Francois Baltzly Dirk Layne Danielle A eds Brill s Companion to the Reception of Plato in Antiquity Brill s Companions to Classical Reception Vol 13 Leiden and Boston Brill Publishers pp 316 335 doi 10 1163 9789004355385 018 ISBN 978 90 04 27069 5 ISSN 2213 1426 Armstrong A Hilary Duignan Brian Lotha Gloria Rodriguez Emily 1 January 2021 20 July 1998 Plotinus Encyclopaedia Britannica Edinburgh Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc Archived from the original on 17 April 2021 Retrieved 5 August 2021 Plotinus born 205 Lyco or Lycopolis Egypt died 270 Campania ancient philosopher the centre of an influential circle of intellectuals and men of letters in 3rd century Rome who is regarded by modern scholars as the founder of the neoplatonic school of philosophy In his 28th year he seems to have been rather a late developer Plotinus felt an impulse to study philosophy and thus went to Alexandria He attended the lectures of the most eminent professors in Alexandria at the time which reduced him to a state of complete depression In the end a friend who understood what he wanted took him to hear the self taught philosopher Ammonius Saccas When he had heard Ammonius speak Plotinus said This is the man I was looking for and stayed with him for 11 years At the end of his time with Ammonius Plotinus joined the expedition of the Roman emperor Gordian III against Persia 242 243 with the intention of trying to learn something at first hand about the philosophies of the Persians and Indians The expedition came to a disastrous end in Mesopotamia however when Gordian was murdered by the soldiers and Philip the Arabian was proclaimed emperor Plotinus escaped with difficulty and made his way back to Antioch From there he went to Rome where he settled at the age of 40 Plotinus s own thought shows some striking similarities to Indian philosophy but he never actually made contact with Eastern sages because of the failure of the expedition Though direct or indirect contact with Indians educated in their own religious philosophical traditions may not have been impossible in 3rd century Alexandria the resemblances of the philosophy of Plotinus to Indian thought were more likely a natural development of the Greek tradition that he inherited Gerson Lloyd P Fall 2018 Plotinus In Zalta Edward N ed Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy The Metaphysics Research Lab Center for the Study of Language and Information Stanford University ISSN 1095 5054 OCLC 643092515 Archived from the original on 26 November 2018 Retrieved 5 August 2021 Plotinus 204 5 270 is generally regarded as the founder of neoplatonism He is one of the most influential philosophers in antiquity after Plato and Aristotle The term neoplatonism is an invention of early 19th century European scholarship and indicates the penchant of historians for dividing periods in history In this case the term was intended to indicate that Plotinus initiated a new phase in the development of the Platonic tradition What this newness amounted to if anything is controversial largely because one s assessment of it depends upon one s assessment of what Platonism is In fact Plotinus like all his successors regarded himself simply as a Platonist that is as an expositor and defender of the philosophical position whose greatest exponent was Plato himself The three basic principles of Plotinus metaphysics are called by him the One or equivalently the Good Intellect and Soul These principles are both ultimate ontological realities and explanatory principles Plotinus believed that they were recognized by Plato as such as well as by the entire subsequent Platonic tradition Porphyry informs us that during the first ten years of his time in Rome Plotinus lectured exclusively on the philosophy of Ammonius During this time he also wrote nothing Porphyry tells us that when he himself arrived in Rome in 263 the first 21 of Plotinus treatises had already been written The remainder of the 54 treatises constituting his Enneads were written in the last seven or eight years of his life Siorvanes Lucas 2018 Plotinus and Neoplatonism The Creation of a New Synthesis In Keyser Paul T Scarborough John eds Oxford Handbook of Science and Medicine in the Classical World New York Oxford University Press pp 847 868 doi 10 1093 oxfordhb 9780199734146 013 78 ISBN 9780199734146 LCCN 2017049555 Halfwassen Jens 2014 The Metaphysics of the One In Remes Pauliina Slaveva Griffin Svetla eds The Routledge Handbook of Neoplatonism Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy Abingdon Oxfordshire and New York Routledge pp 182 199 ISBN 9781138573963 Who was Plotinus Australian Broadcasting Corporation 2011 06 07 Bilolo M La notion de l Un dans les Enneades de Plotin et dans les Hymnes thebains Contribution a l etude des sources egyptiennes du neo platonisme In D Kessler R Schulz Eds Gedenkschrift fur Winfried Barta ḥtp dj n ḥzj Munchner Agyptologische Untersuchungen Bd 4 Frankfurt Berlin Bern New York Paris Wien Peter Lang 1995 pp 67 91 Gerson Lloyd P 1999 Plotinus Taylor amp Francis pp XII 12 ISBN 978 0 415 20352 4 Rist John M Rist 1967 Plotinus Road to Reality CUP Archive p 4 ISBN 978 0 521 06085 1 Plotinus The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia Sixth Edition Columbia University Press 2003 Armstrong A H 20 July 1998 Plotinus Encyclopaedia Britannica Retrieved 2023 01 22 The Enneads of Plotinus Porphyry On the Life of Plotinus and the Arrangement of his Work www sacred texts com Retrieved 2022 10 30 McGroarty Kieran 2001 The Ethics of Plotinus In Eklogai Studies in Honour of Thomas Finan and Gerard Watson Department of Ancient Classics National University of Ireland Maynooth p 20 ISBN 0901519340 His Plotinus language was certainly Greek Castel Toni Leigh 2014 The Plotinian first hypostasis and the Trinity points of convergence and of divergence in Augustine s De doctrina Christiana liber primus thesis University of Johannesburg p 15 Plotinus name may be Roman but his native tongue was certainly Greek Leete Helen 1938 23 December 2016 Beauty and the mystic Plotinus and Hawkins Epping N S W ISBN 9780987524836 OCLC 967937243 a href wiki Template Cite book title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint location missing publisher link CS1 maint multiple names authors list link CS1 maint numeric names authors list link Stamatellos Giannis 2007 Matter and Soul Plotinus and the Presocratics A Philosophical Study of Presocratic Influences on Plotinus Enneads Albany New York State University of New York Press pp 161 172 ISBN 978 0 7914 7061 9 LCCN 2006017562 Porphyry On the Life of Plotinus and the Order of His Books Ch 3 in Armstrong s Loeb translation he became eager to make acquaintance with the Persian philosophical discipline and that prevailing among the Indians Porphyry Vita Plotini 9 See also Emma C Clarke John M Dillon and Jackson P Hershbell 1999 Iamblichus on The Mysteries page xix SBL who say that to gain some credible chronology one assumes that Ariston married Amphicleia some time after Plotinus s death Mark Edwards Neoplatonic Saints The Lives of Plotinus and Proclus by Their Students Liverpool University Press 2000 p 4 n 20 Stace W T 1960 The Teachings of the Mystics New York Signet pp 110 123 Stace W T 1960 The Teachings of the Mystics New York Signet p 122 Plotinus 204 270 Lander Janis 2013 Spiritual Art and Art Education Routledge p 76 ISBN 9781134667895 Plotinus 1950 The philosophy of Plotinus representative books from the Enneads Appleton Century Crofts p vii Retrieved 1 February 2012 Plotinus The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Metaphysics Research Lab Stanford University 2018 Stamatellos Giannis Plotinus and the Presocratics A Philosophical Study of Presocratic Influences in Plotinus Enneads SUNY Series in Ancient Greek Philosophy SUNY Press 2007 p 37 ISBN 0791470628 Neoplatonism and Gnosticism by Richard T Wallis Jay Bregman International Society for Neoplatonic Studies p 55 Richard T Wallis Jay Bregman 1992 Pleroma and Noetic Cosmos A Comparative Study Neoplatonism and Gnosticism SUNY Press p 99 ISBN 978 0 7914 1337 1 Schopenhauer wrote of this neoplatonist philosopher With Plotinus there even appears probably for the first time in Western philosophy idealism that had long been current in the East even at that time for it taught Enneads iii lib vii c 10 that the soul has made the world by stepping from eternity into time with the explanation For there is for this universe no other place than the soul or mind neque est alter hujus universi locus quam anima indeed the ideality of time is expressed in the words We should not accept time outside the soul or mind oportet autem nequaquam extra animam tempus accipere Parerga and Paralipomena Volume I Fragments for the History of Philosophy 7 E R Dodds The Parmenides of Plato and the Origin of the neoplatonic One The Classical Quarterly v 22 No 3 4 1928 pp 129 142 esp 140 Philip Merlan From Platonism to Neoplatonism The Hague Martinus Nijhoff 1954 1968 p 3 Detlef Thiel Die Philosophie des Xenokrates im Kontext der Alten Akademie Munchen 2006 pp 197ff and note 64 Jens Halfwassen Der Aufstieg zum Einen Plotinus The Enneads Cambridge University Press 2017 ISBN 9781107001770 A Biographical History of Philosophy by George Henry Lewes Published 1892 G Routledge amp Sons LTD p 294 Pseudo Dionysius in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Sheppard Anne Dillon John 2024 07 18 Badness Plotinus on Evil Review of Ecumenical Studies 16 1 114 120 doi 10 2478 ress 2024 0008 Botz Bornstein Thorsten Stamatellos Giannis 2017 Plotinus and the Moving Image Brill ISBN 978 90 04 35716 7 Dingeldein Laura B 2016 Julian s Philosophy and His Religious Program In DesRosiers Nathaniel P Vuong Lily C eds Religious Competition in the Greco Roman World Atlanta SBL Press pp 119 129 ISBN 978 0884141587 Michael A B Deakin 2018 02 22 Hypatia Encyclopaedia Britannica Archived from the original on 2018 03 26 W R Inge April 1900 The Permanent Influence of Neoplatonism upon Christianity The American Journal of Theology 4 2 328 344 doi 10 1086 477376 JSTOR 3153114 Rhodes Michael Craig 2014 Pseudo Dionysius concept of God International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 75 4 306 318 doi 10 1080 21692327 2015 1011683 S2CID 170105090 Mendelson Michael 2016 Saint Augustine In Edward N Zalta ed The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Winter 2016 ed Stanford Metaphysics Research Lab Stanford University Gersh Stephen 2012 The First Principles of Latin Neoplatonism Augustine Macrobius Boethius Vivarium 50 2 113 117 120 125 130 132 134 138 doi 10 1163 15685349 12341236 JSTOR 41963885 A History of Western Philosophy Bertrand Russell Simon amp Schuster INC 1945 pp 284 285 Heinz Halm Shi ism Columbia University Press 2004 p 176 Heinz Halm Shi ism Columbia University Press 2004 p 177 Michaud Derek 2017 Reason Turned into Sense John Smith on Spiritual Sensation Peeters pp 102 105 114 115 129 137 146 153 154 155 172 174 175 177 178 180 181 181 184 185 188 195 W B Yeats and A Vision Plotinus and the Principles Samuel Taylor Coleridge 2019 The Notebooks of Samuel Taylor Coleridge Volume 4 1819 1826 Notes Princeton University Press p 453 ISBN 978 0 691 65599 4 Anna Baldwin Sarah Hutton Senior Lecturer School of Humanities Sarah Hutton 24 March 1994 Platonism and the English Imagination Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0 521 40308 5 Swami krishnananda org Vasudevacharya M 2017 The Maker and the Material Milton Keynes UK p 84 ISBN 978 1 925666 82 3 J F Staal 1961 Advaita and Neoplatonism A critical study in comparative philosophy Madras University of Madras Frederick Charles Copleston Religion and the One 1979 1981 Giffordlectures org Archived from the original on 2010 04 09 Retrieved 2010 01 08 Special section Fra Oriente e Occidente in Annuario filosofico No 6 1990 including the articles Plotino e l India by Aldo Magris and L India e Plotino by Mario Piantelli Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan ed 1952 History of Philosophy Eastern and Western Vol 2 London George Allen amp Unwin p 114 Creator or not Gresham ac uk Archived from the original on 2009 02 14 Retrieved 2010 01 08 John Y Fenton 1981 Mystical Experience as a Bridge for Cross Cultural Philosophy of Religion A Critique Journal of the American Academy of Religion p 55 Dale Riepe 1967 Emerson and Indian Philosophy Journal of the History of Ideas 28 1 115 1967 Library resources about Plotinus Online books Resources in your library Resources in other libraries By Plotinus Online books Resources in your library Resources in other librariesBibliographyCritical editions of the Greek textEmile Brehier Plotin Enneades with French translation Collection Bude 1924 1938 Paul Henry and Hans Rudolf Schwyzer eds Editio maior 3 volumes Paris Desclee de Brouwer 1951 1973 Paul Henry and Hans Rudolf Schwyzer eds Editio minor Oxford Oxford Classical Text 1964 1982 Complete English translationThomas Taylor Collected Writings of Plotinus Frome Prometheus Trust 1994 ISBN 1 898910 02 2 contains approximately half of the Enneads Plotinus The Enneads translated by Stephen MacKenna London Medici Society 1917 1930 an online version is available at Sacred Texts 2nd edition B S Page ed 1956 A H Armstrong Plotinus Enneads with Greek text Loeb Classical Library 7 vol 1966 1988 Lloyd P Gerson ed George Boys Stones John M Dillon Lloyd P Gerson R A King Andrew Smith and James Wilberding trs The Enneads Cambridge University Press 2018 LexicaJ H Sleeman and G Pollet Lexicon Plotinianum Leiden 1980 Roberto Radice ed Lexicon II Plotinus Milan Biblia 2004 Electronic edition by Roberto Bombacigno The Life of Plotinus by PorphyryPorphyry On the Life of Plotinus and the Arrangement of his Works in Mark Edwards ed Neoplatonic Saints The Lives of Plotinus and Proclus by their Students Liverpool Liverpool University Press 2000 Anthologies of texts in translation with annotationsKevin Corrigan Reading Plotinus A Practical Introduction to Neoplatonism West Lafayette Purdue University Press 2005 John M Dillon and Lloyd P Gerson Neoplatonic Philosophy Introductory Readings Hackett 2004 Long Anthony A ed 2022 Ennead II 4 On matter Las Vegas Parmenides Publishing ISBN 9781733535762 Introductory worksErik Emilsson Plotinus New York Routledge 2017 Kevin Corrigan Reading Plotinus A Practical Introduction to Neoplatonism Purdue University Press 1995 Lloyd P Gerson Plotinus New York Routledge 1994 Lloyd P Gerson ed The Cambridge Companion to Plotinus Cambridge 1996 Dominic J O Meara Plotinus An Introduction to the Enneads Oxford Clarendon Press 1993 Reprinted 2005 John M Rist Plotinus The Road to Reality Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1967 Major commentaries in EnglishCinzia Arruzza Plotinus Ennead II 5 On What Is Potentially and What Actually The Enneads of Plotinus Series edited by John M Dillon and Andrew Smith Parmenides Publishing 2015 ISBN 978 1 930972 63 6 Michael Atkinson Plotinus Ennead V 1 On the Three Principal Hypostases Oxford 1983 Kevin Corrigan Plotinus Theory of Matter Evil Plato Aristotle and Alexander of Aphrodisias II 4 II 5 III 6 I 8 Leiden 1996 John N Deck Nature Contemplation and the One A Study in the Philosophy of Plotinus University of Toronto Press 1967 Paul Brunton Philosophical Foundation 1991 John M Dillon H J Blumenthal Plotinus Ennead IV 3 4 29 Problems Concerning the Soul The Enneads of Plotinus Series edited by John M Dillon and Andrew Smith Parmenides Publishing 2015 ISBN 978 1 930972 89 6 Eyjolfur K Emilsson Steven K Strange Plotinus Ennead VI 4 amp VI 5 On the Presence of Being One and the Same Everywhere as a Whole The Enneads of Plotinus Series edited by John M Dillon and Andrew Smith Parmenides Publishing 2015 ISBN 978 1 930972 34 6 Barrie Fleet Plotinus Ennead III 6 On the Impassivity of the Bodiless Oxford 1995 Barrie Fleet Plotinus Ennead IV 8 On the Descent of the Soul into Bodies The Enneads of Plotinus Series edited by John M Dillon and Andrew Smith Parmenides Publishing 2012 ISBN 978 1 930972 77 3 Lloyd P Gerson Plotinus Ennead V 5 That the Intelligibles are not External to the Intellect and on the Good The Enneads of Plotinus Series edited by John M Dillon and Andrew Smith Parmenides Publishing 2013 ISBN 978 1 930972 85 8 Sebastian R P Gertz Plotinus Ennead II 9 Against the Gnostics The Enneads of Plotinus Series edited by John M Dillon and Andrew Smith Parmenides Publishing 2017 ISBN 978 1 930972 37 7 Gary M Gurtler SJ Plotinus Ennead IV 4 30 45 amp IV 5 Problems Concerning the Soul The Enneads of Plotinus Series edited by John M Dillon and Andrew Smith Parmenides Publishing 2015 ISBN 978 1 930972 69 8 W Helleman Elgersma Soul Sisters A Commentary on Enneads IV 3 27 1 8 of Plotinus Amsterdam 1980 James Luchte Early Greek Thought Before the Dawn London Bloomsbury Publishing 2011 ISBN 978 0567353313 Kieran McGroarty Plotinus on Eudaimonia A Commentary on Ennead I 4 Oxford 2006 P A Meijer Plotinus on the Good or the One VI 9 Amsterdam 1992 H Oosthout Modes of Knowledge and the Transcendental An Introduction to Plotinus Ennead V 3 Amsterdam 1991 J Wilberding Plotinus Cosmology A study of Ennead II 1 40 Oxford 2006 A M Wolters Plotinus on Eros A Detailed Exegetical Study of Enneads III 5 Amsterdam 1972 General works on NeoplatonismRobert M Berchman From Philo to Origen Middle Platonism in Transition Chico Scholars Press 1984 Frederick Copleston A History of Philosophy Vol 1 Part 2 ISBN 0 385 00210 6 Hartmann Udo 2018 Der spatantike Philosoph Die Lebenswelten der paganen Gelehrten und ihre hagiographische Ausgestaltung in den Philosophenviten von Porphyrios bis Damaskios in German 3 volumes Bonn Habelt ISBN 978 3 7749 4172 4 P Merlan Greek Philosophy from Plato to Plotinus in A H Armstrong ed The Cambridge History of Later Greek and Early Medieval Philosophy Cambridge 1967 ISBN 0 521 04054 X Pauliina Remes Neoplatonism Ancient Philosophies University of California Press 2008 Thomas Taylor The fragments that remain of the lost writings of Proclus surnamed the Platonic successor London 1825 Selene Books reprint edition 1987 ISBN 0 933601 11 5 Richard T Wallis Neoplatonism and Gnosticism University of Oklahoma 1984 ISBN 0 7914 1337 3 and ISBN 0 7914 1338 1Studies on some aspects of Plotinus workR B Harris ed Neoplatonism and Indian Thought Albany 1982 Girard Charles 2023 L homme sans dualite la question du sujet le nous chez Plotin Paris Librairie Philosophique J Vrin ISBN 9782711630684 Giannis Stamatellos Plotinus and the Presocratics A Philosophical Study of Presocratic Influences in Plotinus Enneads Albany 2008 N Joseph Torchia Plotinus Tolma and the Descent of Being New York Peter Lang 1993 ISBN 0 8204 1768 8 Antonia Tripolitis The Doctrine of the Soul in the thought of Plotinus and Origen Libra Publishers 1978 M F Wagner ed Neoplatonism and Nature Studies in Plotinus Enneads Albany 2002 External linksWikiquote has quotations related to Plotinus Wikisource has original works by or about Plotinus Greek Wikisource has original text related to this article Plwtῖnos Works by Plotinus at Project Gutenberg Works by or about Plotinus at the Internet Archive Works by Plotinus at LibriVox public domain audiobooks Direct links to each Tractate of the Enneads in English Greek and French Text of the EnneadsGreek original page scans of Adolf Kirchhoff s 1856 Teubner edition with English complete and French partial translations Online English translationsPlotinus The Six Enneads translated by Stephen MacKenna with B S Page at Sacred Texts The Internet Classics Archive of MIT The Six Enneads translated into English by Stephen MacKenna and B S Page On the Intelligible Beauty translated by Thomas Taylor Ennead V viii see also the Catalog of other books which include Porphyry Plotinus biographer TTS Catalog Philosophy Archive An Essay on the Beautiful translated into English by Thomas Taylor in 1917 On the First Good and the Other Goods Ennead 1 7 Translated by Eric S Fallick 2011 On Dialectic Ennead 1 3 Translated by Eric S Fallick 2015EncyclopediasKalligas Paul Plotinus In Zalta Edward N ed Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Moore Edward Plotinus Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy BibliographiesIn English by Richard Dufour In French by Pierre Thillet Plotinus Criticism of Aristotle s Categories Enneads VI 1 3 with an annotated bibliography