In mathematics, the concept of an inverse element generalises the concepts of opposite (−x) and reciprocal (1/x) of numbers.
Given an operation denoted here ∗, and an identity element denoted e, if x ∗ y = e, one says that x is a left inverse of y, and that y is a right inverse of x. (An identity element is an element such that x * e = x and e * y = y for all x and y for which the left-hand sides are defined.)
When the operation ∗ is associative, if an element x has both a left inverse and a right inverse, then these two inverses are equal and unique; they are called the inverse element or simply the inverse. Often an adjective is added for specifying the operation, such as in additive inverse, multiplicative inverse, and functional inverse. In this case (associative operation), an invertible element is an element that has an inverse. In a ring, an invertible element, also called a unit, is an element that is invertible under multiplication (this is not ambiguous, as every element is invertible under addition).
Inverses are commonly used in groups—where every element is invertible, and rings—where invertible elements are also called units. They are also commonly used for operations that are not defined for all possible operands, such as inverse matrices and inverse functions. This has been generalized to category theory, where, by definition, an isomorphism is an invertible morphism.
The word 'inverse' is derived from Latin: inversus that means 'turned upside down', 'overturned'. This may take its origin from the case of fractions, where the (multiplicative) inverse is obtained by exchanging the numerator and the denominator (the inverse of is ).
Definitions and basic properties
The concepts of inverse element and invertible element are commonly defined for binary operations that are everywhere defined (that is, the operation is defined for any two elements of its domain). However, these concepts are also commonly used with partial operations, that is operations that are not defined everywhere. Common examples are matrix multiplication, function composition and composition of morphisms in a category. It follows that the common definitions of associativity and identity element must be extended to partial operations; this is the object of the first subsections.
In this section, X is a set (possibly a proper class) on which a partial operation (possibly total) is defined, which is denoted with
A partial operation is associative if
for every x, y, z in X for which one of the members of the equality is defined; the equality means that the other member of the equality must also be defined.
Examples of non-total associative operations are multiplication of matrices of arbitrary size, and function composition.
Identity elements
Let be a possibly partial associative operation on a set X.
An identity element, or simply an identity is an element e such that
for every x and y for which the left-hand sides of the equalities are defined.
If e and f are two identity elements such that is defined, then
(This results immediately from the definition, by
It follows that a total operation has at most one identity element, and if e and f are different identities, then is not defined.
For example, in the case of matrix multiplication, there is one n×n identity matrix for every positive integer n, and two identity matrices of different size cannot be multiplied together.
Similarly, identity functions are identity elements for function composition, and the composition of the identity functions of two different sets are not defined.
Left and right inverses
If where e is an identity element, one says that x is a left inverse of y, and y is a right inverse of x.
Left and right inverses do not always exist, even when the operation is total and associative. For example, addition is a total associative operation on nonnegative integers, which has 0 as additive identity, and 0 is the only element that has an additive inverse. This lack of inverses is the main motivation for extending the natural numbers into the integers.
An element can have several left inverses and several right inverses, even when the operation is total and associative. For example, consider the functions from the integers to the integers. The doubling function has infinitely many left inverses under function composition, which are the functions that divide by two the even numbers, and give any value to odd numbers. Similarly, every function that maps n to either
is a right inverse of the function
the floor function that maps n to
depending whether n is even or odd.
More generally, a function has a left inverse for function composition if and only if it is injective, and it has a right inverse if and only if it is surjective.
In category theory, right inverses are also called sections, and left inverses are called retractions.
An element is invertible under an operation if it has a left inverse and a right inverse.
In the common case where the operation is associative, the left and right inverse of an element are equal and unique. Indeed, if l and r are respectively a left inverse and a right inverse of x, then
The inverse of an invertible element is its unique left or right inverse.
If the operation is denoted as an addition, the inverse, or additive inverse, of an element x is denoted Otherwise, the inverse of x is generally denoted
or, in the case of a commutative multiplication
When there may be a confusion between several operations, the symbol of the operation may be added before the exponent, such as in
The notation
is not commonly used for function composition, since
can be used for the multiplicative inverse.
If x and y are invertible, and is defined, then
is invertible, and its inverse is
An invertible homomorphism is called an isomorphism. In category theory, an invertible morphism is also called an isomorphism.
In groups
A group is a set with an associative operation that has an identity element, and for which every element has an inverse.
Thus, the inverse is a function from the group to itself that may also be considered as an operation of arity one. It is also an involution, since the inverse of the inverse of an element is the element itself.
A group may act on a set as transformations of this set. In this case, the inverse of a group element
defines a transformation that is the inverse of the transformation defined by
that is, the transformation that "undoes" the transformation defined by
For example, the Rubik's cube group represents the finite sequences of elementary moves. The inverse of such a sequence is obtained by applying the inverse of each move in the reverse order.
In monoids
A monoid is a set with an associative operation that has an identity element.
The invertible elements in a monoid form a group under monoid operation.
A ring is a monoid for ring multiplication. In this case, the invertible elements are also called units and form the group of units of the ring.
If a monoid is not commutative, there may exist non-invertible elements that have a left inverse or a right inverse (not both, as, otherwise, the element would be invertible).
For example, the set of the functions from a set to itself is a monoid under function composition. In this monoid, the invertible elements are the bijective functions; the elements that have left inverses are the injective functions, and those that have right inverses are the surjective functions.
Given a monoid, one may want extend it by adding inverse to some elements. This is generally impossible for non-commutative monoids, but, in a commutative monoid, it is possible to add inverses to the elements that have the cancellation property (an element x has the cancellation property if implies
). This extension of a monoid is allowed by Grothendieck group construction. This is the method that is commonly used for constructing integers from natural numbers, rational numbers from integers and, more generally, the field of fractions of an integral domain, and localizations of commutative rings.
In rings
A ring is an algebraic structure with two operations, addition and multiplication, which are denoted as the usual operations on numbers.
Under addition, a ring is an abelian group, which means that addition is commutative and associative; it has an identity, called the additive identity, and denoted 0; and every element x has an inverse, called its additive inverse and denoted −x. Because of commutativity, the concepts of left and right inverses are meaningless since they do not differ from inverses.
Under multiplication, a ring is a monoid; this means that multiplication is associative and has an identity called the multiplicative identity and denoted 1. An invertible element for multiplication is called a unit. The inverse or multiplicative inverse (for avoiding confusion with additive inverses) of a unit x is denoted or, when the multiplication is commutative,
The additive identity 0 is never a unit, except when the ring is the zero ring, which has 0 as its unique element.
If 0 is the only non-unit, the ring is a field if the multiplication is commutative, or a division ring otherwise.
In a noncommutative ring (that is, a ring whose multiplication is not commutative), a non-invertible element may have one or several left or right inverses. This is, for example, the case of the linear functions from an infinite-dimensional vector space to itself.
A commutative ring (that is, a ring whose multiplication is commutative) may be extended by adding inverses to elements that are not zero divisors (that is, their product with a nonzero element cannot be 0). This is the process of localization, which produces, in particular, the field of rational numbers from the ring of integers, and, more generally, the field of fractions of an integral domain. Localization is also used with zero divisors, but, in this case the original ring is not a subring of the localisation; instead, it is mapped non-injectively to the localization.
Matrix multiplication is commonly defined for matrices over a field, and straightforwardly extended to matrices over rings, rngs and semirings. However, in this section, only matrices over a commutative ring are considered, because of the use of the concept of rank and determinant.
If A is a m×n matrix (that is, a matrix with m rows and n columns), and B is a p×q matrix, the product AB is defined if n = p, and only in this case. An identity matrix, that is, an identity element for matrix multiplication is a square matrix (same number for rows and columns) whose entries of the main diagonal are all equal to 1, and all other entries are 0.
An invertible matrix is an invertible element under matrix multiplication. A matrix over a commutative ring R is invertible if and only if its determinant is a unit in R (that is, is invertible in R. In this case, its inverse matrix can be computed with Cramer's rule.
If R is a field, the determinant is invertible if and only if it is not zero. As the case of fields is more common, one see often invertible matrices defined as matrices with a nonzero determinant, but this is incorrect over rings.
In the case of integer matrices (that is, matrices with integer entries), an invertible matrix is a matrix that has an inverse that is also an integer matrix. Such a matrix is called a unimodular matrix for distinguishing it from matrices that are invertible over the real numbers. A square integer matrix is unimodular if and only if its determinant is 1 or −1, since these two numbers are the only units in the ring of integers.
A matrix has a left inverse if and only if its rank equals its number of columns. This left inverse is not unique except for square matrices where the left inverse equal the inverse matrix. Similarly, a right inverse exists if and only if the rank equals the number of rows; it is not unique in the case of a rectangular matrix, and equals the inverse matrix in the case of a square matrix.
Functions, homomorphisms and morphisms
Composition is a partial operation that generalizes to homomorphisms of algebraic structures and morphisms of categories into operations that are also called composition, and share many properties with function composition.
In all the case, composition is associative.
If and
the composition
is defined if and only if
or, in the function and homomorphism cases,
In the function and homomorphism cases, this means that the codomain of
equals or is included in the domain of g. In the morphism case, this means that the codomain of
equals the domain of g.
There is an identity for every object X (set, algebraic structure or object), which is called also an identity function in the function case.
A function is invertible if and only if it is a bijection. An invertible homomorphism or morphism is called an isomorphism. An homomorphism of algebraic structures is an isomorphism if and only if it is a bijection. The inverse of a bijection is called an inverse function. In the other cases, one talks of inverse isomorphisms.
A function has a left inverse or a right inverse if and only it is injective or surjective, respectively. An homomorphism of algebraic structures that has a left inverse or a right inverse is respectively injective or surjective, but the converse is not true in some algebraic structures. For example, the converse is true for vector spaces but not for modules over a ring: a homomorphism of modules that has a left inverse of a right inverse is called respectively a split epimorphism or a split monomorphism. This terminology is also used for morphisms in any category.
In a unital magma
Let be a unital magma, that is, a set with a binary operation
and an identity element
. If, for
, we have
, then
is called a left inverse of
is called a right inverse of
. If an element
is both a left inverse and a right inverse of
, then
is called a two-sided inverse, or simply an inverse, of
. An element with a two-sided inverse in
is called invertible in
. An element with an inverse element only on one side is left invertible or right invertible.
Elements of a unital magma may have multiple left, right or two-sided inverses. For example, in the magma given by the Cayley table
* | 1 | 2 | 3 |
1 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
2 | 2 | 1 | 1 |
3 | 3 | 1 | 1 |
the elements 2 and 3 each have two two-sided inverses.
A unital magma in which all elements are invertible need not be a loop. For example, in the magma given by the Cayley table
* | 1 | 2 | 3 |
1 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
2 | 2 | 1 | 2 |
3 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
every element has a unique two-sided inverse (namely itself), but is not a loop because the Cayley table is not a Latin square.
Similarly, a loop need not have two-sided inverses. For example, in the loop given by the Cayley table
* | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
2 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 5 | 4 |
3 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 1 | 2 |
4 | 4 | 5 | 2 | 3 | 1 |
5 | 5 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 3 |
the only element with a two-sided inverse is the identity element 1.
If the operation is associative then if an element has both a left inverse and a right inverse, they are equal. In other words, in a monoid (an associative unital magma) every element has at most one inverse (as defined in this section). In a monoid, the set of invertible elements is a group, called the group of units of
, and denoted by
or H1.
In a semigroup
The definition in the previous section generalizes the notion of inverse in group relative to the notion of identity. It's also possible, albeit less obvious, to generalize the notion of an inverse by dropping the identity element but keeping associativity; that is, in a semigroup.
In a semigroup S an element x is called (von Neumann) regular if there exists some element z in S such that xzx = x; z is sometimes called a pseudoinverse. An element y is called (simply) an inverse of x if xyx = x and y = yxy. Every regular element has at least one inverse: if x = xzx then it is easy to verify that y = zxz is an inverse of x as defined in this section. Another easy to prove fact: if y is an inverse of x then e = xy and f = yx are idempotents, that is ee = e and ff = f. Thus, every pair of (mutually) inverse elements gives rise to two idempotents, and ex = xf = x, ye = fy = y, and e acts as a left identity on x, while f acts a right identity, and the left/right roles are reversed for y. This simple observation can be generalized using Green's relations: every idempotent e in an arbitrary semigroup is a left identity for Re and right identity for Le. An intuitive description of this fact is that every pair of mutually inverse elements produces a local left identity, and respectively, a local right identity.
In a monoid, the notion of inverse as defined in the previous section is strictly narrower than the definition given in this section. Only elements in the Green class H1 have an inverse from the unital magma perspective, whereas for any idempotent e, the elements of He have an inverse as defined in this section. Under this more general definition, inverses need not be unique (or exist) in an arbitrary semigroup or monoid. If all elements are regular, then the semigroup (or monoid) is called regular, and every element has at least one inverse. If every element has exactly one inverse as defined in this section, then the semigroup is called an inverse semigroup. Finally, an inverse semigroup with only one idempotent is a group. An inverse semigroup may have an absorbing element 0 because 000 = 0, whereas a group may not.
Outside semigroup theory, a unique inverse as defined in this section is sometimes called a quasi-inverse. This is generally justified because in most applications (for example, all examples in this article) associativity holds, which makes this notion a generalization of the left/right inverse relative to an identity (see Generalized inverse).
A natural generalization of the inverse semigroup is to define an (arbitrary) unary operation ° such that (a°)° = a for all a in S; this endows S with a type ⟨2,1⟩ algebra. A semigroup endowed with such an operation is called a U-semigroup. Although it may seem that a° will be the inverse of a, this is not necessarily the case. In order to obtain interesting notion(s), the unary operation must somehow interact with the semigroup operation. Two classes of U-semigroups have been studied:
- I-semigroups, in which the interaction axiom is aa°a = a
- *-semigroups, in which the interaction axiom is (ab)° = b°a°. Such an operation is called an involution, and typically denoted by a*
Clearly a group is both an I-semigroup and a *-semigroup. A class of semigroups important in semigroup theory are completely regular semigroups; these are I-semigroups in which one additionally has aa° = a°a; in other words every element has commuting pseudoinverse a°. There are few concrete examples of such semigroups however; most are completely simple semigroups. In contrast, a subclass of *-semigroups, the *-regular semigroups (in the sense of Drazin), yield one of best known examples of a (unique) pseudoinverse, the Moore–Penrose inverse. In this case however the involution a* is not the pseudoinverse. Rather, the pseudoinverse of x is the unique element y such that xyx = x, yxy = y, (xy)* = xy, (yx)* = yx. Since *-regular semigroups generalize inverse semigroups, the unique element defined this way in a *-regular semigroup is called the generalized inverse or Moore–Penrose inverse.
All examples in this section involve associative operators.
Galois connections
The lower and upper adjoints in a (monotone) Galois connection, L and G are quasi-inverses of each other; that is, LGL = L and GLG = G and one uniquely determines the other. They are not left or right inverses of each other however.
Generalized inverses of matrices
A square matrix with entries in a field
is invertible (in the set of all square matrices of the same size, under matrix multiplication) if and only if its determinant is different from zero. If the determinant of
is zero, it is impossible for it to have a one-sided inverse; therefore a left inverse or right inverse implies the existence of the other one. See invertible matrix for more.
More generally, a square matrix over a commutative ring is invertible if and only if its determinant is invertible in
Non-square matrices of full rank have several one-sided inverses:
- For
we have left inverses; for example,
- For
we have right inverses; for example,
The left inverse can be used to determine the least norm solution of , which is also the least squares formula for regression and is given by
No rank deficient matrix has any (even one-sided) inverse. However, the Moore–Penrose inverse exists for all matrices, and coincides with the left or right (or true) inverse when it exists.
As an example of matrix inverses, consider:
So, as m < n, we have a right inverse, By components it is computed as
The left inverse doesn't exist, because
which is a singular matrix, and cannot be inverted.
See also
- Division ring
- Latin square property
- Loop (algebra)
- Unit (ring theory)
- The usual definition of an identity element has been generalized for including the identity functions as identity elements for function composition, and identity matrices as identity elements for matrix multiplication.
- Howie, prop. 2.3.3, p. 51
- Howie p. 102
- "MIT Professor Gilbert Strang Linear Algebra Lecture #33 – Left and Right Inverses; Pseudoinverse".
- M. Kilp, U. Knauer, A.V. Mikhalev, Monoids, Acts and Categories with Applications to Wreath Products and Graphs, De Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics vol. 29, Walter de Gruyter, 2000, ISBN 3-11-015248-7, p. 15 (def in unital magma) and p. 33 (def in semigroup)
- Howie, John M. (1995). Fundamentals of Semigroup Theory. Clarendon Press. ISBN 0-19-851194-9. contains all of the semigroup material herein except *-regular semigroups.
- Drazin, M.P., Regular semigroups with involution, Proc. Symp. on Regular Semigroups (DeKalb, 1979), 29–46
- Miyuki Yamada, P-systems in regular semigroups, Semigroup Forum, 24(1), December 1982, pp. 173–187
- Nordahl, T.E., and H.E. Scheiblich, Regular * Semigroups, Semigroup Forum, 16(1978), 369–377.
In mathematics the concept of an inverse element generalises the concepts of opposite x and reciprocal 1 x of numbers Given an operation denoted here and an identity element denoted e if x y e one says that x is a left inverse of y and that y is a right inverse of x An identity element is an element such that x e x and e y y for all x and y for which the left hand sides are defined When the operation is associative if an element x has both a left inverse and a right inverse then these two inverses are equal and unique they are called the inverse element or simply the inverse Often an adjective is added for specifying the operation such as in additive inverse multiplicative inverse and functional inverse In this case associative operation an invertible element is an element that has an inverse In a ring an invertible element also called a unit is an element that is invertible under multiplication this is not ambiguous as every element is invertible under addition Inverses are commonly used in groups where every element is invertible and rings where invertible elements are also called units They are also commonly used for operations that are not defined for all possible operands such as inverse matrices and inverse functions This has been generalized to category theory where by definition an isomorphism is an invertible morphism The word inverse is derived from Latin inversus that means turned upside down overturned This may take its origin from the case of fractions where the multiplicative inverse is obtained by exchanging the numerator and the denominator the inverse of xy displaystyle tfrac x y is yx displaystyle tfrac y x Definitions and basic propertiesThe concepts of inverse element and invertible element are commonly defined for binary operations that are everywhere defined that is the operation is defined for any two elements of its domain However these concepts are also commonly used with partial operations that is operations that are not defined everywhere Common examples are matrix multiplication function composition and composition of morphisms in a category It follows that the common definitions of associativity and identity element must be extended to partial operations this is the object of the first subsections In this section X is a set possibly a proper class on which a partial operation possibly total is defined which is denoted with displaystyle Associativity A partial operation is associative if x y z x y z displaystyle x y z x y z for every x y z in X for which one of the members of the equality is defined the equality means that the other member of the equality must also be defined Examples of non total associative operations are multiplication of matrices of arbitrary size and function composition Identity elements Let displaystyle be a possibly partial associative operation on a set X An identity element or simply an identity is an element e such that x e xande y y displaystyle x e x quad text and quad e y y for every x and y for which the left hand sides of the equalities are defined If e and f are two identity elements such that e f displaystyle e f is defined then e f displaystyle e f This results immediately from the definition by e e f f displaystyle e e f f It follows that a total operation has at most one identity element and if e and f are different identities then e f displaystyle e f is not defined For example in the case of matrix multiplication there is one n n identity matrix for every positive integer n and two identity matrices of different size cannot be multiplied together Similarly identity functions are identity elements for function composition and the composition of the identity functions of two different sets are not defined Left and right inverses If x y e displaystyle x y e where e is an identity element one says that x is a left inverse of y and y is a right inverse of x Left and right inverses do not always exist even when the operation is total and associative For example addition is a total associative operation on nonnegative integers which has 0 as additive identity and 0 is the only element that has an additive inverse This lack of inverses is the main motivation for extending the natural numbers into the integers An element can have several left inverses and several right inverses even when the operation is total and associative For example consider the functions from the integers to the integers The doubling function x 2x displaystyle x mapsto 2x has infinitely many left inverses under function composition which are the functions that divide by two the even numbers and give any value to odd numbers Similarly every function that maps n to either 2n displaystyle 2n or 2n 1 displaystyle 2n 1 is a right inverse of the function n n2 textstyle n mapsto left lfloor frac n 2 right rfloor the floor function that maps n to n2 textstyle frac n 2 or n 12 textstyle frac n 1 2 depending whether n is even or odd More generally a function has a left inverse for function composition if and only if it is injective and it has a right inverse if and only if it is surjective In category theory right inverses are also called sections and left inverses are called retractions Inverses An element is invertible under an operation if it has a left inverse and a right inverse In the common case where the operation is associative the left and right inverse of an element are equal and unique Indeed if l and r are respectively a left inverse and a right inverse of x then l l x r l x r r displaystyle l l x r l x r r The inverse of an invertible element is its unique left or right inverse If the operation is denoted as an addition the inverse or additive inverse of an element x is denoted x displaystyle x Otherwise the inverse of x is generally denoted x 1 displaystyle x 1 or in the case of a commutative multiplication 1x textstyle frac 1 x When there may be a confusion between several operations the symbol of the operation may be added before the exponent such as in x 1 displaystyle x 1 The notation f 1 displaystyle f circ 1 is not commonly used for function composition since 1f textstyle frac 1 f can be used for the multiplicative inverse If x and y are invertible and x y displaystyle x y is defined then x y displaystyle x y is invertible and its inverse is y 1x 1 displaystyle y 1 x 1 An invertible homomorphism is called an isomorphism In category theory an invertible morphism is also called an isomorphism In groupsA group is a set with an associative operation that has an identity element and for which every element has an inverse Thus the inverse is a function from the group to itself that may also be considered as an operation of arity one It is also an involution since the inverse of the inverse of an element is the element itself A group may act on a set as transformations of this set In this case the inverse g 1 displaystyle g 1 of a group element g displaystyle g defines a transformation that is the inverse of the transformation defined by g displaystyle g that is the transformation that undoes the transformation defined by g displaystyle g For example the Rubik s cube group represents the finite sequences of elementary moves The inverse of such a sequence is obtained by applying the inverse of each move in the reverse order In monoidsA monoid is a set with an associative operation that has an identity element The invertible elements in a monoid form a group under monoid operation A ring is a monoid for ring multiplication In this case the invertible elements are also called units and form the group of units of the ring If a monoid is not commutative there may exist non invertible elements that have a left inverse or a right inverse not both as otherwise the element would be invertible For example the set of the functions from a set to itself is a monoid under function composition In this monoid the invertible elements are the bijective functions the elements that have left inverses are the injective functions and those that have right inverses are the surjective functions Given a monoid one may want extend it by adding inverse to some elements This is generally impossible for non commutative monoids but in a commutative monoid it is possible to add inverses to the elements that have the cancellation property an element x has the cancellation property if xy xz displaystyle xy xz implies y z displaystyle y z and yx zx displaystyle yx zx implies y z displaystyle y z This extension of a monoid is allowed by Grothendieck group construction This is the method that is commonly used for constructing integers from natural numbers rational numbers from integers and more generally the field of fractions of an integral domain and localizations of commutative rings In ringsA ring is an algebraic structure with two operations addition and multiplication which are denoted as the usual operations on numbers Under addition a ring is an abelian group which means that addition is commutative and associative it has an identity called the additive identity and denoted 0 and every element x has an inverse called its additive inverse and denoted x Because of commutativity the concepts of left and right inverses are meaningless since they do not differ from inverses Under multiplication a ring is a monoid this means that multiplication is associative and has an identity called the multiplicative identity and denoted 1 An invertible element for multiplication is called a unit The inverse or multiplicative inverse for avoiding confusion with additive inverses of a unit x is denoted x 1 displaystyle x 1 or when the multiplication is commutative 1x textstyle frac 1 x The additive identity 0 is never a unit except when the ring is the zero ring which has 0 as its unique element If 0 is the only non unit the ring is a field if the multiplication is commutative or a division ring otherwise In a noncommutative ring that is a ring whose multiplication is not commutative a non invertible element may have one or several left or right inverses This is for example the case of the linear functions from an infinite dimensional vector space to itself A commutative ring that is a ring whose multiplication is commutative may be extended by adding inverses to elements that are not zero divisors that is their product with a nonzero element cannot be 0 This is the process of localization which produces in particular the field of rational numbers from the ring of integers and more generally the field of fractions of an integral domain Localization is also used with zero divisors but in this case the original ring is not a subring of the localisation instead it is mapped non injectively to the localization MatricesMatrix multiplication is commonly defined for matrices over a field and straightforwardly extended to matrices over rings rngs and semirings However in this section only matrices over a commutative ring are considered because of the use of the concept of rank and determinant If A is a m n matrix that is a matrix with m rows and n columns and B is a p q matrix the product AB is defined if n p and only in this case An identity matrix that is an identity element for matrix multiplication is a square matrix same number for rows and columns whose entries of the main diagonal are all equal to 1 and all other entries are 0 An invertible matrix is an invertible element under matrix multiplication A matrix over a commutative ring R is invertible if and only if its determinant is a unit in R that is is invertible in R In this case its inverse matrix can be computed with Cramer s rule If R is a field the determinant is invertible if and only if it is not zero As the case of fields is more common one see often invertible matrices defined as matrices with a nonzero determinant but this is incorrect over rings In the case of integer matrices that is matrices with integer entries an invertible matrix is a matrix that has an inverse that is also an integer matrix Such a matrix is called a unimodular matrix for distinguishing it from matrices that are invertible over the real numbers A square integer matrix is unimodular if and only if its determinant is 1 or 1 since these two numbers are the only units in the ring of integers A matrix has a left inverse if and only if its rank equals its number of columns This left inverse is not unique except for square matrices where the left inverse equal the inverse matrix Similarly a right inverse exists if and only if the rank equals the number of rows it is not unique in the case of a rectangular matrix and equals the inverse matrix in the case of a square matrix Functions homomorphisms and morphismsComposition is a partial operation that generalizes to homomorphisms of algebraic structures and morphisms of categories into operations that are also called composition and share many properties with function composition In all the case composition is associative If f X Y displaystyle f colon X to Y and g Y Z displaystyle g colon Y to Z the composition g f displaystyle g circ f is defined if and only if Y Y displaystyle Y Y or in the function and homomorphism cases Y Y displaystyle Y subset Y In the function and homomorphism cases this means that the codomain of f displaystyle f equals or is included in the domain of g In the morphism case this means that the codomain of f displaystyle f equals the domain of g There is an identity idX X X displaystyle operatorname id X colon X to X for every object X set algebraic structure or object which is called also an identity function in the function case A function is invertible if and only if it is a bijection An invertible homomorphism or morphism is called an isomorphism An homomorphism of algebraic structures is an isomorphism if and only if it is a bijection The inverse of a bijection is called an inverse function In the other cases one talks of inverse isomorphisms A function has a left inverse or a right inverse if and only it is injective or surjective respectively An homomorphism of algebraic structures that has a left inverse or a right inverse is respectively injective or surjective but the converse is not true in some algebraic structures For example the converse is true for vector spaces but not for modules over a ring a homomorphism of modules that has a left inverse of a right inverse is called respectively a split epimorphism or a split monomorphism This terminology is also used for morphisms in any category GeneralizationsIn a unital magma Let S displaystyle S be a unital magma that is a set with a binary operation displaystyle and an identity element e S displaystyle e in S If for a b S displaystyle a b in S we have a b e displaystyle a b e then a displaystyle a is called a left inverse of b displaystyle b and b displaystyle b is called a right inverse of a displaystyle a If an element x displaystyle x is both a left inverse and a right inverse of y displaystyle y then x displaystyle x is called a two sided inverse or simply an inverse of y displaystyle y An element with a two sided inverse in S displaystyle S is called invertible in S displaystyle S An element with an inverse element only on one side is left invertible or right invertible Elements of a unital magma S displaystyle S may have multiple left right or two sided inverses For example in the magma given by the Cayley table 1 2 31 1 2 32 2 1 13 3 1 1 the elements 2 and 3 each have two two sided inverses A unital magma in which all elements are invertible need not be a loop For example in the magma S displaystyle S given by the Cayley table 1 2 31 1 2 32 2 1 23 3 2 1 every element has a unique two sided inverse namely itself but S displaystyle S is not a loop because the Cayley table is not a Latin square Similarly a loop need not have two sided inverses For example in the loop given by the Cayley table 1 2 3 4 51 1 2 3 4 52 2 3 1 5 43 3 4 5 1 24 4 5 2 3 15 5 1 4 2 3 the only element with a two sided inverse is the identity element 1 If the operation displaystyle is associative then if an element has both a left inverse and a right inverse they are equal In other words in a monoid an associative unital magma every element has at most one inverse as defined in this section In a monoid the set of invertible elements is a group called the group of units of S displaystyle S and denoted by U S displaystyle U S or H1 In a semigroup The definition in the previous section generalizes the notion of inverse in group relative to the notion of identity It s also possible albeit less obvious to generalize the notion of an inverse by dropping the identity element but keeping associativity that is in a semigroup In a semigroup S an element x is called von Neumann regular if there exists some element z in S such that xzx x z is sometimes called a pseudoinverse An element y is called simply an inverse of x if xyx x and y yxy Every regular element has at least one inverse if x xzx then it is easy to verify that y zxz is an inverse of x as defined in this section Another easy to prove fact if y is an inverse of x then e xy and f yx are idempotents that is ee e and ff f Thus every pair of mutually inverse elements gives rise to two idempotents and ex xf x ye fy y and e acts as a left identity on x while f acts a right identity and the left right roles are reversed for y This simple observation can be generalized using Green s relations every idempotent e in an arbitrary semigroup is a left identity for Re and right identity for Le An intuitive description of this fact is that every pair of mutually inverse elements produces a local left identity and respectively a local right identity In a monoid the notion of inverse as defined in the previous section is strictly narrower than the definition given in this section Only elements in the Green class H1 have an inverse from the unital magma perspective whereas for any idempotent e the elements of He have an inverse as defined in this section Under this more general definition inverses need not be unique or exist in an arbitrary semigroup or monoid If all elements are regular then the semigroup or monoid is called regular and every element has at least one inverse If every element has exactly one inverse as defined in this section then the semigroup is called an inverse semigroup Finally an inverse semigroup with only one idempotent is a group An inverse semigroup may have an absorbing element 0 because 000 0 whereas a group may not Outside semigroup theory a unique inverse as defined in this section is sometimes called a quasi inverse This is generally justified because in most applications for example all examples in this article associativity holds which makes this notion a generalization of the left right inverse relative to an identity see Generalized inverse U semigroups A natural generalization of the inverse semigroup is to define an arbitrary unary operation such that a a for all a in S this endows S with a type 2 1 algebra A semigroup endowed with such an operation is called a U semigroup Although it may seem that a will be the inverse of a this is not necessarily the case In order to obtain interesting notion s the unary operation must somehow interact with the semigroup operation Two classes of U semigroups have been studied I semigroups in which the interaction axiom is aa a a semigroups in which the interaction axiom is ab b a Such an operation is called an involution and typically denoted by a Clearly a group is both an I semigroup and a semigroup A class of semigroups important in semigroup theory are completely regular semigroups these are I semigroups in which one additionally has aa a a in other words every element has commuting pseudoinverse a There are few concrete examples of such semigroups however most are completely simple semigroups In contrast a subclass of semigroups the regular semigroups in the sense of Drazin yield one of best known examples of a unique pseudoinverse the Moore Penrose inverse In this case however the involution a is not the pseudoinverse Rather the pseudoinverse of x is the unique element y such that xyx x yxy y xy xy yx yx Since regular semigroups generalize inverse semigroups the unique element defined this way in a regular semigroup is called the generalized inverse or Moore Penrose inverse Semirings Examples All examples in this section involve associative operators Galois connections The lower and upper adjoints in a monotone Galois connection L and G are quasi inverses of each other that is LGL L and GLG G and one uniquely determines the other They are not left or right inverses of each other however Generalized inverses of matrices A square matrix M displaystyle M with entries in a field K displaystyle K is invertible in the set of all square matrices of the same size under matrix multiplication if and only if its determinant is different from zero If the determinant of M displaystyle M is zero it is impossible for it to have a one sided inverse therefore a left inverse or right inverse implies the existence of the other one See invertible matrix for more More generally a square matrix over a commutative ring R displaystyle R is invertible if and only if its determinant is invertible in R displaystyle R Non square matrices of full rank have several one sided inverses For A m n m gt n displaystyle A m times n mid m gt n we have left inverses for example ATA 1AT Aleft 1A In displaystyle underbrace left A text T A right 1 A text T A text left 1 A I n For A m n m lt n displaystyle A m times n mid m lt n we have right inverses for example AAT AAT 1 Aright 1 Im displaystyle A underbrace A text T left AA text T right 1 A text right 1 I m The left inverse can be used to determine the least norm solution of Ax b displaystyle Ax b which is also the least squares formula for regression and is given by x ATA 1ATb displaystyle x left A text T A right 1 A text T b No rank deficient matrix has any even one sided inverse However the Moore Penrose inverse exists for all matrices and coincides with the left or right or true inverse when it exists As an example of matrix inverses consider A 2 3 123456 displaystyle A 2 times 3 begin bmatrix 1 amp 2 amp 3 4 amp 5 amp 6 end bmatrix So as m lt n we have a right inverse Aright 1 AT AAT 1 displaystyle A text right 1 A text T left AA text T right 1 By components it is computed as AAT 123456 142536 14323277 AAT 1 14323277 1 154 77 32 3214 AT AAT 1 154 142536 77 32 3214 118 178 2213 4 Aright 1 displaystyle begin aligned AA text T amp begin bmatrix 1 amp 2 amp 3 4 amp 5 amp 6 end bmatrix begin bmatrix 1 amp 4 2 amp 5 3 amp 6 end bmatrix begin bmatrix 14 amp 32 32 amp 77 end bmatrix 3pt left AA text T right 1 amp begin bmatrix 14 amp 32 32 amp 77 end bmatrix 1 frac 1 54 begin bmatrix 77 amp 32 32 amp 14 end bmatrix 3pt A text T left AA text T right 1 amp frac 1 54 begin bmatrix 1 amp 4 2 amp 5 3 amp 6 end bmatrix begin bmatrix 77 amp 32 32 amp 14 end bmatrix frac 1 18 begin bmatrix 17 amp 8 2 amp 2 13 amp 4 end bmatrix A text right 1 end aligned The left inverse doesn t exist because ATA 142536 123456 172227222936273645 displaystyle A text T A begin bmatrix 1 amp 4 2 amp 5 3 amp 6 end bmatrix begin bmatrix 1 amp 2 amp 3 4 amp 5 amp 6 end bmatrix begin bmatrix 17 amp 22 amp 27 22 amp 29 amp 36 27 amp 36 amp 45 end bmatrix which is a singular matrix and cannot be inverted See alsoDivision ring Latin square property Loop algebra Unit ring theory NotesThe usual definition of an identity element has been generalized for including the identity functions as identity elements for function composition and identity matrices as identity elements for matrix multiplication Howie prop 2 3 3 p 51 Howie p 102 MIT Professor Gilbert Strang Linear Algebra Lecture 33 Left and Right Inverses Pseudoinverse ReferencesM Kilp U Knauer A V Mikhalev Monoids Acts and Categories with Applications to Wreath Products and Graphs De Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics vol 29 Walter de Gruyter 2000 ISBN 3 11 015248 7 p 15 def in unital magma and p 33 def in semigroup Howie John M 1995 Fundamentals of Semigroup Theory Clarendon Press ISBN 0 19 851194 9 contains all of the semigroup material herein except regular semigroups Drazin M P Regular semigroups with involution Proc Symp on Regular Semigroups DeKalb 1979 29 46 Miyuki Yamada P systems in regular semigroups Semigroup Forum 24 1 December 1982 pp 173 187 Nordahl T E and H E Scheiblich Regular Semigroups Semigroup Forum 16 1978 369 377