In geometry, a cube or regular hexahedron is a three-dimensional solid object bounded by six congruent square faces, a type of polyhedron. It has twelve congruent edges and eight vertices. It is a type of parallelepiped, with pairs of parallel opposite faces, and more specifically a rhombohedron, with congruent edges, and a rectangular cuboid, with right angles between pairs of intersecting faces and pairs of intersecting edges. It is an example of many classes of polyhedra: Platonic solid, regular polyhedron, parallelohedron, zonohedron, and plesiohedron. The dual polyhedron of a cube is the regular octahedron.
Cube | |
![]() | |
Type | Hanner polytope, orthogonal polyhedron, parallelohedron, Platonic solid, plesiohedron, regular polyhedron, zonohedron |
Faces | 6 |
Edges | 12 |
Vertices | 8 |
Vertex configuration | |
Schläfli symbol | |
Symmetry group | octahedral symmetry |
Dihedral angle (degrees) | 90° |
Dual polyhedron | regular octahedron |
Properties | convex, edge-transitive, face-transitive, non-composite, orthogonal faces, vertex-transitive |
The cube can be represented in many ways, one of which is the graph known as the cubical graph. It can be constructed by using the Cartesian product of graphs. The cube is the three-dimensional hypercube, a family of polytopes also including the two-dimensional square and four-dimensional tesseract. A cube with unit side length is the canonical unit of volume in three-dimensional space, relative to which other solid objects are measured. Other related figures involve the construction of polyhedra, space-filling and honeycombs, polycubes, as well as cube in compounds, spherical, and topological space.
The cube was discovered in antiquity, associated with the nature of earth by Plato, the founder of Platonic solid. It was used as a part of the Solar System, proposed by Johannes Kepler. It can be derived differently to create more polyhedrons, and it has applications to construct a new polyhedron by attaching others. Other applications include popular culture of toys and games, arts, optical illusions, architectural buildings, as well as the natural science and technology.
A cube is a special case of rectangular cuboid in which the edges are equal in length. Like other cuboids, every face of a cube has four vertices, each of which connects with three congruent lines. These edges form square faces, making the dihedral angle of a cube between every two adjacent squares being the interior angle of a square, 90°. Hence, the cube has six faces, twelve edges, and eight vertices. Because of such properties, it is categorized as one of the five Platonic solids, a polyhedron in which all the regular polygons are congruent and the same number of faces meet at each vertex. Each three square faces surrounding a vertex is orthogonal each other, so the cube is classified as orthogonal polyhedron. The cube may be considered as the parallelepiped in which all of its edges are equal edges.
Measurement and other metric properties
Given a cube with edge length . The face diagonal of a cube is the diagonal of a square
, and the space diagonal of a cube is a line connecting two vertices that is not in the same face, formulated as
. Both formulas can be determined by using Pythagorean theorem. The surface area of a cube
is six times the area of a square:
The volume of a cuboid is the product of its length, width, and height. Because all the edges of a cube are equal in length, the formula for the volume of a cube as the third power of its side length, leading to the use of the term cubic to mean raising any number to the third power:
One special case is the unit cube, so named for measuring a single unit of length along each edge. It follows that each face is a unit square and that the entire figure has a volume of 1 cubic unit.Prince Rupert's cube, named after Prince Rupert of the Rhine, is the largest cube that can pass through a hole cut into the unit cube, despite having sides approximately 6% longer. A polyhedron that can pass through a copy of itself of the same size or smaller is said to have the Rupert property. A geometric problem of doubling the cube—alternatively known as the Delian problem—requires the construction of a cube with a volume twice the original by using a compass and straightedge solely. Ancient mathematicians could not solve this old problem until French mathematician Pierre Wantzel in 1837 proved it was impossible.
Relation to the spheres
With edge length , the inscribed sphere of a cube is the sphere tangent to the faces of a cube at their centroids, with radius
. The midsphere of a cube is the sphere tangent to the edges of a cube, with radius
. The circumscribed sphere of a cube is the sphere tangent to the vertices of a cube, with radius
For a cube whose circumscribed sphere has radius , and for a given point in its three-dimensional space with distances
from the cube's eight vertices, it is:
The cube has octahedral symmetry . It is composed of reflection symmetry, a symmetry by cutting into two halves by a plane. There are nine reflection symmetries: the five are cut the cube from the midpoints of its edges, and the four are cut diagonally. It is also composed of rotational symmetry, a symmetry by rotating it around the axis, from which the appearance is interchangeable. It has octahedral rotation symmetry
: three axes pass through the cube's opposite faces centroid, six through the cube's opposite edges midpoints, and four through the cube's opposite vertices; each of these axes is respectively four-fold rotational symmetry (0°, 90°, 180°, and 270°), two-fold rotational symmetry (0° and 180°), and three-fold rotational symmetry (0°, 120°, and 240°).
The dual polyhedron can be obtained from each of the polyhedron's vertices tangent to a plane by the process known as polar reciprocation. One property of dual polyhedrons generally is that the polyhedron and its dual share their three-dimensional symmetry point group. In this case, the dual polyhedron of a cube is the regular octahedron, and both of these polyhedron has the same symmetry, the octahedral symmetry.
The cube is face-transitive, meaning its two squares are alike and can be mapped by rotation and reflection. It is vertex-transitive, meaning all of its vertices are equivalent and can be mapped isometrically under its symmetry. It is also edge-transitive, meaning the same kind of faces surround each of its vertices in the same or reverse order, all two adjacent faces have the same dihedral angle. Therefore, the cube is regular polyhedron because it requires those properties. Each vertex is surrounded by three squares, so the cube is by vertex configuration or
in Schläfli symbol.
Cubes have appeared in many popular cultures. In toys and games, dice are commonly found in a six-sided shape, puzzle toys such as Rubik's cube and Skewb are cube-shaped, and sandbox video games of cubic blocks with one example is Minecraft. In art, a 1967 outdoor sculpture Alamo is a cube rotated on its corner in which a pole hidden inside,optical illusions such as impossible cube and Necker cube, and stacked cubes forming a three-dimensional cross is examples of both Salvador Dalí's 1954 painting Corpus Hypercubus and Robert A. Heinlein's 1940 short story "And He Built a Crooked House". In architecture, cube was applied in Alberti's 1450 De re aedificatoria treatise on first Renaissance architecture, and Kubuswoningen is known for a set of cubical shaped houses in which its hexagonal space diagonal becomes the main floor.
Cubes are also found in natural science and technology. It is applied to the unit cell of a crystal known as cubic crystal system.Pyrite is an example of a mineral with a commonly cubic shape, although there are many varied shapes.Cubane is a synthetic hydrocarbon consisting of eight carbon atoms arranged at the corners of a cube, with one hydrogen atom attached to each carbon atom. A number of Radiolarians were discovered by Ernest Haeckel, one of which was Lithocubus geometricus with a cubic shape. Cubical grids are most commonly found in three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system. In computer graphics, an algorithm divides the input volume into a discrete set of cubes known as the unit on isosurface, and the faces of a cube can be used for mapping a shape. A historical attempt to unify three physics ideas of relativity, gravitation, and quantum mechanics used the framework of a cube known as cGh cube. Others are the spacecraft device CubeSat, and thermal radiation demonstration device Leslie cube.
The Platonic solid is a set of polyhedrons known since antiquity. It was named after Plato in his Timaeus dialogue, who attributed these solids with nature. One of them, the cube, represented the classical element of earth because of its stability.Euclid's Elements defined the Platonic solids, including the cube, and using these solids with the problem involving to find the ratio of the circumscribed sphere's diameter to the edge length. Following its attribution with nature by Plato, Johannes Kepler in his Harmonices Mundi sketched each of the Platonic solids, one of them is a cube in which Kepler decorated a tree on it. In his Mysterium Cosmographicum, Kepler also proposed the Solar System by using the Platonic solids setting into another one and separating them with six spheres resembling the six planets. The ordered solids started from the innermost to the outermost: regular octahedron, regular icosahedron, regular dodecahedron, regular tetrahedron, and cube.
An elementary way to construct is using its net, an arrangement of edge-joining polygons, constructing a polyhedron by connecting along the edges of those polygons. Eleven nets for the cube are shown here.
In analytic geometry, a cube may be constructed using the Cartesian coordinate systems. For a cube centered at the origin, with edges parallel to the axes and with an edge length of 2, the Cartesian coordinates of the vertices are . Its interior consists of all points
for all
. A cube's surface with center
and edge length of
is the locus of all points
such that
The cube is Hanner polytope, because it can be constructed by using Cartesian product of three line segments. Its dual polyhedron, the regular octahedron, is constructed by direct sum of three line segments.
The cube may be regarded as two tetrahedra attached onto the bases of a triangular antiprism.
As a graph
According to Steinitz's theorem, the graph can be represented as the skeleton of a polyhedron; roughly speaking, a framework of a polyhedron. Such a graph has two properties: planar (the edges of a graph are connected to every vertex without crossing other edges), and 3-connected (whenever a graph with more than three vertices, and two of the vertices are removed, the edges remain connected). The skeleton of a cube can be represented as the graph, and it is called the cubical graph, a Platonic graph. It has the same number of vertices and edges as the cube, twelve vertices and eight edges.
The cubical graph is a special case of hypercube graph or -cube—denoted as
—because it can be constructed by using the operation known as the Cartesian product of graphs: it involves two graphs connecting the pair of vertices with an edge to form a new graph. In the case of the cubical graph, it is the product of two
; roughly speaking, it is a graph resembling a square. In other words, the cubical graph is constructed by connecting each vertex of two squares with an edge. Notationally, the cubical graph is
. As a part of the hypercube graph, it is also an example of a unit distance graph.
Like other graphs of cuboids, the cubical graph is also classified as a prism graph.
In orthogonal projection
An object illuminated by parallel rays of light casts a shadow on a plane perpendicular to those rays, called an orthogonal projection. A polyhedron is considered equiprojective if, for some position of the light, its orthogonal projection is a regular polygon. The cube is equiprojective because, if the light is parallel to one of the four lines joining a vertex to the opposite vertex, its projection is a regular hexagon. Conventionally, the cube is 6-equiprojective.
As a configuration matrix
The cube can be represented as configuration matrix. A configuration matrix is a matrix in which the rows and columns correspond to the elements of a polyhedron as in the vertices, edges, and faces. The diagonal of a matrix denotes the number of each element that appears in a polyhedron, whereas the non-diagonal of a matrix denotes the number of the column's elements that occur in or at the row's element. As mentioned above, the cube has eight vertices, twelve edges, and six faces; each element in a matrix's diagonal is denoted as 8, 12, and 6. The first column of the middle row indicates that there are two vertices in (i.e., at the extremes of) each edge, denoted as 2; the middle column of the first row indicates that three edges meet at each vertex, denoted as 3. The following matrix is:
Related figures
Construction of polyhedra
The cube can appear in the construction of a polyhedron, and some of its types can be derived differently in the following:
- When faceting a cube, meaning removing part of the polygonal faces without creating new vertices of a cube, the resulting polyhedron is the stellated octahedron.
- The cube is non-composite polyhedron, meaning it is a convex polyhedron that cannot be separated into two or more regular polyhedrons. The cube can be applied to construct a new convex polyhedron by attaching another. Attaching a square pyramid to each square face of a cube produces its Kleetope, a polyhedron known as the tetrakis hexahedron. Suppose one and two equilateral square pyramids are attached to their square faces. In that case, they are the construction of an elongated square pyramid and elongated square bipyramid respectively, the Johnson solid's examples.
- Each of the cube's vertices can be truncated, and the resulting polyhedron is the Archimedean solid, the truncated cube. When its edges are truncated, it is a rhombicuboctahedron. Relatedly, the rhombicuboctahedron can also be constructed by separating the cube's faces and then spreading away, after which adding other triangular and square faces between them; this is known as the "expanded cube". Similarly, it is constructed by the cube's dual, the regular octahedron.
- The corner region of a cube can also be truncated by a plane (e.g., spanned by the three neighboring vertices), resulting in a trirectangular tetrahedron.
- The snub cube is an Archimedean solid that can be constructed by separating away the cube square's face, and filling their gaps with twisted angle equilateral triangles, a process known as snub.
The cube can be constructed with six square pyramids, tiling space by attaching their apices. In some cases, this produces the rhombic dodecahedron circumscribing a cube.
Space-filling and honeycombs
The cube is a plesiohedron, a special kind of space-filling polyhedron that can be defined as the Voronoi cell of a symmetric Delone set. The plesiohedra include the parallelohedrons, which can be translated without rotating to fill a space—called honeycomb—in which each face of any of its copies is attached to a like face of another copy. There are five kinds of parallelohedra, one of which is the cuboid. Every three-dimensional parallelohedron is zonohedron, a centrally symmetric polyhedron whose faces are centrally symmetric polygons,
The honeycomb is the space-filling or tessellation in three-dimensional space, meaning it is an object in which the construction begins by attaching any polyhedron onto its faces without leaving a gap. The cube can be represented as the cell. Some honeycomb with cubes as the only cells. One example is cubic honeycomb, the only proper honeycomb with four cubes around every edge.
Polycube is a polyhedron in which the faces of many cubes are attached. Analogously, it can be interpreted as the polyominoes in three-dimensional space. When four cubes are stacked vertically, and the other four are attached to the second-from-top cube of the stack, the resulting polycube is Dali cross, after Salvador Dali. In addition to popular cultures, the Dali cross is a tile space polyhedron, which can be represented as the net of a tesseract. A tesseract is a cube analogous' four-dimensional space bounded by twenty-four squares and eight cubes.
Compound of cubes is the polyhedral compounds in which the cubes are sharing the same centre. They belong to the uniform polyhedron compound, meaning they are polyhedral compounds whose constituents are identical (although possibly enantiomorphous) uniform polyhedra, in an arrangement that is also uniform. The list of compounds enumerated by Skilling (1976) in seventh to ninth uniform compound for the compound of six cubes with rotational freedom, three cubes, and five cubes respectively. Two compounds, consisting of two and three cubes were found in Escher's wood engraving print Stars and Max Brückner's book Vielecke und Vielflache.
The spherical cube represents the spherical polyhedron, consisting of six spherical squares with 120° interior angle on each vertex, and the distance between its centroid to vertices is the same as the distance between that to edges, a property of vector equilibrium. This can be modeled by the great arcs, which bounds as the edges of a spherical square.
The topological object three-dimensional torus is a topological space defined to be homeomorphic to the Cartesian product of three circles. It can be represented as a three-dimensional model of the cube shape.
See also
- Bhargava cube, configuration to study the law of binary quadratic form and other such forms, of which the cube's vertices represent the integer.
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- Erdahl, R. M. (1999). "Zonotopes, dicings, and Voronoi's conjecture on parallelohedra". European Journal of Combinatorics. 20 (6): 527–549. doi:10.1006/eujc.1999.0294. MR 1703597.. Voronoi conjectured that all tilings of higher dimensional spaces by translates of a single convex polytope are combinatorially equivalent to Voronoi tilings, and Erdahl proves this in the special case of zonotopes. But as he writes (p. 429), Voronoi's conjecture for dimensions at most four was already proven by Delaunay. For the classification of three-dimensional parallelohedra into these five types, see Grünbaum, Branko; Shephard, G. C. (1980). "Tilings with congruent tiles". Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series. 3 (3): 951–973. doi:10.1090/S0273-0979-1980-14827-2. MR 0585178.
- Alexandrov, A. D. (2005). "8.1 Parallelohedra". Convex Polyhedra. Springer. pp. 349–359.
- In higher dimensions, however, there exist parallelopes that are not zonotopes. See e.g. Shephard, G. C. (1974). "Space-filling zonotopes". Mathematika. 21 (2): 261–269. doi:10.1112/S0025579300008652. MR 0365332.
- Coxeter, H. S. M. (1968). The Beauty of Geometry: Twelve Essays. Dover Publications. p. 167. ISBN 978-0-486-40919-1. See table III.
- Nelson, Roice; Segerman, Henry (2017). "Visualizing hyperbolic honeycombs". Journal of Mathematics and the Arts. 11 (1): 4–39. doi:10.1080/17513472.2016.1263789.
- Lunnon, W. F. (1972). "Symmetry of Cubical and General Polyominoes". In Read, Ronald C. (ed.). Graph Theory and Computing. New York: Academic Press. pp. 101–108. ISBN 978-1-48325-512-5.
- Diaz, Giovanna; O'Rourke, Joseph (2015). "Hypercube unfoldings that tile
". arXiv:1512.02086 [cs.CG].
- Langerman, Stefan; Winslow, Andrew (2016). "Polycube unfoldings satisfying Conway's criterion" (PDF). 19th Japan Conference on Discrete and Computational Geometry, Graphs, and Games (JCDCG^3 2016).
- Hall, T. Proctor (1893). "The projection of fourfold figures on a three-flat". American Journal of Mathematics. 15 (2): 179–189. doi:10.2307/2369565. JSTOR 2369565.
- Skilling, John (1976). "Uniform Compounds of Uniform Polyhedra". Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 79 (3): 447–457. doi:10.1017/S0305004100052440. MR 0397554.
- Hart, George (16–20 July 2019). "Max Brücknerʼs Wunderkammer of Paper Polyhedra" (PDF). In Goldstein, Susan; McKenna, Douglas; Fenyvesi, Kristóf (eds.). Bridges 2019 Conference Proceedings. Linz, Austria: Tessellations Publishing, Phoenix, Arizona. ISBN 978-1-938664-30-4.
- Popko, Edward S. (2012). Divided Spheres: Geodesics and the Orderly Subdivision of the Sphere. CRC Press. pp. 100–101. ISBN 9781466504295.
- Fuller, Buckimster (1975). Synergetics: Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking. MacMillan Publishing. p. 173.
- Yackel, Carolyn (26–30 July 2013). "Marking a Physical Sphere with a Projected Platonic Solid" (PDF). In Kaplan, Craig; Sarhangi, Reza (eds.). Proceedings of Bridges 2009: Mathematics, Music, Art, Architecture, Culture. Banff, Alberta, Canada. pp. 123–130. ISBN 978-0-96652-020-0.
- Marat, Ton (2022). A Ludic Journey into Geometric Topology. Springer. p. 112. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-07442-4. ISBN 978-3-031-07442-4.
External links
- Weisstein, Eric W. "Cube". MathWorld.
- Cube: Interactive Polyhedron Model*
- Volume of a cube, with interactive animation
- Cube (Robert Webb's site)
In geometry a cube or regular hexahedron is a three dimensional solid object bounded by six congruent square faces a type of polyhedron It has twelve congruent edges and eight vertices It is a type of parallelepiped with pairs of parallel opposite faces and more specifically a rhombohedron with congruent edges and a rectangular cuboid with right angles between pairs of intersecting faces and pairs of intersecting edges It is an example of many classes of polyhedra Platonic solid regular polyhedron parallelohedron zonohedron and plesiohedron The dual polyhedron of a cube is the regular octahedron CubeTypeHanner polytope orthogonal polyhedron parallelohedron Platonic solid plesiohedron regular polyhedron zonohedronFaces6Edges12Vertices8Vertex configuration8 43 displaystyle 8 times 4 3 Schlafli symbol 4 3 displaystyle 4 3 Symmetry groupoctahedral symmetry Oh displaystyle mathrm O mathrm h Dihedral angle degrees 90 Dual polyhedronregular octahedronPropertiesconvex edge transitive face transitive non composite orthogonal faces vertex transitive The cube can be represented in many ways one of which is the graph known as the cubical graph It can be constructed by using the Cartesian product of graphs The cube is the three dimensional hypercube a family of polytopes also including the two dimensional square and four dimensional tesseract A cube with unit side length is the canonical unit of volume in three dimensional space relative to which other solid objects are measured Other related figures involve the construction of polyhedra space filling and honeycombs polycubes as well as cube in compounds spherical and topological space The cube was discovered in antiquity associated with the nature of earth by Plato the founder of Platonic solid It was used as a part of the Solar System proposed by Johannes Kepler It can be derived differently to create more polyhedrons and it has applications to construct a new polyhedron by attaching others Other applications include popular culture of toys and games arts optical illusions architectural buildings as well as the natural science and technology PropertiesA cube is a special case of rectangular cuboid in which the edges are equal in length Like other cuboids every face of a cube has four vertices each of which connects with three congruent lines These edges form square faces making the dihedral angle of a cube between every two adjacent squares being the interior angle of a square 90 Hence the cube has six faces twelve edges and eight vertices Because of such properties it is categorized as one of the five Platonic solids a polyhedron in which all the regular polygons are congruent and the same number of faces meet at each vertex Each three square faces surrounding a vertex is orthogonal each other so the cube is classified as orthogonal polyhedron The cube may be considered as the parallelepiped in which all of its edges are equal edges Measurement and other metric properties A face diagonal in red and space diagonal in blue The Prince Rupert s cube Given a cube with edge length a displaystyle a The face diagonal of a cube is the diagonal of a square a2 displaystyle a sqrt 2 and the space diagonal of a cube is a line connecting two vertices that is not in the same face formulated as a3 displaystyle a sqrt 3 Both formulas can be determined by using Pythagorean theorem The surface area of a cube A displaystyle A is six times the area of a square A 6a2 displaystyle A 6a 2 The volume of a cuboid is the product of its length width and height Because all the edges of a cube are equal in length the formula for the volume of a cube as the third power of its side length leading to the use of the term cubic to mean raising any number to the third power V a3 displaystyle V a 3 One special case is the unit cube so named for measuring a single unit of length along each edge It follows that each face is a unit square and that the entire figure has a volume of 1 cubic unit Prince Rupert s cube named after Prince Rupert of the Rhine is the largest cube that can pass through a hole cut into the unit cube despite having sides approximately 6 longer A polyhedron that can pass through a copy of itself of the same size or smaller is said to have the Rupert property A geometric problem of doubling the cube alternatively known as the Delian problem requires the construction of a cube with a volume twice the original by using a compass and straightedge solely Ancient mathematicians could not solve this old problem until French mathematician Pierre Wantzel in 1837 proved it was impossible Relation to the spheres With edge length a displaystyle a the inscribed sphere of a cube is the sphere tangent to the faces of a cube at their centroids with radius 12a textstyle frac 1 2 a The midsphere of a cube is the sphere tangent to the edges of a cube with radius 22a textstyle frac sqrt 2 2 a The circumscribed sphere of a cube is the sphere tangent to the vertices of a cube with radius 32a textstyle frac sqrt 3 2 a For a cube whose circumscribed sphere has radius R displaystyle R and for a given point in its three dimensional space with distances di displaystyle d i from the cube s eight vertices it is 18 i 18di4 16R49 18 i 18di2 2R23 2 displaystyle frac 1 8 sum i 1 8 d i 4 frac 16R 4 9 left frac 1 8 sum i 1 8 d i 2 frac 2R 2 3 right 2 Symmetry The cube has octahedral symmetry Oh displaystyle mathrm O mathrm h It is composed of reflection symmetry a symmetry by cutting into two halves by a plane There are nine reflection symmetries the five are cut the cube from the midpoints of its edges and the four are cut diagonally It is also composed of rotational symmetry a symmetry by rotating it around the axis from which the appearance is interchangeable It has octahedral rotation symmetry O displaystyle mathrm O three axes pass through the cube s opposite faces centroid six through the cube s opposite edges midpoints and four through the cube s opposite vertices each of these axes is respectively four fold rotational symmetry 0 90 180 and 270 two fold rotational symmetry 0 and 180 and three fold rotational symmetry 0 120 and 240 The dual polyhedron of a cube is the regular octahedron The dual polyhedron can be obtained from each of the polyhedron s vertices tangent to a plane by the process known as polar reciprocation One property of dual polyhedrons generally is that the polyhedron and its dual share their three dimensional symmetry point group In this case the dual polyhedron of a cube is the regular octahedron and both of these polyhedron has the same symmetry the octahedral symmetry The cube is face transitive meaning its two squares are alike and can be mapped by rotation and reflection It is vertex transitive meaning all of its vertices are equivalent and can be mapped isometrically under its symmetry It is also edge transitive meaning the same kind of faces surround each of its vertices in the same or reverse order all two adjacent faces have the same dihedral angle Therefore the cube is regular polyhedron because it requires those properties Each vertex is surrounded by three squares so the cube is 4 4 4 displaystyle 4 4 4 by vertex configuration or 4 3 displaystyle 4 3 in Schlafli symbol ApplicationsA six sided diceA completed skewbA sculpture Alamo Cubes have appeared in many popular cultures In toys and games dice are commonly found in a six sided shape puzzle toys such as Rubik s cube and Skewb are cube shaped and sandbox video games of cubic blocks with one example is Minecraft In art a 1967 outdoor sculpture Alamo is a cube rotated on its corner in which a pole hidden inside optical illusions such as impossible cube and Necker cube and stacked cubes forming a three dimensional cross is examples of both Salvador Dali s 1954 painting Corpus Hypercubus and Robert A Heinlein s 1940 short story And He Built a Crooked House In architecture cube was applied in Alberti s 1450 De re aedificatoria treatise on first Renaissance architecture and Kubuswoningen is known for a set of cubical shaped houses in which its hexagonal space diagonal becomes the main floor Simple cubic crystal structurePyrite cubic crystalsBall and stick model of cubane Cubes are also found in natural science and technology It is applied to the unit cell of a crystal known as cubic crystal system Pyrite is an example of a mineral with a commonly cubic shape although there are many varied shapes Cubane is a synthetic hydrocarbon consisting of eight carbon atoms arranged at the corners of a cube with one hydrogen atom attached to each carbon atom A number of Radiolarians were discovered by Ernest Haeckel one of which was Lithocubus geometricus with a cubic shape Cubical grids are most commonly found in three dimensional Cartesian coordinate system In computer graphics an algorithm divides the input volume into a discrete set of cubes known as the unit on isosurface and the faces of a cube can be used for mapping a shape A historical attempt to unify three physics ideas of relativity gravitation and quantum mechanics used the framework of a cube known as cGh cube Others are the spacecraft device CubeSat and thermal radiation demonstration device Leslie cube Sketch of a cube by Johannes KeplerKepler s Platonic solid model of the Solar System The Platonic solid is a set of polyhedrons known since antiquity It was named after Plato in his Timaeus dialogue who attributed these solids with nature One of them the cube represented the classical element of earth because of its stability Euclid s Elements defined the Platonic solids including the cube and using these solids with the problem involving to find the ratio of the circumscribed sphere s diameter to the edge length Following its attribution with nature by Plato Johannes Kepler in his Harmonices Mundi sketched each of the Platonic solids one of them is a cube in which Kepler decorated a tree on it In his Mysterium Cosmographicum Kepler also proposed the Solar System by using the Platonic solids setting into another one and separating them with six spheres resembling the six planets The ordered solids started from the innermost to the outermost regular octahedron regular icosahedron regular dodecahedron regular tetrahedron and cube ConstructionNets of a cube An elementary way to construct is using its net an arrangement of edge joining polygons constructing a polyhedron by connecting along the edges of those polygons Eleven nets for the cube are shown here In analytic geometry a cube may be constructed using the Cartesian coordinate systems For a cube centered at the origin with edges parallel to the axes and with an edge length of 2 the Cartesian coordinates of the vertices are 1 1 1 displaystyle pm 1 pm 1 pm 1 Its interior consists of all points x0 x1 x2 displaystyle x 0 x 1 x 2 with 1 lt xi lt 1 displaystyle 1 lt x i lt 1 for all i displaystyle i A cube s surface with center x0 y0 z0 displaystyle x 0 y 0 z 0 and edge length of 2a displaystyle 2a is the locus of all points x y z displaystyle x y z such that max x x0 y y0 z z0 a displaystyle max x x 0 y y 0 z z 0 a The cube is Hanner polytope because it can be constructed by using Cartesian product of three line segments Its dual polyhedron the regular octahedron is constructed by direct sum of three line segments The cube may be regarded as two tetrahedra attached onto the bases of a triangular antiprism RepresentationAs a graph The graph of a cube According to Steinitz s theorem the graph can be represented as the skeleton of a polyhedron roughly speaking a framework of a polyhedron Such a graph has two properties planar the edges of a graph are connected to every vertex without crossing other edges and 3 connected whenever a graph with more than three vertices and two of the vertices are removed the edges remain connected The skeleton of a cube can be represented as the graph and it is called the cubical graph a Platonic graph It has the same number of vertices and edges as the cube twelve vertices and eight edges The cubical graph is a special case of hypercube graph or n displaystyle n cube denoted as Qn displaystyle Q n because it can be constructed by using the operation known as the Cartesian product of graphs it involves two graphs connecting the pair of vertices with an edge to form a new graph In the case of the cubical graph it is the product of two Q2 displaystyle Q 2 roughly speaking it is a graph resembling a square In other words the cubical graph is constructed by connecting each vertex of two squares with an edge Notationally the cubical graph is Q3 displaystyle Q 3 As a part of the hypercube graph it is also an example of a unit distance graph Like other graphs of cuboids the cubical graph is also classified as a prism graph In orthogonal projection 3D model of a cube An object illuminated by parallel rays of light casts a shadow on a plane perpendicular to those rays called an orthogonal projection A polyhedron is considered equiprojective if for some position of the light its orthogonal projection is a regular polygon The cube is equiprojective because if the light is parallel to one of the four lines joining a vertex to the opposite vertex its projection is a regular hexagon Conventionally the cube is 6 equiprojective As a configuration matrix The cube can be represented as configuration matrix A configuration matrix is a matrix in which the rows and columns correspond to the elements of a polyhedron as in the vertices edges and faces The diagonal of a matrix denotes the number of each element that appears in a polyhedron whereas the non diagonal of a matrix denotes the number of the column s elements that occur in or at the row s element As mentioned above the cube has eight vertices twelve edges and six faces each element in a matrix s diagonal is denoted as 8 12 and 6 The first column of the middle row indicates that there are two vertices in i e at the extremes of each edge denoted as 2 the middle column of the first row indicates that three edges meet at each vertex denoted as 3 The following matrix is 8332122446 displaystyle begin bmatrix begin matrix 8 amp 3 amp 3 2 amp 12 amp 2 4 amp 4 amp 6 end matrix end bmatrix Related figuresConstruction of polyhedra Some of the derived cubes the stellated octahedron and tetrakis hexahedron The cube can appear in the construction of a polyhedron and some of its types can be derived differently in the following When faceting a cube meaning removing part of the polygonal faces without creating new vertices of a cube the resulting polyhedron is the stellated octahedron The cube is non composite polyhedron meaning it is a convex polyhedron that cannot be separated into two or more regular polyhedrons The cube can be applied to construct a new convex polyhedron by attaching another Attaching a square pyramid to each square face of a cube produces its Kleetope a polyhedron known as the tetrakis hexahedron Suppose one and two equilateral square pyramids are attached to their square faces In that case they are the construction of an elongated square pyramid and elongated square bipyramid respectively the Johnson solid s examples Each of the cube s vertices can be truncated and the resulting polyhedron is the Archimedean solid the truncated cube When its edges are truncated it is a rhombicuboctahedron Relatedly the rhombicuboctahedron can also be constructed by separating the cube s faces and then spreading away after which adding other triangular and square faces between them this is known as the expanded cube Similarly it is constructed by the cube s dual the regular octahedron The corner region of a cube can also be truncated by a plane e g spanned by the three neighboring vertices resulting in a trirectangular tetrahedron The snub cube is an Archimedean solid that can be constructed by separating away the cube square s face and filling their gaps with twisted angle equilateral triangles a process known as snub The cube can be constructed with six square pyramids tiling space by attaching their apices In some cases this produces the rhombic dodecahedron circumscribing a cube Space filling and honeycombs The cube is a plesiohedron a special kind of space filling polyhedron that can be defined as the Voronoi cell of a symmetric Delone set The plesiohedra include the parallelohedrons which can be translated without rotating to fill a space called honeycomb in which each face of any of its copies is attached to a like face of another copy There are five kinds of parallelohedra one of which is the cuboid Every three dimensional parallelohedron is zonohedron a centrally symmetric polyhedron whose faces are centrally symmetric polygons Cubic honeycombDali cross the net of a tesseract The honeycomb is the space filling or tessellation in three dimensional space meaning it is an object in which the construction begins by attaching any polyhedron onto its faces without leaving a gap The cube can be represented as the cell Some honeycomb with cubes as the only cells One example is cubic honeycomb the only proper honeycomb with four cubes around every edge Polycube is a polyhedron in which the faces of many cubes are attached Analogously it can be interpreted as the polyominoes in three dimensional space When four cubes are stacked vertically and the other four are attached to the second from top cube of the stack the resulting polycube is Dali cross after Salvador Dali In addition to popular cultures the Dali cross is a tile space polyhedron which can be represented as the net of a tesseract A tesseract is a cube analogous four dimensional space bounded by twenty four squares and eight cubes Miscellaneous Enumeration according to Skilling 1976 compound of six cubes with rotational freedom UC7 displaystyle mathrm UC 7 three cubes UC8 displaystyle mathrm UC 8 and five cubes UC9 displaystyle mathrm UC 9 Compound of cubes is the polyhedral compounds in which the cubes are sharing the same centre They belong to the uniform polyhedron compound meaning they are polyhedral compounds whose constituents are identical although possibly enantiomorphous uniform polyhedra in an arrangement that is also uniform The list of compounds enumerated by Skilling 1976 in seventh to ninth uniform compound for the compound of six cubes with rotational freedom three cubes and five cubes respectively Two compounds consisting of two and three cubes were found in Escher s wood engraving print Stars and Max Bruckner s book Vielecke und Vielflache Spherical cube The spherical cube represents the spherical polyhedron consisting of six spherical squares with 120 interior angle on each vertex and the distance between its centroid to vertices is the same as the distance between that to edges a property of vector equilibrium This can be modeled by the great arcs which bounds as the edges of a spherical square The topological object three dimensional torus is a topological space defined to be homeomorphic to the Cartesian product of three circles It can be represented as a three dimensional model of the cube shape See alsoBhargava cube configuration to study the law of binary quadratic form and other such forms of which the cube s vertices represent the integer ReferencesMills Steve Kolf Hillary 1999 Maths Dictionary Heinemann p 16 ISBN 978 0 435 02474 1 Johnson Norman W 1966 Convex polyhedra with regular faces Canadian Journal of Mathematics 18 169 200 doi 10 4153 cjm 1966 021 8 MR 0185507 S2CID 122006114 Zbl 0132 14603 See table II line 3 Herrmann Diane L Sally Paul J 2013 Number Shape amp Symmetry An Introduction to Number Theory Geometry and Group Theory Taylor amp Francis p 252 ISBN 978 1 4665 5464 1 Jessen Borge 1967 Orthogonal icosahedra Nordisk Matematisk Tidskrift 15 2 90 96 JSTOR 24524998 MR 0226494 Calter Paul Calter Michael 2011 Technical Mathematics John Wiley amp Sons p 197 ISBN 978 0 470 53492 2 Khattar Dinesh 2008 Guide to Objective Arithmetic 2nd ed Pearson Education p 377 ISBN 978 81 317 1682 3 Thomson James 1845 An Elementary Treatise on Algebra Theoretical and Practical London Longman Brown Green and Longmans p 4 Ball Keith 2010 High dimensional geometry and its probabilistic analogues In Gowers Timothy ed The Princeton Companion to Mathematics Princeton University Press p 671 ISBN 9781400830398 Geometry Reteaching Masters Holt Rinehart amp Winston 2001 p 74 ISBN 9780030543289 Sriraman Bharath 2009 Mathematics and literature the sequel imagination as a pathway to advanced mathematical ideas and philosophy In Sriraman Bharath Freiman Viktor Lirette Pitre Nicole eds Interdisciplinarity Creativity and Learning Mathematics With Literature Paradoxes History Technology and Modeling The Montana Mathematics Enthusiast Monograph Series in Mathematics Education Vol 7 Information Age Publishing Inc pp 41 54 ISBN 9781607521013 Jerrard Richard P Wetzel John E Yuan Liping April 2017 Platonic passages Mathematics Magazine 90 2 Washington DC Mathematical Association of America 87 98 doi 10 4169 math mag 90 2 87 S2CID 218542147 Lutzen Jesper 2010 The Algebra of Geometric Impossibility Descartes and Montucla on the Impossibility of the Duplication of the Cube and the Trisection of the Angle Centaurus 52 1 4 37 doi 10 1111 j 1600 0498 2009 00160 x Coxeter 1973 Table I i pp 292 293 See the columns labeled 0R ℓ displaystyle 0 mathrm R ell 1R ℓ displaystyle 1 mathrm R ell and 2R ℓ displaystyle 2 mathrm R ell Coxeter s notation for the circumradius midradius and inradius respectively also noting that Coxeter uses 2ℓ displaystyle 2 ell as the edge length see p 2 Poo Sung Park Poo Sung 2016 Regular polytope distances PDF Forum Geometricorum 16 227 232 Archived from the original PDF on 2016 10 10 Retrieved 2016 05 24 a href wiki Template Cite journal title Template Cite journal cite journal a CS1 maint multiple names authors list link French Doug 1988 Reflections on a Cube Mathematics in School 17 4 30 33 JSTOR 30214515 Cromwell Peter R 1997 Polyhedra Cambridge University Press p 309 ISBN 978 0 521 55432 9 Cunningham Gabe Pellicer Daniel 2024 Finite 3 orbit polyhedra in ordinary space II Boletin de la Sociedad Matematica Mexicana 30 32 doi 10 1007 s40590 024 00600 z See p 276 Cundy H Martyn Rollett A P 1961 3 2 Duality Mathematical models 2nd ed Oxford Clarendon Press pp 78 79 MR 0124167 Erickson Martin 2011 Beautiful Mathematics Mathematical Association of America p 62 ISBN 978 1 61444 509 8 McLean K Robin 1990 Dungeons dragons and dice The Mathematical Gazette 74 469 243 256 doi 10 2307 3619822 JSTOR 3619822 S2CID 195047512 See p 247 Grunbaum Branko 1997 Isogonal Prismatoids Discrete amp Computational Geometry 18 1 13 52 doi 10 1007 PL00009307 Senechal Marjorie 1989 A Brief Introduction to Tilings In Jaric Marko ed Introduction to the Mathematics of Quasicrystals Academic Press p 12 Walter Steurer Deloudi Sofia 2009 Crystallography of Quasicrystals Concepts Methods and Structures Springer Series in Materials Science Vol 126 p 50 doi 10 1007 978 3 642 01899 2 ISBN 978 3 642 01898 5 Joyner David 2008 Adventures in Group Theory Rubik s Cube Merlin s Machine and Other Mathematical Toys 2nd ed The Johns Hopkins University Press p 76 ISBN 978 0 8018 9012 3 Moore Kimberly 2018 Minecraft Comes to Math Class Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 23 6 334 341 doi 10 5951 mathteacmiddscho 23 6 0334 JSTOR 10 5951 mathteacmiddscho 23 6 0334 Reaven Marci Zeilten Steve 2006 Hidden New York A Guide to Places that Matter Rutgers University Press p 77 ISBN 978 0 8135 3890 7 John D Barrow 1999 Impossibility The Limits of Science and the Science of Limits Oxford University Press p 14 ISBN 9780195130829 Kemp Martin 1 January 1998 Dali s dimensions Nature 391 27 27 Bibcode 1998Natur 391 27K doi 10 1038 34063 Fowler David 2010 Mathematics in Science Fiction Mathematics as Science Fiction World Literature Today 84 3 48 52 doi 10 1353 wlt 2010 0188 JSTOR 27871086 S2CID 115769478 Robert Heinlein s And He Built a Crooked House published in 1940 and Martin Gardner s The No Sided Professor published in 1946 are among the first in science fiction to introduce readers to the Moebius band the Klein bottle and the hypercube tesseract March Lionel 1996 Renaissance mathematics and architectural proportion in Alberti s De re aedificatoria Architectural Research Quarterly 2 1 54 65 doi 10 1017 S135913550000110X S2CID 110346888 Alsina Claudi Nelsen Roger B 2015 A Mathematical Space Odyssey Solid Geometry in the 21st Century Vol 50 Mathematical Association of America p 85 ISBN 978 1 61444 216 5 Tisza Miklos 2001 Physical Metallurgy for Engineers Materials Park Ohio ASM International p 45 ISBN 978 1 61503 241 9 Hoffmann Frank 2020 Introduction to Crystallography Springer p 35 doi 10 1007 978 3 030 35110 6 ISBN 978 3 030 35110 6 Biegasiewicz Kyle Griffiths Justin Savage G Paul Tsanakstidis John Priefer Ronny 2015 Cubane 50 years later Chemical Reviews 115 14 6719 6745 doi 10 1021 cr500523x PMID 26102302 Haeckel E 1904 Kunstformen der Natur in German See here for an online book Kov acs Gergely Nagy Benedek Nagy Stomfai Gergely Turgay Nes et Deni z Vizv ari B ela 2021 On Chamfer Distances on the Square and Body Centered CubicGrids An Operational Research Approach Mathematical Problems in Engineering 1 9 doi 10 1155 2021 5582034 Chin Daniel Jie Yuan Chin Mohamed Ahmad Sufril Azlan Shariff Khairul Anuar Ishikawa Kunio 23 25 November 2021 GPU Accelerated Enhanced Marching Cubes 33 for Fast 3D Reconstruction of Large Bone Defect CT Images In Zaman Halimah Badioze Smeaton Alan Shih Timothy Velastin Sergio Terutoshi Tada Jorgensen Bo Norregaard Aris Hazleen Aris Ibrahim Nazrita Ibrahim eds Advances in Visual Informatics 7th International Visual Informatics Conference Kajang Malaysia p 376 Greene N 1986 Environment mapping and other applications of world projections IEEE Comput Graph Appl 6 11 21 29 doi 10 1109 MCG 1986 276658 S2CID 11301955 Padmanabhan Thanu 2015 The Grand Cube of Theoretical Physics Sleeping Beauties in Theoretical Physics Springer pp 1 8 ISBN 978 3319134420 Helvajian Henry Janson Siegfried W eds 2008 Small Satellites Past Present and Future El Segundo Calif Aerospace Press p 159 ISBN 978 1 884989 22 3 Vollmer Michael Mollmann Klaus Peter 2011 Infrared Thermal Imaging Fundamentals Research and Applications John Wiley amp Sons pp 36 38 ISBN 9783527641550 Cromwell 1997 p 55 Heath Thomas L 1908 The Thirteen Books of Euclid s Elements 3rd ed Cambridge University Press p 262 478 480 Livio Mario 2003 2002 The Golden Ratio The Story of Phi the World s Most Astonishing Number 1st trade paperback ed New York City Broadway Books p 147 ISBN 978 0 7679 0816 0 Jeon Kyungsoon 2009 Mathematics Hiding in the Nets for a CUBE Teaching Children Mathematics 15 7 394 399 doi 10 5951 TCM 15 7 0394 JSTOR 41199313 Smith James 2000 Methods of Geometry John Wiley amp Sons p 392 ISBN 978 1 118 03103 2 Kozachok Marina 2012 Perfect prismatoids and the conjecture concerning with face numbers of centrally symmetric polytopes Yaroslavl International Conference Discrete Geometry dedicated to the centenary of A D Alexandrov Yaroslavl August 13 18 2012 PDF P G Demidov Yaroslavl State University International B N Delaunay Laboratory pp 46 49 Alsina amp Nelsen 2015 p 89 Grunbaum Branko 2003 13 1 Steinitz s theorem Convex Polytopes Graduate Texts in Mathematics Vol 221 2nd ed Springer Verlag pp 235 244 ISBN 0 387 40409 0 Ziegler Gunter M 1995 Chapter 4 Steinitz Theorem for 3 Polytopes Lectures on Polytopes Graduate Texts in Mathematics Vol 152 Springer Verlag pp 103 126 ISBN 0 387 94365 X Rudolph Michael 2022 The Mathematics of Finite Networks An Introduction to Operator Graph Theory Cambridge University Press p 25 doi 10 1007 9781316466919 inactive 1 November 2024 ISBN 9781316466919 a href wiki Template Cite book title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint DOI inactive as of November 2024 link Harary F Hayes J P Wu H J 1988 A survey of the theory of hypercube graphs Computers amp Mathematics with Applications 15 4 277 289 doi 10 1016 0898 1221 88 90213 1 hdl 2027 42 27522 Chartrand Gary Zhang Ping 2012 A First Course in Graph Theory Dover Publications p 25 ISBN 978 0 486 29730 9 Horvat Boris Pisanski Tomaz 2010 Products of unit distance graphs Discrete Mathematics 310 12 1783 1792 doi 10 1016 j disc 2009 11 035 MR 2610282 Pisanski Tomaz Servatius Brigitte 2013 Configuration from a Graphical Viewpoint Springer p 21 doi 10 1007 978 0 8176 8364 1 ISBN 978 0 8176 8363 4 Hasan Masud Hossain Mohammad M Lopez Ortiz Alejandro Nusrat Sabrina Quader Saad A Rahman Nabila 2010 Some New Equiprojective Polyhedra arXiv 1009 2252 cs CG Coxeter H S M 1973 Regular Polytopes 3rd ed New York Dover Publications pp 122 123 See 1 8 Configurations Inchbald Guy 2006 Facetting Diagrams The Mathematical Gazette 90 518 253 261 doi 10 1017 S0025557200179653 JSTOR 40378613 Timofeenko A V 2010 Junction of Non composite Polyhedra PDF St Petersburg Mathematical Journal 21 3 483 512 doi 10 1090 S1061 0022 10 01105 2 Slobodan Misic Obradovic Marija Dukanovic Gordana 2015 Composite Concave Cupolae as Geometric and Architectural Forms PDF Journal for Geometry and Graphics 19 1 79 91 Rajwade A R 2001 Convex Polyhedra with Regularity Conditions and Hilbert s Third Problem Texts and Readings in Mathematics Hindustan Book Agency p 84 89 doi 10 1007 978 93 86279 06 4 ISBN 978 93 86279 06 4 Cromwell 1997 pp 81 82 Linti G 2013 Catenated Compounds Group 13 Al Ga In Tl In Reedijk J Poeppelmmeier K eds Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry II From Elements to Applications Newnes p 41 ISBN 978 0 08 096529 1 Viana Vera Xavier Joao Pedro Aires Ana Paula Campos Helena 2019 Interactive Expansion of Achiral Polyhedra In Cocchiarella Luigi ed ICGG 2018 Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics 40th Anniversary Milan Italy August 3 7 2018 Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Vol 809 Springer p 1123 doi 10 1007 978 3 319 95588 9 ISBN 978 3 319 95587 2 See Fig 6 Coxeter 1973 p 71 Holme A 2010 Geometry Our Cultural Heritage Springer doi 10 1007 978 3 642 14441 7 ISBN 978 3 642 14441 7 Barnes John 2012 Gems of Geometry 2nd ed Springer p 82 doi 10 1007 978 3 642 30964 9 ISBN 978 3 642 30964 9 Cundy H Martyn 1956 2642 Unitary Construction of Certain Polyhedra The Mathematical Gazette 40 234 280 282 doi 10 2307 3609622 JSTOR 3609622 Erdahl R M 1999 Zonotopes dicings and Voronoi s conjecture on parallelohedra European Journal of Combinatorics 20 6 527 549 doi 10 1006 eujc 1999 0294 MR 1703597 Voronoi conjectured that all tilings of higher dimensional spaces by translates of a single convex polytope are combinatorially equivalent to Voronoi tilings and Erdahl proves this in the special case of zonotopes But as he writes p 429 Voronoi s conjecture for dimensions at most four was already proven by Delaunay For the classification of three dimensional parallelohedra into these five types see Grunbaum Branko Shephard G C 1980 Tilings with congruent tiles Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society New Series 3 3 951 973 doi 10 1090 S0273 0979 1980 14827 2 MR 0585178 Alexandrov A D 2005 8 1 Parallelohedra Convex Polyhedra Springer pp 349 359 In higher dimensions however there exist parallelopes that are not zonotopes See e g Shephard G C 1974 Space filling zonotopes Mathematika 21 2 261 269 doi 10 1112 S0025579300008652 MR 0365332 Coxeter H S M 1968 The Beauty of Geometry Twelve Essays Dover Publications p 167 ISBN 978 0 486 40919 1 See table III Nelson Roice Segerman Henry 2017 Visualizing hyperbolic honeycombs Journal of Mathematics and the Arts 11 1 4 39 doi 10 1080 17513472 2016 1263789 Lunnon W F 1972 Symmetry of Cubical and General Polyominoes In Read Ronald C ed Graph Theory and Computing New York Academic Press pp 101 108 ISBN 978 1 48325 512 5 Diaz Giovanna O Rourke Joseph 2015 Hypercube unfoldings that tile R3 displaystyle mathbb R 3 and R2 displaystyle mathbb R 2 arXiv 1512 02086 cs CG Langerman Stefan Winslow Andrew 2016 Polycube unfoldings satisfying Conway s criterion PDF 19th Japan Conference on Discrete and Computational Geometry Graphs and Games JCDCG 3 2016 Hall T Proctor 1893 The projection of fourfold figures on a three flat American Journal of Mathematics 15 2 179 189 doi 10 2307 2369565 JSTOR 2369565 Skilling John 1976 Uniform Compounds of Uniform Polyhedra Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 79 3 447 457 doi 10 1017 S0305004100052440 MR 0397554 Hart George 16 20 July 2019 Max Brucknerʼs Wunderkammer of Paper Polyhedra PDF In Goldstein Susan McKenna Douglas Fenyvesi Kristof eds Bridges 2019 Conference Proceedings Linz Austria Tessellations Publishing Phoenix Arizona ISBN 978 1 938664 30 4 Popko Edward S 2012 Divided Spheres Geodesics and the Orderly Subdivision of the Sphere CRC Press pp 100 101 ISBN 9781466504295 Fuller Buckimster 1975 Synergetics Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking MacMillan Publishing p 173 Yackel Carolyn 26 30 July 2013 Marking a Physical Sphere with a Projected Platonic Solid PDF In Kaplan Craig Sarhangi Reza eds Proceedings of Bridges 2009 Mathematics Music Art Architecture Culture Banff Alberta Canada pp 123 130 ISBN 978 0 96652 020 0 Marat Ton 2022 A Ludic Journey into Geometric Topology Springer p 112 doi 10 1007 978 3 031 07442 4 ISBN 978 3 031 07442 4 External linksWeisstein Eric W Cube MathWorld Cube Interactive Polyhedron Model Volume of a cube with interactive animation Cube Robert Webb s site