In mathematics, an affine algebraic plane curve is the zero set of a polynomial in two variables. A projective algebraic plane curve is the zero set in a projective plane of a homogeneous polynomial in three variables. An affine algebraic plane curve can be completed in a projective algebraic plane curve by homogenizing its defining polynomial. Conversely, a projective algebraic plane curve of homogeneous equation h(x, y, t) = 0 can be restricted to the affine algebraic plane curve of equation h(x, y, 1) = 0. These two operations are each inverse to the other; therefore, the phrase algebraic plane curve is often used without specifying explicitly whether it is the affine or the projective case that is considered.

This article includes a list of general references, but it lacks sufficient corresponding inline citations.(August 2023) |
If the defining polynomial of a plane algebraic curve is irreducible, then one has an irreducible plane algebraic curve. Otherwise, the algebraic curve is the union of one or several irreducible curves, called its components, that are defined by the irreducible factors.
More generally, an algebraic curve is an algebraic variety of dimension one. (In some contexts, an algebraic set of dimension one is also called an algebraic curve, but this will not be the case in this article.) Equivalently, an algebraic curve is an algebraic variety that is birationally equivalent to an irreducible algebraic plane curve. If the curve is contained in an affine space or a projective space, one can take a projection for such a birational equivalence.
These birational equivalences reduce most of the study of algebraic curves to the study of algebraic plane curves. However, some properties are not kept under birational equivalence and must be studied on non-plane curves. This is, in particular, the case for the degree and smoothness. For example, there exist smooth curves of genus 0 and degree greater than two, but any plane projection of such curves has singular points (see Genus–degree formula).
A non-plane curve is often called a space curve or a skew curve.
In Euclidean geometry
An algebraic curve in the Euclidean plane is the set of the points whose coordinates are the solutions of a bivariate polynomial equation p(x, y) = 0. This equation is often called the implicit equation of the curve, in contrast to the curves that are the graph of a function defining explicitly y as a function of x.
With a curve given by such an implicit equation, the first problems are to determine the shape of the curve and to draw it. These problems are not as easy to solve as in the case of the graph of a function, for which y may easily be computed for various values of x. The fact that the defining equation is a polynomial implies that the curve has some structural properties that may help in solving these problems.
Every algebraic curve may be uniquely decomposed into a finite number of smooth monotone arcs (also called branches) sometimes connected by some points sometimes called "remarkable points", and possibly a finite number of isolated points called acnodes. A smooth monotone arc is the graph of a smooth function which is defined and monotone on an open interval of the x-axis. In each direction, an arc is either unbounded (usually called an infinite arc) or has an endpoint which is either a singular point (this will be defined below) or a point with a tangent parallel to one of the coordinate axes.
For example, for the Tschirnhausen cubic, there are two infinite arcs having the origin (0,0) as of endpoint. This point is the only singular point of the curve. There are also two arcs having this singular point as one endpoint and having a second endpoint with a horizontal tangent. Finally, there are two other arcs each having one of these points with horizontal tangent as the first endpoint and having the unique point with vertical tangent as the second endpoint. In contrast, the sinusoid is certainly not an algebraic curve, having an infinite number of monotone arcs.
To draw an algebraic curve, it is important to know the remarkable points and their tangents, the infinite branches and their asymptotes (if any) and the way in which the arcs connect them. It is also useful to consider the inflection points as remarkable points. When all this information is drawn on a sheet of paper, the shape of the curve usually appears rather clearly. If not, it suffices to add a few other points and their tangents to get a good description of the curve.
The methods for computing the remarkable points and their tangents are described below in the section Remarkable points of a plane curve.
Plane projective curves
It is often desirable to consider curves in the projective space. An algebraic curve in the projective plane or plane projective curve is the set of the points in a projective plane whose projective coordinates are zeros of a homogeneous polynomial in three variables P(x, y, z).
Every affine algebraic curve of equation p(x, y) = 0 may be completed into the projective curve of equation where
is the result of the homogenization of p. Conversely, if P(x, y, z) = 0 is the homogeneous equation of a projective curve, then P(x, y, 1) = 0 is the equation of an affine curve, which consists of the points of the projective curve whose third projective coordinate is not zero. These two operations are reciprocal one to the other, as
and, if p is defined by
, then
as soon as the homogeneous polynomial P is not divisible by z.
For example, the projective curve of equation x2 + y2 − z2 is the projective completion of the unit circle of equation x2 + y2 − 1 = 0.
This implies that an affine curve and its projective completion are the same curves, or, more precisely that the affine curve is a part of the projective curve that is large enough to well define the "complete" curve. This point of view is commonly expressed by calling "points at infinity" of the affine curve the points (in finite number) of the projective completion that do not belong to the affine part.
Projective curves are frequently studied for themselves. They are also useful for the study of affine curves. For example, if p(x, y) is the polynomial defining an affine curve, beside the partial derivatives and
, it is useful to consider the derivative at infinity
For example, the equation of the tangent of the affine curve of equation p(x, y) = 0 at a point (a, b) is
Remarkable points of a plane curve
In this section, we consider a plane algebraic curve defined by a bivariate polynomial p(x, y) and its projective completion, defined by the homogenization of p.
Intersection with a line
Knowing the points of intersection of a curve with a given line is frequently useful. The intersection with the axes of coordinates and the asymptotes are useful to draw the curve. Intersecting with a line parallel to the axes allows one to find at least a point in each branch of the curve. If an efficient root-finding algorithm is available, this allows to draw the curve by plotting the intersection point with all the lines parallel to the y-axis and passing through each pixel on the x-axis.
If the polynomial defining the curve has a degree d, any line cuts the curve in at most d points. Bézout's theorem asserts that this number is exactly d, if the points are searched in the projective plane over an algebraically closed field (for example the complex numbers), and counted with their multiplicity. The method of computation that follows proves again this theorem, in this simple case.
To compute the intersection of the curve defined by the polynomial p with the line of equation ax+by+c = 0, one solves the equation of the line for x (or for y if a = 0). Substituting the result in p, one gets a univariate equation q(y) = 0 (or q(x) = 0, if the equation of the line has been solved in y), each of whose roots is one coordinate of an intersection point. The other coordinate is deduced from the equation of the line. The multiplicity of an intersection point is the multiplicity of the corresponding root. There is an intersection point at infinity if the degree of q is lower than the degree of p; the multiplicity of such an intersection point at infinity is the difference of the degrees of p and q.
Tangent at a point
The tangent at a point (a, b) of the curve is the line of equation , like for every differentiable curve defined by an implicit equation. In the case of polynomials, another formula for the tangent has a simpler constant term and is more symmetric:
where is the derivative at infinity. The equivalence of the two equations results from Euler's homogeneous function theorem applied to P.
If the tangent is not defined and the point is a singular point.
This extends immediately to the projective case: The equation of the tangent of at the point of projective coordinates (a:b:c) of the projective curve of equation P(x, y, z) = 0 is
and the points of the curves that are singular are the points such that
(The condition P(a, b, c) = 0 is implied by these conditions, by Euler's homogeneous function theorem.)
Every infinite branch of an algebraic curve corresponds to a point at infinity on the curve, that is a point of the projective completion of the curve that does not belong to its affine part. The corresponding asymptote is the tangent of the curve at that point. The general formula for a tangent to a projective curve may apply, but it is worth to make it explicit in this case.
Let be the decomposition of the polynomial defining the curve into its homogeneous parts, where pi is the sum of the monomials of p of degree i. It follows that
A point at infinity of the curve is a zero of p of the form (a, b, 0). Equivalently, (a, b) is a zero of pd. The fundamental theorem of algebra implies that, over an algebraically closed field (typically, the field of complex numbers), pd factors into a product of linear factors. Each factor defines a point at infinity on the curve: if bx − ay is such a factor, then it defines the point at infinity (a, b, 0). Over the reals, pd factors into linear and quadratic factors. The irreducible quadratic factors define non-real points at infinity, and the real points are given by the linear factors. If (a, b, 0) is a point at infinity of the curve, one says that (a, b) is an asymptotic direction. Setting q = pd the equation of the corresponding asymptote is
If and
the asymptote is the line at infinity, and, in the real case, the curve has a branch that looks like a parabola. In this case one says that the curve has a parabolic branch. If
the curve has a singular point at infinity and may have several asymptotes. They may be computed by the method of computing the tangent cone of a singular point.
Singular points
The singular points of a curve of degree d defined by a polynomial p(x,y) of degree d are the solutions of the system of equations: In characteristic zero, this system is equivalent to
where, with the notation of the preceding section,
The systems are equivalent because of Euler's homogeneous function theorem. The latter system has the advantage of having its third polynomial of degree d-1 instead of d.
Similarly, for a projective curve defined by a homogeneous polynomial P(x,y,z) of degree d, the singular points have the solutions of the system as homogeneous coordinates. (In positive characteristic, the equation
has to be added to the system.)
This implies that the number of singular points is finite as long as p(x,y) or P(x,y,z) is square free. Bézout's theorem implies thus that the number of singular points is at most (d − 1)2, but this bound is not sharp because the system of equations is overdetermined. If reducible polynomials are allowed, the sharp bound is d(d − 1)/2, this value is reached when the polynomial factors in linear factors, that is if the curve is the union of d lines. For irreducible curves and polynomials, the number of singular points is at most (d − 1)(d − 2)/2, because of the formula expressing the genus in term of the singularities (see below). The maximum is reached by the curves of genus zero whose all singularities have multiplicity two and distinct tangents (see below).
The equation of the tangents at a singular point is given by the nonzero homogeneous part of the lowest degree in the Taylor series of the polynomial at the singular point. When one changes the coordinates to put the singular point at the origin, the equation of the tangents at the singular point is thus the nonzero homogeneous part of the lowest degree of the polynomial, and the multiplicity of the singular point is the degree of this homogeneous part.
Analytic structure
The study of the analytic structure of an algebraic curve in the neighborhood of a singular point provides accurate information of the topology of singularities. In fact, near a singular point, a real algebraic curve is the union of a finite number of branches that intersect only at the singular point and look either as a cusp or as a smooth curve.
Near a regular point, one of the coordinates of the curve may be expressed as an analytic function of the other coordinate. This is a corollary of the analytic implicit function theorem, and implies that the curve is smooth near the point. Near a singular point, the situation is more complicated and involves Puiseux series, which provide analytic parametric equations of the branches.
For describing a singularity, it is worth to translate the curve for having the singularity at the origin. This consists of a change of variable of the form where
are the coordinates of the singular point. In the following, the singular point under consideration is always supposed to be at the origin.
The equation of an algebraic curve is where f is a polynomial in x and y. This polynomial may be considered as a polynomial in y, with coefficients in the algebraically closed field of the Puiseux series in x. Thus f may be factored in factors of the form
where P is a Puiseux series. These factors are all different if f is an irreducible polynomial, because this implies that f is square-free, a property which is independent of the field of coefficients.
The Puiseux series that occur here have the form where d is a positive integer, and
is an integer that may also be supposed to be positive, because we consider only the branches of the curve that pass through the origin. Without loss of generality, we may suppose that d is coprime with the greatest common divisor of the n such that
(otherwise, one could choose a smaller common denominator for the exponents).
Let be a primitive dth root of unity. If the above Puiseux series occurs in the factorization of
, then the d series
occur also in the factorization (a consequence of Galois theory). These d series are said conjugate, and are considered as a single branch of the curve, of ramification index d.
In the case of a real curve, that is a curve defined by a polynomial with real coefficients, three cases may occur. If none has real coefficients, then one has a non-real branch. If some
has real coefficients, then one may choose it as
. If d is odd, then every real value of x provides a real value of
, and one has a real branch that looks regular, although it is singular if d > 1. If d is even, then
have real values, but only for x ≥ 0. In this case, the real branch looks as a cusp (or is a cusp, depending on the definition of a cusp that is used).
For example, the ordinary cusp has only one branch. If it is defined by the equation then the factorization is
the ramification index is 2, and the two factors are real and define each a half branch. If the cusp is rotated, it equation becomes
and the factorization is
(the coefficient
has not been simplified to j for showing how the above definition of
is specialized). Here the ramification index is 3, and only one factor is real; this shows that, in the first case, the two factors must be considered as defining the same branch.
Non-plane algebraic curves
An algebraic curve is an algebraic variety of dimension one. This implies that an affine curve in an affine space of dimension n is defined by, at least, n − 1 polynomials in n variables. To define a curve, these polynomials must generate a prime ideal of Krull dimension 1. This condition is not easy to test in practice. Therefore, the following way to represent non-plane curves may be preferred.
Let be n polynomials in two variables x1 and x2 such that f is irreducible. The points in the affine space of dimension n such whose coordinates satisfy the equations and inequations
are all the points of an algebraic curve in which a finite number of points have been removed. This curve is defined by a system of generators of the ideal of the polynomials h such that it exists an integer k such belongs to the ideal generated by
. This representation is a birational equivalence between the curve and the plane curve defined by f. Every algebraic curve may be represented in this way. However, a linear change of variables may be needed in order to make almost always injective the projection on the two first variables. When a change of variables is needed, almost every change is convenient, as soon as it is defined over an infinite field.
This representation allows us to deduce easily any property of a non-plane algebraic curve, including its graphical representation, from the corresponding property of its plane projection.
For a curve defined by its implicit equations, above representation of the curve may easily deduced from a Gröbner basis for a block ordering such that the block of the smaller variables is (x1, x2). The polynomial f is the unique polynomial in the base that depends only of x1 and x2. The fractions gi/g0 are obtained by choosing, for i = 3, ..., n, a polynomial in the basis that is linear in xi and depends only on x1, x2 and xi. If these choices are not possible, this means either that the equations define an algebraic set that is not a variety, or that the variety is not of dimension one, or that one must change of coordinates. The latter case occurs when f exists and is unique, and, for i = 3, …, n, there exist polynomials whose leading monomial depends only on x1, x2 and xi.
Algebraic function fields
The study of algebraic curves can be reduced to the study of irreducible algebraic curves: those curves that cannot be written as the union of two smaller curves. Up to birational equivalence, the irreducible curves over a field F are categorically equivalent to algebraic function fields in one variable over F. Such an algebraic function field is a field extension K of F that contains an element x which is transcendental over F, and such that K is a finite algebraic extension of F(x), which is the field of rational functions in the indeterminate x over F.
For example, consider the field C of complex numbers, over which we may define the field C(x) of rational functions in C. If y2 = x3 − x − 1, then the field C(x, y) is an elliptic function field. The element x is not uniquely determined; the field can also be regarded, for instance, as an extension of C(y). The algebraic curve corresponding to the function field is simply the set of points (x, y) in C2 satisfying y2 = x3 − x − 1.
If the field F is not algebraically closed, the point of view of function fields is a little more general than that of considering the locus of points, since we include, for instance, "curves" with no points on them. For example, if the base field F is the field R of real numbers, then x2 + y2 = −1 defines an algebraic extension field of R(x), but the corresponding curve considered as a subset of R2 has no points. The equation x2 + y2 = −1 does define an irreducible algebraic curve over R in the scheme sense (an integral, separated one-dimensional schemes of finite type over R). In this sense, the one-to-one correspondence between irreducible algebraic curves over F (up to birational equivalence) and algebraic function fields in one variable over F holds in general.
Two curves can be birationally equivalent (i.e. have isomorphic function fields) without being isomorphic as curves. The situation becomes easier when dealing with nonsingular curves, i.e. those that lack any singularities. Two nonsingular projective curves over a field are isomorphic if and only if their function fields are isomorphic.
Tsen's theorem is about the function field of an algebraic curve over an algebraically closed field.
Complex curves and real surfaces
A complex projective algebraic curve resides in n-dimensional complex projective space CPn. This has complex dimension n, but topological dimension, as a real manifold, 2n, and is compact, connected, and orientable. An algebraic curve over C likewise has topological dimension two; in other words, it is a surface.
The topological genus of this surface, that is the number of handles or donut holes, is equal to the geometric genus of the algebraic curve that may be computed by algebraic means. In short, if one consider a plane projection of a nonsingular curve that has degree d and only ordinary singularities (singularities of multiplicity two with distinct tangents), then the genus is (d − 1)(d − 2)/2 − k, where k is the number of these singularities.
Compact Riemann surfaces
A Riemann surface is a connected complex analytic manifold of one complex dimension, which makes it a connected real manifold of two dimensions. It is compact if it is compact as a topological space.
There is a triple equivalence of categories between the category of smooth irreducible projective algebraic curves over C (with non-constant regular maps as morphisms), the category of compact Riemann surfaces (with non-constant holomorphic maps as morphisms), and the opposite of the category of algebraic function fields in one variable over C (with field homomorphisms that fix C as morphisms). This means that in studying these three subjects we are in a sense studying one and the same thing. It allows complex analytic methods to be used in algebraic geometry, and algebraic-geometric methods in complex analysis and field-theoretic methods to be used in both. This is characteristic of a much wider class of problems in algebraic geometry.
See also algebraic geometry and analytic geometry for a more general theory.
Using the intrinsic concept of tangent space, points P on an algebraic curve C are classified as smooth (synonymous: non-singular), or else singular. Given n − 1 homogeneous polynomials in n + 1 variables, we may find the Jacobian matrix as the (n − 1)×(n + 1) matrix of the partial derivatives. If the rank of this matrix is n − 1, then the polynomials define an algebraic curve (otherwise they define an algebraic variety of higher dimension). If the rank remains n − 1 when the Jacobian matrix is evaluated at a point P on the curve, then the point is a smooth or regular point; otherwise it is a singular point. In particular, if the curve is a plane projective algebraic curve, defined by a single homogeneous polynomial equation f(x,y,z) = 0, then the singular points are precisely the points P where the rank of the 1×(n + 1) matrix is zero, that is, where
Since f is a polynomial, this definition is purely algebraic and makes no assumption about the nature of the field F, which in particular need not be the real or complex numbers. It should, of course, be recalled that (0,0,0) is not a point of the curve and hence not a singular point.
Similarly, for an affine algebraic curve defined by a single polynomial equation f(x,y) = 0, then the singular points are precisely the points P of the curve where the rank of the 1×n Jacobian matrix is zero, that is, where
The singularities of a curve are not birational invariants. However, locating and classifying the singularities of a curve is one way of computing the genus, which is a birational invariant. For this to work, we should consider the curve projectively and require F to be algebraically closed, so that all the singularities which belong to the curve are considered.
Classification of singularities
Singular points include multiple points where the curve crosses over itself, and also various types of cusp, for example that shown by the curve with equation x3 = y2 at (0,0).
A curve C has at most a finite number of singular points. If it has none, it can be called smooth or non-singular. Commonly, this definition is understood over an algebraically closed field and for a curve C in a projective space (i.e., complete in the sense of algebraic geometry). For example, the plane curve of equation is considered as singular, as having a singular point (a cusp) at infinity.
In the remainder of this section, one considers a plane curve C defined as the zero set of a bivariate polynomial f(x, y). Some of the results, but not all, may be generalized to non-plane curves.
The singular points are classified by means of several invariants. The multiplicity m is defined as the maximum integer such that the derivatives of f to all orders up to m – 1 vanish (also the minimal intersection number between the curve and a straight line at P). Intuitively, a singular point has delta invariant δ if it concentrates δ ordinary double points at P. To make this precise, the blow up process produces so-called infinitely near points, and summing m(m − 1)/2 over the infinitely near points, where m is their multiplicity, produces δ. For an irreducible and reduced curve and a point P we can define δ algebraically as the length of where
is the local ring at P and
is its integral closure.
The Milnor number μ of a singularity is the degree of the mapping grad f(x,y)/|grad f(x,y)| on the small sphere of radius ε, in the sense of the topological degree of a continuous mapping, where grad f is the (complex) gradient vector field of f. It is related to δ and r by the ,
Here, the branching number r of P is the number of locally irreducible branches at P. For example, r = 1 at an ordinary cusp, and r = 2 at an ordinary double point. The multiplicity m is at least r, and that P is singular if and only if m is at least 2. Moreover, δ is at least m(m-1)/2.
Computing the delta invariants of all of the singularities allows the genus g of the curve to be determined; if d is the degree, then
where the sum is taken over all singular points P of the complex projective plane curve. It is called the genus formula.
Assign the invariants [m, δ, r] to a singularity, where m is the multiplicity, δ is the delta-invariant, and r is the branching number. Then an ordinary cusp is a point with invariants [2,1,1] and an ordinary double point is a point with invariants [2,1,2], and an ordinary m-multiple point is a point with invariants [m, m(m − 1)/2, m].
Examples of curves
Rational curves
A rational curve, also called a unicursal curve, is any curve which is birationally equivalent to a line, which we may take to be a projective line; accordingly, we may identify the function field of the curve with the field of rational functions in one indeterminate F(x). If F is algebraically closed, this is equivalent to a curve of genus zero; however, the field of all real algebraic functions defined on the real algebraic variety x2 + y2 = −1 is a field of genus zero which is not a rational function field.
Concretely, a rational curve embedded in an affine space of dimension n over F can be parameterized (except for isolated exceptional points) by means of n rational functions of a single parameter t; by reducing these rational functions to the same denominator, the n+1 resulting polynomials define a polynomial parametrization of the projective completion of the curve in the projective space. An example is the rational normal curve, where all these polynomials are monomials.
Any conic section defined over F with a rational point in F is a rational curve. It can be parameterized by drawing a line with slope t through the rational point, and an intersection with the plane quadratic curve; this gives a polynomial with F-rational coefficients and one F-rational root, hence the other root is F-rational (i.e., belongs to F) also.
For example, consider the ellipse x2 + xy + y2 = 1, where (−1, 0) is a rational point. Drawing a line with slope t from (−1,0), y = t(x + 1), substituting it in the equation of the ellipse, factoring, and solving for x, we obtain
Then the equation for y is
which defines a rational parameterization of the ellipse and hence shows the ellipse is a rational curve. All points of the ellipse are given, except for (−1,1), which corresponds to t = ∞; the entire curve is parameterized therefore by the real projective line.
Such a rational parameterization may be considered in the projective space by equating the first projective coordinates to the numerators of the parameterization and the last one to the common denominator. As the parameter is defined in a projective line, the polynomials in the parameter should be homogenized. For example, the projective parameterization of the above ellipse is
Eliminating T and U between these equations we get again the projective equation of the ellipse which may be easily obtained directly by homogenizing the above equation.
Many of the curves on Wikipedia's list of curves are rational and hence have similar rational parameterizations.
Rational plane curves
Rational plane curves are rational curves embedded into . Given generic sections
of degree
homogeneous polynomials in two coordinates,
, there is a map
given by
defining a rational plane curve of degree
. There is an associated moduli space
is the hyperplane class) parametrizing all such stable curves. A dimension count can be made to determine the moduli spaces dimension: There are
parameters in
parameters total for each of the sections. Then, since they are considered up to a projective quotient in
there is
less parameter in
. Furthermore, there is a three dimensional group of automorphisms of
, hence
has dimension
. This moduli space can be used to count the number
of degree
rational plane curves intersecting
points using Gromov–Witten theory. It is given by the recursive relation
Elliptic curves
An elliptic curve may be defined as any curve of genus one with a rational point: a common model is a nonsingular cubic curve, which suffices to model any genus one curve. In this model the distinguished point is commonly taken to be an inflection point at infinity; this amounts to requiring that the curve can be written in Tate-Weierstrass form, which in its projective version is
If the characteristic of the field is different from 2 and 3, then a linear change of coordinates allows putting which gives the classical Weierstrass form
Elliptic curves carry the structure of an abelian group with the distinguished point as the identity of the group law. In a plane cubic model three points sum to zero in the group if and only if they are collinear. For an elliptic curve defined over the complex numbers the group is isomorphic to the additive group of the complex plane modulo the period lattice of the corresponding elliptic functions.
The intersection of two quadric surfaces is, in general, a nonsingular curve of genus one and degree four, and thus an elliptic curve, if it has a rational point. In special cases, the intersection either may be a rational singular quartic or is decomposed in curves of smaller degrees which are not always distinct (either a cubic curve and a line, or two conics, or a conic and two lines, or four lines).
Curves of genus greater than one
Curves of genus greater than one differ markedly from both rational and elliptic curves. Such curves defined over the rational numbers, by Faltings's theorem, can have only a finite number of rational points, and they may be viewed as having a hyperbolic geometry structure. Examples are the hyperelliptic curves, the Klein quartic curve, and the Fermat curve xn + yn = zn when n is greater than three. Also projective plane curves in and curves in
provide many useful examples.
Projective plane curves
Plane curves of degree
, which can be constructed as the vanishing locus of a generic section
, have genus
which can be computed using Coherent sheaf cohomology. Here's a brief summary of the curves' genera relative to their degree
degree | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
genus | 0 | 0 | 1 | 3 | 6 | 10 | 15 |
For example, the curve defines a curve of genus
which is smooth since the differentials
have no common zeros with the curve. A non-example of a generic section is the curve
which, by Bezout's theorem, should intersect at most
points; it is the union of two rational curves
intersecting at two points. Note
is given by the vanishing locus of
is given by the vanishing locus of
. These can be found explicitly: a point lies in both if
. So the two solutions are the points
such that
, which are
Curves in product of projective lines
Curve given by the vanishing locus of
, for
, give curves of genus
which can be checked using Coherent sheaf cohomology. If
, then they define curves of genus
, hence a curve of any genus can be constructed as a curve in
. Their genera can be summarized in the table
bidegree | ||||
genus | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
and for , this is
bidegree | ||||
genus | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 |
See also
Classical algebraic geometry
- Acnode
- Bézout's theorem
- Cramer's theorem (algebraic curves)
- Crunode
- Curve
- Curve sketching
- Jacobian variety
- Klein quartic
- List of curves
- Hilbert's sixteenth problem
- Cubic plane curve
- Hyperelliptic curve
Modern algebraic geometry
- Birational geometry
- Conic section
- Elliptic curve
- Fractional ideal
- Function field of an algebraic variety
- Function field (scheme theory)
- Genus (mathematics)
- Polynomial lemniscate
- Quartic plane curve
- Rational normal curve
- Riemann–Roch theorem for algebraic curves
- Weber's theorem (Algebraic curves)
Geometry of Riemann surfaces
- Riemann–Hurwitz formula
- Riemann–Roch theorem for Riemann surfaces
- Riemann surface
- Hartshorne, Algebraic Geometry, IV Ex. 1.8.
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- Brieskorn, Egbert; Knörrer, Horst (2013). Plane Algebraic Curves. Translated by Stillwell, John. Birkhäuser. ISBN 978-3-0348-5097-1.
- Chevalley, Claude (1951). Introduction to the Theory of Algebraic Functions of One Variable. Mathematical surveys. Vol. 6. American Mathematical Society. ISBN 978-0-8218-1506-9.
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- Griffiths, Phillip A. (1985). Introduction to Algebraic Curves. Translation of Mathematical Monographs. Vol. 70 (3rd ed.). American Mathematical Society. ISBN 9780821845370.
- Hartshorne, Robin (2013) [1977]. Algebraic Geometry. Graduate Texts in Mathematics. Vol. 52. Springer. ISBN 978-1-4757-3849-0.
- Iitaka, Shigeru (2011) [1982]. Algebraic Geometry: An Introduction to Birational Geometry of Algebraic Varieties. Graduate Texts in Mathematics. Vol. 76. Springer New York. ISBN 978-1-4613-8121-1.
- Milnor, John (1968). Singular Points of Complex Hypersurfaces. Princeton University Press. ISBN 0-691-08065-8.
- Serre, Jean-Pierre (2012) [1988]. Algebraic Groups and Class Fields. Graduate Texts in Mathematics. Vol. 117. Springer. ISBN 978-1-4612-1035-1.
- Kötter, Ernst (1887). "Grundzüge einer rein geometrischen Theorie der algebraischen ebenen Curven" [Fundamentals of a purely geometrical theory of algebraic plane curves]. Transactions of the Royal Academy of Berlin. — gained the 1886 Academy prize
- Norman Fraser (Feb 1888). "Kötter's synthetic geometry of algebraic curves". Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. 7: 46–61, See p. 46.
In mathematics an affine algebraic plane curve is the zero set of a polynomial in two variables A projective algebraic plane curve is the zero set in a projective plane of a homogeneous polynomial in three variables An affine algebraic plane curve can be completed in a projective algebraic plane curve by homogenizing its defining polynomial Conversely a projective algebraic plane curve of homogeneous equation h x y t 0 can be restricted to the affine algebraic plane curve of equation h x y 1 0 These two operations are each inverse to the other therefore the phrase algebraic plane curve is often used without specifying explicitly whether it is the affine or the projective case that is considered The Tschirnhausen cubic is an algebraic curve of degree three This article includes a list of general references but it lacks sufficient corresponding inline citations Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations August 2023 Learn how and when to remove this message If the defining polynomial of a plane algebraic curve is irreducible then one has an irreducible plane algebraic curve Otherwise the algebraic curve is the union of one or several irreducible curves called its components that are defined by the irreducible factors More generally an algebraic curve is an algebraic variety of dimension one In some contexts an algebraic set of dimension one is also called an algebraic curve but this will not be the case in this article Equivalently an algebraic curve is an algebraic variety that is birationally equivalent to an irreducible algebraic plane curve If the curve is contained in an affine space or a projective space one can take a projection for such a birational equivalence These birational equivalences reduce most of the study of algebraic curves to the study of algebraic plane curves However some properties are not kept under birational equivalence and must be studied on non plane curves This is in particular the case for the degree and smoothness For example there exist smooth curves of genus 0 and degree greater than two but any plane projection of such curves has singular points see Genus degree formula A non plane curve is often called a space curve or a skew curve In Euclidean geometryAn algebraic curve in the Euclidean plane is the set of the points whose coordinates are the solutions of a bivariate polynomial equation p x y 0 This equation is often called the implicit equation of the curve in contrast to the curves that are the graph of a function defining explicitly y as a function of x With a curve given by such an implicit equation the first problems are to determine the shape of the curve and to draw it These problems are not as easy to solve as in the case of the graph of a function for which y may easily be computed for various values of x The fact that the defining equation is a polynomial implies that the curve has some structural properties that may help in solving these problems Every algebraic curve may be uniquely decomposed into a finite number of smooth monotone arcs also called branches sometimes connected by some points sometimes called remarkable points and possibly a finite number of isolated points called acnodes A smooth monotone arc is the graph of a smooth function which is defined and monotone on an open interval of the x axis In each direction an arc is either unbounded usually called an infinite arc or has an endpoint which is either a singular point this will be defined below or a point with a tangent parallel to one of the coordinate axes For example for the Tschirnhausen cubic there are two infinite arcs having the origin 0 0 as of endpoint This point is the only singular point of the curve There are also two arcs having this singular point as one endpoint and having a second endpoint with a horizontal tangent Finally there are two other arcs each having one of these points with horizontal tangent as the first endpoint and having the unique point with vertical tangent as the second endpoint In contrast the sinusoid is certainly not an algebraic curve having an infinite number of monotone arcs To draw an algebraic curve it is important to know the remarkable points and their tangents the infinite branches and their asymptotes if any and the way in which the arcs connect them It is also useful to consider the inflection points as remarkable points When all this information is drawn on a sheet of paper the shape of the curve usually appears rather clearly If not it suffices to add a few other points and their tangents to get a good description of the curve The methods for computing the remarkable points and their tangents are described below in the section Remarkable points of a plane curve Plane projective curvesIt is often desirable to consider curves in the projective space An algebraic curve in the projective plane or plane projective curve is the set of the points in a projective plane whose projective coordinates are zeros of a homogeneous polynomial in three variables P x y z Every affine algebraic curve of equation p x y 0 may be completed into the projective curve of equation hp x y z 0 displaystyle h p x y z 0 where hp x y z zdeg p p xz yz displaystyle h p x y z z deg p p left frac x z frac y z right is the result of the homogenization of p Conversely if P x y z 0 is the homogeneous equation of a projective curve then P x y 1 0 is the equation of an affine curve which consists of the points of the projective curve whose third projective coordinate is not zero These two operations are reciprocal one to the other as hp x y 1 p x y displaystyle h p x y 1 p x y and if p is defined by p x y P x y 1 displaystyle p x y P x y 1 then hp x y z P x y z displaystyle h p x y z P x y z as soon as the homogeneous polynomial P is not divisible by z For example the projective curve of equation x2 y2 z2 is the projective completion of the unit circle of equation x2 y2 1 0 This implies that an affine curve and its projective completion are the same curves or more precisely that the affine curve is a part of the projective curve that is large enough to well define the complete curve This point of view is commonly expressed by calling points at infinity of the affine curve the points in finite number of the projective completion that do not belong to the affine part Projective curves are frequently studied for themselves They are also useful for the study of affine curves For example if p x y is the polynomial defining an affine curve beside the partial derivatives px displaystyle p x and py displaystyle p y it is useful to consider the derivative at infinity p x y hpz x y 1 displaystyle p infty x y h p z x y 1 For example the equation of the tangent of the affine curve of equation p x y 0 at a point a b is xpx a b ypy a b p a b 0 displaystyle xp x a b yp y a b p infty a b 0 Remarkable points of a plane curveIn this section we consider a plane algebraic curve defined by a bivariate polynomial p x y and its projective completion defined by the homogenization P x y z hp x y z displaystyle P x y z h p x y z of p Intersection with a line Knowing the points of intersection of a curve with a given line is frequently useful The intersection with the axes of coordinates and the asymptotes are useful to draw the curve Intersecting with a line parallel to the axes allows one to find at least a point in each branch of the curve If an efficient root finding algorithm is available this allows to draw the curve by plotting the intersection point with all the lines parallel to the y axis and passing through each pixel on the x axis If the polynomial defining the curve has a degree d any line cuts the curve in at most d points Bezout s theorem asserts that this number is exactly d if the points are searched in the projective plane over an algebraically closed field for example the complex numbers and counted with their multiplicity The method of computation that follows proves again this theorem in this simple case To compute the intersection of the curve defined by the polynomial p with the line of equation ax by c 0 one solves the equation of the line for x or for y if a 0 Substituting the result in p one gets a univariate equation q y 0 or q x 0 if the equation of the line has been solved in y each of whose roots is one coordinate of an intersection point The other coordinate is deduced from the equation of the line The multiplicity of an intersection point is the multiplicity of the corresponding root There is an intersection point at infinity if the degree of q is lower than the degree of p the multiplicity of such an intersection point at infinity is the difference of the degrees of p and q Tangent at a point The tangent at a point a b of the curve is the line of equation x a px a b y b py a b 0 displaystyle x a p x a b y b p y a b 0 like for every differentiable curve defined by an implicit equation In the case of polynomials another formula for the tangent has a simpler constant term and is more symmetric xpx a b ypy a b p a b 0 displaystyle xp x a b yp y a b p infty a b 0 where p x y Pz x y 1 displaystyle p infty x y P z x y 1 is the derivative at infinity The equivalence of the two equations results from Euler s homogeneous function theorem applied to P If px a b py a b 0 displaystyle p x a b p y a b 0 the tangent is not defined and the point is a singular point This extends immediately to the projective case The equation of the tangent of at the point of projective coordinates a b c of the projective curve of equation P x y z 0 is xPx a b c yPy a b c zPz a b c 0 displaystyle xP x a b c yP y a b c zP z a b c 0 and the points of the curves that are singular are the points such that Px a b c Py a b c Pz a b c 0 displaystyle P x a b c P y a b c P z a b c 0 The condition P a b c 0 is implied by these conditions by Euler s homogeneous function theorem Asymptotes Every infinite branch of an algebraic curve corresponds to a point at infinity on the curve that is a point of the projective completion of the curve that does not belong to its affine part The corresponding asymptote is the tangent of the curve at that point The general formula for a tangent to a projective curve may apply but it is worth to make it explicit in this case Let p pd p0 displaystyle p p d cdots p 0 be the decomposition of the polynomial defining the curve into its homogeneous parts where pi is the sum of the monomials of p of degree i It follows that P hp pd zpd 1 zdp0 displaystyle P h p p d zp d 1 cdots z d p 0 and Pz a b 0 pd 1 a b displaystyle P z a b 0 p d 1 a b A point at infinity of the curve is a zero of p of the form a b 0 Equivalently a b is a zero of pd The fundamental theorem of algebra implies that over an algebraically closed field typically the field of complex numbers pd factors into a product of linear factors Each factor defines a point at infinity on the curve if bx ay is such a factor then it defines the point at infinity a b 0 Over the reals pd factors into linear and quadratic factors The irreducible quadratic factors define non real points at infinity and the real points are given by the linear factors If a b 0 is a point at infinity of the curve one says that a b is an asymptotic direction Setting q pd the equation of the corresponding asymptote is xqx a b yqy a b pd 1 a b 0 displaystyle xq x a b yq y a b p d 1 a b 0 If qx a b qy a b 0 displaystyle q x a b q y a b 0 and pd 1 a b 0 displaystyle p d 1 a b neq 0 the asymptote is the line at infinity and in the real case the curve has a branch that looks like a parabola In this case one says that the curve has a parabolic branch If qx a b qy a b pd 1 a b 0 displaystyle q x a b q y a b p d 1 a b 0 the curve has a singular point at infinity and may have several asymptotes They may be computed by the method of computing the tangent cone of a singular point Singular points The singular points of a curve of degree d defined by a polynomial p x y of degree d are the solutions of the system of equations px x y py x y p x y 0 displaystyle p x x y p y x y p x y 0 In characteristic zero this system is equivalent to px x y py x y p x y 0 displaystyle p x x y p y x y p infty x y 0 where with the notation of the preceding section p x y Pz x y 1 displaystyle p infty x y P z x y 1 The systems are equivalent because of Euler s homogeneous function theorem The latter system has the advantage of having its third polynomial of degree d 1 instead of d Similarly for a projective curve defined by a homogeneous polynomial P x y z of degree d the singular points have the solutions of the system Px x y z Py x y z Pz x y z 0 displaystyle P x x y z P y x y z P z x y z 0 as homogeneous coordinates In positive characteristic the equation P x y z displaystyle P x y z has to be added to the system This implies that the number of singular points is finite as long as p x y or P x y z is square free Bezout s theorem implies thus that the number of singular points is at most d 1 2 but this bound is not sharp because the system of equations is overdetermined If reducible polynomials are allowed the sharp bound is d d 1 2 this value is reached when the polynomial factors in linear factors that is if the curve is the union of d lines For irreducible curves and polynomials the number of singular points is at most d 1 d 2 2 because of the formula expressing the genus in term of the singularities see below The maximum is reached by the curves of genus zero whose all singularities have multiplicity two and distinct tangents see below The equation of the tangents at a singular point is given by the nonzero homogeneous part of the lowest degree in the Taylor series of the polynomial at the singular point When one changes the coordinates to put the singular point at the origin the equation of the tangents at the singular point is thus the nonzero homogeneous part of the lowest degree of the polynomial and the multiplicity of the singular point is the degree of this homogeneous part Analytic structureThe study of the analytic structure of an algebraic curve in the neighborhood of a singular point provides accurate information of the topology of singularities In fact near a singular point a real algebraic curve is the union of a finite number of branches that intersect only at the singular point and look either as a cusp or as a smooth curve Near a regular point one of the coordinates of the curve may be expressed as an analytic function of the other coordinate This is a corollary of the analytic implicit function theorem and implies that the curve is smooth near the point Near a singular point the situation is more complicated and involves Puiseux series which provide analytic parametric equations of the branches For describing a singularity it is worth to translate the curve for having the singularity at the origin This consists of a change of variable of the form X x a Y y b displaystyle X x a Y y b where a b displaystyle a b are the coordinates of the singular point In the following the singular point under consideration is always supposed to be at the origin The equation of an algebraic curve is f x y 0 displaystyle f x y 0 where f is a polynomial in x and y This polynomial may be considered as a polynomial in y with coefficients in the algebraically closed field of the Puiseux series in x Thus f may be factored in factors of the form y P x displaystyle y P x where P is a Puiseux series These factors are all different if f is an irreducible polynomial because this implies that f is square free a property which is independent of the field of coefficients The Puiseux series that occur here have the form P x n n0 anxn d displaystyle P x sum n n 0 infty a n x n d where d is a positive integer and n0 displaystyle n 0 is an integer that may also be supposed to be positive because we consider only the branches of the curve that pass through the origin Without loss of generality we may suppose that d is coprime with the greatest common divisor of the n such that an 0 displaystyle a n neq 0 otherwise one could choose a smaller common denominator for the exponents Let wd displaystyle omega d be a primitive d th root of unity If the above Puiseux series occurs in the factorization of f x y 0 displaystyle f x y 0 then the d series Pi x n n0 anwdixn d displaystyle P i x sum n n 0 infty a n omega d i x n d occur also in the factorization a consequence of Galois theory These d series are said conjugate and are considered as a single branch of the curve of ramification index d In the case of a real curve that is a curve defined by a polynomial with real coefficients three cases may occur If none Pi x displaystyle P i x has real coefficients then one has a non real branch If some Pi x displaystyle P i x has real coefficients then one may choose it as P0 x displaystyle P 0 x If d is odd then every real value of x provides a real value of P0 x displaystyle P 0 x and one has a real branch that looks regular although it is singular if d gt 1 If d is even then P0 x displaystyle P 0 x and Pd 2 x displaystyle P d 2 x have real values but only for x 0 In this case the real branch looks as a cusp or is a cusp depending on the definition of a cusp that is used For example the ordinary cusp has only one branch If it is defined by the equation y2 x3 0 displaystyle y 2 x 3 0 then the factorization is y x3 2 y x3 2 displaystyle y x 3 2 y x 3 2 the ramification index is 2 and the two factors are real and define each a half branch If the cusp is rotated it equation becomes y3 x2 0 displaystyle y 3 x 2 0 and the factorization is y x2 3 y j2x2 3 y j2 2x2 3 displaystyle y x 2 3 y j 2 x 2 3 y j 2 2 x 2 3 with j 1 3 2 displaystyle j 1 sqrt 3 2 the coefficient j2 2 displaystyle j 2 2 has not been simplified to j for showing how the above definition of Pi x displaystyle P i x is specialized Here the ramification index is 3 and only one factor is real this shows that in the first case the two factors must be considered as defining the same branch Non plane algebraic curvesAn algebraic curve is an algebraic variety of dimension one This implies that an affine curve in an affine space of dimension n is defined by at least n 1 polynomials in n variables To define a curve these polynomials must generate a prime ideal of Krull dimension 1 This condition is not easy to test in practice Therefore the following way to represent non plane curves may be preferred Let f g0 g3 gn displaystyle f g 0 g 3 ldots g n be n polynomials in two variables x1 and x2 such that f is irreducible The points in the affine space of dimension n such whose coordinates satisfy the equations and inequations f x1 x2 0g0 x1 x2 0x3 g3 x1 x2 g0 x1 x2 xn gn x1 x2 g0 x1 x2 displaystyle begin aligned amp f x 1 x 2 0 amp g 0 x 1 x 2 neq 0 x 3 amp frac g 3 x 1 x 2 g 0 x 1 x 2 amp vdots x n amp frac g n x 1 x 2 g 0 x 1 x 2 end aligned are all the points of an algebraic curve in which a finite number of points have been removed This curve is defined by a system of generators of the ideal of the polynomials h such that it exists an integer k such g0kh displaystyle g 0 k h belongs to the ideal generated by f x3g0 g3 xng0 gn displaystyle f x 3 g 0 g 3 ldots x n g 0 g n This representation is a birational equivalence between the curve and the plane curve defined by f Every algebraic curve may be represented in this way However a linear change of variables may be needed in order to make almost always injective the projection on the two first variables When a change of variables is needed almost every change is convenient as soon as it is defined over an infinite field This representation allows us to deduce easily any property of a non plane algebraic curve including its graphical representation from the corresponding property of its plane projection For a curve defined by its implicit equations above representation of the curve may easily deduced from a Grobner basis for a block ordering such that the block of the smaller variables is x1 x2 The polynomial f is the unique polynomial in the base that depends only of x1 and x2 The fractions gi g0 are obtained by choosing for i 3 n a polynomial in the basis that is linear in xi and depends only on x1 x2 and xi If these choices are not possible this means either that the equations define an algebraic set that is not a variety or that the variety is not of dimension one or that one must change of coordinates The latter case occurs when f exists and is unique and for i 3 n there exist polynomials whose leading monomial depends only on x1 x2 and xi Algebraic function fieldsThe study of algebraic curves can be reduced to the study of irreducible algebraic curves those curves that cannot be written as the union of two smaller curves Up to birational equivalence the irreducible curves over a field F are categorically equivalent to algebraic function fields in one variable over F Such an algebraic function field is a field extension K of F that contains an element x which is transcendental over F and such that K is a finite algebraic extension of F x which is the field of rational functions in the indeterminate x over F For example consider the field C of complex numbers over which we may define the field C x of rational functions in C If y2 x3 x 1 then the field C x y is an elliptic function field The element x is not uniquely determined the field can also be regarded for instance as an extension of C y The algebraic curve corresponding to the function field is simply the set of points x y in C2 satisfying y2 x3 x 1 If the field F is not algebraically closed the point of view of function fields is a little more general than that of considering the locus of points since we include for instance curves with no points on them For example if the base field F is the field R of real numbers then x2 y2 1 defines an algebraic extension field of R x but the corresponding curve considered as a subset of R2 has no points The equation x2 y2 1 does define an irreducible algebraic curve over R in the scheme sense an integral separated one dimensional schemes of finite type over R In this sense the one to one correspondence between irreducible algebraic curves over F up to birational equivalence and algebraic function fields in one variable over F holds in general Two curves can be birationally equivalent i e have isomorphic function fields without being isomorphic as curves The situation becomes easier when dealing with nonsingular curves i e those that lack any singularities Two nonsingular projective curves over a field are isomorphic if and only if their function fields are isomorphic Tsen s theorem is about the function field of an algebraic curve over an algebraically closed field Complex curves and real surfacesA complex projective algebraic curve resides in n dimensional complex projective space CPn This has complex dimension n but topological dimension as a real manifold 2n and is compact connected and orientable An algebraic curve over C likewise has topological dimension two in other words it is a surface The topological genus of this surface that is the number of handles or donut holes is equal to the geometric genus of the algebraic curve that may be computed by algebraic means In short if one consider a plane projection of a nonsingular curve that has degree d and only ordinary singularities singularities of multiplicity two with distinct tangents then the genus is d 1 d 2 2 k where k is the number of these singularities Compact Riemann surfaces A Riemann surface is a connected complex analytic manifold of one complex dimension which makes it a connected real manifold of two dimensions It is compact if it is compact as a topological space There is a triple equivalence of categories between the category of smooth irreducible projective algebraic curves over C with non constant regular maps as morphisms the category of compact Riemann surfaces with non constant holomorphic maps as morphisms and the opposite of the category of algebraic function fields in one variable over C with field homomorphisms that fix C as morphisms This means that in studying these three subjects we are in a sense studying one and the same thing It allows complex analytic methods to be used in algebraic geometry and algebraic geometric methods in complex analysis and field theoretic methods to be used in both This is characteristic of a much wider class of problems in algebraic geometry See also algebraic geometry and analytic geometry for a more general theory SingularitiesUsing the intrinsic concept of tangent space points P on an algebraic curve C are classified as smooth synonymous non singular or else singular Given n 1 homogeneous polynomials in n 1 variables we may find the Jacobian matrix as the n 1 n 1 matrix of the partial derivatives If the rank of this matrix is n 1 then the polynomials define an algebraic curve otherwise they define an algebraic variety of higher dimension If the rank remains n 1 when the Jacobian matrix is evaluated at a point P on the curve then the point is a smooth or regular point otherwise it is a singular point In particular if the curve is a plane projective algebraic curve defined by a single homogeneous polynomial equation f x y z 0 then the singular points are precisely the points P where the rank of the 1 n 1 matrix is zero that is where f x P f y P f z P 0 displaystyle frac partial f partial x P frac partial f partial y P frac partial f partial z P 0 Since f is a polynomial this definition is purely algebraic and makes no assumption about the nature of the field F which in particular need not be the real or complex numbers It should of course be recalled that 0 0 0 is not a point of the curve and hence not a singular point Similarly for an affine algebraic curve defined by a single polynomial equation f x y 0 then the singular points are precisely the points P of the curve where the rank of the 1 n Jacobian matrix is zero that is where f P f x P f y P 0 displaystyle f P frac partial f partial x P frac partial f partial y P 0 The singularities of a curve are not birational invariants However locating and classifying the singularities of a curve is one way of computing the genus which is a birational invariant For this to work we should consider the curve projectively and require F to be algebraically closed so that all the singularities which belong to the curve are considered Classification of singularities x3 y2 Singular points include multiple points where the curve crosses over itself and also various types of cusp for example that shown by the curve with equation x3 y2 at 0 0 A curve C has at most a finite number of singular points If it has none it can be called smooth or non singular Commonly this definition is understood over an algebraically closed field and for a curve C in a projective space i e complete in the sense of algebraic geometry For example the plane curve of equation y x3 0 displaystyle y x 3 0 is considered as singular as having a singular point a cusp at infinity In the remainder of this section one considers a plane curve C defined as the zero set of a bivariate polynomial f x y Some of the results but not all may be generalized to non plane curves The singular points are classified by means of several invariants The multiplicity m is defined as the maximum integer such that the derivatives of f to all orders up to m 1 vanish also the minimal intersection number between the curve and a straight line at P Intuitively a singular point has delta invariant d if it concentrates d ordinary double points at P To make this precise the blow up process produces so called infinitely near points and summing m m 1 2 over the infinitely near points where m is their multiplicity produces d For an irreducible and reduced curve and a point P we can define d algebraically as the length of O P OP displaystyle widetilde mathcal O P mathcal O P where OP displaystyle mathcal O P is the local ring at P and O P displaystyle widetilde mathcal O P is its integral closure The Milnor number m of a singularity is the degree of the mapping grad f x y grad f x y on the small sphere of radius e in the sense of the topological degree of a continuous mapping where grad f is the complex gradient vector field of f It is related to d and r by the m 2d r 1 Here the branching number r of P is the number of locally irreducible branches at P For example r 1 at an ordinary cusp and r 2 at an ordinary double point The multiplicity m is at least r and that P is singular if and only if m is at least 2 Moreover d is at least m m 1 2 Computing the delta invariants of all of the singularities allows the genus g of the curve to be determined if d is the degree then g 12 d 1 d 2 PdP displaystyle g frac 1 2 d 1 d 2 sum P delta P where the sum is taken over all singular points P of the complex projective plane curve It is called the genus formula Assign the invariants m d r to a singularity where m is the multiplicity d is the delta invariant and r is the branching number Then an ordinary cusp is a point with invariants 2 1 1 and an ordinary double point is a point with invariants 2 1 2 and an ordinary m multiple point is a point with invariants m m m 1 2 m Examples of curvesRational curves A rational curve also called a unicursal curve is any curve which is birationally equivalent to a line which we may take to be a projective line accordingly we may identify the function field of the curve with the field of rational functions in one indeterminate F x If F is algebraically closed this is equivalent to a curve of genus zero however the field of all real algebraic functions defined on the real algebraic variety x2 y2 1 is a field of genus zero which is not a rational function field Concretely a rational curve embedded in an affine space of dimension n over F can be parameterized except for isolated exceptional points by means of n rational functions of a single parameter t by reducing these rational functions to the same denominator the n 1 resulting polynomials define a polynomial parametrization of the projective completion of the curve in the projective space An example is the rational normal curve where all these polynomials are monomials Any conic section defined over F with a rational point in F is a rational curve It can be parameterized by drawing a line with slope t through the rational point and an intersection with the plane quadratic curve this gives a polynomial with F rational coefficients and one F rational root hence the other root is F rational i e belongs to F also x2 xy y2 1 For example consider the ellipse x2 xy y2 1 where 1 0 is a rational point Drawing a line with slope t from 1 0 y t x 1 substituting it in the equation of the ellipse factoring and solving for x we obtain x 1 t21 t t2 displaystyle x frac 1 t 2 1 t t 2 Then the equation for y is y t x 1 t t 2 1 t t2 displaystyle y t x 1 frac t t 2 1 t t 2 which defines a rational parameterization of the ellipse and hence shows the ellipse is a rational curve All points of the ellipse are given except for 1 1 which corresponds to t the entire curve is parameterized therefore by the real projective line Such a rational parameterization may be considered in the projective space by equating the first projective coordinates to the numerators of the parameterization and the last one to the common denominator As the parameter is defined in a projective line the polynomials in the parameter should be homogenized For example the projective parameterization of the above ellipse is X U2 T2 Y T T 2U Z T2 TU U2 displaystyle X U 2 T 2 quad Y T T 2 U quad Z T 2 TU U 2 Eliminating T and U between these equations we get again the projective equation of the ellipse X2 XY Y2 Z2 displaystyle X 2 X Y Y 2 Z 2 which may be easily obtained directly by homogenizing the above equation Many of the curves on Wikipedia s list of curves are rational and hence have similar rational parameterizations Rational plane curves Rational plane curves are rational curves embedded into P2 displaystyle mathbb P 2 Given generic sections s1 s2 s3 G P1 O d displaystyle s 1 s 2 s 3 in Gamma mathbb P 1 mathcal O d of degree d displaystyle d homogeneous polynomials in two coordinates x y displaystyle x y there is a maps P1 P2 displaystyle s mathbb P 1 to mathbb P 2 given by s x y s1 x y s2 x y s3 x y displaystyle s x y s 1 x y s 2 x y s 3 x y defining a rational plane curve of degree d displaystyle d There is an associated moduli space M M 0 0 P2 d H displaystyle mathcal M overline mathcal M 0 0 mathbb P 2 d cdot H where H displaystyle H is the hyperplane class parametrizing all such stable curves A dimension count can be made to determine the moduli spaces dimension There are d 1 displaystyle d 1 parameters in G P1 O d displaystyle Gamma mathbb P 1 mathcal O d giving 3d 3 displaystyle 3d 3 parameters total for each of the sections Then since they are considered up to a projective quotient in P2 displaystyle mathbb P 2 there is 1 displaystyle 1 less parameter in M displaystyle mathcal M Furthermore there is a three dimensional group of automorphisms of P1 displaystyle mathbb P 1 hence M displaystyle mathcal M has dimension 3d 3 1 3 3d 1 displaystyle 3d 3 1 3 3d 1 This moduli space can be used to count the number Nd displaystyle N d of degree d displaystyle d rational plane curves intersecting 3d 1 displaystyle 3d 1 points using Gromov Witten theory It is given by the recursive relationNd dA dB dNdANdBdA2dB dB 3d 43dA 2 dA 3d 43dA 1 displaystyle N d sum d A d B d N d A N d B d A 2 d B left d B binom 3d 4 3d A 2 d A binom 3d 4 3d A 1 right where N1 N2 1 displaystyle N 1 N 2 1 Elliptic curves An elliptic curve may be defined as any curve of genus one with a rational point a common model is a nonsingular cubic curve which suffices to model any genus one curve In this model the distinguished point is commonly taken to be an inflection point at infinity this amounts to requiring that the curve can be written in Tate Weierstrass form which in its projective version is y2z a1xyz a3yz2 x3 a2x2z a4xz2 a6z3 displaystyle y 2 z a 1 xyz a 3 yz 2 x 3 a 2 x 2 z a 4 xz 2 a 6 z 3 If the characteristic of the field is different from 2 and 3 then a linear change of coordinates allows putting a1 a2 a3 0 displaystyle a 1 a 2 a 3 0 which gives the classical Weierstrass form y2 x3 px q displaystyle y 2 x 3 px q Elliptic curves carry the structure of an abelian group with the distinguished point as the identity of the group law In a plane cubic model three points sum to zero in the group if and only if they are collinear For an elliptic curve defined over the complex numbers the group is isomorphic to the additive group of the complex plane modulo the period lattice of the corresponding elliptic functions The intersection of two quadric surfaces is in general a nonsingular curve of genus one and degree four and thus an elliptic curve if it has a rational point In special cases the intersection either may be a rational singular quartic or is decomposed in curves of smaller degrees which are not always distinct either a cubic curve and a line or two conics or a conic and two lines or four lines Curves of genus greater than one Curves of genus greater than one differ markedly from both rational and elliptic curves Such curves defined over the rational numbers by Faltings s theorem can have only a finite number of rational points and they may be viewed as having a hyperbolic geometry structure Examples are the hyperelliptic curves the Klein quartic curve and the Fermat curve xn yn zn when n is greater than three Also projective plane curves in P2 displaystyle mathbb P 2 and curves in P1 P1 displaystyle mathbb P 1 times mathbb P 1 provide many useful examples Projective plane curves Plane curves C P2 displaystyle C subset mathbb P 2 of degree k displaystyle k which can be constructed as the vanishing locus of a generic section s G P2 O k displaystyle s in Gamma mathbb P 2 mathcal O k have genus k 1 k 2 2 displaystyle frac k 1 k 2 2 which can be computed using Coherent sheaf cohomology Here s a brief summary of the curves genera relative to their degree degree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 genus 0 0 1 3 6 10 15 For example the curve x4 y4 z4 displaystyle x 4 y 4 z 4 defines a curve of genus 3 displaystyle 3 which is smooth since the differentials 4x3 4y3 4z3 displaystyle 4x 3 4y 3 4z 3 have no common zeros with the curve A non example of a generic section is the curve x x2 y2 z2 displaystyle x x 2 y 2 z 2 which by Bezout s theorem should intersect at most 2 displaystyle 2 points it is the union of two rational curves C1 C2 displaystyle C 1 cup C 2 intersecting at two points Note C1 displaystyle C 1 is given by the vanishing locus of x displaystyle x and C2 displaystyle C 2 is given by the vanishing locus of x2 y2 z2 displaystyle x 2 y 2 z 2 These can be found explicitly a point lies in both if x 0 displaystyle x 0 So the two solutions are the points 0 y z displaystyle 0 y z such that y2 z2 0 displaystyle y 2 z 2 0 which are 0 1 1 displaystyle 0 1 sqrt 1 and 0 1 1 displaystyle 0 1 sqrt 1 Curves in product of projective lines Curve C P1 P1 displaystyle C subset mathbb P 1 times mathbb P 1 given by the vanishing locus of s G P1 P1 O a b displaystyle s in Gamma mathbb P 1 times mathbb P 1 mathcal O a b for a b 2 displaystyle a b geq 2 give curves of genusab a b 1 displaystyle ab a b 1 which can be checked using Coherent sheaf cohomology If a 2 displaystyle a 2 then they define curves of genus 2b 2 b 1 b 1 displaystyle 2b 2 b 1 b 1 hence a curve of any genus can be constructed as a curve in P1 P1 displaystyle mathbb P 1 times mathbb P 1 Their genera can be summarized in the table bidegree 2 2 displaystyle 2 2 2 3 displaystyle 2 3 2 4 displaystyle 2 4 2 5 displaystyle 2 5 genus 1 2 3 4 and for a 3 displaystyle a 3 this is bidegree 3 2 displaystyle 3 2 3 3 displaystyle 3 3 3 4 displaystyle 3 4 3 5 displaystyle 3 5 genus 2 4 6 8See alsoClassical algebraic geometry Acnode Bezout s theorem Cramer s theorem algebraic curves Crunode Curve Curve sketching Jacobian variety Klein quartic List of curves Hilbert s sixteenth problem Cubic plane curve Hyperelliptic curve Modern algebraic geometry Birational geometry Conic section Elliptic curve Fractional ideal Function field of an algebraic variety Function field scheme theory Genus mathematics Polynomial lemniscate Quartic plane curve Rational normal curve Riemann Roch theorem for algebraic curves Weber s theorem Algebraic curves Geometry of Riemann surfaces Riemann Hurwitz formula Riemann Roch theorem for Riemann surfaces Riemann surfaceNotesHartshorne Algebraic Geometry IV Ex 1 8 Kazaryan Maxim E Lando Sergei K Prasolov Victor 2018 Algebraic Curves Towards Moduli Spaces Moscow Lectures Springer International Publishing pp 213 214 ISBN 978 3 030 02942 5 Kontsevich s Formula for Rational Plane Curves PDF Archived PDF from the original on 26 February 2020 ReferencesWikimedia Commons has media related to Algebraic curves Brieskorn Egbert Knorrer Horst 2013 Plane Algebraic Curves Translated by Stillwell John Birkhauser ISBN 978 3 0348 5097 1 Chevalley Claude 1951 Introduction to the Theory of Algebraic Functions of One Variable Mathematical surveys Vol 6 American Mathematical Society ISBN 978 0 8218 1506 9 Coolidge Julian L 2004 1931 A Treatise on Algebraic Plane Curves Dover ISBN 978 0 486 49576 7 Farkas H M Kra I 2012 1980 Riemann Surfaces Graduate Texts in Mathematics Vol 71 Springer ISBN 978 1 4684 9930 8 Fulton William 1989 Algebraic Curves An Introduction to Algebraic Geometry Mathematics lecture note series Vol 30 3rd ed Addison Wesley ISBN 978 0 201 51010 2 Gibson C G 1998 Elementary Geometry of Algebraic Curves An Undergraduate Introduction Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0 521 64641 3 Griffiths Phillip A 1985 Introduction to Algebraic Curves Translation of Mathematical Monographs Vol 70 3rd ed American Mathematical Society ISBN 9780821845370 Hartshorne Robin 2013 1977 Algebraic Geometry Graduate Texts in Mathematics Vol 52 Springer ISBN 978 1 4757 3849 0 Iitaka Shigeru 2011 1982 Algebraic Geometry An Introduction to Birational Geometry of Algebraic Varieties Graduate Texts in Mathematics Vol 76 Springer New York ISBN 978 1 4613 8121 1 Milnor John 1968 Singular Points of Complex Hypersurfaces Princeton University Press ISBN 0 691 08065 8 Serre Jean Pierre 2012 1988 Algebraic Groups and Class Fields Graduate Texts in Mathematics Vol 117 Springer ISBN 978 1 4612 1035 1 Kotter Ernst 1887 Grundzuge einer rein geometrischen Theorie der algebraischen ebenen Curven Fundamentals of a purely geometrical theory of algebraic plane curves Transactions of the Royal Academy of Berlin gained the 1886 Academy prize Norman Fraser Feb 1888 Kotter s synthetic geometry of algebraic curves Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society 7 46 61 See p 46