Greek is an Indo-European language, the sole surviving descendant of the Hellenic sub-family. Although it split off from other Indo-European languages around the 3rd millennium BCE (or possibly before), it is first attested in the Bronze Age as Mycenaean Greek. During the Archaic and Classical eras, Greek speakers wrote numerous texts in a variety of dialects known collectively as Ancient Greek. In the Hellenistic era, these dialects underwent dialect levelling to form Koine Greek which was used as a lingua franca throughout the eastern Roman Empire, and later grew into Medieval Greek. For much of the period of Modern Greek, the language existed in a situation of diglossia, where speakers would switch between informal varieties known as Dimotiki and a formal one known as Katharevousa. Present-day Modern Standard Greek is largely an outgrowth of Dimotiki, with some features retained from Katharevousa.
The Proto-Greek language was the most recent common ancestor of all Greek dialects. Proto-Greek split off from its nearest Indo-European relatives sometime during the European Bronze Age (c. 3rd millennium BC) and possibly even earlier, though it is unknown whether the characteristic Greek sound-changes occurred within the Greek peninsula or if Proto-Greek speakers themselves migrated into Greece.
Estimates for the introduction of the Proto-Greek language into prehistoric Greece have changed over the course of the 20th century. Since the decipherment of Linear B, searches were made "for earlier breaks in the continuity of the material record that might represent the 'coming of the Greeks'". A Middle Bronze Age estimate, originally presented by C. Haley and J. Blegen in 1928, was altered to an estimate spanning the transition from Early Helladic II to Early Helladic III (c. 2400 – c. 2200/2100 BCE). However, the latter estimate, accepted by the majority of scholars, was criticized by John E. Coleman as being based on stratigraphic discontinuities at Lerna that other archaeological excavations in Greece demonstrated were the product of chronological gaps or separate deposit-sequencing instead of cultural changes.
In modern scholarship, different settlement models have been proposed regarding the development of Proto-Greek speakers in the Greek peninsula.
- Paul Heggarty et al. (2023), advancing a mixed steppe-farmer model of Indo-European origins via Bayesian statistics, places Greek south of the Caucasus as an already diverged branch of Indo-European at around 7000 years before present (ca. 5000 BCE).
- Panayiotis Filos (2014) states that the term Proto-Greek "does not necessarily refer to a fully homogeneous Indo-European language of the (late) Early/Middle Bronze periods (ca. 2200/2000-1700 BCE, but estimates vary)". He argues that Proto-Greek developed "during a long, continuous linguistic process [...], as a migrating population of (soon-to-become) Greek speakers were en route to/on the outskirts of Greece, i.e., somewhere to the north(-west) of the Greek peninsula proper" and amalgamating with Pre-Greek speakers."
- Nancy Demand (2012) argues that speakers of what would become Proto-Greek migrated from their homeland (which could have been northeast of the Black Sea) throughout Europe and reached Greece in a date set around the transition of the Early Bronze Age to the Middle Bronze Age.
- David Anthony (2010) argues that Proto-Greek emerged from the diversification of the Proto-Indo-European language (PIE), the last phase of which gave rise to the later language families having occurred in c. 2500 BCE; its formation in Greece occurred during the beginning and end of the Early Helladic III period (~2200–2000 BC). Specifically, Pre-Proto-Greek, the Indo-European dialect from which Proto-Greek originated, emerged c. 2400 – c. 2200 BCE in an area which bordered pre-Proto-Indo-Iranian to the east and pre-Proto-Armenian and pre-Proto-Phrygian to the west, at the eastern borders of southeastern Europe.
- Asko Parpola and Christian Carpelan (2005) date the arrival of Proto-Greek speakers from the Eurasian steppe into the Greek peninsula to 2200 BCE.
- John E. Coleman (2000) estimates that the entry of Proto-Greek speakers into the Greek peninsula occurred during the late 4th millennium BC (c. 3200 BC) with pre-Greek spoken by the inhabitants of the Late Neolithic II period.
- A. L. Katona (2000) places the beginning of the migration of the Proto-Greek speakers from Ukraine towards the south c. 2400 – c. 2300 BCE. Their proposed route of migration passed through Romania and the eastern Balkans to the Evros river valley from where their main body moved west. As such, Katona, agreeing with M. V. Sakellariou, argues that the main body of Greek-speakers settled in a region that included southwestern Illyria, Epirus, northwestern Thessaly and western Macedonia."
- Thomas V. Gamkrelidze and Vjaceslav V. Ivanov (1995) date the separation of Greek from the Greek-Armenian-Aryan clade of Proto-Indo-European to around the 3rd millennium BCE. The Greek clade afterwards split into independently developed dialects (i.e., eastern: Arcado-Cyprian, Aeolic, Ionic; western: Doric) during the end of the 3rd or beginning of the 2nd millennium BCE.
- Robert Drews (1994) dates the coming of chariot-riding Greeks into the Aegean in c. 1600 BC viewing earlier estimates as "deeply flawed". Drews' model, however, is rejected by modern Mycenologists on the grounds that it is both historically and linguistically inaccurate.
- An older model by Bulgarian linguist Vladimir I. Georgiev (1981) placed Proto-Greek in northwestern Greece and adjacent areas (approximately up to Aulon river to the north including Parauaea, Tymphaia, Athamania, Dolopia, Amphilochia, and Acarnania as well as west and north Thessaly (Histiaeotis, Perrhaibia, Tripolis) and Pieria in Macedonia during the Late Neolithic period. However, the dating of Proto-Greek in Bronze Age Greece is compatible with the inherited lexicon from the common Proto-Indo-European language which excludes any possibility of it being present in Neolithic Greece.
- Proto-Greek area of settlement (2200/2100–1900 BC) suggested by Katona (2000), Sakellariou (2016, 1980, 1975) and Phylaktopoulos (1975).
- View of "Proto-Greek area" in the 3rd millennium BCE, reconstructed by Vladimir I. Georgiev (1973 and 1981). The boundaries are based on the high concentration of archaic Greek place-names in the region in contrast to southern Greece which preserves many pre-Greek ones.
Ivo Hajnal dates the beginning of the diversification of Proto-Greek into the subsequent Greek dialects to a point not significantly earlier than 1700 BC. The conventional division of the Greek dialects prior of 1955 differentiated them between a West Greek (consisting of Doric and Northwest Greek) and an East Greek (consisting of Aeolic, Arcado-Cypriot, and Attic-Ionic) group. However, after the decipherment of the Linear B script, Walter Porzig and Ernst Risch argued for a division between a Northern (consisting of Doric, Northwest Greek, and Aeolic) and a Southern (consisting of Mycenaean, Arcado-Cypriot, and Attic-Ionic) group, which remains fundamental through today.
Mycenaean Greek
The first known script for writing Greek was the Linear B syllabary, used for the archaic Mycenaean dialect. Linear B was not deciphered until 1952. After the fall of the Mycenaean civilization during the Bronze Age collapse, there was a period of about five hundred years when writing was either not used or nothing has survived to the present day. Since early classical times, Greek has been written in the Greek alphabet.
Ancient Greek dialects
In the archaic and classical periods, there were three main dialects of the Greek language: Aeolic, Ionic, and Doric, corresponding to the three main tribes of the Greeks, the Aeolians (chiefly living in the islands of the Aegean and the west coast of Asia Minor north of Smyrna), the Ionians (mostly settled in the west coast of Asia Minor, including Smyrna and the area to the south of it), and the Dorians (primarily the Greeks of the coast of the Pelopennesus, for example, of Sparta, Crete and the southernmost parts of the west coast of Asia Minor). Homer's Iliad and Odyssey were written in a kind of literary Ionic with some loan words from the other dialects. Ionic, therefore, became the primary literary language of ancient Greece until the ascendancy of Athens in the late 5th century. Doric was standard for Greek lyric poetry, such as Pindar and the choral odes of the Greek tragedians.
Attic Greek
Attic Greek, a subdialect of Ionic, was for centuries the language of Athens. Most surviving classical Greek literature appears in Attic Greek, including the extant texts of Plato and Aristotle, which were passed down in written form from classical times.
Koine Greek
For centuries, the Greek language had existed in multiple dialects. As Greek culture under Alexander the Great (356–323 BC) and his successors spread from Asia Minor to Egypt and the border regions of India the Attic dialect became the basis of the Koiné (Κοινή; "common"). The language was also learned by the inhabitants of the regions that Alexander conquered, turning Greek into a world language. The Greek language continued to thrive after Alexander, during the Hellenistic period (323 BC to 31 BC). During this period the Septuagint, a Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible, appeared.
For many centuries Greek was the lingua franca of the eastern half of the Roman Empire. It was during Roman times that the Greek New Testament appeared, and Koiné Greek is also called "New Testament Greek" after its most famous work of literature.
Medieval Greek
Medieval Greek, also known as Byzantine Greek, is the stage of the Greek language between the beginning of the Middle Ages around 600 and the Ottoman conquest of the city of Constantinople in 1453. The latter date marked the end of the Middle Ages in Southeast Europe. From 620 onwards, Greek was the only language of administration and government in the Byzantine Empire, due to the reforms of Heraclius. This stage of language is thus described as Byzantine Greek. The study of the Medieval Greek language and literature is a branch of Byzantine Studies, or Byzantinology, the study of the history and culture of the Byzantine Empire.
The beginning of Medieval Greek is occasionally dated back to as early as the 4th century, either to 330, when the political centre of the monarchy was moved to Constantinople, or to 395, the division of the Empire. However, this approach is rather arbitrary as it is more an assumption of political as opposed to cultural and linguistic developments. It is only after the Eastern Roman-Byzantine culture was subjected to such massive change in the 7th century that a turning point in language development can be assumed. Medieval Greek is the link between the ancient and modern forms of the language because on the one hand, its literature is still strongly influenced by Ancient Greek, while on the other hand, many linguistic features of Modern Greek were already taking shape in the spoken language.
Modern Greek
The beginning of the "modern" period of the language is often symbolically assigned to the fall of the Byzantine Empire in 1453, even though that date marks no clear linguistic boundary and many characteristic modern features of the language had already been present centuries earlier, from the 4th to the 15th century. During most of the period, the language existed in a situation of diglossia, with regional spoken dialects existing side by side with learned, archaic written forms.
After the establishment of Greece as an independent state in 1829, the Katharévusa (Καθαρεύουσα) form – Greek for "purified language" – was sanctioned as the official language of the state and the only acceptable form of Greek in Greece. The whole attempt led to a linguistic war, along with the creation of literary factions: the Dhimotikistés (Δημοτικιστές), who supported the common (Demotic) dialect, and the Lóyii (Λόγιοι), or Katharevusyáni (Καθαρευουσιάνοι), who supported the "purified dialect". Up to that point, use of Dhimotikí in state affairs was generally frowned upon. Use of the Demotic dialect in state speech and paperwork was forbidden.
The fall of the Junta of 1974 and the end of the era of Metapolítefsi 1974–1976 brought the acceptance of the Demotic dialect as both the de facto and de jure forms of the language for use by the Greek government, though the Katharevousa movement has left marks in the language.
Today, standard modern Greek, based on Demotic, is the official language of both Greece and Cyprus. Greek is spoken today by approximately 12–15 million people, mainly in Greece and Cyprus, but also by minority and immigrant communities in many other countries.
See also
- History of the Latin language
- A comprehensive overview is in Oliver Dickinson's "The Coming of the Greeks and All That" (Dickinson 2016, pp. 3–21), J. T. Hooker's Mycenaean Greece (Hooker 1976, Chapter 2: "Before the Mycenaean Age", pp. 11–33 and passim), and in Bryan Feuer's annotated bibliography (Feuer 2004); for a different hypothesis excluding massive migrations and favoring an autochthonous scenario, see Colin Renfrew's "Problems in the General Correlation of Archaeological and Linguistic Strata in Prehistoric Greece: The Model of Autochthonous Origin" (Renfrew 1973, pp. 263–276, especially p. 267) in Bronze Age Migrations by R. A. Crossland and A. Birchall, eds. (1973).
- Coleman 2000, p. 104.
- West 1997, p. 1: "[T]he majority view for the last twenty or thirty years has been that the arrival of the proto-Greek-speakers is signalled archaeologically by two waves of destruction which took place at various sites in central and southern Greece at the beginning and end of the Early Helladic III period. These waves seem now to be flattening out under critical scrutiny."
- Coleman 2000, pp. 106–107.
- Parpola & Carpelan 2005, p. 131.
- Heggarty et al. 2023, "A DensiTree showing the probability distribution of tree topologies for the Indo-European language family."
- Filos 2014, p. 175.
- Demand 2012, p. 49.
- Anthony 2010, p. 81.
- Anthony 2010, p. 82.
- Anthony 2010, pp. 51, 369.
- Coleman 2000, p. 139ff.
- Katona 2000, p. 84: "The time of the departure of the Proto-Greeks semel is mid EH II (2400/2300 B.C.) (L and A available). Their route between Ukraine and Greece can be supposed to have led through Rumania and East Balkans towards the Hebros-valley (North-Eastern Greece). Here they turned to the West (A available)."
- Katona 2000, pp. 84–86: "Contacts must have existed, too, until 1900 B.C., when Western tribes lived in Epirus, Southwest Illyria and Western Macedonia, i.e. in the western neighborhood of the Ionians [...] The main body of the Proto-Greeks – as seen already in Sakellariou 1980 – had settled in southwest Illyria, Epirus, Western Macedonia, and northwestern Thessaly."
- Gamkrelidze & Ivanov 1995, pp. 761–762.
- Drews 1994, p. 45ff.
- Dickinson 1999, pp. 97–107.
- Littauer & Crouwel 1996, p. 299.
- Georgiev 1981, p. 156: "The Proto-Greek region included Epirus, approximately up to Αὐλών in the north including Paravaia, Tymphaia, Athamania, Dolopia, Amphilochia, and Acarnania), west and north Thessaly (Hestiaiotis, Perrhaibia, Tripolis, and Pieria), i. e. more or less the territory of contemporary northwestern Greece)."
- Georgiev 1981, p. 192: "Late Neolithic Period: in northwestern Greece the Proto-Greek language had already been formed: this is the original home of the Greeks."
- Coleman 2000, pp. 101–153.
- Mallory 2003, p. 101.
- Georgiev 1973, p. 248: "Thus in the region defined just above, roughly northern and north-western Greece, one finds only archaic Greek place-names. Consequently, this is the proto-Hellenic area, the early homeland of the Greeks where they lived before they invaded central and southern Greece."
- Hajnal 2007, p. 136.
- Hall 1997, p. 160.
- Woodard 2008, p. 52.
- Horrocks 2010, pp. 19–20.
- Parker 2008, pp. 443–444.
- Dawkins & Halliday 1916.
- "There is a pending petition for an ISO639-3 code of Medieval Greek: gkm". Sil.org.
- Anthony, David (2010). The Horse, the Wheel, and Language: How Bronze-Age Riders from the Eurasian Steppes Shaped the Modern World. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-1400831104.
- Buck, Carl Darling (1933). Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- Clackson, James (1995). The Linguistic Relationship Between Armenian and Greek. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 9780631191971.
- Coleman, John E. (2000). "An Archaeological Scenario for the "Coming of the Greeks" ca. 3200 B.C." The Journal of Indo-European Studies. 28 (1–2): 101–153.
- Dawkins, Richard McGillivray; Halliday, William Reginald (1916). Modern Greek in Asia Minor: A Study of Dialect of Silly, Cappadocia and Pharasa with Grammar, Texts, Translations and Glossary. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Demand, Nancy (2012). The Mediterranean Context of Early Greek History. Chicester: Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 9781405155519.
- Drews, Robert (1994). The Coming of the Greeks: Indo-European Conquests in the Aegean and the Near East. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. ISBN 0691029512.
- Dickinson, Oliver (2016). "The Coming of the Greeks and All That". In Bintliff, John; Rutter, N. Keith (eds.). The Archaeology of Greece and Rome: Studies in Honor of Anthony Snodgrass. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
- Dickinson, Oliver (December 1999). "Invasion, Migration and the Shaft Graves". Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies. 43 (1): 97–107. doi:10.1111/j.2041-5370.1999.tb00480.x.
- Feuer, Bryan (2004). Mycenaean Civilization: An Annotated Bibliography through 2002, Revised Edition. Jefferson, NC and London: McFarland & Company Inc., Publishers. ISBN 9780786417483.
- Filos, Panagiotis (2014). "Proto-Greek and Common Greek". In Giannakis, G. K. (ed.). Brill Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics III. Leiden and Boston: Brill. pp. 175–189.
- Fortson, Benjamin W., IV (2004). Indo-European Language and Culture. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing. ISBN 1-4051-0316-7.
{{cite book}}
: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) - Gamkrelidze, Thomas V.; Ivanov, Vjaceslav V. (1995). Indo-European and the Indo-Europeans: A Reconstruction and Historical Analysis of a Proto-Language and Proto-Culture. Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter. ISBN 31-108-1503-6.
- Georgiev, Vladimir Ivanov (1981). Introduction to the History of the Indo-European Languages. Sofia: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. ISBN 9789535172611.
- Georgiev, Vladimir Ivanov (1973). "The Arrival of the Greeks in Greece: The Linguistic Evidence". In Crossland, R. A.; Birchall, Ann (eds.). Bronze Age Migrations in the Aegean; Archaeological and Linguistic Problems in Greek Prehistory: Proceedings of the First International Colloquium on Aegean Prehistory, Sheffield. London: Gerald Duckworth & Company Limited. pp. 243–253. ISBN 978-0-7156-0580-6.
- Hajnal, Ivo (2007). "Die Vorgeschichte der griechischen Dialekte: ein methodischer Rück- und Ausblick". In Hajnal, Ivo; Stefan, Barbara (eds.). Die altgriechischen Dialekte. Wesen und Werden. Akten des Kolloquiums, Freie Universität Berlin, 19.–22. September 2001 (in German). Innsbruck, Austria: Institut für Sprachen und Literaturen der Universität Innsbruck. p. 136.
- Hall, Jonathan M. (1997). Ethnic Identity in Greek Antiquity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-78999-8.
- Heggarty, Paul; Anderson, Cormac; Scarborough, Matthew; King, Benedict; Bouckaert, Remco; Josz, Lechoslaw; Kümmel, Martin Joachim; Jügel, Thomas; Irslinger, Britta; Pooth, Roland; Liljegren, Henrik; Strand, Richard F.; Haig, Geoffrey; Macák, Martin; Kim, Ronald I.; Anonby, Erik; Pronk, Tijmen; Belyaev, Oleg; Dewey-Findell, Tonya Kim; Boutilier, Matthew; Freiberg, Cassandra; Tegethoff, Robert; Serangeli, Matilde; Liosis, Nikos; Stroński, Krzysztof; Schulte, Kim; Gupta, Ganesh Kumar; Haak, Wolfgang; Krause, Johannes; Atkinson, Quentin D.; Greenhill, Simon J.; Kühnert, Denise; Gray, Russell D. (2023). "Language trees with sampled ancestors support a hybrid model for the origin of Indo-European languages". Science. 381 (6656). doi:10.1126/science.abg0818. hdl:10234/204329.
- Hooker, J. T. (1976). Mycenaean Greece. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. ISBN 9780710083791.
- Horrocks, Geoffrey (2010) [2007]. Greek: A History of the Language and its Speakers (Second ed.). Oxford and Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 978-1-4443-1892-0.
- Hamp, Eric P. (1960). "Notes on Early Greek Phonology". Glotta. 38 (3/4): 187–203. JSTOR 40265810.
- Katona, A. L. (2000). "Proto-Greeks and the Kurgan Theory" (PDF). The Journal of Indo-European Studies. 28 (1–2): 65–100.
- Littauer, M. A.; Crouwel, J.H. (1996). "Robert Drews and the Role of Chariotry in Bronze Age Greece". Oxford Journal of Archaeology. 15 (3): 297–305. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0092.1996.tb00087.x.
- Mallory, J. P. (2003). "The Homeland of the Indo-Europeans". In Blench, Roger; Spriggs, Matthew (eds.). Archaeology and Language I: Theoretical and Methodological Orientations. London and New York: Routledge. pp. 93–121. ISBN 1134828772.
- Parker, Holt N. (2008). "The Linguistic Case for the Aiolian Migration Reconsidered". Hesperia: The Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. 77 (3). American School of Classical Studies at Athens: 443–444. doi:10.2972/hesp.77.3.431. ISSN 0018-098X. JSTOR 40205757. S2CID 161497388.
- Parpola, Asko; Carpelan, Christian (2005). "The Cultural Counterparts to Proto-Indo-European, Proto-Uralic and Proto-Aryan: Matching the Dispersal and Contact Patterns in the Linguistic and Archaeological Record". In Bryant, Edwin; Patton, Laurie L. (eds.). The Indo-Aryan Controversy: Evidence and Inference in Indian History. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 107–141. ISBN 9780700714636.
- Ramón, José Luis García (2017). "41. The Morphology of Greek". In Klein, Jared; Joseph, Brian; Fritz, Matthias (eds.). Handbook of Comparative and Historical Indo-European Linguistics: Volume 1. Mouton: De Gruyter. pp. 654–681. doi:10.1515/9783110261288. ISBN 9783110261288.
- Renfrew, Colin (1973). "Problems in the General Correlation of Archaeological and Linguistic Strata in Prehistoric Greece: The Model of Autochthonous Origin". In Crossland, R. A.; Birchall, Ann (eds.). Bronze Age Migrations in the Aegean; Archaeological and Linguistic Problems in Greek Prehistory: Proceedings of the first International Colloquium on Aegean Prehistory, Sheffield. London: Gerald Duckworth and Company Limited. pp. 263–276. ISBN 0-7156-0580-1.
- Renfrew, Colin (2003). "Time Depth, Convergence Theory, and Innovation in Proto-Indo-European: 'Old Europe' as a PIE Linguistic Area". In Bammesberger, Alfred; Vennemann, Theo (eds.). Languages in Prehistoric Europe. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter GmBH. pp. 17–48. ISBN 978-3-82-531449-1.
- Schwyzer, Eduard (1939). Griechische Grammatik: auf der Grundlage von Karl Brugmanns Griechischer Grammatik (in German). Munich: C.H. Beck. ISBN 9783406033971.
- Teodorsson, Sven-Tage (1979). "On the Pronunciation of Ancient Greek Zeta". Lingua. 47: 323–332.
- West, M. L. (1997). The East Face of Helicon: West Asiatic Elements in Greek Poetry and Myth. Oxford: Clarendon Press. ISBN 9780191591044.
- Woodard, Roger D. (2008). "Chapter 3: Greek dialects". In Woodard, Roger D. (ed.). The Ancient Languages of Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 50–72. ISBN 978-1-139-46932-6.
Further reading
- Sihler, Andrew L. (1995). New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-508345-8.
External links
- A Brief History of the Greek Language (archived)
Greek is an Indo European language the sole surviving descendant of the Hellenic sub family Although it split off from other Indo European languages around the 3rd millennium BCE or possibly before it is first attested in the Bronze Age as Mycenaean Greek During the Archaic and Classical eras Greek speakers wrote numerous texts in a variety of dialects known collectively as Ancient Greek In the Hellenistic era these dialects underwent dialect levelling to form Koine Greek which was used as a lingua franca throughout the eastern Roman Empire and later grew into Medieval Greek For much of the period of Modern Greek the language existed in a situation of diglossia where speakers would switch between informal varieties known as Dimotiki and a formal one known as Katharevousa Present day Modern Standard Greek is largely an outgrowth of Dimotiki with some features retained from Katharevousa Proto GreekThe Proto Greek language was the most recent common ancestor of all Greek dialects Proto Greek split off from its nearest Indo European relatives sometime during the European Bronze Age c 3rd millennium BC and possibly even earlier though it is unknown whether the characteristic Greek sound changes occurred within the Greek peninsula or if Proto Greek speakers themselves migrated into Greece Estimates Estimates for the introduction of the Proto Greek language into prehistoric Greece have changed over the course of the 20th century Since the decipherment of Linear B searches were made for earlier breaks in the continuity of the material record that might represent the coming of the Greeks A Middle Bronze Age estimate originally presented by C Haley and J Blegen in 1928 was altered to an estimate spanning the transition from Early Helladic II to Early Helladic III c 2400 c 2200 2100 BCE However the latter estimate accepted by the majority of scholars was criticized by John E Coleman as being based on stratigraphic discontinuities at Lerna that other archaeological excavations in Greece demonstrated were the product of chronological gaps or separate deposit sequencing instead of cultural changes Models In modern scholarship different settlement models have been proposed regarding the development of Proto Greek speakers in the Greek peninsula Paul Heggarty et al 2023 advancing a mixed steppe farmer model of Indo European origins via Bayesian statistics places Greek south of the Caucasus as an already diverged branch of Indo European at around 7000 years before present ca 5000 BCE Panayiotis Filos 2014 states that the term Proto Greek does not necessarily refer to a fully homogeneous Indo European language of the late Early Middle Bronze periods ca 2200 2000 1700 BCE but estimates vary He argues that Proto Greek developed during a long continuous linguistic process as a migrating population of soon to become Greek speakers were en route to on the outskirts of Greece i e somewhere to the north west of the Greek peninsula proper and amalgamating with Pre Greek speakers Nancy Demand 2012 argues that speakers of what would become Proto Greek migrated from their homeland which could have been northeast of the Black Sea throughout Europe and reached Greece in a date set around the transition of the Early Bronze Age to the Middle Bronze Age David Anthony 2010 argues that Proto Greek emerged from the diversification of the Proto Indo European language PIE the last phase of which gave rise to the later language families having occurred in c 2500 BCE its formation in Greece occurred during the beginning and end of the Early Helladic III period 2200 2000 BC Specifically Pre Proto Greek the Indo European dialect from which Proto Greek originated emerged c 2400 c 2200 BCE in an area which bordered pre Proto Indo Iranian to the east and pre Proto Armenian and pre Proto Phrygian to the west at the eastern borders of southeastern Europe Asko Parpola and Christian Carpelan 2005 date the arrival of Proto Greek speakers from the Eurasian steppe into the Greek peninsula to 2200 BCE John E Coleman 2000 estimates that the entry of Proto Greek speakers into the Greek peninsula occurred during the late 4th millennium BC c 3200 BC with pre Greek spoken by the inhabitants of the Late Neolithic II period A L Katona 2000 places the beginning of the migration of the Proto Greek speakers from Ukraine towards the south c 2400 c 2300 BCE Their proposed route of migration passed through Romania and the eastern Balkans to the Evros river valley from where their main body moved west As such Katona agreeing with M V Sakellariou argues that the main body of Greek speakers settled in a region that included southwestern Illyria Epirus northwestern Thessaly and western Macedonia Thomas V Gamkrelidze and Vjaceslav V Ivanov 1995 date the separation of Greek from the Greek Armenian Aryan clade of Proto Indo European to around the 3rd millennium BCE The Greek clade afterwards split into independently developed dialects i e eastern Arcado Cyprian Aeolic Ionic western Doric during the end of the 3rd or beginning of the 2nd millennium BCE Robert Drews 1994 dates the coming of chariot riding Greeks into the Aegean in c 1600 BC viewing earlier estimates as deeply flawed Drews model however is rejected by modern Mycenologists on the grounds that it is both historically and linguistically inaccurate An older model by Bulgarian linguist Vladimir I Georgiev 1981 placed Proto Greek in northwestern Greece and adjacent areas approximately up to Aulon river to the north including Parauaea Tymphaia Athamania Dolopia Amphilochia and Acarnania as well as west and north Thessaly Histiaeotis Perrhaibia Tripolis and Pieria in Macedonia during the Late Neolithic period However the dating of Proto Greek in Bronze Age Greece is compatible with the inherited lexicon from the common Proto Indo European language which excludes any possibility of it being present in Neolithic Greece Proto Greek area of settlement 2200 2100 1900 BC suggested by Katona 2000 Sakellariou 2016 1980 1975 and Phylaktopoulos 1975 View of Proto Greek area in the 3rd millennium BCE reconstructed by Vladimir I Georgiev 1973 and 1981 The boundaries are based on the high concentration of archaic Greek place names in the region in contrast to southern Greece which preserves many pre Greek ones Diversification Ivo Hajnal dates the beginning of the diversification of Proto Greek into the subsequent Greek dialects to a point not significantly earlier than 1700 BC The conventional division of the Greek dialects prior of 1955 differentiated them between a West Greek consisting of Doric and Northwest Greek and an East Greek consisting of Aeolic Arcado Cypriot and Attic Ionic group However after the decipherment of the Linear B script Walter Porzig and Ernst Risch argued for a division between a Northern consisting of Doric Northwest Greek and Aeolic and a Southern consisting of Mycenaean Arcado Cypriot and Attic Ionic group which remains fundamental through today Mycenaean GreekMap of Greece as described in Homer s Iliad The geographical data is believed to refer primarily to Bronze Age Greece when Mycenaean Greek would have been spoken and so can be used as an estimator of the range The first known script for writing Greek was the Linear B syllabary used for the archaic Mycenaean dialect Linear B was not deciphered until 1952 After the fall of the Mycenaean civilization during the Bronze Age collapse there was a period of about five hundred years when writing was either not used or nothing has survived to the present day Since early classical times Greek has been written in the Greek alphabet Ancient Greek dialectsDistribution of Greek dialects in the classical period In the archaic and classical periods there were three main dialects of the Greek language Aeolic Ionic and Doric corresponding to the three main tribes of the Greeks the Aeolians chiefly living in the islands of the Aegean and the west coast of Asia Minor north of Smyrna the Ionians mostly settled in the west coast of Asia Minor including Smyrna and the area to the south of it and the Dorians primarily the Greeks of the coast of the Pelopennesus for example of Sparta Crete and the southernmost parts of the west coast of Asia Minor Homer s Iliad and Odyssey were written in a kind of literary Ionic with some loan words from the other dialects Ionic therefore became the primary literary language of ancient Greece until the ascendancy of Athens in the late 5th century Doric was standard for Greek lyric poetry such as Pindar and the choral odes of the Greek tragedians Attic Greek Attic Greek a subdialect of Ionic was for centuries the language of Athens Most surviving classical Greek literature appears in Attic Greek including the extant texts of Plato and Aristotle which were passed down in written form from classical times Koine GreekKoine Greek language area Areas where Greek speakers were probably the majority Intensely hellenised areas with a significant Greek speaking minority For centuries the Greek language had existed in multiple dialects As Greek culture under Alexander the Great 356 323 BC and his successors spread from Asia Minor to Egypt and the border regions of India the Attic dialect became the basis of the Koine Koinh common The language was also learned by the inhabitants of the regions that Alexander conquered turning Greek into a world language The Greek language continued to thrive after Alexander during the Hellenistic period 323 BC to 31 BC During this period the Septuagint a Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible appeared For many centuries Greek was the lingua franca of the eastern half of the Roman Empire It was during Roman times that the Greek New Testament appeared and Koine Greek is also called New Testament Greek after its most famous work of literature Medieval GreekDistribution of Greek dialects in Asia Minor after the fall of the Byzantine Empire Demotic in yellow Pontic in orange Cappadocian Greek in green Medieval Greek also known as Byzantine Greek is the stage of the Greek language between the beginning of the Middle Ages around 600 and the Ottoman conquest of the city of Constantinople in 1453 The latter date marked the end of the Middle Ages in Southeast Europe From 620 onwards Greek was the only language of administration and government in the Byzantine Empire due to the reforms of Heraclius This stage of language is thus described as Byzantine Greek The study of the Medieval Greek language and literature is a branch of Byzantine Studies or Byzantinology the study of the history and culture of the Byzantine Empire The beginning of Medieval Greek is occasionally dated back to as early as the 4th century either to 330 when the political centre of the monarchy was moved to Constantinople or to 395 the division of the Empire However this approach is rather arbitrary as it is more an assumption of political as opposed to cultural and linguistic developments It is only after the Eastern Roman Byzantine culture was subjected to such massive change in the 7th century that a turning point in language development can be assumed Medieval Greek is the link between the ancient and modern forms of the language because on the one hand its literature is still strongly influenced by Ancient Greek while on the other hand many linguistic features of Modern Greek were already taking shape in the spoken language Modern GreekThe distribution of major modern Greek dialect areas The beginning of the modern period of the language is often symbolically assigned to the fall of the Byzantine Empire in 1453 even though that date marks no clear linguistic boundary and many characteristic modern features of the language had already been present centuries earlier from the 4th to the 15th century During most of the period the language existed in a situation of diglossia with regional spoken dialects existing side by side with learned archaic written forms After the establishment of Greece as an independent state in 1829 the Katharevusa Ka8areyoysa form Greek for purified language was sanctioned as the official language of the state and the only acceptable form of Greek in Greece The whole attempt led to a linguistic war along with the creation of literary factions the Dhimotikistes Dhmotikistes who supported the common Demotic dialect and the Loyii Logioi or Katharevusyani Ka8areyoysianoi who supported the purified dialect Up to that point use of Dhimotiki in state affairs was generally frowned upon Use of the Demotic dialect in state speech and paperwork was forbidden The fall of the Junta of 1974 and the end of the era of Metapolitefsi 1974 1976 brought the acceptance of the Demotic dialect as both the de facto and de jure forms of the language for use by the Greek government though the Katharevousa movement has left marks in the language Today standard modern Greek based on Demotic is the official language of both Greece and Cyprus Greek is spoken today by approximately 12 15 million people mainly in Greece and Cyprus but also by minority and immigrant communities in many other countries See alsoHistory of the Latin languageNotesA comprehensive overview is in Oliver Dickinson s The Coming of the Greeks and All That Dickinson 2016 pp 3 21 J T Hooker s Mycenaean Greece Hooker 1976 Chapter 2 Before the Mycenaean Age pp 11 33 and passim and in Bryan Feuer s annotated bibliography Feuer 2004 for a different hypothesis excluding massive migrations and favoring an autochthonous scenario see Colin Renfrew s Problems in the General Correlation of Archaeological and Linguistic Strata in Prehistoric Greece The Model of Autochthonous Origin Renfrew 1973 pp 263 276 especially p 267 in Bronze Age Migrations by R A Crossland and A Birchall eds 1973 Coleman 2000 p 104 West 1997 p 1 T he majority view for the last twenty or thirty years has been that the arrival of the proto Greek speakers is signalled archaeologically by two waves of destruction which took place at various sites in central and southern Greece at the beginning and end of the Early Helladic III period These waves seem now to be flattening out under critical scrutiny Coleman 2000 pp 106 107 Parpola amp Carpelan 2005 p 131 Heggarty et al 2023 A DensiTree showing the probability distribution of tree topologies for the Indo European language family Filos 2014 p 175 Demand 2012 p 49 Anthony 2010 p 81 Anthony 2010 p 82 Anthony 2010 pp 51 369 Coleman 2000 p 139ff Katona 2000 p 84 The time of the departure of the Proto Greeks semel is mid EH II 2400 2300 B C L and A available Their route between Ukraine and Greece can be supposed to have led through Rumania and East Balkans towards the Hebros valley North Eastern Greece Here they turned to the West A available Katona 2000 pp 84 86 Contacts must have existed too until 1900 B C when Western tribes lived in Epirus Southwest Illyria and Western Macedonia i e in the western neighborhood of the Ionians The main body of the Proto Greeks as seen already in Sakellariou 1980 had settled in southwest Illyria Epirus Western Macedonia and northwestern Thessaly Gamkrelidze amp Ivanov 1995 pp 761 762 Drews 1994 p 45ff Dickinson 1999 pp 97 107 Littauer amp Crouwel 1996 p 299 Georgiev 1981 p 156 The Proto Greek region included Epirus approximately up to Aὐlwn in the north including Paravaia Tymphaia Athamania Dolopia Amphilochia and Acarnania west and north Thessaly Hestiaiotis Perrhaibia Tripolis and Pieria i e more or less the territory of contemporary northwestern Greece Georgiev 1981 p 192 Late Neolithic Period in northwestern Greece the Proto Greek language had already been formed this is the original home of the Greeks Coleman 2000 pp 101 153 Mallory 2003 p 101 Georgiev 1973 p 248 Thus in the region defined just above roughly northern and north western Greece one finds only archaic Greek place names Consequently this is the proto Hellenic area the early homeland of the Greeks where they lived before they invaded central and southern Greece Hajnal 2007 p 136 Hall 1997 p 160 Woodard 2008 p 52 Horrocks 2010 pp 19 20 Parker 2008 pp 443 444 Dawkins amp Halliday 1916 There is a pending petition for an ISO639 3 code of Medieval Greek gkm Sil org ReferencesAnthony David 2010 The Horse the Wheel and Language How Bronze Age Riders from the Eurasian Steppes Shaped the Modern World Princeton NJ Princeton University Press ISBN 978 1400831104 Buck Carl Darling 1933 Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin Chicago University of Chicago Press Clackson James 1995 The Linguistic Relationship Between Armenian and Greek Oxford Wiley Blackwell ISBN 9780631191971 Coleman John E 2000 An Archaeological Scenario for the Coming of the Greeks ca 3200 B C The Journal of Indo European Studies 28 1 2 101 153 Dawkins Richard McGillivray Halliday William Reginald 1916 Modern Greek in Asia Minor A Study of Dialect of Silly Cappadocia and Pharasa with Grammar Texts Translations and Glossary Cambridge Cambridge University Press Demand Nancy 2012 The Mediterranean Context of Early Greek History Chicester Wiley Blackwell ISBN 9781405155519 Drews Robert 1994 The Coming of the Greeks Indo European Conquests in the Aegean and the Near East Princeton NJ Princeton University Press ISBN 0691029512 Dickinson Oliver 2016 The Coming of the Greeks and All That In Bintliff John Rutter N Keith eds The Archaeology of Greece and Rome Studies in Honor of Anthony Snodgrass Edinburgh Edinburgh University Press Dickinson Oliver December 1999 Invasion Migration and the Shaft Graves Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 43 1 97 107 doi 10 1111 j 2041 5370 1999 tb00480 x Feuer Bryan 2004 Mycenaean Civilization An Annotated Bibliography through 2002 Revised Edition Jefferson NC and London McFarland amp Company Inc Publishers ISBN 9780786417483 Filos Panagiotis 2014 Proto Greek and Common Greek In Giannakis G K ed Brill Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics III Leiden and Boston Brill pp 175 189 Fortson Benjamin W IV 2004 Indo European Language and Culture Malden MA Blackwell Publishing ISBN 1 4051 0316 7 a href wiki Template Cite book title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint multiple names authors list link Gamkrelidze Thomas V Ivanov Vjaceslav V 1995 Indo European and the Indo Europeans A Reconstruction and Historical Analysis of a Proto Language and Proto Culture Berlin and New York Mouton de Gruyter ISBN 31 108 1503 6 Georgiev Vladimir Ivanov 1981 Introduction to the History of the Indo European Languages Sofia Bulgarian Academy of Sciences ISBN 9789535172611 Georgiev Vladimir Ivanov 1973 The Arrival of the Greeks in Greece The Linguistic Evidence In Crossland R A Birchall Ann eds Bronze Age Migrations in the Aegean Archaeological and Linguistic Problems in Greek Prehistory Proceedings of the First International Colloquium on Aegean Prehistory Sheffield London Gerald Duckworth amp Company Limited pp 243 253 ISBN 978 0 7156 0580 6 Hajnal Ivo 2007 Die Vorgeschichte der griechischen Dialekte ein methodischer Ruck und Ausblick In Hajnal Ivo Stefan Barbara eds Die altgriechischen Dialekte Wesen und Werden Akten des Kolloquiums Freie Universitat Berlin 19 22 September 2001 in German Innsbruck Austria Institut fur Sprachen und Literaturen der Universitat Innsbruck p 136 Hall Jonathan M 1997 Ethnic Identity in Greek Antiquity Cambridge Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0 521 78999 8 Heggarty Paul Anderson Cormac Scarborough Matthew King Benedict Bouckaert Remco Josz Lechoslaw Kummel Martin Joachim Jugel Thomas Irslinger Britta Pooth Roland Liljegren Henrik Strand Richard F Haig Geoffrey Macak Martin Kim Ronald I Anonby Erik Pronk Tijmen Belyaev Oleg Dewey Findell Tonya Kim Boutilier Matthew Freiberg Cassandra Tegethoff Robert Serangeli Matilde Liosis Nikos Stronski Krzysztof Schulte Kim Gupta Ganesh Kumar Haak Wolfgang Krause Johannes Atkinson Quentin D Greenhill Simon J Kuhnert Denise Gray Russell D 2023 Language trees with sampled ancestors support a hybrid model for the origin of Indo European languages Science 381 6656 doi 10 1126 science abg0818 hdl 10234 204329 Hooker J T 1976 Mycenaean Greece London Routledge amp Kegan Paul ISBN 9780710083791 Horrocks Geoffrey 2010 2007 Greek A History of the Language and its Speakers Second ed Oxford and Malden MA Wiley Blackwell ISBN 978 1 4443 1892 0 Hamp Eric P 1960 Notes on Early Greek Phonology Glotta 38 3 4 187 203 JSTOR 40265810 Katona A L 2000 Proto Greeks and the Kurgan Theory PDF The Journal of Indo European Studies 28 1 2 65 100 Littauer M A Crouwel J H 1996 Robert Drews and the Role of Chariotry in Bronze Age Greece Oxford Journal of Archaeology 15 3 297 305 doi 10 1111 j 1468 0092 1996 tb00087 x Mallory J P 2003 The Homeland of the Indo Europeans In Blench Roger Spriggs Matthew eds Archaeology and Language I Theoretical and Methodological Orientations London and New York Routledge pp 93 121 ISBN 1134828772 Parker Holt N 2008 The Linguistic Case for the Aiolian Migration Reconsidered Hesperia The Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens 77 3 American School of Classical Studies at Athens 443 444 doi 10 2972 hesp 77 3 431 ISSN 0018 098X JSTOR 40205757 S2CID 161497388 Parpola Asko Carpelan Christian 2005 The Cultural Counterparts to Proto Indo European Proto Uralic and Proto Aryan Matching the Dispersal and Contact Patterns in the Linguistic and Archaeological Record In Bryant Edwin Patton Laurie L eds The Indo Aryan Controversy Evidence and Inference in Indian History New York NY Routledge pp 107 141 ISBN 9780700714636 Ramon Jose Luis Garcia 2017 41 The Morphology of Greek In Klein Jared Joseph Brian Fritz Matthias eds Handbook of Comparative and Historical Indo European Linguistics Volume 1 Mouton De Gruyter pp 654 681 doi 10 1515 9783110261288 ISBN 9783110261288 Renfrew Colin 1973 Problems in the General Correlation of Archaeological and Linguistic Strata in Prehistoric Greece The Model of Autochthonous Origin In Crossland R A Birchall Ann eds Bronze Age Migrations in the Aegean Archaeological and Linguistic Problems in Greek Prehistory Proceedings of the first International Colloquium on Aegean Prehistory Sheffield London Gerald Duckworth and Company Limited pp 263 276 ISBN 0 7156 0580 1 Renfrew Colin 2003 Time Depth Convergence Theory and Innovation in Proto Indo European Old Europe as a PIE Linguistic Area In Bammesberger Alfred Vennemann Theo eds Languages in Prehistoric Europe Heidelberg Universitatsverlag Winter GmBH pp 17 48 ISBN 978 3 82 531449 1 Schwyzer Eduard 1939 Griechische Grammatik auf der Grundlage von Karl Brugmanns Griechischer Grammatik in German Munich C H Beck ISBN 9783406033971 Teodorsson Sven Tage 1979 On the Pronunciation of Ancient Greek Zeta Lingua 47 323 332 West M L 1997 The East Face of Helicon West Asiatic Elements in Greek Poetry and Myth Oxford Clarendon Press ISBN 9780191591044 Woodard Roger D 2008 Chapter 3 Greek dialects In Woodard Roger D ed The Ancient Languages of Europe Cambridge Cambridge University Press pp 50 72 ISBN 978 1 139 46932 6 Further readingSihler Andrew L 1995 New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin New York Oxford University Press ISBN 0 19 508345 8 External linksA Brief History of the Greek Language archived