This article lists common abbreviations for grammatical terms that are used in linguistic interlinear glossing of oral languages in English.
The list provides conventional glosses as established by standard inventories of glossing abbreviations such as the Leipzig Glossing rules, the most widely known standard. Synonymous glosses are listed as alternatives for reference purposes. In a few cases, long and short standard forms are listed, intended for texts where that gloss is rare or uncommon.
- Grammatical abbreviations are generally written in full or small caps to visually distinguish them from the translations of lexical words. For instance, capital or small-cap PAST (frequently abbreviated to PST) glosses a grammatical past-tense morpheme, while lower-case 'past' would be a literal translation of a word with that meaning. Similarly, (small) cap -DOWN might be a locative suffix used in nominal inflections, prototypically indicating direction downward but possibly also used where it is not translatable as 'down' in English, whereas lower-case 'down' would be a direct English translation of a word meaning 'down'. Not all authors follow this convention.
- Person-number-gender is often further abbreviated, in which case the elements are not small caps. E.g. 3ms or 3msg for 3SG.M, 2fp or 2fpl for 2PL.F, also 1di for 1DU.INCL and 1pe for 1PL.EXCL.
- Authors may more severely abbreviate glosses than is the norm, if they are particularly frequent within a text, e.g. IP rather than IMM.PST for 'immediate past'. This helps keep the gloss graphically aligned with the parsed text when the abbreviations are longer than the morphemes they gloss. Such shortened forms may be ambiguous with other authors or texts and so are not presented as normative here. Glosses may also be less abbreviated than the norm if they are not common in a particular text, so as to not tax the reader, e.g. TRANSTVZR for 'transitivizer' or SUBJUNCT for 'subjunctive'. At the extreme, glosses may not be abbreviated at all but simply written in small caps, e.g. COMPLEMENTIZER, NONTHEME or DOWNRIVER rather than COMP, NTH, DR. Such long, obvious abbreviationse.g. in have been omitted from the list below, but are always possible.
- A morpheme will sometimes be used as its own gloss. This is typically done when it is the topic of discussion, and the author wishes it to be immediately recognized in the gloss among other morphemes with similar meanings, or when it has multiple or subtle meanings that would be impractical to gloss with a single conventional abbreviation. For example, if a passage has two contrasting nominalizing suffixes under discussion, ɣiŋ and jolqəl, they may be glossed GN and JQ, with the glosses explained in the text. This is also seen when the meaning of a morpheme is debated, and glossing it one way or another would prejudice the discussion.
- Lexical morphemes are typically translated, using lower-case letters, though they may be given a grammatical gloss in small caps if they play a grammatical role in the text. Exceptions include proper nouns, which typically are not translated, and kinship terms, which may be too complex to translate. Proper nouns/names may simply be repeated in the gloss, or may be replaced with a placeholder such as "(name.F)" or "PN(F)" (for a female name). For kinship glosses, see the dedicated section below for a list of standard abbreviations.
- Lehmann recommends that abbreviations for syntactic roles not be used as glosses for arguments, as they are not morphological categories. Glosses for case should be used instead, e.g. ERG or NOM for A. Morphosyntactic abbreviations are typically typeset as full capitals even when small caps are used for glosses, and include A (agent of transitive verb), B (core benefactive), D or I (core dative / indirect object), E (experiencer of sensory verb), G or R (goal or recipient – indirect object of ditransitive verb), L (location argument), O or P (patient of transitive verb), S (single argument of intransitive verb), SA (Sa) and SP or SO (Sp, So) (agent- and patient-like argument in split-S alignment), Se and Sx (argument of equative/copular and existential verb), Su (subject of v.t. or v.i.), and T (theme – direct object of ditransitive verb).
- These abbreviations are, however, commonly used as the basis for glosses for symmetrical voice systems (formerly called 'trigger' agreement, and by some still 'focus' (misleadingly, as it is not grammatical focus), such as AV (agent voice), BF (beneficiary 'focus'), LT (locative 'trigger').
- Glosses for generic concepts like 'particle', 'infix', 'tense', 'object marker' and the like are generally to be avoided in favor of specifying the precise value of the morpheme. However, they may be appropriate for historical linguistics or language comparison, where the value differs between languages or a meaning cannot be reconstructed, or where such usage is unambiguous because there is only a single morpheme (e.g. article or aspect marker) that can be glossed that way. When a more precise gloss would be misleading (for example, an aspectual marker that has multiple uses, or which is not sufficiently understood to gloss properly), but glossing it as its syntactic category would be ambiguous, the author may disambiguate with digits (e.g. ASP1 and ASP2 for a pair of aspect markers). Such pseudo-glossing may be difficult for the reader to follow.
- Authors also use placeholders for generic elements in schematicized parsing, such as may be used to illustrate morpheme or word order in a language. Examples include HEAD or HD 'head'; ROOT or RT 'root'; STEM or ST 'stem'; PREF, PRFX or PX 'prefix'; SUFF, SUFX or SX 'suffix'; CLIT, CL or ENCL 'clitic' or 'enclitic'; PREP 'preposition' and POS or POST 'postposition', PNG 'person–number–gender element' and TAM 'tense–aspect–mood element' (also NG number–gender, PN person–number, TA tense–aspect, TAME tense–aspect–mood–evidential) etc. These are not listed below as they are not glosses for morphological values.
Nonabbreviated English words used as glosses are not included in the list below. Caution is needed with short glosses like AT, BY, TO and UP, which could potentially be either abbreviations or (as in these cases) nonabbreviated English prepositions used as glosses.
Transparent compounds of the glosses below, such as REMPST or REM.PST 'remote past', a compound of REM 'remote' and PST 'past', are not listed separately.
Abbreviations beginning with N- (generalized glossing prefix for non-, in-, un-) are not listed separately unless they have alternative forms that are included. For example, NPST non-past is not listed, as it is composable from N- non- + PST past. This convention is grounded in the Leipzig Glossing Rules. Some authors use a lower-case n, for example nH for 'non-human'.
Some sources are moving from classical lative (LAT, -L) terminology to 'directional' (DIR), with concommitant changes in the abbreviations. Other authors contrast -lative and -directive.
Some sources use alternative abbreviations to distinguish e.g. nominalizer from nominalization, or shorter abbreviations for compounded glosses in synthetic morphemes than for independent glosses in agglutinative morphemes. These are seldom distinct morphosyntactic categories in a language, though some may be distinguished in historical linguistics. They are not distinguished below, as any such usage tends to be idiosyncratic to the author.
Punctuation and numbers
Conventional Gloss | Variants | Meaning | Reference |
- | separator for segmentable morphemes, e.g., Lezgian amuq’-da-č (stay-FUT-NEG) "will not stay" | ||
= | ꞊, ‿ | [optional in place of hyphen] separator for clitics, e.g., West Greenlandic palasi=lu niuirtur=lu (priest=and shopkeeper=and) "both the priest and the shopkeeper" | |
. | when a morph is rendered by more than one gloss, the glosses are separated by periods, e.g., French aux chevaux (to.ART.PL horse.PL) "to the horses" A period is not used between person and number, e.g. 1PL, 2SG, 1DU, 3NSG (nonsingular). | ||
_ | [optional in place of period] when the language of the gloss lacks a one-word translation, a phrase may be joined by underscores, e.g., Turkish çık-mak (come_out-INF) "to come out" With some authors, the reverse is also true, for a two-word phrase glossed with a single word. | ||
› | >, →, : | [optional in place of period] direction of polypersonal agreement in a single gloss, whether (a) possession (1S›SG means 1S possessor and singular possessum) or (b) transitivity (2›3 means 2 acts on 3, as in guny-bi-yarluga (2DU›3SG-FUT-poke) "(who) do you two want to spear?" A colon is used by some authors: 1S:SG, 2DU:3SG-FUT-poke. | |
: | [optional in place of period] separates glosses where segmentation is irrelevant (morphemes may be segmentable, but author does not wish to separate them) | ||
; | : | [optional in place of period] separates glosses that are combined in a portmanteau morpheme, as in aux chevaux (to;ART;PL horse;PL) "to the horses". Some authors use the colon indiscriminately for this convention and the previous. | |
+ | [optional] compound word or fused morpheme. (Also used in 1+2 (inclusive) vs 1+3 (exclusive) person; EMPH+ strong emphatic) | ||
& | [optional in place of period] cross-referencing: X&Y = X›Y or Y›X or both | ||
/ | | | alternative meanings of ambiguous morpheme, e.g. 2/3 for a morpheme that may be either 2nd or 3rd person, or DAT/GEN for a suffix used for both dative and genitive. | |
\ | [optional in place of period] a morpheme indicated by or affected by mutation, as in Väter-n (father\PL-DAT.PL) "to (our) fathers" (singular form Vater) | ||
[...] | [optional in place of period] indicates unmarked element (such as fils (son[MSG], which has no suffix for MSG). The null suffix -∅ may be used instead. | ||
(...) | [optional in place of period] inherent category, such as covert gender (when glossed at all) | ||
~ | [required in place of hyphen] marks reduplication and retriplication (e.g. Ancient Greek γέγρᾰφᾰ (gé~graph-a) PRF~write-1SG 'I have written', with word-initial reduplication) | ||
⟨...⟩ | <...> | [required in place of hyphen] marks off an infix (e.g. ⟨ITER⟩Vb is word-initial infixation that makes the verb iterative) | |
⟩...⟨ | -...-, >...< | [optional in place of hyphens] marks off a circumfix or bipartite stem. The second element may be glossed the same as the first, or as CIRC, STEM or $: ge⟩lauf⟨en ⟨PART.PRF⟩run ge⟩lauf⟨en PART.PRF⟩run⟨PART.PRF ge⟩lauf⟨en PART.PRF⟩run⟨CIRC ge-lauf-en PART.PRF-run-PART.PRF ge-lauf-en PART.PRF-run-CIRC | |
$ | (second part of a discontinuous lexeme) | ||
√ | [optional] used by some authors to mark which element is the root (in ⟨x-√y-z⟩, 'y' is the root) | ||
? | ??, X | (morpheme not understood, unidentified morpheme) | |
∅ | 0, Ø | zero (null) morpheme (such as fils-∅ (son-MSG), with a 'zero' suffix for MSG). Brackets may be used instead. | |
0 | zeroth person ('one', as in Finnish, Keres) | ||
0 | epenthetic segment (semantically null) | ||
1 | first person (1msg, 1fpl, 1EXCL, DEM1 etc.): 1HON speaker-honorific, 1HML speaker-humiliative/humble | ||
2 | second person | ||
3 | third person (3SG.M or 3msg or 3ms; 3PL.F or 3fpl or 3fp; 3DU.N or 3ndu or 3nd; N3 or n3 non-3rd person) [occasionally 3sm, 3sn, 3sf, 3pm, 3pn, 3pf etc.] | ||
12, 13 | inclusive, exclusive person (especially if not thought of as a form of 1pl) (rarely other digit compounds, e.g. 12 dual vs 122 plural inclusive, 33 vs 333 for 3du vs 3pl, etc.) | ||
3sp | impersonal 'space' subject | ||
3.3′.CJ | (3rd-person subj, 3rd-person obj conjunct–order verb) | ||
4 | (a) fourth person (= OBV) (b) first person inclusive (c) indefinite person | ||
I, II, III, IV etc. | noun classes / genders | ||
> ≥ < ≤ | older and younger: 1SG> 'I' (speaker older than addressee), 2SG≤ 'you' (speaker addressing addressee of same age or younger), 3SG> 's/he' (referent older than (a) speaker or (b) addressee, depending on requirements of discourse) | ||
= ≠ | same and different generations: 3DU≠ 'they two' (of different generations, e.g. grandchild and great-grandchild), 1PL= 'we' (of same generation, e.g. me and my siblings) | ||
≈ | varies with |
Grammatical abbreviations
Conventional Gloss | Variants | Meaning | Reference |
-A | athematic (TAMA athematic tense-aspect-mood, ANTA athematic antecedent, etc.) | ||
A- | associating (prefix on case abbreviation) | ||
AA | addressee authority (cf. SA) | ||
AB | from. May be equivalent to ABESS or ABL. Compounded for ABE(SS), ABL(AT), ABEL etc. if a single morpheme, as AB-ESS, AB-LAT or AB-DIR, AB-ELA etc. if not. | [citation needed] | |
AB, ABV[citation needed] | above deictic center | ||
ABESS | ABE, AB | abessive case (a.k.a. caritive case or privative case: 'without') Lehmann (2004) recommends using privative (PRV) or aversive (AVERS) instead | |
ABIL | ABL, CAP[citation needed] | ability or capability (ACQ.ABIL acquired ability, INTR.ABIL intrinsic ability) | |
ABL | ABLA | ablative case ('from') | |
ABM | ablative-modalis case | ||
ABS | ABSOL, AB[citation needed] | absolutive case | |
ABSL | absolute (free, non-incorporated form of noun) | ||
ABST | AB cn | abstractive; abstract | |
ABSTR | abstract (of nominal) | ||
ABSV | ABSN | (occurring in a place displaced from the deictic centre) | |
ABT | about | ||
AC | motion across (as opposed to up/down-hill, -river) | [citation needed] | |
AC | animacy classifier | ||
ACC | AC | accusative case | |
ACCOM | accompanier | ||
ACH | achievement | ||
ACP, ACCMP | accomplishment | ||
ACR, ACT cn? | actor role | ||
ACT | AC | active voice | |
ACT | action (verbal participle) | ||
ACT | actual | ||
ACTL | actualizing | ||
ACTY | activity | ||
AD | near, by. May be equivalent to ADESS or ALL. Compounded for ADE(SS), (irregular ALL), ADEL etc. if a single morpheme, as AD-ESS, AD-LAT, AD-ELA etc. if not. | ||
AD | agent demotion | ||
AD | anti-deictic | ||
ADAP | adaptive | ||
ADD | ADDIT | additive case; additive focus | |
ADESS | AD, ADE, ADES | adessive case ('at'; more specific than LOC). See AD. | |
ADEL | adelative | ||
ADJ | adjective (ADJZ adjectivizer) | ||
ADJ | adjunct | ||
ADJZ | ADJR | adjectivizer | |
ADM | ADMON | admonitive mood (warning) | |
ADR | ADDR, AD | ; addressee-anchored/orientated/perspective | |
ADV | adverb(ial) (ADVZ ~ ADVR adverbializer); adverbial case | ||
ADV | advancement | ||
ADVM | adverb marker | ||
ADVS | ADV, ADVRS, ADVRST | (maleficiary, 'whereas') | |
ADVZ | ADVR, ADVZR | adverbializer | |
AEQ | EQ, EQL, EQTV | aequalis (equalis) case (like, as), equational particle, equative (adj in nominal clause; EQA, EQS = active, stative equative) | |
AFF | AFFMT, AFFM AFFIRM | affirmative | |
AFFECT | affectionate | ||
AFM | aforementioned | ||
AFFT | AFF | affective case | |
aFOC | argument-focus marker | ||
AFW | away from water (= UH) | ||
AGG | aggregate, collective (cf. COL) | ||
AGN, AG.N, AGNR | agent nominalization/noun | ||
AGR, AG | agreement affix (typically number–gender; cf. PNG) Lehmann (2004) recommends avoiding and specifying agreement categories. | ||
AGT | AG | agentive case (AGNZ agentive nominalizer) | |
AJC | adjacent | ||
AL | ALIEN cn? | alienable possession | |
ALL | ADL, ADDIR | allative case ('to'; also 'aditive' [sic], 'adlative', 'addirective') | |
ALLOC | AL | allocutive (addressee honorific) | |
ALTER | alterphoric, = N.EGO | ||
AMBIPH | ambiphoric pronoun | ||
AMP | amplifier | ||
AN | ANM, ANIM | animate gender (ANPL animate plural; cf R; may exclude human referents) | |
AN, ACNR, ACNNR | action noun, action nominalizer | ||
AN, ADN | adnominalizer | ||
ANA | ANP, ANAPH | anaphoric (demonstrative, suffix) | |
ANA | action narrowly averted | ||
AND | andative ('going towards', cf venitive) | ||
ANP | adnominal verb | ||
ANT | anterior tense (relative tense; used for PRF in some traditions) | ||
ANT | Antecedent (ANTA athematic antecedent, ANTT thematic antecedent) | ||
ANT, ANTC | anticipated (future), anticipating | ||
ANT | ANTE | in front of. May be equivalent to ANTESS or ANTL. Compounded for ANTE(SS), ANTL(AT), ANTEL etc. if a single morpheme, as ANT-ESS, ANT-LAT, ANT-ELA etc. if not. | |
ANTEL | (antelative) | ||
ANTESS | ANTE[citation needed] | antessive case, anteessive ('before') | |
ANTIC, AC | ACAUS | anticausative | |
ANTIC | anticipatory (ANT.SU anticipatory subject) | ||
ANTIP, AP | APASS, APS, ANTI, ATP | antipassive voice | |
ANTLAT | ANTDIR | (ante-lative), | |
AO | agent-orientated verb | ||
AOBL | attributive oblique | ||
AOR | AO | aorist (= PST.PFV) | |
AP | adverbial particle [note: better to gloss the actual meaning] | ||
APF | adjective prefix | ||
APL | APPL, APP, AL | applicative (subtypes APL.INS etc.) | |
APPOS | APP | apposition, appositional mood | |
APPROB | approbation | ||
APR | APPR | apprehensive mood, apprehensional ('lest') | |
APRT | PRESP,[citation needed]PRPART, PRP | active participle, present participle | |
APRX | APPR | ||
APUD | near, in the vicinity of. May be equivalent to APUDESS or APUDL. Compounded for APUDE(SS), APUDL(AT), APUDEL etc. if a single morpheme, as APUD-ESS, APUD-LAT, APUD-ELA etc. if not. | ||
AR, AREA | areal (place/time/situation) | ||
ARG | |||
ART | article | ||
AS | |||
AS | actor (agent-role subject) | ||
ASC | ASSOC, ASSC, ASS | (a) associative case ('with', 'à'; not = COM), (b) (also ASC.PL, ASSOC.PL, ASS.P), (c) (d) compounds, e.g. ASSOC.MOT associated motion | |
ASP | aspect, aspectual Lehmann (2004) recommends avoiding 'aspect' as a gloss and specifying the aspect. | ||
ASSP | asserted past participle | ||
ASSUM | ASSU, ASS cn? | assumptive mood, assumed evidential | |
AST | |||
ASYM | asymmetric (= NSYM) | ||
AT | at (locative) [English preposition as a gloss] | ||
ATN | attention-calling | ||
ATR | ATTR, AT | attributive (L.ATR attributive derived from place name), attributor | |
ATTEN | ATT, ATTN | attenuative | |
AUD | auditory evidential, auditive | ||
AUG | (a) augmentative; (b) augment (in Bantu noun classes) (c) augmented number (e.g. of imperative) | ||
AUX | auxiliary verb Per Lehmann (2004), this should only be used if it uniquely identifies the morpheme (i.e., there is only one auxiliary morpheme in the language.) | ||
AV | AF, AT, A | agent/actor voice/focus/trigger (NAV, NAF non-actor voice) | |
AVERT | |||
AVR | AVERS | , aversive | |
BE, TB | 'be' verb (a conflation of EXIST and COP) [cf. COP] | [citation needed] | |
BEL | below deictic center | ||
BEN | BENEF | benefactive case ('for') | |
BG | BCKG | background | |
BI | bivalent | ||
BOT | bottom (presumably also 'BTM') | ||
BOU, BOUND | boundary (a. boundary-emphasizing; b. geographic boundary) | ||
BR | bound root | ||
BT | boundary tone | ||
BV[citation needed] | BF | beneficiary voice/focus/trigger | |
C | COMM | common gender (C.SG or cs common singular, C.PL or cp common plural) | |
C | current evidence | ||
C | conceptualizer | ||
-C | 'compass', in languages where relative position is based on cardinal direction rather than left, right, front and behind (ABLC compass ablative, ALLC compass allative) | ||
C- | complementizing (prefix on case abbreviation) | ||
C.EXIST | ceased existence | ||
CAR | CARIT | caritive case | |
CARD | cardinal numeral (morpheme or grammatical feature) | ||
CAU, CSL | causal-final case; causal | ||
CAUS | CAU, CS, CSTVZR | causative | |
CC | (a) conditional converb, (b) clause-chain marker | ||
CDM | core development | ||
CDN | conjunct dubitive neutral | ||
CDP | conjunct dubitive preterite | ||
CE | continued event | ||
CEL | CELER | ||
CENT | |||
CENTRIF | centrifugal (motion) | ||
CENTRIP | centripetal (motion) | ||
CERT | certainty (evidential) | ||
CESS | cessative | ||
CFOC | contrastive focus | ||
CHEZ | at X's place, at the home of (from the French preposition chez) | ||
CHO | chômeur | ||
CHR | cohortative (often = HORT) | ||
CIF | contrary information flow | ||
CIRC | CIR, CIRCUM | (a) circumstantive ('in', 'by') (b) circumstantial voice (= CV) | |
CIRC | CIRCUM, $ | (empty tag to mark second element of a circumfix) | |
CIRC | |||
CIRCUMESS | [citation needed] | ||
CIS | CISL, CISLOC | cislocative | |
CIT | citation form ending | ||
CJT | CJ | conjoint | |
CL | close link (necessary condition; temporal closeness) | ||
CL | nominal class (in Bantu languages) | ||
CL | clause-level, e.g. &CL clause-level 'and', COMPL.CL completive clause marking | ||
CLF | CL, CLASS, CLFSR | classifier (base or morpheme) (NCL noun class). Some distinguish CLF classifier from CL class marker. The category of classifier should be specified, e.g. "CLF:round" or "CLF.HUM" | |
CM | (a) conjugation marker; (b) noun-class marker; (c) concatenative marker | ||
CMPD | compound | [citation needed] | |
CMPL | COMPL, CPL, CMP, COMP, CMPLT, COMPLET | completive (completitive) aspect (e.g. PAST.COMPL completed past) – normally = PFV | |
CMPR | CMP, COMP, COMPR, CMPAR | comparative | |
CMT, COMM | commitment, committal | ||
CN | common noun (e.g. CN.DET common-noun determiner) | ||
CN | |||
CNEG, CNG, CN | connegative | ||
CNJ | CONJ, CONJUN | conjunction | |
CNS, CONSTR, CNSTR | construct state/form | ||
CNS, CNSQ, CONS | consequential (e.g. consequential mood) | ||
CNTF | CF, CTR, CTRFCT, CNTR.FACT | counterfactual conditional, contrafactuality | |
CNTR | CONTR, CTR, CONT, CON | contrastive, contranstive focus (= CONTR.FOC), contrasted topic | |
CNTR | continuer | ||
CNTR | counter-assertive | ||
CEXP | CNTREXP | counterexpectation | |
CO.AG | co-agency | ||
COCAUS | concomitative-causitive | ||
COH | coherence | ||
COL | COLL | collective number/numeral | |
COM | CMT, COMIT | comitative case ('together with', 'in the company of') | |
COMP | CMP, COMPL, COMPLR | complementizer (= SUBR) | |
COMP | compassion | ||
COMPV, COMP | comparative case (unequal comparison) | ||
COMPUL | compulsional | ||
CON | CNA, CNTV | ||
CON | concrete | [citation needed] | |
CONC | CNCS, CONCESS | concessive ('although') (> CONCP concessive particle) | |
CONC | concurrent | ||
CONC | concord marker [to be avoided in favor of specifying the agreement] | ||
COND | CND, CON | conditional mood ('if', 'would') (GCOND given conditional, GCCOND given concessive conditional) | |
CONGR, CNGR | congruent | ||
CONJ | CJ | conjunctive (interpropositional relation), conjunct person marking | |
CONJC | CONJ | conjectural (evidential) (NCONJ negative conjectural) | |
CONN | CN, CNN, CT | connective (, , ) | |
CONR | CNCT, CON | connector | |
CONS | consecutive; concessive | ||
CONSEC, CONS | consecutive mood ('so that') | ||
CONST, CNS, CST | constant, constancy | ||
CONT | CNT, CTN, CONTIN | continuous aspect, continuative aspect | |
CONT | on a vertical surface. (From English contact.) May be equivalent to CONTESS or CONTL(AT). Compounded for CONTE(SS), CONTL(AT), CONTEL etc. if a single morpheme, as CONT-ESS, CONT-LAT or CONT-DIR, CONT-ELA etc. if not. | ||
CONT | continuous direction | ||
CONT | |||
COOP | cooperative | ||
COORD | coordination, coordinative | ||
COP | BE | copula, copulative (BE identity copula, BE.LOC locative-existential copula) | |
COR | COREF, CO.REF | coreference, coreferential | |
CP | conjunctive participle | ||
CQ | content question (= WH.Q) | ||
CRAS | crastinal tense ('tomorrow') | ||
CRD, CARD | cardinal pronoun | ||
CRS | current relevance marker, currently relevant state (as in the perfect) | ||
CSM | change of state marker | ||
CSO | cosubordinator | ||
CT | circumstantial topic | ||
CTEXP | |||
CTG | CNTG | ||
CNTG | contiguous | ||
CTM | CTEMP, COTEMP, CONTEMP, CONT | (at that/the same time) | |
CTR | control | ||
CUS | CU, CUST, CUSTOM | customary (cf. USIT | |
CV[citation needed] | CF, TF | circumstantial/theme voice/focus/trigger | |
CV | copula verbalizer | ||
CV | characteristic vowel | ||
CV | conveyance voice (cf. CV circumstantial voice) | ||
CVB | CONV, CNV, C | converb | |
DAT | dative case | ||
DC | dectic center | ||
DC | downcoast | [citation needed] | |
DD | discourse definite | ||
DE | different event, change of event (cf DS) | ||
DE | discontinued event | ||
-de | DE | dual exclusive (= DU.EX) | |
DEAG | |||
DEB | OBLG, OBLIG, OBL | debitive / | |
DEC | |||
DECL | DEC, DCL | declarative mood | |
DED | deductive evidential | ||
DEF | DF | definite | |
DEFIN | definitive | ||
DEFOC | defocus | ||
DEFR | deferential (speaker-humble) | ||
DEI cn?, DEIC, DEIX, DX, D | deixis, deictic (D12 deictic of 12 person) | ||
DEL.IMP | (a command for later; cf. IMM) | ||
DEL | delative case ('off of', 'down from') | ||
DEL, DLM[citation needed] | delimiter, delimitative ('just, only'), delimiting | ||
DEL | deliberative mood | [citation needed] | |
DEM | D | demonstrative (DEM1 proximate dem, DEM2 present/given dem, DEM3 remote dem; DEM.ADDR near addressee, DEM.DOWN lower than reference point, DEM.NEAR ~ DEM.NR near, DEM.SP near speaker, DEM.UP higher than reference point) | |
DEN | denizen | ||
DENOM | |||
DEO | DEONT | deontic mood | |
DEOBJ | |||
DEP | D | dependent (as in DEP.FUT), dependent clause marking (use SJV) | |
DEPO | |||
DEPR | , | ||
DER | DERIV | derivation, derivational morpheme (e.g. ADJ.DER adjective-derived) | |
DEREL | |||
DES | DESI cn?, DESID | desiderative mood (= OPT) (DESN desiderative noun) | |
DEST | or case ('to') (non-finite verb form = supine) | ||
DET | D | determiner | |
DETR | DTRNZ | detransitivizer, | |
DETR | detrimental | ||
DFLT | default | ||
DH | downhill, seaward (cf DR) | [citation needed] | |
-di | DI | dual inclusive (= DU.IN) | |
DIF | direct information flow | ||
DIM | DIMIN | diminutive | |
DIR.EV | DIREV, DIR, DR, DRCT | direct evidential (= EXP; DIR/INFR direct/inferred) | |
DIR | DIREC | directive, directional (= LAT); typically suffixed to another element such as AD-, POST-, SUB-, SUPER-. | |
DIR, DR | (a) direct case (> NDIR indirect case), (b) direct voice (opposite of INV) | ||
DIR | directed (DIRA athematic directed, DIRT thematic directed) | ||
DIS | |||
DISC | DM, DSC, D | discourse marker | |
DIS.CON | discursive connector | ||
DISJ | DIS, DJ | disjunction, disjunctive, disjunct person marking | |
DISSAT | dissatisfaction | ||
DIST | DIS, DS, D, DSTL, FAR | distal, distant (DIST.FUT, DIST.PST, D.PRF; DIST.IMPV distal imperative) | |
DISTR | DSTR, DISB, DIST | (a) distributive case; (b) distributive plural[citation needed] (c) distributive aspect | |
DITR | ditransitive | ||
DIV | |||
DN | deverbal noun | ||
DNZ | denizen | ||
DM | a) demonstrative marker; directive marker (polite command) | ||
DO | DO, DOBJ | direct object(ive) | |
DO | do like a ... (verbalizing suffix) | ||
DOM | (a) differential object marking; (b) direct-object marker | ||
DON | donative (auxiliary of benefactive) | ||
DOX | doxastic | ||
DP | distant past. = REM.PST | ||
DP | discourse particle [use actual gloss if possible] | ||
DP | destinative participle | ||
DPAST | direct past (evidentiality) | ||
DPC | distant past continuative | ||
DPP | distant past completive | ||
DR | downriver (cf DH toward the water) | ||
DR | different reference | ||
DS | DA | different-subject/actor/agent (change of subject) marker (cf DE) | |
DSC | DISCNT, DISCONT | discontinuative aspect | |
DT | different taxis | ||
DTR | |||
DU | DL, d | dual number (M.DU or md masculine dual, F.DU or fd feminine dual) | |
DUB | DBT, DUBIT | dubitative mood, | |
DUMMY | dummy affix | ||
DUPLIC, DV | |||
DUR | durative aspect (continuous aspect) | ||
DV[citation needed] | DF | direction voice/focus/trigger | |
DWN, DN DOWN | downward | ||
DY | DYAD cn? | dyadic (e.g. wife-DY 'man and wife') | |
DYN | DYNM | / eventive | |
-E | (used to form various essive cases) | ||
EA | epistemic authority (= EGO) | ||
EC | euphonic consonant (= EP) | ||
EFF | effector | ||
EFOC | extra-focal | ||
EGO | egophoric (NEGO non-egophoric) | ||
EGR | egressive | ||
EI | euphonic insertion | ||
ELA | EL, ELAT, ELV | elative case ('out of') | |
ELPA | existential + locative + possessive + attributive | ||
EM | a) extension marker; b) evaluative marker | ||
EMO | EMOT[citation needed] | emotive | |
EMP | EMPH, EM, E | (a) emphatic (e.g. emphatic base of pronouns), (b) emphasizer, emphatic marker (ETOP emphatic topic) | |
END, FP, FIN | clause-final particle (joshi) Per Lehmann (2004), glosses as 'particle' should be avoided; instead translate/gloss the meaning. | ||
ENDO | endopathic (= EGO) | ||
ENC | enunciative particle, as in Gascon | ,Marcus, Nicole Elise (2010). The Gascon Énonciatif System: Past, Present, and Future: A study of language contact, change, endangerment, and maintenance (PDF) (PhD). Retrieved 12 February 2023. | |
EP | E, EPENTH, EPENT, 0 | epenthetic morpheme, epenthetical | |
EPI, EPIS, EM, EPST, EPIST | epistemic mood or modality | ||
EPIT | epithet | ||
EQU | equative (= COP | ||
ERG | ergative case | ||
ES | echo subject | ||
ESS | essive case ('as') | ||
EV | EVD, EVI, EVID | evidential (DIR.EV etc.) [per Lehmann (2004), the particular evidential should be specified] (PREV.EVID.EV previous-evidence evidential) | |
EV | euphonic vowel (= EP) | ||
EV | experiencer voice | ||
EVIT | evitative case (= aversive case) | ||
EVT | eventual | ||
EXAL | DEF | /deferential (high-status register) | |
EXC, XS | excessive [cf. EXESS 'ex-essive', which is commonly misspelled 'excessive'] | ||
EXCL, EX | EXC, e | exclusive person (as in 1EX, 1PL.EX, 1e) | |
EXCLAM | EXCLM, EXCL, EXC | , exclamatory | |
EX.DUR | excessive duration | ||
EXEC | executive (auxiliary) | ||
EXESS | exessive case | ||
EXFOC | extrafocal (cleft subordinate clause | ||
EXH | ADH | exhortative, adhortative | |
EXH.FOC | exhaustive focus | ||
EXIST | EXS, EXST, EXIS, EX, EX.BE | existential ('there is') | |
EXO | |||
EXP, EXPER cn? | experiencer, experiencer case | ||
EXP | EXPER, EXP.EV | experiential, eyewitness = direct evidential (cf. WIT). EXPER.PAST experienced past. | |
EXPECT | expectational | ||
EXPL, EXP | expletive (dummy / meaningless form) | ||
EXPR | expressive | ||
EXT | extended (, demonstrative), extendible; extension (sound stretch) | ||
EXT | extent | ||
EXT | external evidential | ||
EXTRV | (trz by addition of ugr) | ||
EXTT | extended topic | ||
EZF, EZ, IZAF | ezafe = izafet | ||
F | FEM | feminine gender (F.SG, FSG or fs feminine singular, F.PL, FPL or fp feminine plural) (FEM also 'female speaker') | |
FA | future actor | ||
FAC | FACT | (a) factive evidential/mood, factual; (b) factitive (A-FACT NP 'make NP A') | |
FAM | familiar, as for familiar register (as the T–V distinction) and familiar pronominal | ||
FC | future conjunct (NFC non-future conjunct) | ||
FCL | |||
FD | future disjunct | ||
FH, FIRSTH | firsthand (NFH non-firsthand) | ||
FI | feminine indefinite | ||
FILL, SFL | morphological filler, sentence filler (expletive) | ||
FIN | finite verb (NFIN non-finite) | ||
FIN | finalis | ||
FMR | DCSC | former, deceased, 'late' | |
FN | first (= given) name | ||
FNL | phrase-final suffix | ||
FOC | focus (confusingly used both for symmetrical voice and for true grammatical focus: A.FOC, AGFOC agent/actor focus; P.FOC, PFOC patient focus; LFOC location focus, BFOC beneficiary focus, ACFOC accompanier focus, IFOC instrument focus, CFOC conveyance focus) | ||
FOR | FRM, FORM, FRML | (a) formal register (as the T–V distinction); (b) formal mood; (c) formal case ('in the capacity of...') | |
FPRT | FP | future participle | |
FPST, FP | far past | ||
FRACT | fraction, fractional (numeral) | ||
FREQ | FRQ, FR cn? | frequentative aspect | |
FRT | front | ||
FRUS | FRUST, FRST, FR, FRUSTR | frustrative | |
FS | false start | ||
FTV | FACT | (PRES if stative, PAST if not) | |
FUNC | functional | ||
FUNC | |||
FUT | F, FT | future tense (FOBJ future objective) | |
FUT.INT, ITF | future intention, intentional future | ||
FV, TV | final/terminal vowel | ||
G1, G2, G3, G4 etc. | GND etc. | gender / noun class (e.g. G4 = 4th gender; may be used alongside M, F etc.) | |
GEM | generalized evaluative marker | ||
GEN | GN, G | genitive case, genitive form of pronoun | |
GENZ | generalized | ||
GER | GRD | gerund, gerundive (for the latter, use obligative) | |
GIV | given | ||
GKN | general knowledge (evidential) | ||
GM | gender marker [or specify the gender] | ||
GNF | general non-finite | ||
GNO | GNOMIC | gnomic (generic) aspect | |
GNR | GENR, GNRL, GENER, GENRL, GEN | generic, general (e.g. classifier, tense; APPL.GEN general applicative) | |
GNT | |||
GO&, AM, DK | associated motion. GO&DO (go to a place and perform the verb) (= ASC.MOT) | ||
GPST | general past | ||
GRP | group numeral | ||
gTOP | given topic | ||
GV | GF, GT | [how d this diff from PV?] | |
H | head | ||
H | hearer/reader | ||
H | high variety/code, in adiglossic situation | ||
H | HUM | human, anthropic gender (H.SG or hs human singular, H.PL or hp human plural, ALLH human allative) (cf. R) | |
H | higher animacy, higher object (cf. LA) | ||
HAB | HABIT | habitual aspect | |
HBL | |||
HCR | hypocoristic | ||
HES | HESIT | hesitation, | |
HEST | hesternal tense ('yesterday') | ||
HIST | historic(al), as in historical present or past historic tense | ||
HNDR | number of hundreds (in a numeral) | ||
HOD | TOD | hodiernal tense ('today' in HOD.FUT/HODFUT hodernial future, HOD.PST/TODP hodernial past) | |
HON | HNR, H, HS [suffix] | honorific (subject honorific) | |
HOR | horizon of interest | ||
HOR | horizontal | ||
HORT | HOR [cn] | hortative (1st-person imperative) | |
HPL | human plural (H.PL) | ||
HR.EV | heard evidential (= AUD) | ||
HRS | HSY, HS, HRSY, EH | hearsay/reported evidential | |
HUM | HML, HBL cn? | , humble (low-status register) | |
HYP | HYPO, HYPOTH cn? | hypothetical mood | |
I | inflected (AUX.I inflected auxiliary) | ||
IA | involuntary agent | ||
IA | indirect agent(ive) | ||
IA | instrumental advancement | ||
IAM | |||
IC | involuntary causative (natural or accidental events) | ||
IC | indirective copula | ||
ICOM | involuntary comitative | ||
ICVB, IC | imperfective converb | ||
IDENT, ID[citation needed] | identity, identical (~ NID), | ||
IDENT | identificational | ||
IDENTIF | identifiable | ||
IDEO | IDPH, IDEOPH | ideophone (≈ MIM) | |
IE | informal ending | ||
IFUT | indefinite future | ||
IGN | IGNOR | ||
ILL | ILLA, ILLAT | illative case ('into') | |
IM | interrogative marker | ||
IMI | impersonal infinitive | ||
IMM | IM, IMD, IMMED | immediate, as in IM.IMP immediate imperative mood, IM.FUT near future tense, IM.PAST/IMPST ; immediate evidential | |
IMMED | immediate past, = IMM.PST | ||
IMN | imminent (future) = IMM.FUT | ||
IMP | IMPER, IMPV, IMPRT | imperative mood | |
IMPARF | imparfait | ||
IMPF | IMPERF, IMPRF, IMPFT, IM | imperfect (= PST.NPFV) | |
IMPL | implicated | ||
IMPOSS | modal impossibility | ||
IMPR | IMPREC cn? | imprecative mood | |
IMPRS | IMPERS, IMPR, IMPS cn?, IMPL, IMP | impersonal, impersonal verb | |
IN | in a container. May be equivalent to INESS or INL. Compounded for INE(SS), INL(AT), INEL etc. if a single morpheme, as IN-ESS, IN-LAT, IN-ELA etc. if not. | ||
INABL | inablative | ||
INACT | inactive | ||
INAL | inalienable possession | ||
INAN | INANIM | inanimate gender | |
INC | increment | ||
INCEP, INC, INCP, IP | inceptive (= inchoative or ingressive) | ||
INCH | INCHO, INC, INH | inchoative | |
INCL, IN | INC | inclusive person (as 1IN or 1PL.IN) | |
INCP, INCIP | incipient (INCPA athematic incipient, INCPT thematic incipient) | ||
IND | INDIC | indicative mood | |
INDCAUS | indirect causative | ||
INDEP, INDP, IND | independent | ||
INDET | indeterminate | ||
INDH | ('somebody') | ||
INDIR | indirective (motion inward); indirect(?) (INDIR.COP indirective copula); indirect evidential | ||
INDIV | individualizer | ||
INDN | ('something') | ||
INEL | inelative case ('from within') | ||
INESS | INE, INES, INSV, IN | inessive case ('in') | |
INF | infinitive | ||
INFL | inflectional | ||
INFR | INFER, INFERN, INF | inferential mood, inferred evidential | |
ING, INGR | ingressive case | ||
INJ | INTERJ, INTRJ, INTJ, INT, INTER | interjection (incl. 'filler'), interjective | |
INS | INST, INSTR | instrumental case | |
INS | instantiated | ||
INT | INTER, INTERR | interrogative (= Q); C.INT content interrogative mood | |
INT | internal evidential | ||
INTER | within (a solid object). May be equivalent to INTERESS or INTERL. Compounded for INTERE(SS), INTERL(AT), INTEREL etc. if a single morpheme, as INTER-ESS, INTER-LAT, INTER-ELA etc. if not. | ||
INTERP | |||
INTF | interfix | ||
INTL | INTEN, INT | intentional conditional, intentive future | |
INTRST | complement of interest | ||
INTRV | |||
INTS | INT, ITS, INTN, INTNS, INTEN, INTENS | intensifier, intensive | |
INV | inverse | ||
INVN | inverse number (as in Kiowa: sg of default pl, pl of default sg) | ||
INW | inward | ||
IO | IO, IOBJ | indirect object(ive) | |
IP | immediate past. = IM.PST | ||
IPAST | indirective past | ||
IPD | |||
IPS | (a) impersonal passive (passive w/o promotion to subject); (b) (AGIPS agent impersonalizer) | ||
IQ | indirect question, self-addressed question | ||
IR | irregular (compounded with other glosses, e.g. LOC.IR irregular locative) | ||
IRR | IRLS cn?, IRREAL, IR | irrealis mood | |
IRREL, IRRELEV | irrelevence (= NRELEV | ||
IS | indirect speech | ||
IS | |||
IS | immediate scope | ||
ITER | IT, ITE, ITR | iterative aspect | |
ITG | intangible | ||
ITM | intermittent | ||
ITV | ITIV, IT | ||
IV[citation needed] | IF | instrument voice/focus/trigger | |
IVC | impersonal verb construction | ||
J | thematic | ||
JUS | JUSS | jussive mood | |
KIN | kinship suffix | ||
KNWN | known | ||
-L | (used to form various lative cases) | ||
L | low variety/code, in adiglossic situation | ||
L | local (exophoric) person (= 1/2) | ||
L2 | B | tags translation as code-switching. | |
LA | lower animacy (cf. H) | ||
LAT | lative case (= MVMT, direction) | ||
LC | limited control | ||
LCL | locational | ||
LENGTH | vowel or consonant emphasis lengthening | [citation needed] | |
LEX | lexical-thematic (affix), lexical | ||
LIG | ligature, possessor ligature | ||
LIM | LMT | ||
LKLY | likely (modality) | ||
LL | land gender | ||
LL | lower level (spatial deixis) | ||
LM | landmark | ||
LM, LI | linking morph, linking interfix | ||
LN | last (= family) name | ||
LNK | LK, LINK | linker, linking element: an interfix or a ligature | |
LOC | LCV | locative case (includes essive case), locative verb (EXIST) | |
LOG | logophoric (LOG.A speaker-logophoric PN, LOG.B addressee-logophoric PN) | ||
LOQ | |||
LP | linking particle | ||
LQ | limiting quantifier | ||
LS | lexical stem | ||
LV | LF | locative/location voice/focus/trigger | |
LV | linking vowel | ||
LV | lengthened vowel | ||
M | MASC | masculine gender (M.SG, MSG or ms masculine singular, M.PL, MPL or mp masculine plural) | |
M- | (a) modal case (prefix on case abbreviation, e.g. MABL modal ablative) (b) marked (e.g. MNF marked non-future) | ||
MAL | |||
MALE | male speaker | ||
MAN | MNR | manner; mood–aspect–negation (e.g. purpose-manner converb) | |
MATUT | matutinal (in the morning, upon waking) | ||
MC | modal clitic | ||
MDT, MEDIT | meditative | ||
M.E. | multiple event | ||
MEA | measure | ||
MED | (a) mediative; (b) medial (e.g. medial past, medial demonstrative = GIV); (c) middle voice (= MID) | ||
MF | maximal field of view | ||
MID | MD, MP, M, MDL | middle voice, mediopassive | |
MIM | mimetic (≈ IDEO) | ||
MIN | minimal number | ||
MIR | ADM | mirative / admirative | |
MIRN | negative mirative | ||
MIS | miscellaneous gender | ||
MIT | mitigation | ||
MLOC | modal locative | ||
MOD, MO | modal case (modalis), e.g. certainty | ||
MOD | MDL, MP(modal particle) | mood, modal, modal particle | |
MOD | modifier | ||
MOM | momentane, (single-event verb) | ||
MONO | monofocal person | ||
MOT | motion (combined with location glosses), mutative | ||
MOV | MVMT | movement | |
MS | maximal scope | ||
MSAP | main speech-act participant (= 1st person in assertions, 2nd in questions) | ||
MSD | MASD | maṣdar (verbal noun) | |
MT | mental state (classifier) | ||
MUL | MULT, MLT,[citation needed]MLTP[citation needed] | multiplicative case, numeral | |
MULT | |||
MVR | mover | ||
N | NEUT, NT | neuter gender (N.SG, NSG or ns neuter singular [cf. NSG non-singular], N.PL, NPL or np neuter plural) Sometimes = non-human. | |
N | noun (as a gloss in NZ nominalizer) | ||
N- | n-, NON- | non-, in-, un-, a- (e.g. NSG, nSG non-singular; NPST, nPST non-past; NPRS, nPRS non-present; NFUT, nFUT non-future; NF, nF non-feminine; NFIN, nFIN non-finite; NPOSS, nPOS non-possessed; N1, n1 non-1st person [i.e. 2/3], N3 non-3rd person; NPFV, nPFV imperfective) | |
-N | name (FN feminine name, GN geographic name, MN masculine name, PN proper name or place name, PLN place name, PSN personal name) | ||
NARR | NAR cn? | narrative tense | |
NC | noncontrol | ||
NC | noun-class marker | ||
NCOMPL | ICP, INC, INCMP, INCPL, INCMPL, INCOMPL | incompletive/noncompletive aspect (normally = NPFV) | |
NCTM | ICM | in (perfective appositional) | |
NCUR | |||
NDEF | INDF, IDF, INDEF, IND | indefinite | |
NEC | necessitative | ||
NEG | NOT, NG | negation, negative (EX.NEG existential negation, ID.NEG identity negation) | |
NEGAT | negatory, negator | ||
NEGF | final negator | ||
NEGN | negative nominalization | ||
NEUT | NEUTR, NTR | neutral aspect | |
NEX | non-extended | ||
NF | non-final form/marker (cf. non-feminine) | ||
NF | non-finite (cf. non-feminine) | ||
NFC | non-finite conditional | ||
NFIN | NF cn? | non-finite (nonfinite verb, non-finite clause) (NF may be ambiguous with non-feminine) | |
NFND | non-future neutral disjunct | ||
NFPD | non-future perfective disjunct | ||
NH | NHUM, nH | non-human | |
NM, NMASC | non-masculine | ||
NMZ | NMLZ, NLZ, NOMZ, NOMZR, NM, NML, NMNL, NOM, NOMI, NOMIN, NOMN, NOML, NZR, NR, NZ | nominalizer/nominalization (e.g. PAT.NZ patient nominalizer) | |
NOM | NM | nominative case | |
NOMS | S-only nominative (S case in tripartite system, = NTR) | ||
NONDUM | 'not yet' | ||
NONIN | |||
N/P | neuter plural | ||
NP | noun particle (cf. NP 'noun phrase') | ||
NP | near past | ||
NPC | non-past completive | ||
NPDL | noun-phrase delimiter | ||
NPF | noun prefix | ||
NPFV | IPFV, IPF, IMP, IMPFV, IMPERFV, IMPRF, IMPF | imperfective aspect | |
NPOSS, UNPOSS | non-possessed (marker of unpossessed noun) | ||
NPP | non-past progressive | ||
NR | near (as in NR.DIST 'near distal') | ||
NS | non-subject (see oblique case) | ||
NS | non-singular | ||
NSIT, NEWSIT | new situation | ||
NSP | non–speech-participant perspective (cf. NSP non-specific) | ||
NTEL, ATEL, AT | atelic | ||
NTL | neutral direction | ||
NTR | INTR cn?, INTRANS, ITR | intransitive (covers an intransitive case for the S argument, = NOMS) | |
NTS | non-topical subject | ||
NUM | NUMV | numeral, (NUM.CL numeral classifier) | |
NV | neutral version (cf. SBV subjective version) | ||
NVEXP | nonvisual experiential (evidential) | ||
NVIS | INVIS, NVSEN | non-visual (evidential: NVSEN non-visual sensory); invisible (deixis) | |
NVN | nominal cyclical expansion (cf. VNV) | ||
NVOL | AVOL, INVOL | nonvolitional, avolitional, / | |
NW | non-witnessed | ||
NX.PST (= UWPST) | non-experienced past | ||
-O | object(ive) (ABLO objective ablative, EVITO objective evitative), 3mO 3m object, 2SG.O 2sg object | ||
OBJ | OBJV, OB | object(ive), object agreement (TOP.OB topical object); objective case | |
OBL | O | oblique case, oblique form of pronoun | |
OBS | observation | ||
OBV | obviative | ||
OFC | object focus. = O.FOC or P.FOC | ||
OINV | inverted object | ||
OM | object marker | ||
ONOM | onomatopoeia | ||
OP | object prefix | ||
OPP | opposite | ||
OPT | optative mood (= DES) | ||
OR | orientation (direction) marker | ||
OR | open reference (not specifically DS or SS) | ||
ORD | ordinal numeral | ||
ORD | ordinary | ||
ORIG | origin, | ||
OS | oblique stem | ||
OS | onstage region | ||
OTHER | non-main speech-act participant (= 2nd or 3rd persion in assertions, 1st or 3rd in questions) | ||
OUT | outward | ||
OV | objective version | ||
P | pre-, post- (P.HOD prehodiernal, P.CRAS postcrastinal) | ||
P | proper (as opposed to common: ABS.P absolutitive proper case; GEN.P genitive proper case. Cf. PERS personal (proper) article. | ||
P | previous (evidence) | ||
-P | possessor: 1P, 2P, 3fP, 3mP (1st, 2nd, 3rd masc & fem possessor). = 1POSS etc. | ||
P.ANT | past anterior | ||
P.IMP | plural imperative | ||
P/I | passive/imperative (= PAS/IMP) | ||
PASS | PAS, PSS, PSV | passive voice | |
PABS | past absolutive | ||
PAT | patientive (= UND) Lehmann (2004) recommends avoiding, as it is not the value of a morphological category. | ||
PAUS | , pause | ||
PAU | PAUC, PA cn?, pc | paucal number (M.PAU or mpc masculine paucal, F.PAU or fpc feminine paucal; GPAUC greater paucal) | |
PC | past completive | ||
PC | concord particle | ||
PC | perfective converb | ||
PCL | 'polysemic clause linkage marker' | ||
PCP | (a) completive participle; (b) participatory evidence | ||
PDR | past, deferred realization | ||
PDS | previous event, different subject | ||
PE | perpetuity | ||
PE | previous event | ||
-pe | PE | plural exclusive (= PL.EX) | |
PEG | pegative case (a special case for the giver) | ||
PEJ | pejorative | ||
PERAMB | |||
PERI | peripheral | ||
PERL | PER cn?, PRL | perlative case | |
PERM | permission, permissive mood | ||
PERM | permanent | ||
PERS | P | personal (PERS.EV personal evidential / personal experience, PERS.AG personal agency, PERS.EXP personal experience); personal/proper article (= PERS.ART); 'personal' affix (= 4th person) | |
PERSE | personal experience (= PERS.EV) | ||
PERT | pertensive | ||
PERV | pervasive | ||
PFV | PF, PERFV | perfective aspect | |
PHAB | past habitual | ||
PHAS | |||
-pi | PI | plural inclusive (= PL.IN) | |
PIMPF | progressive imperfective | [citation needed] | |
PIMPV | past imperfective | ||
PINF | physical inferential | ||
PK | personal knowledge | ||
PL | p, PLUR | plural (but 1PL also 1p, 3PL.M also 3mp) | |
PLUP | PLU, PPRF, PPERF, PLUPERF, PLUPRF, PLPF, PLPERF, PPF[citation needed] | pluperfect | |
PLUR, VPL | PLU, PLR, PL, PLURAC | pluractional (= VPL verbal plural) | |
PM | predicate marker | ||
PN, PROPN, PR cn | proper noun/name, personal name (e.g. PN.DET proper-noun determiner) | ||
PO | primary object | ||
PO | patient-orientated verb | ||
PODIR | postdirective (= postlative) | ||
POEL | POSTEL | postelative case | |
POESS | POSTE, POSTESS | postessive case ('after') | |
POL | polite register | ||
POS | positive | ||
POSS | POS, PO, PSR | possessive, possessor (2POSS 2nd-person possessive; POSS.CL possessive classifier) | |
POSB | POSSB, POSSIB | possible, modal possibility | |
POSSD | possessed | ||
POST | PO- | (behind). May be equivalent to POSTESS or POSTL. Compounded for POSTE(SS) (POESS), POSTL(AT) (PODIR), POSTEL (POEL) etc. if a single morpheme, as POST-ESS, POST-LAT or POST-DIR, POST-ELA etc. if not. | |
POST, POSTP | postposition, postpositional case | ||
POST | post-terminal aspect | ||
POSTL | PODIR, POSTLAT, POSTDIR | , or 'postdirective' | |
POT | POTEN cn? | potential mood (cf. VER) | |
PP | (a) predicative possessive particle; (b) present progressive; (c) past perfect; (d) pragmatic particle | ||
PPA | active perfect participle | ||
PPAST | post-terminal past | ||
PPF | perfect participle | ||
PPFV | past perfective (= perfect) | ||
PPP | (a) past passive participle; (b) past perfect participle | ||
PPRT | PP, PPT, [cn] PPART, PASTP [cn] | passive participle, past participle | |
PPS | pseudo-passive | ||
PR | pragmatic (in PR.PART pragmatic particle) | ||
PRC | precedence | ||
PREC | precative mood (requests) | ||
PREC, PRECON | precondition (PRECA athematic precondition, PRECT thematic precondition) | ||
PREC, PRE | precise, precision | ||
PRED | predicative affix, predicative |
This article lists common abbreviations for grammatical terms that are used in linguistic interlinear glossing of oral languages in English The list provides conventional glosses as established by standard inventories of glossing abbreviations such as the Leipzig Glossing rules the most widely known standard Synonymous glosses are listed as alternatives for reference purposes In a few cases long and short standard forms are listed intended for texts where that gloss is rare or uncommon ConventionsGrammatical abbreviations are generally written in full or small caps to visually distinguish them from the translations of lexical words For instance capital or small cap PAST frequently abbreviated to PST glosses a grammatical past tense morpheme while lower case past would be a literal translation of a word with that meaning Similarly small cap DOWN might be a locative suffix used in nominal inflections prototypically indicating direction downward but possibly also used where it is not translatable as down in English whereas lower case down would be a direct English translation of a word meaning down Not all authors follow this convention Person number gender is often further abbreviated in which case the elements are not small caps E g 3ms or 3msg for 3SG M 2fp or 2fpl for 2PL F also 1di for 1DU INCL and 1pe for 1PL EXCL Authors may more severely abbreviate glosses than is the norm if they are particularly frequent within a text e g IP rather than IMM PST for immediate past This helps keep the gloss graphically aligned with the parsed text when the abbreviations are longer than the morphemes they gloss Such shortened forms may be ambiguous with other authors or texts and so are not presented as normative here Glosses may also be less abbreviated than the norm if they are not common in a particular text so as to not tax the reader e g TRANSTVZR for transitivizer or SUBJUNCT for subjunctive At the extreme glosses may not be abbreviated at all but simply written in small caps e g COMPLEMENTIZER NONTHEME or DOWNRIVER rather than COMP NTH DR Such long obvious abbreviationse g in have been omitted from the list below but are always possible A morpheme will sometimes be used as its own gloss This is typically done when it is the topic of discussion and the author wishes it to be immediately recognized in the gloss among other morphemes with similar meanings or when it has multiple or subtle meanings that would be impractical to gloss with a single conventional abbreviation For example if a passage has two contrasting nominalizing suffixes under discussion ɣiŋ and jolqel they may be glossed GN and JQ with the glosses explained in the text This is also seen when the meaning of a morpheme is debated and glossing it one way or another would prejudice the discussion Lexical morphemes are typically translated using lower case letters though they may be given a grammatical gloss in small caps if they play a grammatical role in the text Exceptions include proper nouns which typically are not translated and kinship terms which may be too complex to translate Proper nouns names may simply be repeated in the gloss or may be replaced with a placeholder such as name F or PN F for a female name For kinship glosses see the dedicated section below for a list of standard abbreviations Lehmann recommends that abbreviations for syntactic roles not be used as glosses for arguments as they are not morphological categories Glosses for case should be used instead e g ERG or NOM for A Morphosyntactic abbreviations are typically typeset as full capitals even when small caps are used for glosses and include A agent of transitive verb B core benefactive D or I core dative indirect object E experiencer of sensory verb G or R goal or recipient indirect object of ditransitive verb L location argument O or P patient of transitive verb S single argument of intransitive verb SA Sa and SP or SO Sp So agent and patient like argument in split S alignment Se and Sx argument of equative copular and existential verb Su subject of v t or v i and T theme direct object of ditransitive verb These abbreviations are however commonly used as the basis for glosses for symmetrical voice systems formerly called trigger agreement and by some still focus misleadingly as it is not grammatical focus such as AV agent voice BF beneficiary focus LT locative trigger Glosses for generic concepts like particle infix tense object marker and the like are generally to be avoided in favor of specifying the precise value of the morpheme However they may be appropriate for historical linguistics or language comparison where the value differs between languages or a meaning cannot be reconstructed or where such usage is unambiguous because there is only a single morpheme e g article or aspect marker that can be glossed that way When a more precise gloss would be misleading for example an aspectual marker that has multiple uses or which is not sufficiently understood to gloss properly but glossing it as its syntactic category would be ambiguous the author may disambiguate with digits e g ASP1 and ASP2 for a pair of aspect markers Such pseudo glossing may be difficult for the reader to follow Authors also use placeholders for generic elements in schematicized parsing such as may be used to illustrate morpheme or word order in a language Examples include HEAD or HD head ROOT or RT root STEM or ST stem PREF PRFX or PX prefix SUFF SUFX or SX suffix CLIT CL or ENCL clitic or enclitic PREP preposition and POS or POST postposition PNG person number gender element and TAM tense aspect mood element also NG number gender PN person number TA tense aspect TAME tense aspect mood evidential etc These are not listed below as they are not glosses for morphological values ListsNonabbreviated English words used as glosses are not included in the list below Caution is needed with short glosses like AT BY TO and UP which could potentially be either abbreviations or as in these cases nonabbreviated English prepositions used as glosses Transparent compounds of the glosses below such as REMPST or REM PST remote past a compound of REM remote and PST past are not listed separately Abbreviations beginning with N generalized glossing prefix for non in un are not listed separately unless they have alternative forms that are included For example NPST non past is not listed as it is composable from N non PST past This convention is grounded in the Leipzig Glossing Rules Some authors use a lower case n for example nH for non human Some sources are moving from classical lative LAT L terminology to directional DIR with concommitant changes in the abbreviations Other authors contrast lative and directive Some sources use alternative abbreviations to distinguish e g nominalizer from nominalization or shorter abbreviations for compounded glosses in synthetic morphemes than for independent glosses in agglutinative morphemes These are seldom distinct morphosyntactic categories in a language though some may be distinguished in historical linguistics They are not distinguished below as any such usage tends to be idiosyncratic to the author Punctuation and numbers Conventional Gloss Variants Meaning Reference separator for segmentable morphemes e g Lezgian amuq da c stay FUT NEG will not stay optional in place of hyphen separator for clitics e g West Greenlandic palasi lu niuirtur lu priest and shopkeeper and both the priest and the shopkeeper when a morph is rendered by more than one gloss the glosses are separated by periods e g French aux chevaux to ART PL horse PL to the horses A period is not used between person and number e g 1PL 2SG 1DU 3NSG nonsingular optional in place of period when the language of the gloss lacks a one word translation a phrase may be joined by underscores e g Turkish cik mak come out INF to come out With some authors the reverse is also true for a two word phrase glossed with a single word gt optional in place of period direction of polypersonal agreement in a single gloss whether a possession 1S SG means 1S possessor and singular possessum or b transitivity 2 3 means 2 acts on 3 as in guny bi yarluga 2DU 3SG FUT poke who do you two want to spear A colon is used by some authors 1S SG 2DU 3SG FUT poke optional in place of period separates glosses where segmentation is irrelevant morphemes may be segmentable but author does not wish to separate them optional in place of period separates glosses that are combined in a portmanteau morpheme as in aux chevaux to ART PL horse PL to the horses Some authors use the colon indiscriminately for this convention and the previous optional compound word or fused morpheme Also used in 1 2 inclusive vs 1 3 exclusive person EMPH strong emphatic amp optional in place of period cross referencing X amp Y X Y or Y X or both alternative meanings of ambiguous morpheme e g 2 3 for a morpheme that may be either 2nd or 3rd person or DAT GEN for a suffix used for both dative and genitive optional in place of period a morpheme indicated by or affected by mutation as in Vater n father PL DAT PL to our fathers singular form Vater optional in place of period indicates unmarked element such as fils son MSG which has no suffix for MSG The null suffix may be used instead optional in place of period inherent category such as covert gender when glossed at all required in place of hyphen marks reduplication and retriplication e g Ancient Greek gegrᾰfᾰ ge graph a PRF write 1SG I have written with word initial reduplication lt gt required in place of hyphen marks off an infix e g ITER Vb is word initial infixation that makes the verb iterative gt lt optional in place of hyphens marks off a circumfix or bipartite stem The second element may be glossed the same as the first or as CIRC STEM or ge lauf en PART PRF run ge lauf en PART PRF run PART PRF ge lauf en PART PRF run CIRC ge lauf en PART PRF run PART PRF ge lauf en PART PRF run CIRC second part of a discontinuous lexeme optional used by some authors to mark which element is the root in x y z y is the root X morpheme not understood unidentified morpheme 0 O zero null morpheme such as fils son MSG with a zero suffix for MSG Brackets may be used instead 0 zeroth person one as in Finnish Keres 0 epenthetic segment semantically null 1 first person 1msg 1fpl 1EXCL DEM1 etc 1HON speaker honorific 1HML speaker humiliative humble2 second person3 third person 3SG M or 3msg or 3ms 3PL F or 3fpl or 3fp 3DU N or 3ndu or 3nd N3 or n3 non 3rd person occasionally 3sm 3sn 3sf 3pm 3pn 3pf etc 12 13 inclusive exclusive person especially if not thought of as a form of 1pl rarely other digit compounds e g 12 dual vs 122 plural inclusive 33 vs 333 for 3du vs 3pl etc 3sp impersonal space subject3 3 CJ 3rd person subj 3rd person obj conjunct order verb 4 a fourth person OBV b first person inclusive c indefinite personI II III IV etc noun classes genders gt lt older and younger 1SG gt I speaker older than addressee 2SG you speaker addressing addressee of same age or younger 3SG gt s he referent older than a speaker or b addressee depending on requirements of discourse same and different generations 3DU they two of different generations e g grandchild and great grandchild 1PL we of same generation e g me and my siblings varies withGrammatical abbreviations Conventional Gloss Variants Meaning Reference A athematic TAMA athematic tense aspect mood ANTA athematic antecedent etc A associating prefix on case abbreviation AA addressee authority cf SA AB from May be equivalent to ABESS or ABL Compounded for ABE SS ABL AT ABEL etc if a single morpheme as AB ESS AB LAT or AB DIR AB ELA etc if not citation needed AB ABV citation needed above deictic centerABESS ABE AB abessive case a k a caritive case or privative case without Lehmann 2004 recommends using privative PRV or aversive AVERS insteadABIL ABL CAP citation needed ability or capability ACQ ABIL acquired ability INTR ABIL intrinsic ability ABL ABLA ablative case from ABM ablative modalis caseABS ABSOL AB citation needed absolutive caseABSL absolute free non incorporated form of noun ABST AB cn abstractive abstractABSTR abstract of nominal ABSV ABSN occurring in a place displaced from the deictic centre ABT aboutAC motion across as opposed to up down hill river citation needed AC animacy classifierACC AC accusative caseACCOM accompanierACH achievementACP ACCMP accomplishmentACR ACT cn actor roleACT AC active voiceACT action verbal participle ACT actualACTL actualizingACTY activityAD near by May be equivalent to ADESS or ALL Compounded for ADE SS irregular ALL ADEL etc if a single morpheme as AD ESS AD LAT AD ELA etc if not AD agent demotionAD anti deicticADAP adaptiveADD ADDIT additive case additive focusADESS AD ADE ADES adessive case at more specific than LOC See AD ADEL adelativeADJ adjective ADJZ adjectivizer ADJ adjunctADJZ ADJR adjectivizerADM ADMON admonitive mood warning ADR ADDR AD addressee anchored orientated perspectiveADV adverb ial ADVZ ADVR adverbializer adverbial caseADV advancementADVM adverb markerADVS ADV ADVRS ADVRST maleficiary whereas ADVZ ADVR ADVZR adverbializerAEQ EQ EQL EQTV aequalis equalis case like as equational particle equative adj in nominal clause EQA EQS active stative equative AFF AFFMT AFFM AFFIRM affirmativeAFFECT affectionateAFM aforementionedAFFT AFF affective caseaFOC argument focus markerAFW away from water UH AGG aggregate collective cf COL AGN AG N AGNR agent nominalization nounAGR AG agreement affix typically number gender cf PNG Lehmann 2004 recommends avoiding and specifying agreement categories AGT AG agentive case AGNZ agentive nominalizer AJC adjacentAL ALIEN cn alienable possessionALL ADL ADDIR allative case to also aditive sic adlative addirective ALLOC AL allocutive addressee honorific ALTER alterphoric N EGOAMBIPH ambiphoric pronounAMP amplifierAN ANM ANIM animate gender ANPL animate plural cf R may exclude human referents AN ACNR ACNNR action noun action nominalizerAN ADN adnominalizerANA ANP ANAPH anaphoric demonstrative suffix ANA action narrowly avertedAND andative going towards cf venitive ANP adnominal verbANT anterior tense relative tense used for PRF in some traditions ANT Antecedent ANTA athematic antecedent ANTT thematic antecedent ANT ANTC anticipated future anticipatingANT ANTE in front of May be equivalent to ANTESS or ANTL Compounded for ANTE SS ANTL AT ANTEL etc if a single morpheme as ANT ESS ANT LAT ANT ELA etc if not ANTEL antelative ANTESS ANTE citation needed antessive case anteessive before ANTIC AC ACAUS anticausativeANTIC anticipatory ANT SU anticipatory subject ANTIP AP APASS APS ANTI ATP antipassive voiceANTLAT ANTDIR ante lative AO agent orientated verbAOBL attributive obliqueAOR AO aorist PST PFV AP adverbial particle note better to gloss the actual meaning APF adjective prefixAPL APPL APP AL applicative subtypes APL INS etc APPOS APP apposition appositional moodAPPROB approbationAPR APPR apprehensive mood apprehensional lest APRT PRESP citation needed PRPART PRP active participle present participleAPRX APPRAPUD near in the vicinity of May be equivalent to APUDESS or APUDL Compounded for APUDE SS APUDL AT APUDEL etc if a single morpheme as APUD ESS APUD LAT APUD ELA etc if not AR AREA areal place time situation ARGART articleASAS actor agent role subject ASC ASSOC ASSC ASS a associative case with a not COM b also ASC PL ASSOC PL ASS P c d compounds e g ASSOC MOT associated motionASP aspect aspectual Lehmann 2004 recommends avoiding aspect as a gloss and specifying the aspect ASRT ASS ASST ASSERTASSP asserted past participleASSUM ASSU ASS cn assumptive mood assumed evidentialASTASYM asymmetric NSYM AT at locative English preposition as a gloss ATN attention callingATR ATTR AT attributive L ATR attributive derived from place name attributorATTEN ATT ATTN attenuativeAUD auditory evidential auditiveAUG a augmentative b augment in Bantu noun classes c augmented number e g of imperative AUX auxiliary verb Per Lehmann 2004 this should only be used if it uniquely identifies the morpheme i e there is only one auxiliary morpheme in the language AV AF AT A agent actor voice focus trigger NAV NAF non actor voice AVERTAVR AVERS aversiveBE TB be verb a conflation of EXIST and COP cf COP citation needed BEL below deictic centerBEN BENEF benefactive case for BG BCKG backgroundBI bivalentBOT bottom presumably also BTM BOU BOUND boundary a boundary emphasizing b geographic boundary BR bound rootBT boundary toneBV citation needed BF beneficiary voice focus triggerC COMM common gender C SG or cs common singular C PL or cp common plural C current evidenceC conceptualizer C compass in languages where relative position is based on cardinal direction rather than left right front and behind ABLC compass ablative ALLC compass allative C complementizing prefix on case abbreviation C EXIST ceased existenceCAR CARIT caritive caseCARD cardinal numeral morpheme or grammatical feature CAU CSL causal final case causalCAUS CAU CS CSTVZR causativeCC a conditional converb b clause chain markerCDM core developmentCDN conjunct dubitive neutralCDP conjunct dubitive preteriteCE continued eventCEL CELERCENTCENTRIF centrifugal motion CENTRIP centripetal motion CERT certainty evidential CESS cessativeCFOC contrastive focusCHEZ at X s place at the home of from the French preposition chez CHO chomeurCHR cohortative often HORT CIF contrary information flowCIRC CIR CIRCUM a circumstantive in by b circumstantial voice CV CIRC CIRCUM empty tag to mark second element of a circumfix CIRCCIRCUMESS citation needed CIS CISL CISLOC cislocativeCIT citation form endingCJT CJ conjointCL close link necessary condition temporal closeness CL nominal class in Bantu languages CL clause level e g amp CL clause level and COMPL CL completive clause markingCLF CL CLASS CLFSR classifier base or morpheme NCL noun class Some distinguish CLF classifier from CL class marker The category of classifier should be specified e g CLF round or CLF HUM CM a conjugation marker b noun class marker c concatenative markerCMPD compound citation needed CMPL COMPL CPL CMP COMP CMPLT COMPLET completive completitive aspect e g PAST COMPL completed past normally PFVCMPR CMP COMP COMPR CMPAR comparativeCMT COMM commitment committalCN common noun e g CN DET common noun determiner CNCNEG CNG CN connegativeCNJ CONJ CONJUN conjunctionCNS CONSTR CNSTR construct state formCNS CNSQ CONS consequential e g consequential mood CNTF CF CTR CTRFCT CNTR FACT counterfactual conditional contrafactualityCNTR CONTR CTR CONT CON contrastive contranstive focus CONTR FOC contrasted topicCNTR continuerCNTR counter assertiveCEXP CNTREXP counterexpectationCO AG co agencyCOCAUS concomitative causitiveCOH coherenceCOL COLL collective number numeralCOM CMT COMIT comitative case together with in the company of COMP CMP COMPL COMPLR complementizer SUBR COMP compassionCOMPV COMP comparative case unequal comparison COMPUL compulsionalCON CNA CNTVCON concrete citation needed CONC CNCS CONCESS concessive although gt CONCP concessive particle CONC concurrentCONC concord marker to be avoided in favor of specifying the agreement COND CND CON conditional mood if would GCOND given conditional GCCOND given concessive conditional CONF CFM CONFIRM CONGR CNGR congruentCONJ CJ conjunctive interpropositional relation conjunct person markingCONJC CONJ conjectural evidential NCONJ negative conjectural CONN CN CNN CT connective CONR CNCT CON connectorCONS consecutive concessiveCONSEC CONS consecutive mood so that CONST CNS CST constant constancyCONT CNT CTN CONTIN continuous aspect continuative aspectCONT on a vertical surface From English contact May be equivalent to CONTESS or CONTL AT Compounded for CONTE SS CONTL AT CONTEL etc if a single morpheme as CONT ESS CONT LAT or CONT DIR CONT ELA etc if not CONT continuous directionCONTCOOP cooperativeCOORD coordination coordinativeCOP BE copula copulative BE identity copula BE LOC locative existential copula COR COREF CO REF coreference coreferentialCP conjunctive participleCQ content question WH Q CRAS crastinal tense tomorrow CRD CARD cardinal pronounCRS current relevance marker currently relevant state as in the perfect CSM change of state markerCSO cosubordinatorCT circumstantial topicCTEXPCTG CNTGCNTG contiguousCTM CTEMP COTEMP CONTEMP CONT at that the same time CTR controlCUS CU CUST CUSTOM customary cf USITCV citation needed CF TF circumstantial theme voice focus triggerCV copula verbalizerCV characteristic vowelCV conveyance voice cf CV circumstantial voice CVB CONV CNV C converbDAT dative caseDC dectic centerDC downcoast citation needed DD discourse definiteDE different event change of event cf DS DE discontinued event de DE dual exclusive DU EX DEAGDEB OBLG OBLIG OBL debitive DECDECL DEC DCL declarative moodDED deductive evidentialDEF DF definiteDEFIN definitiveDEFOC defocusDEFR deferential speaker humble DEI cn DEIC DEIX DX D deixis deictic D12 deictic of 12 person DEL IMP a command for later cf IMM DEL delative case off of down from DEL DLM citation needed delimiter delimitative just only delimitingDEL deliberative mood citation needed DEM D demonstrative DEM1 proximate dem DEM2 present given dem DEM3 remote dem DEM ADDR near addressee DEM DOWN lower than reference point DEM NEAR DEM NR near DEM SP near speaker DEM UP higher than reference point DEN denizenDENOMDEO DEONT deontic moodDEOBJDEP D dependent as in DEP FUT dependent clause marking use SJV DEPODEPR DER DERIV derivation derivational morpheme e g ADJ DER adjective derived DERELDES DESI cn DESID desiderative mood OPT DESN desiderative noun DEST or case to non finite verb form supine DET D determinerDETR DTRNZ detransitivizer DETR detrimentalDFLT defaultDH downhill seaward cf DR citation needed di DI dual inclusive DU IN DIF direct information flowDIM DIMIN diminutiveDIR EV DIREV DIR DR DRCT direct evidential EXP DIR INFR direct inferred DIR DIREC directive directional LAT typically suffixed to another element such as AD POST SUB SUPER DIR DR a direct case gt NDIR indirect case b direct voice opposite of INV DIR directed DIRA athematic directed DIRT thematic directed DISDISC DM DSC D discourse markerDIS CON discursive connectorDISJ DIS DJ disjunction disjunctive disjunct person markingDISSAT dissatisfactionDIST DIS DS D DSTL FAR distal distant DIST FUT DIST PST D PRF DIST IMPV distal imperative DISTR DSTR DISB DIST a distributive case b distributive plural citation needed c distributive aspectDITR ditransitiveDIVDN deverbal nounDNZ denizenDM a demonstrative marker directive marker polite command DO DO DOBJ direct object ive DO do like a verbalizing suffix DOM a differential object marking b direct object markerDON donative auxiliary of benefactive DOX doxasticDP distant past REM PSTDP discourse particle use actual gloss if possible DP destinative participleDPAST direct past evidentiality DPC distant past continuativeDPP distant past completiveDR downriver cf DH toward the water DR different referenceDS DA different subject actor agent change of subject marker cf DE DSC DISCNT DISCONT discontinuative aspectDT different taxisDTRDU DL d dual number M DU or md masculine dual F DU or fd feminine dual DUB DBT DUBIT dubitative mood DUMMY dummy affixDUPLIC DVDUR durative aspect continuous aspect DV citation needed DF direction voice focus triggerDWN DN DOWN downwardDY DYAD cn dyadic e g wife DY man and wife DYN DYNM eventive E used to form various essive cases EA epistemic authority EGO EC euphonic consonant EP EFF effectorEFOC extra focalEGO egophoric NEGO non egophoric EGR egressiveEI euphonic insertionELA EL ELAT ELV elative case out of ELPA existential locative possessive attributiveEM a extension marker b evaluative markerEMO EMOT citation needed emotiveEMP EMPH EM E a emphatic e g emphatic base of pronouns b emphasizer emphatic marker ETOP emphatic topic END FP FIN clause final particle joshi Per Lehmann 2004 glosses as particle should be avoided instead translate gloss the meaning ENDO endopathic EGO ENC enunciative particle as in Gascon Marcus Nicole Elise 2010 The Gascon Enonciatif System Past Present and Future A study of language contact change endangerment and maintenance PDF PhD Retrieved 12 February 2023 EP E EPENTH EPENT 0 epenthetic morpheme epentheticalEPI EPIS EM EPST EPIST epistemic mood or modalityEPIT epithetEQU equative COPERG ergative caseES echo subjectESS essive case as EV EVD EVI EVID evidential DIR EV etc per Lehmann 2004 the particular evidential should be specified PREV EVID EV previous evidence evidential EV euphonic vowel EP EV experiencer voiceEVIT evitative case aversive case EVT eventualEXAL DEF deferential high status register EXC XS excessive cf EXESS ex essive which is commonly misspelled excessive EXCL EX EXC e exclusive person as in 1EX 1PL EX 1e EXCLAM EXCLM EXCL EXC exclamatoryEX DUR excessive durationEXEC executive auxiliary EXESS exessive caseEXFOC extrafocal cleft subordinate clauseEXH ADH exhortative adhortativeEXH FOC exhaustive focusEXIST EXS EXST EXIS EX EX BE existential there is EXOEXP EXPER cn experiencer experiencer caseEXP EXPER EXP EV experiential eyewitness direct evidential cf WIT EXPER PAST experienced past EXPECT expectationalEXPL EXP expletive dummy meaningless form EXPR expressiveEXT extended demonstrative extendible extension sound stretch EXT extentEXT external evidentialEXTRV trz by addition of ugr EXTT extended topicEZF EZ IZAF ezafe izafetF FEM feminine gender F SG FSG or fs feminine singular F PL FPL or fp feminine plural FEM also female speaker FA future actorFAC FACT a factive evidential mood factual b factitive A FACT NP make NP A FAM familiar as for familiar register as the T V distinction and familiar pronominalFC future conjunct NFC non future conjunct FCLFD future disjunctFH FIRSTH firsthand NFH non firsthand FI feminine indefiniteFILL SFL morphological filler sentence filler expletive FIN finite verb NFIN non finite FIN finalisFMR DCSC former deceased late FN first given nameFNL phrase final suffixFOC focus confusingly used both for symmetrical voice and for true grammatical focus A FOC AGFOC agent actor focus P FOC PFOC patient focus LFOC location focus BFOC beneficiary focus ACFOC accompanier focus IFOC instrument focus CFOC conveyance focus FOR FRM FORM FRML a formal register as the T V distinction b formal mood c formal case in the capacity of FPRT FP future participleFPST FP far pastFRACT fraction fractional numeral FREQ FRQ FR cn frequentative aspectFRT frontFRUS FRUST FRST FR FRUSTR frustrativeFS false startFTV FACT PRES if stative PAST if not FUNC functionalFUNCFUT F FT future tense FOBJ future objective FUT INT ITF future intention intentional futureFV TV final terminal vowelG1 G2 G3 G4 etc GND etc gender noun class e g G4 4th gender may be used alongside M F etc GEM generalized evaluative markerGEN GN G genitive case genitive form of pronounGENZ generalizedGER GRD gerund gerundive for the latter use obligative GIV givenGKN general knowledge evidential GM gender marker or specify the gender GNF general non finiteGNO GNOMIC gnomic generic aspectGNR GENR GNRL GENER GENRL GEN generic general e g classifier tense APPL GEN general applicative GNTGO amp AM DK associated motion GO amp DO go to a place and perform the verb ASC MOT GPST general pastGRP group numeralgTOP given topicGV GF GT how d this diff from PV H headH hearer readerH high variety code in adiglossic situationH HUM human anthropic gender H SG or hs human singular H PL or hp human plural ALLH human allative cf R H higher animacy higher object cf LA HAB HABIT habitual aspectHBLHCR hypocoristicHES HESIT hesitation HEST hesternal tense yesterday HIST historic al as in historical present or past historic tenseHNDR number of hundreds in a numeral HOD TOD hodiernal tense today in HOD FUT HODFUT hodernial future HOD PST TODP hodernial past HON HNR H HS suffix honorific subject honorific HOR horizon of interestHOR horizontalHORT HOR cn hortative 1st person imperative HPL human plural H PL HR EV heard evidential AUD HRS HSY HS HRSY EH hearsay reported evidentialHUM HML HBL cn humble low status register HYP HYPO HYPOTH cn hypothetical moodI inflected AUX I inflected auxiliary IA involuntary agentIA indirect agent ive IA instrumental advancementIAMIC involuntary causative natural or accidental events IC indirective copulaICOM involuntary comitativeICVB IC imperfective converbIDENT ID citation needed identity identical NID IDENT identificationalIDENTIF identifiableIDEO IDPH IDEOPH ideophone MIM IE informal endingIFUT indefinite futureIGN IGNORILL ILLA ILLAT illative case into IM interrogative markerIMI impersonal infinitiveIMM IM IMD IMMED immediate as in IM IMP immediate imperative mood IM FUT near future tense IM PAST IMPST immediate evidentialIMMED immediate past IMM PSTIMN imminent future IMM FUTIMP IMPER IMPV IMPRT imperative moodIMPARF imparfaitIMPF IMPERF IMPRF IMPFT IM imperfect PST NPFV IMPL implicatedIMPOSS modal impossibilityIMPR IMPREC cn imprecative moodIMPRS IMPERS IMPR IMPS cn IMPL IMP impersonal impersonal verbIN in a container May be equivalent to INESS or INL Compounded for INE SS INL AT INEL etc if a single morpheme as IN ESS IN LAT IN ELA etc if not INAB IMPOTINABL inablativeINACT inactiveINAL inalienable possessionINAN INANIM inanimate genderINC incrementINCEP INC INCP IP inceptive inchoative or ingressive INCH INCHO INC INH inchoativeINCL IN INC inclusive person as 1IN or 1PL IN INCP INCIP incipient INCPA athematic incipient INCPT thematic incipient IND INDIC indicative moodINDCAUS indirect causativeINDEP INDP IND independentINDET indeterminateINDH somebody INDIR indirective motion inward indirect INDIR COP indirective copula indirect evidentialINDIV individualizerINDN something INEL inelative case from within INESS INE INES INSV IN inessive case in INF infinitiveINFL inflectionalINFR INFER INFERN INF inferential mood inferred evidentialING INGR ingressive caseINJ INTERJ INTRJ INTJ INT INTER interjection incl filler interjectiveINS INST INSTR instrumental caseINS instantiatedINT INTER INTERR interrogative Q C INT content interrogative moodINT internal evidentialINTER within a solid object May be equivalent to INTERESS or INTERL Compounded for INTERE SS INTERL AT INTEREL etc if a single morpheme as INTER ESS INTER LAT INTER ELA etc if not INTERESSINTERPINTF interfixINTL INTEN INT intentional conditional intentive futureINTRST complement of interestINTRVINTS INT ITS INTN INTNS INTEN INTENS intensifier intensiveINTV INTENTVINV inverseINVN inverse number as in Kiowa sg of default pl pl of default sg INW inwardIO IO IOBJ indirect object ive IP immediate past IM PSTIPAST indirective pastIPDIPS a impersonal passive passive w o promotion to subject b AGIPS agent impersonalizer IQ indirect question self addressed questionIR irregular compounded with other glosses e g LOC IR irregular locative IRR IRLS cn IRREAL IR irrealis moodIRREL IRRELEV irrelevence NRELEVIS indirect speechISIS immediate scopeITER IT ITE ITR iterative aspectITG intangibleITM intermittentITV ITIV ITIV citation needed IF instrument voice focus triggerIVC impersonal verb constructionJ thematicJUS JUSS jussive moodKIN kinship suffixKNWN known L used to form various lative cases L low variety code in adiglossic situationL local exophoric person 1 2 L2 B tags translation as code switching LA lower animacy cf H LAT lative case MVMT direction LC limited controlLCL locationalLENGTH vowel or consonant emphasis lengthening citation needed LEX lexical thematic affix lexicalLIG ligature possessor ligatureLIM LMTLKLY likely modality LL land genderLL lower level spatial deixis LM landmarkLM LI linking morph linking interfixLN last family nameLNK LK LINK linker linking element an interfix or a ligatureLOC LCV locative case includes essive case locative verb EXIST LOG logophoric LOG A speaker logophoric PN LOG B addressee logophoric PN LOQLP linking particleLQ limiting quantifierLS lexical stemLV LF locative location voice focus triggerLV linking vowelLV lengthened vowelM MASC masculine gender M SG MSG or ms masculine singular M PL MPL or mp masculine plural M a modal case prefix on case abbreviation e g MABL modal ablative b marked e g MNF marked non future MALMALE male speakerMAN MNR manner mood aspect negation e g purpose manner converb MATUT matutinal in the morning upon waking MC modal cliticMDT MEDIT meditativeM E multiple eventMEA measureMED a mediative b medial e g medial past medial demonstrative GIV c middle voice MID MF maximal field of viewMID MD MP M MDL middle voice mediopassiveMIM mimetic IDEO MIN minimal numberMIR ADM mirative admirativeMIRN negative mirativeMIS miscellaneous genderMIT mitigationMLOC modal locativeMOD MO modal case modalis e g certaintyMOD MDL MP modal particle mood modal modal particleMOD modifierMOM momentane single event verb MONO monofocal personMOT motion combined with location glosses mutativeMOV MVMT movementMS maximal scopeMSAP main speech act participant 1st person in assertions 2nd in questions MSD MASD maṣdar verbal noun MT mental state classifier MUL MULT MLT citation needed MLTP citation needed multiplicative case numeralMULTMVR moverN NEUT NT neuter gender N SG NSG or ns neuter singular cf NSG non singular N PL NPL or np neuter plural Sometimes non human N noun as a gloss in NZ nominalizer N n NON non in un a e g NSG nSG non singular NPST nPST non past NPRS nPRS non present NFUT nFUT non future NF nF non feminine NFIN nFIN non finite NPOSS nPOS non possessed N1 n1 non 1st person i e 2 3 N3 non 3rd person NPFV nPFV imperfective N name FN feminine name GN geographic name MN masculine name PN proper name or place name PLN place name PSN personal name NARR NAR cn narrative tenseNC noncontrolNC noun class markerNCOMPL ICP INC INCMP INCPL INCMPL INCOMPL incompletive noncompletive aspect normally NPFV NCTM ICM in perfective appositional NCURNDEF INDF IDF INDEF IND indefiniteNEC necessitativeNEG NOT NG negation negative EX NEG existential negation ID NEG identity negation NEGAT negatory negatorNEGF final negatorNEGN negative nominalizationNEUT NEUTR NTR neutral aspectNEX non extendedNF non final form marker cf non feminine NF non finite cf non feminine NFC non finite conditionalNFIN NF cn non finite nonfinite verb non finite clause NF may be ambiguous with non feminine NFND non future neutral disjunctNFPD non future perfective disjunctNH NHUM nH non humanNM NMASC non masculineNMZ NMLZ NLZ NOMZ NOMZR NM NML NMNL NOM NOMI NOMIN NOMN NOML NZR NR NZ nominalizer nominalization e g PAT NZ patient nominalizer NOM NM nominative caseNOMS S only nominative S case in tripartite system NTR NONDUM not yet NONINN P neuter pluralNP noun particle cf NP noun phrase NP near pastNPC non past completiveNPDL noun phrase delimiterNPF noun prefixNPFV IPFV IPF IMP IMPFV IMPERFV IMPRF IMPF imperfective aspectNPOSS UNPOSS non possessed marker of unpossessed noun NPP non past progressiveNR near as in NR DIST near distal NS non subject see oblique case NS non singularNSIT NEWSIT new situationNSP non speech participant perspective cf NSP non specific NTEL ATEL AT atelicNTL neutral directionNTR INTR cn INTRANS ITR intransitive covers an intransitive case for the S argument NOMS NTS non topical subjectNUM NUMV numeral NUM CL numeral classifier NV neutral version cf SBV subjective version NVEXP nonvisual experiential evidential NVIS INVIS NVSEN non visual evidential NVSEN non visual sensory invisible deixis NVN nominal cyclical expansion cf VNV NVOL AVOL INVOL nonvolitional avolitional NW non witnessedNX PST UWPST non experienced past O object ive ABLO objective ablative EVITO objective evitative 3mO 3m object 2SG O 2sg objectOBJ OBJV OB object ive object agreement TOP OB topical object objective caseOBL O oblique case oblique form of pronounOBS observationOBV obviativeOFC object focus O FOC or P FOCOINV inverted objectOM object markerONOM onomatopoeiaOP object prefixOPP oppositeOPT optative mood DES OR orientation direction markerOR open reference not specifically DS or SS ORD ordinal numeralORD ordinaryORIG origin OS oblique stemOS onstage regionOTHER non main speech act participant 2nd or 3rd persion in assertions 1st or 3rd in questions OUT outwardOV objective versionP pre post P HOD prehodiernal P CRAS postcrastinal P proper as opposed to common ABS P absolutitive proper case GEN P genitive proper case Cf PERS personal proper article P previous evidence P possessor 1P 2P 3fP 3mP 1st 2nd 3rd masc amp fem possessor 1POSS etc P ANT past anteriorP IMP plural imperativeP I passive imperative PAS IMP PASS PAS PSS PSV passive voicePABS past absolutivePAT patientive UND Lehmann 2004 recommends avoiding as it is not the value of a morphological category PAUS pausePAU PAUC PA cn pc paucal number M PAU or mpc masculine paucal F PAU or fpc feminine paucal GPAUC greater paucal PC past completivePC concord particlePC perfective converbPCL polysemic clause linkage marker PCP a completive participle b participatory evidencePDR past deferred realizationPDS previous event different subjectPE perpetuityPE previous event pe PE plural exclusive PL EX PEG pegative case a special case for the giver PEJ pejorativePERAMBPERI peripheralPERL PER cn PRL perlative casePERM permission permissive moodPERM permanentPERS P personal PERS EV personal evidential personal experience PERS AG personal agency PERS EXP personal experience personal proper article PERS ART personal affix 4th person PERS PERSISPERSE personal experience PERS EV PERT pertensivePERV pervasivePFV PF PERFV perfective aspectPHAB past habitualPHAS pi PI plural inclusive PL IN PIMPF progressive imperfective citation needed PIMPV past imperfectivePINF physical inferentialPK personal knowledgePL p PLUR plural but 1PL also 1p 3PL M also 3mp PLUP PLU PPRF PPERF PLUPERF PLUPRF PLPF PLPERF PPF citation needed pluperfectPLUR VPL PLU PLR PL PLURAC pluractional VPL verbal plural PM predicate markerPN PROPN PR cn proper noun name personal name e g PN DET proper noun determiner PO primary objectPO patient orientated verbPODIR postdirective postlative POEL POSTEL postelative casePOESS POSTE POSTESS postessive case after POL polite registerPOS positivePOSS POS PO PSR possessive possessor 2POSS 2nd person possessive POSS CL possessive classifier POSB POSSB POSSIB possible modal possibilityPOSSD possessedPOST PO behind May be equivalent to POSTESS or POSTL Compounded for POSTE SS POESS POSTL AT PODIR POSTEL POEL etc if a single morpheme as POST ESS POST LAT or POST DIR POST ELA etc if not POST POSTP postposition postpositional casePOST post terminal aspectPOSTL PODIR POSTLAT POSTDIR or postdirective POT POTEN cn potential mood cf VER PP a predicative possessive particle b present progressive c past perfect d pragmatic particlePPA active perfect participlePPAST post terminal pastPPF perfect participlePPFV past perfective perfect PPP a past passive participle b past perfect participlePPRT PP PPT cn PPART PASTP cn passive participle past participlePPS pseudo passivePR pragmatic in PR PART pragmatic particle PRC precedencePREC precative mood requests PREC PRECON precondition PRECA athematic precondition PRECT thematic precondition PREC PRE precise precisionPRED predicative affix predicative