Group (mathematics)

Author: www.NiNa.Az
Feb 04, 2025 / 00:14

In mathematics a group is a set with an operation that associates an element of the set to every pair of elements of the

Group (mathematics)
Group (mathematics)
Group (mathematics)

In mathematics, a group is a set with an operation that associates an element of the set to every pair of elements of the set (as does every binary operation) and satisfies the following constraints: the operation is associative, it has an identity element, and every element of the set has an inverse element.

The manipulations of the Rubik's Cube form the Rubik's Cube group.

Many mathematical structures are groups endowed with other properties. For example, the integers with the addition operation form an infinite group, which is generated by a single element called (these properties characterize the integers in a unique way).

The concept of a group was elaborated for handling, in a unified way, many mathematical structures such as numbers, geometric shapes and polynomial roots. Because the concept of groups is ubiquitous in numerous areas both within and outside mathematics, some authors consider it as a central organizing principle of contemporary mathematics.[2]

In geometry, groups arise naturally in the study of symmetries and geometric transformations: The symmetries of an object form a group, called the symmetry group of the object, and the transformations of a given type form a general group. Lie groups appear in symmetry groups in geometry, and also in the Standard Model of particle physics. The Poincaré group is a Lie group consisting of the symmetries of spacetime in special relativity. Point groups describe symmetry in molecular chemistry.

The concept of a group arose in the study of polynomial equations, starting with Évariste Galois in the 1830s, who introduced the term group (French: groupe) for the symmetry group of the roots of an equation, now called a Galois group. After contributions from other fields such as number theory and geometry, the group notion was generalized and firmly established around 1870. Modern group theory—an active mathematical discipline—studies groups in their own right. To explore groups, mathematicians have devised various notions to break groups into smaller, better-understandable pieces, such as subgroups, quotient groups and simple groups. In addition to their abstract properties, group theorists also study the different ways in which a group can be expressed concretely, both from a point of view of representation theory (that is, through the representations of the group) and of computational group theory. A theory has been developed for finite groups, which culminated with the classification of finite simple groups, completed in 2004. Since the mid-1980s, geometric group theory, which studies finitely generated groups as geometric objects, has become an active area in group theory.

Definition and illustration

First example: the integers

One of the more familiar groups is the set of integers image together with addition. For any two integers image and image, the sum image is also an integer; this closure property says that image is a binary operation on image. The following properties of integer addition serve as a model for the group axioms in the definition below.

  • For all integers image, image and image, one has image. Expressed in words, adding image to image first, and then adding the result to image gives the same final result as adding image to the sum of image and image. This property is known as associativity.
  • If image is any integer, then image and image. Zero is called the identity element of addition because adding it to any integer returns the same integer.
  • For every integer image, there is an integer image such that image and image. The integer image is called the inverse element of the integer image and is denoted image.

The integers, together with the operation image, form a mathematical object belonging to a broad class sharing similar structural aspects. To appropriately understand these structures as a collective, the following definition is developed.


The axioms for a group are short and natural ... Yet somehow hidden behind these axioms is the monster simple group, a huge and extraordinary mathematical object, which appears to rely on numerous bizarre coincidences to exist. The axioms for groups give no obvious hint that anything like this exists.

Richard Borcherds, Mathematicians: An Outer View of the Inner World

A group is a non-empty set image together with a binary operation on image, here denoted "image", that combines any two elements image and image of image to form an element of image, denoted image, such that the following three requirements, known as group axioms, are satisfied:

For all image, image, image in image, one has image.
Identity element
There exists an element image in image such that, for every image in image, one has image and image.
Such an element is unique (see below). It is called the identity element (or sometimes neutral element) of the group.
Inverse element
For each image in image, there exists an element image in image such that image and image, where image is the identity element.
For each image, the element image is unique (see below); it is called the inverse of image and is commonly denoted image.

Notation and terminology

Formally, a group is an ordered pair of a set and a binary operation on this set that satisfies the group axioms. The set is called the underlying set of the group, and the operation is called the group operation or the group law.

A group and its underlying set are thus two different mathematical objects. To avoid cumbersome notation, it is common to abuse notation by using the same symbol to denote both. This reflects also an informal way of thinking: that the group is the same as the set except that it has been enriched by additional structure provided by the operation.

For example, consider the set of real numbers image, which has the operations of addition image and multiplication image. Formally, image is a set, image is a group, and image is a field. But it is common to write image to denote any of these three objects.

The additive group of the field image is the group whose underlying set is image and whose operation is addition. The multiplicative group of the field image is the group image whose underlying set is the set of nonzero real numbers image and whose operation is multiplication.

More generally, one speaks of an additive group whenever the group operation is notated as addition; in this case, the identity is typically denoted image, and the inverse of an element image is denoted image. Similarly, one speaks of a multiplicative group whenever the group operation is notated as multiplication; in this case, the identity is typically denoted image, and the inverse of an element image is denoted image. In a multiplicative group, the operation symbol is usually omitted entirely, so that the operation is denoted by juxtaposition, image instead of image.

The definition of a group does not require that image for all elements image and image in image. If this additional condition holds, then the operation is said to be commutative, and the group is called an abelian group. It is a common convention that for an abelian group either additive or multiplicative notation may be used, but for a nonabelian group only multiplicative notation is used.

Several other notations are commonly used for groups whose elements are not numbers. For a group whose elements are functions, the operation is often function composition image; then the identity may be denoted id. In the more specific cases of geometric transformation groups, symmetry groups, permutation groups, and automorphism groups, the symbol image is often omitted, as for multiplicative groups. Many other variants of notation may be encountered.

Second example: a symmetry group

Two figures in the plane are congruent if one can be changed into the other using a combination of rotations, reflections, and translations. Any figure is congruent to itself. However, some figures are congruent to themselves in more than one way, and these extra congruences are called symmetries. A square has eight symmetries. These are:

The elements of the symmetry group of the square, image. Vertices are identified by color or number.
image (keeping it as it is)
image (rotation by 90° clockwise)
image (rotation by 180°)
image (rotation by 270° clockwise)
image (vertical reflection)

image (horizontal reflection)

image (diagonal reflection)

image (counter-diagonal reflection)

  • the identity operation leaving everything unchanged, denoted id;
  • rotations of the square around its center by 90°, 180°, and 270° clockwise, denoted by image, image and image, respectively;
  • reflections about the horizontal and vertical middle line (image and image), or through the two diagonals (image and image).

These symmetries are functions. Each sends a point in the square to the corresponding point under the symmetry. For example, image sends a point to its rotation 90° clockwise around the square's center, and image sends a point to its reflection across the square's vertical middle line. Composing two of these symmetries gives another symmetry. These symmetries determine a group called the dihedral group of degree four, denoted image. The underlying set of the group is the above set of symmetries, and the group operation is function composition. Two symmetries are combined by composing them as functions, that is, applying the first one to the square, and the second one to the result of the first application. The result of performing first image and then image is written symbolically from right to left as image ("apply the symmetry image after performing the symmetry image"). This is the usual notation for composition of functions.

A Cayley table lists the results of all such compositions possible. For example, rotating by 270° clockwise (image) and then reflecting horizontally (image) is the same as performing a reflection along the diagonal (image). Using the above symbols, highlighted in blue in the Cayley table: image

Cayley table of image
image image image image image image image image image
image image image image image image image image image
image image image image image image image image image
image image image image image image image image image
image image image image image image image image image
image image image image image image image image image
image image image image image image image image image
image image image image image image image image image
image image image image image image image image image
The elements image, image, image, and image form a subgroup whose Cayley table is highlighted in   red (upper left region). A left and right coset of this subgroup are highlighted in   green (in the last row) and   yellow (last column), respectively. The result of the composition image, the symmetry image, is highlighted in   blue (below table center).

Given this set of symmetries and the described operation, the group axioms can be understood as follows.

Binary operation: Composition is a binary operation. That is, image is a symmetry for any two symmetries image and image. For example, image that is, rotating 270° clockwise after reflecting horizontally equals reflecting along the counter-diagonal (image). Indeed, every other combination of two symmetries still gives a symmetry, as can be checked using the Cayley table.

Associativity: The associativity axiom deals with composing more than two symmetries: Starting with three elements image, image and image of image, there are two possible ways of using these three symmetries in this order to determine a symmetry of the square. One of these ways is to first compose image and image into a single symmetry, then to compose that symmetry with image. The other way is to first compose image and image, then to compose the resulting symmetry with image. These two ways must give always the same result, that is, image For example, image can be checked using the Cayley table: image

Identity element: The identity element is image, as it does not change any symmetry image when composed with it either on the left or on the right.

Inverse element: Each symmetry has an inverse: image, the reflections image, image, image, image and the 180° rotation image are their own inverse, because performing them twice brings the square back to its original orientation. The rotations image and image are each other's inverses, because rotating 90° and then rotation 270° (or vice versa) yields a rotation over 360° which leaves the square unchanged. This is easily verified on the table.

In contrast to the group of integers above, where the order of the operation is immaterial, it does matter in image, as, for example, image but image. In other words, image is not abelian.


The modern concept of an abstract group developed out of several fields of mathematics. The original motivation for group theory was the quest for solutions of polynomial equations of degree higher than 4. The 19th-century French mathematician Évariste Galois, extending prior work of Paolo Ruffini and Joseph-Louis Lagrange, gave a criterion for the solvability of a particular polynomial equation in terms of the symmetry group of its roots (solutions). The elements of such a Galois group correspond to certain permutations of the roots. At first, Galois's ideas were rejected by his contemporaries, and published only posthumously. More general permutation groups were investigated in particular by Augustin Louis Cauchy. Arthur Cayley's On the theory of groups, as depending on the symbolic equation image (1854) gives the first abstract definition of a finite group.

Geometry was a second field in which groups were used systematically, especially symmetry groups as part of Felix Klein's 1872 Erlangen program. After novel geometries such as hyperbolic and projective geometry had emerged, Klein used group theory to organize them in a more coherent way. Further advancing these ideas, Sophus Lie founded the study of Lie groups in 1884.

The third field contributing to group theory was number theory. Certain abelian group structures had been used implicitly in Carl Friedrich Gauss's number-theoretical work Disquisitiones Arithmeticae (1798), and more explicitly by Leopold Kronecker. In 1847, Ernst Kummer made early attempts to prove Fermat's Last Theorem by developing groups describing factorization into prime numbers.

The convergence of these various sources into a uniform theory of groups started with Camille Jordan's Traité des substitutions et des équations algébriques (1870).Walther von Dyck (1882) introduced the idea of specifying a group by means of generators and relations, and was also the first to give an axiomatic definition of an "abstract group", in the terminology of the time. As of the 20th century, groups gained wide recognition by the pioneering work of Ferdinand Georg Frobenius and William Burnside (who worked on representation theory of finite groups), Richard Brauer's modular representation theory and Issai Schur's papers. The theory of Lie groups, and more generally locally compact groups was studied by Hermann Weyl, Élie Cartan and many others. Its algebraic counterpart, the theory of algebraic groups, was first shaped by Claude Chevalley (from the late 1930s) and later by the work of Armand Borel and Jacques Tits.

The University of Chicago's 1960–61 Group Theory Year brought together group theorists such as Daniel Gorenstein, John G. Thompson and Walter Feit, laying the foundation of a collaboration that, with input from numerous other mathematicians, led to the classification of finite simple groups, with the final step taken by Aschbacher and Smith in 2004. This project exceeded previous mathematical endeavours by its sheer size, in both length of proof and number of researchers. Research concerning this classification proof is ongoing. Group theory remains a highly active mathematical branch, impacting many other fields, as the examples below illustrate.

Elementary consequences of the group axioms

Basic facts about all groups that can be obtained directly from the group axioms are commonly subsumed under elementary group theory. For example, repeated applications of the associativity axiom show that the unambiguity of image generalizes to more than three factors. Because this implies that parentheses can be inserted anywhere within such a series of terms, parentheses are usually omitted.

Uniqueness of identity element

The group axioms imply that the identity element is unique; that is, there exists only one identity element: any two identity elements image and image of a group are equal, because the group axioms imply image. It is thus customary to speak of the identity element of the group.

Uniqueness of inverses

The group axioms also imply that the inverse of each element is unique. Let a group element image have both image and image as inverses. Then


Therefore, it is customary to speak of the inverse of an element.


Given elements image and image of a group image, there is a unique solution image in image to the equation image, namely image. It follows that for each image in image, the function image that maps each image to image is a bijection; it is called left multiplication by image or left translation by image.

Similarly, given image and image, the unique solution to image is image. For each image, the function image that maps each image to image is a bijection called right multiplication by image or right translation by image.

Equivalent definition with relaxed axioms

The group axioms for identity and inverses may be "weakened" to assert only the existence of a left identity and left inverses. From these one-sided axioms, one can prove that the left identity is also a right identity and a left inverse is also a right inverse for the same element. Since they define exactly the same structures as groups, collectively the axioms are not weaker.

In particular, assuming associativity and the existence of a left identity image (that is, image) and a left inverse image for each element image (that is, image), one can show that every left inverse is also a right inverse of the same element as follows. Indeed, one has


Similarly, the left identity is also a right identity:


These proofs require all three axioms (associativity, existence of left identity and existence of left inverse). For a structure with a looser definition (like a semigroup) one may have, for example, that a left identity is not necessarily a right identity.

The same result can be obtained by only assuming the existence of a right identity and a right inverse.

However, only assuming the existence of a left identity and a right inverse (or vice versa) is not sufficient to define a group. For example, consider the set image with the operator image satisfying image and image. This structure does have a left identity (namely, image), and each element has a right inverse (which is image for both elements). Furthermore, this operation is associative (since the product of any number of elements is always equal to the rightmost element in that product, regardless of the order in which these operations are done). However, image is not a group, since it lacks a right identity.

Basic concepts

When studying sets, one uses concepts such as subset, function, and quotient by an equivalence relation. When studying groups, one uses instead subgroups, homomorphisms, and quotient groups. These are the analogues that take the group structure into account.

Group homomorphisms

Group homomorphisms are functions that respect group structure; they may be used to relate two groups. A homomorphism from a group image to a group image is a function image such that

image for all elements image and image in image.

It would be natural to require also that image respect identities, image, and inverses, image for all image in image. However, these additional requirements need not be included in the definition of homomorphisms, because they are already implied by the requirement of respecting the group operation.

The identity homomorphism of a group image is the homomorphism image that maps each element of image to itself. An inverse homomorphism of a homomorphism image is a homomorphism image such that image and image, that is, such that image for all image in image and such that image for all image in image. An isomorphism is a homomorphism that has an inverse homomorphism; equivalently, it is a bijective homomorphism. Groups image and image are called isomorphic if there exists an isomorphism image. In this case, image can be obtained from image simply by renaming its elements according to the function image; then any statement true for image is true for image, provided that any specific elements mentioned in the statement are also renamed.

The collection of all groups, together with the homomorphisms between them, form a category, the category of groups.

An injective homomorphism image factors canonically as an isomorphism followed by an inclusion, image for some subgroup image of image. Injective homomorphisms are the monomorphisms in the category of groups.


Informally, a subgroup is a group image contained within a bigger one, image: it has a subset of the elements of image, with the same operation. Concretely, this means that the identity element of image must be contained in image, and whenever image and image are both in image, then so are image and image, so the elements of image, equipped with the group operation on image restricted to image, indeed form a group. In this case, the inclusion map image is a homomorphism.

In the example of symmetries of a square, the identity and the rotations constitute a subgroup image, highlighted in red in the Cayley table of the example: any two rotations composed are still a rotation, and a rotation can be undone by (i.e., is inverse to) the complementary rotations 270° for 90°, 180° for 180°, and 90° for 270°. The subgroup test provides a necessary and sufficient condition for a nonempty subset image of a group image to be a subgroup: it is sufficient to check that image for all elements image and image in image. Knowing a group's subgroups is important in understanding the group as a whole.

Given any subset image of a group image, the subgroup generated by image consists of all products of elements of image and their inverses. It is the smallest subgroup of image containing image. In the example of symmetries of a square, the subgroup generated by image and image consists of these two elements, the identity element image, and the element image. Again, this is a subgroup, because combining any two of these four elements or their inverses (which are, in this particular case, these same elements) yields an element of this subgroup.


In many situations it is desirable to consider two group elements the same if they differ by an element of a given subgroup. For example, in the symmetry group of a square, once any reflection is performed, rotations alone cannot return the square to its original position, so one can think of the reflected positions of the square as all being equivalent to each other, and as inequivalent to the unreflected positions; the rotation operations are irrelevant to the question whether a reflection has been performed. Cosets are used to formalize this insight: a subgroup image determines left and right cosets, which can be thought of as translations of image by an arbitrary group element image. In symbolic terms, the left and right cosets of image, containing an element image, are

image and image, respectively.

The left cosets of any subgroup image form a partition of image; that is, the union of all left cosets is equal to image and two left cosets are either equal or have an empty intersection. The first case image happens precisely when image, i.e., when the two elements differ by an element of image. Similar considerations apply to the right cosets of image. The left cosets of image may or may not be the same as its right cosets. If they are (that is, if all image in image satisfy image), then image is said to be a normal subgroup.

In image, the group of symmetries of a square, with its subgroup image of rotations, the left cosets image are either equal to image, if

In mathematics a group is a set with an operation that associates an element of the set to every pair of elements of the set as does every binary operation and satisfies the following constraints the operation is associative it has an identity element and every element of the set has an inverse element The manipulations of the Rubik s Cube form the Rubik s Cube group Many mathematical structures are groups endowed with other properties For example the integers with the addition operation form an infinite group which is generated by a single element called 1 displaystyle 1 these properties characterize the integers in a unique way The concept of a group was elaborated for handling in a unified way many mathematical structures such as numbers geometric shapes and polynomial roots Because the concept of groups is ubiquitous in numerous areas both within and outside mathematics some authors consider it as a central organizing principle of contemporary mathematics 2 In geometry groups arise naturally in the study of symmetries and geometric transformations The symmetries of an object form a group called the symmetry group of the object and the transformations of a given type form a general group Lie groups appear in symmetry groups in geometry and also in the Standard Model of particle physics The Poincare group is a Lie group consisting of the symmetries of spacetime in special relativity Point groups describe symmetry in molecular chemistry The concept of a group arose in the study of polynomial equations starting with Evariste Galois in the 1830s who introduced the term group French groupe for the symmetry group of the roots of an equation now called a Galois group After contributions from other fields such as number theory and geometry the group notion was generalized and firmly established around 1870 Modern group theory an active mathematical discipline studies groups in their own right To explore groups mathematicians have devised various notions to break groups into smaller better understandable pieces such as subgroups quotient groups and simple groups In addition to their abstract properties group theorists also study the different ways in which a group can be expressed concretely both from a point of view of representation theory that is through the representations of the group and of computational group theory A theory has been developed for finite groups which culminated with the classification of finite simple groups completed in 2004 Since the mid 1980s geometric group theory which studies finitely generated groups as geometric objects has become an active area in group theory Definition and illustrationFirst example the integers One of the more familiar groups is the set of integers Z 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 displaystyle mathbb Z ldots 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 ldots together with addition For any two integers a displaystyle a and b displaystyle b the sum a b displaystyle a b is also an integer this closure property says that displaystyle is a binary operation on Z displaystyle mathbb Z The following properties of integer addition serve as a model for the group axioms in the definition below For all integers a displaystyle a b displaystyle b and c displaystyle c one has a b c a b c displaystyle a b c a b c Expressed in words adding a displaystyle a to b displaystyle b first and then adding the result to c displaystyle c gives the same final result as adding a displaystyle a to the sum of b displaystyle b and c displaystyle c This property is known as associativity If a displaystyle a is any integer then 0 a a displaystyle 0 a a and a 0 a displaystyle a 0 a Zero is called the identity element of addition because adding it to any integer returns the same integer For every integer a displaystyle a there is an integer b displaystyle b such that a b 0 displaystyle a b 0 and b a 0 displaystyle b a 0 The integer b displaystyle b is called the inverse element of the integer a displaystyle a and is denoted a displaystyle a The integers together with the operation displaystyle form a mathematical object belonging to a broad class sharing similar structural aspects To appropriately understand these structures as a collective the following definition is developed Definition The axioms for a group are short and natural Yet somehow hidden behind these axioms is the monster simple group a huge and extraordinary mathematical object which appears to rely on numerous bizarre coincidences to exist The axioms for groups give no obvious hint that anything like this exists Richard Borcherds Mathematicians An Outer View of the Inner World A group is a non empty set G displaystyle G together with a binary operation on G displaystyle G here denoted displaystyle cdot that combines any two elements a displaystyle a and b displaystyle b of G displaystyle G to form an element of G displaystyle G denoted a b displaystyle a cdot b such that the following three requirements known as group axioms are satisfied Associativity For all a displaystyle a b displaystyle b c displaystyle c in G displaystyle G one has a b c a b c displaystyle a cdot b cdot c a cdot b cdot c Identity element There exists an element e displaystyle e in G displaystyle G such that for every a displaystyle a in G displaystyle G one has e a a displaystyle e cdot a a and a e a displaystyle a cdot e a Such an element is unique see below It is called the identity element or sometimes neutral element of the group Inverse element For each a displaystyle a in G displaystyle G there exists an element b displaystyle b in G displaystyle G such that a b e displaystyle a cdot b e and b a e displaystyle b cdot a e where e displaystyle e is the identity element For each a displaystyle a the element b displaystyle b is unique see below it is called the inverse of a displaystyle a and is commonly denoted a 1 displaystyle a 1 Notation and terminology Formally a group is an ordered pair of a set and a binary operation on this set that satisfies the group axioms The set is called the underlying set of the group and the operation is called the group operation or the group law A group and its underlying set are thus two different mathematical objects To avoid cumbersome notation it is common to abuse notation by using the same symbol to denote both This reflects also an informal way of thinking that the group is the same as the set except that it has been enriched by additional structure provided by the operation For example consider the set of real numbers R displaystyle mathbb R which has the operations of addition a b displaystyle a b and multiplication ab displaystyle ab Formally R displaystyle mathbb R is a set R displaystyle mathbb R is a group and R displaystyle mathbb R cdot is a field But it is common to write R displaystyle mathbb R to denote any of these three objects The additive group of the field R displaystyle mathbb R is the group whose underlying set is R displaystyle mathbb R and whose operation is addition The multiplicative group of the field R displaystyle mathbb R is the group R displaystyle mathbb R times whose underlying set is the set of nonzero real numbers R 0 displaystyle mathbb R smallsetminus 0 and whose operation is multiplication More generally one speaks of an additive group whenever the group operation is notated as addition in this case the identity is typically denoted 0 displaystyle 0 and the inverse of an element x displaystyle x is denoted x displaystyle x Similarly one speaks of a multiplicative group whenever the group operation is notated as multiplication in this case the identity is typically denoted 1 displaystyle 1 and the inverse of an element x displaystyle x is denoted x 1 displaystyle x 1 In a multiplicative group the operation symbol is usually omitted entirely so that the operation is denoted by juxtaposition ab displaystyle ab instead of a b displaystyle a cdot b The definition of a group does not require that a b b a displaystyle a cdot b b cdot a for all elements a displaystyle a and b displaystyle b in G displaystyle G If this additional condition holds then the operation is said to be commutative and the group is called an abelian group It is a common convention that for an abelian group either additive or multiplicative notation may be used but for a nonabelian group only multiplicative notation is used Several other notations are commonly used for groups whose elements are not numbers For a group whose elements are functions the operation is often function composition f g displaystyle f circ g then the identity may be denoted id In the more specific cases of geometric transformation groups symmetry groups permutation groups and automorphism groups the symbol displaystyle circ is often omitted as for multiplicative groups Many other variants of notation may be encountered Second example a symmetry group Two figures in the plane are congruent if one can be changed into the other using a combination of rotations reflections and translations Any figure is congruent to itself However some figures are congruent to themselves in more than one way and these extra congruences are called symmetries A square has eight symmetries These are The elements of the symmetry group of the square D4 displaystyle mathrm D 4 Vertices are identified by color or number id displaystyle mathrm id keeping it as it is r1 displaystyle r 1 rotation by 90 clockwise r2 displaystyle r 2 rotation by 180 r3 displaystyle r 3 rotation by 270 clockwise fv displaystyle f mathrm v vertical reflection fh displaystyle f mathrm h horizontal reflection fd displaystyle f mathrm d diagonal reflection fc displaystyle f mathrm c counter diagonal reflection the identity operation leaving everything unchanged denoted id rotations of the square around its center by 90 180 and 270 clockwise denoted by r1 displaystyle r 1 r2 displaystyle r 2 and r3 displaystyle r 3 respectively reflections about the horizontal and vertical middle line fv displaystyle f mathrm v and fh displaystyle f mathrm h or through the two diagonals fd displaystyle f mathrm d and fc displaystyle f mathrm c These symmetries are functions Each sends a point in the square to the corresponding point under the symmetry For example r1 displaystyle r 1 sends a point to its rotation 90 clockwise around the square s center and fh displaystyle f mathrm h sends a point to its reflection across the square s vertical middle line Composing two of these symmetries gives another symmetry These symmetries determine a group called the dihedral group of degree four denoted D4 displaystyle mathrm D 4 The underlying set of the group is the above set of symmetries and the group operation is function composition Two symmetries are combined by composing them as functions that is applying the first one to the square and the second one to the result of the first application The result of performing first a displaystyle a and then b displaystyle b is written symbolically from right to left as b a displaystyle b circ a apply the symmetry b displaystyle b after performing the symmetry a displaystyle a This is the usual notation for composition of functions A Cayley table lists the results of all such compositions possible For example rotating by 270 clockwise r3 displaystyle r 3 and then reflecting horizontally fh displaystyle f mathrm h is the same as performing a reflection along the diagonal fd displaystyle f mathrm d Using the above symbols highlighted in blue in the Cayley table fh r3 fd displaystyle f mathrm h circ r 3 f mathrm d Cayley table of D4 displaystyle mathrm D 4 displaystyle circ id displaystyle mathrm id r1 displaystyle r 1 r2 displaystyle r 2 r3 displaystyle r 3 fv displaystyle f mathrm v fh displaystyle f mathrm h fd displaystyle f mathrm d fc displaystyle f mathrm c id displaystyle mathrm id id displaystyle mathrm id r1 displaystyle r 1 r2 displaystyle r 2 r3 displaystyle r 3 fv displaystyle f mathrm v fh displaystyle f mathrm h fd displaystyle f mathrm d fc displaystyle f mathrm c r1 displaystyle r 1 r1 displaystyle r 1 r2 displaystyle r 2 r3 displaystyle r 3 id displaystyle mathrm id fc displaystyle f mathrm c fd displaystyle f mathrm d fv displaystyle f mathrm v fh displaystyle f mathrm h r2 displaystyle r 2 r2 displaystyle r 2 r3 displaystyle r 3 id displaystyle mathrm id r1 displaystyle r 1 fh displaystyle f mathrm h fv displaystyle f mathrm v fc displaystyle f mathrm c fd displaystyle f mathrm d r3 displaystyle r 3 r3 displaystyle r 3 id displaystyle mathrm id r1 displaystyle r 1 r2 displaystyle r 2 fd displaystyle f mathrm d fc displaystyle f mathrm c fh displaystyle f mathrm h fv displaystyle f mathrm v fv displaystyle f mathrm v fv displaystyle f mathrm v fd displaystyle f mathrm d fh displaystyle f mathrm h fc displaystyle f mathrm c id displaystyle mathrm id r2 displaystyle r 2 r1 displaystyle r 1 r3 displaystyle r 3 fh displaystyle f mathrm h fh displaystyle f mathrm h fc displaystyle f mathrm c fv displaystyle f mathrm v fd displaystyle f mathrm d r2 displaystyle r 2 id displaystyle mathrm id r3 displaystyle r 3 r1 displaystyle r 1 fd displaystyle f mathrm d fd displaystyle f mathrm d fh displaystyle f mathrm h fc displaystyle f mathrm c fv displaystyle f mathrm v r3 displaystyle r 3 r1 displaystyle r 1 id displaystyle mathrm id r2 displaystyle r 2 fc displaystyle f mathrm c fc displaystyle f mathrm c fv displaystyle f mathrm v fd displaystyle f mathrm d fh displaystyle f mathrm h r1 displaystyle r 1 r3 displaystyle r 3 r2 displaystyle r 2 id displaystyle mathrm id The elements id displaystyle mathrm id r1 displaystyle r 1 r2 displaystyle r 2 and r3 displaystyle r 3 form a subgroup whose Cayley table is highlighted in red upper left region A left and right coset of this subgroup are highlighted in green in the last row and yellow last column respectively The result of the composition fh r3 displaystyle f mathrm h circ r 3 the symmetry fd displaystyle f mathrm d is highlighted in blue below table center Given this set of symmetries and the described operation the group axioms can be understood as follows Binary operation Composition is a binary operation That is a b displaystyle a circ b is a symmetry for any two symmetries a displaystyle a and b displaystyle b For example r3 fh fc displaystyle r 3 circ f mathrm h f mathrm c that is rotating 270 clockwise after reflecting horizontally equals reflecting along the counter diagonal fc displaystyle f mathrm c Indeed every other combination of two symmetries still gives a symmetry as can be checked using the Cayley table Associativity The associativity axiom deals with composing more than two symmetries Starting with three elements a displaystyle a b displaystyle b and c displaystyle c of D4 displaystyle mathrm D 4 there are two possible ways of using these three symmetries in this order to determine a symmetry of the square One of these ways is to first compose a displaystyle a and b displaystyle b into a single symmetry then to compose that symmetry with c displaystyle c The other way is to first compose b displaystyle b and c displaystyle c then to compose the resulting symmetry with a displaystyle a These two ways must give always the same result that is a b c a b c displaystyle a circ b circ c a circ b circ c For example fd fv r2 fd fv r2 displaystyle f mathrm d circ f mathrm v circ r 2 f mathrm d circ f mathrm v circ r 2 can be checked using the Cayley table fd fv r2 r3 r2 r1fd fv r2 fd fh r1 displaystyle begin aligned f mathrm d circ f mathrm v circ r 2 amp r 3 circ r 2 r 1 f mathrm d circ f mathrm v circ r 2 amp f mathrm d circ f mathrm h r 1 end aligned Identity element The identity element is id displaystyle mathrm id as it does not change any symmetry a displaystyle a when composed with it either on the left or on the right Inverse element Each symmetry has an inverse id displaystyle mathrm id the reflections fh displaystyle f mathrm h fv displaystyle f mathrm v fd displaystyle f mathrm d fc displaystyle f mathrm c and the 180 rotation r2 displaystyle r 2 are their own inverse because performing them twice brings the square back to its original orientation The rotations r3 displaystyle r 3 and r1 displaystyle r 1 are each other s inverses because rotating 90 and then rotation 270 or vice versa yields a rotation over 360 which leaves the square unchanged This is easily verified on the table In contrast to the group of integers above where the order of the operation is immaterial it does matter in D4 displaystyle mathrm D 4 as for example fh r1 fc displaystyle f mathrm h circ r 1 f mathrm c but r1 fh fd displaystyle r 1 circ f mathrm h f mathrm d In other words D4 displaystyle mathrm D 4 is not abelian HistoryThe modern concept of an abstract group developed out of several fields of mathematics The original motivation for group theory was the quest for solutions of polynomial equations of degree higher than 4 The 19th century French mathematician Evariste Galois extending prior work of Paolo Ruffini and Joseph Louis Lagrange gave a criterion for the solvability of a particular polynomial equation in terms of the symmetry group of its roots solutions The elements of such a Galois group correspond to certain permutations of the roots At first Galois s ideas were rejected by his contemporaries and published only posthumously More general permutation groups were investigated in particular by Augustin Louis Cauchy Arthur Cayley s On the theory of groups as depending on the symbolic equation 8n 1 displaystyle theta n 1 1854 gives the first abstract definition of a finite group Geometry was a second field in which groups were used systematically especially symmetry groups as part of Felix Klein s 1872 Erlangen program After novel geometries such as hyperbolic and projective geometry had emerged Klein used group theory to organize them in a more coherent way Further advancing these ideas Sophus Lie founded the study of Lie groups in 1884 The third field contributing to group theory was number theory Certain abelian group structures had been used implicitly in Carl Friedrich Gauss s number theoretical work Disquisitiones Arithmeticae 1798 and more explicitly by Leopold Kronecker In 1847 Ernst Kummer made early attempts to prove Fermat s Last Theorem by developing groups describing factorization into prime numbers The convergence of these various sources into a uniform theory of groups started with Camille Jordan s Traite des substitutions et des equations algebriques 1870 Walther von Dyck 1882 introduced the idea of specifying a group by means of generators and relations and was also the first to give an axiomatic definition of an abstract group in the terminology of the time As of the 20th century groups gained wide recognition by the pioneering work of Ferdinand Georg Frobenius and William Burnside who worked on representation theory of finite groups Richard Brauer s modular representation theory and Issai Schur s papers The theory of Lie groups and more generally locally compact groups was studied by Hermann Weyl Elie Cartan and many others Its algebraic counterpart the theory of algebraic groups was first shaped by Claude Chevalley from the late 1930s and later by the work of Armand Borel and Jacques Tits The University of Chicago s 1960 61 Group Theory Year brought together group theorists such as Daniel Gorenstein John G Thompson and Walter Feit laying the foundation of a collaboration that with input from numerous other mathematicians led to the classification of finite simple groups with the final step taken by Aschbacher and Smith in 2004 This project exceeded previous mathematical endeavours by its sheer size in both length of proof and number of researchers Research concerning this classification proof is ongoing Group theory remains a highly active mathematical branch impacting many other fields as the examples below illustrate Elementary consequences of the group axiomsBasic facts about all groups that can be obtained directly from the group axioms are commonly subsumed under elementary group theory For example repeated applications of the associativity axiom show that the unambiguity of a b c a b c a b c displaystyle a cdot b cdot c a cdot b cdot c a cdot b cdot c generalizes to more than three factors Because this implies that parentheses can be inserted anywhere within such a series of terms parentheses are usually omitted Uniqueness of identity element The group axioms imply that the identity element is unique that is there exists only one identity element any two identity elements e displaystyle e and f displaystyle f of a group are equal because the group axioms imply e e f f displaystyle e e cdot f f It is thus customary to speak of the identity element of the group Uniqueness of inverses The group axioms also imply that the inverse of each element is unique Let a group element a displaystyle a have both b displaystyle b and c displaystyle c as inverses Then b b e e is the identity element b a c c and a are inverses of each other b a c associativity e c b is an inverse of a c e is the identity element and b c displaystyle begin aligned b amp b cdot e amp amp text e text is the identity element amp b cdot a cdot c amp amp text c text and a text are inverses of each other amp b cdot a cdot c amp amp text associativity amp e cdot c amp amp text b text is an inverse of a text amp c amp amp text e text is the identity element and b c text end aligned Therefore it is customary to speak of the inverse of an element Division Given elements a displaystyle a and b displaystyle b of a group G displaystyle G there is a unique solution x displaystyle x in G displaystyle G to the equation a x b displaystyle a cdot x b namely a 1 b displaystyle a 1 cdot b It follows that for each a displaystyle a in G displaystyle G the function G G displaystyle G to G that maps each x displaystyle x to a x displaystyle a cdot x is a bijection it is called left multiplication by a displaystyle a or left translation by a displaystyle a Similarly given a displaystyle a and b displaystyle b the unique solution to x a b displaystyle x cdot a b is b a 1 displaystyle b cdot a 1 For each a displaystyle a the function G G displaystyle G to G that maps each x displaystyle x to x a displaystyle x cdot a is a bijection called right multiplication by a displaystyle a or right translation by a displaystyle a Equivalent definition with relaxed axioms The group axioms for identity and inverses may be weakened to assert only the existence of a left identity and left inverses From these one sided axioms one can prove that the left identity is also a right identity and a left inverse is also a right inverse for the same element Since they define exactly the same structures as groups collectively the axioms are not weaker In particular assuming associativity and the existence of a left identity e displaystyle e that is e f f displaystyle e cdot f f and a left inverse f 1 displaystyle f 1 for each element f displaystyle f that is f 1 f e displaystyle f 1 cdot f e one can show that every left inverse is also a right inverse of the same element as follows Indeed one has f f 1 e f f 1 left identity f 1 1 f 1 f f 1 left inverse f 1 1 f 1 f f 1 associativity f 1 1 e f 1 left inverse f 1 1 f 1 left identity e left inverse displaystyle begin aligned f cdot f 1 amp e cdot f cdot f 1 amp amp text left identity amp f 1 1 cdot f 1 cdot f cdot f 1 amp amp text left inverse amp f 1 1 cdot f 1 cdot f cdot f 1 amp amp text associativity amp f 1 1 cdot e cdot f 1 amp amp text left inverse amp f 1 1 cdot f 1 amp amp text left identity amp e amp amp text left inverse end aligned Similarly the left identity is also a right identity f e f f 1 f left inverse f f 1 f associativity e f right inverse f left identity displaystyle begin aligned f cdot e amp f cdot f 1 cdot f amp amp text left inverse amp f cdot f 1 cdot f amp amp text associativity amp e cdot f amp amp text right inverse amp f amp amp text left identity end aligned These proofs require all three axioms associativity existence of left identity and existence of left inverse For a structure with a looser definition like a semigroup one may have for example that a left identity is not necessarily a right identity The same result can be obtained by only assuming the existence of a right identity and a right inverse However only assuming the existence of a left identity and a right inverse or vice versa is not sufficient to define a group For example consider the set G e f displaystyle G e f with the operator displaystyle cdot satisfying e e f e e displaystyle e cdot e f cdot e e and e f f f f displaystyle e cdot f f cdot f f This structure does have a left identity namely e displaystyle e and each element has a right inverse which is e displaystyle e for both elements Furthermore this operation is associative since the product of any number of elements is always equal to the rightmost element in that product regardless of the order in which these operations are done However G displaystyle G cdot is not a group since it lacks a right identity Basic conceptsWhen studying sets one uses concepts such as subset function and quotient by an equivalence relation When studying groups one uses instead subgroups homomorphisms and quotient groups These are the analogues that take the group structure into account Group homomorphisms Group homomorphisms are functions that respect group structure they may be used to relate two groups A homomorphism from a group G displaystyle G cdot to a group H displaystyle H is a function f G H displaystyle varphi G to H such that f a b f a f b displaystyle varphi a cdot b varphi a varphi b for all elements a displaystyle a and b displaystyle b in G displaystyle G It would be natural to require also that f displaystyle varphi respect identities f 1G 1H displaystyle varphi 1 G 1 H and inverses f a 1 f a 1 displaystyle varphi a 1 varphi a 1 for all a displaystyle a in G displaystyle G However these additional requirements need not be included in the definition of homomorphisms because they are already implied by the requirement of respecting the group operation The identity homomorphism of a group G displaystyle G is the homomorphism iG G G displaystyle iota G G to G that maps each element of G displaystyle G to itself An inverse homomorphism of a homomorphism f G H displaystyle varphi G to H is a homomorphism ps H G displaystyle psi H to G such that ps f iG displaystyle psi circ varphi iota G and f ps iH displaystyle varphi circ psi iota H that is such that ps f g g displaystyle psi bigl varphi g bigr g for all g displaystyle g in G displaystyle G and such that f ps h h displaystyle varphi bigl psi h bigr h for all h displaystyle h in H displaystyle H An isomorphism is a homomorphism that has an inverse homomorphism equivalently it is a bijective homomorphism Groups G displaystyle G and H displaystyle H are called isomorphic if there exists an isomorphism f G H displaystyle varphi G to H In this case H displaystyle H can be obtained from G displaystyle G simply by renaming its elements according to the function f displaystyle varphi then any statement true for G displaystyle G is true for H displaystyle H provided that any specific elements mentioned in the statement are also renamed The collection of all groups together with the homomorphisms between them form a category the category of groups An injective homomorphism ϕ G G displaystyle phi G to G factors canonically as an isomorphism followed by an inclusion G H G displaystyle G stackrel sim to H hookrightarrow G for some subgroup H displaystyle H of G displaystyle G Injective homomorphisms are the monomorphisms in the category of groups Subgroups Informally a subgroup is a group H displaystyle H contained within a bigger one G displaystyle G it has a subset of the elements of G displaystyle G with the same operation Concretely this means that the identity element of G displaystyle G must be contained in H displaystyle H and whenever h1 displaystyle h 1 and h2 displaystyle h 2 are both in H displaystyle H then so are h1 h2 displaystyle h 1 cdot h 2 and h1 1 displaystyle h 1 1 so the elements of H displaystyle H equipped with the group operation on G displaystyle G restricted to H displaystyle H indeed form a group In this case the inclusion map H G displaystyle H to G is a homomorphism In the example of symmetries of a square the identity and the rotations constitute a subgroup R id r1 r2 r3 displaystyle R mathrm id r 1 r 2 r 3 highlighted in red in the Cayley table of the example any two rotations composed are still a rotation and a rotation can be undone by i e is inverse to the complementary rotations 270 for 90 180 for 180 and 90 for 270 The subgroup test provides a necessary and sufficient condition for a nonempty subset H displaystyle H of a group G displaystyle G to be a subgroup it is sufficient to check that g 1 h H displaystyle g 1 cdot h in H for all elements g displaystyle g and h displaystyle h in H displaystyle H Knowing a group s subgroups is important in understanding the group as a whole Given any subset S displaystyle S of a group G displaystyle G the subgroup generated by S displaystyle S consists of all products of elements of S displaystyle S and their inverses It is the smallest subgroup of G displaystyle G containing S displaystyle S In the example of symmetries of a square the subgroup generated by r2 displaystyle r 2 and fv displaystyle f mathrm v consists of these two elements the identity element id displaystyle mathrm id and the element fh fv r2 displaystyle f mathrm h f mathrm v cdot r 2 Again this is a subgroup because combining any two of these four elements or their inverses which are in this particular case these same elements yields an element of this subgroup Cosets In many situations it is desirable to consider two group elements the same if they differ by an element of a given subgroup For example in the symmetry group of a square once any reflection is performed rotations alone cannot return the square to its original position so one can think of the reflected positions of the square as all being equivalent to each other and as inequivalent to the unreflected positions the rotation operations are irrelevant to the question whether a reflection has been performed Cosets are used to formalize this insight a subgroup H displaystyle H determines left and right cosets which can be thought of as translations of H displaystyle H by an arbitrary group element g displaystyle g In symbolic terms the left and right cosets of H displaystyle H containing an element g displaystyle g are gH g h h H displaystyle gH g cdot h mid h in H and Hg h g h H displaystyle Hg h cdot g mid h in H respectively The left cosets of any subgroup H displaystyle H form a partition of G displaystyle G that is the union of all left cosets is equal to G displaystyle G and two left cosets are either equal or have an empty intersection The first case g1H g2H displaystyle g 1 H g 2 H happens precisely when g1 1 g2 H displaystyle g 1 1 cdot g 2 in H i e when the two elements differ by an element of H displaystyle H Similar considerations apply to the right cosets of H displaystyle H The left cosets of H displaystyle H may or may not be the same as its right cosets If they are that is if all g displaystyle g in G displaystyle G satisfy gH Hg displaystyle gH Hg then H displaystyle H is said to be a normal subgroup In D4 displaystyle mathrm D 4 the group of symmetries of a square with its subgroup R displaystyle R of rotations the left cosets gR displaystyle gR are either equal to R displaystyle R if

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