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In linguistics, the topic, or theme, of a sentence is what is being talked about, and the comment (rheme or focus) is what is being said about the topic. This division into old vs. new content is called information structure. It is generally agreed that clauses are divided into topic vs. comment, but in certain cases the boundary between them depends on which specific grammatical theory is being used to analyze the sentence.
The topic of a sentence is distinct from the grammatical subject. The topic is defined by pragmatic considerations, that is, the context that provides meaning. The grammatical subject is defined by syntax. In any given sentence the topic and grammatical subject may be the same, but they need not be. For example, in the sentence "As for the little girl, the dog bit her", the subject is "the dog" but the topic is "the little girl".
Topic being what is being talked about and the subject being what is doing the action can, also, be distinct concepts from the concept agent (or actor)—the "doer", which is defined by semantics, that is, by the contextual meaning of the sentence in the paragraph. In English clauses with a verb in the passive voice, for instance, the topic is typically the subject, while the agent may be omitted or may follow the preposition by. For example, in the sentence "The little girl was bitten by the dog", "the little girl" is the subject and the topic, but "the dog" is the agent.
In some languages, word order and other syntactic phenomena are determined largely by the topic–comment (theme–rheme) structure. These languages are sometimes referred to as topic-prominent languages. Korean and Japanese are often given as examples of this.
Definitions and examples
The sentence- or clause-level "topic", or "theme", can be defined in a number of different ways. Among the most common are
- the phrase in a clause that the rest of the clause is understood to be about,
- a special position in a clause (often at the right or left-edge of the clause) where topics typically appear.
In an ordinary English clause, the subject is normally the same as the topic/theme (example 1), even in the passive voice (where the subject is a patient, not an agent: example 2):
- The dog bit the little girl.
- The little girl was bitten by the dog.
These clauses have different topics: the first is about the dog, and the second about the little girl.
In English it is also possible to use other sentence structures to show the topic of the sentence, as in the following:
- As for the little girl, the dog bit her.
- It was the little girl that the dog bit.
The case of expletives is sometimes rather complex. Consider sentences with expletives (meaningless subjects), like:
- It is raining.
- There is some room in this house.
- There are two days in the year in which the day and the night are equal in length.
In these examples the syntactic subject position (to the left of the verb) is manned by the meaningless expletive ("it" or "there"), whose sole purpose is satisfying the extended projection principle, and is nevertheless necessary. In these sentences the topic is never the subject, but is determined pragmatically. In all these cases, the whole sentence refers to the comment part.
The relation between topic/theme and comment/rheme/focus should not be confused with the topic-comment relation in Rhetorical Structure Theory-Discourse Treebank (RST-DT corpus) where it is defined as "a general statement or topic of discussion is introduced, after which a specific remark is made on the statement or topic". For example: "[As far as the pound goes,] [some traders say a slide toward support at 1.5500 may be a favorable development for the dollar this week.]"
Realization of topic–comment
Different languages mark topics in different ways. Distinct intonation and word-order are the most common means. The tendency to place topicalized constituents sentence-initially ("topic fronting") is widespread. Topic fronting refers to placing the topic at the beginning of a clause regardless of whether it is marked or not. Again, linguists disagree on many details.
Languages often show different kinds of grammar for sentences that introduce new topics and those that continue discussing previously established topics.
When a sentence continues discussing a previously established topic, it is likely to use pronouns to refer to the topic. Such topics tend to be subjects. In many languages, pronouns referring to previously established topics will show pro-drop.
In English
In English the topic/theme comes first in the clause, and is typically marked out by intonation as well.
English is quite capable of using a topic-prominent formulation instead of a subject-prominent formulation when context makes it desirable for one reason or another. A typical pattern for doing so is opening with a class of prepositions such as: as for, as regards, regarding, concerning, respecting, on, re, and others. Pedagogically or expositorily this approach has value especially when the speaker knows that they need to lead the listener's attention from one topic to another in a deftly efficient manner, sometimes actively avoiding misplacement of the focus of attention from moment to moment. But whereas topic-prominent languages might use this approach by default or obligately, in subject-prominent ones such as English it is merely an option that often is not invoked.
In other languages
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- In Japanese and Korean, the topic is usually marked with a postposition such as -wa (は) or 는/은, -(n)eun respectively, which comes after the noun or phrase that is being topicalized.
- In Côte d'Ivoire French, the topic is marked by the postposition "là". The topic can be, but is not necessarily a noun or a nominal group, for example: « Voiture-là est jolie deh » ("That car is pretty"); « Aujourd'hui-là il fait chaud » ("It's hot on that day"); « Pour toi-là n'est pas comme pour moi hein » ("For you it's not the same as for me, huh"); and « Nous qui sommes ici-là, on attend ça seulement » ("We who are here, we are waiting for that only").
- So-called free word order languages such as Russian, Czech, and to some certain extent Chinese and German, use word order as the primary means, and the topic usually precedes the focus. For example, in some Slavic languages such as Czech and Russian, both orders are possible. The order with the comment sentence-initial is referred to as subjective (Vilém Mathesius invented the term and opposed it to objective) and expresses certain emotional involvement. The two orders are distinguished by intonation.
- In Modern Hebrew, a topic may follow its comment. For example, the syntactic subject of this sentence is an expletive זה ("ze", lit. "this"):
"This book is very interesting."
- In American Sign Language, a topic can be declared at the beginning of a sentence (indicated by raised eyebrows and head tilt) describing the referent, and the rest of the sentence describes what happens to that referent.
Practical applications
The main application of the topic-comment structure is in the domain of speech technology, especially the design of embodied conversational agents (intonational focus assignment, relation between information structure and posture and gesture). There were some attempts to apply the theory of topic/comment for information retrieval and automatic summarization.
The distinction between subject and topic was probably first suggested by Henri Weil in 1844. He established the connection between information structure and word order. Georg von der Gabelentz distinguished psychological subject (roughly topic) and psychological object (roughly focus). In the Prague school, the dichotomy, termed topic–focus articulation, has been studied mainly by Vilém Mathesius,Jan Firbas, , Petr Sgall and Eva Hajičová. They have been concerned mainly by its relation to intonation and word-order. Mathesius also pointed out that the topic does not provide new information but connects the sentence to the context. The work of Michael Halliday in the 1960s is responsible for developing linguistic science through his systemic functional linguistics model for English.
See also
- Focus (linguistics)
- Predicate (grammar)
- Textual function (systemic functional linguistics)
- Thematic equative
- Topicalization
- Topic marker
- Topic-prominent language
- Michael Gotze, Stephanie Dipper, and Stavros Skopeteas. 2007. Information Structure in Cross-Linguistic Corpora: Annotation Guidelines for Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Semantics, and Information Structure. Interdisciplinary Studies on Information Structure (ISIS), Working papers of the SFB 632, Vol. 7.
- L. Carlson and D. Marcu, “Discourse tagging reference manual,” ISI Technical Report ISI-TR-545, vol. 54, 2001.
- L. Ermakova and J. Mothe. 2016. Document re-ranking based on topic-comment structure. In X IEEE International Conference RCIS, Grenoble, France, June 1–3, 2016. 1–10.
- D. Bring, Topic and Comment. Cambridge University Press, 2011, three entries for: Patrick Colm Hogan (ed.) The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- MAK Halliday (1994). An introduction to functional grammar, 2nd ed., Hodder Arnold: London, p. 37
- Cassell, Justine, ed. Embodied conversational agents. MIT press, 2000.
- A. Bouchachia and R. Mittermeir, “A neural cascade architecture for document retrieval,” in Neural Networks, 2003. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on, vol. 3. IEEE, 2003, pp. 1915–1920.
- L. Ermakova, J. Mothe, A. Firsov. A Metric for Sentence Ordering Assessment Based on Topic-Comment. Structure, in ACM SIGIR, Tokyo, Japan, 07/08/2017-11/08/2017
- H. Weil, De l’ordre des mots dans les langues anciennes compares aux langues modernes: question de grammaire gnrale. Joubert, 1844.
- V. Mathesius and J. Vachek, A Functional Analysis of Present Day English on a General Linguistic Basis, ser. Janua linguarum : Series practica / Ianua linguarum / Series practica. Mouton, 1975.
- M.A.K.Halliday, An Introduction to Functional Grammar, 2nd ed. London: Arnold, 1994.
Further reading
This "Further reading" section may need cleanup.(October 2017) |
- Givón, Talmy. 1983a. Topic continuity in discourse: A quantitative cross-language study. Amsterdam: Arshdeep Singh.
- Hajičová, Eva, Partee, Barbara H., Sgall, Petr. 1998. Topic–Focus Articulation, Tripartite Structures, and Semantic Content. Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy 71. Dordrecht: Kluwer. (ix + 216 pp.) review
- Halliday, Michael A. K. 1967–68. "Notes on transitivity and theme in English" (Part 1–3). Journal of Linguistics, 3 (1). 37–81; 3 (2). 199–244; 4(2). 179–215.
- Halliday, Michael A. K. (1970). "Language structure and language function." In J. Lyons (Ed.), New Horizons in Linguistics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 140–65.
- Hockett, Charles F. 1958. A Course in Modern Linguistics. New York: The Macmillan Company. (pp. 191–208)
- Mathesius, Vilém. 1975. A Functional Analysis of Present Day English on a General Linguistic Basis. edited by , translated by Libuše Dušková. The Hague – Paris: Mouton.
- Kadmon, Nirit. 2001. Pragmatics Blackwell Publishers. Blackwell Publishers.
- Lambrecht, Knud. 1994. Information structure and sentence form. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Li, Charles N., Thompson, Sandra A. 1976. Subject and Topic: A New Typology of Languages, in: Li, Charles N. (ed.) Subject and Topic, New York/San Francisco/London: Academic Press, 457–90.
- Payne, Thomas E. 1997. Describing morphosyntax: A guide for field linguists. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Von der Gabelentz, Georg. 1891. Die Sprachwissenschaft, ihre Aufgaben, Methoden und bisherigen Ergebnisse. Leipzig: T.O. Weigel Nachfolger.
- Weil, Henri. 1887. De l'ordre des mots dans les langues anciennes comparées aux langues modernes: question de grammaire générale. 1844. Published in English as The order of words in the ancient languages compared with that of the modern languages.
External links
- SFG page: theme – an explanation, for beginners, of theme in systemic functional grammar by Alvin Leong
- Iliev, Iv. The Russian Genitive of Negation and Its Japanese Counterpart. International Journal of Russian Studies. 1, 2018
This article needs additional citations for verification Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed Find sources Topic and comment news newspapers books scholar JSTOR October 2011 Learn how and when to remove this message In linguistics the topic or theme of a sentence is what is being talked about and the comment rheme or focus is what is being said about the topic This division into old vs new content is called information structure It is generally agreed that clauses are divided into topic vs comment but in certain cases the boundary between them depends on which specific grammatical theory is being used to analyze the sentence The topic of a sentence is distinct from the grammatical subject The topic is defined by pragmatic considerations that is the context that provides meaning The grammatical subject is defined by syntax In any given sentence the topic and grammatical subject may be the same but they need not be For example in the sentence As for the little girl the dog bit her the subject is the dog but the topic is the little girl Topic being what is being talked about and the subject being what is doing the action can also be distinct concepts from the concept agent or actor the doer which is defined by semantics that is by the contextual meaning of the sentence in the paragraph In English clauses with a verb in the passive voice for instance the topic is typically the subject while the agent may be omitted or may follow the preposition by For example in the sentence The little girl was bitten by the dog the little girl is the subject and the topic but the dog is the agent In some languages word order and other syntactic phenomena are determined largely by the topic comment theme rheme structure These languages are sometimes referred to as topic prominent languages Korean and Japanese are often given as examples of this Definitions and examplesThe sentence or clause level topic or theme can be defined in a number of different ways Among the most common are the phrase in a clause that the rest of the clause is understood to be about a special position in a clause often at the right or left edge of the clause where topics typically appear In an ordinary English clause the subject is normally the same as the topic theme example 1 even in the passive voice where the subject is a patient not an agent example 2 The dog bit the little girl The little girl was bitten by the dog These clauses have different topics the first is about the dog and the second about the little girl In English it is also possible to use other sentence structures to show the topic of the sentence as in the following As for the little girl the dog bit her It was the little girl that the dog bit The case of expletives is sometimes rather complex Consider sentences with expletives meaningless subjects like It is raining There is some room in this house There are two days in the year in which the day and the night are equal in length In these examples the syntactic subject position to the left of the verb is manned by the meaningless expletive it or there whose sole purpose is satisfying the extended projection principle and is nevertheless necessary In these sentences the topic is never the subject but is determined pragmatically In all these cases the whole sentence refers to the comment part The relation between topic theme and comment rheme focus should not be confused with the topic comment relation in Rhetorical Structure Theory Discourse Treebank RST DT corpus where it is defined as a general statement or topic of discussion is introduced after which a specific remark is made on the statement or topic For example As far as the pound goes some traders say a slide toward support at 1 5500 may be a favorable development for the dollar this week Realization of topic commentDifferent languages mark topics in different ways Distinct intonation and word order are the most common means The tendency to place topicalized constituents sentence initially topic fronting is widespread Topic fronting refers to placing the topic at the beginning of a clause regardless of whether it is marked or not Again linguists disagree on many details Languages often show different kinds of grammar for sentences that introduce new topics and those that continue discussing previously established topics When a sentence continues discussing a previously established topic it is likely to use pronouns to refer to the topic Such topics tend to be subjects In many languages pronouns referring to previously established topics will show pro drop In English In English the topic theme comes first in the clause and is typically marked out by intonation as well English is quite capable of using a topic prominent formulation instead of a subject prominent formulation when context makes it desirable for one reason or another A typical pattern for doing so is opening with a class of prepositions such as as for as regards regarding concerning respecting on re and others Pedagogically or expositorily this approach has value especially when the speaker knows that they need to lead the listener s attention from one topic to another in a deftly efficient manner sometimes actively avoiding misplacement of the focus of attention from moment to moment But whereas topic prominent languages might use this approach by default or obligately in subject prominent ones such as English it is merely an option that often is not invoked In other languages This section does not cite any sources Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed October 2016 Learn how and when to remove this message In Japanese and Korean the topic is usually marked with a postposition such as wa は or 는 은 n eun respectively which comes after the noun or phrase that is being topicalized In Cote d Ivoire French the topic is marked by the postposition la The topic can be but is not necessarily a noun or a nominal group for example Voiture la est jolie deh That car is pretty Aujourd hui la il fait chaud It s hot on that day Pour toi la n est pas comme pour moi hein For you it s not the same as for me huh and Nous qui sommes ici la on attend ca seulement We who are here we are waiting for that only So called free word order languages such as Russian Czech and to some certain extent Chinese and German use word order as the primary means and the topic usually precedes the focus For example in some Slavic languages such as Czech and Russian both orders are possible The order with the comment sentence initial is referred to as subjective Vilem Mathesius invented the term and opposed it to objective and expresses certain emotional involvement The two orders are distinguished by intonation In Modern Hebrew a topic may follow its comment For example the syntactic subject of this sentence is an expletive זה ze lit this זה ze thisמאד meʾod veryמענין meʿanyen interestingהספר ha sefer bookהזה ha ze this זה מאד מענין הספר הזה ze meʾod meʿanyen ha sefer ha ze this very interesting book this This book is very interesting In American Sign Language a topic can be declared at the beginning of a sentence indicated by raised eyebrows and head tilt describing the referent and the rest of the sentence describes what happens to that referent Practical applicationsThe main application of the topic comment structure is in the domain of speech technology especially the design of embodied conversational agents intonational focus assignment relation between information structure and posture and gesture There were some attempts to apply the theory of topic comment for information retrieval and automatic summarization HistoryThe distinction between subject and topic was probably first suggested by Henri Weil in 1844 He established the connection between information structure and word order Georg von der Gabelentz distinguished psychological subject roughly topic and psychological object roughly focus In the Prague school the dichotomy termed topic focus articulation has been studied mainly by Vilem Mathesius Jan Firbas Petr Sgall and Eva Hajicova They have been concerned mainly by its relation to intonation and word order Mathesius also pointed out that the topic does not provide new information but connects the sentence to the context The work of Michael Halliday in the 1960s is responsible for developing linguistic science through his systemic functional linguistics model for English See alsoFocus linguistics Predicate grammar Textual function systemic functional linguistics Thematic equative Topicalization Topic marker Topic prominent languageReferencesMichael Gotze Stephanie Dipper and Stavros Skopeteas 2007 Information Structure in Cross Linguistic Corpora Annotation Guidelines for Phonology Morphology Syntax Semantics and Information Structure Interdisciplinary Studies on Information Structure ISIS Working papers of the SFB 632 Vol 7 L Carlson and D Marcu Discourse tagging reference manual ISI Technical Report ISI TR 545 vol 54 2001 L Ermakova and J Mothe 2016 Document re ranking based on topic comment structure In X IEEE International Conference RCIS Grenoble France June 1 3 2016 1 10 D Bring Topic and Comment Cambridge University Press 2011 three entries for Patrick Colm Hogan ed The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences Cambridge Cambridge University Press MAK Halliday 1994 An introduction to functional grammar 2nd ed Hodder Arnold London p 37 Cassell Justine ed Embodied conversational agents MIT press 2000 A Bouchachia and R Mittermeir A neural cascade architecture for document retrieval in Neural Networks 2003 Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on vol 3 IEEE 2003 pp 1915 1920 L Ermakova J Mothe A Firsov A Metric for Sentence Ordering Assessment Based on Topic Comment Structure in ACM SIGIR Tokyo Japan 07 08 2017 11 08 2017 H Weil De l ordre des mots dans les langues anciennes compares aux langues modernes question de grammaire gnrale Joubert 1844 V Mathesius and J Vachek A Functional Analysis of Present Day English on a General Linguistic Basis ser Janua linguarum Series practica Ianua linguarum Series practica Mouton 1975 M A K Halliday An Introduction to Functional Grammar 2nd ed London Arnold 1994 Further readingThis Further reading section may need cleanup Please read the editing guide and help improve the section October 2017 Learn how and when to remove this message Givon Talmy 1983a Topic continuity in discourse A quantitative cross language study Amsterdam Arshdeep Singh Hajicova Eva Partee Barbara H Sgall Petr 1998 Topic Focus Articulation Tripartite Structures and Semantic Content Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy 71 Dordrecht Kluwer ix 216 pp review Halliday Michael A K 1967 68 Notes on transitivity and theme in English Part 1 3 Journal of Linguistics 3 1 37 81 3 2 199 244 4 2 179 215 Halliday Michael A K 1970 Language structure and language function In J Lyons Ed New Horizons in Linguistics Harmondsworth Penguin 140 65 Hockett Charles F 1958 A Course in Modern Linguistics New York The Macmillan Company pp 191 208 Mathesius Vilem 1975 A Functional Analysis of Present Day English on a General Linguistic Basis edited by translated by Libuse Duskova The Hague Paris Mouton Kadmon Nirit 2001 Pragmatics Blackwell Publishers Blackwell Publishers Lambrecht Knud 1994 Information structure and sentence form Cambridge Cambridge University Press Li Charles N Thompson Sandra A 1976 Subject and Topic A New Typology of Languages in Li Charles N ed Subject and Topic New York San Francisco London Academic Press 457 90 Payne Thomas E 1997 Describing morphosyntax A guide for field linguists Cambridge Cambridge University Press Von der Gabelentz Georg 1891 Die Sprachwissenschaft ihre Aufgaben Methoden und bisherigen Ergebnisse Leipzig T O Weigel Nachfolger Weil Henri 1887 De l ordre des mots dans les langues anciennes comparees aux langues modernes question de grammaire generale 1844 Published in English as The order of words in the ancient languages compared with that of the modern languages External linksSFG page theme an explanation for beginners of theme in systemic functional grammar by Alvin Leong Iliev Iv The Russian Genitive of Negation and Its Japanese Counterpart International Journal of Russian Studies 1 2018