In governance, sortition is the selection of public officials or jurors at random, i.e. by lottery, in order to obtain a representative sample.
In ancient Athenian democracy, sortition was the traditional and primary method for appointing political officials, and its use was regarded as a principal characteristic of democracy. Sortition is often classified as a method for both direct democracy and deliberative democracy.
Today sortition is commonly used to select prospective jurors in common-law systems. What has changed in recent years is the increased number of citizen groups with political advisory power, along with calls for making sortition more consequential than elections, as it was in Athens, Venice, and Florence.
Ancient Athens
Athenian democracy developed in the 6th century BC out of what was then called isonomia (equality of law and political rights). Sortition was then the principal way of achieving this fairness. It was utilized to pick most[page needed] of the magistrates for their governing committees, and for their juries (typically of 501 men).
Most Athenians believed sortition, not elections, to be democratic[page needed] and used complex procedures with purpose-built allotment machines (kleroteria) to avoid the corrupt practices used by oligarchs to buy their way into office. According to the author Mogens Herman Hansen, the citizen's court was superior to the assembly because the allotted members swore an oath which ordinary citizens in the assembly did not; therefore, the court could annul the decisions of the assembly. Most Greek writers who mention democracy (including Aristotle,[page needed]Plato,Herodotus, and Pericles) emphasize the role of selection by lot, or state outright that being allotted is more democratic than elections (which were seen as oligarchic). Socrates and Isocrates however questioned whether randomly-selected decision-makers had enough expertise.
Past scholarship maintained that sortition had roots in the use of chance to divine the will of the gods, but this view is no longer common among scholars.[page needed] In Ancient Greek mythology, Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades used sortition to determine who ruled over which domain. Zeus got the sky, Poseidon the sea, and Hades the underworld.
In Athenian democracy, to be eligible to be chosen by lot, citizens self-selected themselves into the available pool, then lotteries in the kleroteria machines. The magistracies assigned by lot generally had terms of service of one year. A citizen could not hold any particular magistracy more than once in his lifetime, but could hold other magistracies. All male citizens over 30 years of age, who were not disenfranchised by atimia, were eligible. Those selected through lot underwent examination called dokimasia to ensure citizenship and consider life, character, and at times, property; capacity for a post was assumed. Rarely were selected citizens discarded.[page needed] Magistrates, once in place, were subjected to constant monitoring by the Assembly. Magistrates appointed by lot had to render account of their time in office upon their leave, called euthynai. However, any citizen could request the suspension of a magistrate with due reason.
A Kleroterion was used to select eligible and willing citizens to serve jury duty. This bolstered the initial Athenian system of democracy by getting new and different jury members from each tribe to avoid corruption.[citation needed] James Wycliffe Headlam explains that the Athenian Council (500 administrators randomly selected), would commit occasional mistakes such as levying taxes that were too high. Headlam found minor instances of corruption but deemed systematic oppression and organized fraud as impossible due to widely (and randomly) distributed power combined with checks-and-balances. Furthermore, power did not tend to go to those who sought it. The Athenians used an intricate machine, a kleroterion, to allot officers. Headlam found the Athenians largely trusted the system of random selection, regarding it as the most natural and the simplest way of appointment. While sortition was used for most positions, elections were sometimes used for positions like for military commanders (strategos).
Lombardy and Venice – 12th to 18th century
The brevia was used in the city states of Lombardy during the 12th and 13th centuries and in Venice until the late 18th century. Men, who were chosen randomly, swore an oath that they were not acting under bribes, and then they elected members of the council. Voter and candidate eligibility probably included property owners, councilors, guild members, and perhaps, at times, artisans. The Doge of Venice was determined through a complex process of nomination, voting and sortition.
Lot was used in the Venetian system only in order to select members of the committees that served to nominate candidates for the Great Council. A combination of election and lot was used in this multi-stage process. Lot was not used alone to select magistrates, unlike in Florence and Athens. The use of lot to select nominators made it more difficult for political sects to exert power, and discouraged campaigning.[page needed] By reducing intrigue and power moves within the Great Council, lot maintained cohesiveness among the Venetian nobility, contributing to the stability of this republic. Top magistracies generally still remained in the control of elite families.
Florence – 14th and 15th century
Scrutiny was used in Florence for over a century starting in 1328. Nominations and voting together created a pool of candidates from different sectors of the city. The names of these men were deposited into a sack, and a lottery draw determined who would get to be a magistrate. The scrutiny was gradually opened up to minor guilds, reaching the greatest level of Renaissance citizen participation in 1378–1382.
In Florence, lot was used to select magistrates and members of the Signoria during republican periods. Florence utilized a combination of lot and scrutiny by the people, set forth by the ordinances of 1328.[page needed] In 1494, Florence founded a Great Council in the model of Venice. The nominatori were thereafter chosen by lot from among the members of the Great Council, indicating an increase in aristocratic power.
The Enlightenment
During the Age of Enlightenment, many of the political ideals originally championed by the democratic city-states of ancient Greece were revisited. The use of sortition as a means of selecting the members of government while receiving praise from notable Enlightenment thinkers, received almost no discussion during the formation of the American and French republics.
Montesquieu's book The Spirit of Laws provides one of the most cited discussions of the concept in Enlightenment political writing. In which, he argues sortition is natural to democracy, just as elections are to aristocracy. He echoes the philosophy of much earlier thinkers such as Aristotle, who found elections as aristocratic.[page needed] Montesquieu caveats his support by saying that there should also be some mechanisms to ensure the pool of selection is competent and not corrupt.Rousseau also found that a mixed model of sortition and election provided a healthier path for democracy than one or the other.Harrington, also found the Venetian model of sortition compelling, recommending it for his ideal republic of Oceana.Edmund Burke, in contrast, worried that those randomly selected to serve would be less effective and productive than self-selected politicians.
Bernard Manin, a French political theorist, was astonished to find so little consideration of sortition in the early years of representative government. He wonders if perhaps the choosing of rulers by lot may have been viewed as impractical on such a large scale as the modern state, or if elections were thought to give greater political consent than sortition.[page needed]
However, David Van Reybrouck disagrees with Manin's theories on the lack of consideration of sortition. He suggests that the relatively limited knowledge about Athenian democracy played a major role, with the first thorough examination coming only in 1891 with Election by Lot at Athens. He also argues that wealthy enlightenment figures preferred to retain more power by holding elections, with most not even offering excuses on the basis of practicality but plainly saying they preferred to retain significant elite power, citing commentators of 18th century France and the United States suggesting that they simply dislodged a hereditary aristocracy to replace it with an elected aristocracy.
Because financial gain could be achieved through the position of mayor, some parts of Switzerland used random selection during the years between 1640 and 1837 to prevent corruption.
Before the random selection can be done, the pool of candidates must be defined. Systems vary as to whether they allot from eligible volunteers, from those screened by education, experience, or a passing grade on a test, or screened by election by those selected by a previous round of random selection, or from the membership or population at large. A multi-stage process in which random selection is alternated with other screening methods can be used, as in the Venetian system.
David Chaum proposed selecting a random sample of eligible voters to study and vote on a public policy, while Deliberative opinion polling invites a random sample to deliberate together before voting on a policy.
Andranik Tangian critiques electoral politics as over-representing politically active people and groups in a society.Cognitive diversity (or wisdom of the crowd) utilizes a variety of perspectives and cognitive skills to find better solutions. According to numerous scholars such as Page and Landemore, this diversity is more important to creating successful ideas than the average ability level of a group. Page argues that random selection of persons of average intelligence perform better than a collection of the best individual problem solvers. This "diversity trumps ability theorem" is central to the arguments for sortition.
Some argue that randomly-allocating decision-making is more efficient than representative democracy through elections.John Burnheim critiques representative democracy as requiring citizens to vote for a large package of policies and preferences bundled together in one representative or party, much of which a voter might not want. He argues that this does not translate voter preferences as well as sortition, where a group of people have the time and the ability to focus on a single issue. By allowing decision-makers to focus on positive-sum endeavors rather than zero-sum elections, it could help to lessen political polarization and the influence of money and interest-groups in politics. Some studies show an overrepresentation of psychopathic and narcissistic traits in elected officials, which can be solved through sortition by not selecting for people who seek power.
Burnheim also notes the importance of legitimacy for the effectiveness of the practice. Legitimacy does depend on the success in achieving representativeness, which if not met, could limit the use cases of sortition to serving as consultative or political agenda-setting bodies. Oliver Dowlen points to the egalitarian nature of all citizens having an equal chance of entering office irrespective of any bias in society that appear in representative bodies that can make them more representative. To bolster legitimacy, other sortition bodies have been used and proposed to set the rules to improve accountability without the need for elections. The introduction of a variable percentage of randomly selected independent legislators in a Parliament can increase the global efficiency of a legislature, in terms of both number of laws passed and average social welfare obtained (this work is consistent with a 2010 paper on how the adoption of random strategies can improve the efficiency of hierarchical organizations).
As participants grow in competence by contributing to deliberation, they also become more engaged and interested in civic affairs. Most societies have some type of citizenship education, but sortition-based committees allow ordinary people to develop their own democratic capacities through direct participation.
Modern application
Sortition is most commonly used to form like citizens' assemblies (or the smaller citizen juries). The OECD has counted almost 600 examples of citizens' assemblies with members selected by lottery for public decision making.
Sortition is commonly used in selecting juries in Anglo-Saxon legal systems and in small groups (e.g., picking a school class monitor by drawing straws). In public decision-making, individuals are often determined by allotment if other forms of selection such as election fail to achieve a result. Examples include certain hung elections and certain votes in the UK Parliament. Some contemporary thinkers like David Van Reybrouck have advocated a greater use of selection by lot in today's political systems.
Sortition is also used in military conscription, as one method of awarding US green cards, and in placing students into some schools, university classes, and university residences.
Within organizations
Sortition also has potential for helping large associations to govern themselves democratically without the use of elections. Co-ops, employee-owned businesses, housing associations, Internet platforms, student governments, and other large membership organizations whose members generally do not know many other members yet seek to run their organization democratically often find elections problematic. Examples include the Samaritan Ministries Health Plan using a panel of 13 randomly selected members to resolve select disputes and the New Zealand Health Research council awarding funding at random to applicants considered equally qualified.
Public policy
Citizens' assembly is a group of people selected by lottery from the general population to deliberate on important public questions so as to exert an influence. Other names and variations of deliberative mini-publics include citizens' jury, citizens' panel, people's panel, people's jury, policy jury, consensus conference and citizens' convention.
A citizens' assembly uses elements of a jury to create public policy. Its members form a representative cross-section of the public, and are provided with time, resources and a broad range of viewpoints to learn deeply about an issue. Through skilled facilitation, the assembly members weigh trade-offs and work to find common ground on a shared set of recommendations. Citizens' assemblies can be more representative and deliberative than public engagement, polls, legislatures or ballot initiatives. They seek quality of participation over quantity. They also have added advantages in issues where politicians have a conflict of interest, such as initiatives that will not show benefits before the next election or decisions that impact the types of income politicians can receive. They also are particularly well-suited to complex issues with trade-offs and values-driven dilemmas.
With Athenian democracy as the most famous government to use sortition, theorists and politicians have used citizens' assemblies and other forms of deliberative democracy in a variety of modern contexts. As of 2023, the OECD has found their use increasing since 2010.Political proposals for sortition
Supplement legislatures
Political scientist Robert A. Dahl suggests that an advanced democratic state could form groups which he calls minipopuli. Each group would consist of perhaps a thousand citizens randomly selected, and would either set an agenda of issues or deal with a particular major issue. It would hold hearings, commission research, and engage in debate and discussion. Dahl suggests having the minipopuli as supplementing, rather than replacing, legislative bodies. Claudia Chwalisz has also advocated for using citizens' assemblies selected by sortition to inform policymaking on an ongoing basis.
Deliberative opinion poll
Replace legislatures
John Burnheim envisioned a political system in which many small citizens' juries would deliberate and make decisions about public policies. His proposal included the dissolution of the state and of bureaucracies. The term demarchy was coined by Burnheim and is now sometimes used to refer to any political system in which sortition plays a central role. While Burnheim preferred using only volunteers,Christopher Frey uses the German term Lottokratie and recommends testing lottocracy in town councils. Lottocracy, according to Frey, will improve the direct involvement of each citizen and minimize the systematical errors caused by political parties in Europe. Influenced by Burnheim, Marxist economists Paul Cockshott and Allin Cottrell propose that, to avoid formation of a new social elite in a post-capitalist society, citizens' committees chosen by lot (or partially chosen by lot) should make major decisions.
Michael Donovan proposes that the percentage of voters who do not turnout have their representatives chosen by sortition. For example, with 60% voter turnout a number of legislators are randomly chosen to make up 40% of the overall parliament. A number of proposals for an entire legislative body to be chosen by sortition have been made for the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Denmark, and France.
Étienne Chouard advocates strongly that those seeking power (elected officials) should not write the rules, making sortition the best choice for creating constitutions and other rules around the allocation of power within a democracy. He and others propose replacing elections with bodies that use sortition to decide on key issues.
Hire public officials
Simon Threlkeld proposed a wide range of public officials be chosen by randomly sampled juries, rather than by politicians or popular election.
See also
- Jury selection
- Political egalitarianism
- Presumptive inclusion
- Wisdom of the crowd
- Aristotle, Politics 1301a28-35
- Aristotle, Politics 4.1294be
- Plato, Republic VIII, 557a
- Herodotus The Histories 3.80.6
- Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War. The Funeral Oration of Pericles.
- Xenophon. Memorabilia Book I, 2.9
- Isocrates. Areopagiticus (section 23)
- Edmund Burke (1790), Reflections on the Revolution in France
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- OECD (December 14, 2021). Eight ways to institutionalise deliberative democracy. OECD Public Governance Policy Papers. Paris. doi:10.1787/4fcf1da5-en.
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- Christopher Frey (16 June 2009). Lottokratie: Entwurf einer postdemokratischen Gesellschaft. Geschichte der Zukunft, volume 4. Books on Demand. ISBN 978-3-83-910540-5
- Cockshott, William Paul; Cottrell, Allin F. (1993). Towards a New Socialism. Spokesman Books. ISBN 978-0851245454.
- Donovan, Michael (2012). Political Sortition for an Evolving World. Simon Fraser University. p. 83.
- Callenbach, Ernest; Phillips, Michael (1985). A Citizen Legislature. Berkeley/Bodega California: Banyan Tree Books / Clear Glass.
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- Abizadeh, Arash (December 7, 2016). "Opinion: Let's replace Canada's Senate with a randomly selected citizen assembly". Montreal Gazette (Opinion).
- Barnett, Anthony; Carty, Peter (2008). The Athenian Option: Radical Reform for the House of Lords (2nd ed.). Imprint Academic.
- Sutherland, Keith (2008). A People's Parliament. Imprint Academic.
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- "L'urgence démocratique – La 6e République". LAEC.fr (in French). Retrieved September 28, 2019.
- Sortition as a sustainable protection against oligarchy, February 17, 2012, retrieved February 24, 2023. Talk by Étienne Chouard. 0:43:03
- ""Populiste n'est pas un gros mot", entretien avec Etienne Chouard" ["Populist is not a big word", interview with Etienne Chouard]. Ragemag (in French). August 24, 2012. Archived from the original on August 28, 2012.
- Threlkeld, Simon (Summer 1998). "A Blueprint for Democratic Law-Making: Give Citizen Juries the Final Say". Social Policy: 5–9 – via Equality by Lot.
- Threlkeld, Simon (Summer 1997). "Democratizing Public Institutions: Juries for the selection of public officials". Humanist in Canada (120): 24–25, 33 – via Equality by Lot.
Further reading
- Dowlen, Oliver (2008). The Political Potential of Sortition: A Study of the Random Selection of Citizens for Public Office. Exeter: Imprint Academic. ISBN 9781845401375.
- Van Reybrouck, David; Waters, Liz (2016). Against Elections The Case for Democracy. London: The Bodley Head. ISBN 9781847924223.
- Gastil, John; Wright, Erik Olin (2019). Legislature by Lot: Transformative Designs for Deliberative Governance. London: Verso Books. ISBN 9781788736121.
- Lopez-Rabatel, Liliane; Sintomer, Yves (2020). Sortition and Democracy: History, Tools, Theories. Exeter: Imprint Academic. ISBN 9781788360159.
- Sintomer, Yves (2023). The Government of Chance: Sortition and Democracy from Athens to the Present. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781009285650.
- Guerrero, Alexander (2024). Lottocracy: Democracy Without Elections. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198856368.
- Bagg, Samuel (2024). "Sortition as Anti-Corruption: Popular Oversight against Elite Capture". American Journal of Political Science. 68 (1): 93–105. doi:10.1111/ajps.12704.
- Stone, Peter; Plan, Audrey M. (2024). "Trends in Theorizing Sortition". International Political Science Abstracts. 74 (2): 205–216. doi:10.1177/00208345241247492.
External links
- Organizations around the world that promote sortition
In governance sortition is the selection of public officials or jurors at random i e by lottery in order to obtain a representative sample In ancient Athenian democracy sortition was the traditional and primary method for appointing political officials and its use was regarded as a principal characteristic of democracy Sortition is often classified as a method for both direct democracy and deliberative democracy Today sortition is commonly used to select prospective jurors in common law systems What has changed in recent years is the increased number of citizen groups with political advisory power along with calls for making sortition more consequential than elections as it was in Athens Venice and Florence HistoryAncient Athens Athenian democracy developed in the 6th century BC out of what was then called isonomia equality of law and political rights Sortition was then the principal way of achieving this fairness It was utilized to pick most page needed of the magistrates for their governing committees and for their juries typically of 501 men A kleroterion in the Ancient Agora Museum Athens Most Athenians believed sortition not elections to be democratic page needed and used complex procedures with purpose built allotment machines kleroteria to avoid the corrupt practices used by oligarchs to buy their way into office According to the author Mogens Herman Hansen the citizen s court was superior to the assembly because the allotted members swore an oath which ordinary citizens in the assembly did not therefore the court could annul the decisions of the assembly Most Greek writers who mention democracy including Aristotle page needed Plato Herodotus and Pericles emphasize the role of selection by lot or state outright that being allotted is more democratic than elections which were seen as oligarchic Socrates and Isocrates however questioned whether randomly selected decision makers had enough expertise Past scholarship maintained that sortition had roots in the use of chance to divine the will of the gods but this view is no longer common among scholars page needed In Ancient Greek mythology Zeus Poseidon and Hades used sortition to determine who ruled over which domain Zeus got the sky Poseidon the sea and Hades the underworld In Athenian democracy to be eligible to be chosen by lot citizens self selected themselves into the available pool then lotteries in the kleroteria machines The magistracies assigned by lot generally had terms of service of one year A citizen could not hold any particular magistracy more than once in his lifetime but could hold other magistracies All male citizens over 30 years of age who were not disenfranchised by atimia were eligible Those selected through lot underwent examination called dokimasia to ensure citizenship and consider life character and at times property capacity for a post was assumed Rarely were selected citizens discarded page needed Magistrates once in place were subjected to constant monitoring by the Assembly Magistrates appointed by lot had to render account of their time in office upon their leave called euthynai However any citizen could request the suspension of a magistrate with due reason A Kleroterion was used to select eligible and willing citizens to serve jury duty This bolstered the initial Athenian system of democracy by getting new and different jury members from each tribe to avoid corruption citation needed James Wycliffe Headlam explains that the Athenian Council 500 administrators randomly selected would commit occasional mistakes such as levying taxes that were too high Headlam found minor instances of corruption but deemed systematic oppression and organized fraud as impossible due to widely and randomly distributed power combined with checks and balances Furthermore power did not tend to go to those who sought it The Athenians used an intricate machine a kleroterion to allot officers Headlam found the Athenians largely trusted the system of random selection regarding it as the most natural and the simplest way of appointment While sortition was used for most positions elections were sometimes used for positions like for military commanders strategos Lombardy and Venice 12th to 18th century The brevia was used in the city states of Lombardy during the 12th and 13th centuries and in Venice until the late 18th century Men who were chosen randomly swore an oath that they were not acting under bribes and then they elected members of the council Voter and candidate eligibility probably included property owners councilors guild members and perhaps at times artisans The Doge of Venice was determined through a complex process of nomination voting and sortition Lot was used in the Venetian system only in order to select members of the committees that served to nominate candidates for the Great Council A combination of election and lot was used in this multi stage process Lot was not used alone to select magistrates unlike in Florence and Athens The use of lot to select nominators made it more difficult for political sects to exert power and discouraged campaigning page needed By reducing intrigue and power moves within the Great Council lot maintained cohesiveness among the Venetian nobility contributing to the stability of this republic Top magistracies generally still remained in the control of elite families Florence 14th and 15th century Scrutiny was used in Florence for over a century starting in 1328 Nominations and voting together created a pool of candidates from different sectors of the city The names of these men were deposited into a sack and a lottery draw determined who would get to be a magistrate The scrutiny was gradually opened up to minor guilds reaching the greatest level of Renaissance citizen participation in 1378 1382 In Florence lot was used to select magistrates and members of the Signoria during republican periods Florence utilized a combination of lot and scrutiny by the people set forth by the ordinances of 1328 page needed In 1494 Florence founded a Great Council in the model of Venice The nominatori were thereafter chosen by lot from among the members of the Great Council indicating an increase in aristocratic power The Enlightenment During the Age of Enlightenment many of the political ideals originally championed by the democratic city states of ancient Greece were revisited The use of sortition as a means of selecting the members of government while receiving praise from notable Enlightenment thinkers received almost no discussion during the formation of the American and French republics Montesquieu s book The Spirit of Laws provides one of the most cited discussions of the concept in Enlightenment political writing In which he argues sortition is natural to democracy just as elections are to aristocracy He echoes the philosophy of much earlier thinkers such as Aristotle who found elections as aristocratic page needed Montesquieu caveats his support by saying that there should also be some mechanisms to ensure the pool of selection is competent and not corrupt Rousseau also found that a mixed model of sortition and election provided a healthier path for democracy than one or the other Harrington also found the Venetian model of sortition compelling recommending it for his ideal republic of Oceana Edmund Burke in contrast worried that those randomly selected to serve would be less effective and productive than self selected politicians Bernard Manin a French political theorist was astonished to find so little consideration of sortition in the early years of representative government He wonders if perhaps the choosing of rulers by lot may have been viewed as impractical on such a large scale as the modern state or if elections were thought to give greater political consent than sortition page needed However David Van Reybrouck disagrees with Manin s theories on the lack of consideration of sortition He suggests that the relatively limited knowledge about Athenian democracy played a major role with the first thorough examination coming only in 1891 with Election by Lot at Athens He also argues that wealthy enlightenment figures preferred to retain more power by holding elections with most not even offering excuses on the basis of practicality but plainly saying they preferred to retain significant elite power citing commentators of 18th century France and the United States suggesting that they simply dislodged a hereditary aristocracy to replace it with an elected aristocracy Switzerland Because financial gain could be achieved through the position of mayor some parts of Switzerland used random selection during the years between 1640 and 1837 to prevent corruption MethodsUSCAR Court select juries by sortition Before the random selection can be done the pool of candidates must be defined Systems vary as to whether they allot from eligible volunteers from those screened by education experience or a passing grade on a test or screened by election by those selected by a previous round of random selection or from the membership or population at large A multi stage process in which random selection is alternated with other screening methods can be used as in the Venetian system David Chaum proposed selecting a random sample of eligible voters to study and vote on a public policy while Deliberative opinion polling invites a random sample to deliberate together before voting on a policy AnalysisOutcomes Andranik Tangian critiques electoral politics as over representing politically active people and groups in a society Cognitive diversity or wisdom of the crowd utilizes a variety of perspectives and cognitive skills to find better solutions According to numerous scholars such as Page and Landemore this diversity is more important to creating successful ideas than the average ability level of a group Page argues that random selection of persons of average intelligence perform better than a collection of the best individual problem solvers This diversity trumps ability theorem is central to the arguments for sortition Efficiency Some argue that randomly allocating decision making is more efficient than representative democracy through elections John Burnheim critiques representative democracy as requiring citizens to vote for a large package of policies and preferences bundled together in one representative or party much of which a voter might not want He argues that this does not translate voter preferences as well as sortition where a group of people have the time and the ability to focus on a single issue By allowing decision makers to focus on positive sum endeavors rather than zero sum elections it could help to lessen political polarization and the influence of money and interest groups in politics Some studies show an overrepresentation of psychopathic and narcissistic traits in elected officials which can be solved through sortition by not selecting for people who seek power Participation Burnheim also notes the importance of legitimacy for the effectiveness of the practice Legitimacy does depend on the success in achieving representativeness which if not met could limit the use cases of sortition to serving as consultative or political agenda setting bodies Oliver Dowlen points to the egalitarian nature of all citizens having an equal chance of entering office irrespective of any bias in society that appear in representative bodies that can make them more representative To bolster legitimacy other sortition bodies have been used and proposed to set the rules to improve accountability without the need for elections The introduction of a variable percentage of randomly selected independent legislators in a Parliament can increase the global efficiency of a legislature in terms of both number of laws passed and average social welfare obtained this work is consistent with a 2010 paper on how the adoption of random strategies can improve the efficiency of hierarchical organizations As participants grow in competence by contributing to deliberation they also become more engaged and interested in civic affairs Most societies have some type of citizenship education but sortition based committees allow ordinary people to develop their own democratic capacities through direct participation Modern applicationSortition is most commonly used to form like citizens assemblies or the smaller citizen juries The OECD has counted almost 600 examples of citizens assemblies with members selected by lottery for public decision making Drawing straws within a small group one of four matches is broken to be shorter than the others and the four are presented to the group to draw from the chooser of the short match being selected Sortition is commonly used in selecting juries in Anglo Saxon legal systems and in small groups e g picking a school class monitor by drawing straws In public decision making individuals are often determined by allotment if other forms of selection such as election fail to achieve a result Examples include certain hung elections and certain votes in the UK Parliament Some contemporary thinkers like David Van Reybrouck have advocated a greater use of selection by lot in today s political systems Sortition is also used in military conscription as one method of awarding US green cards and in placing students into some schools university classes and university residences Within organizations Sortition also has potential for helping large associations to govern themselves democratically without the use of elections Co ops employee owned businesses housing associations Internet platforms student governments and other large membership organizations whose members generally do not know many other members yet seek to run their organization democratically often find elections problematic Examples include the Samaritan Ministries Health Plan using a panel of 13 randomly selected members to resolve select disputes and the New Zealand Health Research council awarding funding at random to applicants considered equally qualified Public policy This section is an excerpt from Citizens assembly edit Citizens assembly is a group of people selected by lottery from the general population to deliberate on important public questions so as to exert an influence Other names and variations of deliberative mini publics include citizens jury citizens panel people s panel people s jury policy jury consensus conference and citizens convention A citizens assembly uses elements of a jury to create public policy Its members form a representative cross section of the public and are provided with time resources and a broad range of viewpoints to learn deeply about an issue Through skilled facilitation the assembly members weigh trade offs and work to find common ground on a shared set of recommendations Citizens assemblies can be more representative and deliberative than public engagement polls legislatures or ballot initiatives They seek quality of participation over quantity They also have added advantages in issues where politicians have a conflict of interest such as initiatives that will not show benefits before the next election or decisions that impact the types of income politicians can receive They also are particularly well suited to complex issues with trade offs and values driven dilemmas With Athenian democracy as the most famous government to use sortition theorists and politicians have used citizens assemblies and other forms of deliberative democracy in a variety of modern contexts As of 2023 the OECD has found their use increasing since 2010 Political proposals for sortitionSupplement legislatures Political scientist Robert A Dahl suggests that an advanced democratic state could form groups which he calls minipopuli Each group would consist of perhaps a thousand citizens randomly selected and would either set an agenda of issues or deal with a particular major issue It would hold hearings commission research and engage in debate and discussion Dahl suggests having the minipopuli as supplementing rather than replacing legislative bodies Claudia Chwalisz has also advocated for using citizens assemblies selected by sortition to inform policymaking on an ongoing basis Deliberative opinion poll This section is an excerpt from Deliberative opinion poll edit A deliberative opinion poll sometimes called a deliberative poll is a form of opinion poll taken before and after significant deliberation Professor James S Fishkin of Stanford University first described the concept in 1988 The typical deliberative opinion poll takes a random representative sample of citizens and engages them in deliberation on current issues or proposed policy changes through small group discussions and conversations with competing experts to create more informed and reflective public opinion Deliberative polls have been run around the world including recent experiments to conduct discussions virtually in the United States Hong Kong Chile Canada and Japan Replace legislatures John Burnheim envisioned a political system in which many small citizens juries would deliberate and make decisions about public policies His proposal included the dissolution of the state and of bureaucracies The term demarchy was coined by Burnheim and is now sometimes used to refer to any political system in which sortition plays a central role While Burnheim preferred using only volunteers Christopher Frey uses the German term Lottokratie and recommends testing lottocracy in town councils Lottocracy according to Frey will improve the direct involvement of each citizen and minimize the systematical errors caused by political parties in Europe Influenced by Burnheim Marxist economists Paul Cockshott and Allin Cottrell propose that to avoid formation of a new social elite in a post capitalist society citizens committees chosen by lot or partially chosen by lot should make major decisions Michael Donovan proposes that the percentage of voters who do not turnout have their representatives chosen by sortition For example with 60 voter turnout a number of legislators are randomly chosen to make up 40 of the overall parliament A number of proposals for an entire legislative body to be chosen by sortition have been made for the United States Canada the United Kingdom Denmark and France Etienne Chouard advocates strongly that those seeking power elected officials should not write the rules making sortition the best choice for creating constitutions and other rules around the allocation of power within a democracy He and others propose replacing elections with bodies that use sortition to decide on key issues Hire public officials Proposed changes to the legislature of the Parliament of Tasmania A single legislative body of 50 100 people is selected randomly from the population and makes laws One of their duties is the selection of seven members of an executive council Simon Threlkeld proposed a wide range of public officials be chosen by randomly sampled juries rather than by politicians or popular election See alsoJury selection Political egalitarianism Presumptive inclusion Wisdom of the crowdNotesAristotle Politics 1301a28 35 Aristotle Politics 4 1294be Plato Republic VIII 557a Herodotus The Histories 3 80 6 Thucydides The Peloponnesian War The Funeral Oration of Pericles Xenophon Memorabilia Book I 2 9 Isocrates Areopagiticus section 23 Edmund Burke 1790 Reflections on the Revolution in FranceReferencesEngelstad Fredrik 1989 The assignment of political office by lot Social Science Information 28 1 23 50 doi 10 1177 053901889028001002 S2CID 144352457 OECD 2020 Innovative Citizen Participation and New Democratic Institutions Catching the Deliberative Wave Paris Organisation for Economic Co operation and Development doi 10 1787 339306da en ISBN 9789264837621 S2CID 243747068 Landemore Helene January 15 2010 Deliberation Representation and the Epistemic Function of Parliamentary Assemblies a Burkean Argument in Favor of Descriptive Representation PDF International Conference on Democracy as Idea and Practice University of Oslo Oslo January 13 15 2010 Archived from the original PDF on December 8 2013 Shah Alpa 2021 What if We Selected our Leaders by Lottery Democracy by Sortition Liberal Elections and Communist Revolutionaries Development and Change 52 4 687 728 doi 10 1111 dech 12651 Headlam James Wycliffe 1891 Election by Lot at Athens The University Press p 12 Cambiano Giuseppe 2020 Piccola archeologia del sorteggio Teoria Politica in Italian 10 103 121 Flanigan Bailey Golz Paul Gupta Anupam Hennig Brett Procaccia Ariel D 2021 Fair algorithms for selecting citizens assemblies Nature 596 7873 548 552 Bibcode 2021Natur 596 548F doi 10 1038 s41586 021 03788 6 PMC 8387237 PMID 34349266 Fishkin James 2009 When the People Speak Deliberative Democracy amp Public Consultation Oxford Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0199604432 Ostfeld Jacob November 19 2020 The Case for Sortition in America Harvard Political Review Retrieved February 24 2023 Reybrouck David Van June 29 2016 Why elections are bad for democracy The Guardian ISSN 0261 3077 Retrieved February 24 2023 Rieg Timo Translated from German by Catherine McLean September 8 2015 Why a citizen s parliament chosen by lot would be perfect SWI swissinfo ch Op ed Retrieved May 24 2023 Wolfson Arthur M 1899 The Ballot and Other Forms of Voting in the Italian Communes The American Historical Review 5 1 1 21 doi 10 2307 1832957 JSTOR 1832957 Hansen Mogens Herman 1999 The Athenian democracy in the age of Demosthenes structure principles and ideology Bristol Classical Paperbacks London Bristol Classical Press ISBN 978 1 85399 585 9 Manin Bernard 1997 The Principles of Representative Government Cambridge Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 1 4619 4910 7 OCLC 861693063 Mellenthin Jessica Shapiro Susan O Poseidon Mythology Unbound An Online Textbook for Classical Mythology UEN Digital Press with Pressbooks Retrieved February 15 2024 Headlam James Wycliffe 1891 Election by Lot at Athens The University Press p 77 Headlam James Wycliffe 1891 Election by Lot at Athens The University Press p 96 Tangian Andranik 2020 Chapter 1 Athenian democracy and Chapter 6 Direct democracy Analytical theory of democracy Vols 1 and 2 Studies in Choice and Welfare Cham Switzerland Springer pp 3 43 263 315 doi 10 1007 978 3 030 39691 6 ISBN 978 3 030 39690 9 S2CID 216190330 Dowlen Oliver 2008 The Political Potential of Sortition A study of the random selection of citizens for public office Imprint Academic Rousseau 1762 On the Social Contract New York St Martin s Press p 112 Brucker Gene 1962 Florentine Politics and Society 1342 1378 Princeton Princeton University Press Montesquieu 2001 1748 De l esprit des lois The Spirit of Laws Translated by Nugent Thomas Batoche Books Kitchener Manin Bernard 1997 The principles of representative government Cambridge University Press p 71 ISBN 978 1 4619 4910 7 OCLC 861693063 Van Reybrouck David 2016 Against elections the case for democracy Kofi A Annan Liz Waters First US ed New York pp 74 75 ISBN 978 1 60980 811 2 OCLC 1029781182 a href wiki Template Cite book title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint location missing publisher link Manin Bernard 1997 The Principles of Representative Government Cambridge University Press p 63 ISBN 978 1 4619 4910 7 OCLC 861693063 Bouricius Terrill April 30 2013 Democracy Through Multi Body Sortition Athenian Lessons for the Modern Day Journal of Public Deliberation 9 1 doi 10 16997 jdd 156 Van Reybrouck David 2016 Against Elections the case for democracy Seven Stories Press pp 75 78 ISBN 978 1 60980 811 2 OCLC 1048327708 Reybrouck David van 2016 Against elections the case for democracy Translated by Waters Liz London The Bodley Head p 85 ISBN 978 1 84792 422 3 Carson Lyn Martin Brian 1999 Random Selection in Politics Praeger p 33 Davis Joshua May 16 2012 Opinion How Selecting Voters Randomly Can 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14767503030012004 S2CID 144374547 Manin Bernard 1997 The principles of representative government Cambridge University Press Pal Michael 2012 The Promise and Limits of Citizens Assemblies Deliberation Institutions and the Law of Democracy PDF Queen s University at Kingston 38 259 294 Archived from the original PDF on November 2 2017 Retrieved March 26 2019 Susskind Jamie 2022 Chapter 20 The digital republic on freedom and democracy in the 21st century New York Pegasus Books ISBN 978 1 64313 901 2 OCLC 1259049405 Talmadge Eva February 1 2023 Citizens assemblies are they the future of democracy The Guardian ISSN 0261 3077 Retrieved July 4 2023 Floridia Antonio September 6 2018 Bachtiger Andre Dryzek John S Mansbridge Jane Warren Mark eds The Origins of the Deliberative Turn The Oxford Handbook of Deliberative Democracy 34 54 doi 10 1093 oxfordhb 9780198747369 013 25 ISBN 9780198747369 Cesnulaityte Ieva 2020 Chapter 3 Key Trends Innovative Citizen Participation and New Democratic 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public consultation Parliamentary Affairs 53 4 657 666 doi 10 1093 pa 53 4 657 Online Deliberation Platform Deliberative Democracy Lab Stanford University Retrieved September 15 2023 Burnheim John 1985 Is Democracy Possible University of California Press Burnheim John 1985 Is Democracy Possible University of California Press ISBN 978 0 520 06596 3 Dvorsky George June 12 2014 12 Futuristic Forms of Government That Could One Day Rule the World Gizmodo Retrieved October 18 2024 Brian Martin Fall 1992 Demarchy A Democratic Alternative to Electoral Politics Kick It Over No 30 pp 11 13 Archived from the original on December 28 2007 Christopher Frey 16 June 2009 Lottokratie Entwurf einer postdemokratischen Gesellschaft Geschichte der Zukunft volume 4 Books on Demand ISBN 978 3 83 910540 5 Cockshott William Paul Cottrell Allin F 1993 Towards a New Socialism Spokesman Books ISBN 978 0851245454 Donovan Michael 2012 Political Sortition for an Evolving World Simon Fraser University p 83 Callenbach Ernest Phillips Michael 1985 A Citizen Legislature Berkeley Bodega California Banyan Tree Books Clear Glass Mitchell Jack Mitchell David September 22 2005 Athens on the Hill A plan for a Neo Athenian Parliament in Canada National Post pp A23 via PressReader Abizadeh Arash December 7 2016 Opinion Let s replace Canada s Senate with a randomly selected citizen assembly Montreal Gazette Opinion Barnett Anthony Carty Peter 2008 The Athenian Option Radical Reform for the House of Lords 2nd ed Imprint Academic Sutherland Keith 2008 A People s Parliament Imprint Academic Ellersgaard Christoph Houman Larsen Anton Grau Mulvad Andreas Moller Centrum venstre skal tojle eliten og give borgerne storre indflydelse Politiken in Danish Retrieved April 15 2018 The campaign beat Jean Luc Melenchon s call for a Sixth Republic France 24 April 12 2017 Retrieved September 28 2019 L urgence democratique La 6e Republique LAEC fr in French Retrieved September 28 2019 Sortition as a sustainable protection against oligarchy February 17 2012 retrieved February 24 2023 Talk by Etienne Chouard 0 43 03 Populiste n est pas un gros mot entretien avec Etienne Chouard Populist is not a big word interview with Etienne Chouard Ragemag in French August 24 2012 Archived from the original on August 28 2012 Threlkeld Simon Summer 1998 A Blueprint for Democratic Law Making Give Citizen Juries the Final Say Social Policy 5 9 via Equality by Lot Threlkeld Simon Summer 1997 Democratizing Public Institutions Juries for the selection of public officials Humanist in Canada 120 24 25 33 via Equality by Lot Further readingDowlen Oliver 2008 The Political Potential of Sortition A Study of the Random Selection of Citizens for Public Office Exeter Imprint Academic ISBN 9781845401375 Van Reybrouck David Waters Liz 2016 Against Elections The Case for Democracy London The Bodley Head ISBN 9781847924223 Gastil John Wright Erik Olin 2019 Legislature by Lot Transformative Designs for Deliberative Governance London Verso Books ISBN 9781788736121 Lopez Rabatel Liliane Sintomer Yves 2020 Sortition and Democracy History Tools Theories Exeter Imprint Academic ISBN 9781788360159 Sintomer Yves 2023 The Government of Chance Sortition and Democracy from Athens to the Present Cambridge Cambridge University Press ISBN 9781009285650 Guerrero Alexander 2024 Lottocracy Democracy Without Elections Oxford Oxford University Press ISBN 9780198856368 Bagg Samuel 2024 Sortition as Anti Corruption Popular Oversight against Elite Capture American Journal of Political Science 68 1 93 105 doi 10 1111 ajps 12704 Stone Peter Plan Audrey M 2024 Trends in Theorizing Sortition International Political Science Abstracts 74 2 205 216 doi 10 1177 00208345241247492 External linksOrganizations around the world that promote sortition