Secondary education is the education level following primary education and preceding tertiary education.
Level 2 or lower secondary education (less commonly junior secondary education) is considered the second and final phase of basic education, and level 3 upper secondary education or senior secondary education is the stage before tertiary education. Every country aims to provide basic education, but the systems and terminology remain unique to them. Secondary education typically takes place after six years of primary education and is followed by higher education, vocational education or employment. In most countries secondary education is compulsory, at least until the age of 16. Children typically enter the lower secondary phase around age 12. Compulsory education sometimes extends to age 20 and further.
Since 1989, education has been seen as a basic human right for a child; Article 28, of the Convention on the Rights of the Child states that primary education should be free and compulsory while different forms of secondary education, including general and vocational education, should be available and accessible to every child. The terminology has proved difficult, and there was no universal definition before ISCED divided the period between primary education and university into junior secondary education and upper secondary education.
In classical and medieval times, secondary education was provided by the church for the sons of nobility and to boys preparing for universities and the priesthood. As trade required navigational and scientific skills, the church expanded the curriculum and widened the intake. With the Reformation the state began taking control of learning from the church, and with Comenius and John Locke education changed from being repetition of Latin text to building up knowledge in the child. Education was for the few. Up to the middle of the 19th century, secondary schools were organised to satisfy the needs of different social classes with the labouring classes getting four years, the merchant class five years, and the elite getting seven years. The rights to a secondary education were codified after 1945, and some countries are moving to mandatory and free secondary education for all youth under 19.
Secondary education refers to the stage of formal education that follows primary education and precedes higher education. It is typically offered to students between the ages of 12 and 18, although the specific age range may vary depending on the educational system and country. The purpose of secondary education is to provide students with a well-rounded education that prepares them for higher education or the workforce. It aims to develop their intellectual, social, and emotional skills, while also fostering critical thinking, creativity, and independence.
The 1997 International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) describes seven levels that can be used to compare education internationally. Within a country these can be implemented in different ways, with different age levels and local denominations. The seven levels are:
- Level 0 – Pre-primary education
- Level 1 – Primary education or first stage of basic education
- Level 2 – Lower secondary or second stage of basic education
- Level 3 – (Upper) secondary education
- Level 4 – Post-secondary non-tertiary education
- Level 5 – First stage of tertiary education
- Level 6 – Second stage of tertiary education
Within this system, Levels 1 and 2 – that is, primary education and lower secondary – together form basic education. Beyond that, national governments may attach the label of secondary education to Levels 2 through 4 together, Levels 2 and 3 together, or Level 2 alone. These level definitions were put together for statistical purposes, and to allow the gathering of comparative data nationally and internationally. They were approved by the UNESCO General Conference at its 29th session in November 1997. Though they may be dated, they do provide a universal set of definitions and remain unchanged in the 2011 update.
The start of lower secondary education is characterised by the transition from the single-class-teacher, who delivers all content to a cohort of pupils, to one where content is delivered by a series of subject specialists. Its educational aim is to complete provision of basic education (thereby completing the delivery of basic skills) and to lay the foundations for lifelong learning.
Lower secondary education is likely to show these criteria:
- entry after some six years of primary education
- the requirement for more highly qualified teachers teaching only within their specialism
- exit to Level 3 courses, or vocational education, or employment after nine or more total years of education.
The end of lower secondary education often coincides with the end of compulsory education in countries where that exists.
(Upper) secondary education starts on the completion of basic education, which also is defined as completion of lower secondary education. The educational focus is varied according to the student's interests and future direction. Education at this level is usually voluntary.
(Upper) secondary education is likely to show these criteria:
- entry after some nine years of basic education
- typical age at entry is between 14 and 16 years
- all teachers have level 5 qualifications in the subject they are teaching
- exit to Level 4 or 5 courses or to direct employment.
More subjects may be dropped, and increased specialism occurs. Completion of (upper) secondary education provides the entry requirements to Level 5 tertiary education, the entry requirements to technical or vocational education (Level 4, non tertiary course), or direct entry into the workplace.
In 2012 the ISCED published further work on education levels where it codified particular paths and redefined the tertiary levels. Lower secondary education and (upper) secondary education could last between two and five years, and the transition between two often would be when students were allowed some subject choice.
Terminology for secondary schools varies by country, and the exact meaning of any of these varies.[citation needed] Secondary schools may also be called academies, colleges, gymnasiums, high schools, lyceums, middle schools, preparatory schools, sixth-form colleges, upper schools, or vocational schools, among other names. For further information about nomenclature, see the section below by country.
A form of education for adolescents became necessary in all societies that had an alphabet and engaged in commerce. In Western Europe, formal secondary education can be traced back to the Athenian educational reforms of 320BC. Though their civilisation was eclipsed and they were enslaved, Hellenistic Athenian teachers were valued in the Roman system. The Roman and Hellenistic schools of rhetoric taught the seven liberal arts and sciences – grammar, rhetoric, logic, arithmetic, geometry, music and astronomy – which were regarded as a preparation for the study at a tertiary level of theology, law and medicine. Boys would have been prepared to enter these schools by private tutors at home. Girls would have only received tuition at home.
England provides a good case study. When Augustine of Canterbury brought Christianity there in 597, no schools existed. He needed trained priests to conduct church services and boys to sing in the choir. He had to create both the grammar schools that taught Latin, to enable the English to study for the priesthood, and song schools (choir schools) that trained the 'sons of gentlefolk' to sing in cathedral choirs. In the case of Canterbury (597) and Rochester (604), both still exist. Bede in his Ecclesiastical History of the English People (732) tells that the Canterbury school taught more than the 'intended reading and understanding of Latin', but 'the rules of metric, astronomy and the computus as well as the works of the saints' Even at this stage, there was tension, as the church was worried that knowledge of Latin would give the student access to non-Christian texts that it would not wish them to read.
Over the centuries leading to the renaissance and reformation the church was the main provider of secondary education. Various invasions and schisms within the controlling church challenged the focus of the schools, and the curriculum and language of instruction waxed and waned. From 1100, With the growth of the towns, grammar schools 'free' of the church were founded, and some church grammar schools were handed over to the laïty. Universities were founded that did not just train students for the priesthood.
Renaissance and Reformation
Whereas in mainland Europe the Renaissance preceded the Reformation, local conditions in England caused the Reformation to come first. The Reformation was about, among other things, allowing the laïty to interpret the Bible in their own way without the intervention of priests, and preferably in the vernacular. This stimulated the foundation of free grammar schools - who searched for a less constrained curriculum. Colonialisation required navigation, mensuration, languages and administrative skills. The laïty wanted these taught to their sons. After Gutenberg in 1455 had mastered moveable metal type printing and Tyndale had translated the Bible into English (1525), Latin became a skill reserved for the catholic church and sons of conservative nobility. Schools started to be set up for the sons of merchants in Europe and the colonies too- for example Boston Latin Grammar School (1635).
Comenius (1592–1670), a Moravian protestant proposed a new model of education- where ideas were developed from the familiar to the theoretical rather than through repetition, where languages were taught in the vernacular and supported universal education. In his Didactica Magna (Great Didactic), he outlined a system of schools that is the exact counterpart of many western school systems: kindergarten, elementary school, secondary school, six-form college, university.Locke's Some Thoughts Concerning Education (1693) stressed the importance of a broader intellectual training, moral development and physical hardening.
The grammar schools of the period can be categorised in three groups: the nine leading schools, seven of them boarding institutions which maintained the traditional curriculum of the classics, and mostly served 'the aristocracy and the squirearchy'; most of the old endowed grammar schools serving a broad social base in their immediate localities which also stuck to the old curriculum; the grammar schools situated in the larger cities, serving the families of merchants and tradesmen who embraced change.
During the 18th century their social base widened and their curriculum developed, particularly in mathematics and the natural sciences. But this was not universal education and was self-selecting by wealth The industrial revolution changed that. Industry required an educated workforce where all workers needed to have completed a basic education. In France, Louis XIV, wrestled the control of education from the Jesuits, Condorcet set up Collèges for universal lower secondary education throughout the country, then Napoleon set up a regulated system of Lycee. In England, Robert Peel's Factory Act 1802 required an employer to provide instruction in reading, writing and arithmetic during at least the first four years of the seven years of apprenticeship. The state had accepted responsibility for the basic education of the poor. The provision of school places remained inadequate, so an Order in Council dated 10 April 1839 created the Committee of the Privy Council on Education.
Universal education
There was considerable opposition to the idea that children of all classes should receive basic education, all the initiatives such as industrial schools and Sunday schools were initially a private or church initiative. With the Great Exhibition of 1851, it became clear just how far behind the English education system had fallen.
Three reports were commissioned to examine the education of upper, middle and labouring class children. The Clarendon Commission sought to improve the nine Great Public Schools. The Taunton Commission looked at the 782 endowed grammar schools (private and public). They found varying quality and a patchy geographical coverage, with two thirds of all towns not having any secondary school. There was no clear conception of the purpose of secondary education. There were only thirteen girls' schools and their tuition was superficial, unorganised and unscientific. They recommended a system of first-grade schools targeted at a leaving age of 18 as preparation for upper and upper-middle-class boys entering university, second-grade targeted at a leaving age of 16 for boys preparing for the army or the newer professions, and third-grade targeted at a leaving age of 14 for boys of small tenant farmers, small tradesmen, and superior artisans. This resulted in the Endowed Schools Act 1869 which advocated that girls should enjoy the same education as boys.
The Newcastle Commission inquired "into the state of public education in England and to consider and report what measures, if any, are required for the extension of sound and cheap elementary instruction to all classes of the people". It produced 1861 Newcastle Report and this led to the Elementary Education Act 1870 (33 & 34 Vict. c. 75) (Forster Act).
The school boards set up by the Elementary Education Act 1870 were stopped from providing secondary education by the Cockerton Judgement of 1899. The school leaving age at this time was 10. The Judgement prompted the Education Act 1902 (Balfour Act). Compulsory education was extended to 12. The new local education authorities (LEA)s that were formed from the school boards; started to open higher grade elementary schools (ISCED Level2) or county schools to supplement the endowed grammar schools. These LEAs were allowed to build second-grade secondary schools that in the main became the future secondary modern schools.
In the "1904 Regulations for Secondary Schools", the Board of Education determined that secondary schools should offer :
a four year subject-based course leading to a certificate in English language and literature, geography, history, a foreign language, mathematics, science, drawing, manual work, physical training, and, for girls, housewifery.
The Education Act 1918 (Fisher Act) extended compulsory full-time education to 14, and recommended compulsory part-time education from 14 to 18. The Hadlow report, "Education the Adolescent" (1926) proposed that there should be a break point at eleven, establishing primary schools and secondary schools.
The United Nations, founded in 1947, was committed to education for all but the definition was difficult to formulate. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) declared that elementary and fundamental education, which it did not define, was a right to be enjoyed by all. The Education Act 1944 (Butler Act) made sweeping changes to the funding of state education using the tripartite system, but was not allowed to tackle private schools. It introduced the GCE 'O'level at 16, and the 'A' at 18, but only raised the school leaving age until 15, making the exam inaccessible to the majority. But one year of ISCED Level 3 (Upper) secondary education was mandatory and free.
In 1972 the school leaving was raised to 16. The Education and Skills Act 2008, when it came into force in the 2013 academic year, initially required participation in some form of education or training until the school year in which the child turned 17, followed by the age being raised to the young person's 18th birthday in 2015. This was referred to as raising the "participation age" to distinguish it from the school leaving age which remains at 16. Thus the UK is following the ISCED Level 3 (Upper) secondary education guideline.
Right to a secondary education
The United Nations was strong in its commitment to education for all but fell into linguistic difficulty defining that right.
"Article I: Purposes and functions 1. The purpose of the Organization is to contribute to peace and security by promoting collaboration among the nations through education, science and culture in order to further universal respect for justice, for the rule of law and for the human rights and fundamental freedoms which are affirmed for the peoples of the world, without distinction of race, sex, language or religion, by the Charter of the United Nations."
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) declared that elementary and fundamental education was a right to be enjoyed by all, but again could not define either elementary and fundamental education.
Article 26 :(1) Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.
It was assumed that elementary education was basic education—the entitlement for children—and fundamental education was a right for working people, but for a lawyer the definition is neither qualitative (stating what education means) or quantitative saying when it starts and when it is completed. The term secondary is not defined or mentioned. Together this has enabled countries to terminate free, compulsory, basic education at 11 or only continue education past eleven to boys.
Article 28, of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) stated that primary education should be free and compulsory while different forms of secondary education, including general and vocational education, should be available and accessible to every child. Free education should be provided and financial assistance offered in case of need. In 1990, at Jomtien again tried to define the content basic education and how it should be delivered. 'Basic education' is defined as 'action designed to meet 'basic learning needs'. 'primary schooling' is considered as 'the main delivery system of basic education'. Which is explained in Principals for Action that:
addressing the basic learning needs of all means: early childhood care and development opportunities; relevant, quality primary schooling or equivalent out-of-school education for children; and literacy, basic knowledge and life skills training for youth and adults.'
The assumption being made that basic knowledge and life skills training for youth was the function of secondary education. This was codified by the ISCED documents. The Dakar Framework for Action 2010 goal 2 states: Ensuring that by 2015 all children, particularly girls, children in difficult circumstances and those belonging to ethnic minorities, have access to and complete free and compulsory (primary in the sense basic) education of good quality. The Dakar Framework for Action 2010 goal 5 states: Eliminating gender disparities in primary and secondary education by 2005, and achieving gender equality in education by 2015, with a focus on ensuring girls' full and equal access to and achievement in basic education of good quality.
In 1996, the Council of Europe adopted the Revised European Social Charter, which guarantees secondary education.
Malala Yousafzai, Nobel Peace Prize winner in a said in a 2017 interview that:
"My goal is to make sure every child, girl and boy, they get the opportunity to go to school." "It is their basic human right, so I will be working on that and I will never stop until I see the last child going to school."
In 2017, Human Rights Watch adopted a policy calling on states to take immediate measures to ensure that secondary education is accessible to all free of charge, and compulsory through the end of lower-secondary school. This was a call for secondary education to be included as part of the minimum core of the right to education, and seen as an immediate obligation.
Future directions for secondary education
UNESCO believes that in order to prepare young people for life and work in a rapidly changing world, secondary-level education systems need to be re-oriented to impart a broad repertoire of life-skills. These skills should include the key generic competencies, non occupation-specific practical capabilities, information and communications technology, the ability to learn independently, to work in teams, entrepreneurship and civic responsibility.
They may be best instilled through a shared foundational learning period and by deferring the directing of students into academic and vocational streams for as long as possible, and then there should be flexibility to ensure the free movement of students between the streams depending on their aptitudes and inclinations. Accreditation in one stream should have equal recognition in the other as well as for access to higher education. This will equip young people with multiple skills so that they are prepared to enter and re-enter the workforce several times in their working lives, as wage employees or self-employed entrepreneurs, and to re-train themselves when their skills become obsolete.
It recognizes that there is no single model that will suit all countries, or even all communities in a given country. Secondary-level education policy should be under continuous review to keep in step with scientific and technological, economic and societal change.
Promoting the Rule of Law
Adolescence is associated with a time of significant growth where identity, belongingness, and socialization, especially among peer groups is particularly important. Secondary schools play an important role in youth's socialization, development and forming their ideas and approach to justice, democracy and human rights.
Education systems that promote , that is, respect for the rule of law (RoL) together with international human rights and fundamental freedoms strengthen the relationship between learners and public institutions with the objective of empowering young people to become champions of peace and justice. Teachers are on the front line of this work and, along with families, play a formative role in shaping the future of youth's attitudes and behaviours.
Career and Life Planning Education
Career and Life Planning Education (CLPE) activities as well as (Career) Development Education take place at secondary schools in Hong Kong. Students' transition from study to work is important in Hong Kong and career education in senior secondary schooling in this country is hence provided. Job shadowing is not yet done in their secondary schools however.
By country
Each country has developed the form of education most appropriate for them. There is an attempt to compare the effectiveness by using the results from the PISA that, each third year, assesses the scholastic performance on mathematics, science, and reading of a representative sample of 5000 fifteen year olds from each country.
- Names for secondary schools by country
- Argentina: secundaria or polimodal, escuela secundaria
- Australia: high school, secondary college
- Austria: Gymnasium (Ober- & Unterstufe), Hauptschule, Höhere Bundeslehranstalt (HBLA), Höhere Technische Lehranstalt (HTL)
- Azerbaijan: orta məktəb
- Bangladesh: Maddhomik Biddalay or Secondary School (grades 6-10)
- Bahamas, The: junior high (grades 7–9), senior high (grades 10–12)
- Belgium: secundair onderwijs/école secondaire, humaniora/humanités
- Bolivia: educación primaria superior (grades 6–8) and educación secundaria, (grades 9–12)
- Bosnia and Herzegovina: srednja škola (literally middle school), gimnazija (gymnasium)
- Brazil: ensino médio (officially), segundo grau (formerly)
- Brunei: mostly sekolah menengah (English translation: secondary school), a few maktab (English translation: college)
- Bulgaria: cредно образование (grades 8–12)
- Canada: High school, junior high or middle school, secondary school, école secondaire, collegiate institute, polyvalente
- Chile: enseñanza media
- China: zhong xue (中学; literally, middle school), consisting of chu zhong (初中; ; literally low-level middle school) from grades 7 to 9 and gao zhong (高中; ; literally high-level middle school) from grades 10 to 12
- Colombia: bachillerato, segunda enseñanza (literally second learning)
- Croatia: srednja škola (literally middle school), gimnazija (gymnasium)
- Cyprus: Γυμνάσιο (gymnasium), Ενιαίο Λύκειο (Lyceum)
- Czech Republic: střední škola (literally middle school), gymnázium (gymnasium), střední odborné učiliště
- Denmark: gymnasium
- Dominican Republic: nivel medio, bachillerato
- Egypt: Thanawya Amma (ثانوية عامة), (public secondary certificate)
- Estonia: upper secondary school, gymnasium, Lyceum
- Fiji: high school, college
- Finland: lukio (Finn.) gymnasium (Swed.)
- France: collège (junior), lycée (senior)
- Germany: Gymnasium, Gesamtschule, Realschule, Hauptschule, Fachoberschule
- Greece: Γυμνάσιο (three years) (gymnasium), Γενικό Λύκειο (three years) (~1996, 2006~present), Ενιαίο Λύκειο (three years), (1997~2006) (lyceum)
- Hong Kong: Secondary school (中學 zung1 hok6)
- Hungary: gimnázium (grammar school), középiskola (comprehensive school, lit. "middle-school"), szakközépiskola (vocational secondary school, lit. "specified middle-school")
- Iceland: (menntaskóli, , ) from 11-13 Grade. After elementary school (grades 1 through 10), students have the option of entering a framhaldsskóli (lit. continuation school), which will take at least three years.
- India: secondary school or high school (grades 8–10), higher secondary school or senior secondary school or intermediate college or pre-university college (grades 11–12)
- Indonesia: sekolah menengah atas (SMA) (lit. "upper middle school"), sekolah menengah pertama (SMP) (lit. "first middle school"), sekolah menengah kejuruan (SMK) (vocational school, lit. "middle vocational school")
- Ireland: Meánscoil or Secondary School
- Iraq: Madrasa I'dadia (مدرسة اعدادية), (Preparatory School)
- Iran: Madrese Rahnamaie (مدرسه راهنمایی), (public secondary certificate)
- Israel: Bet Sefer Tichon (בית ספר תיכון) (literally middle school, but in reality grades 9-12)
- Italy: scuola secondaria di primo grado (three years) + scuola secondaria di secondo grado (five years): Liceo, Istituto Tecnico and Istituto professionale
- Jamaica: High School (public school 7–13), colleges (grand-aided schools 7–13)
- Japan: chūgakkō (中学校; literally middle school), kōtōgakkō (高等学校; literally high school), chūtōkyōikugakkō (中等教育学校; Secondary School) – In the pre-Meiji educational system, the equivalent was called "chūsei"
- Latvia: vidusskola (literally middle school)
- Liechtenstein: gymnasium
- Lithuania: vidurinė mokykla (literally middle school), gimnazija (gymnasium), licėjus (lyceum)
- Macau: Escola secundária (中學 zung1 hok6): schools with secondary sections have Ensino secundário (中學教育 zung1 hok6 gaau3 juk6)
- Malaysia: secondary school or sekolah menengah, sometimes high school is used
- Malta: skola sekondarja or secondary school
- Mexico: educación secundaria y preparatoria
- Mongolia: бүрэн дунд сургууль
- Morocco: In Arabic: Junior : Madrasa I'dadia Ta'hilia" (مدرسة إعدادية تأهيلية / preparative qualificative school) ; Senior : Madrasa I'dadia Thanawia" (مدرسة إعدادية ثانوية / preparative secondary school) - In French: lycée
- Netherlands: middelbare school or voortgezet onderwijs
- New Zealand: high school, college or secondary school
- Nigeria: Secondary school, Junior or senior secondary school
- Norway: videregående skole
- Pakistan: secondary school, higher secondary school
- Paraguay: educación media
- Peru: educación secundaria or escuela secundaria
- Philippines: mataas na paaralan; can be divided into "junior high school" (grades 7–10) and "senior high school" (grades 11–12)
- Poland:
- generally: szkoła średnia or szkoła ponadpodstawowa (szkoła ponadgimnazjalna during the existence of gimnazjum middle schools)
- specifically: liceum ogólnokształcące (comprehensive secondary school, grades 9–12), technikum (technical secondary school, grades 9-13)
- Portugal: 2º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (5th and 6th grades), 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (7th to 9th grades), and Ensino Secundário, Liceu (10th to 12th grades)
- Romania: gimnaziu (grades 5–8), liceu (grades 9–12)
- Russia: средняя школа (literally middle school); grades 5–9 junior middle school (compulsory), grades 10–11 senior middle school (voluntary)
- Serbia: gymnasium (four years), professional schools (four years), vocational schools (three or four years)
- Slovakia : gymnázium (i.e. gymnasium, also translated as grammar school or high school)
- Slovenia: gimnazija (gymnasium), srednja šola (literally middle school)
- South Africa: High School or Hoërskool
- South Korea: 중고등학교 (中高等學校・Chung'godŭnghakkyo), 중등교육 (Chungdŭng'gyoyuk; literally middle education), comprising 중학교 (Chunghakkyo; the Lower secondary school, years 7–9, though referred to as "middle school grades 1–3") and 고등학교 (Kodŭnghakkyo; the Upper secondary school, years 10–12, though referred to as "high school grades 1–3")
- Spain: educación secundaria, composed of two cycles: E.S.O. (Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, compulsory secondary education, four years, 7th to 10th grade) and bachillerato (non-compulsory secondary education, to years, 11th and 12th grade); formerly (for those born until 31 December 1983), primary education comprised up to the 8th grade and the secondary education was composed of two non-compulsory cycles: B.U.P. (Bachillerato Unificado Polivalente, three years, 9th to 11th grade) and C.O.U. (Curso de Orientación Universitaria, one year, 12th grade)
- Sri Lanka: junior secondary school, senior secondary school
- Sweden: gymnasium
- Switzerland: gymnasium, secondary school, collège or lycée
- Taiwan: Junior High School (國民中學), Senior High School (高級中學), Vocational High School (高級職業中學), Military School (軍校), and Complete High School (完全中學).
- Thailand: matthayommasueksa (มัธยมศึกษา; lit. "Secondary education")
- Trinidad and Tobago: Secondary School, Forms 1 to 5 (five years) or Forms 1-6 (seven years)
- Turkey: Lise
- Ukraine: grades 5–9 gymnasium (compulsory), grades 10–12 lyceum (voluntary)
- United Kingdom
- England and Wales: secondary school (may be referred to as high school)
- Northern Ireland: secondary school or grammar school
- Scotland: high school or academy
- United States: High school (North America) (usually grades 9–12 but sometimes 10–12, it is also called senior high school) is always considered secondary education; junior high school or intermediate school or middle school (6–8, 7–8, 6–9, 7–9, or other variations) are sometimes considered secondary education.
- Uruguay: Liceo or Secundaria (three years of compulsory education: Ciclo Básico; and three years of specialization: Bachillerato Diversificado, into: Humanities (Law or Economics), Biology (Medicine or Agronomy), Science (Engineering or Architecture), and Art
- Venezuela: bachillerato
- Vietnam: Trung học cơ sở (abbreviated THCS, lit. "basic middle school", equivalent to junior high school in the U.S.); trung học phổ thông (abbr. THPT, lit. "general middle school", equivalent to senior high school in the U.S.)
See also
- Education Index
- Category:Secondary education by country for secondary education in individual countries
- List of colleges and universities by country
- List of the oldest schools in the world
- List of schools by country
- List of countries by secondary education attainment
- Student orientation, can be used for allowing people to find their vocation
- Programme for International Student Assessment PISA test of 15yr old attainment
- ISCED 1997.
- ISCED 2012.
- Gillard 2017.
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- This article incorporates text from a free content work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO. Text taken from Empowering students for just societies: a handbook for secondary school teachers, UNESCO, UNESCO. UNESCO.
- "International Standard Classification of Education I S C E D 1997". 11 April 2013.
- Statistics, UNESCO Institute for (2012). International standard classification of education : ISCED 2012. Montreal, Quebec: UNESCO Institute for Statistics. ISBN 978-92-9189-123-8. Archived from the original (PDF) on 6 January 2019. Retrieved 11 March 2017.
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- Iwamoto, Wataru (2005). "Towards a Convergence of Knowledge Acquisition and Skills Development" (PDF). UNESCO. Archived from the original (PDF) on 25 May 2017. Retrieved 11 March 2017.
- Leach; Gillard, Derek (1915). Cox, Charles (ed.). Leach – The Schools of Medieval England (1915) – full text (Antiquary's Books series ed.). London: Methuen. Archived from the original on 19 April 2015. Retrieved 13 March 2017.
Secondary education is the education level following primary education and preceding tertiary education A high school senior classroom in the United States Level 2 or lower secondary education less commonly junior secondary education is considered the second and final phase of basic education and level 3 upper secondary education or senior secondary education is the stage before tertiary education Every country aims to provide basic education but the systems and terminology remain unique to them Secondary education typically takes place after six years of primary education and is followed by higher education vocational education or employment In most countries secondary education is compulsory at least until the age of 16 Children typically enter the lower secondary phase around age 12 Compulsory education sometimes extends to age 20 and further Since 1989 education has been seen as a basic human right for a child Article 28 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child states that primary education should be free and compulsory while different forms of secondary education including general and vocational education should be available and accessible to every child The terminology has proved difficult and there was no universal definition before ISCED divided the period between primary education and university into junior secondary education and upper secondary education In classical and medieval times secondary education was provided by the church for the sons of nobility and to boys preparing for universities and the priesthood As trade required navigational and scientific skills the church expanded the curriculum and widened the intake With the Reformation the state began taking control of learning from the church and with Comenius and John Locke education changed from being repetition of Latin text to building up knowledge in the child Education was for the few Up to the middle of the 19th century secondary schools were organised to satisfy the needs of different social classes with the labouring classes getting four years the merchant class five years and the elite getting seven years The rights to a secondary education were codified after 1945 and some countries are moving to mandatory and free secondary education for all youth under 19 DefinitionSecondary education refers to the stage of formal education that follows primary education and precedes higher education It is typically offered to students between the ages of 12 and 18 although the specific age range may vary depending on the educational system and country The purpose of secondary education is to provide students with a well rounded education that prepares them for higher education or the workforce It aims to develop their intellectual social and emotional skills while also fostering critical thinking creativity and independence The 1997 International Standard Classification of Education ISCED describes seven levels that can be used to compare education internationally Within a country these can be implemented in different ways with different age levels and local denominations The seven levels are Level 0 Pre primary education Level 1 Primary education or first stage of basic education Level 2 Lower secondary or second stage of basic education Level 3 Upper secondary education Level 4 Post secondary non tertiary education Level 5 First stage of tertiary education Level 6 Second stage of tertiary education Within this system Levels 1 and 2 that is primary education and lower secondary together form basic education Beyond that national governments may attach the label of secondary education to Levels 2 through 4 together Levels 2 and 3 together or Level 2 alone These level definitions were put together for statistical purposes and to allow the gathering of comparative data nationally and internationally They were approved by the UNESCO General Conference at its 29th session in November 1997 Though they may be dated they do provide a universal set of definitions and remain unchanged in the 2011 update The start of lower secondary education is characterised by the transition from the single class teacher who delivers all content to a cohort of pupils to one where content is delivered by a series of subject specialists Its educational aim is to complete provision of basic education thereby completing the delivery of basic skills and to lay the foundations for lifelong learning Lower secondary education is likely to show these criteria entry after some six years of primary education the requirement for more highly qualified teachers teaching only within their specialism exit to Level 3 courses or vocational education or employment after nine or more total years of education The end of lower secondary education often coincides with the end of compulsory education in countries where that exists Upper secondary education starts on the completion of basic education which also is defined as completion of lower secondary education The educational focus is varied according to the student s interests and future direction Education at this level is usually voluntary Upper secondary education is likely to show these criteria entry after some nine years of basic education typical age at entry is between 14 and 16 years all teachers have level 5 qualifications in the subject they are teaching exit to Level 4 or 5 courses or to direct employment More subjects may be dropped and increased specialism occurs Completion of upper secondary education provides the entry requirements to Level 5 tertiary education the entry requirements to technical or vocational education Level 4 non tertiary course or direct entry into the workplace In 2012 the ISCED published further work on education levels where it codified particular paths and redefined the tertiary levels Lower secondary education and upper secondary education could last between two and five years and the transition between two often would be when students were allowed some subject choice Terminology for secondary schools varies by country and the exact meaning of any of these varies citation needed Secondary schools may also be called academies colleges gymnasiums high schools lyceums middle schools preparatory schools sixth form colleges upper schools or vocational schools among other names For further information about nomenclature see the section below by country HistoryA form of education for adolescents became necessary in all societies that had an alphabet and engaged in commerce In Western Europe formal secondary education can be traced back to the Athenian educational reforms of 320BC Though their civilisation was eclipsed and they were enslaved Hellenistic Athenian teachers were valued in the Roman system The Roman and Hellenistic schools of rhetoric taught the seven liberal arts and sciences grammar rhetoric logic arithmetic geometry music and astronomy which were regarded as a preparation for the study at a tertiary level of theology law and medicine Boys would have been prepared to enter these schools by private tutors at home Girls would have only received tuition at home England provides a good case study When Augustine of Canterbury brought Christianity there in 597 no schools existed He needed trained priests to conduct church services and boys to sing in the choir He had to create both the grammar schools that taught Latin to enable the English to study for the priesthood and song schools choir schools that trained the sons of gentlefolk to sing in cathedral choirs In the case of Canterbury 597 and Rochester 604 both still exist Bede in his Ecclesiastical History of the English People 732 tells that the Canterbury school taught more than the intended reading and understanding of Latin but the rules of metric astronomy and the computus as well as the works of the saints Even at this stage there was tension as the church was worried that knowledge of Latin would give the student access to non Christian texts that it would not wish them to read Over the centuries leading to the renaissance and reformation the church was the main provider of secondary education Various invasions and schisms within the controlling church challenged the focus of the schools and the curriculum and language of instruction waxed and waned From 1100 With the growth of the towns grammar schools free of the church were founded and some church grammar schools were handed over to the laity Universities were founded that did not just train students for the priesthood Renaissance and Reformation Whereas in mainland Europe the Renaissance preceded the Reformation local conditions in England caused the Reformation to come first The Reformation was about among other things allowing the laity to interpret the Bible in their own way without the intervention of priests and preferably in the vernacular This stimulated the foundation of free grammar schools who searched for a less constrained curriculum Colonialisation required navigation mensuration languages and administrative skills The laity wanted these taught to their sons After Gutenberg in 1455 had mastered moveable metal type printing and Tyndale had translated the Bible into English 1525 Latin became a skill reserved for the catholic church and sons of conservative nobility Schools started to be set up for the sons of merchants in Europe and the colonies too for example Boston Latin Grammar School 1635 Comenius 1592 1670 a Moravian protestant proposed a new model of education where ideas were developed from the familiar to the theoretical rather than through repetition where languages were taught in the vernacular and supported universal education In his Didactica Magna Great Didactic he outlined a system of schools that is the exact counterpart of many western school systems kindergarten elementary school secondary school six form college university Locke s Some Thoughts Concerning Education 1693 stressed the importance of a broader intellectual training moral development and physical hardening The grammar schools of the period can be categorised in three groups the nine leading schools seven of them boarding institutions which maintained the traditional curriculum of the classics and mostly served the aristocracy and the squirearchy most of the old endowed grammar schools serving a broad social base in their immediate localities which also stuck to the old curriculum the grammar schools situated in the larger cities serving the families of merchants and tradesmen who embraced change Industrialisation During the 18th century their social base widened and their curriculum developed particularly in mathematics and the natural sciences But this was not universal education and was self selecting by wealth The industrial revolution changed that Industry required an educated workforce where all workers needed to have completed a basic education In France Louis XIV wrestled the control of education from the Jesuits Condorcet set up Colleges for universal lower secondary education throughout the country then Napoleon set up a regulated system of Lycee In England Robert Peel s Factory Act 1802 required an employer to provide instruction in reading writing and arithmetic during at least the first four years of the seven years of apprenticeship The state had accepted responsibility for the basic education of the poor The provision of school places remained inadequate so an Order in Council dated 10 April 1839 created the Committee of the Privy Council on Education Universal education There was considerable opposition to the idea that children of all classes should receive basic education all the initiatives such as industrial schools and Sunday schools were initially a private or church initiative With the Great Exhibition of 1851 it became clear just how far behind the English education system had fallen Three reports were commissioned to examine the education of upper middle and labouring class children The Clarendon Commission sought to improve the nine Great Public Schools The Taunton Commission looked at the 782 endowed grammar schools private and public They found varying quality and a patchy geographical coverage with two thirds of all towns not having any secondary school There was no clear conception of the purpose of secondary education There were only thirteen girls schools and their tuition was superficial unorganised and unscientific They recommended a system of first grade schools targeted at a leaving age of 18 as preparation for upper and upper middle class boys entering university second grade targeted at a leaving age of 16 for boys preparing for the army or the newer professions and third grade targeted at a leaving age of 14 for boys of small tenant farmers small tradesmen and superior artisans This resulted in the Endowed Schools Act 1869 which advocated that girls should enjoy the same education as boys The Newcastle Commission inquired into the state of public education in England and to consider and report what measures if any are required for the extension of sound and cheap elementary instruction to all classes of the people It produced 1861 Newcastle Report and this led to the Elementary Education Act 1870 33 amp 34 Vict c 75 Forster Act The school boards set up by the Elementary Education Act 1870 were stopped from providing secondary education by the Cockerton Judgement of 1899 The school leaving age at this time was 10 The Judgement prompted the Education Act 1902 Balfour Act Compulsory education was extended to 12 The new local education authorities LEA s that were formed from the school boards started to open higher grade elementary schools ISCED Level2 or county schools to supplement the endowed grammar schools These LEAs were allowed to build second grade secondary schools that in the main became the future secondary modern schools In the 1904 Regulations for Secondary Schools the Board of Education determined that secondary schools should offer a four year subject based course leading to a certificate in English language and literature geography history a foreign language mathematics science drawing manual work physical training and for girls housewifery The Education Act 1918 Fisher Act extended compulsory full time education to 14 and recommended compulsory part time education from 14 to 18 The Hadlow report Education the Adolescent 1926 proposed that there should be a break point at eleven establishing primary schools and secondary schools The United Nations founded in 1947 was committed to education for all but the definition was difficult to formulate The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 declared that elementary and fundamental education which it did not define was a right to be enjoyed by all The Education Act 1944 Butler Act made sweeping changes to the funding of state education using the tripartite system but was not allowed to tackle private schools It introduced the GCE O level at 16 and the A at 18 but only raised the school leaving age until 15 making the exam inaccessible to the majority But one year of ISCED Level 3 Upper secondary education was mandatory and free In 1972 the school leaving was raised to 16 The Education and Skills Act 2008 when it came into force in the 2013 academic year initially required participation in some form of education or training until the school year in which the child turned 17 followed by the age being raised to the young person s 18th birthday in 2015 This was referred to as raising the participation age to distinguish it from the school leaving age which remains at 16 Thus the UK is following the ISCED Level 3 Upper secondary education guideline Right to a secondary educationThe United Nations was strong in its commitment to education for all but fell into linguistic difficulty defining that right Article I Purposes and functions 1 The purpose of the Organization is to contribute to peace and security by promoting collaboration among the nations through education science and culture in order to further universal respect for justice for the rule of law and for the human rights and fundamental freedoms which are affirmed for the peoples of the world without distinction of race sex language or religion by the Charter of the United Nations The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 declared that elementary and fundamental education was a right to be enjoyed by all but again could not define either elementary and fundamental education Article 26 1 Everyone has the right to education Education shall be free at least in the elementary and fundamental stages Elementary education shall be compulsory Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit It was assumed that elementary education was basic education the entitlement for children and fundamental education was a right for working people but for a lawyer the definition is neither qualitative stating what education means or quantitative saying when it starts and when it is completed The term secondary is not defined or mentioned Together this has enabled countries to terminate free compulsory basic education at 11 or only continue education past eleven to boys Article 28 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 stated that primary education should be free and compulsory while different forms of secondary education including general and vocational education should be available and accessible to every child Free education should be provided and financial assistance offered in case of need In 1990 at Jomtien again tried to define the content basic education and how it should be delivered Basic education is defined as action designed to meet basic learning needs primary schooling is considered as the main delivery system of basic education Which is explained in Principals for Action that addressing the basic learning needs of all means early childhood care and development opportunities relevant quality primary schooling or equivalent out of school education for children and literacy basic knowledge and life skills training for youth and adults The assumption being made that basic knowledge and life skills training for youth was the function of secondary education This was codified by the ISCED documents The Dakar Framework for Action 2010 goal 2 states Ensuring that by 2015 all children particularly girls children in difficult circumstances and those belonging to ethnic minorities have access to and complete free and compulsory primary in the sense basic education of good quality The Dakar Framework for Action 2010 goal 5 states Eliminating gender disparities in primary and secondary education by 2005 and achieving gender equality in education by 2015 with a focus on ensuring girls full and equal access to and achievement in basic education of good quality In 1996 the Council of Europe adopted the Revised European Social Charter which guarantees secondary education Malala Yousafzai Nobel Peace Prize winner in a said in a 2017 interview that My goal is to make sure every child girl and boy they get the opportunity to go to school It is their basic human right so I will be working on that and I will never stop until I see the last child going to school In 2017 Human Rights Watch adopted a policy calling on states to take immediate measures to ensure that secondary education is accessible to all free of charge and compulsory through the end of lower secondary school This was a call for secondary education to be included as part of the minimum core of the right to education and seen as an immediate obligation Future directions for secondary educationUNESCO believes that in order to prepare young people for life and work in a rapidly changing world secondary level education systems need to be re oriented to impart a broad repertoire of life skills These skills should include the key generic competencies non occupation specific practical capabilities information and communications technology the ability to learn independently to work in teams entrepreneurship and civic responsibility GCED for the rule of law learning outcomes at the secondary level They may be best instilled through a shared foundational learning period and by deferring the directing of students into academic and vocational streams for as long as possible and then there should be flexibility to ensure the free movement of students between the streams depending on their aptitudes and inclinations Accreditation in one stream should have equal recognition in the other as well as for access to higher education This will equip young people with multiple skills so that they are prepared to enter and re enter the workforce several times in their working lives as wage employees or self employed entrepreneurs and to re train themselves when their skills become obsolete It recognizes that there is no single model that will suit all countries or even all communities in a given country Secondary level education policy should be under continuous review to keep in step with scientific and technological economic and societal change Promoting the Rule of Law Adolescence is associated with a time of significant growth where identity belongingness and socialization especially among peer groups is particularly important Secondary schools play an important role in youth s socialization development and forming their ideas and approach to justice democracy and human rights Education systems that promote that is respect for the rule of law RoL together with international human rights and fundamental freedoms strengthen the relationship between learners and public institutions with the objective of empowering young people to become champions of peace and justice Teachers are on the front line of this work and along with families play a formative role in shaping the future of youth s attitudes and behaviours Career and Life Planning Education Career and Life Planning Education CLPE activities as well as Career Development Education take place at secondary schools in Hong Kong Students transition from study to work is important in Hong Kong and career education in senior secondary schooling in this country is hence provided Job shadowing is not yet done in their secondary schools however By countryEach country has developed the form of education most appropriate for them There is an attempt to compare the effectiveness by using the results from the PISA that each third year assesses the scholastic performance on mathematics science and reading of a representative sample of 5000 fifteen year olds from each country Names for secondary schools by countryArgentina secundaria or polimodal escuela secundaria Australia high school secondary college Austria Gymnasium Ober amp Unterstufe Hauptschule Hohere Bundeslehranstalt HBLA Hohere Technische Lehranstalt HTL Azerbaijan orta mekteb Bangladesh Maddhomik Biddalay or Secondary School grades 6 10 Bahamas The junior high grades 7 9 senior high grades 10 12 Belgium secundair onderwijs ecole secondaire humaniora humanites Bolivia educacion primaria superior grades 6 8 and educacion secundaria grades 9 12 Bosnia and Herzegovina srednja skola literally middle school gimnazija gymnasium Brazil ensino medio officially segundo grau formerly Brunei mostly sekolah menengah English translation secondary school a few maktab English translation college Bulgaria credno obrazovanie grades 8 12 Canada High school junior high or middle school secondary school ecole secondaire collegiate institute polyvalente Chile ensenanza media China zhong xue 中学 literally middle school consisting of chu zhong 初中 zh literally low level middle school from grades 7 to 9 and gao zhong 高中 zh literally high level middle school from grades 10 to 12 Colombia bachillerato segunda ensenanza literally second learning Croatia srednja skola literally middle school gimnazija gymnasium Cyprus Gymnasio gymnasium Eniaio Lykeio Lyceum Czech Republic stredni skola literally middle school gymnazium gymnasium stredni odborne uciliste Denmark gymnasium Dominican Republic nivel medio bachillerato Egypt Thanawya Amma ثانوية عامة public secondary certificate Estonia upper secondary school gymnasium Lyceum Fiji high school college Finland lukio Finn gymnasium Swed France college junior lycee senior Germany Gymnasium Gesamtschule Realschule Hauptschule Fachoberschule Greece Gymnasio three years gymnasium Geniko Lykeio three years 1996 2006 present Eniaio Lykeio three years 1997 2006 lyceum Hong Kong Secondary school 中學 zung1 hok6 Hungary gimnazium grammar school kozepiskola comprehensive school lit middle school szakkozepiskola vocational secondary school lit specified middle school Iceland menntaskoli from 11 13 Grade After elementary school grades 1 through 10 students have the option of entering a framhaldsskoli lit continuation school which will take at least three years India secondary school or high school grades 8 10 higher secondary school or senior secondary school or intermediate college or pre university college grades 11 12 Indonesia sekolah menengah atas SMA lit upper middle school sekolah menengah pertama SMP lit first middle school sekolah menengah kejuruan SMK vocational school lit middle vocational school Ireland Meanscoil or Secondary School Iraq Madrasa I dadia مدرسة اعدادية Preparatory School Iran Madrese Rahnamaie مدرسه راهنمایی public secondary certificate Israel Bet Sefer Tichon בית ספר תיכון literally middle school but in reality grades 9 12 Italy scuola secondaria di primo grado three years scuola secondaria di secondo grado five years Liceo Istituto Tecnico and Istituto professionale Jamaica High School public school 7 13 colleges grand aided schools 7 13 Japan chugakkō 中学校 literally middle school kōtōgakkō 高等学校 literally high school chutōkyōikugakkō 中等教育学校 Secondary School In the pre Meiji educational system the equivalent was called chusei Latvia vidusskola literally middle school Liechtenstein gymnasium Lithuania vidurine mokykla literally middle school gimnazija gymnasium licejus lyceum Macau Escola secundaria 中學 zung1 hok6 schools with secondary sections have Ensino secundario 中學教育 zung1 hok6 gaau3 juk6 Malaysia secondary school or sekolah menengah sometimes high school is used Malta skola sekondarja or secondary school Mexico educacion secundaria y preparatoria Mongolia bүren dund surguul Morocco In Arabic Junior Madrasa I dadia Ta hilia مدرسة إعدادية تأهيلية preparative qualificative school Senior Madrasa I dadia Thanawia مدرسة إعدادية ثانوية preparative secondary school In French lycee Netherlands middelbare school or voortgezet onderwijs New Zealand high school college or secondary school Nigeria Secondary school Junior or senior secondary school Norway videregaende skole Pakistan secondary school higher secondary school Paraguay educacion media Peru educacion secundaria or escuela secundaria Philippines mataas na paaralan can be divided into junior high school grades 7 10 and senior high school grades 11 12 Poland generally szkola srednia or szkola ponadpodstawowa szkola ponadgimnazjalna during the existence of gimnazjum middle schools specifically liceum ogolnoksztalcace comprehensive secondary school grades 9 12 technikum technical secondary school grades 9 13 Portugal 2º Ciclo do Ensino Basico 5th and 6th grades 3º Ciclo do Ensino Basico 7th to 9th grades and Ensino Secundario Liceu 10th to 12th grades Romania gimnaziu grades 5 8 liceu grades 9 12 Russia srednyaya shkola literally middle school grades 5 9 junior middle school compulsory grades 10 11 senior middle school voluntary Serbia gymnasium four years professional schools four years vocational schools three or four years Slovakia gymnazium i e gymnasium also translated as grammar school or high school Slovenia gimnazija gymnasium srednja sola literally middle school South Africa High School or Hoerskool South Korea 중고등학교 中高等學校 Chung godŭnghakkyo 중등교육 Chungdŭng gyoyuk literally middle education comprising 중학교 Chunghakkyo the Lower secondary school years 7 9 though referred to as middle school grades 1 3 and 고등학교 Kodŭnghakkyo the Upper secondary school years 10 12 though referred to as high school grades 1 3 Spain educacion secundaria composed of two cycles E S O Educacion Secundaria Obligatoria compulsory secondary education four years 7th to 10th grade and bachillerato non compulsory secondary education to years 11th and 12th grade formerly for those born until 31 December 1983 primary education comprised up to the 8th grade and the secondary education was composed of two non compulsory cycles B U P Bachillerato Unificado Polivalente three years 9th to 11th grade and C O U Curso de Orientacion Universitaria one year 12th grade Sri Lanka junior secondary school senior secondary school Sweden gymnasium Switzerland gymnasium secondary school collegeorlycee Taiwan Junior High School 國民中學 Senior High School 高級中學 Vocational High School 高級職業中學 Military School 軍校 and Complete High School 完全中學 Thailand matthayommasueksa mthymsuksa lit Secondary education Trinidad and Tobago Secondary School Forms 1 to 5 five years or Forms 1 6 seven years Turkey Lise Ukraine grades 5 9 gymnasium compulsory grades 10 12 lyceum voluntary United Kingdom England and Wales secondary school may be referred to as high school Northern Ireland secondary school or grammar school Scotland high school or academy United States High school North America usually grades 9 12 but sometimes 10 12 it is also called senior high school is always considered secondary education junior high school or intermediate school or middle school 6 8 7 8 6 9 7 9 or other variations are sometimes considered secondary education Uruguay Liceo or Secundaria three years of compulsory education Ciclo Basico and three years of specialization Bachillerato Diversificado into Humanities Law or Economics Biology Medicine or Agronomy Science Engineering or Architecture and Art Venezuela bachillerato Vietnam Trung học cơ sở abbreviated THCS lit basic middle school equivalent to junior high school in the U S trung học phổ thong abbr THPT lit general middle school equivalent to senior high school in the U S See alsoSchools portalEducation Index Category Secondary education by country for secondary education in individual countries List of colleges and universities by country List of the oldest schools in the world List of schools by country List of countries by secondary education attainment Student orientation can be used for allowing people to find their vocation Programme for International Student Assessment PISA test of 15yr old attainmentReferencesISCED 1997 ISCED 2012 Gillard 2017 Leach 1915 3 Man John 2002 Gutenberg How One Man Remade the World with Words New York John Wiley and Sons Inc ISBN 0 471 21823 5 Partridge AC 1973 English Biblical Translation London Andre Deutsch pp 38 39 52 52 Daniel Murphy Comenius A Critical Reassessment of his Life and Works 1995 p 8 and p 43 Comenius Didactica Magna Archived from the original on 10 October 2014 Retrieved 13 March 2017 Gilman D C Peck H T Colby F M eds 1905 Comenius Johann Amos New International Encyclopedia 1st ed New York Dodd Mead Markham David J The Revolution Napoleon and Education www napoleon series org Retrieved 16 March 2017 Gillard 2017 Section 2 Gillard 2017 Section 3 Gillard 2017 Section 4 Gillard 2017 Section 5 Raising the Participation Age Timeline Archived 2012 09 04 at the Wayback Machine HMSO 24 August 2012 Raising the Participation Age RPA Myth Buster for Young People permanent dead link HMSO 29 July 2013 School leaving age HMSO 19 November 2014 Basic Education 2007 Basic Education 2007 p 25 Basic Education 2007 p 6 Basic Education 2007 p 8 Basic Education 2007 p 14 European Social Charter Council of Europe 1996 Archived from the original on 13 February 2023 Retrieved 18 June 2023 Malala Yousafzai receives offer to study at UK university The Guardian Press Association 11 March 2017 Retrieved 11 March 2017 Sheppard Bede 30 May 2022 It s Time to Expand the Right to Education Nordic Journal of Human Rights 40 96 117 doi 10 1080 18918131 2022 2071401 S2CID 249211797 ED 2005 WS 37 2005 Empowering students for just societies a handbook for secondary school teachers UNESCO 2019 ISBN 978 92 3 100340 0 Lee John Chi Kin 2017 Curriculum reform and supporting structures at schools challenges for life skills planning for secondary school students in China with particular reference to Hong Kong Educational Research for Policy and Practice 16 61 75 doi 10 1007 s10671 016 9202 y S2CID 151763255 Berger Kathleen 3 March 2014 Invitation to The Life Span second ed worth ISBN 978 1 4641 7205 2 Sources This article incorporates text from a free content work Licensed under CC BY SA 3 0 IGO Text taken from Empowering students for just societies a handbook for secondary school teachers UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO Bibliography International Standard Classification of Education I S C E D 1997 www unesco org 11 April 2013 Statistics UNESCO Institute for 2012 International standard classification of education ISCED 2012 Montreal Quebec UNESCO Institute for Statistics ISBN 978 92 9189 123 8 Archived from the original PDF on 6 January 2019 Retrieved 11 March 2017 OPERATIONAL DEFINITION OF BASIC EDUCATION PDF UNESCO 2007 Archived from the original PDF on 15 February 2017 Retrieved 13 March 2017 Secondary Education Reform Towards a convergence of Knowledge Acquisition and Skills Development PDF ED 2005 WS 37 UNESCO 2005 Retrieved 17 March 2017 a href wiki Template Cite web title Template Cite web cite web a CS1 maint location link Gillard Derek The History of Education in England History www educationengland org uk Retrieved 11 March 2017 Iwamoto Wataru 2005 Towards a Convergence of Knowledge Acquisition and Skills Development PDF uis unesco org UNESCO Archived from the original PDF on 25 May 2017 Retrieved 11 March 2017 Leach Gillard Derek 1915 Cox Charles ed Leach The Schools of Medieval England 1915 full text Antiquary s Books series ed London Methuen Archived from the original on 19 April 2015 Retrieved 13 March 2017