In mathematics, the radical symbol, radical sign, root symbol, or surd is a symbol for the square root or higher-order root of a number. The square root of a number x is written as
while the nth root of x is written as
It is also used for other meanings in more advanced mathematics, such as the radical of an ideal.
In linguistics, the symbol is used to denote a root word.
Principal square root
Each positive real number has two square roots, one positive and the other negative. The radical symbol refers to the principal value of the square root function called the principal square root, which is the positive one. The two square roots of a negative number are both imaginary numbers, and the square root symbol refers to the principal square root, the one with a positive imaginary part. For the definition of the principal square root of other complex numbers, see Square root § Principal square root of a complex number.
The origin of the root symbol √ is largely speculative. Some sources imply that the symbol was first used by Arab mathematicians. One of those mathematicians was Abū al-Hasan ibn Alī al-Qalasādī (1421–1486). Legend has it that it was taken from the Arabic letter "ج" (ǧīm), which is the first letter in the Arabic word "جذر" (jadhir, meaning "root"). However, Leonhard Euler believed it originated from the letter "r", the first letter of the Latin word "radix" (meaning "root"), referring to the same mathematical operation.
The symbol was first seen in print without the vinculum (the horizontal "bar" over the numbers inside the radical symbol) in the year 1525 in Die Coss by Christoff Rudolff, a German mathematician. In 1637 Descartes was the first to unite the German radical sign √ with the vinculum to create the radical symbol in common use today.
The Unicode and HTML character codes for the radical symbols are:
- U+221A √ SQUARE ROOT (√, √)
- U+221B ∛ CUBE ROOT
However, these characters differ in appearance from most mathematical typesetting by omitting the overline connected to the radical symbol, which surrounds the argument of the square root function. The OpenType math table allows adding this overline following the radical symbol.
The Symbol font displays the character without any vinculum whatsoever; the overline may be a separate character at 0x60. The JIS, Wansung and CNS 11643 code charts include a short overline attached to the radical symbol, whereas the GB 2312 and GB 18030 charts do not.
Additionally a "Radical Symbol Bottom" (U+23B7, ⎷) is available in the Miscellaneous Technical block. This was used in contexts where box-drawing characters are used, such as in the technical character set of DEC terminals, to join up with box drawing characters on the line above to create the vinculum.
In LaTeX the square root symbol may be generated by the \sqrt
macro, and the square root symbol without the overline may be generated by the \surd
Legacy encodings
Legacy encodings of the square root character U+221A include:
- 0xC3 in Mac OS Roman and Mac OS Cyrillic
- 0xFB (Alt+251) in Code page 437 and Code page 866 (but not Code page 850) on DOS and the Windows console
- 0xD6 in the Symbol font encoding
- 02-69 (7-bit 0x2265, SJIS 0x81E3, EUC 0xA2E5) in Japanese JIS X 0208
- 01-78 (EUC/UHC 0xA1EE) in Korean Wansung code
- 01-44 (EUC 0xA1CC) in Mainland Chinese GB 2312 or GBK
- Traditional Chinese: 0xA1D4 in Big5 or 1-2235 (kuten 01-02-21, EUC 0xA2B5 or 0x8EA1A2B5) in CNS 11643
See also
- Solution in radicals
- "Language Log: Ab surd". Retrieved 22 June 2012.
- Leonhard Euler (1755). Institutiones calculi differentialis (in Latin). Petropolis.
- Cajori, Florian (2012) [1928]. A History of Mathematical Notations. Vol. I. Dover. p. 208. ISBN 978-0-486-67766-8.
- IBM. Code Page 01038 (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2015-07-08.
- ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 (1992-07-13). Japanese Graphic Character Set for Information Interchange (PDF). ITSCJ/IPSJ. ISO-IR-168.
: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link) - Korea Bureau of Standards (1988-10-01). Korean Graphic Character Set for Information Interchange (PDF). ITSCJ/IPSJ. ISO-IR-149.
- "[√] 1-2235". Word Information. National Development Council.
- ECMA (1994). Chinese Standard Interchange Code (CSIC) - Set 1 (PDF). ITSCJ/IPSJ. ISO-IR-171.
- China Association for Standardization (1980). Coded Chinese Graphic Character Set for Information Interchange (PDF). ITSCJ/IPSJ. ISO-IR-58.
- Standardization Administration of China (2005). Information Technology—Chinese coded character set. p. 8. GB 18030-2005.
- Unicode Consortium (2022-09-16). "Miscellaneous Technical" (PDF). The Unicode Standard (15.0 ed.). Retrieved 2023-07-16.
- Williams, Paul Flo (2002). "DEC Technical Character Set (TCS)". VT100.net. Retrieved 2023-07-16.
- Braams, Johannes; et al. (2023-06-01). "The LATEX 2ε Sources" (PDF) (2023-06-01 Patch Level 1 ed.). § ltmath.dtx: Math Environments. Retrieved 2023-07-16.
- Grätzer, George (2014). "Table B.5: Miscellaneous symbols". Practical LaTeX. Springer. p. 172. ISBN 9783319064253.
- Apple Computer (2005-04-05) [1995-04-15]. Map (external version) from Mac OS Symbol character set to Unicode 4.0 and later. Unicode Consortium. SYMBOL.TXT.
- Unicode Consortium (2015-12-02) [1994-03-08]. JIS X 0208 (1990) to Unicode. JIS0208.TXT.
- Unicode Consortium (2011-10-14) [1995-07-24]. Unified Hangeul(KSC5601-1992) to Unicode table. KSC5601.TXT.
- IBM (2002). "windows-936-2000". International Components for Unicode.
- Unicode Consortium (2015-12-02) [1994-02-11]. BIG5 to Unicode table (complete). BIG5.TXT.
- IBM (2014). "euc-tw-2014". International Components for Unicode.
In mathematics the radical symbol radical sign root symbol or surd is a symbol for the square root or higher order root of a number The square root of a number x is written as x displaystyle sqrt x while the n th root of x is written as xn displaystyle sqrt n x It is also used for other meanings in more advanced mathematics such as the radical of an ideal In linguistics the symbol is used to denote a root word Principal square rootEach positive real number has two square roots one positive and the other negative The radical symbol refers to the principal value of the square root function called the principal square root which is the positive one The two square roots of a negative number are both imaginary numbers and the square root symbol refers to the principal square root the one with a positive imaginary part For the definition of the principal square root of other complex numbers see Square root Principal square root of a complex number OriginThe origin of the root symbol is largely speculative Some sources imply that the symbol was first used by Arab mathematicians One of those mathematicians was Abu al Hasan ibn Ali al Qalasadi 1421 1486 Legend has it that it was taken from the Arabic letter ج ǧim which is the first letter in the Arabic word جذر jadhir meaning root However Leonhard Euler believed it originated from the letter r the first letter of the Latin word radix meaning root referring to the same mathematical operation The symbol was first seen in print without the vinculum the horizontal bar over the numbers inside the radical symbol in the year 1525 in Die Coss by Christoff Rudolff a German mathematician In 1637 Descartes was the first to unite the German radical sign with the vinculum to create the radical symbol in common use today EncodingThe Unicode and HTML character codes for the radical symbols are U 221A SQUARE ROOT amp radic amp Sqrt U 221B CUBE ROOT U 221C FOURTH ROOT U 23B7 RADICAL SYMBOL BOTTOM However these characters differ in appearance from most mathematical typesetting by omitting the overline connected to the radical symbol which surrounds the argument of the square root function The OpenType math table allows adding this overline following the radical symbol The Symbol font displays the character without any vinculum whatsoever the overline may be a separate character at 0x60 The JIS Wansung and CNS 11643 code charts include a short overline attached to the radical symbol whereas the GB 2312 and GB 18030 charts do not Additionally a Radical Symbol Bottom U 23B7 is available in the Miscellaneous Technical block This was used in contexts where box drawing characters are used such as in the technical character set of DEC terminals to join up with box drawing characters on the line above to create the vinculum In LaTeX the square root symbol may be generated by the sqrt macro and the square root symbol without the overline may be generated by the surd macro Legacy encodings Legacy encodings of the square root character U 221A include 0xC3 in Mac OS Roman and Mac OS Cyrillic 0xFB Alt 251 in Code page 437 and Code page 866 but not Code page 850 on DOS and the Windows console 0xD6 in the Symbol font encoding 02 69 7 bit 0x2265 SJIS 0x81E3 EUC 0xA2E5 in Japanese JIS X 0208 01 78 EUC UHC 0xA1EE in Korean Wansung code 01 44 EUC 0xA1CC in Mainland Chinese GB 2312 or GBK Traditional Chinese 0xA1D4 in Big5 or 1 2235 kuten 01 02 21 EUC 0xA2B5 or 0x8EA1A2B5 in CNS 11643See alsoSolution in radicalsReferences Language Log Ab surd Retrieved 22 June 2012 Leonhard Euler 1755 Institutiones calculi differentialis in Latin Petropolis Cajori Florian 2012 1928 A History of Mathematical Notations Vol I Dover p 208 ISBN 978 0 486 67766 8 IBM Code Page 01038 PDF Archived from the original PDF on 2015 07 08 ISO IEC JTC 1 SC 2 1992 07 13 Japanese Graphic Character Set for Information Interchange PDF ITSCJ IPSJ ISO IR 168 a href wiki Template Citation title Template Citation citation a CS1 maint numeric names authors list link Korea Bureau of Standards 1988 10 01 Korean Graphic Character Set for Information Interchange PDF ITSCJ IPSJ ISO IR 149 1 2235 Word Information National Development Council ECMA 1994 Chinese Standard Interchange Code CSIC Set 1 PDF ITSCJ IPSJ ISO IR 171 China Association for Standardization 1980 Coded Chinese Graphic Character Set for Information Interchange PDF ITSCJ IPSJ ISO IR 58 Standardization Administration of China 2005 Information Technology Chinese coded character set p 8 GB 18030 2005 Unicode Consortium 2022 09 16 Miscellaneous Technical PDF The Unicode Standard 15 0 ed Retrieved 2023 07 16 Williams Paul Flo 2002 DEC Technical Character Set TCS VT100 net Retrieved 2023 07 16 Braams Johannes et al 2023 06 01 The LATEX 2e Sources PDF 2023 06 01 Patch Level 1 ed ltmath dtx Math Environments Retrieved 2023 07 16 Gratzer George 2014 Table B 5 Miscellaneous symbols Practical LaTeX Springer p 172 ISBN 9783319064253 Apple Computer 2005 04 05 1995 04 15 Map external version from Mac OS Symbol character set to Unicode 4 0 and later Unicode Consortium SYMBOL TXT Unicode Consortium 2015 12 02 1994 03 08 JIS X 0208 1990 to Unicode JIS0208 TXT Unicode Consortium 2011 10 14 1995 07 24 Unified Hangeul KSC5601 1992 to Unicode table KSC5601 TXT IBM 2002 windows 936 2000 International Components for Unicode Unicode Consortium 2015 12 02 1994 02 11 BIG5 to Unicode table complete BIG5 TXT IBM 2014 euc tw 2014 International Components for Unicode