The Pama–Nyungan languages are the most widespread family of Australian Aboriginal languages, containing 306 out of 400 Aboriginal languages in Australia. The name "Pama–Nyungan" is a merism: it is derived from the two end-points of the range, the Pama languages of northeast Australia (where the word for "man" is pama) and the Nyungan languages of southwest Australia (where the word for "man" is nyunga).
Pama–Nyungan | |
Geographic distribution | Most of mainland Australia, with the exception of northern parts of Northern Territory and Western Australia |
Linguistic classification | Macro-Pama–Nyungan?
Proto-language | Proto-Pama–Nyungan |
Subdivisions |
Language codes | |
ISO 639-3 | – |
Linguasphere | 29-A to 29-X (provisional) |
Glottolog | pama1250 |
![]() Pama–Nyungan languages (yellow) Other Macro-Pama–Nyungan (green and orange) |
The other language families indigenous to the continent of Australia are often referred to, by exclusion, as non-Pama–Nyungan languages, though this is not a taxonomic term. The Pama–Nyungan family accounts for most of the geographic spread, most of the Aboriginal population, and the greatest number of languages. Most of the Pama–Nyungan languages are spoken by small ethnic groups of hundreds of speakers or fewer. Many languages have become extinct, and almost all remaining ones are endangered in some way. Only in the central inland portions of the continent do Pama–Nyungan languages remain spoken vigorously by the entire community.
The first descriptions of languages from this family date to missionary grammars from the early 19th century, but the Pama–Nyungan family itself was identified and named only by Kenneth L. Hale, in his work on the classification of Native Australian languages. Hale's research led him to the conclusion that of the Aboriginal Australian languages, one relatively closely interrelated family had spread and proliferated over most of the continent, while approximately a dozen other families were concentrated along the North coast.
Evans and McConvell describe typical Pama–Nyungan languages such as Warlpiri as dependent-marking and exclusively suffixing languages which lack gender, while noting that some non-Pama–Nyungan languages such as Tangkic share this typology and some Pama–Nyungan languages like Yanyuwa, a head-marking and prefixing language with a complicated gender system, diverge from it.
Proto-Pama–Nyungan | |
Reconstruction of | Pama–Nyungan |
Region | Gulf Plains, NE Australia |
Era | perhaps c. 3000 BCE |
Proto-Pama–Nyungan may have been spoken as recently as about 5,000 years ago, much more recently than the 40,000 to 60,000 years indigenous Australians are believed to have been inhabiting Australia. How the Pama–Nyungan languages spread over most of the continent and displaced any pre-Pama–Nyungan languages is uncertain; one possibility is that language could have been transferred from one group to another alongside culture and ritual. Given the relationship of cognates between groups, it seems that Pama–Nyungan has many of the characteristics of a sprachbund, indicating the antiquity of multiple waves of culture contact between groups. Dixon in particular has argued that the genealogical trees found with many language families do not fit in the Pama–Nyungan family.
Using computational phylogenetics, Bouckaert, Bowern & Atkinson (2018) posit a mid-Holocene expansion of Pama–Nyungan from the Gulf Plains of northeastern Australia.
Pama–Nyungan languages generally share several broad phonotactic constraints: single-consonant onsets, a lack of fricatives, and a prohibition against liquids (laterals and rhotics) beginning words. Voiced fricatives have developed in several scattered languages, such as Anguthimri, though often the sole alleged fricative is /ɣ/ and is analysed as an approximant /ɰ/ by other linguists. An exception is Kala Lagaw Ya, which acquired both fricatives and a voicing contrast in them and in its plosives from contact with Papuan languages. Several of the languages of Victoria allowed initial /l/, and one—Gunai—also allowed initial /r/ and consonant clusters /kr/ and /pr/, a trait shared with the extinct Tasmanian languages across the Bass Strait.[citation needed]
At the time of the European arrival in Australia, there were some 300 Pama–Nyungan languages divided across three dozen branches. What follows are the languages listed in Bowern (2011b) and Bowern (2012); numbers in parentheses are the numbers of languages in each branch. These vary from languages so distinct they are difficult to demonstrate as being in the same branch, to near-dialects on par with the differences between the Scandinavian languages.
Traditional conservative classification
Down the east coast, from Cape York to the Bass Strait, there are:
- Kala Lagaw Ya (1)
- Paman (41)
- Yidiny (1)
- Dyirbalic (5)
- Maric (26)
- Waka–Kabic (5)
- Durubulic (5)
- Bandjalangic (4)
- Gumbaynggiric (2)
- Anewan (Nganyaywana) (1)
- Wiradhuric (Central NSW; inland of Yuin–Kuric) (5)
- Yuin–Kuric (14)
- Gippsland (5)
Continuing along the south coast, from Melbourne to Perth:
- Yotayotic (somewhat inland) (2)
- Kulinic (13)
- Lower Murray (9)
- Thura-Yura (8)
- Mirniny (2)
- Nyungic (SW) (11)
Up the west coast:
- Kartu (5)
- Kanyara–Mantharta (8)
- Ngayarta (12)
- Marrngu (3)
Cutting inland back to Paman, south of the northern non-Pama–Nyungan languages, are
- Ngumpin–Yapa (10)
- Warumungu (1)
- Warluwaric (5)
- Kalkatungic (2)
- Mayi (Mayabic) (7)
Encircled by these branches are:
- Wati (15), the large inland expanse in the west
- Arandic (9), in the north centre
- Karnic (18), in the west
- Yardli (Yarli) (3), in the west
- Muruwari (1)
- Baagandji (Darling; inland of Lower Murray) (2)
Separated to the north of the rest of Pama–Nyungan is
- Yolŋu (10)
Some of inclusions in each branch are only provisional, as many languages became extinct before they could be adequately documented. Not included are dozens of poorly attested and extinct languages such as Barranbinja and the Lower Burdekin languages.
A few more inclusive groups that have been proposed, such as Northeast Pama–Nyungan (Pama–Maric), Central New South Wales, and Southwest Pama–Nyungan, appear to be geographical rather than genealogical groups.[citation needed]
Bowern & Atkinson
Bowern & Atkinson (2012) use computational phylogenetics to calculate the following classification:
- Pama–Nyungan
- Southeastern
- Victorian
- Lower Murray languages
- Victorian
- Eastern Victoria
- Yorta-Yorta
- Gunai
- Pallanganmiddang
- Macro-Kulin
- Kulin languages
- Bungandidj
- Eastern Victoria
- New South Wales
- Yuin-Kuric languages
- Central New South Wales languages
- North Coast
- Durubalic languages
- Yugambeh-Bundjalung languages
- Gumbaynggiric languages
- Waka-Kabic languages
- Victorian
- Northern
- Gulf
- Kalkatungic languages
- Mayabic languages
- Pama-Maric (weak support)
- Paman languages
- Kalaw Lagaw Ya
- Maric languages
- (?) Dyirbalic languages
- Gulf
- Central
- Arandic–Thura-Yura
- Arandic languages
- Thura-Yura languages
- Southwest Queensland
- Karnic languages
- Northwest NSW
- Yarli
- Paakantyi
- Arandic–Thura-Yura
- Western
- Yolŋu-Ngarna (weak support)
- Yolŋu languages
- Ngarna languages
- Nyungic languages
- Desert Nyungic
- Marrngu languages
- Ngumpin–Yapa languages
- Warumungu languages
- Wati languages
- Southwest Nyungic
- Pilbara languages
- Ngayarda languages
- Kanyara-Mantharta languages
- Kartu–Nhanda languages
- Mirning languages
- Nyunga languages
- Yinggarda language
- Pilbara languages
- Desert Nyungic
- Yolŋu-Ngarna (weak support)
- Southeastern
External relations
According to Nicholas Evans, the closest relative of Pama–Nyungan is the Garawan language family, followed by the small Tangkic family. He then proposes a more distant relationship with the Gunwinyguan languages in a macro-family he calls Macro-Pama–Nyungan. However, this has yet to be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the linguistic community.
Dixon's scepticism
In his 1980 attempt to reconstruct Proto-Australian, R. M. W. Dixon reported that he was unable to find anything that reliably set Pama–Nyungan apart as a valid genetic group. Fifteen years later, he had abandoned the idea that Australian or Pama–Nyungan were families. He now sees Australian as a Sprachbund (Dixon 2002). Some of the small traditionally Pama–Nyungan families which have been demonstrated through the comparative method, or which in Dixon's opinion are likely to be demonstrable, include the following:
- North Cape York (Northern Paman, Umpila, Wik/Middle Paman: part of Paman)
- Yidinic (Dyaabugai and Yidiny: rejected by Bowern)
- Maric (extinct languages uncertain)
- Wiradhuric
- Yolngu
- Ngarna, a clear connection between Yanyuwa and Warluwara, Wagaya, Yindjilandji, Bularnu.
- Part of Yura
He believes that Lower Murray (five families and isolates), Arandic (2 families, Kaytetye and Arrernte), and Kalkatungic (2 isolates) are small Sprachbunds.
Dixon's theories of Australian language diachrony have been based on a model of punctuated equilibrium (adapted from the eponymous model in evolutionary biology) wherein he believes Australian languages to be ancient and to have—for the most part—remained in unchanging equilibrium with the exception of sporadic branching or speciation events in the phylogenetic tree. Part of Dixon's objections to the Pama–Nyungan family classification is the lack of obvious binary branching points which are implicitly or explicitly entailed by his model.
Mainstream rejoinders
However, the papers in Bowern & Koch (2004) demonstrate about ten traditional groups, including Pama–Nyungan, and its sub-branches such as Arandic, using the comparative method.
In his last published paper from the same collection, Ken Hale describes Dixon's scepticism as an erroneous phylogenetic assessment which is "so bizarrely faulted, and such an insult to the eminently successful practitioners of Comparative Method Linguistics in Australia, that it positively demands a decisive riposte." In the same work Hale provides unique pronominal and grammatical evidence (with suppletion) as well as more than fifty basic-vocabulary cognates (showing regular sound correspondences) between the Proto-Northern-and-Middle Pamic (pNMP) family of the Cape York Peninsula on the Australian northeast coast and Proto-Ngayarta of the Australian west coast, some 3,000 km apart (as well as from many other languages), to support the Pama–Nyungan grouping, whose age he compares to that of Proto-Indo-European.
Bowern (2006)
Bowern offered an alternative to Dixon's binary phylogenetic-tree model based in the principles of dialect geography. Rather than discarding the notion that multiple subgroups of languages are genetically related due to the presence of multiple dialectal epicentres arranged around stark isoglosses, Bowern proposed that the non-binary-branching characteristics of Pama–Nyungan languages are precisely what we would expect to see from a language continuum in which dialects are diverging linguistically but remaining in close geographic and social contact. Bowern offered three main advantages of this geographical-continuum model over the punctuated equilibrium model:
First, there is a place for both divergence and convergence as processes of language change; punctuated equilibrium stresses convergence as the main mechanism of language change in Australia. Second, it makes Pama-Nyungan look much more similar to other areas of the world. We no longer have to assume that Australia is a special case. Third, and related to this, we do not have to assume in this model that there has been intensive diffusion of many linguistic elements that in other parts of the world are resistant to borrowing (such as shared irregularities).
— (Bowern 2006, p. 257)
Bowern & Atkinson (2012)
Additional methods of computational phylogenetics employed by Bowern and Atkinson uncovered that there were more binary-branching characteristics than initially thought. Instead of acceding to the notion that Pama–Nyungan languages do not share the characteristics of a binary-branching language family, the computational methods revealed that inter-language loan rates were not as atypically high as previously imagined and do not obscure the features that would allow for a phylogenetic approach. This finding functioned as a kind of rejoinder to Dixon's scepticism.
Our work puts to rest once and for all the claim that Australian languages are so exceptional that methods used elsewhere in the world do not work on this continent . The methods presented here have been used with Bantu, Austronesian, Indo-European, and Japonic languages (among others). Pama-Nyungan languages, like all languages, show a mixture of histories that reflect both contact and inheritance.
— (Bowern & Atkinson 2012, p. 839)
Bowern and Atkinson's computational model is currently the definitive model of Pama–Nyungan intra-relatedness and diachrony.[citation needed]
See also
- Macro-Pama–Nyungan languages
- Frawley, p. 232.
- Zuckermann et al. 2021, p. 19.
- Stockigt C (2024). Australian Pama-Nyungan languages Lineages of early description (pdf). Berlin: Language Science Press. doi:10.5281/zenodo.13880534. ISBN 9783961104888.
- Evans & McConvell 1998, p. 176.
- O'Grady & Hale 2004, pp. 91–92.
- Evans & Rhys.
- Nichols 1997.
- Dixon 1997.
- Bowern 2011a.
- Bowern & Atkinson 2012.
- McConvell & Evans 1997.
- O'Grady & Hale 2004.
- Bowern 2006.
- Bouckaert, Remco R.; Bowern, Claire; Atkinson, Quentin D. (12 March 2018). "The origin and expansion of Pama–Nyungan languages across Australia". Nature Ecology & Evolution. 2 (4): 741–749. doi:10.1038/s41559-018-0489-3. ISSN 2397-334X. PMID 29531347. S2CID 256707821.
- Bowern, Claire (2006). "Another Look at Australia as a Linguistic Area". In Matras, Yaron; McMahon, April; Vincent, Nigel (eds.). Linguistic areas: Convergence in Historical and Typological Perspective. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK. pp. 244–265. doi:10.1057/9780230287617_10. ISBN 978-1-349-54544-5.
- Bowern, Claire (23 December 2011a). "How many languages were spoken in Australia?". Anggarrgoon: Australian languages on the web. Archived from the original on 12 January 2012.
- Bowern, Claire (23 December 2011b). "AustLangs-MasterLanguageList-Dec2011.xlsx [Master List of Australian Languages, v1.0]". Anggarrgoon: Australian languages on the web. Archived from the original on 18 June 2014.
- Bowern, Claire (6 February 2012). "Master List of Australian Languages, v1.2". Historical and Pama-Nyungan Lab. Retrieved 4 February 2024.
- Bowern, Claire; Atkinson, Quentin (2012). "Computational phylogenetics and the internal structure of Pama-Nyungan". Language. 88 (4): 817–845. doi:10.1353/lan.2012.0081. hdl:1885/61360. ISSN 1535-0665. S2CID 4375648. (Dataset)
- Bowern, Claire; Koch, Harold, eds. (2004). Australian languages: Classification and the comparative method. Current Issues in Linguistic Theory. John Benjamins Publishing Company. ISBN 978-90-272-9511-8.
- Dixon, R. M. W. (1997). The rise and fall of languages. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-62654-5.
- Dixon, R. M. W. (2002). Australian languages: Their nature and development. Cambridge Language Surveys. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-47378-1.
- Evans, Nicholas (2003). The non-Pama-Nyungan languages of northern Australia: Comparative studies of the continent's most linguistically complex region (Thesis). Canberra: Pacific Linguistics.
- Evans, Nick; McConvell, Patrick (1998). "The enigma of Pama-Nyungan expansion in Australia". In Blench, Roger; Spriggs, Matthew (eds.). Archaeology and language II: Archaeological data and linguistic hypotheses. One World Archaeology. Vol. 29. Routledge. pp. 174–191. doi:10.4324/9780203202913. ISBN 978-0-415-11761-6.
- Black, Paul (2007). "Review of The non-Pama-Nyungan languages of northern Australia: Comparative studies of the continent's most linguistically complex region, by N. Evans" (PDF). Aboriginal History. 31: 190–193. doi:10.22459/AH.31.2011. JSTOR 24046742.
- Frawley, William J. (ed.). International Encyclopedia of Linguistics. p. 232. [full citation needed]
- McConvell, Patrick; Evans, Nicholas, eds. (1997). Archaeology and Linguistics: Aboriginal Australia in global perspective. Melbourne: Oxford University Press Australia. ISBN 978-0-19-553728-4.
- Nichols, Johanna (1997), "Modeling Ancient Population Structures and Movement in Linguistics" (PDF), Annual Review of Anthropology, vol. 26, pp. 359–384, archived from the original (PDF) on 12 February 2017
- O'Grady, Geoffrey; Hale, Kenneth L. (2004). "The coherence and distinctiveness of the Pama-Nyungan language family within the Australian linguistic phylum". In Bowern, Claire; Koch, Harold (eds.). Australian Languages: Classification and the comparative method. Current Issues in Linguistic Theory. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. pp. 69–92. ISBN 978-90-272-9511-8.
- Zuckermann, Ghil‘ad; Vigfússon, Sigurður; Rayner, Manny; Ní Chiaráin, Neasa; Ivanova, Nedelina; Habibi, Hanieh; Bédi, Branislav (2021). "LARA in the Service of Revivalistics and Documentary Linguistics: Community Engagement and Endangered Languages" (PDF). ComputEL-4: Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Computational Methods for Endangered Languages.
- Data sets
- Bowern, Claire; Rzymski, Christoph; Forkel, Robert; Tresoldi, Tiago; List, Johann-Mattis (21 July 2021), CLDF dataset derived from Bowern and Atkinson's "Internal Structure of Pama-Nyungan" from 2012, doi:10.5281/zenodo.1312841 GitHub repository
External links
- Chirila – Yale Pama-Nyungan Lab
- AIATSIS map of Australian languages Archived 1 May 2013 at the Wayback Machine
The Pama Nyungan languages are the most widespread family of Australian Aboriginal languages containing 306 out of 400 Aboriginal languages in Australia The name Pama Nyungan is a merism it is derived from the two end points of the range the Pama languages of northeast Australia where the word for man is pama and the Nyungan languages of southwest Australia where the word for man is nyunga Pama NyunganGeographic distributionMost of mainland Australia with the exception of northern parts of Northern Territory and Western AustraliaLinguistic classificationMacro Pama Nyungan Greater Pama NyunganPama NyunganProto languageProto Pama NyunganSubdivisionsYolŋu Ngarna Kalkatungic Mayi Paman Kala Lagaw Ya Yidiny Dyirbalic Maric Waka Kabic Durubulic Bandjalangic Gumbaynggiric Anewan Wiradhuric Yuin Kuric Gippsland Yotayotic Kulinic Lower Murray Thura Yura Mirniny Nyungar Kartu Kanyara Mantharta Ngayarta Marrngu Ngumpin Yapa Warumungu Wati Arandic Kalali Karnic Yardli Muruwari Paakantyiplus unclassified languages which Language codesISO 639 3 Linguasphere29 A to 29 X provisional Glottologpama1250Pama Nyungan languages yellow Other Macro Pama Nyungan green and orange The other language families indigenous to the continent of Australia are often referred to by exclusion as non Pama Nyungan languages though this is not a taxonomic term The Pama Nyungan family accounts for most of the geographic spread most of the Aboriginal population and the greatest number of languages Most of the Pama Nyungan languages are spoken by small ethnic groups of hundreds of speakers or fewer Many languages have become extinct and almost all remaining ones are endangered in some way Only in the central inland portions of the continent do Pama Nyungan languages remain spoken vigorously by the entire community The first descriptions of languages from this family date to missionary grammars from the early 19th century but the Pama Nyungan family itself was identified and named only by Kenneth L Hale in his work on the classification of Native Australian languages Hale s research led him to the conclusion that of the Aboriginal Australian languages one relatively closely interrelated family had spread and proliferated over most of the continent while approximately a dozen other families were concentrated along the North coast TypologyEvans and McConvell describe typical Pama Nyungan languages such as Warlpiri as dependent marking and exclusively suffixing languages which lack gender while noting that some non Pama Nyungan languages such as Tangkic share this typology and some Pama Nyungan languages like Yanyuwa a head marking and prefixing language with a complicated gender system diverge from it ReconstructionProto Pama NyunganReconstruction ofPama NyunganRegionGulf Plains NE AustraliaEraperhaps c 3000 BCE Proto Pama Nyungan may have been spoken as recently as about 5 000 years ago much more recently than the 40 000 to 60 000 years indigenous Australians are believed to have been inhabiting Australia How the Pama Nyungan languages spread over most of the continent and displaced any pre Pama Nyungan languages is uncertain one possibility is that language could have been transferred from one group to another alongside culture and ritual Given the relationship of cognates between groups it seems that Pama Nyungan has many of the characteristics of a sprachbund indicating the antiquity of multiple waves of culture contact between groups Dixon in particular has argued that the genealogical trees found with many language families do not fit in the Pama Nyungan family The Gulf Plains the Proto Pama Nyungan homeland Using computational phylogenetics Bouckaert Bowern amp Atkinson 2018 posit a mid Holocene expansion of Pama Nyungan from the Gulf Plains of northeastern Australia PhonotacticsPama Nyungan languages generally share several broad phonotactic constraints single consonant onsets a lack of fricatives and a prohibition against liquids laterals and rhotics beginning words Voiced fricatives have developed in several scattered languages such as Anguthimri though often the sole alleged fricative is ɣ and is analysed as an approximant ɰ by other linguists An exception is Kala Lagaw Ya which acquired both fricatives and a voicing contrast in them and in its plosives from contact with Papuan languages Several of the languages of Victoria allowed initial l and one Gunai also allowed initial r and consonant clusters kr and pr a trait shared with the extinct Tasmanian languages across the Bass Strait citation needed ClassificationAt the time of the European arrival in Australia there were some 300 Pama Nyungan languages divided across three dozen branches What follows are the languages listed in Bowern 2011b and Bowern 2012 numbers in parentheses are the numbers of languages in each branch These vary from languages so distinct they are difficult to demonstrate as being in the same branch to near dialects on par with the differences between the Scandinavian languages Traditional conservative classification Down the east coast from Cape York to the Bass Strait there are Kala Lagaw Ya 1 Paman 41 Yidiny 1 Dyirbalic 5 Maric 26 Waka Kabic 5 Durubulic 5 Bandjalangic 4 Gumbaynggiric 2 Anewan Nganyaywana 1 Wiradhuric Central NSW inland of Yuin Kuric 5 Yuin Kuric 14 Gippsland 5 Continuing along the south coast from Melbourne to Perth Yotayotic somewhat inland 2 Kulinic 13 Lower Murray 9 Thura Yura 8 Mirniny 2 Nyungic SW 11 Up the west coast Kartu 5 Kanyara Mantharta 8 Ngayarta 12 Marrngu 3 Cutting inland back to Paman south of the northern non Pama Nyungan languages are Ngumpin Yapa 10 Warumungu 1 Warluwaric 5 Kalkatungic 2 Mayi Mayabic 7 Encircled by these branches are Wati 15 the large inland expanse in the west Arandic 9 in the north centre Karnic 18 in the west Yardli Yarli 3 in the west Muruwari 1 Baagandji Darling inland of Lower Murray 2 Separated to the north of the rest of Pama Nyungan is Yolŋu 10 Some of inclusions in each branch are only provisional as many languages became extinct before they could be adequately documented Not included are dozens of poorly attested and extinct languages such as Barranbinja and the Lower Burdekin languages A few more inclusive groups that have been proposed such as Northeast Pama Nyungan Pama Maric Central New South Wales and Southwest Pama Nyungan appear to be geographical rather than genealogical groups citation needed Bowern amp Atkinson Bowern amp Atkinson 2012 use computational phylogenetics to calculate the following classification Pama Nyungan Southeastern Victorian Lower Murray languages Victorian Eastern Victoria Yorta Yorta Gunai Pallanganmiddang Macro Kulin Kulin languages Bungandidj New South Wales Yuin Kuric languages Central New South Wales languages North Coast Durubalic languages Yugambeh Bundjalung languages Gumbaynggiric languages Waka Kabic languages Northern Gulf Kalkatungic languages Mayabic languages Pama Maric weak support Paman languages Kalaw Lagaw Ya Maric languages Dyirbalic languages Central Arandic Thura Yura Arandic languages Thura Yura languages Southwest Queensland Karnic languages Northwest NSW Yarli Paakantyi Western Yolŋu Ngarna weak support Yolŋu languages Ngarna languages Nyungic languages Desert Nyungic Marrngu languages Ngumpin Yapa languages Warumungu languages Wati languages Southwest Nyungic Pilbara languages Ngayarda languages Kanyara Mantharta languages Kartu Nhanda languages Mirning languages Nyunga languages Yinggarda language External relations According to Nicholas Evans the closest relative of Pama Nyungan is the Garawan language family followed by the small Tangkic family He then proposes a more distant relationship with the Gunwinyguan languages in a macro family he calls Macro Pama Nyungan However this has yet to be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the linguistic community ValidityDixon s scepticism In his 1980 attempt to reconstruct Proto Australian R M W Dixon reported that he was unable to find anything that reliably set Pama Nyungan apart as a valid genetic group Fifteen years later he had abandoned the idea that Australian or Pama Nyungan were families He now sees Australian as a Sprachbund Dixon 2002 Some of the small traditionally Pama Nyungan families which have been demonstrated through the comparative method or which in Dixon s opinion are likely to be demonstrable include the following North Cape York Northern Paman Umpila Wik Middle Paman part of Paman Yidinic Dyaabugai and Yidiny rejected by Bowern Maric extinct languages uncertain Wiradhuric Yolngu Ngarna a clear connection between Yanyuwa and Warluwara Wagaya Yindjilandji Bularnu Part of Yura He believes that Lower Murray five families and isolates Arandic 2 families Kaytetye and Arrernte and Kalkatungic 2 isolates are small Sprachbunds Dixon s theories of Australian language diachrony have been based on a model of punctuated equilibrium adapted from the eponymous model in evolutionary biology wherein he believes Australian languages to be ancient and to have for the most part remained in unchanging equilibrium with the exception of sporadic branching or speciation events in the phylogenetic tree Part of Dixon s objections to the Pama Nyungan family classification is the lack of obvious binary branching points which are implicitly or explicitly entailed by his model Mainstream rejoinders However the papers in Bowern amp Koch 2004 demonstrate about ten traditional groups including Pama Nyungan and its sub branches such as Arandic using the comparative method In his last published paper from the same collection Ken Hale describes Dixon s scepticism as an erroneous phylogenetic assessment which is so bizarrely faulted and such an insult to the eminently successful practitioners of Comparative Method Linguistics in Australia that it positively demands a decisive riposte In the same work Hale provides unique pronominal and grammatical evidence with suppletion as well as more than fifty basic vocabulary cognates showing regular sound correspondences between the Proto Northern and Middle Pamic pNMP family of the Cape York Peninsula on the Australian northeast coast and Proto Ngayarta of the Australian west coast some 3 000 km apart as well as from many other languages to support the Pama Nyungan grouping whose age he compares to that of Proto Indo European Bowern 2006 Bowern offered an alternative to Dixon s binary phylogenetic tree model based in the principles of dialect geography Rather than discarding the notion that multiple subgroups of languages are genetically related due to the presence of multiple dialectal epicentres arranged around stark isoglosses Bowern proposed that the non binary branching characteristics of Pama Nyungan languages are precisely what we would expect to see from a language continuum in which dialects are diverging linguistically but remaining in close geographic and social contact Bowern offered three main advantages of this geographical continuum model over the punctuated equilibrium model First there is a place for both divergence and convergence as processes of language change punctuated equilibrium stresses convergence as the main mechanism of language change in Australia Second it makes Pama Nyungan look much more similar to other areas of the world We no longer have to assume that Australia is a special case Third and related to this we do not have to assume in this model that there has been intensive diffusion of many linguistic elements that in other parts of the world are resistant to borrowing such as shared irregularities Bowern 2006 p 257 Bowern amp Atkinson 2012 Additional methods of computational phylogenetics employed by Bowern and Atkinson uncovered that there were more binary branching characteristics than initially thought Instead of acceding to the notion that Pama Nyungan languages do not share the characteristics of a binary branching language family the computational methods revealed that inter language loan rates were not as atypically high as previously imagined and do not obscure the features that would allow for a phylogenetic approach This finding functioned as a kind of rejoinder to Dixon s scepticism Our work puts to rest once and for all the claim that Australian languages are so exceptional that methods used elsewhere in the world do not work on this continent The methods presented here have been used with Bantu Austronesian Indo European and Japonic languages among others Pama Nyungan languages like all languages show a mixture of histories that reflect both contact and inheritance Bowern amp Atkinson 2012 p 839 Bowern and Atkinson s computational model is currently the definitive model of Pama Nyungan intra relatedness and diachrony citation needed See alsoMacro Pama Nyungan languagesCitationsFrawley p 232 Zuckermann et al 2021 p 19 Stockigt C 2024 Australian Pama Nyungan languages Lineages of early description pdf Berlin Language Science Press doi 10 5281 zenodo 13880534 ISBN 9783961104888 Evans amp McConvell 1998 p 176 O Grady amp Hale 2004 pp 91 92 Evans amp Rhys sfn error no target CITEREFEvansRhys help Nichols 1997 Dixon 1997 Bowern 2011a Bowern amp Atkinson 2012 McConvell amp Evans 1997 O Grady amp Hale 2004 Bowern 2006 ReferencesBouckaert Remco R Bowern Claire Atkinson Quentin D 12 March 2018 The origin and expansion of Pama Nyungan languages across Australia Nature Ecology amp Evolution 2 4 741 749 doi 10 1038 s41559 018 0489 3 ISSN 2397 334X PMID 29531347 S2CID 256707821 Bowern Claire 2006 Another Look at Australia as a Linguistic Area In Matras Yaron McMahon April Vincent Nigel eds Linguistic areas Convergence in Historical and Typological Perspective London Palgrave Macmillan UK pp 244 265 doi 10 1057 9780230287617 10 ISBN 978 1 349 54544 5 Bowern Claire 23 December 2011a How many languages were spoken in Australia Anggarrgoon Australian languages on the web Archived from the original on 12 January 2012 Bowern Claire 23 December 2011b AustLangs MasterLanguageList Dec2011 xlsx Master List of Australian Languages v1 0 Anggarrgoon Australian languages on the web Archived from the original on 18 June 2014 Bowern Claire 6 February 2012 Master List of Australian Languages v1 2 Historical and Pama Nyungan Lab Retrieved 4 February 2024 Bowern Claire Atkinson Quentin 2012 Computational phylogenetics and the internal structure of Pama Nyungan Language 88 4 817 845 doi 10 1353 lan 2012 0081 hdl 1885 61360 ISSN 1535 0665 S2CID 4375648 Dataset Bowern Claire Koch Harold eds 2004 Australian languages Classification and the comparative method Current Issues in Linguistic Theory John Benjamins Publishing Company ISBN 978 90 272 9511 8 Dixon R M W 1997 The rise and fall of languages Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0 521 62654 5 Dixon R M W 2002 Australian languages Their nature and development Cambridge Language Surveys Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0 521 47378 1 Evans Nicholas 2003 The non Pama Nyungan languages of northern Australia Comparative studies of the continent s most linguistically complex region Thesis Canberra Pacific Linguistics Evans Nick McConvell Patrick 1998 The enigma of Pama Nyungan expansion in Australia In Blench Roger Spriggs Matthew eds Archaeology and language II Archaeological data and linguistic hypotheses One World Archaeology Vol 29 Routledge pp 174 191 doi 10 4324 9780203202913 ISBN 978 0 415 11761 6 Black Paul 2007 Review of The non Pama Nyungan languages of northern Australia Comparative studies of the continent s most linguistically complex region by N Evans PDF Aboriginal History 31 190 193 doi 10 22459 AH 31 2011 JSTOR 24046742 Frawley William J ed International Encyclopedia of Linguistics p 232 full citation needed McConvell Patrick Evans Nicholas eds 1997 Archaeology and Linguistics Aboriginal Australia in global perspective Melbourne Oxford University Press Australia ISBN 978 0 19 553728 4 Nichols Johanna 1997 Modeling Ancient Population Structures and Movement in Linguistics PDF Annual Review of Anthropology vol 26 pp 359 384 archived from the original PDF on 12 February 2017 O Grady Geoffrey Hale Kenneth L 2004 The coherence and distinctiveness of the Pama Nyungan language family within the Australian linguistic phylum In Bowern Claire Koch Harold eds Australian Languages Classification and the comparative method Current Issues in Linguistic Theory Amsterdam John Benjamins Publishing Company pp 69 92 ISBN 978 90 272 9511 8 Zuckermann Ghil ad Vigfusson Sigurdur Rayner Manny Ni Chiarain Neasa Ivanova Nedelina Habibi Hanieh Bedi Branislav 2021 LARA in the Service of Revivalistics and Documentary Linguistics Community Engagement and Endangered Languages PDF ComputEL 4 Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Computational Methods for Endangered Languages Data setsBowern Claire Rzymski Christoph Forkel Robert Tresoldi Tiago List Johann Mattis 21 July 2021 CLDF dataset derived from Bowern and Atkinson s Internal Structure of Pama Nyungan from 2012 doi 10 5281 zenodo 1312841 GitHub repositoryExternal linksWiktionary has a list of reconstructed forms at Appendix Proto Pama Nyungan reconstructions Chirila Yale Pama Nyungan Lab AIATSIS map of Australian languages Archived 1 May 2013 at the Wayback Machine