In Germanic paganism, the indigenous religion of the ancient Germanic peoples who inhabit Germanic Europe, there were a number of different gods and goddesses. Germanic deities are attested from numerous sources, including works of literature, various chronicles, runic inscriptions, personal names, place names, and other sources. This article contains a comprehensive list of Germanic deities outside the numerous Germanic Matres and Matronae inscriptions from the 1st to 5th century CE.

Name | Name meaning | Attested consorts and sexual partners | Attested children | Attestations |
Alcis (Latinized Germanic) | Contested | None attested | None attested | Germania |
Baldr (Old Norse), Bældæg (Old English) | Old Norse form is contested. Old English form directly translates as "shining day". | Nanna | Forseti | Merseburg Incantation, Poetic Edda, Prose Edda, Gesta Danorum, Chronicon Lethrense, Annales Lundenses, possibly Beowulf |
Bragi (Old Norse) | Connected with Bragr ("poetry") | Iðunn | None attested | Poetic Edda, Prose Edda, skaldic poetry |
Dellingr (Old Norse) | Possibly "the dayspring" or "shining one" | Nótt | Dagr | Poetic Edda, Prose Edda |
Forseti (Old Norse) | "Chairman" | None attested | None attested | Poetic Edda, Prose Edda |
Freyr (Old Norse), Frea (Old English), Yngvi (Old Norse), Ing (Old English) | "Lord" | Gerðr | Fjölnir (Heimskringla) | Gesta Hammaburgensis ecclesiae pontificum, Poetic Edda, Prose Edda, Heimskringla, Ögmundar þáttr dytts, Gesta Danorum, various others |
Heimdallr (Old Norse) | "World-brightener" | None attested | None attested | Prose Edda, Poetic Edda |
Hermóðr (Old Norse), Heremod (Old English) | "War-spirit" | None attested | Sceaf (Old English only) | Poetic Edda, Prose Edda, Beowulf, Old English royal genealogies |
Höðr (Old Norse) | "Warrior" | None attested | None attested | Poetic Edda, Prose Edda, Gesta Danorum, Chronicon Lethrense, Annales Lundenses, possibly Beowulf |
Hœnir (Old Norse) | Contested | None attested | None attested | Poetic Edda, Prose Edda, skaldic poetry |
Lóðurr (Old Norse) | Contested | None attested | None attested | Poetic Edda, skaldic poetry |
Loki (Old Norse) | Contested | Sigyn, Svadilfari, Angrboda | Nari/Narfi, Váli, Fenrir, Hel, Jormungandr, and Sleipnir | Poetic Edda, Prose Edda, Heimskringla, Loka Táttur, Norwegian rune poem, Danish folk tales |
Móði and Magni (Old Norse) | "Courage" and "Strength" | None attested | None attested | Poetic Edda, Prose Edda |
Máni (Old Norse) | "Moon" (Gives his name to Monday). | None attested | None attested | Poetic Edda, Prose Edda |
Mímir (Old Norse) | "Rememberer" | None attested | Sons, unnamed | Poetic Edda, Prose Edda |
Meili (Old Norse) | "the lovely one" | None attested | None attested | Poetic Edda, Prose Edda |
Njörðr (Old Norse) | Contested | Once unnamed sister, once Skaði | Freyr, Freyja | Poetic Edda, Prose Edda, Heimskringla, Egils saga, Hauksbók ring oath, place names |
Odin: Óðinn (North Germanic), Wōden (West Germanic), * (Proto-Germanic) (see List of names of Odin for more) | "Frenzy" (Gives his name to Wednesday). | Frigg (consort), Skaði (Heimskringla only), Gunnlöð, Jörð, Rindr | See Sons of Odin | Most attestations of Germanic paganism |
Óðr (Old Norse) | "The frenzied one" | Freyja | Hnoss, Gersemi | Poetic Edda, Prose Edda |
Saxnōt (Old Saxon), Seaxnet, Seaxnēat, Saxnat (Old English) | Contested | None attested | None attested | Old Saxon Baptismal Vow, Old English royal genealogies |
Thor: Þórr (North Germanic), Þunor (Old English), Thunaer (Old Saxon), Donar (Southern Germanic areas) | "Thunder", all names stem from Proto-Germanic *ÞunraR (Gives his name to Thursday). | Sif (consort), Járnsaxa | Móði and Magni, Þrúðr | Most attestations of Germanic paganism |
Tuisto (Latinized Germanic) | "double", from the Proto-Germanic root *twai – "two"; "a god, born of the earth" (deum terra editum) | None attested | Mannus | Germania |
Týr (Old Norse), Tīw, Tīg (both Old English), Ziu (Old High German) | "God", derived from Proto-Germanic *Tīwaz (Gives his name to Tuesday). | Unnamed, possibly Zisa | None Attested | Poetic Edda, Prose Edda, skaldic poetry, Hadrian's Wall altar |
Ullr (Old Norse) | Something like "Glory" | None attested | None attested | Poetic Edda, Prose Edda, skaldic poetry, Gesta Danorum, Thorsberg chape, toponyms in Norway and Sweden |
Váli (Old Norse) | "Chosen" | None attested | None attested | Poetic Edda, Prose Edda, Gesta Danorum (as Bous) |
Viðarr (Old Norse) | Possibly "wide ruler" | None attested | None attested | Poetic Edda, Prose Edda |
Vé (Old Norse) | Vé | Possibly Frigg | None attested | Poetic Edda, Prose Edda |
Vili (Old Norse) | "Will" | Possibly Frigg | None attested | Poetic Edda, Prose Edda |
Name | Name meaning | Attested consorts and sexual partners | Attested children | Attestations |
Baduhenna (Latinized Germanic) | Badu-, may be cognate to Proto-Germanic *badwa- meaning "battle." The second portion of the name -henna may be related to -henae, which appears commonly in the names of matrons. | None attested | None attested | Tacitus's Annals |
Bil (Old Norse) | Contested | None attested | None attested | Prose Edda |
Beyla (Old Norse) | Proposed as related to "cow," "bean," or "bee." | Byggvir | None attested | Poetic Edda |
Dís (Old Norse) | "goddess" | None attested | None attested | Poetic Edda |
Eir (Old Norse) | "Peace, clemency" or "help, mercy" | None attested | None attested | Poetic Edda, Prose Edda |
Ēostre (Old English) | "East" (Gives her name to Easter according to Bede). | None attested | None attested | De temporum ratione |
Freyja (Old Norse) (See List of names of Freyja for more) | "Lady" | Freyr, Óðr | Hnoss, Gersemi | Poetic Edda, Prose Edda, Heimskringla, Sörla þáttr |
Frigg (Old Norse) | Derived from an Indo-European root meaning "Love" (Gives her name to Friday, as the Germanic equivalent of Venus). | Odin (consort), Vili, Vé | Baldr, Höðr | Poetic Edda, Prose Edda, Gesta Danorum, Historia Langobardorum, Second Merseburg Incantation |
Fulla (Old Norse) | Possibly "bountiful" | None attested | None attested | Second Merseburg Incantation, Poetic Edda, Prose Edda |
Gefjun (Old Norse) | Related to "giving" | Skjöldr, unnamed jötunn | Four oxen | Prose Edda, Ynglinga saga, Völsa þáttr, |
Gersemi (Old Norse) | "Treasure, precious object" | None attested | None attested | Heimskringla |
Gerðr (Old Norse) | "Fenced in" | Freyr | Fjölnir (Heimskringla) | Poetic Edda, Prose Edda, Heimskringla |
Gná (Old Norse) | Possibly related to Old Norse Gnæfa, meaning "to project" | None attested | None attested | Prose Edda |
Gullveig (Old Norse) | Contested | None attested | None attested | Poetic Edda |
(Latinized Germanic) | Possibly "marriage" | Possibly Hercules Magusanus | None attested | Votive stone from the Netherlands (CIL XIII 8705) |
Hariasa | Possibly related to the valkyrie name Herja or meaning "goddess with lots of hair" | None attested | None attested | Stone from Cologne, Germany (CIL XIII 8185) |
Hlín (Old Norse) | Possibly related to the Old Norse term hleinir, itself possibly meaning "protects" | None attested | None attested | Poetic Edda, Prose Edda |
Hludana (Latinized Germanic) | "The famous" | None attested | None attested | Votive stones from the Netherlands and Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany |
Hnoss (Old Norse) | "Treasure" | None attested | None attested | Prose Edda |
Hretha (Old English) | Possibly "the famous" or "the victorious" | None attested | None attested | De temporum ratione |
Idis (Old Norse) | well-respected and dignified woman | None attested | None attested | Merseburg charms |
Ilmr (Old Norse) | Potentially related to Old Norse ilmr, a masculine noun meaning "pleasant scent" | None attested | None attested | Prose Edda, skaldic poetry |
Iðunn (Old Norse) | Possibly "ever young" | Bragi | None attested | Poetic Edda, Prose Edda |
Irpa (Old Norse) | Possibly relating to "dark brown" | None attested | None attested | Jómsvíkinga saga, Njáls saga |
Lofn (Old Norse) | Potentially related to "Praise" | None attested | None attested | Prose Edda |
Nanna (Old Norse) | Possibly "mother" from nanna, or potentially related to nanþ-, meaning "the daring one" | Baldr | Forseti | Poetic Edda, Prose Edda, Gesta Danorum, Chronicon Lethrense, Setre Comb |
Nehalennia (Latinized Germanic) | Possibly "she who is at the sea" | None attested | None attested | Votive altars discovered around what is now the province of Zeeland, the Netherlands |
Nerthus (Latinized Germanic, from Proto-Germanic *Nerthuz) | Latinized form of what Old Norse Njörðr would have looked like around 1 CE. | None attested | None attested | Germania |
Njörun (Old Norse) | Possibly related to the Norse god Njörðr and the Roman goddess Nerio | None attested | None attested | Poetic Edda, Prose Edda, skaldic poetry |
Norns (Old Norse) (Urðr, Verðandi, Skuld) | Unknown | None attested | None attested | Poetic Edda, skaldic poetry |
Rán (Old Norse) | "Theft, robbery" | Ægir | Nine daughters | Poetic Edda, Prose Edda, Friðþjófs saga hins frœkna |
Rindr (Old Norse) | Possibly related to *Vrindr | Odin | Váli | Poetic Edda, Prose Edda, Gesta Danorum |
Sága (Old Norse) | Possibly "to see" | None attested | None attested | Poetic Edda, Prose Edda, skaldic poetry |
Sandraudiga (Latinized Germanic) | "She who dyes the sand red." | None attested | None attested | North Brabant stone |
Sif (Old Norse) | "In-law-relationship" | Thor | Þrúðr, Ullr | Poetic Edda, Prose Edda |
Sigyn (Old Norse) | "Victorious girl-friend" | Loki | Nari, Narfi and/or Váli | Poetic Edda, Prose Edda |
Sinthgunt (Old High German) | Contested | None attested | None attested | Second Merseburg Incantation |
Sjöfn (Old Norse) | "Love" | None attested | None attested | Prose Edda |
Skaði (Old Norse) | Possibly related to Scandia. | Ullr, Odin, once Njörðr. | Sæmingr | Poetic Edda, Prose Edda, Ynglinga saga |
Snotra (Old Norse) | "The clever one" | None attested | None attested | Prose Edda |
Sól (Old Norse), Sunna (Old High German) | "Sun" (Gives her name to Sunday). | Glenr | Second Merseburg Incantation, Poetic Edda, Prose Edda | |
Syn (Old Norse) | "Refusal" | None attested | None attested | Prose Edda |
Tamfana (Latinized Germanic) | Unknown | None attested | None attested | Germania, Tamfanae sacrum inscription |
Þrúðr (Old Norse) | "Power" | None attested | None attested | Poetic Edda, Prose Edda, Karlevi Runestone |
Þorgerðr Hölgabrúðr (Old Norse) | Literally "Þorgerðr Hölgi's Bride" | None attested | Hölgi, possibly others | Jómsvíkinga saga, Njáls saga, Skáldskaparmál, Færeyinga saga |
Vár (Old Norse) | "Beloved" | None attested | None attested | Poetic Edda, Prose Edda |
Vihansa (Latinized Germanic) | "War-goddess" | None attested | None attested | Votive stone from Belgium (CIL XIII 3592) |
Vör (Old Norse) | Possibly "the careful one" | None attested | None attested | Prose Edda, Poetic Edda Thrymsvitha |
Zisa | Possibly related to *Tiwaz | None attested | Possibly Tyr via linguistic connection | Codex Monac, Codex Emmeran, and Suevicarum rerum scriptores |
Pseudo-deities and purported deities
- Astrild, a synonym for the Roman deity Amor or Cupid invented and used by Nordic Baroque and Rococo authors
- , a purported deity potentially stemming from a folk etymology
- Ercol, a synonym for the Roman deity Hercules used in King Alfred's Anglo-Saxon version of Boethius de Consolatione Philosophiae
- Frau Berchta, a purported deity and female equivalent of Berchtold proposed by Jacob Grimm
- Holda, a purported deity proposed by Jacob Grimm
- Jecha, a purported deity potentially stemming from a folk etymology
- Jofur, a synonym for the Roman deity Jupiter invented and used by Nordic Baroque and Rococo authors
- , a purported deity potentially stemming from a folk etymology
- , a purported deity potentially stemming from a folk etymology
- Stuffo, a purported deity potentially stemming from a folk etymology
Related deities
- List of Anglo-Saxon deities
- Common Germanic deities
- Simek (2007:26).
- Simek (2007:43).
- Bellows (1936:75).
- Orchard (1997:32).
- Orchard (1997:46).
- Orchard (1997:47).
- Orchard (1997:78).
- Orchard (1997:83).
- Orchard (1997:88).
- Simek (2007:210).
- Orchard (1997:123).
- Orchard (1997:121).
- Simek (2007:322).
- Simek (2007:337).
- Lindow (2001:301).
- Orchard (1997:174—175).
- Orchard (1997:173).
- Simek (2007:363).
- Lindow (2001:78).
- August Fick, Vergleichendes Wörterbuch der Indogermanischen Sprachen Part 3 Wortschatz der Germanischen Spracheinheit, 4th ed. rev. Alf Torp, Hjalmar Falk, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1909, OCLC 491891019, "dîsî, dîsi," p. 206 Archived 18 July 2011 at the Wayback Machine.
- Lindow (2001:105).
- Orchard (1997:36).
- Barnhart (1995:229).
- Lindow (2001:126)
- Lindow (2001:129).
- Orchard (1997:49).
- North (1997:71).
- Simek (2007:106).
- Orchard (1997:54).
- Lindow (2001:147).
- De Vries, Jan (20 April 2011). Die Götter – Vorstellungen über den Kosmos – Der Untergang des Heidentums (in German). Berlin: De Gruyter. p. 320. doi:10.1515/9783110855197. ISBN 978-3-11-085519-7.
- Simek (2007:131).
- Lindow (2001:177).
- Hopkins, J.S., 2016–17. Goddesses Unknown III: On the Identity of the Old Norse Goddess Hlín. RMN Newsletter, 12–13, 30–36.
- Simek (2007:159).
- Grimm (1888:1374).
- Hopkins, J.S., 2014. Goddesses Unknown II: On the Apparent Old Norse Goddess Ilmr. RMN Newsletter, 8, pp.32-38.
- Lindow (2001:199).
- Simek (2007:176).
- Lindow (2001:213).
- Simek (2007:227).
- Lindow (2001:237–238)
- Finnur Jónsson (1913:110) suggests a Njörðr connection, Magnússon (1989:671) suggests Njörðr and Nerio.
- Hopkins, J.S., 2012. Goddesses Unknown I: Njǫrun and the Sister-Wife of Njǫrðr. The Retrospective Methods Network Newsletter, 5 (December 2012), 39-44.
- Simek (2007:260).
- Simek (2007:266).
- Lindow (2001:265).
- Nordisk Familjebok (1916:665).
- Lindow (2001:266).
- Orchard (1997:146).
- Lindow (2001:268).
- Simek (2007:287).
- Simek (2007:296).
- Orchard (1997:152).
- Orchard (1997:157).
- Orchard (1997:165).
- Simek (2007:326–327).
- Simek (2007:353).
- Schonfeld, M. (Moritz) (1911). Wörterbuch der altgermanischen personen-und völkernamen; nach der überlieferung des klassischen altertums. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill University Library. Heidelberg, C. Winter.
- Simek (2007:368).
- Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon, Band 2. Leipzig 1905, S. 832.
- Bellows, Henry Adams (Trans.) (1936). The Poetic Edda. Princeton University Press.
- Barnhart, Robert K (1995). The Barnhart Concise Dictionary of Etymology. HarperCollins ISBN 0-06-270084-7
- Grimm, Jacob (James Steven Stallybrass Trans.) (1888). Teutonic Mythology: Translated from the Fourth Edition with Notes and Appendix by James Stallybrass. Volume IV. London: George Bell and Sons.
- Lindow, John (2001). Norse Mythology: A Guide to the Gods, Heroes, Rituals, and Beliefs. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-515382-0
- Nordisk Familjebok (1916). Available online: [1]
- North, Richard (1997). Heathen Gods in Old English Literature. Cambridge University Press ISBN 0-521-55183-8
- Orchard, Andy (1997). Dictionary of Norse Myth and Legend. Cassell. ISBN 0-304-34520-2
- Simek, Rudolf (2007) translated by Angela Hall. Dictionary of Northern Mythology. D.S. Brewer. ISBN 0-85991-513-1
In Germanic paganism the indigenous religion of the ancient Germanic peoples who inhabit Germanic Europe there were a number of different gods and goddesses Germanic deities are attested from numerous sources including works of literature various chronicles runic inscriptions personal names place names and other sources This article contains a comprehensive list of Germanic deities outside the numerous Germanic Matres and Matronae inscriptions from the 1st to 5th century CE A scene from one of the Merseburg Incantations gods Wodan and Balder stand before the goddesses Sunna Sinthgunt Volla and Friia Emil Doepler 1905 GodsName Name meaning Attested consorts and sexual partners Attested children AttestationsAlcis Latinized Germanic Contested None attested None attested GermaniaBaldr Old Norse Baeldaeg Old English Old Norse form is contested Old English form directly translates as shining day Nanna Forseti Merseburg Incantation Poetic Edda Prose Edda Gesta Danorum Chronicon Lethrense Annales Lundenses possibly BeowulfBragi Old Norse Connected with Bragr poetry Idunn None attested Poetic Edda Prose Edda skaldic poetryDellingr Old Norse Possibly the dayspring or shining one Nott Dagr Poetic Edda Prose EddaForseti Old Norse Chairman None attested None attested Poetic Edda Prose EddaFreyr Old Norse Frea Old English Yngvi Old Norse Ing Old English Lord Gerdr Fjolnir Heimskringla Gesta Hammaburgensis ecclesiae pontificum Poetic Edda Prose Edda Heimskringla Ogmundar thattr dytts Gesta Danorum various othersHeimdallr Old Norse World brightener None attested None attested Prose Edda Poetic EddaHermodr Old Norse Heremod Old English War spirit None attested Sceaf Old English only Poetic Edda Prose Edda Beowulf Old English royal genealogiesHodr Old Norse Warrior None attested None attested Poetic Edda Prose Edda Gesta Danorum Chronicon Lethrense Annales Lundenses possibly BeowulfHœnir Old Norse Contested None attested None attested Poetic Edda Prose Edda skaldic poetryLodurr Old Norse Contested None attested None attested Poetic Edda skaldic poetryLoki Old Norse Contested Sigyn Svadilfari Angrboda Nari Narfi Vali Fenrir Hel Jormungandr and Sleipnir Poetic Edda Prose Edda Heimskringla Loka Tattur Norwegian rune poem Danish folk talesModi and Magni Old Norse Courage and Strength None attested None attested Poetic Edda Prose EddaMani Old Norse Moon Gives his name to Monday None attested None attested Poetic Edda Prose EddaMimir Old Norse Rememberer None attested Sons unnamed Poetic Edda Prose EddaMeili Old Norse the lovely one None attested None attested Poetic Edda Prose EddaNjordr Old Norse Contested Once unnamed sister once Skadi Freyr Freyja Poetic Edda Prose Edda Heimskringla Egils saga Hauksbok ring oath place namesOdin odinn North Germanic Wōden West Germanic Proto Germanic see List of names of Odin for more Frenzy Gives his name to Wednesday Frigg consort Skadi Heimskringla only Gunnlod Jord Rindr See Sons of Odin Most attestations of Germanic paganismodr Old Norse The frenzied one Freyja Hnoss Gersemi Poetic Edda Prose EddaSaxnōt Old Saxon Seaxnet Seaxneat Saxnat Old English Contested None attested None attested Old Saxon Baptismal Vow Old English royal genealogiesThor THorr North Germanic THunor Old English Thunaer Old Saxon Donar Southern Germanic areas Thunder all names stem from Proto Germanic THunraR Gives his name to Thursday Sif consort Jarnsaxa Modi and Magni THrudr Most attestations of Germanic paganismTuisto Latinized Germanic double from the Proto Germanic root twai two a god born of the earth deum terra editum None attested Mannus GermaniaTyr Old Norse Tiw Tig both Old English Ziu Old High German God derived from Proto Germanic Tiwaz Gives his name to Tuesday Unnamed possibly Zisa None Attested Poetic Edda Prose Edda skaldic poetry Hadrian s Wall altarUllr Old Norse Something like Glory None attested None attested Poetic Edda Prose Edda skaldic poetry Gesta Danorum Thorsberg chape toponyms in Norway and SwedenVali Old Norse Chosen None attested None attested Poetic Edda Prose Edda Gesta Danorum as Bous Vidarr Old Norse Possibly wide ruler None attested None attested Poetic Edda Prose EddaVe Old Norse Ve Possibly Frigg None attested Poetic Edda Prose EddaVili Old Norse Will Possibly Frigg None attested Poetic Edda Prose EddaGoddessesName Name meaning Attested consorts and sexual partners Attested children AttestationsBaduhenna Latinized Germanic Badu may be cognate to Proto Germanic badwa meaning battle The second portion of the name henna may be related to henae which appears commonly in the names of matrons None attested None attested Tacitus s AnnalsBil Old Norse Contested None attested None attested Prose EddaBeyla Old Norse Proposed as related to cow bean or bee Byggvir None attested Poetic EddaDis Old Norse goddess None attested None attested Poetic EddaEir Old Norse Peace clemency or help mercy None attested None attested Poetic Edda Prose EddaEostre Old English East Gives her name to Easter according to Bede None attested None attested De temporum rationeFreyja Old Norse See List of names of Freyja for more Lady Freyr odr Hnoss Gersemi Poetic Edda Prose Edda Heimskringla Sorla thattrFrigg Old Norse Derived from an Indo European root meaning Love Gives her name to Friday as the Germanic equivalent of Venus Odin consort Vili Ve Baldr Hodr Poetic Edda Prose Edda Gesta Danorum Historia Langobardorum Second Merseburg IncantationFulla Old Norse Possibly bountiful None attested None attested Second Merseburg Incantation Poetic Edda Prose EddaGefjun Old Norse Related to giving Skjoldr unnamed jotunn Four oxen Prose Edda Ynglinga saga Volsa thattr Gersemi Old Norse Treasure precious object None attested None attested HeimskringlaGerdr Old Norse Fenced in Freyr Fjolnir Heimskringla Poetic Edda Prose Edda HeimskringlaGna Old Norse Possibly related to Old Norse Gnaefa meaning to project None attested None attested Prose EddaGullveig Old Norse Contested None attested None attested Poetic Edda de Latinized Germanic Possibly marriage Possibly Hercules Magusanus None attested Votive stone from the Netherlands CIL XIII 8705 Hariasa Possibly related to the valkyrie name Herja or meaning goddess with lots of hair None attested None attested Stone from Cologne Germany CIL XIII 8185 Hlin Old Norse Possibly related to the Old Norse term hleinir itself possibly meaning protects None attested None attested Poetic Edda Prose EddaHludana Latinized Germanic The famous None attested None attested Votive stones from the Netherlands and Nordrhein Westfalen GermanyHnoss Old Norse Treasure None attested None attested Prose EddaHretha Old English Possibly the famous or the victorious None attested None attested De temporum rationeIdis Old Norse well respected and dignified woman None attested None attested Merseburg charmsIlmr Old Norse Potentially related to Old Norse ilmr a masculine noun meaning pleasant scent None attested None attested Prose Edda skaldic poetryIdunn Old Norse Possibly ever young Bragi None attested Poetic Edda Prose EddaIrpa Old Norse Possibly relating to dark brown None attested None attested Jomsvikinga saga Njals sagaLofn Old Norse Potentially related to Praise None attested None attested Prose EddaNanna Old Norse Possibly mother from nanna or potentially related to nanth meaning the daring one Baldr Forseti Poetic Edda Prose Edda Gesta Danorum Chronicon Lethrense Setre CombNehalennia Latinized Germanic Possibly she who is at the sea None attested None attested Votive altars discovered around what is now the province of Zeeland the NetherlandsNerthus Latinized Germanic from Proto Germanic Nerthuz Latinized form of what Old Norse Njordr would have looked like around 1 CE None attested None attested GermaniaNjorun Old Norse Possibly related to the Norse god Njordr and the Roman goddess Nerio None attested None attested Poetic Edda Prose Edda skaldic poetryNorns Old Norse Urdr Verdandi Skuld Unknown None attested None attested Poetic Edda skaldic poetryRan Old Norse Theft robbery AEgir Nine daughters Poetic Edda Prose Edda Fridthjofs saga hins frœknaRindr Old Norse Possibly related to Vrindr Odin Vali Poetic Edda Prose Edda Gesta DanorumSaga Old Norse Possibly to see None attested None attested Poetic Edda Prose Edda skaldic poetrySandraudiga Latinized Germanic She who dyes the sand red None attested None attested North Brabant stoneSif Old Norse In law relationship Thor THrudr Ullr Poetic Edda Prose EddaSigyn Old Norse Victorious girl friend Loki Nari Narfi and or Vali Poetic Edda Prose EddaSinthgunt Old High German Contested None attested None attested Second Merseburg IncantationSjofn Old Norse Love None attested None attested Prose EddaSkadi Old Norse Possibly related to Scandia Ullr Odin once Njordr Saemingr Poetic Edda Prose Edda Ynglinga sagaSnotra Old Norse The clever one None attested None attested Prose EddaSol Old Norse Sunna Old High German Sun Gives her name to Sunday Glenr Second Merseburg Incantation Poetic Edda Prose EddaSyn Old Norse Refusal None attested None attested Prose EddaTamfana Latinized Germanic Unknown None attested None attested Germania Tamfanae sacrum inscriptionTHrudr Old Norse Power None attested None attested Poetic Edda Prose Edda Karlevi RunestoneTHorgerdr Holgabrudr Old Norse Literally THorgerdr Holgi s Bride None attested Holgi possibly others Jomsvikinga saga Njals saga Skaldskaparmal Faereyinga sagaVar Old Norse Beloved None attested None attested Poetic Edda Prose EddaVihansa Latinized Germanic War goddess None attested None attested Votive stone from Belgium CIL XIII 3592 Vor Old Norse Possibly the careful one None attested None attested Prose Edda Poetic Edda ThrymsvithaZisa Possibly related to Tiwaz None attested Possibly Tyr via linguistic connection Codex Monac Codex Emmeran and Suevicarum rerum scriptoresPseudo deities and purported deitiesAstrild a synonym for the Roman deity Amor or Cupid invented and used by Nordic Baroque and Rococo authors de a purported deity potentially stemming from a folk etymology Ercol a synonym for the Roman deity Hercules used in King Alfred s Anglo Saxon version of Boethius de Consolatione Philosophiae Frau Berchta a purported deity and female equivalent of Berchtold proposed by Jacob Grimm Holda a purported deity proposed by Jacob Grimm Jecha a purported deity potentially stemming from a folk etymology Jofur a synonym for the Roman deity Jupiter invented and used by Nordic Baroque and Rococo authors a purported deity potentially stemming from a folk etymology de a purported deity potentially stemming from a folk etymology Stuffo a purported deity potentially stemming from a folk etymologyRelated deitiesList of Anglo Saxon deities Common Germanic deitiesNotesSimek 2007 26 Simek 2007 43 Bellows 1936 75 Orchard 1997 32 Orchard 1997 46 Orchard 1997 47 Orchard 1997 78 Orchard 1997 83 Orchard 1997 88 Simek 2007 210 Orchard 1997 123 Orchard 1997 121 Simek 2007 322 Simek 2007 337 Lindow 2001 301 Orchard 1997 174 175 Orchard 1997 173 Simek 2007 363 Lindow 2001 78 August Fick Vergleichendes Worterbuch der Indogermanischen Sprachen Part 3 Wortschatz der Germanischen Spracheinheit 4th ed rev Alf Torp Hjalmar Falk Gottingen Vandenhoeck amp Ruprecht 1909 OCLC 491891019 disi disi p 206 Archived 18 July 2011 at the Wayback Machine Lindow 2001 105 Orchard 1997 36 Barnhart 1995 229 Lindow 2001 126 Lindow 2001 129 Orchard 1997 49 North 1997 71 Simek 2007 106 Orchard 1997 54 Lindow 2001 147 De Vries Jan 20 April 2011 Die Gotter Vorstellungen uber den Kosmos Der Untergang des Heidentums in German Berlin De Gruyter p 320 doi 10 1515 9783110855197 ISBN 978 3 11 085519 7 Simek 2007 131 Lindow 2001 177 Hopkins J S 2016 17 Goddesses Unknown III On the Identity of the Old Norse Goddess Hlin RMN Newsletter 12 13 30 36 Simek 2007 159 Grimm 1888 1374 Hopkins J S 2014 Goddesses Unknown II On the Apparent Old Norse Goddess Ilmr RMN Newsletter 8 pp 32 38 Lindow 2001 199 Simek 2007 176 Lindow 2001 213 Simek 2007 227 Lindow 2001 237 238 Finnur Jonsson 1913 110 suggests a Njordr connection Magnusson 1989 671 suggests Njordr and Nerio Hopkins J S 2012 Goddesses Unknown I Njǫrun and the Sister Wife of Njǫrdr The Retrospective Methods Network Newsletter 5 December 2012 39 44 Simek 2007 260 Simek 2007 266 Lindow 2001 265 Nordisk Familjebok 1916 665 Lindow 2001 266 Orchard 1997 146 Lindow 2001 268 Simek 2007 287 Simek 2007 296 Orchard 1997 152 Orchard 1997 157 Orchard 1997 165 Simek 2007 326 327 Simek 2007 353 Schonfeld M Moritz 1911 Worterbuch der altgermanischen personen und volkernamen nach der uberlieferung des klassischen altertums University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill University Library Heidelberg C Winter Simek 2007 368 Meyers Grosses Konversations Lexikon Band 2 Leipzig 1905 S 832 ReferencesBellows Henry Adams Trans 1936 The Poetic Edda Princeton University Press Barnhart Robert K 1995 The Barnhart Concise Dictionary of Etymology HarperCollins ISBN 0 06 270084 7 Grimm Jacob James Steven Stallybrass Trans 1888 Teutonic Mythology Translated from the Fourth Edition with Notes and Appendix by James Stallybrass Volume IV London George Bell and Sons Lindow John 2001 Norse Mythology A Guide to the Gods Heroes Rituals and Beliefs Oxford University Press ISBN 0 19 515382 0 Nordisk Familjebok 1916 Available online 1 North Richard 1997 Heathen Gods in Old English Literature Cambridge University Press ISBN 0 521 55183 8 Orchard Andy 1997 Dictionary of Norse Myth and Legend Cassell ISBN 0 304 34520 2 Simek Rudolf 2007 translated by Angela Hall Dictionary of Northern Mythology D S Brewer ISBN 0 85991 513 1