Map of the twelve tribes of Israel before the move of Dan to the north, based on the Book of Joshua
The name of Israel first appears in the Merneptah Stele of ancient Egypt, dated to about 1200 BCE. Modern scholarship considers that the Israelites emerged from groups of indigenous Canaanites and other peoples. They spoke an archaic form of the Hebrew language, which was a regional variety of the Canaanite languages, and emphasized on the worship of Yahweh. In the Iron Age, the kingdoms of Israel and Judah emerged. The Kingdom of Israel, with its capital at Samaria, fell to the Neo-Assyrian Empire around 720 BCE; while the Kingdom of Judah, with its capital at Jerusalem, was destroyed by the Neo-Babylonian Empire in 586 BCE. Some of the Judean population was exiled to Babylon, but returned to Israel after Cyrus the Great conquered the region.
According to the Bible, the Israelites are the descendants of Jacob, a patriarch who was later renamed as Israel. Following a severe drought in Canaan, Jacob and his twelve sons fled to Egypt, where they eventually formed the Twelve Tribes of Israel. The Israelites were later led out of slavery in Egypt by Moses and conquered Canaan under Joshua's leadership, who was Moses's successor. Most modern scholars agree that the Torah does not provide an authentic account of the Israelites' origins, and instead view it as constituting their national myth. However, it is supposed that there may be a "historical core" to the narrative.[17] The Bible also portrays the kingdoms of Israel and Judah as the successors of an earlier United Kingdom of Israel, though the historicity of the latter is disputed.
Jews and Samaritans both trace their ancestry to the ancient Israelites. Jews trace their ancestry to tribes that inhabited the Kingdom of Judah, including Judah, Benjamin and partially Levi, while the Samaritans claim their lineage from the remaining members of Ephraim, Manasseh, and Levi who were not deported in the Assyrian captivity after the fall of Israel. Other groups have also claimed affiliation with the Israelites.
The first reference to Israel in non-biblical sources is found in the Merneptah Stele in c. 1209 BCE. The inscription is very brief and says: "Israel is laid waste and his seed is not". The inscription refers to a people, not an individual or nation state, who are located in central Palestine or the highlands of Samaria. Some Egyptologists suggest that Israel appeared in earlier topographical reliefs, dating to the Nineteenth Dynasty (i.e. reign of Ramesses II) or the Eighteenth Dynasty, but this reading remains controversial.
In the Hebrew Bible, Israel first appears in Genesis 32:29, where an angel gives the name to Jacob after the latter fought with him. The folk etymology given in the text derives Israel from yisra, "to prevail over" or "to struggle with", and El, a Canaanite-Mesopotamiancreator god that is tenuously identified with Yahweh. However, modern scholarship interprets El as the subject, "El rules/struggles", from sarar (שָׂרַר) 'to rule' (cognate with sar (שַׂר) 'ruler',Akkadianšarru 'ruler, king'), which is likely cognate with the similar root sara (שׂרה) "fought, strove, contended".
Afterwards, Israel refers to the direct descendants of Jacob, a view that was reinforced by Second Temple Judaism. Some scholars suggest that the Israelite identity was much more inclusive and included gentiles (i.e. resident aliens) who assimilated in the Israelite community. In fact, it was likely that tribal membership in Israel was based on one's self-declared allegiance or residency within an assigned tribal territory (Ezekiel 47:21–23).Israel might also exclusively refer to a religious identity, with Troy W. Martin arguing that it was based on 'covenantal circumcision' rather than ancestry (Genesis 17:9–14).
Israel was also known as Hebrew or son of Israel. These ethnonyms may refer to literal descent or as contextual-based ethnonyms. I.e. Hebrew referred to Israelite migrants or Israelites who were economically impoverished. Son of Israel referred to citizens/members of the Israelite community after Israel's biological family transitioned from a clan to a society (Exodus 1:9). They were also known as son of God, reflective of the Hebrew Bible's attempt to portray Israel as a wayward son who is disciplined and nurtured by Yahweh.
In a secular context, Israel refers to a population with a distinct material culture in Iron Age Levant. During the period of the divided monarchy, it refers to the inhabitants of the northern Kingdom of Israel although it later included the inhabitants of the southern kingdom. Israel is also contentiously contrasted with Jew/Judea, with Samaritans being recognized as non-Jewish Israelites for example.
Biblical narrative
Mid-20th century mosaic of the 12 Tribes of Israel, from the Etz Yosef synagogue wall in Givat Mordechai, Jerusalem
The history of the Israelite people can be divided into these categories, according to the Hebrew Bible:
Pre-Monarchic Period (unknown to c. 1050 BCE)
The Israelites were named after their ancestor, Jacob/Israel, who was the grandson of Abraham. They were organized into 12 tribes: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph (or Tribe of Ephraim and Tribe of Manasseh) and Benjamin. Originally, they went to Egypt after a famine in Canaan but were enslaved by the Egyptians. They escaped and organized themselves as a kritarchy, where they followed laws given by Moses. Afterwards, the Israelites conquered Canaan and fought with several neighbors until they established a monarchic state.
This period is covered by Genesis 12 to 1 Samuel 8.
United Monarchy (c. 1050–930 BCE)
As a monarchic state, the Israelite tribes were united by the leadership of Saul, David and Solomon. The reigns of Saul and David were marked by military victories and Israel's transition to a mini-empire with vassal states. Solomon's reign was relatively more peaceful and oversaw the construction of the First Temple, with the help of Phoenician allies. This Temple was where the Ark of the Covenant was stored; its former location was the City of David.
This period is covered by 1 Samuel 8 to 1 Kings 11 or alternatively, 1 Chronicles 10 to 2 Chronicles 9.
Divided Monarchy (c. 930–597 BCE)
Map of the Holy Land, Pietro Vesconte, 1321, showing the allotments of the tribes of Israel. Described by Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld as "the first non-Ptolemaic map of a definite country"The monarchic state was divided into two states, Israel and Judah, due to civil and religious disputes. Eventually, Israel and Judah met their demise after the Assyrian and Babylonian invasions respectively. According to the Biblical prophets, these invasions were divine judgments for religious apostasy and corrupt leadership.
This period is covered by 1 Kings 12 to 2 Kings 25 or alternatively, 2 Chronicles 10 to 2 Chronicles 36. The Book of Jonah narrates the prophet Jonah going to the Neo-Assyrian Empire to deliver a divine message.
Exilic Period (c. 597–538 BCE)
After the Babylonians invaded Judah, they deported most of its citizens to Babylon, where they lived as "exiles". Cyrus the Great conquered Babylon and established the First Persian Empire in 539 BCE. One year later, according to traditional dating, Cyrus permitted the Judahites to return to their homeland. This homeland was re-named as the Province of Yehud, which eventually became a satrapy of Eber-Nari.
This period is covered by the entirety of the Book of Daniel.
Persian Period (c. 539–331 BCE)
In 537–520 BCE, Zerubbabel became Yehud's governor and started work on the Second Temple, which was stopped. In 520–516 BCE, Haggai and Zechariah goaded the Judahites to resume work on the Temple. Upon completion, Joshua became its high priest. In 458–433 BCE, Ezra and Nehemiah led another group of Judahites to Yehud, with Artaxerxes's permission. Nehemiah rebuilt the temple after some unspecified disaster and removed foreign influence from the Judahite community. That said, some Judahites elected to stay in Persia, where they almost faced annihilation.
This period is covered by the entirety of the Book of Ezra, Book of Nehemiah, the Book of Esther, the Book of Haggai, the Book of Zechariah, and the Book of Malachi.
Model of the Tabernacle constructed under the auspices of Moses, in Timna Park, Israel
Historical Israelites
Efforts to confirm the biblical ethnogenesis of Israel through archaeology have largely been abandoned as unproductive. Many scholars see the traditional narratives as national myths with little historical value, but some posit that a small group of exiled Egyptians contributed to the Exodus narrative.William G. Dever cautiously identifies this group with the Tribe of Joseph, while Richard Elliott Friedman identifies it with the Tribe of Levi.Josephus quoting Manetho identifies them with the Hyksos. Other scholars believe that the Exodus narrative was a "collective memory" of several events from the Bronze Age.
In addition, it is unlikely that the Israelites overtook the southern Levant by force, according to archaeological evidence. Instead, they branched out of indigenous Canaanite peoples that long inhabited the region, which included Syria, ancient Israel, and the Transjordan region. Their culture was monolatristic, with a primary focus on Yahweh (or El) worship, but after the Babylonian exile, it became monotheistic, with partial influence from Zoroastrianism. The latter decisively separated the Israelites from other Canaanites.[failed verification] The Israelites used the Canaanite script and communicated in a Canaanite language known as Biblical Hebrew. The language's modern descendant is today the only surviving dialect of the Canaanite languages. Genetic studies show that contemporary ethnicities in the Levant were, like Israel, distinguished by their unique cultures, due to their descent from a common ancestral stock.
Gary Rendsburg argues that some archaic biblical traditions and other circumstantial evidence point to the Israelites emerging from the Shasu and other seminomadic peoples from the desert regions south of the Levant, later settling in the highlands of Canaan.
Ramesses III prisoner tiles depicting precursors of the Israelites in Canaan: Canaanites from city-states and a Shasu leader.
Several theories exist for the origins of historical Israelites. Some believe they descend from raiding groups, itinerant nomads such as Habiru and Shasu or impoverished Canaanites, who were forced to leave wealthy urban areas and live in the highlands. The prevailing academic opinion is that the Israelites were a mixture of peoples predominately indigenous to Canaan, with additional input from an Egyptian matrix of peoples, which most likely inspired the Exodus narrative. Israel's demographics were similar to the demographics of Ammon, Edom, Moab and Phoenicia.[page needed]
Besides their focus on Yahweh worship, Israelite cultural markers were defined by body, food, and time, including male circumcision, avoidance of pork consumption and marking time based on the Exodus, the reigns of Israelite kings, and Sabbath observance. The first two markers were observed by neighboring west Semites besides the Philistines, who were of Mycenaean Greek origin. As a result, intermarriage with other Semites was common. But what distinguished Israelite circumcision from non-Israelite circumcision was its emphasis on 'correct' timing. Israelite circumcision also served as a mnemonic sign for the circumcised, where their 'unnatural' erect circumcised penis would remind them to behave differently in sexual matters.Yom-Tov Lipmann-Muhlhausen suggests that Israelite identity was based on faith and adherence to sex-appropriate commandments. For men, it was circumcision. For women, it was ritual sacrifice after childbirth (Leviticus 12:6).
The Mount Ebal structure, seen by many archeologists as an early Israelite cultic site
Genealogy was another ethnic marker. Whilst it was likely that Israelite identity was not exclusively based on blood descent, the Israelites used genealogy to engage in narcissism of small differences but also, self-criticism since their ancestors included morally questionable characters such as Jacob. Both these traits represented the "complexities of the Jewish soul".
Names were significant in Israelite culture and indicated one's destiny and inherent character. Thus, a name change indicated a 'divine transformation' in one's 'destines, characters and natures'. These beliefs aligned with the Near Eastern cultural milieu, where names were 'intimately bound up with the very essence of being and inextricably intertwined with personality'.
In terms of appearance, rabbis described the Biblical Jews as being "midway between black and white" and having the "color of the boxwood tree". Assuming Yurco's debated claim that the Israelites are depicted in reliefs from Merneptah's temple at Karnak is correct, the early Israelites may have wore the same attire and hairstyles as non-Israelite Canaanites. Dissenting from this, Anson Rainey argued that the Israelites in the reliefs looked more similar to the Shasu. Based on biblical literature, it is implied that the Israelites distinguished themselves from peoples like the Babylonians and Egyptians by not having long beards and chin tufts. However, these fashion practices were upper class customs.
Early Israelite settlements
In the 12th century BCE, many Israelite settlements appeared in the central hill country of Canaan, which was formerly an open terrain. These settlements lacked evidence of pork consumption, compared to Philistine settlements, had four-room houses and lived by an egalitarian ethos, which was exemplified by the absence of elaborate tombs, governor's mansions, certain houses being bigger than others etc. They followed a mixed economy, which prioritized self-sufficiency, cultivation of crops, animal husbandry and small-scalecraft production. New technologies such as terraced farming, silos for grain storage and cisterns for rainwater collection were simultaneously introduced.
These settlements were built by inhabitants of the "general Southland" (i.e. modern Sinai and the southern parts of Israel and Jordan), who abandoned their pastoral-nomadic ways. Canaanites who lived outside the central hill country were tenuously identified as Danites, Asherites, Zebulunites, Issacharites, Naphtalites and Gadites. These inhabitants do not have a significant history of migration besides the Danites, who allegedly originate from the Sea Peoples, particularly the Dan(an)u. Nonetheless, they intermingled with the former nomads, due to socioeconomic and military factors. Their interest in Yahwism and its concern for the underprivileged was another factor. Possible allusions to this historical reality in the Hebrew Bible include the aforementioned tribes, except for Issachar and Zebulun, descending from Bilhah and Zilpah, who were viewed as "secondary additions" to Israel.
El worship was central to early Israelite culture but currently, the number of El worshippers in Israel is unknown. It is more likely that different Israelite locales held different views about El and had 'small-scale' sacred spaces.
Himbaza et al. (2012) states that Israelite households were typically ill-equipped to handle conflicts between family members, which may explain the harsh sexual taboos enforced against acts like incest, homosexuality, polygamy etc. in Leviticus 18–20. Whilst the death penalty was legislated for these 'secret crimes', they functioned as a warning, where offenders would confess out of fear and make appropriate reparations.
Monarchic period
United Monarchy
Part of the gift-bearing Israelite delegation of King Jehu, Black Obelisk, 841–840 BCE.
The historicity of the United Monarchy is heavily debated among archaeologists and biblical scholars: biblical maximalists and centrists (Kenneth Kitchen, William G. Dever, Amihai Mazar, Baruch Halpern and others) argue that the biblical account is more or less accurate, while biblical minimalists (Israel Finkelstein, Ze'ev Herzog, Thomas L. Thompson and others) argue that Israel and Judah never split from a singular state. The debate has not been resolved, but recent archaeological discoveries by Eilat Mazar and Yosef Garfinkel show some support for the existence of the United Monarchy.
From 850 BCE onwards, a series of inscriptions mention the "House of David". They came from Israel's neighbors.
Kingdoms of Israel and Judah
"To Hezekiah, son of Ahaz, king of Judah" – royal seal found at the Ophel excavations in Jerusalem
Compared to the United Monarchy, the historicity of the Kingdom of Israel and Judah is widely accepted by historians and archaeologists.: 169–195 Their destruction by the Assyrians and Babylonians respectively is also confirmed by archaeological evidence and extrabiblical sources.: 306 Christian Frevel argues that Yahwism was rooted in the culture of the Kingdom of Israel, who introduced it to the Kingdom of Judah via Ahab's expansions and sociopolitical cooperation, which was prompted by Hazael's conquests.
Frevel has also argued that Judah was a 'vassal-like' state to Israel, under the Omrides. This theory has been rejected by other scholars, who argue that the archaeological evidence seems to indicate that Judah was an independent socio-political entity for most of the 9th century BCE.
Avraham Faust argues that there was continued adherence to the 'ethos of egalitarianism and simplicity' in the Iron Age II (10th-6th century BCE). For example, there is minimal evidence of temples and complex tomb burials, despite Israel and Judah being more densely populated than the Late Bronze Age. Four-room houses remained the norm. In addition, royal inscriptions were scarce, along with imported and decorated pottery.
The Kingdom of Israel was conquered by the Neo-Assyrian Empire around 720 BCE. The records of Sargon II of Assyria indicate that he deported part of the population to Assyria. Some Israelites migrated to the southern kingdom of Judah, while those that remained in Samaria, concentrated mainly around Mount Gerizim, came to be known as Samaritans. Foreign groups were also settled by the Assyrians in the territories of the conquered kingdom. Research indicates that only a portion of the surviving Israelite population intermarried with Mesopotamians settlers. In their native Samaritan Hebrew, the Samaritans identify as "Israel", "B'nai Israel" or "Shamerim/Shomerim" (i.e. "Guardians/Keepers/Watchers"). Despite this, belief in the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel emerged because of the heavy assimilation faced by Samarian deportees.
Towards the end of the same century, the Neo-Babylonian Empire emerged victorious over the Assyrians, leading to Judah's subjugation as a vassal state. In the early 6th century BC, a series of revolts in Judah prompted the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II to lay siege to and destroy Jerusalem along with the First Temple, marking the kingdom's demise. Subsequently, a segment of the Judahite populace was exiled to Babylon in several waves. Judeans were progenitors of the Jews, who practiced Second Temple Judaism during the Second Temple period.
Later history
With the fall of Babylon to the rising Achaemenid Persian Empire, king Cyrus the Great issued a proclamation known as the Edict of Cyrus, encouraging the exiles to return to their homeland after the Persians raised it as an autonomous Jewish-governed province named Yehud. Under the Persians (c. 539–332 BCE), the returned Jewish population restored the city and rebuilt the Temple in Jerusalem. The Cyrus Cylinder is controversially cited as evidence for Cyrus allowing the Judeans to return. The returnees showed a "heightened sense" of their ethnic identity and shunned exogamy, which was treated as a "permissive reality" in Babylon. Circumcision was no longer a significant ethnic marker, with increased emphasis on genealogical descent or faith in Yahweh. Jason A. Staples argues that the majority of contemporary Jews, regardless of theology, wished for the reunion of northern Israelites and southern Jews.
In 332 BCE, the Achaemenid Empire fell to Alexander the Great, and the region was later incorporated into the Ptolemaic Kingdom (c. 301–200 BCE) and the Seleucid Empire (c. 200–167 BCE). The Maccabean Revolt against Seleucid rule ushered in a period of nominal independence for the Jewish people under the Hasmonean dynasty (140–37 BCE). Initially operating semi-autonomously within the Seleucid sphere, the Hasmoneans gradually asserted full independence through military conquest and diplomacy, establishing themselves as the final sovereign Jewish rulers before a prolonged hiatus in Jewish sovereignty in the region. Some scholars argue that Jews also engaged in active missionary efforts in the Greco-Roman world, which led to conversions. Several scholars, such as Scot McKnight and Martin Goodman, reject this view while holding that conversions occasionally occurred. A similar diaspora existed for Samaritans but their existence is poorly documented.
In 63 BCE, the Roman Republic conquered the kingdom. In 37 BCE, the Romans appointed Herod the Great as king of a vassal Judea. In 6 CE, Judea was fully incorporated into the Roman Empire as the province of Judaea. During this period, the main areas of Jewish settlement in the Land of Israel were Judea, Galilee and Perea, while the Samaritans had their demographic center in Samaria. Growing dissatisfaction with Roman rule and civil disturbances eventually led to the First Jewish–Roman War (66–73 CE), resulting in the destruction of Jerusalem and its Temple, which ended the Second Temple period. This event marked a cataclysmic moment in Jewish history, prompting a reconfiguration of Jewish identity and practice to ensure continuity. The cessation of Temple worship and disappearance of Temple-based sects facilitated the rise of Rabbinic Judaism, which stemmed from the Pharisaic school of Second Temple Judaism, emphasizing communal synagogue worship and Torah study, eventually becoming the predominant expression of Judaism. Concurrently, Christianitybegan to diverge from Judaism, evolving into a predominantly Gentile religion. Decades later, the Bar Kokhba revolt (132–135 CE) further diminished the Jewish presence in Judea, leading to a geographical shift of Jewish life to Galilee and Babylonia, with smaller communities scattered across the Mediterranean.
Modern-day groups seen as descendants, or claiming connections
Jews and Samaritans share a connection with the biblical Land of Israel. Some argue that some Palestinians descend from Israelites who were not exiled by the Romans.
Other groups claim continuity with the Israelites, including Pashtuns,British Israelists,Black Hebrew Israelites,IgbosMormons, and evangelical Christians that subscribe to covenant theology.
A Samaritan elder participates in Passover prayer services held on Mount Gerizim
As of 2024, only one study has directly examined ancient Israelite genetic material. The analysis examined First Temple-era skeletal remains excavated in Abu Ghosh, and showed one male individual belonging to the J2Y-DNA haplogroup, a set of closely-related DNA sequences thought to have originated in the Caucasus or Eastern Anatolia, as well as the T1a and H87mitochondrial DNA haplogroups, the former of which has also been detected among Canaanites, and the latter in Basques, Tunisian Arabs, and Iraqis, suggesting a Mediterranean, Near Eastern, or perhaps Arabian origin.
A 2004 study (by Shen et al.) comparing Samaritans to several Jewish populations (including Ashkenazi Jews, Iraqi Jews, Libyan Jews, Moroccan Jews, and Yemenite Jews) found that "the principal components analysis suggested a common ancestry of Samaritan and Jewish patrilineages. Most of the former may be traced back to a common ancestor in what is today identified as the paternally inherited Israelite high priesthood (Cohanim), with a common ancestor projected to the time of the Assyrian conquest of the kingdom of Israel."
A 2020 study (by Agranat-Tamr et al.) stated that there was genetic continuity between the Bronze Age and Iron Age southern Levantines, which included the Israelites and Judahites. They could be "modeled as a mixture of local earlier Neolithic populations and populations from the northeastern part of the Near East (e.g. Zagros Mountains, Caucasians/Armenians and possibly, Hurrians)". Reasons for the continuity include resilience from the Bronze Age collapse, which was mostly true for inland cities such as Tel Megiddo and Tel Abel Beth Maacah. Elsewhere, European-related and East African-related components were added to the population, from a north-south and south-north gradient respectively. Late Neolithic and Bronze Age Europeans and Somalis were used as representatives.
See also
Demographic history of Palestine
Groups claiming affiliation with Israelites
Jacob in Islam
New Israelites, former Protestant sect (1790s-1802)
Segmentary society
Twelve Tribes of Israel
Who is a Jew?
/ˈɪzrəlaɪts,-riə-/;Hebrew: בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל, romanized:Bənēy Yīsrāʾēl, transl. 'Children of Israel'
"While there is a consensus among scholars that the Exodus did not take place in the manner described in the Bible, surprisingly most scholars agree that the narrative has a historical core and that some of the highland settlers came, one way or another, from Egypt ..." "Archaeology does not really contribute to the debate over the historicity or even historical background of the Exodus itself, but if there was indeed such a group, it contributed the Exodus story to that of all Israel. While I agree that it is most likely that there was such a group, I must stress that this is based on an overall understanding of the development of collective memory and of the authorship of the texts (and their editorial process). Archaeology, unfortunately, cannot directly contribute (yet?) to the study of this specific group of Israel's ancestors."
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Mark Smith in "The Early History of God: Yahweh and Other Deities of Ancient Israel" states "Despite the long regnant model that the Canaanites and Israelites were people of fundamentally different culture, archaeological data now casts doubt on this view. The material culture of the region exhibits numerous common points between Israelites and Canaanites in the Iron I period (c. 1200–1000 BCE). The record would suggest that the Israelite culture largely overlapped with and derived from Canaanite culture ... In short, Israelite culture was largely Canaanite in nature. Given the information available, one cannot maintain a radical cultural separation between Canaanites and Israelites for the Iron I period." (pp. 6–7). Smith, Mark (2002). The Early History of God: Yahweh and Other Deities of Ancient Israel. Eerdmans.
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Encyclopaedia Judaica. Vol. 3 (2nd ed.). p. 27.
Faust 2015, p.476: "While there is a consensus among scholars that the Exodus did not take place in the manner described in the Bible, surprisingly most scholars agree that the narrative has a historical core and that some of the highland settlers came, one way or another, from Egypt ...".
Redmount 2001, p. 61: "A few authorities have concluded that the core events of the Exodus saga are entirely literary fabrications. But most biblical scholars still subscribe to some variation of the Documentary Hypothesis, and support the basic historicity of the biblical narrative."
Dever, William (2001). What Did the Biblical Writers Know, and When Did They Know It?. Eerdmans. pp. 98–99. ISBN3-927120-37-5. After a century of exhaustive investigation, all respectable archaeologists have given up hope of recovering any context that would make Abraham, Isaac, or Jacob credible 'historical figures' ... archaeological investigation of Moses and the Exodus has similarly been discarded as a fruitless pursuit.
Thomas, Zachary (22 April 2016). "Debating the United Monarchy: Let's See How Far We've Come". Biblical Theology Bulletin. 46 (2): 59–69. doi:10.1177/0146107916639208. ISSN 0146-1079. S2CID 147053561.
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Further reading
Albertz, Rainer (1994) [Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 1992]. A History of Israelite Religion, Volume I: From the Beginnings to the End of the Monarchy. Westminster John Knox Press. ISBN978-0-664-22719-7. Archived from the original on 1 July 2023. Retrieved 1 November 2020.
Albertz, Rainer (1994) [Vanderhoek & Ruprecht 1992]. A History of Israelite Religion, Volume II: From the Exile to the Maccabees. Westminster John Knox Press. ISBN978-0-664-22720-3. Archived from the original on 1 July 2023. Retrieved 1 November 2020.
Albertz, Rainer (2003a). Israel in Exile: The History and Literature of the Sixth Century B.C.E. Society of Biblical Literature. ISBN978-1-58983-055-4. Archived from the original on 1 July 2023. Retrieved 1 November 2020.
Albertz, Rainer; Becking, Bob, eds. (2003b). Yahwism After the Exile: Perspectives on Israelite Religion in the Persian Era. Koninklijke Van Gorcum. ISBN978-90-232-3880-5. Archived from the original on 1 July 2023. Retrieved 1 November 2020.
Amit, Yaira; et al., eds. (2006). Essays on Ancient Israel in its Near Eastern Context: A Tribute to Nadav Na'aman. Eisenbrauns. ISBN978-1-57506-128-3. Archived from the original on 1 July 2023. Retrieved 1 November 2020.
Avery-Peck, Alan; et al., eds. (2003). The Blackwell Companion to Judaism. Blackwell. ISBN978-1-57718-059-3. Archived from the original on 1 July 2023. Retrieved 1 November 2020.
Barstad, Hans M. (2008). History and the Hebrew Bible. Mohr Siebeck. ISBN978-3-16-149809-1.
Becking, Bob, ed. (2001). Only One God? Monotheism in Ancient Israel and the Veneration of the Goddess Asherah. Sheffield Academic Press. ISBN978-1-84127-199-6. Archived from the original on 1 July 2023. Retrieved 14 August 2015.
Becking, Bob; Korpel, Marjo Christina Annette, eds. (1999). The Crisis of Israelite Religion: Transformation of Religious Tradition in Exilic and Post-Exilic Times. Brill. ISBN978-90-04-11496-8. Archived from the original on 1 July 2023. Retrieved 1 November 2020.
Bedford, Peter Ross (2001). Temple Restoration in Early Achaemenid Judah. Brill. ISBN978-90-04-11509-5.
Ben-Sasson, H.H. (1976). A History of the Jewish People. Harvard University Press. ISBN0-674-39731-2.
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Israelites were a Hebrew speaking ethnoreligious group consisting of tribes that inhabited parts of Canaan during the Iron Age Map of the twelve tribes of Israel before the move of Dan to the north based on the Book of Joshua The name of Israel first appears in the Merneptah Stele of ancient Egypt dated to about 1200 BCE Modern scholarship considers that the Israelites emerged from groups of indigenous Canaanites and other peoples They spoke an archaic form of the Hebrew language which was a regional variety of the Canaanite languages and emphasized on the worship of Yahweh In the Iron Age the kingdoms of Israel and Judah emerged The Kingdom of Israel with its capital at Samaria fell to the Neo Assyrian Empire around 720 BCE while the Kingdom of Judah with its capital at Jerusalem was destroyed by the Neo Babylonian Empire in 586 BCE Some of the Judean population was exiled to Babylon but returned to Israel after Cyrus the Great conquered the region According to the Bible the Israelites are the descendants of Jacob a patriarch who was later renamed as Israel Following a severe drought in Canaan Jacob and his twelve sons fled to Egypt where they eventually formed the Twelve Tribes of Israel The Israelites were later led out of slavery in Egypt by Moses and conquered Canaan under Joshua s leadership who was Moses s successor Most modern scholars agree that the Torah does not provide an authentic account of the Israelites origins and instead view it as constituting their national myth However it is supposed that there may be a historical core to the narrative 17 The Bible also portrays the kingdoms of Israel and Judah as the successors of an earlier United Kingdom of Israel though the historicity of the latter is disputed Jews and Samaritans both trace their ancestry to the ancient Israelites Jews trace their ancestry to tribes that inhabited the Kingdom of Judah including Judah Benjamin and partially Levi while the Samaritans claim their lineage from the remaining members of Ephraim Manasseh and Levi who were not deported in the Assyrian captivity after the fall of Israel Other groups have also claimed affiliation with the Israelites EtymologyThe first reference to Israel in non biblical sources is found in the Merneptah Stele in c 1209 BCE The inscription is very brief and says Israel is laid waste and his seed is not The inscription refers to a people not an individual or nation state who are located in central Palestine or the highlands of Samaria Some Egyptologists suggest that Israel appeared in earlier topographical reliefs dating to the Nineteenth Dynasty i e reign of Ramesses II or the Eighteenth Dynasty but this reading remains controversial In the Hebrew Bible Israel first appears in Genesis 32 29 where an angel gives the name to Jacob after the latter fought with him The folk etymology given in the text derives Israel from yisra to prevail over or to struggle with and El a Canaanite Mesopotamian creator god that is tenuously identified with Yahweh However modern scholarship interprets El as the subject El rules struggles from sarar ש ר ר to rule cognate with sar ש ר ruler Akkadian sarru ruler king which is likely cognate with the similar root sara ש רה fought strove contended Afterwards Israel refers to the direct descendants of Jacob a view that was reinforced by Second Temple Judaism Some scholars suggest that the Israelite identity was much more inclusive and included gentiles i e resident aliens who assimilated in the Israelite community In fact it was likely that tribal membership in Israel was based on one s self declared allegiance or residency within an assigned tribal territory Ezekiel 47 21 23 Israel might also exclusively refer to a religious identity with Troy W Martin arguing that it was based on covenantal circumcision rather than ancestry Genesis 17 9 14 Israel was also known as Hebrew or son of Israel These ethnonyms may refer to literal descent or as contextual based ethnonyms I e Hebrew referred to Israelite migrants or Israelites who were economically impoverished Son of Israel referred to citizens members of the Israelite community after Israel s biological family transitioned from a clan to a society Exodus 1 9 They were also known as son of God reflective of the Hebrew Bible s attempt to portray Israel as a wayward son who is disciplined and nurtured by Yahweh In a secular context Israel refers to a population with a distinct material culture in Iron Age Levant During the period of the divided monarchy it refers to the inhabitants of the northern Kingdom of Israel although it later included the inhabitants of the southern kingdom Israel is also contentiously contrasted with Jew Judea with Samaritans being recognized as non Jewish Israelites for example Biblical narrativeMid 20th century mosaic of the 12 Tribes of Israel from the Etz Yosef synagogue wall in Givat Mordechai Jerusalem The history of the Israelite people can be divided into these categories according to the Hebrew Bible Pre Monarchic Period unknown to c 1050 BCE The Israelites were named after their ancestor Jacob Israel who was the grandson of Abraham They were organized into 12 tribes Reuben Simeon Levi Judah Dan Naphtali Gad Asher Issachar Zebulun Joseph or Tribe of Ephraim and Tribe of Manasseh and Benjamin Originally they went to Egypt after a famine in Canaan but were enslaved by the Egyptians They escaped and organized themselves as a kritarchy where they followed laws given by Moses Afterwards the Israelites conquered Canaan and fought with several neighbors until they established a monarchic state This period is covered by Genesis 12 to 1 Samuel 8 United Monarchy c 1050 930 BCE As a monarchic state the Israelite tribes were united by the leadership of Saul David and Solomon The reigns of Saul and David were marked by military victories and Israel s transition to a mini empire with vassal states Solomon s reign was relatively more peaceful and oversaw the construction of the First Temple with the help of Phoenician allies This Temple was where the Ark of the Covenant was stored its former location was the City of David This period is covered by 1 Samuel 8 to 1 Kings 11 or alternatively 1 Chronicles 10 to 2 Chronicles 9 Divided Monarchy c 930 597 BCE Map of the Holy Land Pietro Vesconte 1321 showing the allotments of the tribes of Israel Described by Adolf Erik Nordenskiold as the first non Ptolemaic map of a definite country The monarchic state was divided into two states Israel and Judah due to civil and religious disputes Eventually Israel and Judah met their demise after the Assyrian and Babylonian invasions respectively According to the Biblical prophets these invasions were divine judgments for religious apostasy and corrupt leadership This period is covered by 1 Kings 12 to 2 Kings 25 or alternatively 2 Chronicles 10 to 2 Chronicles 36 The Book of Jonah narrates the prophet Jonah going to the Neo Assyrian Empire to deliver a divine message Exilic Period c 597 538 BCE After the Babylonians invaded Judah they deported most of its citizens to Babylon where they lived as exiles Cyrus the Great conquered Babylon and established the First Persian Empire in 539 BCE One year later according to traditional dating Cyrus permitted the Judahites to return to their homeland This homeland was re named as the Province of Yehud which eventually became a satrapy of Eber Nari This period is covered by the entirety of the Book of Daniel Persian Period c 539 331 BCE In 537 520 BCE Zerubbabel became Yehud s governor and started work on the Second Temple which was stopped In 520 516 BCE Haggai and Zechariah goaded the Judahites to resume work on the Temple Upon completion Joshua became its high priest In 458 433 BCE Ezra and Nehemiah led another group of Judahites to Yehud with Artaxerxes s permission Nehemiah rebuilt the temple after some unspecified disaster and removed foreign influence from the Judahite community That said some Judahites elected to stay in Persia where they almost faced annihilation This period is covered by the entirety of the Book of Ezra Book of Nehemiah the Book of Esther the Book of Haggai the Book of Zechariah and the Book of Malachi Model of the Tabernacle constructed under the auspices of Moses in Timna Park IsraelHistorical IsraelitesEfforts to confirm the biblical ethnogenesis of Israel through archaeology have largely been abandoned as unproductive Many scholars see the traditional narratives as national myths with little historical value but some posit that a small group of exiled Egyptians contributed to the Exodus narrative William G Dever cautiously identifies this group with the Tribe of Joseph while Richard Elliott Friedman identifies it with the Tribe of Levi Josephus quoting Manetho identifies them with the Hyksos Other scholars believe that the Exodus narrative was a collective memory of several events from the Bronze Age In addition it is unlikely that the Israelites overtook the southern Levant by force according to archaeological evidence Instead they branched out of indigenous Canaanite peoples that long inhabited the region which included Syria ancient Israel and the Transjordan region Their culture was monolatristic with a primary focus on Yahweh or El worship but after the Babylonian exile it became monotheistic with partial influence from Zoroastrianism The latter decisively separated the Israelites from other Canaanites failed verification The Israelites used the Canaanite script and communicated in a Canaanite language known as Biblical Hebrew The language s modern descendant is today the only surviving dialect of the Canaanite languages Genetic studies show that contemporary ethnicities in the Levant were like Israel distinguished by their unique cultures due to their descent from a common ancestral stock Gary Rendsburg argues that some archaic biblical traditions and other circumstantial evidence point to the Israelites emerging from the Shasu and other seminomadic peoples from the desert regions south of the Levant later settling in the highlands of Canaan Origins Ramesses III prisoner tiles depicting precursors of the Israelites in Canaan Canaanites from city states and a Shasu leader Several theories exist for the origins of historical Israelites Some believe they descend from raiding groups itinerant nomads such as Habiru and Shasu or impoverished Canaanites who were forced to leave wealthy urban areas and live in the highlands The prevailing academic opinion is that the Israelites were a mixture of peoples predominately indigenous to Canaan with additional input from an Egyptian matrix of peoples which most likely inspired the Exodus narrative Israel s demographics were similar to the demographics of Ammon Edom Moab and Phoenicia page needed Besides their focus on Yahweh worship Israelite cultural markers were defined by body food and time including male circumcision avoidance of pork consumption and marking time based on the Exodus the reigns of Israelite kings and Sabbath observance The first two markers were observed by neighboring west Semites besides the Philistines who were of Mycenaean Greek origin As a result intermarriage with other Semites was common But what distinguished Israelite circumcision from non Israelite circumcision was its emphasis on correct timing Israelite circumcision also served as a mnemonic sign for the circumcised where their unnatural erect circumcised penis would remind them to behave differently in sexual matters Yom Tov Lipmann Muhlhausen suggests that Israelite identity was based on faith and adherence to sex appropriate commandments For men it was circumcision For women it was ritual sacrifice after childbirth Leviticus 12 6 The Mount Ebal structure seen by many archeologists as an early Israelite cultic site Genealogy was another ethnic marker Whilst it was likely that Israelite identity was not exclusively based on blood descent the Israelites used genealogy to engage in narcissism of small differences but also self criticism since their ancestors included morally questionable characters such as Jacob Both these traits represented the complexities of the Jewish soul Names were significant in Israelite culture and indicated one s destiny and inherent character Thus a name change indicated a divine transformation in one s destines characters and natures These beliefs aligned with the Near Eastern cultural milieu where names were intimately bound up with the very essence of being and inextricably intertwined with personality In terms of appearance rabbis described the Biblical Jews as being midway between black and white and having the color of the boxwood tree Assuming Yurco s debated claim that the Israelites are depicted in reliefs from Merneptah s temple at Karnak is correct the early Israelites may have wore the same attire and hairstyles as non Israelite Canaanites Dissenting from this Anson Rainey argued that the Israelites in the reliefs looked more similar to the Shasu Based on biblical literature it is implied that the Israelites distinguished themselves from peoples like the Babylonians and Egyptians by not having long beards and chin tufts However these fashion practices were upper class customs Early Israelite settlements In the 12th century BCE many Israelite settlements appeared in the central hill country of Canaan which was formerly an open terrain These settlements lacked evidence of pork consumption compared to Philistine settlements had four room houses and lived by an egalitarian ethos which was exemplified by the absence of elaborate tombs governor s mansions certain houses being bigger than others etc They followed a mixed economy which prioritized self sufficiency cultivation of crops animal husbandry and small scale craft production New technologies such as terraced farming silos for grain storage and cisterns for rainwater collection were simultaneously introduced These settlements were built by inhabitants of the general Southland i e modern Sinai and the southern parts of Israel and Jordan who abandoned their pastoral nomadic ways Canaanites who lived outside the central hill country were tenuously identified as Danites Asherites Zebulunites Issacharites Naphtalites and Gadites These inhabitants do not have a significant history of migration besides the Danites who allegedly originate from the Sea Peoples particularly the Dan an u Nonetheless they intermingled with the former nomads due to socioeconomic and military factors Their interest in Yahwism and its concern for the underprivileged was another factor Possible allusions to this historical reality in the Hebrew Bible include the aforementioned tribes except for Issachar and Zebulun descending from Bilhah and Zilpah who were viewed as secondary additions to Israel El worship was central to early Israelite culture but currently the number of El worshippers in Israel is unknown It is more likely that different Israelite locales held different views about El and had small scale sacred spaces Himbaza et al 2012 states that Israelite households were typically ill equipped to handle conflicts between family members which may explain the harsh sexual taboos enforced against acts like incest homosexuality polygamy etc in Leviticus 18 20 Whilst the death penalty was legislated for these secret crimes they functioned as a warning where offenders would confess out of fear and make appropriate reparations Monarchic period United Monarchy Part of the gift bearing Israelite delegation of King Jehu Black Obelisk 841 840 BCE The historicity of the United Monarchy is heavily debated among archaeologists and biblical scholars biblical maximalists and centrists Kenneth Kitchen William G Dever Amihai Mazar Baruch Halpern and others argue that the biblical account is more or less accurate while biblical minimalists Israel Finkelstein Ze ev Herzog Thomas L Thompson and others argue that Israel and Judah never split from a singular state The debate has not been resolved but recent archaeological discoveries by Eilat Mazar and Yosef Garfinkel show some support for the existence of the United Monarchy From 850 BCE onwards a series of inscriptions mention the House of David They came from Israel s neighbors Kingdoms of Israel and Judah To Hezekiah son of Ahaz king of Judah royal seal found at the Ophel excavations in Jerusalem Compared to the United Monarchy the historicity of the Kingdom of Israel and Judah is widely accepted by historians and archaeologists 169 195 Their destruction by the Assyrians and Babylonians respectively is also confirmed by archaeological evidence and extrabiblical sources 306 Christian Frevel argues that Yahwism was rooted in the culture of the Kingdom of Israel who introduced it to the Kingdom of Judah via Ahab s expansions and sociopolitical cooperation which was prompted by Hazael s conquests Frevel has also argued that Judah was a vassal like state to Israel under the Omrides This theory has been rejected by other scholars who argue that the archaeological evidence seems to indicate that Judah was an independent socio political entity for most of the 9th century BCE Avraham Faust argues that there was continued adherence to the ethos of egalitarianism and simplicity in the Iron Age II 10th 6th century BCE For example there is minimal evidence of temples and complex tomb burials despite Israel and Judah being more densely populated than the Late Bronze Age Four room houses remained the norm In addition royal inscriptions were scarce along with imported and decorated pottery The Kingdom of Israel was conquered by the Neo Assyrian Empire around 720 BCE The records of Sargon II of Assyria indicate that he deported part of the population to Assyria Some Israelites migrated to the southern kingdom of Judah while those that remained in Samaria concentrated mainly around Mount Gerizim came to be known as Samaritans Foreign groups were also settled by the Assyrians in the territories of the conquered kingdom Research indicates that only a portion of the surviving Israelite population intermarried with Mesopotamians settlers In their native Samaritan Hebrew the Samaritans identify as Israel B nai Israel or Shamerim Shomerim i e Guardians Keepers Watchers Despite this belief in the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel emerged because of the heavy assimilation faced by Samarian deportees Towards the end of the same century the Neo Babylonian Empire emerged victorious over the Assyrians leading to Judah s subjugation as a vassal state In the early 6th century BC a series of revolts in Judah prompted the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II to lay siege to and destroy Jerusalem along with the First Temple marking the kingdom s demise Subsequently a segment of the Judahite populace was exiled to Babylon in several waves Judeans were progenitors of the Jews who practiced Second Temple Judaism during the Second Temple period Later history With the fall of Babylon to the rising Achaemenid Persian Empire king Cyrus the Great issued a proclamation known as the Edict of Cyrus encouraging the exiles to return to their homeland after the Persians raised it as an autonomous Jewish governed province named Yehud Under the Persians c 539 332 BCE the returned Jewish population restored the city and rebuilt the Temple in Jerusalem The Cyrus Cylinder is controversially cited as evidence for Cyrus allowing the Judeans to return The returnees showed a heightened sense of their ethnic identity and shunned exogamy which was treated as a permissive reality in Babylon Circumcision was no longer a significant ethnic marker with increased emphasis on genealogical descent or faith in Yahweh Jason A Staples argues that the majority of contemporary Jews regardless of theology wished for the reunion of northern Israelites and southern Jews In 332 BCE the Achaemenid Empire fell to Alexander the Great and the region was later incorporated into the Ptolemaic Kingdom c 301 200 BCE and the Seleucid Empire c 200 167 BCE The Maccabean Revolt against Seleucid rule ushered in a period of nominal independence for the Jewish people under the Hasmonean dynasty 140 37 BCE Initially operating semi autonomously within the Seleucid sphere the Hasmoneans gradually asserted full independence through military conquest and diplomacy establishing themselves as the final sovereign Jewish rulers before a prolonged hiatus in Jewish sovereignty in the region Some scholars argue that Jews also engaged in active missionary efforts in the Greco Roman world which led to conversions Several scholars such as Scot McKnight and Martin Goodman reject this view while holding that conversions occasionally occurred A similar diaspora existed for Samaritans but their existence is poorly documented In 63 BCE the Roman Republic conquered the kingdom In 37 BCE the Romans appointed Herod the Great as king of a vassal Judea In 6 CE Judea was fully incorporated into the Roman Empire as the province of Judaea During this period the main areas of Jewish settlement in the Land of Israel were Judea Galilee and Perea while the Samaritans had their demographic center in Samaria Growing dissatisfaction with Roman rule and civil disturbances eventually led to the First Jewish Roman War 66 73 CE resulting in the destruction of Jerusalem and its Temple which ended the Second Temple period This event marked a cataclysmic moment in Jewish history prompting a reconfiguration of Jewish identity and practice to ensure continuity The cessation of Temple worship and disappearance of Temple based sects facilitated the rise of Rabbinic Judaism which stemmed from the Pharisaic school of Second Temple Judaism emphasizing communal synagogue worship and Torah study eventually becoming the predominant expression of Judaism Concurrently Christianity began to diverge from Judaism evolving into a predominantly Gentile religion Decades later the Bar Kokhba revolt 132 135 CE further diminished the Jewish presence in Judea leading to a geographical shift of Jewish life to Galilee and Babylonia with smaller communities scattered across the Mediterranean Modern day groups seen as descendants or claiming connections Jews and Samaritans share a connection with the biblical Land of Israel Some argue that some Palestinians descend from Israelites who were not exiled by the Romans Other groups claim continuity with the Israelites including Pashtuns British Israelists Black Hebrew Israelites IgbosMormons and evangelical Christians that subscribe to covenant theology GeneticsA Samaritan elder participates in Passover prayer services held on Mount Gerizim As of 2024 only one study has directly examined ancient Israelite genetic material The analysis examined First Temple era skeletal remains excavated in Abu Ghosh and showed one male individual belonging to the J2 Y DNA haplogroup a set of closely related DNA sequences thought to have originated in the Caucasus or Eastern Anatolia as well as the T1a and H87 mitochondrial DNA haplogroups the former of which has also been detected among Canaanites and the latter in Basques Tunisian Arabs and Iraqis suggesting a Mediterranean Near Eastern or perhaps Arabian origin A 2004 study by Shen et al comparing Samaritans to several Jewish populations including Ashkenazi Jews Iraqi Jews Libyan Jews Moroccan Jews and Yemenite Jews found that the principal components analysis suggested a common ancestry of Samaritan and Jewish patrilineages Most of the former may be traced back to a common ancestor in what is today identified as the paternally inherited Israelite high priesthood Cohanim with a common ancestor projected to the time of the Assyrian conquest of the kingdom of Israel A 2020 study by Agranat Tamr et al stated that there was genetic continuity between the Bronze Age and Iron Age southern Levantines which included the Israelites and Judahites They could be modeled as a mixture of local earlier Neolithic populations and populations from the northeastern part of the Near East e g Zagros Mountains Caucasians Armenians and possibly Hurrians Reasons for the continuity include resilience from the Bronze Age collapse which was mostly true for inland cities such as Tel Megiddo and Tel Abel Beth Maacah Elsewhere European related and East African related components were added to the population from a north south and south north gradient respectively Late Neolithic and Bronze Age Europeans and Somalis were used as representatives See alsoDemographic history of Palestine God fearers Groups claiming affiliation with Israelites Hebrews Jacob in Islam New Israelites former Protestant sect 1790s 1802 Segmentary society Twelve Tribes of Israel Who is a Jew Notes ˈ ɪ z r e l aɪ t s r i e Hebrew ב נ י י ש ר א ל romanized Beney Yisraʾel transl Children of Israel While there is a consensus among scholars that the Exodus did not take place in the manner described in the Bible surprisingly most scholars agree that the narrative has a historical core and that some of the highland settlers came one way or another from Egypt Archaeology does not really contribute to the debate over the historicity or even historical background of the Exodus itself but if there was indeed such a group it contributed the Exodus story to that of all Israel While I agree that it is most likely that there was such a group I must stress that this is based on an overall understanding of the development of collective memory and of the authorship of the texts and their editorial process Archaeology unfortunately cannot directly contribute yet to the study of this specific group of Israel s ancestors References Israelite Lexico UK English Dictionary Oxford University Press Archived from the original on 23 November 2021 Israelite Merriam Webster com Dictionary Merriam Webster Sparks Kenton L 1998 Ethnicity and Identity in Ancient Israel Prolegomena to the Study of Ethnic Sentiments and Their Expression in the Hebrew Bible Eisenbrauns pp 146 148 ISBN 978 1 57506 033 0 Baron Salo W 1937 Social and Religious History of the Jews Vol 1 p 338 Shaw Ian 2002 Israel Israelites In Shaw Ian Jameson Robert eds A Dictionary of Archaeology Wiley Blackwell p 313 ISBN 978 0 631 23583 5 Faust Avraham 2023 The Birth of Israel In Hoyland Robert G Williamson H G M eds The Oxford History of the Holy Land Oxford University Press pp 5 33 ISBN 978 0 19 288687 3 Bienkowski Piotr Millard Alan 2000 British Museum Dictionary of the Ancient Near East British Museum Press pp 157 158 ISBN 9780714111414 Rendsburg Gary 2008 Israel without the Bible In Frederick E Greenspahn The Hebrew Bible New Insights and Scholarship NYU Press pp 11 12 Mark Smith in The Early History of God Yahweh and Other Deities of Ancient Israel states Despite the long regnant model that the Canaanites and Israelites were people of fundamentally different culture archaeological data now casts doubt on this view The material culture of the region exhibits numerous common points between Israelites and Canaanites in the Iron I period c 1200 1000 BCE The record would suggest that the Israelite culture largely overlapped with and derived from Canaanite culture In short Israelite culture was largely Canaanite in nature Given the information available one cannot maintain a radical cultural separation between Canaanites and Israelites for the Iron I period pp 6 7 Smith Mark 2002 The Early History of God Yahweh and Other Deities of Ancient Israel Eerdmans Frevel Christian History of Ancient Israel Atlanta Georgia SBL Press 2023 p 33 ISBN 9781628375138 Israel developed in the land and not outside of it in Egypt in the desert etc Steiner Richard C 1997 Ancient Hebrew In Hetzron Robert ed The Semitic Languages Routledge pp 145 173 ISBN 978 0 415 05767 7 Hendel Ronald 2005 Remembering Abraham Culture Memory and History in the Hebrew Bible Oxford University Press pp 3 30 ISBN 978 0 19 517796 1 Broshi Magen 2001 Bread Wine Walls and Scrolls Bloomsbury p 174 ISBN 978 1 84127 201 6 Faust Avraham 29 August 2012 Judah in the Neo Babylonian Period Society of Biblical Literature p 1 doi 10 2307 j ctt5vjz28 ISBN 978 1 58983 641 9 Stokl Jonathan Waerzegger Caroline 2015 Exile and Return The Babylonian Context Walter de Gruyter pp 7 11 30 226 Encyclopaedia Judaica Vol 3 2nd ed p 27 Faust 2015 p 476 While there is a consensus among scholars that the Exodus did not take place in the manner described in the Bible surprisingly most scholars agree that the narrative has a historical core and that some of the highland settlers came one way or another from Egypt Redmount 2001 p 61 A few authorities have concluded that the core events of the Exodus saga are entirely literary fabrications But most biblical scholars still subscribe to some variation of the Documentary Hypothesis and support the basic historicity of the biblical narrative Dever William 2001 What Did the Biblical Writers Know and When Did They Know It Eerdmans pp 98 99 ISBN 3 927120 37 5 After a century of exhaustive investigation all respectable archaeologists have given up hope of recovering any context that would make Abraham Isaac or Jacob credible historical figures archaeological investigation of Moses and the Exodus has similarly been discarded as a fruitless pursuit Thomas Zachary 22 April 2016 Debating the United Monarchy Let s See How Far We ve Come Biblical Theology Bulletin 46 2 59 69 doi 10 1177 0146107916639208 ISSN 0146 1079 S2CID 147053561 Lipschits Oded 2014 The history of Israel in the biblical period In Berlin Adele Brettler Marc Zvi eds The Jewish Study Bible 2nd ed Oxford University Press pp 2107 2119 ISBN 978 0 19 997846 5 Archived from the original on 9 April 2023 Retrieved 16 May 2022 As this essay will show however the premonarchic period long ago became a literary description of the mythological roots the early beginnings of the nation and the way to describe the right of Israel on its land The archaeological evidence also does not support the existence of a united monarchy under David and Solomon as described in the Bible so the rubric of united monarchy is best abandoned although it remains useful for discussing how the Bible views the Israelite past Although the kingdom of Judah is mentioned in some ancient inscriptions they never suggest that it was part of a unit comprised of Israel and Judah There are no extrabiblical indications of a united monarchy called Israel Adams Hannah 1840 The history of the Jews from the destruction of Jerusalem to the present time Duncan and Malcolm and Wertheim OCLC 894671497 Brenner Michael 2010 A short history of the Jews Princeton New Jersey Princeton University Press ISBN 978 0 691 14351 4 OCLC 463855870 Ostrer Harry 2012 Legacy A Genetic History of the Jewish People Oxford University Press USA ISBN 978 1 280 87519 9 OCLC 798209542 Kartveit Magnar 1 January 2014 Review of Knoppers Gary N Jews and Samaritans The Origins and History of Their Early Relations Oxford Oxford University Press 2013 Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 14 doi 10 5508 jhs 2014 v14 r25 ISSN 1203 1542 Greenspahn Frederick E 2008 The Hebrew Bible New Insights and Scholarship NYU Press pp 12ff ISBN 978 0 8147 3187 1 Archived from the original on 1 July 2023 Retrieved 14 January 2018 Van der Toorn K 196 Family Religion in Babylonia Ugarit and Israel Continuity and Changes in the Forms of Religious Life Brill pp 181 282 Grabbe 2008 p 75 Van der Veern Peter et al Israel in Canaan Long Before Pharaoh Merenptah A Fresh Look at Berlin Statue Pedestal Relief 21687 Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections pp 15 25 Romer Thomas 2015 The Invention of God Harvard p 75 Dijkstra Meindert 2017 Canaan in the Transition from the Late Bronze to the Early Iron Age from an Egyptian Perspective In Grabbe Lester ed The Land of Canaan in the Late Bronze Age Bloomsbury p 62 n 17 Genesis 32 29 Scherman Rabbi Nosson ed 2006 The Chumash The Artscroll Series Mesorah pp 176 77 Kaplan Aryeh 1985 Jewish Meditation New York 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Christine E 2002 Gentile Impurities and Jewish Identities Intermarriage and Conversion from the Bible to the Talmud Oxford University Press pp 19 44 ISBN 978 0 19 803446 9 Olyan Saul 2000 Rites and Rank Hierarchy in Biblical Representations of Cult Princeton University Press ISBN 978 0 691 02948 1 Thiessen Matthew 2011 Contesting Conversion Genealogy Circumcision and Identity in Ancient Judaism and Christianity Oxford University Press pp 87 110 ISBN 978 0 19 991445 6 Lau Peter H W 2009 Gentile Incorporation into Israel in Ezra Nehemiah Peeters Publishers 90 3 356 373 JSTOR 42614919 Martin Troy W 2003 The Covenant of Circumcision Genesis 17 9 14 and the Situational Antitheses in Galatians 3 28 Journal of Biblical Literature 122 1 111 125 doi 10 2307 3268093 JSTOR 3268093 William David Reyburn Euan McG Fry A Handbook on Genesis New York United Bible Societies 1997 D Friedberg Albert 22 February 2017 Who Were the Hebrews The Torah com Archived from the original on 28 November 2023 Genesis 14 MacLaren Expositions Of Holy Scripture Biblehub com 2024 Archived from the original on 8 February 2024 Flavius Josephus Antiquities of The Jews Book I Chapter VI Paragraph 4 Greek Ἀrfa3adoy dὲ paῖs ginetai Salhs toῦ dὲ Ἕberos ἀf oὗ toὺs Ἰoydaioys Ἑbraioys ἀrxῆ8en ἐkaloyn Ἕberos dὲ Ἰoyktan kaὶ Falegon ἐgennhsen ἐklh8h dὲ Falegos ἐpeidὴ katὰ tὸn ἀpodasmὸn tῶn oἰkhsewn tiktetai falὲk gὰr tὸn merismὸn Ἑbraῖoi kaloῦsin lit Sala was the son of Arphaxad and his son was Heber from whom they originally called the Jews Hebrews Heber begat Joetan and Phaleg he was called Phaleg because he was born at the dispersion of the nations to their several countries for Phaleg among the Hebrews signifies division Block Daniel I 1984 Israel sons of Israel A study in Hebrew eponymic usage Studies in Religion Sciences Religieuses 13 3 via SageJournals Schmitt John J 2004 Israel as Son of God in Torah Biblical Theology Bulletin Journal of Bible and Culture 34 2 via SageJournal Cate Robert L 1990 Israelite 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Finkelstein Pennsylvania State University Press pp 151 158 ISBN 978 1 57506 787 2 Tubb 1998 pp 13 14 McNutt 1999 p 47 K L Noll 2001 Canaan and Israel in Antiquity An Introduction Archived 1 July 2023 at the Wayback Machine A amp C Black p 164 It would seem that in the eyes of Merneptah s artisans Israel was a Canaanite group indistinguishable from all other Canaanite groups It is likely that Merneptah s Israel was a group of Canaanites located in the Jezreel Valley Moore Cross Frank 1997 Canaanite Myth and Hebrew Epic Essays in History of the Religion of Israel Massachusetts Harvard University Press p 62 ISBN 0 674 09176 0 Kuzar Ron 2001 Hebrew and Zionism a discourse analytic cultural study Berlin Mouton de Gruyter p 235 ISBN 3 11 016993 2 Haber Marc Doumet Serhal Claude Scheib Christiana et al 2017 Continuity and Admixture in the Last Five Millennia of Levantine History from Ancient Canaanite and Present Day Lebanese Genome Sequences American Journal of Human Genetics 101 2 274 282 via NCBI Feldman Michal Master Daniel M Bianco Raffaela A et al 2019 Ancient DNA sheds light on the genetic origins of early Iron Age Philistines ScienceAdvances 5 7 via NCBI Rendsburg Gary A 2020 Israelite Origins In Averbeck Richard E Younger Jr K Lawson eds An Excellent Fortress for His Armies a Refuge for the People Egyptological Archaeological and Biblical Studies in Honor of James K Hoffmeier Pennsylvania State University Press pp 327 339 ISBN 978 1 57506 994 4 Shasu or Habiru Who Were the Early Israelites The BAS Library 24 August 2015 Archived from the original on 16 October 2022 Retrieved 16 October 2022 Israelites as Canaanites Macrohistory World History Archived from the original on 3 January 2019 Retrieved 3 March 2019 Inside Outside Where Did the Early Israelites Come From The BAS Library 24 August 2015 Archived from the original on 16 October 2022 Retrieved 16 October 2022 Killebrew Ann E 2020 Early Israel s Origins Settlement and Ethnogenesis In Kelle Brad E Strawn Brent 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Retrieved 26 May 2020 Frevel Christian 2021 When and from Where did YHWH Emerge Some Reflections on Early Yahwism in Israel and Judah Entangled Religions 12 2 doi 10 46586 er 12 2021 8776 hdl 2263 84039 ISSN 2363 6696 Gadot Yuval Kleiman Assaf Uziel Joe 2023 The Interconnections Between Jerusalem and Samaria in the Ninth to Eighth Centuries BCE Material Culture Connectivity and Politics In Ben Yosef Erez Jones Ian W N eds And in Length of Days Understanding Job 12 12 Essays on Archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond in Honor of Thomas E Levy Springer Nature pp 771 786 ISBN 978 3 031 27330 8 Faust Avraham 2019 Israelite Temples Where Was Israelite Cult Not Practiced and Why Religions 10 2 106 doi 10 3390 rel10020106 ISSN 2077 1444 Hasegawa Levin amp Radner 2018 p 55 Finkelstein Israel 28 June 2015 Migration of Israelites into Judah after 720 BCE An Answer and an Update Zeitschrift fur die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 127 2 188 206 doi 10 1515 zaw 2015 0011 ISSN 1613 0103 S2CID 171178702 Shen et al 2004 Finkelstein Israel 2013 The forgotten kingdom the archaeology and history of Northern Israel Society of Biblical Literature p 158 ISBN 978 1 58983 910 6 OCLC 949151323 Cline Eric H 2008 From Eden to Exile Unraveling Mysteries of the Bible National Geographic US ISBN 978 1 4262 0208 7 Shen Peidong Lavi Tal Kivisild Toomas Chou Vivian Sengun Deniz Gefel Dov Shpirer Issac Woolf Eilon Hillel Jossi Feldman Marcus W Oefner Peter J 2004 Reconstruction of patrilineages and matrilineages of Samaritans and other Israeli populations from Y Chromosome and mitochondrial DNA sequence Variation Human Mutation 24 3 248 260 doi 10 1002 humu 20077 ISSN 1059 7794 PMID 15300852 S2CID 1571356 Manzur 1979 Bowman John 8 February 1963 BANu ISRA iL IN THE QUR AN Islamic Studies 2 4 Islamic Research Institute 447 455 JSTOR 20832712 This tiny community called by the Jews and the Christians the Samaritans call themselves Israel or Shomerim the Keepers of the Torah i e Tawr t The Samaritan Identity The Israelite Samaritan Community in Israel Retrieved 15 September 2023 Our real name is Bene Yisrael Ha Shamerem D nU D 7nU in Hebrew which means The Keepers or to be precise the Israelite Keepers as we observe the ancient Israelite tradition since the time of our prophet Moses and the people of Israel The modern terms Samaritans and Jews given by the Assyrians indicate the settlement of the Samaritans in the area of Samaria and the Jews in the area of Judah The Keepers Israelite Samaritan Identity Israelite Samaritan Information Institute 26 May 2020 Retrieved 15 September 2023 We are not Samaritans this is what the Assyrians called the people of Samaria We The Keepers Sons of Israel Keepers of the Word of the Torah never adopted the name Samaritans Our forefathers only used the name when speaking to outsiders about our community Through the ages we have referred to ourselves as The Keepers Lyman Stanford M 1998 The Lost Tribes of Israel as a Problem in History and Sociology International Journal of Politics Culture and Society 12 1 7 42 doi 10 1023 A 1025902603291 JSTOR 20019954 S2CID 141243508 Baker Luke 3 February 2017 Ancient tablets reveal life of Jews in Nebuchadnezzar s Babylon Reuters Spielvogel Jackson J 2008 Western Civilization Volume A To 1500 Wadsworth Publishing p 36 ISBN 978 0 495 50288 3 The people of Judah survived eventually becoming known as the Jews and giving their name to Judaism the religion of Yahweh the Israelite God Catherine Cory 13 August 2015 Christian Theological Tradition Routledge p 20 and forwards ISBN 978 1 317 34958 7 Stephen Benko 1984 Pagan Rome and the Early Christians Indiana University Press p 22 and forwards ISBN 978 0 253 34286 7 Winn Leith Mary Joan 2001 1998 Israel among the Nations The Persian Period In Michael David Coogan ed The Oxford History of the Biblical World Google Books Oxford New York Oxford University Press p 285 ISBN 0 19 513937 2 LCCN 98016042 OCLC 44650958 Retrieved 14 December 2012 Becking Bob 2006 We All Returned as One Critical Notes on the Myth of the Mass Return In Lipschitz Oded Oeming Manfred eds Judah and the Judeans in the Persian Period Winona Lake IN Eisenbrauns p 8 ISBN 978 1 57506 104 7 Katherine ER Southward Ethnicity and the Mixed Marriage Crisis in Ezra 9 10 An Anthropological Approach Oxford University Press 2012 pp 103 203 esp p 193 Pearce Laurie 2022 Jews Intermarried Not Only in Judea but Also in Babylonia TheTorah com Archived from the original on 12 April 2024 Helyer Larry R McDonald Lee Martin 2013 The Hasmoneans and the Hasmonean Era In Green Joel B McDonald Lee Martin eds The World of the New Testament Cultural Social and Historical Contexts Baker Academic pp 45 47 ISBN 978 0 8010 9861 1 OCLC 961153992 The ensuing power struggle left Hyrcanus with a free hand in Judea and he quickly reasserted Jewish sovereignty Hyrcanus then engaged in a series of military campaigns aimed at territorial expansion He first conquered areas in the Transjordan He then turned his attention to Samaria which had long separated Judea from the northern Jewish settlements in Lower Galilee In the south Adora and Marisa were conquered Aristobulus primary accomplishment was annexing and Judaizing the region of Iturea located between the Lebanon and Anti Lebanon mountains Ben Sasson H H 1976 A History of the Jewish People Harvard University Press p 226 ISBN 0 674 39731 2 The expansion of Hasmonean Judea took place gradually Under Jonathan Judea annexed southern Samaria and began to expand in the direction of the coast plain The main ethnic changes were the work of John Hyrcanus it was in his days and those of his son Aristobulus that the annexation of Idumea Samaria and Galilee and the consolidation of Jewish settlement in Trans Jordan was completed Alexander Jannai continuing the work of his predecessors expanded Judean rule to the entire coastal plain from the Carmel to the Egyptian border and to additional areas in Trans Jordan including some of the Greek cities there Smith Morton 1999 Sturdy John Davies W D Horbury William eds The Gentiles in Judaism 125 BCE 66 CE The Cambridge History of Judaism Volume 3 The Early Roman Period The Cambridge History of Judaism vol 3 Cambridge Cambridge University Press pp 192 249 doi 10 1017 chol9780521243773 008 ISBN 978 0 521 24377 3 retrieved 20 March 2023 These changes accompanied and were partially caused by the great extension of the Judaeans contacts with the peoples around them Many historians have chronicled the Hasmonaeans territorial acquisitions In sum it took them twenty five years to win control of the tiny territory of Judaea and get rid of the Seleucid colony of royalist Jews with presumably gentile officials and garrison in Jerusalem However in the last years before its fall the Hasmonaeans were already strong enough to acquire partly by negotiation partly by conquest a little territory north and south of Judaea and a corridor on the west to the coast at Jaffa Joppa This was briefly taken from them by Antiochus Sidetes but soon regained and in the half century from Sidetes death in 129 to Alexander Jannaeus death in 76 they overran most of Palestine and much of western and northern Transjordan First John Hyrcanus took over the hills of southern and central Palestine Idumaea and the territories of Shechem Samaria and Scythopolis in 128 104 then his son Aristobulus I took Galilee in 104 103 and Aristobulus brother and successor Jannaeus in about eighteen years of warfare 103 96 86 76 conquered and reconquered the coastal plain the northern Negev and western edge of Transjordan Ben Eliyahu Eyal 30 April 2019 Identity and Territory Jewish Perceptions of Space in Antiquity Univ of California Press p 13 ISBN 978 0 520 29360 1 OCLC 1103519319 From the beginning of the Second Temple period until the Muslim conquest the land was part of imperial space This was true from the early Persian period as well as the time of Ptolemy and the Seleucids The only exception was the Hasmonean Kingdom with its sovereign Jewish rule first over Judah and later in Alexander Jannaeus s prime extending to the coast the north and the eastern banks of the Jordan Louis H Feldman The Omnipresence of the God Fearers Archived 24 October 2020 at the Wayback Machine Biblical Archaeology Review 12 5 1986 Center for Online Judaic Studies Shaye J D Cohen From the Maccabees to the Mishnah 1989 pp 55 59 Louisville Kentucky Westminster John Knox Press ISBN 978 0 664 25017 1 A T Kraabel J Andrew Overman Robert S MacLennan Diaspora Jews and Judaism essays in honor of and in dialogue with A Thomas Kraabel 1992 ISBN 978 15 55406 96 7 As pious gentiles the God fearers stood somewhere between Greco Roman piety and Jewish piety in the synagogue In his classic but now somewhat outdated study titled Judaism in the First Centuries of the Christian Era Harvard scholar George Foot Moore argued that the existence of the God fearers provides evidence for the synagogue s own missionary work outside of Palestine during the first century C E The God fearers were the result of this Jewish missionary movement Goodman Martin 2006 Judaism in the Roman World Brill ISBN 978 90 47 41061 4 Gregerman Adam 2009 The Lack of Evidence for a Jewish Christian Countermission in Galatia Studies in Christian Jewish Relations 4 1 13 doi 10 6017 scjr v4i1 1513 ISSN 1930 3777 Zsengeller Jozsef 2016 THE Samaritan Diaspora in Antiquity Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 56 2 157 175 doi 10 1556 068 2016 56 2 2 via Gale Academic Onefile Karesh Sara E 2006 Encyclopedia of Judaism Facts On File ISBN 1 78785 171 0 OCLC 1162305378 Until the modern period the destruction of the Temple was the most cataclysmic moment in the history of the Jewish people Without the Temple the Sadducees no longer had any claim to authority and they faded away The sage Yochanan ben Zakkai with permission from Rome set up the outpost of Yavneh to continue develop of Pharisaic or rabbinic Judaism Alfoldy Geza 1995 Eine Bauinschrift aus dem Colosseum Zeitschrift fur Papyrologie und Epigraphik 109 195 226 JSTOR 20189648 Westwood Ursula 1 April 2017 A History of the Jewish War AD 66 74 Journal of Jewish Studies 68 1 189 193 doi 10 18647 3311 jjs 2017 ISSN 0022 2097 Maclean Rogers Guy 2021 For the Freedom of Zion The Great Revolt of Jews against Romans 66 74 CE New Haven and London Yale University Press pp 3 5 ISBN 978 0 300 26256 8 OCLC 1294393934 Goldenberg Robert 1977 The Broken Axis Rabbinic Judaism and the Fall of Jerusalem Journal of the American Academy of Religion XLV 3 353 doi 10 1093 jaarel xlv 3 353 ISSN 0002 7189 Klutz Todd 2002 2000 Part II Christian Origins and Development Paul and the Development of Gentile Christianity In Esler Philip F ed The Early Christian World Routledge Worlds 1st ed New York and London Routledge pp 178 190 ISBN 9781032199344 R Yisrael Meir haKohen Chofetz Chayim The Concise Book of Mitzvoth p xxxv This version of the list was prepared 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readingAlbertz Rainer 1994 Vandenhoeck amp Ruprecht 1992 A History of Israelite Religion Volume I From the Beginnings to the End of the Monarchy Westminster John Knox Press ISBN 978 0 664 22719 7 Archived from the original on 1 July 2023 Retrieved 1 November 2020 Albertz Rainer 1994 Vanderhoek amp Ruprecht 1992 A History of Israelite Religion Volume II From the Exile to the Maccabees Westminster John Knox Press ISBN 978 0 664 22720 3 Archived from the original on 1 July 2023 Retrieved 1 November 2020 Albertz Rainer 2003a Israel in Exile The History and Literature of the Sixth Century B C E Society of Biblical Literature ISBN 978 1 58983 055 4 Archived from the original on 1 July 2023 Retrieved 1 November 2020 Albertz Rainer Becking Bob eds 2003b Yahwism After the Exile Perspectives on Israelite Religion in the Persian Era Koninklijke Van Gorcum ISBN 978 90 232 3880 5 Archived from the original on 1 July 2023 Retrieved 1 November 2020 Amit Yaira et al eds 2006 Essays on Ancient Israel 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