![History of the function concept](https://www.english.nina.az/image-resize/1600/900/web/wikipedia.jpg)
The mathematical concept of a function dates from the 17th century in connection with the development of calculus; for example, the slope of a graph at a point was regarded as a function of the x-coordinate of the point. Functions were not explicitly considered in antiquity, but some precursors of the concept can perhaps be seen in the work of medieval philosophers and mathematicians such as Oresme.
Mathematicians of the 18th century typically regarded a function as being defined by an analytic expression. In the 19th century, the demands of the rigorous development of analysis by Weierstrass and others, the reformulation of geometry in terms of analysis, and the invention of set theory by Cantor, eventually led to the much more general modern concept of a function as a single-valued mapping from one set to another.
Functions before the 17th century
In the 12th century, mathematician Sharaf al-Din al-Tusi analyzed the equation x3 + d = b ⋅ x2 in the form x2 ⋅ (b – x) = d, stating that the left hand side must at least equal the value of d for the equation to have a solution. He then determined the maximum value of this expression. It is arguable that the isolation of this expression is an early approach to the notion of a "function". A value less than d means no positive solution; a value equal to d corresponds to one solution, while a value greater than d corresponds to two solutions. Sharaf al-Din's analysis of this equation was a notable development in Islamic mathematics, but his work was not pursued any further at that time, neither in the Muslim world nor in Europe.
According to Dieudonné and Ponte, the concept of a function emerged in the 17th century as a result of the development of analytic geometry and the infinitesimal calculus. Nevertheless, Medvedev suggests that the implicit concept of a function is one with an ancient lineage. Ponte also sees more explicit approaches to the concept in the Middle Ages:
- Historically, some mathematicians can be regarded as having foreseen and come close to a modern formulation of the concept of function. Among them is Oresme (1323–1382) . . . In his theory, some general ideas about independent and dependent variable quantities seem to be present.
The development of analytical geometry around 1640 allowed mathematicians to go between geometric problems about curves and algebraic relations between "variable coordinates x and y." Calculus was developed using the notion of variables, with their associated geometric meaning, which persisted well into the eighteenth century. However, the terminology of "function" came to be used in interactions between Leibniz and Bernoulli towards the end of the 17th century.
The notion of "function" in analysis
The term "function" was literally introduced by Gottfried Leibniz, in a 1673 letter, to describe a quantity related to points of a curve, such as a coordinate or curve's slope.Johann Bernoulli started calling expressions made of a single variable "functions." In 1698, he agreed with Leibniz that any quantity formed "in an algebraic and transcendental manner" may be called a function of x. By 1718, he came to regard as a function "any expression made up of a variable and some constants."Alexis Claude Clairaut (in approximately 1734) and Leonhard Euler introduced the familiar notation for the value of a function.
The functions considered in those times are called today differentiable functions. For this type of function, one can talk about limits and derivatives; both are measurements of the output or the change in the output as it depends on the input or the change in the input. Such functions are the basis of calculus.
In the first volume of his fundamental text Introductio in analysin infinitorum, published in 1748, Euler gave essentially the same definition of a function as his teacher Bernoulli, as an expression or formula involving variables and constants e.g., . Euler's own definition reads:
- A function of a variable quantity is an analytic expression composed in any way whatsoever of the variable quantity and numbers or constant quantities.
Euler also allowed multi-valued functions whose values are determined by an implicit equation.
In 1755, however, in his Institutiones calculi differentialis, Euler gave a more general concept of a function:
- When certain quantities depend on others in such a way that they undergo a change when the latter change, then the first are called functions of the second. This name has an extremely broad character; it encompasses all the ways in which one quantity can be determined in terms of others.
Medvedev considers that "In essence this is the definition that became known as Dirichlet's definition." Edwards also credits Euler with a general concept of a function and says further that
- The relations among these quantities are not thought of as being given by formulas, but on the other hand they are surely not thought of as being the sort of general set-theoretic, anything-goes subsets of product spaces that modern mathematicians mean when they use the word "function".
In his Théorie Analytique de la Chaleur,Fourier claimed that an arbitrary function could be represented by a Fourier series. Fourier had a general conception of a function, which included functions that were neither continuous nor defined by an analytical expression. Related questions on the nature and representation of functions, arising from the solution of the wave equation for a vibrating string, had already been the subject of dispute between d'Alembert and Euler, and they had a significant impact in generalizing the notion of a function. Luzin observes that:
- The modern understanding of function and its definition, which seems correct to us, could arise only after Fourier's discovery. His discovery showed clearly that most of the misunderstandings that arose in the debate about the vibrating string were the result of confusing two seemingly identical but actually vastly different concepts, namely that of function and that of its analytic representation. Indeed, prior to Fourier's discovery no distinction was drawn between the concepts of "function" and of "analytic representation," and it was this discovery that brought about their disconnection.
During the 19th century, mathematicians started to formalize all the different branches of mathematics. One of the first to do so was Cauchy; his somewhat imprecise results were later made completely rigorous by Weierstrass, who advocated building calculus on arithmetic rather than on geometry, which favoured Euler's definition over Leibniz's (see arithmetization of analysis). According to Smithies, Cauchy thought of functions as being defined by equations involving real or complex numbers, and tacitly assumed they were continuous:
- Cauchy makes some general remarks about functions in Chapter I, Section 1 of his Analyse algébrique (1821). From what he says there, it is clear that he normally regards a function as being defined by an analytic expression (if it is explicit) or by an equation or a system of equations (if it is implicit); where he differs from his predecessors is that he is prepared to consider the possibility that a function may be defined only for a restricted range of the independent variable.
Lobachevsky and Dirichlet
Nikolai Lobachevsky and Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet are traditionally credited with independently giving the modern "formal" definition of a function as a relation in which every first element has a unique second element.
Lobachevsky (1834) writes that
- The general concept of a function requires that a function of x be defined as a number given for each x and varying gradually with x. The value of the function can be given either by an analytic expression, or by a condition that provides a means of examining all numbers and choosing one of them; or finally the dependence may exist but remain unknown.
while Dirichlet (1837) writes
- If now a unique finite y corresponding to each x, and moreover in such a way that when x ranges continuously over the interval from a to b,
also varies continuously, then y is called a continuous function of x for this interval. It is not at all necessary here that y be given in terms of x by one and the same law throughout the entire interval, and it is not necessary that it be regarded as a dependence expressed using mathematical operations.
Eves asserts that "the student of mathematics usually meets the Dirichlet definition of function in his introductory course in calculus.
Dirichlet's claim to this formalization has been disputed by Imre Lakatos:
- There is no such definition in Dirichlet's works at all. But there is ample evidence that he had no idea of this concept. In his [1837] paper for instance, when he discusses piecewise continuous functions, he says that at points of discontinuity the function has two values: ...
However, Gardiner says "...it seems to me that Lakatos goes too far, for example, when he asserts that 'there is ample evidence that [Dirichlet] had no idea of [the modern function] concept'." Moreover, as noted above, Dirichlet's paper does appear to include a definition along the lines of what is usually ascribed to him, even though (like Lobachevsky) he states it only for continuous functions of a real variable.
Similarly, Lavine observes that:
- It is a matter of some dispute how much credit Dirichlet deserves for the modern definition of a function, in part because he restricted his definition to continuous functions....I believe Dirichlet defined the notion of continuous function to make it clear that no rule or law is required even in the case of continuous functions, not just in general. This would have deserved special emphasis because of Euler's definition of a continuous function as one given by single expression-or law. But I also doubt there is sufficient evidence to settle the dispute.
Because Lobachevsky and Dirichlet have been credited as among the first to introduce the notion of an arbitrary correspondence, this notion is sometimes referred to as the Dirichlet or Lobachevsky-Dirichlet definition of a function. A general version of this definition was later used by Bourbaki (1939), and some in the education community refer to it as the "Dirichlet–Bourbaki" definition of a function.
Dieudonné, who was one of the founding members of the Bourbaki group, credits a precise and general modern definition of a function to Dedekind in his work Was sind und was sollen die Zahlen, which appeared in 1888 but had already been drafted in 1878. Dieudonné observes that instead of confining himself, as in previous conceptions, to real (or complex) functions, Dedekind defines a function as a single-valued mapping between any two sets:
- What was new and what was to be essential for the whole of mathematics was the entirely general conception of a function.
Hardy 1908, pp. 26–28 defined a function as a relation between two variables x and y such that "to some values of x at any rate correspond values of y." He neither required the function to be defined for all values of x nor to associate each value of x to a single value of y. This broad definition of a function encompasses more relations than are ordinarily considered functions in contemporary mathematics. For example, Hardy's definition includes multivalued functions and what in computability theory are called partial functions.
The logician's "function" prior to 1850
Logicians of this time were primarily involved with analyzing syllogisms (the 2000-year-old Aristotelian forms and otherwise), or as Augustus De Morgan (1847) stated it: "the examination of that part of reasoning which depends upon the manner in which inferences are formed, and the investigation of general maxims and rules for constructing arguments". At this time the notion of (logical) "function" is not explicit, but at least in the work of De Morgan and George Boole it is implied: we see abstraction of the argument forms, the introduction of variables, the introduction of a symbolic algebra with respect to these variables, and some of the notions of set theory.
De Morgan's 1847 "FORMAL LOGIC OR, The Calculus of Inference, Necessary and Probable" observes that "[a] logical truth depends upon the structure of the statement, and not upon the particular matters spoken of"; he wastes no time (preface page i) abstracting: "In the form of the proposition, the copula is made as abstract as the terms". He immediately (p. 1) casts what he calls "the proposition" (present-day propositional function or relation) into a form such as "X is Y", where the symbols X, "is", and Y represent, respectively, the subject, copula, and predicate. While the word "function" does not appear, the notion of "abstraction" is there, "variables" are there, the notion of inclusion in his symbolism "all of the Δ is in the О" (p. 9) is there, and lastly a new symbolism for logical analysis of the notion of "relation" (he uses the word with respect to this example " X)Y " (p. 75) ) is there:
- " A1 X)Y To take an X it is necessary to take a Y" [or To be an X it is necessary to be a Y]
- " A1 Y)X To take a Y it is sufficient to take a X" [or To be a Y it is sufficient to be an X], etc.
In his 1848 The Nature of Logic Boole asserts that "logic . . . is in a more especial sense the science of reasoning by signs", and he briefly discusses the notions of "belonging to" and "class": "An individual may possess a great variety of attributes and thus belonging to a great variety of different classes". Like De Morgan he uses the notion of "variable" drawn from analysis; he gives an example of "represent[ing] the class oxen by x and that of horses by y and the conjunction and by the sign + . . . we might represent the aggregate class oxen and horses by x + y".
In the context of "the Differential Calculus" Boole defined (circa 1849) the notion of a function as follows:
- "That quantity whose variation is uniform . . . is called the independent variable. That quantity whose variation is referred to the variation of the former is said to be a function of it. The Differential calculus enables us in every case to pass from the function to the limit. This it does by a certain Operation. But in the very Idea of an Operation is . . . the idea of an inverse operation. To effect that inverse operation in the present instance is the business of the Int[egral] Calculus."
The logicians' "function" 1850–1950
Eves observes "that logicians have endeavored to push down further the starting level of the definitional development of mathematics and to derive the theory of sets, or classes, from a foundation in the logic of propositions and propositional functions". But by the late 19th century the logicians' research into the foundations of mathematics was undergoing a major split. The direction of the first group, the Logicists, can probably be summed up best by Bertrand Russell 1903 – "to fulfil two objects, first, to show that all mathematics follows from symbolic logic, and secondly to discover, as far as possible, what are the principles of symbolic logic itself."
The second group of logicians, the set-theorists, emerged with Georg Cantor's "set theory" (1870–1890) but were driven forward partly as a result of Russell's discovery of a paradox that could be derived from Frege's conception of "function", but also as a reaction against Russell's proposed solution.Zermelo's set-theoretic response was his 1908 Investigations in the foundations of set theory I – the first axiomatic set theory; here too the notion of "propositional function" plays a role.
George Boole's The Laws of Thought 1854; John Venn's Symbolic Logic 1881
In his An Investigation into the laws of thought Boole now defined a function in terms of a symbol x as follows:
- "8. Definition. – Any algebraic expression involving symbol x is termed a function of x, and may be represented by the abbreviated form f(x)"
Boole then used algebraic expressions to define both algebraic and logical notions, e.g., 1 − x is logical NOT(x), xy is the logical AND(x,y), x + y is the logical OR(x, y), x(x + y) is xx + xy, and "the special law" xx = x2 = x.
In his 1881 Symbolic Logic Venn was using the words "logical function" and the contemporary symbolism (x = f(y), y = f −1(x), cf page xxi) plus the circle-diagrams historically associated with Venn to describe "class relations", the notions "'quantifying' our predicate", "propositions in respect of their extension", "the relation of inclusion and exclusion of two classes to one another", and "propositional function" (all on p. 10), the bar over a variable to indicate not-x (page 43), etc. Indeed he equated unequivocally the notion of "logical function" with "class" [modern "set"]: "... on the view adopted in this book, f(x) never stands for anything but a logical class. It may be a compound class aggregated of many simple classes; it may be a class indicated by certain inverse logical operations, it may be composed of two groups of classes equal to one another, or what is the same thing, their difference declared equal to zero, that is, a logical equation. But however composed or derived, f(x) with us will never be anything else than a general expression for such logical classes of things as may fairly find a place in ordinary Logic".
Frege's Begriffsschrift 1879
Gottlob Frege's Begriffsschrift (1879) preceded Giuseppe Peano (1889), but Peano had no knowledge of Frege 1879 until after he had published his 1889. Both writers strongly influenced Russell (1903). Russell in turn influenced much of 20th-century mathematics and logic through his Principia Mathematica (1913) jointly authored with Alfred North Whitehead.
At the outset Frege abandons the traditional "concepts subject and predicate", replacing them with argument and function respectively, which he believes "will stand the test of time. It is easy to see how regarding a content as a function of an argument leads to the formation of concepts. Furthermore, the demonstration of the connection between the meanings of the words if, and, not, or, there is, some, all, and so forth, deserves attention".
Frege begins his discussion of "function" with an example: Begin with the expression "Hydrogen is lighter than carbon dioxide". Now remove the sign for hydrogen (i.e., the word "hydrogen") and replace it with the sign for oxygen (i.e., the word "oxygen"); this makes a second statement. Do this again (using either statement) and substitute the sign for nitrogen (i.e., the word "nitrogen") and note that "This changes the meaning in such a way that "oxygen" or "nitrogen" enters into the relations in which "hydrogen" stood before". There are three statements:
- "Hydrogen is lighter than carbon dioxide."
- "Oxygen is lighter than carbon dioxide."
- "Nitrogen is lighter than carbon dioxide."
Now observe in all three a "stable component, representing the totality of [the] relations"; call this the function, i.e.,
- "... is lighter than carbon dioxide", is the function.
Frege calls the argument of the function "[t]he sign [e.g., hydrogen, oxygen, or nitrogen], regarded as replaceable by others that denotes the object standing in these relations". He notes that we could have derived the function as "Hydrogen is lighter than . . .." as well, with an argument position on the right; the exact observation is made by Peano (see more below). Finally, Frege allows for the case of two (or more) arguments. For example, remove "carbon dioxide" to yield the invariant part (the function) as:
- "... is lighter than ... "
The one-argument function Frege generalizes into the form Φ(A) where A is the argument and Φ( ) represents the function, whereas the two-argument function he symbolizes as Ψ(A, B) with A and B the arguments and Ψ( , ) the function and cautions that "in general Ψ(A, B) differs from Ψ(B, A)". Using his unique symbolism he translates for the reader the following symbolism:
- "We can read |--- Φ(A) as "A has the property Φ. |--- Ψ(A, B) can be translated by "B stands in the relation Ψ to A" or "B is a result of an application of the procedure Ψ to the object A".
Peano's The Principles of Arithmetic 1889
Peano defined the notion of "function" in a manner somewhat similar to Frege, but without the precision. First Peano defines the sign "K means class, or aggregate of objects", the objects of which satisfy three simple equality-conditions,a = a, (a = b) = (b = a), IF ((a = b) AND (b = c)) THEN (a = c). He then introduces φ, "a sign or an aggregate of signs such that if x is an object of the class s, the expression φx denotes a new object". Peano adds two conditions on these new objects: First, that the three equality-conditions hold for the objects φx; secondly, that "if x and y are objects of class s and if x = y, we assume it is possible to deduce φx = φy". Given all these conditions are met, φ is a "function presign". Likewise he identifies a "function postsign". For example if φ is the function presign a+, then φx yields a+x, or if φ is the function postsign +a then xφ yields x+a.
Bertrand Russell's The Principles of Mathematics 1903
While the influence of Cantor and Peano was paramount, in Appendix A "The Logical and Arithmetical Doctrines of Frege" of The Principles of Mathematics, Russell arrives at a discussion of Frege's notion of function, "...a point in which Frege's work is very important, and requires careful examination". In response to his 1902 exchange of letters with Frege about the contradiction he discovered in Frege's Begriffsschrift Russell tacked this section on at the last moment.
For Russell the bedeviling notion is that of variable: "6. Mathematical propositions are not only characterized by the fact that they assert implications, but also by the fact that they contain variables. The notion of the variable is one of the most difficult with which logic has to deal. For the present, I openly wish to make it plain that there are variables in all mathematical propositions, even where at first sight they might seem to be absent. . . . We shall find always, in all mathematical propositions, that the words any or some occur; and these words are the marks of a variable and a formal implication".
As expressed by Russell "the process of transforming constants in a proposition into variables leads to what is called generalization, and gives us, as it were, the formal essence of a proposition ... So long as any term in our proposition can be turned into a variable, our proposition can be generalized; and so long as this is possible, it is the business of mathematics to do it"; these generalizations Russell named propositional functions. Indeed he cites and quotes from Frege's Begriffsschrift and presents a vivid example from Frege's 1891 Function und Begriff: That "the essence of the arithmetical function 2x3 + x is what is left when the x is taken away, i.e., in the above instance 2( )3 + ( ). The argument x does not belong to the function but the two taken together make the whole". Russell agreed with Frege's notion of "function" in one sense: "He regards functions – and in this I agree with him – as more fundamental than predicates and relations" but Russell rejected Frege's "theory of subject and assertion", in particular "he thinks that, if a term a occurs in a proposition, the proposition can always be analysed into a and an assertion about a".
Evolution of Russell's notion of "function" 1908–1913
Russell would carry his ideas forward in his 1908 Mathematical logical as based on the theory of types and into his and Whitehead's 1910–1913 Principia Mathematica. By the time of Principia Mathematica Russell, like Frege, considered the propositional function fundamental: "Propositional functions are the fundamental kind from which the more usual kinds of function, such as "sin x" or log x or "the father of x" are derived. These derivative functions . . . are called "descriptive functions". The functions of propositions . . . are a particular case of propositional functions".
Propositional functions: Because his terminology is different from the contemporary, the reader may be confused by Russell's "propositional function". An example may help. Russell writes a propositional function in its raw form, e.g., as φŷ: "ŷ is hurt". (Observe the circumflex or "hat" over the variable y). For our example, we will assign just 4 values to the variable ŷ: "Bob", "This bird", "Emily the rabbit", and "y". Substitution of one of these values for variable ŷ yields a proposition; this proposition is called a "value" of the propositional function. In our example there are four values of the propositional function, e.g., "Bob is hurt", "This bird is hurt", "Emily the rabbit is hurt" and "y is hurt." A proposition, if it is significant—i.e., if its truth is determinate—has a truth-value of truth or falsity. If a proposition's truth value is "truth" then the variable's value is said to satisfy the propositional function. Finally, per Russell's definition, "a class [set] is all objects satisfying some propositional function" (p. 23). Note the word "all" – this is how the contemporary notions of "For all ∀" and "there exists at least one instance ∃" enter the treatment (p. 15).
To continue the example: Suppose (from outside the mathematics/logic) one determines that the propositions "Bob is hurt" has a truth value of "falsity", "This bird is hurt" has a truth value of "truth", "Emily the rabbit is hurt" has an indeterminate truth value because "Emily the rabbit" doesn't exist, and "y is hurt" is ambiguous as to its truth value because the argument y itself is ambiguous. While the two propositions "Bob is hurt" and "This bird is hurt" are significant (both have truth values), only the value "This bird" of the variable ŷ satisfies the propositional function φŷ: "ŷ is hurt". When one goes to form the class α: φŷ: "ŷ is hurt", only "This bird" is included, given the four values "Bob", "This bird", "Emily the rabbit" and "y" for variable ŷ and their respective truth-values: falsity, truth, indeterminate, ambiguous.
Russell defines functions of propositions with arguments, and truth-functions f(p). For example, suppose one were to form the "function of propositions with arguments" p1: "NOT(p) AND q" and assign its variables the values of p: "Bob is hurt" and q: "This bird is hurt". (We are restricted to the logical linkages NOT, AND, OR and IMPLIES, and we can only assign "significant" propositions to the variables p and q). Then the "function of propositions with arguments" is p1: NOT("Bob is hurt") AND "This bird is hurt". To determine the truth value of this "function of propositions with arguments" we submit it to a "truth function", e.g., f(p1): f( NOT("Bob is hurt") AND "This bird is hurt" ), which yields a truth value of "truth".
The notion of a "many-one" functional relation": Russell first discusses the notion of "identity", then defines a descriptive function (pages 30ff) as the unique value ιx that satisfies the (2-variable) propositional function (i.e., "relation") φŷ.
- N.B. The reader should be warned here that the order of the variables are reversed! y is the independent variable and x is the dependent variable, e.g., x = sin(y).
Russell symbolizes the descriptive function as "the object standing in relation to y": R'y =DEF (ιx)(x R y). Russell repeats that "R'y is a function of y, but not a propositional function [sic]; we shall call it a descriptive function. All the ordinary functions of mathematics are of this kind. Thus in our notation "sin y" would be written " sin 'y ", and "sin" would stand for the relation sin 'y has to y".
The formalist's "function": David Hilbert's axiomatization of mathematics (1904–1927)
David Hilbert set himself the goal of "formalizing" classical mathematics "as a formal axiomatic theory, and this theory shall be proved to be consistent, i.e., free from contradiction". In Hilbert 1927 The Foundations of Mathematics he frames the notion of function in terms of the existence of an "object":
- 13. A(a) --> A(ε(A)) Here ε(A) stands for an object of which the proposition A(a) certainly holds if it holds of any object at all; let us call ε the logical ε-function". [The arrow indicates "implies".]
Hilbert then illustrates the three ways how the ε-function is to be used, firstly as the "for all" and "there exists" notions, secondly to represent the "object of which [a proposition] holds", and lastly how to cast it into the choice function.
Recursion theory and computability: But the unexpected outcome of Hilbert's and his student Bernays's effort was failure; see Gödel's incompleteness theorems of 1931. At about the same time, in an effort to solve Hilbert's Entscheidungsproblem, mathematicians set about to define what was meant by an "effectively calculable function" (Alonzo Church 1936), i.e., "effective method" or "algorithm", that is, an explicit, step-by-step procedure that would succeed in computing a function. Various models for algorithms appeared, in rapid succession, including Church's lambda calculus (1936), Stephen Kleene's μ-recursive functions(1936) and Alan Turing's (1936–7) notion of replacing human "computers" with utterly-mechanical "computing machines" (see Turing machines). It was shown that all of these models could compute the same class of computable functions. Church's thesis holds that this class of functions exhausts all the number-theoretic functions that can be calculated by an algorithm. The outcomes of these efforts were vivid demonstrations that, in Turing's words, "there can be no general process for determining whether a given formula U of the functional calculus K [Principia Mathematica] is provable"; see more at Independence (mathematical logic) and Computability theory.
Development of the set-theoretic definition of "function"
Set theory began with the work of the logicians with the notion of "class" (modern "set") for example De Morgan (1847), Jevons (1880), Venn (1881), Frege (1879) and Peano (1889). It was given a push by Georg Cantor's attempt to define the infinite in set-theoretic treatment (1870–1890) and a subsequent discovery of an antinomy (contradiction, paradox) in this treatment (Cantor's paradox), by Russell's discovery (1902) of an antinomy in Frege's 1879 (Russell's paradox), by the discovery of more antinomies in the early 20th century (e.g., the 1897 Burali-Forti paradox and the 1905 Richard paradox), and by resistance to Russell's complex treatment of logic and dislike of his axiom of reducibility (1908, 1910–1913) that he proposed as a means to evade the antinomies.
Russell's paradox 1902
In 1902 Russell sent a letter to Frege pointing out that Frege's 1879 Begriffsschrift allowed a function to be an argument of itself: "On the other hand, it may also be that the argument is determinate and the function indeterminate . . .." From this unconstrained situation Russell was able to form a paradox:
- "You state ... that a function, too, can act as the indeterminate element. This I formerly believed, but now this view seems doubtful to me because of the following contradiction. Let w be the predicate: to be a predicate that cannot be predicated of itself. Can w be predicated of itself?"
Frege responded promptly that "Your discovery of the contradiction caused me the greatest surprise and, I would almost say, consternation, since it has shaken the basis on which I intended to build arithmetic".
From this point forward development of the foundations of mathematics became an exercise in how to dodge "Russell's paradox", framed as it was in "the bare [set-theoretic] notions of set and element".
Zermelo's set theory (1908) modified by Skolem (1922)
The notion of "function" appears as Zermelo's axiom III—the Axiom of Separation (Axiom der Aussonderung). This axiom constrains us to use a propositional function Φ(x) to "separate" a subset MΦ from a previously formed set M:
- "AXIOM III. (Axiom of separation). Whenever the propositional function Φ(x) is definite for all elements of a set M, M possesses a subset MΦ containing as elements precisely those elements x of M for which Φ(x) is true".
As there is no universal set — sets originate by way of Axiom II from elements of (non-set) domain B – "...this disposes of the Russell antinomy so far as we are concerned". But Zermelo's "definite criterion" is imprecise, and is fixed by Weyl, Fraenkel, Skolem, and von Neumann.
In fact Skolem in his 1922 referred to this "definite criterion" or "property" as a "definite proposition":
- "... a finite expression constructed from elementary propositions of the form a ε b or a = b by means of the five operations [logical conjunction, disjunction, negation, universal quantification, and existential quantification].
van Heijenoort summarizes:
- "A property is definite in Skolem's sense if it is expressed . . . by a well-formed formula in the simple predicate calculus of first order in which the sole predicate constants are ε and possibly, =. ... Today an axiomatization of set theory is usually embedded in a logical calculus, and it is Weyl's and Skolem's approach to the formulation of the axiom of separation that is generally adopted.
In this quote the reader may observe a shift in terminology: nowhere is mentioned the notion of "propositional function", but rather one sees the words "formula", "predicate calculus", "predicate", and "logical calculus." This shift in terminology is discussed more in the section that covers "function" in contemporary set theory.
The Wiener–Hausdorff–Kuratowski "ordered pair" definition 1914–1921
The history of the notion of "ordered pair" is not clear. As noted above, Frege (1879) proposed an intuitive ordering in his definition of a two-argument function Ψ(A, B). Norbert Wiener in his 1914 (see below) observes that his own treatment essentially "revert(s) to Schröder's treatment of a relation as a class of ordered couples".Russell (1903) considered the definition of a relation (such as Ψ(A, B)) as a "class of couples" but rejected it:
- "There is a temptation to regard a relation as definable in extension as a class of couples. This is the formal advantage that it avoids the necessity for the primitive proposition asserting that every couple has a relation holding between no other pairs of terms. But it is necessary to give sense to the couple, to distinguish the referent [domain] from the relatum [converse domain]: thus a couple becomes essentially distinct from a class of two terms, and must itself be introduced as a primitive idea. . . . It seems therefore more correct to take an intensional view of relations, and to identify them rather with class-concepts than with classes."
By 1910–1913 and Principia Mathematica Russell had given up on the requirement for an intensional definition of a relation, stating that "mathematics is always concerned with extensions rather than intensions" and "Relations, like classes, are to be taken in extension". To demonstrate the notion of a relation in extension Russell now embraced the notion of ordered couple: "We may regard a relation ... as a class of couples ... the relation determined by φ(x, y) is the class of couples (x, y) for which φ(x, y) is true". In a footnote he clarified his notion and arrived at this definition:
- "Such a couple has a sense, i.e., the couple (x, y) is different from the couple (y, x) unless x = y. We shall call it a "couple with sense," ... it may also be called an ordered couple.
But he goes on to say that he would not introduce the ordered couples further into his "symbolic treatment"; he proposes his "matrix" and his unpopular axiom of reducibility in their place.
An attempt to solve the problem of the antinomies led Russell to propose his "doctrine of types" in an appendix B of his 1903 The Principles of Mathematics. In a few years he would refine this notion and propose in his 1908 The Theory of Types two axioms of reducibility, the purpose of which were to reduce (single-variable) propositional functions and (dual-variable) relations to a "lower" form (and ultimately into a completely extensional form); he and Alfred North Whitehead would carry this treatment over to Principia Mathematica 1910–1913 with a further refinement called "a matrix". The first axiom is *12.1; the second is *12.11. To quote Wiener the second axiom *12.11 "is involved only in the theory of relations". Both axioms, however, were met with skepticism and resistance; see more at Axiom of reducibility. By 1914 Norbert Wiener, using Whitehead and Russell's symbolism, eliminated axiom *12.11 (the "two-variable" (relational) version of the axiom of reducibility) by expressing a relation as an ordered pair using the null set. At approximately the same time, Hausdorff (1914, p. 32) gave the definition of the ordered pair (a, b) as {{a,1}, {b, 2}}. A few years later Kuratowski (1921) offered a definition that has been widely used ever since, namely {{a, b}, {a}}". As noted by Suppes (1960) "This definition . . . was historically important in reducing the theory of relations to the theory of sets.
Observe that while Wiener "reduced" the relational *12.11 form of the axiom of reducibility he did not reduce nor otherwise change the propositional-function form *12.1; indeed he declared this "essential to the treatment of identity, descriptions, classes and relations".
Schönfinkel's notion of "function" as a many-one "correspondence" 1924
Where exactly the general notion of "function" as a many-one correspondence derives from is unclear. Russell in his 1920 Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy states that "It should be observed that all mathematical functions result form one-many [sic – contemporary usage is many-one] relations . . . Functions in this sense are descriptive functions". A reasonable possibility is the Principia Mathematica notion of "descriptive function" – R 'y =DEF (ιx)(x R y): "the singular object that has a relation R to y". Whatever the case, by 1924, Moses Schönfinkel expressed the notion, claiming it to be "well known":
- "As is well known, by function we mean in the simplest case a correspondence between the elements of some domain of quantities, the argument domain, and those of a domain of function values ... such that to each argument value there corresponds at most one function value".
According to Willard Quine, Schönfinkel 1924 "provide[s] for ... the whole sweep of abstract set theory. The crux of the matter is that Schönfinkel lets functions stand as arguments. For Schönfinkel, substantially as for Frege, classes are special sorts of functions. They are propositional functions, functions whose values are truth values. All functions, propositional and otherwise, are for Schönfinkel one-place functions". Remarkably, Schönfinkel reduces all mathematics to an extremely compact functional calculus consisting of only three functions: Constancy, fusion (i.e., composition), and mutual exclusivity. Quine notes that Haskell Curry (1958) carried this work forward "under the head of combinatory logic".
Von Neumann's set theory 1925
By 1925 Abraham Fraenkel (1922) and Thoralf Skolem (1922) had amended Zermelo's set theory of 1908. But von Neumann was not convinced that this axiomatization could not lead to the antinomies. So he proposed his own theory, his 1925 An axiomatization of set theory. It explicitly contains a "contemporary", set-theoretic version of the notion of "function":
- "[Unlike Zermelo's set theory] [w]e prefer, however, to axiomatize not "set" but "function". The latter notion certainly includes the former. (More precisely, the two notions are completely equivalent, since a function can be regarded as a set of pairs, and a set as a function that can take two values.)".
At the outset he begins with I-objects and II-objects, two objects A and B that are I-objects (first axiom), and two types of "operations" that assume ordering as a structural property obtained of the resulting objects [x, y] and (x, y). The two "domains of objects" are called "arguments" (I-objects) and "functions" (II-objects); where they overlap are the "argument functions" (he calls them I-II objects). He introduces two "universal two-variable operations" – (i) the operation [x, y]: ". . . read 'the value of the function x for the argument y . . . it itself is a type I object", and (ii) the operation (x, y): ". . . (read 'the ordered pair x, y') whose variables x and y must both be arguments and that itself produces an argument (x, y). Its most important property is that x1 = x2 and y1 = y2 follow from (x1 = y2) = (x2 = y2)". To clarify the function pair he notes that "Instead of f(x) we write [f,x] to indicate that f, just like x, is to be regarded as a variable in this procedure". To avoid the "antinomies of naive set theory, in Russell's first of all . . . we must forgo treating certain functions as arguments". He adopts a notion from Zermelo to restrict these "certain functions".
Suppes observes that von Neumann's axiomatization was modified by Bernays "in order to remain nearer to the original Zermelo system . . . He introduced two membership relations: one between sets, and one between sets and classes". Then Gödel [1940] further modified the theory: "his primitive notions are those of set, class and membership (although membership alone is sufficient)". This axiomatization is now known as von Neumann–Bernays–Gödel set theory.
Bourbaki 1939
In 1939, Bourbaki, in addition to giving the well-known ordered pair definition of a function as a certain subset of the cartesian product E × F, gave the following:
"Let E and F be two sets, which may or may not be distinct. A relation between a variable element x of E and a variable element y of F is called a functional relation in y if, for all x ∈ E, there exists a unique y ∈ F which is in the given relation with x. We give the name of function to the operation which in this way associates with every element x ∈ E the element y ∈ F which is in the given relation with x, and the function is said to be determined by the given functional relation. Two equivalent functional relations determine the same function."
Since 1950
Notion of "function" in contemporary set theory
Both axiomatic and naive forms of Zermelo's set theory as modified by Fraenkel (1922) and Skolem (1922) define "function" as a relation, define a relation as a set of ordered pairs, and define an ordered pair as a set of two "dissymetric" sets.
While the reader of Suppes (1960) Axiomatic Set Theory or Halmos (1970) Naive Set Theory observes the use of function-symbolism in the axiom of separation, e.g., φ(x) (in Suppes) and S(x) (in Halmos), they will see no mention of "proposition" or even "first order predicate calculus". In their place are "expressions of the object language", "atomic formulae", "primitive formulae", and "atomic sentences".
Kleene (1952) defines the words as follows: "In word languages, a proposition is expressed by a sentence. Then a 'predicate' is expressed by an incomplete sentence or sentence skeleton containing an open place. For example, "___ is a man" expresses a predicate ... The predicate is a propositional function of one variable. Predicates are often called 'properties' ... The predicate calculus will treat of the logic of predicates in this general sense of 'predicate', i.e., as propositional function".
In 1954, Bourbaki, on p. 76 in Chapitre II of Theorie des Ensembles (theory of sets), gave a definition of a function as a triple f = (F, A, B). Here F is a functional graph, meaning a set of pairs where no two pairs have the same first member. On p. 77 (op. cit.) Bourbaki states (literal translation): "Often we shall use, in the remainder of this Treatise, the word function instead of functional graph."
Suppes (1960) in Axiomatic Set Theory, formally defines a relation (p. 57) as a set of pairs, and a function (p. 86) as a relation where no two pairs have the same first member.
Relational form of a function
The reason for the disappearance of the words "propositional function" e.g., in Suppes (1960), and Halmos (1970), is explained by Tarski (1946) together with further explanation of the terminology:
- "An expression such as x is an integer, which contains variables and, on replacement of these variables by constants becomes a sentence, is called a SENTENTIAL [i.e., propositional cf his index] FUNCTION. But mathematicians, by the way, are not very fond of this expression, because they use the term "function" with a different meaning. ... sentential functions and sentences composed entirely of mathematical symbols (and not words of everyday language), such as: x + y = 5 are usually referred to by mathematicians as FORMULAE. In place of "sentential function" we shall sometimes simply say "sentence" – but only in cases where there is no danger of any misunderstanding".
For his part Tarski calls the relational form of function a "FUNCTIONAL RELATION or simply a FUNCTION". After a discussion of this "functional relation" he asserts that:
- "The concept of a function which we are considering now differs essentially from the concepts of a sentential [propositional] and of a designatory function .... Strictly speaking ... [these] do not belong to the domain of logic or mathematics; they denote certain categories of expressions which serve to compose logical and mathematical statements, but they do not denote things treated of in those statements... . The term "function" in its new sense, on the other hand, is an expression of a purely logical character; it designates a certain type of things dealt with in logic and mathematics."
See more about "truth under an interpretation" at Alfred Tarski.
- Katz, Victor; Barton, Bill (October 2007). "Stages in the History of Algebra with Implications for Teaching". Educational Studies in Mathematics. 66 (2): 192. doi:10.1007/s10649-006-9023-7. S2CID 120363574.
- Dieudonné 1992, p. 55.
- "The emergence of a notion of function as an individualized mathematical entity can be traced to the beginnings of infinitesimal calculus". (Ponte 1992)
- "...although we do not find in [the mathematicians of Ancient Greece] the idea of functional dependence distinguished in explicit form as a comparatively independent object of study, nevertheless one cannot help noticing the large stock of functional correspondences they studied." (Medvedev 1991, pp. 29–30)
- Ponte 1992.
- Gardiner 1982, p. 255.
- Gardiner 1982, p. 256.
- Kleiner, Israel (2009). "Evolution of the Function Concept: A Brief Survey". In Marlow Anderson; Victor Katz; Robin Wilson (eds.). Who Gave You the Epsilon?: And Other Tales of Mathematical History. MAA. pp. 14–26. ISBN 978-0-88385-569-0.
- O'Connor, John J.; Robertson, Edmund F., "History of the function concept", MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive, University of St Andrews
- Eves dates Leibniz's first use to the year 1694 and also similarly relates the usage to "as a term to denote any quantity connected with a curve, such as the coordinates of a point on the curve, the slope of the curve, and so on" (Eves 1990, p. 234).
- N. Bourbaki (18 September 2003). Elements of Mathematics Functions of a Real Variable: Elementary Theory. Springer Science & Business Media. pp. 154–. ISBN 978-3-540-65340-0.
- Eves 1990, p. 234.
- Eves 1990, p. 235.
- Eves 1990, p. 235
- Euler 1988, p. 3.
- Euler 2000, p. VI.
- Medvedev 1991, p. 47.
- Edwards 2007, p. 47.
- Fourier 1822.
- Contemporary mathematicians, with much broader and more precise conceptions of functions, integration, and different notions of convergence than was possible in Fourier's time (including examples of functions that were regarded as pathological and referred to as "monsters" until as late as the turn of the 20th century), would not agree with Fourier that a completely arbitrary function can be expanded in Fourier series, even if its Fourier coefficients are well-defined. For example, Kolmogorov (1922) constructed a Lebesgue integrable function whose Fourier series diverges pointwise almost everywhere. Nevertheless, a very wide class of functions can be expanded in Fourier series, especially if one allows weaker forms of convergence, such as convergence in the sense of distributions. Thus, Fourier's claim was a reasonable one in the context of his time.
- For example: "A general function f(x) is a sequence of values or ordinates, each of which is arbitrary...It is by no means assumed that these ordinates are subject to any general law; they may follow one another in a completely arbitrary manner, and each of them is defined as if it were a unique quantity." (Fourier 1822, p. 552)
- Luzin 1998, p. 263. Translation by Abe Shenitzer of an article by Luzin that appeared (in the 1930s) in the first edition of The Great Soviet Encyclopedia
- Smithies 1997, p. 187.
- "On the vanishing of trigonometric series," 1834 (Lobachevsky 1951, pp. 31–80).
- Über die Darstellung ganz willkürlicher Funktionen durch Sinus- und Cosinusreihen," 1837 (Dirichlet 1889, pp. 135–160).
- Lobachevsky 1951, p. 43 as quoted in Medvedev 1991, p. 58.
- Dirichlet 1889, p. 135 as quoted in Medvedev 1991, pp. 60–61.
- Eves asserts that Dirichlet "arrived at the following formulation: "[The notion of] a variable is a symbol that represents any one of a set of numbers; if two variables x and y are so related that whenever a value is assigned to x there is automatically assigned, by some rule or correspondence, a value to y, then we say y is a (single-valued) function of x. The variable x . . . is called the independent variable and the variable y is called the dependent variable. The permissible values that x may assume constitute the domain of definition of the function, and the values taken on by y constitute the range of values of the function . . . it stresses the basic idea of a relationship between two sets of numbers" Eves 1990, p. 235
- Lakatos, Imre (1976). Worrall, John; Zahar, Elie (eds.). Proofs and Refutations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p. 151. ISBN 0-521-29038-4. Published posthumously.
- Gardiner, A. (1982). Understanding infinity, the mathematics of infinite processes. Courier Dover Publications. p. 275. ISBN 0-486-42538-X.
- Lavine 1994, p. 34.
- See Medvedev 1991, pp. 55–70 for further discussion.
- "By a mapping φ of a set S we understand a law that assigns to each element s of S a uniquely determined object called the image of s, denoted as φ(s). Dedekind 1995, p. 9
- Dieudonné 1992, p. 135.
- De Morgan 1847, p. 1.
- Boole 1848 in Grattan-Guinness & Bornet 1997, pp. 1, 2
- Boole 1848 in Grattan-Guinness & Bornet 1997, p. 6
- Boole circa 1849 Elementary Treatise on Logic not mathematical including philosophy of mathematical reasoning in Grattan-Guinness & Bornet 1997, p. 40
- Eves 1990, p. 222.
- Some of this criticism is intense: see the introduction by Willard Quine preceding Russell 1908a Mathematical logic as based on the theory of types in van Heijenoort 1967, p. 151. See also in von Neumann 1925 the introduction to his Axiomatization of Set Theory in van Heijenoort 1967, p. 395
- Boole 1854, p. 86.
- cf Boole 1854, pp. 31–34. Boole discusses this "special law" with its two algebraic roots x = 0 or 1, on page 37.
- Although he gives others credit, cf Venn 1881, p. 6
- Venn 1881, pp. 86–87.
- cf van Heijenoort's introduction to Peano 1889 in van Heijenoort 1967. For most of his logical symbolism and notions of propositions Peano credits "many writers, especially Boole". In footnote 1 he credits Boole 1847, 1848, 1854, Schröder 1877, Peirce 1880, Jevons 1883, MacColl 1877, 1878, 1878a, 1880; cf van Heijenoort 1967, p. 86).
- Frege 1879 in van Heijenoort 1967, p. 7
- Frege's exact words are "expressed in our formula language" and "expression", cf Frege 1879 in van Heijenoort 1967, pp. 21–22.
- This example is from Frege 1879 in van Heijenoort 1967, pp. 21–22
- Frege 1879 in van Heijenoort 1967, pp. 21–22
- Frege cautions that the function will have "argument places" where the argument should be placed as distinct from other places where the same sign might appear. But he does not go deeper into how to signify these positions and Russell 1903 observes this.
- Frege 1879 in van Heijenoort 1967, pp. 21–24
- "...Peano intends to cover much more ground than Frege does in his Begriffsschrift and his subsequent works, but he does not till that ground to any depth comparable to what Frege does in his self-allotted field", van Heijenoort 1967, p. 85
- van Heijenoort 1967, p. 89.
- van Heijenoort 1967, p. 91.
- All symbols used here are from Peano 1889 in van Heijenoort 1967, p. 91).
- "In Mathematics, my chief obligations, as is indeed evident, are to Georg Cantor and Professor Peano. If I had become acquainted sooner with the work of Professor Frege, I should have owed a great deal to him, but as it is I arrived independently at many results which he had already established", Russell 1903, p. viii. He also highlights Boole's 1854 Laws of Thought and Ernst Schröder's three volumes of "non-Peanesque methods" 1890, 1891, and 1895 cf Russell 1903, p. 10
- Russell 1903, p. 505.
- Russell 1903, pp. 5–6.
- Russell 1903, p. 7.
- Russell 1903, p. 19.
- Russell 1910–1913:15
- Whitehead and Russell 1910–1913:6, 8 respectively
- Something similar appears in Tarski 1946. Tarski refers to a "relational function" as a "ONE-MANY [sic!] or FUNCTIONAL RELATION or simply a FUNCTION". Tarski comments about this reversal of variables on page 99.
- Whitehead and Russell 1910–1913:31. This paper is important enough that van Heijenoort reprinted it as Whitehead & Russell 1910 Incomplete symbols: Descriptions with commentary by W. V. Quine in van Heijenoort 1967, pp. 216–223
- Kleene 1952, p. 53.
- Hilbert in van Heijenoort 1967, p. 466
- Turing 1936–7 in Davis, Martin (1965). The undecidable: basic papers on undecidable propositions, unsolvable problems and computable functions. Courier Dover Publications. p. 145. ISBN 978-0-486-43228-1.
- Kleene 1952, p. 45.
- "The nonprimitive and arbitrary character of this axiom drew forth severe criticism, and much of subsequent refinement of the logistic program lies in attempts to devise some method of avoiding the disliked axiom of reducibility" Eves 1990, p. 268.
- Frege 1879 in van Heijenoort 1967, p. 23
- Russell (1902) Letter to Frege in van Heijenoort 1967, p. 124
- Frege (1902) Letter to Russell in van Heijenoort 1967, p. 127
- van Heijenoort's commentary to Russell's Letter to Frege in van Heijenoort 1967, p. 124
- The original uses an Old High German symbol in place of Φ cf Zermelo 1908a in van Heijenoort 1967, p. 202
- Zermelo 1908a in van Heijenoort 1967, p. 203
- cf van Heijenoort's commentary before Zermelo 1908 Investigations in the foundations of set theory I in van Heijenoort 1967, p. 199
- Skolem 1922 in van Heijenoort 1967, pp. 292–293
- van Heijenoort's introduction to Abraham Fraenkel's The notion "definite" and the independence of the axiom of choice in van Heijenoort 1967, p. 285.
- But Wiener offers no date or reference cf Wiener 1914 in van Heijenoort 1967, p. 226
- Russell 1903, p. 99.
- both quotes from Whitehead & Russell 1913, p. 26
- Whitehead & Russell 1913, p. 26.
- Russell 1903, pp. 523–529.
- "*12 The Hierarchy of Types and the axiom of Reducibility". Principia Mathematica. 1913. p. 161.
- Wiener 1914 in van Heijenoort 1967, p. 224
- commentary by van Heijenoort preceding Wiener 1914 A simplification of the logic of relations in van Heijenoort 1967, p. 224.
- Suppes 1960, p. 32. This same point appears in van Heijenoort's commentary before Wiener (1914) in van Heijenoort 1967, p. 224.
- Wiener 1914 in van Heijenoort 1967, p. 224
- Russell 1920, p. 46.
- Schönfinkel (1924) On the building blocks of mathematical logic in van Heijenoort 1967, p. 359
- commentary by W. V. Quine preceding Schönfinkel (1924) On the building blocks of mathematical logic in van Heijenoort 1967, p. 356.
- cf Curry and Feys 1958; Quine in van Heijenoort 1967, p. 357.
- von Neumann's critique of the history observes the split between the logicists (e.g., Russell et al.) and the set-theorists (e.g., Zermelo et al.) and the formalists (e.g., Hilbert), cf von Neumann 1925 in van Heijenoort 1967, pp. 394–396.
- In addition to the 1925 appearance in van Heijenoort, Suppes 1970:12 cites two more: 1928a and 1929.
- von Neumann 1925 in van Heijenoort 1967, p. 396
- In his 1930–1931 The Philosophy of Mathematics and Hilbert's Proof Theory Bernays asserts (in the context of rebutting Logicism's construction of the numbers from logical axioms) that "the Number concept turns out to be an elementary structural concept". This paper appears on page 243 in Paolo Mancosu 1998 From Brouwer to Hilbert, Oxford University Press, NY, ISBN 0-19-509632-0.
- All quotes from von Neumann 1925 in van Heijenoort 1967, pp. 396–398
- This notion is not easy to summarize; see more at van Heijenoort 1967, p. 397.
- See also van Heijenoort's introduction to von Neumann's paper on pages 393–394.
- cf in particular p. 35 where Gödel declares his primitive notions to be class, set, and "the dyadic relation ε between class and class, class and set, set and class, or set and set". Gödel 1940 The consistency of the axiom of choice and of the generalized continuum hypothesis with the axioms of set theory appearing on pages 33ff in Volume II of Kurt Godel Collected Works, Oxford University Press, NY, ISBN 0-19-514721-9 (v.2, pbk).
- All quotes from Suppes 1960, p. 12 footnote. He also references "a paper by R. M. Robinson [1937] [that] provides a simplified system close to von Neumann's original one".
- Kleene 1952, pp. 143–145.
- N.Bourbaki (1954). Elements de Mathematique, Theorie des Ensembles. Hermann & cie. p. 76.
- Tarski 1946, p. 5.
- Tarski 1946, p. 98.
- Tarski 1946, p. 102.
- Boole, George (1854). An Investigation into the Laws of Thought on which are founded the Laws of Thought and Probabilities. Walton and Marberly.
- De Morgan, Augustus (1847). Formal Logic, or The Calculus of Inference, Necessary and Probable. Walton and Marberly.
- Dedekind, Richard; Pogorzelski, H.; Ryan, W.; Snyder, W. (1995). What are Numbers and What Should They Be?. Research Institute for Mathematics.
- Dieudonné, Jean (1992). Mathematics-The Music of Reason. Springer-Verlag.
- Dirichlet, G. P. Lejeune (1889). Gesammelte Werke, Bd. I. Berlin. ISBN 9780828402255.
{{cite book}}
: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link) - Edwards, Harold M. (2007). "Euler's definition of the derivative". Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. 44 (4): 575–580. doi:10.1090/s0273-0979-07-01174-3. MR 2338366.
- Euler, Leonhard (1988). Introduction to Analysis of the Infinite. Book I. Springer-Verlag.
- Euler, Leonhard (2000). Foundations of Differential Calculus. Springer-Verlag.
- Eves, Howard (1990). Foundations and Fundamental Concepts of Mathematics (3rd ed.). Dover. ISBN 0-486-69609-X.
- Fourier, Joseph (1822). Théorie analytique de la chaleur. Paris: Firmin Didot Père et Fils.
- Grattan-Guinness, Ivor; Bornet, Gérard (1997). George Boole: Selected Manuscripts on Logic and its Philosophy. Springer-Verlag. ISBN 3-7643-5456-9.
- Halmos, Paul (1970). Naive Set Theory. New York, Springer-Verlag. ISBN 9780387900926.
- Hardy, Godfrey Harold (1908). A Course of Pure Mathematics. Cambridge University Press (published 1993). ISBN 978-0-521-09227-2.
- Kleene, Stephen Cole (1952). Introduction to Metamathematics. North-Holland (published 1971). ISBN 978-0-7204-2103-3.
- (1994). Understanding the Infinite. Harvard University Press.
- Lobachevsky, Nikolai (1951). Works. Moscow-Leningrad.
{{cite book}}
: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link) - Luzin, N. (1998). "Function: Part II". The American Mathematical Monthly. 105 (3): 263–270. doi:10.2307/2589085. JSTOR 2589085.
- (1991). Scenes from the History of Real Functions. Birkhauser. ISBN 9780817625726.
- (1992). "The history of the concept of function and some educational implications". The Mathematics Educator. 3 (2): 3–8.
- Russell, Bertrand (1903). The Principles of Mathematics. Cambridge University Press.
- Russell, Bertrand (1920). Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy (2nd ed.). Dover. ISBN 0-486-27724-0.
- Smithies, Frank (1997). Cauchy and the Creation of Complex Function Theory. Cambridge University Press.
- Suppes, Patrick (1960). Axiomatic Set Theory (1972 ed.). Dover. ISBN 0-486-61630-4. cf. his Chapter 1 Introduction.
- Tarski, Alfred (1946). Introduction to Logic and to the Methodology of Deductive Sciences (1995 ed.). Courier Dover. ISBN 0-486-28462-X.
- Venn, John (1881). Symbolic Logic. Macmillan.
- van Heijenoort, Jean (1976) [1967]. From Frege to Godel: A Source Book in Mathematical Logic, 1879–1931 (3rd printing ed.). Harvard University Press. ISBN 0-674-32449-8.
- ——; Frege, Gottlob (1967) [1879]. "Frege (1879) Begriffsschrift, a formula language, modeled upon that of arithmetic, for pure thought". ibid. pp. 1–82. With commentary by van Heijenoort.
- ——; Peano, Giuseppe (1967) [1889]. "Peano (1889) The principles of arithmetic, presented by a new method". ibid. pp. 83–97. With commentary by van Heijenoort.
- ——; Russell, Bertrand (1967) [1902]. "Russell (1902) Letter to Frege". ibid. pp. 124–125. With commentary by van Heijenoort. Wherein Russell announces his discovery of a "paradox" in Frege's work.
- ——; Frege, Gottlob (1967) [1902]. "Frege (1902) Letter to Russell". ibid. pp. 126–128. With commentary by van Heijenoort.
- ——; Hilbert, David (1967) [1904]. "Hilbert (1904) On the foundations of logic and arithmetic". ibid. pp. 129–138. With commentary by van Heijenoort.
- ——; Richard, Jules (1967) [1905]. "Richard (1905) The principles of mathematics and the problem of sets". ibid. pp. 142–144. With commentary by van Heijenoort. The Richard paradox.
- ——; Russell, Bertrand (1967) [1908a]. "Russell (1908a) Mathematical logic as based on the theory of types". ibid. pp. 150–182. With commentary by Willard Quine.
- ——; Zermelo, Ernst (1967) [1908]. "Zermelo (1908) A new proof of the possibility of a well-ordering". ibid. pp. 183–198. With commentary by van Heijenoort. Wherein Zermelo rails against Poincaré's (and therefore Russell's) notion of impredicative definition.
- ——; Zermelo, Ernst (1967) [1908a]. "Zermelo (1908a) Investigations in the foundations of set theory I". ibid. pp. 199–215. With commentary by van Heijenoort. Wherein Zermelo attempts to solve Russell's paradox by structuring his axioms to restrict the universal domain B (from which objects and sets are pulled by definite properties) so that it itself cannot be a set, i.e., his axioms disallow a universal set.
- ——; Whitehead, Alfred North; Russell, Bertrand (1967) [1910]. "Whitehead and Russell (1910) Incomplete symbols: Descriptions". ibid. pp. 216–223. With commentary by W. V. Quine.
- ——; Wiener, Norbert (1967) [1914]. "Wiener (1914) A simplification of the logic of relations". ibid. pp. 224–227. With commentary by van Heijenoort.
- ——; Skolem, Thoralf (1967) [1922]. "Skolem (1922) Some remarks on axiomatized set theory". ibid. pp. 290–301. With commentary by van Heijenoort. Wherein Skolem defines Zermelo's vague "definite property".
- ——; Schönfinkel, Moses (1967) [1924]. "Schönfinkel (1924) On the building blocks of mathematical logic". ibid. pp. 355–366. With commentary by Willard Quine. The start of combinatory logic.
- ——; von Neumann, John (1967) [1925]. "von Neumann (1925) An axiomatization of set theory". ibid. pp. 393–413. With commentary by van Heijenoort. Wherein von Neumann creates "classes" as distinct from "sets" (the "classes" are Zermelo's "definite properties"), and now there is a universal set, etc.
- ——; Hilbert, David (1967) [1927]. "Hilbert(1927) The foundations of mathematics". ibid. pp. 464–479. With commentary by van Heijenoort.
- Whitehead, Alfred North; Russell, Bertrand (1913). Principia Mathematica to *56 (1962 ed.). Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-62606-4.
Further reading
- Dubinsky, Ed; Harel, Guershon (1992). The Concept of Function: Aspects of Epistemology and Pedagogy. Mathematical Association of America. ISBN 0-88385-081-8.
- Frege, Gottlob (1879). Begriffsschrift: eine der arithmetischen nachgebildete Formelsprache des reinen Denkens. Halle.
- Kleiner, Israel (1989). "Evolution of the Function Concept: A Brief Survey". The College Mathematics Journal. 20 (4). Mathematical Association of America: 282–300. doi:10.2307/2686848. JSTOR 2686848.
- Lützen, Jesper (2003). "Between rigor and applications: Developments in the concept of function in mathematical analysis". In Roy Porter (ed.). The Cambridge History of Science: The modern physical and mathematical sciences. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521571995. An approachable and diverting historical presentation.
- Malik, M. A. (1980). "Historical and pedagogical aspects of the definition of function". International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology. 11 (4): 489–492. doi:10.1080/0020739800110404.
- Monna, A. F. (1972). "The concept of function in the 19th and 20th centuries, in particular with regard to the discussions between Baire, Borel and Lebesgue". Archive for History of Exact Sciences. 9 (1): 57–84. doi:10.1007/BF00348540. S2CID 120506760.
- Reichenbach, Hans (1947) Elements of Symbolic Logic, Dover Publishing Inc., New York NY, ISBN 0-486-24004-5.
- Ruthing, D. (1984). "Some definitions of the concept of function from Bernoulli, Joh. to Bourbaki, N.". Mathematical Intelligencer. 6 (4): 72–77. doi:10.1007/BF03026743. S2CID 189883712.
- Youschkevitch, A. P. (1976). "The concept of function up to the middle of the 19th century". Archive for History of Exact Sciences. 16 (1): 37–85. doi:10.1007/BF00348305. S2CID 121038818.
External links
- Functions from cut-the-knot.
The mathematical concept of a function dates from the 17th century in connection with the development of calculus for example the slope dy dx displaystyle operatorname d y operatorname d x of a graph at a point was regarded as a function of the x coordinate of the point Functions were not explicitly considered in antiquity but some precursors of the concept can perhaps be seen in the work of medieval philosophers and mathematicians such as Oresme Mathematicians of the 18th century typically regarded a function as being defined by an analytic expression In the 19th century the demands of the rigorous development of analysis by Weierstrass and others the reformulation of geometry in terms of analysis and the invention of set theory by Cantor eventually led to the much more general modern concept of a function as a single valued mapping from one set to another Functions before the 17th centuryIn the 12th century mathematician Sharaf al Din al Tusi analyzed the equation x3 d b x2 in the form x2 b x d stating that the left hand side must at least equal the value of d for the equation to have a solution He then determined the maximum value of this expression It is arguable that the isolation of this expression is an early approach to the notion of a function A value less than d means no positive solution a value equal to d corresponds to one solution while a value greater than d corresponds to two solutions Sharaf al Din s analysis of this equation was a notable development in Islamic mathematics but his work was not pursued any further at that time neither in the Muslim world nor in Europe According to Dieudonne and Ponte the concept of a function emerged in the 17th century as a result of the development of analytic geometry and the infinitesimal calculus Nevertheless Medvedev suggests that the implicit concept of a function is one with an ancient lineage Ponte also sees more explicit approaches to the concept in the Middle Ages Historically some mathematicians can be regarded as having foreseen and come close to a modern formulation of the concept of function Among them is Oresme 1323 1382 In his theory some general ideas about independent and dependent variable quantities seem to be present The development of analytical geometry around 1640 allowed mathematicians to go between geometric problems about curves and algebraic relations between variable coordinates x and y Calculus was developed using the notion of variables with their associated geometric meaning which persisted well into the eighteenth century However the terminology of function came to be used in interactions between Leibniz and Bernoulli towards the end of the 17th century The notion of function in analysisThe term function was literally introduced by Gottfried Leibniz in a 1673 letter to describe a quantity related to points of a curve such as a coordinate or curve s slope Johann Bernoulli started calling expressions made of a single variable functions In 1698 he agreed with Leibniz that any quantity formed in an algebraic and transcendental manner may be called a function of x By 1718 he came to regard as a function any expression made up of a variable and some constants Alexis Claude Clairaut in approximately 1734 and Leonhard Euler introduced the familiar notation f x displaystyle f x for the value of a function The functions considered in those times are called today differentiable functions For this type of function one can talk about limits and derivatives both are measurements of the output or the change in the output as it depends on the input or the change in the input Such functions are the basis of calculus Euler In the first volume of his fundamental text Introductio in analysin infinitorum published in 1748 Euler gave essentially the same definition of a function as his teacher Bernoulli as an expression or formula involving variables and constants e g x2 3x 2 displaystyle x 2 3x 2 Euler s own definition reads A function of a variable quantity is an analytic expression composed in any way whatsoever of the variable quantity and numbers or constant quantities Euler also allowed multi valued functions whose values are determined by an implicit equation In 1755 however in his Institutiones calculi differentialis Euler gave a more general concept of a function When certain quantities depend on others in such a way that they undergo a change when the latter change then the first are called functions of the second This name has an extremely broad character it encompasses all the ways in which one quantity can be determined in terms of others Medvedev considers that In essence this is the definition that became known as Dirichlet s definition Edwards also credits Euler with a general concept of a function and says further that The relations among these quantities are not thought of as being given by formulas but on the other hand they are surely not thought of as being the sort of general set theoretic anything goes subsets of product spaces that modern mathematicians mean when they use the word function Fourier In his Theorie Analytique de la Chaleur Fourier claimed that an arbitrary function could be represented by a Fourier series Fourier had a general conception of a function which included functions that were neither continuous nor defined by an analytical expression Related questions on the nature and representation of functions arising from the solution of the wave equation for a vibrating string had already been the subject of dispute between d Alembert and Euler and they had a significant impact in generalizing the notion of a function Luzin observes that The modern understanding of function and its definition which seems correct to us could arise only after Fourier s discovery His discovery showed clearly that most of the misunderstandings that arose in the debate about the vibrating string were the result of confusing two seemingly identical but actually vastly different concepts namely that of function and that of its analytic representation Indeed prior to Fourier s discovery no distinction was drawn between the concepts of function and of analytic representation and it was this discovery that brought about their disconnection Cauchy During the 19th century mathematicians started to formalize all the different branches of mathematics One of the first to do so was Cauchy his somewhat imprecise results were later made completely rigorous by Weierstrass who advocated building calculus on arithmetic rather than on geometry which favoured Euler s definition over Leibniz s see arithmetization of analysis According to Smithies Cauchy thought of functions as being defined by equations involving real or complex numbers and tacitly assumed they were continuous Cauchy makes some general remarks about functions in Chapter I Section 1 of his Analyse algebrique 1821 From what he says there it is clear that he normally regards a function as being defined by an analytic expression if it is explicit or by an equation or a system of equations if it is implicit where he differs from his predecessors is that he is prepared to consider the possibility that a function may be defined only for a restricted range of the independent variable Lobachevsky and Dirichlet Nikolai Lobachevsky and Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet are traditionally credited with independently giving the modern formal definition of a function as a relation in which every first element has a unique second element Lobachevsky 1834 writes that The general concept of a function requires that a function of x be defined as a number given for each x and varying gradually with x The value of the function can be given either by an analytic expression or by a condition that provides a means of examining all numbers and choosing one of them or finally the dependence may exist but remain unknown while Dirichlet 1837 writes If now a unique finite y corresponding to each x and moreover in such a way that when x ranges continuously over the interval from a to b y f x displaystyle y f x also varies continuously then y is called a continuous function of x for this interval It is not at all necessary here that y be given in terms of x by one and the same law throughout the entire interval and it is not necessary that it be regarded as a dependence expressed using mathematical operations Eves asserts that the student of mathematics usually meets the Dirichlet definition of function in his introductory course in calculus Dirichlet s claim to this formalization has been disputed by Imre Lakatos There is no such definition in Dirichlet s works at all But there is ample evidence that he had no idea of this concept In his 1837 paper for instance when he discusses piecewise continuous functions he says that at points of discontinuity the function has two values However Gardiner says it seems to me that Lakatos goes too far for example when he asserts that there is ample evidence that Dirichlet had no idea of the modern function concept Moreover as noted above Dirichlet s paper does appear to include a definition along the lines of what is usually ascribed to him even though like Lobachevsky he states it only for continuous functions of a real variable Similarly Lavine observes that It is a matter of some dispute how much credit Dirichlet deserves for the modern definition of a function in part because he restricted his definition to continuous functions I believe Dirichlet defined the notion of continuous function to make it clear that no rule or law is required even in the case of continuous functions not just in general This would have deserved special emphasis because of Euler s definition of a continuous function as one given by single expression or law But I also doubt there is sufficient evidence to settle the dispute Because Lobachevsky and Dirichlet have been credited as among the first to introduce the notion of an arbitrary correspondence this notion is sometimes referred to as the Dirichlet or Lobachevsky Dirichlet definition of a function A general version of this definition was later used by Bourbaki 1939 and some in the education community refer to it as the Dirichlet Bourbaki definition of a function Dedekind Dieudonne who was one of the founding members of the Bourbaki group credits a precise and general modern definition of a function to Dedekind in his work Was sind und was sollen die Zahlen which appeared in 1888 but had already been drafted in 1878 Dieudonne observes that instead of confining himself as in previous conceptions to real or complex functions Dedekind defines a function as a single valued mapping between any two sets What was new and what was to be essential for the whole of mathematics was the entirely general conception of a function Hardy Hardy 1908 pp 26 28 defined a function as a relation between two variables x and y such that to some values of x at any rate correspond values of y He neither required the function to be defined for all values of x nor to associate each value of x to a single value of y This broad definition of a function encompasses more relations than are ordinarily considered functions in contemporary mathematics For example Hardy s definition includes multivalued functions and what in computability theory are called partial functions The logician s function prior to 1850Logicians of this time were primarily involved with analyzing syllogisms the 2000 year old Aristotelian forms and otherwise or as Augustus De Morgan 1847 stated it the examination of that part of reasoning which depends upon the manner in which inferences are formed and the investigation of general maxims and rules for constructing arguments At this time the notion of logical function is not explicit but at least in the work of De Morgan and George Boole it is implied we see abstraction of the argument forms the introduction of variables the introduction of a symbolic algebra with respect to these variables and some of the notions of set theory De Morgan s 1847 FORMAL LOGIC OR The Calculus of Inference Necessary and Probable observes that a logical truth depends upon the structure of the statement and not upon the particular matters spoken of he wastes no time preface page i abstracting In the form of the proposition the copula is made as abstract as the terms He immediately p 1 casts what he calls the proposition present day propositional function or relation into a form such as X is Y where the symbols X is and Y represent respectively the subject copula and predicate While the word function does not appear the notion of abstraction is there variables are there the notion of inclusion in his symbolism all of the D is in the O p 9 is there and lastly a new symbolism for logical analysis of the notion of relation he uses the word with respect to this example X Y p 75 is there A1 X Y To take an X it is necessary to take a Y or To be an X it is necessary to be a Y A1 Y X To take a Y it is sufficient to take a X or To be a Y it is sufficient to be an X etc In his 1848 The Nature of Logic Boole asserts that logic is in a more especial sense the science of reasoning by signs and he briefly discusses the notions of belonging to and class An individual may possess a great variety of attributes and thus belonging to a great variety of different classes Like De Morgan he uses the notion of variable drawn from analysis he gives an example of represent ing the class oxen by x and that of horses by y and the conjunction and by the sign we might represent the aggregate class oxen and horses by x y In the context of the Differential Calculus Boole defined circa 1849 the notion of a function as follows That quantity whose variation is uniform is called the independent variable That quantity whose variation is referred to the variation of the former is said to be a function of it The Differential calculus enables us in every case to pass from the function to the limit This it does by a certain Operation But in the very Idea of an Operation is the idea of an inverse operation To effect that inverse operation in the present instance is the business of the Int egral Calculus The logicians function 1850 1950Eves observes that logicians have endeavored to push down further the starting level of the definitional development of mathematics and to derive the theory of sets or classes from a foundation in the logic of propositions and propositional functions But by the late 19th century the logicians research into the foundations of mathematics was undergoing a major split The direction of the first group the Logicists can probably be summed up best by Bertrand Russell 1903 to fulfil two objects first to show that all mathematics follows from symbolic logic and secondly to discover as far as possible what are the principles of symbolic logic itself The second group of logicians the set theorists emerged with Georg Cantor s set theory 1870 1890 but were driven forward partly as a result of Russell s discovery of a paradox that could be derived from Frege s conception of function but also as a reaction against Russell s proposed solution Zermelo s set theoretic response was his 1908 Investigations in the foundations of set theory I the first axiomatic set theory here too the notion of propositional function plays a role George Boole s The Laws of Thought 1854 John Venn s Symbolic Logic 1881 In his An Investigation into the laws of thought Boole now defined a function in terms of a symbol x as follows 8 Definition Any algebraic expression involving symbol x is termed a function of x and may be represented by the abbreviated form f x Boole then used algebraic expressions to define both algebraic and logical notions e g 1 x is logical NOT x xy is the logical AND x y x y is the logical OR x y x x y is xx xy and the special law xx x2 x In his 1881 Symbolic Logic Venn was using the words logical function and the contemporary symbolism x f y y f 1 x cf page xxi plus the circle diagrams historically associated with Venn to describe class relations the notions quantifying our predicate propositions in respect of their extension the relation of inclusion and exclusion of two classes to one another and propositional function all on p 10 the bar over a variable to indicate not x page 43 etc Indeed he equated unequivocally the notion of logical function with class modern set on the view adopted in this book f x never stands for anything but a logical class It may be a compound class aggregated of many simple classes it may be a class indicated by certain inverse logical operations it may be composed of two groups of classes equal to one another or what is the same thing their difference declared equal to zero that is a logical equation But however composed or derived f x with us will never be anything else than a general expression for such logical classes of things as may fairly find a place in ordinary Logic Frege s Begriffsschrift 1879 Gottlob Frege s Begriffsschrift 1879 preceded Giuseppe Peano 1889 but Peano had no knowledge of Frege 1879 until after he had published his 1889 Both writers strongly influenced Russell 1903 Russell in turn influenced much of 20th century mathematics and logic through his Principia Mathematica 1913 jointly authored with Alfred North Whitehead At the outset Frege abandons the traditional concepts subject and predicate replacing them with argument and function respectively which he believes will stand the test of time It is easy to see how regarding a content as a function of an argument leads to the formation of concepts Furthermore the demonstration of the connection between the meanings of the words if and not or there is some all and so forth deserves attention Frege begins his discussion of function with an example Begin with the expression Hydrogen is lighter than carbon dioxide Now remove the sign for hydrogen i e the word hydrogen and replace it with the sign for oxygen i e the word oxygen this makes a second statement Do this again using either statement and substitute the sign for nitrogen i e the word nitrogen and note that This changes the meaning in such a way that oxygen or nitrogen enters into the relations in which hydrogen stood before There are three statements Hydrogen is lighter than carbon dioxide Oxygen is lighter than carbon dioxide Nitrogen is lighter than carbon dioxide Now observe in all three a stable component representing the totality of the relations call this the function i e is lighter than carbon dioxide is the function Frege calls the argument of the function t he sign e g hydrogen oxygen or nitrogen regarded as replaceable by others that denotes the object standing in these relations He notes that we could have derived the function as Hydrogen is lighter than as well with an argument position on the right the exact observation is made by Peano see more below Finally Frege allows for the case of two or more arguments For example remove carbon dioxide to yield the invariant part the function as is lighter than The one argument function Frege generalizes into the form F A where A is the argument and F represents the function whereas the two argument function he symbolizes as PS A B with A and B the arguments and PS the function and cautions that in general PS A B differs from PS B A Using his unique symbolism he translates for the reader the following symbolism We can read F A as A has the property F PS A B can be translated by B stands in the relation PS to A or B is a result of an application of the procedure PS to the object A Peano s The Principles of Arithmetic 1889 Peano defined the notion of function in a manner somewhat similar to Frege but without the precision First Peano defines the sign K means class or aggregate of objects the objects of which satisfy three simple equality conditions a a a b b a IF a b AND b c THEN a c He then introduces f a sign or an aggregate of signs such that if x is an object of the class s the expression fx denotes a new object Peano adds two conditions on these new objects First that the three equality conditions hold for the objects fx secondly that if x and y are objects of class s and if x y we assume it is possible to deduce fx fy Given all these conditions are met f is a function presign Likewise he identifies a function postsign For example if f is the function presign a then fx yields a x or if f is the function postsign a then xf yields x a Bertrand Russell s The Principles of Mathematics 1903 While the influence of Cantor and Peano was paramount in Appendix A The Logical and Arithmetical Doctrines of Frege of The Principles of Mathematics Russell arrives at a discussion of Frege s notion of function a point in which Frege s work is very important and requires careful examination In response to his 1902 exchange of letters with Frege about the contradiction he discovered in Frege s Begriffsschrift Russell tacked this section on at the last moment For Russell the bedeviling notion is that of variable 6 Mathematical propositions are not only characterized by the fact that they assert implications but also by the fact that they contain variables The notion of the variable is one of the most difficult with which logic has to deal For the present I openly wish to make it plain that there are variables in all mathematical propositions even where at first sight they might seem to be absent We shall find always in all mathematical propositions that the words any or some occur and these words are the marks of a variable and a formal implication As expressed by Russell the process of transforming constants in a proposition into variables leads to what is called generalization and gives us as it were the formal essence of a proposition So long as any term in our proposition can be turned into a variable our proposition can be generalized and so long as this is possible it is the business of mathematics to do it these generalizations Russell named propositional functions Indeed he cites and quotes from Frege s Begriffsschrift and presents a vivid example from Frege s 1891 Function und Begriff That the essence of the arithmetical function 2x3 x is what is left when the x is taken away i e in the above instance 2 3 The argument x does not belong to the function but the two taken together make the whole Russell agreed with Frege s notion of function in one sense He regards functions and in this I agree with him as more fundamental than predicates and relations but Russell rejected Frege s theory of subject and assertion in particular he thinks that if a term a occurs in a proposition the proposition can always be analysed into a and an assertion about a Evolution of Russell s notion of function 1908 1913 Russell would carry his ideas forward in his 1908 Mathematical logical as based on the theory of types and into his and Whitehead s 1910 1913 Principia Mathematica By the time of Principia Mathematica Russell like Frege considered the propositional function fundamental Propositional functions are the fundamental kind from which the more usual kinds of function such as sin x or log x or the father of x are derived These derivative functions are called descriptive functions The functions of propositions are a particular case of propositional functions Propositional functions Because his terminology is different from the contemporary the reader may be confused by Russell s propositional function An example may help Russell writes a propositional function in its raw form e g as fŷ ŷ is hurt Observe the circumflex or hat over the variable y For our example we will assign just 4 values to the variable ŷ Bob This bird Emily the rabbit and y Substitution of one of these values for variable ŷ yields a proposition this proposition is called a value of the propositional function In our example there are four values of the propositional function e g Bob is hurt This bird is hurt Emily the rabbit is hurt and y is hurt A proposition if it is significant i e if its truth is determinate has a truth value of truth or falsity If a proposition s truth value is truth then the variable s value is said to satisfy the propositional function Finally per Russell s definition a class set is all objects satisfying some propositional function p 23 Note the word all this is how the contemporary notions of For all and there exists at least one instance enter the treatment p 15 To continue the example Suppose from outside the mathematics logic one determines that the propositions Bob is hurt has a truth value of falsity This bird is hurt has a truth value of truth Emily the rabbit is hurt has an indeterminate truth value because Emily the rabbit doesn t exist and y is hurt is ambiguous as to its truth value because the argument y itself is ambiguous While the two propositions Bob is hurt and This bird is hurt are significant both have truth values only the value This bird of the variable ŷ satisfies the propositional function fŷ ŷ is hurt When one goes to form the class a fŷ ŷ is hurt only This bird is included given the four values Bob This bird Emily the rabbit and y for variable ŷ and their respective truth values falsity truth indeterminate ambiguous Russell defines functions of propositions with arguments and truth functions f p For example suppose one were to form the function of propositions with arguments p1 NOT p AND q and assign its variables the values of p Bob is hurt and q This bird is hurt We are restricted to the logical linkages NOT AND OR and IMPLIES and we can only assign significant propositions to the variables p and q Then the function of propositions with arguments is p1 NOT Bob is hurt AND This bird is hurt To determine the truth value of this function of propositions with arguments we submit it to a truth function e g f p1 f NOT Bob is hurt AND This bird is hurt which yields a truth value of truth The notion of a many one functional relation Russell first discusses the notion of identity then defines a descriptive function pages 30ff as the unique value ix that satisfies the 2 variable propositional function i e relation fŷ N B The reader should be warned here that the order of the variables are reversed y is the independent variable and x is the dependent variable e g x sin y Russell symbolizes the descriptive function as the object standing in relation to y R y DEF ix x R y Russell repeats that R y is a function of y but not a propositional function sic we shall call it a descriptive function All the ordinary functions of mathematics are of this kind Thus in our notation sin y would be written sin y and sin would stand for the relation sin y has to y The formalist s function David Hilbert s axiomatization of mathematics 1904 1927 David Hilbert set himself the goal of formalizing classical mathematics as a formal axiomatic theory and this theory shall be proved to be consistent i e free from contradiction In Hilbert 1927 The Foundations of Mathematics he frames the notion of function in terms of the existence of an object 13 A a gt A e A Here e A stands for an object of which the proposition A a certainly holds if it holds of any object at all let us call e the logical e function The arrow indicates implies Hilbert then illustrates the three ways how the e function is to be used firstly as the for all and there exists notions secondly to represent the object of which a proposition holds and lastly how to cast it into the choice function Recursion theory and computability But the unexpected outcome of Hilbert s and his student Bernays s effort was failure see Godel s incompleteness theorems of 1931 At about the same time in an effort to solve Hilbert s Entscheidungsproblem mathematicians set about to define what was meant by an effectively calculable function Alonzo Church 1936 i e effective method or algorithm that is an explicit step by step procedure that would succeed in computing a function Various models for algorithms appeared in rapid succession including Church s lambda calculus 1936 Stephen Kleene s m recursive functions 1936 and Alan Turing s 1936 7 notion of replacing human computers with utterly mechanical computing machines see Turing machines It was shown that all of these models could compute the same class of computable functions Church s thesis holds that this class of functions exhausts all the number theoretic functions that can be calculated by an algorithm The outcomes of these efforts were vivid demonstrations that in Turing s words there can be no general process for determining whether a given formula U of the functional calculus K Principia Mathematica is provable see more at Independence mathematical logic and Computability theory Development of the set theoretic definition of function Set theory began with the work of the logicians with the notion of class modern set for example De Morgan 1847 Jevons 1880 Venn 1881 Frege 1879 and Peano 1889 It was given a push by Georg Cantor s attempt to define the infinite in set theoretic treatment 1870 1890 and a subsequent discovery of an antinomy contradiction paradox in this treatment Cantor s paradox by Russell s discovery 1902 of an antinomy in Frege s 1879 Russell s paradox by the discovery of more antinomies in the early 20th century e g the 1897 Burali Forti paradox and the 1905 Richard paradox and by resistance to Russell s complex treatment of logic and dislike of his axiom of reducibility 1908 1910 1913 that he proposed as a means to evade the antinomies Russell s paradox 1902 In 1902 Russell sent a letter to Frege pointing out that Frege s 1879 Begriffsschrift allowed a function to be an argument of itself On the other hand it may also be that the argument is determinate and the function indeterminate From this unconstrained situation Russell was able to form a paradox You state that a function too can act as the indeterminate element This I formerly believed but now this view seems doubtful to me because of the following contradiction Let w be the predicate to be a predicate that cannot be predicated of itself Can w be predicated of itself Frege responded promptly that Your discovery of the contradiction caused me the greatest surprise and I would almost say consternation since it has shaken the basis on which I intended to build arithmetic From this point forward development of the foundations of mathematics became an exercise in how to dodge Russell s paradox framed as it was in the bare set theoretic notions of set and element Zermelo s set theory 1908 modified by Skolem 1922 The notion of function appears as Zermelo s axiom III the Axiom of Separation Axiom der Aussonderung This axiom constrains us to use a propositional function F x to separate a subset MF from a previously formed set M AXIOM III Axiom of separation Whenever the propositional function F x is definite for all elements of a set M M possesses a subset MF containing as elements precisely those elements x of M for which F x is true As there is no universal set sets originate by way of Axiom II from elements of non set domain B this disposes of the Russell antinomy so far as we are concerned But Zermelo s definite criterion is imprecise and is fixed by Weyl Fraenkel Skolem and von Neumann In fact Skolem in his 1922 referred to this definite criterion or property as a definite proposition a finite expression constructed from elementary propositions of the form a e b or a b by means of the five operations logical conjunction disjunction negation universal quantification and existential quantification van Heijenoort summarizes A property is definite in Skolem s sense if it is expressed by a well formed formula in the simple predicate calculus of first order in which the sole predicate constants are e and possibly Today an axiomatization of set theory is usually embedded in a logical calculus and it is Weyl s and Skolem s approach to the formulation of the axiom of separation that is generally adopted In this quote the reader may observe a shift in terminology nowhere is mentioned the notion of propositional function but rather one sees the words formula predicate calculus predicate and logical calculus This shift in terminology is discussed more in the section that covers function in contemporary set theory The Wiener Hausdorff Kuratowski ordered pair definition 1914 1921 The history of the notion of ordered pair is not clear As noted above Frege 1879 proposed an intuitive ordering in his definition of a two argument function PS A B Norbert Wiener in his 1914 see below observes that his own treatment essentially revert s to Schroder s treatment of a relation as a class of ordered couples Russell 1903 considered the definition of a relation such as PS A B as a class of couples but rejected it There is a temptation to regard a relation as definable in extension as a class of couples This is the formal advantage that it avoids the necessity for the primitive proposition asserting that every couple has a relation holding between no other pairs of terms But it is necessary to give sense to the couple to distinguish the referent domain from the relatum converse domain thus a couple becomes essentially distinct from a class of two terms and must itself be introduced as a primitive idea It seems therefore more correct to take an intensional view of relations and to identify them rather with class concepts than with classes By 1910 1913 and Principia Mathematica Russell had given up on the requirement for an intensional definition of a relation stating that mathematics is always concerned with extensions rather than intensions and Relations like classes are to be taken in extension To demonstrate the notion of a relation in extension Russell now embraced the notion of ordered couple We may regard a relation as a class of couples the relation determined by f x y is the class of couples x y for which f x y is true In a footnote he clarified his notion and arrived at this definition Such a couple has a sense i e the couple x y is different from the couple y x unless x y We shall call it a couple with sense it may also be called an ordered couple But he goes on to say that he would not introduce the ordered couples further into his symbolic treatment he proposes his matrix and his unpopular axiom of reducibility in their place An attempt to solve the problem of the antinomies led Russell to propose his doctrine of types in an appendix B of his 1903 The Principles of Mathematics In a few years he would refine this notion and propose in his 1908 The Theory of Types two axioms of reducibility the purpose of which were to reduce single variable propositional functions and dual variable relations to a lower form and ultimately into a completely extensional form he and Alfred North Whitehead would carry this treatment over to Principia Mathematica 1910 1913 with a further refinement called a matrix The first axiom is 12 1 the second is 12 11 To quote Wiener the second axiom 12 11 is involved only in the theory of relations Both axioms however were met with skepticism and resistance see more at Axiom of reducibility By 1914 Norbert Wiener using Whitehead and Russell s symbolism eliminated axiom 12 11 the two variable relational version of the axiom of reducibility by expressing a relation as an ordered pair using the null set At approximately the same time Hausdorff 1914 p 32 gave the definition of the ordered pair a b as a 1 b 2 A few years later Kuratowski 1921 offered a definition that has been widely used ever since namely a b a As noted by Suppes 1960 This definition was historically important in reducing the theory of relations to the theory of sets Observe that while Wiener reduced the relational 12 11 form of the axiom of reducibility he did not reduce nor otherwise change the propositional function form 12 1 indeed he declared this essential to the treatment of identity descriptions classes and relations Schonfinkel s notion of function as a many one correspondence 1924 Where exactly the general notion of function as a many one correspondence derives from is unclear Russell in his 1920 Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy states that It should be observed that all mathematical functions result form one many sic contemporary usage is many one relations Functions in this sense are descriptive functions A reasonable possibility is the Principia Mathematica notion of descriptive function R y DEF ix x R y the singular object that has a relation R to y Whatever the case by 1924 Moses Schonfinkel expressed the notion claiming it to be well known As is well known by function we mean in the simplest case a correspondence between the elements of some domain of quantities the argument domain and those of a domain of function values such that to each argument value there corresponds at most one function value According to Willard Quine Schonfinkel 1924 provide s for the whole sweep of abstract set theory The crux of the matter is that Schonfinkel lets functions stand as arguments For Schonfinkel substantially as for Frege classes are special sorts of functions They are propositional functions functions whose values are truth values All functions propositional and otherwise are for Schonfinkel one place functions Remarkably Schonfinkel reduces all mathematics to an extremely compact functional calculus consisting of only three functions Constancy fusion i e composition and mutual exclusivity Quine notes that Haskell Curry 1958 carried this work forward under the head of combinatory logic Von Neumann s set theory 1925 By 1925 Abraham Fraenkel 1922 and Thoralf Skolem 1922 had amended Zermelo s set theory of 1908 But von Neumann was not convinced that this axiomatization could not lead to the antinomies So he proposed his own theory his 1925 An axiomatization of set theory It explicitly contains a contemporary set theoretic version of the notion of function Unlike Zermelo s set theory w e prefer however to axiomatize not set but function The latter notion certainly includes the former More precisely the two notions are completely equivalent since a function can be regarded as a set of pairs and a set as a function that can take two values At the outset he begins with I objects and II objects two objects A and B that are I objects first axiom and two types of operations that assume ordering as a structural property obtained of the resulting objects x y and x y The two domains of objects are called arguments I objects and functions II objects where they overlap are the argument functions he calls them I II objects He introduces two universal two variable operations i the operation x y read the value of the function x for the argument y it itself is a type I object and ii the operation x y read the ordered pair x y whose variables x and y must both be arguments and that itself produces an argument x y Its most important property is that x1 x2 and y1 y2 follow from x1 y2 x2 y2 To clarify the function pair he notes that Instead of f x we write f x to indicate that f just like x is to be regarded as a variable in this procedure To avoid the antinomies of naive set theory in Russell s first of all we must forgo treating certain functions as arguments He adopts a notion from Zermelo to restrict these certain functions Suppes observes that von Neumann s axiomatization was modified by Bernays in order to remain nearer to the original Zermelo system He introduced two membership relations one between sets and one between sets and classes Then Godel 1940 further modified the theory his primitive notions are those of set class and membership although membership alone is sufficient This axiomatization is now known as von Neumann Bernays Godel set theory Bourbaki 1939 In 1939 Bourbaki in addition to giving the well known ordered pair definition of a function as a certain subset of the cartesian product E F gave the following Let E and F be two sets which may or may not be distinct A relation between a variable element x of E and a variable element y of F is called a functional relation in y if for all x E there exists a unique y F which is in the given relation with x We give the name of function to the operation which in this way associates with every element x E the element y F which is in the given relation with x and the function is said to be determined by the given functional relation Two equivalent functional relations determine the same function Since 1950Notion of function in contemporary set theory Both axiomatic and naive forms of Zermelo s set theory as modified by Fraenkel 1922 and Skolem 1922 define function as a relation define a relation as a set of ordered pairs and define an ordered pair as a set of two dissymetric sets While the reader of Suppes 1960 Axiomatic Set Theory or Halmos 1970 Naive Set Theory observes the use of function symbolism in the axiom of separation e g f x in Suppes and S x in Halmos they will see no mention of proposition or even first order predicate calculus In their place are expressions of the object language atomic formulae primitive formulae and atomic sentences Kleene 1952 defines the words as follows In word languages a proposition is expressed by a sentence Then a predicate is expressed by an incomplete sentence or sentence skeleton containing an open place For example is a man expresses a predicate The predicate is a propositional function of one variable Predicates are often called properties The predicate calculus will treat of the logic of predicates in this general sense of predicate i e as propositional function In 1954 Bourbaki on p 76 in Chapitre II of Theorie des Ensembles theory of sets gave a definition of a function as a triple f F A B Here F is a functional graph meaning a set of pairs where no two pairs have the same first member On p 77 op cit Bourbaki states literal translation Often we shall use in the remainder of this Treatise the word function instead of functional graph Suppes 1960 in Axiomatic Set Theory formally defines a relation p 57 as a set of pairs and a function p 86 as a relation where no two pairs have the same first member Relational form of a function The reason for the disappearance of the words propositional function e g in Suppes 1960 and Halmos 1970 is explained by Tarski 1946 together with further explanation of the terminology An expression such as x is an integer which contains variables and on replacement of these variables by constants becomes a sentence is called a SENTENTIAL i e propositional cf his index FUNCTION But mathematicians by the way are not very fond of this expression because they use the term function with a different meaning sentential functions and sentences composed entirely of mathematical symbols and not words of everyday language such as x y 5 are usually referred to by mathematicians as FORMULAE In place of sentential function we shall sometimes simply say sentence but only in cases where there is no danger of any misunderstanding For his part Tarski calls the relational form of function a FUNCTIONAL RELATION or simply a FUNCTION After a discussion of this functional relation he asserts that The concept of a function which we are considering now differs essentially from the concepts of a sentential propositional and of a designatory function Strictly speaking these do not belong to the domain of logic or mathematics they denote certain categories of expressions which serve to compose logical and mathematical statements but they do not denote things treated of in those statements The term function in its new sense on the other hand is an expression of a purely logical character it designates a certain type of things dealt with in logic and mathematics See more about truth under an interpretation at Alfred Tarski NotesKatz Victor Barton Bill October 2007 Stages in the History of Algebra with Implications for Teaching Educational Studies in Mathematics 66 2 192 doi 10 1007 s10649 006 9023 7 S2CID 120363574 Dieudonne 1992 p 55 The emergence of a notion of function as an individualized mathematical entity can be traced to the beginnings of infinitesimal calculus Ponte 1992 although we do not find in the mathematicians of Ancient Greece the idea of functional dependence distinguished in explicit form as a comparatively independent object of study nevertheless one cannot help noticing the large stock of functional correspondences they studied Medvedev 1991 pp 29 30 Ponte 1992 Gardiner 1982 p 255 Gardiner 1982 p 256 Kleiner Israel 2009 Evolution of the Function Concept A Brief Survey In Marlow Anderson Victor Katz Robin Wilson eds Who Gave You the Epsilon And Other Tales of Mathematical History MAA pp 14 26 ISBN 978 0 88385 569 0 O Connor John J Robertson Edmund F History of the function concept MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive University of St Andrews Eves dates Leibniz s first use to the year 1694 and also similarly relates the usage to as a term to denote any quantity connected with a curve such as the coordinates of a point on the curve the slope of the curve and so on Eves 1990 p 234 N Bourbaki 18 September 2003 Elements of Mathematics Functions of a Real Variable Elementary Theory Springer Science amp Business Media pp 154 ISBN 978 3 540 65340 0 Eves 1990 p 234 Eves 1990 p 235 Eves 1990 p 235 Euler 1988 p 3 Euler 2000 p VI Medvedev 1991 p 47 Edwards 2007 p 47 Fourier 1822 Contemporary mathematicians with much broader and more precise conceptions of functions integration and different notions of convergence than was possible in Fourier s time including examples of functions that were regarded as pathological and referred to as monsters until as late as the turn of the 20th century would not agree with Fourier that a completely arbitrary function can be expanded in Fourier series even if its Fourier coefficients are well defined For example Kolmogorov 1922 constructed a Lebesgue integrable function whose Fourier series diverges pointwise almost everywhere Nevertheless a very wide class of functions can be expanded in Fourier series especially if one allows weaker forms of convergence such as convergence in the sense of distributions Thus Fourier s claim was a reasonable one in the context of his time For example A general function f x is a sequence of values or ordinates each of which is arbitrary It is by no means assumed that these ordinates are subject to any general law they may follow one another in a completely arbitrary manner and each of them is defined as if it were a unique quantity Fourier 1822 p 552 Luzin 1998 p 263 Translation by Abe Shenitzer of an article by Luzin that appeared in the 1930s in the first edition of The Great Soviet Encyclopedia Smithies 1997 p 187 On the vanishing of trigonometric series 1834 Lobachevsky 1951 pp 31 80 Uber die Darstellung ganz willkurlicher Funktionen durch Sinus und Cosinusreihen 1837 Dirichlet 1889 pp 135 160 Lobachevsky 1951 p 43 as quoted in Medvedev 1991 p 58 Dirichlet 1889 p 135 as quoted in Medvedev 1991 pp 60 61 Eves asserts that Dirichlet arrived at the following formulation The notion of a variable is a symbol that represents any one of a set of numbers if two variables x and y are so related that whenever a value is assigned to x there is automatically assigned by some rule or correspondence a value to y then we say y is a single valued function of x The variable x is called the independent variable and the variable y is called the dependent variable The permissible values that x may assume constitute the domain of definition of the function and the values taken on by y constitute the range of values of the function it stresses the basic idea of a relationship between two sets of numbers Eves 1990 p 235 Lakatos Imre 1976 Worrall John Zahar Elie eds Proofs and Refutations Cambridge Cambridge University Press p 151 ISBN 0 521 29038 4 Published posthumously Gardiner A 1982 Understanding infinity the mathematics of infinite processes Courier Dover Publications p 275 ISBN 0 486 42538 X Lavine 1994 p 34 See Medvedev 1991 pp 55 70 for further discussion By a mapping f of a set S we understand a law that assigns to each element s of S a uniquely determined object called the image of s denoted as f s Dedekind 1995 p 9 Dieudonne 1992 p 135 De Morgan 1847 p 1 Boole 1848 in Grattan Guinness amp Bornet 1997 pp 1 2 Boole 1848 in Grattan Guinness amp Bornet 1997 p 6 Boole circa 1849 Elementary Treatise on Logic not mathematical including philosophy of mathematical reasoning in Grattan Guinness amp Bornet 1997 p 40 Eves 1990 p 222 Some of this criticism is intense see the introduction by Willard Quine preceding Russell 1908a Mathematical logic as based on the theory of types in van Heijenoort 1967 p 151 See also in von Neumann 1925 the introduction to his Axiomatization of Set Theory in van Heijenoort 1967 p 395 Boole 1854 p 86 cf Boole 1854 pp 31 34 Boole discusses this special law with its two algebraic roots x 0 or 1 on page 37 Although he gives others credit cf Venn 1881 p 6 Venn 1881 pp 86 87 cf van Heijenoort s introduction to Peano 1889 in van Heijenoort 1967 For most of his logical symbolism and notions of propositions Peano credits many writers especially Boole In footnote 1 he credits Boole 1847 1848 1854 Schroder 1877 Peirce 1880 Jevons 1883 MacColl 1877 1878 1878a 1880 cf van Heijenoort 1967 p 86 Frege 1879 in van Heijenoort 1967 p 7 Frege s exact words are expressed in our formula language and expression cf Frege 1879 in van Heijenoort 1967 pp 21 22 This example is from Frege 1879 in van Heijenoort 1967 pp 21 22 Frege 1879 in van Heijenoort 1967 pp 21 22 Frege cautions that the function will have argument places where the argument should be placed as distinct from other places where the same sign might appear But he does not go deeper into how to signify these positions and Russell 1903 observes this Frege 1879 in van Heijenoort 1967 pp 21 24 Peano intends to cover much more ground than Frege does in his Begriffsschrift and his subsequent works but he does not till that ground to any depth comparable to what Frege does in his self allotted field van Heijenoort 1967 p 85 van Heijenoort 1967 p 89 van Heijenoort 1967 p 91 All symbols used here are from Peano 1889 in van Heijenoort 1967 p 91 In Mathematics my chief obligations as is indeed evident are to Georg Cantor and Professor Peano If I had become acquainted sooner with the work of Professor Frege I should have owed a great deal to him but as it is I arrived independently at many results which he had already established Russell 1903 p viii He also highlights Boole s 1854 Laws of Thought and Ernst Schroder s three volumes of non Peanesque methods 1890 1891 and 1895 cf Russell 1903 p 10 Russell 1903 p 505 Russell 1903 pp 5 6 Russell 1903 p 7 Russell 1903 p 19 Russell 1910 1913 15 Whitehead and Russell 1910 1913 6 8 respectively Something similar appears in Tarski 1946 Tarski refers to a relational function as a ONE MANY sic or FUNCTIONAL RELATION or simply a FUNCTION Tarski comments about this reversal of variables on page 99 Whitehead and Russell 1910 1913 31 This paper is important enough that van Heijenoort reprinted it as Whitehead amp Russell 1910 Incomplete symbols Descriptions with commentary by W V Quine in van Heijenoort 1967 pp 216 223 Kleene 1952 p 53 Hilbert in van Heijenoort 1967 p 466 Turing 1936 7 in Davis Martin 1965 The undecidable basic papers on undecidable propositions unsolvable problems and computable functions Courier Dover Publications p 145 ISBN 978 0 486 43228 1 Kleene 1952 p 45 The nonprimitive and arbitrary character of this axiom drew forth severe criticism and much of subsequent refinement of the logistic program lies in attempts to devise some method of avoiding the disliked axiom of reducibility Eves 1990 p 268 Frege 1879 in van Heijenoort 1967 p 23 Russell 1902 Letter to Frege in van Heijenoort 1967 p 124 Frege 1902 Letter to Russell in van Heijenoort 1967 p 127 van Heijenoort s commentary to Russell s Letter to Frege in van Heijenoort 1967 p 124 The original uses an Old High German symbol in place of F cf Zermelo 1908a in van Heijenoort 1967 p 202 Zermelo 1908a in van Heijenoort 1967 p 203 cf van Heijenoort s commentary before Zermelo 1908 Investigations in the foundations of set theory I in van Heijenoort 1967 p 199 Skolem 1922 in van Heijenoort 1967 pp 292 293 van Heijenoort s introduction to Abraham Fraenkel s The notion definite and the independence of the axiom of choice in van Heijenoort 1967 p 285 But Wiener offers no date or reference cf Wiener 1914 in van Heijenoort 1967 p 226 Russell 1903 p 99 both quotes from Whitehead amp Russell 1913 p 26 Whitehead amp Russell 1913 p 26 Russell 1903 pp 523 529 12 The Hierarchy of Types and the axiom of Reducibility Principia Mathematica 1913 p 161 Wiener 1914 in van Heijenoort 1967 p 224 commentary by van Heijenoort preceding Wiener 1914 A simplification of the logic of relations in van Heijenoort 1967 p 224 Suppes 1960 p 32 This same point appears in van Heijenoort s commentary before Wiener 1914 in van Heijenoort 1967 p 224 Wiener 1914 in van Heijenoort 1967 p 224 Russell 1920 p 46 Schonfinkel 1924 On the building blocks of mathematical logic in van Heijenoort 1967 p 359 commentary by W V Quine preceding Schonfinkel 1924 On the building blocks of mathematical logic in van Heijenoort 1967 p 356 cf Curry and Feys 1958 Quine in van Heijenoort 1967 p 357 von Neumann s critique of the history observes the split between the logicists e g Russell et al and the set theorists e g Zermelo et al and the formalists e g Hilbert cf von Neumann 1925 in van Heijenoort 1967 pp 394 396 In addition to the 1925 appearance in van Heijenoort Suppes 1970 12 cites two more 1928a and 1929 von Neumann 1925 in van Heijenoort 1967 p 396 In his 1930 1931 The Philosophy of Mathematics and Hilbert s Proof Theory Bernays asserts in the context of rebutting Logicism s construction of the numbers from logical axioms that the Number concept turns out to be an elementary structural concept This paper appears on page 243 in Paolo Mancosu 1998 From Brouwer to Hilbert Oxford University Press NY ISBN 0 19 509632 0 All quotes from von Neumann 1925 in van Heijenoort 1967 pp 396 398 This notion is not easy to summarize see more at van Heijenoort 1967 p 397 See also van Heijenoort s introduction to von Neumann s paper on pages 393 394 cf in particular p 35 where Godel declares his primitive notions to be class set and the dyadic relation e between class and class class and set set and class or set and set Godel 1940 The consistency of the axiom of choice and of the generalized continuum hypothesis with the axioms of set theory appearing on pages 33ff in Volume II of Kurt Godel Collected Works Oxford University Press NY ISBN 0 19 514721 9 v 2 pbk All quotes from Suppes 1960 p 12 footnote He also references a paper by R M Robinson 1937 that provides a simplified system close to von Neumann s original one Kleene 1952 pp 143 145 N Bourbaki 1954 Elements de Mathematique Theorie des Ensembles Hermann amp cie p 76 Tarski 1946 p 5 Tarski 1946 p 98 Tarski 1946 p 102 ReferencesBoole George 1854 An Investigation into the Laws of Thought on which are founded the Laws of Thought and Probabilities Walton and Marberly De Morgan Augustus 1847 Formal Logic or The Calculus of Inference Necessary and Probable Walton and Marberly Dedekind Richard Pogorzelski H Ryan W Snyder W 1995 What are Numbers and What Should They Be Research Institute for Mathematics Dieudonne Jean 1992 Mathematics The Music of Reason Springer Verlag Dirichlet G P Lejeune 1889 Gesammelte Werke Bd I Berlin ISBN 9780828402255 a href wiki Template Cite book title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint location missing publisher link Edwards Harold M 2007 Euler s definition of the derivative Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 44 4 575 580 doi 10 1090 s0273 0979 07 01174 3 MR 2338366 Euler Leonhard 1988 Introduction to Analysis of the Infinite Book I Springer Verlag Euler Leonhard 2000 Foundations of Differential Calculus Springer Verlag Eves Howard 1990 Foundations and Fundamental Concepts of Mathematics 3rd ed Dover ISBN 0 486 69609 X Fourier Joseph 1822 Theorie analytique de la chaleur Paris Firmin Didot Pere et Fils Grattan Guinness Ivor Bornet Gerard 1997 George Boole Selected Manuscripts on Logic and its Philosophy Springer Verlag ISBN 3 7643 5456 9 Halmos Paul 1970 Naive Set Theory New York Springer Verlag ISBN 9780387900926 Hardy Godfrey Harold 1908 A Course of Pure Mathematics Cambridge University Press published 1993 ISBN 978 0 521 09227 2 Kleene Stephen Cole 1952 Introduction to Metamathematics North Holland published 1971 ISBN 978 0 7204 2103 3 1994 Understanding the Infinite Harvard University Press Lobachevsky Nikolai 1951 Works Moscow Leningrad a href wiki Template Cite book title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint location missing publisher link Luzin N 1998 Function Part II The American Mathematical Monthly 105 3 263 270 doi 10 2307 2589085 JSTOR 2589085 1991 Scenes from the History of Real Functions Birkhauser ISBN 9780817625726 1992 The history of the concept of function and some educational implications The Mathematics Educator 3 2 3 8 Russell Bertrand 1903 The Principles of Mathematics Cambridge University Press Russell Bertrand 1920 Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy 2nd ed Dover ISBN 0 486 27724 0 Smithies Frank 1997 Cauchy and the Creation of Complex Function Theory Cambridge University Press Suppes Patrick 1960 Axiomatic Set Theory 1972 ed Dover ISBN 0 486 61630 4 cf his Chapter 1 Introduction Tarski Alfred 1946 Introduction to Logic and to the Methodology of Deductive Sciences 1995 ed Courier Dover ISBN 0 486 28462 X Venn John 1881 Symbolic Logic Macmillan van Heijenoort Jean 1976 1967 From Frege to Godel A Source Book in Mathematical Logic 1879 1931 3rd printing ed Harvard University Press ISBN 0 674 32449 8 Frege Gottlob 1967 1879 Frege 1879 Begriffsschrift a formula language modeled upon that of arithmetic for pure thought ibid pp 1 82 With commentary by van Heijenoort Peano Giuseppe 1967 1889 Peano 1889 The principles of arithmetic presented by a new method ibid pp 83 97 With commentary by van Heijenoort Russell Bertrand 1967 1902 Russell 1902 Letter to Frege ibid pp 124 125 With commentary by van Heijenoort Wherein Russell announces his discovery of a paradox in Frege s work Frege Gottlob 1967 1902 Frege 1902 Letter to Russell ibid pp 126 128 With commentary by van Heijenoort Hilbert David 1967 1904 Hilbert 1904 On the foundations of logic and arithmetic ibid pp 129 138 With commentary by van Heijenoort Richard Jules 1967 1905 Richard 1905 The principles of mathematics and the problem of sets ibid pp 142 144 With commentary by van Heijenoort The Richard paradox Russell Bertrand 1967 1908a Russell 1908a Mathematical logic as based on the theory of types ibid pp 150 182 With commentary by Willard Quine Zermelo Ernst 1967 1908 Zermelo 1908 A new proof of the possibility of a well ordering ibid pp 183 198 With commentary by van Heijenoort Wherein Zermelo rails against Poincare s and therefore Russell s notion of impredicative definition Zermelo Ernst 1967 1908a Zermelo 1908a Investigations in the foundations of set theory I ibid pp 199 215 With commentary by van Heijenoort Wherein Zermelo attempts to solve Russell s paradox by structuring his axioms to restrict the universal domain B from which objects and sets are pulled by definite properties so that it itself cannot be a set i e his axioms disallow a universal set Whitehead Alfred North Russell Bertrand 1967 1910 Whitehead and Russell 1910 Incomplete symbols Descriptions ibid pp 216 223 With commentary by W V Quine Wiener Norbert 1967 1914 Wiener 1914 A simplification of the logic of relations ibid pp 224 227 With commentary by van Heijenoort Skolem Thoralf 1967 1922 Skolem 1922 Some remarks on axiomatized set theory ibid pp 290 301 With commentary by van Heijenoort Wherein Skolem defines Zermelo s vague definite property Schonfinkel Moses 1967 1924 Schonfinkel 1924 On the building blocks of mathematical logic ibid pp 355 366 With commentary by Willard Quine The start of combinatory logic von Neumann John 1967 1925 von Neumann 1925 An axiomatization of set theory ibid pp 393 413 With commentary by van Heijenoort Wherein von Neumann creates classes as distinct from sets the classes are Zermelo s definite properties and now there is a universal set etc Hilbert David 1967 1927 Hilbert 1927 The foundations of mathematics ibid pp 464 479 With commentary by van Heijenoort Whitehead Alfred North Russell Bertrand 1913 Principia Mathematica to 56 1962 ed Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0 521 62606 4 Further readingDubinsky Ed Harel Guershon 1992 The Concept of Function Aspects of Epistemology and Pedagogy Mathematical Association of America ISBN 0 88385 081 8 Frege Gottlob 1879 Begriffsschrift eine der arithmetischen nachgebildete Formelsprache des reinen Denkens Halle Kleiner Israel 1989 Evolution of the Function Concept A Brief Survey The College Mathematics Journal 20 4 Mathematical Association of America 282 300 doi 10 2307 2686848 JSTOR 2686848 Lutzen Jesper 2003 Between rigor and applications Developments in the concept of function in mathematical analysis In Roy Porter ed The Cambridge History of Science The modern physical and mathematical sciences Cambridge University Press ISBN 0521571995 An approachable and diverting historical presentation Malik M A 1980 Historical and pedagogical aspects of the definition of function International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 11 4 489 492 doi 10 1080 0020739800110404 Monna A F 1972 The concept of function in the 19th and 20th centuries in particular with regard to the discussions between Baire Borel and Lebesgue Archive for History of Exact Sciences 9 1 57 84 doi 10 1007 BF00348540 S2CID 120506760 Reichenbach Hans 1947 Elements of Symbolic Logic Dover Publishing Inc New York NY ISBN 0 486 24004 5 Ruthing D 1984 Some definitions of the concept of function from Bernoulli Joh to Bourbaki N Mathematical Intelligencer 6 4 72 77 doi 10 1007 BF03026743 S2CID 189883712 Youschkevitch A P 1976 The concept of function up to the middle of the 19th century Archive for History of Exact Sciences 16 1 37 85 doi 10 1007 BF00348305 S2CID 121038818 External linksFunctions from cut the knot