Grassmann algebra

Author: www.NiNa.Az
Mar 15, 2025 / 11:55

In mathematics the exterior algebra or Grassmann algebra of a vector space V displaystyle V is an associative algebra th

Grassmann algebra
Grassmann algebra
Grassmann algebra

In mathematics, the exterior algebra or Grassmann algebra of a vector space is an associative algebra that contains which has a product, called exterior product or wedge product and denoted with , such that for every vector in The exterior algebra is named after Hermann Grassmann, and the names of the product come from the "wedge" symbol and the fact that the product of two elements of is "outside"

Orientation defined by an ordered set of vectors.
Reversed orientation corresponds to negating the exterior product.
Geometric interpretation of grade n elements in a real exterior algebra for n = 0 (signed point), 1 (directed line segment, or vector), 2 (oriented plane element), 3 (oriented volume). The exterior product of n vectors can be visualized as any n-dimensional shape (e.g. n-parallelotope, n-ellipsoid); with magnitude (hypervolume), and orientation defined by that of its (n − 1)-dimensional boundary and on which side the interior is.

The wedge product of vectors is called a blade of degree or -blade. The wedge product was introduced originally as an algebraic construction used in geometry to study areas, volumes, and their higher-dimensional analogues: the magnitude of a 2-blade is the area of the parallelogram defined by and and, more generally, the magnitude of a -blade is the (hyper)volume of the parallelotope defined by the constituent vectors. The alternating property that implies a skew-symmetric property that and more generally any blade flips sign whenever two of its constituent vectors are exchanged, corresponding to a parallelotope of opposite orientation.

The full exterior algebra contains objects that are not themselves blades, but linear combinations of blades; a sum of blades of homogeneous degree is called a k-vector, while a more general sum of blades of arbitrary degree is called a multivector. The linear span of the -blades is called the -th exterior power of The exterior algebra is the direct sum of the -th exterior powers of and this makes the exterior algebra a graded algebra.

The exterior algebra is universal in the sense that every equation that relates elements of in the exterior algebra is also valid in every associative algebra that contains and in which the square of every element of is zero.

The definition of the exterior algebra can be extended for spaces built from vector spaces, such as vector fields and functions whose domain is a vector space. Moreover, the field of scalars may be any field. More generally, the exterior algebra can be defined for modules over a commutative ring. In particular, the algebra of differential forms in variables is an exterior algebra over the ring of the smooth functions in variables.

Motivating examples

Areas in the plane

The area of a parallelogram in terms of the determinant of the matrix of coordinates of two of its vertices.

The two-dimensional Euclidean vector space image is a real vector space equipped with a basis consisting of a pair of orthogonal unit vectors image

Suppose that image are a pair of given vectors in image, written in components. There is a unique parallelogram having image and image as two of its sides. The area of this parallelogram is given by the standard determinant formula: image

Consider now the exterior product of image and image: image where the first step uses the distributive law for the exterior product, and the last uses the fact that the exterior product is an alternating map, and in particular image (The fact that the exterior product is an alternating map also forces image) Note that the coefficient in this last expression is precisely the determinant of the matrix [v w]. The fact that this may be positive or negative has the intuitive meaning that v and w may be oriented in a counterclockwise or clockwise sense as the vertices of the parallelogram they define. Such an area is called the signed area of the parallelogram: the absolute value of the signed area is the ordinary area, and the sign determines its orientation.

The fact that this coefficient is the signed area is not an accident. In fact, it is relatively easy to see that the exterior product should be related to the signed area if one tries to axiomatize this area as an algebraic construct. In detail, if A(v, w) denotes the signed area of the parallelogram of which the pair of vectors v and w form two adjacent sides, then A must satisfy the following properties:

  1. A(rv, sw) = rsA(v, w) for any real numbers r and s, since rescaling either of the sides rescales the area by the same amount (and reversing the direction of one of the sides reverses the orientation of the parallelogram).
  2. A(v, v) = 0, since the area of the degenerate parallelogram determined by v (i.e., a line segment) is zero.
  3. A(w, v) = −A(v, w), since interchanging the roles of v and w reverses the orientation of the parallelogram.
  4. A(v + rw, w) = A(v, w) for any real number r, since adding a multiple of w to v affects neither the base nor the height of the parallelogram and consequently preserves its area.
  5. A(e1, e2) = 1, since the area of the unit square is one.
The cross product (blue vector) in relation to the exterior product (light blue parallelogram). The length of the cross product is to the length of the parallel unit vector (red) as the size of the exterior product is to the size of the reference parallelogram (light red).

With the exception of the last property, the exterior product of two vectors satisfies the same properties as the area. In a certain sense, the exterior product generalizes the final property by allowing the area of a parallelogram to be compared to that of any chosen parallelogram in a parallel plane (here, the one with sides e1 and e2). In other words, the exterior product provides a basis-independent formulation of area.

Cross and triple products

Basis Decomposition of a 2-vector

For vectors in R3, the exterior algebra is closely related to the cross product and triple product. Using the standard basis {e1, e2, e3}, the exterior product of a pair of vectors






where {e1e2, e3e1, e2e3} is the basis for the three-dimensional space ⋀2(R3). The coefficients above are the same as those in the usual definition of the cross product of vectors in three dimensions, the only difference being that the exterior product is not an ordinary vector, but instead is a bivector.

Bringing in a third vector


the exterior product of three vectors is


where e1e2e3 is the basis vector for the one-dimensional space ⋀3(R3). The scalar coefficient is the triple product of the three vectors.

The cross product and triple product in three dimensions each admit both geometric and algebraic interpretations. The cross product u × v can be interpreted as a vector which is perpendicular to both u and v and whose magnitude is equal to the area of the parallelogram determined by the two vectors. It can also be interpreted as the vector consisting of the minors of the matrix with columns u and v. The triple product of u, v, and w is geometrically a (signed) volume. Algebraically, it is the determinant of the matrix with columns u, v, and w. The exterior product in three dimensions allows for similar interpretations. In fact, in the presence of a positively oriented orthonormal basis, the exterior product generalizes these notions to higher dimensions.

Formal definition

The exterior algebra image of a vector space image over a field image is defined as the quotient algebra of the tensor algebra T(V), where


by the two-sided ideal image generated by all elements of the form image such that image. Symbolically,


The exterior product image of two elements of image is defined by


Algebraic properties

Alternating product

The exterior product is by construction alternating on elements of image, which means that image for all image by the above construction. It follows that the product is also anticommutative on elements of image, for supposing that image,




More generally, if image is a permutation of the integers image, and image, image, ..., image are elements of image, it follows that


where image is the signature of the permutation image.

In particular, if image for some image, then the following generalization of the alternating property also holds:


Together with the distributive property of the exterior product, one further generalization is that a necessary and sufficient condition for image to be a linearly dependent set of vectors is that


Exterior power

The kth exterior power of image, denoted image, is the vector subspace of image spanned by elements of the form


If image, then image is said to be a k-vector. If, furthermore, image can be expressed as an exterior product of image elements of image, then image is said to be decomposable (or simple, by some authors; or a blade, by others). Although decomposable image-vectors span image, not every element of image is decomposable. For example, given image with a basis image, the following 2-vector is not decomposable:


Basis and dimension

If the dimension of image is image and image is a basis for image, then the set


is a basis for image. The reason is the following: given any exterior product of the form


every vector image can be written as a linear combination of the basis vectors image; using the bilinearity of the exterior product, this can be expanded to a linear combination of exterior products of those basis vectors. Any exterior product in which the same basis vector appears more than once is zero; any exterior product in which the basis vectors do not appear in the proper order can be reordered, changing the sign whenever two basis vectors change places. In general, the resulting coefficients of the basis k-vectors can be computed as the minors of the matrix that describes the vectors image in terms of the basis image.

By counting the basis elements, the dimension of image is equal to a binomial coefficient:


where image is the dimension of the vectors, and image is the number of vectors in the product. The binomial coefficient produces the correct result, even for exceptional cases; in particular, image for image.

Any element of the exterior algebra can be written as a sum of k-vectors. Hence, as a vector space the exterior algebra is a direct sum


(where, by convention, image, the field underlying image, and image), and therefore its dimension is equal to the sum of the binomial coefficients, which is image.

Rank of a k-vector

If image, then it is possible to express image as a linear combination of decomposable k-vectors:


where each image is decomposable, say


The rank of the k-vector image is the minimal number of decomposable k-vectors in such an expansion of image. This is similar to the notion of tensor rank.

Rank is particularly important in the study of 2-vectors (Sternberg 1964, §III.6) (Bryant et al. 1991). The rank of a 2-vector image can be identified with half the rank of the matrix of coefficients of image in a basis. Thus if image is a basis for image, then image can be expressed uniquely as


where image (the matrix of coefficients is skew-symmetric). The rank of the matrix image is therefore even, and is twice the rank of the form image.

In characteristic 0, the 2-vector image has rank image if and only if

image and image

Graded structure

The exterior product of a k-vector with a p-vector is a image-vector, once again invoking bilinearity. As a consequence, the direct sum decomposition of the preceding section


gives the exterior algebra the additional structure of a graded algebra, that is


Moreover, if K is the base field, we have

image and image

The exterior product is graded anticommutative, meaning that if image and image, then


In addition to studying the graded structure on the exterior algebra, Bourbaki (1989) studies additional graded structures on exterior algebras, such as those on the exterior algebra of a graded module (a module that already carries its own gradation).

Universal property

Let V be a vector space over the field K. Informally, multiplication in image is performed by manipulating symbols and imposing a distributive law, an associative law, and using the identity image for vV. Formally, image is the "most general" algebra in which these rules hold for the multiplication, in the sense that any unital associative K-algebra containing V with alternating multiplication on V must contain a homomorphic image of image. In other words, the exterior algebra has the following universal property:

Given any unital associative K-algebra A and any K-linear map image such that image for every v in V, then there exists precisely one unital algebra homomorphism image such that j(v) = f(i(v)) for all v in V (here i is the natural inclusion of V in image, see above).

Universal property of the exterior algebra

To construct the most general algebra that contains V and whose multiplication is alternating on V, it is natural to start with the most general associative algebra that contains V, the tensor algebra T(V), and then enforce the alternating property by taking a suitable quotient. We thus take the two-sided ideal I in T(V) generated by all elements of the form vv for v in V, and define image as the quotient


(and use as the symbol for multiplication in image). It is then straightforward to show that image contains V and satisfies the above universal property.

As a consequence of this construction, the operation of assigning to a vector space V its exterior algebra image is a functor from the category of vector spaces to the category of algebras.

Rather than defining image first and then identifying the exterior powers image as certain subspaces, one may alternatively define the spaces image first and then combine them to form the algebra image. This approach is often used in differential geometry and is described in the next section.


Given a commutative ring image and an image-module image, we can define the exterior algebra image just as above, as a suitable quotient of the tensor algebra image. It will satisfy the analogous universal property. Many of the properties of image also require that image be a projective module. Where finite dimensionality is used, the properties further require that image be finitely generated and projective. Generalizations to the most common situations can be found in Bourbaki (1989).

Exterior algebras of vector bundles are frequently considered in geometry and topology. There are no essential differences between the algebraic properties of the exterior algebra of finite-dimensional vector bundles and those of the exterior algebra of finitely generated projective modules, by the Serre–Swan theorem. More general exterior algebras can be defined for sheaves of modules.

Alternating tensor algebra

For a field of characteristic not 2, the exterior algebra of a vector space image over image can be canonically identified with the vector subspace of image that consists of antisymmetric tensors. For characteristic 0 (or higher than image), the vector space of image-linear antisymmetric tensors is transversal to the ideal image, hence, a good choice to represent the quotient. But for nonzero characteristic, the vector space of image-linear antisymmetric tensors could be not transversal to the ideal (actually, for image, the vector space of image-linear antisymmetric tensors is contained in image); nevertheless, transversal or not, a product can be defined on this space such that the resulting algebra is isomorphic to the exterior algebra: in the first case the natural choice for the product is just the quotient product (using the available projection), in the second case, this product must be slightly modified as given below (along Arnold setting), but such that the algebra stays isomorphic with the exterior algebra, i.e. the quotient of image by the ideal image generated by elements of the form image. Of course, for characteristic image (or higher than the dimension of the vector space), one or the other definition of the product could be used, as the two algebras are isomorphic (see V. I. Arnold or Kobayashi-Nomizu).

Let image be the space of homogeneous tensors of degree image. This is spanned by decomposable tensors


The antisymmetrization (or sometimes the skew-symmetrization) of a decomposable tensor is defined by


and, when image (for nonzero characteristic field image might be 0):


where the sum is taken over the symmetric group of permutations on the symbols image. This extends by linearity and homogeneity to an operation, also denoted by image and image, on the full tensor algebra image.

Note that


Such that, when defined, image is the projection for the exterior (quotient) algebra onto the r-homogeneous alternating tensor subspace. On the other hand, the image image is always the alternating tensor graded subspace (not yet an algebra, as product is not yet defined), denoted image. This is a vector subspace of image, and it inherits the structure of a graded vector space from that on image. Moreover, the kernel of image is precisely image, the homogeneous subset of the ideal image, or the kernel of image is image. When image is defined, image carries an associative graded product image defined by (the same as the wedge product)


Assuming image has characteristic 0, as image is a supplement of image in image, with the above given product, there is a canonical isomorphism


When the characteristic of the field is nonzero, image will do what image did before, but the product cannot be defined as above. In such a case, isomorphism image still holds, in spite of image not being a supplement of the ideal image, but then, the product should be modified as given below (image product, Arnold setting).

Finally, we always get image isomorphic with image, but the product could (or should) be chosen in two ways (or only one). Actually, the product could be chosen in many ways, rescaling it on homogeneous spaces as image for an arbitrary sequence image in the field, as long as the division makes sense (this is such that the redefined product is also associative, i.e. defines an algebra on image). Also note, the interior product definition should be changed accordingly, in order to keep its skew derivation property.

Index notation

Suppose that V has finite dimension n, and that a basis e1, ..., en of V is given. Then any alternating tensor t ∈ Ar(V) ⊂ Tr(V) can be written in index notation with the Einstein summation convention as


where ti1⋅⋅⋅ir is completely antisymmetric in its indices.

The exterior product of two alternating tensors t and s of ranks r and p is given by


The components of this tensor are precisely the skew part of the components of the tensor product st, denoted by square brackets on the indices:


The interior product may also be described in index notation as follows. Let image be an antisymmetric tensor of rank image. Then, for αV, image is an alternating tensor of rank image, given by


where n is the dimension of V.


Alternating operators

Given two vector spaces V and X and a natural number k, an alternating operator from Vk to X is a multilinear map


such that whenever v1, ..., vk are linearly dependent vectors in V, then


The map


which associates to image vectors from image their exterior product, i.e. their corresponding image-vector, is also alternating. In fact, this map is the "most general" alternating operator defined on image given any other alternating operator image there exists a unique linear map image with image This universal property characterizes the space of alternating operators on image and can serve as its definition.

Alternating multilinear forms

Geometric interpretation for the exterior product of n 1-forms (ε, η, ω) to obtain an n-form ("mesh" of coordinate surfaces, here planes), for n = 1, 2, 3. The "circulations" show orientation.

The above discussion specializes to the case when image, the base field. In this case an alternating multilinear function


is called an alternating multilinear form. The set of all alternating multilinear forms is a vector space, as the sum of two such maps, or the product of such a map with a scalar, is again alternating. By the universal property of the exterior power, the space of alternating forms of degree image on image is naturally isomorphic with the dual vector space image. If image is finite-dimensional, then the latter is naturally isomorphic[clarification needed] to image. In particular, if image is image-dimensional, the dimension of the space of alternating maps from image to image is the binomial coefficient image.

Under such identification, the exterior product takes a concrete form: it produces a new anti-symmetric map from two given ones. Suppose ω : VkK and η : VmK are two anti-symmetric maps. As in the case of tensor products of multilinear maps, the number of variables of their exterior product is the sum of the numbers of their variables. Depending on the choice of identification of elements of exterior power with multilinear forms, the exterior product is defined as


or as


where, if the characteristic of the base field image is 0, the alternation Alt of a multilinear map is defined to be the average of the sign-adjusted values over all the permutations of its variables:


When the field image has finite characteristic, an equivalent version of the second expression without any factorials or any constants is well-defined:


where here Shk,mSk+m is the subset of (k, m) shuffles: permutations σ of the set {1, 2, ..., k + m} such that σ(1) < σ(2) < ⋯ < σ(k), and σ(k + 1) < σ(k + 2) < ... < σ(k + m). As this might look very specific and fine tuned, an equivalent raw version is to sum in the above formula over permutations in left cosets of Sk+m / (Sk × Sm).

Interior product

Suppose that image is finite-dimensional. If image denotes the dual space to the vector space image, then for each image, it is possible to define an antiderivation on the algebra image,


This derivation is called the interior product with image, or sometimes the insertion operator, or contraction by image.

Suppose that image. Then image is a multilinear mapping of image to image, so it is defined by its values on the k-fold Cartesian product image. If u1, u2, ..., uk−1 are image elements of image, then define


Additionally, let image whenever image is a pure scalar (i.e., belonging to image).

Axiomatic characterization and properties

The interior product satisfies the following properties:

  1. For each image and each image (where by convention image),
  2. If image is an element of image (image), then image is the dual pairing between elements of image and elements of image.
  3. For each image, image is a graded derivation of degree −1:

These three properties are sufficient to characterize the interior product as well as define it in the general infinite-dimensional case.

Further properties of the interior product include:

  • image
  • image

Hodge duality

Suppose that image has finite dimension image. Then the interior product induces a canonical isomorphism of vector spaces


by the recursive definition


In the geometrical setting, a non-zero element of the top exterior power image (which is a one-dimensional vector space) is sometimes called a volume form (or orientation form, although this term may sometimes lead to ambiguity). The name orientation form comes from the fact that a choice of preferred top element determines an orientation of the whole exterior algebra, since it is tantamount to fixing an ordered basis of the vector space. Relative to the preferred volume form image, the isomorphism is given explicitly by


If, in addition to a volume form, the vector space V is equipped with an inner product identifying image with image, then the resulting isomorphism is called the Hodge star operator, which maps an element to its Hodge dual:


The composition of image with itself maps image and is always a scalar multiple of the identity map. In most applications, the volume form is compatible with the inner product in the sense that it is an exterior product of an orthonormal basis of image. In this case,


where id is the identity mapping, and the inner product has metric signature (p, q)p pluses and q minuses.

Inner product

For image a finite-dimensional space, an inner product (or a pseudo-Euclidean inner product) on image defines an isomorphism of image with image, and so also an isomorphism of image with image. The pairing between these two spaces also takes the form of an inner product. On decomposable image-vectors,


the determinant of the matrix of inner products. In the special case vi = wi, the inner product is the square norm of the k-vector, given by the determinant of the Gramian matrix (⟨vi, vj⟩). This is then extended bilinearly (or sesquilinearly in the complex case) to a non-degenerate inner product on image If ei, i = 1, 2, ..., n, form an orthonormal basis of image, then the vectors of the form


constitute an orthonormal basis for

In mathematics the exterior algebra or Grassmann algebra of a vector space V displaystyle V is an associative algebra that contains V displaystyle V which has a product called exterior product or wedge product and denoted with displaystyle wedge such that v v 0 displaystyle v wedge v 0 for every vector v displaystyle v in V displaystyle V The exterior algebra is named after Hermann Grassmann and the names of the product come from the wedge symbol displaystyle wedge and the fact that the product of two elements of V displaystyle V is outside V displaystyle V Orientation defined by an ordered set of vectors Reversed orientation corresponds to negating the exterior product Geometric interpretation of grade n elements in a real exterior algebra for n 0 signed point 1 directed line segment or vector 2 oriented plane element 3 oriented volume The exterior product of n vectors can be visualized as any n dimensional shape e g n parallelotope n ellipsoid with magnitude hypervolume and orientation defined by that of its n 1 dimensional boundary and on which side the interior is The wedge product of k displaystyle k vectors v1 v2 vk displaystyle v 1 wedge v 2 wedge dots wedge v k is called a blade of degree k displaystyle k or k displaystyle k blade The wedge product was introduced originally as an algebraic construction used in geometry to study areas volumes and their higher dimensional analogues the magnitude of a 2 blade v w displaystyle v wedge w is the area of the parallelogram defined by v displaystyle v and w displaystyle w and more generally the magnitude of a k displaystyle k blade is the hyper volume of the parallelotope defined by the constituent vectors The alternating property that v v 0 displaystyle v wedge v 0 implies a skew symmetric property that v w w v displaystyle v wedge w w wedge v and more generally any blade flips sign whenever two of its constituent vectors are exchanged corresponding to a parallelotope of opposite orientation The full exterior algebra contains objects that are not themselves blades but linear combinations of blades a sum of blades of homogeneous degree k displaystyle k is called a k vector while a more general sum of blades of arbitrary degree is called a multivector The linear span of the k displaystyle k blades is called the k displaystyle k th exterior power of V displaystyle V The exterior algebra is the direct sum of the k displaystyle k th exterior powers of V displaystyle V and this makes the exterior algebra a graded algebra The exterior algebra is universal in the sense that every equation that relates elements of V displaystyle V in the exterior algebra is also valid in every associative algebra that contains V displaystyle V and in which the square of every element of V displaystyle V is zero The definition of the exterior algebra can be extended for spaces built from vector spaces such as vector fields and functions whose domain is a vector space Moreover the field of scalars may be any field More generally the exterior algebra can be defined for modules over a commutative ring In particular the algebra of differential forms in k displaystyle k variables is an exterior algebra over the ring of the smooth functions in k displaystyle k variables Motivating examplesAreas in the plane The area of a parallelogram in terms of the determinant of the matrix of coordinates of two of its vertices The two dimensional Euclidean vector space R2 displaystyle mathbf R 2 is a real vector space equipped with a basis consisting of a pair of orthogonal unit vectors e1 10 e2 01 displaystyle mathbf e 1 begin bmatrix 1 0 end bmatrix quad mathbf e 2 begin bmatrix 0 1 end bmatrix Suppose that v ab ae1 be2 w cd ce1 de2 displaystyle mathbf v begin bmatrix a b end bmatrix a mathbf e 1 b mathbf e 2 quad mathbf w begin bmatrix c d end bmatrix c mathbf e 1 d mathbf e 2 are a pair of given vectors in R2 displaystyle mathbf R 2 written in components There is a unique parallelogram having v displaystyle mathbf v and w displaystyle mathbf w as two of its sides The area of this parallelogram is given by the standard determinant formula Area det vw det acbd ad bc displaystyle text Area left det begin bmatrix mathbf v amp mathbf w end bmatrix right left det begin bmatrix a amp c b amp d end bmatrix right left ad bc right Consider now the exterior product of v displaystyle mathbf v and w displaystyle mathbf w v w ae1 be2 ce1 de2 ace1 e1 ade1 e2 bce2 e1 bde2 e2 ad bc e1 e2 displaystyle begin aligned mathbf v wedge mathbf w amp a mathbf e 1 b mathbf e 2 wedge c mathbf e 1 d mathbf e 2 amp ac mathbf e 1 wedge mathbf e 1 ad mathbf e 1 wedge mathbf e 2 bc mathbf e 2 wedge mathbf e 1 bd mathbf e 2 wedge mathbf e 2 amp left ad bc right mathbf e 1 wedge mathbf e 2 end aligned where the first step uses the distributive law for the exterior product and the last uses the fact that the exterior product is an alternating map and in particular e2 e1 e1 e2 displaystyle mathbf e 2 wedge mathbf e 1 mathbf e 1 wedge mathbf e 2 The fact that the exterior product is an alternating map also forces e1 e1 e2 e2 0 displaystyle mathbf e 1 wedge mathbf e 1 mathbf e 2 wedge mathbf e 2 0 Note that the coefficient in this last expression is precisely the determinant of the matrix v w The fact that this may be positive or negative has the intuitive meaning that v and w may be oriented in a counterclockwise or clockwise sense as the vertices of the parallelogram they define Such an area is called the signed area of the parallelogram the absolute value of the signed area is the ordinary area and the sign determines its orientation The fact that this coefficient is the signed area is not an accident In fact it is relatively easy to see that the exterior product should be related to the signed area if one tries to axiomatize this area as an algebraic construct In detail if A v w denotes the signed area of the parallelogram of which the pair of vectors v and w form two adjacent sides then A must satisfy the following properties A rv sw rsA v w for any real numbers r and s since rescaling either of the sides rescales the area by the same amount and reversing the direction of one of the sides reverses the orientation of the parallelogram A v v 0 since the area of the degenerate parallelogram determined by v i e a line segment is zero A w v A v w since interchanging the roles of v and w reverses the orientation of the parallelogram A v rw w A v w for any real number r since adding a multiple of w to v affects neither the base nor the height of the parallelogram and consequently preserves its area A e1 e2 1 since the area of the unit square is one The cross product blue vector in relation to the exterior product light blue parallelogram The length of the cross product is to the length of the parallel unit vector red as the size of the exterior product is to the size of the reference parallelogram light red With the exception of the last property the exterior product of two vectors satisfies the same properties as the area In a certain sense the exterior product generalizes the final property by allowing the area of a parallelogram to be compared to that of any chosen parallelogram in a parallel plane here the one with sides e1 and e2 In other words the exterior product provides a basis independent formulation of area Cross and triple products Basis Decomposition of a 2 vector For vectors in R3 the exterior algebra is closely related to the cross product and triple product Using the standard basis e1 e2 e3 the exterior product of a pair of vectors u u1e1 u2e2 u3e3 displaystyle mathbf u u 1 mathbf e 1 u 2 mathbf e 2 u 3 mathbf e 3 and v v1e1 v2e2 v3e3 displaystyle mathbf v v 1 mathbf e 1 v 2 mathbf e 2 v 3 mathbf e 3 is u v u1v2 u2v1 e1 e2 u3v1 u1v3 e3 e1 u2v3 u3v2 e2 e3 displaystyle mathbf u wedge mathbf v u 1 v 2 u 2 v 1 mathbf e 1 wedge mathbf e 2 u 3 v 1 u 1 v 3 mathbf e 3 wedge mathbf e 1 u 2 v 3 u 3 v 2 mathbf e 2 wedge mathbf e 3 where e1 e2 e3 e1 e2 e3 is the basis for the three dimensional space 2 R3 The coefficients above are the same as those in the usual definition of the cross product of vectors in three dimensions the only difference being that the exterior product is not an ordinary vector but instead is a bivector Bringing in a third vector w w1e1 w2e2 w3e3 displaystyle mathbf w w 1 mathbf e 1 w 2 mathbf e 2 w 3 mathbf e 3 the exterior product of three vectors is u v w u1v2w3 u2v3w1 u3v1w2 u1v3w2 u2v1w3 u3v2w1 e1 e2 e3 displaystyle mathbf u wedge mathbf v wedge mathbf w u 1 v 2 w 3 u 2 v 3 w 1 u 3 v 1 w 2 u 1 v 3 w 2 u 2 v 1 w 3 u 3 v 2 w 1 mathbf e 1 wedge mathbf e 2 wedge mathbf e 3 where e1 e2 e3 is the basis vector for the one dimensional space 3 R3 The scalar coefficient is the triple product of the three vectors The cross product and triple product in three dimensions each admit both geometric and algebraic interpretations The cross product u v can be interpreted as a vector which is perpendicular to both u and v and whose magnitude is equal to the area of the parallelogram determined by the two vectors It can also be interpreted as the vector consisting of the minors of the matrix with columns u and v The triple product of u v and w is geometrically a signed volume Algebraically it is the determinant of the matrix with columns u v and w The exterior product in three dimensions allows for similar interpretations In fact in the presence of a positively oriented orthonormal basis the exterior product generalizes these notions to higher dimensions Formal definitionThe exterior algebra V displaystyle bigwedge V of a vector space V displaystyle V over a field K displaystyle K is defined as the quotient algebra of the tensor algebra T V where T V k 0 TkV K V V V V V V displaystyle T V bigoplus k 0 infty T k V K oplus V oplus V otimes V oplus V otimes V otimes V oplus cdots by the two sided ideal I displaystyle I generated by all elements of the form x x displaystyle x otimes x such that x V displaystyle x in V Symbolically V T V I displaystyle bigwedge V T V I The exterior product displaystyle wedge of two elements of V displaystyle bigwedge V is defined by a b a b modI displaystyle alpha wedge beta alpha otimes beta pmod I Algebraic propertiesAlternating product The exterior product is by construction alternating on elements of V displaystyle V which means that x x 0 displaystyle x wedge x 0 for all x V displaystyle x in V by the above construction It follows that the product is also anticommutative on elements of V displaystyle V for supposing that x y V displaystyle x y in V 0 x y x y x x x y y x y y x y y x displaystyle 0 x y wedge x y x wedge x x wedge y y wedge x y wedge y x wedge y y wedge x hence x y y x displaystyle x wedge y y wedge x More generally if s displaystyle sigma is a permutation of the integers 1 k displaystyle 1 dots k and x1 displaystyle x 1 x2 displaystyle x 2 xk displaystyle x k are elements of V displaystyle V it follows that xs 1 xs 2 xs k sgn s x1 x2 xk displaystyle x sigma 1 wedge x sigma 2 wedge cdots wedge x sigma k operatorname sgn sigma x 1 wedge x 2 wedge cdots wedge x k where sgn s displaystyle operatorname sgn sigma is the signature of the permutation s displaystyle sigma In particular if xi xj displaystyle x i x j for some i j displaystyle i neq j then the following generalization of the alternating property also holds x1 x2 xk 0 displaystyle x 1 wedge x 2 wedge cdots wedge x k 0 Together with the distributive property of the exterior product one further generalization is that a necessary and sufficient condition for x1 x2 xk displaystyle x 1 x 2 dots x k to be a linearly dependent set of vectors is that x1 x2 xk 0 displaystyle x 1 wedge x 2 wedge cdots wedge x k 0 Exterior power The k th exterior power of V displaystyle V denoted k V displaystyle textstyle bigwedge k V is the vector subspace of V displaystyle textstyle bigwedge V spanned by elements of the form x1 x2 xk xi V i 1 2 k displaystyle x 1 wedge x 2 wedge cdots wedge x k quad x i in V i 1 2 dots k If a k V displaystyle alpha in textstyle bigwedge k V then a displaystyle alpha is said to be a k vector If furthermore a displaystyle alpha can be expressed as an exterior product of k displaystyle k elements of V displaystyle V then a displaystyle alpha is said to be decomposable or simple by some authors or a blade by others Although decomposable k displaystyle k vectors span k V displaystyle textstyle bigwedge k V not every element of k V displaystyle textstyle bigwedge k V is decomposable For example given R4 displaystyle mathbf R 4 with a basis e1 e2 e3 e4 displaystyle e 1 e 2 e 3 e 4 the following 2 vector is not decomposable a e1 e2 e3 e4 displaystyle alpha e 1 wedge e 2 e 3 wedge e 4 Basis and dimension If the dimension of V displaystyle V is n displaystyle n and e1 en displaystyle e 1 dots e n is a basis for V displaystyle V then the set ei1 ei2 eik 1 i1 lt i2 lt lt ik n displaystyle e i 1 wedge e i 2 wedge cdots wedge e i k big 1 leq i 1 lt i 2 lt cdots lt i k leq n is a basis for k V displaystyle textstyle bigwedge k V The reason is the following given any exterior product of the form v1 vk displaystyle v 1 wedge cdots wedge v k every vector vj displaystyle v j can be written as a linear combination of the basis vectors ei displaystyle e i using the bilinearity of the exterior product this can be expanded to a linear combination of exterior products of those basis vectors Any exterior product in which the same basis vector appears more than once is zero any exterior product in which the basis vectors do not appear in the proper order can be reordered changing the sign whenever two basis vectors change places In general the resulting coefficients of the basis k vectors can be computed as the minors of the matrix that describes the vectors vj displaystyle v j in terms of the basis ei displaystyle e i By counting the basis elements the dimension of k V displaystyle textstyle bigwedge k V is equal to a binomial coefficient dim k V nk displaystyle dim textstyle bigwedge k V binom n k where n displaystyle n is the dimension of the vectors and k displaystyle k is the number of vectors in the product The binomial coefficient produces the correct result even for exceptional cases in particular k V 0 displaystyle textstyle bigwedge k V 0 for k gt n displaystyle k gt n Any element of the exterior algebra can be written as a sum of k vectors Hence as a vector space the exterior algebra is a direct sum V 0 V 1 V 2 V n V displaystyle textstyle bigwedge V textstyle bigwedge 0 V oplus textstyle bigwedge 1 V oplus textstyle bigwedge 2 V oplus cdots oplus textstyle bigwedge n V where by convention 0 V K displaystyle textstyle bigwedge 0 V K the field underlying V displaystyle V and 1 V V displaystyle textstyle bigwedge 1 V V and therefore its dimension is equal to the sum of the binomial coefficients which is 2n displaystyle 2 n Rank of a k vector If a k V displaystyle alpha in textstyle bigwedge k V then it is possible to express a displaystyle alpha as a linear combination of decomposable k vectors a a 1 a 2 a s displaystyle alpha alpha 1 alpha 2 cdots alpha s where each a i displaystyle alpha i is decomposable say a i a1 i ak i i 1 2 s displaystyle alpha i alpha 1 i wedge cdots wedge alpha k i quad i 1 2 ldots s The rank of the k vector a displaystyle alpha is the minimal number of decomposable k vectors in such an expansion of a displaystyle alpha This is similar to the notion of tensor rank Rank is particularly important in the study of 2 vectors Sternberg 1964 III 6 Bryant et al 1991 The rank of a 2 vector a displaystyle alpha can be identified with half the rank of the matrix of coefficients of a displaystyle alpha in a basis Thus if ei displaystyle e i is a basis for V displaystyle V then a displaystyle alpha can be expressed uniquely as a i jaijei ej displaystyle alpha sum i j a ij e i wedge e j where aij aji displaystyle a ij a ji the matrix of coefficients is skew symmetric The rank of the matrix aij displaystyle a ij is therefore even and is twice the rank of the form a displaystyle alpha In characteristic 0 the 2 vector a displaystyle alpha has rank p displaystyle p if and only if a a p 0 displaystyle underset p underbrace alpha wedge cdots wedge alpha neq 0 and a a p 1 0 displaystyle underset p 1 underbrace alpha wedge cdots wedge alpha 0 Graded structure The exterior product of a k vector with a p vector is a k p displaystyle k p vector once again invoking bilinearity As a consequence the direct sum decomposition of the preceding section V 0 V 1 V 2 V n V displaystyle textstyle bigwedge V textstyle bigwedge 0 V oplus textstyle bigwedge 1 V oplus textstyle bigwedge 2 V oplus cdots oplus textstyle bigwedge n V gives the exterior algebra the additional structure of a graded algebra that is k V p V k p V displaystyle textstyle bigwedge k V wedge textstyle bigwedge p V subset textstyle bigwedge k p V Moreover if K is the base field we have 0 V K displaystyle textstyle bigwedge 0 V K and 1 V V displaystyle textstyle bigwedge 1 V V The exterior product is graded anticommutative meaning that if a k V displaystyle alpha in textstyle bigwedge k V and b p V displaystyle beta in textstyle bigwedge p V then a b 1 kpb a displaystyle alpha wedge beta 1 kp beta wedge alpha In addition to studying the graded structure on the exterior algebra Bourbaki 1989 studies additional graded structures on exterior algebras such as those on the exterior algebra of a graded module a module that already carries its own gradation Universal property Let V be a vector space over the field K Informally multiplication in V displaystyle textstyle bigwedge V is performed by manipulating symbols and imposing a distributive law an associative law and using the identity v v 0 displaystyle v wedge v 0 for v V Formally V displaystyle textstyle bigwedge V is the most general algebra in which these rules hold for the multiplication in the sense that any unital associative K algebra containing V with alternating multiplication on V must contain a homomorphic image of V displaystyle textstyle bigwedge V In other words the exterior algebra has the following universal property Given any unital associative K algebra A and any K linear map j V A displaystyle j V to A such that j v j v 0 displaystyle j v j v 0 for every v in V then there exists precisely one unital algebra homomorphism f V A displaystyle f textstyle bigwedge V to A such that j v f i v for all v in V here i is the natural inclusion of V in V displaystyle textstyle bigwedge V see above Universal property of the exterior algebra To construct the most general algebra that contains V and whose multiplication is alternating on V it is natural to start with the most general associative algebra that contains V the tensor algebra T V and then enforce the alternating property by taking a suitable quotient We thus take the two sided ideal I in T V generated by all elements of the form v v for v in V and define V displaystyle textstyle bigwedge V as the quotient V T V I displaystyle textstyle bigwedge V T V I and use as the symbol for multiplication in V displaystyle textstyle bigwedge V It is then straightforward to show that V displaystyle textstyle bigwedge V contains V and satisfies the above universal property As a consequence of this construction the operation of assigning to a vector space V its exterior algebra V displaystyle textstyle bigwedge V is a functor from the category of vector spaces to the category of algebras Rather than defining V displaystyle textstyle bigwedge V first and then identifying the exterior powers k V displaystyle textstyle bigwedge k V as certain subspaces one may alternatively define the spaces k V displaystyle textstyle bigwedge k V first and then combine them to form the algebra V displaystyle textstyle bigwedge V This approach is often used in differential geometry and is described in the next section Generalizations Given a commutative ring R displaystyle R and an R displaystyle R module M displaystyle M we can define the exterior algebra M displaystyle textstyle bigwedge M just as above as a suitable quotient of the tensor algebra T M displaystyle mathrm T M It will satisfy the analogous universal property Many of the properties of M displaystyle textstyle bigwedge M also require that M displaystyle M be a projective module Where finite dimensionality is used the properties further require that M displaystyle M be finitely generated and projective Generalizations to the most common situations can be found in Bourbaki 1989 Exterior algebras of vector bundles are frequently considered in geometry and topology There are no essential differences between the algebraic properties of the exterior algebra of finite dimensional vector bundles and those of the exterior algebra of finitely generated projective modules by the Serre Swan theorem More general exterior algebras can be defined for sheaves of modules Alternating tensor algebraFor a field of characteristic not 2 the exterior algebra of a vector space V displaystyle V over K displaystyle K can be canonically identified with the vector subspace of T V displaystyle mathrm T V that consists of antisymmetric tensors For characteristic 0 or higher than dim V displaystyle dim V the vector space of k displaystyle k linear antisymmetric tensors is transversal to the ideal I displaystyle I hence a good choice to represent the quotient But for nonzero characteristic the vector space of K displaystyle K linear antisymmetric tensors could be not transversal to the ideal actually for k char K displaystyle k geq operatorname char K the vector space of K displaystyle K linear antisymmetric tensors is contained in I displaystyle I nevertheless transversal or not a product can be defined on this space such that the resulting algebra is isomorphic to the exterior algebra in the first case the natural choice for the product is just the quotient product using the available projection in the second case this product must be slightly modified as given below along Arnold setting but such that the algebra stays isomorphic with the exterior algebra i e the quotient of T V displaystyle mathrm T V by the ideal I displaystyle I generated by elements of the form x x displaystyle x otimes x Of course for characteristic 0 displaystyle 0 or higher than the dimension of the vector space one or the other definition of the product could be used as the two algebras are isomorphic see V I Arnold or Kobayashi Nomizu Let Tr V displaystyle mathrm T r V be the space of homogeneous tensors of degree r displaystyle r This is spanned by decomposable tensors v1 vr vi V displaystyle v 1 otimes cdots otimes v r quad v i in V The antisymmetrization or sometimes the skew symmetrization of a decomposable tensor is defined by A r v1 vr s Srsgn s vs 1 vs r displaystyle operatorname mathcal A r v 1 otimes cdots otimes v r sum sigma in mathfrak S r operatorname sgn sigma v sigma 1 otimes cdots otimes v sigma r and when r 0 displaystyle r neq 0 for nonzero characteristic field r displaystyle r might be 0 Alt r v1 vr 1r A r v1 vr displaystyle operatorname Alt r v 1 otimes cdots otimes v r frac 1 r operatorname mathcal A r v 1 otimes cdots otimes v r where the sum is taken over the symmetric group of permutations on the symbols 1 r displaystyle 1 dots r This extends by linearity and homogeneity to an operation also denoted by A displaystyle mathcal A and Alt displaystyle rm Alt on the full tensor algebra T V displaystyle mathrm T V Note that A r A r r A r displaystyle operatorname mathcal A r operatorname mathcal A r r operatorname mathcal A r Such that when defined Alt r displaystyle operatorname Alt r is the projection for the exterior quotient algebra onto the r homogeneous alternating tensor subspace On the other hand the image A T V displaystyle mathcal A mathrm T V is always the alternating tensor graded subspace not yet an algebra as product is not yet defined denoted A V displaystyle A V This is a vector subspace of T V displaystyle mathrm T V and it inherits the structure of a graded vector space from that on T V displaystyle mathrm T V Moreover the kernel of A r displaystyle mathcal A r is precisely I r displaystyle I r the homogeneous subset of the ideal I displaystyle I or the kernel of A displaystyle mathcal A is I displaystyle I When Alt displaystyle operatorname Alt is defined A V displaystyle A V carries an associative graded product displaystyle widehat otimes defined by the same as the wedge product t s t s Alt t s displaystyle t wedge s t widehat otimes s operatorname Alt t otimes s Assuming K displaystyle K has characteristic 0 as A V displaystyle A V is a supplement of I displaystyle I in T V displaystyle mathrm T V with the above given product there is a canonical isomorphism A V V displaystyle A V cong textstyle bigwedge V When the characteristic of the field is nonzero A displaystyle mathcal A will do what Alt displaystyle rm Alt did before but the product cannot be defined as above In such a case isomorphism A V V displaystyle A V cong textstyle bigwedge V still holds in spite of A V displaystyle A V not being a supplement of the ideal I displaystyle I but then the product should be modified as given below displaystyle dot wedge product Arnold setting Finally we always get A V displaystyle A V isomorphic with V displaystyle textstyle bigwedge V but the product could or should be chosen in two ways or only one Actually the product could be chosen in many ways rescaling it on homogeneous spaces as c r p c r c p displaystyle c r p c r c p for an arbitrary sequence c r displaystyle c r in the field as long as the division makes sense this is such that the redefined product is also associative i e defines an algebra on A V displaystyle A V Also note the interior product definition should be changed accordingly in order to keep its skew derivation property Index notation Suppose that V has finite dimension n and that a basis e1 en of V is given Then any alternating tensor t Ar V Tr V can be written in index notation with the Einstein summation convention as t ti1i2 irei1 ei2 eir displaystyle t t i 1 i 2 cdots i r mathbf e i 1 otimes mathbf e i 2 otimes cdots otimes mathbf e i r where ti1 ir is completely antisymmetric in its indices The exterior product of two alternating tensors t and s of ranks r and p is given by t s 1 r p s Sr psgn s tis 1 is r sis r 1 is r p ei1 ei2 eir p displaystyle t widehat otimes s frac 1 r p sum sigma in mathfrak S r p operatorname sgn sigma t i sigma 1 cdots i sigma r s i sigma r 1 cdots i sigma r p mathbf e i 1 otimes mathbf e i 2 otimes cdots otimes mathbf e i r p The components of this tensor are precisely the skew part of the components of the tensor product s t denoted by square brackets on the indices t s i1 ir p t i1 irsir 1 ir p displaystyle t widehat otimes s i 1 cdots i r p t i 1 cdots i r s i r 1 cdots i r p The interior product may also be described in index notation as follows Let t ti0i1 ir 1 displaystyle t t i 0 i 1 cdots i r 1 be an antisymmetric tensor of rank r displaystyle r Then for a V iat displaystyle iota alpha t is an alternating tensor of rank r 1 displaystyle r 1 given by iat i1 ir 1 r j 0najtji1 ir 1 displaystyle iota alpha t i 1 cdots i r 1 r sum j 0 n alpha j t ji 1 cdots i r 1 where n is the dimension of V DualityAlternating operators Given two vector spaces V and X and a natural number k an alternating operator from Vk to X is a multilinear map f Vk X displaystyle f V k to X such that whenever v1 vk are linearly dependent vectors in V then f v1 vk 0 displaystyle f v 1 ldots v k 0 The map w Vk k V displaystyle w V k to textstyle bigwedge k V which associates to k displaystyle k vectors from V displaystyle V their exterior product i e their corresponding k displaystyle k vector is also alternating In fact this map is the most general alternating operator defined on Vk displaystyle V k given any other alternating operator f Vk X displaystyle f V k rightarrow X there exists a unique linear map ϕ k V X displaystyle phi textstyle bigwedge k V rightarrow X with f ϕ w displaystyle f phi circ w This universal property characterizes the space of alternating operators on Vk displaystyle V k and can serve as its definition Alternating multilinear forms Geometric interpretation for the exterior product of n 1 forms e h w to obtain an n form mesh of coordinate surfaces here planes for n 1 2 3 The circulations show orientation The above discussion specializes to the case when X K displaystyle X K the base field In this case an alternating multilinear function f Vk K displaystyle f V k to K is called an alternating multilinear form The set of all alternating multilinear forms is a vector space as the sum of two such maps or the product of such a map with a scalar is again alternating By the universal property of the exterior power the space of alternating forms of degree k displaystyle k on V displaystyle V is naturally isomorphic with the dual vector space k V displaystyle bigl textstyle bigwedge k V bigr If V displaystyle V is finite dimensional then the latter is naturally isomorphic clarification needed to k V displaystyle textstyle bigwedge k left V right In particular if V displaystyle V is n displaystyle n dimensional the dimension of the space of alternating maps from Vk displaystyle V k to K displaystyle K is the binomial coefficient nk displaystyle textstyle binom n k Under such identification the exterior product takes a concrete form it produces a new anti symmetric map from two given ones Suppose w Vk K and h Vm K are two anti symmetric maps As in the case of tensor products of multilinear maps the number of variables of their exterior product is the sum of the numbers of their variables Depending on the choice of identification of elements of exterior power with multilinear forms the exterior product is defined as w h Alt w h displaystyle omega wedge eta operatorname Alt omega otimes eta or as w h k m k m Alt w h displaystyle omega dot wedge eta frac k m k m operatorname Alt omega otimes eta where if the characteristic of the base field K displaystyle K is 0 the alternation Alt of a multilinear map is defined to be the average of the sign adjusted values over all the permutations of its variables Alt w x1 xk 1k s Sksgn s w xs 1 xs k displaystyle operatorname Alt omega x 1 ldots x k frac 1 k sum sigma in S k operatorname sgn sigma omega x sigma 1 ldots x sigma k When the field K displaystyle K has finite characteristic an equivalent version of the second expression without any factorials or any constants is well defined w h x1 xk m s Shk msgn s w xs 1 xs k h xs k 1 xs k m displaystyle omega dot wedge eta x 1 ldots x k m sum sigma in mathrm Sh k m operatorname sgn sigma omega x sigma 1 ldots x sigma k eta x sigma k 1 ldots x sigma k m where here Shk m Sk m is the subset of k m shuffles permutations s of the set 1 2 k m such that s 1 lt s 2 lt lt s k and s k 1 lt s k 2 lt lt s k m As this might look very specific and fine tuned an equivalent raw version is to sum in the above formula over permutations in left cosets of Sk m Sk Sm Interior product Suppose that V displaystyle V is finite dimensional If V displaystyle V denotes the dual space to the vector space V displaystyle V then for each a V displaystyle alpha in V it is possible to define an antiderivation on the algebra V displaystyle textstyle bigwedge V ia k V k 1 V displaystyle iota alpha textstyle bigwedge k V rightarrow textstyle bigwedge k 1 V This derivation is called the interior product with a displaystyle alpha or sometimes the insertion operator or contraction by a displaystyle alpha Suppose that w k V displaystyle w in textstyle bigwedge k V Then w displaystyle w is a multilinear mapping of V displaystyle V to K displaystyle K so it is defined by its values on the k fold Cartesian product V V V displaystyle V times V times dots times V If u1 u2 uk 1 are k 1 displaystyle k 1 elements of V displaystyle V then define iaw u1 u2 uk 1 w a u1 u2 uk 1 displaystyle iota alpha w u 1 u 2 ldots u k 1 w alpha u 1 u 2 ldots u k 1 Additionally let iaf 0 displaystyle iota alpha f 0 whenever f displaystyle f is a pure scalar i e belonging to 0 V displaystyle textstyle bigwedge 0 V Axiomatic characterization and properties The interior product satisfies the following properties For each k displaystyle k and each a V displaystyle alpha in V where by convention L 1 V 0 displaystyle Lambda 1 V 0 ia k V k 1 V displaystyle iota alpha textstyle bigwedge k V rightarrow textstyle bigwedge k 1 V If v displaystyle v is an element of V displaystyle V 1 V displaystyle textstyle bigwedge 1 V then iav a v displaystyle iota alpha v alpha v is the dual pairing between elements of V displaystyle V and elements of V displaystyle V For each a V displaystyle alpha in V ia displaystyle iota alpha is a graded derivation of degree 1 ia a b iaa b 1 deg aa iab displaystyle iota alpha a wedge b iota alpha a wedge b 1 deg a a wedge iota alpha b These three properties are sufficient to characterize the interior product as well as define it in the general infinite dimensional case Further properties of the interior product include ia ia 0 displaystyle iota alpha circ iota alpha 0 ia ib ib ia displaystyle iota alpha circ iota beta iota beta circ iota alpha Hodge duality Suppose that V displaystyle V has finite dimension n displaystyle n Then the interior product induces a canonical isomorphism of vector spaces k V n V n k V displaystyle textstyle bigwedge k V otimes textstyle bigwedge n V to textstyle bigwedge n k V by the recursive definition ia b ib ia displaystyle iota alpha wedge beta iota beta circ iota alpha In the geometrical setting a non zero element of the top exterior power n V displaystyle textstyle bigwedge n V which is a one dimensional vector space is sometimes called a volume form or orientation form although this term may sometimes lead to ambiguity The name orientation form comes from the fact that a choice of preferred top element determines an orientation of the whole exterior algebra since it is tantamount to fixing an ordered basis of the vector space Relative to the preferred volume form s displaystyle sigma the isomorphism is given explicitly by k V n k V a ias displaystyle textstyle bigwedge k V to textstyle bigwedge n k V alpha mapsto iota alpha sigma If in addition to a volume form the vector space V is equipped with an inner product identifying V displaystyle V with V displaystyle V then the resulting isomorphism is called the Hodge star operator which maps an element to its Hodge dual k V n k V displaystyle star textstyle bigwedge k V rightarrow textstyle bigwedge n k V The composition of displaystyle star with itself maps k V k V displaystyle textstyle bigwedge k V to textstyle bigwedge k V and is always a scalar multiple of the identity map In most applications the volume form is compatible with the inner product in the sense that it is an exterior product of an orthonormal basis of V displaystyle V In this case k V k V 1 k n k qid displaystyle star circ star textstyle bigwedge k V to textstyle bigwedge k V 1 k n k q mathrm id where id is the identity mapping and the inner product has metric signature p q p pluses and q minuses Inner product For V displaystyle V a finite dimensional space an inner product or a pseudo Euclidean inner product on V displaystyle V defines an isomorphism of V displaystyle V with V displaystyle V and so also an isomorphism of k V displaystyle textstyle bigwedge k V with kV displaystyle bigl textstyle bigwedge k V bigr The pairing between these two spaces also takes the form of an inner product On decomposable k displaystyle k vectors v1 vk w1 wk det vi wj displaystyle left langle v 1 wedge cdots wedge v k w 1 wedge cdots wedge w k right rangle det bigl langle v i w j rangle bigr the determinant of the matrix of inner products In the special case vi wi the inner product is the square norm of the k vector given by the determinant of the Gramian matrix vi vj This is then extended bilinearly or sesquilinearly in the complex case to a non degenerate inner product on k V displaystyle textstyle bigwedge k V If ei i 1 2 n form an orthonormal basis of V displaystyle V then the vectors of the form ei1 eik i1 lt lt ik displaystyle e i 1 wedge cdots wedge e i k quad i 1 lt cdots lt i k constitute an orthonormal basis for

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