Physical or chemical properties of materials and systems can often be categorized as being either intensive or extensive, according to how the property changes when the size (or extent) of the system changes. The terms "intensive and extensive quantities" were introduced into physics by German mathematician Georg Helm in 1898, and by American physicist and chemist Richard C. Tolman in 1917.
According to International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), an intensive property or intensive quantity is one whose magnitude is independent of the size of the system. An intensive property is not necessarily homogeneously distributed in space; it can vary from place to place in a body of matter and radiation. Examples of intensive properties include temperature, T; refractive index, n; density, ρ; and hardness, η.
By contrast, an extensive property or extensive quantity is one whose magnitude is additive for subsystems. Examples include mass, volume and Gibbs energy.
Not all properties of matter fall into these two categories. For example, the square root of the volume is neither intensive nor extensive. If a system is doubled in size by juxtaposing a second identical system, the value of an intensive property equals the value for each subsystem and the value of an extensive property is twice the value for each subsystem. However the property √V is instead multiplied by √2 .
The distinction between intensive and extensive properties has some theoretical uses. For example, in thermodynamics, the state of a simple compressible system is completely specified by two independent, intensive properties, along with one extensive property, such as mass. Other intensive properties are derived from those two intensive variables.
Intensive properties
An intensive property is a physical quantity whose value does not depend on the amount of substance which was measured. The most obvious intensive quantities are ratios of extensive quantities. In a homogeneous system divided into two halves, all its extensive properties, in particular its volume and its mass, are divided into two halves. All its intensive properties, such as the mass per volume (mass density) or volume per mass (specific volume), must remain the same in each half.
The temperature of a system in thermal equilibrium is the same as the temperature of any part of it, so temperature is an intensive quantity. If the system is divided by a wall that is permeable to heat or to matter, the temperature of each subsystem is identical. Additionally, the boiling temperature of a substance is an intensive property. For example, the boiling temperature of water is 100 °C at a pressure of one atmosphere, regardless of the quantity of water remaining as liquid.
Examples of intensive properties include:
- charge density, ρ (or ne)
- chemical potential, μ
- color
- concentration, c
- energy density, ρ
- magnetic permeability, μ
- mass density, ρ (or specific gravity)
- melting point and boiling point
- molality, m or b
- pressure, p
- refractive index
- specific conductance (or electrical conductivity)
- specific heat capacity, cp
- specific internal energy, u
- specific rotation, [α]
- specific volume, v
- standard reduction potential,E°
- surface tension
- temperature, T
- thermal conductivity
- velocity v
- viscosity
See List of materials properties for a more exhaustive list specifically pertaining to materials.
Extensive properties
An extensive property is a physical quantity whose value is proportional to the size of the system it describes, or to the quantity of matter in the system. For example, the mass of a sample is an extensive quantity; it depends on the amount of substance. The related intensive quantity is the density which is independent of the amount. The density of water is approximately 1g/mL whether you consider a drop of water or a swimming pool, but the mass is different in the two cases.
Dividing one extensive property by another extensive property gives an intensive property—for example: mass (extensive) divided by volume (extensive) gives density (intensive).
Any extensive quantity E for a sample can be divided by the sample's volume, to become the "E density" for the sample; similarly, any extensive quantity "E" can be divided by the sample's mass, to become the sample's "specific E"; extensive quantities "E" which have been divided by the number of moles in their sample are referred to as "molar E".
Examples of extensive properties include:
- amount of substance, n
- enthalpy, H
- entropy, S
- Gibbs energy, G
- heat capacity, Cp
- Helmholtz energy, A or F
- internal energy, U
- spring stiffness, K
- mass, m
- volume, V
Conjugate quantities
In thermodynamics, some extensive quantities measure amounts that are conserved in a thermodynamic process of transfer. They are transferred across a wall between two thermodynamic systems or subsystems. For example, species of matter may be transferred through a semipermeable membrane. Likewise, volume may be thought of as transferred in a process in which there is a motion of the wall between two systems, increasing the volume of one and decreasing that of the other by equal amounts.
On the other hand, some extensive quantities measure amounts that are not conserved in a thermodynamic process of transfer between a system and its surroundings. In a thermodynamic process in which a quantity of energy is transferred from the surroundings into or out of a system as heat, a corresponding quantity of entropy in the system respectively increases or decreases, but, in general, not in the same amount as in the surroundings. Likewise, a change in the amount of electric polarization in a system is not necessarily matched by a corresponding change in electric polarization in the surroundings.
In a thermodynamic system, transfers of extensive quantities are associated with changes in respective specific intensive quantities. For example, a volume transfer is associated with a change in pressure. An entropy change is associated with a temperature change. A change in the amount of electric polarization is associated with an electric field change. The transferred extensive quantities and their associated respective intensive quantities have dimensions that multiply to give the dimensions of energy. The two members of such respective specific pairs are mutually conjugate. Either one, but not both, of a conjugate pair may be set up as an independent state variable of a thermodynamic system. Conjugate setups are associated by Legendre transformations.
Composite properties
The ratio of two extensive properties of the same object or system is an intensive property. For example, the ratio of an object's mass and volume, which are two extensive properties, is density, which is an intensive property.
More generally properties can be combined to give new properties, which may be called derived or composite properties. For example, the base quantities mass and volume can be combined to give the derived quantity density. These composite properties can sometimes also be classified as intensive or extensive. Suppose a composite property is a function of a set of intensive properties
and a set of extensive properties
, which can be shown as
. If the size of the system is changed by some scaling factor,
, only the extensive properties will change, since intensive properties are independent of the size of the system. The scaled system, then, can be represented as
Intensive properties are independent of the size of the system, so the property F is an intensive property if for all values of the scaling factor, ,
(This is equivalent to saying that intensive composite properties are homogeneous functions of degree 0 with respect to .)
It follows, for example, that the ratio of two extensive properties is an intensive property. To illustrate, consider a system having a certain mass, , and volume,
. The density,
is equal to mass (extensive) divided by volume (extensive):
. If the system is scaled by the factor
, then the mass and volume become
, and the density becomes
; the two
s cancel, so this could be written mathematically as
, which is analogous to the equation for
The property is an extensive property if for all
(This is equivalent to saying that extensive composite properties are homogeneous functions of degree 1 with respect to .) It follows from Euler's homogeneous function theorem that
where the partial derivative is taken with all parameters constant except . This last equation can be used to derive thermodynamic relations.
Specific properties
A specific property is the intensive property obtained by dividing an extensive property of a system by its mass. For example, heat capacity is an extensive property of a system. Dividing heat capacity, , by the mass of the system gives the specific heat capacity,
, which is an intensive property. When the extensive property is represented by an upper-case letter, the symbol for the corresponding intensive property is usually represented by a lower-case letter. Common examples are given in the table below.
Extensive property | Symbol | SI units | Intensive (specific) property | Symbol | SI units | Intensive (molar) property | Symbol | SI units |
Volume | V | m3 or L | Specific volume a.k.a. the reciprocal of density | v | m3/kg or L/kg | Molar volume | Vm | m3/mol or L/mol |
Internal energy | U | J | Specific internal energy | u | J/kg | Molar internal energy | Um | J/mol |
Enthalpy | H | J | Specific enthalpy | h | J/kg | Molar enthalpy | Hm | J/mol |
Gibbs free energy | G | J | Specific Gibbs free energy | g | J/kg | Chemical potential | Gmor μ | J/mol |
Entropy | S | J/K | Specific entropy | s | J/(kg·K) | Molar entropy | Sm | J/(mol·K) |
Heat capacity at constant volume | CV | J/K | Specific heat capacity at constant volume | cV | J/(kg·K) | Molar heat capacity at constant volume | CV,m | J/(mol·K) |
Heat capacity at constant pressure | CP | J/K | Specific heat capacity at constant pressure | cP | J/(kg·K) | Molar heat capacity at constant pressure | CP,m | J/(mol·K) |
Molar properties
If the amount of substance in moles can be determined, then each of these thermodynamic properties may be expressed on a molar basis, and their name may be qualified with the adjective molar, yielding terms such as molar volume, molar internal energy, molar enthalpy, and molar entropy. The symbol for molar quantities may be indicated by adding a subscript "m" to the corresponding extensive property. For example, molar enthalpy is . Molar Gibbs free energy is commonly referred to as chemical potential, symbolized by
, particularly when discussing a partial molar Gibbs free energy
for a component
in a mixture.
For the characterization of substances or reactions, tables usually report the molar properties referred to a standard state. In that case a superscript is added to the symbol. Examples:
= 22.4L/mol is the molar volume of an ideal gas at standard conditions for temperature and pressure (being 1bar and 273.15K).
is the standard molar heat capacity of a substance at constant pressure.
is the standard enthalpy variation of a reaction (with subcases: formation enthalpy, combustion enthalpy...).
is the standard reduction potential of a redox couple, i.e. Gibbs energy over charge, which is measured in volt = J/C.
The general validity of the division of physical properties into extensive and intensive kinds has been addressed in the course of science.Redlich noted that, although physical properties and especially thermodynamic properties are most conveniently defined as either intensive or extensive, these two categories are not all-inclusive and some well-defined concepts like the square-root of a volume conform to neither definition.
Other systems, for which standard definitions do not provide a simple answer, are systems in which the subsystems interact when combined. Redlich pointed out that the assignment of some properties as intensive or extensive may depend on the way subsystems are arranged. For example, if two identical galvanic cells are connected in parallel, the voltage of the system is equal to the voltage of each cell, while the electric charge transferred (or the electric current) is extensive. However, if the same cells are connected in series, the charge becomes intensive and the voltage extensive. The IUPAC definitions do not consider such cases.
Some intensive properties do not apply at very small sizes. For example, viscosity is a macroscopic quantity and is not relevant for extremely small systems. Likewise, at a very small scale color is not independent of size, as shown by quantum dots, whose color depends on the size of the "dot".
- Redlich, O. (1970). "Intensive and Extensive Properties" (PDF). J. Chem. Educ. 47 (2): 154–156. Bibcode:1970JChEd..47..154R. doi:10.1021/ed047p154.2.
- Tolman, Richard C. (1917). "The Measurable Quantities of Physics". Phys. Rev. 9 (3): 237–253.[1]
- IUPAC, Compendium of Chemical Terminology, 2nd ed. (the "Gold Book") (1997). Online corrected version: (2006–) "Intensive quantity". doi:10.1351/goldbook.I03074
- IUPAC, Compendium of Chemical Terminology, 2nd ed. (the "Gold Book") (1997). Online corrected version: (2006–) "Extensive quantity". doi:10.1351/goldbook.E02281
- Cohen, E. R.; et al. (2007). IUPAC Green Book (PDF) (3rd ed.). Cambridge: IUPAC and RSC Publishing. pp. 6 (20 of 250 in PDF file). ISBN 978-0-85404-433-7.
- Chang, R.; Goldsby, K. (2015). Chemistry (12th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education. p. 312. ISBN 978-0078021510.
- Brown, T. E.; LeMay, H. E.; Bursten, B. E.; Murphy, C.; Woodward; P.; Stoltzfus, M. E. (2014). Chemistry: The Central Science (13th ed.). Prentice Hall. ISBN 978-0321910417.
- Engel, Thomas; Reid, Philip (2006). Physical Chemistry. Pearson / Benjamin Cummings. p. 6. ISBN 0-8053-3842-X.
A variable ... proportional to the size of the system is referred to as an extensive variable.
- Laidler, Keith J.; Meiser, John H. (1982). Physical Chemistry. Benjamin/Cummings. p. 6. ISBN 0-8053-5682-7.
- Canagaratna, Sebastian G. (1992). "Intensive and Extensive: Underused Concepts". J. Chem. Educ. 69 (12): 957–963. Bibcode:1992JChEd..69..957C. doi:10.1021/ed069p957.
- IUPAC, Compendium of Chemical Terminology, 2nd ed. (the "Gold Book") (1997). Online corrected version: (2006–) "Base quantity". doi:10.1351/goldbook.B00609
- IUPAC, Compendium of Chemical Terminology, 2nd ed. (the "Gold Book") (1997). Online corrected version: (2006–) "Derived quantity". doi:10.1351/goldbook.D01614
- Alberty, R. A. (2001). "Use of Legendre transforms in chemical thermodynamics" (PDF). Pure Appl. Chem. 73 (8): 1349–1380. doi:10.1351/pac200173081349. S2CID 98264934.
- Petrucci, Ralph H.; Harwood, William S.; Herring, F. Geoffrey (2002). General Chemistry (8th ed.). Prentice Hall. p. 186. ISBN 0-13-014329-4.
- George N. Hatsopoulos, G. N.; Keenan, J. H. (1965). Principles of General Thermodynamics. John Wiley and Sons. pp. 19–20. ISBN 9780471359999.
Further reading
Suresh. "What is the difference between intensive and extensive properties in thermodynamics?". Callinterview.com. Retrieved 7 April 2024.
Physical or chemical properties of materials and systems can often be categorized as being either intensive or extensive according to how the property changes when the size or extent of the system changes The terms intensive and extensive quantities were introduced into physics by German mathematician Georg Helm in 1898 and by American physicist and chemist Richard C Tolman in 1917 According to International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry IUPAC an intensive property or intensive quantity is one whose magnitude is independent of the size of the system An intensive property is not necessarily homogeneously distributed in space it can vary from place to place in a body of matter and radiation Examples of intensive properties include temperature T refractive index n density r and hardness h By contrast an extensive property or extensive quantity is one whose magnitude is additive for subsystems Examples include mass volume and Gibbs energy Not all properties of matter fall into these two categories For example the square root of the volume is neither intensive nor extensive If a system is doubled in size by juxtaposing a second identical system the value of an intensive property equals the value for each subsystem and the value of an extensive property is twice the value for each subsystem However the property V is instead multiplied by 2 The distinction between intensive and extensive properties has some theoretical uses For example in thermodynamics the state of a simple compressible system is completely specified by two independent intensive properties along with one extensive property such as mass Other intensive properties are derived from those two intensive variables Intensive propertiesAn intensive property is a physical quantity whose value does not depend on the amount of substance which was measured The most obvious intensive quantities are ratios of extensive quantities In a homogeneous system divided into two halves all its extensive properties in particular its volume and its mass are divided into two halves All its intensive properties such as the mass per volume mass density or volume per mass specific volume must remain the same in each half The temperature of a system in thermal equilibrium is the same as the temperature of any part of it so temperature is an intensive quantity If the system is divided by a wall that is permeable to heat or to matter the temperature of each subsystem is identical Additionally the boiling temperature of a substance is an intensive property For example the boiling temperature of water is 100 C at a pressure of one atmosphere regardless of the quantity of water remaining as liquid Examples Examples of intensive properties include charge density r or ne chemical potential m color concentration c energy density r magnetic permeability m mass density r or specific gravity melting point and boiling point molality m or b pressure p refractive index specific conductance or electrical conductivity specific heat capacity cp specific internal energy u specific rotation a specific volume v standard reduction potential E surface tension temperature T thermal conductivity velocity v viscosity See List of materials properties for a more exhaustive list specifically pertaining to materials Extensive propertiesAn extensive property is a physical quantity whose value is proportional to the size of the system it describes or to the quantity of matter in the system For example the mass of a sample is an extensive quantity it depends on the amount of substance The related intensive quantity is the density which is independent of the amount The density of water is approximately 1g mL whether you consider a drop of water or a swimming pool but the mass is different in the two cases Dividing one extensive property by another extensive property gives an intensive property for example mass extensive divided by volume extensive gives density intensive Any extensive quantity E for a sample can be divided by the sample s volume to become the E density for the sample similarly any extensive quantity E can be divided by the sample s mass to become the sample s specific E extensive quantities E which have been divided by the number of moles in their sample are referred to as molar E Examples Examples of extensive properties include amount of substance n enthalpy H entropy S Gibbs energy G heat capacity Cp Helmholtz energy A or F internal energy U spring stiffness K mass m volume VConjugate quantitiesIn thermodynamics some extensive quantities measure amounts that are conserved in a thermodynamic process of transfer They are transferred across a wall between two thermodynamic systems or subsystems For example species of matter may be transferred through a semipermeable membrane Likewise volume may be thought of as transferred in a process in which there is a motion of the wall between two systems increasing the volume of one and decreasing that of the other by equal amounts On the other hand some extensive quantities measure amounts that are not conserved in a thermodynamic process of transfer between a system and its surroundings In a thermodynamic process in which a quantity of energy is transferred from the surroundings into or out of a system as heat a corresponding quantity of entropy in the system respectively increases or decreases but in general not in the same amount as in the surroundings Likewise a change in the amount of electric polarization in a system is not necessarily matched by a corresponding change in electric polarization in the surroundings In a thermodynamic system transfers of extensive quantities are associated with changes in respective specific intensive quantities For example a volume transfer is associated with a change in pressure An entropy change is associated with a temperature change A change in the amount of electric polarization is associated with an electric field change The transferred extensive quantities and their associated respective intensive quantities have dimensions that multiply to give the dimensions of energy The two members of such respective specific pairs are mutually conjugate Either one but not both of a conjugate pair may be set up as an independent state variable of a thermodynamic system Conjugate setups are associated by Legendre transformations Composite propertiesThe ratio of two extensive properties of the same object or system is an intensive property For example the ratio of an object s mass and volume which are two extensive properties is density which is an intensive property More generally properties can be combined to give new properties which may be called derived or composite properties For example the base quantities mass and volume can be combined to give the derived quantity density These composite properties can sometimes also be classified as intensive or extensive Suppose a composite property F displaystyle F is a function of a set of intensive properties ai displaystyle a i and a set of extensive properties Aj displaystyle A j which can be shown as F ai Aj displaystyle F a i A j If the size of the system is changed by some scaling factor l displaystyle lambda only the extensive properties will change since intensive properties are independent of the size of the system The scaled system then can be represented as F ai lAj displaystyle F a i lambda A j Intensive properties are independent of the size of the system so the property F is an intensive property if for all values of the scaling factor l displaystyle lambda F ai lAj F ai Aj displaystyle F a i lambda A j F a i A j This is equivalent to saying that intensive composite properties are homogeneous functions of degree 0 with respect to Aj displaystyle A j It follows for example that the ratio of two extensive properties is an intensive property To illustrate consider a system having a certain mass m displaystyle m and volume V displaystyle V The density r displaystyle rho is equal to mass extensive divided by volume extensive r mV displaystyle rho frac m V If the system is scaled by the factor l displaystyle lambda then the mass and volume become lm displaystyle lambda m and lV displaystyle lambda V and the density becomes r lmlV displaystyle rho frac lambda m lambda V the two l displaystyle lambda s cancel so this could be written mathematically as r lm lV r m V displaystyle rho lambda m lambda V rho m V which is analogous to the equation for F displaystyle F above The property F displaystyle F is an extensive property if for all l displaystyle lambda F ai lAj lF ai Aj displaystyle F a i lambda A j lambda F a i A j This is equivalent to saying that extensive composite properties are homogeneous functions of degree 1 with respect to Aj displaystyle A j It follows from Euler s homogeneous function theorem that F ai Aj jAj F Aj displaystyle F a i A j sum j A j left frac partial F partial A j right where the partial derivative is taken with all parameters constant except Aj displaystyle A j This last equation can be used to derive thermodynamic relations Specific properties A specific property is the intensive property obtained by dividing an extensive property of a system by its mass For example heat capacity is an extensive property of a system Dividing heat capacity Cp displaystyle C p by the mass of the system gives the specific heat capacity cp displaystyle c p which is an intensive property When the extensive property is represented by an upper case letter the symbol for the corresponding intensive property is usually represented by a lower case letter Common examples are given in the table below Specific properties derived from extensive properties Extensive property Symbol SI units Intensive specific property Symbol SI units Intensive molar property Symbol SI unitsVolume V m3 or L Specific volume a k a the reciprocal of density v m3 kg or L kg Molar volume Vm m3 mol or L molInternal energy U J Specific internal energy u J kg Molar internal energy Um J molEnthalpy H J Specific enthalpy h J kg Molar enthalpy Hm J molGibbs free energy G J Specific Gibbs free energy g J kg Chemical potential Gmor m J molEntropy S J K Specific entropy s J kg K Molar entropy Sm J mol K Heat capacity at constant volume CV J K Specific heat capacity at constant volume cV J kg K Molar heat capacity at constant volume CV m J mol K Heat capacity at constant pressure CP J K Specific heat capacity at constant pressure cP J kg K Molar heat capacity at constant pressure CP m J mol K Molar properties If the amount of substance in moles can be determined then each of these thermodynamic properties may be expressed on a molar basis and their name may be qualified with the adjective molar yielding terms such as molar volume molar internal energy molar enthalpy and molar entropy The symbol for molar quantities may be indicated by adding a subscript m to the corresponding extensive property For example molar enthalpy is Hm displaystyle H mathrm m Molar Gibbs free energy is commonly referred to as chemical potential symbolized by m displaystyle mu particularly when discussing a partial molar Gibbs free energy mi displaystyle mu i for a component i displaystyle i in a mixture For the characterization of substances or reactions tables usually report the molar properties referred to a standard state In that case a superscript displaystyle circ is added to the symbol Examples Vm displaystyle V mathrm m circ 22 4L mol is the molar volume of an ideal gas at standard conditions for temperature and pressure being 1bar and 273 15K CP m displaystyle C P mathrm m circ is the standard molar heat capacity of a substance at constant pressure DrHm displaystyle mathrm Delta mathrm r H mathrm m circ is the standard enthalpy variation of a reaction with subcases formation enthalpy combustion enthalpy E displaystyle E circ is the standard reduction potential of a redox couple i e Gibbs energy over charge which is measured in volt J C LimitationsThe general validity of the division of physical properties into extensive and intensive kinds has been addressed in the course of science Redlich noted that although physical properties and especially thermodynamic properties are most conveniently defined as either intensive or extensive these two categories are not all inclusive and some well defined concepts like the square root of a volume conform to neither definition Other systems for which standard definitions do not provide a simple answer are systems in which the subsystems interact when combined Redlich pointed out that the assignment of some properties as intensive or extensive may depend on the way subsystems are arranged For example if two identical galvanic cells are connected in parallel the voltage of the system is equal to the voltage of each cell while the electric charge transferred or the electric current is extensive However if the same cells are connected in series the charge becomes intensive and the voltage extensive The IUPAC definitions do not consider such cases Some intensive properties do not apply at very small sizes For example viscosity is a macroscopic quantity and is not relevant for extremely small systems Likewise at a very small scale color is not independent of size as shown by quantum dots whose color depends on the size of the dot ReferencesRedlich O 1970 Intensive and Extensive Properties PDF J Chem Educ 47 2 154 156 Bibcode 1970JChEd 47 154R doi 10 1021 ed047p154 2 Tolman Richard C 1917 The Measurable Quantities of Physics Phys Rev 9 3 237 253 1 IUPAC Compendium of Chemical Terminology 2nd ed the Gold Book 1997 Online corrected version 2006 Intensive quantity doi 10 1351 goldbook I03074 IUPAC Compendium of Chemical Terminology 2nd ed the Gold Book 1997 Online corrected version 2006 Extensive quantity doi 10 1351 goldbook E02281 Cohen E R et al 2007 IUPAC Green Book PDF 3rd ed Cambridge IUPAC and RSC Publishing pp 6 20 of 250 in PDF file ISBN 978 0 85404 433 7 Chang R Goldsby K 2015 Chemistry 12th ed McGraw Hill Education p 312 ISBN 978 0078021510 Brown T E LeMay H E Bursten B E Murphy C Woodward P Stoltzfus M E 2014 Chemistry The Central Science 13th ed Prentice Hall ISBN 978 0321910417 Engel Thomas Reid Philip 2006 Physical Chemistry Pearson Benjamin Cummings p 6 ISBN 0 8053 3842 X A variable proportional to the size of the system is referred to as an extensive variable Laidler Keith J Meiser John H 1982 Physical Chemistry Benjamin Cummings p 6 ISBN 0 8053 5682 7 Canagaratna Sebastian G 1992 Intensive and Extensive Underused Concepts J Chem Educ 69 12 957 963 Bibcode 1992JChEd 69 957C doi 10 1021 ed069p957 IUPAC Compendium of Chemical Terminology 2nd ed the Gold Book 1997 Online corrected version 2006 Base quantity doi 10 1351 goldbook B00609 IUPAC Compendium of Chemical Terminology 2nd ed the Gold Book 1997 Online corrected version 2006 Derived quantity doi 10 1351 goldbook D01614 Alberty R A 2001 Use of Legendre transforms in chemical thermodynamics PDF Pure Appl Chem 73 8 1349 1380 doi 10 1351 pac200173081349 S2CID 98264934 Petrucci Ralph H Harwood William S Herring F Geoffrey 2002 General Chemistry 8th ed Prentice Hall p 186 ISBN 0 13 014329 4 George N Hatsopoulos G N Keenan J H 1965 Principles of General Thermodynamics John Wiley and Sons pp 19 20 ISBN 9780471359999 Further readingSuresh What is the difference between intensive and extensive properties in thermodynamics Callinterview com Retrieved 7 April 2024