The atomic radius of a chemical element is a measure of the size of its atom, usually the mean or typical distance from the center of the nucleus to the outermost isolated electron. Since the boundary is not a well-defined physical entity, there are various non-equivalent definitions of atomic radius. Four widely used definitions of atomic radius are: Van der Waals radius, ionic radius, metallic radius and covalent radius. Typically, because of the difficulty to isolate atoms in order to measure their radii separately, atomic radius is measured in a chemically bonded state; however theoretical calculations are simpler when considering atoms in isolation. The dependencies on environment, probe, and state lead to a multiplicity of definitions.

Depending on the definition, the term may apply to atoms in condensed matter, covalently bonding in molecules, or in ionized and excited states; and its value may be obtained through experimental measurements, or computed from theoretical models. The value of the radius may depend on the atom's state and context.
Electrons do not have definite orbits nor sharply defined ranges. Rather, their positions must be described as probability distributions that taper off gradually as one moves away from the nucleus, without a sharp cutoff; these are referred to as atomic orbitals or electron clouds. Moreover, in condensed matter and molecules, the electron clouds of the atoms usually overlap to some extent, and some of the electrons may roam over a large region encompassing two or more atoms.
Under most definitions the radii of isolated neutral atoms range between 30 and 300 pm (trillionths of a meter), or between 0.3 and 3 ångströms. Therefore, the radius of an atom is more than 10,000 times the radius of its nucleus (1–10 fm), and less than 1/1000 of the wavelength of visible light (400–700 nm).

For many purposes, atoms can be modeled as spheres. This is only a crude approximation, but it can provide quantitative explanations and predictions for many phenomena, such as the density of liquids and solids, the diffusion of fluids through molecular sieves, the arrangement of atoms and ions in crystals, and the size and shape of molecules.[citation needed]
The first to estimate the radius of an atom was Johann Chrysostom Magnenus in 1646. He was at Mass and noticed the smell of incense permeating the church. He knew the size of the incense and estimated the size of the church. He presumed that he could detect the incense if one atom was in each nostril. He also presumed that the incense was distributed homogenously throughout the church. With these assumptions he was able to estimate the size of an atom to be about 10 to the power of -24 cubic metres. (The units he used have been converted to metric to make comparisons with later estimates easier.) Taking the cube root this gives an estimate of the atomic radius to be about 10 to the power of -8 metres. This is somewhat larger than current estimates but given the assumptions made in the calculation is very good. These calculations were published in his work Democritus reviviscens sive de atomis.
The concept of atomic radius was preceded in the 19th century by the concept of atomic volume, a relative measure of how much space would on average an atom occupy in a given solid or liquid material. By the end of the century this term was also used in an absolute sense, as a molar volume divided by Avogadro constant. Such a volume is different for different crystalline forms even of the same compound, but physicists used it for rough, order-of-magnitude estimates of the atomic size, getting 10−8–10−7 cm for copper.
The earliest estimates of the atomic size was made by opticians in the 1830s, particularly Cauchy, who developed models of light dispersion assuming a lattice of connected "molecules". In 1857 Clausius developed a gas-kinetic model which included the equation for mean free path. In the 1870s it was used to estimate gas molecule sizes, as well as an aforementioned comparison with visible light wavelength and an estimate from the thickness of soap bubble film at which its contractile force rapidly diminishes. By 1900, various estimates of mercury atom diameter averaged around 275±20 pm (modern estimates give 300±10 pm, see below).
In 1920, shortly after it had become possible to determine the sizes of atoms using X-ray crystallography, it was suggested that all atoms of the same element have the same radii. However, in 1923, when more crystal data had become available, it was found that the approximation of an atom as a sphere does not necessarily hold when comparing the same atom in different crystal structures.
Widely used definitions of atomic radius include:
- Van der Waals radius: In the simplest definition, half the minimum distance between the nuclei of two atoms of the element that are not otherwise bound by covalent or metallic interactions. The Van der Waals radius may be defined even for elements (such as metals) in which Van der Waals forces are dominated by other interactions. Because Van der Waals interactions arise through quantum fluctuations of the atomic polarisation, the polarisability (which can usually be measured or calculated more easily) may be used to define the Van der Waals radius indirectly.
- Ionic radius: the nominal radius of the ions of an element in a specific ionization state, deduced from the spacing of atomic nuclei in crystalline salts that include that ion. In principle, the spacing between two adjacent oppositely charged ions (the length of the ionic bond between them) should equal the sum of their ionic radii.
- Covalent radius: the nominal radius of the atoms of an element when covalently bound to other atoms, as deduced from the separation between the atomic nuclei in molecules. In principle, the distance between two atoms that are bound to each other in a molecule (the length of that covalent bond) should equal the sum of their covalent radii.
- Metallic radius: the nominal radius of atoms of an element when joined to other atoms by metallic bonds.[citation needed]
- Bohr radius: the radius of the lowest-energy electron orbit predicted by Bohr model of the atom (1913). It is only applicable to atoms and ions with a single electron, such as hydrogen, singly ionized helium, and positronium. Although the model itself is now obsolete, the Bohr radius for the hydrogen atom is still regarded as an important physical constant, because it is equivalent to the quantum-mechanical most probable distance of the electron from the nucleus.
Empirically measured atomic radius
The following table shows empirically measured covalent radii for the elements, as published by J. C. Slater in 1964. The values are in picometers (pm or 1×10−12 m), with an accuracy of about 5 pm. The shade of the box ranges from red to yellow as the radius increases; gray indicates lack of data.
Group (column) | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | |||
Period (row) | |||||||||||||||||||||
1 | H 25 | He | |||||||||||||||||||
2 | Li 145 | Be 105 | B 85 | C 70 | N 65 | O 60 | F 50 | Ne | |||||||||||||
3 | Na 180 | Mg 150 | Al 125 | Si 110 | P 100 | S 100 | Cl 100 | Ar | |||||||||||||
4 | K 220 | Ca 180 | Sc 160 | Ti 140 | V 135 | Cr 140 | Mn 140 | Fe 140 | Co 135 | Ni 135 | Cu 135 | Zn 135 | Ga 130 | Ge 125 | As 115 | Se 115 | Br 115 | Kr | |||
5 | Rb 235 | Sr 200 | Y 180 | Zr 155 | Nb 145 | Mo 145 | Tc 135 | Ru 130 | Rh 135 | Pd 140 | Ag 160 | Cd 155 | In 155 | Sn 145 | Sb 145 | Te 140 | I 140 | Xe | |||
6 | Cs 260 | Ba 215 | * | Lu 175 | Hf 155 | Ta 145 | W 135 | Re 135 | Os 130 | Ir 135 | Pt 135 | Au 135 | Hg 150 | Tl 190 | Pb 180 | Bi 160 | Po 190 | At | Rn | ||
7 | Fr | Ra 215 | ** | Lr | Rf | Db | Sg | Bh | Hs | Mt | Ds | Rg | Cn | Nh | Fl | Mc | Lv | Ts | Og | ||
* | La 195 | Ce 185 | Pr 185 | Nd 185 | Pm 185 | Sm 185 | Eu 185 | Gd 180 | Tb 175 | Dy 175 | Ho 175 | Er 175 | Tm 175 | Yb 175 | |||||||
** | Ac 195 | Th 180 | Pa 180 | U 175 | Np 175 | Pu 175 | Am 175 | Cm | Bk | Cf | Es | Fm | Md | No | |||||||
Explanation of the general trends
Electrons in atoms fill electron shells from the lowest available energy level. As a consequence of the Aufbau principle, each new period begins with the first two elements filling the next unoccupied s-orbital. Because an atom's s-orbital electrons are typically farthest from the nucleus, this results in a significant increase in atomic radius with the first elements of each period.
The atomic radius of each element generally decreases across each period due to an increasing number of protons, since an increase in the number of protons increases the attractive force acting on the atom's electrons. The greater attraction draws the electrons closer to the protons, decreasing the size of the atom. Down each group, the atomic radius of each element typically increases because there are more occupied electron energy levels and therefore a greater distance between protons and electrons.
The increasing nuclear charge is partly counterbalanced by the increasing number of electrons—a phenomenon that is known as shielding—which explains why the size of atoms usually increases down each column despite an increase in attractive force from the nucleus. Electron shielding causes the attraction of an atom's nucleus on its electrons to decrease, so electrons occupying higher energy states farther from the nucleus experience reduced attractive force, increasing the size of the atom. However, elements in the 5d-block (lutetium to mercury) are much smaller than this trend predicts due to the weak shielding of the 4f-subshell. This phenomenon is known as the lanthanide contraction. A similar phenomenon exists for actinides; however, the general instability of transuranic elements makes measurements for the remainder of the 5f-block difficult and for transactinides nearly impossible. Finally, for sufficiently heavy elements, the atomic radius may be decreased by relativistic effects. This is a consequence of electrons near the strongly charged nucleus traveling at a sufficient fraction of the speed of light to gain a nontrivial amount of mass.
The following table summarizes the main phenomena that influence the atomic radius of an element:
Factor | Principle | increase in... | tend to | effect on radius |
electron shells | quantum mechanics | principal and azimuthal quantum numbers | increase down each column | increases the atomic radius |
nuclear charge | attractive force acting on electrons by protons in nucleus | atomic number | increase along each period (left to right) | decreases the atomic radius |
shielding | repulsive force acting on outermost shell electrons by inner electrons | number of electrons in inner shells | reduce the effect of nuclear charge | increases the atomic radius |
Lanthanide contraction
The electrons in the 4f-subshell, which is progressively filled from lanthanum (Z = 57) to ytterbium (Z = 70), are not particularly effective at shielding the increasing nuclear charge from the sub-shells further out. The elements immediately following the lanthanides have atomic radii which are smaller than would be expected and which are almost identical to the atomic radii of the elements immediately above them. Hence lutetium is in fact slightly smaller than yttrium, hafnium has virtually the same atomic radius (and chemistry) as zirconium, and tantalum has an atomic radius similar to niobium, and so forth. The effect of the lanthanide contraction is noticeable up to platinum (Z = 78), after which it is masked by a relativistic effect known as the inert-pair effect.[citation needed]
Due to lanthanide contraction, the 5 following observations can be drawn:
- The size of Ln3+ ions regularly decreases with atomic number. According to Fajans' rules, decrease in size of Ln3+ ions increases the covalent character and decreases the basic character between Ln3+ and OH− ions in Ln(OH)3, to the point that Yb(OH)3 and Lu(OH)3 can dissolve with difficulty in hot concentrated NaOH. Hence the order of size of Ln3+ is given:
La3+ > Ce3+ > ..., ... > Lu3+. - There is a regular decrease in their ionic radii.
- There is a regular decrease in their tendency to act as a reducing agent, with an increase in atomic number.
- The second and third rows of d-block transition elements are quite close in properties.
- Consequently, these elements occur together in natural minerals and are difficult to separate.
d-block contraction
The d-block contraction is less pronounced than the lanthanide contraction but arises from a similar cause. In this case, it is the poor shielding capacity of the 3d-electrons which affects the atomic radii and chemistries of the elements immediately following the first row of the transition metals, from gallium (Z = 31) to bromine (Z = 35).
Calculated atomic radius
The following table shows atomic radii computed from theoretical models, as published by Enrico Clementi and others in 1967. The values are in picometres (pm).
Group (column) | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | ||
Period (row) | ||||||||||||||||||||
1 | H 53 | He 31 | ||||||||||||||||||
2 | Li 167 | Be 112 | B 87 | C 67 | N 56 | O 48 | F 42 | Ne 38 | ||||||||||||
3 | Na 190 | Mg 145 | Al 118 | Si 111 | P 98 | S 88 | Cl 79 | Ar 71 | ||||||||||||
4 | K 243 | Ca 194 | Sc 184 | Ti 176 | V 171 | Cr 166 | Mn 161 | Fe 156 | Co 152 | Ni 149 | Cu 145 | Zn 142 | Ga 136 | Ge 125 | As 114 | Se 103 | Br 94 | Kr 88 | ||
5 | Rb 265 | Sr 219 | Y 212 | Zr 206 | Nb 198 | Mo 190 | Tc 183 | Ru 178 | Rh 173 | Pd 169 | Ag 165 | Cd 161 | In 156 | Sn 145 | Sb 133 | Te 123 | I 115 | Xe 108 | ||
6 | Cs 298 | Ba 253 | * | Lu 217 | Hf 208 | Ta 200 | W 193 | Re 188 | Os 185 | Ir 180 | Pt 177 | Au 174 | Hg 171 | Tl 156 | Pb 154 | Bi 143 | Po 135 | At 127 | Rn 120 | |
7 | Fr | Ra | ** | Lr | Rf | Db | Sg | Bh | Hs | Mt | Ds | Rg | Cn | Nh | Fl | Mc | Lv | Ts | Og | |
* | La 226 | Ce 210 | Pr 247 | Nd 206 | Pm 205 | Sm 238 | Eu 231 | Gd 233 | Tb 225 | Dy 228 | Ho 226 | Er 226 | Tm 222 | Yb 222 | ||||||
** | Ac | Th | Pa | U | Np | Pu | Am | Cm | Bk | Cf | Es | Fm | Md | No |
See also
- Atomic radii of the elements (data page)
- Chemical bond
- Covalent radius
- Bond length
- Steric hindrance
- Kinetic diameter
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The atomic radius of a chemical element is a measure of the size of its atom usually the mean or typical distance from the center of the nucleus to the outermost isolated electron Since the boundary is not a well defined physical entity there are various non equivalent definitions of atomic radius Four widely used definitions of atomic radius are Van der Waals radius ionic radius metallic radius and covalent radius Typically because of the difficulty to isolate atoms in order to measure their radii separately atomic radius is measured in a chemically bonded state however theoretical calculations are simpler when considering atoms in isolation The dependencies on environment probe and state lead to a multiplicity of definitions Diagram of a helium atom showing the electron probability density as shades of gray Depending on the definition the term may apply to atoms in condensed matter covalently bonding in molecules or in ionized and excited states and its value may be obtained through experimental measurements or computed from theoretical models The value of the radius may depend on the atom s state and context Electrons do not have definite orbits nor sharply defined ranges Rather their positions must be described as probability distributions that taper off gradually as one moves away from the nucleus without a sharp cutoff these are referred to as atomic orbitals or electron clouds Moreover in condensed matter and molecules the electron clouds of the atoms usually overlap to some extent and some of the electrons may roam over a large region encompassing two or more atoms Under most definitions the radii of isolated neutral atoms range between 30 and 300 pm trillionths of a meter or between 0 3 and 3 angstroms Therefore the radius of an atom is more than 10 000 times the radius of its nucleus 1 10 fm and less than 1 1000 of the wavelength of visible light 400 700 nm The approximate shape of a molecule of ethanol CH3CH2OH Each atom is modeled by a sphere with the element s Van der Waals radius For many purposes atoms can be modeled as spheres This is only a crude approximation but it can provide quantitative explanations and predictions for many phenomena such as the density of liquids and solids the diffusion of fluids through molecular sieves the arrangement of atoms and ions in crystals and the size and shape of molecules citation needed HistoryThe first to estimate the radius of an atom was Johann Chrysostom Magnenus in 1646 He was at Mass and noticed the smell of incense permeating the church He knew the size of the incense and estimated the size of the church He presumed that he could detect the incense if one atom was in each nostril He also presumed that the incense was distributed homogenously throughout the church With these assumptions he was able to estimate the size of an atom to be about 10 to the power of 24 cubic metres The units he used have been converted to metric to make comparisons with later estimates easier Taking the cube root this gives an estimate of the atomic radius to be about 10 to the power of 8 metres This is somewhat larger than current estimates but given the assumptions made in the calculation is very good These calculations were published in his work Democritus reviviscens sive de atomis The concept of atomic radius was preceded in the 19th century by the concept of atomic volume a relative measure of how much space would on average an atom occupy in a given solid or liquid material By the end of the century this term was also used in an absolute sense as a molar volume divided by Avogadro constant Such a volume is different for different crystalline forms even of the same compound but physicists used it for rough order of magnitude estimates of the atomic size getting 10 8 10 7 cm for copper The earliest estimates of the atomic size was made by opticians in the 1830s particularly Cauchy who developed models of light dispersion assuming a lattice of connected molecules In 1857 Clausius developed a gas kinetic model which included the equation for mean free path In the 1870s it was used to estimate gas molecule sizes as well as an aforementioned comparison with visible light wavelength and an estimate from the thickness of soap bubble film at which its contractile force rapidly diminishes By 1900 various estimates of mercury atom diameter averaged around 275 20 pm modern estimates give 300 10 pm see below In 1920 shortly after it had become possible to determine the sizes of atoms using X ray crystallography it was suggested that all atoms of the same element have the same radii However in 1923 when more crystal data had become available it was found that the approximation of an atom as a sphere does not necessarily hold when comparing the same atom in different crystal structures DefinitionsWidely used definitions of atomic radius include Van der Waals radius In the simplest definition half the minimum distance between the nuclei of two atoms of the element that are not otherwise bound by covalent or metallic interactions The Van der Waals radius may be defined even for elements such as metals in which Van der Waals forces are dominated by other interactions Because Van der Waals interactions arise through quantum fluctuations of the atomic polarisation the polarisability which can usually be measured or calculated more easily may be used to define the Van der Waals radius indirectly Ionic radius the nominal radius of the ions of an element in a specific ionization state deduced from the spacing of atomic nuclei in crystalline salts that include that ion In principle the spacing between two adjacent oppositely charged ions the length of the ionic bond between them should equal the sum of their ionic radii Covalent radius the nominal radius of the atoms of an element when covalently bound to other atoms as deduced from the separation between the atomic nuclei in molecules In principle the distance between two atoms that are bound to each other in a molecule the length of that covalent bond should equal the sum of their covalent radii Metallic radius the nominal radius of atoms of an element when joined to other atoms by metallic bonds citation needed Bohr radius the radius of the lowest energy electron orbit predicted by Bohr model of the atom 1913 It is only applicable to atoms and ions with a single electron such as hydrogen singly ionized helium and positronium Although the model itself is now obsolete the Bohr radius for the hydrogen atom is still regarded as an important physical constant because it is equivalent to the quantum mechanical most probable distance of the electron from the nucleus Empirically measured atomic radiusThe following table shows empirically measured covalent radii for the elements as published by J C Slater in 1964 The values are in picometers pm or 1 10 12 m with an accuracy of about 5 pm The shade of the box ranges from red to yellow as the radius increases gray indicates lack of data Group column 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18Period row 1 H 25 He 2 Li 145 Be 105 B 85 C 70 N 65 O 60 F 50 Ne 3 Na 180 Mg 150 Al 125 Si 110 P 100 S 100 Cl 100 Ar 4 K 220 Ca 180 Sc 160 Ti 140 V 135 Cr 140 Mn 140 Fe 140 Co 135 Ni 135 Cu 135 Zn 135 Ga 130 Ge 125 As 115 Se 115 Br 115 Kr 5 Rb 235 Sr 200 Y 180 Zr 155 Nb 145 Mo 145 Tc 135 Ru 130 Rh 135 Pd 140 Ag 160 Cd 155 In 155 Sn 145 Sb 145 Te 140 I 140 Xe 6 Cs 260 Ba 215 Lu 175 Hf 155 Ta 145 W 135 Re 135 Os 130 Ir 135 Pt 135 Au 135 Hg 150 Tl 190 Pb 180 Bi 160 Po 190 At Rn 7 Fr Ra 215 Lr Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Og La 195 Ce 185 Pr 185 Nd 185 Pm 185 Sm 185 Eu 185 Gd 180 Tb 175 Dy 175 Ho 175 Er 175 Tm 175 Yb 175 Ac 195 Th 180 Pa 180 U 175 Np 175 Pu 175 Am 175 Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Explanation of the general trendsA graph comparing the atomic radius of elements with atomic numbers 1 100 Accuracy of 5 pm Electrons in atoms fill electron shells from the lowest available energy level As a consequence of the Aufbau principle each new period begins with the first two elements filling the next unoccupied s orbital Because an atom s s orbital electrons are typically farthest from the nucleus this results in a significant increase in atomic radius with the first elements of each period The atomic radius of each element generally decreases across each period due to an increasing number of protons since an increase in the number of protons increases the attractive force acting on the atom s electrons The greater attraction draws the electrons closer to the protons decreasing the size of the atom Down each group the atomic radius of each element typically increases because there are more occupied electron energy levels and therefore a greater distance between protons and electrons The increasing nuclear charge is partly counterbalanced by the increasing number of electrons a phenomenon that is known as shielding which explains why the size of atoms usually increases down each column despite an increase in attractive force from the nucleus Electron shielding causes the attraction of an atom s nucleus on its electrons to decrease so electrons occupying higher energy states farther from the nucleus experience reduced attractive force increasing the size of the atom However elements in the 5d block lutetium to mercury are much smaller than this trend predicts due to the weak shielding of the 4f subshell This phenomenon is known as the lanthanide contraction A similar phenomenon exists for actinides however the general instability of transuranic elements makes measurements for the remainder of the 5f block difficult and for transactinides nearly impossible Finally for sufficiently heavy elements the atomic radius may be decreased by relativistic effects This is a consequence of electrons near the strongly charged nucleus traveling at a sufficient fraction of the speed of light to gain a nontrivial amount of mass The following table summarizes the main phenomena that influence the atomic radius of an element Factor Principle increase in tend to effect on radiuselectron shells quantum mechanics principal and azimuthal quantum numbers increase down each column increases the atomic radiusnuclear charge attractive force acting on electrons by protons in nucleus atomic number increase along each period left to right decreases the atomic radiusshielding repulsive force acting on outermost shell electrons by inner electrons number of electrons in inner shells reduce the effect of nuclear charge increases the atomic radiusLanthanide contraction The electrons in the 4f subshell which is progressively filled from lanthanum Z 57 to ytterbium Z 70 are not particularly effective at shielding the increasing nuclear charge from the sub shells further out The elements immediately following the lanthanides have atomic radii which are smaller than would be expected and which are almost identical to the atomic radii of the elements immediately above them Hence lutetium is in fact slightly smaller than yttrium hafnium has virtually the same atomic radius and chemistry as zirconium and tantalum has an atomic radius similar to niobium and so forth The effect of the lanthanide contraction is noticeable up to platinum Z 78 after which it is masked by a relativistic effect known as the inert pair effect citation needed Due to lanthanide contraction the 5 following observations can be drawn The size of Ln3 ions regularly decreases with atomic number According to Fajans rules decrease in size of Ln3 ions increases the covalent character and decreases the basic character between Ln3 and OH ions in Ln OH 3 to the point that Yb OH 3 and Lu OH 3 can dissolve with difficulty in hot concentrated NaOH Hence the order of size of Ln3 is given La3 gt Ce3 gt gt Lu3 There is a regular decrease in their ionic radii There is a regular decrease in their tendency to act as a reducing agent with an increase in atomic number The second and third rows of d block transition elements are quite close in properties Consequently these elements occur together in natural minerals and are difficult to separate d block contraction The d block contraction is less pronounced than the lanthanide contraction but arises from a similar cause In this case it is the poor shielding capacity of the 3d electrons which affects the atomic radii and chemistries of the elements immediately following the first row of the transition metals from gallium Z 31 to bromine Z 35 Calculated atomic radiusThe following table shows atomic radii computed from theoretical models as published by Enrico Clementi and others in 1967 The values are in picometres pm Group column 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18Period row 1 H 53 He 312 Li 167 Be 112 B 87 C 67 N 56 O 48 F 42 Ne 383 Na 190 Mg 145 Al 118 Si 111 P 98 S 88 Cl 79 Ar 714 K 243 Ca 194 Sc 184 Ti 176 V 171 Cr 166 Mn 161 Fe 156 Co 152 Ni 149 Cu 145 Zn 142 Ga 136 Ge 125 As 114 Se 103 Br 94 Kr 885 Rb 265 Sr 219 Y 212 Zr 206 Nb 198 Mo 190 Tc 183 Ru 178 Rh 173 Pd 169 Ag 165 Cd 161 In 156 Sn 145 Sb 133 Te 123 I 115 Xe 1086 Cs 298 Ba 253 Lu 217 Hf 208 Ta 200 W 193 Re 188 Os 185 Ir 180 Pt 177 Au 174 Hg 171 Tl 156 Pb 154 Bi 143 Po 135 At 127 Rn 1207 Fr Ra Lr Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Og La 226 Ce 210 Pr 247 Nd 206 Pm 205 Sm 238 Eu 231 Gd 233 Tb 225 Dy 228 Ho 226 Er 226 Tm 222 Yb 222 Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No See alsoAtomic radii of the elements data page Chemical bond Covalent radius Bond length Steric hindrance Kinetic diameterReferencesCotton F A Wilkinson G 1988 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry 5th ed Wiley p 1385 ISBN 978 0 471 84997 1 Basdevant J L Rich J Spiro M 2005 Fundamentals in Nuclear Physics Springer p 13 fig 1 1 ISBN 978 0 387 01672 6 Knight Charles 1859 The English Cyclopaedia A New Dictionary of Universal Knowledge Bradbury and Evans Fessenden Reginald A 1892 07 22 The Laws and Nature of Cohesion Science ns 20 494 48 52 doi 10 1126 science ns 20 494 48 b ISSN 0036 8075 Watts Henry 1882 A Dictionary of chemistry and the allied branches of other sciences v 3 1882 Longmans Green amp Company Electrical World McGraw Hill 1893 Fessenden Reginald Aubrey February 1900 A Determination of the Nature of the Electric and Magnetic Quantities and of the Density and Elasticity of the Ether II Physical Review Series I 10 2 83 115 doi 10 1103 PhysRevSeriesI 10 83 ISSN 1536 6065 Thomson W 1870 07 01 On the size of atoms American Journal of Science s2 50 148 38 44 doi 10 2475 ajs s2 50 148 38 Darrigol Olivier 2012 A History of Optics from Greek Antiquity to the Nineteenth Century OUP Oxford ISBN 978 0 19 162745 3 The American chemist a monthly journal of theoretical analytical and technical chemistry C F amp W H Chandler 1877 Bragg W L 1920 The arrangement of atoms in crystals Philosophical Magazine 6 40 236 169 189 doi 10 1080 14786440808636111 Wyckoff R W G 1923 On the Hypothesis of Constant Atomic Radii Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 9 2 33 38 Bibcode 1923PNAS 9 33W doi 10 1073 pnas 9 2 33 PMC 1085234 PMID 16576657 Pauling L 1945 The Nature of the Chemical Bond 2nd ed Cornell University Press LCCN 42034474 Federov Dmitry V Sadhukhan Mainak Stohr Martin Tkatchenko Alexandre 2018 Quantum Mechanical Relation between Atomic Dipole Polarizability and the van der Waals Radius Physical Review Letters 121 18 183401 arXiv 1803 11507 Bibcode 2018PhRvL 121r3401F doi 10 1103 PhysRevLett 121 183401 PMID 30444421 S2CID 53564141 Retrieved 9 May 2021 Bohr N 1913 On the Constitution of Atoms and Molecules Part I Binding of Electrons by Positive Nuclei PDF Philosophical Magazine 6 26 151 1 24 Bibcode 1913PMag 26 1B doi 10 1080 14786441308634955 Archived PDF from the original on 2011 09 02 Retrieved 8 June 2011 Bohr N 1913 On the Constitution of Atoms and Molecules Part II Systems containing only a Single Nucleus PDF Philosophical Magazine 6 26 153 476 502 Bibcode 1913PMag 26 476B doi 10 1080 14786441308634993 Archived PDF from the original on 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