In geometry, the area enclosed by a circle of radius r is πr2. Here, the Greek letter π represents the constant ratio of the circumference of any circle to its diameter, approximately equal to 3.14159.
One method of deriving this formula, which originated with Archimedes, involves viewing the circle as the limit of a sequence of regular polygons with an increasing number of sides. The area of a regular polygon is half its perimeter multiplied by the distance from its center to its sides, and because the sequence tends to a circle, the corresponding formula–that the area is half the circumference times the radius–namely, A = 1/2 × 2πr × r, holds for a circle.
Although often referred to as the area of a circle in informal contexts, strictly speaking, the term disk refers to the interior region of the circle, while circle is reserved for the boundary only, which is a curve and covers no area itself. Therefore, the area of a disk is the more precise phrase for the area enclosed by a circle.
Modern mathematics can obtain the area using the methods of integral calculus or its more sophisticated offspring, real analysis. However, the area of a disk was studied by the Ancient Greeks. Eudoxus of Cnidus in the fifth century B.C. had found that the area of a disk is proportional to its radius squared.Archimedes used the tools of Euclidean geometry to show that the area inside a circle is equal to that of a right triangle whose base has the length of the circle's circumference and whose height equals the circle's radius in his book Measurement of a Circle. The circumference is 2πr, and the area of a triangle is half the base times the height, yielding the area π r2 for the disk. Prior to Archimedes, Hippocrates of Chios was the first to show that the area of a disk is proportional to the square of its diameter, as part of his quadrature of the lune of Hippocrates, but did not identify the constant of proportionality.
Historical arguments
A variety of arguments have been advanced historically to establish the equation to varying degrees of mathematical rigor. The most famous of these is Archimedes' method of exhaustion, one of the earliest uses of the mathematical concept of a limit, as well as the origin of Archimedes' axiom which remains part of the standard analytical treatment of the real number system. The original proof of Archimedes is not rigorous by modern standards, because it assumes that we can compare the length of arc of a circle to the length of a secant and a tangent line, and similar statements about the area, as geometrically evident.
Using polygons
The area of a regular polygon is half its perimeter times the apothem. As the number of sides of the regular polygon increases, the polygon tends to a circle, and the apothem tends to the radius. This suggests that the area of a disk is half the circumference of its bounding circle times the radius.
Archimedes's proof
Following Archimedes' argument in The Measurement of a Circle (c. 260 BCE), compare the area enclosed by a circle to a right triangle whose base has the length of the circle's circumference and whose height equals the circle's radius. If the area of the circle is not equal to that of the triangle, then it must be either greater or less. We eliminate each of these by contradiction, leaving equality as the only possibility. We use regular polygons in the same way.
Not greater
Suppose that the area C enclosed by the circle is greater than the area T = cr/2 of the triangle. Let E denote the excess amount. Inscribe a square in the circle, so that its four corners lie on the circle. Between the square and the circle are four segments. If the total area of those gaps, G4, is greater than E, split each arc in half. This makes the inscribed square into an inscribed octagon, and produces eight segments with a smaller total gap, G8. Continue splitting until the total gap area, Gn, is less than E. Now the area of the inscribed polygon, Pn = C − Gn, must be greater than that of the triangle.
But this forces a contradiction, as follows. Draw a perpendicular from the center to the midpoint of a side of the polygon; its length, h, is less than the circle radius. Also, let each side of the polygon have length s; then the sum of the sides is ns, which is less than the circle circumference. The polygon area consists of n equal triangles with height h and base s, thus equals nhs/2. But since h < r and ns < c, the polygon area must be less than the triangle area, cr/2, a contradiction. Therefore, our supposition that C might be greater than T must be wrong.
Not less
Suppose that the area enclosed by the circle is less than the area T of the triangle. Let D denote the deficit amount. Circumscribe a square, so that the midpoint of each edge lies on the circle. If the total area gap between the square and the circle, G4, is greater than D, slice off the corners with circle tangents to make a circumscribed octagon, and continue slicing until the gap area is less than D. The area of the polygon, Pn, must be less than T.
This, too, forces a contradiction. For, a perpendicular to the midpoint of each polygon side is a radius, of length r. And since the total side length is greater than the circumference, the polygon consists of n identical triangles with total area greater than T. Again we have a contradiction, so our supposition that C might be less than T must be wrong as well.
Therefore, it must be the case that the area enclosed by the circle is precisely the same as the area of the triangle. This concludes the proof.
Rearrangement proof
Following Satō Moshun (Smith & Mikami 1914, pp. 130–132), Nicholas of Cusa and Leonardo da Vinci (Beckmann 1976, p. 19), we can use inscribed regular polygons in a different way. Suppose we inscribe a hexagon. Cut the hexagon into six triangles by splitting it from the center. Two opposite triangles both touch two common diameters; slide them along one so the radial edges are adjacent. They now form a parallelogram, with the hexagon sides making two opposite edges, one of which is the base, s. Two radial edges form slanted sides, and the height, h is equal to its apothem (as in the Archimedes proof). In fact, we can also assemble all the triangles into one big parallelogram by putting successive pairs next to each other. The same is true if we increase it to eight sides and so on. For a polygon with 2n sides, the parallelogram will have a base of length ns, and a height h. As the number of sides increases, the length of the parallelogram base approaches half the circle circumference, and its height approaches the circle radius. In the limit, the parallelogram becomes a rectangle with width πr and height r.
Unit disk area by rearranging n polygons. polygon parallelogram n side base height area 4 1.4142136 2.8284271 0.7071068 2.0000000 6 1.0000000 3.0000000 0.8660254 2.5980762 8 0.7653669 3.0614675 0.9238795 2.8284271 10 0.6180340 3.0901699 0.9510565 2.9389263 12 0.5176381 3.1058285 0.9659258 3.0000000 14 0.4450419 3.1152931 0.9749279 3.0371862 16 0.3901806 3.1214452 0.9807853 3.0614675 96 0.0654382 3.1410320 0.9994646 3.1393502 ∞ 1/∞ π 1 π
Modern proofs
There are various equivalent definitions of the constant π. The conventional definition in pre-calculus geometry is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter:
However, because the circumference of a circle is not a primitive analytical concept, this definition is not suitable in modern rigorous treatments. A standard modern definition is that π is equal to twice the least positive root of the cosine function or, equivalently, the half-period of the sine (or cosine) function. The cosine function can be defined either as a power series, or as the solution of a certain differential equation. This avoids any reference to circles in the definition of π, so that statements about the relation of π to the circumference and area of circles are actually theorems, rather than definitions, that follow from the analytical definitions of concepts like "area" and "circumference".
The analytical definitions are seen to be equivalent, if it is agreed that the circumference of the circle is measured as a rectifiable curve by means of the integral
The integral appearing on the right is an abelian integral whose value is a half-period of the sine function, equal to π. Thus is seen to be true as a theorem.
Several of the arguments that follow use only concepts from elementary calculus to reproduce the formula , but in many cases to regard these as actual proofs, they rely implicitly on the fact that one can develop trigonometric functions and the fundamental constant π in a way that is totally independent of their relation to geometry. We have indicated where appropriate how each of these proofs can be made totally independent of all trigonometry, but in some cases that requires more sophisticated mathematical ideas than those afforded by elementary calculus.
Onion proof
Using calculus, we can sum the area incrementally, partitioning the disk into thin concentric rings like the layers of an onion. This is the method of shell integration in two dimensions. For an infinitesimally thin ring of the "onion" of radius t, the accumulated area is 2πt dt, the circumferential length of the ring times its infinitesimal width (one can approximate this ring by a rectangle with width=2πt and height=dt). This gives an elementary integral for a disk of radius r.
It is rigorously justified by the multivariate substitution rule in polar coordinates. Namely, the area is given by a double integral of the constant function 1 over the disk itself. If D denotes the disk, then the double integral can be computed in polar coordinates as follows:
which is the same result as obtained above.
An equivalent rigorous justification, without relying on the special coordinates of trigonometry, uses the coarea formula. Define a function by
. Note ρ is a Lipschitz function whose gradient is a unit vector
(almost everywhere). Let D be the disc
. We will show that
, where
is the two-dimensional Lebesgue measure in
. We shall assume that the one-dimensional Hausdorff measure of the circle
, the circumference of the circle of radius r. (This can be taken as the definition of circumference.) Then, by the coarea formula,
Triangle proof
Similar to the onion proof outlined above, we could exploit calculus in a different way in order to arrive at the formula for the area of a disk. Consider unwrapping the concentric circles to straight strips. This will form a right angled triangle with r as its height and 2πr (being the outer slice of onion) as its base.
Finding the area of this triangle will give the area of the disk
The opposite and adjacent angles for this triangle are respectively in degrees 9.0430611..., 80.956939... and in radians 0.1578311... OEIS: A233527, 1.4129651...OEIS: A233528.
Explicitly, we imagine dividing up a circle into triangles, each with a height equal to the circle's radius and a base that is infinitesimally small. The area of each of these triangles is equal to . By summing up (integrating) all of the areas of these triangles, we arrive at the formula for the circle's area:
It too can be justified by a double integral of the constant function 1 over the disk by reversing the order of integration and using a change of variables in the above iterated integral:
Making the substitution converts the integral to
which is the same as the above result.
The triangle proof can be reformulated as an application of Green's theorem in flux-divergence form (i.e. a two-dimensional version of the divergence theorem), in a way that avoids all mention of trigonometry and the constant π. Consider the vector field in the plane. So the divergence of r is equal to two, and hence the area of a disc D is equal to
By Green's theorem, this is the same as the outward flux of r across the circle bounding D:
where n is the unit normal and ds is the arc length measure. For a circle of radius R centered at the origin, we have and
, so the above equality is
The integral of ds over the whole circle is just the arc length, which is its circumference, so this shows that the area A enclosed by the circle is equal to
times the circumference of the circle.
Another proof that uses triangles considers the area enclosed by a circle to be made up of an infinite number of triangles (i.e. the triangles each have an angle of d𝜃 at the center of the circle), each with an area of 1/2 · r2 · d𝜃 (derived from the expression for the area of a triangle: 1/2 · a · b · sin𝜃 = 1/2 · r · r · sin(d𝜃) = 1/2 · r2 · d𝜃). Note that sin(d𝜃) ≈ d𝜃 due to small angle approximation. Through summing the areas of the triangles, the expression for the area of the circle can therefore be found:
Semicircle proof
Note that the area of a semicircle of radius r can be computed by the integral .
By trigonometric substitution, we substitute , hence
The last step follows since the trigonometric identity implies that
have equal integrals over the interval
, using integration by substitution. But on the other hand, since
, the sum of the two integrals is the length of that interval, which is
. Consequently, the integral of
is equal to half the length of that interval, which is
Therefore, the area of a circle of radius r, which is twice the area of the semi-circle, is equal to .
This particular proof may appear to beg the question, if the sine and cosine functions involved in the trigonometric substitution are regarded as being defined in relation to circles. However, as noted earlier, it is possible to define sine, cosine, and π in a way that is totally independent of trigonometry, in which case the proof is valid by the change of variables formula and Fubini's theorem, assuming the basic properties of sine and cosine (which can also be proved without assuming anything about their relation to circles).
Isoperimetric inequality
The circle is the closed curve of least perimeter that encloses the maximum area. This is known as the isoperimetric inequality, which states that if a rectifiable Jordan curve in the Euclidean plane has perimeter C and encloses an area A (by the Jordan curve theorem) then
Moreover, equality holds in this inequality if and only if the curve is a circle, in which case and
Fast approximation
The calculations Archimedes used to approximate the area numerically were laborious, and he stopped with a polygon of 96 sides. A faster method uses ideas of Willebrord Snell (Cyclometricus, 1621), further developed by Christiaan Huygens (De Circuli Magnitudine Inventa, 1654), described in Gerretsen & Verdenduin (1983, pp. 243–250).
Archimedes' doubling method
Given a circle, let un be the perimeter of an inscribed regular n-gon, and let Un be the perimeter of a circumscribed regular n-gon. Then un and Un are lower and upper bounds for the circumference of the circle that become sharper and sharper as n increases, and their average (un + Un)/2 is an especially good approximation to the circumference. To compute un and Un for large n, Archimedes derived the following doubling formulae:
(geometric mean), and
(harmonic mean).
Starting from a hexagon, Archimedes doubled n four times to get a 96-gon, which gave him a good approximation to the circumference of the circle.
In modern notation, we can reproduce his computation (and go further) as follows. For a unit circle, an inscribed hexagon has u6 = 6, and a circumscribed hexagon has U6 = 4√3. Doubling seven times yields
Archimedes doubling seven times; n = 6 × 2k. k n un Un un + Un/4 0 6 6.0000000 6.9282032 3.2320508 1 12 6.2116571 6.4307806 3.1606094 2 24 6.2652572 6.3193199 3.1461443 3 48 6.2787004 6.2921724 3.1427182 4 96 6.2820639 6.2854292 3.1418733 5 192 6.2829049 6.2837461 3.1416628 6 384 6.2831152 6.2833255 3.1416102 7 768 6.2831678 6.2832204 3.1415970
(Here un + Un/2 approximates the circumference of the unit circle, which is 2π, so un + Un/4 approximates π.)
The last entry of the table has 355⁄113 as one of its best rational approximations; i.e., there is no better approximation among rational numbers with denominator up to 113. The number 355⁄113 is also an excellent approximation to π, attributed to Chinese mathematician Zu Chongzhi, who named it Milü. This approximation is better than any other rational number with denominator less than 16,604.
The Snell–Huygens refinement
Snell proposed (and Huygens proved) a tighter bound than Archimedes':
This for n = 48 gives a better approximation (about 3.14159292) than Archimedes' method for n = 768.
Derivation of Archimedes' doubling formulae
Let one side of an inscribed regular n-gon have length sn and touch the circle at points A and B. Let A′ be the point opposite A on the circle, so that A′A is a diameter, and A′AB is an inscribed triangle on a diameter. By Thales' theorem, this is a right triangle with right angle at B. Let the length of A′B be cn, which we call the complement of sn; thus cn2+sn2 = (2r)2. Let C bisect the arc from A to B, and let C′ be the point opposite C on the circle. Thus the length of CA is s2n, the length of C′A is c2n, and C′CA is itself a right triangle on diameter C′C. Because C bisects the arc from A to B, C′C perpendicularly bisects the chord from A to B, say at P. Triangle C′AP is thus a right triangle, and is similar to C′CA since they share the angle at C′. Thus all three corresponding sides are in the same proportion; in particular, we have C′A : C′C = C′P : C′A and AP : C′A = CA : C′C. The center of the circle, O, bisects A′A, so we also have triangle OAP similar to A′AB, with OP half the length of A′B. In terms of side lengths, this gives us
In the first equation C′P is C′O+OP, length r + 1/2cn, and C′C is the diameter, 2r. For a unit circle we have the famous doubling equation of Ludolph van Ceulen,
If we now circumscribe a regular n-gon, with side A″B″ parallel to AB, then OAB and OA″B″ are similar triangles, with A″B″ : AB = OC : OP. Call the circumscribed side Sn; then this is Sn : sn = 1 : 1⁄2cn. (We have again used that OP is half the length of A′B.) Thus we obtain
Call the inscribed perimeter un = nsn, and the circumscribed perimeter Un = nSn. Then combining equations, we have
so that
This gives a geometric mean equation.
We can also deduce
This gives a harmonic mean equation.
Dart approximation
When more efficient methods of finding areas are not available, we can resort to "throwing darts". This Monte Carlo method uses the fact that if random samples are taken uniformly scattered across the surface of a square in which a disk resides, the proportion of samples that hit the disk approximates the ratio of the area of the disk to the area of the square. This should be considered a method of last resort for computing the area of a disk (or any shape), as it requires an enormous number of samples to get useful accuracy; an estimate good to 10−n requires about 100n random samples (Thijssen 2006, p. 273).
Finite rearrangement
We have seen that by partitioning the disk into an infinite number of pieces we can reassemble the pieces into a rectangle. A remarkable fact discovered relatively recently (Laczkovich 1990) is that we can dissect the disk into a large but finite number of pieces and then reassemble the pieces into a square of equal area. This is called Tarski's circle-squaring problem. The nature of Laczkovich's proof is such that it proves the existence of such a partition (in fact, of many such partitions) but does not exhibit any particular partition.
Non-Euclidean circles
Circles can be defined in non-Euclidean geometry, and in particular in the hyperbolic and elliptic planes.
For example, the unit sphere is a model for the two-dimensional elliptic plane. It carries an intrinsic metric that arises by measuring geodesic length. The geodesic circles are the parallels in a geodesic coordinate system.
More precisely, fix a point that we place at the zenith. Associated to that zenith is a geodesic polar coordinate system
, where z is the point
. In these coordinates, the geodesic distance from z to any other point
having coordinates
is the value of
at x. A spherical circle is the set of points a geodesic distance R from the zenith point z. Equivalently, with a fixed embedding into
, the spherical circle of radius
centered at z is the set of x in
such that
We can also measure the area of the spherical disk enclosed within a spherical circle, using the intrinsic surface area measure on the sphere. The area of the disk of radius R is then given by
More generally, if a sphere has radius of curvature
, then the area of the disk of radius R is given by
Observe that, as an application of L'Hôpital's rule, this tends to the Euclidean area in the flat limit
The hyperbolic case is similar, with the area of a disk of intrinsic radius R in the (constant curvature ) hyperbolic plane given by
where cosh is the hyperbolic cosine. More generally, for the constant curvature hyperbolic plane, the answer is
These identities are important for comparison inequalities in geometry. For example, the area enclosed by a circle of radius R in a flat space is always greater than the area of a spherical circle and smaller than a hyperbolic circle, provided all three circles have the same (intrinsic) radius. That is,
for all . Intuitively, this is because the sphere tends to curve back on itself, yielding circles of smaller area than those in the plane, whilst the hyperbolic plane, when immersed into space, develops fringes that produce additional area. It is more generally true that the area of the circle of a fixed radius R is a strictly decreasing function of the curvature.
In all cases, if is the curvature (constant, positive or negative), then the isoperimetric inequality for a domain with area A and perimeter L is
where equality is achieved precisely for the circle.
We can stretch a disk to form an ellipse. Because this stretch is a linear transformation of the plane, it has a distortion factor which will change the area but preserve ratios of areas. This observation can be used to compute the area of an arbitrary ellipse from the area of a unit circle.
Consider the unit circle circumscribed by a square of side length 2. The transformation sends the circle to an ellipse by stretching or shrinking the horizontal and vertical diameters to the major and minor axes of the ellipse. The square gets sent to a rectangle circumscribing the ellipse. The ratio of the area of the circle to the square is π/4, which means the ratio of the ellipse to the rectangle is also π/4. Suppose a and b are the lengths of the major and minor axes of the ellipse. Since the area of the rectangle is ab, the area of the ellipse is πab/4.
We can also consider analogous measurements in higher dimensions. For example, we may wish to find the volume inside a sphere. When we have a formula for the surface area, we can use the same kind of "onion" approach we used for the disk.
See also
- Area-equivalent radius
- Area of a triangle
- Stewart, James (2003). Single variable calculus early transcendentals (5th. ed.). Toronto ON: Brook/Cole. pp. 3. ISBN 0-534-39330-6.
However, by indirect reasoning, Eudoxus (fifth century B.C.) used exhaustion to prove the familiar formula for the area of a disk:
- Heath, Thomas L. (2003), A Manual of Greek Mathematics, Courier Dover Publications, pp. 121–132, ISBN 0-486-43231-9.
- Hill, George. Lessons in Geometry: For the Use of Beginners, page 124 (1894).
- Clegg, Brian (2012). Introducing Infinity. Icon Books. p. 69. ISBN 978-1-84831-406-1.
- Martzloff, Jean-Claude (2006). A History of Chinese Mathematics. Springer. p. 281. ISBN 9783540337829.
- Not all best rational approximations are the convergents of the continued fraction!
- Isaac Chavel (2001), Isoperimetric inequalities, Cambridge University Press
- Archimedes (1897), "Measurement of a circle", in Heath, T. L. (ed.), The Works of Archimedes, Cambridge University Press
(Originally published by Cambridge University Press, 1897, based on J. L. Heiberg's Greek version.) - Beckmann, Petr (1976), A History of Pi, St. Martin's Griffin, ISBN 978-0-312-38185-1
- Gerretsen, J.; Verdenduin, P. (1983), "Chapter 8: Polygons and Polyhedra", in H. Behnke; F. Bachmann; K. Fladt; H. Kunle (eds.), Fundamentals of Mathematics, Volume II: Geometry, translated by S. H. Gould, MIT Press, pp. 243–250, ISBN 978-0-262-52094-2
(Originally Grundzüge der Mathematik, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen, 1971.) - Laczkovich, Miklós (1990), "Equidecomposability and discrepancy: A solution to Tarski's circle squaring problem", Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik, 1990 (404): 77–117, doi:10.1515/crll.1990.404.77, MR 1037431, S2CID 117762563
- Lang, Serge (1985), "The length of the circle", Math! : Encounters with High School Students, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 978-0-387-96129-3
- Smith, David Eugene; Mikami, Yoshio (1914), A history of Japanese mathematics, Chicago: Open Court Publishing, pp. 130–132, ISBN 978-0-87548-170-8
- Thijssen, J. M. (2006), Computational Physics, Cambridge University Press, p. 273, ISBN 978-0-521-57588-1
External links
- Science News on Tarski problem Archived 2008-04-13 at the Wayback Machine
In geometry the area enclosed by a circle of radius r is pr2 Here the Greek letter p represents the constant ratio of the circumference of any circle to its diameter approximately equal to 3 14159 One method of deriving this formula which originated with Archimedes involves viewing the circle as the limit of a sequence of regular polygons with an increasing number of sides The area of a regular polygon is half its perimeter multiplied by the distance from its center to its sides and because the sequence tends to a circle the corresponding formula that the area is half the circumference times the radius namely A 1 2 2pr r holds for a circle TerminologyAlthough often referred to as the area of a circle in informal contexts strictly speaking the term disk refers to the interior region of the circle while circle is reserved for the boundary only which is a curve and covers no area itself Therefore the area of a disk is the more precise phrase for the area enclosed by a circle HistoryModern mathematics can obtain the area using the methods of integral calculus or its more sophisticated offspring real analysis However the area of a disk was studied by the Ancient Greeks Eudoxus of Cnidus in the fifth century B C had found that the area of a disk is proportional to its radius squared Archimedes used the tools of Euclidean geometry to show that the area inside a circle is equal to that of a right triangle whose base has the length of the circle s circumference and whose height equals the circle s radius in his book Measurement of a Circle The circumference is 2p r and the area of a triangle is half the base times the height yielding the area p r2 for the disk Prior to Archimedes Hippocrates of Chios was the first to show that the area of a disk is proportional to the square of its diameter as part of his quadrature of the lune of Hippocrates but did not identify the constant of proportionality Historical argumentsA variety of arguments have been advanced historically to establish the equation A pr2 displaystyle A pi r 2 to varying degrees of mathematical rigor The most famous of these is Archimedes method of exhaustion one of the earliest uses of the mathematical concept of a limit as well as the origin of Archimedes axiom which remains part of the standard analytical treatment of the real number system The original proof of Archimedes is not rigorous by modern standards because it assumes that we can compare the length of arc of a circle to the length of a secant and a tangent line and similar statements about the area as geometrically evident Using polygons The area of a regular polygon is half its perimeter times the apothem As the number of sides of the regular polygon increases the polygon tends to a circle and the apothem tends to the radius This suggests that the area of a disk is half the circumference of its bounding circle times the radius Archimedes s proof Following Archimedes argument in The Measurement of a Circle c 260 BCE compare the area enclosed by a circle to a right triangle whose base has the length of the circle s circumference and whose height equals the circle s radius If the area of the circle is not equal to that of the triangle then it must be either greater or less We eliminate each of these by contradiction leaving equality as the only possibility We use regular polygons in the same way Not greater Circle with square and octagon inscribed showing area gap Suppose that the area C enclosed by the circle is greater than the area T cr 2 of the triangle Let E denote the excess amount Inscribe a square in the circle so that its four corners lie on the circle Between the square and the circle are four segments If the total area of those gaps G4 is greater than E split each arc in half This makes the inscribed square into an inscribed octagon and produces eight segments with a smaller total gap G8 Continue splitting until the total gap area Gn is less than E Now the area of the inscribed polygon Pn C Gn must be greater than that of the triangle E C T gt GnPn C Gn gt C EPn gt T displaystyle begin aligned E amp C T amp gt G n P n amp C G n amp gt C E P n amp gt T end aligned But this forces a contradiction as follows Draw a perpendicular from the center to the midpoint of a side of the polygon its length h is less than the circle radius Also let each side of the polygon have length s then the sum of the sides is ns which is less than the circle circumference The polygon area consists of n equal triangles with height h and base s thus equals nhs 2 But since h lt r and ns lt c the polygon area must be less than the triangle area cr 2 a contradiction Therefore our supposition that C might be greater than T must be wrong Not less Circle with square and octagon circumscribed showing area gap Suppose that the area enclosed by the circle is less than the area T of the triangle Let D denote the deficit amount Circumscribe a square so that the midpoint of each edge lies on the circle If the total area gap between the square and the circle G4 is greater than D slice off the corners with circle tangents to make a circumscribed octagon and continue slicing until the gap area is less than D The area of the polygon Pn must be less than T D T C gt GnPn C Gn lt C DPn lt T displaystyle begin aligned D amp T C amp gt G n P n amp C G n amp lt C D P n amp lt T end aligned This too forces a contradiction For a perpendicular to the midpoint of each polygon side is a radius of length r And since the total side length is greater than the circumference the polygon consists of n identical triangles with total area greater than T Again we have a contradiction so our supposition that C might be less than T must be wrong as well Therefore it must be the case that the area enclosed by the circle is precisely the same as the area of the triangle This concludes the proof Rearrangement proof Circle area by rearrangementGraphs of side s apothem a and area A of regular polygons of n sides and circumradius 1 with the base b of a rectangle with the same area The green line shows the case n 6 Following Satō Moshun Smith amp Mikami 1914 pp 130 132 Nicholas of Cusa and Leonardo da Vinci Beckmann 1976 p 19 we can use inscribed regular polygons in a different way Suppose we inscribe a hexagon Cut the hexagon into six triangles by splitting it from the center Two opposite triangles both touch two common diameters slide them along one so the radial edges are adjacent They now form a parallelogram with the hexagon sides making two opposite edges one of which is the base s Two radial edges form slanted sides and the height h is equal to its apothem as in the Archimedes proof In fact we can also assemble all the triangles into one big parallelogram by putting successive pairs next to each other The same is true if we increase it to eight sides and so on For a polygon with 2n sides the parallelogram will have a base of length ns and a height h As the number of sides increases the length of the parallelogram base approaches half the circle circumference and its height approaches the circle radius In the limit the parallelogram becomes a rectangle with width p r and height r Unit disk area by rearranging n polygons polygon parallelogramn side base height area4 1 4142136 2 8284271 0 7071068 2 00000006 1 0000000 3 0000000 0 8660254 2 59807628 0 7653669 3 0614675 0 9238795 2 828427110 0 6180340 3 0901699 0 9510565 2 938926312 0 5176381 3 1058285 0 9659258 3 000000014 0 4450419 3 1152931 0 9749279 3 037186216 0 3901806 3 1214452 0 9807853 3 061467596 0 0654382 3 1410320 0 9994646 3 1393502 1 p 1 pModern proofsThere are various equivalent definitions of the constant p The conventional definition in pre calculus geometry is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter p CD displaystyle pi frac C D However because the circumference of a circle is not a primitive analytical concept this definition is not suitable in modern rigorous treatments A standard modern definition is that p is equal to twice the least positive root of the cosine function or equivalently the half period of the sine or cosine function The cosine function can be defined either as a power series or as the solution of a certain differential equation This avoids any reference to circles in the definition of p so that statements about the relation of p to the circumference and area of circles are actually theorems rather than definitions that follow from the analytical definitions of concepts like area and circumference The analytical definitions are seen to be equivalent if it is agreed that the circumference of the circle is measured as a rectifiable curve by means of the integral C 2 RRRdxR2 x2 2R 11dx1 x2 displaystyle C 2 int R R frac R dx sqrt R 2 x 2 2R int 1 1 frac dx sqrt 1 x 2 The integral appearing on the right is an abelian integral whose value is a half period of the sine function equal to p Thus C 2pR pD displaystyle C 2 pi R pi D is seen to be true as a theorem Several of the arguments that follow use only concepts from elementary calculus to reproduce the formula A pr2 displaystyle A pi r 2 but in many cases to regard these as actual proofs they rely implicitly on the fact that one can develop trigonometric functions and the fundamental constant p in a way that is totally independent of their relation to geometry We have indicated where appropriate how each of these proofs can be made totally independent of all trigonometry but in some cases that requires more sophisticated mathematical ideas than those afforded by elementary calculus Onion proof Area of the disk via ring integration Using calculus we can sum the area incrementally partitioning the disk into thin concentric rings like the layers of an onion This is the method of shell integration in two dimensions For an infinitesimally thin ring of the onion of radius t the accumulated area is 2p t dt the circumferential length of the ring times its infinitesimal width one can approximate this ring by a rectangle with width 2p t and height dt This gives an elementary integral for a disk of radius r Area r 0r2ptdt 2p t22 0r pr2 displaystyle begin aligned mathrm Area r amp int 0 r 2 pi t dt amp 2 pi left frac t 2 2 right 0 r amp pi r 2 end aligned It is rigorously justified by the multivariate substitution rule in polar coordinates Namely the area is given by a double integral of the constant function 1 over the disk itself If D denotes the disk then the double integral can be computed in polar coordinates as follows Area r D1 d x y Dt dt d8 0r 02pt d8 dt 0r t8 02pdt 0r2ptdt displaystyle begin aligned mathrm Area r amp iint D 1 d x y amp iint D t dt d theta amp int 0 r int 0 2 pi t d theta dt amp int 0 r left t theta right 0 2 pi dt amp int 0 r 2 pi t dt end aligned which is the same result as obtained above An equivalent rigorous justification without relying on the special coordinates of trigonometry uses the coarea formula Define a function r R2 R displaystyle rho mathbb R 2 to mathbb R by r x y x2 y2 textstyle rho x y sqrt x 2 y 2 Note r is a Lipschitz function whose gradient is a unit vector r 1 displaystyle nabla rho 1 almost everywhere Let D be the disc r lt 1 displaystyle rho lt 1 in R2 displaystyle mathbb R 2 We will show that L2 D p displaystyle mathcal L 2 D pi where L2 displaystyle mathcal L 2 is the two dimensional Lebesgue measure in R2 displaystyle mathbb R 2 We shall assume that the one dimensional Hausdorff measure of the circle r r displaystyle rho r is 2pr displaystyle 2 pi r the circumference of the circle of radius r This can be taken as the definition of circumference Then by the coarea formula L2 D D r dL2 RH1 r 1 r D dr 01H1 r 1 r dr 012prdr p displaystyle begin aligned mathcal L 2 D amp iint D nabla rho d mathcal L 2 amp int mathbb R mathcal H 1 rho 1 r cap D dr amp int 0 1 mathcal H 1 rho 1 r dr amp int 0 1 2 pi r dr pi end aligned Triangle proof Circle unwrapped to form a triangleThe circle and the triangle are equal in area Similar to the onion proof outlined above we could exploit calculus in a different way in order to arrive at the formula for the area of a disk Consider unwrapping the concentric circles to straight strips This will form a right angled triangle with r as its height and 2p r being the outer slice of onion as its base Finding the area of this triangle will give the area of the disk Area 12 base height 12 2pr r pr2 displaystyle begin aligned text Area amp frac 1 2 cdot text base cdot text height 6pt amp frac 1 2 cdot 2 pi r cdot r 6pt amp pi r 2 end aligned The opposite and adjacent angles for this triangle are respectively in degrees 9 0430611 80 956939 and in radians 0 1578311 OEIS A233527 1 4129651 OEIS A233528 Explicitly we imagine dividing up a circle into triangles each with a height equal to the circle s radius and a base that is infinitesimally small The area of each of these triangles is equal to 1 2 r du displaystyle 1 2 cdot r cdot du By summing up integrating all of the areas of these triangles we arrive at the formula for the circle s area Area r 02pr12rdu 12ru 02pr pr2 displaystyle begin aligned mathrm Area r amp int 0 2 pi r frac 1 2 r du 6pt amp left frac 1 2 ru right 0 2 pi r 6pt amp pi r 2 end aligned It too can be justified by a double integral of the constant function 1 over the disk by reversing the order of integration and using a change of variables in the above iterated integral Area r D1 d x y Dt dt d8 02p 0rt dt d8 02p12r2 d8 displaystyle begin aligned mathrm Area r amp iint D 1 d x y amp iint D t dt d theta amp int 0 2 pi int 0 r t dt d theta amp int 0 2 pi frac 1 2 r 2 d theta end aligned Making the substitution u r8 du r d8 displaystyle u r theta du r d theta converts the integral to 02pr12r2rdu 02pr12r du displaystyle int 0 2 pi r frac 1 2 frac r 2 r du int 0 2 pi r frac 1 2 r du which is the same as the above result The triangle proof can be reformulated as an application of Green s theorem in flux divergence form i e a two dimensional version of the divergence theorem in a way that avoids all mention of trigonometry and the constant p Consider the vector field r xi yj displaystyle mathbf r x mathbf i y mathbf j in the plane So the divergence of r is equal to two and hence the area of a disc D is equal to A 12 Ddiv rdA displaystyle A frac 1 2 iint D operatorname div mathbf r dA By Green s theorem this is the same as the outward flux of r across the circle bounding D A 12 Dr nds displaystyle A frac 1 2 oint partial D mathbf r cdot mathbf n ds where n is the unit normal and ds is the arc length measure For a circle of radius R centered at the origin we have r R displaystyle mathbf r R and n r R displaystyle mathbf n mathbf r R so the above equality is A 12 Dr rRds R2 Dds displaystyle A frac 1 2 oint partial D mathbf r cdot frac mathbf r R ds frac R 2 oint partial D ds The integral of ds over the whole circle D displaystyle partial D is just the arc length which is its circumference so this shows that the area A enclosed by the circle is equal to R 2 displaystyle R 2 times the circumference of the circle Another proof that uses triangles considers the area enclosed by a circle to be made up of an infinite number of triangles i e the triangles each have an angle of d𝜃 at the center of the circle each with an area of 1 2 r2 d𝜃 derived from the expression for the area of a triangle 1 2 a b sin𝜃 1 2 r r sin d𝜃 1 2 r2 d𝜃 Note that sin d𝜃 d𝜃 due to small angle approximation Through summing the areas of the triangles the expression for the area of the circle can therefore be found Area 02p12r2d8 12r28 02p pr2 displaystyle begin aligned mathrm Area amp int 0 2 pi frac 1 2 r 2 d theta amp left frac 1 2 r 2 theta right 0 2 pi amp pi r 2 end aligned Semicircle proof Note that the area of a semicircle of radius r can be computed by the integral rrr2 x2dx textstyle int r r sqrt r 2 x 2 dx A semicircle of radius r By trigonometric substitution we substitute x rsin 8 displaystyle x r sin theta hence dx rcos 8d8 displaystyle dx r cos theta d theta rrr2 x2dx p2p2r2 1 sin2 8 rcos 8d8 2r2 0p2cos2 8d8 pr22 displaystyle begin aligned int r r sqrt r 2 x 2 dx amp int frac pi 2 frac pi 2 sqrt r 2 left 1 sin 2 theta right cdot r cos theta d theta 5pt amp 2r 2 int 0 frac pi 2 cos 2 theta d theta 5pt amp frac pi r 2 2 end aligned The last step follows since the trigonometric identity cos 8 sin p 2 8 displaystyle cos theta sin pi 2 theta implies that cos2 8 displaystyle cos 2 theta and sin2 8 displaystyle sin 2 theta have equal integrals over the interval 0 p 2 displaystyle 0 pi 2 using integration by substitution But on the other hand since cos2 8 sin2 8 1 displaystyle cos 2 theta sin 2 theta 1 the sum of the two integrals is the length of that interval which is p 2 displaystyle pi 2 Consequently the integral of cos2 8 displaystyle cos 2 theta is equal to half the length of that interval which is p 4 displaystyle pi 4 Therefore the area of a circle of radius r which is twice the area of the semi circle is equal to 2 pr22 pr2 displaystyle 2 cdot frac pi r 2 2 pi r 2 This particular proof may appear to beg the question if the sine and cosine functions involved in the trigonometric substitution are regarded as being defined in relation to circles However as noted earlier it is possible to define sine cosine and p in a way that is totally independent of trigonometry in which case the proof is valid by the change of variables formula and Fubini s theorem assuming the basic properties of sine and cosine which can also be proved without assuming anything about their relation to circles Isoperimetric inequalityThe circle is the closed curve of least perimeter that encloses the maximum area This is known as the isoperimetric inequality which states that if a rectifiable Jordan curve in the Euclidean plane has perimeter C and encloses an area A by the Jordan curve theorem then 4pA C2 displaystyle 4 pi A leq C 2 Moreover equality holds in this inequality if and only if the curve is a circle in which case A pr2 displaystyle A pi r 2 and C 2pr displaystyle C 2 pi r Fast approximationThe calculations Archimedes used to approximate the area numerically were laborious and he stopped with a polygon of 96 sides A faster method uses ideas of Willebrord Snell Cyclometricus 1621 further developed by Christiaan Huygens De Circuli Magnitudine Inventa 1654 described in Gerretsen amp Verdenduin 1983 pp 243 250 Archimedes doubling method Given a circle let un be the perimeter of an inscribed regular n gon and let Un be the perimeter of a circumscribed regular n gon Then un and Un are lower and upper bounds for the circumference of the circle that become sharper and sharper as n increases and their average un Un 2 is an especially good approximation to the circumference To compute un and Un for large n Archimedes derived the following doubling formulae u2n U2nun displaystyle u 2n sqrt U 2n u n geometric mean andU2n 2UnunUn un displaystyle U 2n frac 2U n u n U n u n harmonic mean Starting from a hexagon Archimedes doubled n four times to get a 96 gon which gave him a good approximation to the circumference of the circle In modern notation we can reproduce his computation and go further as follows For a unit circle an inscribed hexagon has u6 6 and a circumscribed hexagon has U6 4 3 Doubling seven times yields Archimedes doubling seven times n 6 2k k n un Un un Un 4 0 6 6 0000000 6 9282032 3 23205081 12 6 2116571 6 4307806 3 16060942 24 6 2652572 6 3193199 3 14614433 48 6 2787004 6 2921724 3 14271824 96 6 2820639 6 2854292 3 14187335 192 6 2829049 6 2837461 3 14166286 384 6 2831152 6 2833255 3 14161027 768 6 2831678 6 2832204 3 1415970 Here un Un 2 approximates the circumference of the unit circle which is 2p so un Un 4 approximates p The last entry of the table has 355 113 as one of its best rational approximations i e there is no better approximation among rational numbers with denominator up to 113 The number 355 113 is also an excellent approximation to p attributed to Chinese mathematician Zu Chongzhi who named it Milu This approximation is better than any other rational number with denominator less than 16 604 The Snell Huygens refinement Snell proposed and Huygens proved a tighter bound than Archimedes n3sin pn2 cos pn lt p lt n 2sin p3n tan p3n displaystyle n frac 3 sin frac pi n 2 cos frac pi n lt pi lt n left 2 sin frac pi 3n tan frac pi 3n right This for n 48 gives a better approximation about 3 14159292 than Archimedes method for n 768 Derivation of Archimedes doubling formulae Circle with similar triangles circumscribed side inscribed side and complement inscribed split side and complement Let one side of an inscribed regular n gon have length sn and touch the circle at points A and B Let A be the point opposite A on the circle so that A A is a diameter and A AB is an inscribed triangle on a diameter By Thales theorem this is a right triangle with right angle at B Let the length of A B be cn which we call the complement of sn thus cn2 sn2 2r 2 Let C bisect the arc from A to B and let C be the point opposite C on the circle Thus the length of CA is s2n the length of C A is c2n and C CA is itself a right triangle on diameter C C Because C bisects the arc from A to B C C perpendicularly bisects the chord from A to B say at P Triangle C AP is thus a right triangle and is similar to C CA since they share the angle at C Thus all three corresponding sides are in the same proportion in particular we have C A C C C P C A and AP C A CA C C The center of the circle O bisects A A so we also have triangle OAP similar to A AB with OP half the length of A B In terms of side lengths this gives us c2n2 r 12cn 2rc2n sns2n displaystyle begin aligned c 2n 2 amp left r frac 1 2 c n right 2r c 2n amp frac s n s 2n end aligned In the first equation C P is C O OP length r 1 2 cn and C C is the diameter 2r For a unit circle we have the famous doubling equation of Ludolph van Ceulen c2n 2 cn displaystyle c 2n sqrt 2 c n If we now circumscribe a regular n gon with side A B parallel to AB then OAB and OA B are similar triangles with A B AB OC OP Call the circumscribed side Sn then this is Sn sn 1 1 2cn We have again used that OP is half the length of A B Thus we obtain cn 2snSn displaystyle c n 2 frac s n S n Call the inscribed perimeter un nsn and the circumscribed perimeter Un nSn Then combining equations we have c2n sns2n 2s2nS2n displaystyle c 2n frac s n s 2n 2 frac s 2n S 2n so that u2n2 unU2n displaystyle u 2n 2 u n U 2n This gives a geometric mean equation We can also deduce 2s2nS2nsns2n 2 2snSn displaystyle 2 frac s 2n S 2n frac s n s 2n 2 2 frac s n S n or 2U2n 1un 1Un displaystyle frac 2 U 2n frac 1 u n frac 1 U n This gives a harmonic mean equation Dart approximationUnit circle area Monte Carlo integration Estimate by these 900 samples is 4 709 900 3 15111 When more efficient methods of finding areas are not available we can resort to throwing darts This Monte Carlo method uses the fact that if random samples are taken uniformly scattered across the surface of a square in which a disk resides the proportion of samples that hit the disk approximates the ratio of the area of the disk to the area of the square This should be considered a method of last resort for computing the area of a disk or any shape as it requires an enormous number of samples to get useful accuracy an estimate good to 10 n requires about 100n random samples Thijssen 2006 p 273 Finite rearrangementWe have seen that by partitioning the disk into an infinite number of pieces we can reassemble the pieces into a rectangle A remarkable fact discovered relatively recently Laczkovich 1990 is that we can dissect the disk into a large but finite number of pieces and then reassemble the pieces into a square of equal area This is called Tarski s circle squaring problem The nature of Laczkovich s proof is such that it proves the existence of such a partition in fact of many such partitions but does not exhibit any particular partition Non Euclidean circlesCircles can be defined in non Euclidean geometry and in particular in the hyperbolic and elliptic planes For example the unit sphere S2 1 displaystyle S 2 1 is a model for the two dimensional elliptic plane It carries an intrinsic metric that arises by measuring geodesic length The geodesic circles are the parallels in a geodesic coordinate system More precisely fix a point z S2 1 displaystyle mathbf z in S 2 1 that we place at the zenith Associated to that zenith is a geodesic polar coordinate system f 8 displaystyle varphi theta 0 f p displaystyle 0 leq varphi leq pi 0 8 lt 2p displaystyle 0 leq theta lt 2 pi where z is the point f 0 displaystyle varphi 0 In these coordinates the geodesic distance from z to any other point x S2 1 displaystyle mathbf x in S 2 1 having coordinates f 8 displaystyle varphi theta is the value of f displaystyle varphi at x A spherical circle is the set of points a geodesic distance R from the zenith point z Equivalently with a fixed embedding into R3 displaystyle mathbb R 3 the spherical circle of radius R p displaystyle R leq pi centered at z is the set of x in S2 1 displaystyle S 2 1 such that x z cos R displaystyle mathbf x cdot mathbf z cos R We can also measure the area of the spherical disk enclosed within a spherical circle using the intrinsic surface area measure on the sphere The area of the disk of radius R is then given by A 02p 0Rsin f dfd8 2p 1 cos R displaystyle A int 0 2 pi int 0 R sin varphi d varphi d theta 2 pi 1 cos R More generally if a sphere S2 r displaystyle S 2 rho has radius of curvature r displaystyle rho then the area of the disk of radius R is given by A 2pr2 1 cos R r displaystyle A 2 pi rho 2 1 cos R rho Observe that as an application of L Hopital s rule this tends to the Euclidean area pR2 displaystyle pi R 2 in the flat limit r displaystyle rho to infty The hyperbolic case is similar with the area of a disk of intrinsic radius R in the constant curvature 1 displaystyle 1 hyperbolic plane given by A 2p 1 cosh R displaystyle A 2 pi 1 cosh R where cosh is the hyperbolic cosine More generally for the constant curvature k displaystyle k hyperbolic plane the answer is A 2pk 2 1 cosh kR displaystyle A 2 pi k 2 1 cosh kR These identities are important for comparison inequalities in geometry For example the area enclosed by a circle of radius R in a flat space is always greater than the area of a spherical circle and smaller than a hyperbolic circle provided all three circles have the same intrinsic radius That is 2p 1 cos R lt pR2 lt 2p 1 cosh R displaystyle 2 pi 1 cos R lt pi R 2 lt 2 pi 1 cosh R for all R gt 0 displaystyle R gt 0 Intuitively this is because the sphere tends to curve back on itself yielding circles of smaller area than those in the plane whilst the hyperbolic plane when immersed into space develops fringes that produce additional area It is more generally true that the area of the circle of a fixed radius R is a strictly decreasing function of the curvature In all cases if k displaystyle k is the curvature constant positive or negative then the isoperimetric inequality for a domain with area A and perimeter L is L2 4pA kA2 displaystyle L 2 geq 4 pi A kA 2 where equality is achieved precisely for the circle GeneralizationsWe can stretch a disk to form an ellipse Because this stretch is a linear transformation of the plane it has a distortion factor which will change the area but preserve ratios of areas This observation can be used to compute the area of an arbitrary ellipse from the area of a unit circle Consider the unit circle circumscribed by a square of side length 2 The transformation sends the circle to an ellipse by stretching or shrinking the horizontal and vertical diameters to the major and minor axes of the ellipse The square gets sent to a rectangle circumscribing the ellipse The ratio of the area of the circle to the square is p 4 which means the ratio of the ellipse to the rectangle is also p 4 Suppose a and b are the lengths of the major and minor axes of the ellipse Since the area of the rectangle is ab the area of the ellipse is p ab 4 We can also consider analogous measurements in higher dimensions For example we may wish to find the volume inside a sphere When we have a formula for the surface area we can use the same kind of onion approach we used for the disk See alsoArea equivalent radius Area of a triangleReferencesStewart James 2003 Single variable calculus early transcendentals 5th ed Toronto ON Brook Cole pp 3 ISBN 0 534 39330 6 However by indirect reasoning Eudoxus fifth century B C used exhaustion to prove the familiar formula for the area of a disk A pr2 displaystyle A pi r 2 Heath Thomas L 2003 A Manual of Greek Mathematics Courier Dover Publications pp 121 132 ISBN 0 486 43231 9 Hill George Lessons in Geometry For the Use of Beginners page 124 1894 Clegg Brian 2012 Introducing Infinity Icon Books p 69 ISBN 978 1 84831 406 1 Martzloff Jean Claude 2006 A History of Chinese Mathematics Springer p 281 ISBN 9783540337829 Not all best rational approximations are the convergents of the continued fraction Isaac Chavel 2001 Isoperimetric inequalities Cambridge University PressBibliographyArchimedes 1897 Measurement of a circle in Heath T L ed The Works of Archimedes Cambridge University Press Originally published by Cambridge University Press 1897 based on J L Heiberg s Greek version Beckmann Petr 1976 A History of Pi St Martin s Griffin ISBN 978 0 312 38185 1 Gerretsen J Verdenduin P 1983 Chapter 8 Polygons and Polyhedra in H Behnke F Bachmann K Fladt H Kunle eds Fundamentals of Mathematics Volume II Geometry translated by S H Gould MIT Press pp 243 250 ISBN 978 0 262 52094 2 Originally Grundzuge der Mathematik Vandenhoeck amp Ruprecht Gottingen 1971 Laczkovich Miklos 1990 Equidecomposability and discrepancy A solution to Tarski s circle squaring problem Journal fur die reine und angewandte Mathematik 1990 404 77 117 doi 10 1515 crll 1990 404 77 MR 1037431 S2CID 117762563 Lang Serge 1985 The length of the circle Math Encounters with High School Students Springer Verlag ISBN 978 0 387 96129 3 Smith David Eugene Mikami Yoshio 1914 A history of Japanese mathematics Chicago Open Court Publishing pp 130 132 ISBN 978 0 87548 170 8 Thijssen J M 2006 Computational Physics Cambridge University Press p 273 ISBN 978 0 521 57588 1External linksScience News on Tarski problem Archived 2008 04 13 at the Wayback Machine