This article includes a list of general references, but it lacks sufficient corresponding inline citations.(June 2016) |
In mathematics, a hypersphere or 3-sphere is a 4-dimensional analogue of a sphere, and is the 3-dimensional n-sphere. In 4-dimensional Euclidean space, it is the set of points equidistant from a fixed central point. The interior of a 3-sphere is a 4-ball.

It is called a 3-sphere because topologically, the surface itself is 3-dimensional, even though it is curved into the 4th dimension. For example, when traveling on a 3-sphere, you can go north and south, east and west, or along a 3rd set of cardinal directions. This means that a 3-sphere is an example of a 3-manifold.
In coordinates, a 3-sphere with center (C0, C1, C2, C3) and radius r is the set of all points (x0, x1, x2, x3) in real, 4-dimensional space (R4) such that
The 3-sphere centered at the origin with radius 1 is called the unit 3-sphere and is usually denoted S3:
It is often convenient to regard R4 as the space with 2 complex dimensions (C2) or the quaternions (H). The unit 3-sphere is then given by
This description as the quaternions of norm one identifies the 3-sphere with the versors in the quaternion division ring. Just as the unit circle is important for planar polar coordinates, so the 3-sphere is important in the polar view of 4-space involved in quaternion multiplication. See polar decomposition of a quaternion for details of this development of the three-sphere. This view of the 3-sphere is the basis for the study of elliptic space as developed by Georges Lemaître.
Elementary properties
The 3-dimensional surface volume of a 3-sphere of radius r is
while the 4-dimensional hypervolume (the content of the 4-dimensional region, or ball, bounded by the 3-sphere) is
Every non-empty intersection of a 3-sphere with a three-dimensional hyperplane is a 2-sphere (unless the hyperplane is tangent to the 3-sphere, in which case the intersection is a single point). As a 3-sphere moves through a given three-dimensional hyperplane, the intersection starts out as a point, then becomes a growing 2-sphere that reaches its maximal size when the hyperplane cuts right through the "equator" of the 3-sphere. Then the 2-sphere shrinks again down to a single point as the 3-sphere leaves the hyperplane.
In a given three-dimensional hyperplane, a 3-sphere can rotate about an "equatorial plane" (analogous to a 2-sphere rotating about a central axis), in which case it appears to be a 2-sphere whose size is constant.
Topological properties
A 3-sphere is a compact, connected, 3-dimensional manifold without boundary. It is also simply connected. What this means, in the broad sense, is that any loop, or circular path, on the 3-sphere can be continuously shrunk to a point without leaving the 3-sphere. The Poincaré conjecture, proved in 2003 by Grigori Perelman, provides that the 3-sphere is the only three-dimensional manifold (up to homeomorphism) with these properties.
The 3-sphere is homeomorphic to the one-point compactification of R3. In general, any topological space that is homeomorphic to the 3-sphere is called a topological 3-sphere.
The homology groups of the 3-sphere are as follows: H0(S3, Z) and H3(S3, Z) are both infinite cyclic, while Hi(S3, Z) = {} for all other indices i. Any topological space with these homology groups is known as a homology 3-sphere. Initially Poincaré conjectured that all homology 3-spheres are homeomorphic to S3, but then he himself constructed a non-homeomorphic one, now known as the Poincaré homology sphere. Infinitely many homology spheres are now known to exist. For example, a Dehn filling with slope 1/n on any knot in the 3-sphere gives a homology sphere; typically these are not homeomorphic to the 3-sphere.
As to the homotopy groups, we have π1(S3) = π2(S3) = {} and π3(S3) is infinite cyclic. The higher-homotopy groups (k ≥ 4) are all finite abelian but otherwise follow no discernible pattern. For more discussion see homotopy groups of spheres.
k | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |
πk(S3) | 0 | 0 | 0 | Z | Z2 | Z2 | Z12 | Z2 | Z2 | Z3 | Z15 | Z2 | Z2⊕Z2 | Z12⊕Z2 | Z84⊕Z2⊕Z2 | Z2⊕Z2 | Z6 |
Geometric properties
The 3-sphere is naturally a smooth manifold, in fact, a closed embedded submanifold of R4. The Euclidean metric on R4 induces a metric on the 3-sphere giving it the structure of a Riemannian manifold. As with all spheres, the 3-sphere has constant positive sectional curvature equal to 1/r2 where r is the radius.
Much of the interesting geometry of the 3-sphere stems from the fact that the 3-sphere has a natural Lie group structure given by quaternion multiplication (see the section below on group structure). The only other spheres with such a structure are the 0-sphere and the 1-sphere (see circle group).
Unlike the 2-sphere, the 3-sphere admits nonvanishing vector fields (sections of its tangent bundle). One can even find three linearly independent and nonvanishing vector fields. These may be taken to be any left-invariant vector fields forming a basis for the Lie algebra of the 3-sphere. This implies that the 3-sphere is parallelizable. It follows that the tangent bundle of the 3-sphere is trivial. For a general discussion of the number of linear independent vector fields on a n-sphere, see the article vector fields on spheres.
There is an interesting action of the circle group T on S3 giving the 3-sphere the structure of a principal circle bundle known as the Hopf bundle. If one thinks of S3 as a subset of C2, the action is given by
The orbit space of this action is homeomorphic to the two-sphere S2. Since S3 is not homeomorphic to S2 × S1, the Hopf bundle is nontrivial.
Topological construction
There are several well-known constructions of the three-sphere. Here we describe gluing a pair of three-balls and then the one-point compactification.
A 3-sphere can be constructed topologically by "gluing" together the boundaries of a pair of 3-balls. The boundary of a 3-ball is a 2-sphere, and these two 2-spheres are to be identified. That is, imagine a pair of 3-balls of the same size, then superpose them so that their 2-spherical boundaries match, and let matching pairs of points on the pair of 2-spheres be identically equivalent to each other. In analogy with the case of the 2-sphere (see below), the gluing surface is called an equatorial sphere.
Note that the interiors of the 3-balls are not glued to each other. One way to think of the fourth dimension is as a continuous real-valued function of the 3-dimensional coordinates of the 3-ball, perhaps considered to be "temperature". We take the "temperature" to be zero along the gluing 2-sphere and let one of the 3-balls be "hot" and let the other 3-ball be "cold". The "hot" 3-ball could be thought of as the "upper hemisphere" and the "cold" 3-ball could be thought of as the "lower hemisphere". The temperature is highest/lowest at the centers of the two 3-balls.
This construction is analogous to a construction of a 2-sphere, performed by gluing the boundaries of a pair of disks. A disk is a 2-ball, and the boundary of a disk is a circle (a 1-sphere). Let a pair of disks be of the same diameter. Superpose them and glue corresponding points on their boundaries. Again one may think of the third dimension as temperature. Likewise, we may inflate the 2-sphere, moving the pair of disks to become the northern and southern hemispheres.
One-point compactification
After removing a single point from the 2-sphere, what remains is homeomorphic to the Euclidean plane. In the same way, removing a single point from the 3-sphere yields three-dimensional space. An extremely useful way to see this is via stereographic projection. We first describe the lower-dimensional version.
Rest the south pole of a unit 2-sphere on the xy-plane in three-space. We map a point P of the sphere (minus the north pole N) to the plane by sending P to the intersection of the line NP with the plane. Stereographic projection of a 3-sphere (again removing the north pole) maps to three-space in the same manner. (Notice that, since stereographic projection is conformal, round spheres are sent to round spheres or to planes.)
A somewhat different way to think of the one-point compactification is via the exponential map. Returning to our picture of the unit two-sphere sitting on the Euclidean plane: Consider a geodesic in the plane, based at the origin, and map this to a geodesic in the two-sphere of the same length, based at the south pole. Under this map all points of the circle of radius π are sent to the north pole. Since the open unit disk is homeomorphic to the Euclidean plane, this is again a one-point compactification.
The exponential map for 3-sphere is similarly constructed; it may also be discussed using the fact that the 3-sphere is the Lie group of unit quaternions.
Coordinate systems on the 3-sphere
The four Euclidean coordinates for S3 are redundant since they are subject to the condition that x02 + x12 + x22 + x32 = 1. As a 3-dimensional manifold one should be able to parameterize S3 by three coordinates, just as one can parameterize the 2-sphere using two coordinates (such as latitude and longitude). Due to the nontrivial topology of S3 it is impossible to find a single set of coordinates that cover the entire space. Just as on the 2-sphere, one must use at least two coordinate charts. Some different choices of coordinates are given below.
Hyperspherical coordinates
It is convenient to have some sort of hyperspherical coordinates on S3 in analogy to the usual spherical coordinates on S2. One such choice — by no means unique — is to use (ψ, θ, φ), where
where ψ and θ run over the range 0 to π, and φ runs over 0 to 2π. Note that, for any fixed value of ψ, θ and φ parameterize a 2-sphere of radius , except for the degenerate cases, when ψ equals 0 or π, in which case they describe a point.
The round metric on the 3-sphere in these coordinates is given by
and the volume form by
These coordinates have an elegant description in terms of quaternions. Any unit quaternion q can be written as a versor:
where τ is a unit imaginary quaternion; that is, a quaternion that satisfies τ2 = −1. This is the quaternionic analogue of Euler's formula. Now the unit imaginary quaternions all lie on the unit 2-sphere in Im H so any such τ can be written:
With τ in this form, the unit quaternion q is given by
where x0,1,2,3 are as above.
When q is used to describe spatial rotations (cf. quaternions and spatial rotations), it describes a rotation about τ through an angle of 2ψ.
Hopf coordinates
For unit radius another choice of hyperspherical coordinates, (η, ξ1, ξ2), makes use of the embedding of S3 in C2. In complex coordinates (z1, z2) ∈ C2 we write
This could also be expressed in R4 as
Here η runs over the range 0 to π/2, and ξ1 and ξ2 can take any values between 0 and 2π. These coordinates are useful in the description of the 3-sphere as the Hopf bundle
For any fixed value of η between 0 and π/2, the coordinates (ξ1, ξ2) parameterize a 2-dimensional torus. Rings of constant ξ1 and ξ2 above form simple orthogonal grids on the tori. See image to right. In the degenerate cases, when η equals 0 or π/2, these coordinates describe a circle.
The round metric on the 3-sphere in these coordinates is given by
and the volume form by
To get the interlocking circles of the Hopf fibration, make a simple substitution in the equations above
In this case η, and ξ1 specify which circle, and ξ2 specifies the position along each circle. One round trip (0 to 2π) of ξ1 or ξ2 equates to a round trip of the torus in the 2 respective directions.
Stereographic coordinates
Another convenient set of coordinates can be obtained via stereographic projection of S3 from a pole onto the corresponding equatorial R3 hyperplane. For example, if we project from the point (−1, 0, 0, 0) we can write a point p in S3 as
where u = (u1, u2, u3) is a vector in R3 and ‖u‖2 = u12 + u22 + u32. In the second equality above, we have identified p with a unit quaternion and u = u1i + u2j + u3k with a pure quaternion. (Note that the numerator and denominator commute here even though quaternionic multiplication is generally noncommutative). The inverse of this map takes p = (x0, x1, x2, x3) in S3 to
We could just as well have projected from the point (1, 0, 0, 0), in which case the point p is given by
where v = (v1, v2, v3) is another vector in R3. The inverse of this map takes p to
Note that the u coordinates are defined everywhere but (−1, 0, 0, 0) and the v coordinates everywhere but (1, 0, 0, 0). This defines an atlas on S3 consisting of two coordinate charts or "patches", which together cover all of S3. Note that the transition function between these two charts on their overlap is given by
and vice versa.
Group structure
When considered as the set of unit quaternions, S3 inherits an important structure, namely that of quaternionic multiplication. Because the set of unit quaternions is closed under multiplication, S3 takes on the structure of a group. Moreover, since quaternionic multiplication is smooth, S3 can be regarded as a real Lie group. It is a nonabelian, compact Lie group of dimension 3. When thought of as a Lie group, S3 is often denoted Sp(1) or U(1, H).
It turns out that the only spheres that admit a Lie group structure are S1, thought of as the set of unit complex numbers, and S3, the set of unit quaternions (The degenerate case S0 which consists of the real numbers 1 and −1 is also a Lie group, albeit a 0-dimensional one). One might think that S7, the set of unit octonions, would form a Lie group, but this fails since octonion multiplication is nonassociative. The octonionic structure does give S7 one important property: parallelizability. It turns out that the only spheres that are parallelizable are S1, S3, and S7.
By using a matrix representation of the quaternions, H, one obtains a matrix representation of S3. One convenient choice is given by the Pauli matrices:
This map gives an injective algebra homomorphism from H to the set of 2 × 2 complex matrices. It has the property that the absolute value of a quaternion q is equal to the square root of the determinant of the matrix image of q.
The set of unit quaternions is then given by matrices of the above form with unit determinant. This matrix subgroup is precisely the special unitary group SU(2). Thus, S3 as a Lie group is isomorphic to SU(2).
Using our Hopf coordinates (η, ξ1, ξ2) we can then write any element of SU(2) in the form
Another way to state this result is if we express the matrix representation of an element of SU(2) as an exponential of a linear combination of the Pauli matrices. It is seen that an arbitrary element U ∈ SU(2) can be written as
The condition that the determinant of U is +1 implies that the coefficients α1 are constrained to lie on a 3-sphere.
In literature
In Edwin Abbott Abbott's Flatland, published in 1884, and in Sphereland, a 1965 sequel to Flatland by Dionys Burger, the 3-sphere is referred to as an oversphere, and a 4-sphere is referred to as a hypersphere.
Writing in the American Journal of Physics, Mark A. Peterson describes three different ways of visualizing 3-spheres and points out language in The Divine Comedy that suggests Dante viewed the Universe in the same way; Carlo Rovelli supports the same idea.
In Art Meets Mathematics in the Fourth Dimension, Stephen L. Lipscomb develops the concept of the hypersphere dimensions as it relates to art, architecture, and mathematics.
See also
- Lemaître, Georges (1948). "Quaternions et espace elliptique". Acta. 12. Pontifical Academy of Sciences: 57–78.
- Landau, Lev D.; Lifshitz, Evgeny M. (1988). Classical Theory of Fields. Course of Theoretical Physics. Vol. 2 (7th ed.). Moscow: Nauka. p. 385. ISBN 978-5-02-014420-0.
- Banchoff, Thomas. "The Flat Torus in the Three-Sphere".
- Schwichtenberg, Jakob (2015). Physics from symmetry. Cham: Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-19201-7. OCLC 910917227.
- Peterson, Mark A. (1979). "Dante and the 3-sphere". American Journal of Physics. 47 (12): 1031–1035. Bibcode:1979AmJPh..47.1031P. doi:10.1119/1.11968. Archived from the original on 23 February 2013.
- Rovelli, Carlo (9 September 2021). General Relativity: The Essentials. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-1-00-901369-7. Retrieved 13 September 2021.
- Lipscomb, Stephen (2014). Art meets mathematics in the fourth dimension (2 ed.). Berlin: Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-06254-9. OCLC 893872366.
Further reading
- Henderson, David W. (2001). "Chapter 20: 3-spheres and hyperbolic 3-spaces". Experiencing Geometry: In Euclidean, Spherical, and Hyperbolic Spaces (second ed.). Prentice-Hall. Archived from the original on 2018-06-19.
- Weeks, Jeffrey R. (1985). "Chapter 14: The Hypersphere". The Shape of Space: How to Visualize Surfaces and Three-dimensional Manifolds.
A Warning on terminology: Our two-sphere is defined in three-dimensional space, where it is the boundary of a three-dimensional ball. This terminology is standard among mathematicians, but not among physicists. So don't be surprised if you find people calling the two-sphere a three-sphere.
- Zamboj, Michal (8 Jan 2021). "Synthetic construction of the Hopf fibration in a double orthogonal projection of 4-space". Journal of Computational Design and Engineering. 8 (3): 836–854. arXiv:2003.09236v2. doi:10.1093/jcde/qwab018.
External links
- Weisstein, Eric W. "Hypersphere". MathWorld. Note: This article uses the alternate naming scheme for spheres in which a sphere in n-dimensional space is termed an n-sphere.
This article includes a list of general references but it lacks sufficient corresponding inline citations Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations June 2016 Learn how and when to remove this message In mathematics a hypersphere or 3 sphere is a 4 dimensional analogue of a sphere and is the 3 dimensional n sphere In 4 dimensional Euclidean space it is the set of points equidistant from a fixed central point The interior of a 3 sphere is a 4 ball Stereographic projection of the hypersphere s parallels red meridians blue and hypermeridians green Because this projection is conformal the curves intersect each other orthogonally in the yellow points as in 4D All curves are circles the curves that intersect 0 0 0 1 have infinite radius straight line In this picture the whole 3D space maps the surface of the hypersphere whereas in the next picture the 3D space contained the shadow of the bulk hypersphere Direct projection of 3 sphere into 3D space and covered with surface grid showing structure as stack of 3D spheres 2 spheres It is called a 3 sphere because topologically the surface itself is 3 dimensional even though it is curved into the 4th dimension For example when traveling on a 3 sphere you can go north and south east and west or along a 3rd set of cardinal directions This means that a 3 sphere is an example of a 3 manifold DefinitionIn coordinates a 3 sphere with center C0 C1 C2 C3 and radius r is the set of all points x0 x1 x2 x3 in real 4 dimensional space R4 such that i 03 xi Ci 2 x0 C0 2 x1 C1 2 x2 C2 2 x3 C3 2 r2 displaystyle sum i 0 3 x i C i 2 x 0 C 0 2 x 1 C 1 2 x 2 C 2 2 x 3 C 3 2 r 2 The 3 sphere centered at the origin with radius 1 is called the unit 3 sphere and is usually denoted S3 S3 x0 x1 x2 x3 R4 x02 x12 x22 x32 1 displaystyle S 3 left x 0 x 1 x 2 x 3 in mathbb R 4 x 0 2 x 1 2 x 2 2 x 3 2 1 right It is often convenient to regard R4 as the space with 2 complex dimensions C2 or the quaternions H The unit 3 sphere is then given by S3 z1 z2 C2 z1 2 z2 2 1 displaystyle S 3 left z 1 z 2 in mathbb C 2 z 1 2 z 2 2 1 right or S3 q H q 1 displaystyle S 3 left q in mathbb H q 1 right This description as the quaternions of norm one identifies the 3 sphere with the versors in the quaternion division ring Just as the unit circle is important for planar polar coordinates so the 3 sphere is important in the polar view of 4 space involved in quaternion multiplication See polar decomposition of a quaternion for details of this development of the three sphere This view of the 3 sphere is the basis for the study of elliptic space as developed by Georges Lemaitre PropertiesElementary properties The 3 dimensional surface volume of a 3 sphere of radius r is SV 2p2r3 displaystyle SV 2 pi 2 r 3 while the 4 dimensional hypervolume the content of the 4 dimensional region or ball bounded by the 3 sphere is H 12p2r4 displaystyle H frac 1 2 pi 2 r 4 Every non empty intersection of a 3 sphere with a three dimensional hyperplane is a 2 sphere unless the hyperplane is tangent to the 3 sphere in which case the intersection is a single point As a 3 sphere moves through a given three dimensional hyperplane the intersection starts out as a point then becomes a growing 2 sphere that reaches its maximal size when the hyperplane cuts right through the equator of the 3 sphere Then the 2 sphere shrinks again down to a single point as the 3 sphere leaves the hyperplane In a given three dimensional hyperplane a 3 sphere can rotate about an equatorial plane analogous to a 2 sphere rotating about a central axis in which case it appears to be a 2 sphere whose size is constant Topological properties A 3 sphere is a compact connected 3 dimensional manifold without boundary It is also simply connected What this means in the broad sense is that any loop or circular path on the 3 sphere can be continuously shrunk to a point without leaving the 3 sphere The Poincare conjecture proved in 2003 by Grigori Perelman provides that the 3 sphere is the only three dimensional manifold up to homeomorphism with these properties The 3 sphere is homeomorphic to the one point compactification of R3 In general any topological space that is homeomorphic to the 3 sphere is called a topological 3 sphere The homology groups of the 3 sphere are as follows H0 S3 Z and H3 S3 Z are both infinite cyclic while Hi S3 Z for all other indices i Any topological space with these homology groups is known as a homology 3 sphere Initially Poincare conjectured that all homology 3 spheres are homeomorphic to S3 but then he himself constructed a non homeomorphic one now known as the Poincare homology sphere Infinitely many homology spheres are now known to exist For example a Dehn filling with slope 1 n on any knot in the 3 sphere gives a homology sphere typically these are not homeomorphic to the 3 sphere As to the homotopy groups we have p1 S3 p2 S3 and p3 S3 is infinite cyclic The higher homotopy groups k 4 are all finite abelian but otherwise follow no discernible pattern For more discussion see homotopy groups of spheres Homotopy groups of S3 k 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16pk S3 0 0 0 Z Z2 Z2 Z12 Z2 Z2 Z3 Z15 Z2 Z2 Z2 Z12 Z2 Z84 Z2 Z2 Z2 Z2 Z6Geometric properties The 3 sphere is naturally a smooth manifold in fact a closed embedded submanifold of R4 The Euclidean metric on R4 induces a metric on the 3 sphere giving it the structure of a Riemannian manifold As with all spheres the 3 sphere has constant positive sectional curvature equal to 1 r2 where r is the radius Much of the interesting geometry of the 3 sphere stems from the fact that the 3 sphere has a natural Lie group structure given by quaternion multiplication see the section below on group structure The only other spheres with such a structure are the 0 sphere and the 1 sphere see circle group Unlike the 2 sphere the 3 sphere admits nonvanishing vector fields sections of its tangent bundle One can even find three linearly independent and nonvanishing vector fields These may be taken to be any left invariant vector fields forming a basis for the Lie algebra of the 3 sphere This implies that the 3 sphere is parallelizable It follows that the tangent bundle of the 3 sphere is trivial For a general discussion of the number of linear independent vector fields on a n sphere see the article vector fields on spheres There is an interesting action of the circle group T on S3 giving the 3 sphere the structure of a principal circle bundle known as the Hopf bundle If one thinks of S3 as a subset of C2 the action is given by z1 z2 l z1l z2l l T displaystyle z 1 z 2 cdot lambda z 1 lambda z 2 lambda quad forall lambda in mathbb T The orbit space of this action is homeomorphic to the two sphere S2 Since S3 is not homeomorphic to S2 S1 the Hopf bundle is nontrivial Topological constructionThere are several well known constructions of the three sphere Here we describe gluing a pair of three balls and then the one point compactification Gluing A 3 sphere can be constructed topologically by gluing together the boundaries of a pair of 3 balls The boundary of a 3 ball is a 2 sphere and these two 2 spheres are to be identified That is imagine a pair of 3 balls of the same size then superpose them so that their 2 spherical boundaries match and let matching pairs of points on the pair of 2 spheres be identically equivalent to each other In analogy with the case of the 2 sphere see below the gluing surface is called an equatorial sphere Note that the interiors of the 3 balls are not glued to each other One way to think of the fourth dimension is as a continuous real valued function of the 3 dimensional coordinates of the 3 ball perhaps considered to be temperature We take the temperature to be zero along the gluing 2 sphere and let one of the 3 balls be hot and let the other 3 ball be cold The hot 3 ball could be thought of as the upper hemisphere and the cold 3 ball could be thought of as the lower hemisphere The temperature is highest lowest at the centers of the two 3 balls This construction is analogous to a construction of a 2 sphere performed by gluing the boundaries of a pair of disks A disk is a 2 ball and the boundary of a disk is a circle a 1 sphere Let a pair of disks be of the same diameter Superpose them and glue corresponding points on their boundaries Again one may think of the third dimension as temperature Likewise we may inflate the 2 sphere moving the pair of disks to become the northern and southern hemispheres One point compactification After removing a single point from the 2 sphere what remains is homeomorphic to the Euclidean plane In the same way removing a single point from the 3 sphere yields three dimensional space An extremely useful way to see this is via stereographic projection We first describe the lower dimensional version Rest the south pole of a unit 2 sphere on the xy plane in three space We map a point P of the sphere minus the north pole N to the plane by sending P to the intersection of the line NP with the plane Stereographic projection of a 3 sphere again removing the north pole maps to three space in the same manner Notice that since stereographic projection is conformal round spheres are sent to round spheres or to planes A somewhat different way to think of the one point compactification is via the exponential map Returning to our picture of the unit two sphere sitting on the Euclidean plane Consider a geodesic in the plane based at the origin and map this to a geodesic in the two sphere of the same length based at the south pole Under this map all points of the circle of radius p are sent to the north pole Since the open unit disk is homeomorphic to the Euclidean plane this is again a one point compactification The exponential map for 3 sphere is similarly constructed it may also be discussed using the fact that the 3 sphere is the Lie group of unit quaternions Coordinate systems on the 3 sphereThe four Euclidean coordinates for S3 are redundant since they are subject to the condition that x02 x12 x22 x32 1 As a 3 dimensional manifold one should be able to parameterize S3 by three coordinates just as one can parameterize the 2 sphere using two coordinates such as latitude and longitude Due to the nontrivial topology of S3 it is impossible to find a single set of coordinates that cover the entire space Just as on the 2 sphere one must use at least two coordinate charts Some different choices of coordinates are given below Hyperspherical coordinates It is convenient to have some sort of hyperspherical coordinates on S3 in analogy to the usual spherical coordinates on S2 One such choice by no means unique is to use ps 8 f where x0 rcos psx1 rsin pscos 8x2 rsin pssin 8cos fx3 rsin pssin 8sin f displaystyle begin aligned x 0 amp r cos psi x 1 amp r sin psi cos theta x 2 amp r sin psi sin theta cos varphi x 3 amp r sin psi sin theta sin varphi end aligned where ps and 8 run over the range 0 to p and f runs over 0 to 2p Note that for any fixed value of ps 8 and f parameterize a 2 sphere of radius rsin ps displaystyle r sin psi except for the degenerate cases when ps equals 0 or p in which case they describe a point The round metric on the 3 sphere in these coordinates is given by ds2 r2 dps2 sin2 ps d82 sin2 8df2 displaystyle ds 2 r 2 left d psi 2 sin 2 psi left d theta 2 sin 2 theta d varphi 2 right right and the volume form by dV r3 sin2 pssin 8 dps d8 df displaystyle dV r 3 left sin 2 psi sin theta right d psi wedge d theta wedge d varphi These coordinates have an elegant description in terms of quaternions Any unit quaternion q can be written as a versor q etps cos ps tsin ps displaystyle q e tau psi cos psi tau sin psi where t is a unit imaginary quaternion that is a quaternion that satisfies t2 1 This is the quaternionic analogue of Euler s formula Now the unit imaginary quaternions all lie on the unit 2 sphere in Im H so any such t can be written t cos 8 i sin 8cos f j sin 8sin f k displaystyle tau cos theta i sin theta cos varphi j sin theta sin varphi k With t in this form the unit quaternion q is given by q etps x0 x1i x2j x3k displaystyle q e tau psi x 0 x 1 i x 2 j x 3 k where x0 1 2 3 are as above When q is used to describe spatial rotations cf quaternions and spatial rotations it describes a rotation about t through an angle of 2ps Hopf coordinates The Hopf fibration can be visualized using a stereographic projection of S3 to R3 and then compressing R3 to a ball This image shows points on S2 and their corresponding fibers with the same color For unit radius another choice of hyperspherical coordinates h 31 32 makes use of the embedding of S3 in C2 In complex coordinates z1 z2 C2 we write z1 ei31sin hz2 ei32cos h displaystyle begin aligned z 1 amp e i xi 1 sin eta z 2 amp e i xi 2 cos eta end aligned This could also be expressed in R4 as x0 cos 31sin hx1 sin 31sin hx2 cos 32cos hx3 sin 32cos h displaystyle begin aligned x 0 amp cos xi 1 sin eta x 1 amp sin xi 1 sin eta x 2 amp cos xi 2 cos eta x 3 amp sin xi 2 cos eta end aligned Here h runs over the range 0 to p 2 and 31 and 32 can take any values between 0 and 2p These coordinates are useful in the description of the 3 sphere as the Hopf bundle S1 S3 S2 displaystyle S 1 to S 3 to S 2 A diagram depicting the poloidal 31 direction represented by the red arrow and the toroidal 32 direction represented by the blue arrow although the terms poloidal and toroidal are arbitrary in this flat torus case For any fixed value of h between 0 and p 2 the coordinates 31 32 parameterize a 2 dimensional torus Rings of constant 31 and 32 above form simple orthogonal grids on the tori See image to right In the degenerate cases when h equals 0 or p 2 these coordinates describe a circle The round metric on the 3 sphere in these coordinates is given by ds2 dh2 sin2 hd312 cos2 hd322 displaystyle ds 2 d eta 2 sin 2 eta d xi 1 2 cos 2 eta d xi 2 2 and the volume form by dV sin hcos hdh d31 d32 displaystyle dV sin eta cos eta d eta wedge d xi 1 wedge d xi 2 To get the interlocking circles of the Hopf fibration make a simple substitution in the equations above z1 ei 31 32 sin hz2 ei 32 31 cos h displaystyle begin aligned z 1 amp e i xi 1 xi 2 sin eta z 2 amp e i xi 2 xi 1 cos eta end aligned In this case h and 31 specify which circle and 32 specifies the position along each circle One round trip 0 to 2p of 31 or 32 equates to a round trip of the torus in the 2 respective directions Stereographic coordinates Another convenient set of coordinates can be obtained via stereographic projection of S3 from a pole onto the corresponding equatorial R3 hyperplane For example if we project from the point 1 0 0 0 we can write a point p in S3 as p 1 u 21 u 2 2u1 u 2 1 u1 u displaystyle p left frac 1 u 2 1 u 2 frac 2 mathbf u 1 u 2 right frac 1 mathbf u 1 mathbf u where u u1 u2 u3 is a vector in R3 and u 2 u12 u22 u32 In the second equality above we have identified p with a unit quaternion and u u1i u2j u3k with a pure quaternion Note that the numerator and denominator commute here even though quaternionic multiplication is generally noncommutative The inverse of this map takes p x0 x1 x2 x3 in S3 to u 11 x0 x1 x2 x3 displaystyle mathbf u frac 1 1 x 0 left x 1 x 2 x 3 right We could just as well have projected from the point 1 0 0 0 in which case the point p is given by p 1 v 21 v 2 2v1 v 2 1 v1 v displaystyle p left frac 1 v 2 1 v 2 frac 2 mathbf v 1 v 2 right frac 1 mathbf v 1 mathbf v where v v1 v2 v3 is another vector in R3 The inverse of this map takes p to v 11 x0 x1 x2 x3 displaystyle mathbf v frac 1 1 x 0 left x 1 x 2 x 3 right Note that the u coordinates are defined everywhere but 1 0 0 0 and the v coordinates everywhere but 1 0 0 0 This defines an atlas on S3 consisting of two coordinate charts or patches which together cover all of S3 Note that the transition function between these two charts on their overlap is given by v 1 u 2u displaystyle mathbf v frac 1 u 2 mathbf u and vice versa Group structureWhen considered as the set of unit quaternions S3 inherits an important structure namely that of quaternionic multiplication Because the set of unit quaternions is closed under multiplication S3 takes on the structure of a group Moreover since quaternionic multiplication is smooth S3 can be regarded as a real Lie group It is a nonabelian compact Lie group of dimension 3 When thought of as a Lie group S3 is often denoted Sp 1 or U 1 H It turns out that the only spheres that admit a Lie group structure are S1 thought of as the set of unit complex numbers and S3 the set of unit quaternions The degenerate case S0 which consists of the real numbers 1 and 1 is also a Lie group albeit a 0 dimensional one One might think that S7 the set of unit octonions would form a Lie group but this fails since octonion multiplication is nonassociative The octonionic structure does give S7 one important property parallelizability It turns out that the only spheres that are parallelizable are S1 S3 and S7 By using a matrix representation of the quaternions H one obtains a matrix representation of S3 One convenient choice is given by the Pauli matrices x1 x2i x3j x4k x1 ix2x3 ix4 x3 ix4x1 ix2 displaystyle x 1 x 2 i x 3 j x 4 k mapsto begin pmatrix x 1 ix 2 amp x 3 ix 4 x 3 ix 4 amp x 1 ix 2 end pmatrix This map gives an injective algebra homomorphism from H to the set of 2 2 complex matrices It has the property that the absolute value of a quaternion q is equal to the square root of the determinant of the matrix image of q The set of unit quaternions is then given by matrices of the above form with unit determinant This matrix subgroup is precisely the special unitary group SU 2 Thus S3 as a Lie group is isomorphic to SU 2 Using our Hopf coordinates h 31 32 we can then write any element of SU 2 in the form ei31sin hei32cos h e i32cos he i31sin h displaystyle begin pmatrix e i xi 1 sin eta amp e i xi 2 cos eta e i xi 2 cos eta amp e i xi 1 sin eta end pmatrix Another way to state this result is if we express the matrix representation of an element of SU 2 as an exponential of a linear combination of the Pauli matrices It is seen that an arbitrary element U SU 2 can be written as U exp i 13aiJi displaystyle U exp left sum i 1 3 alpha i J i right The condition that the determinant of U is 1 implies that the coefficients a1 are constrained to lie on a 3 sphere In literatureIn Edwin Abbott Abbott s Flatland published in 1884 and in Sphereland a 1965 sequel to Flatland by Dionys Burger the 3 sphere is referred to as an oversphere and a 4 sphere is referred to as a hypersphere Writing in the American Journal of Physics Mark A Peterson describes three different ways of visualizing 3 spheres and points out language in The Divine Comedy that suggests Dante viewed the Universe in the same way Carlo Rovelli supports the same idea In Art Meets Mathematics in the Fourth Dimension Stephen L Lipscomb develops the concept of the hypersphere dimensions as it relates to art architecture and mathematics See also1 sphere 2 sphere n sphere tesseract polychoron simplex Pauli matrices Hopf bundle Riemann sphere Poincare sphere Reeb foliation Clifford torusReferencesLemaitre Georges 1948 Quaternions et espace elliptique Acta 12 Pontifical Academy of Sciences 57 78 Landau Lev D Lifshitz Evgeny M 1988 Classical Theory of Fields Course of Theoretical Physics Vol 2 7th ed Moscow Nauka p 385 ISBN 978 5 02 014420 0 Banchoff Thomas The Flat Torus in the Three Sphere Schwichtenberg Jakob 2015 Physics from symmetry Cham Springer ISBN 978 3 319 19201 7 OCLC 910917227 Peterson Mark A 1979 Dante and the 3 sphere American Journal of Physics 47 12 1031 1035 Bibcode 1979AmJPh 47 1031P doi 10 1119 1 11968 Archived from the original on 23 February 2013 Rovelli Carlo 9 September 2021 General Relativity The Essentials Cambridge Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 1 00 901369 7 Retrieved 13 September 2021 Lipscomb Stephen 2014 Art meets mathematics in the fourth dimension 2 ed Berlin Springer ISBN 978 3 319 06254 9 OCLC 893872366 Further reading Henderson David W 2001 Chapter 20 3 spheres and hyperbolic 3 spaces Experiencing Geometry In Euclidean Spherical and Hyperbolic Spaces second ed Prentice Hall Archived from the original on 2018 06 19 Weeks Jeffrey R 1985 Chapter 14 The Hypersphere The Shape of Space How to Visualize Surfaces and Three dimensional Manifolds A Warning on terminology Our two sphere is defined in three dimensional space where it is the boundary of a three dimensional ball This terminology is standard among mathematicians but not among physicists So don t be surprised if you find people calling the two sphere a three sphere Zamboj Michal 8 Jan 2021 Synthetic construction of the Hopf fibration in a double orthogonal projection of 4 space Journal of Computational Design and Engineering 8 3 836 854 arXiv 2003 09236v2 doi 10 1093 jcde qwab018 External linksWeisstein Eric W Hypersphere MathWorld Note This article uses the alternate naming scheme for spheres in which a sphere in n dimensional space is termed an n sphere