An ideology is a set of beliefs or values attributed to a person or group of persons, especially those held for reasons that are not purely about belief in certain knowledge, in which "practical elements are as prominent as theoretical ones". Formerly applied primarily to economic, political, or religious theories and policies, in a tradition going back to Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, more recent use treats the term as mainly condemnatory.
The term was coined by Antoine Destutt de Tracy, a French Enlightenment aristocrat and philosopher, who conceived it in 1796 as the "science of ideas" to develop a rational system of ideas to oppose the irrational impulses of the mob. In political science, the term is used in a descriptive sense to refer to political belief systems.
The term ideology originates from French idéologie, itself coined from combining Greek: idéā (ἰδέα, 'notion, pattern'; close to the Lockean sense of idea) and -logíā (-λογῐ́ᾱ, 'the study of').
The term "ideology" and the system of ideas associated with it were developed in 1796 by Antoine Destutt de Tracy (1754-1836), who crystallised his ideas while in prison (November 1793 to October 1794) pending trial during the Reign of Terror of c. 1793 to July 1794. While imprisoned he read the works of Locke and Étienne Bonnot de Condillac.
Hoping to form a secure foundation for the moral and political sciences, Tracy devised the term for a "science of ideas", basing such upon two things: (1) the sensations that people experience as they interact with the material world; and (2) the ideas that form in their minds due to those sensations. Tracy conceived of ideology as a liberal philosophy that would defend individual liberty, property, free markets, and constitutional limits on state power. He argues that, among these aspects, ideology is the most generic term because the 'science of ideas' also contains the study of their expression and deduction. The coup d'état that overthrew Maximilien Robespierre in July 1794 allowed Tracy to pursue his work.[need quotation to verify] Tracy reacted to the terroristic phase of the revolution (during the Napoleonic regime of 1799 to 1815 as part of the Napoleonic Wars)[clarification needed] by trying to work out a rational system of ideas to oppose the irrational mob-impulses that had nearly destroyed him.
A subsequent early source for the near-original meaning of ideology is Hippolyte Taine's work on the Ancien Régime, Origins of Contemporary France (French: Les Origines de la France Contemporaine) volume I (1875). He describes ideology as rather like teaching philosophy via the Socratic method, though without extending the vocabulary beyond what the general reader already possessed, and without the examples from observation that practical science would require. Taine identifies it not just with Tracy but also with his milieu, and includes Condillac as one of its precursors.
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) came to view ideology as a term of abuse, which he often hurled against his liberal foes in Tracy's Institut national.[citation needed] According to Karl Mannheim's historical reconstruction of the shifts in the meaning of ideology, the modern meaning of the word was born when Napoleon used it to describe his opponents as "the ideologues".[citation needed] Tracy's major book, The Elements of Ideology (French: Élémens d'idéologie, published 1804-1815), was soon translated into major European languages.
In the century following Tracy's formulations, the term ideology moved back and forth between positive and negative connotations. When post-Napoleonic governments adopted a reactionary stance, the concept influenced the Italian, Spanish and Russian thinkers who had begun to describe themselves as liberals and who attempted to reignite revolutionary activity in the early 1820s, including the Carbonari societies in France and Italy and the Decembrists in Russia. Karl Marx (1818-1883) adopted Napoleon's negative sense of the term, using it in his writings, in which he once described Tracy as a fischblütige Bourgeoisdoktrinär (a "fish-blooded bourgeois doctrinaire"). The term has since dropped some of its pejorative sting (euphemism treadmill), and has become a neutral term in the analysis of differing political opinions and views of social groups. While Marx situated the term within class struggle and domination, others believed it was a necessary part of institutional functioning and social integration.
In parallel with post-Soviet Russian ideas about the mono-ideologies of (for example) monotheism, Walter Brueggemann (1933- ) has examined "ideological extension" in historical religious/political contexts.
Definitions and analysis
There are many different kinds of ideologies, including political, social, epistemological, and ethical. Recent analysis tends to posit that ideology is a 'coherent system of ideas' that rely on a few basic assumptions about reality that may or may not have any factual basis. Through this system, ideas become coherent, repeated patterns through the subjective ongoing choices that people make. These ideas serve as the seed around which further thought grows. The belief in an ideology can range from passive acceptance up to fervent advocacy. Definitions, such as by Manfred Steger and Paul James, emphasize both the issue of patterning and contingent claims to truth. They wrote: "Ideologies are patterned clusters of normatively imbued ideas and concepts, including particular representations of power relations. These conceptual maps help people navigate the complexity of their political universe and carry claims to social truth."
Studies of the concept of ideology itself (rather than specific ideologies) have been carried out under the name of systematic ideology in the works of George Walford and Harold Walsby, who attempt to explore the relationships between ideology and social systems.[example needed] David W. Minar describes six different ways the word ideology has been used:
- As a collection of certain ideas with certain kinds of content, usually normative;
- As the form or internal logical structure that ideas have within a set;
- By the role ideas play in human-social interaction;
- By the role ideas play in the structure of an organization;
- As meaning, whose purpose is persuasion; and
- As the locus of social interaction.
For Willard A. Mullins, an ideology should be contrasted with the related (but different) issues of utopia and historical myth. An ideology is composed of four basic characteristics:
- it must have power over cognition;
- it must be capable of guiding one's evaluations;
- it must provide guidance towards action; and
- it must be logically coherent.
Terry Eagleton outlines (more or less in no particular order) some definitions of ideology:
- The process of production of meanings, signs and values in social life
- A body of ideas characteristic of a particular social group or class
- Ideas that help legitimate a dominant political power
- False ideas that help legitimate a dominant political power
- Systematically distorted communication
- Ideas that offer a position for a subject
- Forms of thought motivated by social interests
- Identity thinking
- Socially necessary illusion
- The conjuncture of discourse and power
- The medium in which conscious social actors make sense of their world
- Action-oriented sets of beliefs
- The confusion of linguistic and phenomenal reality
- Semiotic closure: 197
- The indispensable medium in which individuals live out their relations to a social structure
- The process that converts social life to a natural reality
German philosopher Christian Duncker called for a "critical reflection of the ideology concept". In his work, he strove to bring the concept of ideology into the foreground, as well as the closely connected concerns of epistemology and history, defining ideology in terms of a system of presentations that explicitly or implicitly lay claim to absolute truth.
Marxist interpretation

Marx's analysis sees ideology as a system of false consciousness that arises from the economic relationships, reflecting and perpetuating the interests of the dominant class.
In the Marxist base and superstructure model of society, base denotes the relations of production and modes of production, and superstructure denotes the dominant ideology (i.e. religious, legal, political systems). The economic base of production determines the political superstructure of a society. Ruling class-interests determine the superstructure and the nature of the justifying ideology—actions feasible because the ruling class control the means of production. For example, in a feudal mode of production, religious ideology is the most prominent aspect of the superstructure, while in capitalist formations, ideologies such as liberalism and social democracy dominate. Hence the great importance of ideology justifies a society and politically confuses the alienated groups of society via false consciousness. Some explanations have been presented. Antonio Gramsci uses cultural hegemony to explain why the working-class have a false ideological conception of what their best interests are. Marx argued: "The class which has the means of material production at its disposal has control at the same time over the means of mental production."
The Marxist formulation of "ideology as an instrument of social reproduction" is conceptually important to the sociology of knowledge, viz. Karl Mannheim, Daniel Bell, and Jürgen Habermas et al. Moreover, Mannheim has developed and progressed from the "total" but "special" Marxist conception of ideology to a "general" and "total" ideological conception acknowledging that all ideology (including Marxism) resulted from social life, an idea developed by the sociologist Pierre Bourdieu. Slavoj Žižek and the earlier Frankfurt School added to the "general theory" of ideology a psychoanalytic insight that ideologies do not include only conscious but also unconscious ideas.
Ideology and the commodity (Debord)
The French Marxist theorist Guy Debord, founding member of the Situationist International, argued that when the commodity becomes the "essential category" of society, i.e. when the process of commodification has been consummated to its fullest extent, the image of society propagated by the commodity (as it describes all of life as constituted by notions and objects deriving their value only as commodities tradeable in terms of exchange value), colonizes all of life and reduces society to a mere representation, The Society of the Spectacle.
Unifying agents (Hoffer)
The American philosopher Eric Hoffer identified several elements that unify followers of a particular ideology:
- Hatred: "Mass movements can rise and spread without a God, but never without belief in a devil." The "ideal devil" is a foreigner.: 93
- Imitation: "The less satisfaction we derive from being ourselves, the greater is our desire to be like others…the more we mistrust our judgment and luck, the more are we ready to follow the example of others.": 101–2
- Persuasion: The proselytizing zeal of propagandists derives from "a passionate search for something not yet found more than a desire to bestow something we already have.": 110
- Coercion: Hoffer asserts that violence and fanaticism are interdependent. People forcibly converted to Islamic or communist beliefs become as fanatical as those who did the forcing. He says: "It takes fanatical faith to rationalize our cowardice.": 107–8
- Leadership: Without the leader, there is no movement. Often the leader must wait long in the wings until the time is ripe. He calls for sacrifices in the present, to justify his vision of a breathtaking future. The skills required include: audacity, brazenness, iron will, fanatical conviction; passionate hatred, cunning, a delight in symbols; ability to inspire blind faith in the masses; and a group of able lieutenants.: 112–4 Charlatanism is indispensable, and the leader often imitates both friend and foe, "a single-minded fashioning after a model." He will not lead followers towards the "promised land", but only "away from their unwanted selves".: 116–9
- Action: Original thoughts are suppressed, and unity encouraged, if the masses are kept occupied through great projects, marches, exploration and industry.: 120–1
- Suspicion: "There is prying and spying, tense watching and a tense awareness of being watched." This pathological mistrust goes unchallenged and encourages conformity, not dissent.: 124
Ronald Inglehart
Ronald Inglehart of the University of Michigan is author of the World Values Survey, which, since 1980, has mapped social attitudes in 100 countries representing 90% of global population. Results indicate that where people live is likely to closely correlate with their ideological beliefs. In much of Africa, South Asia and the Middle East, people prefer traditional beliefs and are less tolerant of liberal values. Protestant Europe, at the other extreme, adheres more to secular beliefs and liberal values. Alone among high-income countries, the United States is exceptional in its adherence to traditional beliefs, in this case Christianity.
Political ideologies
In political science, a political ideology is a certain ethical set of ideals, principles, doctrines, myths, or symbols of a social movement, institution, class, or large group that explains how society should work, offering some political and cultural blueprint for a certain social order. Political ideologies are concerned with many different aspects of a society, including but not limited to: the economy, the government, the environment, education, health care, labor law, criminal law, the justice system, social security and welfare, public policy and administration, foreign policy, rights, freedoms and duties, citizenship, immigration, culture and national identity, military administration, and religion.
Political ideologies have two dimensions:
- Goals: how society should work; and
- Methods: the most appropriate ways to achieve the ideal arrangement.
A political ideology largely concerns itself with how to allocate power and to what ends power should be used. Some parties follow a certain ideology very closely, while others may take broad inspiration from a group of related ideologies without specifically embracing any one of them. Each political ideology contains certain ideas on what it considers the best form of government (e.g., democracy, demagogy, theocracy, caliphate etc.), scope of government (e.g. authoritarianism, libertarianism, federalism, etc.) and the best economic system (e.g. capitalism, socialism, etc.). Sometimes the same word is used to identify both an ideology and one of its main ideas. For instance, socialism may refer to an economic system, or it may refer to an ideology that supports that economic system. Post 1991, many commentators claim that we are living in a post-ideological age, in which redemptive, all-encompassing ideologies have failed. This view is often associated with Francis Fukuyama's writings on the end of history. Contrastly, Nienhueser (2011) sees research (in the field of human resource management) as ongoingly "generating ideology".
There are many proposed methods for the classification of political ideologies. Ideologies can identify themselves by their position on the political spectrum (e.g. left, center, or right). They may also be distinguished by single issues around which they may be built (e.g. civil libertarianism, support or opposition to European integration, legalization of marijuana). They may also be distinguished by political strategies (e.g. populism, personalism). The classification of political ideology is difficult, however, due to cultural relativity in definitions. For example, "what Americans now call conservatism much of the world calls liberalism or neoliberalism"; a conservatism in Finland would be labeled socialism in the United States.
Philosopher Michael Oakeshott defines single-issue ideologies as "the formalized abridgment of the supposed sub-stratum of the rational truth contained in the tradition". Moreover, Charles Blattberg offers an account that distinguishes political ideologies from political philosophies.
Slavoj Žižek argues how the very notion of post-ideology can enable the deepest, blindest form of ideology. A sort of false consciousness or false cynicism, engaged in for the purpose of lending one's point of view the respect of being objective, pretending neutral cynicism, without truly being so. Rather than help avoiding ideology, this lapse only deepens the commitment to an existing one. Zizek calls this "a post-modernist trap".Peter Sloterdijk advanced the same idea already in 1988.
Studies have shown that political ideology is somewhat genetically heritable.
Ideology and state
When a political ideology becomes a dominantly pervasive component within a government, one can speak of an ideocracy. Different forms of government use ideology in various ways, not always restricted to politics and society. Certain ideas and schools of thought become favored, or rejected, over others, depending on their compatibility with or use for the reigning social order.
In The Anatomy of Revolution, Crane Brinton said that new ideology spreads when there is discontent with an old regime. The may be repeated during revolutions itself; extremists such as Vladimir Lenin and Robespierre may thus overcome more moderate revolutionaries. This stage is soon followed by Thermidor, a reining back of revolutionary enthusiasm under pragmatists like Napoleon and Joseph Stalin, who bring "normalcy and equilibrium". Brinton's sequence ("men of ideas>fanatics>practical men of action") is reiterated by J. William Fulbright, while a similar form occurs in Eric Hoffer's The True Believer.
Epistemological ideologies
Even when the challenging of existing beliefs is encouraged, as in scientific theories, the dominant paradigm or mindset can prevent certain challenges, theories, or experiments from being advanced. A special case of science that has inspired ideology is ecology, which studies the relationships among living things on Earth. Perceptual psychologist James J. Gibson believed that human perception of ecological relationships was the basis of self-awareness and cognition itself. Linguist George Lakoff has proposed a cognitive science of mathematics wherein even the most fundamental ideas of arithmetic would be seen as consequences or products of human perception—which is itself necessarily evolved within an ecology.
Deep ecology and the modern ecology movement (and, to a lesser degree, Green parties) appear to have adopted ecological sciences as a positive ideology. Some notable economically based ideologies include neoliberalism, monetarism, mercantilism, mixed economy, social Darwinism, communism, laissez-faire economics, and free trade. There are also current theories of safe trade and fair trade that can be seen as ideologies.
Psychological explanations of ideology
A large amount of research in psychology is concerned with the causes, consequences and content of ideology, with humans being dubbed the "ideological animal" by Althusser.: 269 Many theories have tried to explain the existence of ideology in human societies.: 269
Jost, Ledgerwood, and Hardin (2008) propose that ideologies may function as prepackaged units of interpretation that spread because of basic human motives to understand the world, avoid , and maintain valued interpersonal relationships. The authors conclude that such motives may lead disproportionately to the adoption of system-justifying worldviews. Psychologists generally agree that personality traits, individual difference variables, needs, and ideological beliefs seem to have something in common.
Just-world theory posits that people want to believe in a fair world for a sense of control and security and generate ideologies in order to maintain this belief, for example by justifiying inequality or unfortunate events. A critique of just world theory as a sole explanation of ideology is that it does not explain the differences between ideologies.: 270–271
Terror management theory posits that ideology is used as a defence mechanism against threats to their worldview which in turn protect and individuals sense of self-esteem and reduce their awareness of mortality. Evidence shows that priming individuals with an awareness of mortality does not cause individuals to respond in ways underpinned by any particular ideology, but rather the ideology that they are currently aware of.: 271
System justification theory posits that people tend to defend existing society, even at times against their interest, which in turn causes people to create ideological explanations to justify the status quo. Jost, Fitzimmons and Kay argue that the motivation to protect a preexisting system is due to a desire for cognitive consistency (being able to think in similar ways over time), reducing uncertainty and reducing effort, illusion of control and fear of equality.: 272 According to system justification theory, ideologies reflect (unconscious) motivational processes, as opposed to the view that political convictions always reflect independent and unbiased thinking.
Ideology and the social sciences
Semiotic theory
According to semiotician Bob Hodge:
[Ideology] identifies a unitary object that incorporates complex sets of meanings with the social agents and processes that produced them. No other term captures this object as well as 'ideology'. Foucault's 'episteme' is too narrow and abstract, not social enough. His 'discourse', popular because it covers some of ideology's terrain with less baggage, is too confined to verbal systems. 'Worldview' is too metaphysical, 'propaganda' too loaded. Despite or because of its contradictions, 'ideology' still plays a key role in semiotics oriented to social, political life.
Authors such as Michael Freeden have also recently incorporated a semantic analysis to the study of ideologies.
Sociologists define ideology as "cultural beliefs that justify particular social arrangements, including patterns of inequality". Dominant groups use these sets of cultural beliefs and practices to justify the systems of inequality that maintain their group's social power over non-dominant groups. Ideologies use a society's symbol system to organize social relations in a hierarchy, with some social identities being superior to other social identities, which are considered inferior. The dominant ideology in a society is passed along through the society's major social institutions, such as the media, the family, education, and religion. As societies changed throughout history, so did the ideologies that justified systems of inequality.
Sociological examples of ideologies include racism, sexism, heterosexism, ableism, and ethnocentrism.
- "We do not need…to believe in an ideology. All that is necessary is for each of us to develop our good human qualities. The need for a sense of universal responsibility affects every aspect of modern life." — Dalai Lama
- "The function of ideology is to stabilize and perpetuate dominance through masking or illusion." — Sally Haslanger
- "[A]n ideology differs from a simple opinion in that it claims to possess either the key to history, or the solution for all the 'riddles of the universe,' or the intimate knowledge of the hidden universal laws, which are supposed to rule nature and man." — Hannah Arendt
See also
- The Anatomy of Revolution
- Belief#Belief systems
- Capitalism
- Dogma
- Feminism
- Hegemony
- -ism
- List of communist ideologies
- List of ideologies named after people
- Ideocracy
- Noble lie
- Politicisation
- Social criticism
- Socially constructed reality
- State collapse
- State ideology of the Soviet Union
- The True Believer
- World Values Survey
- World view
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- Freeden, Michael. 1996. Ideologies and Political Theory: A Conceptual Approach. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-829414-6
- Feuer, Lewis S. 2010. Ideology and Ideologists. Piscataway, NJ: Transaction Publishers.
- Gries, Peter Hays. 2014. The Politics of American Foreign Policy: How Ideology Divides Liberals and Conservatives over Foreign Affairs. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
- Haas, Mark L. 2005. The Ideological Origins of Great Power Politics, 1789–1989. Cornell University Press. ISBN 0-8014-7407-8.
- Hawkes, David. 2003. Ideology (2nd ed.). Routledge. ISBN 0-415-29012-0.
- James, Paul, and Manfred Steger. 2010. Globalization and Culture, Vol. 4: Ideologies of Globalism. London: Sage.
- Lukács, Georg. [1967] 1919–1923. History and Class Consciousness, translated by R. Livingstone. Merlin Press.
- Malesevic, Sinisa, and Iain Mackenzie, eds. Ideology after Poststructuralism. London: Pluto Press.
- Mannheim, Karl. 1936. Ideology and Utopia. Routledge.
- Marx, Karl. [1845–46] 1932. The German Ideology.
- Minogue, Kenneth. 1985. Alien Powers: The Pure Theory of Ideology. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 0-312-01860-6.
- Minar, David W. 1961. "Ideology and Political Behavior." Midwest Journal of Political Science 5(4):317–331. doi:10.2307/2108991. JSTOR 2108991.
- Mullins, Willard A. 1972.:)) "On the Concept of Ideology in Political Science." American Political Science Review 66(2):498–510. doi:10.2307/1957794.
- Ostrowski, Marius S. 2022. Ideology. Cambridge: Polity. ISBN 978-1509540730.
- Owen, John. 2011. The Clash of Ideas in World Politics: Transnational Networks, States, and Regime Change, 1510–2010. Princeton University Press. ISBN 0-691-14239-4.
- Pinker, Steven. 2002. The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature. New York: Penguin Group. ISBN 0-670-03151-8.
- . 2007. "Why is Music so Ideological, Why Do Totalitarian States Take It So Seriously: A Personal View from History, and the Social Sciences." Journal of Musicological Research 26(2–3):91–122.
- Steger, Manfred B., and Paul James. 2013. "Levels of Subjective Globalization: Ideologies, Imaginaries, Ontologies." Perspectives on Global Development and Technology 12(1–2):17–40. doi:10.1163/15691497-12341240
- Verschueren, Jef. 2012. Ideology in Language Use: Pragmatic Guidelines for Empirical Research. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-1-107-69590-0
External links

- The Pervert's Guide to Ideology: How Ideology Seduces Us – and How We Can (Try to) Escape It
- Ideology Study Guide
- Louis Althusser's "Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses"
An ideology is a set of beliefs or values attributed to a person or group of persons especially those held for reasons that are not purely about belief in certain knowledge in which practical elements are as prominent as theoretical ones Formerly applied primarily to economic political or religious theories and policies in a tradition going back to Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels more recent use treats the term as mainly condemnatory The term was coined by Antoine Destutt de Tracy a French Enlightenment aristocrat and philosopher who conceived it in 1796 as the science of ideas to develop a rational system of ideas to oppose the irrational impulses of the mob In political science the term is used in a descriptive sense to refer to political belief systems EtymologyAntoine Destutt de Tracy coined the term ideology The term ideology originates from French ideologie itself coined from combining Greek idea ἰdea notion pattern close to the Lockean sense of idea and logia logῐ ᾱ the study of HistoryThe term ideology and the system of ideas associated with it were developed in 1796 by Antoine Destutt de Tracy 1754 1836 who crystallised his ideas while in prison November 1793 to October 1794 pending trial during the Reign of Terror of c 1793 to July 1794 While imprisoned he read the works of Locke and Etienne Bonnot de Condillac Hoping to form a secure foundation for the moral and political sciences Tracy devised the term for a science of ideas basing such upon two things 1 the sensations that people experience as they interact with the material world and 2 the ideas that form in their minds due to those sensations Tracy conceived of ideology as a liberal philosophy that would defend individual liberty property free markets and constitutional limits on state power He argues that among these aspects ideology is the most generic term because the science of ideas also contains the study of their expression and deduction The coup d etat that overthrew Maximilien Robespierre in July 1794 allowed Tracy to pursue his work need quotation to verify Tracy reacted to the terroristic phase of the revolution during the Napoleonic regime of 1799 to 1815 as part of the Napoleonic Wars clarification needed by trying to work out a rational system of ideas to oppose the irrational mob impulses that had nearly destroyed him A subsequent early source for the near original meaning of ideology is Hippolyte Taine s work on the Ancien Regime Origins of Contemporary France French Les Origines de la France Contemporaine volume I 1875 He describes ideology as rather like teaching philosophy via the Socratic method though without extending the vocabulary beyond what the general reader already possessed and without the examples from observation that practical science would require Taine identifies it not just with Tracy but also with his milieu and includes Condillac as one of its precursors Napoleon Bonaparte 1769 1821 came to view ideology as a term of abuse which he often hurled against his liberal foes in Tracy s Institut national citation needed According to Karl Mannheim s historical reconstruction of the shifts in the meaning of ideology the modern meaning of the word was born when Napoleon used it to describe his opponents as the ideologues citation needed Tracy s major book The Elements of Ideology French Elemens d ideologie published 1804 1815 was soon translated into major European languages In the century following Tracy s formulations the term ideology moved back and forth between positive and negative connotations When post Napoleonic governments adopted a reactionary stance the concept influenced the Italian Spanish and Russian thinkers who had begun to describe themselves as liberals and who attempted to reignite revolutionary activity in the early 1820s including the Carbonari societies in France and Italy and the Decembrists in Russia Karl Marx 1818 1883 adopted Napoleon s negative sense of the term using it in his writings in which he once described Tracy as a fischblutige Bourgeoisdoktrinar a fish blooded bourgeois doctrinaire The term has since dropped some of its pejorative sting euphemism treadmill and has become a neutral term in the analysis of differing political opinions and views of social groups While Marx situated the term within class struggle and domination others believed it was a necessary part of institutional functioning and social integration In parallel with post Soviet Russian ideas about the mono ideologies of for example monotheism Walter Brueggemann 1933 has examined ideological extension in historical religious political contexts Definitions and analysisThere are many different kinds of ideologies including political social epistemological and ethical Recent analysis tends to posit that ideology is a coherent system of ideas that rely on a few basic assumptions about reality that may or may not have any factual basis Through this system ideas become coherent repeated patterns through the subjective ongoing choices that people make These ideas serve as the seed around which further thought grows The belief in an ideology can range from passive acceptance up to fervent advocacy Definitions such as by Manfred Steger and Paul James emphasize both the issue of patterning and contingent claims to truth They wrote Ideologies are patterned clusters of normatively imbued ideas and concepts including particular representations of power relations These conceptual maps help people navigate the complexity of their political universe and carry claims to social truth Studies of the concept of ideology itself rather than specific ideologies have been carried out under the name of systematic ideology in the works of George Walford and Harold Walsby who attempt to explore the relationships between ideology and social systems example needed David W Minar describes six different ways the word ideology has been used As a collection of certain ideas with certain kinds of content usually normative As the form or internal logical structure that ideas have within a set By the role ideas play in human social interaction By the role ideas play in the structure of an organization As meaning whose purpose is persuasion and As the locus of social interaction For Willard A Mullins an ideology should be contrasted with the related but different issues of utopia and historical myth An ideology is composed of four basic characteristics it must have power over cognition it must be capable of guiding one s evaluations it must provide guidance towards action and it must be logically coherent Terry Eagleton outlines more or less in no particular order some definitions of ideology The process of production of meanings signs and values in social life A body of ideas characteristic of a particular social group or class Ideas that help legitimate a dominant political power False ideas that help legitimate a dominant political power Systematically distorted communication Ideas that offer a position for a subject Forms of thought motivated by social interests Identity thinking Socially necessary illusion The conjuncture of discourse and power The medium in which conscious social actors make sense of their world Action oriented sets of beliefs The confusion of linguistic and phenomenal reality Semiotic closure 197 The indispensable medium in which individuals live out their relations to a social structure The process that converts social life to a natural reality German philosopher Christian Duncker called for a critical reflection of the ideology concept In his work he strove to bring the concept of ideology into the foreground as well as the closely connected concerns of epistemology and history defining ideology in terms of a system of presentations that explicitly or implicitly lay claim to absolute truth Marxist interpretation Karl Marx posits that a society s dominant ideology is integral to its superstructure Marx s analysis sees ideology as a system of false consciousness that arises from the economic relationships reflecting and perpetuating the interests of the dominant class In the Marxist base and superstructure model of society base denotes the relations of production and modes of production and superstructure denotes the dominant ideology i e religious legal political systems The economic base of production determines the political superstructure of a society Ruling class interests determine the superstructure and the nature of the justifying ideology actions feasible because the ruling class control the means of production For example in a feudal mode of production religious ideology is the most prominent aspect of the superstructure while in capitalist formations ideologies such as liberalism and social democracy dominate Hence the great importance of ideology justifies a society and politically confuses the alienated groups of society via false consciousness Some explanations have been presented Antonio Gramsci uses cultural hegemony to explain why the working class have a false ideological conception of what their best interests are Marx argued The class which has the means of material production at its disposal has control at the same time over the means of mental production The Marxist formulation of ideology as an instrument of social reproduction is conceptually important to the sociology of knowledge viz Karl Mannheim Daniel Bell and Jurgen Habermas et al Moreover Mannheim has developed and progressed from the total but special Marxist conception of ideology to a general and total ideological conception acknowledging that all ideology including Marxism resulted from social life an idea developed by the sociologist Pierre Bourdieu Slavoj Zizek and the earlier Frankfurt School added to the general theory of ideology a psychoanalytic insight that ideologies do not include only conscious but also unconscious ideas Ideology and the commodity Debord The French Marxist theorist Guy Debord founding member of the Situationist International argued that when the commodity becomes the essential category of society i e when the process of commodification has been consummated to its fullest extent the image of society propagated by the commodity as it describes all of life as constituted by notions and objects deriving their value only as commodities tradeable in terms of exchange value colonizes all of life and reduces society to a mere representation The Society of the Spectacle Unifying agents Hoffer The American philosopher Eric Hoffer identified several elements that unify followers of a particular ideology Hatred Mass movements can rise and spread without a God but never without belief in a devil The ideal devil is a foreigner 93 Imitation The less satisfaction we derive from being ourselves the greater is our desire to be like others the more we mistrust our judgment and luck the more are we ready to follow the example of others 101 2 Persuasion The proselytizing zeal of propagandists derives from a passionate search for something not yet found more than a desire to bestow something we already have 110 Coercion Hoffer asserts that violence and fanaticism are interdependent People forcibly converted to Islamic or communist beliefs become as fanatical as those who did the forcing He says It takes fanatical faith to rationalize our cowardice 107 8 Leadership Without the leader there is no movement Often the leader must wait long in the wings until the time is ripe He calls for sacrifices in the present to justify his vision of a breathtaking future The skills required include audacity brazenness iron will fanatical conviction passionate hatred cunning a delight in symbols ability to inspire blind faith in the masses and a group of able lieutenants 112 4 Charlatanism is indispensable and the leader often imitates both friend and foe a single minded fashioning after a model He will not lead followers towards the promised land but only away from their unwanted selves 116 9 Action Original thoughts are suppressed and unity encouraged if the masses are kept occupied through great projects marches exploration and industry 120 1 Suspicion There is prying and spying tense watching and a tense awareness of being watched This pathological mistrust goes unchallenged and encourages conformity not dissent 124 Ronald Inglehart Ronald Inglehart of the University of Michigan is author of the World Values Survey which since 1980 has mapped social attitudes in 100 countries representing 90 of global population Results indicate that where people live is likely to closely correlate with their ideological beliefs In much of Africa South Asia and the Middle East people prefer traditional beliefs and are less tolerant of liberal values Protestant Europe at the other extreme adheres more to secular beliefs and liberal values Alone among high income countries the United States is exceptional in its adherence to traditional beliefs in this case Christianity Political ideologiesIn political science a political ideology is a certain ethical set of ideals principles doctrines myths or symbols of a social movement institution class or large group that explains how society should work offering some political and cultural blueprint for a certain social order Political ideologies are concerned with many different aspects of a society including but not limited to the economy the government the environment education health care labor law criminal law the justice system social security and welfare public policy and administration foreign policy rights freedoms and duties citizenship immigration culture and national identity military administration and religion Political ideologies have two dimensions Goals how society should work and Methods the most appropriate ways to achieve the ideal arrangement A political ideology largely concerns itself with how to allocate power and to what ends power should be used Some parties follow a certain ideology very closely while others may take broad inspiration from a group of related ideologies without specifically embracing any one of them Each political ideology contains certain ideas on what it considers the best form of government e g democracy demagogy theocracy caliphate etc scope of government e g authoritarianism libertarianism federalism etc and the best economic system e g capitalism socialism etc Sometimes the same word is used to identify both an ideology and one of its main ideas For instance socialism may refer to an economic system or it may refer to an ideology that supports that economic system Post 1991 many commentators claim that we are living in a post ideological age in which redemptive all encompassing ideologies have failed This view is often associated with Francis Fukuyama s writings on the end of history Contrastly Nienhueser 2011 sees research in the field of human resource management as ongoingly generating ideology There are many proposed methods for the classification of political ideologies Ideologies can identify themselves by their position on the political spectrum e g left center or right They may also be distinguished by single issues around which they may be built e g civil libertarianism support or opposition to European integration legalization of marijuana They may also be distinguished by political strategies e g populism personalism The classification of political ideology is difficult however due to cultural relativity in definitions For example what Americans now call conservatism much of the world calls liberalism or neoliberalism a conservatism in Finland would be labeled socialism in the United States Philosopher Michael Oakeshott defines single issue ideologies as the formalized abridgment of the supposed sub stratum of the rational truth contained in the tradition Moreover Charles Blattberg offers an account that distinguishes political ideologies from political philosophies Slavoj Zizek argues how the very notion of post ideology can enable the deepest blindest form of ideology A sort of false consciousness or false cynicism engaged in for the purpose of lending one s point of view the respect of being objective pretending neutral cynicism without truly being so Rather than help avoiding ideology this lapse only deepens the commitment to an existing one Zizek calls this a post modernist trap Peter Sloterdijk advanced the same idea already in 1988 Studies have shown that political ideology is somewhat genetically heritable Ideology and state When a political ideology becomes a dominantly pervasive component within a government one can speak of an ideocracy Different forms of government use ideology in various ways not always restricted to politics and society Certain ideas and schools of thought become favored or rejected over others depending on their compatibility with or use for the reigning social order In The Anatomy of Revolution Crane Brinton said that new ideology spreads when there is discontent with an old regime The may be repeated during revolutions itself extremists such as Vladimir Lenin and Robespierre may thus overcome more moderate revolutionaries This stage is soon followed by Thermidor a reining back of revolutionary enthusiasm under pragmatists like Napoleon and Joseph Stalin who bring normalcy and equilibrium Brinton s sequence men of ideas gt fanatics gt practical men of action is reiterated by J William Fulbright while a similar form occurs in Eric Hoffer s The True Believer Epistemological ideologiesEven when the challenging of existing beliefs is encouraged as in scientific theories the dominant paradigm or mindset can prevent certain challenges theories or experiments from being advanced A special case of science that has inspired ideology is ecology which studies the relationships among living things on Earth Perceptual psychologist James J Gibson believed that human perception of ecological relationships was the basis of self awareness and cognition itself Linguist George Lakoff has proposed a cognitive science of mathematics wherein even the most fundamental ideas of arithmetic would be seen as consequences or products of human perception which is itself necessarily evolved within an ecology Deep ecology and the modern ecology movement and to a lesser degree Green parties appear to have adopted ecological sciences as a positive ideology Some notable economically based ideologies include neoliberalism monetarism mercantilism mixed economy social Darwinism communism laissez faire economics and free trade There are also current theories of safe trade and fair trade that can be seen as ideologies Psychological explanations of ideologyA large amount of research in psychology is concerned with the causes consequences and content of ideology with humans being dubbed the ideological animal by Althusser 269 Many theories have tried to explain the existence of ideology in human societies 269 Jost Ledgerwood and Hardin 2008 propose that ideologies may function as prepackaged units of interpretation that spread because of basic human motives to understand the world avoid and maintain valued interpersonal relationships The authors conclude that such motives may lead disproportionately to the adoption of system justifying worldviews Psychologists generally agree that personality traits individual difference variables needs and ideological beliefs seem to have something in common Just world theory posits that people want to believe in a fair world for a sense of control and security and generate ideologies in order to maintain this belief for example by justifiying inequality or unfortunate events A critique of just world theory as a sole explanation of ideology is that it does not explain the differences between ideologies 270 271 Terror management theory posits that ideology is used as a defence mechanism against threats to their worldview which in turn protect and individuals sense of self esteem and reduce their awareness of mortality Evidence shows that priming individuals with an awareness of mortality does not cause individuals to respond in ways underpinned by any particular ideology but rather the ideology that they are currently aware of 271 System justification theory posits that people tend to defend existing society even at times against their interest which in turn causes people to create ideological explanations to justify the status quo Jost Fitzimmons and Kay argue that the motivation to protect a preexisting system is due to a desire for cognitive consistency being able to think in similar ways over time reducing uncertainty and reducing effort illusion of control and fear of equality 272 According to system justification theory ideologies reflect unconscious motivational processes as opposed to the view that political convictions always reflect independent and unbiased thinking Ideology and the social sciencesSemiotic theory According to semiotician Bob Hodge Ideology identifies a unitary object that incorporates complex sets of meanings with the social agents and processes that produced them No other term captures this object as well as ideology Foucault s episteme is too narrow and abstract not social enough His discourse popular because it covers some of ideology s terrain with less baggage is too confined to verbal systems Worldview is too metaphysical propaganda too loaded Despite or because of its contradictions ideology still plays a key role in semiotics oriented to social political life Authors such as Michael Freeden have also recently incorporated a semantic analysis to the study of ideologies Sociology Sociologists define ideology as cultural beliefs that justify particular social arrangements including patterns of inequality Dominant groups use these sets of cultural beliefs and practices to justify the systems of inequality that maintain their group s social power over non dominant groups Ideologies use a society s symbol system to organize social relations in a hierarchy with some social identities being superior to other social identities which are considered inferior The dominant ideology in a society is passed along through the society s major social institutions such as the media the family education and religion As societies changed throughout history so did the ideologies that justified systems of inequality Sociological examples of ideologies include racism sexism heterosexism ableism and ethnocentrism Quotations We do not need to believe in an ideology All that is necessary is for each of us to develop our good human qualities The need for a sense of universal responsibility affects every aspect of modern life Dalai Lama The function of ideology is to stabilize and perpetuate dominance through masking or illusion Sally Haslanger A n ideology differs from a simple opinion in that it claims to possess either the key to history or the solution for all the riddles of the universe or the intimate knowledge of the hidden universal laws which are supposed to rule nature and man Hannah ArendtSee alsoThe Anatomy of Revolution Belief Belief systems Capitalism Dogma Feminism Hegemony ism List of communist ideologies List of ideologies named after people Ideocracy Noble lie Politicisation Social criticism Socially constructed reality State collapse State ideology of the Soviet Union The True Believer World Values Survey World viewReferencesHonderich Ted 1995 The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Oxford University Press p 392 ISBN 978 0 19 866132 0 ideology Lexico Archived from the original on 2020 02 11 Cranston Maurice 1999 2014 Ideology Archived 2020 06 09 at the Wayback Machine revised Encyclopaedia Britannica van Dijk T A 2006 Politics Ideology and Discourse PDF Discourse in Society Archived PDF from the original on 2011 07 08 Retrieved 2019 01 28 Vincent Andrew 2009 Modern Political Ideologies John Wiley amp Sons p 1 ISBN 978 1 4443 1105 1 Archived from the original on 3 August 2020 Retrieved 7 May 2020 Kennedy Emmet Jul Sep 1979 Ideology from Destutt De Tracy to Marx Journal of the History of Ideas 40 3 353 368 doi 10 2307 2709242 JSTOR 2709242 de Tracy Antoine Destutt 1801 1817 Les Elements d ideologie 3rd ed p 4 as cited in Mannheim Karl 1929 The problem of false consciousness In Ideologie und Utopie 2nd footnote Eagleton Terry 1991 Ideology An introduction Verso p 2 Tucker Robert C 1978 The Marx Engels Reader W W Norton amp Company p 3 Marx MER p 154 Susan Silbey Ideology Archived 2021 06 01 at the Wayback Machine Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology Brueggemann Walter 1 January 1998 Exodus in the Plural Amos 9 7 In Brueggemann Walter Stroup George W eds Many Voices One God Being Faithful in a Pluralistic World in Honor of Shirley Guthrie Louisville Kentucky Westminster John Knox Press pp 16 28 ISBN 9780664257576 Retrieved 6 January 2025 ideological extension of the onlyness of Yahweh to include the onlyness of Israel which I shall term mono ideology As Deuteronomy is a main force for mono ideology in ancient Judaism so it is possible to conclude that Calvinism has been a primary force for mono ideology in modern Christian history because of its insistence upon God s sovereignty which is very often allied with socioeconomic political hegemony James Paul and Manfred Steger 2010 Globalization and Culture Vol 4 Ideologies of Globalism Archived 2020 04 29 at the Wayback Machine London Sage Minar David W 1961 Ideology and Political Behavior Midwest Journal of Political Science 5 4 317 31 doi 10 2307 2108991 JSTOR 2108991 Mullins Willard A 1972 On the Concept of Ideology in Political Science American Political Science Review 66 2 498 510 doi 10 2307 1957794 Eagleton Terry 1991 Ideology An Introduction Archived 2021 06 01 at the Wayback Machine Verso ISBN 0 86091 319 8 Christian Duncker in German Ideologie Forschung 2006 Marx Karl Engels Friedrich 1974 I Feuerbach Opposition of the Materialist and Idealist Outlooks The German Ideology Students Edition Lawrence amp Wishart pp 64 68 ISBN 9780853152170 Marx Karl 1978a The German Ideology Part I The Marx Engels Reader 2nd ed New York W W Norton amp Company In this discipline there are lexical disputes over the meaning of the word ideology false consciousness as advocated by Marx or rather false position of a statement in itself is correct but irrelevant in the context in which it is produced as in Max Weber s opinion Buonomo Giampiero 2005 Eleggibilita piu ampia senza i paletti del peculato d uso Un occasione perduta per affrontare il tema delle leggi ad personam Diritto amp Giustizia Edizione Online Archived from the original on 2016 03 24 Guy Debord 1995 The Society of the Spectacle Zone Books Hoffer Eric 1951 The True Believer Harper Perennial p 91 et seq Bell D 2000 The End of Ideology On the Exhaustion of Political Ideas in the Fifties 2nd ed Cambridge MA Harvard University Press p 393 Fukuyama Francis 1992 The End of History and the Last Man New York Free Press p xi Nienhueser Werner October 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Duncker Christian 2006 Kritische Reflexionen Des Ideologiebegriffes ISBN 1 903343 88 7 ed 2008 Ideologiekritik Aktuell Ideologies Today 1 London ISBN 978 1 84790 015 9 Eagleton Terry 1991 Ideology An Introduction Verso ISBN 0 86091 319 8 Ellul Jacques 1965 1973 Propaganda The Formation of Men s Attitudes translated by K Kellen and J Lerner New York Random House Freeden Michael 1996 Ideologies and Political Theory A Conceptual Approach Oxford Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 19 829414 6 Feuer Lewis S 2010 Ideology and Ideologists Piscataway NJ Transaction Publishers Gries Peter Hays 2014 The Politics of American Foreign Policy How Ideology Divides Liberals and Conservatives over Foreign Affairs Stanford Stanford University Press Haas Mark L 2005 The Ideological Origins of Great Power Politics 1789 1989 Cornell University Press ISBN 0 8014 7407 8 Hawkes David 2003 Ideology 2nd ed Routledge ISBN 0 415 29012 0 James Paul and Manfred Steger 2010 Globalization and Culture Vol 4 Ideologies of Globalism London Sage Lukacs Georg 1967 1919 1923 History and Class Consciousness translated by R Livingstone Merlin Press Malesevic Sinisa and Iain Mackenzie eds Ideology after Poststructuralism London Pluto Press Mannheim Karl 1936 Ideology and Utopia Routledge Marx Karl 1845 46 1932 The German Ideology Minogue Kenneth 1985 Alien Powers The Pure Theory of Ideology Palgrave Macmillan ISBN 0 312 01860 6 Minar David W 1961 Ideology and Political Behavior Midwest Journal of Political Science 5 4 317 331 doi 10 2307 2108991 JSTOR 2108991 Mullins Willard A 1972 On the Concept of Ideology in Political Science American Political Science Review 66 2 498 510 doi 10 2307 1957794 Ostrowski Marius S 2022 Ideology Cambridge Polity ISBN 978 1509540730 Owen John 2011 The Clash of Ideas in World Politics Transnational Networks States and Regime Change 1510 2010 Princeton University Press ISBN 0 691 14239 4 Pinker Steven 2002 The Blank Slate The Modern Denial of Human Nature New York Penguin Group ISBN 0 670 03151 8 de fr it 2007 Why is Music so Ideological Why Do Totalitarian States Take It So Seriously A Personal View from History and the Social Sciences Journal of Musicological Research 26 2 3 91 122 Steger Manfred B and Paul James 2013 Levels of Subjective Globalization Ideologies Imaginaries Ontologies Perspectives on Global Development and Technology 12 1 2 17 40 doi 10 1163 15691497 12341240 Verschueren Jef 2012 Ideology in Language Use Pragmatic Guidelines for Empirical Research Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 1 107 69590 0External linksWikiquote has quotations related to Ideology Look up ideology in Wiktionary the free dictionary The Pervert s Guide to Ideology How Ideology Seduces Us and How We Can Try to Escape It Ideology Study Guide Louis Althusser s Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses