![Non-negative integer](https://www.english.nina.az/wikipedia/image/aHR0cHM6Ly91cGxvYWQud2lraW1lZGlhLm9yZy93aWtpcGVkaWEvY29tbW9ucy90aHVtYi8xLzEwL1RocmVlX0Jhc2tldHNfd2l0aF9BcHBsZXMuc3ZnLzE2MDBweC1UaHJlZV9CYXNrZXRzX3dpdGhfQXBwbGVzLnN2Zy5wbmc=.png )
In mathematics, the natural numbers are the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, and so on, possibly excluding 0. Some start counting with 0, defining the natural numbers as the non-negative integers 0, 1, 2, 3, ..., while others start with 1, defining them as the positive integers 1, 2, 3, ... . Some authors acknowledge both definitions whenever convenient. Sometimes, the whole numbers are the natural numbers plus zero. In other cases, the whole numbers refer to all of the integers, including negative integers. The counting numbers are another term for the natural numbers, particularly in primary school education, and are ambiguous as well although typically start at 1.
The natural numbers are used for counting things, like "there are six coins on the table", in which case they are called cardinal numbers. They are also used to put things in order, like "this is the third largest city in the country", which are called ordinal numbers. Natural numbers are also used as labels, like jersey numbers on a sports team, where they serve as nominal numbers and do not have mathematical properties.
The natural numbers form a set, commonly symbolized as a bold N or blackboard bold . Many other number sets are built from the natural numbers. For example, the integers are made by adding 0 and negative numbers. The rational numbers add fractions, and the real numbers add infinite decimals. Complex numbers add the square root of −1. This chain of extensions canonically embeds the natural numbers in the other number systems.
Natural numbers are studied in different areas of math. Number theory looks at things like how numbers divide evenly (divisibility), or how prime numbers are spread out. Combinatorics studies counting and arranging numbered objects, such as partitions and enumerations.
Ancient roots
The most primitive method of representing a natural number is to use one's fingers, as in finger counting. Putting down a tally mark for each object is another primitive method. Later, a set of objects could be tested for equality, excess or shortage—by striking out a mark and removing an object from the set.
The first major advance in abstraction was the use of numerals to represent numbers. This allowed systems to be developed for recording large numbers. The ancient Egyptians developed a powerful system of numerals with distinct hieroglyphs for 1, 10, and all powers of 10 up to over 1 million. A stone carving from Karnak, dating back from around 1500 BCE and now at the Louvre in Paris, depicts 276 as 2 hundreds, 7 tens, and 6 ones; and similarly for the number 4,622. The Babylonians had a place-value system based essentially on the numerals for 1 and 10, using base sixty, so that the symbol for sixty was the same as the symbol for one—its value being determined from context.
A much later advance was the development of the idea that can be considered as a number, with its own numeral. The use of a 0 digit in place-value notation (within other numbers) dates back as early as 700 BCE by the Babylonians, who omitted such a digit when it would have been the last symbol in the number. The Olmec and Maya civilizations used 0 as a separate number as early as the 1st century BCE, but this usage did not spread beyond Mesoamerica. The use of a numeral 0 in modern times originated with the Indian mathematician Brahmagupta in 628 CE. However, 0 had been used as a number in the medieval computus (the calculation of the date of Easter), beginning with Dionysius Exiguus in 525 CE, without being denoted by a numeral. Standard Roman numerals do not have a symbol for 0; instead, nulla (or the genitive form nullae) from nullus, the Latin word for "none", was employed to denote a 0 value.
The first systematic study of numbers as abstractions is usually credited to the Greek philosophers Pythagoras and Archimedes. Some Greek mathematicians treated the number 1 differently than larger numbers, sometimes even not as a number at all.Euclid, for example, defined a unit first and then a number as a multitude of units, thus by his definition, a unit is not a number and there are no unique numbers (e.g., any two units from indefinitely many units is a 2). However, in the definition of perfect number which comes shortly afterward, Euclid treats 1 as a number like any other.
Independent studies on numbers also occurred at around the same time in India, China, and Mesoamerica.
Emergence as a term
Nicolas Chuquet used the term progression naturelle (natural progression) in 1484. The earliest known use of "natural number" as a complete English phrase is in 1763. The 1771 Encyclopaedia Britannica defines natural numbers in the logarithm article.
Starting at 0 or 1 has long been a matter of definition. In 1727, Bernard Le Bovier de Fontenelle wrote that his notions of distance and element led to defining the natural numbers as including or excluding 0. In 1889, Giuseppe Peano used N for the positive integers and started at 1, but he later changed to using N0 and N1. Historically, most definitions have excluded 0, but many mathematicians such as George A. Wentworth, Bertrand Russell, Nicolas Bourbaki, Paul Halmos, Stephen Cole Kleene, and John Horton Conway have preferred to include 0.
Mathematicians have noted tendencies in which definition is used, such as algebra texts including 0, number theory and analysis texts excluding 0, logic and set theory texts including 0, dictionaries excluding 0, school books (through high-school level) excluding 0, and upper-division college-level books including 0. There are exceptions to each of these tendencies and as of 2023 no formal survey has been conducted. Arguments raised include division by zero and the size of the empty set. Computer languages often start from zero when enumerating items like loop counters and string- or array-elements. Including 0 began to rise in popularity in the 1960s. The ISO 31-11 standard included 0 in the natural numbers in its first edition in 1978 and this has continued through its present edition as ISO 80000-2.
Formal construction
In 19th century Europe, there was mathematical and philosophical discussion about the exact nature of the natural numbers. Henri Poincaré stated that axioms can only be demonstrated in their finite application, and concluded that it is "the power of the mind" which allows conceiving of the indefinite repetition of the same act.Leopold Kronecker summarized his belief as "God made the integers, all else is the work of man".
The constructivists saw a need to improve upon the logical rigor in the foundations of mathematics. In the 1860s, Hermann Grassmann suggested a recursive definition for natural numbers, thus stating they were not really natural—but a consequence of definitions. Later, two classes of such formal definitions emerged, using set theory and Peano's axioms respectively. Later still, they were shown to be equivalent in most practical applications.
Set-theoretical definitions of natural numbers were initiated by Frege. He initially defined a natural number as the class of all sets that are in one-to-one correspondence with a particular set. However, this definition turned out to lead to paradoxes, including Russell's paradox. To avoid such paradoxes, the formalism was modified so that a natural number is defined as a particular set, and any set that can be put into one-to-one correspondence with that set is said to have that number of elements.
In 1881, Charles Sanders Peirce provided the first axiomatization of natural-number arithmetic. In 1888, Richard Dedekind proposed another axiomatization of natural-number arithmetic, and in 1889, Peano published a simplified version of Dedekind's axioms in his book The principles of arithmetic presented by a new method (Latin: Arithmetices principia, nova methodo exposita). This approach is now called Peano arithmetic. It is based on an axiomatization of the properties of ordinal numbers: each natural number has a successor and every non-zero natural number has a unique predecessor. Peano arithmetic is equiconsistent with several weak systems of set theory. One such system is ZFC with the axiom of infinity replaced by its negation. Theorems that can be proved in ZFC but cannot be proved using the Peano Axioms include Goodstein's theorem.
The set of all natural numbers is standardly denoted N or Older texts have occasionally employed J as the symbol for this set.
Since natural numbers may contain 0 or not, it may be important to know which version is referred to. This is often specified by the context, but may also be done by using a subscript or a superscript in the notation, such as:
- Naturals without zero:
- Naturals with zero:
Alternatively, since the natural numbers naturally form a subset of the integers (often denoted ), they may be referred to as the positive, or the non-negative integers, respectively. To be unambiguous about whether 0 is included or not, sometimes a superscript "
" or "+" is added in the former case, and a subscript (or superscript) "0" is added in the latter case:
This section uses the convention .
Given the set of natural numbers and the successor function
sending each natural number to the next one, one can define addition of natural numbers recursively by setting a + 0 = a and a + S(b) = S(a + b) for all a, b. Thus, a + 1 = a + S(0) = S(a+0) = S(a), a + 2 = a + S(1) = S(a+1) = S(S(a)), and so on. The algebraic structure
is a commutative monoid with identity element 0. It is a free monoid on one generator. This commutative monoid satisfies the cancellation property, so it can be embedded in a group. The smallest group containing the natural numbers is the integers.
If 1 is defined as S(0), then b + 1 = b + S(0) = S(b + 0) = S(b). That is, b + 1 is simply the successor of b.
Analogously, given that addition has been defined, a multiplication operator can be defined via a × 0 = 0 and a × S(b) = (a × b) + a. This turns
into a free commutative monoid with identity element 1; a generator set for this monoid is the set of prime numbers.
Relationship between addition and multiplication
Addition and multiplication are compatible, which is expressed in the distribution law: a × (b + c) = (a × b) + (a × c). These properties of addition and multiplication make the natural numbers an instance of a commutative semiring. Semirings are an algebraic generalization of the natural numbers where multiplication is not necessarily commutative. The lack of additive inverses, which is equivalent to the fact that is not closed under subtraction (that is, subtracting one natural from another does not always result in another natural), means that
is not a ring; instead it is a semiring (also known as a rig).
If the natural numbers are taken as "excluding 0", and "starting at 1", the definitions of + and × are as above, except that they begin with a + 1 = S(a) and a × 1 = a. Furthermore, has no identity element.
In this section, juxtaposed variables such as ab indicate the product a × b, and the standard order of operations is assumed.
A total order on the natural numbers is defined by letting a ≤ b if and only if there exists another natural number c where a + c = b. This order is compatible with the arithmetical operations in the following sense: if a, b and c are natural numbers and a ≤ b, then a + c ≤ b + c and ac ≤ bc.
An important property of the natural numbers is that they are well-ordered: every non-empty set of natural numbers has a least element. The rank among well-ordered sets is expressed by an ordinal number; for the natural numbers, this is denoted as ω (omega).
In this section, juxtaposed variables such as ab indicate the product a × b, and the standard order of operations is assumed.
While it is in general not possible to divide one natural number by another and get a natural number as result, the procedure of division with remainder or Euclidean division is available as a substitute: for any two natural numbers a and b with b ≠ 0 there are natural numbers q and r such that
The number q is called the quotient and r is called the remainder of the division of a by b. The numbers q and r are uniquely determined by a and b. This Euclidean division is key to the several other properties (divisibility), algorithms (such as the Euclidean algorithm), and ideas in number theory.
Algebraic properties satisfied by the natural numbers
The addition (+) and multiplication (×) operations on natural numbers as defined above have several algebraic properties:
- Closure under addition and multiplication: for all natural numbers a and b, both a + b and a × b are natural numbers.
- Associativity: for all natural numbers a, b, and c, a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c and a × (b × c) = (a × b) × c.
- Commutativity: for all natural numbers a and b, a + b = b + a and a × b = b × a.
- Existence of identity elements: for every natural number a, a + 0 = a and a × 1 = a.
- If the natural numbers are taken as "excluding 0", and "starting at 1", then for every natural number a, a × 1 = a. However, the "existence of additive identity element" property is not satisfied
- Distributivity of multiplication over addition for all natural numbers a, b, and c, a × (b + c) = (a × b) + (a × c).
- No nonzero zero divisors: if a and b are natural numbers such that a × b = 0, then a = 0 or b = 0 (or both).
Two important generalizations of natural numbers arise from the two uses of counting and ordering: cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers.
- A natural number can be used to express the size of a finite set; more precisely, a cardinal number is a measure for the size of a set, which is even suitable for infinite sets. The numbering of cardinals usually begins at zero, to accommodate the empty set
. This concept of "size" relies on maps between sets, such that two sets have the same size, exactly if there exists a bijection between them. The set of natural numbers itself, and any bijective image of it, is said to be countably infinite and to have cardinality aleph-null (ℵ0).
- Natural numbers are also used as linguistic ordinal numbers: "first", "second", "third", and so forth. The numbering of ordinals usually begins at zero, to accommodate the order type of the empty set
. This way they can be assigned to the elements of a totally ordered finite set, and also to the elements of any well-ordered countably infinite set without limit points. This assignment can be generalized to general well-orderings with a cardinality beyond countability, to yield the ordinal numbers. An ordinal number may also be used to describe the notion of "size" for a well-ordered set, in a sense different from cardinality: if there is an order isomorphism (more than a bijection) between two well-ordered sets, they have the same ordinal number. The first ordinal number that is not a natural number is expressed as ω; this is also the ordinal number of the set of natural numbers itself.
The least ordinal of cardinality ℵ0 (that is, the initial ordinal of ℵ0) is ω but many well-ordered sets with cardinal number ℵ0 have an ordinal number greater than ω.
For finite well-ordered sets, there is a one-to-one correspondence between ordinal and cardinal numbers; therefore they can both be expressed by the same natural number, the number of elements of the set. This number can also be used to describe the position of an element in a larger finite, or an infinite, sequence.
A countable non-standard model of arithmetic satisfying the Peano Arithmetic (that is, the first-order Peano axioms) was developed by Skolem in 1933. The hypernatural numbers are an uncountable model that can be constructed from the ordinary natural numbers via the ultrapower construction. Other generalizations are discussed in Number § Extensions of the concept.
Georges Reeb used to claim provocatively that "The naïve integers don't fill up ".
Formal definitions
There are two standard methods for formally defining natural numbers. The first one, named for Giuseppe Peano, consists of an autonomous axiomatic theory called Peano arithmetic, based on few axioms called Peano axioms.
The second definition is based on set theory. It defines the natural numbers as specific sets. More precisely, each natural number n is defined as an explicitly defined set, whose elements allow counting the elements of other sets, in the sense that the sentence "a set S has n elements" means that there exists a one to one correspondence between the two sets n and S.
The sets used to define natural numbers satisfy Peano axioms. It follows that every theorem that can be stated and proved in Peano arithmetic can also be proved in set theory. However, the two definitions are not equivalent, as there are theorems that can be stated in terms of Peano arithmetic and proved in set theory, which are not provable inside Peano arithmetic. A probable example is Fermat's Last Theorem.
The definition of the integers as sets satisfying Peano axioms provide a model of Peano arithmetic inside set theory. An important consequence is that, if set theory is consistent (as it is usually guessed), then Peano arithmetic is consistent. In other words, if a contradiction could be proved in Peano arithmetic, then set theory would be contradictory, and every theorem of set theory would be both true and wrong.
Peano axioms
The five Peano axioms are the following:
- 0 is a natural number.
- Every natural number has a successor which is also a natural number.
- 0 is not the successor of any natural number.
- If the successor of
equals the successor of
, then
- The axiom of induction: If a statement is true of 0, and if the truth of that statement for a number implies its truth for the successor of that number, then the statement is true for every natural number.
These are not the original axioms published by Peano, but are named in his honor. Some forms of the Peano axioms have 1 in place of 0. In ordinary arithmetic, the successor of is
Set-theoretic definition
Intuitively, the natural number n is the common property of all sets that have n elements. So, it seems natural to define n as an equivalence class under the relation "can be made in one to one correspondence". This does not work in all set theories, as such an equivalence class would not be a set (because of Russell's paradox). The standard solution is to define a particular set with n elements that will be called the natural number n.
The following definition was first published by John von Neumann, although Levy attributes the idea to unpublished work of Zermelo in 1916. As this definition extends to infinite set as a definition of ordinal number, the sets considered below are sometimes called von Neumann ordinals.
The definition proceeds as follows:
- Call 0 = { }, the empty set.
- Define the successor S(a) of any set a by S(a) = a ∪ {a}.
- By the axiom of infinity, there exist sets which contain 0 and are closed under the successor function. Such sets are said to be inductive. The intersection of all inductive sets is still an inductive set.
- This intersection is the set of the natural numbers.
It follows that the natural numbers are defined iteratively as follows:
- 0 = { },
- 1 = 0 ∪ {0} = {0} = {{ }},
- 2 = 1 ∪ {1} = {0, 1} = {{ }, {{ }}},
- 3 = 2 ∪ {2} = {0, 1, 2} = {{ }, {{ }}, {{ }, {{ }}}},
- n = n−1 ∪ {n−1} = {0, 1, ..., n−1} = {{ }, {{ }}, ..., {{ }, {{ }}, ...}},
- etc.
It can be checked that the natural numbers satisfy the Peano axioms.
With this definition, given a natural number n, the sentence "a set S has n elements" can be formally defined as "there exists a bijection from n to S." This formalizes the operation of counting the elements of S. Also, n ≤ m if and only if n is a subset of m. In other words, the set inclusion defines the usual total order on the natural numbers. This order is a well-order.
It follows from the definition that each natural number is equal to the set of all natural numbers less than it. This definition, can be extended to the von Neumann definition of ordinals for defining all ordinal numbers, including the infinite ones: "each ordinal is the well-ordered set of all smaller ordinals."
If one does not accept the axiom of infinity, the natural numbers may not form a set. Nevertheless, the natural numbers can still be individually defined as above, and they still satisfy the Peano axioms.
There are other set theoretical constructions. In particular, Ernst Zermelo provided a construction that is nowadays only of historical interest, and is sometimes referred to as Zermelo ordinals. It consists in defining 0 as the empty set, and S(a) = {a}.
With this definition each nonzero natural number is a singleton set. So, the property of the natural numbers to represent cardinalities is not directly accessible; only the ordinal property (being the nth element of a sequence) is immediate. Unlike von Neumann's construction, the Zermelo ordinals do not extend to infinite ordinals.
See also
- Canonical representation of a positive integer – Representation of a number as a product of primes
- Countable set – Mathematical set that can be enumerated
- Sequence – Function of the natural numbers in another set
- Ordinal number – Generalization of "n-th" to infinite cases
- Cardinal number – Size of a possibly infinite set
- Set-theoretic definition of natural numbers – Axiom(s) of Set Theory
- See § Emergence as a term
- A tablet found at Kish ... thought to date from around 700 BC, uses three hooks to denote an empty place in the positional notation. Other tablets dated from around the same time use a single hook for an empty place.
- This convention is used, for example, in Euclid's Elements, see D. Joyce's web edition of Book VII.
- Mac Lane & Birkhoff (1999, p. 15) include zero in the natural numbers: 'Intuitively, the set
of all natural numbers may be described as follows:
contains an "initial" number 0; ...'. They follow that with their version of the Peano's axioms.
- The English translation is from Gray. In a footnote, Gray attributes the German quote to: "Weber 1891–1892, 19, quoting from a lecture of Kronecker's of 1886."
- "Much of the mathematical work of the twentieth century has been devoted to examining the logical foundations and structure of the subject." (Eves 1990, p. 606)
- Hamilton (1988, pp. 117 ff) calls them "Peano's Postulates" and begins with "1. 0 is a natural number."
Halmos (1960, p. 46) uses the language of set theory instead of the language of arithmetic for his five axioms. He begins with "(I) 0 ∈ ω (where, of course, 0 = ∅" (ω is the set of all natural numbers).
Morash (1991) gives "a two-part axiom" in which the natural numbers begin with 1. (Section 10.1: An Axiomatization for the System of Positive Integers) - In some set theories, e.g., New Foundations, a universal set exists and Russel's paradox cannot be formulated.
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- Clapham, Christopher; Nicholson, James (2014). The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Mathematics (Fifth ed.). Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-967959-1 – via Google Books.
- Dedekind, Richard (1963) [1901]. Essays on the Theory of Numbers. Translated by Beman, Wooster Woodruff (reprint ed.). Dover Books. ISBN 978-0-486-21010-0 – via Archive.org.
- Dedekind, Richard (1901). Essays on the Theory of Numbers. Translated by Beman, Wooster Woodruff. Chicago, IL: Open Court Publishing Company. Retrieved 13 August 2020 – via Project Gutenberg.
- Dedekind, Richard (2007) [1901]. Essays on the Theory of Numbers. Kessinger Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-0-548-08985-9.
- Eves, Howard (1990). An Introduction to the History of Mathematics (6th ed.). Thomson. ISBN 978-0-03-029558-4 – via Google Books.
- Halmos, Paul (1960). Naive Set Theory. Springer Science & Business Media. ISBN 978-0-387-90092-6 – via Google Books.
- Hamilton, A.G. (1988). Logic for Mathematicians (Revised ed.). Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-36865-0 – via Google Books.
- James, Robert C.; James, Glenn (1992). Mathematics Dictionary (Fifth ed.). Chapman & Hall. ISBN 978-0-412-99041-0 – via Google Books.
- Landau, Edmund (1966). Foundations of Analysis (Third ed.). Chelsea Publishing. ISBN 978-0-8218-2693-5 – via Google Books.
- Levy, Azriel (1979). Basic Set Theory. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. ISBN 978-3-662-02310-5.
- Mac Lane, Saunders; Birkhoff, Garrett (1999). Algebra (3rd ed.). American Mathematical Society. ISBN 978-0-8218-1646-2 – via Google Books.
- Mendelson, Elliott (2008) [1973]. Number Systems and the Foundations of Analysis. Dover Publications. ISBN 978-0-486-45792-5 – via Google Books.
- Morash, Ronald P. (1991). Bridge to Abstract Mathematics: Mathematical proof and structures (Second ed.). Mcgraw-Hill College. ISBN 978-0-07-043043-3 – via Google Books.
- Musser, Gary L.; Peterson, Blake E.; Burger, William F. (2013). Mathematics for Elementary Teachers: A contemporary approach (10th ed.). Wiley Global Education. ISBN 978-1-118-45744-3 – via Google Books.
- Szczepanski, Amy F.; Kositsky, Andrew P. (2008). The Complete Idiot's Guide to Pre-algebra. Penguin Group. ISBN 978-1-59257-772-9 – via Google Books.
- Thomson, Brian S.; Bruckner, Judith B.; Bruckner, Andrew M. (2008). Elementary Real Analysis (Second ed.). ClassicalRealAnalysis.com. ISBN 978-1-4348-4367-8 – via Google Books.
- von Neumann, John (1923). "Zur Einführung der transfiniten Zahlen" [On the Introduction of the Transfinite Numbers]. Acta Litterarum AC Scientiarum Ragiae Universitatis Hungaricae Francisco-Josephinae, Sectio Scientiarum Mathematicarum. 1: 199–208. Archived from the original on 18 December 2014. Retrieved 15 September 2013.
- von Neumann, John (January 2002) [1923]. "On the introduction of transfinite numbers". In van Heijenoort, Jean (ed.). From Frege to Gödel: A source book in mathematical logic, 1879–1931 (3rd ed.). Harvard University Press. pp. 346–354. ISBN 978-0-674-32449-7. – English translation of von Neumann 1923.
External links
- "Natural number", Encyclopedia of Mathematics, EMS Press, 2001 [1994]
- "Axioms and construction of natural numbers". apronus.com.
In mathematics the natural numbers are the numbers 0 1 2 3 and so on possibly excluding 0 Some start counting with 0 defining the natural numbers as the non negative integers 0 1 2 3 while others start with 1 defining them as the positive integers 1 2 3 Some authors acknowledge both definitions whenever convenient Sometimes the whole numbers are the natural numbers plus zero In other cases the whole numbers refer to all of the integers including negative integers The counting numbers are another term for the natural numbers particularly in primary school education and are ambiguous as well although typically start at 1 Natural numbers can be used for counting one apple two apples are one apple added to another apple three apples are one apple added to two apples The natural numbers are used for counting things like there are six coins on the table in which case they are called cardinal numbers They are also used to put things in order like this is the third largest city in the country which are called ordinal numbers Natural numbers are also used as labels like jersey numbers on a sports team where they serve as nominal numbers and do not have mathematical properties The natural numbers form a set commonly symbolized as a bold N or blackboard bold N displaystyle mathbb N Many other number sets are built from the natural numbers For example the integers are made by adding 0 and negative numbers The rational numbers add fractions and the real numbers add infinite decimals Complex numbers add the square root of 1 This chain of extensions canonically embeds the natural numbers in the other number systems Natural numbers are studied in different areas of math Number theory looks at things like how numbers divide evenly divisibility or how prime numbers are spread out Combinatorics studies counting and arranging numbered objects such as partitions and enumerations HistoryAncient roots The Ishango bone on exhibition at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences is believed to have been used 20 000 years ago for natural number arithmetic The most primitive method of representing a natural number is to use one s fingers as in finger counting Putting down a tally mark for each object is another primitive method Later a set of objects could be tested for equality excess or shortage by striking out a mark and removing an object from the set The first major advance in abstraction was the use of numerals to represent numbers This allowed systems to be developed for recording large numbers The ancient Egyptians developed a powerful system of numerals with distinct hieroglyphs for 1 10 and all powers of 10 up to over 1 million A stone carving from Karnak dating back from around 1500 BCE and now at the Louvre in Paris depicts 276 as 2 hundreds 7 tens and 6 ones and similarly for the number 4 622 The Babylonians had a place value system based essentially on the numerals for 1 and 10 using base sixty so that the symbol for sixty was the same as the symbol for one its value being determined from context A much later advance was the development of the idea that 0 can be considered as a number with its own numeral The use of a 0 digit in place value notation within other numbers dates back as early as 700 BCE by the Babylonians who omitted such a digit when it would have been the last symbol in the number The Olmec and Maya civilizations used 0 as a separate number as early as the 1st century BCE but this usage did not spread beyond Mesoamerica The use of a numeral 0 in modern times originated with the Indian mathematician Brahmagupta in 628 CE However 0 had been used as a number in the medieval computus the calculation of the date of Easter beginning with Dionysius Exiguus in 525 CE without being denoted by a numeral Standard Roman numerals do not have a symbol for 0 instead nulla or the genitive form nullae from nullus the Latin word for none was employed to denote a 0 value The first systematic study of numbers as abstractions is usually credited to the Greek philosophers Pythagoras and Archimedes Some Greek mathematicians treated the number 1 differently than larger numbers sometimes even not as a number at all Euclid for example defined a unit first and then a number as a multitude of units thus by his definition a unit is not a number and there are no unique numbers e g any two units from indefinitely many units is a 2 However in the definition of perfect number which comes shortly afterward Euclid treats 1 as a number like any other Independent studies on numbers also occurred at around the same time in India China and Mesoamerica Emergence as a term Nicolas Chuquet used the term progression naturelle natural progression in 1484 The earliest known use of natural number as a complete English phrase is in 1763 The 1771 Encyclopaedia Britannica defines natural numbers in the logarithm article Starting at 0 or 1 has long been a matter of definition In 1727 Bernard Le Bovier de Fontenelle wrote that his notions of distance and element led to defining the natural numbers as including or excluding 0 In 1889 Giuseppe Peano used N for the positive integers and started at 1 but he later changed to using N0 and N1 Historically most definitions have excluded 0 but many mathematicians such as George A Wentworth Bertrand Russell Nicolas Bourbaki Paul Halmos Stephen Cole Kleene and John Horton Conway have preferred to include 0 Mathematicians have noted tendencies in which definition is used such as algebra texts including 0 number theory and analysis texts excluding 0 logic and set theory texts including 0 dictionaries excluding 0 school books through high school level excluding 0 and upper division college level books including 0 There are exceptions to each of these tendencies and as of 2023 no formal survey has been conducted Arguments raised include division by zero and the size of the empty set Computer languages often start from zero when enumerating items like loop counters and string or array elements Including 0 began to rise in popularity in the 1960s The ISO 31 11 standard included 0 in the natural numbers in its first edition in 1978 and this has continued through its present edition as ISO 80000 2 Formal construction In 19th century Europe there was mathematical and philosophical discussion about the exact nature of the natural numbers Henri Poincare stated that axioms can only be demonstrated in their finite application and concluded that it is the power of the mind which allows conceiving of the indefinite repetition of the same act Leopold Kronecker summarized his belief as God made the integers all else is the work of man The constructivists saw a need to improve upon the logical rigor in the foundations of mathematics In the 1860s Hermann Grassmann suggested a recursive definition for natural numbers thus stating they were not really natural but a consequence of definitions Later two classes of such formal definitions emerged using set theory and Peano s axioms respectively Later still they were shown to be equivalent in most practical applications Set theoretical definitions of natural numbers were initiated by Frege He initially defined a natural number as the class of all sets that are in one to one correspondence with a particular set However this definition turned out to lead to paradoxes including Russell s paradox To avoid such paradoxes the formalism was modified so that a natural number is defined as a particular set and any set that can be put into one to one correspondence with that set is said to have that number of elements In 1881 Charles Sanders Peirce provided the first axiomatization of natural number arithmetic In 1888 Richard Dedekind proposed another axiomatization of natural number arithmetic and in 1889 Peano published a simplified version of Dedekind s axioms in his book The principles of arithmetic presented by a new method Latin Arithmetices principia nova methodo exposita This approach is now called Peano arithmetic It is based on an axiomatization of the properties of ordinal numbers each natural number has a successor and every non zero natural number has a unique predecessor Peano arithmetic is equiconsistent with several weak systems of set theory One such system is ZFC with the axiom of infinity replaced by its negation Theorems that can be proved in ZFC but cannot be proved using the Peano Axioms include Goodstein s theorem NotationThe set of all natural numbers is standardly denoted N or N displaystyle mathbb N Older texts have occasionally employed J as the symbol for this set Since natural numbers may contain 0 or not it may be important to know which version is referred to This is often specified by the context but may also be done by using a subscript or a superscript in the notation such as Naturals without zero 1 2 N N N0 0 N1 displaystyle 1 2 mathbb N mathbb N mathbb N 0 smallsetminus 0 mathbb N 1 Naturals with zero 0 1 2 N0 N0 N 0 displaystyle 0 1 2 mathbb N 0 mathbb N 0 mathbb N cup 0 Alternatively since the natural numbers naturally form a subset of the integers often denoted Z displaystyle mathbb Z they may be referred to as the positive or the non negative integers respectively To be unambiguous about whether 0 is included or not sometimes a superscript displaystyle or is added in the former case and a subscript or superscript 0 is added in the latter case 1 2 3 x Z x gt 0 Z Z gt 0 displaystyle 1 2 3 dots x in mathbb Z x gt 0 mathbb Z mathbb Z gt 0 0 1 2 x Z x 0 Z0 Z 0 displaystyle 0 1 2 dots x in mathbb Z x geq 0 mathbb Z 0 mathbb Z geq 0 PropertiesThis section uses the convention N N0 N 0 displaystyle mathbb N mathbb N 0 mathbb N cup 0 Addition Given the set N displaystyle mathbb N of natural numbers and the successor function S N N displaystyle S colon mathbb N to mathbb N sending each natural number to the next one one can define addition of natural numbers recursively by setting a 0 a and a S b S a b for all a b Thus a 1 a S 0 S a 0 S a a 2 a S 1 S a 1 S S a and so on The algebraic structure N displaystyle mathbb N is a commutative monoid with identity element 0 It is a free monoid on one generator This commutative monoid satisfies the cancellation property so it can be embedded in a group The smallest group containing the natural numbers is the integers If 1 is defined as S 0 then b 1 b S 0 S b 0 S b That is b 1 is simply the successor of b Multiplication Analogously given that addition has been defined a multiplication operator displaystyle times can be defined via a 0 0 and a S b a b a This turns N displaystyle mathbb N times into a free commutative monoid with identity element 1 a generator set for this monoid is the set of prime numbers Relationship between addition and multiplication Addition and multiplication are compatible which is expressed in the distribution law a b c a b a c These properties of addition and multiplication make the natural numbers an instance of a commutative semiring Semirings are an algebraic generalization of the natural numbers where multiplication is not necessarily commutative The lack of additive inverses which is equivalent to the fact that N displaystyle mathbb N is not closed under subtraction that is subtracting one natural from another does not always result in another natural means that N displaystyle mathbb N is not a ring instead it is a semiring also known as a rig If the natural numbers are taken as excluding 0 and starting at 1 the definitions of and are as above except that they begin with a 1 S a and a 1 a Furthermore N displaystyle mathbb N has no identity element Order In this section juxtaposed variables such as ab indicate the product a b and the standard order of operations is assumed A total order on the natural numbers is defined by letting a b if and only if there exists another natural number c where a c b This order is compatible with the arithmetical operations in the following sense if a b and c are natural numbers and a b then a c b c and ac bc An important property of the natural numbers is that they are well ordered every non empty set of natural numbers has a least element The rank among well ordered sets is expressed by an ordinal number for the natural numbers this is denoted as w omega Division In this section juxtaposed variables such as ab indicate the product a b and the standard order of operations is assumed While it is in general not possible to divide one natural number by another and get a natural number as result the procedure of division with remainder or Euclidean division is available as a substitute for any two natural numbers a and b with b 0 there are natural numbers q and r such that a bq r and r lt b displaystyle a bq r text and r lt b The number q is called the quotient and r is called the remainder of the division of a by b The numbers q and r are uniquely determined by a and b This Euclidean division is key to the several other properties divisibility algorithms such as the Euclidean algorithm and ideas in number theory Algebraic properties satisfied by the natural numbers The addition and multiplication operations on natural numbers as defined above have several algebraic properties Closure under addition and multiplication for all natural numbers a and b both a b and a b are natural numbers Associativity for all natural numbers a b and c a b c a b c and a b c a b c Commutativity for all natural numbers a and b a b b a and a b b a Existence of identity elements for every natural number a a 0 a and a 1 a If the natural numbers are taken as excluding 0 and starting at 1 then for every natural number a a 1 a However the existence of additive identity element property is not satisfied Distributivity of multiplication over addition for all natural numbers a b and c a b c a b a c No nonzero zero divisors if a and b are natural numbers such that a b 0 then a 0 or b 0 or both GeneralizationsTwo important generalizations of natural numbers arise from the two uses of counting and ordering cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers A natural number can be used to express the size of a finite set more precisely a cardinal number is a measure for the size of a set which is even suitable for infinite sets The numbering of cardinals usually begins at zero to accommodate the empty set displaystyle emptyset This concept of size relies on maps between sets such that two sets have the same size exactly if there exists a bijection between them The set of natural numbers itself and any bijective image of it is said to be countably infinite and to have cardinality aleph null ℵ0 Natural numbers are also used as linguistic ordinal numbers first second third and so forth The numbering of ordinals usually begins at zero to accommodate the order type of the empty set displaystyle emptyset This way they can be assigned to the elements of a totally ordered finite set and also to the elements of any well ordered countably infinite set without limit points This assignment can be generalized to general well orderings with a cardinality beyond countability to yield the ordinal numbers An ordinal number may also be used to describe the notion of size for a well ordered set in a sense different from cardinality if there is an order isomorphism more than a bijection between two well ordered sets they have the same ordinal number The first ordinal number that is not a natural number is expressed as w this is also the ordinal number of the set of natural numbers itself The least ordinal of cardinality ℵ0 that is the initial ordinal of ℵ0 is w but many well ordered sets with cardinal number ℵ0 have an ordinal number greater than w For finite well ordered sets there is a one to one correspondence between ordinal and cardinal numbers therefore they can both be expressed by the same natural number the number of elements of the set This number can also be used to describe the position of an element in a larger finite or an infinite sequence A countable non standard model of arithmetic satisfying the Peano Arithmetic that is the first order Peano axioms was developed by Skolem in 1933 The hypernatural numbers are an uncountable model that can be constructed from the ordinary natural numbers via the ultrapower construction Other generalizations are discussed in Number Extensions of the concept Georges Reeb used to claim provocatively that The naive integers don t fill up N displaystyle mathbb N Formal definitionsThere are two standard methods for formally defining natural numbers The first one named for Giuseppe Peano consists of an autonomous axiomatic theory called Peano arithmetic based on few axioms called Peano axioms The second definition is based on set theory It defines the natural numbers as specific sets More precisely each natural number n is defined as an explicitly defined set whose elements allow counting the elements of other sets in the sense that the sentence a set S has n elements means that there exists a one to one correspondence between the two sets n and S The sets used to define natural numbers satisfy Peano axioms It follows that every theorem that can be stated and proved in Peano arithmetic can also be proved in set theory However the two definitions are not equivalent as there are theorems that can be stated in terms of Peano arithmetic and proved in set theory which are not provable inside Peano arithmetic A probable example is Fermat s Last Theorem The definition of the integers as sets satisfying Peano axioms provide a model of Peano arithmetic inside set theory An important consequence is that if set theory is consistent as it is usually guessed then Peano arithmetic is consistent In other words if a contradiction could be proved in Peano arithmetic then set theory would be contradictory and every theorem of set theory would be both true and wrong Peano axioms The five Peano axioms are the following 0 is a natural number Every natural number has a successor which is also a natural number 0 is not the successor of any natural number If the successor of x displaystyle x equals the successor of y displaystyle y then x displaystyle x equals y displaystyle y The axiom of induction If a statement is true of 0 and if the truth of that statement for a number implies its truth for the successor of that number then the statement is true for every natural number These are not the original axioms published by Peano but are named in his honor Some forms of the Peano axioms have 1 in place of 0 In ordinary arithmetic the successor of x displaystyle x is x 1 displaystyle x 1 Set theoretic definition Intuitively the natural number n is the common property of all sets that have n elements So it seems natural to define n as an equivalence class under the relation can be made in one to one correspondence This does not work in all set theories as such an equivalence class would not be a set because of Russell s paradox The standard solution is to define a particular set with n elements that will be called the natural number n The following definition was first published by John von Neumann although Levy attributes the idea to unpublished work of Zermelo in 1916 As this definition extends to infinite set as a definition of ordinal number the sets considered below are sometimes called von Neumann ordinals The definition proceeds as follows Call 0 the empty set Define the successor S a of any set a by S a a a By the axiom of infinity there exist sets which contain 0 and are closed under the successor function Such sets are said to be inductive The intersection of all inductive sets is still an inductive set This intersection is the set of the natural numbers It follows that the natural numbers are defined iteratively as follows 0 1 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 1 3 2 2 0 1 2 n n 1 n 1 0 1 n 1 etc It can be checked that the natural numbers satisfy the Peano axioms With this definition given a natural number n the sentence a set S has n elements can be formally defined as there exists a bijection from n to S This formalizes the operation of counting the elements of S Also n m if and only if n is a subset of m In other words the set inclusion defines the usual total order on the natural numbers This order is a well order It follows from the definition that each natural number is equal to the set of all natural numbers less than it This definition can be extended to the von Neumann definition of ordinals for defining all ordinal numbers including the infinite ones each ordinal is the well ordered set of all smaller ordinals If one does not accept the axiom of infinity the natural numbers may not form a set Nevertheless the natural numbers can still be individually defined as above and they still satisfy the Peano axioms There are other set theoretical constructions In particular Ernst Zermelo provided a construction that is nowadays only of historical interest and is sometimes referred to as Zermelo ordinals It consists in defining 0 as the empty set and S a a With this definition each nonzero natural number is a singleton set So the property of the natural numbers to represent cardinalities is not directly accessible only the ordinal property being the n th element of a sequence is immediate Unlike von Neumann s construction the Zermelo ordinals do not extend to infinite ordinals See alsoMathematics portalCanonical representation of a positive integer Representation of a number as a product of primes Countable set Mathematical set that can be enumerated Sequence Function of the natural numbers in another set Ordinal number Generalization of n th to infinite cases Cardinal number Size of a possibly infinite set Set theoretic definition of natural numbers Axiom s of Set TheoryNumber systems Complex C displaystyle mathbb C Real R displaystyle mathbb R Rational Q displaystyle mathbb Q Integer Z displaystyle mathbb Z Natural N displaystyle mathbb N Zero 0One 1Prime numbersComposite numbersNegative integersFraction Finite decimalDyadic finite binary Repeating decimalIrrational Algebraic irrationalIrrational periodTranscendentalImaginaryNotesSee Emergence as a term A tablet found at Kish thought to date from around 700 BC uses three hooks to denote an empty place in the positional notation Other tablets dated from around the same time use a single hook for an empty place This convention is used for example in Euclid s Elements see D Joyce s web edition of Book VII Mac Lane amp Birkhoff 1999 p 15 include zero in the natural numbers Intuitively the set N 0 1 2 displaystyle mathbb N 0 1 2 ldots of all natural numbers may be described as follows N displaystyle mathbb N contains an initial number 0 They follow that with their version of the Peano s axioms The English translation is from Gray In a footnote Gray attributes the German quote to Weber 1891 1892 19 quoting from a lecture of Kronecker s of 1886 Much of the mathematical work of the twentieth century has been devoted to examining the logical foundations and structure of the subject Eves 1990 p 606 Hamilton 1988 pp 117 ff calls them Peano s Postulates and begins with 1 0 is a natural number Halmos 1960 p 46 uses the language of set theory instead of the language of arithmetic for his five axioms He begins with I 0 w where of course 0 w is the set of all natural numbers Morash 1991 gives a two part axiom in which the natural numbers begin with 1 Section 10 1 An Axiomatization for the System of Positive Integers In some set theories e g New Foundations a universal set exists and Russel s paradox cannot be formulated ReferencesEnderton Herbert B 1977 Elements of set theory New York Academic Press p 66 ISBN 0122384407 Weisstein Eric W Natural Number mathworld wolfram com Retrieved 11 August 2020 Ganssle Jack G amp Barr Michael 2003 integer Embedded Systems Dictionary Taylor amp Francis pp 138 integer 247 signed integer amp 276 unsigned integer ISBN 978 1 57820 120 4 Archived from the original on 29 March 2017 Retrieved 28 March 2017 via Google Books Weisstein Eric W Counting Number MathWorld Woodin Greg Winter Bodo 2024 Numbers in Context Cardinals Ordinals and Nominals in American English Cognitive Science 48 6 e13471 doi 10 1111 cogs 13471 PMC 11475258 PMID 38895756 Mendelson 2008 p x says The whole fantastic hierarchy of number systems is built up by purely set theoretic means from a few simple assumptions about natural numbers Bluman 2010 p 1 Numbers make up the foundation of mathematics Introduction Ishango bone Brussels Belgium Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Archived from the original on 4 March 2016 Flash presentation Ishango bone Brussels Belgium Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Archived from the original on 27 May 2016 The Ishango Bone Democratic Republic of the Congo UNESCO s Portal to the Heritage of Astronomy Archived from the original on 10 November 2014 on permanent display at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Brussels Belgium Ifrah Georges 2000 The Universal History of Numbers Wiley ISBN 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69792712 Euclid Book VII definition 22 In Joyce D ed Elements Clark University A perfect number is that which is equal to the sum of its own parts In definition VII 3 a part was defined as a number but here 1 is considered to be a part so that for example 6 1 2 3 is a perfect number Kline Morris 1990 1972 Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times Oxford University Press ISBN 0 19 506135 7 Chuquet Nicolas 1881 1484 Le Triparty en la science des nombres in French Emerson William 1763 The method of increments p 113 Earliest Known Uses of Some of the Words of Mathematics N Maths History Fontenelle Bernard de 1727 Elements de la geometrie de l infini in French p 3 Arithmetices principia nova methodo in Latin Fratres Bocca 1889 p 12 Peano Giuseppe 1901 Formulaire des mathematiques in French Paris Gauthier Villars p 39 Fine Henry Burchard 1904 A College Algebra Ginn p 6 Advanced Algebra A Study Guide to be Used with USAFI Course MC 166 Or CC166 United States Armed Forces Institute 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Abstract Mathematics Mathematical proof and structures Second ed Mcgraw Hill College ISBN 978 0 07 043043 3 via Google Books Musser Gary L Peterson Blake E Burger William F 2013 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers A contemporary approach 10th ed Wiley Global Education ISBN 978 1 118 45744 3 via Google Books Szczepanski Amy F Kositsky Andrew P 2008 The Complete Idiot s Guide to Pre algebra Penguin Group ISBN 978 1 59257 772 9 via Google Books Thomson Brian S Bruckner Judith B Bruckner Andrew M 2008 Elementary Real Analysis Second ed ClassicalRealAnalysis com ISBN 978 1 4348 4367 8 via Google Books von Neumann John 1923 Zur Einfuhrung der transfiniten Zahlen On the Introduction of the Transfinite Numbers Acta Litterarum AC Scientiarum Ragiae Universitatis Hungaricae Francisco Josephinae Sectio Scientiarum Mathematicarum 1 199 208 Archived from the original on 18 December 2014 Retrieved 15 September 2013 von Neumann John January 2002 1923 On the introduction of transfinite numbers In van Heijenoort Jean ed From Frege to Godel A source book in mathematical logic 1879 1931 3rd ed Harvard University Press pp 346 354 ISBN 978 0 674 32449 7 English translation of von Neumann 1923 External linksWikimedia Commons has media related to Natural numbers Natural number Encyclopedia of Mathematics EMS Press 2001 1994 Axioms and construction of natural numbers apronus com