A transistor is a semiconductor device used to amplify or switch electrical signals and power. It is one of the basic building blocks of modern electronics. It is composed of semiconductor material, usually with at least three terminals for connection to an electronic circuit. A voltage or current applied to one pair of the transistor's terminals controls the current through another pair of terminals. Because the controlled (output) power can be higher than the controlling (input) power, a transistor can amplify a signal. Some transistors are packaged individually, but many more in miniature form are found embedded in integrated circuits. Because transistors are the key active components in practically all modern electronics, many people consider them one of the 20th century's greatest inventions.
Size comparison of bipolar junction transistor packages, including (from left to right): SOT-23, TO-92, TO-126, and TO-3
John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley
Invention year
1947; 78 years ago (1947)
Number of terminals
Pin names
Base, collector and emitter
Electronic symbol
PNP and NPN Transistor
Metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET), showing gate (G), body (B), source (S) and drain (D) terminals. The gate is separated from the body by an insulating layer (white).
PhysicistJulius Edgar Lilienfeld proposed the concept of a field-effect transistor (FET) in 1925, but it was not possible to construct a working device at that time. The first working device was a point-contact transistor invented in 1947 by physicists John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley at Bell Labs who shared the 1956 Nobel Prize in Physics for their achievement. The most widely used type of transistor, the metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET), was invented at Bell Labs between 1955 and 1960. Transistors revolutionized the field of electronics and paved the way for smaller and cheaper radios, calculators, computers, and other electronic devices.
Most transistors are made from very pure silicon, and some from germanium, but certain other semiconductor materials are sometimes used. A transistor may have only one kind of charge carrier in a field-effect transistor, or may have two kinds of charge carriers in bipolar junction transistor devices. Compared with the vacuum tube, transistors are generally smaller and require less power to operate. Certain vacuum tubes have advantages over transistors at very high operating frequencies or high operating voltages, such as Traveling-wave tubes and Gyrotrons. Many types of transistors are made to standardized specifications by multiple manufacturers.
Julius Edgar Lilienfeld proposed the concept of a field-effect transistor in 1925.
The thermionictriode, a vacuum tube invented in 1907, enabled amplified radio technology and long-distance telephony. The triode, however, was a fragile device that consumed a substantial amount of power. In 1909, physicistWilliam Eccles discovered the crystal diode oscillator. Physicist Julius Edgar Lilienfeld filed a patent for a field-effect transistor (FET) in Canada in 1925, intended as a solid-state replacement for the triode. He filed identical patents in the United States in 1926 and 1928. However, he did not publish any research articles about his devices nor did his patents cite any specific examples of a working prototype. Because the production of high-quality semiconductor materials was still decades away, Lilienfeld's solid-state amplifier ideas would not have found practical use in the 1920s and 1930s, even if such a device had been built. In 1934, inventor Oskar Heil patented a similar device in Europe.
Bipolar transistors
John Bardeen, William Shockley, and Walter Brattain at Bell Labs in 1948; Bardeen and Brattain invented the point-contact transistor in 1947 and Shockley invented the bipolar junction transistor in 1948.A replica of the first working transistor, a point-contact transistor invented in 1947Herbert Mataré (pictured in 1950) independently invented a point-contact transistor in June 1948.A Philco surface-barrier transistor developed and produced in 1953
From November 17 to December 23, 1947, John Bardeen and Walter Brattain at AT&T's Bell Labs in Murray Hill, New Jersey, performed experiments and observed that when two gold point contacts were applied to a crystal of germanium, a signal was produced with the output power greater than the input. Solid State Physics Group leader William Shockley saw the potential in this, and over the next few months worked to greatly expand the knowledge of semiconductors. The term transistor was coined by John R. Pierce as a contraction of the term transresistance. According to Lillian Hoddeson and Vicki Daitch, Shockley proposed that Bell Labs' first patent for a transistor should be based on the field-effect and that he be named as the inventor. Having unearthed Lilienfeld's patents that went into obscurity years earlier, lawyers at Bell Labs advised against Shockley's proposal because the idea of a field-effect transistor that used an electric field as a "grid" was not new. Instead, what Bardeen, Brattain, and Shockley invented in 1947 was the first point-contact transistor. To acknowledge this accomplishment, Shockley, Bardeen and Brattain jointly received the 1956 Nobel Prize in Physics "for their researches on semiconductors and their discovery of the transistor effect".
Shockley's team initially attempted to build a field-effect transistor (FET) by trying to modulate the conductivity of a semiconductor, but was unsuccessful, mainly due to problems with the surface states, the dangling bond, and the germanium and copper compound materials. Trying to understand the mysterious reasons behind this failure led them instead to invent the bipolar point-contact and junction transistors.
In 1948, the point-contact transistor was independently invented by physicists Herbert Mataré and Heinrich Welker while working at the , a Westinghouse subsidiary in Paris. Mataré had previous experience in developing crystal rectifiers from silicon and germanium in the German radar effort during World War II. With this knowledge, he began researching the phenomenon of "interference" in 1947. By June 1948, witnessing currents flowing through point-contacts, he produced consistent results using samples of germanium produced by Welker, similar to what Bardeen and Brattain had accomplished earlier in December 1947. Realizing that Bell Labs' scientists had already invented the transistor, the company rushed to get its "transistron" into production for amplified use in France's telephone network, filing his first transistor patent application on August 13, 1948.
The first bipolar junction transistors were invented by Bell Labs' William Shockley, who applied for patent (2,569,347) on June 26, 1948. On April 12, 1950, Bell Labs chemists Gordon Teal and Morgan Sparks successfully produced a working bipolar NPN junction amplifying germanium transistor. Bell announced the discovery of this new "sandwich" transistor in a press release on July 4, 1951.
The first high-frequency transistor was the surface-barrier germanium transistor developed by Philco in 1953, capable of operating at frequencies up to 60 MHz. They were made by etching depressions into an n-type germanium base from both sides with jets of indium(III) sulfate until it was a few ten-thousandths of an inch thick. Indium electroplated into the depressions formed the collector and emitter.
AT&T first used transistors in telecommunications equipment in the No. 4A Toll Crossbar Switching System in 1953, for selecting trunk circuits from routing information encoded on translator cards. Its predecessor, the Western Electric No. 3A phototransistor, read the mechanical encoding from punched metal cards.
The first prototype pocket transistor radio was shown by INTERMETALL, a company founded by Herbert Mataré in 1952, at the Internationale Funkausstellung Düsseldorf from August 29 to September 6, 1953. The first production-model pocket transistor radio was the Regency TR-1, released in October 1954. Produced as a joint venture between the Regency Division of Industrial Development Engineering Associates, I.D.E.A. and Texas Instruments of Dallas, Texas, the TR-1 was manufactured in Indianapolis, Indiana. It was a near pocket-sized radio with four transistors and one germanium diode. The industrial design was outsourced to the Chicago firm of Painter, Teague and Petertil. It was initially released in one of six colours: black, ivory, mandarin red, cloud grey, mahogany and olive green. Other colours shortly followed.
The first production all-transistor car radio was developed by Chrysler and Philco corporations and was announced in the April 28, 1955, edition of The Wall Street Journal. Chrysler made the Mopar model 914HR available as an option starting in fall 1955 for its new line of 1956 Chrysler and Imperial cars, which reached dealership showrooms on October 21, 1955.
The Sony TR-63, released in 1957, was the first mass-produced transistor radio, leading to the widespread adoption of transistor radios. Seven million TR-63s were sold worldwide by the mid-1960s. Sony's success with transistor radios led to transistors replacing vacuum tubes as the dominant electronic technology in the late 1950s.
The first working silicon transistor was developed at Bell Labs on January 26, 1954, by Morris Tanenbaum. The first production commercial silicon transistor was announced by Texas Instruments in May 1954. This was the work of Gordon Teal, an expert in growing crystals of high purity, who had previously worked at Bell Labs.
Field-effect transistors
The basic principle of the field-effect transistor (FET) was first proposed by physicist Julius Edgar Lilienfeld when he filed a patent for a device similar to MESFET in 1926, and for an insulated-gate field-effect transistor in 1928. The FET concept was later also theorized by engineer Oskar Heil in the 1930s and by William Shockley in the 1940s.
In 1945, JFET was patented by Heinrich Welker. Following Shockley's theoretical treatment on JFET in 1952, a working practical JFET was made in 1953 by George C. Dacey and Ian M. Ross.
In 1948, Bardeen and Brattain patented the progenitor of MOSFET at Bell Labs, an insulated-gate FET (IGFET) with an inversion layer. Bardeen's patent, and the concept of an inversion layer, forms the basis of CMOS and DRAM technology today.
In the early years of the semiconductor industry, companies focused on the junction transistor, a relatively bulky device that was difficult to mass-produce, limiting it to several specialized applications. Field-effect transistors (FETs) were theorized as potential alternatives, but researchers could not get them to work properly, largely due to the surface state barrier that prevented the external electric field from penetrating the material.
MOSFET (MOS transistor)
1957, Diagram of one of the SiO2 transistor devices made by Frosch and Derrick
In 1955, Carl Frosch and Lincoln Derick accidentally grew a layer of silicon dioxide over the silicon wafer, for which they observed surface passivation effects. By 1957 Frosch and Derick, using masking and predeposition, were able to manufacture silicon dioxide field effect transistors; the first planar transistors, in which drain and source were adjacent at the same surface. They showed that silicon dioxide insulated, protected silicon wafers and prevented dopants from diffusing into the wafer. After this, J.R. Ligenza and W.G. Spitzer studied the mechanism of thermally grown oxides, fabricated a high quality Si/SiO2 stack and published their results in 1960.
Following this research, Mohamed Atalla and Dawon Kahng proposed a silicon MOS transistor in 1959 and successfully demonstrated a working MOS device with their Bell Labs team in 1960. Their team included E. E. LaBate and E. I. Povilonis who fabricated the device; M. O. Thurston, L. A. D’Asaro, and J. R. Ligenza who developed the diffusion processes, and H. K. Gummel and R. Lindner who characterized the device. With its high scalability, much lower power consumption, and higher density than bipolar junction transistors, the MOSFET made it possible to build high-density integrated circuits, allowing the integration of more than 10,000 transistors in a single IC.
Bardeen and Brattain's 1948 inversion layer concept forms the basis of CMOS technology today. The CMOS (complementary MOS) was invented by Chih-Tang Sah and Frank Wanlass at Fairchild Semiconductor in 1963. The first report of a floating-gate MOSFET was made by Dawon Kahng and Simon Sze in 1967.
In 1967, Bell Labs researchers Robert Kerwin, Donald Klein and John Sarace developed the self-aligned gate (silicon-gate) MOS transistor, which Fairchild Semiconductor researchers Federico Faggin and Tom Klein used to develop the first silicon-gate MOS integrated circuit.
A double-gate MOSFET was first demonstrated in 1984 by Electrotechnical Laboratory researchers Toshihiro Sekigawa and Yutaka Hayashi. The FinFET (fin field-effect transistor), a type of 3D non-planar multi-gate MOSFET, originated from the research of Digh Hisamoto and his team at Hitachi Central Research Laboratory in 1989.
Because transistors are the key active components in practically all modern electronics, many people consider them one of the 20th century's greatest inventions.
The invention of the first transistor at Bell Labs was named an IEEE Milestone in 2009. Other Milestones include the inventions of the junction transistor in 1948 and the MOSFET in 1959.
The MOSFET is by far the most widely used transistor, in applications ranging from computers and electronics to communications technology such as smartphones. It has been considered the most important transistor, possibly the most important invention in electronics, and the device that enabled modern electronics. It has been the basis of modern digital electronics since the late 20th century, paving the way for the digital age. The US Patent and Trademark Office calls it a "groundbreaking invention that transformed life and culture around the world". Its ability to be mass-produced by a highly automated process (semiconductor device fabrication), from relatively basic materials, allows astonishingly low per-transistor costs. MOSFETs are the most numerously produced artificial objects in history, with more than 13 sextillion manufactured by 2018.
Although several companies each produce over a billion individually packaged (known as discrete) MOS transistors every year, the vast majority are produced in integrated circuits (also known as ICs, microchips, or simply chips), along with diodes, resistors, capacitors and other electronic components, to produce complete electronic circuits. A logic gate consists of up to about 20 transistors, whereas an advanced microprocessor, as of 2023, may contain as many as 134 billion transistors (and for exceptional chips, 2.6 trillion transistors, as of 2020). Transistors are often organized into logic gates in microprocessors to perform computation.
The transistor's low cost, flexibility and reliability have made it ubiquitous. Transistorized mechatronic circuits have replaced electromechanical devices in controlling appliances and machinery. It is often easier and cheaper to use a standard microcontroller and write a computer program to carry out a control function than to design an equivalent mechanical system.
Simplified operation
A simple circuit diagram showing the labels of an n–p–n bipolar transistor
A transistor can use a small signal applied between one pair of its terminals to control a much larger signal at another pair of terminals, a property called gain. It can produce a stronger output signal, a voltage or current, proportional to a weaker input signal, acting as an amplifier. It can also be used as an electrically controlled switch, where the amount of current is determined by other circuit elements.
There are two types of transistors, with slight differences in how they are used:
A bipolar junction transistor (BJT) has terminals labeled base, collector and emitter. A small current at the base terminal, flowing between the base and the emitter, can control or switch a much larger current between the collector and emitter.
A field-effect transistor (FET) has terminals labeled gate, source and drain. A voltage at the gate can control a current between source and drain.
The top image in this section represents a typical bipolar transistor in a circuit. A charge flows between emitter and collector terminals depending on the current in the base. Because the base and emitter connections behave like a semiconductor diode, a voltage drop develops between them. The amount of this drop, determined by the transistor's material, is referred to as VBE. (Base Emitter Voltage)
Transistor as a switch
BJT used as an electronic switch in grounded-emitter configuration
Transistors are commonly used in digital circuits as electronic switches which can be either in an "on" or "off" state, both for high-power applications such as switched-mode power supplies and for low-power applications such as logic gates. Important parameters for this application include the current switched, the voltage handled, and the switching speed, characterized by the rise and fall times.
In a switching circuit, the goal is to simulate, as near as possible, the ideal switch having the properties of an open circuit when off, the short circuit when on, and an instantaneous transition between the two states. Parameters are chosen such that the "off" output is limited to leakage currents too small to affect connected circuitry, the resistance of the transistor in the "on" state is too small to affect circuitry, and the transition between the two states is fast enough not to have a detrimental effect.
In a grounded-emitter transistor circuit, such as the light-switch circuit shown, as the base voltage rises, the emitter and collector currents rise exponentially. The collector voltage drops because of reduced resistance from the collector to the emitter. If the voltage difference between the collector and emitter were zero (or near zero), the collector current would be limited only by the load resistance (light bulb) and the supply voltage. This is called saturation because the current is flowing from collector to emitter freely. When saturated, the switch is said to be on.
The use of bipolar transistors for switching applications requires biasing the transistor so that it operates between its cut-off region in the off-state and the saturation region (on). This requires sufficient base drive current. As the transistor provides current gain, it facilitates the switching of a relatively large current in the collector by a much smaller current into the base terminal. The ratio of these currents varies depending on the type of transistor, and even for a particular type, varies depending on the collector current. In the example of a light-switch circuit, as shown, the resistor is chosen to provide enough base current to ensure the transistor is saturated. The base resistor value is calculated from the supply voltage, transistor C-E junction voltage drop, collector current, and amplification factor beta.
Transistor as an amplifier
An amplifier circuit, a common-emitter configuration with a voltage-divider bias circuit
The common-emitter amplifier is designed so that a small change in voltage (Vin) changes the small current through the base of the transistor whose current amplification combined with the properties of the circuit means that small swings in Vin produce large changes in Vout.
Various configurations of single transistor amplifiers are possible, with some providing current gain, some voltage gain, and some both.
From mobile phones to televisions, vast numbers of products include amplifiers for sound reproduction, radio transmission, and signal processing. The first discrete-transistor audio amplifiers barely supplied a few hundred milliwatts, but power and audio fidelity gradually increased as better transistors became available and amplifier architecture evolved.
Modern transistor audio amplifiers of up to a few hundred watts are common and relatively inexpensive.
Comparison with vacuum tubes
Before transistors were developed, vacuum (electron) tubes (or in the UK "thermionic valves" or just "valves") were the main active components in electronic equipment.
The key advantages that have allowed transistors to replace vacuum tubes in most applications are
No cathode heater (which produces the characteristic orange glow of tubes), reducing power consumption, eliminating delay as tube heaters warm up, and immune from cathode poisoning and depletion.
Very small size and weight, reducing equipment size.
Large numbers of extremely small transistors can be manufactured as a single integrated circuit.
Low operating voltages compatible with batteries of only a few cells.
Circuits with greater energy efficiency are usually possible. For low-power applications (for example, voltage amplification) in particular, energy consumption can be very much less than for tubes.
Complementary devices available, providing design flexibility including complementary-symmetry circuits, not possible with vacuum tubes.
Very low sensitivity to mechanical shock and vibration, providing physical ruggedness and virtually eliminating shock-induced spurious signals (for example, microphonics in audio applications).
Not susceptible to breakage of a glass envelope, leakage, outgassing, and other physical damage.
Transistors may have the following limitations:
They lack the higher electron mobility afforded by the vacuum of vacuum tubes, which is desirable for high-power, high-frequency operation – such as that used in some over-the-air television transmitters and in travelling-wave tubes used as amplifiers in some satellites
Transistors and other solid-state devices are susceptible to damage from very brief electrical and thermal events, including electrostatic discharge in handling. Vacuum tubes are electrically much more rugged.
They are sensitive to radiation and cosmic rays (special radiation-hardened chips are used for spacecraft devices).
In audio applications, transistors lack the lower-harmonic distortion – the so-called tube sound – which is characteristic of vacuum tubes, and is preferred by some.
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Maximum operating frequency: low, medium, high, radio (RF), microwave frequency (the maximum effective frequency of a transistor in a common-emitter or common-source circuit is denoted by the term fT, an abbreviation for transition frequency—the frequency at which the transistor yields unity voltage gain)
Application: switch, general purpose, audio, high voltage, super-beta, matched pair.
Physical packaging: through-hole metal, through-hole plastic, surface mount, ball grid array, power modules (see Packaging).
Amplification factor hFE, βF (transistor beta) or gm (transconductance).
Working temperature: Extreme temperature transistors and traditional temperature transistors (−55 to 150 °C (−67 to 302 °F)). Extreme temperature transistors include high-temperature transistors (above 150 °C (302 °F)) and low-temperature transistors (below −55 °C (−67 °F)). The high-temperature transistors that operate thermally stable up to 250 °C (482 °F) can be developed by a general strategy of blending interpenetrating semi-crystalline conjugated polymers and high glass-transition temperature insulating polymers.
Hence, a particular transistor may be described as silicon, surface-mount, BJT, NPN, low-power, high-frequency switch.
Convenient mnemonic to remember the type of transistor (represented by an electrical symbol) involves the direction of the arrow. For the BJT, on an n–p–n transistor symbol, the arrow will "Not Point iN". On a p–n–p transistor symbol, the arrow "Points iNProudly". However, this does not apply to MOSFET-based transistor symbols as the arrow is typically reversed (i.e. the arrow for the n–p–n points inside).
Field-effect transistor (FET)
Operation of an FET and its Id-Vg curve. At first, when no gate voltage is applied, there are no inversion electrons in the channel, so the device is turned off. As gate voltage increases, the inversion electron density in the channel increases, the current increases, and the device turns on.
The field-effect transistor, sometimes called a unipolar transistor, uses either electrons (in n-channel FET) or holes (in p-channel FET) for conduction. The four terminals of the FET are named source, gate, drain, and body (substrate). On most FETs, the body is connected to the source inside the package, and this will be assumed for the following description.
In a FET, the drain-to-source current flows via a conducting channel that connects the source region to the drain region. The conductivity is varied by the electric field that is produced when a voltage is applied between the gate and source terminals, hence the current flowing between the drain and source is controlled by the voltage applied between the gate and source. As the gate–source voltage (VGS) is increased, the drain–source current (IDS) increases exponentially for VGS below threshold, and then at a roughly quadratic rate: (IDS ∝ (VGS − VT)2, where VT is the threshold voltage at which drain current begins) in the "space-charge-limited" region above threshold. A quadratic behavior is not observed in modern devices, for example, at the 65 nm technology node.
For low noise at narrow bandwidth, the higher input resistance of the FET is advantageous.
FETs are divided into two families: junction FET (JFET) and insulated gate FET (IGFET). The IGFET is more commonly known as a metal–oxide–semiconductor FET (MOSFET), reflecting its original construction from layers of metal (the gate), oxide (the insulation), and semiconductor. Unlike IGFETs, the JFET gate forms a p–n diode with the channel which lies between the source and drains. Functionally, this makes the n-channel JFET the solid-state equivalent of the vacuum tube triode which, similarly, forms a diode between its grid and cathode. Also, both devices operate in the depletion-mode, they both have a high input impedance, and they both conduct current under the control of an input voltage.
Metal–semiconductor FETs (MESFETs) are JFETs in which the reverse biased p–n junction is replaced by a metal–semiconductor junction. These, and the HEMTs (high-electron-mobility transistors, or HFETs), in which a two-dimensional electron gas with very high carrier mobility is used for charge transport, are especially suitable for use at very high frequencies (several GHz).
FETs are further divided into depletion-mode and enhancement-mode types, depending on whether the channel is turned on or off with zero gate-to-source voltage. For enhancement mode, the channel is off at zero bias, and a gate potential can "enhance" the conduction. For the depletion mode, the channel is on at zero bias, and a gate potential (of the opposite polarity) can "deplete" the channel, reducing conduction. For either mode, a more positive gate voltage corresponds to a higher current for n-channel devices and a lower current for p-channel devices. Nearly all JFETs are depletion-mode because the diode junctions would forward bias and conduct if they were enhancement-mode devices, while most IGFETs are enhancement-mode types.
Metal–oxide–semiconductor FET (MOSFET)
The metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET, MOS-FET, or MOS FET), also known as the metal–oxide–silicon transistor (MOS transistor, or MOS), is a type of field-effect transistor that is fabricated by the controlled oxidation of a semiconductor, typically silicon. It has an insulated gate, whose voltage determines the conductivity of the device. This ability to change conductivity with the amount of applied voltage can be used for amplifying or switching electronic signals. The MOSFET is by far the most common transistor, and the basic building block of most modern electronics. The MOSFET accounts for 99.9% of all transistors in the world.
Bipolar junction transistor (BJT)
Bipolar transistors are so named because they conduct by using both majority and minority carriers. The bipolar junction transistor, the first type of transistor to be mass-produced, is a combination of two junction diodes and is formed of either a thin layer of p-type semiconductor sandwiched between two n-type semiconductors (an n–p–n transistor), or a thin layer of n-type semiconductor sandwiched between two p-type semiconductors (a p–n–p transistor). This construction produces two p–n junctions: a base-emitter junction and a base-collector junction, separated by a thin region of semiconductor known as the base region. (Two junction diodes wired together without sharing an intervening semiconducting region will not make a transistor.)
BJTs have three terminals, corresponding to the three layers of semiconductor—an emitter, a base, and a collector. They are useful in amplifiers because the currents at the emitter and collector are controllable by a relatively small base current. In an n–p–n transistor operating in the active region, the emitter-base junction is forward-biased (electrons and holes recombine at the junction), and the base-collector junction is reverse-biased (electrons and holes are formed at, and move away from, the junction), and electrons are injected into the base region. Because the base is narrow, most of these electrons will diffuse into the reverse-biased base-collector junction and be swept into the collector; perhaps one-hundredth of the electrons will recombine in the base, which is the dominant mechanism in the base current. As well, as the base is lightly doped (in comparison to the emitter and collector regions), recombination rates are low, permitting more carriers to diffuse across the base region. By controlling the number of electrons that can leave the base, the number of electrons entering the collector can be controlled. Collector current is approximately β (common-emitter current gain) times the base current. It is typically greater than 100 for small-signal transistors but can be smaller in transistors designed for high-power applications.
Unlike the field-effect transistor (see below), the BJT is a low-input-impedance device. Also, as the base-emitter voltage (VBE) is increased the base-emitter current and hence the collector-emitter current (ICE) increase exponentially according to the Shockley diode model and the Ebers-Moll model. Because of this exponential relationship, the BJT has a higher transconductance than the FET.
Bipolar transistors can be made to conduct by exposure to light because the absorption of photons in the base region generates a photocurrent that acts as a base current; the collector current is approximately β times the photocurrent. Devices designed for this purpose have a transparent window in the package and are called phototransistors.
2N2222A NPN Transistor.
Usage of MOSFETs and BJTs
The MOSFET is by far the most widely used transistor for both digital circuits as well as analog circuits, accounting for 99.9% of all transistors in the world. The bipolar junction transistor (BJT) was previously the most commonly used transistor during the 1950s to 1960s. Even after MOSFETs became widely available in the 1970s, the BJT remained the transistor of choice for many analog circuits such as amplifiers because of their greater linearity, up until MOSFET devices (such as power MOSFETs, LDMOS and RF CMOS) replaced them for most power electronic applications in the 1980s. In integrated circuits, the desirable properties of MOSFETs allowed them to capture nearly all market share for digital circuits in the 1970s. Discrete MOSFETs (typically power MOSFETs) can be applied in transistor applications, including analog circuits, voltage regulators, amplifiers, power transmitters, and motor drivers.
Other transistor types
A transistor symbol created on Portuguese pavement at the University of Aveiro
Field-effect transistor (FET):
Metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET), where the gate is insulated by a shallow layer of insulator
p-type MOS (PMOS)
n-type MOS (NMOS)
complementary MOS (CMOS)
RF CMOS, for radiofrequency amplification, reception
Multi-gate field-effect transistor (MuGFET)
Fin field-effect transistor (FinFET), source/drain region shapes fins on the silicon surface
GAAFET, Similar to FinFET but nanowires are used instead of fins, the nanowires are stacked vertically and are surrounded on 4 sides by the gate
MBCFET, a variant of GAAFET that uses horizontal nanosheets instead of nanowires, made by Samsung. Also known as RibbonFET (made by Intel) and as horizontal nanosheet transistor.
Thin-film transistor (TFT), used in LCD and OLED displays, types include amorphous silicon, LTPS, LTPO and IGZO transistors
Floating-gate MOSFET (FGMOS), for non-volatile storage
Power MOSFET, for power electronics
lateral diffused MOS (LDMOS)
Carbon nanotube field-effect transistor (CNFET, CNTFET), where the channel material is replaced by a carbon nanotube
Heterojunction bipolar transistor, up to several hundred GHz, common in modern ultrafast and RF circuits
Schottky transistor
avalanche transistor
A Darlington transistor with the upper case removed so the transistor chip (the small square) can be seen. It is effectively two transistors on the same chip. One is much larger than the other, but both are large in comparison to transistors in large-scale integration because this particular example is intended for power applications.Darlington transistors are two BJTs connected together to provide a high current gain equal to the product of the current gains of the two transistors
Insulated-gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) use a medium-power IGFET, similarly connected to a power BJT, to give a high input impedance. Power diodes are often connected between certain terminals depending on specific use. IGBTs are particularly suitable for heavy-duty industrial applications. The ASEA Brown Boveri (ABB) 5SNA2400E170100 , intended for three-phase power supplies, houses three n–p–n IGBTs in a case measuring 38 by 140 by 190 mm and weighing 1.5 kg. Each IGBT is rated at 1,700 volts and can handle 2,400 amperes
(ESBT) is a monolithic configuration of a high-voltage bipolar transistor and a low-voltage power MOSFET in cascode topology. It was introduced by STMicroelectronics in the 2000s, and abandoned a few years later around 2012.
Multiple-emitter transistor, used in transistor–transistor logic and integrated current mirrors
, used to amplify very-low-level signals in noisy environments such as the pickup of a record player or radio front ends. Effectively, it is a very large number of transistors in parallel where, at the output, the signal is added constructively, but random noise is added only stochastically.
Tunnel field-effect transistor, where it switches by modulating quantum tunneling through a barrier.
Diffusion transistor, formed by diffusing dopants into semiconductor substrate; can be both BJT and FET.
Unijunction transistor, which can be used as a simple pulse generator. It comprises the main body of either p-type or n-type semiconductor with ohmic contacts at each end (terminals Base1 and Base2). A junction with the opposite semiconductor type is formed at a point along the length of the body for the third terminal (Emitter).
Single-electron transistors (SET), consist of a gate island between two tunneling junctions. The tunneling current is controlled by a voltage applied to the gate through a capacitor.
Nanofluidic transistor, controls the movement of ions through sub-microscopic, water-filled channels.
Multigate devices:
Tetrode transistor
Pentode transistor
Trigate transistor (prototype by Intel)
Dual-gate field-effect transistors have a single channel with two gates in cascode, a configuration optimized for high-frequency amplifiers, mixers, and oscillators.
Junctionless nanowire transistor (JNT), uses a simple nanowire of silicon surrounded by an electrically isolated "wedding ring" that acts to gate the flow of electrons through the wire.
Nanoscale vacuum-channel transistor, when in 2012, NASA and the National Nanofab Center in South Korea were reported to have built a prototype vacuum-channel transistor in only 150 nanometers in size, can be manufactured cheaply using standard silicon semiconductor processing, can operate at high speeds even in hostile environments, and could consume just as much power as a standard transistor.
Organic electrochemical transistor.
Solaristor (from solar cell transistor), a two-terminal gate-less self-powered phototransistor.
Super-lattice castellated field effect transistors
Device identification
Three major identification standards are used for designating transistor devices. In each, the alphanumeric prefix provides clues to the type of the device.
Joint Electron Device Engineering Council (JEDEC)
The JEDEC part numbering scheme evolved in the 1960s in the United States. The JEDEC EIA-370 transistor device numbers usually start with 2N, indicating a three-terminal device. Dual-gate field-effect transistors are four-terminal devices, and begin with 3N. The prefix is followed by a two-, three- or four-digit number with no significance as to device properties, although early devices with low numbers tend to be germanium devices. For example, 2N3055 is a silicon n–p–n power transistor, 2N1301 is a p–n–p germanium switching transistor. A letter suffix, such as "A", is sometimes used to indicate a newer variant, but rarely gain groupings.
JEDEC prefix table
Type and usage
two-terminal device, such as diodes
three-terminal device, such as transistors or single-gate field-effect transistors
four-terminal device, such as dual-gate field-effect transistors
Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS)
In Japan, the JIS semiconductor designation (|JIS-C-7012), labels transistor devices starting with 2S, e.g., 2SD965, but sometimes the "2S" prefix is not marked on the package–a 2SD965 might only be marked D965 and a 2SC1815 might be listed by a supplier as simply C1815. This series sometimes has suffixes, such as R, O, BL, standing for red, orange, blue, etc., to denote variants, such as tighter hFE (gain) groupings.
JIS transistor prefix table
Type and usage
high-frequency p–n–p BJT
audio-frequency p–n–p BJT
high-frequency n–p–n BJT
audio-frequency n–p–n BJT
P-channel FET (both JFET and MOSFET)
N-channel FET (both JFET and MOSFET)
European Electronic Component Manufacturers Association (EECA)
The European Electronic Component Manufacturers Association (EECA) uses a numbering scheme that was inherited from Pro Electron when it merged with EECA in 1983. This scheme begins with two letters: the first gives the semiconductor type (A for germanium, B for silicon, and C for materials like GaAs); the second letter denotes the intended use (A for diode, C for general-purpose transistor, etc.). A three-digit sequence number (or one letter and two digits, for industrial types) follows. With early devices this indicated the case type. Suffixes may be used, with a letter (e.g. "C" often means high hFE, such as in: BC549C) or other codes may follow to show gain (e.g. BC327-25) or voltage rating (e.g. BUK854-800A). The more common prefixes are:
Gallium arsenide, microwave power transistor (FET)
Manufacturers of devices may have their proprietary numbering system, for example CK722. Since devices are second-sourced, a manufacturer's prefix (like "MPF" in MPF102, which originally would denote a MotorolaFET) now is an unreliable indicator of who made the device. Some proprietary naming schemes adopt parts of other naming schemes, for example, a PN2222A is a (possibly Fairchild Semiconductor) 2N2222A in a plastic case (but a PN108 is a plastic version of a BC108, not a 2N108, while the PN100 is unrelated to other xx100 devices).
Military part numbers sometimes are assigned their codes, such as the .
Manufacturers buying large numbers of similar parts may have them supplied with "house numbers", identifying a particular purchasing specification and not necessarily a device with a standardized registered number. For example, an HP part 1854,0053 is a (JEDEC) 2N2218 transistor which is also assigned the CV number: CV7763
Naming problems
With so many independent naming schemes, and the abbreviation of part numbers when printed on the devices, ambiguity sometimes occurs. For example, two different devices may be marked "J176" (one the J176 low-power JFET, the other the higher-powered MOSFET 2SJ176).
As older "through-hole" transistors are given surface-mount packaged counterparts, they tend to be assigned many different part numbers because manufacturers have their systems to cope with the variety in pinout arrangements and options for dual or matched n–p–n + p–n–p devices in one pack. So even when the original device (such as a 2N3904) may have been assigned by a standards authority, and well known by engineers over the years, the new versions are far from standardized in their naming.
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Semiconductor material
Semiconductor material characteristics
Semiconductor material
Junction forward voltage @ 25 °C, V
Electron mobility @ 25 °C, m2/(V·s)
Hole mobility @ 25 °C, m2/(V·s)
Max. junction temp., °C
70 to 100
150 to 200
150 to 200
Al–Si junction
150 to 200
The first BJTs were made from germanium (Ge). Silicon (Si) types currently predominate but certain advanced microwave and high-performance versions now employ the compound semiconductor material gallium arsenide (GaAs) and the semiconductor alloysilicon–germanium (SiGe). Single-element semiconductor material (Ge and Si) is described as elemental.
Rough parameters for the most common semiconductor materials used to make transistors are given in the adjacent table. These parameters will vary with an increase in temperature, electric field, impurity level, strain, and sundry other factors.
The junction forward voltage is the voltage applied to the emitter-base junction of a BJT to make the base conduct a specified current. The current increases exponentially as the junction forward voltage is increased. The values given in the table are typical for a current of 1 mA (the same values apply to semiconductor diodes). The lower the junction forward voltage the better, as this means that less power is required to "drive" the transistor. The junction forward voltage for a given current decreases with an increase in temperature. For a typical silicon junction, the change is −2.1 mV/°C. In some circuits special compensating elements (sensistors) must be used to compensate for such changes.
The density of mobile carriers in the channel of a MOSFET is a function of the electric field forming the channel and of various other phenomena such as the impurity level in the channel. Some impurities, called dopants, are introduced deliberately in making a MOSFET, to control the MOSFET electrical behavior.
The electron mobility and hole mobility columns show the average speed that electrons and holes diffuse through the semiconductor material with an electric field of 1 volt per meter applied across the material. In general, the higher the electron mobility the faster the transistor can operate. The table indicates that Ge is a better material than Si in this respect. However, Ge has four major shortcomings compared to silicon and gallium arsenide:
Its maximum temperature is limited.
It has relatively high leakage current.
It cannot withstand high voltages.
It is less suitable for fabricating integrated circuits.
Because the electron mobility is higher than the hole mobility for all semiconductor materials, a given bipolar n–p–n transistor tends to be swifter than an equivalent p–n–p transistor. GaAs has the highest electron mobility of the three semiconductors. It is for this reason that GaAs is used in high-frequency applications. A relatively recent[when?] FET development, the high-electron-mobility transistor (HEMT), has a heterostructure (junction between different semiconductor materials) of aluminium gallium arsenide (AlGaAs)-gallium arsenide (GaAs) which has twice the electron mobility of a GaAs-metal barrier junction. Because of their high speed and low noise, HEMTs are used in satellite receivers working at frequencies around 12 GHz. HEMTs based on gallium nitride and aluminum gallium nitride (AlGaN/GaN HEMTs) provide still higher electron mobility and are being developed for various applications.
Maximum junction temperature values represent a cross-section taken from various manufacturers' datasheets. This temperature should not be exceeded or the transistor may be damaged.
Al–Si junction refers to the high-speed (aluminum-silicon) metal–semiconductor barrier diode, commonly known as a Schottky diode. This is included in the table because some silicon power IGFETs have a parasitic reverse Schottky diode formed between the source and drain as part of the fabrication process. This diode can be a nuisance, but sometimes it is used in the circuit.
Discrete transistors can be individually packaged transistors or unpackaged transistor chips.
Transistors come in many different semiconductor packages (see image). The two main categories are through-hole (or leaded), and surface-mount, also known as surface-mount device (SMD). The ball grid array (BGA) is the latest surface-mount package. It has solder "balls" on the underside in place of leads. Because they are smaller and have shorter interconnections, SMDs have better high-frequency characteristics but lower power ratings.
Transistor packages are made of glass, metal, ceramic, or plastic. The package often dictates the power rating and frequency characteristics. Power transistors have larger packages that can be clamped to heat sinks for enhanced cooling. Additionally, most power transistors have the collector or drain physically connected to the metal enclosure. At the other extreme, some surface-mount microwave transistors are as small as grains of sand.
Often a given transistor type is available in several packages. Transistor packages are mainly standardized, but the assignment of a transistor's functions to the terminals is not: other transistor types can assign other functions to the package's terminals. Even for the same transistor type the terminal assignment can vary (normally indicated by a suffix letter to the part number, q.e. BC212L and BC212K).
Nowadays most transistors come in a wide range of SMT packages. In comparison, the list of available through-hole packages is relatively small. Here is a short list of the most common through-hole transistors packages in alphabetical order: ATV, E-line, MRT, HRT, SC-43, SC-72, TO-3, TO-18, TO-39, TO-92, TO-126, TO220, TO247, TO251, TO262, ZTX851.
Unpackaged transistor chips (die) may be assembled into hybrid devices. The IBM SLT module of the 1960s is one example of such a hybrid circuit module using glass passivated transistor (and diode) die. Other packaging techniques for discrete transistors as chips include direct chip attach (DCA) and chip-on-board (COB).
Flexible transistors
Researchers have made several kinds of flexible transistors, including organic field-effect transistors. Flexible transistors are useful in some kinds of flexible displays and other flexible electronics.
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Riordan, Michael & Hoddeson, Lillian (1998). Crystal Fire. W.W Norton & Company Limited. ISBN978-0-393-31851-7. The invention of the transistor & the birth of the information age
Warnes, Lionel (1998). Analogue and Digital Electronics. Macmillan Press Ltd. ISBN978-0-333-65820-8.
The Power Transistor - Temperature and Heat Transfer; 1st Ed; John McWane, Dana Roberts, Malcom Smith; McGraw-Hill; 82 pages; 1975; ISBN978-0-07-001729-0. (archive)
Transistor Circuit Analysis - Theory and Solutions to 235 Problems; 2nd Ed; Alfred Gronner; Simon and Schuster; 244 pages; 1970. (archive)
Transistor Physics and Circuits; R.L. Riddle and M.P. Ristenbatt; Prentice-Hall; 1957.
Michael Riordan (2005). "How Europe Missed the Transistor". IEEE Spectrum. 42 (11): 52–57. doi:10.1109/MSPEC.2005.1526906. S2CID 34953819. Archived from the original on February 14, 2008.
"Herbert F. Mataré, An Inventor of the Transistor has his moment". The New York Times. February 24, 2003. Archived from the original on June 23, 2009.
Bacon, W. Stevenson (1968). "The Transistor's 20th Anniversary: How Germanium And A Bit of Wire Changed The World". Popular Science. 192 (6): 80–84. ISSN 0161-7370.
Discrete Databook; 1985; Fairchild (now ON Semiconductor)
Small-Signal Semiconductors Databook, 1987; Motorola (now ON semiconductor)
Discrete Power Devices Databook; 1982; SGS (now STMicroelectronics)
Discrete Databook; 1978; National Semiconductor (now Texas Instruments)
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Transistors and Transistors (SMD).
Wikibooks has a book on the topic of: Transistors
BBC: Building the digital age photo history of transistors
The Bell Systems Memorial on Transistors
IEEE Global History Network, The Transistor and Portable Electronics. All about the history of transistors and integrated circuits.
This Month in Physics History: November 17 to December 23, 1947: Invention of the First Transistor. From the American Physical Society
A transistor is a semiconductor device used to amplify or switch electrical signals and power It is one of the basic building blocks of modern electronics It is composed of semiconductor material usually with at least three terminals for connection to an electronic circuit A voltage or current applied to one pair of the transistor s terminals controls the current through another pair of terminals Because the controlled output power can be higher than the controlling input power a transistor can amplify a signal Some transistors are packaged individually but many more in miniature form are found embedded in integrated circuits Because transistors are the key active components in practically all modern electronics many people consider them one of the 20th century s greatest inventions TransistorSize comparison of bipolar junction transistor packages including from left to right SOT 23 TO 92 TO 126 and TO 3InventorJohn Bardeen Walter Brattain and William ShockleyInvention year1947 78 years ago 1947 Number of terminals3Pin namesBase collector and emitterElectronic symbolPNP and NPN TransistorMetal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor MOSFET showing gate G body B source S and drain D terminals The gate is separated from the body by an insulating layer white Physicist Julius Edgar Lilienfeld proposed the concept of a field effect transistor FET in 1925 but it was not possible to construct a working device at that time The first working device was a point contact transistor invented in 1947 by physicists John Bardeen Walter Brattain and William Shockley at Bell Labs who shared the 1956 Nobel Prize in Physics for their achievement The most widely used type of transistor the metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor MOSFET was invented at Bell Labs between 1955 and 1960 Transistors revolutionized the field of electronics and paved the way for smaller and cheaper radios calculators computers and other electronic devices Most transistors are made from very pure silicon and some from germanium but certain other semiconductor materials are sometimes used A transistor may have only one kind of charge carrier in a field effect transistor or may have two kinds of charge carriers in bipolar junction transistor devices Compared with the vacuum tube transistors are generally smaller and require less power to operate Certain vacuum tubes have advantages over transistors at very high operating frequencies or high operating voltages such as Traveling wave tubes and Gyrotrons Many types of transistors are made to standardized specifications by multiple manufacturers HistoryJulius Edgar Lilienfeld proposed the concept of a field effect transistor in 1925 The thermionic triode a vacuum tube invented in 1907 enabled amplified radio technology and long distance telephony The triode however was a fragile device that consumed a substantial amount of power In 1909 physicist William Eccles discovered the crystal diode oscillator Physicist Julius Edgar Lilienfeld filed a patent for a field effect transistor FET in Canada in 1925 intended as a solid state replacement for the triode He filed identical patents in the United States in 1926 and 1928 However he did not publish any research articles about his devices nor did his patents cite any specific examples of a working prototype Because the production of high quality semiconductor materials was still decades away Lilienfeld s solid state amplifier ideas would not have found practical use in the 1920s and 1930s even if such a device had been built In 1934 inventor Oskar Heil patented a similar device in Europe Bipolar transistors John Bardeen William Shockley and Walter Brattain at Bell Labs in 1948 Bardeen and Brattain invented the point contact transistor in 1947 and Shockley invented the bipolar junction transistor in 1948 A replica of the first working transistor a point contact transistor invented in 1947Herbert Matare pictured in 1950 independently invented a point contact transistor in June 1948 A Philco surface barrier transistor developed and produced in 1953 From November 17 to December 23 1947 John Bardeen and Walter Brattain at AT amp T s Bell Labs in Murray Hill New Jersey performed experiments and observed that when two gold point contacts were applied to a crystal of germanium a signal was produced with the output power greater than the input Solid State Physics Group leader William Shockley saw the potential in this and over the next few months worked to greatly expand the knowledge of semiconductors The term transistor was coined by John R Pierce as a contraction of the term transresistance According to Lillian Hoddeson and Vicki Daitch Shockley proposed that Bell Labs first patent for a transistor should be based on the field effect and that he be named as the inventor Having unearthed Lilienfeld s patents that went into obscurity years earlier lawyers at Bell Labs advised against Shockley s proposal because the idea of a field effect transistor that used an electric field as a grid was not new Instead what Bardeen Brattain and Shockley invented in 1947 was the first point contact transistor To acknowledge this accomplishment Shockley Bardeen and Brattain jointly received the 1956 Nobel Prize in Physics for their researches on semiconductors and their discovery of the transistor effect Shockley s team initially attempted to build a field effect transistor FET by trying to modulate the conductivity of a semiconductor but was unsuccessful mainly due to problems with the surface states the dangling bond and the germanium and copper compound materials Trying to understand the mysterious reasons behind this failure led them instead to invent the bipolar point contact and junction transistors In 1948 the point contact transistor was independently invented by physicists Herbert Matare and Heinrich Welker while working at the a Westinghouse subsidiary in Paris Matare had previous experience in developing crystal rectifiers from silicon and germanium in the German radar effort during World War II With this knowledge he began researching the phenomenon of interference in 1947 By June 1948 witnessing currents flowing through point contacts he produced consistent results using samples of germanium produced by Welker similar to what Bardeen and Brattain had accomplished earlier in December 1947 Realizing that Bell Labs scientists had already invented the transistor the company rushed to get its transistron into production for amplified use in France s telephone network filing his first transistor patent application on August 13 1948 The first bipolar junction transistors were invented by Bell Labs William Shockley who applied for patent 2 569 347 on June 26 1948 On April 12 1950 Bell Labs chemists Gordon Teal and Morgan Sparks successfully produced a working bipolar NPN junction amplifying germanium transistor Bell announced the discovery of this new sandwich transistor in a press release on July 4 1951 The first high frequency transistor was the surface barrier germanium transistor developed by Philco in 1953 capable of operating at frequencies up to 60 MHz They were made by etching depressions into an n type germanium base from both sides with jets of indium III sulfate until it was a few ten thousandths of an inch thick Indium electroplated into the depressions formed the collector and emitter AT amp T first used transistors in telecommunications equipment in the No 4A Toll Crossbar Switching System in 1953 for selecting trunk circuits from routing information encoded on translator cards Its predecessor the Western Electric No 3A phototransistor read the mechanical encoding from punched metal cards The first prototype pocket transistor radio was shown by INTERMETALL a company founded by Herbert Matare in 1952 at the Internationale Funkausstellung Dusseldorf from August 29 to September 6 1953 The first production model pocket transistor radio was the Regency TR 1 released in October 1954 Produced as a joint venture between the Regency Division of Industrial Development Engineering Associates I D E A and Texas Instruments of Dallas Texas the TR 1 was manufactured in Indianapolis Indiana It was a near pocket sized radio with four transistors and one germanium diode The industrial design was outsourced to the Chicago firm of Painter Teague and Petertil It was initially released in one of six colours black ivory mandarin red cloud grey mahogany and olive green Other colours shortly followed The first production all transistor car radio was developed by Chrysler and Philco corporations and was announced in the April 28 1955 edition of The Wall Street Journal Chrysler made the Mopar model 914HR available as an option starting in fall 1955 for its new line of 1956 Chrysler and Imperial cars which reached dealership showrooms on October 21 1955 The Sony TR 63 released in 1957 was the first mass produced transistor radio leading to the widespread adoption of transistor radios Seven million TR 63s were sold worldwide by the mid 1960s Sony s success with transistor radios led to transistors replacing vacuum tubes as the dominant electronic technology in the late 1950s The first working silicon transistor was developed at Bell Labs on January 26 1954 by Morris Tanenbaum The first production commercial silicon transistor was announced by Texas Instruments in May 1954 This was the work of Gordon Teal an expert in growing crystals of high purity who had previously worked at Bell Labs Field effect transistors The basic principle of the field effect transistor FET was first proposed by physicist Julius Edgar Lilienfeld when he filed a patent for a device similar to MESFET in 1926 and for an insulated gate field effect transistor in 1928 The FET concept was later also theorized by engineer Oskar Heil in the 1930s and by William Shockley in the 1940s In 1945 JFET was patented by Heinrich Welker Following Shockley s theoretical treatment on JFET in 1952 a working practical JFET was made in 1953 by George C Dacey and Ian M Ross In 1948 Bardeen and Brattain patented the progenitor of MOSFET at Bell Labs an insulated gate FET IGFET with an inversion layer Bardeen s patent and the concept of an inversion layer forms the basis of CMOS and DRAM technology today In the early years of the semiconductor industry companies focused on the junction transistor a relatively bulky device that was difficult to mass produce limiting it to several specialized applications Field effect transistors FETs were theorized as potential alternatives but researchers could not get them to work properly largely due to the surface state barrier that prevented the external electric field from penetrating the material MOSFET MOS transistor 1957 Diagram of one of the SiO2 transistor devices made by Frosch and Derrick In 1955 Carl Frosch and Lincoln Derick accidentally grew a layer of silicon dioxide over the silicon wafer for which they observed surface passivation effects By 1957 Frosch and Derick using masking and predeposition were able to manufacture silicon dioxide field effect transistors the first planar transistors in which drain and source were adjacent at the same surface They showed that silicon dioxide insulated protected silicon wafers and prevented dopants from diffusing into the wafer After this J R Ligenza and W G Spitzer studied the mechanism of thermally grown oxides fabricated a high quality Si SiO2 stack and published their results in 1960 Following this research Mohamed Atalla and Dawon Kahng proposed a silicon MOS transistor in 1959 and successfully demonstrated a working MOS device with their Bell Labs team in 1960 Their team included E E LaBate and E I Povilonis who fabricated the device M O Thurston L A D Asaro and J R Ligenza who developed the diffusion processes and H K Gummel and R Lindner who characterized the device With its high scalability much lower power consumption and higher density than bipolar junction transistors the MOSFET made it possible to build high density integrated circuits allowing the integration of more than 10 000 transistors in a single IC Bardeen and Brattain s 1948 inversion layer concept forms the basis of CMOS technology today The CMOS complementary MOS was invented by Chih Tang Sah and Frank Wanlass at Fairchild Semiconductor in 1963 The first report of a floating gate MOSFET was made by Dawon Kahng and Simon Sze in 1967 In 1967 Bell Labs researchers Robert Kerwin Donald Klein and John Sarace developed the self aligned gate silicon gate MOS transistor which Fairchild Semiconductor researchers Federico Faggin and Tom Klein used to develop the first silicon gate MOS integrated circuit A double gate MOSFET was first demonstrated in 1984 by Electrotechnical Laboratory researchers Toshihiro Sekigawa and Yutaka Hayashi The FinFET fin field effect transistor a type of 3D non planar multi gate MOSFET originated from the research of Digh Hisamoto and his team at Hitachi Central Research Laboratory in 1989 ImportanceBecause transistors are the key active components in practically all modern electronics many people consider them one of the 20th century s greatest inventions The invention of the first transistor at Bell Labs was named an IEEE Milestone in 2009 Other Milestones include the inventions of the junction transistor in 1948 and the MOSFET in 1959 The MOSFET is by far the most widely used transistor in applications ranging from computers and electronics to communications technology such as smartphones It has been considered the most important transistor possibly the most important invention in electronics and the device that enabled modern electronics It has been the basis of modern digital electronics since the late 20th century paving the way for the digital age The US Patent and Trademark Office calls it a groundbreaking invention that transformed life and culture around the world Its ability to be mass produced by a highly automated process semiconductor device fabrication from relatively basic materials allows astonishingly low per transistor costs MOSFETs are the most numerously produced artificial objects in history with more than 13 sextillion manufactured by 2018 Although several companies each produce over a billion individually packaged known as discrete MOS transistors every year the vast majority are produced in integrated circuits also known as ICs microchips or simply chips along with diodes resistors capacitors and other electronic components to produce complete electronic circuits A logic gate consists of up to about 20 transistors whereas an advanced microprocessor as of 2023 may contain as many as 134 billion transistors and for exceptional chips 2 6 trillion transistors as of 2020 Transistors are often organized into logic gates in microprocessors to perform computation The transistor s low cost flexibility and reliability have made it ubiquitous Transistorized mechatronic circuits have replaced electromechanical devices in controlling appliances and machinery It is often easier and cheaper to use a standard microcontroller and write a computer program to carry out a control function than to design an equivalent mechanical system Simplified operationA simple circuit diagram showing the labels of an n p n bipolar transistor A transistor can use a small signal applied between one pair of its terminals to control a much larger signal at another pair of terminals a property called gain It can produce a stronger output signal a voltage or current proportional to a weaker input signal acting as an amplifier It can also be used as an electrically controlled switch where the amount of current is determined by other circuit elements There are two types of transistors with slight differences in how they are used A bipolar junction transistor BJT has terminals labeled base collector and emitter A small current at the base terminal flowing between the base and the emitter can control or switch a much larger current between the collector and emitter A field effect transistor FET has terminals labeled gate source and drain A voltage at the gate can control a current between source and drain The top image in this section represents a typical bipolar transistor in a circuit A charge flows between emitter and collector terminals depending on the current in the base Because the base and emitter connections behave like a semiconductor diode a voltage drop develops between them The amount of this drop determined by the transistor s material is referred to as VBE Base Emitter Voltage Transistor as a switch BJT used as an electronic switch in grounded emitter configuration Transistors are commonly used in digital circuits as electronic switches which can be either in an on or off state both for high power applications such as switched mode power supplies and for low power applications such as logic gates Important parameters for this application include the current switched the voltage handled and the switching speed characterized by the rise and fall times In a switching circuit the goal is to simulate as near as possible the ideal switch having the properties of an open circuit when off the short circuit when on and an instantaneous transition between the two states Parameters are chosen such that the off output is limited to leakage currents too small to affect connected circuitry the resistance of the transistor in the on state is too small to affect circuitry and the transition between the two states is fast enough not to have a detrimental effect In a grounded emitter transistor circuit such as the light switch circuit shown as the base voltage rises the emitter and collector currents rise exponentially The collector voltage drops because of reduced resistance from the collector to the emitter If the voltage difference between the collector and emitter were zero or near zero the collector current would be limited only by the load resistance light bulb and the supply voltage This is called saturation because the current is flowing from collector to emitter freely When saturated the switch is said to be on The use of bipolar transistors for switching applications requires biasing the transistor so that it operates between its cut off region in the off state and the saturation region on This requires sufficient base drive current As the transistor provides current gain it facilitates the switching of a relatively large current in the collector by a much smaller current into the base terminal The ratio of these currents varies depending on the type of transistor and even for a particular type varies depending on the collector current In the example of a light switch circuit as shown the resistor is chosen to provide enough base current to ensure the transistor is saturated The base resistor value is calculated from the supply voltage transistor C E junction voltage drop collector current and amplification factor beta Transistor as an amplifier An amplifier circuit a common emitter configuration with a voltage divider bias circuit The common emitter amplifier is designed so that a small change in voltage Vin changes the small current through the base of the transistor whose current amplification combined with the properties of the circuit means that small swings in Vin produce large changes in Vout Various configurations of single transistor amplifiers are possible with some providing current gain some voltage gain and some both From mobile phones to televisions vast numbers of products include amplifiers for sound reproduction radio transmission and signal processing The first discrete transistor audio amplifiers barely supplied a few hundred milliwatts but power and audio fidelity gradually increased as better transistors became available and amplifier architecture evolved Modern transistor audio amplifiers of up to a few hundred watts are common and relatively inexpensive Comparison with vacuum tubesBefore transistors were developed vacuum electron tubes or in the UK thermionic valves or just valves were the main active components in electronic equipment Advantages The key advantages that have allowed transistors to replace vacuum tubes in most applications are No cathode heater which produces the characteristic orange glow of tubes reducing power consumption eliminating delay as tube heaters warm up and immune from cathode poisoning and depletion Very small size and weight reducing equipment size Large numbers of extremely small transistors can be manufactured as a single integrated circuit Low operating voltages compatible with batteries of only a few cells Circuits with greater energy efficiency are usually possible For low power applications for example voltage amplification in particular energy consumption can be very much less than for tubes Complementary devices available providing design flexibility including complementary symmetry circuits not possible with vacuum tubes Very low sensitivity to mechanical shock and vibration providing physical ruggedness and virtually eliminating shock induced spurious signals for example microphonics in audio applications Not susceptible to breakage of a glass envelope leakage outgassing and other physical damage Limitations Transistors may have the following limitations They lack the higher electron mobility afforded by the vacuum of vacuum tubes which is desirable for high power high frequency operation such as that used in some over the air television transmitters and in travelling wave tubes used as amplifiers in some satellites Transistors and other solid state devices are susceptible to damage from very brief electrical and thermal events including electrostatic discharge in handling Vacuum tubes are electrically much more rugged They are sensitive to radiation and cosmic rays special radiation hardened chips are used for spacecraft devices In audio applications transistors lack the lower harmonic distortion the so called tube sound which is characteristic of vacuum tubes and is preferred by some TypesClassification This section needs additional citations for verification Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources in this section Unsourced material may be challenged and removed Find sources Transistor news newspapers books scholar JSTOR December 2020 Learn how and when to remove this message PNP P channelNPN N channelBJT JFETBJT and JFET symbols Insulated gate bipolar transistor IGBT P channelN channelMOSFET enh MOSFET depMOSFET symbols Transistors are categorized by Structure MOSFET IGFET BJT JFET insulated gate bipolar transistor IGBT other type which Semiconductor material dopants The metalloids germanium first used in 1947 and silicon first used in 1954 in amorphous polycrystalline and monocrystalline form The compounds gallium arsenide 1966 and silicon carbide 1997 The alloy silicon germanium 1989 The allotrope of carbon graphene research ongoing since 2004 etc see Semiconductor material Electrical polarity positive and negative NPN PNP BJTs N channel P channel FETs Maximum power rating low medium high Maximum operating frequency low medium high radio RF microwave frequency the maximum effective frequency of a transistor in a common emitter or common source circuit is denoted by the term fT an abbreviation for transition frequency the frequency at which the transistor yields unity voltage gain Application switch general purpose audio high voltage super beta matched pair Physical packaging through hole metal through hole plastic surface mount ball grid array power modules see Packaging Amplification factor hFE bF transistor beta or gm transconductance Working temperature Extreme temperature transistors and traditional temperature transistors 55 to 150 C 67 to 302 F Extreme temperature transistors include high temperature transistors above 150 C 302 F and low temperature transistors below 55 C 67 F The high temperature transistors that operate thermally stable up to 250 C 482 F can be developed by a general strategy of blending interpenetrating semi crystalline conjugated polymers and high glass transition temperature insulating polymers Hence a particular transistor may be described as silicon surface mount BJT NPN low power high frequency switch Mnemonics Convenient mnemonic to remember the type of transistor represented by an electrical symbol involves the direction of the arrow For the BJT on an n p n transistor symbol the arrow will Not Point iN On a p n p transistor symbol the arrow Points iN Proudly However this does not apply to MOSFET based transistor symbols as the arrow is typically reversed i e the arrow for the n p n points inside Field effect transistor FET Operation of an FET and its Id Vg curve At first when no gate voltage is applied there are no inversion electrons in the channel so the device is turned off As gate voltage increases the inversion electron density in the channel increases the current increases and the device turns on The field effect transistor sometimes called a unipolar transistor uses either electrons in n channel FET or holes in p channel FET for conduction The four terminals of the FET are named source gate drain and body substrate On most FETs the body is connected to the source inside the package and this will be assumed for the following description In a FET the drain to source current flows via a conducting channel that connects the source region to the drain region The conductivity is varied by the electric field that is produced when a voltage is applied between the gate and source terminals hence the current flowing between the drain and source is controlled by the voltage applied between the gate and source As the gate source voltage VGS is increased the drain source current IDS increases exponentially for VGS below threshold and then at a roughly quadratic rate IDS VGS VT 2 where VT is the threshold voltage at which drain current begins in the space charge limited region above threshold A quadratic behavior is not observed in modern devices for example at the 65 nm technology node For low noise at narrow bandwidth the higher input resistance of the FET is advantageous FETs are divided into two families junction FET JFET and insulated gate FET IGFET The IGFET is more commonly known as a metal oxide semiconductor FET MOSFET reflecting its original construction from layers of metal the gate oxide the insulation and semiconductor Unlike IGFETs the JFET gate forms a p n diode with the channel which lies between the source and drains Functionally this makes the n channel JFET the solid state equivalent of the vacuum tube triode which similarly forms a diode between its grid and cathode Also both devices operate in the depletion mode they both have a high input impedance and they both conduct current under the control of an input voltage Metal semiconductor FETs MESFETs are JFETs in which the reverse biased p n junction is replaced by a metal semiconductor junction These and the HEMTs high electron mobility transistors or HFETs in which a two dimensional electron gas with very high carrier mobility is used for charge transport are especially suitable for use at very high frequencies several GHz FETs are further divided into depletion mode and enhancement mode types depending on whether the channel is turned on or off with zero gate to source voltage For enhancement mode the channel is off at zero bias and a gate potential can enhance the conduction For the depletion mode the channel is on at zero bias and a gate potential of the opposite polarity can deplete the channel reducing conduction For either mode a more positive gate voltage corresponds to a higher current for n channel devices and a lower current for p channel devices Nearly all JFETs are depletion mode because the diode junctions would forward bias and conduct if they were enhancement mode devices while most IGFETs are enhancement mode types Metal oxide semiconductor FET MOSFET The metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor MOSFET MOS FET or MOS FET also known as the metal oxide silicon transistor MOS transistor or MOS is a type of field effect transistor that is fabricated by the controlled oxidation of a semiconductor typically silicon It has an insulated gate whose voltage determines the conductivity of the device This ability to change conductivity with the amount of applied voltage can be used for amplifying or switching electronic signals The MOSFET is by far the most common transistor and the basic building block of most modern electronics The MOSFET accounts for 99 9 of all transistors in the world Bipolar junction transistor BJT Bipolar transistors are so named because they conduct by using both majority and minority carriers The bipolar junction transistor the first type of transistor to be mass produced is a combination of two junction diodes and is formed of either a thin layer of p type semiconductor sandwiched between two n type semiconductors an n p n transistor or a thin layer of n type semiconductor sandwiched between two p type semiconductors a p n p transistor This construction produces two p n junctions a base emitter junction and a base collector junction separated by a thin region of semiconductor known as the base region Two junction diodes wired together without sharing an intervening semiconducting region will not make a transistor BJTs have three terminals corresponding to the three layers of semiconductor an emitter a base and a collector They are useful in amplifiers because the currents at the emitter and collector are controllable by a relatively small base current In an n p n transistor operating in the active region the emitter base junction is forward biased electrons and holes recombine at the junction and the base collector junction is reverse biased electrons and holes are formed at and move away from the junction and electrons are injected into the base region Because the base is narrow most of these electrons will diffuse into the reverse biased base collector junction and be swept into the collector perhaps one hundredth of the electrons will recombine in the base which is the dominant mechanism in the base current As well as the base is lightly doped in comparison to the emitter and collector regions recombination rates are low permitting more carriers to diffuse across the base region By controlling the number of electrons that can leave the base the number of electrons entering the collector can be controlled Collector current is approximately b common emitter current gain times the base current It is typically greater than 100 for small signal transistors but can be smaller in transistors designed for high power applications Unlike the field effect transistor see below the BJT is a low input impedance device Also as the base emitter voltage VBE is increased the base emitter current and hence the collector emitter current ICE increase exponentially according to the Shockley diode model and the Ebers Moll model Because of this exponential relationship the BJT has a higher transconductance than the FET Bipolar transistors can be made to conduct by exposure to light because the absorption of photons in the base region generates a photocurrent that acts as a base current the collector current is approximately b times the photocurrent Devices designed for this purpose have a transparent window in the package and are called phototransistors 2N2222A NPN Transistor Usage of MOSFETs and BJTs The MOSFET is by far the most widely used transistor for both digital circuits as well as analog circuits accounting for 99 9 of all transistors in the world The bipolar junction transistor BJT was previously the most commonly used transistor during the 1950s to 1960s Even after MOSFETs became widely available in the 1970s the BJT remained the transistor of choice for many analog circuits such as amplifiers because of their greater linearity up until MOSFET devices such as power MOSFETs LDMOS and RF CMOS replaced them for most power electronic applications in the 1980s In integrated circuits the desirable properties of MOSFETs allowed them to capture nearly all market share for digital circuits in the 1970s Discrete MOSFETs typically power MOSFETs can be applied in transistor applications including analog circuits voltage regulators amplifiers power transmitters and motor drivers Other transistor types A transistor symbol created on Portuguese pavement at the University of Aveiro Field effect transistor FET Metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor MOSFET where the gate is insulated by a shallow layer of insulator p type MOS PMOS n type MOS NMOS complementary MOS CMOS RF CMOS for radiofrequency amplification reception Multi gate field effect transistor MuGFET Fin field effect transistor FinFET source drain region shapes fins on the silicon surface GAAFET Similar to FinFET but nanowires are used instead of fins the nanowires are stacked vertically and are surrounded on 4 sides by the gate MBCFET a variant of GAAFET that uses horizontal nanosheets instead of nanowires made by Samsung Also known as RibbonFET made by Intel and as horizontal nanosheet transistor Thin film transistor TFT used in LCD and OLED displays types include amorphous silicon LTPS LTPO and IGZO transistors Floating gate MOSFET FGMOS for non volatile storage Power MOSFET for power electronics lateral diffused MOS LDMOS Carbon nanotube field effect transistor CNFET CNTFET where the channel material is replaced by a carbon nanotube Ferroelectric field effect transistor Fe FET uses ferroelectric materials Junction gate field effect transistor JFET where the gate is insulated by a reverse biased p n junction Metal semiconductor field effect transistor MESFET similar to JFET with a Schottky junction instead of a p n junction High electron mobility transistor HEMT GaN Gallium Nitride SiC Silicon Carbide Ga2O3 Gallium Oxide GaAs Gallium Arsenide transistors MOSFETs etc Negative Capacitance FET NC FET Inverted T field effect transistor ITFET Fast reverse epitaxial diode field effect transistor FREDFET Organic field effect transistor OFET in which the semiconductor is an organic compound Ballistic transistor disambiguation FETs used to sense the environment Ion sensitive field effect transistor ISFET to measure ion concentrations in solution Electrolyte oxide semiconductor field effect transistor EOSFET neurochip Deoxyribonucleic acid field effect transistor DNAFET Field effect transistor based biosensor Bio FET Bipolar junction transistor BJT Heterojunction bipolar transistor up to several hundred GHz common in modern ultrafast and RF circuits Schottky transistor avalanche transistor A Darlington transistor with the upper case removed so the transistor chip the small square can be seen It is effectively two transistors on the same chip One is much larger than the other but both are large in comparison to transistors in large scale integration because this particular example is intended for power applications Darlington transistors are two BJTs connected together to provide a high current gain equal to the product of the current gains of the two transistors Insulated gate bipolar transistors IGBTs use a medium power IGFET similarly connected to a power BJT to give a high input impedance Power diodes are often connected between certain terminals depending on specific use IGBTs are particularly suitable for heavy duty industrial applications The ASEA Brown Boveri ABB 5SNA2400E170100 intended for three phase power supplies houses three n p n IGBTs in a case measuring 38 by 140 by 190 mm and weighing 1 5 kg Each IGBT is rated at 1 700 volts and can handle 2 400 amperes Phototransistor ESBT is a monolithic configuration of a high voltage bipolar transistor and a low voltage power MOSFET in cascode topology It was introduced by STMicroelectronics in the 2000s and abandoned a few years later around 2012 Multiple emitter transistor used in transistor transistor logic and integrated current mirrors used to amplify very low level signals in noisy environments such as the pickup of a record player or radio front ends Effectively it is a very large number of transistors in parallel where at the output the signal is added constructively but random noise is added only stochastically Tunnel field effect transistor where it switches by modulating quantum tunneling through a barrier Diffusion transistor formed by diffusing dopants into semiconductor substrate can be both BJT and FET Unijunction transistor which can be used as a simple pulse generator It comprises the main body of either p type or n type semiconductor with ohmic contacts at each end terminals Base1 and Base2 A junction with the opposite semiconductor type is formed at a point along the length of the body for the third terminal Emitter Single electron transistors SET consist of a gate island between two tunneling junctions The tunneling current is controlled by a voltage applied to the gate through a capacitor Nanofluidic transistor controls the movement of ions through sub microscopic water filled channels Multigate devices Tetrode transistor Pentode transistor Trigate transistor prototype by Intel Dual gate field effect transistors have a single channel with two gates in cascode a configuration optimized for high frequency amplifiers mixers and oscillators Junctionless nanowire transistor JNT uses a simple nanowire of silicon surrounded by an electrically isolated wedding ring that acts to gate the flow of electrons through the wire Nanoscale vacuum channel transistor when in 2012 NASA and the National Nanofab Center in South Korea were reported to have built a prototype vacuum channel transistor in only 150 nanometers in size can be manufactured cheaply using standard silicon semiconductor processing can operate at high speeds even in hostile environments and could consume just as much power as a standard transistor Organic electrochemical transistor Solaristor from solar cell transistor a two terminal gate less self powered phototransistor Germanium Tin Transistor Wood transistor Paper transistor Carbon doped silicon germanium Si Ge C transistor Diamond transistor Aluminum nitride transistor Super lattice castellated field effect transistorsDevice identificationThree major identification standards are used for designating transistor devices In each the alphanumeric prefix provides clues to the type of the device Joint Electron Device Engineering Council JEDEC The JEDEC part numbering scheme evolved in the 1960s in the United States The JEDEC EIA 370 transistor device numbers usually start with 2N indicating a three terminal device Dual gate field effect transistors are four terminal devices and begin with 3N The prefix is followed by a two three or four digit number with no significance as to device properties although early devices with low numbers tend to be germanium devices For example 2N3055 is a silicon n p n power transistor 2N1301 is a p n p germanium switching transistor A letter suffix such as A is sometimes used to indicate a newer variant but rarely gain groupings JEDEC prefix table Prefix Type and usage1N two terminal device such as diodes2N three terminal device such as transistors or single gate field effect transistors3N four terminal device such as dual gate field effect transistorsJapanese Industrial Standard JIS In Japan the JIS semiconductor designation JIS C 7012 labels transistor devices starting with 2S e g 2SD965 but sometimes the 2S prefix is not marked on the package a 2SD965 might only be marked D965 and a 2SC1815 might be listed by a supplier as simply C1815 This series sometimes has suffixes such as R O BL standing for red orange blue etc to denote variants such as tighter hFE gain groupings JIS transistor prefix table Prefix Type and usage2SA high frequency p n p BJT2SB audio frequency p n p BJT2SC high frequency n p n BJT2SD audio frequency n p n BJT2SJ P channel FET both JFET and MOSFET 2SK N channel FET both JFET and MOSFET European Electronic Component Manufacturers Association EECA The European Electronic Component Manufacturers Association EECA uses a numbering scheme that was inherited from Pro Electron when it merged with EECA in 1983 This scheme begins with two letters the first gives the semiconductor type A for germanium B for silicon and C for materials like GaAs the second letter denotes the intended use A for diode C for general purpose transistor etc A three digit sequence number or one letter and two digits for industrial types follows With early devices this indicated the case type Suffixes may be used with a letter e g C often means high hFE such as in BC549C or other codes may follow to show gain e g BC327 25 or voltage rating e g BUK854 800A The more common prefixes are EECA transistor prefix table Prefix Type and usage Example Equivalent ReferenceAC Germanium small signal AF transistor AC126 NTE102AAD Germanium AF power transistor AD133 NTE179AF Germanium small signal RF transistor AF117 NTE160AL Germanium RF power transistor ALZ10 NTE100AS Germanium switching transistor ASY28 NTE101AU Germanium power switching transistor AU103 NTE127BC Silicon small signal transistor general purpose BC548 2N3904 DatasheetBD Silicon power transistor BD139 NTE375 DatasheetBF Silicon RF high frequency BJT or FET BF245 NTE133 DatasheetBS Silicon switching transistor BJT or MOSFET BS170 2N7000 DatasheetBL Silicon high frequency high power for transmitters BLW60 NTE325 DatasheetBU Silicon high voltage for CRT horizontal deflection circuits BU2520A NTE2354 DatasheetCF Gallium arsenide small signal microwave transistor MESFET CF739 DatasheetCL Gallium arsenide microwave power transistor FET CLY10 DatasheetProprietary Manufacturers of devices may have their proprietary numbering system for example CK722 Since devices are second sourced a manufacturer s prefix like MPF in MPF102 which originally would denote a Motorola FET now is an unreliable indicator of who made the device Some proprietary naming schemes adopt parts of other naming schemes for example a PN2222A is a possibly Fairchild Semiconductor 2N2222A in a plastic case but a PN108 is a plastic version of a BC108 not a 2N108 while the PN100 is unrelated to other xx100 devices Military part numbers sometimes are assigned their codes such as the Manufacturers buying large numbers of similar parts may have them supplied with house numbers identifying a particular purchasing specification and not necessarily a device with a standardized registered number For example an HP part 1854 0053 is a JEDEC 2N2218 transistor which is also assigned the CV number CV7763 Naming problems With so many independent naming schemes and the abbreviation of part numbers when printed on the devices ambiguity sometimes occurs For example two different devices may be marked J176 one the J176 low power JFET the other the higher powered MOSFET 2SJ176 As older through hole transistors are given surface mount packaged counterparts they tend to be assigned many different part numbers because manufacturers have their systems to cope with the variety in pinout arrangements and options for dual or matched n p n p n p devices in one pack So even when the original device such as a 2N3904 may have been assigned by a standards authority and well known by engineers over the years the new versions are far from standardized in their naming ConstructionThis section needs additional citations for verification Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources in this section Unsourced material may be challenged and removed June 2021 Learn how and when to remove this message Semiconductor material Semiconductor material characteristics Semiconductor material Junction forward voltage 25 C V Electron mobility 25 C m2 V s Hole mobility 25 C m2 V s Max junction temp CGe 0 27 0 39 0 19 70 to 100Si 0 71 0 14 0 05 150 to 200GaAs 1 03 0 85 0 05 150 to 200Al Si junction 0 3 150 to 200 The first BJTs were made from germanium Ge Silicon Si types currently predominate but certain advanced microwave and high performance versions now employ the compound semiconductor material gallium arsenide GaAs and the semiconductor alloy silicon germanium SiGe Single element semiconductor material Ge and Si is described as elemental Rough parameters for the most common semiconductor materials used to make transistors are given in the adjacent table These parameters will vary with an increase in temperature electric field impurity level strain and sundry other factors The junction forward voltage is the voltage applied to the emitter base junction of a BJT to make the base conduct a specified current The current increases exponentially as the junction forward voltage is increased The values given in the table are typical for a current of 1 mA the same values apply to semiconductor diodes The lower the junction forward voltage the better as this means that less power is required to drive the transistor The junction forward voltage for a given current decreases with an increase in temperature For a typical silicon junction the change is 2 1 mV C In some circuits special compensating elements sensistors must be used to compensate for such changes The density of mobile carriers in the channel of a MOSFET is a function of the electric field forming the channel and of various other phenomena such as the impurity level in the channel Some impurities called dopants are introduced deliberately in making a MOSFET to control the MOSFET electrical behavior The electron mobility and hole mobility columns show the average speed that electrons and holes diffuse through the semiconductor material with an electric field of 1 volt per meter applied across the material In general the higher the electron mobility the faster the transistor can operate The table indicates that Ge is a better material than Si in this respect However Ge has four major shortcomings compared to silicon and gallium arsenide Its maximum temperature is limited It has relatively high leakage current It cannot withstand high voltages It is less suitable for fabricating integrated circuits Because the electron mobility is higher than the hole mobility for all semiconductor materials a given bipolar n p n transistor tends to be swifter than an equivalent p n p transistor GaAs has the highest electron mobility of the three semiconductors It is for this reason that GaAs is used in high frequency applications A relatively recent when FET development the high electron mobility transistor HEMT has a heterostructure junction between different semiconductor materials of aluminium gallium arsenide AlGaAs gallium arsenide GaAs which has twice the electron mobility of a GaAs metal barrier junction Because of their high speed and low noise HEMTs are used in satellite receivers working at frequencies around 12 GHz HEMTs based on gallium nitride and aluminum gallium nitride AlGaN GaN HEMTs provide still higher electron mobility and are being developed for various applications Maximum junction temperature values represent a cross section taken from various manufacturers datasheets This temperature should not be exceeded or the transistor may be damaged Al Si junction refers to the high speed aluminum silicon metal semiconductor barrier diode commonly known as a Schottky diode This is included in the table because some silicon power IGFETs have a parasitic reverse Schottky diode formed between the source and drain as part of the fabrication process This diode can be a nuisance but sometimes it is used in the circuit Packaging Assorted discrete transistorsSoviet manufactured KT315b transistors Discrete transistors can be individually packaged transistors or unpackaged transistor chips Transistors come in many different semiconductor packages see image The two main categories are through hole or leaded and surface mount also known as surface mount device SMD The ball grid array BGA is the latest surface mount package It has solder balls on the underside in place of leads Because they are smaller and have shorter interconnections SMDs have better high frequency characteristics but lower power ratings Transistor packages are made of glass metal ceramic or plastic The package often dictates the power rating and frequency characteristics Power transistors have larger packages that can be clamped to heat sinks for enhanced cooling Additionally most power transistors have the collector or drain physically connected to the metal enclosure At the other extreme some surface mount microwave transistors are as small as grains of sand Often a given transistor type is available in several packages Transistor packages are mainly standardized but the assignment of a transistor s functions to the terminals is not other transistor types can assign other functions to the package s terminals Even for the same transistor type the terminal assignment can vary normally indicated by a suffix letter to the part number q e BC212L and BC212K Nowadays most transistors come in a wide range of SMT packages In comparison the list of available through hole packages is relatively small Here is a short list of the most common through hole transistors packages in alphabetical order ATV E line MRT HRT SC 43 SC 72 TO 3 TO 18 TO 39 TO 92 TO 126 TO220 TO247 TO251 TO262 ZTX851 Unpackaged transistor chips die may be assembled into hybrid devices The IBM SLT module of the 1960s is one example of such a hybrid circuit module using glass passivated transistor and diode die Other packaging techniques for discrete transistors as chips include direct chip attach DCA and chip on board COB Flexible transistors Researchers have made several kinds of flexible transistors including organic field effect transistors Flexible transistors are useful in some kinds of flexible displays and other flexible electronics See alsoElectronics portalAlpha cutoff frequency Band gap Digital electronics Diffused junction transistor Moore s law Optical transistor Magneto Electric Spin Orbit Nanoelectromechanical relay Semiconductor device modeling Transistor count Transistor model Transresistance Very Large Scale Integration TrancitorReferences Transistor Britannica Retrieved January 12 2021 A History of the Invention of the Transistor and Where It Will Lead Us PDF IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE CIRCUITS Vol 32 No 12 December 1997 Patent 272437 Summary Canadian Patents Database 1926 Field Effect Semiconductor Device Concepts Patented Computer History Museum Archived from the original on March 22 2016 Retrieved March 25 2016 The Nobel Prize in Physics 1956 Nobelprize org Nobel Media AB Archived from the original on December 16 2014 Retrieved December 7 2014 Huff Howard Riordan Michael September 1 2007 Frosch and Derick Fifty Years Later Foreword The Electrochemical Society Interface 16 3 29 doi 10 1149 2 F02073IF 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Microelectronic circuits Fifth ed New York Oxford University Press p 397 and Figure 5 17 ISBN 978 0 19 514251 8 Greig William April 24 2007 Integrated Circuit Packaging Assembly and Interconnections Springer p 63 ISBN 9780387339139 A hybrid circuit is defined as an assembly containing both active semiconductor devices packaged and unpackaged Rojas Jhonathan P Torres Sevilla Galo A Hussain Muhammad M 2013 Can We Build a Truly High Performance Computer Which is Flexible and Transparent Scientific Reports 3 2609 Bibcode 2013NatSR 3 2609R doi 10 1038 srep02609 PMC 3767948 PMID 24018904 Zhang Kan Seo Jung Hun Zhou Weidong Ma Zhenqiang 2012 Fast flexible electronics using transferrable sic silicon nanomembranes Journal of Physics D Applied Physics 45 14 143001 Bibcode 2012JPhD 45n3001Z doi 10 1088 0022 3727 45 14 143001 S2CID 109292175 Sun Dong Ming Timmermans Marina Y Tian Ying Nasibulin Albert G Kauppinen Esko I Kishimoto Shigeru Mizutani Takashi Ohno Yutaka 2011 Flexible high performance carbon nanotube integrated circuits Nature Nanotechnology 6 3 156 61 Bibcode 2011NatNa 6 156S doi 10 1038 NNANO 2011 1 PMID 21297625 S2CID 205446925 Further readingBooksHorowitz Paul amp Hill Winfield 2015 The Art of Electronics 3 ed Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0521809269 a href wiki Template Cite book title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint multiple names authors list link Amos SW James MR 1999 Principles of Transistor Circuits Butterworth Heinemann ISBN 978 0 7506 4427 3 Riordan Michael amp Hoddeson Lillian 1998 Crystal Fire W W Norton amp Company Limited ISBN 978 0 393 31851 7 The invention of the transistor amp the birth of the information age Warnes Lionel 1998 Analogue and Digital Electronics Macmillan Press Ltd ISBN 978 0 333 65820 8 The Power Transistor Temperature and Heat Transfer 1st Ed John McWane Dana Roberts Malcom Smith McGraw Hill 82 pages 1975 ISBN 978 0 07 001729 0 archive Transistor Circuit Analysis Theory and Solutions to 235 Problems 2nd Ed Alfred Gronner Simon and Schuster 244 pages 1970 archive Transistor Physics and Circuits R L Riddle and M P Ristenbatt Prentice Hall 1957 PeriodicalsMichael Riordan 2005 How Europe Missed the Transistor IEEE Spectrum 42 11 52 57 doi 10 1109 MSPEC 2005 1526906 S2CID 34953819 Archived from the original on February 14 2008 Herbert F Matare An Inventor of the Transistor has his moment The New York Times February 24 2003 Archived from the original on June 23 2009 Bacon W Stevenson 1968 The Transistor s 20th Anniversary How Germanium And A Bit of Wire Changed The World Popular Science 192 6 80 84 ISSN 0161 7370 DatabooksDiscrete Databook 1985 Fairchild now ON Semiconductor Small Signal Semiconductors Databook 1987 Motorola now ON semiconductor Discrete Power Devices Databook 1982 SGS now STMicroelectronics Discrete Databook 1978 National Semiconductor now Texas Instruments External linksWikimedia Commons has media related to wbr Transistors and wbr Transistors SMD Wikibooks has a book on the topic of Transistors BBC Building the digital age photo history of transistors The Bell Systems Memorial on Transistors IEEE Global History Network The Transistor and Portable Electronics All about the history of transistors and integrated circuits This Month in Physics History November 17 to December 23 1947 Invention of the First Transistor From the American Physical Society Transistor Definition amp Uses Britannica Transistor at Encyclopaedia Britannica