Capricorn Horoscopes
]Capricorn - The Goat
December 22–January 19
Your Characteristics
“Observe the goat, as he scales the mountainside. He hasn't a chance against the strategy of the smarter humans who pursue him. But the hunters fall and the goat wins.”
You are EARTH. Which makes you grounded, practical and dependable. You won’t take many risks, rather prefer a sure thing. For you, creation is a tangible proposition and materialistic pleasures make you happy. It confers on you a sense of duty, responsibility, and reliability. However, the elements also make you stubborn and at times lazy.
It. Cardinal. helps you start new initiatives but you are not very good at finishing them. Being full of vim and vigour you possess a drive and ambition that is unmistakable. You are enthusiastic, energetic and full of life. When you are busy in your endeavours you don’t really care about those around you.
Saturn. planet makes you ambitious, stern and authoritative. Among these are strong, practical, productive and organisational abilities. You have an innate sense of duty and responsibility that you apply to restructure and order your world. You are born with a keen sense of adversity surrounding you and know that you were made to weather the hard times.
The sea-goat - a mythical creature that is half goat and half fish which makes you sincere, responsible and organisational nerds.
You are that spider who cleverly spins the web or even the tortoise who wins against the hare. With dedication and sincerity, you will always win against the odds. You are honest, loyal, hard-working professionals and the most ambitious signs in the zodiac. You are a stubborn goat who wants to reach the top and love to win. Your feet are firmly planted on the ground and gaze fastened ahead.
Competitive attitude makes them see enemies in most potential allies. You are always accused of being cold and unemotional because there is an aura of seriousness and melancholy surrounding you.
You are the zodiac’s manager, CEO and leader. They have the talent to convert a cash drain into a money minting venture. You always live unto the high standards you impart. Stern determination makes them a great fit for careers in business, finance or medicine.
The most loyal friend who will do the most boring jobs for you. They will selflessly invest in your growth and well-being if they care for you. They would be last to blurt an insensitive jibe knowing what it would mean to you. Capricorns are shy and sweet souls and end up being indispensable in your life.
She is a career woman and marriage is the second option. But can be distracted too if she falls in love. All she wants is security, authority, respect and position. She has impressive social grace and conventional appearances. Even though she is mostly calm and patient she is subject to many moods. With a rare beauty, she is unusually attractive. By the way, she is deliciously romantic
He has built an invisible wall around him. He is shy but tough; he is pleasant but ambitious. He is steady and dependable but also adventurous. He is as serious as an owl when he is young but will sober down as he matures. He is shy in front of the opposite sex, will fumble at innuendo. Of course, he lacks the ability to express so would expect you to know his feelings.
Your Compatibility
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