William Stanley Jevons FRS (/ˈdʒɛvənz/; 1 September 1835 – 13 August 1882) was an English economist and logician.
William Stanley Jevons | |
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Born | Liverpool, Lancashire, England | 1 September 1835
Died | 13 August 1882 Bexhill-on-Sea, Sussex, England | (aged 46)
Alma mater | University College London |
Known for | Marginal utility theory Jevons paradox |
Children | Herbert Stanley Jevons |
Scientific career | |
Fields | Economics Logic |
Institutions | University College London (1876–1880) Owens College (now University of Manchester) (1863–1875) |
Academic advisors | Augustus De Morgan |
Signature | |
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Notes | |
While not a formal advisor (Jevons lived before the introduction of the PhD to Britain), De Morgan was his most influential professor. |
Irving Fisher described Jevons's book A General Mathematical Theory of Political Economy (1862) as the start of the mathematical method in economics. It made the case that economics, as a science concerned with quantities, is necessarily mathematical. In so doing, it expounded upon the "final" (marginal) utility theory of value. Jevons' work, along with similar discoveries made by Carl Menger in Vienna (1871) and by Léon Walras in Switzerland (1874), marked the opening of a new period in the history of economic thought. Jevons's contribution to the marginal revolution in economics in the late 19th century established his reputation as a leading political economist and logician of the time.
Jevons broke off his studies of the natural sciences in London in 1854 to work as an assayer in Sydney, where he acquired an interest in political economy. Returning to the UK in 1859, he published General Mathematical Theory of Political Economy in 1862, outlining the marginal utility theory of value, and A Serious Fall in the Value of Gold in 1863. For Jevons, the utility or value to a consumer of an additional unit of a product is inversely related to the number of units of that product he already owns, at least beyond some critical quantity.
Jevons received public recognition for his work on The Coal Question (1865), in which he called attention to the gradual exhaustion of Britain's coal supplies and also put forth the view that increases in energy production efficiency leads to more, not less, consumption.: 7f, 161f This view is known today as the Jevons paradox, named after him. Due to this particular work, Jevons is regarded today as the first economist of some standing to develop an 'ecological' perspective on the economy.: 295f : 147 : 2
The most important of his works on logic and scientific methods is his Principles of Science (1874), as well as The Theory of Political Economy (1871) and The State in Relation to Labour (1882). Among his inventions was the logic piano, a mechanical computer.
Jevons was born in Liverpool, Lancashire, England. His father, Thomas Jevons, was an iron merchant who wrote about legal and economic subjects as well. His mother Mary Anne Jevons was the daughter of William Roscoe. At the age of fifteen he was sent to London to attend the University College School. Around this time, he seemed to have formed the belief that he was capable of important achievements as a thinker. Towards the end of 1853, after having spent two years at University College, where his favourite subjects were chemistry and botany, he received an offer as metallurgical assayer for the new mint in Australia. The idea of leaving the UK was distasteful, but pecuniary considerations had, in consequence of the failure of his father's firm in 1847, become of vital importance, and he accepted the post.
Jevons left the UK for Sydney in June 1854 to take up a role as an Assayer at the Mint. Jevons lived with his colleague and his wife first at Church Hill, then in Annangrove at Petersham and at Double Bay before returning to England. In letters to his family he described his life, took photographs and produced a social map of Sydney. Jevons returned to England via America five years later.
He resigned his appointment, and in the autumn of 1859 re-entered the University College London as a student. He was granted B.A. and M.A. degrees from the University of London. He now gave his principal attention to the moral sciences, but his interest in natural science was by no means exhausted: throughout his life he continued to write occasional papers on scientific subjects, and his knowledge of the physical sciences greatly contributed to the success of his chief logical work, The Principles of Science. Not long after taking his M.A. degree, Jevons obtained a post as tutor at Owens College, Manchester. In 1866, he was elected professor of logic and mental and moral philosophy and Cobden professor of political economy at Owens College.
Theory of utility
Jevons arrived quite early in his career at the doctrines that constituted his most characteristic and original contributions to economics and logic. The theory of utility, which became the keynote of his general theory of political economy, was practically formulated in a letter written in 1860; and the germ of his logical principles of the substitution of similars may be found in the view which he propounded in another letter written in 1861, that "philosophy would be found to consist solely in pointing out the likeness of things." The theory of utility above referred to, namely, that the degree of utility of a commodity is some continuous mathematical function of the quantity of the commodity available, together with the implied doctrine that economics is essentially a mathematical science, took more definite form in a paper on "A General Mathematical Theory of Political Economy", written for the British Association in 1862. This paper does not appear to have attracted much attention either in 1862 or on its publication four years later in the Journal of the Statistical Society; and it was not till 1871, when the Theory of Political Economy appeared, that Jevons set forth his doctrines in a fully developed form.
It was not until after the publication of this work that Jevons became acquainted with the applications of mathematics to political economy made by earlier writers, notably Antoine Augustin Cournot and H.H. Gossen. The theory of utility was at about 1870 being independently developed on somewhat similar lines by Carl Menger in Austria and Léon Walras in Switzerland. As regards the discovery of the connection between value in exchange and final (or marginal) utility, the priority belongs to Gossen, but this in no way detracts from the great importance of the service which Jevons rendered to British economics by his fresh discovery of the principle, and by the way in which he ultimately forced it into notice. In his reaction from the prevailing view he sometimes expressed himself without due qualification: the declaration, for instance, made at the commencement of the Theory of Political Economy, that value depends entirely upon utility, lent itself to misinterpretation. But a certain exaggeration of emphasis may be pardoned in a writer seeking to attract the attention of an indifferent public. The Neoclassical Revolution, which would reshape economics, had been started.[citation needed]
Jevons did not explicitly distinguish between the concepts of ordinal and cardinal utility. Cardinal utility allows the relative magnitude of utilities to be discussed, while ordinal utility only implies that goods can be compared and ranked according to which good provided the most utility. Although Jevons predated the debate about ordinality or cardinality of utility, his mathematics required the use of cardinal utility functions. For example, in "The Theory of Political Economy", Chapter II, the subsection on "Theory of Dimensions of Economic Quantities", Jevons makes the statement that "In the first place, pleasure and pain must be regarded as measured upon the same scale, and as having, therefore, the same dimensions, being quantities of the same kind, which can be added and subtracted...." Speaking of measurement, addition and subtraction requires cardinality, as does Jevons's heavy use of integral calculus. Cardinality does not imply direct measurability, in which Jevons did not believe.[citation needed]
Practical economics
It was not, however, as a theorist dealing with the fundamental data of economic science, but as a writer on practical economic questions, that Jevons first received general recognition. A Serious Fall in the Value of Gold (1863) and The Coal Question (1865) placed him in the front rank as a writer on applied economics and statistics; and he would be remembered as one of the leading economists of the 19th century even had his Theory of Political Economy never been written. His economic works include Money and the Mechanism of Exchange (1875) written in a popular style, and descriptive rather than theoretical; a Primer on Political Economy (1878); The State in Relation to Labour (1882), and two works published after his death, Methods of Social Reform" and "Investigations in Currency and Finance, containing papers that had appeared separately during his lifetime. The last-named volume contains Jevons's speculations on the connection between commercial crises and sunspots. He was engaged at the time of his death upon the preparation of a large treatise on economics and had drawn up a table of contents and completed some chapters and parts of chapters. This fragment was published in 1905 under the title of The Principles of Economics: a fragment of a treatise on the industrial mechanism of society, and other papers.
In The Coal Question, Jevons covered a breadth of concepts on energy depletion that have recently been revisited by writers covering the subject of peak oil. For example, Jevons explained that improving energy efficiency typically reduced energy costs and thereby increased rather than decreased energy use, an effect now known as the Jevons paradox. The Coal Question remains a paradigmatic study of resource depletion theory. Jevons's son, H. Stanley Jevons, published an 800-page follow-up study in 1915 in which the difficulties of estimating recoverable reserves of a theoretically finite resource are discussed in detail.
In 1875, Jevons read a paper On the influence of the sun-spot period upon the price of corn at a meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. This captured the attention of the media and led to the coining of the word sunspottery for claims of links between various cyclic events and sun-spots. In a later work, "Commercial Crises and Sun-Spots", Jevons analyzed business cycles, proposing that crises in the economy might not be random events, but might be based on discernible prior causes. To clarify the concept, he presented a statistical study relating business cycles with sunspots. His reasoning was that sunspots affected the weather, which, in turn, affected crops. Crop changes could then be expected to cause economic changes. Subsequent studies have found that sunny weather has a small but significant positive impact on stock returns, probably due to its impact on traders' moods.
In 1864 Jevons published Pure Logic; or, the Logic of Quality apart from Quantity, which was based on Boole's system of logic, but freed from what he considered the false mathematical dress of that system. In 1866 what he regarded as the great and universal principle of all reasoning dawned upon him; and in 1869 Jevons published a sketch of this fundamental doctrine under the title of The Substitution of Similars. He expressed this principle in its simplest form by saying: "Whatever is true of a thing is true of its like", and he worked out in detail its various applications including the logical abacus, a method of performing simple logical inference by manipulating a truth table consisting of labeled wooden boards. He noted that the operations could be performed by a simple mechanism and later he had a "logical machine" built from his specifications in 1869, sometimes called the "Logic Piano" because of its resemblance to an upright piano. The machine was exhibited before the Royal Society in 1870.[citation needed]
In the following year appeared the Elementary Lessons on Logic, which soon became the most widely read elementary textbook on logic in the English language. In the meantime he was engaged upon a much more important logical treatise, which appeared in 1874 under the title of The Principles of Science. In this work Jevons embodied the substance of his earlier works on pure logic and the substitution of similars; he also enunciated and developed the view that induction is simply an inverse employment of deduction; he treated in a luminous manner the general theory of probability, and the relation between probability and induction; and his knowledge of the various natural sciences enabled him throughout to relieve the abstract character of logical doctrine by concrete scientific illustrations, often worked out in great detail. An example is his discussion of the use of one-way functions in cryptography, including remarks on the integer factorization problem that foreshadowed its use in public-key cryptography.[citation needed] Jevons's general theory of induction was a revival of the theory laid down by Whewell and criticised by John Stuart Mill; but it was put in a new form, and was free from some of the non-essential adjuncts that rendered Whewell's exposition open to attack. The work as a whole was one of the most notable contributions to logical doctrine that appeared in the UK in the 19th century. "Though less attractively written than Mill's System of Logic, Principles of Science is a book that keeps much closer to the facts of scientific practice." His Studies in Deductive Logic, consisting mainly of exercises and problems for the use of students, was published in 1880. In 1877 and the following years Jevons contributed to the Contemporary Review some articles on Mill, which he had intended to supplement by further articles, and eventually publish in a volume as a criticism of Mill's philosophy. These articles and one other were republished after Jevons's death, together with his earlier logical treatises, in a volume, entitled Pure Logic, and other Minor Works. The articles on criticisms of Mill contain much that is ingenious and much that is forcible, but on the whole they cannot be regarded as taking rank with Jevons's other work. His strength lay in his power as an original thinker rather than as a critic; and he will be remembered by his constructive work as logician, economist and statistician.
Jevons' number
Jevons wrote in his 1874 book Principles of Science:
- "Can the reader say what two numbers multiplied together will produce the number 8,616,460,799? I think it unlikely that anyone but myself will ever know."
This became known as Jevons's number and was factored by Charles J. Busk in 1889,Derrick Norman Lehmer in 1903, and later on a pocket calculator by Solomon W. Golomb. It is the product of two prime numbers, 89,681 and 96,079.
One of Jevons's contemporaries, Hermann von Helmholtz, who was interested in non-Euclidean geometry, discussed two groups of two-dimensional creatures with one group living in the plane while the other living in the surface of a sphere. He asserted that since these creatures were embedded in two dimensions, they would develop a planar version of Euclidean geometry, but that since the nature of these surfaces were different, they would arrive at very different versions of this geometry. He then extended this argument into three dimensions, noting that this raises fundamental questions of the relationship of spatial perception to mathematical truth.
Jevons made an almost immediate response to this article. While Helmholtz focused on how humans perceived space, Jevons focused on the question of truth in geometry. Jevons agreed that while Helmholtz's argument was compelling in constructing a situation where the Euclidean axioms of geometry would not apply, he believed that they had no effect on the truth of these axioms. Jevons hence makes the distinction between truth and applicability or perception, suggesting that these concepts were independent in the domain of geometry.
Jevons did not claim that geometry was developed without any consideration for spatial reality. Instead, he suggested that his geometric systems were representations of reality but in a more fundamental way that transcends what one can perceive about reality. Jevons claimed that there was a flaw in Helmholtz's argument relating to the concept of infinitesimally small. This concept involves how these creatures reason about geometry and space at a very small scale, which is not necessarily the same as the reasoning that Helmholtz assumed on a more global scale. Jevons claimed that the Euclidean relations could be reduced locally in the different scenarios that Helmholtz created and hence the creatures should have been able to experience the Euclidean properties, just in a different representation. For example, Jevons claimed that the two-dimensional creatures living on the surface of a sphere should be able to construct the plane and even construct systems of higher dimensions and that although they may not be able to perceive such situations in reality, it would reveal fundamental mathematical truths in their theoretical existence.
In 1872, Helmholtz gave a response to Jevons, who claimed that Helmholtz failed to show why geometric truth should be separate from the reality of spatial perception. Helmholtz criticized Jevons's definition of truth and in particular, experiential truth. Helmholtz asserts that there should be a difference between experiential truth and mathematical truth and that these versions of truth are not necessarily consistent. This conversation between Helmholtz and Jevons was a microcosm of an ongoing debate between truth and perception in the wake of the introduction of non-Euclidean geometry in the late 19th century.
Personal life
In 1867, Jevons married Harriet Ann Taylor, whose father, John Edward Taylor, had been the founder and proprietor of the Manchester Guardian. Jevons suffered from ill health and sleeplessness, and found the delivery of lectures covering so wide a range of subjects very burdensome. In 1876, he was glad to exchange the Owens professorship for the professorship of political economy in University College, London. Travelling and music were the principal recreations of his life; but his health continued to be bad, and he suffered from depression. He found his professorial duties increasingly irksome, and feeling that the pressure of literary work left him no spare energy, he decided in 1880 to resign the post. On 13 August 1882 he drowned whilst bathing near Hastings.
Jevons was brought up a Christian Unitarian. Excerpts from his journals indicate he remained committed to his Christian beliefs until death. He is buried in the Hampstead Cemetery.
Jevons was a prolific writer, and at the time of his death was a leader in the UK both as a logician and as an economist. Alfred Marshall said of his work in economics that it "will probably be found to have more constructive force than any, save that of Ricardo, that has been done during the last hundred years."
Jevons's theory of induction has continued to be influential: "Jevons's general view of induction has received a powerful and original formulation in the work of a modern-day philosopher, Professor K. R. Popper."
- 1862. A General Mathematical Theory of Political Economy
- 1863. A Serious Fall in the Value of Gold, Edward Stanford.
- 1864. Pure Logic; or, the Logic of Quality apart from Quantity, Edward Stanford, London
- 1865. The Coal Question, Macmillan and Co.
- 1869. The Substitution of Similars, The True Principle of Reasoning, Macmillan & Co.
- 1870. Elementary Lessons in Logic, Macmillan & Co., London
- 1871. The Match Tax: A Problem in Finance, Edward Stanford.
- 1871. The Theory of Political Economy, Macmillan & Co.
- "Theory of Political Economy". In James R. Newman, ed., The World of Mathematics, Vol. 2, Part IV, 1956.
- 1874. Principles of Science, Macmillan & Co.
- 1875. Money and the Mechanism of Exchange, D. Appleton and Co.
- 1878. A Primer on Political Economy
- 1880. Studies in Deductive Logic – 1884 edition (Macmillan & Co., London)
- 1882. The State in Relation to Labour
- 1883. Methods of Social Reform and Other Papers, Macmillan and Co.
- Methods of Social Reform, and Other Papers, Kelley, 1965.
- 1884. Investigations in Currency and Finance, Macmillan and Co. 1884.
- 1886. Letters and Journal of W. Stanley Jevons, Ed. by Harriet A. Jevons, Macmillan & Co.
- 1972–81. Papers and Correspondence, edited by R. D. Collison Black, Macmillan & the Royal Economic Society (7 vol.)
- "On the cirrous form of cloud", The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, Vol. 14, 1857.
- "On the Variation of Prices and the Value of the Currency since 1782", Journal of the Statistical Society of London, Vol. 28, No. 2, June 1865.
- "On the Frequent Autumnal Pressure in the Money Market, and the Action of the Bank of England", Journal of the Statistical Society of London, Vol. 29, No. 2, June 1866.
- "On the Condition of the Metallic Currency of the United Kingdom, with Reference to the Question of International Coinage", Journal of the Statistical Society of London, Vol. 31, No. 4, December 1868.
- "Who Discovered the Quantification of the Predicate?", The Contemporary Review, Vol. XXI, December 1872/May 1873.
- "The Philosophy of Inductive Inference", Fortnightly Review, Vol. XIV, New Series, 1873.
- "The Use of Hypothesis", Fortnightly Review, Vol. XIV, New Series, 1873.
- "The Railways and the State". In: Essays and Addresses, Macmillan & Co., 1874.
- "The Future of Political Economy", Fortnightly Review, Vol. XX, New Series, 1876.
- "Cruelty to Animals: A Study in Sociology", Fortnightly Review, Vol. XIX, New Series, 1876.
- "The Silver Question", Journal of Social Science, No. IX, January 1878.
- "John Stuart Mill's Philosophy Tested", Part II, The Contemporary Review, Vol. XXXI, December 1877/January 1878; Part III, Vol. XXXII, April 1878.
- "Methods of Social Reform, I: Amusements of the People", The Contemporary Review, Vol. XXXIII, October 1878.
- "Methods of Social Reform, II: A State Parcel Post", The Contemporary Review, Vol. XXXIV, January 1879.
- "The Periodicity of Commercial Crises, and its Physical Explanation," Journal of The Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, Vol. VII, Part 54, 1878/1879.
- "Experimental Legislation and the Drink Traffic", The Contemporary Review, Vol. XXXVII, January/June 1880.
- "Recent Mathematico-Logical Memoirs", Nature, Vol. XXIII, 24 March 1881.
- "Richard Cantillon and the Nationality of Political Economy", The Contemporary Review, Vol. XXXIX, January/June 1881.
- "The Rationale of Free Public Libraries", The Contemporary Review, Vol. XXXIX, January/June 1881.
- "Bimetallism", The Contemporary Review, Vol. XXXIX, January/June 1881.
- "Married Women in Factories", The Contemporary Review, Vol. XLI, January/June 1882.
- Luigi Cossa, Guide to the Study of Political Economy, with a Preface by W. Stanley Jevons, Macmillan & Co., 1880.
- Jevons and his theory on a possible connection between sunspots and economic activity cycles were mentioned by Lovecraft in his The Shadow Out of Time as discussed by Nathaniel Wingate Peaslee just before he was abducted by the Great Race.
- R. D. Collison Black (1972). "Jevons, Bentham and De Morgan", Economica, New Series, Vol. 39, No. 154, pp. 119–34.
- Daniel Jones, Everyman's English Pronouncing Dictionary (Dent, Dutton: 13th ed., 1967), p. 266.
- Irving Fisher, 1892. Mathematical Investigations in the Theory of Value and Prices, Appendix III, "The Utility and History of Mathematical Method in Economics", p. 109.
- W. Stanley Jevons, 1871.The Principles of Political Economy, p. 4.
- Martínez-Alier, Juan (1987). Ecological Economics: Energy, Environment and Society. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. ISBN 978-0631171461.
- Georgescu-Roegen, Nicholas (1971). The Entropy Law and the Economic Process (Full book accessible at Scribd). Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. ISBN 978-0674257801.
- Boulding, Kenneth E. (1981). Evolutionary Economics. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications. ISBN 978-0803916487.
- Jevons, William Stanley, The Principles of Science: A Treatise on Logic and Scientific Method, Macmillan & Co., London, 1874, 2nd ed. 1877, 3rd ed. 1879. Reprinted with a foreword by Ernst Nagel, Dover Publications, New York, 1958.
- Keynes 1911, p. 361.
- William Stanley Jevons, Letters and Journal [1886] (viewed 3 September 2016), https://oll.libertyfund.org/titles/jevons-letters-and-journal#lf1357_head_007; Scan Journal, http://scan.net.au/scan/journal/display.php?journal_id=62; WM Jevons Album, Rylands Collection, University of Manchester, http://enriqueta.man.ac.uk:8180/luna/servlet/s/2mh2g8[permanent dead link ]
- His Wife, ed. (1886). Letters and Journal of William Stanley Jevons. London: Macmillan. p. 151 – via Internet Archive.
- Jevons, H. Stanley Jevons, (1915) . London: Kegan Paul, Trench and Trübner; (complete text available at Google Books) see especially pp. 718 ff.
- Jevons, William Stanley (14 November 1878). "Commercial crises and sun-spots", Nature xix, pp. 33–37.
- Hirshleifer, David and Tyler Shumway (2003). "Good day sunshine: stock returns and the weather", Journal of Finance 58 (3), pp. 1009–32.
- Jevons, William Stanley (1869). The Substitution of Similars: The True Principle of Reasoning, Derived from a Modification of Aristotle's Dictum. Macmillan. p. 55. Archived from the original on 15 July 2008.
logical abacus.
- In The substitution of similars, he gives a description of his "logical abacus" on pp. 55ff, which "is extracted from the Proceedings of the Society for 3d April, 1866, p. 161."
- Proceedings of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society. 1866. p. 161.
- Maxfield, Clive (1998). Designus Maximus Unleashed!. Newnes. p. 359. ISBN 9780750690898.
- "The Rutherford Journal - the New Zealand Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology".
- Jevons, William Stanley. "On the mechanical performance of logical inference", Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 160 (1870), 497-518 with 3 plates.
- Keynes 1911, pp. 361–362.
- "Jevons, William Stanley", in The Concise Encyclopedia of Western Philosophy and Philosophers (1960), New York: Hawthorn.
- William Stanley Jevons (1890). Robert Adamson; Harriet A. Jevons (eds.). Pure logic and other minor works. London: MacMillan.
- Keynes 1911, p. 362.
- Principles of Science, Macmillan & Co., 1874, p. 141.
- Busk, Charles J. (1889). "To Find the Factors of any Proposed Number". Nature. 39 (1009): 413–415. Bibcode:1889Natur..39..413B. doi:10.1038/039413c0. S2CID 4084336.
- Lehmer, D.N., "A Theorem in the Theory of Numbers", read before the San Francisco Section of the American Mathematical Society, 19 December 1903.
- Golomb, Solomon. "On Factoring Jevons' Number", Cryptologia, vol. XX, no. 3, July 1996, pp. 243–44.
- Richards, Joan. Mathematical Visions: The Pursuit of Geometry in Victorian England. Academic Press. p. 77.
- Helmholtz Axioms of Geometry
- Richards, Joan. Mathematical Visions: The Pursuit of Geometry in Victorian England. Academic Press. p. 78.
- Richards, Joan. Mathematical Visions: The Pursuit of Geometry in Victorian England. Academic Press. p. 84.
- Richards, Joan. Mathematical Visions: The Pursuit of Geometry in Victorian England. Academic Press. pp. 86–87.
- Richards, Joan. Mathematical Visions: The Pursuit of Geometry in Victorian England. Academic Press. pp. 87–88.
- Richards, Joan. Mathematical Visions: The Pursuit of Geometry in Victorian England. Academic Press. pp. 88–89.
- Mosselmans, Bert, "William Stanley Jevons", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- "UVic.ca – University of Victoria". Archived from the original on 13 May 2021. Retrieved 12 July 2010.
- Missemer, Antoine. "William Stanley Jevons' The Coal Question (1865), Beyond the Rebound Effect", Ecological Economics, Volume 82, October 2012.
- "Review of A Survey of Political Economy by John Macdonell and The Theory of Political Economy by Prof. Stanley Jevons". The Athenaeum (2297): 589–590. 4 November 1871.
- "Review of Investigations in Currency and Finance by W. Stanley Jevons". The Athenaeum (2957): 817. 28 June 1884.
- "J. S. Mill's Philosophy Tested by Prof. Jevons", Mind, Vol. 3, No. 10, April 1878.
- Jackson, Reginald. "Mill's Treatment of Geometry: A Reply to Jevons", Mind, New Series, Vol. 50, No. 197, January 1941.
- Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 15 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. pp. 361–362. This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domain: Keynes, John Neville (1911). "Jevons, William Stanley". In Chisholm, Hugh (ed.).
- R.D. Collison Black (1987). "Jevons, William Stanley", The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics, v. 2, pp. 1008–14.
- Ivor Grattan-Guinness, 2000. The Search for Mathematical Roots 1870–1940. Princeton University Press.
- Terry Peach (1987). "Jevons as an economic theorist", The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics, v. 2, pp. 1014–19.
- The first part of this article was based on an article in the Encyclopedia of Marxism at www.marxists.org.
Further reading
- Bam, Vincent, et al. "Hypothetical Fallibilism in Peirce and Jevons", Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society, Vol. 15, No. 2, Spring, 1979.
- Barrett, Lindsay and Connell, Matthew. "Jevons and the Logic 'Piano’", The Rutherford Journal, Vol. 1, Issue 1, 2006.
- Collison Black, R. D. "Jevons and Cairnes", Economica, New Series, Vol. 27, No. 107, Aug., 1960.
- Collison Black, R. D. "Jevons, Bentham and De Morgan", Economica, New Series, Vol. 39, No. 154, May, 1972.
- De Marchi, N. B. "The Noxious Influence of Authority: A Correction of Jevons' Charge", Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. 16, No. 1, Apr., 1973.
- Grattan-Guinness, I. "'In Some Parts Rather Rough': A Recently Discovered Manuscript Version of William Stanley Jevons's 'General Mathematical Theory of Political Economy' (1862)", History of Political Economy, Vol. 34, Number 4, Winter 2002.
- Jevons, H. Winefrid. "William Stanley Jevons: His Life", Econometrica, Vol. 2, No. 3, Jul., 1934.
- Keynes, J. M. "William Stanley Jevons 1835–1882: A Centenary Allocation on his Life and Work as Economist and Statistician", Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Vol. 99, No. 3, 1936.
- Könekamp, Rosamund. "William Stanley Jevons (1835–1882). Some Biographical Notes", Manchester School of Economic and Social Studies, Vol. 30, No. 3, Sept. 1962.
- Konvitz, Milton R. "An Empirical Theory of the Labor Movement: W. Stanley Jevons", The Philosophical Review, Vol. 57, No. 1, Jan., 1948.
- La Nauze, J. A. "The Conception of Jevon's Utility Theory", Economica, New Series, Vol. 20, No. 80, Nov., 1953.
- Maas, Harro. William Stanley Jevons and the Making of Modern Economics, Cambridge University Press, 2005.
- Madureira, Nuno Luis. "The Anxiety of Abundance: William Stanley Jevons and Coal Scarcity in the Nineteenth Century", Environment and History, Volume 18, Number 3, August 2012.
- Mays, W. and Henry, D. P. "Jevons and Logic", Mind, New Series, Vol. 62, No. 248, Oct., 1953.
- Mosselmans, Bert. "William Stanley Jevons and the Extent of Meaning in Logic and Economics" Archived 9 August 2017 at the Wayback Machine, History and Philosophy of Logic, Volume 19, Issue 2, 1998.
- Mosselmans, Bert. William Stanley Jevons and the Cutting Edge of Economics, Routledge, 2007.
- Noller, Carl W. "Jevons on Cost", Southern Economic Journal, Vol. 39, No. 1, Jul., 1972.
- Paul, Ellen Frankel. "W. Stanley Jevons: Economic Revolutionary, Political Utilitarian", Journal of the History of Ideas, Vol. 40, No. 2, Apr./Jun., 1979.
- Peart, Sandra. "'Disturbing Causes', 'Noxious Errors', and the Theory-Practice Distinction in the Economics of J.S. Mill and W.S. Jevons", The Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol. 28, No. 4b, Nov., 1995.
- Peart, Sandra. The Economics of W. S. Jevons, Routledge, 1996.
- Peart, Sandra. "Jevons and Menger Re-Homogenized?: Jaffé after 20 Years", The American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Vol. 57, No. 3, Jul., 1998.
- Peart, Sandra. "Facts Carefully Marshalled' in the Empirical Studies of William Stanley Jevons", History of Political Economy, Vol. 33, Annual Supplement, 2001.
- Robertson, Ross M. "Jevons and His Precursors", Econometrica, Vol. 19, No. 3, Jul., 1951.
- Schabas, Margaret. "The 'Worldly Philosophy' of William Stanley Jevons", Victorian Studies, Vol. 28, No. 1, Autumn, 1984.
- Schabas, Margaret. "Alfred Marshall, W. Stanley Jevons, and the Mathematization of Economics", Isis, Vol. 80, No. 1, Mar., 1989.
- Schabas, Margaret. A World Ruled by Number: William Stanley Jevons and the Rise of Mathematical Economics, Princeton University Press, 1990.
- Strong, John V. "The Infinite Ballot Box of Nature: De Morgan, Boole, and Jevons on Probability and the Logic of Induction", PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association, Vol. 1976, Volume One: Contributed Papers, 1976.
- Wood, John C. William Stanley Jevons: Critical Assessments, 2 vol., Routledge, 1988.
- York, Richard. "Ecological Paradoxes: William Stanley Jevons and the Paperless Office", Human Ecology Review, Vol. 13, No. 2, 2006.
- Young, Allyn A. "Jevons' 'Theory of Political Economy'", The American Economic Review, Vol. 2, No. 3, Sep., 1912.
- Shepherdson, John C. "W. S. Jevons: his Logical Machine and Work Induction and Boolean Algebra" Machine Intelligence 15. eds. K. Furukawa; D. Michie; S. Muggleton. OUP, 1998. p. 489–505.
External links
William Stanley Jevons
- O'Connor, John J.; Robertson, Edmund F., "William Stanley Jevons", MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive, University of St Andrews
- New School: William Stanley Jevons
- Royal Society certificate of election 1872
- Jevons and the Logic 'Piano' at The Rutherford Journal
- The Coal Question – Encyclopedia of Earth
- Letters and Journal of W. Stanley Jevons, edited by his wife (1886). This work contains a bibliography of Jevons's writings.
- Powerhouse Museum, Sydney. "The curious economist: William Stanley Jevons in Sydney". Retrieved 9 May 2007.
- William Stanley Jevons (1835–1833) The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics. Library of Economics and Liberty (2nd ed.). Liberty Fund. 2008.
- Jevons Family Archive at University of Manchester Library.
Works available online
- Works by William Stanley Jevons at Project Gutenberg
- Works by or about William Stanley Jevons at the Internet Archive
- The Coal Question (also available here)
- The Theory of Political Economy
- Money and the Mechanism of Exchange
- Elementary Lessons in Logic
- Money and the Mechanism of Exchange
- The Theory of Political Economy
- William Stanley Jevons Archived 19 September 2020 at the Wayback Machine
- Brief Account of a General Mathematical Theory of Political Economy
- The Theory of Political Economy, 1871,
- The Theory of Political Economy, 1879, 2nd ed.
- The Theory of Political Economy, 1888, 3rd ed. (1879 ed. + 3rd Preface by Harriet A. Jevons & adds to bibliographic 1st Appendix).
William Stanley Jevons FRS ˈ dʒ ɛ v en z 1 September 1835 13 August 1882 was an English economist and logician William Stanley JevonsFRSBorn 1835 09 01 1 September 1835 Liverpool Lancashire EnglandDied13 August 1882 1882 08 13 aged 46 Bexhill on Sea Sussex EnglandAlma materUniversity College LondonKnown forMarginal utility theory Jevons paradoxChildrenHerbert Stanley JevonsScientific careerFieldsEconomics LogicInstitutionsUniversity College London 1876 1880 Owens College now University of Manchester 1863 1875 Academic advisorsAugustus De MorganSignatureNotesWhile not a formal advisor Jevons lived before the introduction of the PhD to Britain De Morgan was his most influential professor Irving Fisher described Jevons s book A General Mathematical Theory of Political Economy 1862 as the start of the mathematical method in economics It made the case that economics as a science concerned with quantities is necessarily mathematical In so doing it expounded upon the final marginal utility theory of value Jevons work along with similar discoveries made by Carl Menger in Vienna 1871 and by Leon Walras in Switzerland 1874 marked the opening of a new period in the history of economic thought Jevons s contribution to the marginal revolution in economics in the late 19th century established his reputation as a leading political economist and logician of the time Jevons broke off his studies of the natural sciences in London in 1854 to work as an assayer in Sydney where he acquired an interest in political economy Returning to the UK in 1859 he published General Mathematical Theory of Political Economy in 1862 outlining the marginal utility theory of value and A Serious Fall in the Value of Gold in 1863 For Jevons the utility or value to a consumer of an additional unit of a product is inversely related to the number of units of that product he already owns at least beyond some critical quantity Jevons received public recognition for his work on The Coal Question 1865 in which he called attention to the gradual exhaustion of Britain s coal supplies and also put forth the view that increases in energy production efficiency leads to more not less consumption 7f 161f This view is known today as the Jevons paradox named after him Due to this particular work Jevons is regarded today as the first economist of some standing to develop an ecological perspective on the economy 295f 147 2 The most important of his works on logic and scientific methods is his Principles of Science 1874 as well as The Theory of Political Economy 1871 and The State in Relation to Labour 1882 Among his inventions was the logic piano a mechanical computer BackgroundJevons was born in Liverpool Lancashire England His father Thomas Jevons was an iron merchant who wrote about legal and economic subjects as well His mother Mary Anne Jevons was the daughter of William Roscoe At the age of fifteen he was sent to London to attend the University College School Around this time he seemed to have formed the belief that he was capable of important achievements as a thinker Towards the end of 1853 after having spent two years at University College where his favourite subjects were chemistry and botany he received an offer as metallurgical assayer for the new mint in Australia The idea of leaving the UK was distasteful but pecuniary considerations had in consequence of the failure of his father s firm in 1847 become of vital importance and he accepted the post Jevons in Sydney age 22 Jevons left the UK for Sydney in June 1854 to take up a role as an Assayer at the Mint Jevons lived with his colleague and his wife first at Church Hill then in Annangrove at Petersham and at Double Bay before returning to England In letters to his family he described his life took photographs and produced a social map of Sydney Jevons returned to England via America five years later He resigned his appointment and in the autumn of 1859 re entered the University College London as a student He was granted B A and M A degrees from the University of London He now gave his principal attention to the moral sciences but his interest in natural science was by no means exhausted throughout his life he continued to write occasional papers on scientific subjects and his knowledge of the physical sciences greatly contributed to the success of his chief logical work The Principles of Science Not long after taking his M A degree Jevons obtained a post as tutor at Owens College Manchester In 1866 he was elected professor of logic and mental and moral philosophy and Cobden professor of political economy at Owens College Theory of utilityPortrait of W Stanley Jevons at 42 by G F Stodart Jevons arrived quite early in his career at the doctrines that constituted his most characteristic and original contributions to economics and logic The theory of utility which became the keynote of his general theory of political economy was practically formulated in a letter written in 1860 and the germ of his logical principles of the substitution of similars may be found in the view which he propounded in another letter written in 1861 that philosophy would be found to consist solely in pointing out the likeness of things The theory of utility above referred to namely that the degree of utility of a commodity is some continuous mathematical function of the quantity of the commodity available together with the implied doctrine that economics is essentially a mathematical science took more definite form in a paper on A General Mathematical Theory of Political Economy written for the British Association in 1862 This paper does not appear to have attracted much attention either in 1862 or on its publication four years later in the Journal of the Statistical Society and it was not till 1871 when the Theory of Political Economy appeared that Jevons set forth his doctrines in a fully developed form It was not until after the publication of this work that Jevons became acquainted with the applications of mathematics to political economy made by earlier writers notably Antoine Augustin Cournot and H H Gossen The theory of utility was at about 1870 being independently developed on somewhat similar lines by Carl Menger in Austria and Leon Walras in Switzerland As regards the discovery of the connection between value in exchange and final or marginal utility the priority belongs to Gossen but this in no way detracts from the great importance of the service which Jevons rendered to British economics by his fresh discovery of the principle and by the way in which he ultimately forced it into notice In his reaction from the prevailing view he sometimes expressed himself without due qualification the declaration for instance made at the commencement of the Theory of Political Economy that value depends entirely upon utility lent itself to misinterpretation But a certain exaggeration of emphasis may be pardoned in a writer seeking to attract the attention of an indifferent public The Neoclassical Revolution which would reshape economics had been started citation needed Jevons did not explicitly distinguish between the concepts of ordinal and cardinal utility Cardinal utility allows the relative magnitude of utilities to be discussed while ordinal utility only implies that goods can be compared and ranked according to which good provided the most utility Although Jevons predated the debate about ordinality or cardinality of utility his mathematics required the use of cardinal utility functions For example in The Theory of Political Economy Chapter II the subsection on Theory of Dimensions of Economic Quantities Jevons makes the statement that In the first place pleasure and pain must be regarded as measured upon the same scale and as having therefore the same dimensions being quantities of the same kind which can be added and subtracted Speaking of measurement addition and subtraction requires cardinality as does Jevons s heavy use of integral calculus Cardinality does not imply direct measurability in which Jevons did not believe citation needed Practical economicsPrinciples of economics 1905Portrait of Jevons published in the Popular Science Monthly in 1877 It was not however as a theorist dealing with the fundamental data of economic science but as a writer on practical economic questions that Jevons first received general recognition A Serious Fall in the Value of Gold 1863 and The Coal Question 1865 placed him in the front rank as a writer on applied economics and statistics and he would be remembered as one of the leading economists of the 19th century even had his Theory of Political Economy never been written His economic works include Money and the Mechanism of Exchange 1875 written in a popular style and descriptive rather than theoretical a Primer on Political Economy 1878 The State in Relation to Labour 1882 and two works published after his death Methods of Social Reform and Investigations in Currency and Finance containing papers that had appeared separately during his lifetime The last named volume contains Jevons s speculations on the connection between commercial crises and sunspots He was engaged at the time of his death upon the preparation of a large treatise on economics and had drawn up a table of contents and completed some chapters and parts of chapters This fragment was published in 1905 under the title of The Principles of Economics a fragment of a treatise on the industrial mechanism of society and other papers In The Coal Question Jevons covered a breadth of concepts on energy depletion that have recently been revisited by writers covering the subject of peak oil For example Jevons explained that improving energy efficiency typically reduced energy costs and thereby increased rather than decreased energy use an effect now known as the Jevons paradox The Coal Question remains a paradigmatic study of resource depletion theory Jevons s son H Stanley Jevons published an 800 page follow up study in 1915 in which the difficulties of estimating recoverable reserves of a theoretically finite resource are discussed in detail In 1875 Jevons read a paper On the influence of the sun spot period upon the price of corn at a meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science This captured the attention of the media and led to the coining of the word sunspottery for claims of links between various cyclic events and sun spots In a later work Commercial Crises and Sun Spots Jevons analyzed business cycles proposing that crises in the economy might not be random events but might be based on discernible prior causes To clarify the concept he presented a statistical study relating business cycles with sunspots His reasoning was that sunspots affected the weather which in turn affected crops Crop changes could then be expected to cause economic changes Subsequent studies have found that sunny weather has a small but significant positive impact on stock returns probably due to its impact on traders moods LogicJevons Logic Piano in the Sydney Powerhouse Museum in 2006 In 1864 Jevons published Pure Logic or the Logic of Quality apart from Quantity which was based on Boole s system of logic but freed from what he considered the false mathematical dress of that system In 1866 what he regarded as the great and universal principle of all reasoning dawned upon him and in 1869 Jevons published a sketch of this fundamental doctrine under the title of The Substitution of Similars He expressed this principle in its simplest form by saying Whatever is true of a thing is true of its like and he worked out in detail its various applications including the logical abacus a method of performing simple logical inference by manipulating a truth table consisting of labeled wooden boards He noted that the operations could be performed by a simple mechanism and later he had a logical machine built from his specifications in 1869 sometimes called the Logic Piano because of its resemblance to an upright piano The machine was exhibited before the Royal Society in 1870 citation needed In the following year appeared the Elementary Lessons on Logic which soon became the most widely read elementary textbook on logic in the English language In the meantime he was engaged upon a much more important logical treatise which appeared in 1874 under the title of The Principles of Science In this work Jevons embodied the substance of his earlier works on pure logic and the substitution of similars he also enunciated and developed the view that induction is simply an inverse employment of deduction he treated in a luminous manner the general theory of probability and the relation between probability and induction and his knowledge of the various natural sciences enabled him throughout to relieve the abstract character of logical doctrine by concrete scientific illustrations often worked out in great detail An example is his discussion of the use of one way functions in cryptography including remarks on the integer factorization problem that foreshadowed its use in public key cryptography citation needed Jevons s general theory of induction was a revival of the theory laid down by Whewell and criticised by John Stuart Mill but it was put in a new form and was free from some of the non essential adjuncts that rendered Whewell s exposition open to attack The work as a whole was one of the most notable contributions to logical doctrine that appeared in the UK in the 19th century Though less attractively written than Mill s System of Logic Principles of Science is a book that keeps much closer to the facts of scientific practice His Studies in Deductive Logic consisting mainly of exercises and problems for the use of students was published in 1880 In 1877 and the following years Jevons contributed to the Contemporary Review some articles on Mill which he had intended to supplement by further articles and eventually publish in a volume as a criticism of Mill s philosophy These articles and one other were republished after Jevons s death together with his earlier logical treatises in a volume entitled Pure Logic and other Minor Works The articles on criticisms of Mill contain much that is ingenious and much that is forcible but on the whole they cannot be regarded as taking rank with Jevons s other work His strength lay in his power as an original thinker rather than as a critic and he will be remembered by his constructive work as logician economist and statistician Jevons numberJevons wrote in his 1874 book Principles of Science Can the reader say what two numbers multiplied together will produce the number 8 616 460 799 I think it unlikely that anyone but myself will ever know This became known as Jevons s number and was factored by Charles J Busk in 1889 Derrick Norman Lehmer in 1903 and later on a pocket calculator by Solomon W Golomb It is the product of two prime numbers 89 681 and 96 079 GeometryOne of Jevons s contemporaries Hermann von Helmholtz who was interested in non Euclidean geometry discussed two groups of two dimensional creatures with one group living in the plane while the other living in the surface of a sphere He asserted that since these creatures were embedded in two dimensions they would develop a planar version of Euclidean geometry but that since the nature of these surfaces were different they would arrive at very different versions of this geometry He then extended this argument into three dimensions noting that this raises fundamental questions of the relationship of spatial perception to mathematical truth Jevons made an almost immediate response to this article While Helmholtz focused on how humans perceived space Jevons focused on the question of truth in geometry Jevons agreed that while Helmholtz s argument was compelling in constructing a situation where the Euclidean axioms of geometry would not apply he believed that they had no effect on the truth of these axioms Jevons hence makes the distinction between truth and applicability or perception suggesting that these concepts were independent in the domain of geometry Jevons did not claim that geometry was developed without any consideration for spatial reality Instead he suggested that his geometric systems were representations of reality but in a more fundamental way that transcends what one can perceive about reality Jevons claimed that there was a flaw in Helmholtz s argument relating to the concept of infinitesimally small This concept involves how these creatures reason about geometry and space at a very small scale which is not necessarily the same as the reasoning that Helmholtz assumed on a more global scale Jevons claimed that the Euclidean relations could be reduced locally in the different scenarios that Helmholtz created and hence the creatures should have been able to experience the Euclidean properties just in a different representation For example Jevons claimed that the two dimensional creatures living on the surface of a sphere should be able to construct the plane and even construct systems of higher dimensions and that although they may not be able to perceive such situations in reality it would reveal fundamental mathematical truths in their theoretical existence In 1872 Helmholtz gave a response to Jevons who claimed that Helmholtz failed to show why geometric truth should be separate from the reality of spatial perception Helmholtz criticized Jevons s definition of truth and in particular experiential truth Helmholtz asserts that there should be a difference between experiential truth and mathematical truth and that these versions of truth are not necessarily consistent This conversation between Helmholtz and Jevons was a microcosm of an ongoing debate between truth and perception in the wake of the introduction of non Euclidean geometry in the late 19th century Personal lifeIn 1867 Jevons married Harriet Ann Taylor whose father John Edward Taylor had been the founder and proprietor of the Manchester Guardian Jevons suffered from ill health and sleeplessness and found the delivery of lectures covering so wide a range of subjects very burdensome In 1876 he was glad to exchange the Owens professorship for the professorship of political economy in University College London Travelling and music were the principal recreations of his life but his health continued to be bad and he suffered from depression He found his professorial duties increasingly irksome and feeling that the pressure of literary work left him no spare energy he decided in 1880 to resign the post On 13 August 1882 he drowned whilst bathing near Hastings Jevons was brought up a Christian Unitarian Excerpts from his journals indicate he remained committed to his Christian beliefs until death He is buried in the Hampstead Cemetery LegacyJevons was a prolific writer and at the time of his death was a leader in the UK both as a logician and as an economist Alfred Marshall said of his work in economics that it will probably be found to have more constructive force than any save that of Ricardo that has been done during the last hundred years Jevons s theory of induction has continued to be influential Jevons s general view of induction has received a powerful and original formulation in the work of a modern day philosopher Professor K R Popper Works1862 A General Mathematical Theory of Political Economy 1863 A Serious Fall in the Value of Gold Edward Stanford 1864 Pure Logic or the Logic of Quality apart from Quantity Edward Stanford London 1865 The Coal Question Macmillan and Co 1869 The Substitution of Similars The True Principle of Reasoning Macmillan amp Co 1870 Elementary Lessons in Logic Macmillan amp Co London 1871 The Match Tax A Problem in Finance Edward Stanford 1871 The Theory of Political Economy Macmillan amp Co Theory of Political Economy In James R Newman ed The World of Mathematics Vol 2 Part IV 1956 1874 Principles of Science Macmillan amp Co 1875 Money and the Mechanism of Exchange D Appleton and Co 1878 A Primer on Political Economy 1880 Studies in Deductive Logic 1884 edition Macmillan amp Co London 1882 The State in Relation to Labour 1883 Methods of Social Reform and Other Papers Macmillan and Co Methods of Social Reform and Other Papers Kelley 1965 1884 Investigations in Currency and Finance Macmillan and Co 1884 1886 Letters and Journal of W Stanley Jevons Ed by Harriet A Jevons Macmillan amp Co 1972 81 Papers and Correspondence edited by R D Collison Black Macmillan amp the Royal Economic Society 7 vol Articles On the cirrous form of cloud The London Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science Vol 14 1857 On the Variation of Prices and the Value of the Currency since 1782 Journal of the Statistical Society of London Vol 28 No 2 June 1865 On the Frequent Autumnal Pressure in the Money Market and the Action of the Bank of England Journal of the Statistical Society of London Vol 29 No 2 June 1866 On the Condition of the Metallic Currency of the United Kingdom with Reference to the Question of International Coinage Journal of the Statistical Society of London Vol 31 No 4 December 1868 Who Discovered the Quantification of the Predicate The Contemporary Review Vol XXI December 1872 May 1873 The Philosophy of Inductive Inference Fortnightly Review Vol XIV New Series 1873 The Use of Hypothesis Fortnightly Review Vol XIV New Series 1873 The Railways and the State In Essays and Addresses Macmillan amp Co 1874 The Future of Political Economy Fortnightly Review Vol XX New Series 1876 Cruelty to Animals A Study in Sociology Fortnightly Review Vol XIX New Series 1876 The Silver Question Journal of Social Science No IX January 1878 John Stuart Mill s Philosophy Tested Part II The Contemporary Review Vol XXXI December 1877 January 1878 Part III Vol XXXII April 1878 Methods of Social Reform I Amusements of the People The Contemporary Review Vol XXXIII October 1878 Methods of Social Reform II A State Parcel Post The Contemporary Review Vol XXXIV January 1879 The Periodicity of Commercial Crises and its Physical Explanation Journal of The Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland Vol VII Part 54 1878 1879 Experimental Legislation and the Drink Traffic The Contemporary Review Vol XXXVII January June 1880 Recent Mathematico Logical Memoirs Nature Vol XXIII 24 March 1881 Richard Cantillon and the Nationality of Political Economy The Contemporary Review Vol XXXIX January June 1881 The Rationale of Free Public Libraries The Contemporary Review Vol XXXIX January June 1881 Bimetallism The Contemporary Review Vol XXXIX January June 1881 Married Women in Factories The Contemporary Review Vol XLI January June 1882 Miscellany Luigi Cossa Guide to the Study of Political Economy with a Preface by W Stanley Jevons Macmillan amp Co 1880 Jevons and his theory on a possible connection between sunspots and economic activity cycles were mentioned by Lovecraft in his The Shadow Out of Time as discussed by Nathaniel Wingate Peaslee just before he was abducted by the Great Race ReferencesR D Collison Black 1972 Jevons Bentham and De Morgan Economica New Series Vol 39 No 154 pp 119 34 Daniel Jones Everyman s English Pronouncing Dictionary Dent Dutton 13th ed 1967 p 266 Irving Fisher 1892 Mathematical Investigations in the Theory of Value and Prices Appendix III The Utility and History of Mathematical Method in Economics p 109 W Stanley Jevons 1871 The Principles of Political Economy p 4 Martinez Alier Juan 1987 Ecological Economics Energy Environment and Society Oxford Basil Blackwell ISBN 978 0631171461 Georgescu Roegen Nicholas 1971 The Entropy Law and the Economic Process Full book accessible at Scribd Cambridge Massachusetts Harvard University Press ISBN 978 0674257801 Boulding Kenneth E 1981 Evolutionary Economics Beverly Hills Sage Publications ISBN 978 0803916487 Jevons William Stanley The Principles of Science A Treatise on Logic and Scientific Method Macmillan amp Co London 1874 2nd ed 1877 3rd ed 1879 Reprinted with a foreword by Ernst Nagel Dover Publications New York 1958 Keynes 1911 p 361 William Stanley Jevons Letters and Journal 1886 viewed 3 September 2016 https oll libertyfund org titles jevons letters and journal lf1357 head 007 Scan Journal http scan net au scan journal display php journal id 62 WM Jevons Album Rylands Collection University of Manchester http enriqueta man ac uk 8180 luna servlet s 2mh2g8 permanent dead link His Wife ed 1886 Letters and Journal of William Stanley Jevons London Macmillan p 151 via Internet Archive Jevons H Stanley Jevons 1915 London Kegan Paul Trench and Trubner complete text available at Google Books see especially pp 718 ff Jevons William Stanley 14 November 1878 Commercial crises and sun spots Nature xix pp 33 37 Hirshleifer David and Tyler Shumway 2003 Good day sunshine stock returns and the weather Journal of Finance 58 3 pp 1009 32 Jevons William Stanley 1869 The Substitution of Similars The True Principle of Reasoning Derived from a Modification of Aristotle s Dictum Macmillan p 55 Archived from the original on 15 July 2008 logical abacus In The substitution of similars he gives a description of his logical abacus on pp 55ff which is extracted from the Proceedings of the Society for 3d April 1866 p 161 Proceedings of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society 1866 p 161 Maxfield Clive 1998 Designus Maximus Unleashed Newnes p 359 ISBN 9780750690898 The Rutherford Journal the New Zealand Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology Jevons William Stanley On the mechanical performance of logical inference Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 160 1870 497 518 with 3 plates Keynes 1911 pp 361 362 Jevons William Stanley in The Concise Encyclopedia of Western Philosophy and Philosophers 1960 New York Hawthorn William Stanley Jevons 1890 Robert Adamson Harriet A Jevons eds Pure logic and other minor works London MacMillan Keynes 1911 p 362 Principles of Science Macmillan amp Co 1874 p 141 Busk Charles J 1889 To Find the Factors of any Proposed Number Nature 39 1009 413 415 Bibcode 1889Natur 39 413B doi 10 1038 039413c0 S2CID 4084336 Lehmer D N A Theorem in the Theory of Numbers read before the San Francisco Section of the American Mathematical Society 19 December 1903 Golomb Solomon On Factoring Jevons Number Cryptologia vol XX no 3 July 1996 pp 243 44 Richards Joan Mathematical Visions The Pursuit of Geometry in Victorian England Academic Press p 77 Helmholtz Axioms of Geometry Richards Joan Mathematical Visions The Pursuit of Geometry in Victorian England Academic Press p 78 Richards Joan Mathematical Visions The Pursuit of Geometry in Victorian England Academic Press p 84 Richards Joan Mathematical Visions The Pursuit of Geometry in Victorian England Academic Press pp 86 87 Richards Joan Mathematical Visions The Pursuit of Geometry in Victorian England Academic Press pp 87 88 Richards Joan Mathematical Visions The Pursuit of Geometry in Victorian England Academic Press pp 88 89 Mosselmans Bert William Stanley Jevons The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy UVic ca University of Victoria Archived from the original on 13 May 2021 Retrieved 12 July 2010 Missemer Antoine William Stanley Jevons The Coal Question 1865 Beyond the Rebound Effect Ecological Economics Volume 82 October 2012 Review of A Survey of Political Economy by John Macdonell and The Theory of Political Economy by Prof Stanley Jevons The Athenaeum 2297 589 590 4 November 1871 Review of Investigations in Currency and Finance by W Stanley Jevons The Athenaeum 2957 817 28 June 1884 J S Mill s Philosophy Tested by Prof Jevons Mind Vol 3 No 10 April 1878 Jackson Reginald Mill s Treatment of Geometry A Reply to Jevons Mind New Series Vol 50 No 197 January 1941 Sources This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domain Keynes John Neville 1911 Jevons William Stanley In Chisholm Hugh ed Encyclopaedia Britannica Vol 15 11th ed Cambridge University Press pp 361 362 R D Collison Black 1987 Jevons William Stanley The New Palgrave A Dictionary of Economics v 2 pp 1008 14 Ivor Grattan Guinness 2000 The Search for Mathematical Roots 1870 1940 Princeton University Press Terry Peach 1987 Jevons as an economic theorist The New Palgrave A Dictionary of Economics v 2 pp 1014 19 The first part of this article was based on an article in the Encyclopedia of Marxism at www marxists org Further readingBam Vincent et al Hypothetical Fallibilism in Peirce and Jevons Transactions of the Charles S Peirce Society Vol 15 No 2 Spring 1979 Barrett Lindsay and Connell Matthew Jevons and the Logic Piano The Rutherford Journal Vol 1 Issue 1 2006 Collison Black R D Jevons and Cairnes Economica New Series Vol 27 No 107 Aug 1960 Collison Black R D Jevons Bentham and De Morgan Economica New Series Vol 39 No 154 May 1972 De Marchi N B The Noxious Influence of Authority A Correction of Jevons Charge Journal of Law and Economics Vol 16 No 1 Apr 1973 Grattan Guinness I In Some Parts Rather Rough A Recently Discovered Manuscript Version of William Stanley Jevons s General Mathematical Theory of Political Economy 1862 History of Political Economy Vol 34 Number 4 Winter 2002 Jevons H Winefrid William Stanley Jevons His Life Econometrica Vol 2 No 3 Jul 1934 Keynes J M William Stanley Jevons 1835 1882 A Centenary Allocation on his Life and Work as Economist and Statistician Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Vol 99 No 3 1936 Konekamp Rosamund William Stanley Jevons 1835 1882 Some Biographical Notes Manchester School of Economic and Social Studies Vol 30 No 3 Sept 1962 Konvitz Milton R An Empirical Theory of the Labor Movement W Stanley Jevons The Philosophical Review Vol 57 No 1 Jan 1948 La Nauze J A The Conception of Jevon s Utility Theory Economica New Series Vol 20 No 80 Nov 1953 Maas Harro William Stanley Jevons and the Making of Modern Economics Cambridge University Press 2005 Madureira Nuno Luis The Anxiety of Abundance William Stanley Jevons and Coal Scarcity in the Nineteenth Century Environment and History Volume 18 Number 3 August 2012 Mays W and Henry D P Jevons and Logic Mind New Series Vol 62 No 248 Oct 1953 Mosselmans Bert William Stanley Jevons and the Extent of Meaning in Logic and Economics Archived 9 August 2017 at the Wayback Machine History and Philosophy of Logic Volume 19 Issue 2 1998 Mosselmans Bert William Stanley Jevons and the Cutting Edge of Economics Routledge 2007 Noller Carl W Jevons on Cost Southern Economic Journal Vol 39 No 1 Jul 1972 Paul Ellen Frankel W Stanley Jevons Economic Revolutionary Political Utilitarian Journal of the History of Ideas Vol 40 No 2 Apr Jun 1979 Peart Sandra Disturbing Causes Noxious Errors and the Theory Practice Distinction in the Economics of J S Mill and W S Jevons The Canadian Journal of Economics Vol 28 No 4b Nov 1995 Peart Sandra The Economics of W S Jevons Routledge 1996 Peart Sandra Jevons and Menger Re Homogenized Jaffe after 20 Years The American Journal of Economics and Sociology Vol 57 No 3 Jul 1998 Peart Sandra Facts Carefully Marshalled in the Empirical Studies of William Stanley Jevons History of Political Economy Vol 33 Annual Supplement 2001 Robertson Ross M Jevons and His Precursors Econometrica Vol 19 No 3 Jul 1951 Schabas Margaret The Worldly Philosophy of William Stanley Jevons Victorian Studies Vol 28 No 1 Autumn 1984 Schabas Margaret Alfred Marshall W Stanley Jevons and the Mathematization of Economics Isis Vol 80 No 1 Mar 1989 Schabas Margaret A World Ruled by Number William Stanley Jevons and the Rise of Mathematical Economics Princeton University Press 1990 Strong John V The Infinite Ballot Box of Nature De Morgan Boole and Jevons on Probability and the Logic of Induction PSA Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association Vol 1976 Volume One Contributed Papers 1976 Wood John C William Stanley Jevons Critical Assessments 2 vol Routledge 1988 York Richard Ecological Paradoxes William Stanley Jevons and the Paperless Office Human Ecology Review Vol 13 No 2 2006 Young Allyn A Jevons Theory of Political Economy The American Economic Review Vol 2 No 3 Sep 1912 Shepherdson John C W S Jevons his Logical Machine and Work Induction and Boolean Algebra Machine Intelligence 15 eds K Furukawa D Michie S Muggleton OUP 1998 p 489 505 External linksWikimedia Commons has media related to William Stanley Jevons Wikiquote has quotations related to William Stanley Jevons Wikisource has original works by or about William Stanley Jevons O Connor John J Robertson Edmund F William Stanley Jevons MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive University of St Andrews New School William Stanley Jevons Royal Society certificate of election 1872 Jevons and the Logic Piano at The Rutherford Journal The Coal Question Encyclopedia of Earth Letters and Journal of W Stanley Jevons edited by his wife 1886 This work contains a bibliography of Jevons s writings Powerhouse Museum Sydney The curious economist William Stanley Jevons in Sydney Retrieved 9 May 2007 William Stanley Jevons 1835 1833 The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics Library of Economics and Liberty 2nd ed Liberty Fund 2008 Jevons Family Archive at University of Manchester Library Works available online Works by William Stanley Jevons at Project Gutenberg Works by or about William Stanley Jevons at the Internet Archive The Coal Question also available here The Theory of Political Economy Money and the Mechanism of Exchange Elementary Lessons in Logic Money and the Mechanism of Exchange The Theory of Political Economy William Stanley Jevons Archived 19 September 2020 at the Wayback Machine Brief Account of a General Mathematical Theory of Political Economy The Theory of Political Economy 1871 The Theory of Political Economy 1879 2nd ed The Theory of Political Economy 1888 3rd ed 1879 ed 3rd Preface by Harriet A Jevons amp adds to bibliographic 1st Appendix Professional and academic associationsPreceded byWilliam Langton President of the Manchester Statistical Society 1869 71 Succeeded byJohn Mills Portals United KingdomBiographyEconomics