A thought disorder (TD) is a disturbance in cognition which affects language, thought and communication. Psychiatric and psychological glossaries in 2015 and 2017 identified thought disorders as encompassing poverty of ideas, (a reasoning disorder characterized by expression of illogical or delusional thoughts), word salad, and delusions—all disturbances of thought content and form. Two specific terms have been suggested—content thought disorder (CTD) and formal thought disorder (FTD). CTD has been defined as a thought disturbance characterized by multiple fragmented delusions, and the term thought disorder is often used to refer to an FTD: a disruption of the form (or structure) of thought. Also known as disorganized thinking, FTD results in disorganized speech and is recognized as a major feature of schizophrenia and other psychoses (including mood disorders, dementia, mania, and neurological diseases). Disorganized speech leads to an inference of disorganized thought. Thought disorders include derailment,pressured speech, poverty of speech, tangentiality, verbigeration, and thought blocking. One of the first known public presentations of thought disorders, or specifically OCD as it is known today, was in 1691. Bishop John Moore gave a speech before Queen Mary II, about "religious melancholy."
Thought disorder | |
Other names | Formal thought disorder (FTD), thinking disorder |
![]() | |
Cloth embroidered by a person diagnosed with schizophrenia; non-linear text has multiple colors of thread. | |
Specialty | Psychiatry, clinical psychology |
Formal thought disorder affects the form (rather than the content) of thought. Unlike hallucinations and delusions, it is an observable, objective sign of psychosis. FTD is a common core symptom of a psychotic disorder, and may be seen as a marker of severity and as an indicator of prognosis. It reflects a cluster of cognitive, linguistic, and affective disturbances that have generated research interest in the fields of cognitive neuroscience, neurolinguistics, and psychiatry.
Eugen Bleuler, who named schizophrenia, said that TD was its defining characteristic. Disturbances of thinking and speech, such as clanging or echolalia, may also be present in Tourette syndrome; other symptoms may be found in delirium. A clinical difference exists between these two groups. Patients with psychoses are less likely to show awareness or concern about disordered thinking, and those with other disorders are aware and concerned about not being able to think clearly.
Content thought disorder
Thought content is the subject of an individual's thoughts, or the types of ideas expressed by the individual. Mental health professionals define normal thought content as the absence of significant abnormalities, distortions, or harmful thoughts. Normal thought content aligns with reality, is appropriate to the situation, and does not cause significant distress or impair functioning.
A person's cultural background must be considered when assessing thought content. Abnormalities in thought content differ across cultures. Specific types of abnormal thought content can be features of different psychiatric illnesses.
Examples of disordered thought content include:
- Suicidal thinking: thoughts of ending one's own life.
- Homicidal thinking: thoughts of ending the life of another.
- Delusion: A fixed, false belief that a person holds despite contrary evidence and that is not a shared cultural belief.
- Paranoid ideation: thoughts, not severe enough to be considered delusions, involving excessive suspicion or the belief that one is being harassed, persecuted, or unfairly treated.
- Preoccupation: excessive and/or distressing thoughts that are stressor-related and associated with negative emotions.
- Obsession: a repetitive thought that is intrusive or inappropriate and distressing or upsetting.
- Compulsion: A repeated behavior or mental act done in response to an obsession. It aims to reduce anxiety or distress. But, it is not feasibly related to the anxiety-provoking stimulus. It is excessive and distressing.
- Magical thinking: A false belief in a causal link between actions and events. The mistaken belief that one's thoughts, words, or actions can cause or prevent an outcome in a way that violates the laws of cause and effect.
- Overvalued ideas: false or exaggerated belief held with conviction, but without delusional intensity.
- Phobias: irrational fears of objects or circumstances that are persistent.
- Poverty of thought: abnormally few thoughts and ideas expressed.
- Overabundance of thought: abnormally many thoughts and ideas expressed.
Formal thought disorder
Thought process is a person's form, flow, and coherence of thinking. This is how they use language and put ideas together. A normal thought process is logical, linear, meaningful, and goal-directed. A logical, linear thought process is one that demonstrates rational connections between thoughts in a way that is sequential that allows others to understand. Thought process is not what a person thinks, rather it is how a person expresses their thoughts.
Formal thought disorder (FTD), also known as disorganized speech or disorganized thinking, is a disorder of a person's thought process in which they are unable to express their thoughts in a logical and linear fashion. To be considered FTD, disorganized thinking must be severe enough that it impairs effective communication. Disorganized speech is a core symptom of psychosis, and therefore can be a feature of any condition that has a potential to cause psychosis, including schizophrenia, mania, major depressive disorder, delirium, postpartum psychosis, major neurocognitive disorder, and substance induced psychosis. FTD reflects a cluster of cognitive, linguistic, and affective disturbances, and has generated research interest from the fields of cognitive neuroscience, neurolinguistics, and psychiatry.
It can be subdivided into clusters of positive and negative symptoms and objective (rather than subjective) symptoms. On the scale of positive and negative symptoms, they have been grouped into positive formal thought disorder (posFTD) and negative formal thought disorder (negFTD). Positive subtypes were pressure of speech, tangentiality, derailment, incoherence, and illogicality; negative subtypes were poverty of speech and poverty of content. The two groups were posited to be at either end of a spectrum of normal speech, but later studies showed them to be poorly correlated. A comprehensive measure of FTD is the Thought and Language Disorder (TALD) Scale. The Kiddie Formal Thought Disorder Rating Scale (K-FTDS) can be used to assess the presence of formal thought disorder in children and their childhood. Although it is very extensive and time-consuming, its results are in great detail and reliable.
Nancy Andreasen preferred to identify TDs as thought-language-communication disorders (TLC disorders). Up to seven domains of FTD have been described on the Thought, Language, Communication (TLC) Scale, with most of the variance accounted for by two or three domains. Some TLC disorders are more suggestive of severe disorder, and are listed with the first 11 items.
The DSM-V categorizes FTD as "a psychotic symptom, manifested as bizarre speech and communication." FTD may include incoherence, peculiar words, disconnected ideas, or a lack of unprompted content expected from normal speech.Clinical psychologists typically assess FTD by initiating an exploratory conversation with patients and observing the patient's verbal responses.
FTD is often used to establish a diagnosis of schizophrenia; in cross-sectional studies, 27 to 80 percent of patients with schizophrenia present with FTD. A hallmark feature of schizophrenia, it is also widespread amongst other psychiatric disorders; up to 60 percent of those with schizoaffective disorder and 53 percent of those with clinical depression demonstrate FTD, suggesting that it is not exclusive to schizophrenia. About six percent of healthy subjects exhibit a mild form of FTD. The DSM-V-TR mentions that less severe FTD may happen during the initial (prodromal) and residual periods of schizophrenia.
The characteristics of FTD vary amongst disorders. A number of studies indicate that FTD in mania is marked by irrelevant intrusions and pronounced combinatory thinking, usually with a playfulness and flippancy absent from patients with schizophrenia. The FTD present in patients with schizophrenia was characterized by disorganization, neologism, and fluid thinking, and confusion with word-finding difficulty.
There is limited data on the longitudinal course of FTD. The most comprehensive longitudinal study of FTD by 2023 found a distinction in the longitudinal course of thought-disorder symptoms between schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders. The study also found an association between pre-index assessments[clarification needed] of social, work and educational functioning and the longitudinal course of FTD.
Possible causes
Several theories have been developed to explain the causes of formal thought disorder. It has been proposed that FTD relates to neurocognition via semantic memory.Semantic network impairment in people with schizophrenia—measured by the difference between fluency (e.g. the number of animals' names produced in 60 seconds) and phonological fluency (e.g. the number of words beginning with "F" produced in 60 seconds)—predicts the severity of formal thought disorder, suggesting that verbal information (through semantic priming) is unavailable. Other hypotheses include working memory deficit (being confused about what has already been said in a conversation) and attentional focus.
FTD in schizophrenia has been found to be associated with structural and functional abnormalities in the language network, where structural studies have found bilateral grey matter deficits; deficits in the bilateral inferior frontal gyrus, bilateral inferior parietal lobule and bilateral superior temporal gyrus are FTD correlates. Other studies did not find an association between FTD and structural aberrations of the language network, however, and regions not included in the language network have been associated with FTD. Future research is needed to clarify whether there is an association with FTD in schizophrenia and neural abnormalities in the language network.
Transmitter systems which might cause FTD have also been investigated. Studies have found that glutamate dysfunction, due to a rarefaction of glutamatergic synapses in the superior temporal gyrus in patients with schizophrenia, is a major cause of positive FTD.
The heritability of FTD has been demonstrated in a number of family and twin studies. Imaging genetics studies, using a semantic verbal-fluency task performed by the participants during functional MRI scanning, revealed that alleles linked to glutamatergic transmission contribute to functional aberrations in typical language-related brain areas. FTD is not solely genetically determined, however; environmental influences, such as allusive thinking in parents during childhood, and environmental risk factors for schizophrenia (including childhood abuse, migration, social isolation, and cannabis use) also contribute to the pathophysiology of FTD.
The origins of FTD have been theorised from a social-learning perspective. Singer and Wynne said that familial communication patterns play a key role in shaping the development of FTD; dysfunctional social interactions undermine a child's development of cohesive, stable mental representations of the world, increasing their risk of developing FTD.
Antipsychotic medication is often used to treat FTD. Although the vast majority of studies of the efficacy of antipsychotic treatment do not report effects on syndromes or symptoms, six older studies report the effects of antipsychotic treatment on FTD. These studies and clinical experience indicate that antipsychotics are often an effective treatment for patients with positive or negative FTD, but not all patients respond to them.
Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is another treatment for FTD, but its effectiveness has not been well-studied. Large randomised controlled trials evaluating the effectiveness of CBT for treating psychosis often exclude individuals with severe FTD because it reduces the therapeutic alliance required by the therapy. However, provisional evidence suggests that FTD may not preclude the effectiveness of CBT. Kircher and colleagues have suggested that the following methods should be used in CBT for patients with FTD:
- Practice structuring, summarizing, and feedback methods
- Repeat and clarify the core issues and main emotions that the patient is trying to communicate
- Gently encourage patients to clarify what they are trying to communicate
- Ask patients to clearly state their communication goal
- Ask patients to slow down and explain how one point leads to another
- Help patients identify the links between ideas
- Identify the main affect linked to the thought disorder
- Normalize problems with thinking
Signs and symptoms
Language abnormalities exist in the general population, and do not necessarily indicate a condition. They can occur in schizophrenia and other disorders (such as mania or depression), or in anyone who may be tired or stressed. To distinguish thought disorder, patterns of speech, severity of symptoms, their frequency, and any resulting functional impairment can be considered.
Symptoms of FTD include derailment,pressured speech, poverty of speech, tangentiality, and thought blocking. The most common forms of FTD observed are tangentiality and circumstantiality. FTD is a hallmark feature of schizophrenia, but is also associated with other conditions that can cause psychosis (including mood disorders, dementia, mania, and neurological diseases). Impaired attention, poor memory, and difficulty formulating abstract concepts may also reflect TD, and can be observed and assessed with mental-status tests such as serial sevens or memory tests.
Thirty symptoms (or features) of TD have been described, including:
- Alogia: A poverty of speech in amount or content, it is classified as a negative symptom of schizophrenia. When further classifying symptoms, poverty of speech content (little meaningful content with a normal amount of speech) is a disorganization symptom. Under SANS, thought blocking is considered a part of alogia, and so is increased latency in response.
- Circumstantial speech (also known as circumstantial thinking): An inability to answer a question without excessive, unnecessary or irrelevant detail. The point of the conversation is eventually reached, unlike in tangential speech. A patient may answer the question "How have you been sleeping lately?" with "Oh, I go to bed early, so I can get plenty of rest. I like to listen to music or read before bed. Right now I'm reading a good mystery. Maybe I'll write a mystery someday. But it isn't helping, reading I mean. I have been getting only 2 or 3 hours of sleep at night."
- Clanging: An instance where ideas are related only by phonetics (similar or rhyming sounds) rather than actual meaning. This may be heard as excessive rhyming or alliteration ("Many moldy mushrooms merge out of the mildewy mud on Mondays", or "I heard the bell. Well, hell, then I fell"). It is most commonly seen in the manic phase of bipolar disorder, although it is also often observed in patients with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder.
- Derailment (also known as loosening of associations and knight's move thinking): Thought frequently moves from one idea to another which is obliquely related or unrelated, often appearing in speech but also in writing ("The next day when I'd be going out you know, I took control, like uh, I put bleach on my hair in California"),
- Distractible speech: In mid-speech, the subject is changed in response to a nearby stimulus ("Then I left San Francisco and moved to ... Where did you get that tie?")
- Echolalia: Echoing of another's speech, once or in repetition. It may involve repeating only the last few words (or the last word) of another person's sentences, and is common on the autism spectrum and in Tourette syndrome.
- Evasion: The next logical idea in a sequence is replaced with another idea closely (but not accurately or appropriately) related to it; also known as paralogia and perverted logic.
- Flight of ideas: A form of FTD marked by abrupt leaps from one topic to another, possibly with discernible links between successive ideas, perhaps governed by similarities between subjects or by rhyming, puns, wordplay, or innocuous environmental stimuli (such as the sound of birds chirping). It is most characteristic of the manic phase of bipolar disorder.
- Illogicality: Conclusions are reached which do not follow logically (non sequiturs or faulty inferences). "Do you think this will fit in the box?" is answered with, "Well of course; it's brown, isn't it?"
- Incoherence (word salad): Speech which is unintelligible because the individual words are real, but the manner in which they are strung together results in gibberish. The question "Why do people comb their hair?" elicits a response like "Because it makes a twirl in life, my box is broken help me blue elephant. Isn't lettuce brave? I like electrons, hello please!"
- Neologisms: Completely new words (or phrases) whose origins and meanings are usually unrecognizable ("I got so angry I picked up a dish and threw it at the geshinker"). They may also involve elisions of two words which are similar in meaning or sound. Although neologisms may refer to words formed incorrectly whose origins are understandable (such as "headshoe" for "hat"), these can be more clearly referred to as word approximations.
- Overinclusion: The failure to eliminate ineffective, inappropriate, irrelevant, extraneous details associated with a particular stimulus.
- Perseveration: Persistent repetition of words or ideas, even when another person tries to change the subject. ("It's great to be here in Nevada, Nevada, Nevada, Nevada, Nevada.") It may also involve repeatedly giving the same answer to different questions ("Is your name Mary?" "Yes." "Are you in the hospital?" "Yes." "Are you a table?" "Yes"). Perseveration can include palilalia and logoclonia, and may indicate an organic brain disease such as Parkinson's disease.
- Phonemic paraphasia: Mispronunciation; syllables out of sequence ("I slipped on the lice and broke my arm").
- Pressured speech: Rapid speech without pauses, which is difficult to interrupt.
- Referential thinking: Viewing innocuous stimuli as having a specific meaning for the self ("What's the time?" "It's 7 o'clock. That's my problem").
- Semantic paraphasia: Substitution of inappropriate words ("I slipped on the coat, on the ice I mean, and broke my book").
- Stilted speech: Speech characterized by words or phrases which are flowery, excessive, and pompous ("The attorney comported himself indecorously").
- Tangential speech: Wandering from the topic and never returning to it, or providing requested information ("Where are you from?" "My dog is from England. They have good fish and chips there. Fish breathe through gills").
- Thought blocking (also known as deprivation of thought and obstructive thought): An abrupt stop in the middle of a train of thought which may not be able to be continued.
- Verbigeration: Meaningless, stereotyped repetition of words or phrases which replace understandable speech; seen in schizophrenia.
Psychiatric and psychological glossaries in 2015 and 2017 defined thought disorder' as disturbed thinking or cognition which affects communication, language, or thought content including poverty of ideas, neologisms, paralogia, word salad, and delusions (disturbances of thought content and form), and suggested the more-specific terms content thought disorder (CTD) and formal thought disorder (FTD). CTD was defined as a TD characterized by multiple fragmented delusions, and FTD was defined as a disturbance in the form or structure of thinking. The 2013 DSM-5 only used the term FTD, primarily as a synonym for disorganized thinking and speech. This contrasts with the 1992 ICD-10 (which only used the word "thought disorder", always accompanied with "delusion" and "hallucination") and a 2002 medical dictionary which generally defined thought disorders similarly to the psychiatric glossaries and used the word in other entries as the ICD-10 did.
A 2017 psychiatric text describing thought disorder as a "disorganization syndrome" in the context of schizophrenia:
"Thought disorder" here refers to disorganization of the form of thought and not content. An older use of the term "thought disorder" included the phenomena of delusions and sometimes hallucinations, but this is confusing and ignores the clear differences in the relationships between symptoms that have become apparent over the past 30 years. Delusions and hallucinations should be identified as psychotic symptoms, and thought disorder should be taken to mean formal thought disorders or a disorder of verbal cognition.
— Phenomenology of Schizophrenia (2017), THE SYMPTOMS OF SCHIZOPHRENIA
The text said that some clinicians use the term "formal thought disorder" broadly, referring to abnormalities in thought form with psychotic cognitive signs or symptoms, and studies of cognition and subsyndromes in schizophrenia may refer to FTD as conceptual disorganization or disorganization factor.
Some disagree:
Unfortunately, "thought disorder" is often involved rather loosely to refer to both FTD and delusional content. For the sake of clarity, the unqualified use of the phrase "thought disorder" should be discarded from psychiatric communication. Even the designation "formal thought disorder" covers too wide a territory. It should always be made clear whether one is referring to derailment or loose associations, flight of ideas, or circumstantiality.
— The Mental Status Examination, The Medical Basis of Psychiatry (2016)
Course, diagnosis, and prognosis
It was believed that TD occurred only in schizophrenia, but later findings indicate that it may occur in other psychiatric conditions (including mania) and in people without mental illness. Not all people with schizophrenia have a TD; the condition is not specific to the disease.
When defining thought-disorder subtypes and classifying them as positive or negative symptoms, Nancy Andreasen found that different subtypes of TD occur at different frequencies in those with mania, depression, and schizophrenia. People with mania have pressured speech as the most prominent symptom, and have rates of derailment, tangentiality, and incoherence as prominent as in those with schizophrenia. They are likelier to have pressured speech, distractibility, and circumstantiality.
People with schizophrenia have more negative TD, including poverty of speech and poverty of content of speech, but also have relatively high rates of some positive TD. Derailment, loss of goal, poverty of content of speech, tangentiality and illogicality are particularly characteristic of schizophrenia. People with depression have relatively-fewer TDs; the most prominent are poverty of speech, poverty of content of speech, and circumstantiality. Andreasen noted the diagnostic usefulness of dividing the symptoms into subtypes; negative TDs without full affective symptoms suggest schizophrenia.
She also cited the prognostic value of negative-positive-symptom divisions. In manic patients, most TDs resolve six months after evaluation; this suggests that TDs in mania, although as severe as in schizophrenia, tend to improve. In people with schizophrenia, however, negative TDs remain after six months and sometimes worsen; positive TDs somewhat improve. A negative TD is a good predictor of some outcomes; patients with prominent negative TDs are worse in social functioning six months later. More prominent negative symptoms generally suggest a worse outcome; however, some people may do well, respond to medication, and have normal brain function. Positive symptoms vary similarly.
A prominent TD at illness onset suggests a worse prognosis, including:
- illness begins earlier
- increased risk of hospitalization
- decreased functional outcomes
- increased disability rates
- increased inappropriate social behaviors
TD which is unresponsive to treatment predicts a worse illness course. In schizophrenia, TD severity tends to be more stable than hallucinations and delusions. Prominent TDs are more unlikely to diminish in middle age, compared with positive symptoms. Less-severe TD may occur during the prodromal and residual periods of schizophrenia. Treatment for thought disorder may include psychotherapy, such as cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), and psychotropic medications.
The DSM-5 includes delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thought process (formal thought disorder), and disorganized or abnormal motor behavior (including catatonia) as key symptoms of psychosis. Schizophrenia-spectrum disorders such as schizoaffective disorder and schizophreniform disorder typically consist of prominent hallucinations, delusions and FTD; the latter presents as severely disorganized, bizarre, and catatonic behavior. Psychotic disorders due to medical conditions and substance use typically consist of delusions and hallucinations. The rarer delusional disorder and shared psychotic disorder typically present with persistent delusions. FTDs are commonly found in schizophrenia and mood disorders, with poverty of speech content more common in schizophrenia.
Psychoses such as schizophrenia and bipolar mania are distinguishable from malingering, when an individual fakes illness for other gains, by clinical presentations; malingerers feign thought content with no irregularities in form such as derailment or looseness of association. Negative symptoms, including alogia, may be absent, and chronic thought disorder is typically distressing.
Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) whose diagnosis requires the onset of symptoms before three years of age can be distinguished from early-onset schizophrenia; schizophrenia under age 10 is extremely rare, and ASD patients do not display FTDs. However, it has been suggested that individuals with ASD display language disturbances like those found in schizophrenia; a 2008 study found that children and adolescents with ASD showed significantly more illogical thinking and loose associations than control subjects. The illogical thinking was related to cognitive functioning and executive control; the loose associations were related to communication symptoms and parent reports of stress and anxiety.
Rorschach tests have been useful for assessing TD in disturbed patients. A series of inkblots are shown, and patient responses are analyzed to determine disturbances of thought. The nature of the assessment offers insight into the cognitive processes of another, and how they respond to equivocal stimuli.Hermann Rorschach developed this test to diagnose schizophrenia after realizing that people with schizophrenia gave drastically different interpretations of Klecksographie inkblots from others whose thought processes were considered normal, and it has become one of the most widely used assessment tools for diagnosing TDs.
The Thought Disorder Index (TDI), also known as the Delta Index, was developed to help further determine the severity of TD in verbal responses. TDI scores are primarily derived from verbally-expressed interpretations of the Rorschach test, but TDI can also be used with other verbal samples (including the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale). TDI has a twenty-three-category scoring index; each category scores the level of severity on a scale from 0 to 1, with .25 being mild and 1.00 being most severe (0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00).
TD has been criticized as being based on circular or incoherent definitions.[need quotation to verify] Symptoms of TD are inferred from disordered speech, based on the assumption that disordered speech arises from disordered thought. Although TD is typically associated with psychosis, similar phenomena can appear in different disorders and leading to misdiagnosis.
A criticism related to the separation of symptoms of schizophrenia into negative or positive symptoms, including TD, is that it oversimplifies the complexity of TD and its relationship to other positive symptoms.Factor analysis has found that negative symptoms tend to correlate with one another, but positive symptoms tend to separate into two groups. The three clusters became known as negative symptoms, psychotic symptoms, and disorganization symptoms. Alogia, a TD traditionally classified as a negative symptom, can be separated into two types: poverty of speech content (a disorganization symptom) and poverty of speech, response latency, and thought blocking (negative symptoms). Positive-negative-symptom diametrics, however, may enable a more accurate characterization of schizophrenia.
See also
- Aphasia
- Auditory processing disorder
- Emil Kraepelin's dream speech
- Speech–language pathology
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- As quoted in the templated quote.
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- F06.2 Organic delusional [schizophrenia-like] disorder, p.59: Features suggestive of schizophrenia, such as bizarre delusions, hallucinations, or thought disorder, may also be present. ... Diagnostic guidelines ... Hallucinations, thought disorder, or isolated catatonic phenomena may be present. ...
- F20.0 Paranoid schizophrenia, p. 80: ... Thought disorder may be obvious in acute states, but if so it does not prevent the typical delusions or hallucinations from being described clearly. ...
- F20.1 Hebephrenic schizophrenia, p. 81: ... In addition, disturbances of affect and volition, and thought disorder are usually prominent. Hallucinations and delusions may be present but are not usually prominent. ...
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thought disorders Abnormalities in the structure or content of thought, as reflected in a person's speech, writing, or behaviour. ...
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- p. 470 psychosis: ... Symptoms include delusions, hallucinations, thought disorders, loss of affect, mania, and depression. ...
- p. 499-500 schizophrenia: ... The main symptoms are various forms of delusions such as those of persecution (which are typical of paranoid schizophrenia); hallucinations, which are usually auditory (hearing voices), but which may also be visual or tactile; and thought disorder, leading to impaired concentration and thought processes. ...
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A thought disorder TD is a disturbance in cognition which affects language thought and communication Psychiatric and psychological glossaries in 2015 and 2017 identified thought disorders as encompassing poverty of ideas a reasoning disorder characterized by expression of illogical or delusional thoughts word salad and delusions all disturbances of thought content and form Two specific terms have been suggested content thought disorder CTD and formal thought disorder FTD CTD has been defined as a thought disturbance characterized by multiple fragmented delusions and the term thought disorder is often used to refer to an FTD a disruption of the form or structure of thought Also known as disorganized thinking FTD results in disorganized speech and is recognized as a major feature of schizophrenia and other psychoses including mood disorders dementia mania and neurological diseases Disorganized speech leads to an inference of disorganized thought Thought disorders include derailment pressured speech poverty of speech tangentiality verbigeration and thought blocking One of the first known public presentations of thought disorders or specifically OCD as it is known today was in 1691 Bishop John Moore gave a speech before Queen Mary II about religious melancholy Thought disorderOther namesFormal thought disorder FTD thinking disorderCloth embroidered by a person diagnosed with schizophrenia non linear text has multiple colors of thread SpecialtyPsychiatry clinical psychology Formal thought disorder affects the form rather than the content of thought Unlike hallucinations and delusions it is an observable objective sign of psychosis FTD is a common core symptom of a psychotic disorder and may be seen as a marker of severity and as an indicator of prognosis It reflects a cluster of cognitive linguistic and affective disturbances that have generated research interest in the fields of cognitive neuroscience neurolinguistics and psychiatry Eugen Bleuler who named schizophrenia said that TD was its defining characteristic Disturbances of thinking and speech such as clanging or echolalia may also be present in Tourette syndrome other symptoms may be found in delirium A clinical difference exists between these two groups Patients with psychoses are less likely to show awareness or concern about disordered thinking and those with other disorders are aware and concerned about not being able to think clearly Content thought disorderThought content is the subject of an individual s thoughts or the types of ideas expressed by the individual Mental health professionals define normal thought content as the absence of significant abnormalities distortions or harmful thoughts Normal thought content aligns with reality is appropriate to the situation and does not cause significant distress or impair functioning A person s cultural background must be considered when assessing thought content Abnormalities in thought content differ across cultures Specific types of abnormal thought content can be features of different psychiatric illnesses Examples of disordered thought content include Suicidal thinking thoughts of ending one s own life Homicidal thinking thoughts of ending the life of another Delusion A fixed false belief that a person holds despite contrary evidence and that is not a shared cultural belief Paranoid ideation thoughts not severe enough to be considered delusions involving excessive suspicion or the belief that one is being harassed persecuted or unfairly treated Preoccupation excessive and or distressing thoughts that are stressor related and associated with negative emotions Obsession a repetitive thought that is intrusive or inappropriate and distressing or upsetting Compulsion A repeated behavior or mental act done in response to an obsession It aims to reduce anxiety or distress But it is not feasibly related to the anxiety provoking stimulus It is excessive and distressing Magical thinking A false belief in a causal link between actions and events The mistaken belief that one s thoughts words or actions can cause or prevent an outcome in a way that violates the laws of cause and effect Overvalued ideas false or exaggerated belief held with conviction but without delusional intensity Phobias irrational fears of objects or circumstances that are persistent Poverty of thought abnormally few thoughts and ideas expressed Overabundance of thought abnormally many thoughts and ideas expressed Formal thought disorderThought process is a person s form flow and coherence of thinking This is how they use language and put ideas together A normal thought process is logical linear meaningful and goal directed A logical linear thought process is one that demonstrates rational connections between thoughts in a way that is sequential that allows others to understand Thought process is not what a person thinks rather it is how a person expresses their thoughts Formal thought disorder FTD also known as disorganized speech or disorganized thinking is a disorder of a person s thought process in which they are unable to express their thoughts in a logical and linear fashion To be considered FTD disorganized thinking must be severe enough that it impairs effective communication Disorganized speech is a core symptom of psychosis and therefore can be a feature of any condition that has a potential to cause psychosis including schizophrenia mania major depressive disorder delirium postpartum psychosis major neurocognitive disorder and substance induced psychosis FTD reflects a cluster of cognitive linguistic and affective disturbances and has generated research interest from the fields of cognitive neuroscience neurolinguistics and psychiatry It can be subdivided into clusters of positive and negative symptoms and objective rather than subjective symptoms On the scale of positive and negative symptoms they have been grouped into positive formal thought disorder posFTD and negative formal thought disorder negFTD Positive subtypes were pressure of speech tangentiality derailment incoherence and illogicality negative subtypes were poverty of speech and poverty of content The two groups were posited to be at either end of a spectrum of normal speech but later studies showed them to be poorly correlated A comprehensive measure of FTD is the Thought and Language Disorder TALD Scale The Kiddie Formal Thought Disorder Rating Scale K FTDS can be used to assess the presence of formal thought disorder in children and their childhood Although it is very extensive and time consuming its results are in great detail and reliable Nancy Andreasen preferred to identify TDs as thought language communication disorders TLC disorders Up to seven domains of FTD have been described on the Thought Language Communication TLC Scale with most of the variance accounted for by two or three domains Some TLC disorders are more suggestive of severe disorder and are listed with the first 11 items Diagnoses The DSM V categorizes FTD as a psychotic symptom manifested as bizarre speech and communication FTD may include incoherence peculiar words disconnected ideas or a lack of unprompted content expected from normal speech Clinical psychologists typically assess FTD by initiating an exploratory conversation with patients and observing the patient s verbal responses FTD is often used to establish a diagnosis of schizophrenia in cross sectional studies 27 to 80 percent of patients with schizophrenia present with FTD A hallmark feature of schizophrenia it is also widespread amongst other psychiatric disorders up to 60 percent of those with schizoaffective disorder and 53 percent of those with clinical depression demonstrate FTD suggesting that it is not exclusive to schizophrenia About six percent of healthy subjects exhibit a mild form of FTD The DSM V TR mentions that less severe FTD may happen during the initial prodromal and residual periods of schizophrenia The characteristics of FTD vary amongst disorders A number of studies indicate that FTD in mania is marked by irrelevant intrusions and pronounced combinatory thinking usually with a playfulness and flippancy absent from patients with schizophrenia The FTD present in patients with schizophrenia was characterized by disorganization neologism and fluid thinking and confusion with word finding difficulty There is limited data on the longitudinal course of FTD The most comprehensive longitudinal study of FTD by 2023 found a distinction in the longitudinal course of thought disorder symptoms between schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders The study also found an association between pre index assessments clarification needed of social work and educational functioning and the longitudinal course of FTD Possible causes Several theories have been developed to explain the causes of formal thought disorder It has been proposed that FTD relates to neurocognition via semantic memory Semantic network impairment in people with schizophrenia measured by the difference between fluency e g the number of animals names produced in 60 seconds and phonological fluency e g the number of words beginning with F produced in 60 seconds predicts the severity of formal thought disorder suggesting that verbal information through semantic priming is unavailable Other hypotheses include working memory deficit being confused about what has already been said in a conversation and attentional focus FTD in schizophrenia has been found to be associated with structural and functional abnormalities in the language network where structural studies have found bilateral grey matter deficits deficits in the bilateral inferior frontal gyrus bilateral inferior parietal lobule and bilateral superior temporal gyrus are FTD correlates Other studies did not find an association between FTD and structural aberrations of the language network however and regions not included in the language network have been associated with FTD Future research is needed to clarify whether there is an association with FTD in schizophrenia and neural abnormalities in the language network Transmitter systems which might cause FTD have also been investigated Studies have found that glutamate dysfunction due to a rarefaction of glutamatergic synapses in the superior temporal gyrus in patients with schizophrenia is a major cause of positive FTD The heritability of FTD has been demonstrated in a number of family and twin studies Imaging genetics studies using a semantic verbal fluency task performed by the participants during functional MRI scanning revealed that alleles linked to glutamatergic transmission contribute to functional aberrations in typical language related brain areas FTD is not solely genetically determined however environmental influences such as allusive thinking in parents during childhood and environmental risk factors for schizophrenia including childhood abuse migration social isolation and cannabis use also contribute to the pathophysiology of FTD The origins of FTD have been theorised from a social learning perspective Singer and Wynne said that familial communication patterns play a key role in shaping the development of FTD dysfunctional social interactions undermine a child s development of cohesive stable mental representations of the world increasing their risk of developing FTD Treatments Antipsychotic medication is often used to treat FTD Although the vast majority of studies of the efficacy of antipsychotic treatment do not report effects on syndromes or symptoms six older studies report the effects of antipsychotic treatment on FTD These studies and clinical experience indicate that antipsychotics are often an effective treatment for patients with positive or negative FTD but not all patients respond to them Cognitive behavioural therapy CBT is another treatment for FTD but its effectiveness has not been well studied Large randomised controlled trials evaluating the effectiveness of CBT for treating psychosis often exclude individuals with severe FTD because it reduces the therapeutic alliance required by the therapy However provisional evidence suggests that FTD may not preclude the effectiveness of CBT Kircher and colleagues have suggested that the following methods should be used in CBT for patients with FTD Practice structuring summarizing and feedback methods Repeat and clarify the core issues and main emotions that the patient is trying to communicate Gently encourage patients to clarify what they are trying to communicate Ask patients to clearly state their communication goal Ask patients to slow down and explain how one point leads to another Help patients identify the links between ideas Identify the main affect linked to the thought disorder Normalize problems with thinkingSigns and symptomsLanguage abnormalities exist in the general population and do not necessarily indicate a condition They can occur in schizophrenia and other disorders such as mania or depression or in anyone who may be tired or stressed To distinguish thought disorder patterns of speech severity of symptoms their frequency and any resulting functional impairment can be considered Symptoms of FTD include derailment pressured speech poverty of speech tangentiality and thought blocking The most common forms of FTD observed are tangentiality and circumstantiality FTD is a hallmark feature of schizophrenia but is also associated with other conditions that can cause psychosis including mood disorders dementia mania and neurological diseases Impaired attention poor memory and difficulty formulating abstract concepts may also reflect TD and can be observed and assessed with mental status tests such as serial sevens or memory tests Types Thirty symptoms or features of TD have been described including Alogia A poverty of speech in amount or content it is classified as a negative symptom of schizophrenia When further classifying symptoms poverty of speech content little meaningful content with a normal amount of speech is a disorganization symptom Under SANS thought blocking is considered a part of alogia and so is increased latency in response Circumstantial speech also known as circumstantial thinking An inability to answer a question without excessive unnecessary or irrelevant detail The point of the conversation is eventually reached unlike in tangential speech A patient may answer the question How have you been sleeping lately with Oh I go to bed early so I can get plenty of rest I like to listen to music or read before bed Right now I m reading a good mystery Maybe I ll write a mystery someday But it isn t helping reading I mean I have been getting only 2 or 3 hours of sleep at night Clanging An instance where ideas are related only by phonetics similar or rhyming sounds rather than actual meaning This may be heard as excessive rhyming or alliteration Many moldy mushrooms merge out of the mildewy mud on Mondays or I heard the bell Well hell then I fell It is most commonly seen in the manic phase of bipolar disorder although it is also often observed in patients with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder Derailment also known as loosening of associations and knight s move thinking Thought frequently moves from one idea to another which is obliquely related or unrelated often appearing in speech but also in writing The next day when I d be going out you know I took control like uh I put bleach on my hair in California Distractible speech In mid speech the subject is changed in response to a nearby stimulus Then I left San Francisco and moved to Where did you get that tie Echolalia Echoing of another s speech once or in repetition It may involve repeating only the last few words or the last word of another person s sentences and is common on the autism spectrum and in Tourette syndrome Evasion The next logical idea in a sequence is replaced with another idea closely but not accurately or appropriately related to it also known as paralogia and perverted logic Flight of ideas A form of FTD marked by abrupt leaps from one topic to another possibly with discernible links between successive ideas perhaps governed by similarities between subjects or by rhyming puns wordplay or innocuous environmental stimuli such as the sound of birds chirping It is most characteristic of the manic phase of bipolar disorder Illogicality Conclusions are reached which do not follow logically non sequiturs or faulty inferences Do you think this will fit in the box is answered with Well of course it s brown isn t it Incoherence word salad Speech which is unintelligible because the individual words are real but the manner in which they are strung together results in gibberish The question Why do people comb their hair elicits a response like Because it makes a twirl in life my box is broken help me blue elephant Isn t lettuce brave I like electrons hello please Neologisms Completely new words or phrases whose origins and meanings are usually unrecognizable I got so angry I picked up a dish and threw it at the geshinker They may also involve elisions of two words which are similar in meaning or sound Although neologisms may refer to words formed incorrectly whose origins are understandable such as headshoe for hat these can be more clearly referred to as word approximations Overinclusion The failure to eliminate ineffective inappropriate irrelevant extraneous details associated with a particular stimulus Perseveration Persistent repetition of words or ideas even when another person tries to change the subject It s great to be here in Nevada Nevada Nevada Nevada Nevada It may also involve repeatedly giving the same answer to different questions Is your name Mary Yes Are you in the hospital Yes Are you a table Yes Perseveration can include palilalia and logoclonia and may indicate an organic brain disease such as Parkinson s disease Phonemic paraphasia Mispronunciation syllables out of sequence I slipped on the lice and broke my arm Pressured speech Rapid speech without pauses which is difficult to interrupt Referential thinking Viewing innocuous stimuli as having a specific meaning for the self What s the time It s 7 o clock That s my problem Semantic paraphasia Substitution of inappropriate words I slipped on the coat on the ice I mean and broke my book Stilted speech Speech characterized by words or phrases which are flowery excessive and pompous The attorney comported himself indecorously Tangential speech Wandering from the topic and never returning to it or providing requested information Where are you from My dog is from England They have good fish and chips there Fish breathe through gills Thought blocking also known as deprivation of thought and obstructive thought An abrupt stop in the middle of a train of thought which may not be able to be continued Verbigeration Meaningless stereotyped repetition of words or phrases which replace understandable speech seen in schizophrenia TerminologyPsychiatric and psychological glossaries in 2015 and 2017 defined thought disorder as disturbed thinking or cognition which affects communication language or thought content including poverty of ideas neologisms paralogia word salad and delusions disturbances of thought content and form and suggested the more specific terms content thought disorder CTD and formal thought disorder FTD CTD was defined as a TD characterized by multiple fragmented delusions and FTD was defined as a disturbance in the form or structure of thinking The 2013 DSM 5 only used the term FTD primarily as a synonym for disorganized thinking and speech This contrasts with the 1992 ICD 10 which only used the word thought disorder always accompanied with delusion and hallucination and a 2002 medical dictionary which generally defined thought disorders similarly to the psychiatric glossaries and used the word in other entries as the ICD 10 did A 2017 psychiatric text describing thought disorder as a disorganization syndrome in the context of schizophrenia Thought disorder here refers to disorganization of the form of thought and not content An older use of the term thought disorder included the phenomena of delusions and sometimes hallucinations but this is confusing and ignores the clear differences in the relationships between symptoms that have become apparent over the past 30 years Delusions and hallucinations should be identified as psychotic symptoms and thought disorder should be taken to mean formal thought disorders or a disorder of verbal cognition Phenomenology of Schizophrenia 2017 THE SYMPTOMS OF SCHIZOPHRENIA The text said that some clinicians use the term formal thought disorder broadly referring to abnormalities in thought form with psychotic cognitive signs or symptoms and studies of cognition and subsyndromes in schizophrenia may refer to FTD as conceptual disorganization or disorganization factor Some disagree Unfortunately thought disorder is often involved rather loosely to refer to both FTD and delusional content For the sake of clarity the unqualified use of the phrase thought disorder should be discarded from psychiatric communication Even the designation formal thought disorder covers too wide a territory It should always be made clear whether one is referring to derailment or loose associations flight of ideas or circumstantiality The Mental Status Examination The Medical Basis of Psychiatry 2016 Course diagnosis and prognosisIt was believed that TD occurred only in schizophrenia but later findings indicate that it may occur in other psychiatric conditions including mania and in people without mental illness Not all people with schizophrenia have a TD the condition is not specific to the disease When defining thought disorder subtypes and classifying them as positive or negative symptoms Nancy Andreasen found that different subtypes of TD occur at different frequencies in those with mania depression and schizophrenia People with mania have pressured speech as the most prominent symptom and have rates of derailment tangentiality and incoherence as prominent as in those with schizophrenia They are likelier to have pressured speech distractibility and circumstantiality People with schizophrenia have more negative TD including poverty of speech and poverty of content of speech but also have relatively high rates of some positive TD Derailment loss of goal poverty of content of speech tangentiality and illogicality are particularly characteristic of schizophrenia People with depression have relatively fewer TDs the most prominent are poverty of speech poverty of content of speech and circumstantiality Andreasen noted the diagnostic usefulness of dividing the symptoms into subtypes negative TDs without full affective symptoms suggest schizophrenia She also cited the prognostic value of negative positive symptom divisions In manic patients most TDs resolve six months after evaluation this suggests that TDs in mania although as severe as in schizophrenia tend to improve In people with schizophrenia however negative TDs remain after six months and sometimes worsen positive TDs somewhat improve A negative TD is a good predictor of some outcomes patients with prominent negative TDs are worse in social functioning six months later More prominent negative symptoms generally suggest a worse outcome however some people may do well respond to medication and have normal brain function Positive symptoms vary similarly A prominent TD at illness onset suggests a worse prognosis including illness begins earlier increased risk of hospitalization decreased functional outcomes increased disability rates increased inappropriate social behaviors TD which is unresponsive to treatment predicts a worse illness course In schizophrenia TD severity tends to be more stable than hallucinations and delusions Prominent TDs are more unlikely to diminish in middle age compared with positive symptoms Less severe TD may occur during the prodromal and residual periods of schizophrenia Treatment for thought disorder may include psychotherapy such as cognitive behavior therapy CBT and psychotropic medications The DSM 5 includes delusions hallucinations disorganized thought process formal thought disorder and disorganized or abnormal motor behavior including catatonia as key symptoms of psychosis Schizophrenia spectrum disorders such as schizoaffective disorder and schizophreniform disorder typically consist of prominent hallucinations delusions and FTD the latter presents as severely disorganized bizarre and catatonic behavior Psychotic disorders due to medical conditions and substance use typically consist of delusions and hallucinations The rarer delusional disorder and shared psychotic disorder typically present with persistent delusions FTDs are commonly found in schizophrenia and mood disorders with poverty of speech content more common in schizophrenia Psychoses such as schizophrenia and bipolar mania are distinguishable from malingering when an individual fakes illness for other gains by clinical presentations malingerers feign thought content with no irregularities in form such as derailment or looseness of association Negative symptoms including alogia may be absent and chronic thought disorder is typically distressing Autism spectrum disorders ASD whose diagnosis requires the onset of symptoms before three years of age can be distinguished from early onset schizophrenia schizophrenia under age 10 is extremely rare and ASD patients do not display FTDs However it has been suggested that individuals with ASD display language disturbances like those found in schizophrenia a 2008 study found that children and adolescents with ASD showed significantly more illogical thinking and loose associations than control subjects The illogical thinking was related to cognitive functioning and executive control the loose associations were related to communication symptoms and parent reports of stress and anxiety Rorschach tests have been useful for assessing TD in disturbed patients A series of inkblots are shown and patient responses are analyzed to determine disturbances of thought The nature of the assessment offers insight into the cognitive processes of another and how they respond to equivocal stimuli Hermann Rorschach developed this test to diagnose schizophrenia after realizing that people with schizophrenia gave drastically different interpretations of Klecksographie inkblots from others whose thought processes were considered normal and it has become one of the most widely used assessment tools for diagnosing TDs The Thought Disorder Index TDI also known as the Delta Index was developed to help further determine the severity of TD in verbal responses TDI scores are primarily derived from verbally expressed interpretations of the Rorschach test but TDI can also be used with other verbal samples including the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale TDI has a twenty three category scoring index each category scores the level of severity on a scale from 0 to 1 with 25 being mild and 1 00 being most severe 0 25 0 50 0 75 1 00 CriticismTD has been criticized as being based on circular or incoherent definitions need quotation to verify Symptoms of TD are inferred from disordered speech based on the assumption that disordered speech arises from disordered thought Although TD is typically associated with psychosis similar phenomena can appear in different disorders and leading to misdiagnosis A criticism related to the separation of symptoms of schizophrenia into negative or positive symptoms including TD is that it oversimplifies the complexity of TD and its relationship to other positive symptoms Factor analysis has found that negative symptoms tend to correlate with one another but positive symptoms tend to separate into two groups The three clusters became known as negative symptoms psychotic symptoms and disorganization symptoms Alogia a TD traditionally classified as a negative symptom can be separated into two types poverty of speech content a disorganization symptom and poverty of speech response latency and thought blocking negative symptoms Positive negative symptom diametrics however may enable a more accurate characterization of schizophrenia See alsoAphasia Auditory processing disorder Emil Kraepelin s dream speech Speech language pathologyReferencesHart M Lewine RR May 2017 Rethinking Thought Disorder Schizophrenia Bulletin 43 3 514 522 doi 10 1093 schbul sbx003 PMC 5464106 PMID 28204762 Thought disorder APA Dictionary of Psychology Washington DC American Psychological Association n d Retrieved 23 February 2020 Hardan Antonio Y Gilbert Andrew R 2009 Schizophrenia Phobias and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics pp 474 482 doi 10 1016 B978 1 4160 3370 7 00048 1 ISBN 978 1 4160 3370 7 Formal thought disorder APA Dictionary of Psychology Washington DC American Psychological Association n d Retrieved 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394 PMID 2876514 Palmier Claus Jasper Griffiths Robert Murphy Elizabeth Parker Sophie Longden Eleanor Bowe Samantha Steele Ann French Paul Morrison Anthony Tai Sara 2 October 2017 Cognitive behavioural therapy for thought disorder in psychosis PDF Psychosis 9 4 347 357 doi 10 1080 17522439 2017 1363276 Cokal Derya Sevilla Gabriel Jones William Stephen Zimmerer Vitor Deamer Felicity Douglas Maggie Spencer Helen Turkington Douglas Ferrier Nicol Varley Rosemary Watson Stuart Hinzen Wolfram 19 September 2018 The language profile of formal thought disorder npj Schizophrenia 4 1 18 doi 10 1038 s41537 018 0061 9 PMC 6145886 PMID 30232371 Thought Disorder 2016 25 3 What Are the Boundaries of Thought Disorder pp 498 499 UpToDate www uptodate com Retrieved 14 January 2025 Thought Disorder 2016 25 2 Definition pp 497 498 cited Fish FJ 1962 Schizophrenia Bristol England Bright Thought Disorder 2016 25 4 What Are the Common Types of Thought Disorder pp 498 499 Phenomenology of Schizophrenia 2017 THE SYMPTOMS OF SCHIZOPHRENIA Categories of Negative Symptoms In this way alogia is conceived of as a negative thought disorder The paucity of meaningful content in the presence of a normal amount of speech that is sometimes included in alogia is actually a disorganization of thought and not a negative symptom and is properly included in the disorganization cluster of symptoms Kaplan and Sadock s Concise Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry 2008 6 Psychiatric Rating Scales Table 6 5 Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms SANS p 44 Houghtalen Rory P McIntyre John S 2017 7 1 Psychiatric Interview History and Mental Status Examination of the Adult Patient In Sadock Virginia A Sadock Benjamin J Ruiz Pedro eds Kaplan amp Sadock s Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry 10th ed Wolters Kluwer HISTORY AND EXAMINATION Thought Process Form Table 7 1 6 Examples of Disordered Thought Process Form ISBN 978 1 4511 0047 1 indicates and briefly defines the follow types Clanging Circumstantial Derailment loose associations Flight of ideas Incoherence word salad Neologism Tangential Thought blocking Videbeck S 2017 8 Assessment Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing 7th ed Wolters Kluwer CONTENT OF THE ASSESSMENT Thought Process and Content p 232 ISBN 9781496355911 Videbeck 2017 Chapter 16 Schizophrenia APPLICATION OF THE NURSING PROCESS Thought Process and Content p 446 Videbeck S 2008 Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing 4th ed Philadelphia Wolters Kluwers Health Lippincott Williams amp Wilkins Thought disorder PDF Retrieved 26 February 2020 APA dictionary of psychology 2015 p 299 derailment n a symptom of thought disorder often occurring in individuals with schizophrenia marked by frequent interruptions in thought and jumping from one idea to another unrelated or indirectly related idea It is usually manifested in speech speech derailment but can also be observed in writing Derailment is essentially equivalent to loosening of associations See cognitive derailment thought derailment Thought Disorder 2016 25 4 2 8 Distractible Speech p 502 Distractible speech APA Dictionary of Psychology Washington DC American Psychological Association n d Retrieved 3 March 2020 Kaplan and Sadock s Concise Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry 2008 10 Schizophrenia CLINICAL FEATURES Thought pp 168 169 Form of Thought Disorders of the form of thought are objectively observable in patients spoken and written language The disorders include looseness of associations derailment incoherence tangentiality circumstantiality neologisms echolalia verbigeration word salad and mutism Thought Process Disorders of thought process include flight of ideas thought blocking impaired attention poverty of thought content poor abstraction abilities perseveration idiosyncratic associations e g identical predicates and clang associations overinclusion and circumstantiality Ganos Christos Ogrzal Timo Schnitzler Alfons Munchau Alexander September 2012 The pathophysiology of echopraxia echolalia Relevance to Gilles De La Tourette syndrome Movement Disorders 27 10 1222 1229 doi 10 1002 mds 25103 PMID 22807284 Fred R Volkmar et al 2005 Handbook of autism and pervasive developmental disorders Vol 1 Diagnosis development neurobiology and behavior 3rd ed Hoboken NJ John Wiley ISBN 978 0 470 93934 5 OCLC 60394857 page needed Duffy Joseph R 2013 Motor speech disorders substrates differential diagnosis and management Third ed St Louis MI ISBN 978 0 323 07200 7 OCLC 819941855 a href wiki Template Cite book title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint location missing publisher link page needed Evasion APA Dictionary of Psychology Washington DC American Psychological Association n d Retrieved 23 February 2020 Kaplan amp Sadock s Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry 2017 Appendix B Glossary of Psychiatry and Psychology Terms evasion consists of suppressing an idea that is next in a thought series and replacing it with another idea closely related to it Also called paralogia perverted logic Kaplan and Sadock s Concise Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry 2008 Chapter 6 Psychiatric Rating Scales OTHER SCALES Table 6 6 Scale for the Assessment of Positive Symptoms SAPS Positive formal thought disorder p 45 includes and defines Derailment Tangentiality Incoherence Illogicality Circumstantiality Pressure of speech Distractible speech Clanging Thought Disorder 2016 25 4 2 6 Neologisms p 502 Rohrer JD Rossor MN Warren JD February 2009 Neologistic jargon aphasia and agraphia in primary progressive aphasia Journal of the Neurological Sciences 277 1 2 155 9 doi 10 1016 j jns 2008 10 014 PMC 2633035 PMID 19033077 Kaplan and Sadock s Concise Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry 2008 Chapter 4 Signs and Symptoms in Psychiatry GLOSSARY OF SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS p 29 Akiskal HS 2016 1 The Mental Status Examination In Fatemi SH Clayton PJ eds The Medical Basis of Psychiatry 4th ed New York Springer Science Business Media 1 5 5 Speech and Thought pp 8 10 doi 10 1007 978 1 4939 2528 5 ISBN 978 1 4939 2528 5 This form of thought is most characteristic of mania and tends to be overinclusive with difficulty in excluding irrelevant extraneous details from the association APA dictionary of psychology 2015 p 751 overinclusion n failure of an individual to eliminate ineffective or inappropriate responses associated with a particular stimulus Kurowski Kathleen Blumstein Sheila E February 2016 Phonetic basis of phonemic paraphasias in aphasia Evidence for cascading activation Cortex 75 193 203 doi 10 1016 j cortex 2015 12 005 PMC 4754157 PMID 26808838 Pressured speech APA Dictionary of Psychology Washington DC American Psychological Association n d Retrieved 23 February 2020 Cicero David C Kerns John G April 2011 Unpleasant and pleasant referential thinking Relations with self processing paranoia and other schizotypal traits Journal of Research in Personality 45 2 208 218 doi 10 1016 j jrp 2011 02 002 PMC 4447705 PMID 26028792 Buckingham Hugh W Rekart Deborah M January 1979 Semantic paraphasia Journal of Communication Disorders 12 3 197 209 doi 10 1016 0021 9924 79 90041 8 PMID 438359 Lewis SF Escalona R Keith SJ 2017 12 2 Phenomenology of Schizophrenia In Sadock VA Sadock BJ Ruiz P eds Kaplan amp Sadock s Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry 10th ed Wolters Kluwer THE SYMPTOMS OF SCHIZOPHRENIA Disorganization Thought Disorder ISBN 978 1 4511 0047 1 As quoted in the templated quote Thought disorder is the most studied form of the disorganization symptoms It is referred to as formal thought disorder or conceptual disorganization or as the disorganization factor in various studies that examine cognition or subsyndromes in schizophrenia Tangential speech APA Dictionary of Psychology Washington DC American Psychological Association n d Retrieved 23 February 2020 Blocking APA Dictionary of Psychology Washington DC American Psychological Association n d Retrieved 23 February 2020 Clinical Manifestations of Psychiatric Disorders 2017 THINKING DISTURBANCES Continuity Word salad describes the stringing together of words that seem to have no logical association and verbigeration describes the disappearance of understandable speech replaced by strings of incoherent utterances Kaplan and Sadock s Concise Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry 2008 Chapter 4 Signs and Symptoms in Psychiatry GLOSSARY OF SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS p 32 Content thought disorder APA Dictionary of Psychology Washington DC American Psychological Association n d Retrieved 23 February 2020 Kaplan amp Sadock s Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry 2017 Appendix B Glossary of Psychiatry and Psychology Terms content thought disorder Disturbance in thinking in which a person exhibits delusions that may be multiple fragmented and bizarre Kaplan amp Sadock s Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry 2017 Appendix B Glossary of Psychiatry and Psychology Terms formal thought disorder Disturbance in the form of thought rather than the content of thought thinking characterized by loosened associations neologisms and illogical constructs thought process is disordered and the person is defined as psychotic Characteristic of schizophrenia APA dictionary of psychology 2015 p 432 formal thought disorder disruptions in the form or structure of thinking Examples include derailment and tangentiality It is distinct from TD in which the disturbance relates to thought content American Psychiatry Association 2013 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5th ed Arlington American Psychiatric Publishing ISBN 978 0 89042 555 8 As the proper FTD Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders Key Features That Define the Psychotic Disorders Disorganized Thinking Speech p 88 Disorganized thinking formal thought disorder is typically inferred from the individual s speech As possibly something else Dissociative Disorders Differential Diagnosis Psychotic disorders p 296 Dissociative experiences of identity fragmentation or possession and of perceived loss of control over thoughts feelings impulses and acts may be confused with signs of formal thought disorder such as thought insertion or withdrawal The ICD 10 Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders Clinical descriptions and diagnostic guidelines CDDG PDF World Health Organization 1992 Archived PDF from the original on 17 October 2004 F06 2 Organic delusional schizophrenia like disorder p 59 Features suggestive of schizophrenia such as bizarre delusions hallucinations or thought disorder may also be present Diagnostic guidelines Hallucinations thought disorder or isolated catatonic phenomena may be present F20 0 Paranoid schizophrenia p 80 Thought disorder may be obvious in acute states but if so it does not prevent the typical delusions or hallucinations from being described clearly F20 1 Hebephrenic schizophrenia p 81 In addition disturbances of affect and volition and thought disorder are usually prominent Hallucinations and delusions may be present but are not usually prominent The British Medical Association Illustrated Medical Dictionary Dorling Kindersley 2002 p 547 ISBN 0 7513 3383 2 thought disorders Abnormalities in the structure or content of thought as reflected in a person s speech writing or behaviour The BMA Illustrated Medical Dictionary 2002 p 470 psychosis Symptoms include delusions hallucinations thought disorders loss of affect mania and depression p 499 500 schizophrenia The main symptoms are various forms of delusions such as those of persecution which are typical of paranoid schizophrenia hallucinations which are usually auditory hearing voices but which may also be visual or tactile and thought disorder leading to impaired concentration and thought processes Matorin AA Shah AA Ruiz P 2017 8 Clinical Manifestations of Psychiatric Disorders In Sadock VA Sadock BJ Ruiz P eds Kaplan amp Sadock s Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry 10th ed Wolters Kluwer THINKING DISTURBANCES Flow and Form Disturbances ISBN 978 1 4511 0047 1 Although formal thought disorder typically refers to marked abnormalities in the form and flow or connectivity of thought some clinicians use the term broadly to include any psychotic cognitive sign or symptom The Mental Status Examination 2016 1 6 2 Disturbances in Thinking pp 14 15 Wensing T Cieslik E C Muller V I Hoffstaedter F Eickhoff S B Nickl Jockschat T 2017 Neural correlates of formal thought disorder An activation likelihood estimation meta analysis Human Brain Mapping 38 10 4946 4965 doi 10 1002 hbm 23706 PMC 5685170 PMID 28653797 Thought Disorder 2016 25 5 Diagnostic and Prognostic Significance of Thought Disorder pp 502 503 cited Andreasen NC November 1979 Thought language and communication disorders I Clinical assessment definition of terms and evaluation of their reliability Archives of General Psychiatry 36 12 1315 21 doi 10 1001 archpsyc 1979 01780120045006 PMID 496551 Andreasen NC November 1979 Thought language and communication disorders II Diagnostic significance Archives of General Psychiatry 36 12 1325 30 doi 10 1001 archpsyc 1979 01780120055007 PMID 496552 Andreasen NC Hoffrnann RE Grove WM 1984 Alpert M ed Mapping abnormalities in language and cognition New York Guilford Press pp 199 226 a href wiki Template Cite book title Template Cite book cite book a work ignored help Coryell W Clayton PJ 2016 4 Bipolar Illness In Fatemi SH Clayton PJ eds The Medical Basis of Psychiatry 4th ed New York Springer Science Business Media 4 7 Clinical Picture 4 7 2 Symptoms p 59 doi 10 1007 978 1 4939 2528 5 ISBN 978 1 4939 2528 5 Oyebode F 2015 10 Disorder of Speech and Language Sims Symptoms in the Mind Textbook of Descriptive Psychopathology 5th ed Saunders Elsevier Schizophrenic Language Disorder CLINICAL DESCRIPTION AND THOUGHT DISORDER p 167 ISBN 978 0 7020 5556 0 Thought Disorder 2016 25 6 Relationship Between Thought Disorders and Other Symptoms of Schizophrenia pp 503 504 DSM 5 2013 Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders Key Features That Define the Psychotic Disorders 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Ali Evren Bilici Rabia Usta Genco Erdogan Ayten December 2012 Mood disorder with mixed psychotic features due to vitamin b12 deficiency in an adolescent case report Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health 6 1 25 doi 10 1186 1753 2000 6 25 PMC 3404901 PMID 22726236 Thought Disorder 2016 25 6 Relationship Between Thought Disorders and Other Symptoms of Schizophrenia pp 503 504 cited Arndt S Alliger RJ Andreasen NC March 1991 The distinction of positive and negative symptoms The failure of a two dimensional model The British Journal of Psychiatry 158 317 22 doi 10 1192 bjp 158 3 317 PMID 2036528 S2CID 41383575 Bilder RM Mukherjee S Rieder RO Pandurangi AK 1985 Symptomatic and neuropsychological components of defect states Schizophrenia Bulletin 11 3 409 19 doi 10 1093 schbul 11 3 409 PMID 4035304 Liddle PF August 1987 The symptoms of chronic schizophrenia A re examination of the positive negative dichotomy The British Journal of Psychiatry 151 145 51 doi 10 1192 bjp 151 2 145 PMID 3690102 S2CID 15270392 Miller DD Arndt S Andreasen NC 2004 Alogia attentional impairment and inappropriate affect their status in the dimensions of schizophrenia Comprehensive Psychiatry 34 4 221 6 doi 10 1016 0010 440X 93 90002 L PMID 8348799 Phenomenology of Schizophrenia 2017 THE SYMPTOMS OF SCHIZOPHRENIA Negative Symptoms The two syndrome concept as formulated by T J Crow was especially important in spurring research into the nature of negative symptoms but this does not diminish the creative efforts that led to these scales or importance of these scales for research In fact it was only through careful analysis of the structure of symptoms in these scales that a more accurate characterization of the phenomenology of schizophrenia was possible SourcesVandenBos GR ed 2015 APA dictionary of psychology PDF 2nd ed Washington DC American Psychological Association doi 10 1037 14646 000 ISBN 978 1 4338 1944 5 Sadock VA Sadock BJ Ruiz P eds 2017 Kaplan amp Sadock s Comprehensive 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