The stress–energy tensor, sometimes called the stress–energy–momentum tensor or the energy–momentum tensor, is a tensor physical quantity that describes the density and flux of energy and momentum in spacetime, generalizing the stress tensor of Newtonian physics. It is an attribute of matter, radiation, and non-gravitational force fields. This density and flux of energy and momentum are the sources of the gravitational field in the Einstein field equations of general relativity, just as mass density is the source of such a field in Newtonian gravity.

The stress–energy tensor involves the use of superscripted variables (not exponents; see Tensor index notation and Einstein summation notation). If Cartesian coordinates in SI units are used, then the components of the position four-vector x are given by: [ x0, x1, x2, x3 ]. In traditional Cartesian coordinates these are instead customarily written [ t, x, y, z ], where t is coordinate time, and x, y, and z are coordinate distances.
The stress–energy tensor is defined as the tensor Tαβ of order two that gives the flux of the αth component of the momentum vector across a surface with constant xβ coordinate. In the theory of relativity, this momentum vector is taken as the four-momentum. In general relativity, the stress–energy tensor is symmetric,
In some alternative theories like Einstein–Cartan theory, the stress–energy tensor may not be perfectly symmetric because of a nonzero spin tensor, which geometrically corresponds to a nonzero torsion tensor.
Because the stress–energy tensor is of order 2, its components can be displayed in 4 × 4 matrix form: where the indices μ and ν take on the values 0, 1, 2, 3.
In the following, k and ℓ range from 1 through 3:
- The time–time component is the density of relativistic mass, i.e., the energy density divided by the speed of light squared, while being in the co-moving frame of reference. It has a direct physical interpretation. In the case of a perfect fluid this component is
where E and B are the electric and magnetic fields, respectively.where
is the relativistic mass per unit volume, and for an electromagnetic field in otherwise empty space this component is
- The flux of relativistic mass across the xk surface is equivalent to the kth component of linear momentum density,
- The components
represent flux of kth component of linear momentum across the xℓ surface. In particular,
(not summed) represents normal stress in the kth co-ordinate direction (k = 1, 2, 3), which is called "pressure" when it is the same in every direction, k. The remaining components
represent shear stress (compare with the stress tensor).
In solid state physics and fluid mechanics, the stress tensor is defined to be the spatial components of the stress–energy tensor in the proper frame of reference. In other words, the stress–energy tensor in engineering differs from the relativistic stress–energy tensor by a momentum-convective term.
Covariant and mixed forms
Most of this article works with the contravariant form, Tμν of the stress–energy tensor. However, it is often convenient to work with the covariant form, or the mixed form,
This article uses the spacelike sign convention (− + + +) for the metric signature.
Conservation law
In special relativity
The stress–energy tensor is the conserved Noether current associated with spacetime translations.
The divergence of the non-gravitational stress–energy is zero. In other words, non-gravitational energy and momentum are conserved, When gravity is negligible and using a Cartesian coordinate system for spacetime, this may be expressed in terms of partial derivatives as
The integral form of the non-covariant formulation is where N is any compact four-dimensional region of spacetime;
is its boundary, a three-dimensional hypersurface; and
is an element of the boundary regarded as the outward pointing normal.
In flat spacetime and using Cartesian coordinates, if one combines this with the symmetry of the stress–energy tensor, one can show that angular momentum is also conserved:
In general relativity
When gravity is non-negligible or when using arbitrary coordinate systems, the divergence of the stress–energy still vanishes. But in this case, a coordinate-free definition of the divergence is used which incorporates the covariant derivative where
is the Christoffel symbol, which is the gravitational force field.[citation needed]
Consequently, if is any Killing vector field, then the conservation law associated with the symmetry generated by the Killing vector field may be expressed as
The integral form of this is
In special relativity
In special relativity, the stress–energy tensor contains information about the energy and momentum densities of a given system, in addition to the momentum and energy flux densities.
Given a Lagrangian density that is a function of a set of fields
and their derivatives, but explicitly not of any of the spacetime coordinates, we can construct the canonical stress–energy tensor by looking at the total derivative with respect to one of the generalized coordinates of the system. So, with our condition
By using the chain rule, we then have
Written in useful shorthand,
Then, we can use the Euler–Lagrange Equation:
And then use the fact that partial derivatives commute so that we now have
We can recognize the right hand side as a product rule. Writing it as the derivative of a product of functions tells us that
Now, in flat space, one can write . Doing this and moving it to the other side of the equation tells us that
And upon regrouping terms,
This is to say that the divergence of the tensor in the brackets is 0. Indeed, with this, we define the stress–energy tensor:
By construction it has the property that
Note that this divergenceless property of this tensor is equivalent to four continuity equations. That is, fields have at least four sets of quantities that obey the continuity equation. As an example, it can be seen that is the energy density of the system and that it is thus possible to obtain the Hamiltonian density from the stress–energy tensor.
Indeed, since this is the case, observing that , we then have
We can then conclude that the terms of represent the energy flux density of the system.
The trace of the stress–energy tensor is defined to be , so
Since ,
In general relativity
In general relativity, the symmetric stress–energy tensor acts as the source of spacetime curvature, and is the current density associated with gauge transformations of gravity which are general curvilinear coordinate transformations. (If there is torsion, then the tensor is no longer symmetric. This corresponds to the case with a nonzero spin tensor in Einstein–Cartan gravity theory.)
In general relativity, the partial derivatives used in special relativity are replaced by covariant derivatives. What this means is that the continuity equation no longer implies that the non-gravitational energy and momentum expressed by the tensor are absolutely conserved, i.e. the gravitational field can do work on matter and vice versa. In the classical limit of Newtonian gravity, this has a simple interpretation: kinetic energy is being exchanged with gravitational potential energy, which is not included in the tensor, and momentum is being transferred through the field to other bodies. In general relativity the Landau–Lifshitz pseudotensor is a unique way to define the gravitational field energy and momentum densities. Any such stress–energy pseudotensor can be made to vanish locally by a coordinate transformation.
In curved spacetime, the spacelike integral now depends on the spacelike slice, in general. There is in fact no way to define a global energy–momentum vector in a general curved spacetime.
Einstein field equations
In general relativity, the stress–energy tensor is studied in the context of the Einstein field equations which are often written as where
is the Einstein tensor,
is the Ricci tensor,
is the scalar curvature,
is the metric tensor, Λ is the cosmological constant (negligible at the scale of a galaxy or smaller), and
is the Einstein gravitational constant.
Stress–energy in special situations
Isolated particle
In special relativity, the stress–energy of a non-interacting particle with rest mass m and trajectory is:
is the velocity vector (which should not be confused with four-velocity, since it is missing a
is the Dirac delta function and
is the energy of the particle.
Written in the language of classical physics, the stress–energy tensor would be (relativistic mass, momentum, the dyadic product of momentum and velocity)
Stress–energy of a fluid in equilibrium
For a perfect fluid in thermodynamic equilibrium, the stress–energy tensor takes on a particularly simple form where
is the mass–energy density (kilograms per cubic meter),
is the hydrostatic pressure (pascals),
is the fluid's four-velocity, and
is the matrix inverse of the metric tensor. Therefore, the trace is given by
The four-velocity satisfies
In an inertial frame of reference comoving with the fluid, better known as the fluid's proper frame of reference, the four-velocity is
the matrix inverse of the metric tensor is simply and the stress–energy tensor is a diagonal matrix
Electromagnetic stress–energy tensor
The Hilbert stress–energy tensor of a source-free electromagnetic field is where
is the electromagnetic field tensor.
Scalar field
The stress–energy tensor for a complex scalar field that satisfies the Klein–Gordon equation is
and when the metric is flat (Minkowski in Cartesian coordinates) its components work out to be:
Variant definitions of stress–energy
There are a number of inequivalent definitions of non-gravitational stress–energy:
Hilbert stress–energy tensor
The Hilbert stress–energy tensor is defined as the functional derivative where
is the nongravitational part of the action,
is the nongravitational part of the Lagrangian density, and the Euler–Lagrange equation has been used. This is symmetric and gauge-invariant. See Einstein–Hilbert action for more information.
Canonical stress–energy tensor
Noether's theorem implies that there is a conserved current associated with translations through space and time; for details see the section above on the stress–energy tensor in special relativity. This is called the canonical stress–energy tensor. Generally, this is not symmetric and if we have some gauge theory, it may not be gauge invariant because space-dependent gauge transformations do not commute with spatial translations.
In general relativity, the translations are with respect to the coordinate system and as such, do not transform covariantly. See the section below on the gravitational stress–energy pseudotensor.
Belinfante–Rosenfeld stress–energy tensor
In the presence of spin or other intrinsic angular momentum, the canonical Noether stress–energy tensor fails to be symmetric. The Belinfante–Rosenfeld stress–energy tensor is constructed from the canonical stress–energy tensor and the spin current in such a way as to be symmetric and still conserved. In general relativity, this modified tensor agrees with the Hilbert stress–energy tensor.
Gravitational stress–energy
By the equivalence principle, gravitational stress–energy will always vanish locally at any chosen point in some chosen frame, therefore gravitational stress–energy cannot be expressed as a non-zero tensor; instead we have to use a pseudotensor.
In general relativity, there are many possible distinct definitions of the gravitational stress–energy–momentum pseudotensor. These include the Einstein pseudotensor and the Landau–Lifshitz pseudotensor. The Landau–Lifshitz pseudotensor can be reduced to zero at any event in spacetime by choosing an appropriate coordinate system.
See also
- Electromagnetic stress–energy tensor
- Energy condition
- Energy density of electric and magnetic fields
- Maxwell stress tensor
- Poynting vector
- Ricci calculus
- Segre classification
- "All the stress–energy tensors explored above were symmetric. That they could not have been otherwise one sees as follows." — Misner, Thorne, and Wheeler
- Misner, C.W.; Thorne, K.S.; Wheeler, J.A. (2017) [1973]. "Symmetry of the stress–energy tensor". Gravitation (reprint ed.). Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. section 5.7, pp. 141–142. ISBN 978-0-6911-7779-3.
- Misner, Charles W.; Thorne, Kip S.; Wheeler, John A. (1973). Gravitation. San Francisco, CA: W.H. Freeman and Company. ISBN 0-7167-0334-3.
- d'Inverno, R.A. (1992). Introducing Einstein's Relativity. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-859686-8.
- Landau, L.D.; Lifshitz, E.M. (2010). The Classical Theory of Fields (4th ed.). Butterworth-Heinemann. pp. 84–85. ISBN 978-0-7506-2768-9.
- Baker, M.R.; Kiriushcheva, N.; Kuzmin, S. (2021). "Noether and Hilbert (metric) energy–momentum tensors are not, in general, equivalent". Nuclear Physics B. 962 (1): 115240. arXiv:2011.10611. Bibcode:2021NuPhB.96215240B. doi:10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2020.115240. S2CID 227127490.
Further reading
- Wyss, Walter (14 July 2005). "The energy–momentum tensor in classical field theory" (PDF). Universal Journal of Physics and Applications. Old and New Concepts of Physics [prior journal name]. II (3–4): 295–310. ISSN 2331-6543.
... classical field theory and in particular in the role that a divergence term plays in a lagrangian ...
External links
- Lecture, Stephan Waner
- Caltech Tutorial on Relativity — A simple discussion of the relation between the stress–energy tensor of general relativity and the metric
The stress energy tensor sometimes called the stress energy momentum tensor or the energy momentum tensor is a tensor physical quantity that describes the density and flux of energy and momentum in spacetime generalizing the stress tensor of Newtonian physics It is an attribute of matter radiation and non gravitational force fields This density and flux of energy and momentum are the sources of the gravitational field in the Einstein field equations of general relativity just as mass density is the source of such a field in Newtonian gravity Contravariant components of the stress energy tensor Wikiversity has learning resources about Gravitational stress energy tensorDefinitionThe stress energy tensor involves the use of superscripted variables not exponents see Tensor index notation and Einstein summation notation If Cartesian coordinates in SI units are used then the components of the position four vector x are given by x0 x1 x2 x3 In traditional Cartesian coordinates these are instead customarily written t x y z where t is coordinate time and x y and z are coordinate distances The stress energy tensor is defined as the tensor Tab of order two that gives the flux of the a th component of the momentum vector across a surface with constant xb coordinate In the theory of relativity this momentum vector is taken as the four momentum In general relativity the stress energy tensor is symmetric Tab Tba displaystyle T alpha beta T beta alpha In some alternative theories like Einstein Cartan theory the stress energy tensor may not be perfectly symmetric because of a nonzero spin tensor which geometrically corresponds to a nonzero torsion tensor ComponentsBecause the stress energy tensor is of order 2 its components can be displayed in 4 4 matrix form Tmn T00T01T02T03T10T11T12T13T20T21T22T23T30T31T32T33 displaystyle T mu nu begin pmatrix T 00 amp T 01 amp T 02 amp T 03 T 10 amp T 11 amp T 12 amp T 13 T 20 amp T 21 amp T 22 amp T 23 T 30 amp T 31 amp T 32 amp T 33 end pmatrix where the indices m and n take on the values 0 1 2 3 In the following k and ℓ range from 1 through 3 The time time component is the density of relativistic mass i e the energy density divided by the speed of light squared while being in the co moving frame of reference It has a direct physical interpretation In the case of a perfect fluid this component is T00 r displaystyle T 00 rho where r textstyle rho is the relativistic mass per unit volume and for an electromagnetic field in otherwise empty space this component is T00 1c2 12ϵ0E2 12m0B2 displaystyle T 00 1 over c 2 left frac 1 2 epsilon 0 E 2 frac 1 2 mu 0 B 2 right where E and B are the electric and magnetic fields respectively The flux of relativistic mass across the xk surface is equivalent to the k th component of linear momentum density T0k Tk0 displaystyle T 0k T k0 The components Tkℓ displaystyle T k ell represent flux of k th component of linear momentum across the xℓ surface In particular Tkk displaystyle T kk not summed represents normal stress in the k th co ordinate direction k 1 2 3 which is called pressure when it is the same in every direction k The remaining components Tkℓk ℓ displaystyle T k ell quad k neq ell represent shear stress compare with the stress tensor In solid state physics and fluid mechanics the stress tensor is defined to be the spatial components of the stress energy tensor in the proper frame of reference In other words the stress energy tensor in engineering differs from the relativistic stress energy tensor by a momentum convective term Covariant and mixed forms Most of this article works with the contravariant form Tmn of the stress energy tensor However it is often convenient to work with the covariant form Tmn Tabgamgbn displaystyle T mu nu T alpha beta g alpha mu g beta nu or the mixed form Tmn Tmagan displaystyle T mu nu T mu alpha g alpha nu This article uses the spacelike sign convention for the metric signature Conservation lawIn special relativity The stress energy tensor is the conserved Noether current associated with spacetime translations The divergence of the non gravitational stress energy is zero In other words non gravitational energy and momentum are conserved 0 Tmn n nTmn displaystyle 0 T mu nu nu equiv nabla nu T mu nu When gravity is negligible and using a Cartesian coordinate system for spacetime this may be expressed in terms of partial derivatives as 0 Tmn n nTmn displaystyle 0 T mu nu nu equiv partial nu T mu nu The integral form of the non covariant formulation is 0 NTmnd3sn displaystyle 0 int partial N T mu nu mathrm d 3 s nu where N is any compact four dimensional region of spacetime N textstyle partial N is its boundary a three dimensional hypersurface and d3sn textstyle mathrm d 3 s nu is an element of the boundary regarded as the outward pointing normal In flat spacetime and using Cartesian coordinates if one combines this with the symmetry of the stress energy tensor one can show that angular momentum is also conserved 0 xaTmn xmTan n displaystyle 0 x alpha T mu nu x mu T alpha nu nu In general relativity When gravity is non negligible or when using arbitrary coordinate systems the divergence of the stress energy still vanishes But in this case a coordinate free definition of the divergence is used which incorporates the covariant derivative 0 div T Tmn n nTmn Tmn n GmsnTsn GnsnTms displaystyle 0 operatorname div T T mu nu nu nabla nu T mu nu T mu nu nu Gamma mu sigma nu T sigma nu Gamma nu sigma nu T mu sigma where Gmsn textstyle Gamma mu sigma nu is the Christoffel symbol which is the gravitational force field citation needed Consequently if 3m textstyle xi mu is any Killing vector field then the conservation law associated with the symmetry generated by the Killing vector field may be expressed as 0 n 3mTnm 1 g n g 3mTmn displaystyle 0 nabla nu left xi mu T nu mu right frac 1 sqrt g partial nu left sqrt g xi mu T mu nu right The integral form of this is 0 N3mTnm g d3sn displaystyle 0 int partial N xi mu T nu mu sqrt g mathrm d 3 s nu In special relativityIn special relativity the stress energy tensor contains information about the energy and momentum densities of a given system in addition to the momentum and energy flux densities Given a Lagrangian density L textstyle mathcal L that is a function of a set of fields ϕa textstyle phi alpha and their derivatives but explicitly not of any of the spacetime coordinates we can construct the canonical stress energy tensor by looking at the total derivative with respect to one of the generalized coordinates of the system So with our condition L xn 0 displaystyle frac partial mathcal L partial x nu 0 By using the chain rule we then have dLdxn dnL L mϕa mϕa xn L ϕa ϕa xn displaystyle frac d mathcal L dx nu d nu mathcal L frac partial mathcal L partial partial mu phi alpha frac partial partial mu phi alpha partial x nu frac partial mathcal L partial phi alpha frac partial phi alpha partial x nu Written in useful shorthand dnL L mϕa n mϕa L ϕa nϕa displaystyle d nu mathcal L frac partial mathcal L partial partial mu phi alpha partial nu partial mu phi alpha frac partial mathcal L partial phi alpha partial nu phi alpha Then we can use the Euler Lagrange Equation m L mϕa L ϕa displaystyle partial mu left frac partial mathcal L partial partial mu phi alpha right frac partial mathcal L partial phi alpha And then use the fact that partial derivatives commute so that we now have dnL L mϕa m nϕa m L mϕa nϕa displaystyle d nu mathcal L frac partial mathcal L partial partial mu phi alpha partial mu partial nu phi alpha partial mu left frac partial mathcal L partial partial mu phi alpha right partial nu phi alpha We can recognize the right hand side as a product rule Writing it as the derivative of a product of functions tells us that dnL m L mϕa nϕa displaystyle d nu mathcal L partial mu left frac partial mathcal L partial partial mu phi alpha partial nu phi alpha right Now in flat space one can write dnL m dnmL textstyle d nu mathcal L partial mu delta nu mu mathcal L Doing this and moving it to the other side of the equation tells us that m L mϕa nϕa m dnmL 0 displaystyle partial mu left frac partial mathcal L partial partial mu phi alpha partial nu phi alpha right partial mu left delta nu mu mathcal L right 0 And upon regrouping terms m L mϕa nϕa dnmL 0 displaystyle partial mu left frac partial mathcal L partial partial mu phi alpha partial nu phi alpha delta nu mu mathcal L right 0 This is to say that the divergence of the tensor in the brackets is 0 Indeed with this we define the stress energy tensor Tmn L mϕa nϕa dnmL displaystyle T mu nu equiv frac partial mathcal L partial partial mu phi alpha partial nu phi alpha delta nu mu mathcal L By construction it has the property that mTmn 0 displaystyle partial mu T mu nu 0 Note that this divergenceless property of this tensor is equivalent to four continuity equations That is fields have at least four sets of quantities that obey the continuity equation As an example it can be seen that T00 textstyle T 0 0 is the energy density of the system and that it is thus possible to obtain the Hamiltonian density from the stress energy tensor Indeed since this is the case observing that mTm0 0 textstyle partial mu T mu 0 0 we then have H t L ϕaϕ a 0 displaystyle frac partial mathcal H partial t nabla cdot left frac partial mathcal L partial nabla phi alpha dot phi alpha right 0 We can then conclude that the terms of L ϕaϕ a textstyle frac partial mathcal L partial nabla phi alpha dot phi alpha represent the energy flux density of the system Trace The trace of the stress energy tensor is defined to be Tmm displaystyle T mu mu so Tmm L mϕa mϕa dmmL displaystyle T mu mu frac partial mathcal L partial partial mu phi alpha partial mu phi alpha delta mu mu mathcal L Since dmm 4 displaystyle delta mu mu 4 Tmm L mϕa mϕa 4L displaystyle T mu mu frac partial mathcal L partial partial mu phi alpha partial mu phi alpha 4 mathcal L In general relativityIn general relativity the symmetric stress energy tensor acts as the source of spacetime curvature and is the current density associated with gauge transformations of gravity which are general curvilinear coordinate transformations If there is torsion then the tensor is no longer symmetric This corresponds to the case with a nonzero spin tensor in Einstein Cartan gravity theory In general relativity the partial derivatives used in special relativity are replaced by covariant derivatives What this means is that the continuity equation no longer implies that the non gravitational energy and momentum expressed by the tensor are absolutely conserved i e the gravitational field can do work on matter and vice versa In the classical limit of Newtonian gravity this has a simple interpretation kinetic energy is being exchanged with gravitational potential energy which is not included in the tensor and momentum is being transferred through the field to other bodies In general relativity the Landau Lifshitz pseudotensor is a unique way to define the gravitational field energy and momentum densities Any such stress energy pseudotensor can be made to vanish locally by a coordinate transformation In curved spacetime the spacelike integral now depends on the spacelike slice in general There is in fact no way to define a global energy momentum vector in a general curved spacetime Einstein field equations In general relativity the stress energy tensor is studied in the context of the Einstein field equations which are often written as Gmn Lgmn kTmn displaystyle G mu nu Lambda g mu nu kappa T mu nu where Gmn Rmn 12Rgmn textstyle G mu nu R mu nu tfrac 1 2 R g mu nu is the Einstein tensor Rmn textstyle R mu nu is the Ricci tensor R gabRab textstyle R g alpha beta R alpha beta is the scalar curvature gmn textstyle g mu nu is the metric tensor L is the cosmological constant negligible at the scale of a galaxy or smaller and k 8pG c4 textstyle kappa 8 pi G c 4 is the Einstein gravitational constant Stress energy in special situationsIsolated particle In special relativity the stress energy of a non interacting particle with rest mass m and trajectory xp t textstyle mathbf x text p t is Tab x t mva t vb t 1 v c 2d x xp t Ec2va t vb t d x xp t displaystyle T alpha beta mathbf x t frac m v alpha t v beta t sqrt 1 v c 2 delta left mathbf x mathbf x text p t right frac E c 2 v alpha t v beta t delta mathbf x mathbf x text p t where va textstyle v alpha is the velocity vector which should not be confused with four velocity since it is missing a g textstyle gamma va 1 dxpdt t displaystyle v alpha left 1 frac d mathbf x text p dt t right d textstyle delta is the Dirac delta function and E p2c2 m2c4 textstyle E sqrt p 2 c 2 m 2 c 4 is the energy of the particle Written in the language of classical physics the stress energy tensor would be relativistic mass momentum the dyadic product of momentum and velocity Ec2 p pv displaystyle left frac E c 2 mathbf p mathbf p mathbf v right Stress energy of a fluid in equilibrium For a perfect fluid in thermodynamic equilibrium the stress energy tensor takes on a particularly simple form Tab r pc2 uaub pgab displaystyle T alpha beta left rho p over c 2 right u alpha u beta pg alpha beta where r textstyle rho is the mass energy density kilograms per cubic meter p textstyle p is the hydrostatic pressure pascals ua textstyle u alpha is the fluid s four velocity and gab textstyle g alpha beta is the matrix inverse of the metric tensor Therefore the trace is given by Taa gabTba 3p rc2 displaystyle T alpha alpha g alpha beta T beta alpha 3p rho c 2 The four velocity satisfies uaubgab c2 displaystyle u alpha u beta g alpha beta c 2 In an inertial frame of reference comoving with the fluid better known as the fluid s proper frame of reference the four velocity is ua 1 0 0 0 displaystyle u alpha 1 0 0 0 the matrix inverse of the metric tensor is simply gab 1c2000010000100001 displaystyle g alpha beta left begin matrix frac 1 c 2 amp 0 amp 0 amp 0 0 amp 1 amp 0 amp 0 0 amp 0 amp 1 amp 0 0 amp 0 amp 0 amp 1 end matrix right and the stress energy tensor is a diagonal matrix Tab r0000p0000p0000p displaystyle T alpha beta left begin matrix rho amp 0 amp 0 amp 0 0 amp p amp 0 amp 0 0 amp 0 amp p amp 0 0 amp 0 amp 0 amp p end matrix right Electromagnetic stress energy tensor The Hilbert stress energy tensor of a source free electromagnetic field is Tmn 1m0 FmagabFnb 14gmnFdgFdg displaystyle T mu nu frac 1 mu 0 left F mu alpha g alpha beta F nu beta frac 1 4 g mu nu F delta gamma F delta gamma right where Fmn textstyle F mu nu is the electromagnetic field tensor Scalar field The stress energy tensor for a complex scalar field ϕ textstyle phi that satisfies the Klein Gordon equation is Tmn ℏ2m gmagnb gmbgna gmngab aϕ bϕ gmnmc2ϕ ϕ displaystyle T mu nu frac hbar 2 m left g mu alpha g nu beta g mu beta g nu alpha g mu nu g alpha beta right partial alpha bar phi partial beta phi g mu nu mc 2 bar phi phi and when the metric is flat Minkowski in Cartesian coordinates its components work out to be T00 ℏ2mc4 0ϕ 0ϕ c2 kϕ kϕ mϕ ϕ T0i Ti0 ℏ2mc2 0ϕ iϕ iϕ 0ϕ andTij ℏ2m iϕ jϕ jϕ iϕ dij ℏ2mhab aϕ bϕ mc2ϕ ϕ displaystyle begin aligned T 00 amp frac hbar 2 mc 4 left partial 0 bar phi partial 0 phi c 2 partial k bar phi partial k phi right m bar phi phi T 0i T i0 amp frac hbar 2 mc 2 left partial 0 bar phi partial i phi partial i bar phi partial 0 phi right mathrm and T ij amp frac hbar 2 m left partial i bar phi partial j phi partial j bar phi partial i phi right delta ij left frac hbar 2 m eta alpha beta partial alpha bar phi partial beta phi mc 2 bar phi phi right end aligned Variant definitions of stress energyThere are a number of inequivalent definitions of non gravitational stress energy Hilbert stress energy tensor The Hilbert stress energy tensor is defined as the functional derivative Tmn 2 gdSmatterdgmn 2 g gLmatter gmn 2 Lmatter gmn gmnLmatter displaystyle T mu nu frac 2 sqrt g frac delta S mathrm matter delta g mu nu frac 2 sqrt g frac partial left sqrt g mathcal L mathrm matter right partial g mu nu 2 frac partial mathcal L mathrm matter partial g mu nu g mu nu mathcal L mathrm matter where Smatter textstyle S mathrm matter is the nongravitational part of the action Lmatter textstyle mathcal L mathrm matter is the nongravitational part of the Lagrangian density and the Euler Lagrange equation has been used This is symmetric and gauge invariant See Einstein Hilbert action for more information Canonical stress energy tensor Noether s theorem implies that there is a conserved current associated with translations through space and time for details see the section above on the stress energy tensor in special relativity This is called the canonical stress energy tensor Generally this is not symmetric and if we have some gauge theory it may not be gauge invariant because space dependent gauge transformations do not commute with spatial translations In general relativity the translations are with respect to the coordinate system and as such do not transform covariantly See the section below on the gravitational stress energy pseudotensor Belinfante Rosenfeld stress energy tensor In the presence of spin or other intrinsic angular momentum the canonical Noether stress energy tensor fails to be symmetric The Belinfante Rosenfeld stress energy tensor is constructed from the canonical stress energy tensor and the spin current in such a way as to be symmetric and still conserved In general relativity this modified tensor agrees with the Hilbert stress energy tensor Gravitational stress energyBy the equivalence principle gravitational stress energy will always vanish locally at any chosen point in some chosen frame therefore gravitational stress energy cannot be expressed as a non zero tensor instead we have to use a pseudotensor In general relativity there are many possible distinct definitions of the gravitational stress energy momentum pseudotensor These include the Einstein pseudotensor and the Landau Lifshitz pseudotensor The Landau Lifshitz pseudotensor can be reduced to zero at any event in spacetime by choosing an appropriate coordinate system See alsoElectromagnetic stress energy tensor Energy condition Energy density of electric and magnetic fields Maxwell stress tensor Poynting vector Ricci calculus Segre classificationNotes All the stress energy tensors explored above were symmetric That they could not have been otherwise one sees as follows Misner Thorne and WheelerReferencesMisner C W Thorne K S Wheeler J A 2017 1973 Symmetry of the stress energy tensor Gravitation reprint ed Princeton NJ Princeton University Press section 5 7 pp 141 142 ISBN 978 0 6911 7779 3 Misner Charles W Thorne Kip S Wheeler John A 1973 Gravitation San Francisco CA W H Freeman and Company ISBN 0 7167 0334 3 d Inverno R A 1992 Introducing Einstein s Relativity New York NY Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 19 859686 8 Landau L D Lifshitz E M 2010 The Classical Theory of Fields 4th ed Butterworth Heinemann pp 84 85 ISBN 978 0 7506 2768 9 Baker M R Kiriushcheva N Kuzmin S 2021 Noether and Hilbert metric energy momentum tensors are not in general equivalent Nuclear Physics B 962 1 115240 arXiv 2011 10611 Bibcode 2021NuPhB 96215240B doi 10 1016 j nuclphysb 2020 115240 S2CID 227127490 Further readingWyss Walter 14 July 2005 The energy momentum tensor in classical field theory PDF Universal Journal of Physics and Applications Old and New Concepts of Physics prior journal name II 3 4 295 310 ISSN 2331 6543 classical field theory and in particular in the role that a divergence term plays in a lagrangian External linksLecture Stephan Waner Caltech Tutorial on Relativity A simple discussion of the relation between the stress energy tensor of general relativity and the metric